Opportunity proof

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Independent Distributor

WELCOME TO YOUNG LIVING! Are you ready to make this your best life ever? Living the life you only imagined can now be your reality. Young Living offers a vehicle to help you achieve that kind of awesomeness in all areas of your found in THE YOUNG life. Young Living is about Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance. The informa LIVING OPPORTUNITY QUICK STARTER GUIDE has been put together to help jump start you on the steps, but they are eff e, powerful, and proven. We road to success. These are simple encourage you to apply them right from the start. If you will, we're certain that you'll find success both in your short-term and long-term journey. Again, we're thrilled that you're part of the Young Living family. Let's get going on this amazing journey… and be confident…


What's Possible?


Create your financial future and build a life others only dream about through the Young Living opportunity. With Young Living you will have the opportunity to create an income stream that can oils and essen oil infused carry you far into the future, simply by sharing your favorite essen products with the people you love. And with generous ways to earn, you'll find that it's easy to start business or a part income. gaining momentum—whether you decide to create a

Why Start a Young Living Business? • Help others achieve wellness and lead a healthy lifestyle. • Low-cost investment (just $160 for a Premium Starter Kit - that's all you need to get started). • Create a significant second stream of income. • Be your own boss. • Earn significant residual income in a rela ely short amoun • Ideal for stay-at-home parents. • Opportunity to work with family and friends. • Qualify for company retreats and travel • Work at your own pace. • Tax write-offs. • Create willable, legacy residual income to pass on to children or family.

WELLNESS Young Living oers y wellness through an essen fused lifestyle. Simply changing your brand can change your life.


Help others by sharing these life changing products. Be rewarded with trips and s! many other ex

ABUNDANCE Earn extra money to pay for your products, pay some monthly bills, or earn a life changing fullesidual income!

Get to Know the Young Living


ER: In the world of Young Living, ER stands for Essen Rewards. It's the monthly loyalty autoship program that helps qualify you for a check, qualifies you for free products, points and allows you to save on shipping costs while ge back that you can redeem for free products! ER is a nobrainer and something every business builder should maximize. Quick Order: A quick order is NOT the same as an ER Order. You are only allowed one Esse al Rewards order per but month. You can always place another order, at any Rewards order is any order placed outside your Essen referred to as a Quick Order. A Quick Order contributes to your PV, but does not give you ER points. PV: One of the first terms you'll likely see when you get started with Young Living is “PV.” You might even see a graphic that says that you'll get free oils if you order a certain amount worth of PV that month. “PV” officially means Personal Volume. This is the sum of the PV of your personal orders PLUS any orders placed by anyone who has signed up through you as a Retail Customer (this number does not include orders from those who are Distributors.) Each product on the Young Living website has a price and a PV a ached to it.

OGV: OGV stands for Organiza Group Volume. Some people like to refer to this as “Over-All” Group Volume. It's the final total of your PV amount AND the PV amount of all of (all of the the people in your en e Young Living organiza people that you have sponsored, plus all of the people they have sponsored, and on down the line). PGV: Made up of the volume outside your qualifying legs, PGV stands for Personal Group Volume. This is a term that you do not have to concern yourself with un you reach the rank of Silver. Your PGV is made up of people in your who are NOT in any qualifying leg for Silver Rank organiza and above. PGV is made up of non-qualifying leg volume, which includes members and customers. Your own PV is part of your PGV. Leg: A Leg is another word for TEAM in Young Living. It is created by your personally enrolled business partners and and volume that extends down from the sales organiza status of a leg is determined by the them. The qualifica OGV in that leg. Enroller: The Enroller is the person who introduced the new member to Young Living and the one who receives the bonuses for the enrollment. Generally when you personally bring someone into Young Living, you should always be their Enroller. Sponsor: Sponsor is the person the new member gets placed en to strengthen a leg in their under by the Enroller This is called Strategic Placement. downline organiza The Enroller and the Sponsor can also be the same person.

Let’s Get


Your Steps To Success!

NingXia Purchase your Premium Start Red through Essen ewards. You can do that right a ollment tep 2 “Set up Your Monthly Order.” Click on the ewards Monthly Order. You can change words: Customize your Essen ewards order every month, but be sure to maintain a your Essen minimum of 100 PV. It's so easy as you begin the process of Transfer Buying and replacing other brands in your home for Young Living brand products. If you want to grow your business fast we recommend that you MAXIMIZE your ER to 300 PV so you get all the benefits, bonuses, and commissions.


Create your contact lists within the first 48 hours. business, so schedule Product Presenta t away within your first 30 days. Set up some social media or online classes if you like, but Home classes” are one of the best ways to share Young Living Presenta products with others. Your minimum goal should be 4 a month. You got your lists, you got your dates, so invite!


Present and Share the products to 15 to 20 people in your first month. Enroll 4 and you can earn enough to get your products for FREE. Enroll 4 more and you're well on your way to a profitable first month! DO IT AGAIN AND DUPLICATE, it's that simple. Make sure you help your 4 new members enroll their 4 new members to help them earn enough to get their products for FREE too! Teaching new members to share Young Living with others owth. creates exponen

Why Essential Rewards? Essen Rewards is an INCREDIBLE autoship loyalty program and component to building a Young Living really is an essen business. Young Living REWARDS you for buying products from them, products you already use on a daily basis. Now that you own your own business, why would you buy your products from someone else? Imagine going to the grocery store and picking up toothpaste, cleaners, supplements, juice, shampoo, dish soap, etc., and then ge 10-25% of what you spent, back in reward points. Well, that's exactly what Young Living does when you order products through the Essen Rewards program, and every ER point is equal to ONE DOLLAR… the more points you have, the more dollars you have to redeem on products. On top of that, Young Living offers you reduced shipping, and gives you free products when you spend a certain amount! You can enjoy the free stuff for yourself, or use it as samples to help share the products with others. Rewards allows you to TRANSFER BUY from harmful Essen oil-infused, products chemical products, to toxin-free, essen that are safe for everyone in your family. With Young Living, changing your brand, can change your life! Rewards increase, so do your As your months with Essen rewards! For example, place a 100 PV Essen Rewards order in your first 3 months, and earn 10 points each month to redeem for free products. The more you order, the more points you can redeem for free Young Living products. At 4 months, it increases to 20% and a er 25 months you will now achieve a super generous 25% back in ER points!

Essential Rewards is Crucial to Your Business Success. In order to earn residual commission from sharing the products, your only requirement is to place an order of at least 100 PV during the same calendar month. Essen al Rewards is a guaranteed way to make sure you earn your biggest paycheck each month. You can earn certain bonuses by just placing an order of 50 PV during the month, but for full commission, you want to make sure your order is at least 100 PV. Essen Rewards guarantees this, AND rewards you for your purchase. As a business builder you should consider the benefits of Maximum vs. Minimum. A business builder that wants to grow fast and strong understands that a maximized PV ER order gets them ALL the rewards. Also, teaching your new members the incredible benefits of ER and enrolling them right from the beginning with ER, helps ensure that you will have residual volume each month, which means residual income each and every month from your business. The higher the percentage of ER members you have in Rewards not your organization, the higher your OGV. Essen tes, but it rewards your only rewards everyone that business too! Remember, maximize your monthly PV to 300 Rewards so you can receive ALL the bonuses through Essen and FREE items offered. This is how you MAXIMIZE the plan. compensa

Are you ready to build this business? Then, make sure you are enrolled correctly with Essential Rewards today!

Get Ready for ACTION! The root for ALL success in your Young Living business is ACTION. In order to set the trajectory for BIG success, you will need to create ACTION quickly. Talking about, hoping, dreaming, and planning are valuable, but none of these things can replace ACTION. The most important thing that you need to know in this process is that results Don't over think this step. Don't over analyze whether or not will always follow you think people will be interested, just get it done. e home presenta or Whether through an online social media event or an eff and get something started right away. Set your dates now to “class,” just take start sharing the Young Living opportunity of Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance. or When you first begin building your Young Living business, giving a presenta “class” might be a somewhat unfamiliar experience. That's perfectly all right. Your Upline leaders will be there to help you share Young Living un you're ready to do it on your own. Speak with your Upline leader on what to do and how to get started here. Start out with the people you care about the most and share with them first. Invite them to simply take a look at what you're excited about. This is more about heart and passion than saying the perfect thing in the perfect way. The most important thing is to TAKE ACTION!


WHO DO YOU KNOW ... WHO? likes coffee



is looking for an extra source of income

likes to work out

has young kids is trying to improve their health and fitness

goes to the same grocery store, hair salon, bank, or other places you visit regularly

social networks

is hoping to r

was in your gradua

e soon

sports has children at your child’s school or on the same a eam

wedding came (or will come) to your wedding

church Socializes with you at church

Things to REMEMBER… • ER is the very best way to maintain your PV requirements, and stay qualified to earn bonuses and commissions. • You must maintain a minimum of 50 PV to receive any bonuses and commission from new personally enrolled members. To receive ongoing residual commissions, you must maintain 100 PV. • While 50 PV and 100 PV are the minimum requirements, MAXIMIZING your ER order plan has to offer, and through Transfer Buying affords you everything the compensa rewards you generously. A MAXIMIZED 300 PV ER order earns you ALL the bonuses, commissions, ER points, reduced shipping, and a host of free products each month. All this way, and teach this successful business builders maximize their business poten concept to their business building partners. • The best way to enroll a new member is with a Premium Starter Kit, NingXia Red and lifestyle products on ER right from the start. ER insures residual income in your business. You can enroll your new member immediately on Rewards by customizing their ER order at of their enrollment. Remember… right now is always the best the

TRANSFER BUYING 101 • Transfer from other poten Products.

harmful brands to Young Living Essen

Oil Infused

• Transfer Buying is not EXTRA buying, it’s buying the products you already use from the brand you believe in and from your own business. • Helps you MAXIMIZE your monthly ER benefits and the compensa


• Become an expert in all Young Living products and create your own personal tes • Lead by example and show others the founda

concept of Transfer Buying.

Oils are life changing in the • If Young Living Essen changing in all the other products.

they are just as life

Become a Product of the Product.

Opportunities to EARN. • Starter Kit Bonus: When you enroll a new member in Young Living with a Premium Starter Kit and have at least 50 PV in that month, you earn a $25 Starter Kit Bonus. The Premium started with Young Living Essen Oils. Starter kit is the best value available ge • Fast Start Bonus: When you enroll a new member with a Premium Starter Kit and have 50 PV, you are eligible to earn the Fast Start Bonus. This is a 25% Commission paid on any orders made by the new member in the first 3 months of enrollment. The month that the Premium Kit is ordered is Month 1. The Premium Kit is 100 PV, so that is an automa $25 bonus the month of enrollment. You also earn 25% on your new enrollee’s PV for the first three months. called residual income. Young Living • Commission: Some pays base commissions to everyone who has a downline and has at least 100 PV (Personal Volume) based on a percentage of the volume at each downline level. Level 1 downline members are directly under the Sponsor (think children of Sponsor.) Level 2 are direct downline members of Level 1 (think grandchildren of Sponsor)... and so on. You must have a minimum of 100 PV to be paid residual commission. • Rising Star Bonus: The Rising Star Bonus is an incen e available to members who Rewards (ER), are enrolled in Essen have 100 PV (Product Volume) in an ER e. order, and are ranked Star to Ex

There Are Even More Exciting Bonuses as You Progress to Higher Ranks!

To build a Young Living business, you must establish a vibrant network of people using the products. You do this by sharing and introducing the products with others, and helping them get started using them. Whether you choose to do so online, in person or both is up to you. e and proven way is to host your own Home Wellness Presenta or One very eff “classes.” It's key to get started here right away to begin introducing your family and friends to the Young Living Essen Oil Infused Lifestyle. Properly enroll them and Repeat. It's just that simple!

Activity Builds the Business. right Host your own Home Wellness Presenta away to begin introducing your family and friends Oil Infused Lifestyle. to the Young Living Essen Properly enroll them and Repeat!

Help your new members host their own Home Wellness Presenta for their family and friends. Help them properly enroll their guests and repeat again. Be sure to teach them how This con repea of the process is called DUPLICATION, to do their own presenta and DUPLICATION builds your business!

IT'S ABOUT BUILDING PEOPLE, Not Just Numbers. The Young Living Business Opportunity is about sharing the benefits of the products and a network of people under you that are also using and sharing the products. This is a crea team effort. When building your business and team of business partners, it's important to help people achieve rank because it helps you achieve rank and grows your volume. Helping e business leaders in your network. In the Young Living them achieve rank helps create Business Opportunity you succeed by helping others succeed… so remember, it's about building people not just numbers.

STAR You Need a min. 100 PV.

It all starts at STAR so become a STAR right away. Enroll 5 new members in your first month with a minimum Premium Starter Kit. Earn $250.00 in your first month. Enroll them immediately in Essen Rewards to help them get the best wellness experience and create residual income. 5 people + 5 Premium Starter Kits at 100 PV minimum = 500 OGV


Become a Senior Star by helping 4 of your new members become a Star. Average Senior Star Earns Over $250.00 monthly. 4 People Become Stars at 500 PV each = 2000 OGV

You Need a min. 100 PV.

EXECUTIVE You Need a min. 100 PV.

Become an Ex e by helping 2 of your new Stars become a Senior Star. The Average Ex

e Earns OVER $550.00 Monthly.

2 People Become Senior Star at 2000 PV Each = 4000 OGV

SILVER You Need a min. 100 PV.

Become a Silver by helping 2 of your new Senior Stars become an e. Plus 2000 in OGV Ex The Average Silver Earns Over $2200.00 Monthly. 2 People or 2 Separate Legs Become Ex 1000 PGV + 1000 + OGV

e at 4000 OGV Each Leg OGV Anywhere = 10,000

To become successful in your business, you need to create a team of business partners who are sharing the products with others and are building their own businesses. The best way to get this momentum started is to become a Star Maker a check in people's by helping others become a Star and reach other ranks. Ge hands right away is so important because people who get checks want to get more, and begin to build new legs. To reach your ďŹ rst major goal of Silver, you must build two strong legs. As you reach for the higher ranks of Gold through Royal Crown Diamond, you will help create even more legs and leaders with more OGV. However, the process is the same‌ teach others to reach others. Building people builds leaders which builds the business.


or a Young Living Distributor

* Please see the 2016 U.S. Young Living Income Disclosure Statement for egarding the complete informa earning of Young Living distributors.

Independent Distributor

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Go ld

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io rS t Ex ar

St ar

Se n

Wholesale Member










* The earning of the member ranks in this chart is not necessarily representa e of the income, if any, that a Young ’s success will depend on Living member can or will earn through the Young Living Compensa oung Living does not guarantee any income or rank success. individual diligence work eort, and market c

What do you want out of life? Mor o enjoy family and friends? Extra money to travel or enjoy a few perks? A way to make a bigger impact? The greatness of the Young Living opportunity is that it can be designed around your life in a way that works for you. The Young Living Business ays to earn significant Opportunity offers y income, and the opportunity to change people's lives as well as yours both physically and financially. Get Started Today…. Because Today is Your Opportunity to Build the Tomorrow You Want! TO LEARN MORE CONTACT:

Independent Distributor

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