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First Fridays Arts Walk Map Included
Holiday Gratitude From Ncw Arts
This month, amidst the holiday bustle, NCW Arts wants to pause and breathe a bit into the spaces between. And in that pause, we want to express our enormous gratitude to you. You, your ideas, and your creative energy are what sparked our mission and our vision to create, connect, and collaborate with one another to build an even stronger community. Thank you.
There is so much to be grateful for this holiday season. NCW Arts extends heart- felt thanks to both the Community Foundation of NCW, the Woods Family Foundation and the Icicle Fund for making it possible for us to get our feet solidly beneath us in 2022 as we plan for exciting things to come in 2023 – things like a local artist registry, forums for online collaboration, comprehensive event calendar and upcoming opportunities for artists listings as part of an increasingly robust website at ncwarts.org.
As NCW Arts prepares to grow and bloom in 2023, in this moment we want to honor the quiet, peaceful times and to focus on our roots. We invite you to do the same. Whatever artistic, creative seed is germinating for you, may you find the nourishment and resources you need to let it take root. Come find us now by candlelight and let us grow together come springtime. Reach out anytime to arts@ncwarts.org.