THE FIRST NUCLEAR WAR Chris Wallace recounts the 116 days before America dropped an atomic bomb on Japan WHEN HARRY S TRUMAN BECAME PRESIDENT,
he learned that the United States was nearly ready to use the most powerful weapon ever devised. The decision to use it would be his. From the June 17, 2020, online program “Fox News Anchor Chris Wallace.”
CHRIS WALLACE Anchor, Fox News Sunday; Author, Countdown 1945: The Extraordinary Story of the 116 Days that Changed the World In conversation with LANHEE CHEN David and Diane Steffy Fellow in American Public Policy Studies, The Hoover Institution
LANHEE CHEN: Chris Wallace joined Fox news in 2003 and became the first journalist from the network to moderate a general election presidential debate in 2016. Over his career, Chris has covered nearly every major political event and had exclusive interviews with world leaders, including Russian president Vladimir Putin, French president Emmanuel Macron, President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump’s first interview since being elected.