Vo l u m e 4 5
orrespondent J o h n
H e r s e y
1900 E. Thomas St.,
H i g h
S c h o o l
Issue 3
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
October 12, 2012
Page 7
Not just the common cold
Concealed diseases complicate students’ lives Asthma
It’s all in the genes
Page 9
Choir performs at Fallapalooza
Who in your life has been diagnosed with any major medical conditions? A. I was diagnosed
B. A friend was diagnosed
C. A family member was diagnosed
D. None of the above
Pateras battles Leukemia
Pateras was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, on May 9. “I honestly cannot tell [students] what my reaction was when I was diagnosed. I had so many thoughts running through my mind. I was scared, worried and confused. The best way to describe it was overwhelmed,” Pateras said. Even though the illness consumed most of Pateras’ summer and this school year, he insists that his life hasn’t changed that much. Like many people with life threatening illnesses, Pateras was bewildered as to why he could have gotten cancer because he is a generally active and healthy person. “I never thought that I would be diagnosed with cancer because I’ve never had
Online Relive homecoming week on Correspondentlive
Jessica Lynk health issues and rarely got Isabella Murray sick when I was younger,” Pateras said. Statistics heard on the Although diagnosed on news or on social media may May 9, the disease really hit seem like they don’t affect Pateras in September; he went students’ lives, but many have in for his stem cell transplant, become one of these statis- which was frightening, but tics. potentially his last ever. Senior Chris Pateras bears Leukemia. Junior Lauren Solberg deals with the effects of diabetes. Senior Ray I never thought I would Yendrzejowsky deals with be diagnosed with Epilepsy. Guidance counselor Mary Jahrling suffers the cancer because I’ve pain of West-Nile virus. Brin never had health issues Joseph experienced allerand rarely got sick when gies and asthma. Senior Matt Johnson struggles to concenI was younger, trate. Junior Alex Mueller has felt the effects of HodgkinsSENIOR CHRIS PATERAS lymphoma due to neighbor Shea Anderluh. “It [the stem cell transplant] was Sept. 25, and right now I’m recovering from that. I’ll be in the hospital, if everything goes well, for another three and a half weeks and then at Ronald McDonald house for another month to finish recovery,” Pateras said. As far as life experiences go, Pateras doesn’t take life for granted. “Ever since my diagnosis I’ve seen life way differently. I enjoy certain things a lot more and appreciate my family and friends a lot more as well. Everything just has more meaning now because I understand how life can change so quickly,” Pateras said. The support from Pateras’ family, classmates, teachers, neighbors, and friends have helped him stay strong throughout his struggles with leukemia.
Solberg deals with diabetes
When Solberg was 11, she was diagnosed with type one diabetes. Type one diabetes, common in children and young adults, is where the body does not produce enough insulin. Solberg experiences shakiness, gets light-headed, and feels weak when her blood sugar is not high enough. “Low blood sugar makes me feel like I don’t know what’s going on sometimes, so it’s pretty annoying,” Solberg said. Since Solberg was diagnosed, she has had to adapt to life with the condition. “It was hard to adjust at first when I had to go from eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted to counting carbs and injecting the right amount of insulin to cover what I ate. I also had to start pricking my finger to test my blood sugar five to ten times per day,” Solberg said. Solberg has to be constantly aware of what she puts in her body, but she doesn’t dwell on it. “It gets hard sometimes, but mostly I am used to doing everything I need to, so it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to me,” Solberg said. While impacted by diabetes everyday, she refuses to let herself be dragged down by it. “Having diabetes makes me realize how much I can affect my health and keeps me living a healthier lifestyle than I would have without diabetes,” Solberg said. t.PSF QFSTPOBM TUPSJFT BOE TUBUJTUJDT DPOUJOVFE PO QBHF
The Correspondent
October 12, 2012
Students’ concerns considered
Graduation requirements await alteration Ashley Hawkins Brian Loomis
Romney and Obama face off in presidential debate Democrat and Republican presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney participated in a heated debate on Oct. 3 at the University of Denver. Throughout the debate, Obama put an emphasis on Romney’s failure to answer which tax deductions he would get rid of. Romney, on the other hand, chose the tactic of focusing on the negatives of Obama’s last four years in office. Overall, Romney was on the offensive while Obama was on the defensive, leading to the belief that Romney won, despite his unexpected change of views. “Romney was more on point about attacking crucial issues and Obama looked tired,” senior Andrew Napora said. Fifteen minutes were supposed to be spent on each of the six selected topics, with two minute closing statements at the end. However, the candidates failed to follow this schedule, going far beyond the time limit.
or worry about the proficiency test,” junior Emma Mallers said. While students who had yet to take the course rejoice, they wonder why this has been a require-
students can waiver out of the fall semester of PE, taking a study hall in its place. ROTC students can opt out of Students can only take so many PE depending on their schedule for classes before worrying about fulcompetition. filling graduation requirements. Long hours spent marching Trying to fit in these reand practicing music take such a quired classes by senior year pretoll on students that they struggle vents students from enrolling in to find time to get other things electives that may affect career accomplished. choices in the future. “We heard from a lot of The Superintendent’s Leadconcerned parents about how ership Team has recommended late students stayed up doing the elimination of information homework and how much sleep processing as a graduation rethey lost. So we figured we could quirement, beginning next fall. give them time during the day to Faculty members received the get work done,” Schuler said. announcement through e-mail. “When I have band after Two reasons prompted this school, I get home around nine recommendation. and finish my homework pretty “One, we were hearing from tB3*"/ L00.*4 late,” junior Joey McGovern said. students [who desired] to have Seniors who were not given more opportunities to take elecunior Erick Berg and freshman Adam this opportunity are empathetic tives. We could eliminate a reJohnson practice a song during marchtowards the underclassmen who quirement. Two, through all of ing band. will reap the benefits next year. the technology pilots we’ve been tarting next fall, students in marching “It’s nice for the band kids doing, students are coming in band can opt out of the semester of PE because now they get a study hall with much more developed tech- and take a study hall in replace, pending instead of two gym classes. You nological skills,” superintendent the Board of Education’s approval. have to run from set to set. You Dr. David Schuler said. march and run back. If you mess Many students fill their elecup, you have to run laps sometive spots with activities that utitimes,” senior Claire Hynes said. lize a class period such as band, ment up until this point. “I felt it was kind of pointless Those in band understand and choir, show choir, and others. If students were involved in any of because I can work computers and appreciate the recommendation. While some may not see it as those activities, as well as a foreign powerpoints okay,” Mallers said. “I feel I understand technol- much of a physical activity, particilanguage, their schedule would be ogy without it [the course] just pants know firsthand the hours of filled. For students involved in such because we have grown up with work that go into the performance. “I don’t ever give 100 percent activities, the announcement has it[technology],” Lundstrom said. Some also wondered if all the effort, or really any effort at all, durrelieved them of their concerns of completing the information pro- skills taught in the class would be ing gym class. In marching band, I applicable in careers down the line. give the effort needed to do things cessing requirement. “Not everyone will be sitting correctly, so I end up exercising “It will help my schedule because I will have an open spot to at a computer for the rest of their more during marching band than during gym class,” junior Kevin take something exciting, some- lives,” Lundstrom said. In addition to the information Kapinos said. thing I have never done before The Board of Education will because of having to take orchesis processing changes, it was also recand gym my freshmen year,” soph- ommended that students involved decide if these recommendations in marching band and ROTC will will pass on Oct. 18 at the next omore Gretchen Lundstrom said. Others experienced the same have the option to waiver out of PE. board meeting. If this goes into effect, starting gratitude. “I’m happy because I won’t have to take summer school next school year, marching band
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School investigates food waste The Lake County school district in Florida has considered attaching cameras to cafeteria trash cans to discover what foods are being wasted and why. According to MSNBC. com, a recent law requires schools to provide an increased amount of vegetables to students. Consequently, $75,000 worth of produce have been thrown out by students, as reported by the Lake County Food Services Department. The cameras will allow officials to see the foods being tossed away. Presentation is a factor being studied, as well as which foods are enticing to certain age groups. “I think trash-cams are a good idea. However, I also think many students might find it as an invasion of privacy, so the study would probably have to be done in a different way,” sophomore Amanda Mix said. These trash-cams could make a dent in total food waste as well as raise nutrition in students. t .*3"/%" '"/&--"
Students sell shirts to support a cause Mili Pandya
Students buying t-shirts from clubs and sports teams for various events aren’t an uncommon sight during the week. Whether the shirts are bought to display school spirit or to help a worthy cause, students are always adding more to their collections. The girls swimming team sold t-shirts, but with another purpose in mind. “We sold the shirts, along with BG, to raise money for the Special Olympics teams at Hersey,” senior Amanda Petro said. “The money we raised, which was a couple hundred dollars, goes towards uniforms, supplies, and anything else the teams might need.” Along with selling the t-shirts, the team also dedicated a meet to the Special Olympics. “Every year when we have our once a season meet against BG, both teams get together, and we host a Special Olympics Meet,” se-
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-shirts like this are being sold to help raise money for the Special olympics team. nior Karolina Szymaszek said. “We want people to show their support for the cause.” Recently, Student Council sold t-shirts to encourage student participation in the annual Clash of the Classes. “It is so fun to see everyone
repping their class color during school and then competing that night. The t-shirts definitely get people excited and bring the classes together,” senior Lauren Nagle, Student Council President, said. The shirt designs allowed each class to have its own color as well as a unique slogan on the back. “Most grades talked about it at their meetings and then posted different design ideas on their class council Facebook page and took a vote,” Nagle said. The shirts, which had to be pre-ordered, were sold for $7, three dollars less than last year’s price of $10. “We sold the shirts for what they cost because we wanted to make them affordable and get more students to buy them, so we didn’t make much of a profit. Any money we did make went towards our student council fund to help plan different events throughout the school year, like homecoming,” Nagle said.
October 12, 2012
The Correspondent
Students manage serious health stress
Yendrzejowsky battles Epilepsy Yendrzejowsky has had Epilepsy for 15 years. This disorder affects the brain and causes people to have seizures. While Epilepsy cannot be prevented, Yen-
Johnson struggles to concentrate Back in freshman and sophomore year, Johnson struggled to pay attention in school. “My focus was horrible. I always would kind of be off in my own world and then next thing you know class is over,” Johnson said. Junior year, Johnson was diagnosed with ADD and was prescribed medication. “That year I went from Cs and Ds to As and Bs. I feel like it is tough to focus, but when controlled I feel like a very good student,” Johnson said. Controlling his ADD is what helps keep Johnson on track.
Joseph feels asthma pressure Joseph has had allergies and asthma since she was in fifth grade. She has to take prescription allergy pills whenever the seasons are changing or whenever she is around cats, dogs, and grass. She also has to use her inhaler prior to going outside whenever it is humid or when she is doing physical activities. “The most annoying thing is having to deal with the symptoms,” Joseph said. Although asthma and allergies are common, the disease can be life-threatening. “People should be aware of asthma because it can life threatening, if not treated,” Joseph said.
Jahrling suffers effects of West Nile In August 2006, Jahrling was sent to the hospital after experiencing head pain and other symptoms. After being there for a few days, she was diagnosed with Neuro-invasive West Nile Virus. She experienced many complications from the illness, one of which was improper brain function. “I couldn’t express my thoughts. It hurt to read. I couldn’t read a whole book for 9 months,” Jahrling said. Jahrling took this experience as a lesson. “What I learned is to really not sweat the small stuff; your life can change in a minute. I know I was always responsible, but now I’m a little easier on myself than I used to be,” Jahrling said. Not only will the lessons she learned stick with her, but a few things from the disease also affect her daily. “I still have trouble with balance, I get tired more easily than I used to, and I’ll have to take medication for the rest of my life. I have daily pain,” Jahrling said. Although some students are afraid of bees because of a past sting, Jahrling does not live in fear.
suffer from serious i ll n e sse u s t Asthma 11% Allergies 21% 1% 1% 3%
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drzejowsky noted that “getting a good night of sleep and eating healthy” did have some positive side effects. “Although I have epilepsy, I don’t let it affect me,” Yendrzejowsky said. “I live my life as is.”
Hers ey s
Jessica Lynk Isabella Murray
t (3"1)*$ #: +"$, )"3(&55 Diseases affect loved ones The Huskie family lost a member Shea Anderluh passed away after her battle with nodular sclerosing on July 25 Hodgkins lymphoma. Close friend and neighbor Mueller felt the effects of this disease. “I think we were affected most by having to verbally support them[the Anderluhs] and show love, which wasn’t too much to ask for,” Mueller said. Although the situation was tough on many, Mueller took a lesson out of it. “I witnessed a family’s amazing strength and fight and learned how friends and a community can come together to help a family in a time of need,” Mueller said.
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Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
Staff ‘You’re not really dying’ S peaks Students complain about petty problems
“I feel like I’m dying.”
241 students here have to bring an inhaler to gym class in order to help them breathe. 75 students here have to be prescribed medication, so that they can pay attention in class. 37 students here have the possibility of having a epileptic seizure at any moment. 14 students here have to check their blood sugar multiple times a day. While some students are battling with cancer. While students are complaining that their head is pounding, other students that may be sitting in their class could be dealing with an illness that affects their everyday lives’.
It’s a saying that can be heard throughout the hallways during any flu season. As sniffles fill the classrooms and tissues overflow garbage cans, some students complain about their “illness,” when others are actually dealing with a disease that may affect them for the rest of their lives. Students can be found complaining almost everyday about their head, throat, and other body part that is able to feel pain, but they should think before they talk. Plenty of students are walking the halls with worse conditions. 450 students here have watery itchy eyes every season.
Instead of wasting their time complaining, students should know the signs and be aware of what could happen to their classmate. Not pressuring peers to have this to eat or that to drink can significantly help out. Sometimes what they consume could be the difference between life or death. Just helping out a friend in need will be helpful, but liking a post on Facebook about cancer patients will not help. Students should be aware of their surroundings and keep their complaints to themselves. Knowing the warning signs to all these diseases will help out other students.
Comedians disregard tears for sake of laughter Dino Ljubijankic Nothing feels better than a good laugh. I was told that bacon gives laughter a run for its money, but I doubt it. That’s why comedians have great jobs: their job is to make people laugh. But if the same joke gets used over and over again, they have to think of new, original content. Some comedians stop working for people’s laughter as their number one priority, and they go for shock value instead. Their goal is to put the audience into a state of shock. Whether it means racism, sexism, insulting religion, taboo, or mocking tragic events, they want the audience to cover their mouths when they laugh, as if they use their hand to stop the laughter from coming out. Many comedians that work for normal humor sometimes bring in shock humor to send a message, to bring up a point, or just to see the hand-covering-the-mouth routine. Some comedians have got in trouble for making the jokes for just the third reason.
t o H pics To Are the presidential debates important to you? Why or why not?
Daniel Tosh, a popular comedian, got in trouble last summer for saying it would be funny if an audience member that heckled him would get raped. The backlash that came from that convinced me of something: shock humor made just for the spirit of being offensive isn’t alright. However, there are times when shock humor is okay. We all know that crazy cartoon called “South Park.” Ever since the show’s creation, it has shocked its viewers with a new subject they are poking at in every new episode. While most casual viewers would say it’s just offensive nonsense, most of the time there is a message behind it, criticizing today’s society and the people in it. If a point is being made, an issue is being addressed, or a call for a change is being made, then I can see why these jokes are made. But making these jokes for the sake of being offensive is pointless. If someone cannot hold it in and have to let it out, public places aren’t the place to do it. Having someone hear the joke and thinking, “That person is a jerk” isn’t good for the person telling the joke. Nowadays, it seems that whenever some-
“Now that I can vote, they have become more important to me.” -Senior Alex Sutranitis
one says something hurtful, they defend it by saying, “It’s just a joke, relax.” What if the person who they were joking about heard it? It wouldn’t sound like just a joke. Sure, the person could just laugh it off, but not everyone can do that. Some people get really hurt, and the joker looks like the jerk. No one wants to be a part of that situation. Is it that hard to joke about things without hurting others’ feelings? Most students have heard a joke that went too far, and hurt them more than the joker intended. I’m not saying it’s going to be stopped forever, but those mean jokes need to have a limit placed on them, depending on when and where someone tells them Those jokes are saved for when a group of friends are down in (insert friend’s name here)’s basement, taking turns playing (insert first person shooter game here), and drinking/snacking on (insert soda/chip brand here), and (insert parent’s/guardian’s/adult figure’s name here) isn’t around. Then they can let out the terrorist joke they heard online. Any other time is a bad time for it.
“Yes, even though I’m 17, the laws still affect me.”
“They should be important to me, but I still don’t follow them.”
“No, not really, because Obama is going to win the electoral college vote for Illinois anyway.”
-Senior Elizabeth Lynch
-Junior Mitch Smelser
-Senior Ina Shkembi
“No, because politics don’t intrest me in the slightest.”
“Yes, (because as a sophomore), who is elected is going to affect my future.”
-Freshman Julia Lynk
-Sophomore Nick Radanovich
“No, I don’t really care about them because I’m not that into politics.”
“Yes, because it’s always better to be informed than misinformed.”
-Junior Lindsay Perkins
-Senior Enrique Cruz
O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
Behaving badly benefits celebs
Teens won’t catch same breaks Miranda Fanella For years, industries like MTV and TMZ have exposed the flaws and traumas of celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen. Many celebrities rely on their stupidity to stay on the radar, while others are just oblivious to the scenes and drama their actions create. Lindsay Lohan, for instance, was a fashion model from a young age, as well as a recording artist and popular actress. Lohan has been arrested and sent to rehab multiple times, beginning at age 24, for reasons including crashing her car, getting into fights, driving under the influence twice, and substance abuse. She has even appeared in court nine times in ten months, according to TMZ.com. Congratulations Lindsay, a record may have been broken. But let’s not forget about Charlie Sheen, the actor who was fired from “Two and a Half Men” because of poor anger management toward the executive producer. Come on, give him a break, every celebrity has poor anger management. In fact, Sheen is listed as number three on IMDB.com’s list of “The Top 15 Most Messed Up Celebrities.” Sure sounds like a real winner to me. When celebrities get hammered for their poor judgement and foolish actions, it is rare for justice to be fully carried out. A negative lesson, if one at all, is being sent to students and teens
facing some of the same choices celebrities deal with. Celebrities’ bad decisions are portrayed as entertainment in the media and are given attention that makes them seem okay. Unfortunately, this hierarchy of who-gets-away-with-what not only destroys reputations and the much-envied lives of these VIP’s, but it also gives teens a distorted look at society and what is acceptable to do. Just because Lindsay Lohan can drive drunk and still be a millionaire does not make risking a DUI okay. But this pathetic last attempt to save her fame makes society look messed up for accepting her and keeping up with her time and time again. Acts of stupidity and foolishness make these idols seem immortal; they’re always being forgiven just because of who they are. Teens often view themselves as immortal because celebrities are seen on television making clowns of themselves and getting unlimited attention that’s seemingly glorious and gratifying with very little punishment. When it comes to the fate of celebrities’ careers, it’s almost always strengthened by these acts of carelessness. This causes teens to believe that they’re immortal too because it is believed a career or reputation cannot be ruined from one’s actions, similar to the fate of celebrities. Hopefully this never ending vortex of celebrities goofing up and being given indefinite second chances will end, as well as this obsession for attention, and stupidity will be subdued.
t s J u S ayin’ Chatter gets in way of message
Students lack political respect
We have been privileged to have visits from a multitude of political candidates, including Brad Schneider, Robert Dold, and Rick Santorum. I understand that these presentations can cause a lot of conversation on the side. Some students don’t have any political interest and choose to chat with their friends instead of paying attention. Others take an interest in the forum and talk to their neighbors about issues the candidate has been discussing. Whether talking about tonight’s plans or legalizing Marijuana, this extra conversation needs to stop. It is super distracting for those trying to listen, and it makes us look stupid. We have a student body that asks intelligent questions, but the opportunity to ask them might go away if we continue to talk over the presenters. Save the conversations for later, or write notes on a piece of paper. Just sayin’.
Elections have continually been a perfect blend of the unification and opposition of the different sides of America. Honestly, at times it feels like it’s as close to another civil war as we are going to get. But more than ever, in this election, social media has contributed to antagonism on a really large scale. According to Twitter’s blog, the 2012 election has been called the ‘Twitter election,’ generating about two million tweets each week. As Americans, we have established the fact that on many issues, we won’t ever agree, and in some respects, that is what makes us so relatable. But when people are using social media aggressively against another person, it seems oppressive. Social media is a fantastic way to have an opinion, to be heard, and to show support, but just remember to be respectful. Just sayin’.
DERXW DQ KRXU DJR OLNH Write a comment on Correspondent Live...
Snack time, all the time When we were little tots, eating was an all day event. The schedule consisted of mashed up banana goop, nap-time, some green slime in a jar, nap-time and so on. Then we became accustomed to eating three meal a day. Still, were our parents on to something with the constant meal agenda? Although the idea of eating meals throughout the day sounds like the creation of a chunky society, cutting down each meal and eating smaller meals more frequently would halt the fat fad. Oprah watchers know that eating six or seven small snacks a day is healthier than three large meals a day. For students who have full schedules, finding time to make three meals is daunting. If an outsider were to stumble into a morning class, I could see the confusion between whether or not this was a classroom or a breakfast buffet. These brief times to learn and snack give students the nutrients needed from a possibly skipped breakfast. Although some teachers are more meticulous than others, it seems feeble-minded to not allow clean foods in the classroom. While I agree that a can of Pepsi or a bag of Doritos could be messy and disrupting to class, I don’t see why a banana would not be permitted. The reasoning for not allowing food in learning areas seems hypocritical. Food is banned to prevent critters from coming into the school, yet teachers eat meals in the faculty lounges a couple doors down. So now, I am making a suggestion to the masses. To staff: loosen up the laces on the shoes and acknowledge that we have busy schedules and have to eat when the time is available. Multitasking is possible for teenagers. As apocalyptic as that sounds, I can eat my apple and comprehend what the tangent of an eight degree triangle is. To students: feast, but in a matter that is not going to create orange fingerprints on paper, and that won’t disrupt class.
Claudia Caplan Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t is published 10 times a year by the journalism students of John Hersey High School, 1900 East Thomas Street, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004. Subscription rate is $15 a year. Call for advertising rates. Phone (847) 718-4945. The Correspondent welcomes a free exchange of ideas. Letters to the editor may be sent to correspondent@d214.org. Because school officials do not engage in prior review, and the content of The Correspondent is determined by, and reflects only the views of the student staff and not school officials or the school itself, its student editorial board and responsible student staff members assume complete legal and financial liability for the content of the publication. The Correspondent will not publish any material determined by student editors or the student editorial board to be unprotected, that is, material that is libelous, obscene, materially disruptive to the educational process, and unwarranted invasion of privacy, a violation of copyright or a promotion of products or services unlawful (illegal) as to minors as defined by state or federal law. All unsigned editorial area the opinion of The Correspondent staff. Materials in this newspaper are the property of The Correspondent 2012-2013. The Correspondent is a member of numerous press associations. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/KRT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Two thousand copies are made each issue to be distributed to students during their second hour classes. Two hundred are printed and mailed to subscribing parents. Editors-in-Chief Ashley Hawkins Kevin Hyde
Online Editor-in-Chief Garret Matchen
Managing Editor Claudia Caplan
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Editorial Board
Abby Fesl Mackenzie Francis Brian Loomis Jessica Lynk Emily Swanson
Online Editorial Board Max Bestvina Michael Miller
Copy Editor
Melanie Cohodes
News Editors
Natalie Czarnota Erika Murillo Isabella Murray
In-Depth Editors Mili Pandya Caitlin Strozewski Julia Kedzior
Entertainment Editors Brian Boyle Nicole Cecala
Graphics Editors Jack Hargett
Sports Editors Scott Bakal Tim Griffin David Milligan
Opinion Editors Nick Diaz Dino Ljubijankic Kevin Schroeder
Feature Editors Miranda Fanella Matt Stadnicki
Mady Grimm Francesca Hernandez
Janet Levin
Allf In the Fam Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
o f % o 50 ages % 0 2 n i a r c r i r e ma d in m e A r a s n e e i l i e c m d a r l f 3 i o h v % c di bc. bo e l o g f n i b s s r n e a n in i l b (c i i m e a f ) s A e are mer com m i (T t i
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Lessons learned from family friction Nicole Cecala
ous disadvantages, many ad-
Mackenzie Francis vantages arise from a divorce,
“We’re getting divorced” is a usually a phrase that no one wants to hear their parents say, but for many students, it’s a sad reality that they are forced to face. Whether students’ parents got divorced recently or not, it can be a hard transition to make. Many lifestyle adjustments have to be made, probably one of the biggest being which parent will gain sole custody, which can affect where students will live, and how often they will see the other parent. “It was hard to get used to the adjustment of going between two houses and not getting to see my mom and dad everyday. Also leaving stuff at my dad’s and then needing it when I am at my mom’s,” sophomore Allison Van Staalduinen said. “I didn’t have my dad there everyday, and he wasn’t there to tuck me in at night, so it was definitely a huge change,” a junior said. “In the beginning when they first got divorced, my dad had us every other weekend and every Wednesday, so it was hard having to shuffle back and forth.” If students are young when their parents get divorced, it changes their childhood. “I feel like I sort of had to grow up a lot faster than the rest of my friends because I had to understand what was going on,” the junior said, whose parents divorced when she was ten years old. Although there are obvi-
“It’s a lot calmer with my parents not under one roof. There isn’t so much fighting,” Van Staalduinen said. “Advantages are probably two holidays for everything and getting two bedrooms,” sophomore Megan Patton said. The way students cope comes from those around them, those who they can lean on when this huge change happens. “My friends are the ones helping me cope the most. They were always there for me whenever I needed it,” Van Staalduinen said. The bond between students, their siblings, and their parents can strengthen when the tension in the household is lessened. “It had actually made me, my mom, and my sister super close. My mom has worked so hard and I really appreciate everything she does for me and my sister,” the junior said. When a divorce happens in a family, some valuable lessons can usually come out of it. “I have learned you need to understand and compromise with both parents,” Patton said. “I’ve learned that it’s important to spend time with the people that you love, and the people who love you are always there for you no matter what, and I’ve learned to appreciate that,” the junior said.
O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
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Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
Families completed by adoptions Students and staff share stories
Emily Swanson Walker said. “I’m not sure if it was my
“If someone were to tell me that I could go back in time and have biological children, I wouldn’t press that button in the world,” English teacher Jim Miks said. Miks and his wife have adopted two girls from The Cradle in Evanston. The Cradle is an adoption agency that helps parents, like Miks, adopt a child. “I love my girls and I can’t imagine a family without them,” Miks said. “My daughters, Madison (eight-years-old) and Molly (two-years-old), are from different birth mothers, and we have open adoptions for each. My wife and I developed comfortable terms with the birth mothers so the open adoption was a comfortable choice.” Two different types of adoption exist. An open adoption allows the birth family to keep in touch with their child. A closed adoption does not allow the birth family and the child to have any relationship. “My brother and I are both adopted,” senior Rachel Walker said. “We both have closed adoptions.” “A few years ago I tried to get in touch with my birth parents,” Walker said. “I wasn’t able to because of the closed adoption policies. I went to an adoption counselor because I didn’t really understand why I couldn’t meet them, which helped.” In some circumstances, the government steps in between the policies. “I got a letter from the government when one of my birth parents died,”
birth mom or birth dad, all I know is that one of them died.” Walker’s experience has greatly influenced what she wants to do in life. “I want to be an adoption counselor when I’m older to help kids that are adopted know why they were adopted and why they can’t see their birth parents. I also plan on adopting children of my own,” Walker said. Senior Kim Bruckman has already witnessed the entire process. Bruckman had her baby, Sarah, at the beginning of her sophomore year, and has an open adoption set up with her and Sarah’s adopted family. “I knew I was too young to take care of my own baby, and I couldn’t go through with an abortion,” Bruckman said. “Now I get to see Sarah either once a month or once every other month.” Bruckman went through the entire process. “I went through books and the entire filing process to pick a good family. I didn’t want to pick parents that were too rich and would spoil her. I wanted her to have parents that had good morals,” Bruckman said. “So she could have a great life and childhood.” Bruckman’s daughter Sarah will be turning two-years-old on Oct. 25. “I’ll be with Sarah, her birth father, my dad, and Sarah’s adopted family,” Bruckman said. Adoption has many positive impacts on a family.
Similar siblings share unique lifestyle Julia Kedzior experience is different for every family.
“People who know both of us rarely confuse us because we have such different personalities, but people who just Twins and triplets are an interestmet us or only know one of us often ing concept. Unlike older or younger have a had time telling us apart,” Kapisiblings, twins and triplets have been nos said. together since the day they were born. As for how they are treated, most With identical twins, it can be twins and triplets feel that they are difficult to tell them apart. equal most of the time. “We are at “Over the years, I’ve heard many the same standards with each other different ways of how people tell us at home, but we compare grades,” apart, which include our facial feaCooke said. tures, the clothes we wear, and the With all the students that teachers manner in which we carry ourselves. have each year, they sometimes have People always used to ask us if I ever trouble recognizing more obvious thought I was my brother and vice differences. versa because we look so much alike. “Our teachers sometimes switch Luckily, that has never happened,” our names even though we don’t look junior Danny Kapinos said about his alike,” Cleven said. identical twin. Social life is just another factor Just because some siblings look that’s affected. “Sometimes it’s hard almost identical, it doesn’t mean they to keep things on the down low at have the same interests and passions. school, because you go through ev“We like different things. Kel is erything at the same time together,” the theater person, and I am an art said Tenerelli. person,” junior Rachel Cleven said. No matter what the situation is, Their differing interests are what tJULIA KEDZIOR having a twin or triplet is an experimake them individually strong. ence that will stay with these people. “My brother and I are very difophomores Emma, Jack, and Samantha Cooke share Through the ups and downs, they ferent,” Kapinos said. “We listen to more similarities than just their birthday. “I’m more can be there for each other and go none of the same music, we like dif- similar to Jack because I’m more athletic,” E. Cooke said. through everything together. ferent books and movies, and we “We’re still sisters and I look up have different overall attitudes. He to Kelli like she is my big sister,” Clevis very good at doing the things that interest him, and I am very good at the guing. When me and my sister get into en said. This type of bond is what truly things that interest me, which happen a fight, we go from arguing to perfectly makes them special. fine and inseparable in 20 minutes,” ju“It may be annoying at times, but I to be completely different.” Despite these differences, some sib- nior Ella Tenerelli said about being a love it!” said Tenerelli. “It’s what makes triplet. me original.” lings enjoy the same types of activities. Having a twin or triplet can also af“I’m more similar to Jack because I’m more athletic,” sophomore triplet fect school life and how the siblings are treated when they’re not all together at Emma Cooke said. When it comes to life at home, the the same time. Having someone else who is the same age can be a little challenging at times. “Obviously, my brother and I fight about little things like video games or who gets the TV, but it’s just stupid ar-
Th e C o r r e s p o n d e n t
Boyle-ing it D c a E p O RIBCLLev t i v at i FT ng anEtRasticSarcear stic W h wit N le BRian Boy
The Bay area’s most popular punk rock trio, Green Day, returned this month with “Uno!,” part one of their planned album trilogy, with “Dos!” coming in November, and “Tre!,” scheduled to be released in January. This time around, the band ditched their tried and true style of politically charged rock operas, and returned to their roots. Social commentary is replaced by tales of youth, angst, and love in this throwback album that expertly blends pop, punk, and alternative genres. It’s music like this that ultimately led to Green Day’s success, helping them revive the allbut-dead punk rock scene of the early 90’s. When I first heard Green Day was making an album trilogy, I immediately assumed they were creating another sweeping rock opera epic on a scale so large it required being split into three separate albums. I didn’t expect that part one would be a huge throwback to their popular works from the 90’s. Of the album’s 12 songs, three were released early as singles. The first was “Oh Love;” starting off with a simple pop guitar riff, the song has huge payoff in the fast and incredibly catchy chorus as well as some memorable lyrics written by lead singer and guitarist Billy Joe Armstrong. The next single released was “Kill the DJ,” a passive-aggressive tune with a captivating bass riff by Mike Dirnt that plays perfectly off the banging percussion of drummer Tre Cool. The lyrics leave a very hostile, in-your-face, and commanding impression, and the song structure is by far the most complex on “Uno!”. The third and final single, “Let Yourself Go,” is a touch on the repetitive side, but its breakneck pace, unforgettable chorus, and short running time easily make up for its redundancy. The brief but breathtaking guitar solo is also the most fanatic, complex, and best on the album. The rest of the album is just as solid. “Fell for You,” “Sweet Sixteen,” and “Stay the Night” offer some sincerely relatable lyrics, while “Nuclear Family,” “Angel Blue,” and “Loss of Control” present some great fast-paced punk tunes. “Rusty James” is “Uno’s” penultimate song, has the best written lyrics, a complex structure, and a slightly understated quality, making it my surprise favorite of the entire set list. I can’t wait to see how “Dos!” and “Tre!” can stack up to part one of the album trilogy.
Take it
O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
Technology is constantly changing, and with the combination of proud JHHS students and the internet, there is no surprise that our school now lets anyone design their own spirit wear online. Everyone gets sick and tired of the same matching school alumni apparel. By being able to select the color, font and even having the option of getting a name tattooed on the clothing piece, spirit wear is all custom. This option
is perfect for anyone to represent a sport, an activity, or plain orange crush pride. To access this website, go to the JHHS homepage and click on the large box labeled: MyLocker.net with a picture of an orange tshirt. The costs are about the same as regular spirit wear that could be purchased at a football game. Creating personal spirit wear will not only avoid twinning, but will let people purchase so many different varieties of apparel that are both fashionable and express school pride.
I’m not that big of a cartoon guy, but I can enjoy an occasional one. Cartoons are special because they can be anything the artist’s desires, from four bratty kids in Colorado to a magical land filled with candy colored ponies. When I saw the commercials for “Brickleberry”, a cartoon that was going to be airing on Comedy Central, I was willing to give it a try. Sounded like a semi-original idea (park rangers and their shenanigans) and they have Daniel Tosh voicing the bear cub.
Then I watched a couple episodes. Saying it didn’t live up to the expectations is an understatement. The animation is pretty bad, the plots were typical, and the jokes weren’t that funny. Maybe I should watch a couple more episodes, but I am certainly not impressed with what I’ve seen so far. -DINO ILJUBJIANICK
Leave it
Pitch Perfect hits high note Abby Fesl
“Pitch Perfect” brings a revolutionary idea to an old type of movie. A classic comedy competition takes place, but this time, it’s not dance or bands, it’s acapella groups competing in an international tournament. The beginning launches with a national acapella competition. One of the Barden Bellas, an acapella group from Barden University, cannot control her nerves and blows the competition for the group. It is devastating enough that it goes from the most admired group on Barden University’s campus to the least desired. That is until main character, Beca, played by Anna Kendrick, arrives at Barden college, the last
place she wants to be. Beca would much rather be DJing in Los Angeles, chasing her dream. Instead, she is forced to join the “Barden Bellas,” an acapella group that competes in the ICAA or International Collegiate Acapella Association competition each year because her father makes a deal with her: if she joins a group, she can go to Los Angeles. After joining the group, Beca
tCourtesy of Picture Perfect he acapella group, the Barden Bellas, perform their final show. Pitch Perfect made its debut on October 5.
learns there’s more to life than just getting through. She builds strong relationships with Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson), Chloe (Brittany Snow) and Jesse (Skylar Astin). Learning something from all these people builds Beca’s relationships, something she had previously shied away from. The Barden Bellas eventually makes it back to nationals. Beca learns that by voicing her opinions, she can make a difference. In the early stages of her Bella days, she was put down by group leader, Chloe (Anna Camp). Chloe did not allow for the innovative thinking that Beca was accustomed to using making her mix tapes in hopes of making it to the big record deals. With this new technique, the Bella’s were able to make a mark at the national competition. “Pitch Perfect” captivated me in every fashion.
Underground alternative station replaces iPods Nicole Cecala
Radio: the first thing teenagers turn on when they enter their cars; it’s one of the easiest ways to discover music. With multiple stations available in the Chicagoland area, everyone has a favorite. Now one is available that is actually worth listening to and falling in love with. Alternative is back on the radio. Brought back from the previous cast off alternative station 101.1, this station, Q 87.7, brings a variety of current, old, and absolute classic alternative-rock songs together. Artist and songwise, they’re top notch. The station has the perfect amount of current and new bands like Fun., Young the Giant, and Grouplove. These artists
and their songs keep any hardcore alt-rocker up to date, each giving something new to listen to in the alternative world. But of course, it would never forget about the bands that practically define this genre, the older classics such as Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Foo fighters, and Pearl Jam. It is hard to think of a better dominating playlist. Whether completely into this addictive genre or not, no one can deny how hardcore the songs they play are, with the perfect amount of soft songs mixed in, not forgetting how impactful the mellow tunes and dead honest lyrics can be. Current favorites of mine are Muses’s new song, ‘Madness’, which is featured on a daily basis. The song depicts an almost spooky feeling with a slow tempo, but the heart wrenching pull of an up-beat tune. Then, Q 87.7 will jump right
into something like Alice in chains, ‘Man in the Box’. This 90’s favorite gives off an intense vibe of passion and feeling that is associated with many other ideal Q 87.7 songs. This well-rounded station also has an impressive website. It offers live streaming of what is currently playing on the station with everything happening in the alternative world at easy reach on their website. They feature many ways and chances to win tickets to upcoming concerts, always promoting them, giving us knowledge of what’s coming to our area. It’s absolutely mind blowing how cheap tickets are for some of the more unknown bands, with easy access to get them. Playing artists from the SilverSun Pickups to Awolnation, then onto Live, and Sublime, Q 87.7 offers a near perfect playlist, without ever causing me to turn to my iPod.
O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
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Fallpalooza starts off choir season strong Natalie Czarnota All the singing groups at the school gathered in the theater to perform at the fall show: Fallapalooza, on Oct. 2. As it was the first performance of the school year, students had a fresh start to a new year in the performance. First up was Treble Choir, who sang “Children of the Earth” and “Amani.” The next performers, students in Concert Choir, sang “Amani” as well, but in a different arrangement so that Treble Choir could see the difference. “The hardest part was memorizing the lyrics and the order of the songs because there was a lot of repetition with everyone singing something different at the same time. It was also difficult because we sang it a capello,” senior Elena Lindstrom said. After concert choir finished their perfor-
mance with “Shoshone Love Song,” Ladies First performed “Dancing in the Street” and “Landslide.” Next up, Women’s Chorale sang “Son de Chamaguey” and “Love is a Rain of Diamonds.” Asha Worthy performed a solo in Heart and Soul for “Walking on Broken Glass.” After working very hard on the song all year, Worthy felt that the performance went well despite some issues with the microphone sound. “Overall, it was a really fun song. We even called it the ‘banana jum jum song’ because the second soprano part of the song sounds like you’re singing ‘ba na na jum jum’,” Worthy said. Chamber Singers performed “Kyrie” and “Baba Yetu,” a task which proved difficult because it was in a different language. “Baba Yetu has to be the best song that I have ever sang with choir. Learning the song was hard though. Swahili is no joke; I had to go in and get extra help with pronunciation,” senior Nicky Mendelsohn said. On Stage sang and danced to “Nothin’ But
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a Good Time.” “[It was my favorite] because it’s really upbeat,” Lindstrom said. Lindstrom, along with the rest of On Stage, practiced the dance at home and rehearsed it on the stage during class to ensure perfection. After the On Stage performance, Commercial Break performed an a capella version of “The Lazy Song” with a solo from Mendelsohn. “I was so proud of Commercial Break. We worked really hard on the song, and it turned out really well,” Mendelsohn At the end of the show, Mass Choir performed “Can You Hear” and “Ogo ni fun Oluwa.” The performers feel confident about the show and relieved to have it over with. “It was nice to get our first performance under our belts, and we’ll just get better as the year goes on,” Lindstrom said.
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O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
SOS and Super Buddies unify students Miranda Fanella
“It’s a way to mix CLS students with other kids from Hersey so everyone is friends,” The Service Over Self Club (S.O.S.) has sophomore Caitlin Nagle, one of been around since 1969, allowing students to Supper Buddies’ administrators, get involved and help the community. Mark said. Gunther has been serving as club sponsor and S.O.S. also serves as an oporganizer for 11 years and has helped with reportunity for students to comcent developments in the organization. plete community service and S.O.S. is a club that consists of many difvolunteer hours, whether it’s for a ferent community projects as well as activities class, National Honors Society, or that occur within our school. Projects include to spice up college applications. Study Buddies, Pen Pals, Kiwanis Peanuts, the Many other projects besides Prospect Heights Spook Fest, Conker Cancer, Super Buddies have left a lasting and the blood drive on Oct. 18. impact on students and the com“We do about 40 projects per year. Some munity alike. projects are over 40 years old,” Gunther said. “I’m excited that I get the “Senior Citizen Day and the Love Bus have chance to help people. I love bebeen running for about 40 years, and the ing able to volunteer and make a Funner Olympics and the Food Drive are t ISABELLA MURRAY difference,” freshman Annie Mc30 years old. Those are the projects students grath said. most participate in.” .O.S. members seniors Emily Russell, Nick Trossen, and Annie “Our first Super Buddies Within S.O.S., there is a reward program Weber decorate halls for Homecoming Week, one of the club’s activity will be on Oct. 12. We’re called the Gold Membership program, where many service projects. going to meet up before the sophenthusiastic members are awarded for being Buddies,” this group brings all students together omore football game to do some face painting dedicated and involved. Kiwanis Peanuts is one to make new friendships, and it focuses on inand attend the sophomore game as a group,” of two projects that enable students to become teraction with CLS students. The name changed Fuerst said. Gold Members if completed. due to a decision on how well S.O.S. had devel“The S.O.S. Facebook page has information Gold Members get special deals such as oped the program. on upcoming projects and what’s going on,” secuts in prices in restaurants and stores in the “We realized we could be independent and nior Annie Weber said. area, as well as price cuts in projects requiring didn’t need an outside agency,” Gunther said. S.O.S. and Super Buddies are full-year proa participant fee. The second required activity Super Buddies has worked to enable all stugrams that many students participate in, affectto become a Gold Member is to sell at least two dents to interact, get to know each other, and ing themselves, the school, and the community. entertainment books to family and friends. make new, even unexpected, friendships. “We’re always looking for new committed A Gold Membership can also award stu“Super Buddies is an S.O.S. group that ormembers, so if you want to join, contact me, dents a letter of recommendation from Gunther ganizes events where CLS students and S.O.S. Mr. Gunther, or one of the other student heads for college, as said at the informational meeting. buddies can make new friendships, which they at school through Facebook, or e-mail,” Fuerst With so many activities to take part in, the may not normally have the opportunity to said. one project most widely known by students is make, through fun activities and trips,” junior “Super Buddies”. Previously known as “Best Mike Fuerst said.
Clubs and teams deck the halls for homecoming week This week was homecoming week which was packed full of activities. One notable part of the week that was evident to students as soon as they entered the building was the hallway decorations. Hallway decorations are contrastive from the usually barren hallways. “It [the hallway decorations] lets clubs and teams make the school look better,” junior John Pham said. Each year, on the day before homecoming week, many extra-curricular clubs and teams decorate the hallways, and a contest is held at the end of the week on which hallway looked the best. Each hallway was decorated in suit with this year’s homecoming theme of “Lights, Camera, Dancin’’. Hallway decorations this year included Elf by Poms, Pixar by chorus, Harry Potter by Orchesis, and a multitude of other topics relating to the over-all theme. These decorations make homecoming week more memorable and festive than a normal school week. tM"55 STADNICKI
oms decorated its hall with a holiday theme inspired by the film “Elf.” Each hall had a moviecentered theme to coordinate with the homecoming theme.
Sports Team bonding fosters friendships, success O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
Brian Loomis When athletes converge on tryouts, it is common for them to find a number of kids there that they don’t know. Yet after the grueling tryouts, they may be placed onto a team with these very same student athletes. While they are now teammates, they may not be comfortable with each other at first. However, teams have found ways to bond and defeat this problem. Athletes on varsity teams are often prone to this problem as the players’ grade levels can range from freshman to senior. “The upperclassmen are welcoming and always able to help,” freshman volleyball player Liz Fuerst said. While underclassmen on varsity sports can be intimidated at first, the seniors often reach out to the younger players as mentors. “The freshmen can look up to the upperclassmen as leaders and learn by watching us play,” junior Jola Ignaciuk said. The girls cross country team had a unique opportunity to bond in Peoria. Aside from the meet, the team stayed overnight and helped each other to stay focused throughout the competition. “Peoria brought the team a lot closer because it showed everyone who doesn’t see us practice everyday that we do work just as hard as them,” junior cross country runner Maddi Lipowski said. While showing others that they are a serious threat in competition, the team also learned how much they mean to one another. “We realized we need each other more than anything when running,” Lipowski added, “If you don’t have your teammates, you have no one.” Football has also benefited from efforts made to bring the team closer together. “We are a tight group off the field; everyone gets along well,” senior quarterback Quinn Orlandi said. Having a close team translates to positive team chemistry on and off the field.
tFRANCESCA HERNANDEZ he football team huddles during a game at Goins Stadium. Senior Quinn Orlandi knows a close team is important. “A play is made when everyone does their job correctly and moves and acts like one unit.”
“We are a family and I know they would do anything for me, and they expect the same,” Orlandi added. While competition can bring any team closer, some teams choose to put an extra emphasis on the team outside of play. “Outside of practice we like to got to the mall or eat, and the girls and I just went homecoming cross country dress shopping where we tried on a bunch of crazy dresses,” Lipowski said about the cross country team’s bonding. The volleyball team has also found the time to better get to know each other throughout the season. “We all participated in the scavenger hunts as well as team sleep overs and had a lot of fun just hanging out,” Ignaciuk said. The team certainly seems to have benefited as they clinched the MSL East title on Tues. Oct. 10 and are on a hunt for more. While some athletes may be lost after making the cut, attempts to bring teams together have certainly been prove through successful teams.
Girls cross country gears up for conference race
Kevin Hyde While most girls will be preparing and primping for Homecoming tomorrow, the girls cross country team will be running and racing to the finish with one goal in mind: succeed at the conference meet. “As a whole, we finished 4-1 in dual meets in our conference. That’s pretty good and it gives us a good chance at conference tomorrow. We definitely have a good chance to do well,” senior Sara Bayerle said. The team seemingly came to a clear consensus in terms of their goals for the rest of the season of at least finishing in the top five in conference and eventually to state. Other girls have made personal goals that they hope to accom-
Thrilling Three
Coach Lill captures 800; team clinches the East
A ‘date’ with Busse Woods
tFRANCESCA HERNANDEZ eniors Clarissa Cruz and Amanda Cortese condition for their conference meet tomorrow. The girls will begin their quest for a state run at Busse Woods for the conference race.
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plish. “Some girls really want to make all conference. I think they’ll be able to do it since we have a good pack of front runners who will be able to succeed,” Bayerle said. Of those front runners, seniors Amanda Cortese and Clarissa Cruz press forward and lead to pack as two of the strongest runners on the team. “I’m really excited for conference, and I think we’re going to do well because we have a really good pack of runners. We need to run together as a pack, and we should do well,” Cortese said. Cruz shares similar sentiments and hopes to achieve certain personal goals. “I really hope to make top 25 tomorrow, and hopefully even make all conference. As a team, we all really want to make it to state and I think we have a good shot if we do well tomorrow,” Cruz said. As far as being role models, front runners like Cortese and Cruz inspire other team members to do well. “I just run and run and run in order to be with Amanda and Clarissa,” senior Sarah Mulroe said. “One of my personal goals for conference would just be to keep up with Clarissa and Amanda. If I do that I think we’ll all be able to do well,” Bayerle said. The conference meet tomorrow also marks a certain milestone in some runners’ careers. “For a lot of us, this may be our last meet in our high school careers, so that is a bit sad, but at the same time really nice. We’ve all come a long way,” Mulroe said.
The girls volleyball team MSL-East Division win against Buffalo Grove on Oct. 2 may have had a little more meaning to Coach Nancy Lill than winning any of her previous division titles. This was Lill’s 800th win in her career as a volleyball coach. (That’s more than 300, which is a fantastic movie by the way.) “It’s a great accomplishment for our program and everyone who’s put in work to help me achieve it,” Lill said. Lill started off her volleyball career at Riverside Brookfield High School and continued in college at the University of Illinois. Lill has been coaching here since 1988 and is currently nearing the end of her 25th season. “Coach Lill is really supportive and encouraging which makes it fun to play for her,” senior Erica Hill said. The Huskies swept past the Bison 2512, 25-9. (Where are the push-ups, cheerleaders?) This secured Lill’s 10th straight MSL-East division title. “It was great knowing that I helped contribute to Lill’s milestone of 800 victories and it was an added bonus that we clinched the MSL East division in the same night,” Hill said. Take that Coach K. tMILI PANDYA
“New guy” fails to bring success to ‘Friendly Confines’ Well, the Chicago Cubs had another horrendous year. The North-siders finished off the season 61-101 and 36 games back in the NL Central. I even grimaced just typing that stat. It’s not looking good for the Cubs as they fail to reach the playoffs for the 5th year in a row. To add to it, I’m not too impressed with the display of management by “the new guy” Dale Sveum. I will always bleed Cubby blue, but, if I may say, these are some dark times. Almost as dark as the corked bat era or the pre-Dusty era. Or even the worst era of the all, the White Sox World Champion era. Now nothing may get as bad as that but things aren’t looking to good at the Friendly Confines. Hopefully, it can only go up from here. tTIM GRIFFIN
Derrick Rose instills hope Belief. Hope. Focus. Push. No matter how generic the buzzwords are, Derrick Rose embodies these two words better than any athlete right now. Adidas is doing a series of videos called “The Return,” and I can’t help but have mixed feelings. Every time I watch them, I get beyond pumped for the upcoming season only to have the unfortunate realization that the 2010 MVP winner won’t be able to join the team for far too long. And then I get sad. These videos are giving me hope, and I know that’s exactly what Bulls fans need right now, so I thank you Adidas. tDAVID MILLIGAN
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O c t o b e r 12 , 2 012
unior Grant Burke makes a tough tackle in the backfield against Prospect as senior Brandon Veenendaal looks on. The team lost a hard fought battle 35-0.
fter the loss, the team looks to rebound when they go against Rolling Meadows for the homecoming game.
urke said, “As a team we are not focused on the hype of homecoming, but focused on Rolling Meadows because all our playoff hopes come down to winning this game.”
Weathering the ‘Heights’ Outdoor competitors adapt to season changes
Scott Bakal time when warm days keep you loose and cold ture’s lows will be in the 40s for much of OctoTim Griffin games tighten you up,” sophomore soccer play- ber. This weather will not catch some athletes
The leaves are changing color as the fall season is hitting full stride. The temperature is going down and the cold weather affects the play of many fall sports. More and more athletes are putting on gloves and layering up for the cold beginning of fall. While some athletes feel the colder weather gives them an advantage in their game, others don’t agree. “Personally, I like it when it’ s colder outside. The colder weather suits me better,” sophomore cross country runner Grant von der Lippe said. Other athletes keep their scarves and sweaters on as they find the cold weather to be a disadvantage in their game. “In the beginning of a game it doesn’t matter what temperature it is; it’s after half-
er Campbell White said. According to weather.com, in the month of October the average rainfall is 3.15 inches. The fall rain has the ability to change the outcome of a game. “If it is raining, it can make the ball slippery and tough to hang onto,” sophomore football player William Trossen said. Wearing more and often heavier clothes in the cold is an easy way to stay warm. However, this defense mechanism against the cold has consequences for golfers. “If it’s cold or raining you need more layers of clothing, which restricts your swing. The cold and rain also makes the ball not go as far which means you need to use a club that will go farther. It is also harder to grip the club (in poor weather),” junior golfer Alysia Zaucha said. According to AccuWeather.com, tempera-
l co
Ni th i w
Do you expect your team to make it state this year?
We are in one of the toughest sectionals. But with that said, I think we might be able to do well enough for someone to hopefully qualify for state.
off guard because of previous work they have put in. “We prepare for those types of conditions in practice, so it doesn’t really affect us,” senior football player Brad Jensen said. As winter weather is approaching, athletes will have to deal with more extremes. According to weather.com, the coldest October day in Arlington Heights so far reached 27 degrees. “In extreme conditions, you just kind of have to brace yourself. I will listen to music to get myself ready for a race normally, but when it’s freezing and raining or really hot, you have to force yourself to adjust,” von der Lippe said. Fall sport athletes will be affected by the weather through the rest of October. Most athletes will get a break from the cold as sports then move indoors for the winter season.
This week in sports Volleyball Conference Championship at Hersey Oct. 18
The team clinched the East division and won Coach Lill her 800th win against Buffalo Grove. They will be playing Palatine in the Conference Championship. “Since we’re home, I’m excited because we’ll have lots of Hersey fans supporting us,” junior Megan Solans said.
How will conference prepare you for the post-season?
Conference will prepare us for playing the tougher teams in the sectionals. It will also prepare us for the pressure that comes with playing in these big tournaments.
How do you feel about this being your last season?
It is so sad, and I tear up every time I think about it. I have been part of the team for four years and it will be hard to leave.
Soccer playoff against Waukegan Tuesday Oct 16
Coming off a successful season, finishing second in the MSL East, the Huskies plan to make a run in the playoffs against a strong Waukegan team. “We need to be prepared going into this game and expect the best from whoever shows up,” junior John Cappuccitti