Bach Flower Essences What They Are and
How To Use Them With Adults, Children & Animals
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Bach Flower Essences What They Are and How To Use Them With Adults, Children & Animals
The information in this publication and connected websites, is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Copyright Š 2000 - 2014 John Quigley & & All rights reserved.
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The Original Bach Flower Essences have been used all over the world since the 1930s. The original Bach Flower Essences is a system of 38 Flower Essences that corrects emotional imbalances:- negative emotions are replaced with positive. The Bach Flower Essences are 100% safe and natural and work in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and medications. They are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, pets, elderly and even plants. The Bach Flower Essences are simple and easy to use for anyone. "Health depends on being in harmony with our souls" Dr. Edward Bach M.B, B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P, D.P.H
Who is Dr. Edward Bach? Dr. Edward Bach was a British Physician, who began to see disease as an end product; a final stage; a physical manifestation of unhappiness, fear and worry. He therefore, began to look to nature to find healing flowers. Over a period of years Dr. Bach found 38 healing flowers and plants that with the right preparation became the 38 Bach Flower Essences. These Essences are enough to remove all negative emotional problems. How do the Essences work? The Bach Flower Essences are a safe and natural method of healing. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions, such as, fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Essences allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.
How are the Bach Flower Essences made? The Bach Flower Essences are made 100% naturally from spring water infused with wild flowers, either by the sunsteeped method or by boiling. The Essences are hand produced exclusively in England. The Essences contain 27% grape brandy as a preservative How do I take the Bach Flower Essences? The Bach Flower Essences can be taken either in a 30ml/1once treatment bottle filled with spring water. From the treatment bottle take 4 drops 4 times a day until relief is obtained, or two drops in a glass of water and sip at intervals. If no water is available the Essences can be taken undiluted either in the mouth, on the skin behind the ears or on the inside of the wrist. To prepare a treatment bottle, fill the bottle with fresh spring water and add 2 drops of each Essence. You can combine up to 6 or 7 Essences in a treatment bottle. As preservative (optional) you can use brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin, 1 tsp. in the treatment bottle. What is Rescue Remedy© & Rescue Remedy Cream©? Dr. Bach created an emergency combination of Essences which he called Rescue Remedy. It contains five different Essences: Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Rock Rose. Rescue Remedy is worth carrying with you in case of emergencies or everyday stress. Rescue Remedy helps you go through difficult situations, stressful events, an exam or job interview in a calm and relaxed matter. Rescue Remedy Cream©, contains the same five Essences as Rescue Remedy with added Crab Apple. The cream is for external applications such as bruises, diaper rash, sprains, burns, stings, scratches and other skin conditions. On occasions when you are stressed and your mind is over-active, take a dose or two of Rescue Remedy in the evening before going to sleep. (see also White Chestnut)
Bach Flower Essences© and Pregnancy. Bach Flower Essences are extremely helpful during pregnancy, when the expecting mother goes through a wide range of emotions. The Bach Flower Essences restore peace of mind when the mother feels fearful, tired, overwhelmed, impatient and other emotions related to pregnancy. Rescue Remedy and Walnut are very useful during labour. Bach Flower Essences© and Children. Children respond very well to the Bach Flower Essences. The Bach Flower Essences are extremely helpful for all childhood emotions, such as, shyness, tantrums, fear, nightmares and low self-esteem. The Bach Flower Essences help children reach a balance in themselves, so that they can learn from life's ups and downs. Bach Flower Essences© and Pets. Our pets also have emotions and the Bach Flower Essences are very helpful to aid pets overcome difficult times. The Bach Flower Essences have been very successful in calming hyperactive dogs, fearful cats, newly arrived puppies and many other pet emotions. What happens if I take too much of the Essences? It is impossible to overdose with the Bach Flower Essences, they are 100% natural and safe. You can drink a whole bottle of Essences and not "overdose.". However, if you think that "more is better" you are wrong. The Bach Flower Essences work best over a period of time, taken from the treatment or stock bottle at least 4 times a day. What happens if I take the wrong Essence? Nothing is going to happen if you take the wrong Essence, the Essences only work on the energy level that we are having problems with. For example, if you have a "known fear" (MIMULUS) and take ASPEN "unknown fear", nothing is going to happen. Your "known fear" will stay and ASPEN wouldn't do anything to you. When you take the wrong Essence nothing happens. Courtesy:
Why are the Essences sometimes called Remedies? In the US they are called Essences, and in England they are called Remedies. Books written in England refer to them as Remedies. What are the difference between Essential Oil and The Bach Flower EssencesŠ? Essential Oil: As the name says, it is oils from different plants and flowers. The smell very strongly, some of them should be avoided for people with different illnesses, pregnancy, in the sun etc. The Essential Oils comes from the whole world, however, the quality can easily be very different because some farmers cheat and mix in cheap oils. Bach Flower Essences Š: They do not smell, they can never do any harm to anyone at any time, they are made by infusion of wild plants & flowers from a certain area in England. The Bach Flower Essences are considered homeopathic. The Bach Flower Essences are produced at one location after old directions from Dr. Edward Bach who died in 1936. Dr. Bach was VERY specific with the directions on how & when to make the Essences. He told just before he died that many people will try to imitate and copy the Essences and his assistances had to promise NEVER to alter the 38 Essences, because he knew that there would be no more need for more than the 38 and the directions that he had given were the best possible.
The original Bach Rescue Remedy •
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Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. We've found it very fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress. Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Teaches the ability to recover from traumas and to integrate them into the present life. Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one's spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one's path. Rock Rose: For situations in which one experiences panic or terror. Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment. These combinations of Bach Flower Essences that is especially beneficial when you find yourself in traumatic situations, such as, stress, emergencies, after getting bad news, before an exam or job interview and all other kind of situations where we suddenly lose balance mentally. The Essences quickly get us back in our normal balance so that we calmly can deal with any situation.
Rescue Remedy Drops & Spray Rescue Remedy has been used successfully on stressful days where we suffer from impatience, tension and pressure. It has also been used successfully with children to stop a tantrum, before a speech or job interview. Rescue Remedy helps us relax, get focused and get the needed calmness. Many people chose to carry Rescue Remedy in their purse, at the office, in the car or in the diaper bag. You never know when you need it. Pregnant women in labour have made the experience easier and less traumatic by taking Rescue Remedy. Rescue Remedy can also be taken just before going to bed to calm a troubled mind.
Rescue Sleep Rescue Sleep is a natural sleep aid. Active Ingredients: White Chestnut: To help ease restless mind. Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock. Clematis: For the tendency to "pass out", and unconsciousness, being ‘far away’ and not present mentally. Cherry Plum: Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger. Impatiens: For irritability, tension and fidgety. Rock Rose: For frozen terror and panic.
7 Major Groups 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Fear. Uncertainty. Insufficient interest in present circumstances. Loneliness. Over-sensitivity to influences and ideas. Despondency or Despair. Over-care for welfare of others
Fear. Rock Rose: Helps when you experience fears, such as, terror or fright that makes you feel frozen and unable to move or think clear. Mimulus: Helps when you feel fear, the type of fear that you can put a name on, such as, fear of dogs, spiders, being alone, loosing a job, illness etc. Also fear of speaking freely of it to others or shyness. Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control of their thoughts and actions and doing things they know are bad for them or which they consider wrong. Teaches trust in one's spontaneous wisdom and the courage to follow one's path. Aspen : Helps when you feel fearful without knowing why. The fear is vague and unexplainable and may haunt you day and night. Red Chestnut: Helps when you find it difficult not to be anxious for other people, you are afraid that some unfortunate things may happen to your loved ones.
Uncertainty Cerato: Helps trust your own judgment in decision-making. It helps you trust your own judgment in decision-making. Scleranthus: Helps when you have a hard time choosing between two things, such as, Mexican or Chinese food, you simply can not decide which restaurant to go. Gentian: Helps when you get discouraged and depressed when things go wrong or when you are faced with even small delays or difficulty. Gorse: Helps when you feel great hopelessness, and have given up belief that more can be done. Hornbeam: Helps when you feel that you have not sufficient strength mentally or physically to carry the burden that life have placed on you. Wild Oat: Helps when you are at a crossroad in life and are uncertain as to which direction to choose.
Insufficient interest in present circumstances. Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment. Honeysuckle: Helps you let go of past experiences or events. Your thoughts are in the past rather in the present. Wild Rose: Helps you to take responsibility for your own life and take a lively interest in life, work and the world in general. Olive: Helps you regain energy, vitality and interest in life.
White Chestnut: Helps when your mind is cluttered with thoughts, usually arguments, ideas, thoughts which you do not wish to have in your mind. Mustard: Helps when you feel suddenly depressed with out any reason. It feels like a cold dark cloud that destroys normal happiness and cheerfulness. Chestnut Bud: Helps when you keep doing the same mistake over and over again. You do not take full advantage of observation and experiences and therefore it takes longer for you to learn a lesson.
Loneliness. Water Violet: Helps you get a warmer relationship with other people. You love being alone, but often find yourself lonely. Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They often prefer to work alone. Teaches empathy and understanding of and patience with others. We've found it very fast-acting in alleviating an impatient attitude and lowering stress. Heather: Helps when you are unhappy being alone for any length of time, you are always seeking the companionship and find it necessary to discuss your affairs with others, no matter who it may be.
Over-sensitivity to influences and ideas. Agrimony: Helps you to communicate your real feelings and worries. You are the cheerful, humorous type that get distressed by argument or quarrel. You often hide your feelings behind humour and jesting and often you take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate yourself. Centaury: Helps when you find it hard to say no, and therefore easily get imposed on. You often find yourself serving others, neglecting your own particulate mission in life.
Walnut: Helps you break free from old ties and at times of major life changes. It helps you move forward and make necessary changes in order to be happy. Walnut gives consistency and protection from outside influences. Holly: Helps when you suffer from angry thoughts such as jealousy, envy, revenge and/or suspicion.
Despondency or despair. Larch: Helps you to regain self-esteem and confidence in yourself. Pine: Helps when you feel guilt and self-reproach, often for other people's mistakes or just anything that goes wrong. You are never content with your effort and results. Elm: Helps when your responsibilities overwhelm you. You feel depressed and exhausted and may loose self-esteem. Sweet Chestnut: Helps you at moments when the anguish is too great and seems to be unbearable. Your mind or body feels as if it had bore to be the uttermost limit of its endurance. It feels as there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face. Star of Bethlehem : Helps when you experience serious news, loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident etc. The distress and unhappiness feels unbearable. Willow : Helps when you have suffered adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept. You feel sorry for yourself and are grumble and sulky. Oak: Helps when your inner strength wanes; usually because you are an over-achiever and will overwork and ignore your tiredness. Crap Apple: Helps when you feel that there is something not quiet clean about yourself. You may need to wash hands often, find things dirty without any reason, you may find yourself ugly although others find you very attractive. This is the cleansing Essence.
Over-care for welfare of others. Chicory: Helps you to be less critical, opinionated and argumentative. You always find something about others that you believe should be put right. Vervain: For strong-willed people who hold strong views. They put unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, your mind race ahead of events, you may suffer from lack of sleep due to an overactive mind. Vine: Helps you respect other people's views and ideas, you tend to try to persuade other people to do things your way. Beech: Helps you be less critical toward other people and accept them as they are. Rock Water: Helps when you expect too much of yourself.
Cure Negative Emotions with Bach Flower Essences Depression. Mustard: Helps you when you feel suddenly depressed for no reason. It feels like a cold dark cloud have destroyed all happiness and cheerfulness. Elm: You get overwhelmed by your work overload and feel depressed and exhausted. Sweet Chestnut: Helps you when the anguish is too great and seem to be unbearable. Your mind or body feels as if it had bore to be the uttermost limit of its endurance. It feels as there is nothing but destruction and annihilation left to face. Willow: Helps you when you have suffered adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept. You feel sorry for yourself and are grumble and sulky. Gorse: Feeling hopeless and pessimistic Gentian: Due to set-back and for known reason. Courtesy:
Stress Rescue Remedy: Help any stressful situation where you need to be able to collect yourself and be in charge of your emotions. Oak: Helps you when your inner strength wanes. Usually because you are an over-achiever and will overwork and ignore your tiredness. Elm: Helps you when your responsibilities overwhelm you. You feel depressed and exhausted and may loose self-esteem. Sweet Chestnut: Helps you when the anguish is too great and seem to be unbearable. Your mind or body feels as if it had bore to be the uttermost limit of its endurance. It feels as there is nothing, but destruction and annihilation left to face. Cherry Plum: When you feel like exploding and loose control of your emotions. White Chestnut: Helps you when your mind is cluttered with thoughts, usually arguments, ideas, thoughts which you do not wish to keep repeating in your mind. Impatiens: You feel irritated, impatient and other people's lack of speed get on your nerves.
Self Concern Crab Apple: Helps you when you feel that there is something not quiet clean about yourself. You may need to wash hands often, find things dirty without any reason, you may find yourself ugly although others find you very attractive. Heather: Helps you when you get unhappy being alone for any length of time, you are always seeking the companionship and find it necessary to discuss your affairs with others, no matter whom it may be. Rock Water: Helps you when you expect too much of yourself. Larch: Helps you to regain self-esteem and confidence in yourself.
Willow: Helps you when you have suffered adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept. You feel sorry for yourself and are grumble and sulky.
Interfering with other people. Chicory: Helps you to be less critical, opinionated and argumentative. You always find something about others that you believe should be put right. Vervain: Helps you when you spend much of your energy trying to convert all around to your own views of life. Vine: Helps you respect other people's views and ideas, you tend to try to persuade other people to do things your way. Beech: Helps you be less critical toward other people and accept them as they are. Red Chestnut: Helps you when you find it difficult not to be anxious for other people, you are afraid that some unfortunate things may happen to your loved ones.
Panic Attacks. Rescue Remedy: Helps at any stressful situation where you need to be able to collect yourself and be in charge of your emotions. Rock Rose: When you feel that the fear is so great that you are unable to move or react, a frozen fear. Mimulus Helps you when you feel fear, the type of fear that you can put a name on such as, fear of spiders, being alone, loosing a job, not being able to do car payments, illness etc. Also fear of speaking freely of it to others and shyness. Cherry Plum: Helps you when you feel that your mind is being over-strained, you feel like you are going to explode or do irrational things.
Jet Lag. This combination helps you adjust to the time change and with the physical tiredness and impatience that comes from sitting in a plane for hours. Start taking this combination a couple of days before the flight and continue while flying and afterward until all symptoms are gone. Olive: Helps you over the physical exhaustion of travelling and being on the road for several hours. Walnut: Helps you adjust to a new time zone and place. Impatiens: Helps you from getting impatient while sitting in a plane for several hours without much to do.
Stuttering. Mimulus: This Essence helps you when you have fear known things, such as, fear of spiders, fear of not being good enough, fear of being old, fear of not succeeding, fear of heights, fear of public speaking etc. You might also be shy, tongue-tied in company, you might even be blushing and stuttering. Mimulus helps you regain courage to face difficulties with humour and confidence. You will be able to stand up for yourself, and with the emotions under control can enjoy life without fear.
Separation Anxiety Mimulus: This Essence helps when a child suffer from separations anxiety. Separation anxiety is fear, fear of being left alone, fear of Mummy not coming back, fear of all scary things a child may think about. Walnut: Helps the child or adult adjust to a new schedule or situation.
Being unable to fall a sleep Rescue Sleep: Calms our mind and body to allow us to fall asleep. White Chestnut: When your mind it too cluttered with thoughts that you are unable to fall asleep. Impatient: When you get irritated and impatient with yourself, you start counting hours until the alarm clock will wake you up. Vervain: When your mind is too wind up with plans
Bach Flower Essences and Children Children respond quickly to The Bach Flower Essences. Parents giving The Bach Flower Essences to their children are often amazed by the positive effect the Essences have on their children; screaming children find sudden relief, shy and fearful children find courage, impatient and angry children find peace. The Bach Flower Essences are 100% safe and natural for children. Dosage for children and adults are the same Aspen: This Essence helps children deal with unknown fears such as nightmares and feeling anxious. Centaury: This Essence helps children who allow other children to boss them. They have a hard time saying "no" and are often anxious to please, they give in to others out of subservience rather than willing cooperation. Centaury helps them to express and defend their own opinions. Chicory: This Essence helps children who make constant and unreasonable demands for attention. Cherry Plum: This Essence helps children who have screaming fits and tantrums. (Present in Rescue Remedy) Chestnut Bud: This Essence is useful for children who are slow learners at home or at school, due to repeated behaviour patterns. Clematis: This Essence helps children who are dreamy, forgetful and live in their own little world. (Present in Rescue Remedy) Courtesy:
Gentian: This Essence helps children who feel discouraged by setbacks, for example in school. Holly: This Essence helps children when they are jealous of new siblings. Holly is the Essence that replaces hate, envy and jealousy with love. Impatiens: For the great speed at which these children move and talk. They get easily bored and are annoyed if unable to do something quickly enough. They are excitable and restless children and run around at top speed. At school they are quick minded and are often the first to put up their hand in class, bouncing up and down in their seat eager to demonstrate or provide answer. (Present in Rescue Remedy) Mimulus: This Essence helps children who are fearful and shy. The fear is known, such as, fear of going to sleep in the dark, being alone, dogs and starting school etc. Especially good for separation anxiety. Pine: For the child who feel guilt and responsibility, even when it is not their fault. Rock Rose: This Essence helps in severe cases of night terror. (Present in Rescue Remedy) Star of Bethlehem: This Essence helps children deal with trauma, such as, birth trauma or loss of a person close to them. (Present in Rescue Remedy) Courtesy:
Vine: This Essence is for those children who constantly dominate and bully other children. They believe that they right and others are supposed to follow their every order. Vine helps them see the good in others and encourage and guide without controlling. Vervain: For tension, eagerness and excitement. These children tend to get over-excited, due to eagerness and enthusiasm rather than impatience. They are great, convincing talkers. Walnut: This Essence helps children in periods of change, such as, teething, puberty, new school, new sibling and other situations of change.
The 38 Bach Flower Essences Agrimony: This Essence helps those who appear carefree and humorous, but actually they hide behind a mask to hide their anxieties, worries and inner pain and fears. They dislike being alone and are very sociable, seeking company as a distraction. Agrimony helps them express their pain, fears and worries; their cheerfulness will come from within, instead of covering up pain and worries. Aspen: This Essence helps those who feel fears and worries of unknown origin. The fears or worries come suddenly without any specific reason. A typical need for Aspen is on waking in fear from a bad dream, even if the dream itself is forgotten. Aspen helps us to an inner peace, security and fearlessness. Beech: This Essence is for those who are constantly being critical toward other people. Beech will help you accept others as they are. Centaury: This Essence is for those who can't say "no." They let themselves be imposed on and even bullied by others. For example, if your boss knows that you have to leave early on Wednesdays, to pick up your daughter from soccer, but every Wednesday you boss has something you need to have done before you leave and you always end up staying longer and therefore always shows up late after your daughter's soccer is over. Centaury helps you say "not today, I need to pick up my daughter. Any other day is okay but not on Wednesdays." Centaury will help you stay in touch with your own wishes and you will be able to express and defend your own opinions. Cerato: This Essence helps when you have a hard time making decisions. You tend to seek advice and confirmations from others, not listening to your own intuition. You might often follow others advice and later regret is, since you actually knew that it wouldn't be what you wanted.
Cherry Plum: This helps when you are on the verge of breakdown, possible suicide. You feel in such despair that you feel that you are loosing your sanity. You have a feeling that you are going to explode and are afraid to give way to violent impulses. Cherry Plum helps you to find an inner balance so that you can think and act rationally. Chestnut Bud: This Essence helps when you keep doing the same mistake over and over again, you just don't seem to learn. You keep repeating the same mistakes, such as falling over and over again for the same partner, or continuing to work in an unsuitable job. Instead of learning from past mistakes you tend to forget them. Chestnut Bud helps you to take full advantage of daily experiences and learn from them so that you can move forward in life. Chicory: This Essence helps you at times where you get too selfishly possessive, you tend to manipulate your loved ones and expect others to conform to your values. You may be too critical, interfering and nagging. Chicory helps you to be less selfish and be able to offer genuine love. You will feel fulfilled and self-assured. Clematis: For those who find their lives unhappy and withdraw into fantasy worlds. They are ungrounded and indifferent to the details of everyday life. Teaches one to establish a bridge between the physical world and the world of ideas; may foster great creativity. Is also used to bring clarity and alertness to the present moment. Crab Apple: This Essence helps when you feel self-disgust or believe that something about yourself or partner is unclean. Crab Apple it the cleansing essence for mind and body. This Essence is needed when you can not look in the mirror and appreciate how you look. Crab Apple helps you look at yourself without unrealistic critique.
Elm: This Essence helps when you feel overwhelmed by responsibilities. It can be at work, at home, or at life in general. You just feel that your responsibilities are more than you can handle. Elm helps you calm down and think rationally. Elm will help you take one step at the time and before you know it you will feel that you have everything under control again. Gentian: This Essence helps when you feel discouraged and despondent. You get easily discouraged and depressed when things go wrong or faced with difficulties. Gentian helps you realize that there is no such thing as failure when one is doing one's best, no matter what the result. No obstacle seems too great, and no task too daunting to undertake. Gorse: This Essence helps when you feel hopelessness and despair, you may suffer from a chronic illness and been told that nothing can be done. Gorse helps you get a sense of faith and hope, despite current physical or mental problems. Heather: This Essence helps you at times where you are too self-preoccupied, you may talk to others about your problem without realizing that you have buttonholed anyone of them. Heather helps you put your own suffering to good use by empathizing with others. Holly: This Essence helps when you feel jealousy, envy, suspicion and hatred. These feelings often come from insecurity and mental suffering and lack of ability to love. Holly helps you feel compassion, love and inner harmony. Honeysuckle: This Essence helps you move forward when over-attached to past memories, you may feel regrets over things that happened in the past. Honeysuckle helps you move forward and to live in the present. Ageing is accepted as a natural process.
Hornbeam: This Essence helps when you have the "Monday morning feeling" all week. The weariness is rather mental than physical and it is difficult to face the day's work. Procrastinating is often as result of the mental imbalance. Impatiens: This Essence helps when you get impatient and irritated. Other people appear slow and inefficient and you get nervy, frustrated and impatient. Impatiens helps you relax and feel sympathetic to those who are slow. You will cope calmly and diplomatically with irritating problems. Larch: This Essence helps when you lack self-confidence and self esteem. You doubt your abilities and therefore do not even try. Although, you are aware, secretly, that you have potential abilities you refuse to acknowledge it and thereby avoid the risk of failure. Therefore, you tend to become discouraged and depressed. Larch helps you regain a realistic sense of self esteem and confidence, unworried about failure or success. Mimulus: This Essence helps when you have fear of known things, such as, fear of spiders, fear of not being good enough, fear of being old, fear of not succeeding, fear of heights, fear of public speaking etc. You might also be shy, tongue-tied in company; you might even be blushing and stammering. Mimulus helps you regain courage to face trails and difficulties with humour and confidence. You will be able to stand up for yourself, and with the emotions under control can enjoy life without fear. Mustard: This Essence helps when you get depressed without any reason. You feel like a black cloud suddenly appears and disappears without reason. It destroys your normal cheerfulness and everything suddenly feels utterly hopeless. Suddenly for no reason the cloud disappear and you feel cheerful again and life suddenly feels full of hope again. Mustard helps you lift the cloud so that you can enjoy life in all aspects.
Oak: This Essence helps you when are exhausted, but you keep to struggling on. You are normally strong and brave, but because of your sense of duty you ignore your tiredness and do not allow yourself rest. You feel tired, frustrated, stressed and depressed. Oak helps you restore your energy and make you recognize the need to take time off to relax and look after yourself. Olive: This Essence helps when you feel utterly tired both mentally and physically. Olive restores strength, vitality and interest in life. Pine: This Essence helps when you feel guilt and self-reproach. You may blame yourself for other people's mistakes and everything that goes wrong. Pine helps you regain energy, vitality and pleasure in life. Responsibility is accepted realistically. Red Chestnut: This Essence helps when you worry about the health or well-being of your loved ones. Usually the worries are un-necessary and un-welcome. Rock Rose: This Essence helps when you feel terror, such as after being in an accident or having a near escape, or from witnessing an accident. The fear gives you a sense of frozen fear and helplessness. Rock Rose helps you to be present in mind and act calm in emergencies. Rock Water: This Essence helps when you are over-conscientious and set too high standards for yourself. Rock Water helps us hold high ideals with a flexible mind. Scleranthus: This Essence helps when you feel uncertain and can not decide between two possibilities, such as, choosing between pizza and chicken salad. Scleranthus help you make the choice without a second thought.
Star of Bethlehem: This Essence helps when you have been through a traumatic experience both during and after, even an experience that have happened when you were a child. Star of Bethlehem neutralizes the effect of trauma. Sweet Chestnut: This Essence helps when you feel hopeless despair. You feel a intense sorrow and feel almost destroyed by it. You may feel on the point of nervous breakdown. Sweet Chestnut helps us to feel a sense of optimism and peace of mind. Vervain: This Essence helps you at times that you get over-enthusiastic; you put too much effort into everything and push yourself beyond your physical limit. You may feel that you are burning the candle in both ends. Vervain helps you to relax both mentally and physically. Vine: This Essence helps when you get too dominating and inflexible. You are most likely in a position where you are the boss, but you use your power to put others down. Vine helps you see the good in others and encourage and guide without controlling them Walnut: This Essence helps you go through changes, such as, moving, change job, menopause or through a separation. Walnut helps you go through transitions calmly and remain steadfast in your own path. It's a great protection against negative energy from other people. Water Violet Water Violet people are proud, aloof, independent who go through life doing their work quietly, preferring to be left alone. Unfortunately in a negative stage they feel lonely. Water Violet helps them connect with others.
White Chestnut: This Essence helps when your mind is full of unwanted thoughts and mental arguments. These mental arguments can often keep you from sleeping at night. White Chestnut helps you clear your mind and get the thinking under control and can be put to positive use in problem-solving. Worry is replaced by trust in a positive outcome. Wild Oat: This Essence helps when you feel uncertain as to which direction to take in life, such as, choosing a career, you have reached a cross-road in life and are completely undecided as to what way to go. Wild Oat helps you get a clear picture of what to do in life, with positive idea and ambitions, and the ability to decide upon one's true path. Wild Rose: This Essence helps when you are resigned to an unpleasant situation, but feel to apathetic to do anything. Wild Rose helps you to regain a lively interest in life and therefore helps you find your purpose in life. Willow: This Essence helps you at times where you feel bitterness and self-pity. You ask yourself "Why does this happen to me?" "I don't deserve this." You feel grumble and critical. Willow helps you regain faith and optimism. You will be able to forgive and forget past injustices and enjoy life. You are in control of your own destiny.
Bach Flower Essences What They Are and How To Use Them With Adults, Children & Animals
The information in this publication and connected websites, is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Copyright Š 2000 - 2014 John Quigley & & All rights reserved.
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