s s e n l u f d n i M ns Me
from the mindfulness series
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By teaching these effective breathing techniques to children, we can equip them with valuable tools for developing focus, calmness, and overall mindfulness.
Beginners Learn Simple Breathing Awareness
Conscious Childhood
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min 5breath
Meditations Daily Meditation: How do breathing practices help kids reduce stress and redirect their focus away from distractions? BREATHING MAKES IT BETTER: A Book for Sad Days, Mad Days, Glad Days, and All the Feelings InBetween by Christopher Willard and Wendy O’Leary This Read Aloud is an engaging and interactive story to teach young children how to navigate through their powerful emotions by discovering the power of their breath.
5-MINUTE MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONS FOR TEENS: by Nicole Libon PhD This guide begins with some foundational mindful practices and then offers teen relevant meditations for school life, everyday life, self care, friends and family. This can easily be adapted for younger children as well. This book is full of fun facts and tips for beginners of all ages.
The breath is an integral component of meditation practice; however, breathing practices can also be used alone, absolutely anywhere, as a form of mindful relaxation. When learning how to meditate, following the breath is an easy gateway into a mindfulness state of presence. This simple practice has numerous health advantages over time. Studies show that focused attention on the breath has a direct impact on how we feel. A regular meditation practice helps to lower anxiety and depression symptoms in children. In addition, the positive benefits include a boost in overall cognitive performance and memory retention. When your kiddos seem to be out of sorts, or having one of “those days”, where their attention seems to be either, all over the place, or gone for the afternoon, give one of these fun lessons a try.
“When your mind is racing, your heart is pounding, or you feel out of control or stressed out, focusing on the feeling of your breath can help you let go of things you can’t control right now, bringing you back to the present moment. It’s like a reset button for your mind” Nicole Libin, PhD
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TIPS FOR SUCCESS: 1. Create a calm environment free from distractions. Consider taking the practice outside on a grassy lawn. 2. Maintain consistency through daily or regular practice sessions. 3. Remind children that there are no “wrong” ways to practice. If their minds wander during the practice, gently remind them to come back to the breath. Thoughts are OK and not to be judged as “bad” or “good”. 4. Praise their efforts and progress; encourage them to continue the practice at home.. © Conscious Childhood 2023
min 5breath
try this with your kiddos today sitting or standing
grades K-8
Part 1: Sense Perception Through Imagination TEACHER / PARENT: -
Close your eyes and imagine holding in your hands a cup of something yummy like hot cocoa on a cool fall day. I’m going to ask you some questions and I just want you to think of the answer in your own mind. We won’t share our answers until after we are finished. Ready? In your minds eye, what does the cup look like? (a mug, paper cup, etc..) What color is the cup? How does the cup feel? (warm, solid, etc..) How does the cup smell with that sweet chocolate inside?
Part 2: Breathing Practice TEACHER / PARENT: -
Now I want all of you to keep your eyes closed and keep imagining the cup of hot cocoa. Slowly breathe in through your nose the delicious smell. Can you imagine the smell? Is it sweet? Is it chocolatey? Sometimes, hot cocoa can be too hot, and we need to cool it down. So, this time you are going to breathe in with your nose and then you are going to very gently and very slowly cool the hot chocolate by blowing through your lips. If we blow too hard we might splash the hot cocoa! So lets do it again:, but this time you will breathe in through your nose taking in all of that sweet smell; then your will breathe out gently through your lips taking enough time to cool it down. (Repeat practice two times)
Part 3: Sharing & Reflection TEACHER / PARENT: -
Now open your eyes. How do you feel? Some of you may feel hungry for cocoa! But I see some smiles out there. Do you feel happy? (option to describe their cup and how it felt in their hands) Remember, you can do this at home, in the car and anytime you want to feel calm and cozy.
PARENT TIP: Enjoy a cup of real cocoa
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© Conscious Childhood 2023
min 5breath
try this to reduce stress standing / moving grades 3-8
Part 1: Sense Perception Through Imagination TEACHER / PARENT: -
Close your eyes and imagine you are in a cool shady beautiful garden. I’m going to ask you some questions and I just want you to think of the answer in your own mind. We will share after we are finished. Ready? In your minds eye, what flowers do you see in your garden? What do they look like? (color, shape, size.) Are there any trees that provide the shade for some flowers? Where is the sunlight peeking through?
Part 2: Breathing Practice TEACHER / PARENT: -
Keeping your eyes closed, pretend you are still in the garden. You are going to breathe in from your nose the smell of the sweet flowers and hold that scent for a count of 4. Ready, breathe in -2-3-4. and gently release through your mouth -2-34. (Repeat) Flowers open up to the sun during the day and then close at night when sun goes down. So now we are going to open our eyes and cup both hands on our heart, breathe in the fresh air and open our hands just like a blooming flower looking up to the sun. Open your arms wide to the sky. Now breathe out as you bring your hands back to your heart , close your eyes and bow your head just like the flower resting for the day. (Repeat)
Part 3: Sharing & Reflection TEACHER / PARENT: -
Now open your eyes. How do you feel? Do you feel like you may have a little more energy like a blooming flower? Or do you feel more relaxed, like a soft petals of a flower that rests in the cool night? You can practice this anywhere. You may want to try this in a pretty little garden, or your neighborhood park. Then you will have a special place in your minds eye when you practice this somewhere else, like before a test, or when you are waiting for someone or something, or if you feel worried or nervous.
PARENT TIP: Try this practice in a real garden
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© Conscious Childhood 2023
min breath
CLOUDS FLOAT BY try this to observe thoughts sitting / laying on floor Optional: Serene Music
grades 4-8
Part 1: Sense Perception Through Imagination TEACHER / PARENT: -
Find a place on the floor where you have a little space to yourself. You may place a sweater under your neck like a pillow. (Note: your students may be more comfortable on a carpet or outside on the grass) I want you to imagine yourself laying down in an open field. The breeze is gentle and the clouds are slowly drifting by. Examine the clouds. Are they all the same? Or are some full and fluffy? Do some float by faster?
Part 2: Breathing Practice TEACHER / PARENT: -
Keeping your eyes closed, lets begin by taking 3 long slow breaths. You are going to breathe in from your nose the fresh air of the field for a count of 4 and then hold it while you picture your clouds above you. Then you will exhale a slow sigh through your mouth as if you are releasing all the tension in your body. Ready? breathe in 2-3-4 and hold it. Breathe out a sigh, 2-3-4 and pause as you relax. (Repeat) Now lets imagine that the clouds hold our thoughts. Some thoughts float by and some thoughts stay awhile. As you lay here quietly, eyes closed, just relax until eventually a thought floats in. You don’t need to react to it. What does that thought cloud look like? Just observe the cloud but don’t judge it. Don’t decide if it is a good thought or bad thought. Just let it be: like all clouds, it will eventually pass by. Let’s focus on our breath again. (Repeat the same breathing exercise) and rest quietly. Eventually you may notice other thoughts coming and going. Notice them as if they are visitors passing by
Part 3: Sharing & Reflection TEACHER / PARENT: -
Now open your eyes, sit up and stretch your arms up and place them in your lap. Think about WHO is noticing these thought clouds. That’s right, YOU ARE! You know that YOU are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are just visitors. Just like clouds, your thoughts eventually float by. Just let them go.
PARENT TIP: Set up a place for meditation
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© Conscious Childhood 2023