1 minute read
Over generally refers to spatial relationships or to designate a physical location. More than is preferred with numerals.
Tribal Affiliation
Always ask a source “What pronouns would you prefer to have appear in print” at the beginning of the interview. It is important to specify “in print” as someone may have a preference as to what is seen by the general public. If necessary, explain that this is done to be sure everyone is identified correctly to avoid misgendering, being disrespectful or unintentionally outing anyone.
Over generally refers to spatial relationships or to designate a physical location. More than is preferred with numerals.
Spell “theatre” when referring to Columbia majors, departments, etc. Use the American “theater” spelling for other mentions not relating to the school.
The Chronicle follows guidance from the Native American Journalists Association: Always refer to Indigenous people by their specific tribes, nations and communities. Always ask sources which terms are preferred, or look at tribal government websites for correct terminology.
Columbia’s staff union. Spell out the full title on first reference, and use USoCC on subsequent uses.