1 minute read
Well, hell. 50. It sneaks up on you, eh? You start out all quaint and shit - just a naive little 16 pager. Then you get a little cocky, thinking you got the whole thing figured out. So you confidently tell the printers “yo...PROUD SNIFF...we goin’ up to 24 pages.” They say “K. Bill will go up.”
Proud sniff fades. “‘course it will!” Proud sniff ensues.
Then you begin to truck along in 24-page life and at first you think “What the hay have I done? I flew the coop too soon! I’m flailing! Why, I don’t even know what the recommended color saturation levels for newsprint are (still don’t - shhhh, no one needs to know that).”
But then you think, ah heck - twenty four SCHMENTY four. “Yo, press! We goin’ to 36!”
They respond with “K. Bill will go up.”
“That’s right it will!” Oh...that’s right. It will…
Anyway, cut to issue 50 - we are now cruising at a comfy 40 pages. And yes, the bill went up.
I think we’re gonna need a bigger wall...
But I have to concede...the point person I work with at the production facility of the press - Karen Watson - is a gem, and she actually HAS rooted for us all along. She would never just send me an estimate without some kind words of encouragement. And that’s what’s at the heart of this little summary. Encouragement.
On some levels, it’s the only thing that has kept this wacky little rag afloat. And on the practical level - it’s also the advertisers that have kept this thing afloat. Thank you advertisers! There are three that have literally been supporting us since day ONE. Ye Old Bookshoppe, Lemolo, and Numerica PAC - who also distributed our very first issue on the theater seats for their performance of Evil Dead: The Musical. Many of the mags were used as gore shields during the show and we couldn’t have been more proud. These folks believed in what we were doing right away and they continue to support us. Please return the favor, buy a book at Ye Old - take in a fine show at The PAC and stop in for one of the 375,584 delicious items Lemolo offers on their menu. It helps keeps this train chugglin’...chug..chugging? Along.
And now if you will excuse me I’m about to be chugglin’ some cheap whiskey to celebrate the big 50. Cheers!
Happy Trails,
Ron Evans Editor of The Comet