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exit laughing

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amy koenig

WINTER THEATRE: exit laughing at riverside



This winter Music Theatre of Wenatchee brings comedy to the stage with Exit Laughing, a play by Paul Elliott. We talked to director Mike Magnotti about this production and his time in the theater community in Wenatchee.

Tell us about Exit Laughing?

I was a “theater geek” in high school and attended one year at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC. They didn’t invite me back for the second year ‘cause they didn’t like my attitude. Honestly, I wasn’t cut out to do theater professionally. After moving to Wenatchee in 1973 I was heavily involved in theater with my church, and got involved with Music Theater of Wenatchee in 1983. Since then most of my acting has been with MTW, some with Wenatchee High School and the Hot August Nights show, Hands on a Hardbody in 2019. I’m a good actor, mostly enjoying “straight” roles over musicals (although I’ve rocked a few musical characters).

How did you choose this play?

It’s a script I’ve been looking for for years; a play for women of what I like to call a “certain age of maturity.” Unlike other “women’s” plays like “The Vagina Monologues” or “Talking With,” which are ABOUT women, “Exit Laughing” presents four women facing a major adjustment to their lives and how they deal with it. While “Exit Laughing” is about friendship, commitment and seeing others in a manner beyond our limited perceptions, the show is FUNNY! The actors could simply read the show and get good laughs but the work they’re putting into their characterizations is going to make this show a riot. Another reason I chose this show is because we have a lot of “women of a certain level of maturity” with tons of talent but there are very few opportunities for them. This play has three great roles for three of these local actresses.

After finding this show and deciding I wanted to direct it, I found someone willing to be my, producer (Desiree Schmidt) and we put together a show proposal, listing our technical crew folks, a cost breakdown and a projected estimate of potential income. I then proposed this to the MTW board and they voted to allow me to put on the show. The cast is:

Lisa Francois..................Connie Sue Lawson.....................Leona Bonnie VanHoven.........Millie Marie Scanlon................Rachel Matthew Pippin.............Policeman All of these folks are MTW vets, and they’re working really hard!

Tell us about the venue, for the uninitiated.

The Riverside Playhouse is off the east side of the 200 block of North Wenatchee Ave, adjacent to the Chelan Co. PUD. I had the honor of directing the first show in the Playhouse, “Dracula,” a long time ago. It’s a great, half round theater that gives the audience a great, up close experience with the performers. I love the place! The show dates are all in January 2020: 9-11, 16-18 & 23-25; curtain at 7:30 PM.

We’ll have one matinee on Sunday 1/9, curtain at 2 PM. Tickets, $20, are on sale at the Numeric Performing Arts Center web site: numericapac.org C

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