J o h n
H e r s e y
H i g h
S c h o o l
Vo l u m e 4 5
19 0 0 E . Th o m a s St . ,
A r l i n g ton H e i g h t s , I L 6 0 0 0 4
A u g u s t
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Issue 1
2 012
The Social Network:
Social media replaces traditional news
Page 4
Ashley Hawkins
Page 5
Students spend stash on summer
Page 6
Restaurants ranked on French fries
Mandarin students venture to foreign land
Husk ie Poll
How do you find out most of your news? A. The news 30% B. Social media sites 52% C. I don’t pay attention 18%
Social media is quickly becoming the way to receive breaking news. When tragedy strikes, Facebook feeds blow up with links and statuses, and the event is soon trending on Twitter. When the Colorado shooting struck in Aurora on July 20, the nation responded in shock. This random act of violence raised awareness that tragedies can strike at any moment. “It made me feel disgusted that someone could do such a thing. I do not feel as safe at the movies as I did before,” senior Steffi Antony said. The event, along with many other current events, took over Twitter and Facebook in the following hours. “Social media is taking over for today’s news stations. It is a faster way to get news,” senior Tyler Vainisi said. “There seems to be more current events posted on social networks.” Facebook and Twitter are efficient ways to receive news because they are so readily available. People with smart phones or iPhones can download the respective apps and log onto their accounts at any time. Others with basic phones can still keep in touch with these platforms by sending and receiving text alerts. While social media may be efficient in terms of time, it is not necessarily efficient in terms of accuracy. People get so anxious to post what they heard that they don’t always
check to see if the facts are correct. “Social media helps get news of the tragedy out to more people, and it helps keep people up to date on what has happened, but some of the information people put out is not 100 percent true, so people can be influenced by false information,” senior Jessica Jresiat said. Because of this, students are initially wary about the truth of events posted on social media platforms. “Hearing about a tragedy over Facebook at first definitely makes me question if it really happened, but once more people post about it, I become convinced it happened,” Jresiat said. Some think that social media is a great outlet for breaking news because it reaches out to a lot of people. “There are so many
groups on Facebook, so when something tragic happens, celebrities and other groups make statuses and their
followers see that. I think it’s good that social media informs us because some people don’t watch the news,” Antony said. “It’s kind of interesting to me because it creates more awareness of the tragedy,” senior Jamey Hill said. For some, these social media platforms are their main way of receiving news. “I always seem to find out about tragedies through Facebook or through friends who saw it on Facebook. I feel like it’s a faster way to find out important information,” senior Ala Folta said. Others argue that social media sites should stray away from acknowledging tragedies. Facebook used to be a place to post pictures, videos, and statuses from vacations, parties, field trips, concerts, etc. But now, people are less shy about posting sad updates. “Facebook is [used] for fun. I wouldn’t want to see a tragedy on it. That’s what the news is for,” Vainisi said. “It’s a little iffy to me because it can also be kind of upsetting. Like if you hear about a friend’s death on Facebook, it can be both enlightening and frightening, you would rather not learn about it that way, but at least you know,” Hill said. t$POUJOVFE PO $PSSFTQPOEFOU-JWF
Questions surround drill procedures and directions Brian Loomis
Events like fires, shootings, and tornadoes aren’t very common in this area. Yet the Aurora shootings and the Sikh temple shootings have shown that tragedies can happen anywhere. Though these events often happen without warning, students have drills to prepare. Yet drills are often not kept secret, so students are aware that there is no real danger. They instead decide to view the practice as a period of goofing off and getting out of class. While the fire department may be present at one or two fire drills, the other drills lack the presence of appropriate authorities. “The drills are not taken seri-
ously enough, and everyone jokes around the whole time,” junior Emma Mallers said. Students may not take the drills seriously enough, but this problem may extend to the teachers as well. When the administrators manage to sneak a drill past the students, the teachers are still made aware of the situation via e-mail. In the drill directions, which are posted on the district website, the instructions state, “Please Note: During an actual tornado warning, students would be asked to kneel on the floor with their head down and hands covering their head.” With directions that specify things that need not be done in a drill, but only if the situation is real,
the purpose isn’t fully met because students are not executing the situation as if it were reality. “We just sit in the hallway, but in an emergency that’s not really what would happen,” junior Kaytee Okon said. With students aware that the drills lack the seriousness that should be present, the situation reoccurs year after year. “There should be a drill that is a surprise to everyone including teachers,” junior Angela Schmiederer suggested. While a problem may exist, students still have a sense of safety when the go to school each day. “I know the proper actions would be taken if something unsafe were to happen,” Okon said.
NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW North Korean leader gets married Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, raised questions when he was photographed in public in the company of an unknown woman. It was eventually discovered that the woman was Jong Un’s new wife, Ri Sol Ju. “I’m not really updated about this, but I don’t think it will bring any change to their current situation,” junior Rachel Stenzel said. She has been described as “pretty and charming” by a Japanese sushi chef who served the Kim family for 13 years, but also raised some criticism when she was seen with a Dior bag that cost more than the annual income of the average North Korean. “It’s just one of the perks of being wife to the dictator, I guess,” Stenzel said. The very public presence of Sol Ju and the state released pictures of the newlyweds have been seen as a step away from the secrecy of the late Kim Jong Il’s regime.
Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
Shark attack keeps student on alert A man was attacked by a shark off the coast of one of Cape Cod’s popular beaches, Ballston Beach, on July 31. There had been warnings of shark sightings all day, but that didn’t stop Chris Myers and his son from going out to body surf. On the way back in, Myers felt something bite his leg, and when looking down, saw there was a Great White shark attached to his left leg. Luckily, the shark let go and swam away before it could cause too much damage. “I’m glad that there were no serious injuries,” sophomore Kevin Messer said, “But this doesn’t change how I view swimming in the ocean. I would miss it too much.” Once Myers reached the beach, he was immediately helped by a doctor and nurse that were on the shoreline. The injuries sustained from the attack include severed tendons and puncture wounds from the teeth, leaving Myers in a cast on his left leg and 47 stitches in his right leg. t JACK HARGETT
A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 012
Despite loss, senior leaves students inspired Kevin Hyde
In Shea’s final days, she set her ambitions high and had various After a four year long battle activities and interests she wanted with cancer, senior Shea Anderluh to accomplish. From learning Italian to going to Disney died peacefully World, she was still in her sleep on making plans to enjoy July 25. her last few days. She was a “Shea had told member of the us that she wanted to class of 2012, write us [in the famhowever, variily] a letter. She said it ous treatments would take eight days and proceeach. Unfortunately dures inhibited she never got to do her from atthat,” Liz Anderluh tending classes said. this past school “I wish she got to year. use her potential and Friends see where she would and family celbe when she got older. ebrated Shea’s I had always thought life at a wake maybe she wanted to service on July be an animal control 27 where 900 worker. She always to 1,000 indiwatched the show viduals came enior Shea Anderluh lost her ‘Animal Cops’ and she to show their four year battle with cancer. even turned me onto c o n d o l e n c e s Shea’s attitude has served as an that, Liz Anderluh and share their inspiration for many. said. stories, folThe sense of comlowed by a fumunity after Shea’s neral service death proved heartwarming to the the next day at St. James. Friends agree that Shea’s per- Anderluh family. “It was just so nice seeing evsonality deeply impacted their eryone bring candles over that lives. “I have always felt inferior to night. She was somewhat private Shea. Not because she set out to about who she was talking with make people feel that way, she was and how many people were followtruly just the best at everything. ing her, so it was just so nice to see Her beauty, brains, coolness, talent, everyone at the wake and the fuhumor, and kindness, Shea had it neral,” Liz Anderluh said. all and more,” friend and graduate Madeline Weber said. Friends want to remember her for her good traits, not cancer. “When I think of Shea, I don’t think of cancer. It’s not her sickness or her death that impacted me, it’s her as a person. She impacted me in so many ways from sixth grade up until senior year,” best friend and graduate Lauren Kelley said. “She taught me to notice the beautiful things in life: how to bring laughter to any situation, never to judge, and most importantly, she taught me what a friend truly is,” Kelley said. Shea’s neighbors also felt her impact firsthand. “Life is built around memories, and my childhood memories revolve around Shea and her family,” junior Alex Mueller said. “Shea was a uniquely cool girl who would rather read ‘Harry Potter’ in Florida than tan or swim like most girls, and play ‘Call of Duty’ or ‘Assassins Creed’ instead of gossip with friends. What guy doesn’t want to talk with a girl about the newest video game?” Two weeks before Shea’s death, the Anderluh’s added a new member to their family. Per Shea’s request, a new golden retriever puppy, Bailey, made her way into the household. In some ways, the Anderluh’s view Bailey as a constant reminder of Shea. “I’m sad she didn’t get to fully enjoy the puppy, but she’s definitely a reminder of Shea. It’s almost like a newborn in a way. While one loved one has left us, a new one is coming in,” her mother, Liz Anderluh said.
As far as remembrance goes, the Anderluh’s and other loved ones want to stress the good times, and not the times of sickness. “Shea would rather be remembered for the person that she was, not as the poster-child for cancer,” Liz said. One thing was apparent, Shea was a unique and fun-loving girl who impacted all people she came in contact with. “She was authentic, never fake. Confident without being loud. Super smart but never studious. Nerdy, and yet the coolest person you ever met. Awkward, but appealing. Beautiful but not the slightest bit vain. Musically gifted without even trying (or practicing). Athletic and brave, willing to try anything, from basketball and soccer to skiing and snowboarding; and then, when treatment sapped her lung capacity, she gave badminton a try and wound up third in conference freshman year. I treasure those memories,” Liz Anderluh, wrote on her Caring Bridge site.
To read more about Shea Anderluh and other new stories
Go to CorrespondentLive. Click under quicklinks on the JHHS homepage.
A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 012
Batman shows senior potentional of humanity Nick Diaz
and I feel it’s safe to say “The Dark staff here are real super heroes. Not only Knight Rises� was one of the best movies do they give students loads of knowledge ever to hit the big screen. The nail biting story, that will prepare them for the future, but many epic battles, and big explosions are what people of them teach kids valuable lessons that help have come to expect from super hero movies shape who the students become. I say this bethese days. And while I respect most other su- cause I myself have learned some of the most perheroes, there is something about batman in important lessons and received priceless advice particular that speaks out to just about every- from plenty of the staff here. one. That is, Batman has become a sort of symThat is why I believe in heroes, I’ve seen bol of hope and potential for the world. them with my own eyes. And that is why I call Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty about upon all the students here to be heroes as well. the caped crusader that screams unrealistic. I Whether it be protecting the environment, don’t expect to see anyone dressing like a crea- speaking out against injustices or wrong doture of the night and flying around Arlington ings, or just being a source of comfort for a hurt Heights looking for crime to fight. Well, I have friend, there are endless ways for people to be my suspicions about Mr. Borghoff but that’s be- heroes. In the film, Batman even tells Commisside the point. sioner Gordon how much of a help it was when What is real about it though, he comforted young Bruce afis the idea of a man no different ter his parents’ death. from anyone else, rising above A key element of Batman What is real about it adversity and dedicating his life is fear. Often times, people turn though, is to doing good for the world, reaway from problems and opthe idea of gardless of what happens to him. portunities because their fear a man no I’ll give a quick summary holds them back. For that, most different from of this captivating hero. Bruce people hate fear and demonize anyone else, Wayne was a privileged child it. Batman however, does not rising above born into one of the wealthiest reject his fear; he embraces it. adversity and families in the world. His parents Ironically, Bruce Wayne has a dedicating were as equally decent and good deep fear of bats. his life to hearted as they were rich. When he grows up, he doing good They were killed right in faces his fear head on, and then for the world, regardless of front of young Bruces’ eyes by wears it like a mantle, sharing it what happens a petty thief in the streets of with the criminals that plague to himself. Gotham City. Years later, in rehis city. sponse to the senseless murder This concept has been committed upon the Waynes, greatly analyzed, but the way I Bruce uses his wealth and atsee it is that fear is a part of evtained skill in combat and investigative work to eryone, and no one can escape it. Instead, peocleanse and protect a horrendously corrupt and ple should look at it as a source of learning and crime infested Gotham. growth. It tells us our weaknesses, and in turn No super strength, super speed, or mind we learn to surpass those weaknesses. reading powers to rely on, Bruce Wayne beThough we may fear something, we comes the Batman and begins his work as a shouldn’t let it stop us from doing what we want hero. or what should be done. The wonderful part about this story is how Everyone has the potential for greatness, grounded in reality it is. Bruce Wayne is just fear can be an obstacle only if someone lets it an ordinary human who chooses to become a be.People in comic books and movies look up hero, not by appealing to the public or becom- to super heroes because they give them comfort ing a celebrity, but by doing everything in his and hope. Well, I look up to plenty of people in mortal power to help others and do good. And the real world for the same reasons. in that sense, the role of “hero� can be taken by Batman may be fictional, but he is still a just about anyone. symbol of the potential all people have to be heIt goes without saying that fighting crime roes. So if somebody appears to need help or is a bit extreme, but there are plenty of ways for something seems wrong, think of Bruce Wayne everyday people, even high schoolers, to be he- and his crusade as Batman, but most imporroes. In fact, all anyone here needs to do is look tantly as a normal human being. There is eviaround the halls and see acts of heroism and ac- dence everywhere of heroes hard at work. tual heroes at work. To me, the teachers
Opinion “How
Students get real-life insight throughout the summer
your summer?�
ple in Milwaukee, hatred towards ethnic groups were proven to still exist. t &EVDBUJPOBM UIJT TVNNFS XF t 8F MFBSOFE UFMMJOH PUIFST UIBU XF learned about reality. are offended by hateful speech could While people were complaining protect the faith of others. about the unusually hot weather, othWhile we watched all countries ers were struggling to make a living come together in the Olympics, alwhile the heat crushed their crops. though we still had pride for U.S., we t 8F MFBSOFE OPU UP DPNQMBJO still felt pride for others. about our petty problems. t8F MFBSOFE UIBU OP NBUUFS XIFSF When going to the movies, we athletes comes from, we can still cheer learned that no matter where we go, them on after hearing their stories. we are not safe. A person who looks t8F BMTP MFBSOFE UIBU DBODFS DBO suspicious could walk into a theater in take a young person’s life, but it didn’t Colorado and shoot innocent movie- stop her from impacting ours. watchers. t ćSPVHI JU BMM XF MFBSOFE OPU UP t #FDBVTF PG UIJT XF MFBSOFE UP live in fear. We learned to be cautious, leave nothing left unsaid. but still enjoy the things we love, not After the shooting in a Sikh tem- waiting for life to pass us by.
Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
Senior Soundoff
Decision day done Sress starts earlier for some
It’s hard to believe that going into senior year, I already know where I’m going to be spending my life after high school. I am one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have to worry about the infamous college applications and essays or the stress of waiting for the acceptance letters. My home after high school will be the University of North Florida, where I will be playing volleyball. Most people assume I had it easy, that I woke up one day and said, “I’m going to play college volleyball, and I’m going to go here.� That’s not exactly how it happened. It all started freshman year when I decided I wanted to play in college. I made it my goal through every tryout, practice, game, and tournament. Every high school and club season has been a stepping stone to get to where I am today. In November of sophomore year I took my first of eight visits, and I could not have been more terrified. I walked through campus smiling and nodding, but saying practically nothing. Of course, it’s easy to love the first college. After all, there’s nothing to compare. But things didn’t work out, and thankfully they didn’t. Finally, on my eighth visit, I was sold. I still walked through campus smiling and nodding, but this time, I was taking it all in. I was absolutely in love with everything on campus; the palm trees and the lakes and I guess I can’t complain about being five miles from the ocean either. Thankfully, it all worked out this time. I know what it’s like to go on visits upon visits and talk to complete strangers on the phone. I know what it’s like to sit in front of a computer for hours sending e-mails upon e-mails. And I know what it’s like to have every person in the family know the username and password to my Yahoo account so I can constantly have a full update on who needed more video or who the rejection was for the week. Whenever I see my classmates applying on Common App, or I read a tweet about how incredibly stressed someone is for their college apps, I sit back and smile because I have the undeniable joy of knowing. Knowing where I’m going and knowing all the people that helped me get there. And I couldn’t be happier.
Abigail Fesl
The Correspondent
is published 10 times a year by the journalism students of John Hersey High School, 1900 East Thomas Street, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004. Subscription rate is $15 a year. Call for advertising rates. Phone (847) 718-4945. The Correspondent welcomes a free exchange of ideas. Letters to the editor may be sent to Because school officials do not engage in prior review, and the content of The Correspondent is determined by, and reflects only the views of the student staff and not school officials or the school itself, its student editorial board and responsible student staff members assume complete legal and financial liability for the content of the publication. The Correspondent will not publish any material determined by student editors or the student editorial board to be unprotected, that is, material that is libelous, obscene, materially disruptive to the educational process, and unwarranted invasion of privacy, a violation of copyright or a promotion of products or services unlawful (illegal) as to minors as defined by state or federal law. All unsigned editorial area the opinion of The Correspondent staff. Materials in this newspaper are the property of The Correspondent 2012-2013. The Correspondent is a member of numerous press associations. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/KRT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Two thousand copies are made each issue to be distributed to students during their second hour classes. Two hundred are printed and given to subscribing parents.
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Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 012
Where Did the Money Go?
Students lose cash to tasty treats Mili Pandya Spending money over the summer is inevitable, and one of the easiest ways to do just that is by eating. Making plans with friends during the summer often consists of going out to eat, and after going out countless times during the break, it can really take a bite out of a student’s wallet. Whether it’s a sub for lunch or fro-yo for a snack, restaurants are found at almost every corner to fill an empty
stomach. Two of the most popular places around are Randhurst Village and downtown Arlington Heights. Randhurst is undergoing renovations and is constantly opening up new dining venues, while downtown Arlington is updating some of their joints to keep up with the competition. “I prefer downtown Arlington because I like the food choices there more than Randhurst,” sophomore Joslyn Kerman said. Nevertheless, both offer many hangouts serving a variety of foods. From eating bread bowls to burrito bowls, these restaurants are goto places for students throughout the year, but more so in the summer.
This summer, though, the favorite treat has been frozen yogurt. Groups of friends can be seen throughout the day devouring ice cream’s biggest competitor. Most ‘fro-yo’ shops allow customers to mix-and-match flavors and add an endless amount of toppings, making it very appealing to students. Kerman agreed, saying, “Fro-yo tastes better than ice cream and you get to add toppings.” GRAPHIC BY: JESSICA LYNK
Concerts cut cash out of students’ bottom line Julia Kedizor
Screaming their heads off at a favorite band’s concert, enjoying a day of good weather while watching their favorite team play, or hanging out at a festival or fair; all of these are things that students love to do to fill up their summers and make some remarkable memories for years to come. Since we live so close to a huge city filled with diverse cultures, traditions, and customs, finding an event to enjoy over the summer shouldn’t be difficult at all. For example, popular events among students include Lollapalooza and the B96 Summer Bash. Unfortunately, these events aren’t free. The part that’s challenging for students (and their wallets) is that these events often cost more than a few dollars. Money is one of the main issues that need to be taken into consideration. Students already have several other expenses all year long, so they want to make sure that the event is worth the money. When it comes to deciding whether to sacrifice these fun days and save money, the decision isn’t always easy. Spending time in a fun way is something that nobody wants to refuse, even when the students are the ones paying for the entertainment.
“I spend my own money on things like that (concerts), ” senior Marat Kucherina said. It can be a good way to catch up with old friends and get some great bonding time. “I like going with friends that I haven’t seen in a long time, and it’s worth it because we get to hang out all day and do fun things,” Kucherina said. Another great way to get out of the house and have some fun is watching sporting events. Athletes aren’t the only ones who can enjoy those, and it’s a very nice thing to do on a perfect sunny day instead of sitting in front of the TV watching the same thing. “I like going to sporting events like Cubs games during the summer. It’s nice to sit back and enjoy the event,” junior Chris Yendrzejowski said. “You can spend a lot of time with good friends and family.” When it’s something they enjoy so
much, money isn’t that big of a complication for students. Even though no one likes spending their own money, students can find plenty of ways to get something great out of it. When they look back at the great time they had, they’ll be remembering the great experience, not how much money it cost them. With a busy school year coming up soon filled with responsibilities and obligations, these and other events can keep students occupied and satisfied.
A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 012
Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
take your pick Wendy’s triumphs French fries should be hot, salty, and full of flavor. It’s difficult to perfectly combine these traits to create a delicious, golden fry. Burger King’s fries are too hot and too bland; McDonald’s loads them with too much salt, but Wendy’s is the one place that never leaves me disappointed. The natural cut, sea salt coated fries are always a delight. They aren’t too crisp, nor are they too soggy. The salt adds just enough flavor; they can be eaten with ketchup or plain. Sometimes, I even dip them in a chocolate frosty. The contrast of the salty fry and sweet chocolate makes a delicious treat. tASHLEY HAWKINS
Summer dominated by box office Brian Boyle
main characters, and creates a Pinnochio-esque storyline that’s very engaging. Idris Elba plays Janek, the no-nonsense exUndoubtedly the biggest time of the year for big budget films is the summer. Almost every military captain of the ship Prometheus who in weekend, a huge movie is released that causes the end displays his strong morals and honoreveryone to rush to local theaters and dish out able heroism. “Prometheus� stumbles through the last ten bucks for a couple hours of blockbuster cinhalf-hour or so and asks a lot of big questions ema. about God and the creation This summer was no of man, though it underdifferent. Superhero epics, standably doesn’t make up sci-fi thrillers, gut busting any answers. It’s intense comedies, and animated and downright disturbing adventures flooded the box at times, and a must-see for office for the past two and a science fiction fans. half months. Going into this sumWait, I lied. In retromer if there’s one film I was spect, this summer’s been wary of it was “The Amazpretty disappointing. Ining Spider-Man.� Like most stead of a constant flow of everyone else, I wondered awesome blockbusters, we why the Spidey franchise were given a handful of huge, genre-defining films. t1ROMETHEUS-MOVIE.COM should be rebooted a mere five years after the end of I guess it’s a tradeoff. the original trilogy. Then One of the most anticiichael Fassbender as android David investigating an alien artifact I saw the new one and was pated films of the year was pleasantly surprised. “Prometheus.� Releasing on in “Prometheus.� “The Amazing SpiderJune 8, the movie marks diMan� is only director Mark rector Ridley Scott’s return Webb’s second film after 2009’s popular romanto the science fiction genre. Scott previously directed 1979’s horror tic-comedy “(500) Days of Summer,� and some classic “Alien� and 1982’s “Blade Runner.� “Pro- of that ‘rom-com’ awkwardness definitely shines metheus� actually acted as a sort of quasi pre- through. This is really shown when Andrew Garfield quel/tie-in to “Alien� and kept me on the edge as Peter Parker interacts with his high school of my seat. The film chronicles a group of scientists girlfriend Gwen Stacy, played by the always-enas they investigate a distant planet in hopes of tertaining Emma Stone. The two have great on-screen chemistry finding alien organisms with genetic links to humans. While some of the cast is clearly prey for that has viewers rooting and laughing for them the hostile forces, there are a couple very inter- at the same time, and is easily one of the better parts of the film. esting characters. Michael Fassbender stars as David, a rot$POUJOVFE PO $PSSFTQPOEFOU-JWF bot nearly identical to human beings but much smarter than the rest of the crew. His quest to find and impress his creator mirrors that of the
Shaking things up one fry at a time Looking for a great place to experience a cheap fry? Steak and Shake is the joint. The french fries are a crispy, inexpensive way to crave the salty, crunchy snack students are looking for. Although Steak and Shake is definitely not sitting at the top of the totem pole, the unhealthy snack will fill a belly without emptying the wallet. The french fries may not be worthy of a long car ride for a crispy fry, but if one is at Steak and Shake, I advise her to just spring for the fry. tCLAUDIA CAPLAN
Burger King fails to pass standards Taste and nutrition are the two main factors when it comes to french fries. Almost all are delicious, yet all are not nutritious. Frech fries, although very tasty, raise cholesterol, add saturated fat, and add way too much sodium to eater’s diets. With the health risks posted everywhere students look, students still have a knack to grab fries with most meals. While most fries are appetizing (McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Culver’s) and worth the health risks, some fries, like Burger King’s, are wretched in taste and health. Burger King’s fries lack the taste and texture of their competitors fries. The fries taste as if they were dried out on a blacktop on a hot summer day. With Burger King’s fries, students obtain a horrible taste combines with risky nutrition. Overall, despite the health problems cause by fries and fast food in general, the taste of McDonalds and Wendy’s fries make the risks appear as no harm. I guess taste buds appear to disable health risks among students. tGARRET MATCHEN
Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
A u g u s t 2 2 , 2 012
Mandarin class takes field trip to China Jessica Lynk
Over the summer, many students took trips across the U.S. and even to Europe. A few Chinese-studying students got to take the trip of a lifetime to China to submerge themselves in Chinese culture. “The most exciting part was the fact that I was going to the other side of the world to see thousands of years of history and some of the most modern and populous cities on Earth,” junior Jacob Komenda said. While students got to learn about history, they also got to experience new cultures. “I learned that there is actually other people and countries out there with uniquely different cultures than us. It’s one thing to read about it and see pictures, but it’s completely different when you actually go there and witness it,” Komenda said. “I think it’s important for everyone to experience a different culture sometime in their life; it helps you keep an open mind,” senior Tim Bouchee said. Since all of these students are currently enrolled in Mandarin, they also picked up more understanding of the language. “It gives me some more knowledge of the Chinese language which will be very useful as I continue learning it,” Komenda said.
“Now, I enjoy every meal I have. I [now] enjoy every second of unrestricted access to the Internet, and I try to think about what I’m doing with every dollar I spend because I blew a load of money in China on random things that I bought for fun, and I can’t afford to do that back in the US,” Komenda said. Not only did the t COURTESY OF JACOB KOMENDA students learn about China, they also disomenda and other Mandarin students enjoyed the educational trip to covered there is more of China. “I have hours of stories to tell,” said Komenda. the world to see. “It really was a life They also endured new foods, which weren’t changing experience. I had never been to a foralways similar to American food. eign country before, and being there makes me “There is only minimal western food, so want to see the world,” Komenda said. you are forced to at least try whatever is in front For Komenda, going to the Olympic village of you no matter how it looks,” Komenda said. in Beijing was his favorite part of the trip. Besides experiencing new food, they also “I’m a huge track guy and am absolutely obgot to see new architecture which Komenda said sessed with the Olympics, so when I walked out “just blows us out of the water.” into the seats and saw the track, I almost broke Although the trip taught the students about down because I was so excited.” new culture, it also taught them new life lessons.
Christenson’s memory remembered through bookmark list The bookmark is titled “The List- 50 Things try and remember Mrs. Christenson but also to Michael Miller Matt Stadnicki To Do This Summer,” and it holds true to its keep active this summer.” junior Daniel Puka Even after influential people are gone, their memory lives on through the lives they had an impact on. English teacher Kathy Christenson was no exception in the positive change she had on students. Her memory continues on through the memorials in her honor, such as the reading garden in front of the school and her list of 50 things to do over the summer. Even those who didn’t know her benefit from her legacy because of a bookmark created and given out at the end of the school year. English teachers gave them out after the dedication of her garden.
Summer jobs ending brings joy to students “With my internship and job at Mariano’s, my junior year never ended,” senior Tori Valadez said. “I was constantly gone and I didn’t get to enjoy my summer the way I wanted to.” Summer jobs easily take up time in a student’s summer. Students working at either clothing stores, lifeguarding, or a part time internship take on many responsibilites in the summer. “I was as stressed out as I was during the school year,” Valadez said. As summer ends, students can look forward to last shifts at the work place and look forward to football games and seeing friends in the fall. “I’m psyched for my season and for senior year to start,” Valadez said. tEMILY SWANSON
word. Many of the list’s items are common summer practices, like “eat ice cream” (#9) or “hang out at the beach” (#19), but other entries are more unusual. From “go to an outdoor concert” (#1) to “contact someone you haven’t seen in a while” (#45), all of these activities encourage students to “explore their worlds, live life to the fullest, and never stop learning” as said on the bookmark. The bookmarks also encourage students to keep physically active and look at summer in a different way. “I think [English teacher]Mr. Dassonville handed out the bookmarks not only for us to
Physical activities like “go for a long bike ride” (#6) encourage students to explore their surroundings, while keeping active. For some students, this list inspired them to take on some of the challenges and experiences that the bookmark contains and most importantly, allowed them to remember Christenson. “[Handing out the bookmarks] at the end of the school year not only serves as a memoir to us of all the great things she has done for our school, but also as a reminder as we go through our summer of the care she showed to her students as they do the things mentioned on her list.” senior Ryan Kearns said.
Science rooms receive renovations Starting on the last day of the 20112012 school year, the science rooms started receiving major renovations. Two new general science labs were built in the space that once held the division head and science office, and those teachers will relocate to the biology workroom and in the old AP environmental science lab. The renovations are part of a plan by the district to renovate different parts of the school every two years. “This shows that the district understands the importance of safe and updated facilities for our students,” science teacher Joanell Hoijer said. “Since the rooms weren’t renovated since the school opened, it was necessary to renovate them,” senior Bianca Norris said. “This year’s renovations are all part of the necessary renovations to help offer the highest quality of science education to our students. We are fortunate to be able to work and learn in these safe and versatile facilities,” Hoijer said.
ivision Head of sscience and math Jeffrey Wardle shows a new, renovated lab. Two new general science labs were built over the summer.
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Coaches compromise with Code of Conduct Nicole Cecala Coaches are often looked up to, admired, and often become many students’ role models. For all students’ safety, starting this year, coaches are required to sign a Code of Conduct, a document stating all the behaviors expected of those coaching in District 214. Those behaviors consist of specific principles, ethical standards, responsibilities, and expectations of all coaches. Those who refuse to sign cannot coach. The enforcment of all signatures is the assistant principal for student activities, to ensure every coach’s signature is accounted for. “It has been discussed at the district level for about a year, and the final version was approved by the Board of Education this summer,” assistant principal John Novak said regarding the coming of the Code. tMACKENZIE FRANCIS Discussion began with the parent of two Rolling Meadows graduoaches were asked to sign a form called the Code Of ate students, Tom Colin, who helped Conduct, stating that they will treat each player on their work with the district in creating team with respect. Coach Dragan Teonic talks to senior Quinn this Code of Conduct for coaches. Orlandi about the contents of the new document. On the Code, there is nothing stating penalties if violated. Instead, “It is my belief that we have lived under this that responsibility is given over to the adminunwritten code for quite some time. Coaches istration to decide on the consequence of the are aware of what is expected of them by the adviolation. ministration,” Novak said about the content of Some examples of the Code are that coaches the Code. will take responsibility for the athletes’ well-beFor students and players, the new Code ing and development, and coaches will commit only ensures to them what is expected of their themselves to their athletes’ academic achievecoaches. ment.
Olympics bring attention to lesser known sports Matt Stadnicki The Olympics are a competition between the world’s top athletes that shows off their hard work, talent, and determination. Watching the best of the best go against each other can be inspiring. “Seeing the people race with so much passion makes you want to compete at that level,” senior Robert Somary said. In addition to inspiration, the Olympics also bring a big amount of awareness to uncommon sports. Although not often heard about, sports like sailing, shooting, handball, and judo can be entertaining to watch and become more well known due to the Olympics. Though the Olympics show them every four years, uncommon sports are not often on main sports channels, which can hurt their popularity and awareness. In a d d i t i o n , most uncommon Olympic sports are not IHSA sanctioned, and therefore do not have school teams and do not compete in state series. Despite not being well-known and the lack of school teams, many students are involved in lesser known sports. The Olympics show many players that there’s a larger community out there who play and compete in uncommon sports. The knowledge that there are others in the world who practice those sports too, can encourage players of uncommon sports that although they may practice alone or only with a couple of friends, others in the world do too. Students are fortunate to have Lake Arlington nearby, which allows many to go sailing, along with other water sports like canoeing or kayaking. Junior Jack O’Neil sails in the Lake Arlington Sailing Camp. Although the camp is not
competitive, it allows O’Neil and others to practice sailing together. “I have a few friends that go on the lake [with me] for fun,” O’Neil said. Lake Arlington also offers rental boats and kayaks, in addition to sailing and kayaking lessons. Although many people who play uncommon sports casually don’t participate in camps, a camp is often a good idea for a sport where the basics need to be taught. Other uncommon sports featured in the Olympics do not need a camp or basic instruction in order to get started. Some just require equipment. Sports like archery, shooting, trampoline and weightlifting do not need a lot of instruction in order to be done casually- many can do them at home. “I just do it [practice archery] in my backyard,” junior Ziggy Zamora said. Due to the convenience of being able to practice at home, many of these sports tend to be more popular. The ability to practice freely, and not have to conform to a schedule, is an added luxury that these sports have over more popular sports, which can attract people. “It’s [archery] definitely not a major sport, but there’s a good amount of people in it,” Zamora said. Some may think that the relatively small amount of people in these uncommon Olympic sports would discourage the competitors in them, however, that is not the case. Many of the sports can generally only be practiced alone. More team oriented sports, like table tennis, require more than one person. However, many still keep practicing, despite the lack of people. “It’s still a lot of fun, and they’re just missing out,” O’Neil said. ALL OLYMPIC PHOTOS COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS.
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SP R S S R S Students find inspiration through Olympic athletes For the average person, the Olympics seems like a special occasion for athletes, who have been training their whole lives, to compete against each other, but in reality, some of the athletes started their sports just a few years before entering the games. Adam van Koeverden, a gold, silver, and bronze Olympic medalist in kayaking, is a perfect example of one of these athletes. According to, van Koeverden’s passion of kayaking began at the age of 13 due to an ad in the newspaper, and a little enthusiasm from his mother. Less than 10 years later, van Koeverden won his first gold medal at the Olympics in Athens and then another. Van Koeverden followed up on his success by competing and winning more medals in the Beijing Olympics, and then in London. Unlike Gabby Douglas, van Koeverden hadn’t been training or even competing in his sport his whole life. Douglas, however, had started training as a gymnast at the young age of six. At 14, Douglas moved across the country, leaving her family behind, to further pursue her gymnastics career, as stated on “Gabby inspired me to achieve my dreams and to reach for higher,” junior Tamar Blair said. At the London Olympics, Douglas was the first African-American gymnast ever to win gold as the all-around champion and also as a member of the gymnastics team. “[Gabby] is amazing at vault, and vault is my favorite event,” junior Christie Tansor said. “All around she is an amazing gymnast, and she really proved in by getting gold.” Similar to Douglas, gymnast Aly Raisman began her career as a child. Like van Koeverden, her mother was a gymnast in high school and pushed her to give gymnastics a try. Raisman was the first U.S. woman to win the floor exercise, and also won bronze on the balance beam, along with gold on the women’s team. Other Olympic athletes such as Oscar Pistorius were introduced to their sport, not knowing they would find a passion in it. As a six-month-old baby, Pistorius was not running quite running around, but getting used to his new prosthetic legs, instead. According to, Pistorius was born without the fibula bone in each of his legs, therefore requiring an amputation from the knees down, to ensure a promising life. It wasn’t until Pistorius was 16 that running became the main focus of his life. Being the first paraplegic to compete against able body runners in London was just the first of many more accomplishments to come for Pistorius. Michael Phelps has had his fair share of success, starting his Olympic career in 2000 and ending it this year after holding the title of winning the most Olympic medals ever, with the staggering number of 22. Whether some of the Olympic athletes have been training their whole life for these intense games, or whether they started not too long ago, their determination shines through as they inspire people around the world with their success. tMACKENZIE FRANCIS
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he tennis team leads off their season at home against Glenbrook South today at 4:30 p.m.
reshman Danielle Lee tosses the ball as she gets ready to serve to her opponent,
enior Laura Mejia works on her backhand.
I’m expecting it to be a fun season. The team has gotten closer and bonded and everyone has improved a lot over the summer. We’re looking to improve records this year. I see this being a good season for us,” sophomore Sara Magnuson said.
Seniors embrace last year of sports Aspirations held for triumph in college Scott Bakal become the athletes they are their senior year.
Many students’ high school years will be highlighted by their athletic success. Athletes dedicate countless hours to practice and games for their sports. They sacrifice their free time to improve their craft and help their team. The payoff is often the athletes performance senior year. For most, the first three years of being a high school athlete is when they prepare themselves for their senior year. “I’ve worked pretty hard up until this point for track. I think it really comes down to dedication. Just like anything, I feel like this whole process helps with our future. Whether it be college, getting a job, it definitely helps. Being a senior now, I think that some of my hard work has paid off,” senior Tori Valadez said. Many students enjoy the path they take to
“My previous three years at Hersey have gone by really fast. I feel like I put forth a lot of effort to be the best I can be for my senior year,” senior Michael Sauer said. Other students agreed that the first three years of being a high school athlete went by fast. “It’s a weird feeling. You don’t really realize how fast it goes by. It makes you think about how much you changed from when you first started doing sports freshman year,” senior Alex Sutrinaitis said. Most students agree that without their coaches and teammates, they wouldn’t be the athletes and players that they are today. Whether or not students senior years go the way they planned, they will take many lessons from the years they have spent being a student athletes. “When I was on golf, it definitely taught
Q: Q: Q:
th wi
What kind of expectations do you have for this year’s team? We always go all out and play to win and we want to go as far as we can in the state series.
How do you expect yourself to perform this year after your All-Area Junior season? I expect myself to perform better. I’ve had a lot of club volleyball between then, so that should help.
Do you have any rituals that you can’t play without? I can’t play without having my shirt tucked in. Kind of lame, but I can’t play if it’s not.
me a work ethic that I really respect. Now I will be able to use that in my life,” senior Tricia Meyer said. “I’m sad that I won’t be here next year but excited for the upcoming season. It’s important to perform well so I can set a good example for the younger players and to help my teammates have a successful season,” senior Erica Hill. Although the final season may be nearing for some athletes, a few are planning on continuing their craft at the collegiate level. “I really want to swim in college,” senior Karolina Szymaszek said. “I really enjoy the sport and also the friends and memories I’ve made from it. Although I know it’ll be harder in college, I’m up for the challenge. It’s kind of hard to stop something I’ve been doing for so long.”
August Boys golf vs. Palatine
“I expect our team to be very competitive and play well. I also expect myself to play pretty well.”
-senior Matt Haussmann Girls volleyball vs. Libertyville
“Libertyville is going to be a strong team this year, but I think it is a great way to start off our season.”
-junior Katie Krebs Football vs. Glenbrook North
“We’re going to handle our business against Glenbrook North.” -senior Hunter Rollins