Touchscreen technology for the future of Childcare monitoring
Touchscreen technology for the future of Childcare monitoring Steamlined Childcare Management at your fingertips
Self Registration, Time and Attendance and Access Control
iConnect™ is, quite literally, a revolution in Childcare Management.
The iConnect™ self registration system for parents and staff members has been designed to allow managers to concentrate on the main tasks of running a busy childcare facility whilst ensuring that all attendance data is stored electronically within a computerised system. Staff can now spend more time with the children and less time analysing paper registers and timesheets.
The system combines the very latest in biometric and touchscreen technologies to provide an innovative solution to the monitoring, registration and observational challenges faced by today’s childcare practitioners. It harnesses the very latest technologies combined with and in depth knowledge of the UK childcare sector and intuitive user interface design to ensure monitoring data is captured with ease and information stored centrally for future analysis and reporting. Gone are the days where all observations are written on post-it notes or scraps of paper, dog eared and covered in coffee stains…iConnect™ centralises information and brings compliance and monitoring to your fingertips.
Attendance can be verified through a number of electronic methods although the use of biometric technologies has become increasingly popular over recent years. Fingerprint and facial recognition technologies cannot be forged, forgotten or stolen and as such ensure that parents and staff have a means of identification with them 100% of the time. The system can be linked up to enable door entry, which provides an added level of security for both managers and parents alike. When an individual leaves, their record is simply deleted from the system to ensure that they can no longer use the facilities. Attendance data can then be seamlessly linked into billing and payroll functions ensuring instances of late collection are auto-charged to the bill and late staff clock-ins are deducted from wages. Furthermore, verified register data can then be sent to kitchen staff so that the day’s menu can be accurately planned, dietary requirements covered and waste kept to the absolute minimum.
Contact sales now on 0844 37 111 37 to see how easy it is to get connected
Compliance management - Foundation Stage monitoring wherever you are Legislative monitoring requirements have been around for a number of years, and there have been many attempts to computerise the process in order to streamline operations and allow multiple agencies to access key foundation stage observations. The main issue with this form of monitoring is that observations need to made when they happen, generally in manual format, and then somehow transferred to a computer at the end of a long, hard day. This creates duplication of effort and unnecessary additional workload and as such rarely ends up outside of tracker books and post-it notes. This makes the creation of learning journey and foundations stage statistics difficult to generate and transition reports remain a manual process.
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Communication, Language and Literacy Knowledge and Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
iConnect™ provides an up to date answer to these daily challenges by accurately reflecting foundation stage frameworks and areas of learning on a user-friendly mobile platform.
In addition to foundation stage monitoring, daily observations can be stored on the in-room monitor ensuring accidents, meals, sleeps and nappy information are again stored centrally ready to print out daily parent reports.
All observations are captured in real-time and stored centrally ready for transition reports to be created when the child starts school. Photographic evidence can also be downloaded directly to the software and attached to a child’s profile.
Touchscreen technology for the future of Childcare monitoring
Better parent communication iConnect™ is a gateway to better communication with parents. Not only can child observations be printed out at the end of the day, giving parents an insight into the day’s activities, but key messages can be displayed on registration ensuring that parents are ‘kept in the loop’ at all times. Account information can be displayed if necessary as well as information about upcoming trips or events.
Room movement details and information on new key-workers can also be displayed ensuring that parents feel involved at every level. Better communication means that parents are engaged in the day to day operation of the nursery and helps with the overall branding and marketing of the setting. Key messages are displayed at every registration ensuring that nothing important is forgotten.
Latest technology doesn’t need to cost the earth! Here at Connect we realise that childcare budgets are tight and that the adoption of new technologies can sometimes push the budgets a little too far. That’s why we’ve created entry level packages that start from as little as £5 per week ensuring that all childcare operators can experience the benefits of our iConnect™ platform.
Contact sales now on 0844 37 111 37 to see how easy it is to get connected
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The Director’s House | Eanam Wharf | Blackburn | Lancashire | BB1 5BL Telephone: 0844 37 111 37 | Email: |