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Hypnosis for Women
Professional Hypnosis & Coaching
Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080 www.HypnoForWomen.com

Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Break Free Of What’s Holding You Back . . . Hypnosis Can Help
Are you letting your limitations and fears prevent you from living the life that you’d like to live? Finish this sentence: My life would be so much better if only I could . . . Following are a few possible endings.
• Learn to relax • Get more sleep • Feel better about myself • Stop smoking • Get slimmer and more fit • Travel on an airplane • Drive over bridges • Concentrate and focus more easily • Release negativity • Comfortably interact with others
You know what you want to change, but you
don’t know how to go about it. Maybe you’ve told yourself, “I’m pretty smart, and I should be able to handle this on my own, but I can’t. What’s wrong with me?” Nothing is wrong with you. You’re not weak or dense or incapable. You’ve been trying to make changes using logic and commonsense. But that’s often not enough, so you end up staying stuck in old negative patterns.
Hypnosis is an approach that taps into the subconscious mind to help interrupt the undesired patterns and develop newer, smarter
ones. It makes challenges much easier to surmount and helps you develop a sense of empowerment. As a result of the positive impact it’s been making on people’s lives, the ongoing research in the field, and the fact that it’s a holistic approach, increasing numbers of people are using it. Also, more health care providers and mental health specialists are suggesting that clients seek out these services, which can be a wonderful adjunct to conventional care.
Unfortunately, misconceptions about hypnosis prevent some people from using services that
could benefit them. Sometimes stage shows, movies and TV programs, depict hypnosis in a bizarre fashion, in an attempt to be entertaining. So it’s not surprising that misinformed individuals may equate hypnosis with mind control, a zombie-like state, sleep, or unconsciousness – all of which are incorrect.
Hypnosis is based on neuroscience, and it brings about a heightened state of awareness and focus, while relaxing the body and helping the subconscious mind to be more receptive to
positive suggestions. You are always in control. No one can make you say, do, or think anything that runs counter to your beliefs and values. In this state, you’re more receptive to suggestions that are in harmony with your values and goals.
Hypnosis is an efficient, holistic, and
empowering modality. It works wonderfully for people who are motivated to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of changing, and who understand they need to be a partner in the process.