Confluence JANUARY 28th, 2019
Regional Skills Competition at CNC 6
Importance of Values in OUr Life 8
The Pubic Discussion
This WOrld, That World 14
It’s the Chief - Editorial Hello people. It’s me. It’s that time of week where I can open up the magazine with a decent-but-played-out monologue. I am glad to say that over the next few issues, there will be an intern from the Web and Graphic design program working alongside Paige and I to bring you guys quality content. The two who will be joining us will be Kiana Fergusson and Chintan Gohil. Also, I am pleased to announce that the next issue (February 11th) will be Valentine’s Day themed. Make sure to send in all your romancey stuff so you can get published. If you have any cheesy poems make sure to send them in. Also, we are looking for photography for the issue. For the February 25th issue we will be looking for nostalgic content, specifically from the 90’s. So all you 90’s kids better crack open your time capsules and let loose on us. In other news, elections are coming up for multiple representative positions going into intersession. The nomination period will begin January 30th, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled and step up for a position if you want change. The date Be the change you want to see in the world people! Our official press release for the elections can be found on page 15.
Cheers! Damon Robinson Editor-in-Chief, The Confluence
Here comes the news - Editorial Hello! I hope the New Year is treating you all kindly. It is around that time of the semester where my phone alarm sound now sets off my fight-or-flight response whenever I hear it. (Side note, if you don’t use the “samba” ringtone, what are you doing with your life?)
If I could provide advice to my past self, it would be to study a bit each night. That may sound obvious, but when you suddenly find a midterm looming at the end of the week, and an unopened textbook at your desk, then you’ll kick yourself. So open that book before it is completely urgent. Read for short increments at a time. Do not just stop at reading over a textbook, though. Rummer, Schweppe, Gerst, & Wagner (2017) found that practice testing combined with note-taking is an effective means of retaining information. I’m not sponsored or anything, but I’m going to plug Quizlet. com really quick. This site saved my GPA. Check it out. Make a quiz, test yourself, and watch your long-term retention improve. I care about The Confluence readers, damn it. --------------------------------------------Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Gerst, K., & Wagner, S. (2017). Is testing a more effective learning strategy than note-taking? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 23(3), 293–300.
Paige Riding News Editor, The Confluence
Confluence Staff and Contributors
Harman Dandiwal Organizer, CNCSU
Kiana Fergusson
Karm Shah
Intern, CNCSU
Photographer, Cover Artist
The Confluence is produced biweekly at the CNCSU office on CNC’s Prince George campus by Damon Robinson and Paige Riding. Submissions, inqueries and requests can be made to, in person at the CNCSU office room 1-303, or mailed to “The Confluence c/o CNCSU 3330-22nd Ave. Prince George, BC. V2N 1P8”
All submissions are welcome, the authors of edited works used in the confluence receive a $20 cheque upon publication. Advertisement rates are available upon request.
The Confluence
JANUARY 14th, 2018
06 - article - Regional Skills 10 - Story - The Pubic Discussion 14 - Poetry- Lake Morris There are many talents in the world,
When it really comes down to it, the
We at the Confluence proud ourselves
and CNC made people notice. On
human body is pretty weird looking. So
with our history of showing off the
January 16th, 2019, CNC hosted a
when you really, really think about it
great work that you guys do every day.
regional skills competition. Competing
you can write an opinion peice on the
Make sure to stop by and check out the
were aspiring young students from here human anatomy. in Prince George. Read Paige’s report
work done by our featured poem done by Lake Morris
from the day.
08 - ARTICLE - importance of values in our life “Every
ues in life; in fact, values can help us in many ways. Values have been changed from past to present and will also be different in future to some extent. Likewise, Traditional, Baby Boomers, Generation X, followed by Y and Z.”
THE POLItics Behind the Wet’suwet’en Fight
Confluence The
Regional Skills Competition at CNC by Paige Riding
The College of New Caledonia hosted the fourth annual
wind turbine competition. The competition was equally fun
Central Interior Regional Skills Competition and Trades Day
as it was challenging. “With two minutes left, our wind tur-
on January 16th, 2019. Student representatives from Prince bine just broke! It was a stressful two minutes,� Courtney George, Vanderhoof, and Quesnel were in attendance.
exclaimed during the follow-up interview. All the same, the
Events like wind turbine building and testing, pasta bridge three seemed excited to get out of the typical classroom setcompetitions to see whose spaghetti creations could hold the ting and partake in a hands-on workshop. Events like this most weight, robotics, and other general trades skills were on
present opportunities to utilize skills taught in a classroom
full display. New events introduced this year included weld- in a new setting. ing for students in high school as well as automotive and
Cedric and Kaydence, both age 12 from College Heights
electrical wiring for college and university students. These Elementary, noted that their time competing was their facompetitions, on top of already established trades-based vourite part. Although the Regional Skills Competition was a
tests of skill, proved to be exciting events that challenged the required trip for their class, the two agreed that the event at tradespeople of tomorrow.
CNC was exciting. Both Cedric and Kaydence noted that col-
Students from College Heights Elementary were inter- lege is more than likely in both of their futures. CNC looks
viewed to provide an inside perspective on the event. Mat- forward to hopefully hosting them again down the road. tea, Hailey, and Courtney, all age 11, formed a group for the
The competition was and will continue to be an
opportunity for future tradespeople to show their skills. Winners of this event at CNC are invented to represent their region at the Skills Canada BC’s 2019 Provincial Competition in Abbotsford on April 17th of this year. If participants win on a provincial level, the National Skills Canada National competition would be their next step, where the selected students would represent the central interior region and CNC against students from all over Canada. “It’s inspiring to see so many talented students showcasing their skills throughout this competition,” said Frank Rossi,
proximately 100 more students in attendance this year than the last, the Skills Competition promises to continue to show
CNC Dean of School of Trades and Technologies. With ap-
Central Interior Regional Skills Competition proves that
growth down the line. “These students are, truly, the next any age bracket, from elementary to post-secondary, can and generation of tradespeople.” Rossi says. Events like these promise a bright future for tradespeople. With such a diverse group of students participating, the
will excel in the trades when given the opportunities to do so.
Importance of Values in our life by: Akash patel
Every person has their own personal values A) Loyalty: This is the value which makes me feel in life; in fact, values can help us in many ways. always appreciated. When I was working as an acValues have been changed from past to pres- countant in India, my colleagues and superiors always ent and will also be different in future to some admired my accuracy and honesty in cash handling. extent.
ers, Generation X, followed by Y and Z. B) Furthermore, I will also take care of the things which I promise to do and needful for my employPositive values can take a person to the top and ees. For instance, what they require to complete worst consequences for negative. We cannot deny the task, and their work-life balance. There must the fact, that values play a vital role in what we be trust between employee and supervisor, and I are today and will be in future. “Values are not would not let them feel unfaithful at the workplace. selected: they are discovered. We do not choose values. Our values reveal themselves to us.�
Also, as it says, Hard-work is the key to success. As a supervisor, I believe in work hard to
Now I would like to discuss my thoughts and maintain my own dignity towards the position. experience about values in my life as an instance. Last but not least, as a supervisor I always val-
First and foremost, I believe that Openness or trans- ue a peaceful and non-violent ambiance at the parency is the most critical value in my life. I can workplace. Sometimes, violence in the worksay that if everything that you do or are going to do place may harm the productivity of an employee. must be open, so no one has second thought or sur- Finally, these are the three things I would prises in their mind regarding work or anything else. want my employees to say behind my back.
As a supervisor one thing which I cannot com- that time he helped her financially as well mentally.
promise is justice. There is a saying that “A rule is Another example reflects his hard-work towards the not unfair if it applies to everyone.� As same as company that he was selling the company’s product that for me, all employees are equal, which cre- directly to the customers as he was not required to do ates an unbiased environment. I do not take injus- that. However, he believes that if he sold his product tice as granted at the workplace in any situation. from the roadside, it would motivate my employees to increase sales. This also helped me to boost my values. Honestly, I must say that my boss Mr.Bimal N.Desai ( Owner of M/S.Desai Brothers Limited ) is my ideal. Entire credit of developing the above values goes to my parents, as they have planted the seeds of values
well he has a beneficial nature towards his employees. in my life since the beginning of my life on earth. For example, Last year our office attendant was suffering from some stomach related disease, and she did not have enough funds to get the operation done, at
He is an openminded and straightforward person as
The Confluence
by: Christine Force
The Pubic Discussion
A friend recently told me she had received a dick pic.
To be fair, let’s look at the female genitals. Soft, moist,
We laughed and joked about the absurdity of it. Later my fleshy, an extra hole in a woman with a bloody curse every mind began to think. I really do not like genitalia. Male or month that is prone to infection if anything disturbs its female, including my own. They can do amazing things, delicate ph. A beautiful flower? Not. Maybe a Venus fly necessary for the continuation of life things. But why do
trap? Giant clam? The underside of a mushroom? A hybrid
they have to be so disgusting?
of all three? Vaginas are not the prettiest. They remind me of an orifice from the movie Alien. Just without the teeth.
I’ll start with the male organ, because that is what I cannot fathom a person’s real reaction to seeing one for started the thought train. The first time I saw a real live man
the first time. Pink, slimy hole. I’m ashamed to say I own
penis it was a hard, pink, pulsating, veiny thing. It looked one. like a sea cucumber, but not as long. I was speechless. Something that repulsive is attached to a man’s body? And
I do not see the appeal of penises or vaginas. To me
it’s supposed to be sexy? And it’s supposed to go where? they are not “special, beautiful, sexy organs”, but a dirty And I’m supposed to like it? Eww! Minutes past, and then, trick. Creation gives you a glistening beautiful man or a
to my horror, I saw a man’s penis in its relaxed form. This
voluptuous woman, entices you to fall in love with them,
is attractive? Not to me. Wrinkly little bugger, curled up and then, BAM! Suck this ugly thing I’ve stuck between and tired, lying on its sweaty nest of…ball sack? Now, its legs. perhaps you need to develop a “palette” for penises. Or see a variety of them to appreciate their “beauty”. But, in reality, they are ugly.
Photo Credit to Tasha Peterson and CNC
The Politics Behind the Wet’suwet’en Fight by: Robin Sui
In recent months, tensions with indigenous peoples have
However, with the Kinder Morgan and Trans-Canada
spiked across Canada as energy companies seek to construct pipelines, there has been an aggressive acceleration in the projects on and through indigenous lands. Both TransCana- development of their projects likely in attempt to increase da and Kinder Morgan are attempting to build their Coastal the scale of the investments in order to forcefully influence GasLink pipeline and the Trans Mountain pipeline.
policies determining the reality of aboriginal title
First Nations have been emboldened by this sum-
In an interview with The Guardian, Gordon Christie,
mer’s Supreme Court of Canada William decision, which
a scholar of indigenous law at the University of British
recognized the aboriginal title of the Tsilhqot’in nation to
Columbia said,
1,750 sq km of their land in central British Columbia. While the ruling did not defer outright ownership, but
“Unlike the rest of the country – where relationships between in-
the right of use and stewardship of land while reaping its digenous groups and the state are governed by treaties – few indigenous economic benefits. As a ruling on the federal level, it affects nations in British Columbia ever signed deals with colonial authorities, all “un-ceded” territory in Canada – lands never claimed meaning the federal government still operates in a vacuum of authority
through war or by treaty.
on their lands. What I see is a long history of the Canadian government
This landmark ruling by the supreme court has creat- doing its best to avoid acknowledging the existence of other systems of
ed a precedent that is particularly worrying for large scale government. The Crown has itself acknowledged that the way it gets resource extraction infrastructure investments across authority over territory is through the making of a treaty. So, this is Canada.
their problem.”
Under ‘Anuc niwh’it’en (Wet’suwet’en law and system of
However, in a reversal of precedent the RCMP have
government) all five hereditary chiefs of the five clans of the obtained a court injunction to forcibly clear an access point Wet’suwet’en nation are openly opposed to the TransCanada
for construction crews to move into the territory. Currently
liquefied natural gas pipeline that will be built through their
police have set up an “exclusionary zone” to prevent access
to the area – and have told those trying to access the roads
The Wet’suwet’en, which is made up of five clans, they face arrest if they attempt to enter. With residents being never signed a treaty ceding their land to the government of
barred from entering their traditional homes.
Canada and they retain control of who enters it. The
The RCMP’s actions granted by this court injunction is traditional
a siege on violation of the United Nations Declaration on
system of government is built around the decisions of their
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, is an extension of the
hereditary chiefs who were never consulted, rather than
genocide that the Wet’suwet’en and have survived since
their elected municipal leaders who were consulted instead. contact, and a siege on a peaceful demonstration of free In the 1997 landmark case, the Delgamuukw v British speech regarding resource projects they say they never consented to.
previously found that the We’suwet’en people as represented
The past two years have been a turbulent time
by their hereditary leaders retained indigenous rights to their for
historical territory, and these were not to be “extinguished” farmer named Gerald Stanley was acquitted by an by lack of a treaty.
all-white jury in the murder of Colten Boushie, a young Cree man.
Columbia case, which covers part of the Wet’suwet’en territory,
This World, That World maybe i wont grow old and grey with her but at least we met at least she loves my poems (i’m not sure she’ll ever see this one) at least i got to know her and her me at least she let me love her at least i let her love me and from that love blossomed something the stars had only seen very few times in their astronomical lifetimes maybe i won’t hold her hand maybe she wont kiss me once, twice maybe we wont share adventures together maybe i wont build her a home maybe our roadtrips we dream of perhaps we will share those with someone else maybe she wont see my full transition and maybe i wont attend her graduation but we did love. oh, how we loved. maybe i wont grow old and grey with her. but at least we loved.
(in another world we hadn’t even met) (and in that world--i feel sorry for ourselves)
- Lake Morris
NOTICE OF ELECTION 2019-20 CNCSU Student Board Elections are held in the Spring Semester of each year. The following student representative positions are available for students in their respective programs of study:
1. Trades & Industry Rep 2. Business & Technology Rep 3. Health & Human Services Rep 4. Specialty Programs Rep 5. Indigenous Students’ Rep 6. Quesnel Campus Rep 7. Vanderhoof Campus Rep 8. Mackenzie Campus Rep 9. Fort St. James Campus Rep
30 Jan - 5 FEB 2019
for Nominations
* Nomination Form & Resume template are available at CNC Students’ Union (Room 1-303) * Completed Nomination Form & Resume must be submitted on or before 5th Feb 2018 by 4:00 PM to CNCSU office. * 1 week will be given for campaiging after nomination deadline and before the commencement of election. * Election period is 13-14 Feb 2019. * All students running for elections must be in good academic standing and have no criminal record,
To celebrate its 50th Anniversary, CNC is now offering $100,000 in new entrance awards for the 2019/20 school year! No special awards application is necessary - students who apply for the 2019 Fall and 2020 Spring semesters by 11:59PM PST on March 17, 2019 are automatically eligible for entrance awards. For more information, go to