The Columba 2018

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The Columban st. columba’s church, knock, october 2018


Rector’s Letter

Dear Parishioner,

HARVEST THANKSGIVING – SUNDAY 7TH OCTOBER On Sunday 7th October at our Harvest Services we will have an opportunity to thank God for all His blessings to us. How often do we say the words “Thank You” as we go about our daily lives? We can be so busy rushing around that it can be all too easy for us to eliminate them from our vocabulary. And yet if that is the case, how often do we actually say “Thank You” to God? If there is room for improvement, then Harvest Thanksgiving comes at just the right time as we continue to settle into our autumn schedule with all its commitments. There are a number of separate but related aspects to this important day: 1. At our Harvest services, there will be a strong emphasis on supporting those in need both overseas and locally. We will be doing this in a very personal and direct way at the All Age Worship service, when Henry Auchmuty will be sharing with us his experiences of working in the Kenyan slums with Jengana. During Choral Evensong, Murray Hunter will be sharing with us his experiences of The Larder in St Christopher’s Church, Mersey Street. Murray and Pam Hunter deliver the food which is left in the Baptistry to The Larder for those in need. The cash collection at these services will be divided equally between Jengana and The Larder. 2. This year we are adopting a new approach to our Harvest decorating with the inclusion displays of dry goods throughout the church which will compliment a number of floral arrangements. Following the services, all the dry goods will be brought to “The Larder” for distribution to families in need in our community. 3. Following the 11.00am morning service (please note the change of time!), the Catering Committee will be serving lunch in the Church Hall. This is always a delightful part of our Harvest Thanksgiving, giving an opportunity to catch up with each other as we enjoy a delicious lunch. This will be the first time that the newly refurbished kitchen will be used for a large ‘Parish Event’. The proceeds from the lunch will be allocated to the Hall Fund as we continue with the kitchen 2

refurbishment during the coming weeks with the fitting of a new floor covering and the installation of an efficient water heater. I thank all those who have been involved with this work. I also thank Brian Acheson and those who assisted him with the tidying up of the grounds around the Hall, along with Mark Wilson who meticulously cleaned the hall floors, removing decades of ground-in-dirt. The Hall and grounds are now looking very clean and tidy – it just needs all of us to come along and participate in our Harvest Thanksgiving – now that would be a source of great blessing as we further deepen our commitment to God and St Columba’s. As this Harvest prayer directs us: Lord, make us more thankful for what we have received; make us more content with what we have; and make us more mindful of other people in need. We ask it for the sake of him who lived in poverty, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen (Simon H. Baynes) Yours in His Service,

PARISH PRAYER God, our Heavenly Father, make the door of our Church wide enough to welcome all who need human love, fellowship and a Father’s care; but narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Here may the tempted find help, the sorrowing receive comfort and the penitent be assured of your mercy. And here may all your children renew their strength and go on their way in hope and joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Bishop Thomas Ken 1637-1711


The Kerr family

14 October

Moranne and Ian Noad

21st October

Elizabeth and Hugh Miller

28th October

Joy Montgomery and Jack Dunlop



SERVICES IN OCTOBER Thursday, 4th 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry


Sunday, 7th 8.15am

Harvest Thanksgiving Holy Communion Reader Jayne Martin Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Karen McAlpine



All Age Worship followed by Harvest Lunch Reader Hazel Macpherson Luke 12: 16-31 Henry Auchmuty will be speaking about his experiences in Kenya with Jengana


Choral Evensong Reader Linda Wilson Genesis 1: 1-3, 24-31a Reader Moranne Noad 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 Murray Hunter will be speaking about his work with The Larder

Revelation 14: 14-18 Luke 12: 16-31

Thursday, 11th Saint Philip the Deacon 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry. Sunday, 14th The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Adrian Clements Gospel Karen McAlpine 10.30am

Holy Communion Reader Gospel Intercessions

Gillian Sadlier Karen McAlpine Patrick Good


Late Evening Office Reader

Clare Best

(Green) Hebrews 4: 12-16 Mark 10: 17-31

Hebrews 4: 12-16 Mark 10: 17-31

Matthew 11: 20-30

Thursday, 18th Saint Luke 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry.




Sunday, 21st The Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Paddy Malone Gospel Karen McAlpine Intercessions Karen McAlpine

(Green) Hebrews 5: 1-10 Mark 10: 35-45


Family Communion Reader:


Morning Prayer followed by refreshments hosted by Mums & Tots Reader: Elizabeth Miller Job 38: 1-7 Reader: Emma Macpherson Mark 10: 35-45


Holy Communion Reader Gospel

Robert Macpherson

Murray Hunter Karen McAlpine

Mark 10: 35-45

Romans 3: 1-20 Matthew 12: 1-21

Thursday, 25th Saint James, the Brother of our Lord (Transferred) 10.30am Holy Communion followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry.


Sunday, 28th Saint Simon and Saint Jude 8.15am Holy Communion Reader Ronny Martin Gospel Clergy

(Red) Ephesians 2: 19-22 John 15: 17-27


Holy Communion Reader Gospel Intercessions

Murray Hunter Clergy Andrew Ellis

Ephesians 2: 19-22 John 15: 17-27


Evening Prayer Reader Reader

Barbara Laverty Noel Higginson

Jeremiah 3: 11-18 Jude 1-4, 17-25

Readers and Intercessors: If you cannot read or lead the prayers on the appointed day, please arrange a swap with someone else on the rota and let the Churchwardens know. We are always delighted to add new names to the Rota of Readers and Intercessors. If you would wish to serve your church in this way, please contact The Rector (02890 471514). The readings are from Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary and are printed on our parish website:


FROM THE REGISTERS Christian Burials Monday 17th September

Our Sorrows Shena Margaret Ann Moorhead

MUMS AND TOTS The numbers have been increasing each week in September as parents adjust to new beginnings and schedules. It has been lovely to welcome back some familiar faces (how they have grown over the summer). Please pass the word to your neighbours and friends that we are open every Friday at 10.00am. We have a wonderful group of volunteers who provide a happy, friendly atmosphere. Joyce



Sunday, 14th

Nan Armstrong

Sunday, 21

Marie McCordick

Sunday, 28th

Lilias Smith


PAUSE Recently fifteen parishioners met at The Secret Garden for light refreshments and lots of chat. For a short time all our worries were forgotten in the exchange of news and views! There was quite a lot of catching up to be done, even though PAUSE continues throughout the year. This month PAUSE will meet on:

Tuesday, 2nd October, 10.30am: The Old Mill at Dundonald for tea/coffee. Wednesday, 24th October, 10.30am: Cream at Hanwood Business Park, Dundonald. If you are free on one or both of these dates please come along. Bring a friend or two with you! All are welcome. If you need further details or help with transport please contact me. Eileen (9020 3684) 6

YOUTH ETC. Youth Etc. meets every six weeks (approximately) for social and recreational activities for those aged 11 – 18 years. We are fortunate to have so many different venues to choose from in and around our local community. These are very popular amongst the members who are not necessarily parishioners. It is always a great joy to welcome parishioners' friends and neighbours to the activities. Our new Leader is Jonathan Martin (07980 885990) who brings a lot of experience to this important role as a Scout Leader. Details of the activities are contained in the Pew News sheets in church and an email is sent to all the members well in advance. New members are always welcome. Why not come along for “A taster” and experience the fun for yourself? You might well have an opportunity to explore a new activity for the first time! The Rector

Art Club Exhibition and sale of paintings This will be held in the church hall on Saturday, 17th November from 10.00am to 4.00pm. The Art Club members invite all parishioners, families and friends to join us for coffee/tea, home-made scones and shortbread and to view the paintings and ceramic work. Refreshments will continue throughout the day and there is no charge for entry. It is planned to have some members 'painting' in the hall during the exhibition. Any money raised from the sale of paintings will be used to buy a defibrillator for the church.


Any articles or photographs for publication in the November parish magazine should be handed or emailed to the editor, Billy McAlpine, by Wednesday, 10th October. His contact details are:10 Old Quay Court, Holywood BT18 0HT Tel: 9042 4390 Email:

We all love to see photographs of people enjoying our Church activities. So we can all benefit fully from this and for reproduction purposes, it is very important that photographs are clear and in focus. Many thanks 7


THURSDAY 2.30PM – 4.00PM The Bible Study group experienced a most encouraging start to this new season. We met for the first time on Thursday 13th September in the Choir Vestry. It was lovely to welcome two new members to the group which meets in the Choir Vestry. We now meet on a Thursday afternoon which is more convenient for those who attend. No more coming out on a dark evening! This season we are studying John’s Gospel and are using Bishop Tom Wright’s Bible Study Guide. This is a most helpful and useful guide which contains easy to follow concise notes on each chapter in John’s Gospel. It is written to help the reader understand the Bible in fresh ways. There is also a practical aspect to this Study Guide which links the biblical text we are studying to everyday life. This forms an important part of our time together which allows us to relate the passage we are studying to issues all around us. We have been studying the Woman of Samaria in John chapter 4 and one of the questions which Bishop Tom Wright asks is “what excuses or differences of opinion do people offer today for not seeking God? There were many contributions as we answered that question which had us all thinking. We created quite a long list!

What happens at the weekly Bible Study Group? • Bible Study 2.30pm – 3.30pm Each person brings their bible and a copy of Bishop Tom Wright’s Study Guide. Copies of this book can be easily ordered for new members £5.99. The discussions are very informal and relaxed. •

Refreshments 3.30pm – 4.00pm Providing an opportunity for general conversations before heading home.

The Coordinator of the Group is Eileen Anderson. The Bible Studies are led by Canon Walter Laverty and myself month about. It would be a source of great blessing if more parishioners or friends would come along and experience the friendliness and informality of our Bible Study Group for themselves. It is a wonderful way, in the comfort of the Choir Vestry, to allow our understanding of the Bible to grow and develop through mutual discussion. The Rector


MEN’S CLUB We are officially up and running. It was good to see an almost full turnout of members on our opening night on 3rd September. The bowling fixtures for the coming season have been confirmed and we will report the results as they happen. The programme for the 2018-2019 season will be updated further as we explore the addition of speakers and outings to broaden our activities. We gladly welcome new members who do not necessarily want to bowl (you are more than welcome if you do though) but are prepared to assist in our development of a new style format for the club. The current committee under the guidance of our chairman David Beattie will be actively involved in this venture. Our doors are open each Monday evening at 7.30pm in the church hall. A warm welcome is assured. Any further information about the club can be obtained from myself or any club member. Contact details are listed in the Columban. Until next time…. John

DOVES LEADER REQUIRED We are looking for someone who would like to lead Doves – can you help? Doves are a group of children aged 3-6 years, and they meet from 6.30pm – 7.30pm, usually on a Wednesday night (but this is open to change!). The children are great fun to be with – playing games, having fun baking, art & craft etc – and this is a great opportunity, especially for those who are interested in teaching or can spare 1 hour per week. Please contact the Rector for more information and to register your interest in this role. Thank you!

‘THE LARDER’ (The Food Store at St. Christopher’s Parish Church) May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your most generous support for ‘The Larder’ by your gifts of food etc. It is a fact that more and more families are finding themselves in difficulties in providing for their families and this can come about through the loss of a job or sudden illness leading to a reduction in the family income. We, at St. Columba’s, can and are helping to fill this gap and I trust this will continue. The fruits of our Harvest contributions will be a tremendous addition to the quantity of food for ‘The Larder’ and so again my grateful thanks. I shall be speaking on the work of ‘The Larder’ at our Harvest evening service. Murray 9

Thought for the Month

The National Trust has produced a wonderful booklet on 50 Things To Do Before You’re 11¾. Reading through this with our grandchildren made me think that they should not have set the cut-off at 11¾ but rather perhaps 95¼.

The booklet includes a host of activities such as: o Catching a falling leaf o Making a grass trumpet o Holding a scary beast o Making a mud pie o Going on a walk barefoot

Patricia Clements

It has been a long time since I have done any of the above though I might give the scary beast one a miss. Perhaps it is because I was brought up outside Ballymena but two of my favourite sayings are: The best things in life are free and It doesn’t cost anything to smile. Activities such as those listed cost nothing but can bring a smile to your face.

Life and nature are all around us but most of us are guilty of not stopping often enough to look around and absorb all of nature’s splendour. If we counted the minutes we stopped to check on our mobile phones/social media and used that time to look around us we might remember to value nature better. Harvest time is marked in the church to remind us to be grateful for nature and what it produces. It should be comparatively easy for us to be grateful and perhaps not quite so easy for some in our local community and in other parts of the world. However this is not always the case as it seems that the more we have the less we feel the need to be thankful. Let’s not forget to go out and enjoy the countryside and be grateful for it. Our sincere thanks to Patricia for sharing this ‘Thought’ with us. The November ‘Thought for the Month’ will be written by Billy Geary.

AFTERNOON BADMINTON - SOS Our numbers have dwindled and we urgently need new members. We meet at 2pm on a Tuesday. No skill required just come for some fun, exercise and a warm welcome. Anne 10

Clergy Parish Visiting It is always a great privilege for the Clergy to visit parishioners in their homes. If you would like to request a Clergy Visit, please telephone the Rector (028 9047 1514). In addition to requested Parish Visiting, the Rector and Canon Smyth will be visiting parishioners in the following districts during October:


Canon Smyth

Cleveley Park Cumberland Drive Cyprus Avenue Cyprus Gardens Cyprus Park Drinagh Manor

Cloverhill Park Dundela Gardens Earlswood Court Earlswood Road Eastleigh Dale Elsmere Park

Hospital Visiting The Clergy would appreciate being informed if parishioners are in hospital, going into hospital, are being transferred or if they have been discharged, and they will be pleased to offer them pastoral support. This will allow for better use of clergy time and resources, allowing them to visit as many people as possible. Please do not assume that they already know this information. Please telephone the Rector to enable him to take careful note of the details. Thank you.

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, 7 October Sunday, 14th October Sunday, 21st October Sunday, 28th October th

11. 00am 10.30am 9.30am 10.30am

All Age Worship (Harvest Service) Sunday School Family Communion Sunday School

During September the children have been creating artwork that will be displayed during the Harvest services. The children will also play a prominent role in the All Age Worship (Harvest) service by reading, singing, leading the prayers & lifting the collection. It would be appreciated if each child could bring a small item to present at the service e.g. tin, packet, fruit or vegetable. Joyce 11

RAILWAY AND MODEL CLUB Summertime and the living was it's back to work on the models and layouts. Come to think of it, it never stopped!! Our latest bit of kit is a figure of eight Scalelectrics model motor racing set. We hope to have a racing circuit set up for those who want to race model cars (but perhaps they are not particularly interested in building or running model trains). IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE INTERESTED IN JOINING WITH THE REST OF US? If so, then please speak to anyone who admits to being a member of the Railway and Model Club, for further details. Bomber Beckwith and Bofors Dunlop continue with the model airfield,and Tunneller Robb is hard at work on the Mountains of Knock, on the large 00 gauge layout Both n gauge layouts are operational, cared for by Ian (Mr Comber) Parsons. We hope to have Geoff (the 'elf and safety man) back with us and rumour has it that Richard (the welder) may soon be back in home waters. You will be able to meet us on our next Open Day....that's Saturday 27th October. Hope to see you then. In the meantime... ...keep'er rollin. David (Rockie) Beattie

ACTIVITY GROUP This account was written by a new member of the group. Not everyone in the parish may be aware of this but there exists a small, select group of ladies who meet every Tuesday evening except the first Tuesday. This band of intrepid warriors meet under the hammer of the “Activity Group”. Although I was aware of their existence I only decided to pay them a visit a few months ago. This followed an outing to the theatre courtesy of my good friend Yvonne who was unable to attend and gave me her ticket (she has yet to be paid for it!!). The ladies made me so welcome I just had to give the group a go. Since then I have enjoyed so much friendship camaraderie, great fun and craic, not to mention sore feet from our gorgeous picturesque walks during the summer months. The leader of the group is a shy, unassuming lady well known to all - Maureen Irwin. Maureen is to be congratulated for all her hard work in ensuring the smooth running of all the events. I therefore encourage more of our ladies (no matter what age) to come along and enjoy spending time with a great bunch of “girls”. I wish I had discovered it sooner. Maureen would love to hear from you. Maureen 12

Our opening service was well attended after which we were able to honour 15 members who have collectively given a total of 765 years faithful service to the Mothers’ Union. Each of these ladies were presented with a certificate and a bud vase to mark the occasion. 60 plus years Mrs Scholes, Mrs Barton. 50 plus years Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Templeton, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Fleming, Mrs Duke, Mrs Preston, Mrs Acheson. 40 plus years Mrs Coffey, Mrs McKeown, Mrs Irwin, Mrs Greeves, Mrs Stewart, Mrs O’Donnell. 8.00 p.m. Tuesday 2nd October we will host a guest evening in the parish hall. We have invited friends from local Mothers’ Union groups and Belmont Council of Churches to join us for this event. The speaker will be Frances Gibson who will show us how to use bulbs and plants in our garden for autumn colour. She will also give a few tips for autumn flower arrangements for the home. The Mothers’ Union literature stall has been booked for this event so if you need a new diary you can pick one up at our meeting. At our meeting on Tuesday 6th November, Deborah, from Broom Cottage, Greyabbey, will talk to us about her family business which makes natural soaps and cosmetics. She will bring along a selection of goods some of which will be for sale. Barbara

AFTERNOON GROUP Monday 10 September was the first meeting of the new year for the Afternoon Group. A packed room welcomed Sharon from the Tullycarnet Yarnspinners who entertained us with her stories. Afternoon tea was enjoyed by all. It was great to renew old friendships and welcome some new members. Our next meeting will be on Monday 8th October. If you are free do come and join us. Joy th


Festive Floral Evening Demonstrations by Maureen Mulligan and Johann Henderson (NIGFAS qualified demonstrators)

Wednesday 28th November at 7.30pm St. Columba’s Knock Parish Hall All designs will be raffled at the end of the demonstration. Cost £10 including a light supper. Proceeds in aid of The Church Hall Fund Tickets can be obtained from

Lynn Ryan - Tel: 07955 479065

St. Columba’s Knock Parish Hall, 29 Kings Road, Belfast BT5 6JG 14

It is with regret that the Brownie unit can no longer go ahead. It has been a struggle to get the necessary leadership on-board to facilitate the unit and unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, one of our key leaders will be moving away and is no longer available. This has left us with an insufficient number of full-time leaders to adequately support the unit and we will therefore be unable to proceed this year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the church for all of the support you have provided and would like to apologise to those parents and children that were looking forward to joining Brownies this year. A communication has gone out to those parents that had enrolled to inform them of the unit closure, including suggestions for nearby alternative units. Thanks, Lisa Boyle The Rector writes… I was very disappointed to have heard from Lisa, in the middle of September, that Brownies will not be able to recommence this autumn in St Columba’s. Like all of the Brownies and their parents, I was looking forward to welcoming everyone back to St Columba’s, including the newly trained leadership team. I am grateful to Lisa Boyle for recently undertaking the Leadership training, while the Brownies were at Knock Methodist Church. There has been such a strong Brownie unit in our parish over many years which has given so much support to the girls. It was a great joy for me to visit them and to share in their activities. I very much hope that it will be possible at a future stage to have a Brownie unit in St Columba’s. I would welcome expressions of interest from those who could serve on a leadership team with a new Brownie unit in our parish. It would be a source of great blessing if we could once again have a vibrant Brownie unit in our parish serving parishioners and the community.

Young Families Group - ‘Cheese & Wine Night’ Friday, 19th October 2018 at 7.45pm in the Rectory. Voluntary donations to church funds Contact Emma Macpherson 07816 773288 15

RECTORY REPAIRS Work is now well underway to replace the rendering on the back wall of the Rectory. This essential work was identified in the Quinquennial Inspection Report which was carried out last year. The outside plaster work on the wall facing the back garden was badly cracked and damaged in many places. It will be good to get all this work completed before the winter months. Caroline, Charles, Henry and I are most grateful for all the detailed work which the Glebewardens, Select Vestry and the Property Committee have done to plan for this project. The Rector

LADIES GUILD Autumn is here once again and the new season of our Guild Meetings began on 19th September when we welcomed our members to what will be the 60th Anniversary year of our formation. The Guild came into being in November 1959 under the able leadership of Mrs Sadie Gibson and her Committee. We will learn much more of the Guild’s history as we go through the coming year and hope to mark the Anniversary with inclusive events. Our planned Speaker for the opening meeting, Andy Day, unfortunately fell victim to a serious illness and was unable to be with us. We send him our thoughts and prayers for a full and speedy recovery. In the circumstances we were fortunate to obtain, at very short notice, a replacement speaker in David Beattie who gamely stepped in to regale us with “My Life in Half an Hour”. We are grateful to David for a most entertaining evening. New members will always be welcomed at our meetings and we also encourage visitors who may have a special interest in any of our speakers to come along on the night. Gentlemen are also welcome to join us if the subject appeals. Details of forthcoming speakers may be found on the Church noticeboards. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 17th October with Lesley Moreland telling us of “Life with Hippies on Cool Mountain”. Remember the 60’s? Eleanor 16

PARISH ORGANISATIONS New members are always welcome at any of our organisations! Sunday



Sunday School Bubbles (3-5 years) Splash (5-8 years) X-treme (8-11 years) The Grid (11-14 years) Crèche Craft and Hobby Circle

Superintendent: Joyce Stevenson 9058 3381

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays

Claire Hirst 07949 298473 Carol Willis 9079 9997 Helen Coates 9065 8977 Joy Montgomery 9029 5427 John Robb 9058 1438 Gillian Popplestone 9080 3799 Anne Clarke 9065 1412 Maureen Irwin 9079 5155 Barbara Laverty 9573 8743

Ladies Bowling

1st and 3rd Monday each month 10.30am 2.00pm

MU Afternoon Group

2nd Monday each month 2.30pm

Mens’ Club


Ladies Badminton


Ladies Badminton


Activity Group Mothers’ Union Wednesday Brownies

Except 1st Tuesday 7.30pm 1st Tuesday each month 8.00pm 6.30pm



Railway and Model Club


Ladies Guild Thursday

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 10.30am

Art Club Bible Study Group

3rd Wednesday each month 7.45pm 9.30am 2.30pm - 4.00pm




Mums and Tots




As arranged


Youth Etc. (11-15 years) Young Families

As arranged Social events as arranged

David Beattie 9028 5868 Jennifer Beattie, 9028 5868 Billy Nelson 9048 3889 Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 Dr Joe McKee 07976 294574 Joyce Stevenson, 9058 3381 Eileen Anderson 9020 3684 Jonathan Martin, 07980 885990 Emma Macpherson 9028 2076

Requests for the occasional use of the church halls must be submitted to the Premise’s Convenor.


WHO’S WHO IN ST. COLUMBAS Parish website:


The Reverend Canon John R Auchmuty

St. Columba’s Rectory 29 Kings Road BT5 6JG 028 9047 1514

The Reverend Canon Ken Smyth

3 Mount Royal Bangor BT20 3BG 028 9145 8706

The Reverend Canon Walter Laverty

6, Hanwood Heights Dundonald BT16 1XU 028 9573 8743

Karen McAlpine

Rector’s Churchwarden

David Kelly

028 9079 6658

People’s Churchwarden

Richard Caldwell

028 9079 3163

Assistant Priests

Diocesan Lay Reader

Junior Churchwardens

Sophie King and Daniel Sadlier

Rector’s Glebewarden

Jim Stevenson

028 9058 3381 07973 392448

People’s Glebewarden

Mark Reid

028 9028 4367 07810 648167

Honorary Sexton

John Proctor

028 9087 0526 07989 469773

Select Vestry

Rector, Churchwardens, Glebewardens, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer, Suzanne Allen, David Craig, Andrew Ellis, Andrew Hirst, John Kerr, Elizabeth Leonard, Moira Saunders, Jonathan Stewart, Mark Wilson

Honorary Secretary

John Macpherson

10 Sandhill Gardens BT5 6FF 028 9028 2076

Honorary Treasurer

Gillian Sadlier

70 Kensington Road BT5 6NG 028 9040 3278

Assistant Honorary Treasurer

Victor Dukelow

028 9029 0625


Gift Aid Secretary

Jack Dunlop

028 9065 4103

Parochial Nominators

Victor Dukelow, Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard, Linda Wilson

Diocesan Synod members

Patrick Good, Elizabeth Leonard Hollie Wilson (under 30)

Organist and Choral Director

Dr Joe McKee

07976 294574

Assistant Organist

Brian Clements

028 9079 3641

Sidesperson’s rota Co-ordinator

Rosemary Coffey

028 9754 2198

Magazine Editor

Billy McAlpine

028 9042 4390

Parish Webmaster

Ivan Roche

028 9514 0141

C of I Gazette Distributor

Moranne Noad

028 9079 3704

Bible Reading Fellowship notes

Joan Madill

028 9065 6591

Church flowers

Eleanor Launchbury

028 9028 1204

Premise’s Convenor

Stewart Beckwith

028 9048 6622


Mark Laverty

028 9573 8743

Parish Office Administrator/ Financial Giving Secretary

Karen Patterson Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am-1.00pm


028 9065 6891

CHURCH CAR PARKING When parking to go to church services or Parish Organisations please be sensitive to the residents in the local community by taking care not to block entrances or pavements. Thank you!

Facebook St Columba’s Parish Church is now on Facebook. ‘Like’ our page to see updates on events, services and photos. Search coiknock on Facebook or Messenger to find us easily.

For those who are new to St Columba’s and would like more information about the life and membership of the parish, please give your name and phone number to our Churchwardens or contact the Parish Office during office hours Monday-Friday, 9.00am-1.00pm on 028 9065 6891.

Pastoral Care: If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak

to someone, please contact the Rector (028 9047 1514) or Canon Ken Smyth (028 9145 8706).

SAFEGUARDING TRUST The Rector, Select Vestry and parish leaders are committed to upholding good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have cause for concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the parish, please contact: The Rector...........................................................028 9047 1514 Patrick Good.......................................................028 9065 6908 Elizabeth Leonard............................................028 9065 3162

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