Atlantic County Woman - January/February 2019

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O ur

12th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families


Magna Wave PEMF is a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency delivered through a coil that is placed on your body.

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Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but I much prefer the gifts that truly sparkle.

I am often asked whether it is a good idea for elderly parents to transfer their home to their children. Page 23

Pages 22 & 23 Pae 32

Page 38

The miracle of pregnancy is a wonderful life event. Dr. Carfagno and his staff at Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility provide quality, compassionate healthcare for all stages of a woman’s life. Read more about his practice on pages 16 & 17.

Smartphones Scan Here

Page 28

Photo By Donna Andrews Photography




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Pet Services


Pulsed Electro Magnetic Therapy (PEMF)

The science of magnawaving and the differences between low- and high-intensity PEMF What Is Magna Wave PEMF?

Magna Wave PEMF is a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency delivered through a coil that is placed on your body by a Magna Wave Certified Practitioner. The blood oxygenation is said to increase, activate the lymphatic system and stimulate acupuncture points. This process reduces pain and inflammation and promotes healing. If we can relieve the pain and swelling, the body can begin to heal naturally.

Magna Wave PEMF Can Relieve Pain From…

• Arthritis & Osteoporosis • Sprains & Strains • Autoimmune Disease • Headaches & Migraines • Aging & Stress • Depression • Urinary Incontinence • Accelerate Healing Time of Fractures & Wounds • Reduce Inflammation • Sleep Disturbances & Much More

Bring this voucher for your first visit FREE!

Tender Tear Relief “Jenn has an ankled brace she has been wearing for over one year for a severe tendon tear. Her entire body was compensating on a diagonal. She was suffering headaches, shoulder pain, lower back pain, and tightness in her calves. We worked on her angled and basically on the extreme compensation areas to relieve pain and tension. She sat down after the session and asked when I was coming back! She booked a PEMF appointment for her and her husband. The next days she said she could not believe how much better she felt. Thank you Pat and Alane!” - VickyLynn Toporek, LMT, CMWP Reduced Inflammation “My outer ankle got swollen and sore because of my high arches. I saw my family Dr. and my podiatrist took two different Rx medications, completed several physical therapy sessions, applied ice for several days and wore a prescribed boot. After all of this I was about 10% improved. After four consecutive days of Magna Wave treatments I am 90% better!!” - Angela Cornes Relief from Plantar Facilitis “I had my first Magna Wave PEMF session with Maria April 18th. Looking for relief of plantar fasciitis, neck and back problems. I got 100% relief from the plantar fasciitis, and dramatic relief in my neck and back. Very excited for my next session with Maria and Magna Wave PEMF!!!” - Windy King

Treatments take 9 to 18 minutes

(sometimes more or less depending on what we’re treating).



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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Premier Dental Spa


You Slept A Full Eight Hours But You’re Still Tired. Why? If you, your partner, or someone else you know is waking after a night of sleep feeling completely unrested, there is a chance that they may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the upper airway is intermittently blocked during sleep, reducing or completely stopping airflow.

sleep apnea are CPAP (Controlled Positive Airway Pressure) or OAT (Oral Appliance Therapy). Both of these treatments are covered under both medical insurance and Medicare.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Treatments for sleep apnea vary widely depending on the severity and type of sleep apnea a person suffers from. Suggested treatments can include: • Losing weight • Quitting smoking / drinking • Eating healthy and controlling blood pressure • Sleeping on your side • Oral devices • Surgery in extreme cases • CPAP (breathing machines)

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are three primary types of sleep apnea that can be caused by a person’s physical structure or We are now a medical conditions. Dental Sleep Medicine 1. Central Sleep Apnea Member Center of One type of sleep apnea is called central sleep Federici Dental the New Jersey apnea (CSA) and it happens works closely when you stop breathing because the muscles Sleep Society. with both local involved in the act of respiratory breathing don’t receive the proper signal from the pulmonologists This is the appliance we brain. Causes of CSA and your primary care provider to have use at Federici Dental. can be brain stem injuries/concussions, congestive heart failure, Opioid your home sleep studies completed. They usage, and CNS diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. are proud members of both the American 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and NJ Sleep Society, and are on The most common form of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and occurs due to a physical blockage, usually the collapsing of the cutting-edge of sleep apnea knowledge and treatment. the soft tissue in the back of the throat. Loud snorers may have a serious case of blocked air passages, known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Testimonial: (OSAS). In these cases, the blockage of air is so great that no air can get “…Dr. Federici’s compassion and patience is much appreciated. My oral device was through, causing repeated awakenings throughout the night. custom made for me! It’s small and comfortable, plus I can easily take it with me when I 3. Mixed Sleep Apnea travel. Dr. Federici is very cautious with making adjustments to my device so I will not Mixed/complex sleep apnea is a combination of CSA and OSA. have jaw pain. His staff was friendly and handled the billing to my insurance company Obstructve sleep apnea can contribute or lead to many other conditions with ease. Finally, I’m getting a good night sleep! Thank you Dr. Dave!” -Michelle D. such as hypertension, A-Fib, diabetes, GERD, stroke, and increased risk for car accidents to name a few, so it is important to be diagnosed by a medical professionals if you experience any sleep-related symptoms. While each individual case is different, the first step in diagnosing sleep apnea is with a sleep study. Our office works with both respiratory pulmonologists directly or through a written prescription by your primary care physician with Meridian Hackensack SOCH to provide home or in-lab sleep studies. We will do an oral screening • Dental Implants • Hybrid Dentures • Sleep Apnea and have you answer some questions which will assist in informing your medical doctor why we feel you should have a home sleep test done. Treatment • Cosmetic Dentistry • Crowns • Bridges Once the study is completed and both the respiratory pulmonologist/ • ZOOM Teeth Whitening • Partials • Root Canals primary physician and our office receive a copy of the results, we will both • Cleanings • Exams • Digital X-Rays coordinate the best treatment for you. Oral appliances work by gently moving your lower jaw and tongue forward thereby opening up your airway at back Call our office today at (609) 597-1234. of your throat.

Insurance Coverage for Sleep Apnea

Your respiratory pulmonologist or your primary care physician referred hospital dispensed study will be covered again, by your medical insurance not your dental since it is a medical condition. The two standards of treatment for

We look forward to seeing you! 1301 Route 72 W. • Unit 230 • Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Just one minute off the parkway!

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Publisher’s Note


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The County Woman The County Woman Ce leb rat r ing Our 11th Yea

P.O. Box 619 P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJTurnersville, 08012 NJ 08012

Welcome to the January/February Issue of the Atlantic County Woman!

The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at and is available free of charge at The County Woman’s is published bi-monthly Publisher Chris LamNewspaper display stands in approved private and public and authorized only,and authorized distributors only, display standsestablishments in approved private and publicdistributors establishments or by paid mail subscription. or by paid mail subscription. Manager Lauren Shover Trademark Production and U.S. Copyright Laws protectand The County Woman’s part ofWoman’s Newspaper. No part of Trademark U.S. Copyright LawsNewspaper. protect TheNoCounty this paper may be reproduced without the written the publisher. this paper may be permission reproduced of without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s NewspaperThe is not responsible forNewspaper any editorial comment (otherforthan County Woman’s is not responsible any editorial comment (other than Regional Sales Kristina Wheeler Pruitt its own), typographical errorsDirector from advertisements submitted asfrom camera ready or anysubmitted reproduc-as camera ready or any reproducits own), typographical errors advertisements tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. If an advertisement does not meet ouradvertisement standards of acceptance, we our maystandards revise or cancel it at we may revise or cancel it at If an not meet of acceptance, Billing Manager Jenniferdoes Hartsig any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged previously published. Theand/or previously published. The any time, whether or not it and/or has been already acknowledged advertiser assumes sole responsibility for allassumes statements in submitted copy andcontained will advertiser sole contained responsibility for all statements in submitted copy and will protect and indemnify Woman’s Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, against protect andGolden indemnify the Woman’s Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, against GraphictheDesigner Design LLC any and all liability loss or expense of claims libel, unfair trade patents, anyarising and allout liability loss for or expense arising outnames, of claims for libel, unfair trade names, patents, CEO copyrights and propriety rights, and all Lynn violations ofWolf the right of and privacy or other violations copyrights and K. propriety rights, all violations of the right of privacy or other violations resulting from the publication ofresulting this newspaper its advertising copy.newspaper or its advertising copy. from theorpublication of this The publisher shall be under no The liability for failure, any reason, to insert advertisepublisher shall for be under no liability for an failure, for any reason, to insert an advertiseFor advertising call: ment. The publisher shall not bement. liableinquiries, by reason of error, omission and/or failure of to error, insertomission any The publisher shallplease not be liable by reason and/or failure to insert any part of an advertisement. The publisher willadvertisement. not be liable for or failure part of an Thedelay publisher will in notperformance be liable for delay or failure in performance in publication and/or distribution all or any portion of an issue isifdelayed or portion suspended forissue is delayed or suspended for in ifpublication and/or distribution all or any of an any reason. The publisher will exercise reasonable judgmentwill in exercise these instances and judgment will make in these instances and will make any reason. The publisher reasonable adjustments for the advertiser where and when adjustments forappropriate. the advertiser where and when appropriate. The Woman’s Newspaper assumes noWoman’s responsibility for unsolicited material or reproducThe Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. tions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be publishedThis by the 15th of will everybeother month. newspaper published by the 15th of every other month. TM COPYRIGHT 2008. LLC TM COPYRIGHT 2008. Representations by The Monmouth County Woman, LLC Representations by The Monmouth County Woman,

Welcome 2019! 2018 has been a wonderful year and the staff at the Atlantic County Woman Publication and • myself would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for the support we have received this entire year. It is due to the • many contributing writers, readers, distributors, Facebook and Twitter followers, and staff that we are able to continue • bringing you six issues a year full of educational articles, written by professionals who are leading experts in their fields. • As 2019 begins, we look forward to the upcoming year as another year of hard work and dedication • to growing the Atlantic County Woman Publication. The New Year is the time for fresh opportunities for success and the potential for much joy and happiness. As we reflect on what we have been grateful for in 2018, it is the support we have received from our writers and readers in the form of emails, Facebook posts, tweets and phone calls. It has been a privilege and honor to continue to supply the most informative articles, events coverage and exclusive deals to the residents of Atlantic County! Contact us: P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ • 08012 We wish you a prosperous, happy and successful 2019! Best, 856.885.8066 Chris Lam, Publisher, & The Staff at the Atlantic County Woman Publication FIND US ON THE WEBUS ! ON THE WEB! FIND


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It’s what you want to do with your life, and BAYADA gives you the tools, training and opportunity to live up to your— and our—values of compassion, excellence and reliability. Your passion is our passion. Together, we can help home health clients and their families stay safe at home with exceptional skilled nursing care, especially on weekends and overnight. Find out more about how you can follow your heart and give your life to something bigger than yourself. You belong at BAYADA. Call 609-926-4600 to care for our adult clients. BAYADA specialty practices include Home Health Care, Pediatrics, Hospice, and Habilitation. EOE

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Pet Services Services Pet Newkirk Family Veterinarians ...................................................... 2

Newkirk Family Veterinarians....................................................... 2 Funny Farm Rescue .................................................................. 51 Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming. . ............................................... 36 Senior Pets ................................................................................ 52 Funny FarmSupplies Rescue................................................................... Jolly Pets & Grooming ................................................ 52 53 Atlantic ........................................... 68, Atlantic County County Animal Animal Shelter. Shelter............................................. 72, 69 73

Medical Dental Professionals Premier Spa

Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility................................................ 33 Federici Dental............................................................................. Shore Vascular & VeinCare Center ...................................................... 6 Home Health Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa .............................. 47 BAYADA Home Health Care......................................................... Certified Dermatology ............................................................... 10 Coffee ShopOrthopedics................................................. 11 Advocare Stafford Barista’s Coffee 5 Sood Center forHouse. Plastic................................................................ Surgery ................................................ 17 Medical Professionals Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick ................................................... 25 Atlantic Medical& Imaging ........................................................... Shore Vascular Vein Center. ......................................................26 6 Kathy A.Aesthetics Banks, DMD ................................................................ Accent Medical & Laser Day Spa...............................27 7 Relievus ..................................................................................... 30 Sood Center for Plastic Surgery................................................. 14 Bella Derma Medi Spa............................................................... 24 38 Relievus...................................................................................... Barbara Greenling, DNP ...................................................... 40, 41 Atlantic Medical Imaging............................................................ 26 Home Health Care Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................................ 29 BAYADA Home Health Care ........................................................ 4 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick.............................................. 34, 35 Coffee Shop Kathy A. Banks, ................................................................ Barista’s Coffee DMD. House ................................................................395 Certified Dermatology.......................................................... 44, 45 Premier Dental Spa Barbara DNP.............................................................8,479 Federici Greenling, Dental ........................................................................

Elder Law Woman The County

Rice Elder Law........................................................................... Testimonials. .................................................................................12 8 Home Improvement Instagram..................................................................................... 9 Clay’sthe Climate ............................................................... 13 Meet CountyControl Woman Team.................................................. 10 The County Publications Subscription Form..Woman .................................................................... 58 Subscribe Today ........................................................................ 13 Business & Finance Instagram .................................................................................. 20 Copiers Plus Inc......................................................................... 11 Testimonials ............................................................................... 21

Financial Management Health & Wellness

Garden Trust Company..................................................... 12 BreatheState Studio ........................................................................... 14 Health & Wellness Body in Balance Fitness Center ................................................ 31 Hot or Not Yoga ......................................................................... 13 32 Breathe Studio. ........................................................................... Body in Balance Fitness Center................................................. 18 Hypnosis for Women.................................................................. 21

Table of Contents

Hypnosis Women ................................................................. 33 Yoga Nine for Mind/Body Studio..................................................... 30 Nina Radcliff, MD ...................................................................... 44 Nina Radcliff, MD....................................................................... Curexa Pharmacy ...................................................................... 40 46 Curexa Pharmacy. . ..................................................................... Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio .................................................... 41 50

Home Improvement Fashion & Beauty

Clay’s Climate Control. ............................................................... 13 Barbara’s Boutique .................................................................... 15 The Bra Boudoir ........................................................................ 22 Legal Professionals Seagrass Boutique .................................................................... 29 Russell & Marinucci. ................................................................... 15 Assisted Living D’Amato Law Firm. ..................................................................... 25 Seashore Gardens Living Center............................................... 16

Featured on the Cover Psychic Advisor Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility......................................... 16, 17

Mark Nichols ............................................................................. 16

Permanent Makeup Financial Management

Beau 5 TipsInstitute............................................................................. for Sustaining Financial Health ....................................... 19 18 Cake Shoppe & Tea.................................................... Room Garden State Trust Company 19 APermanent Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room............................. 20 Makeup Beau Institute ............................................................................ 22 Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment Bakery Solutions................................................................. 20 Enlightened Simply Sweet Elder LawCupcakes ........................................................... 23 Legal Rice ElderProfessionals Law..................................................................... 22, 23 D’Amato Law Firm ..................................................................... 24

Theatre & Entertainment Higher Education

Atlantic Atlantic City CapeBallet...................................................................... Community College ............................................ 27 28 Cape May Stage. ........................................................................ 53 Professional Tutoring Two River Theater. ...................................................................... 55 Study Smarter .......................................................................... 28 Gazillion Bubble Show............................................................... 64 Featured on the Cover The Other Josh Cohen............................................................... Russell & Marinucci ............................................................. 34, 65 35

SpecialtyLiving Wigs Assisted

Wigs by Pat and Cubby............................................................. 36 Seashore Gardens Living Center............................................... 28

Nutrition & Wellness Higher Education

Vitality FYI .................................................................................. 37 Atlantic Cape Community College............................................. 31

Psychiatry Tutoring Professional

Charles Meusburger, MD........................................................... 37 Study Smarter Professional Tutoring.......................................... 32

Business & Finance Fashion Beauty Copiers Plus & .............................................................................. 39 The Bra Boudoir......................................................................... 33 Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment Acupuncture Enlightened Solutions................................................................ 45

5 5 Acupuncture Psychiatry Koehler Acupuncture ................................................................. 45 Charles Meusburger................................................................... 38 Wigs & Hair Designs Men’s Clothing Abstrax Hair Designs ................................................................. 47 Lou Marchiano Men.............................................................. Women offorAtlantic County ........................... 48, 42 49 Wigs & Hair Replacement Men’s Clothing Styles by LaRonne..................................................................... Lou Marchiano for Men ............................................................. 42 53

Women’s Theatre &History Entertainment

Audrey Hepburn......................................................................... Cape May Stage ........................................................................ 43 54 The Other Josh Cohen .............................................................. 56 Shoe Repair Show-Score 57 The Friendly ............................................................................... Cobbler.................................................................. 48 Atlantic City Ballet ..................................................................... 59 Nutrition & Wellness Two River Theater ...................................................................... 67 Vitality FYI................................................................................... 48

Shoe Repair Specialty Wigs................................................................. 55 The Friendly Cobbler Wigs by Pat and Cubby............................................................. 49 Gourmet Shop Women of Atlantic County............................ 50, 51 Tales of the Olive ....................................................................... 55 Fabulous Food Cutting Board Creations, LLC.................................................... LLC ................................................... 54 58

Travel Travel

Vagabond Travel Travel Agency. Agency............................................................ 63 Vagabond .......................................................... 62

Women’s History Happy New Year Susan Burton............................................................................. 64 Resolution Reboot...................................................................... 70 Holistic Life Coach Family Portraits & Headshots Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A. ................................................... 71 Donna Andrews Photography.................................................... 71 Family Portraits & Headshots Community ..... 33, 46, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 70 Donna Andrews Photography ................................................... 75 Community .... 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74 Please Please Take Take Advantage Advantage Of Of Our Our Many Many “Enter “Enter To To Win” Win” Contests Contests Throughout Throughout The The Paper Paper And And On On Facebook Facebook!!

Koehler Acupuncture............................................................ 36, 37

Coffee Coffee Shop Shop The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2018 January/February 2019

Medical Professionals

10 6

Medical Professionals

The Most Common Common Questions Questions And AndAnswers Answers Concerning Varicose Veins Concerning


Varicose Veins

aricose veins are one of the most common vascular Varicose are onemen of the most conditions affectingveins women...and of all ages. common vascular conditions affecting Treatment options have improved greatly in of all ages. Treatment recentwomen...and years. In spitemen of these advancements, options have improved greatly recent many people mistakenly still believe thatintreatspite of these advancements, ment years. for thisInproblem is difficult, painful, and many people mistakenly still believe simplythat considered “cosmetic.” Other people treatment for this problem is may experience leg painand andsimply other symptoms difficult, painful, considered but they don’t realize whatpeople is causing their “cosmetic.” Other may condition. This article will answer some experience leg pain and other common questions varicose veins, symptoms butregarding they don’t realize what is Jeffrey S. Gosin, Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACSMD, FACS the associated and treatment. causingsymptoms, their condition. This article will answer some common What are varicose veins? questions regarding varicose veins, the associated symptoms, and treatment. Varicose veins are swollen veins that can be seen through the skin.

How are varicose veins and venous reflux diagnosed? How are varicosevascular veins and venous diagnosed? An experienced specialist canreflux make the diagnosis with An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis a combination of a medical history, physical examinationwith and aa combination of atest medical physical examination and a painless painless vascular calledhistory, a Doppler ultrasound (also known as vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as a venous duplex a venous duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential Making the correct diagnosis is essential in properly treating this inscan.) properly treating this condition. condition.

How varicose veins andand venous reflux treated? Howare are varicose veins venous reflux treated? Sometimes compression stockings will be sufficient to control Sometimes compression stockings will be sufficient to control symptoms symptoms and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, current current technology and techniques, allow forWITHOUT treatment WITHOUT technology and techniques allow for treatment the need for the need surgery. for painful One of proven the best, most proven treatments painful Onesurgery. of the best, most treatments for venous reflux the Closure® This minimally procedure is performed foris venous refluxProcedure. is the Closure® Procedure,invasive now referred to as Venefit™. rightminimally in the office in less than 30 minutes, with no incisions, minimal This invasive procedure is performed right in the office discomfort, and excellent results. in less than 30 minutes, with no incisions, minimal discomfort, How long isresults. the recovery from vein treatment? They oftenare have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veins and excellent What varicose veins? In most cases individuals can return to their usual activities within a day be Varicose veinsand are swollen veinsOthers that canmay be seen throughThey the skin. may very large discolored. be smaller. can They How long is the recovery from vein treatment? of the procedure. oftenanywhere have a bulging, appearance. occur on thetwisted legs, including the Some groin varicose area. veins may be very In most cases individuals can return to their usual activities within Is varicose vein treatment covered by health insurance? large and discolored. Others may be smaller. They can occur anywhere on What causes varicose veins? a day of the procedure. Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many cases, the legs, including the groin area. Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to Isvaricose varicose vein treatment covered by health insurance? vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An experienced vein What causes varicose veins? the heart. Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Venouscenter refluxwill disease a medical condition. Therefore, in many treatment haveisinsurance specialists who will work with your Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to the Those valves can malfunction and leak, causing blood to flow in the insurance company to confirm coverage. cases, varicose vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An heart. Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Those wrong The blood inblood the legs, increasing the pressure experienced vein treatment center will have insurance specialists who valvesdirection. can malfunction andthen leak, pools causing to flow in the wrong in direction. the veins.The Thisblood is known as venous or Chronic Venous then pools in thereflux legs, disease increasing the pressure in will work with your insurance company to confirm coverage. Visit Insufficiency (CVI). Venous reflux is one of the most common causes the veins. This is known as venous reflux disease or Chronic Venous VISIT of Insufficiency varicose veins. (CVI). Venous reflux is one of the most common causes of varicose What are theveins. symptoms of varicose veins and venous reflux disease? What are the symptoms veinsmay andfeel venous reflux People with varicose veins of andvaricose venous reflux leg pain, leg disease? heaviness, leg fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is aPeople with varicose veins and venous reflux may feelsymptoms. leg pain, legMany also very common complaint. Standing may worsen heaviness, leg fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of thesome legs is people will notice the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, also awill veryonly common complaint.but Standing may worsen symptoms. Many people feel discomfort not notice any cosmetic changes. people will notice the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some I thought varicose veins are justbut a cosmetic problem. Is that true? people will only feel discomfort not notice any cosmetic changes. is important to understand veins problem. and venousIsreflux I Itthought varicose veins arethat justvaricose a cosmetic that aretrue? NOT necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be a sign of an abnormal condition in the circulation. In addition pain, some It is important to understand that varicose veins andtovenous reflux individuals maynecessarily be at risk for chronic swelling, permanent skin are NOT simple cosmetic problems. This can be discoloration, a sign of an open wounds and eveninblood clots. With diagnosis treatment, abnormal condition the circulation. In early addition to pain,and some individuals long-term can usuallypermanent be prevented. often has may be atcomplications risk for chronic swelling, skinTreatment discoloration, open thewounds added and benefit improving aesthetics, even in cases that are not evenofblood clots. With early diagnosis and treatment, longterm complications considered “cosmetic.”can usually be prevented. Treatment often has the added benefit of improving aesthetics, even in cases that are not considered Who is at risk for varicose veins? “cosmetic.” Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history of varicose Who is at risk for varicose veins? veins, and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history of varicose ageveins, and pregnancy are risk factors. Some people may develop varicose and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing age veins having anyfactors. of these known conditions. andwithout pregnancy are risk Some people may develop varicose veins

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without having any of these known conditions. The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016 January/February 2019

Medical Professionals


CoolSculpting... Love What You See When it comes to your reflection, you can be your own toughest critic. Even that favorite outfit can feel off limits because of stubborn fat that resists diet and exercise. The CoolSculpting procedure shapes what you see without surgery and little to no downtime so you look great from every angle! Trouble areas that come to mind are the abdomen and love handles, but there is so much more to CoolSculpting. With latest CoolSculpting technology, you can treat any size or location of trouble spots! Thighs, upper arms, double chin, bra fat and back and distal thigh, the area under your buttocks and more! As a leading procedure for removal of unwanted fat that has been proven safe and effective, you have nothing to lose with CoolSculpting except fat! With the next generation to CoolSculpting, custom treatments can take only 30 minutes!

323 South Pitney Road, Suite 100 • Galloway, NJ 08205 For more information, call 609-652-6550 or visit ACCENT AESTHETICS IS PROUD TO OFFER COOLSCULPTING! Discover how to freeze away fat with the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction procedure: • Transformational results without surgery or little to no downtime • Millions of treatments performed worldwide • FDA-cleared, safe and effective

CoolSculpting can target stubborn fat in the areas that bother you the most. Upper Arms double chin!

CHOOSE ACCENT AESTHETICS FOR THE BEST COOLSCULPTING RESULTS! • Only Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon providing Bellafill 5-year Filler in Atlantic and Cape May counties • All staff are CoolSculpting certified • Most up to date equipment and latest technology to CoolSculpting available • Most experienced CoolSculpting facility in the area • Best value and quality service in the area • Comfortable CoolSculpting suites to make your treatment as relaxing as possible • Flexible evening and weekend hours available • Financing options through Greensky & Care Credit

1. CoolSculpting is the treatment doctors use most for non-invasive fat removal. RESULTS AND PATIENT EXPERIENCE MAY VARY. Placements shown are approximate. Before and After photos courtesy of (in order of appearance): A. Jay Burns, MD; Jason Rivers, MD; Christine Dierickx, MD; Brian Hass, • Financing through care credit MD; Grant Stevens, MD; Scott Gerrish, MD; Amy Brenner, MD; Mark Beaty, MD; Premier Plastic Surgery In the U.S., the CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental area, thigh, abdomen and fl ank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana roll), and upper arm. In Taiwan, the CoolSculpting procedure is cleared for the breakdown of fat in the flank (love handle), abdomen, and thigh. Outside the U.S. and Taiwan, the CoolSculpting procedure for non-invasive fat reduction is available worldwide. ZELTIQ, CoolSculpting, the CoolSculpting logo, and the Snowfl ake design are registered trademarks of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. © 2017. All rights reserved. IC03011-A

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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019



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- Ira J. Brower, President, Garden State Trust Company

“Advertising in the Ocean County Woman Publication has proven to Koehler Acupuncture be one of my smartest advertising 128 Drum Point Road • Brick, NJ 08723 decisions. Within the first two weeks 732.262.0637 I had received at least six calls of interest. By the end of the first month I had several more calls and seven new patients in my office. The article also worked great for my existing patients who showed it to their friends to encourage them to come in.”

– Keith Koehler, Owner, Koehler Acupuncture

“Your paper has given us a great venue for advertising our practice. My husband and I love the opportunity to customize our ads with subjects that are relevant to our practice and our patients. Atlantic County Woman has given us great exposure within the community. We have gotten many new patients thanks to your publication. We look forward to advertising with you for many more years to come.”

- Dana Carfagno, Practice Administrator, Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility

Reaching 120,000+ readers throughout Atlantic, Ocean and Monmouth Counties Don’t you think it’s time for your business to be featured in the County Woman Publications?

1.866.398.0898 •

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019






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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019


The County Woman Team Chris Lam, Publisher What do you enjoy most about publishing? I derive a great deal of satisfaction from being able to partner with our clients and learn about who they are, what services they provide, and how they wish to present themselves to their audience. To me, publication media is a fantastic way to convey a message quickly while providing engaging and informative content for our readers. I am so proud of our tremendous team and the passion they have for our clients and readers.

Kristina Pruitt, Regional Sales Director Why should businesses advertise in The County Woman? Our readers depend on us for helpful information that can improve their lives. Our contributors provide relevant information, useful in choosing medical care, life coaching, beauty and wellness choices, tutoring, college education, and so much more. Through these helpful articles they establish their expertise as leaders in their field while informing our readers. It is that connection that creates success for those who are in the publication, as well as for those who read it.

What do you find to be the greatest challenge? I view challenges as opportunities. For The County Woman, there are opportunities for us to continue growing our coverage areas and to strengthen our online presence. We continually challenge ourselves to be the number one educational resource for our readers. What are your goals for The County Woman this year? First and foremost, my primary goal is to continue the same high standard of magazine content, client service, and sense of community that our readers deserve. Beyond that, we will be undertaking a project this year to survey our readers for their insight and feedback so that we can provide the best readership experience possible. So be sure and keep an eye out for that! Have you learned anything new about yourself since starting this new endeavor? Yes, there are so many discoveries I have made. In particular, I have enjoyed using my creative side more than ever, and have been mastering the art of time management. There are countless things that happen behind the scenes of each issue and to be able to produce and distribute The County Woman on a bi-monthly basis takes an enormous amount of work. It would not be possible without team members performing to their full potential.

Lauren Shover, Production Manager What are your goals for The County Woman for 2019? The magazine must stay on top of social media trends as well as maintain current relationships with our clients. As important as that is it’s also critical to work on building relationships with new clients too. And finally, I want to continue to work as a team with all of the individuals who help make TCW what it is today. What do you enjoy most about being the Production Manager? I love designing the layout for each issue and developing the different themes. Another part I enjoy is creating beautiful ads so that the client’s vision comes to life. It’s a pleasure to work with all of the professionals who allow the publication to be what it is today.

What are you excited about in the coming year? With increasing methods of marketing that businesses face today, I am excited to see how our magazine can continue to accompany those efforts effectively in the coming year. What do you enjoy most about working for the County Woman? I love meeting new people and working to develop effective strategies with our clients to create results. Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions for 2019? No! The minute I declare anything, I break my own rule! I do have plans for myself involving better self-care and healthier choices. In the New Year, I will make small decisions to achieve my personal goals every day, but I won’t mention it to anybody!

Jennifer Hartsig, Billing Manager What do you enjoy most about working for the County Woman Publications? I like working at The County Woman because everyone shares the same vision and is dedicated to the mission. I enjoy being a part of the collaborative process and look forward to seeing how each article comes together in the new issue. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I enjoy going on adventures with my family, practicing yoga, and doing volunteer work. As the Billing Manager, what do you enjoy most about your job? I enjoy the flexibly in my daily assignments and work schedule.

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions in 2019? Yes, I would like to travel more. I recently went to Jamaica and California and I really enjoy seeing new things and meeting new people. I am looking forward to see what the future at TCW has in store for me.

For advertising inquiries, call 856-885-8066

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Business & Finance


Cars, Trucks, Vans, and Trailers

Make a great first impression. Vehicle lettering and wraps are a very memorable way to

spread your business’s message. Vehicle wraps for sales, service and delivery vehicles are a powerful branding and marketing tool. Stand out. Brightly colored, attractive vehicle wraps make your company vehicles stand out from all the other cars on the road. Passing drivers won’t pay much attention to a plain white van on the road, but they will notice a well-designed vehicle wrap. Colorful vehicle wraps are so engaging that peoples’ eyes naturally gravitate towards them. Cost effective method to promote your business. You can make an initial investment for a fraction of the cost of other long term advertising campaigns and generate results for years. Advertise locally. The people who will see your vehicle wrap the most are the people in your area. Local marketing produces outstanding results because people like to deal with nearby businesses.

Special: 10% off

design, production, and installation now through December 31st.

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019


Financial Management

Solo Agers – Individually Alone, But Growing As A Group Wishing you a Healthy and Happy 2019!

As president and founder of Garden State Trust Company, an independent trust company, I have experienced a noticeable growing demographic: the solo ager.

As the boomer generation is aging and, I might add, living longer, there has been a lot of focus of late on what is becoming known as Solo Agers, the childless baby boomer. The traditional model of children helping their parents navigate the obstacles of old age can’t work for everyone, because a large fraction of baby boomers won’t have children to rely upon. In many instances, as boomers are living longer, they are outliving another source of support: siblings and friends. Estimates from The Pew Research Center found that the rate of childlessness among boomers is around 20 percent – double what it had been in previous generations. Those without a support system of relatives need a plan—for daily living, for financial management, for health maintenance. This is the “not much fun” part of retirement planning. The sooner a plan is developed and implemented, the better the chances of success.

Life Planning for Solo Agers

Here are three real-life examples we have encountered with Solo Agers (identities hidden). • Mrs. A, a widow, needed to transition from living on her own to a facility that could provide greater support for her medical needs. Mrs. A had no idea how to find a facility that met her needs. • Mr. B, a client for 30 years, entered a nursing home. He had no family or friend to supervise his care there, and he couldn’t do it himself as dementia was setting in. • Mr. and Mrs. C were managing their retirement quite nicely until Mr. C began showing signs of Alzheimer’s. He couldn’t handle their finances any longer, and Mrs. C was overwhelmed by the new medical issues she had to deal with.

“Solo Agers need to arrange future legal guardianship for themselves – someone who will take over in a fiduciary capacity if they are unable to make decisions for themselves. That person may be a relative or a friend or even a professional fiduciary or private guardian. Of course, everyone needs the legal protection of a health care directive and an estate plan, but Solo Agers have a heightened need to have those in place while they are still relatively young and healthy since no adult child will be rushing in from the hinterlands to provide that assistance and guidance,” says Sara Zeff Geber, Ph.D., the author of Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults. In my examples, in each case a living trust was in place to provide a solution. A trust officer accompanied Mrs. A on her visits to care facilities and helped articulate criteria for making a decision. A care manager was hired to make certain that Mr. B was seen regularly by his doctors and treatments handled appropriately. Because Mr. B, as a client, had absolutely no living relatives or friends, we accepted the role as his Medical Power of Attorney. We took over the expense payments and asset management duties through the living trust created by Mr. and Mrs. C, relieving her of the financial concerns. Don’t think you need to consider these issues yet, but you know you will one day? Here is what you should do today: meet with an elder law attorney who is knowledgeable with the planning needs of a Solo Ager. If you are not ready to commit to a living trust today, discuss the option of a standby trust with your elder law attorney. You do the prep-work together today, knowing you have a viable plan in place for when you can no longer manage your personal financial matters. The trust will remain unfunded and inactive unless you become incapacitated and need your named trustee to jump in to help you.

Ira J. Brower

Lifestyle & Money Management Trust & Estate Planning Investment Services True independence and understanding are at the core of our unique value proposition. Caring for and thoughtfully guiding our clients has created the strong trusting relationships we have nurtured over many decades. That’s why so many people rely upon our independent company for wealth management and trust & estate services:

Our focus is where it should be… On You. On Your Family. On Your Future. TOMS RIVER, NJ | CHERRY HILL, NJ | LEBANON, NJ | LINWOOD, NJ

The County Woman Magazine

Garden State Trust Company. To learn how we can focus on you and your family, contact Sean Rice today.

2021 New Road • Suite 9 • Linwood, NJ 08221

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January/February 2019

Health & Wellness


10 Reasons Why YOU Should Consider Pilates

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199 New Road Linwood, NJ 08221


Group Classes available Individual Instruction Packages

Home Improvement

Steam Humidifier FAQs

Clay’s Climate Control is dedicated to providing superior indoor air quality solutions and serving our customers to the highest degree. With that goal in mind, we have compiled a list of FAQs to provide you with quick answers to common questions about steam humidifiers. • What is a steam humidifier?

Jen and Clay Pierce Clay’s Climate Control LLC is a family-owned and operated company located in Linwood, NJ. The company was founded by Clay and Jen Pierce in 2001 based on the principle that we could offer an excellent HVAC experience to our customers. Our goal is simple; to provide a professional, stress-free experience for your HVAC repair, maintenance or installation.

Steam humidifiers help make dry air more comfortable by releasing moisture into the air and can be installed to humidify your whole home. They add humidity to the air by heating water electrically until it boils to create humidity in the form of steam even if the furnace isn’t on. Adding humidity to your indoor air in the winter has many benefits, including health benefits and energy savings. Steam humidifiers offer the fastest and most efficient way of increasing and maintaining the appropriate and comfortable level of humidity in your home.

• What is the ideal humidity level I should maintain? A comfortable humidity level in your home typically measures between 30% and 50%. Humidity levels that measure above 50% create a breeding ground for mold,

bacteria, dust mites, and other bacteria. Humidity levels that measure below 30% can lead to uncomfortable respiratory symptoms and increases the likelihood that cold and flu viruses will spread. Air that is too dry can also cause damage to your home’s foundation. To avoid the problems of too little or too high humidity, it is recommended that you maintain a humidity level of between 45% and 50%.

• How much energy does a steam humidifier use?

It’s difficult to predict how much of an impact a humidifier will have on your monthly energy bill, and it depends on a variety of factors, including the type of humidifier you’re using, speed settings, and the number of hours that it is on each day. Be sure to compare the efficiency of different models, and please be sure to give us a call if you have any questions!

Our team of professional HVAC technicians here at Clay’s Climate Control is always happy to help when it comes to keeping you and your family comfortable. All you have to do is make the call, and we’ll handle it all!

501 W. Patcong Ave • Linwood, NJ 08221

609-653-2295 • • Hours: Monday-Friday 8AM-4PM

The County Woman Magazine

Emergency services available

January/February 2019

Medical Professionals


When Should I Replace My Breast Implants? Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that has been popular for decades and is continuously evolving to accomplish the best outcome and longevity for patient satisfaction. What has remained unchanged are the questions and concerns that arise in our patients’ consultations. “How often do breast implants need to be replaced?” “What is the likelihood that my breast implants will leak?” “What will my breast implants look like when I am older?”

Most patients who have decided to undergo breast augmentation discovered through research that they should have their breast implants replaced every 10 years. It is important to remember that you are putting a medical device in your body that is not meant to last forever and is prone to failure or may need to be upgraded. That being said, you should prepare yourself for one or two followup breast surgeries in your lifetime, but the time frame for when that should happen varies for each patient. The FDA has reported that after 10 years of an initial breast augmentation, 1 out of 5 patients needs some sort of revision procedure. That means 20% of patients need another surgery due to excess scarring inside the breast (capsular contracture), broken implant, etc. That also means that 80% of the patients are doing fine at 10 years. So, if you’re having an issue with your breast implants, yes, you may need to exchange them. If one is diligent with proper monitoring (self-exams and physician exams), a breast implant replacement is not automatically needed at the 10-year mark.

The silicone shell that holds the saline and silicone gel solution may eventually wear out, resulting in small leaks, complete deflation, or otherwise ruptured implants. When saline-filled breast implants deflate, loss of size or shape of the implant can be noticed immediately, or it may progress slowly over a period of days. When a silicone gel-filled breast implant ruptures, some women may notice decreased breast size, hard knots, uneven appearance of the breasts, pain or tenderness, tingling, swelling, numbness, burning, or changes in sensation. Note that with the new “gummy bear” silicone implants, if ruptured, the silicone remains intact for the most part and is contained by the natural scar tissue made by one’s body. This means that the silicone is not absorbed nor does it “travel” throughout the body. However, most ruptures occur without any symptoms. These are known as “silent ruptures.” Current studies suggest that chances of rupture are one percent per year. Most manufacturers offer a warranty with their breast implants that will cover some of the cost of surgical replacement in the event of untimely implant malfunctions.

Aging with implants

These are important considerations, but the answers are not always as straightforward as we would hope. As with any surgery and medical device, there are many factors that may affect the time frame of when you need to get your breast implants replaced.

How often should you replace your breast implants?

How often do implants rupture/deflate?

Not all patients decide to undergo an implant revision or replacement. Over time gravity, sun damage, lost tissue connectivity, and the physical effects of motherhood make breasts change in shape and appearance. All breasts, whether natural or implanted, will age appropriately. If you are unhappy with your breasts and desire your breasts to look and feel more youthful, meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss the many options available.


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The County Woman Magazine

609-904-5390 January/February 2019

Legal Professionals Legal Law Professionals

23 15


Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

I’m Here to Help Your Family Through Them. Divorce • Alimony • Custody • Child Support Marital Settlement Agreements • Post-Judgment Modifications Emancipation • Prenuptial Agreements • Appeals Marla Marinucci, Esq., has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney, and she is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Her sole area of practice involves Family Law matters. Marla handles everything from high-asset complex divorce matters to post-judgment custody and support modifications. She serves as a member of various organizations and committees throughout the State regarding the practice of family law and is a frequent lecturer at seminars sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Association. Marla received her law degree from Rutgers University School of Law in Camden, New Jersey.


117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email:

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney The The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April2018 2016 July/August January/February 2019

Featured On The Cover


Start 2019 By Taking Care Of Yourself! Out with the old and in with the new, as the saying goes. The year of 2017 will soon be a memory, and 2018 has come. It is now time to look back at this past year and ponder our life’s events. What did we do, didn’t we do? It’s time for a “New Year’s resolution”! This year should be about you and your health. The recommendations and guidelines are clear. All women over the age of 21 should have an annual gynecological exam. This is considered routine, and it is independent of sexual activity. I continue to recommend that women perform monthly self-breast exams (SBE). A woman should start her SBE when mature enough to perform such an exam or by the age of 21. There are several different ways to perform an SBE. Each differs in technique, but all are equally effective. If you are not aware of how to do an SBE, we can instruct you in the office. You can also visit sites like the American Cancer Society or Web MD, which are helpful. Doing the exam empowers women to take charge of their health care and allows them to become familiar with the breast tissue. Knowing the feel of the breast tissue will help one distinguish what has been there, what is new, what may be abnormal, etc. Concerns regarding your SBE should be referred to your gynecologist for prompt evaluation.

Annual gynecological exams should consist of a review of medical and surgical history, medication history, sexual history, menstrual, STD, and urologic history. It would also include the examination of the breasts and abdomen, genital, and vaginal areas. I also examine the patient’s social and marital history. An important part of this exam is the psycho-social aspect of women’s health care. I try to provide an open and free-flowing environment that allows a patient to discuss other issues and aspects of her life. The annual exam allows the time to listen and provide the care each woman deserves. Annual pap screening is recommended to begin at age 21, independent of sexual activity. The pap is done with the annual gynecological exam.

For all women ages 21 to 25, testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia are part of the exam. In this age group, education is a key component of the visit. I try to really discuss with each young woman the issues of pregnancy prevention, STD protection and prevention, available human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccinations, and

an awareness of her body. There may be many other psycho-social issues that surface during this time. Talking about sex in particular may be hard and uncomfortable for a mom or dad to do or for a girl to hear. But nonetheless it is very important. It may be easier to hear it from her doctor. These topics are very important for women in this stage of their lives. I always welcome and encourage women younger than 21 to have a visit with me prior to that age. Ideally, somewhere between 13 and 15 years old is a good starting point. At this visit, a young woman is introduced to the idea and concepts of a gynecologist and the care provided. I keep it upbeat and positive, and base the conversation and details on the level of maturity of each individual. I try not to scare or overwhelm them on their first visit.

Women 30 and above should have HPV testing done with their pap.

I review routine health and screening recommendations. I also take a family cancer history to attempt to identify patients who are at increased risk of breast, ovarian, uterine or colorectal cancers. If patients are identified, I then review available testing for genetically linked cancers of those areas, many of which can be performed in our office. At 35 to 39, I recommend a baseline mammogram. This allows the radiologist a reference to compare future mammograms, which should begin annually at age 40. I also screen women for HIV and vitamin D deficiency. It is recommended for all women ages 13 to 64 to have annual HIV testing, independent of risk factors. This is to identify asymptomatic HIV-positive persons. Annual vitamin D testing is done since low levels have been associated with an increased risk of colon and breast cancers. Testing allows me to identify, educate and potentially prescribe certain supplements. As an aside, the recommended daily requirement for vitamin D is 800 IU. This is available over the counter as vitamin D or D3. I generally recommend the vitamin D3.

For women ages 65 and older (or younger with certain risk factors), a bone or DEXA scan is recommended to diagnose osteopenia and osteoporosis. Early detection leads to early intervention and the hope of avoiding

fractures related to thin bones. As a woman, you’re probably the general or commander-in-chief of your home. There is a tremendous amount of work you do to run a smooth operation. You take care of everyone else first. Realize that you need to take care of you! You need to stay healthy to do all that you do. We at Advanced Care are here to guide you and help you on your life’s journey.

To schedule an appointment at Advanced Care Ob/Gyn, call 609-272-0506 or visit

We’re With You All The Way

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Courtyard Professional Offices 707 White Horse Pike, Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607 Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

PICTURED: Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with his beautiful family

Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Featured On The Cover


Bringing New Life Into The World With Advanced Care OB/GYN Dr. Carfango and his staff at Advanced Care OB/GYN provide quality, compassionate healthcare for all stages of a woman’s life. Their philosophy focuses on a comprehensive wellness approach and manages each woman’s health care with that in mind. Dr. Carfango adds, “We seek to provide our patients comfort and satisfaction by establishing a patient focused, family friendly environment.” Their dedication to excellence in care during pregnancy, labor and delivery means they will keep you surrounded by the best medical team available in the region. During your pregnancy they will closely monitor your progress and ensure the best possible quality of care. He adds, “I have the privilege of providing women with medical care during their pregnancy, delivering babies, performing surgeries like Hysterectomies and Cesarean sections. I take care of women from menarche (start of periods) all the way through menopause.”

ACW: How did you become involved in the field of Obstetrics?

Dr. Carfagno: As a medical student I was able to experience and learn about all of the different types of medical specialties. I was drawn to OB/GYN because it combined medicine and surgery. Each delivery was different and that was exciting to me.

ACW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? Dr. Carfagno: The most rewarding part about my role is the delivering of new life into the world. It makes me a part of one of life’s most memorable events.

ACW: What is the most challenging part?

Dr. Carfagno: It can be challenging to balance the demands of taking care of my patients twenty-four hours a day and balancing my own family life. Making time for my wife and children, while being there for my patients can get tricky.

ACW: What sets your practice apart from others like it?

Dr. Carfagno: Advanced Care OB/ GYN was “conceived” to care for people and make the patient number one. Providing personalized care for all stages

of a women’s life is our goal. Unlike larger practices with multiple providers, our patients know who will be taking care of them. It allows the patient to get to know their doctor and the doctor can get to really know their patient. Dr. Carfango was born in Philadelphia and received his medical degree from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic medicine. He later completed his OB/GYN residency there as well. Later, he relocated to Atlantic County and married “the girl of his dreams.” He and his wife Dana reside in Linwood and have three wonderful children. His children, ages 17, 15 and 12 are all very active in local sports. When Dr. Carfagno is not in the delivery room, he can be found cheering on his children in their respective sports. Advanced Care offers a large selection of prenatal services for pregnant women from routine care for the healthy mother, to the most sophisticated care for the complicated pregnancy. Their providers work together with maternal fetal medicine specialists who can perform a wide range of testing for any need.

To schedule an appointment, call 609-272-0506 or visit


The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Health & Wellness


Why Should You Come To Body In Balance? Let us count the reasons:

1. A Full Service Rehabilitation experience with: • Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Speech Therapy • Yoga Therapy • Massage Therapy • Lymphedema Therapy • Pilates for Rehabilitation/Classical Pilates

3. Home of the Parkinson Life Center of So. New Jersey, 501(c)(3) We provide education, support, a monthly support group, and evidence-based exercise classes to anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. These include, but are not limited to:

• LSVT BIG! • PWR! • Rock Steady Boxing • Gentle and Chair Yoga

2. A state-of-the-art Medical Fitness Center with:

• Certified Personal Trainers working directly with our therapists to maximize your workout no matter what your medical history includes. • Fabulous classes that include: Boxing, Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Balance, Barre, Dance, and Cardio. • A clean and non-intimidating environment. • Accessibility to all of our professional staff (from our fitness center and our therapy department). We are here for YOU!

314 Central Ave. Linwood, NJ 609-365-8499

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Permanent Makeup


Beau Institute Is The Leader In Natural And Beautifully Applied Permanent Cosmetics. Call Today To Schedule Your Appointment With Our Master Artists.


Our Skilled Practitioners will create the most beautiful and natural permanent makeup:

New Year, New You!! As seen on Fox 29 News and 6 ABC Action News!

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Eyeliner ~ Smudge-free liner that stays

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Reshaping, Full Lip Color ~ Give your lips the extra definition and touch of color they need for a fuller, more defined shape.




3-D Areola Tattooing ~ The finishing

touch for breast cancer survivors. Restore the natural-looking appearance of your nipple and/or areola through this noninvasive procedure.

Scalp ~ Create the look of close, cropped hair, thicken remaining hair, or camouflage transplant scarring. This procedure is popular with both men and women.

Wake up every day with the ease and confidence of knowing your makeup is perfect and designed for your face! I may not clients be PERFECT See what our happy arebut saying: my MAKEUP is!


“This place is amazing! Rosemarie and her staff are wonderful. I had the eyeliner procedure done PERMANENT PERFECT PERMANENT in November and I am so happy with the results. BROWS with 3D hair LIP COLOR that definesI EYELINER that never strokes and Microblading and shapes runs or smears would highly recommend this Institute to anyone the clock with the hottest trend in skin rejuvention interested in this type Turn ofback service.” - Dawn B.


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2012 -15

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Happy New Year


2012 -15

Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year in 2019! “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning, but a ‘going on’, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”

- Oprah Winfrey

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”

- Helen Keller

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” - Edith Lovejoy Pierce

“Each New Year, we have before us a brand new book containing 365 blank pages. Let us fill them with all the forgotten things from last year—the words we forgot to say, the love we forgot to show, and the charity we forgot to offer.”

“We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.”

- Peggy Toney Horton

- Ellen Goodman

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019


Cake Shoppe & Tea Room

Nothing Says, “I Love You” On Valentine’s Day Like Chocolate! It’s hard to think about Valentine’s Day without thinking about all the delicious chocolates that go with it. Here at A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe and Tea Room we love Valentine’s Day because we have the opportunity to be creative while spreading love and joy with our handcrafted treats. Below are some of the chocolate related questions I received this month. Hopefully these will inspire you during the Valentine’s season!

How much Chocolate is sold on Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is a serious chocolate holiday. Let’s face it; the chocolate heart box has become a symbol of the day. Worldwide nearly 58 million pounds of chocolate are sold during the week leading up to Valentine’s Day. At our store we sell over 100 pounds of chocolate covered strawberries between the day before and Valentines Day.

What does tempering mean and what is the best way to temper chocolate at home?

Tempering chocolate is a process of heating and cooling chocolate to a precise temperature in order to keep the fat solids in the cocoa from separating out. Tempering machines are the best way to temper chocolate. However, for tempering chocolate at home without a tempering machine can be done. The best way is to heat 2/3 of the chocolate over a double boiler. Remove the chocolate from the heat and add the remaining 1/3 chocolate pieces stirring frequently until all the chocolate is melted and smooth. Tempered chocolate will appear glossy and have a nice snap when bitten.

Our tea room serves lunch Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 4pm.

Specialty Cakes • Wedding Cakes Cupcakes • Cookie Favors Loose Leaf Tea • Vintage & New Tea Pots Tea Related Gifts & Baskets

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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Health & Wellness Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching

What You Feed Your Mind Affects Your Weight Now that the holidays are over, you may be left with more than just warm, fuzzy memories – like some excess weight that’s making it tough to fit into your clothes. And you’re ready to make lifestyle - that changes that will help you shed weight. That’s a good thing. Just make certain that your program includes more than healthy eating and exercise.

Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080 The messages you give yourself are every bit as

important as what you consume or how much you exercise. Being smart about what you feed your mind can take you out of that majority of people who drop weight, then regain even more. Hypnosis practitioners who work with weight management clients know how faulty thinking can thwart the best of intentions. If you’re serious about achieving a healthy weight and staying there, here are - a mindset some “self-talk” suggestions for creating that supports your efforts and leads to permanent change.

“I am a valuable human being – regardless of my weight or size.”

You are far more than numbers on a scale or a clothing size. Recognize your qualities, your talents, your accomplishments. Take pride in being a caring, kind, empathetic human being. Develop a view of yourself that’s all-encompassing. Focus on your “wonderfulness” instead of any shortcomings. Be grateful for who you are – and your ability to change and learn and grow in positive ways.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.


“I fully live my life now.”

Jump boldly into life. Stop waiting around to be the perfect weight or size. What have you been putting on a back burner? Make that call, take that class, get back into a hobby that you used to enjoy. Get out and connect with people. Help someone who could use help. Do your thing. The world needs you!

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

“I expect to be treated with dignity and respect – and I treat others the same way.”

Hang out with people who encourage and support you – people you enjoy being around. And be that encouraging person to others. Stop the fat-shaming, too. Resist saying nasty things to yourself – about yourself. Work on treating yourself with empathy and kindness.

“I often remind myself why I’m choosing a healthy lifestyle path.” When the path gets a bit challenging (and it will), reflect on why it’s so important to you to take good care of yourself. Why do you want to be around for a long time? Who do you want to be? What do you want to see, do, accomplish? What are your goals?

“Every moment is a new beginning.”

How often have you messed up, and then waited until tomorrow or next week to re-start on your path? Decide that every moment is a new beginning – and you can choose to reboot at any time. Your private multi-session Hypnosis / Coaching program will make the weight management process easier and build your sense of empowerment. It addresses key physical, behavioral, and emotional issues. An important side benefit of this approach is that it is extremely relaxing, and enables you to better manage stress. For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

EElder lderLawLaw



YAsk Nancy M. Rice, Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney

Nancy NancyRice Ricehas hasbeen beenpracticing practicingEstate EstatePlanning Planningand andElder ElderLaw LawininNew NewJersey Jerseyand andPennsylvania Pennsylvania since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1997, and has maintained since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1997, and has maintainedoffices officesinin Atlantic County and Camden County, specifically in Linwood and Cherry Hill. She can answer Camden andand Capeconcerns May counties, specifically in Cherry Hill and Ocean City. She can answer your questions - just call 609-398-3447. your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

“ WILL CONTESTS: How Do They Work? ” Should I Give My Home To My Children?

Part 2 of 2

We discussed A.) Fraud and B.) Due Execution in the Atlantic County September/October Part 1 ofparents 2. I am oftenWoman asked whether it is a good2015 ideaissue, for elderly wetheir will continue our children. discussionIwith C.) Testamentary to Today, transfer home to in their always ask: “Why Capacity and D.) Undue Influence.

do you want to do this?” The most common reason is to protect the Testmentary house in the eventCapacity one or both of the parents need nursing C.) home care. The test for determining testamentary capacity is rather permissive. Indeed, the to execute a Willisisno lesseasy thananswer that required enter level First,ofI capacity want to needed emphasize that there to this to question into a contract. The key questions are whether the person who made the Will without knowing the full asset and income picture, as well as the health (called the “Testator”) understood:

status of the parents. If I get all that information, the answer can be easy (for me!). The nature and extent of the property subject of the Will; in other words, what assetsbelow the Testator andfactors plannedthat to leave under hisdecision or her Will. I summarize somehad of the go into the whether it is a good idea to transfer the home and, if so, what is the best objects of his or her bounty,” that is, who are the Testator’s way toThe go“natural about it.

1 2 Five-Year Look Back for Medicaid.

next of kin (whether or not he or she wants to leave them anything under the Will, the Testator needs to know who they are). New Jersey Medicaid Under

rules, if a parent transfers assets to a child/ren or even to a trust within The effectofofapplying the Will;for thatMedicaid, the Will would disposewill of property five (5) years the transfer cause a following penalty, death. which does not begin until the Medicaid application is made!! The length of the penalty period depends upon the value of the house. Thus, any The relation of each of these factors to the other. transfer of the residence must be made well in advance of the parents’ need for nursing home care (which, of course, cannot be accurately Notably, the law presumes that all Testators are of sound and competent predicted). mind when a Will is executed he/she was attoleast 18 years age and My main concern about(assuming transferring a house children to of accomplish has not beeneligibility declared by court to beare legally overcome the Medicaid is athat there manyincapacitated). exceptions inTothe Medicaid presumption of capacity, the contestant must prove lack of testamentary capacrules relating to the residence. First, if both parents are living, the house ity at the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is is exempt as long as one of them is living in the residence. Second, important to know that it is not enough to show that the Testator was addicted penalty made a “caregiver child” or a disabled totransfers drugs or without alcohol; you mustmay provebethat the to person was under the influence of child. Thus, I do not reflexively recommend transfer of a house a a substance at the time of the execution of the Will. Nor is it sufficient from to show married couplewas to forgetful children,atespecially if one parents likelycapacto that the Testator the time, so longof as the he or she hadissome need a nursing home level of affairs. care within the next few years. ity to manage his or her business

3 4

Capital Gains Tax. A second issue with transferring the house is the D.) Undue Influence loss of a potentially significant capital gains tax advantage. The capital Undue has been defined as any for typeNew of exertion can prevent gains taxinfluence rate is 15% federal and 5-8% Jersey that (capital gain is the Testator from following his/her free will. This can include physical, mentreated as ordinary income). This tax is paid on the difference between tal, or moral exertion. Mere suggestions, persuasions or the exertion of some what you paid for something and what you receive when you sell it. influence is not enough to invalidate a Will. Ordinarily, the challenger has the If the parents have owned the house for a long period of time, this tax burden of proving undue influence. If, however, the Will benefits one who

enjoyed a special or “confidential relationship” with the Testator, and there are “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the execution of the Will, thetheir burden of can be substantial. However, if the parents sell the house during proof will shift to the defender of the Will. lifetime(s), they have an exemption from this tax in the amount of

$250,000 for each parent, assuming they owned and lived in the house A “confidential relationship” can be found where there is some special trust asbetween their principal residence for at leastunder two the outWill of the years the Testator and a beneficiary andfive where thebefore naturethe of sale and that certain other requirements are met. This exemption can be that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. At times, lost if theorparents give the house tohas a child/ren, house is not the a special confidential relationship been foundastothe exist between a Testator principal residence of therelative; child/ren. and: an adult child; other a healthcare provider; a neighbor; an attorney; orIfanthe house is not sold during butrelationship following naturally the deathexists of the accountant. Notably, while a lifetime, confidential between a husband the presumption of undue influence will notthe genersurviving parent, and the wife, child/ren will pay a capital gains tax because ally arise when the Testator’s children are disinherited. house waseven gifted to them, and not inherited. If a residence (capital asset) is inherited, the “cost basis” for the child/ren becomes the value of the As to the “suspicious circumstances” component of an undue influence Will house at the date of death (instead of what the parents actually paid for contest, the evidence on this issue can be “slight.” Suspicious circumstances have the house). “step-up inWill basis.” Usually, this means a zero tax been found This whereisacalled beneficiary of the engaged his attorney to prepare the ifTestator’s the house is sold withina nursing a year orhome so after thewas parent’s death. Will and where patient removed from the facility by the beneficiary of a Will that was signed a few days later. Loss Of Control And Children’s Creditors. A third issue with

transferring the house to children is the loss of because ownership of not the executed house If you believe that a Will should be challenged it was and the risk from children’s creditors. If the parents transfer the house properly (i.e., it was forged, didn’t have the correct number of witnesses, etc.) or outright to the children, thencompetent the children thesigned The children because the deceased was not whenown he/she or because the Will theto product influence, should hireand a seasoned attorney, do notwas have allow of theundue parents to live you in the house can actually sell who has significant experience in this area of law. Do not delay with your decithe house and take the proceeds. If any of the children get into financial sion to engage experienced a narrow difficulty, theiran creditors mayattorney be able because to forcethe thelaw saleallows of theonly house. If any of timeget during which their a caveat and/or a Will may filed. ofwindow the children divorced, spouse may havecontest a claim tobe part of the house. Finally, and of great importance to most of my clients, if the Nancy Rice can answer your questions parents are receiving property tax deductions for being and seniorconcerns! citizens or veterans, then these benefits will be lost. Now that I have scared you half to death, I want you to know that there are ways to avoid most of these problems. I use Life Estate Deeds, Trusts, Powers of Appointment and all kinds of other mysterious gadgets, depending upon the situation. Sometimes, my best advice is to not transfer the house but to do other things. It all depends on the total picture.

Call 609-398-3447 today!

Nancy Rice, Esq., CELA can answer your questions and concerns. Call 609-398-3447.

Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • WillContests Contests• Special • SpecialNeeds NeedsTrusts Trust •• Medicare, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicaid, Long-Term Care, Care & Disability Planning Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will and Disability Planning

200New Asbury Avenue Ocean City, NJ Suite F •F Cherry Hill, NJNJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 2021 Road, Unit •#9 • Linwood, NJ08226 08021• 609.398.3447 • 609.398.3447| I 1236 1236 Brace Brace Rd., Road, Suite • Cherry Hill, 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

November/December 2015 January/February 2019

Business Spotlight


Nancy Rice Is An Attorney You Can Trust ., Nancy Rice is an Elder Law and Estate attorney with two offices in New Jersey: Linwood and Cherry Hill. She has been practicing law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for over 30 years and is passionate about helping clients with any legal needs they might have. Her firm, Rice Elder Law, focuses on Wills, Trusts, Estates, and planning in the event of disability. Nancy is particularly passionate about providing a welcoming atmosphere in her firm-one that is both friendly and professional. One of the aspects of Elder Law that Nancy finds challenging is that the law changes often. Because there are new regulations cropping up all the time it can be hard to stay current. “Elder Law involves both federal and state law and regulations, including county interpretations. Further, many of our clients are highly stressed due to illness, disability, or death of a loved one. My goal is to provide a kind, understanding atmosphere in our office.” Nancy understands the key component of a good attorney: listening and understanding the client’s needs and expectations. This enables her to provide the proper legal representation. Linda De Lanzo, of Ocean City, is a former client of Nancy’s and has never forgotten the experience she had with her. “It has been 20 years since I have had a lawyer write a will. Knowing I was going into the hospital for an operation led me to Nancy Rice. Her knowledge about Elder Law is unlimited. Her skills for reading between the lines are endless. Last, but certainly not least, her humor and kindness made the process easy and painless.” When she is not advocating for her clients, Nancy enjoys crabbing on the back bays of Ocean City on her 13-foot boat. It’s all very calming—fishing, crabbing and bird watching. “When I’m out on the bay, I think about nothing other than where the crabs might be hiding.”


For more information, please call 609-398-3447or visit and take a look at our videos.

2021 New Road, Suite 9, Linwood, NJ 08221 • 609.398.3447 | 1236 Brace Rd., Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019



MMedical edical Professionals Professionals

Do You Experience Constant Headaches?

It could be originating from your neck (cervical spine).

What are options for RELIEF? What are some structures in the cervical spine (neck) order to be directed to the right specialist as well as to order appropriate that are pain generators? diagnostic studies. The seven cervical spine vertebrae surround the spinal cord/canal and also create a What are some “Red Flags”? passageway for the spinal nerves which supply the upper extremities. The vertebrae are separated by discs. Other structures that help to maintain the integrity and structure of the spine include facet joints, vessels, muscles, tendons, ligaments, soft tissue and skin. Inflammatory processes caused by conditions that affect these structures are the usual culprits of discomfort in the posterior aspect of neck/head.

What are cervicogenic headaches and what population of individuals may be susceptible?

Pain from cervical spine structures that are referred to the head. According to the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition, there are two basic categories of headaches: primary and secondary. Primary headaches include those of vascular origin (cluster and migraine headaches) as well as those of muscular origin (tension headaches). Secondary headaches result from another source including inflammation as stated above or head and neck injuries. Cervicogenic headaches fall into a subgroup of secondary headaches. Anyone can be susceptible but they are common in those that weight train and those who have whiplash or concussive type injuries once brain or head injury are ruled out. Occupation may also play a role, such as those in which one may have to position neck in a particular stance for a prolonged period of time or improper posture. In the elderly, degenerative changes of the spine may be increase susceptibility.

How can cervicogenic headaches be diagnosed?

A thorough history and physical exam is the basis. Signs/symptoms are inclusive but are not limited to pain/stiffness in posterior cervical spine which precedes or exist with headaches. Can be unilateral (one sided) or bilateral (both sides). Head and neck pain can radiate to upper extremity or anterior (front) aspect of head. Physical examination is inclusive but not limited to locking of the cervical facet joints on affected side(s) causing limited range of motion of neck, discomfort with positioning, muscle spasms/trigger points in head and neck, and variations in muscle strength. There is no definitive diagnostic study. Imaging/diagnostic studies (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, electrodiagnostics) may prove normal but aid in ruling out significant pathology. Interventional procedures under fluoroscopic guidance such as diagnostic cervical medial branch nerve blocks with anesthetic aid in ruling out/in facet joints as a source of headaches. Occipital nerve blocks at base of skull may also aid in diagnosis.

Red flags warrant immediate medical evaluation. They are inclusive but not limited to headaches that are progressively worsening, headaches associated with high fever/stiff neck/ rash, sudden onset of severe headache, onset of headache after head injury, and problems with vision or dizziness.

What treatment interventions are recommended at Relievus for cervicogenic headaches?

Manual therapy (physical, chiropractic, massage) can facilitate healing and return of biomechanical function of head/neck structures. Modification of work-out routine/ home exercise approved by a professional is critical. Modalities such as cold/heat, ultrasound, transelectrical nerve stimulation (TENs) may accompany therapy for an additive effect. Medications used to manage pain are usually multimodal in nature and may include anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, topical patches/creams. Opioid therapy is reserved for severe or chronic intractable pain due to side effects as well as potential addictive qualities. Injections are an integral part of treatment and are considered if a patient is not responding to the aforementioned in a timely manner. Trigger point injections (TPI) with or without anesthetic/corticosteroid may aid in relief of cervicogenic headaches of muscular focus. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENs) with TPI may provide further benefit. Interventional procedures under fluoroscopic guidance include cervical epidural corticosteroid injections for neck pain associated with pain radiating into upper extremities. As mentioned above, diagnostic cervical medial branch nerve blocks may provide short term benefit if the facet joints are the source and should be followed with therapeutic radiofrequency ablation/rhizotomy for longer lasting relief of pain. ***It is important to be evaluated by your primary care physician or neurologist initially if you have headaches to rule out any primary causes.

What are some differential diagnoses of headaches that can also present with neck pain?

Primary headaches such as migraine or tension type headaches can present with neck pain. Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can also present with neck pain/ headaches. It is important to discuss your symptoms with your primary care provider in

Central Park East, • 222 New Road, Suite 102 • Linwood, NJ 08221 TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

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January/February2019 2017 January/February

inues The Tradition Of Giving Back To Our Community 25 “Massimo has Autism. Are Legal Professionals have been practicing as an You would think that you should be able to recover money for your pain and

The MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your ankle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. My denial house came crumbling you surprised?” the doctor from down shortly Allnot of your the kids suffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. Myhonor husband Alex have the distinct Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. said he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine of was being my father’s law Unfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being Your fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red displaced box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised healed and theholes MRIofwas negative for any additional injuries. You cannot recover insurance primary on your auto insurance and then become a with various shapes. Inside theoption myatdad, all. Paul R. D’Amato, when Medicare boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the shape ofbeneficiary, the holes. your auto insurance will revert to auto insurance 1214 months age,All Massi speak,money for I At was yearsofold. we didn’t do and The idea was for the child tobut putyou the shape primary, will be subject to penalties. Written By to his name. make eye contact or respond What should I do? through the appropriate hole. cannot be primary for paying your medical bills. have our when firm for many 2) Medicaid Alexa D’Amato Barrera, He onlydone wouldatlaugh you threw him I’ll never forget that moment. Massi Unfortunately, I have seen scenarios like thisMedicaid, many times. this happen When you have youDon’t are let entitled to gettothe bare bones of Esquire up in theis airrepresent or look atpeople you when you made a years that Children’s Holiday had been in the therapy for Party two months auto insurance. This is a great option for those who truly cannot you have selected Limited really loud noise. Our Pediatrician, Dr. Danayou! IfThe seriously injured. While we Submitted by Sless Kare asi M. G ifford , E squirE working on putting the shape into the usually a magician, afford moregames, insurance and are just simply trying to get to work and with Brighton Pediatrics in Egg HarborRight to Sue,includes call your auto insurance right hole and there was Jerard, nine Unfortunately if you are involved in a car accident, pizza,immediately sweets, pictures with their Santa family. Township had me fill out questionnaire at company handle most types of apersonal and feed ask them rtified Civil Trial Attorney am proud to have recently joined tified Civil Trial Attorney younger than Massi, with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and stay. bone policies will only cover your hospital Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and and months lots gifts. ofplaying the insurance to change yourofpolicy to Members thethese NO bare ra, Counsellorthe at Law injury cases, we get many calls this toy with ease. It just seemed like such D’Amato Law Firm that in Egg Harbor 3-years-old rera, Counsellor at Law she that recommended I contact TheYear, New Jersey will then coverRocco, the rest of your medical treatment. County BarMedicaid Association Auto insurance policies ow we are in the New itLimitation. isAtlantic ana excellent silly and easy game for Jerard, but yet for Township.Early I formerly clerked the She didn’t and the Atlantic County about car accidents. Intervention Systemfor (NJEIS). 3) Superior policies cannot be primary for paying your medical cancarbon be confusing so if you’re notSelf-funded sure time to check the batteries in your Massi he had to actually work toare beaable to domember, that. or work for a company that has a James Savio,itJ.S.C. ofthe thethings that Court staff love to watch at Massi Honorable had Autism, but she didP.mention as one of bills. If you union the chaos ed that over 90% of drivers in New Jersey elect the Limitation on auto whatinsurance coverage you have and want to monoxide detectors and your delays. Certainly and Iof were worried, but our oldest son Paul SuperiorAlex Court New Jersey, Civil Division, trulytheir self-funded asabout the in students unwrap gifts, plan, you cannot choose health primary. If you do talk it, New please schedule anifoffice Right to Sue for their auto insurance coverage. If you aren’t sure coverage. If you are injured in a car accident What do you do someone youa crash, love may have Autism? was pregnant with Rocco and we were leaving in the next few days for in Atlantic County. I was born and raised and aretime involved like Medicare, your auto insurance will and the excitement every a newin with visit and I will review your policy elected the Limited Right to Sue then you probably have. Jersey, who pays your medical bills? Have you heard When a child you love is diagnosed a developmental delay or neurological happiest place on Earth! revert to auto primary with penalties. in Galloway Township; thus when it came gift is revealed. The children are so with means youcondition at no charge. like Autism, it can be a situation very scary, Ilonely family. Alexselect and I had best, I pulled myself intofor that New Jersey is a “No Fault State”? 4) The worst havetime seenfor is the where clients autoso time toSue? look a post-clerkship job, my Thatappreciative my Right to and their smiles and many questions our family’s future, and while arecoverage. blessed to That have many friends Massi wasn’t talking because the crash or someone else’s, your about primary with only $15,000 inwe PIP $15,000 is topwhether priority was to findisayour localfault firm that laughter fill everyone’s heart with and family that love us dearly and were incredibly supportive, it was hard to find anybody forselect him the and that he wasn’t For over 40 years, the D’Amato Law Firm has been representing people ungcan Limited Right to Sue option and save money on quickly exhausted and then their health insurance either denies insurance pays your medical bills. If you are in nvolved inauto the local community, and to continue happiness andtruly gratitude. be able who could relate toTo what we were going through. me because we called him That sounds someone great, but in reality, you are hampering your right payment because related to a carinaccident who have been injured. If you have beenit’sseriously injured a motor or the health plan else’s car, your auto insurance pays your which have grown near and dear to my heart. I cannot thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well as all of the therapists and Ifteachers to make the children’s holiday season interchangeably. And really r your injuries. God forbid, but let’s imagine for a minute that a is entitled to reimbursement upon settlement of the case. you medical bills. Do you have the proper insurance to was just the place. From the second I stepped foot vehicle collision or by a defective product, or if you have been in a situain Massi’s life who have helped him become the fabulous little guy he is today. He has ebarreling contactdown anyway!? We went off so special is truly the greatest gift I purchase the proper auto insurance PIP coverage, you are paying less the road and crashes into your minivan with you irmourand met Paul Alexa, I could cover bills? tell it was a grown in leaps and bounds and while II am afraid heWe will always struggle to keep up both in stomachs, “It’s your a and Smallmedical or any of my colleagues could ever tion where your civil rights violated, than were you would havecan to help. pay back pride if youourselves are hurt because of someone ow (that’s how I roll). You would think that no matter what you or Massi on his first birthday! “Back then” when I was getting my driver’s license, I remember an everlasting and appreciation for all things receive. academically and socially, Ithe canroom see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier heads and a suitcaselove of denial. The excitement in else’s negligence. ies are, you should be able to recover money. That’s not the case if in assisting those in our area or elsewhere who in need of profesmy mom and dad were so nervous that we were going to lose our as the years progress and am excited hisare future. e we stood a familyAtlantic to take a picture the a photographers would fforts thatas make County better place tosay, that day takes you back to being a about If you have chosen your health insurance as primary, call your ted Right to Sue option. coverage because they were going to have asional, teenager on and effective legal representation. and attorneys smile.” insurance Massiand would not are look. Every singlt timeto theattend photographer irm staff encouraged caring kid, and reminds you of the magic of the holidayand season. employer’s plan administrator ask them if the plan language their insurance policy. There were not insurance companies Massi’s namewith was. charities He would then say “Massi, look overmany here buddy.” If you thinkprevents your child may be delayed developmentally or have a health nvolved and the local community. you from choosing the health primary option on your tlantic look at the camera. It was not until the photographer or his assistant in New Jersey “backinvolved then.” you caused a crash or even Ifneurological you wouldcondition like to learn more about thefamily Young Lawyers mitedCounty, Right toI am Sue affect me andGod myforbid family? actively with the Young Autism, physician or see If you are notcall sureyour which insurance coverage you should oise that Massi would turn and look at the camera. I realized on that worse, had a teenaged driver cause a crash, you were lucky to find Division or find out how you can contribute to the Children’s elantic of drivers who know that they have elected the Limited Right to County Bar Association. Originally established a developmental neurologist. Reach out to FACES 4 Autism online atin select, please call my office. I’d be happy to speak with you was really wrong with our company baby. an insurance to insure you. Times have changed. There are Holiday Party, please visit our website at or like ply means they can’t recover if they have whiplash. In reality, you nty Bar Association is dedicated to promoting the legal more detail even review your insurance policy with you or callorIsabelle Mosca atauto (609) 412-3750. so many insurance companies in New Jersey that weour are flooded on Facebook page “ACBA Young Lawyers Division.” orse injuries than whiplash and still not recover. he public’s trust and confidence in our civil and criminal free of charge. Hospital and doctors’ bills add up! You want to make a daily basis with commercials on television, in the car and even on What is Autism? ervedand on you thehave Executive of thetoYoung sure you purchase the best auto insurance medical expense coverage ccurs selectedCommittee the Limited Right Sue, you can billboards. If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll find that you can afford. haritable Outreach Chair. With mytoposition came the for different your injuries if you: results. “Back then” you had have $250,000 of autoand insurance coverage any That’s because Autism comes in many forms he Young Lawyers DivisionInjury Children’s Holiday Party, (called Personal Protection or one PIP) to pay bills if you Visit u know one child with Autism, you truly only know child withyour Chaired thewere Young Lawyers Division in 2004 and has in a neurodevelopmental car accident. That’sdisorder not the case anymore. You have At its core, Autisminvolved is a complex part many different options to cover your and medical childhood and is characterized by difficulty in social The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in awyers Division of the Atlantic County Bar Association ant disfigurement or scarring bills. While the best option is still to choose Paul R. D’Amato ls including using language, understanding abstract concepts,the representing those who have been seriously injured e Bar members and their friends and family, where in construction, products liability and motor vehicle auto insurance primary selection with $250,000 Certified Civil Trial Attorney ps and communicating with others way that many of us easily laced fracture (the bones havethe completely separated) collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the 1 pose of 1holding our annual Children’s Holiday Party. to expense coverage, you can choose w Jersey inof45medical children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims rmanent injury; or Alexa D’Amato Barrera rtytell is the of theinyear the Young Lawyers have $15,000 auto insurance coverage or have injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law will you highlight that early diagnosis andfor intervention play a crucial Counsellor at Law (fetus) dieshealth insurance primary for paying your Firm has a national reputation for excellence. y child a life-changing event. success of ayour child’s outcome. Whenaswe came back from Disney and PA BAR The D’Amato LawLaw Firm Firm focusesfocuses their practice The D’Amato theirinMember practiceNJ inPaul medical bills. R. D’Amato Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire ment with NJEIS and CHOP for your an Autism evaluation. My next is that made through the donations uParty realize youpossible were limiting rights in such a of way? representing those who have beenbeen seriously injured injured Paul R. D’Amato Member Bar representing those who have seriously Certified Civil TrialNJ Attorney raised I have clients whoFACES haveDivision chosen Ken and Isabelle created in 2002the after d Autism. the money atmany theMosca Young Lawyers Bar in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire in construction, products liability and motor vehicle hat collision with the drunk driver that wasn’t your fault. You 2900cases Fire Road, “health insurance primary” onLawyers their iagnosed with Autism. When I called Isabelle I knew that Ihave had Alexa D’Amato Member NJBarrera & PA Bar collisions. The firm handles throughout theSuite 200 With those proceeds, members of theoption Young collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country not but itinsurance is fractured, so youwith have stayfirst off ofwith it fortheir Counsellor at Law M. Van Natten, Esquire ourdisplaced, baby. Isabelle me in contact atonumber different auto without checking countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims Stephen Newinjured Jersey 08234 go shopping forput children’s holiday gifts. The of gifts are with a primary focus on representing victims Alexa D’Amato Member &Barrera PA Bar at with 3I contacted kids!) When returnortoemployer. theIsabelle doctor,recommended theisx-rays showfor injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PANJ BAR ources. Sueyou Elmer insurance carrier certainly at a wrapping party, and whom then they are Itbrought to the P: 609-926-3300 inFirm Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a Counsellor at Law has a national reputation for excellence. Kasi M. Gifford, Esquire ed, but still in pain andMs. haveSue, difficulty walking. The word!!!! doctor hin onlyyou’re a few sessions Massi said his first cheaper towith choose your health insurance as StephenNJM. Van NJNatten, & PA Bar Esq. Member and PA BAR national reputation for excellence. use in Atlantic City for the Children’s Holiday Party. F: 609-926-3883 Member NJMember l therapy for primary, 1 month. but Still is it’scheaper not betteralways so youbetter? have an Here MRI. is and PA BAR m Atlantic County with a high ratio of economically 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 what you need to know: chosen toMagazine participate in the Children’s Holiday Party. Woman 2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 1) in Medicare cannot be primary for paying een the doctor Philadelphia and Massi was starting to really P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883 stand second-graders to attend the Children’s Holiday o his speech your therapy sessionsbills. with Sue andchoose the beginning of Early medical If you the health Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Division requests that, above all else, the children s. I started to doubt my earlier concerns. I started to takewho my The Woman Magazine eand good students, example of kindness respect P: 609-926-3300 January/February 2019 set out toCounty proveset thean doctor’s wrong. Denial is aand much happier

’Amato Barrera, D’Amato Barrera,Counsellor Counselor at at Law Law


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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Theatre & Entertainment


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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Caregivers: How to Cope This Winter

Assisted Living Seashore Gardens Living Center Chances are you wouldn’t even apply for the position above. But


Wanted: Dedicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress position, no vacations or days off, and zero monetary compensation

for millions from of caregivers inthe our country, they have no choice. They Gifts Heart have a loved one in need, and they’re the designated caregiver.

Diamonds be a girl’s best friend, but The winter months pose an may especially tough time to be a I much prefer the gifts that truly sparkle. You know the and kind caregiver. With inclement weather and an increase in colds that IThe mean—the gifts the heart. It’s affect a visit our flu, it’s harder to get out of the house. reduction infrom sunlight also can from a dearwith friend, sharingwhom memories cup of mood. Being in the same home 24/7—even someone youover careaabout— coffee…a festive night celebrating with family and can take its toll, and lead to caregiver burnout.

friends, filled with conversation and love…or hearing stories from our elderly residents about past years. Caregiver Burnout: Know the Symptoms These giftsand areirritability the ones that make our lives fuller • Anger at your loved one; moodiness more beautiful.daily tasks • Exhaustion, preventing youand from completing Sleeplessness, worrying about At Seashore Gardens Living Center (SGLC), we give such • your loved one gifts regularly, creating memorable moments for ourworse residents • Anxiety about how you’ll care for your loved one if he/she becomes a range caringtoactivities. • Social withdrawal from thethrough activities youofused enjoy This coming year, we will include three new projects designed to enrich elder lives.

Est. 1916

Seashore Gardens 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Living Center Galloway Township, NJ 08205 • p. 609-404-4848 Services


The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore Gardens Living Center is a nonprofit The Simon & Sylvia Zisman home for the aged, guided by Jewish Seashore Gardens Living Center is a tradition, andfor charity, dedicated nonprofitlaw, home the aged, guided to by Jewishthe tradition, and enriching quality law, of life forcharity, each of dedicated to enriching the quality of our residents.

life for each of our residents. Assisted Living Assisted Living Shortand Long-Term Nursing Care Shortand Alzheimer’sLong-Term & DementiaNursing Care Care Alzheimer’s & Dementia Respite (Vacation) Care Care Respite (Vacation) Care Help is• With On the Way Rehabilitation our new Music & Memory program, we will be creating personal music playlists for our You’reresidents not in with this dementia alone. Reach out to family, friends and community resources. It Rehabilitation and Alzheimer’s. The music will help to awaken long-lost memories, •• Physical Therapy could provide be as simple as arranging for someone to provide a meal or give a ride to your Physical Therapy joy and comfort, and help them connect to others. loved one. SGLC has Support Groups and a Respite Program if you’d like to get away •• Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy and need a place for your loved one. Call us at 609-404-4848 to find out more. • In Opening Minds Through Art, high school and college students will work with our Comfort •• Speech Therapy Speech Therapy Care residents in creative expression. This program bridges age and cognitive barriers through art. Home Health HealthCare Care Finally, take care of yourself. Exercise, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep. Remember Home Independent Housing Housing • Finally,your we’veown planshealth to renovate 2 South neighborhoods, the social gathering Independent to schedule appointments. You’ll betoaimprove far better caregiver – ifspace you and care of our elderly residents. take care of yourself.

us for our upon first iPods Alzheimer’s You can help. Our Music & MemoryJoin program depends to store the personalized Sincerely, Support of the Year! playlists. Please consider donating your used iPod to us forGroup this purpose. And if you would like to January 9, 2018 at 5:30pm contribute to any of our programs, we welcome your gift from the heart.

JaniceYou Cambron, LNHA, CALA For more email Alysia Price can find more information about ourinformation services Executive Director at us anytime at Seashore Gardens Living Center (609) 404-4848 to set up a visit.

ardens Living Center Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA How to Cope This Winter

: Dedicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress , no vacations or days off, and zero monetary sation Executive Director

S eashore Housing 24 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Galloway Township, NJ 08205 p. 609-748-4455

Est. 1916

Seashore Gardens Living Center

are you wouldn’t even apply for the position above. But 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. ons of caregivers in our country, they have no choice. They Galloway Township, NJ 08205 oved one in need, and they’re the designated caregiver. • p. 609-404-4848

ter months pose an especially tough time to be a er. With inclement weather and an increase in colds and the house. RThe reduction in sunlight also can affect our ING IN THE NEW YEAR WITH LAUGHTER! ome 24/7—even SEE ONE OF with THE FUNNIESTsomeone PLAYS EVER WRITTEN. whom you care about— caregiver burnout.

Enter To Win


The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore GardensEnter Living Center is a a Pair of Tickets to See to Win nonprofit home forathe aged, guided Great Show at two river theater! by Jewish tradition, law, and charity, Name: _________________________________________________________ dedicated to enriching the quality of _______________________________________________________ life forAddress: each of our residents.

e Symptoms By ToNY AwARd WiNNER one; moodiness and irritability MicHAEL FRAYN One entry per person. Entries will be DIRECTED tasks BY ng you from completing daily through February 28, 2019. City: _________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________ ing about your loved one SARNA LAPINE accepted Winners are responsible to redeem Assisted Living JAN 12 - FEB 3 their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. ou’ll care for your loved one if he/she becomes worse Phone: ____________________ Email: _______________________________ Transportation or meals will not be m the activities you used to enjoy included. Company does not provide Short- and Long-Term Nursing Care

Alzheimer’sMail & Dementia Care To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 Respite (Vacation) Care Or Visit to Enter Online! ach out to family, friends and community resources. It Rehabilitation ging for someone to provide a meal or give a ride to your • Physical Therapy t Groups and a Respite Program if you’d like to get away • Occupational Therapy oved one. Call us at 609-404-4848 to find out more. • Speech Therapy The County Woman Magazine January/February 2019 Home Health Care . Exercise, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep. Remember any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

TICKETS AT 732 . 345.1400 |



Medical Professionals Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


New Year Special

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March/April 2018 2017 March/April January/February 2019



Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

Now the Practice of Yoga Begins…Are Dhyana: Absolute Focus You Ready? Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT, Owner Atha Yoganushasanam (yoga sutras 1.1) “Now the practice of yoga begins” The first sentence of the bible of classical yoga is this. Atha, which often Written Laurie PhD, ERYT500 opens important by Sanskrit texts,Greene, means “now” and has the connotation of auspicious beginnings…like saying “behold!”: it acts at as an imperative— Owner, Yoga Nine, Ship Bottom, LBIonce & Ventnor “wake up,” we are beginning—and as a “blessing” for those who are ready to begin. It insinuates that we are finally ready to get real, and “to discover the The ofofyoga, whether they essence of ourtechniques existence in the core our own heart and at the centerbe of our being” (Freeman). It signals our ability to be in the present moment (“now!”). practiced with stillness or movement, are Anushasanam refers to a systematic, scientific teaching; a teaching which is only meant to produce state awareness, offered to a qualified student—onea who is readyofto keen fully commit. Yoga is a very varied There are many different styles, diverse To commonly known meditation (dhyana). practices, and distinct lineages, but there is also an underlying web of similarity this meditation state, the thatarrive joins theseat different approaches. An Indian folktale tellspractitioner of a man who is digging a well. He begins by digging down five feet and when there isinput, no water, must remove the distraction of sensory he is discouraged by his hard work, and he climbs out of the hole, moves a few and their again, focus that ofdisappointment a single, again yards away narrow and begins digging onlyto to be met by andabsolute again. This goespoint on and (eka on, and he never finds water, but labors endlessly. grata). This “exercising of Most traditions of yoga inspire us to engage in deep self-exploration. They ask of focus andand attention us tothe stickmuscles” with it, work hard, and dig deeper deeper. Whatiswecalled tend to do in our lives is leave a practice (any practice) just as it becomes challenging. We dhyana, the least mentioned sixth of the eight jump from regimen to regimen, diet to diet, relationship to relationship, career to career. In yoga we are asked to stick to it,practice. so that through the body and breath limbs of ashtanga yoga we can investigate deep and subtle feelings, responses, and reflexes in relation to the conditioned mind. We do this by slowing everything down and observing Dhyana is an essential part of the process of seated it closely with fresh eyes. We try to look past the rapid evaluations of our meditation, the mind is being busypresent, with distractions, it conditioned minds.since Atha isiftherefore about here, in the moment.

“Every little gesture of the hand, every Mudra has a deep meaning – you the attempt entire philosophy of life contained in left only. As to accomplish this is “impossible” these gestures. They convey a whole God’s task, note that you begin to narrow yourhistory focus toofthe self-manifestation in the universe.” sensation of your breath entering and exiting your nostrils.

– Paramahamsa Saraswati You try to connect the “muscles” in yourOmkarananda nose with your mind’s desire. You become acutely aware of the sensation of breath out, arole sensation of which you were Mudrasgoing play a in veryand important in Taoist alchemy, Buddhist meditation, yoga, and Indian classical dance and theater. The word mudra stems from previously unaware. the Sanskrit root mud, which means “bliss.” This hints at the power of these beautiful gestures to evoke deep feeling in the observer and joy in the This “practice,” whether imperfectly or notto practitioner. The word mudra also accomplished denotes “seal” in yoga and is employed explain the process of sealing and strengthening the body’s vital energies. at all, is exemplary of dhyana, the quieting of the mind, In classical Indian dance, mudras are used to express the vast array of human through a simple technique of breath awareness. emotion and experience; to communicate deep feelings and tell intricate stories. In the yoga tradition mudras are used for spiritual concentration, healing, removing obstacles, andpractice, other subtle practices. Whatever your beenergetic it still or moving, make

and join that us at Yoga for a deeper sure Please that itcome is “yoga,” it is Nine a practice thatexploration furthers of the “now.” We will always offer challenging, guided practice to every the connection of the mind and body throughstudent focus,as we dig deeper into experience. Come dig deeper…the time is now!

concentration, and self-awareness.

Yoga 101: 5 Week Course for new beginners March 26-April 23 Sundays: 11:30 includes instructional course, free rubber mat and 5 weeks access to all classes at both locations

isThe unable observe a place detachment. It is also diversetostyles of yogafrom accomplish thisof focus and concentration in different ways. Some study and philosophy some engage in one’s the foundation of atexts mindful moving(jnana), meditation, since chanting and other forms of devotion to a higher cause (bhakti), some engage ability to focus will allow them to “feel” more precisely, and in good works (karma), and still others look to the movement of energies in and observe theirbody bodies from the more body tofully createoccupy deep experience (hatha). The in hatha yogaaisplace seen asof an arena for metaphysical Either experience. It is manipulated postures, non-attachment. practice is aboutthrough being body acutely aware bandhas (locks), and mudras (body & hand gestures), which enhance the of physical sensations, sensations which are always present channeling of energy and therefore experience. These practices are ancient rarelyin experienced without the focus dhyana. andbut are found many Eastern artistic traditions. Indianof classical theater and make Try this Close your eyes, without your dance use ofexercise. postures and mudras to feel andand express emotionusing and create transformation in the performers and the audience. Mudras in particular help hands, try to breathe into your right nostril only and out the to focus the gross body energy through delicate and precise movements of the hands. We are familiar with “anjali,” the mudra of prayer, which focuses our bodies on our vital energy and the essential energy of others, but there are many mudras with many intentions.

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The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019 January/February 2017

Higher Education


Invest In Yourself With Free College At Atlantic Cape By Dr. Barbara Gaba PhD President Atlantic Cape Community College

I’ve had the privilege of spending my professional life in higher education. As a result, I’ve been treated to countless stories of students who have achieved the incredible, of individuals who have transcended the most daunting challenges. I’ve also enjoyed seeing firsthand wonderfully groundbreaking advancements. Right now, we’re witnessing one of those very moments: Free College. As president of Atlantic Cape Community College, I’m thrilled that our college was selected to be a part of New Jersey’s Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG). I’d like to talk about the profound impact this pilot program will have on your life – or the life of someone you care about. The grant provides a last dollar scholarship of free tuition and fees for qualifying students. If you meet some simple criteria, you could be on your way to gaining a life-changing education at zero cost. Atlantic and Cape May county students with adjusted gross incomes under $45,000 who have applied for federal and state aid and take classes with six or more credits in Spring 2019 will be eligible for the grant. This is an extraordinary chance for you to take a new step toward success. If you’re someone who once thought that your chance has somehow passed you by, Atlantic Cape and the CCOG are here to tell you that quite the opposite is true: your chance is now. For many, one of the biggest barriers to a college degree is the cost. New Jersey has taken that obstacle away and is inviting you to pave your way to a new future. You don’t have to worry about student loan debt with this opportunity. Listen to the voice inside you that knows you can do this. I believe in the transformational power of education. I have seen community college students succeed in every imaginable way, and I can’t wait to see that happen for you too. Even more, I have wanted this opportunity for our students for decades. And my sincere belief is that this program will facilitate the success that you deserve. New Jersey stands ready to invest in you, and now it’s time for you to invest in yourself. While Free College covers tuition and educational fees, there are other costs associated with your education, such as textbooks, uniforms and other tools of trade. Atlantic Cape’s financial aid team can help you find scholarships to help cover these other costs to truly make your education here as close to free as possible.

How can this opportunity become your reality? First, apply to Atlantic Cape and apply for state and federal financial aid at Classses for the Spring begin January 22, so you need to register for at least 6 credits and determine the course of study you want to focus on. Six credits equates to approximately two courses. Then you can start investing in yourself – without spending anything. Registration is ongoing until the first day of classes. We offer classes in Mays Landing, Atlantic City and Cape May Court House on weekdays and weekends; in the morning, afternoon and at night; in-person and online. Our flexible curriculum was designed for someone exactly like you – who can do more and be more with a college degree – but is also juggling multiple demands from work and family. Our professors and academic advisors want to see you succeed and will be with you every step of the way on this new journey. It’s time to make the change you’ve imagined for yourself and your future. The starting line is right here at Atlantic Cape. Whether you entered the workforce immediately after high school or if, for whatever reason, college wasn’t a possibility at the time, the CCOG changes all that. It’s a grant that proclaims what I’ve discovered in my decades-long journey in education: that it is absolutely never too late. For more information, visit If you have questions, Atlantic Cape’s expert admission officers are ready to help. Send us an email at freecollege@atlantic. edu or call 609-343-5000 for Admissions or 609-343-5626 for Financial Aid.

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Professional Tutoring


Study Smarter Professional Tutoring Andrea M. Garcia, M.D. , Founder

What is a Professional Tutor?

A professional tutor has successfully completed the educational objective you are trying to achieve. We have graduate degrees. We are educators. We have the experience to provide academic mentoring. We love learning. Education is our vocation.

What we do…

Dr. Andrea Garcia has spent most of her life in the classroom. From career student to medical doctor, and now professor and professional tutor, working with students to achieve their goals is her dream come true. She attended an allopathic medical school, matched her first choice for residency, was a chief resident and a chief fellow. She also played an active role on an admissions committee interviewing candidates for an internal medicine residency program. Andi loves learning, the science of memory, and the reward of intellectual achievement. She has sought to utilize teaching and memorizing techniques that are evidence-based, fun, and have stood the test of time.

for straight A’s, but our methods provide the tools to achieve them. Learning is fun and rewarding with Study Smarter. That’s our promise!

Smart Tips:

Study Smarter Professional Tutoring empowers students with the necessary tools to be successful, independent life-long learners. Teaching students how to study effectively and be better learners is what we do. Study Smarter is about quality time spent between tutor and tutee that fosters a love for and mastery of learning. That’s the way we learned. Our teachers shared their enthusiasm for academics making learning fun. That’s the way we do it. There are no guarantees

• Study Smarter’s evidence-based learning methods improve your memory retention. • Study Smarter’s tutoring methods build confidence. • You need a Study Smarter professional tutor like you need a personal trainer at the gym. • It takes a small investment of your time with us to make a huge difference in your academic career.

Call or email us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

TESTIMONIAL: “Andi is very enthusiastic and inspiring. I am in my Junior year in high school and improving my grades is crucial now. We have been working on my testing skills for my regular exams and the PSAT. I have already shown improvement with some quick, easy tips she gave me. I am gaining confidence and overcoming my testing fears with her help.” – E.M.P.

Your personalized consultation includes: • Defining clear academic goals. • Making a study schedule that is reasonable. • Study techniques scientifically proven to improve your memory. • Test taking strategies to get your highest score.

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Fashion & Beauty

Looking For a New Way To Celebrate? Try a Lingerie Party! Hey Jersey girl! Is the winter bringing you down? Is the lack of sun and surf making you depressed? Do you feel trapped in having nowhere to escape because all of your favorite places are closed until summer? If you live near the shore like us, you know the tumbleweed struggle is real here. Try something different with a friend or a group and host a lingerie party! I know what you’re thinking. Parade around half naked in front of other women to be judged? That does not sound like a party. (And if it does, well that’s awesome - rock on lady!) The whole objective of our lingerie party is to teach you how to pick the lingerie you love and feel confident wearing, based on your own style and taste. Only show off if you want to! A typical party itinerary starts with a light bite and champagne mimosa toast to the hostess! We will share our secrets of success with your party, answering any questions you may have. We will be shown how to choose the right size bra in size ranges

you have probably never seen before, how to choose shape wear that doesn’t strangle the life out of you, how to wear a corset or waist cincher and what the difference is between them, how to pick styles best for your body type, and much more. Then the real fun begins! You choose 3 looks and we will choose 3 for you as well. You will then get to try the items on with or without our assistance in a private dressing room. Take pics, have fun, laugh with your girls, sip, shop, treat yourself, giggle. Feel free, feel pretty, feel confident. Our lingerie parties are suitable for 2-8 in our boudoir OR as many as you’d like in yours. Each party package has different inclusions. Great for couples, mother & daughter, BFF’s, sisters, bridal parties, bachelorette parties, divorce parties, ladies’ nights, boudoir photography and more. We have a lounge with water cooler, mini fridge stocked with champagne, wine, soda and other goodies. We provide stem ware and cutlery in our lounge.

Testimonial “I went in to get fitted for a bra as I knew I wasn’t wearing the right size. I am not a small woman and Julie was so very helpful finding me the proper fit. I will not buy my lingerie from anyone else. Superior service and very friendly. Thank you for a wonderful buying experience.”-SLB

The County Woman Magazine

More Than A Measurement

A charming and relaxed boutique for all of your undergarment needs. Specializing in bra, lingerie and shape wear fittings. • Over 100 different bra styles in sizes 28A-46O • Sticky bras and lingerie solution products • Lingerie and shape wear XS-3X • Hosiery by thigh measurement and Swimwear by bra sizes

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Mail to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 Or Visit to Enter Online!

One entry per person for the Bra Boudoir. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted through 2/29/2019. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to the third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

January/February 2019



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One entry per person. All winners will be emailed tickets. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through February 28, 2019. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

2018-12-11 3:45 PM

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Medical Professionals


Women And Their Feet


Women inflict more punishment on their feet than men, in part from improper footwear that can bring about unnecessary foot problems. Some of the problems result from high-heeled shoes (generally defined as pumps with heels of more than two inches). Doctors of podiatric medicine believe such heels are medically unsound, and attribute postural and even safety problems to their use. Women face increased pressure, due to fashion and changing models, to wear shoes that are not always best for their feet. With more women working outside of the home, their feet are taking even more punishment, and the footwear that some feel obliged to wear in the workplace may be playing a role.

Wearing high-heeled shoes will cause many foot problems over time. Podiatrists in general will not recommend wearing high-heeled shoes for long periods of time. They believe them to be biomechanically and orthopedically unsound. High-heeled shoes may contribute to knee and back problems, injuries and falls, shortening of the calf muscle, and an awkward and unnatural gait. Over time high-heeled shoes can cause enough changes in the foot to impair proper function of the foot. Most women admit that high heels make their feet hurt, but they tolerate the discomfort in order to look taller, stylish, and more professional. If you are not willing give up very high-heeled shoes, there are some ways to relieve some of the aggressive effects. Limiting the time spent wearing them and alternating with a good quality Oxford-type shoe or flats for everyday use

Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery

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can be helpful. Arch supports can also be added to high heels to gain slightly more comfort. The key is wearing the right shoe for the right activity -- and that means varying heel height, determining what heel is most suitable. There are comfortable and attractive walking pumps for women for work and social activities. These pumps offer fashion with athletic shoe-derived construction with reinforced heels and wider toe room. They use space-age materials -- like longlasting memory cushioning that acts as a shock absorber -- and the soles are more pliable.


Pregnant women need to observe good foot health to prevent pain and discomfort. With the body undergoing changes in acquiring a new weightbearing stance, women should wear shoes with broad-based heels that provide support and absorb shock. The expectant mother often experiences increased swelling of her feet and ankles, which can aggravate existing foot conditions. Pregnancy also triggers release of hormones that increase laxity of ligaments, which can contribute to foot strain. If problems develop, she should see her podiatrist as soon as possible.


As women age, they have more trouble with their feet than when they were younger. The fat pads on the bottom of the feet will atrophy or deteriorate during the aging process. Arthritis is also more prevalent as they age. Many foot deformities occur, such as bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, and pump bumps, all contributing to foot pain. Dr. Honick has been trained specifically and extensively in the diagnosis and treatment of all manner of foot conditions. This training encompasses all of the intricately related systems and structures of the foot and lower leg, including neurological, circulatory, skin and the musculoskeletal system, which includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 609-704-9001 or visit

Dr. Stuart W. Honick

Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Board Certified in Foot Surgery

Dr. James R. Williamson

Board Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Medical Professionals TheThe County Woman Magazine County Woman Magazine


January/February 2019 July/August 2018

Pet Services


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Acupuncture Helping Arthritis: What You Need To Know Acupuncture is a safe and natural therapy that has been proven to be effective for treatment of acute and chronic pain. It can manage pain and improve range-of-motion throughout the body. In Chinese medicine, arthritis is viewed as a painful obstruction of the body’s qi (pronounced chee). Qi is the body’s life force or vital energy. Hair-thin needles are inserted into the skin to stimulate the body’s qi. This removes the obstruction and encourages the free flow of qi, therefore relieving pain and increasing range of motion. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It is caused by a degeneration of the cartilage within the joints. As the joint weakens from age or overuse, pain, swelling, and limited range of motion may occur. Over time, this can advance from a nagging pain or ache to a disabling pain. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation, pain, swelling and stiffness in joints, usually of the hands. Eventually RA can cause the joints to become deformed. Acupuncture treatment for RA will have points in the area of pain, but focuses on regulating the immune system and increasing the overall health of the patient. Once again, acupuncture can help manage the condition with less use of medications. Gout is arthritis caused by the deposit of uric acid crystals within the cartilage of joints. It most commonly affects the big toe and knees. This is usually due to a diet rich in protein, or alcohol consumption, but can also be related to genetic factors.

The focus of treatment for gout is relieving pain and decreasing swelling. Acupuncture points around the area of pain are the most useful. Treatment When initially treating any type of arthritis with acupuncture, consistency is essential. Significant relief can usually be seen within two weeks. Once the condition is controlled, some maintenance may be required to keep the pain from returning. During treatments the needles are retained for 20–40 minutes. Most people become very relaxed during treatments and some even fall asleep. Conditions Commonly Treated By Acupuncture Allergies & Asthma Anxiety & Depression Arthritis Autoimmune Disorders Back Pain & Sciatica Chronic Fatigue Genitourinary Disorders Gynecological Disorders Headache & Migraine Hypertension Infertility

The County Woman Magazine

We Feature Complementary Techniques Moxa Insomnia Tui Na Massage Menopause Cupping Nausea & Digestive Disorders Gua Sha Neuropathy Skin Disorders Electro–Acupuncture Smoking Cessation Strains & Sprains Stress Tendonitis Weight Management Whiplash

Koehler Acupuncture 128 Drum Point Road • Brick, NJ 08723


January/February 2019



Koehler Acupuncture Will Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Keith Koehler first became interested in acupuncture when he was about ten years old. His father had been suffering from varying degrees of back and neck pain for years, and when he tried acupuncture he experienced relief quickly. He was able to return to athletic activity and the following baseball season, he became his Little League coach. As Keith went through school, he developed an intense interest in anatomy and physiology. “I wanted to know how the body worked, and what could help it enhance and improve,” he adds. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force (known as Chi [this is “qi” in the other article]) which is believed to flow through pathways in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. CW: How would you describe your practice philosophy? KK: My goal is to help my patients with whatever it is that brings them to me. This may require pain relief, stress reduction, emotional comfort, behavior modification or any combination of these. CW: How has your practice evolved since it opened? KK: One way my practice and acupuncture practices in general have evolved over the past ten years is with insurance coverage. Most insurance companies now have plans that cover acupuncture and many New Jersey state employees have acupuncture coverage. This gives people the courage to try acupuncture and allows them to come in with the consistency needed to experience significant relief quickly. CW: What are the most common conditions that you treat? KK: In my practice it would be general pain, but back and neck pain specifically remain the most common. Recently I have seen an influx of digestive issues as well as migraines. CW: What is the best part about working in this industry? KK: The best part for me is working with people. I enjoy listening to people’s problems and then finding ways to help resolve them. My patients are so appreciative when they start to get relief and feel like themselves again. CW: What is the greatest challenge you face in your field today? KK: That would be getting people to think of acupuncture as an option. So many folks don’t realize that acupuncture can help them. Others are too afraid to try it. More people are coming in and medical doctors are referring now more than ever before, but it is still a fraction of those who are suffering.

CW: What is the most popular treatment among women? KK: Aside from general pain, the most common ailment among women is dealing with menstrual issues. Acupuncture is useful for every aspect of a woman’s cycle, with significant results usually seen within three cycles. It is useful for treating painful or irregular periods, PMS, heavy periods, and menstrual migraines. Many women are getting results with acupuncture for fertility issues, with or without medical procedures like IUI and IVF. Acupuncture is also very useful during pregnancy, for symptoms like morning sickness, high blood pressure, back pain, swelling, and even breech presentation and to induce labor. For women going through menopause, acupuncture can help with hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and hormone balance. Keith received his Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education at Lock Haven University, and his Master’s in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the New England School of Acupuncture. His philosophy from the very beginning has always been to treat his patients in the way that he would want to be treated. Since opening his practice in 2004, his core beliefs remain the same. His favorite Chinese principle is to treat every one of his patients as an individual. When he is not in the office you can find him surfing, practicing tai chi and spending time with his family.

732-262-0637 •

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019



Psychosis: The Ultimate Private War Zone “‘There must be someway out of here, said the joker to the thief. There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief. Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth. None of them along the line know what any of it is worth. Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl. Two riders were approaching. The wind began to howl.” Bob Dylan, 1967; “All Along the Watchtower”

Psychosis Described

speaking in a manner that does not make sense, thought disorders, confusion, inability to make decisions, trouble focusing, unusual attire and behavior(s), flat affect, apathy, anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure), poor judgment, depleted concentration and internal preoccupaton. Brief psychotic disorders can also occur. They can appear suddenly and last for only a short time. There are three forms of this type: (1) Brief psychotic disorder with obvious stressors, also called brief reactive psychosis. This form occurs after a major trauma or stress. (2) Brief psychotic disorder without obvious stressors, where there is nothing obvious as the cause of the episode. (3) Brief psychotic disorder with postpartum onset, usually occurring within 4 weeks of having a baby.


It is important to get treatment immediately at the first signs of psychotic Psychosis has been described as an “umbrella term,” meaning that it is a symptoms. The specific type of treatment will depend on the cause of the psychosis condition in which a person has sensory disorders and beliefs in things that do not and symptoms. Psychosis triggered by substance use disorder will most likely lead exist—they have no basis in reality. Sensory disorders—such as hallucinations that can be visual, auditory, tactile, etc.; experiences of things that are not real; delusional your doctor to recommend you stop using drugs or alcohol. Medications may be required either orally or by injection and may include antipsychotics. Though there thoughts (mistaken beliefs); and cognitive impairments—can be characteristics of a can be side effects, they are usually short-lived with one possible rare exception psychotic episode but not necessarily in every case. tardive dyskinesia. Psychosis presents as a symptom; it is not a disease of itself. Psychosis is as if a mind has turned inward and separated from external realities. This mind loses touch Genetic testing is available to help your doctor gain insight into what medications are better metabolized by your specific genetic makeup. Genetic testing and believes things that are not real, but are perceived realities of varying degrees of is not yet a method for determining treatment because there is still much research detachment and, often results in subsequent severe fear that lingers. to be done, but it can be useful to include in choosing a pharmacological regimen. “I don’t like crowds; people are listening to my thoughts and there are devices In acute and formidable cases, a psychotic individual may require hospitalization where I live that can hear everything. They constantly tell me stuff that’s very to eliminate the risk of harming self or others. personal; they tell me how bad I am; that they will hurt my family and that I should kill myself. In the beginning they were just whispers, but now they’re real, Psychotherapy loud, and almost constant. I try to block them out, but they’re everywhere and too Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps the affected person to realize they powerful. No one believes me. I don’t understand why because they are very real and have had a psychotic episode and distinguish what is real and what is imagined. It dangerous.” includes emphasizing the need to maintain their medication regimen. Supportive The cause of psychosis is not definitive. Notably, it seems to impact young people therapy assists individuals in managing their psychosis and recognizing and in their late teens or early adulthood without a known reason for why it happens. modifying triggers that impact their psychosis. Family education and support is also The literature proposes some possible explanations such as heredity/genetics (i.e., paramount to helping their loved ones manage psychosis. And in all cases, diagnosis schizophrenia and bipolar disorders), physical or emotional trauma, substance or and treatment of psychosis requires a well-trained and experienced physician. alcohol use disorder, medication reactions, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders and tumors. Abnormal levels of the neurotransmitter Don’t suffer alone… glutamate may cause the imbalance of the neurotransmitter dopamine, resulting in psychosis. Call 609.484.0770 or visit Psychosis can cause devastating damage to life expectancy and quality of that life. Serious psychiatric, medical, and dental co-morbid conditions can occur, leaving the person lost in fear and dysfunction in “the maddening crowd.” [Note that the actual quote is “the madding crowd”] The stigma associated with severe and chronic mental illness is well known, and hard to repeal. People with serious psychotic disorders act on their erroneous, ofttimes irrational beliefs and are consistently misunderstood, shunned, and feared. In the absence of information and education about psychosis, people are generally reactionary to psychotic conduct; not necessarily because they are being intentionally malicious, but because they have no way of rationalizing the irrational. It sadly often requires a family to have a close loved one afflicted with some form of a persistent mental illness like psychosis before they can empathize and seek to understand and assist so as not to condemn, “Here to Listen & Here to Help” Charles Meusburger, MD For a thorough, confidential, psychiatric evaluation and • Specializing in Adult & Adolescent Psychiatry blame, and run.

Symptoms of Psychosis

The most obvious symptoms are hallucinations, when a person may see, feel, or hear things that are not real, and delusions, which are mistaken beliefs that one holds on to even when the facts show otherwise. Other symptoms may include disorganized thinking,

an individualized treatment plan tailored to fit your specific • 60 Minute Sessions needs with appropriate treatment(s), please call our office at • Variety of Effective Talking Therapies 609.484.0770 to set up, by appointment, this comprehensive • Medication- Evaluation & Management and compassionate confidential assessment. • All Services Rendered by Same Provider Don’t suffer in silence any longer. We can help! • Independent Medical Evaluations • Addiction Psychiatry Providence Professional Park • Board Certified 3069 English Creek Ave, Ste. 225

Call for an Appointment

The County Woman Magazine


EHT, NJ 08234

January/February 2019

Medical Professionals


If You Have Been Told you Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants: SEE DR. BANKS! Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus is too low.” Both conditions are correctable problems in almost all patients, according to Dr. Banks. When the gum ridge where teeth are missing is too thin to place a dental implant, bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What that means is that a bone replacement product, or even the patient’s own bone, can be placed into the deficient area, stabilized, and allowed to heal. Following healing, dental implants can be placed into that area and then restored with porcelain teeth. This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” and can be accomplished in both the top and bottom jaws. When teeth are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand downward into the ridge and cause bone loss in the gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, according to Dr. Banks. “A Sub-Antral Sinus Augmentation – commonly called a ‘Sinus Lift Procedure’ – can be performed, sometimes even at the time of implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of bone in the area where we would like to place a dental implant. Again, a bone replacement product or even the patient’s own bone can be used.” A common misconception is that the bone is placed into the sinus. In reality, the sinus membrane is actually lifted up (hence to name “sinus lift”) back to where it should be, and the bone graft material is placed under the sinus membrane, restoring the gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one procedure. Dr. Banks incorporates state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, such as 3D cone beam CT scanning of the face and jaws, to evaluate her patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately diagnose the magnitude of the bone loss in the area where we would like to place implants and the quality of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible

outcome.” She also prepares and uses advanced biologic materials into grafting procedures such as L-PRF (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) which are made right in the office at the time of surgery. And finally, there is a preconceived notion that these procedures are painful procedures. “There are multiple anesthesia options for the surgical part of the bone grafting process,” she says. “We offer intravenous general anesthesia and sedation, nitrous oxide and local anesthesia” so that all her patients can be treated comfortably. “Of course, I’m making it sound easy but these procedures are technically demanding and take years of practice to gain the proper expertise. You only want your bone grafting procedures performed by a well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.”


Dr. Banks is a graduate of Rutgers University College of Arts and Sciences, Camden with a B.A. in biology, and Temple University School of Dentistry, Philadelphia. She completed a one year Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency Program at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Camden and Stratford, NJ, and then completed a four year Post- Graduate Residency Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the American Board of Dental Anesthesiology. She is a member of the dental staff at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, New Jersey and is involved with teaching the postgraduate GPR residents in the clinic and in her private office setting. She has been instrumental in the development of several New Jersey State Board of Dentistry approved continuing education courses offered by J.S.U.M.C Department of Dentistry Continuing Education Department for dentists, hygienists and dental assistants.

Healthy Smile, Healthy Life 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070


The County Woman Magazine

Office Hours: 8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

January/February 2019

Health & Wellness


Cooler Temperatures May Mean A Better Night Of Sleep


ith freezing temperatures upon us, here’s an interesting note: cooler temperatures while we slumber may have a number of health benefits.

Let’s learn to harness the cold weather!

Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know About The Health Benefits Of Sleeping In Cooler Temperatures Improves Sleep Our body’s temperature has a tremendous impact

on falling asleep and staying asleep. As we doze off, our core temperature drops slightly, by 1 or 2 degrees. It continues to fall throughout the night, reaching its lowest point approximately 2 hours before awakening. Experts suspect that this dip occurs because our body utilizes its energy reserves for other functions instead of maintaining normal temperatures. And, too, maintaining and reaching those deeper, rejuvenating stages of sleep requires our body temperature to stay low. These sleep stages are important for memory consolidation, optimal immune system function, and school and work performance.

Increases in Brown Fat This darker shade of fat differs from white

fat in several ways. It is capable of burning chemical energy (calories) to create heat and help maintain body temperatures. In fact, it can produce 300 times more heat than any other body organ! And what researchers found is that in response to cold, the white fat cells take on characteristics of brown fat. Scientists have also found that brown fat improves insulin sensitivity in humans, and as a result may function as an anti-diabetic tissue. And, in a study by the National Institutes of Health, researchers found that when men were exposed to a cool environment overnight for one month, they had a 42% increase in brown fat, along with corresponding changes in metabolism. Burning calories while we sleep…now, that is worthy of a Nobel Prize!

How do we achieve cooler bedtime temperatures? Experts recommend that making our bedroom like a cave—cool, quiet, dark—is key to getting a good night of sleep. Here are some tips for cooling off at bedtime: • Set our thermostat between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. • Sleep in our birthday suits. In addition to helping achieve lower body temperatures, skin-to-skin contact with our bed partner can increase levels of a hormone called oxytocin. This is the same hormone that surges when a mother sees her child for the first time. Oxytocin is responsible for social recognition and bonding, the formation of trust between people, and generosity. And, too, it can lower blood pressure and heart rate, increase immune function, relieve pain, and decrease anxiety. • Strategic sleep attire. If sleeping in the buff is not a viable option, consider wearing moisture-wicking fabrics. That way if you sweat, the fabric will wick away water from the skin, allowing the body to regulate its own temperature. Although cotton is a favorite lightweight, soft-to-touch fabric that allows for air circulation, it is poor at wicking away moisture. • Beware of foam pillows that can maintain warmth and prevent drops in temperature. • Socks on your feet. Cold feet can be very disruptive to sleep. However, warming your feet too much can cause your entire body to become too hot. If you decide to wear socks, choose lightweight ones. • Enjoy a warm shower or bath 90-120 minutes before bedtime. This facilitates drops in body temperature once you step out. However, if done too close to bedtime, the warmth can interfere with your ZZZ’s. • Avoid strenuous exercise 3 hours before falling asleep because the heat generated takes time to dissipate. It should be noted that exercise is a good method to manage insomnia when done earlier in the day. Cooler temperatures can facilitate improvements in our sleep as well as other areas of our health. So, think again before raising the temperature on the thermostat at bedtime. And as you climb into bed, it may be wise to leave the sweatshirts (it’s called a sweatshirt for a reason) and flannel pajamas behind.

Decreases Cortisol Levels During sleep, our body’s cortisol levels dip. And it has been shown that cooler bedtime temperatures can further decrease production. Cortisol is a stress hormone that prepares us for “fight or flight” by increasing blood pressure, heart rate, alertness, and blood sugar levels. It can also interfere with good quality and quantity of sleep. Consequently, acute and chronic stress states can cause sleep disturbances. As temperatures drop outside, it may help suppress this stress hormone and promote initiation and maintenance of sleep.

Increases Growth Hormone Cooler temperatures elevate growth hormone, or GH. GH is essential for tissue repair, muscle building, and bone density. Some refer to it as a rejuvenating or regenerative hormone. Healthy levels of growth hormone have also been shown to benefit the immune system and lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Nina Radcliff, M.D., is a practicing physician; a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for young physicians and communications. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

H W Health& & Wellness Health ealth & Wellness ellness

43 4341

Cough and Cold Season Is Medicine Here - – Compounding Compounding Medicine –

Are You Medication Ready? A Making Making Medication A Treat Treat For For Your Your Pet Pet For more in

For the most part, everyone catches some degree of a Believe it or not, cough and cold season cold at least once a year. Once you feel the symptoms is upon us. Our nights are becoming very Are there flavors of coming on, then cold and children have been back in different Are there different flavors of what? For starters, continue the above tips. Also, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze school for about six months medication now. This is available? medication available? coughto(no one else wants your germs). And most We havewe over 35 or flavors choose the season everyone dreads. It seems We have over 35 flavors to choose importantly CONTINUE TO WASH YOUR from! The most common flavors for- pets are see people with the sniffles everywhere—at from! The most common flavors for pets are Chicken, Liver, Sardine, Fish, HANDS FREQUENTLY. work, at the mall and even at home.Beef, Now is Tuna, Chicken, Beef, Liver, Tuna, Sardine, Fish, Shrimp and Peanut Butter. However, There are many cough and cold medications on the the time to take some stepsCheese, that will reduce Cheese, Shrimp and Peanut Butter. However, marketsuch that as canBanana, help with your cold or cough symptoms. prefer your risk of catching a cold some and pets stock up fruit on flavors some pets prefer fruit flavors such as Banana, Decongestants in a pill form or a nasal spray can help Tutti Frutti, Orange and Lemon. things that will help with the Tutti symptoms when and Lemon. Frutti, Orange with a stuffy nose. Antihistamines can help with itchy, How does this solve the dosage problem for the inevitable happens. How does this solve the dosage problemwatery for each each eyes. Cough suppressants help control a nagging

individual pet? individual pet? your risk of catching cough. Cough drops or For throat lozenges help with a sore more information call You can reduce For more information call Animals come in many different sizes. A hamster will only require a tiny amount Animals come in manyare different sizes.helpful A hamster will throat. only require tiny amount Tylenola or Motrin can help any body aches or aofcold or flu. Here some or visit medication whereas a horse will require a very large amount of medication. fever. Before taking anyWe medications, please consult or visit of medication whereas a horse will require a very large amount of medication. We hints: can make medications for animals as small as a mouse orwith as large as an elephant. your as pharmacist or doctor to be can make medications for animals as small as a mouse or as large an elephant. •WASH YOUR HANDS This sure With compounding, Curexa FREQUENTLY can work with a veterinarian tothe formulate anyyou doseareorbuying medication With compounding, Curexa can work with a veterinarian to formulate any dose or

will help form stop the spreadyour of germs. dosage to treat pet. Everything you touch doesn’t aggravate any existing medical dosage form to treat your pet. potentially has cold germs on it—doorknobs, handrails, My pet will not swallow their medicine. Are there conditions interact with any My pet will not swallow their medicine. Are thereoreasier easier pens, PIN pads, etc. Also, keep hand sanitizer easily current medication you are taking. ways to administer pet medicine than a chewable ways to administer pet medicine than a chewable or or tablet? tablet? accessible—keep it in your car and your desk at work. One alternative would be to make the medication intoTHIS a flavored liquidIMPORTANT. form. IS VERY One alternative would be to make thedaymedication into a flavored liquid form. •REDUCE STRESS Whenever a big is coming 609-927-0392 Many cough and The flavored liquid could be directly administered to your pet over-the-counter or mixed 609-927-0392 into their Theorflavored liquid could be directly administered to your pet or mixed into their up, there’s a deadline you have been rushing to meet, cold into medications food. For very difficult pets, some medications can be made a topicalcanearcause adverse food. For very difficult pets,sick. someRelax; medications canisbe made into topical ear you are more likely to become your health effects. Don’t be afraid paste that gets absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream. Not everyto ask us, that pasteimportant. that gets absorbed through the 8skin andofinto stream. Not every more Also, try to get at least hours sleepthe blood what we areif here medication can be done this way. Please contact your vetisor Curexa you for. have medication Curexa ifhave youdetermined have per night. can be done this way. Please contact your vet orOnce you which questions about which medications work best. questions about which medications work best. •EAT WELL - Certain foods combat colds. Try to medications are safe, keep some at Please contact us or at fresh air as possible. contaminated air can Please contactRecycled, us at at 609-927-0390 609-927-0390 ormake at ifif you any or concerns Visit you sick! have Get outside asquestions much as possible. Cold air willabout compounding you have any questions or concerns about compounding not give you a cold! medicine for your pet.

609-927-0390 609-927-0390 Mark Taylor Mark Taylor received the received the Independent Independent Pharmacist of the Pharmacist of the Year Award! Year Award!

Mark Mark Taylor, Taylor, Owner Owner

3007 Ocean Heights Ave, 3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Phone: 609-927-0390 Phone: 609-927-0390 Toll Free (855) 927-0390 Toll Free (855) 927-0390 Fax: 609-927-0392 Fax: 609-927-0392

What type of pet medicine does a compounding pharmacy

Whatastype ofthe pet medicine does compounding pharmacy include much of following as possible in youradiet: home so that you are prepared when provide? broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions, citrus fruits, and provide? that cold comes along. Curexa the equipment training to dousing ALL forms of petPharmacy medications. whole grains.has evidence alsoand exists supporting Curexa is an We Curexa hasSome the equipment and training to do ALL forms of pet medications. We can do ccreams, ointments, suppositories, chewable tablets, oral pastes,owned transdermal vitamin and Echinacea to boost your immune system. independently and operated can do creams, ointments, suppositories, chewable tablets, oral pastes, transdermal gels and capsules. We even have a sterile compounding facility to do sterile full service pharmacy. gels and capsules. WeOF even have a sterile compounding to do sterile Our •DRINK PLENTY WATER - Drinking plenty facility injections and eye drops. pharmacists and technicians are here ofinjections water helps flush and eyegerms drops.out of your body. Water also Does pet medication require a script? helps keeppet yourmedication mucous membranes moist, allowing them to answer your questions. Stop by Does require a script? medications, your veterinarian would to write or call in a andhave see what a pharmacy experience toYes. trapJust thelike virushuman and dispose of it. Yes. Just like human medications, your veterinarian would have to write or call in a 609-927-0392 prescription. should be! 609-927-0392 •BREATHE prescription. FRESH AIR - Try to breathe as much

For more in or or visit visit www www

Compounding Compounding Excellence Excellence Formerly Jersey Shore Compounding Pharmacy Formerly Jersey Shore Compounding Pharmacy Compoundingcombines combines ageless with Compounding anan ageless artart with thethe Compoundingcombines combines ageless with Compounding anan ageless artart with thethe latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art latest and state-of-the-art latestmedical medicalknowledge knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, professionals technology,allowing allowingspecially speciallytrained trained professionals technology, allowing specially trained professionals technology, allowing specially trained professionals totoprepare customized medications to to meet prepare customized medications meet totoprepare customized medications to to meet prepare customized medications meet each patient’s specific needs. each patient’s specific needs.

medicine for your pet.

Mark Mark Taylor Taylor Owner Owner

3007 Ocean Heights Ave, 3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

Mark Taylor received the Mark Taylor received the Independent Pharmacist Independent Pharmacist of the Year Award! of the Year Award!

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The County Woman Magazine January/February 2019

Women’s History


Audrey Hepburn Bold, Beautiful and Brave It’s a new year filled with a renewed sense of self that carries hope and perhaps goals for the coming year! Audrey Hepburn has been a captivating actress that I have watched over and over with amazement. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is an iconic movie as well as Sabrina and not to mention Funny Face. I have taken for granted that such an amazing and talented actress would not have any lifestyle other than Hollywood glam. However, when I began to research the life of Audrey Hepburn, I was shocked and amazed by her past. It is an extremely moving story that displays turmoil, trauma, and violence starting from a very young age. Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Belgium. First, Audrey’s parents divorced when Audrey was a young girl. Audrey attended boarding school in England. Then, during the time that Audrey was attending school in the Netherlands, the Nazis invaded and Audrey and her mother were left alone to survive with little to no means. Audrey suffered from malnourishment from being cut off from food supplies. Additionally, Audrey was uprooted from her home and relocated to an area that Audrey’s mother believed would be a safe haven, only to find out that the area was also being invaded. Audrey was subjected to observing family members gunned down in front of her. As a means of coping, Audrey would perform ballet and at times in front of audiences in an effort to distract them from the terrors of war. Audrey was also a “courier” who was part of a group of children that would deliver messages during the war. Children were utilized as couriers as Nazis would not suspect children carrying information. After the war, Audrey returned to school and set her focus on ballet. It is reported that in 1948 Audrey made her debut as a chorus girl. From stage performance Audrey began to transition to the movie screen, first in London and then Paris. Audrey made her way to New York, where she began her American acting presentation both on Broadway and in the movies. By 1953, Audrey Hepburn was a hot commodity in the movie

industry. Audrey cycled in between stage shows on Broadway and film productions. Audrey was living the Hollywood high life. Audrey was even considered the most beautiful woman of the “century.” Audrey had glamour, style and a presence in any arena. She also displayed a level of humility to those around her. Audrey is one of few actresses to have received Emmy, Tony, Grammy and Academy Awards. Audrey starred with many Hollywood “A” list men, including Gregory Peck, Humphrey Bogart, William Holden and Fred Astaire, to name a few. Breakfast at Tiffany’s was a role that was considered to be out of character for Audrey Hepburn. Yet the character’s sense of fashion displayed by Audrey became a new trend, and her infamous black party dress is considered the classic look from the movie and adopted as Audrey’s signature style. Audrey displays amazing talent in her other movies with her dance moves and ability to captivate her audiences. Basically, she made acting look easy! Audrey was married twice: first to Mel Ferrer, an actor she met while filming War and Peace, and second, Andrea Dotti, who was a psychiatrist. Audrey had two sons (Sean Ferrer and Luca Dotti), one from each marriage. As Audrey matured in age, she shifted her focus from acting and dancing to humanitarian work to raise awareness of children in need and she selected UNICEF as her focus. In fact, Audrey was a goodwill ambassador for the organization and traveled around the world advocating for children. Audrey Hepburn died on January 20, 1993 from colon cancer. Audrey received a special Academy Award for her humanitarian work with UNICEF and was unable to accept it as she died before it was presented to her. However, her legacy continues to live on through the Audrey Hepburn Society at the US Fund for UNICEF. Audrey Hepburn’s life was shaped through her childhood experiences, from her acting through her humanitarian work. Audrey is proof that life experiences can direct us on a path that opens the door to limitless possibilities and to remember there are children in need who may be standing behind the door. Happy New Year and cheers to a year of opening doors! Rita King, LCSW is the Associate Director of Justice Involved Services at Jewish Family Service. In this role, Rita currently supervises a Re-Entry program for incarcerated individuals as well as a community based diversion program for consumers experiencing mental illness and involvement with the criminal justice system. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019


Medical Professionals

Face First

Everyone who knows nurse practitioner Lisa Leddden knows that her passion for dermatology extends well beyond the treatments and procedures. For her, the interactions with patients and their families bring her the most joy. She says, “Over time, these relationships and the continuity of care have been very important to the love of my practice.” She has specialized in dermatology Lisa Ledden since 1996 and has a broad background in civilian and military medicine. In fact, after graduating from the University of Massachusetts she was awarded a military commission and accepted into a competitive internship with the U.S. Air Force. While there, she practiced trauma and emergency care nursing and was a part of a field medicine deployment team. In 1991 Lisa was awarded the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal and after seven years of service, left the military as captain to pursue a civilian career. While pursuing her master’s degree in nursing at Wilmington College in Delaware, she developed an interest in dermatology. After graduation she relocated to Michigan to practice dermatology and expanded her knowledge of cosmetic and surgical dermatology. Eventually, she made her way back East and relocated in Southern New Jersey where she currently practices with Certified Dermatology. With offices throughout New Jersey and a staff of caring professionals, Certified Dermatology can meet all of your dermatology needs. In addition to cancer screenings and the treatment of common skin conditions, they also offer beauty procedures for your skin as well as CoolSculpting. ACW: What are the primary conditions that you treat? Lisa: I treat conditions related to the skin, hair, and nails. We treat people of all ages and skin types. Because skin cancer is so prevalent, we see a lot of patients with precancerous lesions and skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Commonly seen skin conditions such as acne, warts, eczema, and psoriasis are prevalent in our population as well. ACW: What do you enjoy most about working in the field of Dermatology? Lisa: Because the field of dermatology is so diverse I see people of

different ages with different ailments. I love dealing with an adolescent acne patient in one room, and next an elderly patient with skin cancer. Mostly, I love that I make a difference in my patient’s lives. ACW: What is a typical day like for you? Lisa: We are early birds; our patients begin arriving at 7:00 am. We do a lot of skin cancer screenings, consultations, and procedures. Many of our patients have been with us for years and we enjoy sharing stories of our lives and our families with them. ACW: How do you stay current with changes made in your field? Lisa: The Internet provides access to electronic publications and continuing education programs. I schedule time to read and attend seminars as much as possible to maintain my expertise and stay current.

ACW: Besides staying out of the sun, what are some preventative measures to take to ensure healthy skin? Lisa: We definitely recommend sunscreen and sun protective clothing, including wide brimmed hats and UV protective sunglasses. To keep skin well cared for use only gentle, unscented skin care products. Because moisturizers work by trapping existing moisture in your skin, it’s best to apply right after washing. Other healthy skin habits include eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and not smoking. Lisa and her husband enjoy food, travelling, music, and hosting events at their home. She also loves spending time with her two sons, their beautiful girlfriends and the grand dogs. In her spare time she also enjoys volunteering at the food shelter, providing samples and supplies to the homeless shelter, and performing free skin cancer screenings.

Pictured L-R: Madeline Nieves, Donna Singleton, Lisa Ledden, Tina Whaley, and Ashlea Funk

Certified Dermatology 732-456-7777 (Main) • 609-940-3100 (Office) • 609-437-6921 (Cell) 599 Shore Road, #202 • Somers Point, NJ 08244

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Meet The Staff


Meet The Staff From Certified Dermatology Tina Whaley

Donna Singleton My name is Donna. I am from Mays Landing and am the mother of two sons. I am the smiling face you see at the front desk at Certified Dermatology. I have been working with Lisa Ledden and her team for the last five years. In those five years we have not only built a friendship but a sense of extended family as well. My role is to make appointments, check patients in and out, and verify insurances and referrals, and other administrative duties. My most important responsibility is to make sure our day runs as smoothly as possible and our patients are happy.

I’m Tina. I am a medical liaison at Certified Dermatology. I have been working with Lisa Ledden for 16 years. The first 15 years we worked together, my position was as a medical assistant. Spending so much time together as a team has made us as close as family and dear, dear friends. My duties include helping patients with their dermatological medical needs, such as providing patients with biopsy results, making appointments for our patients, sending and receiving medical records, and basically anything our patients need. I am the mother of four children and five grandchildren. I enjoy spending time with my family and enjoying life.

Madeline Nieves I’m Maggie. I’ve been working with Lisa Ledden in the medical field of dermatology for the last 16 years as a medical assistant. Throughout these years we have created not only a good work relationship, but also a lifetime friendship. I was born and raised in Vineland. My parents were born in Puerto Rico, so I am bi-lingual. I am the mother of two children. My 18-year-old daughter recently enlisted in the United States Air Force. I have a 29-year-old son who is in construction and the father of our beautiful granddaughter. My husband and I are both from large families and we are very family oriented. My hobbies include arts and crafts, design, sightseeing, traveling, and baking with my family.

Ashlea Funk My name is Ashlea. I’m an LPN and have been working with Lisa in dermatology for two years. We love our cozy office in Somers Point and more importantly, our patients. When you are laughing all day, you know you are working in the right spot! We girls have a special bond and have a great time taking care of our patients. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my four-year-old son, Lucas, my soon-to-be husband, Mike, and two French bulldogs. I enjoy traveling, camping and shopping.

Certified Dermatology 732-456-7777 (Main) • 609-940-3100 (Office) • 609-437-6921 (Cell) 599 Shore Road, #202 • Somers Point, NJ 08244

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019



The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Medical Professionals


Tips For Boosting Your Metabolism Metabolism is often the scapegoat for weight gain or difficulty losing weight. While metabolism absolutely plays a role in your body’s equilibrium, it cannot always be to blame when you have trouble shedding pounds, or end up putting on more weight than you were expecting. Having an efficient metabolism that works in conjunction with your body and weight loss goals can be one of the best ways to lose some excess weight and keep your digestive system running smoothly. Here are a few tips to try to boost your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the higher metabolic rate you have too. In order to boost your metabolism, pack on the muscle and watch your body do the work. Experts recommend two days a week of weight-lifting in order to keep your muscles working hard and continually developing, thus kicking your metabolism into gear. Hydration—we’ve all heard it, but did you know that water helps process calories in your body? Drinking water before meals helps to break down your food during and after your meal, which lends a helping hand to your metabolism. Continuous hydration throughout the day is key to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also to give your metabolism a boost. High-intensity aerobic exercise is another key to boosting metabolism. While consistent anaerobic exercises throughout the week help to lower your

heart rate and keep your body fit, the high-intensity aerobic workouts are the ones that will jumpstart your metabolism, raising your overall metabolic rate. Snacking throughout the day can lead to a faster metabolism, too. By eating small meals and snacks every couple of hours, your metabolism keeps grinding. If you find yourself eating big meals with lots of time between meals, your metabolism is probably slowing down significantly between meals. Smart snacking during the day helps prevent you from overeating at mealtimes, keeping your overall calorie intake down, and making it easier for your metabolism to process the food efficiently. Finally, a tip all caffeine addicts can get behind—coffee has been shown to speed up your metabolic rate, though only on a short-term basis. Black coffee in moderation is best, but any caffeine can help speed up your metabolism, and even help increase your endurance during workouts. At the end of the day, maintaining a balanced diet and workout plan will help keep you healthy, all the while supporting your metabolism in burning fat and building lean muscle.

If you need further assistance with weight loss or wish to know more about metabolism and the role it plays in your body, contact Barbara Greenling, DNP at 609-625-9146. Source: WebMD

About the Practitioner Barbara was born in Trenton, eventually settling in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degrees. Many years of diverse experience working in the medical field as she continued her education finally culminated in a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2013. She joined Reliance Medical Group in 2014 and now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township, an accomplishment of which she takes immense pride. She is affiliated with Shore Medical Center. Barbara takes special interest in her community, with a practice focused on family, veterans and the trans-gender population. She personally has volunteered in the Wounded Warrior project since 2009, and donates her time and resources to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Greenling also takes great pride in the level of care her office provides. It is a safe-haven office with a friendly and easy-going staff. They take all insurances, including Tri-Care for veterans. When Barbara is not practicing medicine, she enjoys golfing, gardening, entertaining and spending time with her family.

• Endocrinology • Diabetes • Metabolism

3069 English Creek Avenue Veteran Egg s!! Harbor Township, NJ 08234

“She is very caring and intelligent. I would recommend her especially to anyone with diabetes and thyroid conditions.” - Wendy, Mays Landing, NJ

Primary Care Practitioner specializing in:


Testimonials “I have been a patient of Barbara Greenling for about a year and a half. She is an excellent practitioner who cares about her patients. As a person who makes their living working with medical staff, I have seen both the good and the not so good, I highly recommend her to all who are looking for a knowledgeable, compassionate and caring practitioner!!!!!” - Ann, Mays Landing, NJ

Barbara Greenling, DNP

The County Woman Magazine

(609) 625-9146 January/February 2019

Shoe Repair


It’s UGG Season- Are You Ready? After Before

Winter’s arrived, so grab those Uggs

and come on over to The Friendly Cobbler at 1442 New Road to turn them into new, stylish footwear for all to see! You can get your Ugg boots patched up just in time! Domenick can dye black or brown boots and return them to their original splendor. They will be cleaned and waterproofed for the upcoming snowy months. Here at The Friendly Cobbler we don’t just repair and clean your shoes, we do


Call Tod

it with a smile and pride in our work. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on new shoes for your kids when Domenick breathes new life into old shoes with meticulous custom repairs and cleanings. Look sharp all year long with your “new” old shoes!

With over 20 years of professional shoe repair experience, we guarantee every repair and cleaning to be our very best!

20% OFF

Ugg Boot Cleaning Good Through February 28th.

The Friendly Cobbler


1442 New Road Northfield, NJ 08225

Health & Wellness Let’s Do It With Food Want to learn to eat for energy? Want to drop the weight, reduce the inflammation, stop the hair loss, end the anxiety and just feel better? Eat clean and feel the difference

Sharon Garland’s

Sharon Garland FDN-P Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Seasonal 5 Day Detoxes A delicious educational experience

Includes: • 5 Day Meal Plan for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner • Recipes for each meal, snacks and sweet treats too • Complete grocery shopping list • Prep Guide to keep you on track • Daily emails plus unlimited email support • Private Facebook Group because support ensures success

Eat real food, no deprivation, no hunger Participants typically experience increased energy, improved sleep, 3-7 lb weight loss and a greater understanding of which foods serve their body and which foods cause inflammation.

Register for the next 5 Day Detox at

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

49 Specialty Wigs Welcome To The Wonderful World of Wigs! Wigs are obviously made for all types of hair loss. But wigs are for so much more.

Wigs are great for changing your cut and/or color.

Over time, processing your hair to try different colors can be extremely damaging to your natural hair. Whether you’re creating a natural look, or making a bold fashion statement, all of today’s colors can require 3 or more chemical processes, and A LOT of maintenance. This can also be very costly, and time consuming in the long run. Color changes can completely diminish the health of your hair. This is true even if you have a certified colorist using the best products available. The bottom line is that HAIR CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH BEFORE IT ACTUALLY BREAKS DOWN. You do NOT want to get to that point. When you find a wig you love, you can give your hair a much-needed break while still wearing the look you want. Our quality wigs are light, breathable, and protect the health of your hair and scalp. They are a great way to maintain or get back your healthy hair.

Wigs are also great for:

When you can’t get to your hairstylist as regularly as you would like. Vacations! You want to enjoy every minute! The last thing you want to do is spend too much time on your hair or go to a hair salon you’ve never been to before. Having a wig enables you to be out the door, ready to have fun, while looking great in just minutes. No need to pack additional hair products or appliances, etc. It’s a NO MUSS - NO FUSS solution.

BAD HAIR DAYS. (Need we say more?)

Growing out a cut and/or color, while still looking your best. Wigs are overall the best answer to all grow-out processes. You want your hair to look finished but simply don’t have the time, energy, or even the skill to achieve a finished look Being in weather that causes our natural hair to do VERY BAD THINGS. Wigs are ‘all-weather’. Check us out on FB @wedowigs

Happy Valentine’s Day

X and O Rice Krispy Treats- A Fun Unique Craft For Kids

1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. 2. Add KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated. 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixture into 15 x 10 x 1-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool slightly. Using 1 package JET-PUFFED Marshmallows cookie cutters coated with cooking spray cut into X and O shapes. Decorate with frosting and/or candies. Best if served the same day. 6 cups Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies® cereal Microwave Directions: In microwave-safe bowl heat butter and marshmallows on HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir Canned frosting or decorating gel until smooth. Follow steps 2 and 3 above. Microwave cooking times may vary. Food coloring Note: For best results, use fresh marshmallows. 1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow crème can be substituted for marshmallows. Diet, reduced Assorted candies calorie or tub margarine is not recommended. Store no more than two days at room temperature in airtight container. To freeze, place in layers separated by wax paper in airtight container. Freeze for up to 6 weeks. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving.

You will need:

• • • • • •

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Women Of Atlantic County


Camille Shafer, Medical Aesthetician, Sood Center for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Camille has been in the medical aesthetic field for over 9 years, earning her Skincare Therapist license in May of 2009 and continuing her education in the rapidly growing world of aesthetics ever since. Camille focuses on staying current with the latest technologies and performing the most beneficial services for each client on an individualized basis to put their best face forward. She believes in the importance of skincare for overall quality of life and confidence. “With consistency of the right skincare program and use of minimally invasive procedures, clients can stop and start reversing the aging process,” she says. Camille and her husband, Jessy, reside in Hammonton, New Jersey. When she’s not working, she enjoys spending time with her friends, family, and pets and traveling. To book a consultation with Camille, call 609-904-5390 or visit for more information.

Dr. Peggy Avagliano, Atlantic Medical Imaging Dr. Peggy Avagliano came to Atlantic Medical Imaging (AMI) after completing her fellowship training in Women’s Imaging at the University of California San Francisco. She has been the Head of Women’s Imaging since joining AMI in 2000. Dr. Peggy is President of the AMI Foundation, a charitable organization that is dedicated to enhancing the level of healthcare for community residents by collaborating with local community groups to support programs that address critical health needs. She also serves on the Board of Gilda’s Club South Jersey. Dr. Peggy has been married 30 years to her high school sweetheart, Peter, and has raised four children: Christina, 27; Katie, 25; Michael, 24; and Amanda, 22. Her family has trained 11 puppies as Seeing Eye dogs. The goal of the program is to enhance the independence and selfconfidence of blind people through the use of Seeing Eye dogs. For more information, please call 609-677-9729 or email information@

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Lori Wagner,

Personal Trainer, Body in Balance

Lori Wagner grew up in Williamstown, NJ and has her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Stockton. She spent many years working around Atlantic County in long-term care and various medical offices. Most of her career she has spent working with older adults in some capacity. She discovered a love for fitness and in 2016 became a Certified Personal Trainer through ACE, the American Council on Exercise. She loves working with older adults and those with Parkinson’s disease and other physical limitations as it is both rewarding and inspiring. She has been working at Body in Balance since February 2018 as a trainer and group fitness instructor. Lori is also a Certified Hypnotherapist, which she has recently begun practicing after taking a few years off. Lori has organized several charity races, raising close to $20,000 for various charities. When she is not at work or working out, she enjoys gardening and baseball (Go Phillies!). Lori is a proud wife and mother of two amazing kids and currently resides in Egg Harbor Township. For more information, call 609-365-8499 or visit

Lisa Scott,

Office Manager, Dr. Charles Meusburger

Lisa Scott is the Office Manager for Dr. Charles E. Meusburger MD LLC in Egg Harbor Township, NJ. Lisa has been with Dr. Meusburger since 2006. A resident in Atlantic County, Lisa enjoys the relationships she’s built with the patients she serves. Lisa comes to Dr. Meusburger with over 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry in various administrative capacities including teaching Process Improvement at one of the area’s largest healthcare systems, a Certified Advanced Process Improvement Facilitator and being the assistant administrator in one of our area’s FQHC’s. Lisa is the proud mother of 4 children and is happily married, having just celebrated 22 years of marriage in December. When Lisa is not working with Dr. Meusburger, Lisa owns her on company, Lisa R. Scott Consulting where Lisa specializes in helping women business owners convert emotional pain into emotional currency to direct your life where you want it to go. Lisa enjoys working with Dr. Meusburger as it allows her to engage in the areas she enjoys- process improvement, problem solving, customer service and relationship-building. For more information, call 609-484-0770 or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

January/February 2019

Women Of Atlantic County Karen Laverack, Practice Manager, Advanced Care OB/GYN Karen grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and moved to South Jersey when she married her husband John, of 30 years! Karen and John, and their children Christopher and Brooke, then moved to Florida where they spent the last 24 years until moving back to South Jersey in May 2018. Karen’s heart had never left Philadelphia, where her parents, family and friends are. Karen and John bought a fixer upper on the Mullica River in Green Bank, New Jersey, where John is utilizing his lifelong building skills and are doing a complete renovation. Karen has a strong GYN background as practice manager in Florida, as well as a 15-year history of owner of a medical transcription company. Karen has a great passion for animals, and often fosters kittens and puppies until they are healthy enough for adoption. In her spare time, she enjoys playing with her three dogs Oscar, Laci and Bella, cooking, reading, and spending time with friends and family. If you would like to speak to Karen at Advanced Care please contact her at 609-272-0506, or for more information please visit our website at


Barbara Greenling, DNP, Reliance Medical Group Barbara was born in Trenton, eventually settling in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degrees. Many years of diverse experience working in the medical field as she continued her education finally culminated in a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2013. She joined Reliance Medical Group in 2014 and now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township, an accomplishment of which she takes immense pride. She is affiliated with many hospitals including Atlanticare Regional Medical Center - City Div, and Shore Medical Center. Barbara takes special interest in her community, with a practice focused on family, veterans and the trans-gender population. She personally has volunteered in the Wounded Warrior project since 2009, and donates her time and resources to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Greenling also takes great pride in the level of care her office provides. It is a safe-haven office with a friendly and easy-going staff. They take all insurances, including Tri-Care for veterans. When Barbara is not practicing medicine, she enjoys golfing, gardening, entertaining and spending time with her family. To schedule an appointment, call 609-625-9146.

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Linda Mullin,

Barbara Jolly,

Customer Service Representative, Clay’s Climate Control Linda is a Customer Service Representative at Clay’s Climate Control in Linwood. She earned her BA in Business from UNC Charlotte. She’s worked in customer service her whole career. She was a manager with CVS Pharmacies for 10 years and worked part-time in area restaurants when she had her children. She is very active in the community, serving as President of Linwood Nursery School, President of Linwood PTO, as a religion teacher at Our Lady of Sorrows Church and volunteered in many school and community events. As a life-long Linwood resident, she was excited to continue her career with a family owned, Linwood -based company that puts such a high value on customer service excellence. “Clay and Jen’s main goal is to be sure that each of our clients is 100% satisfied. They hire only the best members for its team and provide continuous training and support. They strive to make it a hassle-free experience from start to finish. I’m proud to be a part of their team!” Linda will be celebrating her 30th wedding anniversary to her husband Jim next year. She has 2 wonderful children and a Yorkie that she loves spending time with. For more information, call (609)6532295 for all your HVAC needs.

Owner, Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming It was ten years ago that Barbara Jolly decided she wanted to open her own pet supply and grooming business. That decision she made while working at Bally’s casino for 32 years. Now, Barb resides in Margate, NJ with her husband, and her family of dogs, which are frequent visitors of Jolly Pets. She has been open now for four years and enjoys the mom-and-pop, homey feel of the store and wants to keep that as her business grows. Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming carries a full line of natural foods and treats, all made in the U.S. Her store carries toys, beds, leashes, clothing, and anything else you could possibly want for your fourlegged friends. She sells booster seats and seatbelts for safely taking your dog in your car and in the summer, she sells plenty of life jackets for your pets that enjoy boating with you and your family. If there is something Barb does not have, she will immediately order it for you. Jolly Pets is also a full-service groomer, offering haircuts, baths, nail clippings, ear cleanings… anything that contributes to the overall health and beauty of your dog. For more information, call 609-350-7518, visit Jolly Pets on Facebook, or stop in today with your pet(s) to socialize!

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

January/February 2019

Pet Services


Anne’s Wagon 70

Written by Matt Reeves


“Unconditional Love” Like most little girls, Laurie Zaleski’s mother, Anne, was, and still is, one of the most important influences in Laurie’s life.

One of the best places in theloved world to She learn the meaning Anne animals! would do anything for of had little to her name with 4 kids “unconditional love” isthem. the Although Funnyshe Farm Rescue & Sanctuary in to raise as a single mother without any assistance, she Fast-forward to 2018, almost 40 years later. Today, Laurie has built one of the largest Mays Landing, NJ.

knew the animals had even less. They had absolutely and most successful animal rescues in the country. It’s called the Funny Farm Rescue & nothing and she knew they could not care for If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty good idea how much they love you and getSanctuary, located in Mays Landing, NJ. She didn’t do it alone. Laurie knew from her excited when you come home andthemselves. how sad they are when you leave. Those are the lucky ones. mother that she needed help. Not all animals are so lucky to have someone love them. Anne volunteered with animal control to give a Today, the Funny Farm Rescue has over 100 volunteers. She knew each person has The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue exceptions. They have thousands chance at lifearetothe animals that had no hope. She nursed unique talents and brings so much to benefit the animals in need. There are now over 550 of people each year who come to visit andanimals give them the lovethe they need. Most animals injured throughout long hours of the night animals living at the rescue, many with special needs. come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or and loved them with all of her heart. She did all she Anne passed away shortly before her daughter’s Funny Farm “shack” was purchased, unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements for their pets after they were could do for them. gone and the animals had nowhere to go. How scary that must be for these sweet animals nearly 19 years ago. Today, Anne watches over that same shack, which today is one of the thatLittle along with her brothers most beautiful places you ever saw! gaveLaurie, their owners so much love. and sisters, would watch her mother day and night.One She quickly her special andwhite helped whenever she aneeded examplebecame is a nameless littleassistant black and baby goat with brokenher. leg. At less When Anne passed away, Laurie buried her in her front yard, and on the hayride says, Laurie her old, mother’s tears and felt how her of mother loved those animals. than a saw month he was injured and wasmuch in a lot pain. truly His future was dark. Through a“…her ashes, not her body, because that would be illegal, and you too can have your ashes series of saw miracles, Laurie Founder the Funny Farm Rescue, She also firsthand the Zaleski, joys that the those animalsofbrought to her mother’s lifefound – howout theyaboutburied at the Funny Farm for a small donation” – to the roar of the crowds! this little situation and didn’t any about time rescuing took awaygoat’s her pain and almost made waste her forget her own him. problems. It was magical. Laurie says, “I first planted a tree over my mother’s ashes but the goats ate it, so I We made custom splint to stabilize his leg because hetocouldn’t stand it atday all. Heplanted another tree, and the goats ate that too, so I gave her a wagon!” What Laurieadidn’t know is that her mother’s heart helped form her own.onEach needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for brought new challenges and new beginnings and sometimes sadness. Mostly, it brought him. Farley the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took him under his wing Anne’s memorial wagon is a perfect iconic symbol of the Funny Farm, being seen and them together help one attention. of the strongest mother/daughter bonds that has ever enjoyed by thousands of people. It sets the tone for what the Funny Farm is all about: and gave him to a lot of form love and been known. The little goat was black and white and looked so much like a cow that he earned thekindness to others and real love. You cannot come to the Funny Farm and leave the same name Anne taught her 4 kids regret things didn’t do, not the things you did do. “Cowboy.” Over thetonext fewthe days, andyou visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took person. There’s just something about it that changes you and makes you look at life a little to himthis to meant the University best equipment. Several What to LaurieofisPennsylvania, to try, becausewhere if you they don’thad try, the who’s going to? This set a differently. It makes you appreciate all that you have in just a little different way than you thousands of dollars were spent to tried save his from nerve damage and theme for Laurie’s entire life. Eachtrying day she andleg tried. Shepossible was determined. Laurie did before. Just a little caring for others can and does change the world. The Funny Farm amputation. had little experience and each challenge she faced required a ton of research. Laurie took today is proof. in the house so he be of cared for properly and received much classesHe andlived studied how to care for could all kinds animals. If something didn’t work one way, socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, she’d try another way.



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he thinks he’s a dog! Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured the hearts of people all over the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! dea he’s a goat, He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has f people all over “Donations an unlimited supply of kisses! Everyone is his friend! Somehow he knows what was done for him and he to get out of appreciates his life now. ou laugh and has The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that e for him and he tional love that comeswas from anonce animal thatin distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting unny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting iends is very meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. ect it, in nearly all cases, All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget.


ailroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. itions. Come see us! :

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski

Follow us on Facebook:

“Funny Farm Rescue” TheThe Funny Farm Farm Rescue Rescue is open Sundays andSundays Tuesdays from at 6908 Blvd., at Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Funny is open and8am-4pm Tuesdays fromRailroad 8am-4pm 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There isis no as weasoperate entirely byentirely donationsby anddonations we don’t haveand any paid positions. Comeany seepaid us! There noadmission admission we operate we don’t have positions. Come see us!Follow ________________________________________ us on Facebook: Gift Amount: ________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: “Funny Farm Rescue” _ Zip:___________________________________ _____________

________________________________________ r generous donation!

To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

March/April 2017

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation! The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

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May 22-Jun 21 HEISENBERG


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These one night only events feature stellar talent from Broadway & Beyond Steve Ross July 8th 8 PM Lucie Arnaz July 15th Carole Bufford August 12th Will & Anthony Nunziata November 30th The Robert Shackleton Playhouse 609-770-8311 405 Lafayette Street, Cape May

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Fabulous F ood Fabulous Food Fabulous Food


Springing into Fresh Vegetables

A Healthier You in 2019! Holiday Giving – Foodie Style

As we come into the spring season and (hopefully) shake off the end of winter doldrums, we are starting to think more about the ith fresh produce thatapproaching, will start to pop up in our grocery Resolutions, commitments to get it thoughts done, this IS the the holidays naturally stores. While we’ve been able to get “fresh” produce all through year thatturn I’m to going eat better, look better, food,tofriends and family. Here arehave the winter,some it won’t be long until things grown more locally will the abundance of more time for healthy myself,alternatives etc. Soundtofamiliar? Mentally start to be available. (Think about those wonderful greens and cookies are always time of year. Better you are that committed andaround strongthis – convinced that all Jersey asparagus!) That means that you’ll have the chance to eat options for you and great for gift-giving as to well! the things told yourself werethat going happen, meals prepared with lots of fresh items haven’t had to travel will. And it works too – for a week or so, and then Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins – Makes long distances to get to your plate. Here are a12few dishes thatit is far inspire too fallhave back olddesire routine. 2 cups floureasy might Don’t theinto timethe or the to do all this 1 tsp Breakbaking that routine this year. I can’t control how often you go to the gym or sneak an soda Chef Steph with Cutting Board yourself? Contact Creations and extra snack, but I can help to make sure you are eating healthy and nutritious meals, 1/4 tsp cinnamon she’ll doground allextra thetime work for you. Simply heat and giving you the in your schedule to do the things youeat! want and need to do. 1/4 tsp ground ginger As a Personal Chef and owner of Cutting Board Creations, LLC, I take care of VEGETABLE 1/4 ground allspice all thetsp menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, packaging and clean-up of your meals, leaving a kitchen that smells great and a refrigerator and freezer full of delicious 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg FRITTATA dinners. the cooking is done in your home, and I bring all the supplies and 1/4 tspAllsalt – Serves 4-6with me. I use equipment needed to prepare your pre-approved, customized menu 2 eggs Breakfast dinner? In only fresh ingredients purchased on the cook day, and preparefor meals basedYup! on each 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice this dish a colorful selection of are client’s tastes and dietary needs. Special diets are no problem at all. Delicious meals vegetables pair with protein rich concentrate, at your fingertips –frozen ready toand heat thawed and serve within minutes. eggs for a hearty meal. Add a salad, 2/3 cup buttermilk or perhaps a quinoa or brown rice WINTER 2 T oat bran side, and you are ready to go! Feel 2 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped MINESTRONE free to mix up the vegetables based on what you like and what’s available. Just make 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped –sure Serves 4 into pieces to cut them of a similar size so that they all cook consistently. 1 small Granny Smith apple, peeled cored and cut into 12 thin •• 22teaspoons olive oil T butter for garnish ••slices, ½1cup onion, chopped onion, chopped •• ½Preheat teaspoon basil, 1 smalloven zucchini, thinly sliced to 375dried degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with ••12 ½1muffin teaspoon oregano, dried papers. cup mushroom, sliced •• 2Mix garlic together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and 1medium large red bellcloves, pepper, diced minced salt in a medium bowl. • 1 cup asparagus, cut into small pieces •• 1/14 cup(s) butternut Mix together eggs,dried apple juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour ¼ tsp thyme, squash, cubed mixture into the egg mixture until the dry (you ingredients are just moistened, • 6-8 large eggs, lightly beaten can also use egg •being ¾ cup zucchini, diced careful to not overmix. Gently stir in the diced apples and nuts. substitute or a mixture of eggs and egg whites, as desired) batter intochopped the prepared pans, filling cups about 2/3 full. Garnish •• ½Spoon cup carrots, 2 T parmesan cheese


# #

eggs are runny. Put into a preheated 375 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking. Let rest in pan for a few minutes before slicing and serving. (Leftovers are really great for lunch the next day!) Heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion, basil, oregano, and garlic to pan; sauté until onion is tender, about 5 minutes. Add squash and next 3 Pumpkin Bread ingredients (through fennel) and sauté 5 minutes longer. Stir in broth and tomato 2 cups paste; bringflour to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are crisp-tender, about 10 Stir in pasta and cook 5 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Add spinach 2 minutes. tsp cinnamon and beans and until spinach is wilted and beans are heated through. Serve -cook Serves 4 1 tsp baking soda topped with cheese. Barley paired with fresh spring 1/4 tsp isbaking powder vegetables and chicken in this 1/2 tsp salt tasty soup. Again, feel free to mix 1 1/2cups sugar up the vegetables based on your 3/4 cup vegetable oil Use preferences. Don’t like barley? 3 large rice, pasta eggs or farro instead, just 1 tspthe vanilla adjust cooking time appropriately.


ROSEMARY GARLIC PARMESAN •3 cups 1 tablespoon shreddedolive freshoil pumpkin BISCUITS

1/2 cup finely seeds cup toasted pumpkin –•1Makes 14 onion, • 2 chopped T butter, melted Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare pans. This recipe will make one • 1/2 cup celery, finely chopped • large 1 T olive oil loaf, or you can make multiple smaller ones. clove ••2 2 garlic mincedbaking soda, baking powder and salt together. Siftgarlic the cloves, flour, cinnamon, • 6 cups chicken low-fat, reduced • In 1½ T fresh rosemary, a separate bowl, mixbroth, the sugar, vegetable oil, eggssodium and vanilla. •chopped 12 ounce chicken breast, boneless, skinless, into Combine both mixtures and fold in the shredded pumpkin cut and pumpkin cubes • seeds. 2 cupsWhen baking mix all are incorporated, pour into pans. cup pearlloaf barley ••3 1/3 oz parmesan cheese, Bake one large for 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller •loaves 1 15 oz. diced tomatoes shredded will take less time, so check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. 1 cup(s) asparagus trimmed and diagonally ••Remove 2/3 cupand milk put loaf on a cooling rack to cool completely. sliced 1/4 inch • 1 cup peas Giving Preheat oven 400 degrees. as fresh atogift? Wrap tightly and put into a pretty basket or box. 1/2 butter cup basil • Melt in a small pan, leaf - torn with small decorative plates and a pretty knife. If this is for a coffee •Give 1oiltablespoon orange add and half the garlic; sauté zest lover, why not give with coffee and coffee Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat;mugs. add onion and celery and cook, stirring,

on low heat about 1 minute. until beginning to soften, Remove from heat and add2-4 minutes. Grate or finely chop 1 clove garlic; add to the pan and cook, stirring, chopped rosemary. until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add broth, chicken and barley; bring a gentle Cover and cook over lowGive heat until chicken through and to In a largesimmer. bowl, combine thetheGift of isacooked Personal barley mix, is tender. This may take up to 30 minutes depending on the type of barley you are biscuit parmesan cheese, Chef this holiday season! using. and remaining garlic. Stir in the (do barley done, add the tomatoes andheaping juice,certificates asparagus and peas. Return to Our gift are milkWhen and mix notis over-mix). Drop batter by tablespoonfuls onto a cookie simmer. Cover and cook over low heat until always the asparagus is tender - 5 minutes. an 1apple slice. •with ½Melt cup, diced a welcome surprise Tfennel butter inbulb, a large, oven safe, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add vegetables sheet lined with parchment paper. Coarsely chop the remaining garlic clove. Gather basil, orange zestfor anda few garlicmore and Bake for 10 minutes. Brush biscuits with rosemary butter. Bake Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer •and 3 cups moreforas8-10 needed thyme.vegetable Cook, stirringbroth, occasionally, minutes, or until the vegetables are and make a unique gift too. sprinkle over soup. minutes, or until lightly browned on the bottom. to5atablespoons wire rack to cool completely. •cooked tomato paste through. • ¼Incup smallbowl, pasta a medium combine the eggs and cheese. Set aside. a gift? Place muffins a pretty lined with a cloth Melt theas remaining 1 Tfresh, of butter in theinskillet with basket the vegetables, turning to coat the •Giving 2½ cups spinach, chopped napkin. Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative spoon and include a jar of vegetables thoroughly. Turn the heat on the pan down to low. Pour the egg mixture over Visit • ½ cup Great Northern beans, rinsed and drained preserves. the vegetables and cook without stirring, for 10-15 minutes or until only the top of the • 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, grated

Formore more information, 609-841-8567 For information,call call 609-841-8567 visit ororvisit

Stephanie Hopkins

Cutting Board


Certified Personal Chef

(609) 841-8567 LLC

Personal Chef Service

“In your kitchen for a dayYour dinner worries melt away!”

Celebrating 16 YYears 13 Celebrating of Celebrating12 15 Years ears of Delighting our Clients! Delightingour ourClients! Clients! Delighting

Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was trained at the CulinaryBusiness trained at the Culinary professionally trainedBusiness at the Academy, is a Certified Academy, is a Certified Culinary Business Academy, Personal Chef, a Certified Food Personal Chef, aPersonal Certified is a Certified Chef, Safety Manager, and and Finalist Food Safety Manager, a Certified Food Safety for the Personal Chef Finalist for USPCA theand USPCA Personal Manager, Finalist for the of the Year in 2012 and 2013. Chef of thePersonal Year in 2012 USPCA Chefand of the Services are provided on a first 2013. Year in first 2012 and 2013.and served basis Forcome, more information on For more information there are no contracts – ever! ouron services or Gift or Certificates, our services Gift For more information on our references, andreferences, fees, contact Certificates, and services or Gift Certificates, Cutting Board Creations, LLC fees, contact Cutting Board references, and fees, today! Creations, LLC today! Stephanie Hopkins contact Cutting Board Stephanie Hopkins Stephanie Hopkins Certified Personal Chef Certified CertifiedPersonal PersonalChef Chef Creations, LLC today. The TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019



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The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019



Save The Dates Seashore Gardens 9th Annual 5k Run and Health Walk Sunday April 28th, 2019 Atlantic City Boardwalk

Seashore Gardens Foundation Golf Tournament Ron Jaworski’s Blue Heron Pines Golf Club Egg Harbor City

May 20, 2019

Seashore Gardens Foundation Annual Gala Honoring Janice T. Cambron

2019 Martin H. Klein Leadership Award

Letty & Steven Chang

2019 Labov Bernstein Community Service Award

August 1, 2019

Seashore Gardens Living Center, Galloway

For more information call Sharon D’Angio at 609-748-4614 or email

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Table of Contents Community

58 Medical Professionals

All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC ....................................... 2 Shore Vascular & Vein Center ..................................................... 6 Quality Dermatology .................................................................... 7 Hypertension and Kidney Group of Ocean County ..................... 9 Reproductive Science Center of NJ .......................................... 10 Advocare Stafford Orthopedics................................................. 11 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates, PA...................................... 15 Advanced Sleep Center of New Jersey..................................... 17 Personal Enhancement Center.................................................. 22 Hackensack Meridian Int. Health & Medicine ........................... 26 Kathy A. Banks, DMD ................................................................ 27 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County ................................. 28, 29 Be Well Women’s Health ........................................................... 31 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists ....................................... 34, 35 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center ......................................... 37 Bella Derma Medi Spa............................................................... 38 Ocean Hematology & Oncology ......................................... 46, 47 Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery, PC ...................................... 48 Bio-Behavioral Health................................................................ 49 Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine ............. 52 Dr. Park Avenue ......................................................................... 55 Garden State Medical Center .................................................... 75

Elder Law

To3 Tracy Harman Photography......................................................... Legal Professionals

Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq. .............................................................. 4 The Matus Law Group ............................................................... 25 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law .............................................. 36

The County Woman Publicatons

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Living Healthy Naturally ............................................................... 9 Hot or Not Yoga ......................................................................... 32 Hypnosis for Women ................................................................. 33 Nina Radcliff, MD ...................................................................... 44 Lice Lifters ................................................................................. 49 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio .................................................... 50 Jersey Shore Pharmacy ............................................................ 53


Aesthetic Dental Creations ............................................ 12, 13, 14

Cape May Stage ........................................................................ 54 The Other Josh Cohen .............................................................. 56 Show-Score............................................................................... 57 Atlantic City Ballet ..................................................................... 59 Two River Theater ...................................................................... 73 Women of Ocean County ........................ 60, 61, 62

Health & Wellness

Koehler Acupuncture ................................................................. 45

Wigs & Hair Designs

Abstrax Hair Designs ................................................................. 51

Bag Ladies Luncheon

A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room............................ 16

5 Tips for Sustained Financial Health ........................................ 18 Garden State Trust Company .................................................... 19


Enlightened Solutions................................................................ 45

Funeral Planning

DeGraff Funeral Home............................................................... 52

Theatre & Entertainment


July 24, 2019

Simply Sweet Cupcakes ........................................................... 23

Pediatric Dentistry

Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates ........................................... 24

Permanent Hair Removal

Brick Electrolysis ....................................................................... 25

The Boss 107.1 ......................................................................... 63


Ocean County College .............................................................. 67

Women’s History

Susan Burton............................................................................. 69

make a donation by mail,Center send to RNS, 3 S.Holistic Newport LifeAvenue, Coach Ventnor, NJ 08406. Nursing & Rehabilitation Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A. .................................................. 71 Center .............................................................. 30 Magliocco at To Tallwoods make Care a donation online, send to Roe Community ...................... 58, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74 Business & Finance

Copiers Plus .............................................................................. 39 Brick Chamber of Commerce3 .................................................... 67 South Newport Ave.


• Ventnor, NJ 08406

Please Take Advantage

Of Our Many “Enter To Win” 609-487-1190 •

Arocho Insurance Agency ......................................................... 40

Contests Throughout The Paper

Featured on the Cover And On Facebook! RNS welcomes new members “Because We University Urology Associatestoofour NJ ............................. 41,Care” 42, 43 RNS Family. A $25 donation a year can help someone with Cancer or Heart Disease. You might just need that little extra help needed to relieve the pain.

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SACROILIITIS/ SACROILIAC JOINT DYSFU DIAGNOSED WITH NCTION. The sacroiliac CANCER: WHAT’ BREAST joint The attorneys at S IS IT TIME FOR located on either is D’Amato Law Firm The biopsy shows NEXT? A POSTside primarily focus construction, products SUMMER MAKEO that on individu als who have been liability and motorbetween the you sacrum and VER? breast cance and a proven record seriouslyhave vehicle Autumn brings ilium collision injured of the r. They have a national of success. Read more pelvis s. In additio the end and n tointhe shock Photo By Donna Andrews Photograph reputati about of Summe held y r, which these togeth for excellen er extraord and on by stronginary attorneys ce emotio can nal turmoil on pages 16 also mean dry, Smartphones ligaments. , & 17. a thousa sunnd questions damag Scan Here go ed hair. through your Pages 26 & 27 mind. ountyWom

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When bad things happen to good people ,a services are necess lawyer’s ary to ensure that you get most compensation the for your injuries.

A screening test is a recommende d medical test to examin e for precancerous lesions prior to the develo pment of cancer.

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Save the Date

Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle & Sacks, LLC ........................... 8

Won’t you be My Valentine and Professional Dentistry donate to RNS Cake Shoppe & Tea Room Cancer and HEART Financial Management Fund for February.

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November/December 2018 January/February 2019



KICKSTART the NEW YEAR for ONLY $99 There is no better time than the New Year to create a new approach to getting healthy. What you need is a new solution, rather than a resolution! Our state-of-the-art health and fitness complex in Margate offers a wide range of top-notch fitness programs and services, plus all the health club amenities you expect in a premier gym facility. At the Katz JCC you’ll find everything you need to have FUN, get fit and enjoy the facility and programs with friends and family, but JCC’s $99 Kickstart Package is more than just a gym membership. Package Includes: • NO Registration Fee! • One Month Fitness Center Membership including access to the Indoor Saltwater Lap Pool, Fitness Center, over 80 Weekly Group Fitness Classes, Basketball, Racquetball and more! PLUS Refer a Friend and Receive an Additional Month Free*! • Four 30-Minute Personal Training Sessions including a FREE Fitness Evaluation

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Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Jewish Community Campus *12 month membership agreement required with either EFT automated billing or prepaid membership to receive offer. Not valid for current memberships. Monthly membership value based upon one month Single Adult Membership price. Cancellation of 12 month membership before the end of the term will result in early termination fees. Offer Ends January 31, 2019. Additional terms may apply.

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019


Ce G Av rti ift ai fica la te bl s e


For more information on upcoming exhibits & additional classes visit

Funding has been made in part by the NJ State Council on the Arts/Dept. of State a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, Through a grant administered by the Atlantic County Office of Cultural and Heritage affairs.

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January/February 2019

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January/February 2019




55 Travel ravel 63 “Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience “Create Lasting Memories” LOCATION, LOCATION, VACATION Taking With A Packing Primer More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that

56 62

will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your children forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Today’s to travel as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve


Everyone loves Rome, and cruises have been operating for decades. ravel Professional andand you’re 00 We have some suggested kid’s 70 focused resorts destinations with to T everyone wants be there. T ravel ready to pack your  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices amenities and intriguing itineraries to places ocean-going TSTARRING ravel 56 FAMILY VACATIONS THE “KIDS” are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. ROMANCE TRAVEL BLUFF, ANTIGUA vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take 55 ravel 63 Travel Must-Dos, Done Right: ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate with If Memories” you’re cruising in the Caribbean “Create Lasting riverboats with focus on current themes. River Cruising: An attractions Extraordinary Experience “Create Lasting Certain iconic to be seen, and Taking ItMemories” With You: AneedPacking Primer  Greece, think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing iver cruising may be the hottest cruising

paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience.

Now the big question is:

feels both country-club and cozy at the same time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views from every room, Watersports a gameanother room and the Ceebee Kids With so many new including fees and diving Add aand fewwaterskiing, more tee More fun, more memories! • Part of raising a family is shirts makingand memories thatpair of shorts visitors have the same idea: restrictions the airlines have to most The beach is 12-day beautiful leading a• turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruisingClub. destinations, Bordeaux like will Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags youra children cherish forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet • Vatican City, the Colosseum, and Trevi River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the to local Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical wet suits. travel asfor a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, iver cruising may be the hottest Fountain. Theforget keyyou is cruising From From paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience without the long tour bus rides. April’s • Whatever you can purchase on board or at the tion.carry-on warm to exciting adventures, every destination offers a new long awaited vacation and other airlines let you board first if you have no bags.beaches So was what created to be the ultimate get trend around in 2017 -even though river when to destinations go and howwill let you dream of your next escape. tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Aofsampleknowing ofports some with your Travel or Romantic resorts. experience. are the essentials to pack? cruises have been operating for beaches decades. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The protected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and you’re there. Aget few years from nowand what We have some, with beautiful beaches and great suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that to ready to pack your (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travelof & miles Leisure) watersports and unlimited scuba diving exciting Six Hawaiian Islands , (at each its own personality, youExamples will remember is the total canals, span thousands of Continental of some of thewith best morning tickets special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: might help with the process. Cruise lines uppedEarly their with expanded suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers). waterways, connecting North Sea to Blackamenities Sea. 7:30 am) to see the Sistine and intriguing itineraries toCruise places River Line Now the big ocean-going question is: Themes: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. the things you forgot to pack.andANTIGUA CURTAIN BLUFF, feels both country-club and cozy at the same can’t reach. ✿ River cruises aregives luring experienced are about Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers surf ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: Chapel you access What doRiver you take A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the bestvessels ways we • Viking Cruises, through partnership with *Remember, your Vagabond* ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play If you’re cruising in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits the crowds. know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Virtuoso Travel Professional can diving riverboats withand focus onbefore current themes. from every room, Watersports waterskiing, a game room and Ceebee Kids With so many new including fees and where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun• Add aand fewprovide more teegreat shirts and another pairthe of shorts  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. • The Colosseum top floor opened to the public last 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have The beach beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups imposed baggage, haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value andthe added year for firstfor time inyou 40 years. Smaller groups of 25 or for wet suits. ofoffer the famous house. River cruise, orwill 7-day cruise guests local home from on.without Some airlines are charging for carry-on bagsApril’s now, (1 with sleeves for evenings diningprivate on the atbeach &are 1now Pareo) experience theEarly long rides. From touches tobus make your a Whatever you forget you can • purchase on board or at the •tour Avalon Waterways tours booking is aexperience must. and other airlines available. let you board first if you have noCAICOS carry-on bags. So was what“Austrian ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & created to beHighlights” the ultimate getfrom tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops are the essentials to pack? to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. •ships Thetogether biggest crowds are at Trevi Fountain (bring getaway, where everything isVienna Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers were with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view few during years from now whatbeaches , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, and after every vacation Here built isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2 shorts and 2 tees (rated theand best in Best thewhich Caribbean by• Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its a few pennies). way in is a hired golf cart to the youExamples will remember is the totalTauck canals, span thousands of of Continental of some of the best might help with the process. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting waterways, North Sea to Black Sea. Bridges program, including family cooking right spot. Alsowaterslide. the 2nd floortheRiver CruisetoLine Themes: with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping things you forgot pack.and surf • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers and warm friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler ForBEACHES a week inresorts thepeople. Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with lessons. of the Benetton store over theSesame fountain isand the perfect *Remember, your Vagabond* Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Street the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Virtuoso Travel Professional can offers Viking cruise guests  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun “Facebook Like” spot. (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. days in England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist 3 you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. Having a Virtuoso travel advisor with entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For on over 25 years, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining the beach & 1 Pareo) touches to makeWaterways your experience a •the Avalon “Austrian and Scenic cruises to fill demand. Each line Highlights” from The go on to Mexican resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) qualified contacts can make your travel and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tankall-inclusive tops Carole Kaiman Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships were built with families inas mind. Along deluxeships Ocean view  Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation has its highlights, such the and the • 2 shorts and 2 tees and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska experience tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) amazing! • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges program, including family cooking no fear onflops, deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. and fabulous with Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Your Travel *Check out Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island orExperience. cruising Europe • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer There are several brand new Advisor River cruise lines • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman Advisor Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole atCarole Vagabond Travel entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. Each line The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse South Africa memories for families, tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime.



 Barbados  Italy


next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 Prospect Ave. Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

*Check out *Check out for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas.

amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave. 732-842-2600 Office Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

Over 25 Years

website: 732-222-2792 Direct *Check out *Check out

732-842-2600 Office

for our Digital Magazine and some e County Woman foramazing Digital Magazineand some The CountyMagazine Woman Magazine travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine website: amazing travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine

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Crossroad for Angels: Helping Survivors Overcome Their Past Eve Cortes, founder of Crossroad for Angels, strives to educate, help and inform survivors of sexual abuse and incest. Her Story When I walked into my new apartment for the first time and saw the surreal view from the window, it took my breath away. I walked out to the deck and looked out towards the ocean and watched the waves flow back and forth. I was drawn to the ocean, the sound of the waves and the seagulls as they glided by. It brought me back. Back to a place I had spent years trying to forget. As a child I had always lived by the ocean; the sounds and smells of the shore always brought me back to the abuse. I knew my brother loved me, but was this love? It started off with small things like an innocent game of playing house. I was the mom and he was the dad. “This is what mommies and daddies do,” he’d say, demonstrating with my Barbies how they should kiss and touch. Eventually the toys went away and our game of house turned into him on top of me, touching me in the living room, not uttering a word. The silence was deafening. I knew this was wrong, but he was loving me. This was love. Someone loved me. One morning I went downstairs and saw my brother in the living room, where that awful green velvet couch

was, that couch. I told him I wanted a new teddy bear. He told me that he probably couldn’t get me one on that particular day. That’s when I made my threat. If he didn’t get me the bear, I would reveal our secret to the world. He promised me he’d try. The next night, after I had fallen asleep, I woke up to screams. It was my mother crying and screaming for her son. The neighbor was over and had seen me come down the steps. She took me to her place and sat me down to tell me that my brother had killed himself. For years I blamed myself, but I have finally come to terms with the fact that this was all out of my control. One day I was watching my daughter, who, at the time, was four years old, and it hit me. I was her age when it started, and seeing how innocent and vulnerable she was helped me realize I was not at fault. I couldn’t have been, because I was once her. A million mistakes later and years of therapy have helped me heal. I still have eons of healing to do, but I am a great work in progress. I love my new apartment now. I embrace the past and have learned I cannot change it. Whenever I look out into the ocean and can see where the sky and water meet, I know there is something greater out there guiding me. What I experienced with my brother was not love, it was abuse. I know that now and the ocean no longer reminds me of the pain. It brings me hope. I have finally realized that the only way to forget was to remember...

Eve Cortes at age 4

Eve Cortes, Founder

Speaking Arrangements Are Available & FREE

Why I Share My Story Over And Over Again… • Because I know there is a young person out there considering suicide • Because there is a young child out there so afraid of reaching for help, and in need of knowing that they are not alone • Because I know that my truth can move mountains and shatter stigmas • Because there is a woman out there in an abusive relationship, accepting a partner to beat her, because she feels that she deserves a life filled with punishment, because of the guilt she lives with on a daily basis • Because there is someone out there turning to drugs or alcohol to numb their pain • Because I was once that child, and that woman #BreakTheSilence • #MeToo

Eve Cortes

(609) 626-1920

Enter To Win Enter to Win Two Tickets to the Atlantic City Ballet This Season! Name: Address:


City: Phone:




Clip and Return to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 *One entry per person. Expires 2/28/2019.

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January/February 2019


Theatre & Entertainment


For groups or birthdays call 866.642.9849

New World Stages 340 W. 50th St.

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Theatre & Entertainment









Westside Theatre, 407 W 43rd St. TOJC.NJCW.10x11.5-2a.4C.indd 1

The County Woman Magazine

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January/February 2019



Ending Alzheimer’s Through Advocacy Many hear “Alzheimer’s” and think nothing can be done. The truth is, Alzheimer’s disease is a serious and sobering diagnosis. Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disease which is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States with no current way to prevent, treat or cure it. Nearly six million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s - including 180,000 people in New Jersey - and as many as 16 million nationwide will have the disease in 2050 if a cure has not been discovered by then. The cost of caring for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias is estimated to total $277 billion in 2018, increasing to $1.1 trillion by mid-century. Nearly one in every three seniors who dies each year has Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Alzheimer’s is a growing crisis for U.S. families and the economy - and conquering it is as much a matter of public policy as scientific discovery. There truly is something to be done about Alzheimer’s - and that work is being tackled by an army of advocates striving to make dramatic changes in the fight to end it. What is an Alzheimer’s advocate? It is someone who lends his or her voice to compel policymakers in all branches of government across the country to act. Over the past decade Alzheimer’s advocates have achieved the passage of landmark legislation, including the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA) and the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act. Alzheimer’s and dementia research funding at the National Institutes of Health has quadrupled since the passage of NAPA as a result of Alzheimer’s advocacy. Nearly every state, including New Jersey, has developed and is implementing a state Alzheimer’s plan. Finally, thanks to the efforts focused on the HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act, today people with cognitive impairments have access to critical care planning services through Medicare. These are tremendous accomplishments, but still more work is ahead both in Congress and the State Legislature. Could you be an Alzheimer’s advocate? Your involvement could make a real difference in the fight to end Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s advocates meet with elected officials, raise awareness through local media, spark social media conversations, coordinate events and call on their connections to help keep Alzheimer’s at the forefront. Or you could be even more hands-on by serving as an Alzheimer’s Ambassador, Alzheimer’s Congressional Team (ACT) member or Alzheimer’s State Champion. There are many roles - large and small - for anyone interested in becoming an Alzheimer’s advocate.

New Jersey Alzheimer’s advocates meet with State Sen. Jeff Van Drew.

Visit or call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 to learn how you can help end Alzheimer’s.

About the Alzheimer’s Association

The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Delaware Valley Chapter—headquartered in Philadelphia— serves 18 counties in South Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, providing programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. The Chapter’s Atlantic County Branch Office is located at 25 Dolphin Avenue, Building D, Ground Floor, Northfield, NJ 08225. For more information about Alzheimer’s disease, programs and services and resources, call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019



2018 Champion Annie Park

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Pet Services


Adopt Your New Best Friend Today The incredible bond between people and their pets and the many benefits that pets bring to our lives is a celebration of how positively animals can influence our lives. Pets not only provide their owners with companionship, but also with several health benefits. They may help lower blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels and ease tension, anxiety and depression. When people come in contact with animals they tend to experience a general feeling of peace and wellbeing and are perceived as being more happy and healthy. Pet ownership increases the opportunity for exercise and socialization with other pet owners. The therapeutic value of animals for individuals in hospitals and nursing homes has also been documented. Children learn to be more nurturing and compassionate adults by being raised among animals. Taking guardianship of an animal that has been abandoned is a wonderful and fulfilling experience rewarded by unconditional love and companionship. Animal shelters and rescue groups appreciate the public’s support, as do the many pets that are fortunate to find forever homes. Kathy Kelsey Manager

Visit to learn more.

Brownie is a candid 3 year old male who is ready to debunk all the myths about pit bulls.

Arachne is a playful 9 month old female that loves adventure and exploration.

Gandalf is a sizable 2 year old male with an extremely friendly personality.

Tales of the Olive

Kiki is a sensitive 4 year old female that expresses herself with her soulful eyes and wagging tail.

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

Pet Services

Lady is an amorous 2 year old female that happily gives plenty of sloppy kisses and regular face washes.


Peaches is a sweet and gentle 4 year old female waiting to share a lifetime of cuddles and gratitude.

Cutting Board Creations

SPONSOR A PET TODAY! Rizzo is a clever 4 year old male who is looking for an equally intelligent person to connect with.

Ranger is a 2 year old male with an abundance of energy who is easy to train and eager to please.

Interested in Sponsoring a Pet? Help a furry friend find a forever home! Anyone can sponsor a pet! It’s only $25 for a two-month pet sponsorship. Makes a great gift! CONTACT: Lauren Shover, The Atlantic County Animal Shelter 240 Old Turnpike Rd., Pleasantville, NJ 08232 • 609-485-2345

FREE RABIES VACCINATION & Pet Adoption Incentives each month! Contact shelter for more information. Open 7 days a week

The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

HappyN New Happy ewYear Year





very year it seems we resolve to eat better, exercise more, lose ten pounds, stop stressing, and start meditating. But while our intentions are good, our follow-through is often lacking. Research has found that after just six months, more than 50 percent of us have given up the goals we set in January. Not this time! The Oprah Magazine featured a series of rules on how to make resolutions so you can set yourself up for success- all year long. We share four of them with you here!

“screw-it syndrome”- instead, say to yourself Yes, I got off track, but I don’t need to make it worse. It’s easier to dig out of a 300-calorie hole than a 3,000-calorie one.

1 2

Your Slipups Are Only Detours

Day one of the new year may seem like the perfect time for a fresh start, but let’s face it: After a season of indulgence, going cold turkey on anything is iffy at best. Spend a week ramping your brain up for a new behavior and take it a little at a time.

You will give into temptation- but that doesn’t mean you should ditch your goal entirely. Don’t let yourself get sucked into

Art Gallery


Tech Is Your Friend

Yes, this can be the year you finally give up sweets or get a new job. But why can’t it also be the year you read more books, laugh daily, and daydream freely? These habits belong on everyone’s list.

Read more in the January 2015 issue of O Magazine!

There’s Nothing Magical About January 1st


Resolutions Can Be Small and Fun!

There are several apps available to help you reach your goals. If you are trying to quit smoking, you may want to check out MyQuitCoach, a free app developed by that allows you to track cravings and devise a quitting plan with short-term and long-term goals. There are also apps to help you count calories (like Countertop) or give you tutorials on getting started with meditation (Headspace). Written by: Arianna Davis & Sarah Z. Wexler

Community You are cordially invited to view

the works of Nolan Willence

at a newly opened Contemporary Fine Art Gallery

THE OASIS GALLERY 495 Route 9, Bayville, N.J. by appointment: P: (732) 657-3930 • C: (732) 575-5851 • E: Certified Hand Therapist

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019 January/February 2015

Family Portraits Headshots Family Portraits& & Headshots


Donna Andrews Photography How Professional Are You?

In a digital era where we are inundated by imagery, it is more important than ever to have your visual representation of your business be the best it can be. Literally, making sure you put your best face forward. That is why having an updated professional headshot is so important. People’s attention span is very short and they tend to judge whether they want to do business with you in a matter of seconds. In today’s climate it is vital to create a visual brand of not just your business but of yourself. You need to focus on creating the image that best fits the message you want to convey. Donna Andrews spends the necessary time with each of her clients to make sure their image portrays a message that stand out as approachable, friendly and professional in this competitive world.

For a limited time only, professional headshot photo sessions with one retouched file only $75.00. For office or group discounts, please call for special discounted pricing. Offer good for 30 days. mobile: 609.412.5123 studio: 609.646.5374 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2018 January/February 2019


The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2019

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