Atlantic County Woman - 2016 May/June

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ur 9th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

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Acuity was honored to receive the 2016 Excellence in Quality Improvement Award for their work toward reducing patient falls. Page 7



We strive to provide you with a clinic of excellence for each and every patient with a timely and evidence-based rehabilitation program.

Our practice is the first in Southern New Jersey to use the MLS Robotic Laser. Page 21

Page 17

Every day, nurses from BAYADA help children, adults, and seniors have a safe home life with comfort, independence, and dignity. To their clients, they are more than just nurses; they are home health care HEROES! Read more about BAYADA Heroes on pages 39, 40, & 41.

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Photo By Donna Andrews Photography



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General Dentistry

Welcome to Dr. Spano’s Premier Dental Spa You’re never fully dressed without a smile… When you picture yourself at the dentist, do you conjure images of warm neck wraps, massage chairs, rooms infused with aromatherapy and scented candles, and movies on flat-screen televisions? If you are wondering where you could encounter these experiences, let me introduce you to DS Dental, a spa-like dental practice owned and managed by Dr. Dana Spano. Her practice is located in Linwood at the corner of Central Avenue and New Road. Dr. Spano’s goal is to give her patients a unique experience in a relaxing and peaceful environment. Patients who visit DS Dental can be confident that they are ALWAYS receiving the most comprehensive dental care and achieving the most aesthetic results possible. Our professional, friendly, and experienced staff will pamper you with the highest quality of dental care. Hygiene appointments are typically booked for 60 to 90 minutes to ensure that each patient gets dedicated and individualized care. Each visit is customized to fit the dental needs of Pictured L-R: Melanie Toldt, RDH, each patient. Dana Spano, DMD, and Kelly Horn, CDA, RDA Dr. Spano, a general dentist, believes that all dentists are cosmetic dentists. Her focus is on comprehensive and conservative dentistry. This means that patients receive a thorough examination where problems such as small cavities and gum disease are addressed to prevent larger problems. For example, do you know that gum disease can cause a person to lose his or her teeth? Stressing the basics of oral hygiene and educating patients about their oral health creates a doctor/patient relationship that treats the whole person. Dr. Spano also takes the time to educate her patients and explains the details of their treatment when they are in her chair so that they can understand the reasons for their therapy. Dr. Spano promotes her dental practice on Facebook and on her website, which includes a patient portal allowing patients to write a review of their experience as well as to see reviews by other patients. Please feel free to check out some of our patient reviews! DS Dental is currently offering a Brush and Bleach Special, and we are excited to announce that we’re now offering Invisalign treatment! Invisalign is an excellent alternative to traditional braces, which is wellsuited to both adolescents and adults who seek to address alignment Ask About issues in their smiles without having to deal with the hassles of Our Referral traditional braces.

314 Central Ave. • Linwood, NJ 08221


609-365-2424 •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016



DS Dental, Dana Spano, DMD..........................................2

Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law..............................14, 15 Russell Laughlin & Marinucci..........................................16

^ Rehabiliation & Long-Term Living

Angelic Hospice................................................................3

Locked & Loaded Private Instruction, LLC.....................18

Charles Meusburger, MD.................................................47

^ Cosmetic & General Dentistry

^ Safety Instructions

^ Hospice Care

^ Spiritual Counselor

^ Medical Professionals

Lisa Scott, B.MSC. .........................................................18

Atlantic Integrative Medical Center...................................5 Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey...........................7 Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa....................8 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Heart Institute.........................................................9 Shore Vascular & Vein Center....................................10, 11 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility....................................19 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick.........................................21 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Cancer Care Institute...........................................23 Relievus...........................................................................25 Atlantic Medical Imaging.................................................29 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia...........................31 Morgan Medical Center of Integrative Medicine, PA.......45 American Surgical Arts....................................................46 Bella Derma Medi Spa.....................................................71

^ Financial Management

Tracy Fiedler-Santoro, Wells Fargo Advisor....................20

^ Shoe Repair

The Friendly Cobbler.......................................................49

^ Business & Finance

Copiers Plus, Inc.............................................................50 ^ Women of Atlantic County............55, 56, 57

^ Nutrition & Wellness

Jensen’s Marina..............................................................58

^ Promotional Marketing

One Funny Mother...........................................................60 Cagney............................................................................61 Sex Tips for Straight Women From a Gay Man...............61 The Whipping Man..........................................................67

South Jersey Center for Nutrition & Wellness.................24 Corporate Pajamas Marketing Solutions, LLC................24

^ Fashion & Beauty

Barbara’s Boutique..........................................................26 Mrs. B’s Boutique............................................................28

^ Wigs & Hair Replacement

Styles by LaRonne..........................................................27

^ Pets

Shaggy 2 Chic Grooming................................................28 Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming......................................30 Newkirk Family Veterinarians..........................................38

Breathe Studio ..................................................................6 Body in Balance Physical Therapy & Fitness Center......17 Stress Mgmt. Inst. For Health & Fitness Professionals...27 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio....................................34, 35 Curexa Pharmacy............................................................44 Holistic Health Counseling: Karen Cooney, MA, CHHC..........................................48 Full Circle Wellness, LLC.................................................49

^ Pschiatry

^ Assisted Living

Brandywine Senior Living................................................22

^ Health & Wellness

Linwood Care Center part of Genesis Healthcare..........43

^ Independent Consultant

Rodan + Fields: Kerrie Hartman......................................30

^ Travel

^ Theatre & Entertainment

^ Windows & Power Washing

Window Genie.................................................................62

^ Fabulous Food

Cutting Board Creations..................................................64 ^ Mother’s and Father’s Day Tribute.......65

^ Women’s History

Patricia Field....................................................................69

^ Community...........................33, 51, 54, 59, 68, 70

^ Memory Care Services

Seashore Gardens Living Center....................................32

^ Fine Art Photography

^ Elder Law

Donna Andrews Photography...................................36, 37

Rice Elder Law................................................................12

^ Featured on the Cover

^ Law

BAYADA Home Health Care & Pediatrics............39, 40, 41

D’Amato Law Firm South Jersey Personal Injury Law Center...................13

^ Unique Style Salon

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Shore Style Salon............................................................42

Hospice Care

Things About Hospice You May Not Have Known The goal of Angelic Hospice is to offer medical care by maintaining or improving quality of life for someone whose illness, disease or condition is unlikely to be cured.

• People at times can come off of Hospice. • Hospice services are covered 100% by most insurances. • Medications are not automatically stopped when hospice begins. • Medications for pain relief and symptom management are started only when needed and are covered by the hospice benefit. • Some basic equipment such as the hospital bed are covered by the hospice benefit. • Supplies such as diapers and pull-ups are covered up to a certain amount. • Short-term respite care ( e.g. temporary relief from care giving to avoid “caregiver burnout”). • Hospice also offers practical support for the caregiver(s) during the illness and grief support after death.

• Grief and loss counseling for patient and loved ones. • Hospice services are not just for cancer patients. Today more than half of hospice patients have other illnesses for which they are medically eligible for hospice services, such as late stage heart, lung, or kidney disease and late stage Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

• The Hospice Team consists of physician, nurse, medical social worker, home-health aide and chaplain/spiritual advisor. • The hospice patients and their families remain in control and direct their care with the aid of the Hospice Team. • Evaluation to see if someone qualifies costs nothing with a physicians order. • Patients and families have the right to interview more than one hospice provider and may choose the one that fits best.

Call 609-822-7979 today to speak to one of our Hospice Specialists.

101 S. Cambridge Ave., Unit B, Ventnor, NJ 08406

P: 609-822-7979

• F: 609-822-7980 •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Publisher’s Note

4 Monmouth County Woman

An Educational resource for 2008 Women and Their Families Since Since 2007 Ce leb ra

r ea ting Our 9th Y

Publisher.......................................................... Lynn K. Wolf • 609-929-4189 Public Relations Executive .........................Lauren Shover Marketing Production Executive...........Jessica Sochocky • 856-885-8066 Graphic Designers..........................................Laura Golden Stephanie Wolfgang • Paula Brewer • Mary Wilsbach Katz For advertising inquiries, please call:


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FIND US ON THE WEB! WWW.THECOUNTYWOMAN.COM And follow us on Facebook and Twitter @TheCountyWoman

25% Off

All Shoe Repairs at the Friendly Cobbler (p. 49)

Joseph Ribkoff Trunk Show

Sat, May 14 • 10-4 at Mrs. B’s Boutique 7312 Ventnor Ave., Ventnor, NJ

Welcome to the May/June 2016 Issue Of The Atlantic County Woman! In keeping with what seems like a new tradition, April brought us snow, rain and 60+ degree temperatures, sometimes all in one day! But with the start of May, spring-like weather finally arrived. Tulips started blooming, trees started budding, and our office staff welcomed back our Canada geese family, who make an annual trek to our property to build a nest by our mailboxes. We love watching “mom” patiently sitting on her eggs waiting for the hatching of her goslings! Speaking of parents, it was a blessing for me to spend a week with my 88-yearold mother and father in April. If you are lucky enough to still have your parents around, don’t forget to tell them how special they are to you on Mother’s Day, May 8th, and Father’s Day, June 19th. In between those two celebrations comes Memorial Day on May 30th, a day when we honor all those men and women who have died in service to their country. Memorial Day is also the unofficial beginning of summer in New Jersey as the beach communities come alive with activities. We will keep you informed about many of those activities, while continuing to provide you with valuable advice from the professionals who share their expertise on these pages. I am grateful to those of you who have sent thank you notes, phone calls and emails of appreciation for articles you’ve read in the County Woman publications. I’m also grateful to our talented contributing writers, our photographer Donna Andrews whose beautiful photos grace these pages, our gifted graphic designers and my dedicated staff and distributors. Thanks to all of them, we are able to continue bringing information of value to the residents of Atlantic, Ocean and Monmouth counties. I wish you a wonderful spring, and look forward to the summer ahead! Best, Lynn K. Wolf and the staff at the Atlantic County Woman Publication

Featured on the Cover BAYADA Home Health Care and Pediatrics L-R: Yadira Delgado-Diaz LPN; Helen Keepfer, RN; Dyneshia Bellamy, LPN; Michele Booth RN; Terry Charleston, Home Health Aide. Not Pictured: Romeo M. Cabinian, LPN. This issue, we celebrate National Nurses Week (May 6-12) with BAYADA Home Health Care and BAYADA Pediatrics. You can learn more about the incredible home care services on pages 39, 40 & 41.

Cover Photo By Donna Andrews Photography.

Donna will create a “work of art” that you will cherish for a lifetime. See pages 36 & 37.

Events in Atlantic County

N Seashore Gardens Foundation Centennial Golf N Annual New Jersey Dementia Conference June 6th (p. 51) Tournament June 6th (p. 33) N RNS Installation of Officers May 17th at the N Seashore Gardens Foundation Annual Gala Atlantic City Country Club (p. 59) August 4th (p. 33) N The Bag Ladies Luncheon August 17th at the N Seashore Gardens Foundation Presents The Greate Bay Country Club (p. 59) Black & White Ball October 22nd (p. 33)

Change Your Life in 2016 Licenses Available In Your Area

Woman Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted ... Join over 371 other counties that are publishing or have an option to publish in the United States and BE YOUR OWN BOSS! We are looking for a few bright, energetic, creative women and men to publish our trademarked, copyrighted newspapers IN YOUR COUNTY, IN YOUR STATE, IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Join the fastest growing educational Woman’s Newspaper syndicated in the United States. MINIMAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED! Maximum return ... Be your own boss, set your own hours and make your life mean more! ALL TRAINING PROVIDED! If you are interested in developing with us in 2016 in your STATE, in your COUNTY ...

CALL 1-800-993-3822 Join the #1 Woman’s Educational Newspaper in the U.S.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


Is The hCG Diet Right For You? Written by: Dr. Jonuzi, Atlantic Integrative Medical Center Have you been working hard for a long time to lose weight and are frustrated and ready to give up because you still do not see the evidence of your hard work? Do you eat well and exercise but haven’t lost any weight? Well, if so, the hCG Diet program may be the perfect fit for you and your body. HCG has helped thousands of people lose both a little and a lot of weight. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and is a naturally occurring glycoprotein hormone presented in both men and women. It is adiministered by an injection, which you will learn to give yourself, and are coupled with a 500-calorie diet. Essentially, with the help of hCG, the 500-calories will provide the energy to help you get through the day and will be supplemented by the calories being released from your abnormal fat stores. The 500-calories that you consume is an addition to those fat cells being released. The majority of those on the diet say they are not hungry. Some patient’s claim the Atlantic Integrative Medical Center’s hCG Diet is the easiest diet they were ever on. However, you will have to judge that for yourself. Dr. Simeons, the originator of the hCG Diet and author of Pounds and Inches spent more than twenty years scientifically testing every aspect of obesity.

Happen to Have CANCER? Need Alternative Support?

We specialize in high dose of IV Vitamin C, as a Cancer Fighting Therapy.

His story is remarkable. Dr. Simeons found that by injecting a small amount of hCG along with a specially tailored diet, he reduced a person’s weight by a pound a day. That’s an average of over many thousands of patients. At Atlantic Integrative Medical Center, we have experienced many patients lose even more pounds-and we will be happy to tell you about them. In general, as a patient enrolled in our hCG Diet program, you will experience many additional benefits, including but not limited to the following: • No loss of muscle mass • Balances the hormones • Normalizes cholesterol levels • Normalizes appetite demands • Reduces fat deposits on body If you are having trouble losing weight and would like to learn more about the hCG Diet, please call Atlantic Integrative Medical Center. Please visit or call 609-641-9009 or 1-877-462-2299 to schedule an appointment.

Tired of Being OVERWEIGHT? Need a Cure?

We address & correct the physiological cause of Obesity, Weight Gain, & the Inability to Lose Weight.

Tired of Being IN PAIN? Need a Relief?

Solutions for every type of pain, using Non-Invasive, Holistic, DrugFree Techniques

Dr. Sam Jonuzi specializes in bioionic chemistry, detoxification, and clinical nutrition. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from Rowan University in 1986 and a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from Trinity College of Natural Medicine in 2001. Dr. Jonuzi also earned an Integrative Health Practicioner degree at the Advanced Integrative Medical Institute in Washington, DC. Dr. Jonuzi is a Diplomat of the College of Natural Therapies and a Member of the American Association of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Jonuzi is Founder and Managing Director at Atlantic Integrative Medical Center in Pleasantville.

Most insurances accepted in network with Medicare and all others out of network.

Your First Consultation is FREE! Schedule Your Appointment TODAY! New Patients Call: 1.877.462.2299 or 609-641-9009

The County Woman Magazine

Scan here to visit website: May/June 2016



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Barre at Breathe:


hi ners



The New Fitness Buzz You Cannot Ignore!


roed ndnd

Meet the new owner, Leah Schwartz.

Her fun and ever changing classes will continue to challenge your body and keep it from plateauing. Leah started her journey when she took her first barre class. Barre changed her body in ways that nothing else had before. Each week she watched as she became leaner, stronger and more toned. Her hard work paid off, not only did she see results, but she found her passion and became a certified barre instructor. Teaching is a fulfilling experience and she is excited with each opportunity to share the love of barre. Try her class and let her help you reach your goals just as she has.


trouble spots, such as glutes, thighs, abdominals and backs of arms. All of the movements work in such a way that you are lifting and toning while leaning and lengthening. Think ballerina body! Do you need to have ballet or Pilates experience? No! We will teach you everything you need to know. Form is key and that Below are the top questions people is what our guidance is here for. athe’s barre instructor manager. Her fun and ever ask aboutand Barre at Breathe. Who benefits from Barre classes? nue to challenge your body and keep it from plateauing. Everyone! Barre can be a great is afirst BARRE workout? when sheWhat took her barre class. Barre changed her bodyworkout for runners or anyone who Barre workouts are as a fusion of leaner, ad before. Each week she watched she became ballet,paid Pilates, functional training andbut shelacks flexibility. It is a great lowHer hard work off, not only did she see results, impact workout that benefits all types ame a certified is a fulfilling yoga.barre Thisinstructor. workoutTeaching was created with a experiof women—early to mid-stages of h each opportunity shareinthe love of Try her class and woman’s to body mind. It barre. uses isometric pregnancy, just had a baby, or maybe goals justorassmall she has. movements to target women’s hasn’t worked out in a long time. Many of our barre clients are people who have or are recovering from injury. They choose barre because it is a low-impact, safer option for your joints; however, it’s still dynamic and provides awesome results. You will sweat, shake, burn, lift and tone, all while moving to great music. What should I expect during a c Barre class? 199 New Rd. Suite 15 , Linwood, NJ 08221 After warming up, our classes of are usually broken into segments, which work through targeted n f you have never taken a Barre class, you may be a little confused on the concept. Even if you have taken a class, you might not be able to explain to your friend why she needs to come with you next time you visit our studio.

muscle groups. For instance, we start with standing thigh and seatwork, move to upper body, and finish with great mat core work while adding low-impact cardio intervals in between that. This will help get your heart rate up and burn fat. Each class will provide you with a total body workout, including stretching. Each class is a challenge and the exercises will change and so will you. Never expect to take the same class twice, as this will help to keep your body from plateauing. What results can I expect and how soon can I see them? Our clients tell us they see improved strength and more muscle definition after each class. They feel strong, graceful and feminine and feel a difference immediately, but see a difference after four to five workouts.


609-666-4567 609-576-9589

Enter To Win

“Barre at Breathe Studio is challenging and fun at the same time. The uptempo music combined with Cardio/Pilates core work and body-strengthening postures makes it a truly unique experience. The supportive and energetic environment at Breathe Studio makes it the perfect place to transform into a healthier version of yourself.” - K. Harrington

March/April 2016

Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See The whipping man! Name: _________________________________________________________________________

405 Lafayette St. Cape May, NJ

Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________ Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________

Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012

Or Visit to Enter Online! One entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through June 30, 2016. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals Patient Safety Project Reaps Big Rewards On January 29th, 2016, representatives from Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey attended the 97th New Jersey Hospital Association Annual Meeting held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Princeton. Acuity was honored to receive the 2016 Excellence in Quality Improvement Award for its work toward reducing patient falls.

According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], somewhere between 700,000 and 1,000,000 patients in the United States fall in the hospital every year. Research shows that close to one-third of those falls can be prevented. Inpatient falls can cause increased morbidity, mortality, and distress for patients. They also contribute negatively to the cost of healthcare for all consumers. At Acuity, a team of clinicians focused specifically on reducing repeat falls and reducing the likelihood of falls in very high risk patients by changing the way nurses assess patients for fall risk. Additionally, nurses were empowered to order all necessary fall prevention interventions on the spot for each patient based on that patient’s specific needs. High level fall prevention interventions can range from specially designed low beds with soft floor pads, alarms that alert the staff when a patient is trying to exit their bed or chair without assistance, changes in the frequency of patient observation and more depending on the patient’s assessed level of risk. As a result of this project, Acuity Specialty Hospital was able to reduce patient falls with injury by 100%, and all patient falls by 57% over a six month period. These impressive results were made possible by the diligence of the clinical staff in adhering to the new risk assessment process. This project demonstrates the core values of Acuity Specialty Hospital: “Integrity First, Service before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.” Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey is a long term acute care

For Information or Referrals, Call 609-441-8123

hospital located inside AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in

A Simple Choice for Complex Patients

Atlantic City. Our recently renovated hospital-within-ahospital provides 30 private

rooms equipped with state of the

art monitoring to the medically

complex and critically ill. Patients are seen by physician specialists daily and typically discharged to acute and sub-acute

rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities or their homes.

Jennifer Brown, BSN, RN, Employee of the Year 2015 and Kathy Kerstetter, MSN, RN, ACNP-C, Leader of the Year 2015

Our achievements speak for themselves:

• •

First hospital in New Jersey to achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification, maintained since 2012 New Jersey Hospital Association Excellence in Quality Improvement Award- 2016 American Association for Respiratory Care Center of Excellence 2012-present Current ventilator weaning rate over 80% Wound healing rate over 80%

Our team specializes in the following needs of our patients: • • • • •

Ventilator weaning Complex wounds Infectious diseases Medically or surgically complex care Multi-system organ dysfunction


Thomas Haas

“A husband, a grandfather, a friend and a wonderful human being.” Written by Claire Brown BSN, RN On January 16th 2016, Thomas Haas arrived at Acuity from the Presbyterian Medical Center, part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia. He had been extremely ill at Presbyterian with a multitude of medical conditions including Robyn and Thomas Haas complications following a heart valve replacement. He had experienced many infections including ulcers in his stomach and bowel. Unfortunately, during his prolonged hospitalization, he had developed a wound to his sacral region. By the time he arrived at Acuity, his hope for survival was very poor. The medical team at Presbyterian Medical Center did not expect him to survive so his full recovery at Acuity was incredible. Dr. Adams, Medical Director and Pulmonologist at Acuity said, “Everyone worked so diligently to recover him. Every time he failed the weaning trials, we persevered, reexamined his ventilator mechanics and physiology, made changes, and pressed on. I’m so proud of our hospital. Without it, yet another family would be without a husband, a grandfather, a friend and a wonderful human being. That alone makes all that we do worth every hour.” Thomas explained, “I woke up feeling trapped. About eight days into the stay (with Acuity), I wasn’t as scared. I was able to tell Dr. Adams that the tracheostomy was hurting me. They changed my extra-long tube and eventually it was able to be removed. I had been constantly asking for water after my surgery as well. When I was able to drink water for the first time, it was the best water in the world! My wife was there the whole time. If I needed to be held down, she held me down and when I needed to be comforted, she comforted me.” Robyn his wife said, “I would call every night before I went to bed. Ben, the Charge Nurse, would answer and say “how are you tonight, my friend?” He would talk to me like a friend. I could go to sleep at night and really feel like they were going to take good care of him.” “Dr. Nwotite was very calming. She spoke in terms you could understand and made us feel as though we were important. We know she did everything possible to help. She was easy to talk to and listened to all of my concerns,” continued Robyn. Mrs. Haas, Robyn, said “Even after his wounds were healed, Ronnel, Acuity’s wound care nurse, would stop in. “Hey Chief!” he would say. It meant a lot since Thomas was the former Chief of Police for the City of Millville”. Mr. Haas went to the HealthSouth Acute Rehabilitation Unit in Vineland on March 17th for continued care.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


CoolSculpting... Experience Matters Accent Aesthetics was the first to bring CoolSculpting to Atlantic County and we have continued to surpass all other practices in quality and expertise. As South Jersey’s ONLY Crystal Premier CoolSculpting practice, we have the experience and expertise you deserve.

Many people work out, eat healthy and still struggle with fat that won’t budge. Others are hoping to trim trouble areas to provide motivation to continue weight loss. Imagine saying goodbye to that tummy bulge or those love handles after a single treatment!

What is CoolSculpting?

It is the first and only FDA-cleared treatment to eliminate unwanted fat. Using patented cold technology, CoolSculpting precisely targets and removes fat from stubborn areas without surgery or downtime.

How Does it Work?

A hand piece is placed onto the area of concern. The fat is gently drawn into the hand piece and selectively cooled. CoolSculpting freezes unwanted fat, crystalizing fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by your body. You will see results in as little as three weeks and the eliminated fat is GONE FOR GOOD!

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Flanks, love handles, abdomen, inner and outer thighs are the most common areas to be treated but we encourage a

complimentary customized consult to determine if CoolSculpting is right for you.

What Does CoolSculpting Feel Like?

We are a full-service spa as well as a physician’s office so you will relax in a spalike environment during your treatment. Patients describe a slight discomfort during the first few minutes of the procedure after the hand piece has been applied and the cooling started. Each treatment period lasts one hour and most people nap, read, listen to music or watch a video. You are welcome to bring your iPad, phone, laptop or other form of entertainment.

When Will I See my Results?

You will begin to see results in 3-4 weeks as your body eliminates the crystalized fat cells. Maximum results are seen in 60-90 days.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects to CoolSculpting?

Accent Aesthetics provides a professional atmosphere where you can be assured of safe and responsible care. As with any procedure there are side effects, but with CoolSculpting they are minimal. Some people can experience mild bruising which resolves in a week. Patients often describe a numbness or decreased sensitivity to the treatment area that lasts 1-2 weeks. Rarely a patient will experience a brief period of burning or tingling about five days after treatment but this can be easily treated and is temporary.

What Are the Benefits of CoolSculpting?

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Dr. Nicola DeLorio,

Accent Aesthetics is the only Crystal Premier CoolSculpting practice in South Jersey. Accent Aesthetics is a CoolSculpting certified practice and all of our staff and technicians have received advanced training at CoolSculpting University. As the first practice to offer the new Cool Mini, we continue to provide the most advanced CoolSculpting techniques and treatments. Soon we will be offering treatments in half the time!! Our experience and expertise will guarantee the best results for you, and that is a promise we stand behind!

For more information and to schedule your consultation, please call Accent Aesthetics Medical and Laser Day Spa at 609-652-6550.

Dr. Nicola DeLorio is a graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She completed her residency training in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery at Saint Barnabas Union Hospital Health Care System. She has practiced in Linwood since 1998. Dr. DeLorio is board certified in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology. Additionally she holds certifications in Botox®, Restylane®, Juvaderm®,Sculptra® and a comprehensive array of laser treatments. Dr. Delorio is a Fellow of the Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.


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The County Woman Magazine


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May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


Healing hearts throughout southeastern New Jersey If heart disease is a concern in your family, AtlantiCare is an excellent place to receive the specialized care you need. Our patients appreciate the exceptional personalized care they receive from our dedicated and skilled healthcare providers, such as Nurse Practitioner Rochelle Sateri, RN, MSN, APN-C. Rochelle has been personally affected by heart disease in her family, so she has a strong sense of compassion for patients with heart disease and the loved ones involved in their care. In fact, her mother’s long battle with coronary artery disease was one of the reasons Rochelle chose to pursue a career in cardiology. “My mother had suffered heart attacks in her life before she passed, and she was extremely proud of her daughter becoming a nurse practitioner. Mom was always clipping articles about medicine and remedies to share with me. She bought me books on medicine and nursing and supported me in my journey and endeavors in life,” recalls Rochelle, who’s been in practice for more than 10 years. One of Rochelle’s other inspirations was her preceptor and mentor, Tomé Nascimento, M.D. She met Dr. Nascimento while attending Stockton University as an adult nurse practitioner student. “It was Dr. Nascimento who saw my potential and offered me a position in my dream field, cardiology. I am still learning from him and the other extremely talented and gifted cardiologists at APG Cardiology. It’s a privilege to work alongside such a committed and caring team of medical professionals,” Rochelle says.

About Cardiology Services at AtlantiCare Whether you’re seeking an expert diagnosis, a second opinion, or a specialist to see for follow-up heart care, our cardiology providers are highly experienced in the evaluation, treatment and management of diseases that affect the heart, heart valves and blood vessels. The AtlantiCare Heart Institute is located at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center’s (ARMC) Mainland Campus in Pomona. APG Cardiology has many convenient locations to serve you: Cape May Court House, Egg Harbor Township, Galloway, Hammonton, Linwood, Manahawkin and Ventnor City. APG Cardiology accepts most major insurance plans, and new patients are welcome.

Call 1-888-569-1000 to make an appointment or learn more about our cardiology services.

The Heart Institute at ARMC Receives Top Healthgrades® Honors AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center is the only hospital in South Jersey* to achieve the Cardiac Surgery Excellence Award™ and five stars for heart attack treatment from Healthgrades. These high ratings are just two of the 16 quality designations we received for heart care from Healthgrades. These honors represent the work we do — and the thousands of hearts we’ve healed — as the only full-service cardiac program in the region. We do it all, from diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterizations to cardiac surgery. And whether we’re using minimally invasive methods to replace a heart valve or resolve an irregular heartbeat, we put all of our heart into everything we do. More information: or *South Jersey is comprised of Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem counties.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


The Most Common Questions And Answers Concerning Varicose Veins


Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS

aricose veins are one of the most common vascular conditions affecting women...and men of all ages. Treatment options have improved greatly in recent years. In spite of these advancements, many people mistakenly still believe that treatment for this problem is difficult, painful, and simply considered “cosmetic.” Other people may experience leg pain and other symptoms but they don’t realize what is causing their condition. This article will answer some common questions regarding varicose veins, the associated symptoms, and treatment.

What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are swollen veins that can be seen through the skin. They often have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veins may be very large and discolored. Others may be smaller. They can occur anywhere on the legs, including the groin area. What causes varicose veins? Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to the heart. Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Those valves can malfunction and leak, causing blood to flow in the wrong direction. The blood then pools in the legs, increasing the pressure in the veins. This is known as venous reflux disease or Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). Venous reflux is one of the most common causes of varicose veins. What are the symptoms of varicose veins and venous reflux disease? People with varicose veins and venous reflux may feel leg pain, leg heaviness, leg fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is also a very common complaint. Standing may worsen symptoms. Many people will notice the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some people will only feel discomfort but not notice any cosmetic changes. I thought varicose veins are just a cosmetic problem. Is that true? It is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux are NOT necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be a sign of an abnormal condition in the circulation. In addition to pain, some individuals may be at risk for chronic swelling, permanent skin discoloration, open wounds and even blood clots. With early diagnosis and treatment, long-term complications can usually be prevented. Treatment often has the added benefit of improving aesthetics, even in cases that are not considered “cosmetic.” Who is at risk for varicose veins? Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history of varicose veins, and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing age and pregnancy are risk factors. Some people may develop varicose veins without having any of these known conditions. The County Woman Magazine

How are varicose veins and venous reflux diagnosed? An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis with a combination of a medical history, physical examination and a painless vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as a venous duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential in properly treating this condition. How are varicose veins and venous reflux treated? Sometimes compression stockings will be sufficient to control symptoms and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, current technology and techniques, allow for treatment WITHOUT the need for painful surgery. One of the best, most proven treatments for venous reflux is the Closure® Procedure, now referred to as Venefit™. This minimally invasive procedure is performed right in the office in less than 30 minutes, with no incisions, minimal discomfort, and excellent results. How long is the recovery from vein treatment? In most cases individuals can return to their usual activities within a day of the procedure. Is varicose vein treatment covered by health insurance? Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many cases, varicose vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An experienced vein treatment center will have insurance specialists who will work with your insurance company to confirm coverage.

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442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346)

May/June 2016

Business Spotlight


Interview With Surgeon


Dr. Jeffrey Gosin

s a young man, Dr. Jeffrey Gosin was very interested in science so it was a natural progression for him to pursue a career in medicine. His specialty is the treatment of disorders of the circulatory system – also known as vascular surgery. He grew up in a “surgical” family and his dad was his partner for 17 years until he retired last year. He adds, “When I was a child my Dad would bring me to the hospital to make rounds with him on weekends. I really looked up to him and what he did for a living.” It was his father’s dedication and satisfaction with his own career that had a lasting impression on the younger Gosin. CW: Describe what you do in your chosen field. Dr. Gosin: My specialty involves treating vein problems, such as varicose veins and spider veins. I also treat diseases of the arteries such as aneurysms, blockage in the arteries to the brain, called carotid artery stenosis, and peripheral artery disease (PAD). As a surgeon, I am able to perform surgery when necessary. However, in many cases I am able to treat these vascular problems using modern, minimally invasive non-surgical methods. CW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? Dr. Gosin: I feel quite fulfilled when I check my patients after they have had a treatment or surgery. They come back to my office feeling better and healthier. In some cases, people experience dramatic improvements in their quality of life. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I was able to provide that.

That is one of the reasons why it is so critical for people to obtain their care from a specialist. While varicose veins may cause cosmetic concerns for some people, others with this condition will actually have an underlying abnormality with the valves in the leg veins. That is a specific vascular disease called venous reflux or venous insufficiency. Leg pain and fatigue, swelling and a variety of other symptoms are common. If the varicose veins are treated without first diagnosing and treating the underlying condition, then treatment will likely be incomplete and provide only temporary improvement. Therefore, it is essential that an individual receive a thorough evaluation. Most all of the treatments for varicose veins that I offer are minimally invasive and do not require major surgery. There is a fast recovery with minimal pain and “down time.” CW: How do you stay current with trends happening in your profession? Dr. Gosin: Vascular surgery is a specialty that has seen fantastic changes in recent years. It is critical that I offer the most up to date care to my patients. My Board Certification ensures that I participate in a program of “lifelong learning” and maintenance of my certification. I stay current with the major specialty journals and regularly attend conferences.

CW: What is the most challenging? Dr. Gosin: Every case can provide its own unique challenge. It is important to remember that each patient I treat is an individual. Certain elements of his or her care may be more challenging than a similar condition in another person. It is that variation that makes my job so interesting. CW: Are varicose veins a genetic problem? Can they be prevented? Dr. Gosin: Genetics are one of the most important risk factors in the development of varicose veins. Individuals with a family history are more likely to develop the condition themselves, than individuals who do not have that family history. However, genetics are just one of a number of recognized risk factors. Other risk factors include prolonged standing, pregnancy, increasing age and being over weight. It is also interesting to note that some people will develop varicose veins without any of those risk factors. Although there is no way to absolutely prevent the development of varicose veins, certain precautions, like wearing compression stockings, may help to keep the symptoms at bay.

Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS


CW: What is the most effective way to treat this condition? Dr. Gosin: Treatment varies based on an individual’s particular situation. The County Woman Magazine

r. Gosin grew up on the Jersey D Shore, and after graduation from the University of Pennsylvania and Jefferson Medical College, he completed his training and was delighted to come back and begin his practice. He completed his residency in general surgery and a fellowship in vascular surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He has three children and enjoys spending time at the beach and boating. Dr. Gosin is a fellow of The American College of Surgeons and a member of The Society for Vascular Surgery, The Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, and numerous other national surgical and vascular societies.

442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) May/June 2016

Elder Law


Elder Law


YAsk Nancy M. Rice, Esq. Certified Elder Law Attorney

Nancy Rice has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania since 1986. She was Certified as an Elder Law Attorney in 1997, and has maintained offices in Camden and Cape May counties, specifically in Cherry Hill and Ocean City. She can answer your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

What Is How Elder Law? “ WILL CONTESTS: Do They Work? ”

by Nancy M. Rice, Esquire, CELA We discussed A.) Fraud and B.) Due Execution in the Atlantic

What is “Elder Law”? Q:

County Woman September/October 2015 issue, Part 1 of 2. Today, we will continue in our discussion with C.) Testamentary Elder Law is a sub-specialty within the practice of law. Until the early 1990’s, this Capacity and D.) Undue Influence.

area of practice was more generally known as “Estate Planning,” which is one of the core subjects taught to first-year law students. C.) Testmentary Capacity Elder Law developed as a sub-specialty of Estate Planning in the late 1980’s. The The test for determining testamentary capacitywas is rather permissive. Indeed, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) founded in 1987. It is a the level of association capacity needed to execute a Will is lesstothan that required to enter professional of attorneys who are dedicated improving the quality of legal into a contract. The key questions are whether the person who made the Will services provided to seniors. (calledisthe “Testator”) understood: What “Estate Planning”? Estate Planning generally involves the drafting of Wills, and planning for the The nature and extent of the property subject of the Will; in other words, disposition of estates upon death. Estate Planning can also include tax planning, to what assets the Testator had and planned to leave under his or her Will. reduce or eliminate the various death taxes, which can, in some cases, seriously deplete an estate. The “natural objects of his or her bounty,” that is, who are the Testator’s Do Estate Lawyers address planning in theanything event I under nextPlanning of kin (whether or not he or she wants toissues leave them become incapacitated? the Will, the Testator needs to know who they are). During the 1980’s and 1990’s, Estate Planning expanded to include planning for incapacity as effect well. Ifofyou in athat car accident suffer dispose a stroke,of leaving you following unable to The theare Will; the Willorwould property tend to your legal affairs or make medical decisions, a Will be of little use to you, as it is death. only effective upon death. Thus,The mostrelation lawyers of today you about Durable eachwill of talk thesetofactors to the other.Powers of Attorney and Advance Medical Directives (“Living Wills”) when you go in to talk about drafting a Will. Notably, the focuses law presumes thatlaw, all Testators are ofofsound and competent If an attorney on elder what areas law would that include? mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was at least 18 years of age and Elder Law encompasses many different fields of law. Some of these include: not been declaredofby a court to betolegally incapacitated). To overcome •has Preservation/transfer assets seeking avoid spousal impoverishment when athe presumption of capacity, the contestant must prove lack of testamentary capacspouse enters a nursing home. ity at the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is • Medicaid. important to know that it is not enough to show that the Testator was addicted • Medicare advocacy, claims, and appeals. •to Social and disability claims and appeals. drugssecurity or alcohol; you must prove that the person was under the influence of •aSupplemental long term health insurance issues. substance at and the time of the execution of the Will. Nor is it sufficient to show •that Disability planning, including: use Durable the Testator was forgetful atofthe time, Powers so long of as he or she had some capacAttorney, Living Trusts, and “Living Wills.” ity to manage his or her business affairs.


1 Q:2 3 4


• Conservatorships and guardianships. • Probate, Administration, and management of trusts and estates. Undue Influence •D.) Long-term care placements in nursing home and life care communities. • Nursing home issues, including questions: of patients’ andthat nursing quality. Undue influence has been defined as any type of rights exertion canhome prevent • Elder abuse and fraud recovery cases. the Testator from following his/her free will. This can include physical, men• Housing issues, including: discrimination and home equity conversions (“reverse tal, or moral exertion. Mere suggestions, persuasions or the exertion of some mortgages”). is not enough to invalidate Will. Ordinarily, challenger hasand the •influence Retirement, including: public and privatea retirement benefits,the survivor benefits burden of proving undue influence. If, however, the Will benefits one who pension benefits.

Part 2 of 2

enjoyed a special or “confidential relationship” with the Testator, and there are Most elder law attorneys do not specialize in all of these areas. For example, I do not “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the execution of the Will, the burden of handle Social Security Disability appeals or Elder Abuse cases. Additionally, some Elder proof will shift to the defender of the Will. Law attorneys handle matters for clients who are not elderly. For example, I draft Wills for clients of all ages. relationship” can be found where there is some special trust A “confidential

If I see the designation “CELA” after an attorney’s name, what does that Q: mean?

between the Testator and a beneficiary under the Will and where the nature of that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. At times, special or confidential relationship has been found to exist Testator a One of the ways to evaluate the experience and knowledge of anbetween attorneyawho claims an adult relative;whether a healthcare provider; a neighbor; an attorney; toand: practice Elderchild; Law isother to consider he or she is Certified as an Elder Law Attorney (CELA). Notably, while a confidential relationship naturally exists beor an accountant. tween The purpose of this program is to of identify lawyerswill whonot have the a husband andcertification wife, the presumption unduethose influence generenhanced experience, and proficiency to be properly identified as ally ariseknowledge, even whenskills, the Testator’s children are disinherited. Certified Elder Law Attorneys to the public. Ascriteria to the “suspicious circumstances” The for certification include: component of an undue influence Will the- evidence on this can be “slight.” Suspicious circumstances 1.contest, Licensure The Attorney mustissue be licensed to practice law in at least one state orhave in the District of Columbia. been found where a beneficiary of the Will engaged his attorney to prepare the 2. Testator’s Practice -Will The and Attorney must have practiced law during five years preceding his where a nursing home patient was the removed from the facility or her application and must still be practicing law. by the beneficiary of a Will that was signed a few days later. 3. Integrity/Good Standing - The Attorney must be a member in good standing of the state barbelieve in all places which they are If you that ainWill should be licensed. challenged because it was not executed 4.properly Substantial Involvement The Attorney must spent an average of at least (i.e., it was forged, didn’t have the have correct number of witnesses, etc.) or 16 hours per week practicing elder law during the three years preceding his or her because the deceased was not competent when he/she signed it or because the application. In addition, he or she must have handled at least 60 elder law matters Will wasthose the product of undue influence,distribution you should hire asubjects, seasonedasattorney, during three years with a specified among defined by who has significant experience in this area of law. Do not delay with your decithe National Elder Law Foundation. to engage an Education experienced attorney because the law allows only narrow 5.sion Continuing Legal - The Attorney must have participated in ataleast 45 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in Elder Law during the preceding window of time during which a caveat and/or a Will contest may be filed. three years. 6. Peer Review/Professional The Attorney must submit names of five Nancy Rice can References answer -your questions andtheconcerns! references from attorneys familiar with his or her competence and qualifications in Elder Law. These attorneys must themselves satisfy specified criteria. 7. Examination - The Attorney must pass a full-day certification examination.

Call 609-398-3447 today!

I have been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law since 1986. I sat for the CELA exam in the Fall of 1996, passed it, then satisfied all of the other criteria listed above. Additionally, I have been Certified as an Elder Law Attorney since the Spring of 1997. In 2002, and again in 2007, I satisfied the conditions for re-certification.

Nancy Rice can answer your questions and concerns, call 609-398-3447.

Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will Contests • Special Needs Trust • Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care & Disability Planning

200 Asbury Avenue • Ocean City, NJ 08226 • 609.398.3447 | 1236 Brace Rd., Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

November/December 2015 May/June 2016


L Law aw

L aw Adults with Disabilities

13 17

Have I Voluntarily Limited Civil What Do You Do If Someone YouMy Love MayRights?! Have Autism? in our who take on Thefew MRIattorneys shows that there are area no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your court appointments guardianships ankle. You go back to physical for therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. Alexa D’A mato Barrera, Esq. place to live, in the moment. “Massimo has Autism. Are for children with neurological Counsellor at Law Mythink denialthat house crumbling have been practicing as an You would youcame should be able to recover money for your pain and you surprised?” the doctor from disabilities whothereafter. are soonAlltoofbe down shortly theadults kids suffering, right? The collision was not your fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was with disabilities. These attorneys often were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. My husband Alex have the distinct honor Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, serve without full compensation or hildren with one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. saiddisabilities he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio,represent who are about nine none at all. the impaired of was being my father’s law grow up Unfortunately you They have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being persons in guardianship and similar to be adults with Your fracture was not displaced and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised matters to ensure this is the best course theholes MRIofwas negative for any additional disabilities. How we care for healed and with various shapes. Inside the injuries. You cannot recover myatdad, R. D’Amato, when all. Paul of action for the disabled individual. money for your pain and suffering. box were toys in the shape of the holes. our Ichildren with At 1214 months ofold. age,disabilities Massi speak, was years All we didn’t do and Services, The ideaJersey was forLegal the child to put theInc. shape make eye contact or respond to his name. South drastically impacts not only What should I do? through the appropriate hole. (SJLS) is a non-profit organization have atlaugh our when firm you for many He onlydone would him their lives, but yours asthrew well. that moment. I haveforget seenquality scenarios like thisMassi many times. Don’t let this happen to createdI’lltonever provide legal up in the air or look at you when you made a Unfortunately, years is represent people that How is that? Children with had been in therapy for two months If you have selectedand the Limited really loud noise. Our Pediatrician, Dr. Danayou!representation advocacy to low-income individuals. SJLS has a are with seriously injured. on the shape into the disabilities grow up While toineither Sless Brighton Pediatrics Eggwe HarborRight toworking Sue, call yourputting autoInvolvement insurance Private Attorney Program that can assist individuals with right hole andand there was Jerard, nine Township had me fillmembers out apersonal questionnaire at company be productive handle most types of immediately ask them guardianships in addition to Hurricane Sandy victims, government Paul R. R. D’Amato, D’Amato, Certified Certified Civil Civil Trial Trial Attorney Attorney Paul months younger than Massi, playing with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and to change your policy to the NO of society, taken care of by their family members Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Counsellor at Law injury cases, we get many calls benefits, landlord/tenant issues, consumer and finance law, in addition Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Counsellor at Law she recommended that I contact The New Jersey this toy with ease. It just seemed like such Rocco, 3-years-old Auto insuranceIf policies indefinitely or incarcerated or wards of state in some Limitation. services. youJerard, havebut require a silly and easy game for yet for legal assistance and do not have the about carthe accidents. Early Intervention System (NJEIS). She didn’t to other can be confusing so if you’re not sure Massitohehire had to work SJLS to be able to do capacity. anactually attorney, may be that. able to help. You can reach them come out and say that Massi had Autism, but she did mention it as one of the things that means It has been reported that over 90% of drivers in New Jersey elect the Limitation on what coverage you have and want to could be causing his delays. Certainly Alex and I were worried, but our oldest son Paul at (609) 348-4200. about it, please Lawsuit or Limited to Sue forwith theirRocco auto insurance coverage. youthe aren’t What do schedule you doanifoffice someone you love may have Autism? was twoMembers years old, IRight was pregnant and we were leavingIf in nextsure few daystalk forIncarceration Productive Of Society visit and I will review your you policy whetherWorld, or not the youhappiest elected the Limited Right to Sue then you probably have. When a child love is diagnosed with a developmental delay or neurological Disney place on Earth! Properly diagnosing, educating and caring for children with disabilities Here arenosome with youcondition at charge. likefacts: Autism, it can be a very scary, lonely time for the family. Alex and I had so Hoping for the best, I pulled myself into when theyHave are school aged helps them become productive members of society. I Limited my Right to Sue? • 1many in 3 questions individuals arrested a disability, ranging from aboutthat our are family’s future,have and while we are blessed to have manyemotional friends believing that Massi wasn’t talking because There is no or doubt: early intervention is a child’s best hope for the disability like bipolar disorder to learning disabilities like dyslexia. and family that love us dearly and were incredibly supportive, it was hard to find anybody his debate brother was talking for him and that he wasn’t For over 40 years, the D’Amato Law Firm has been representing people In New Jersey you can select the Limited Right to Sue option and save money on who could relate to what we with were going through.disabilities are 3 times more future . Early diagnosis and identifies theare disabilities, treats responding to his name because called him thetruly country, emotional your car insurance. Thatintervention sounds we great, but in reality, you hampering your rightthem, • whoAcross have been injured. If students you have been seriously injured in a motor I cannot thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well than as all of thegeneral therapistspopulation. and teachers Massimo and Massi interchangeably. And really and helps tomake the family, school andGod those in but thelet’s community likely to be arrested before leaving high school the recover money for your injuries. forbid, imagine for aunderstand minute that a vehicle collision or by a defective product, or if you have been in a situain Massi’s life who have helped him become the fabulous little guy he is today. has how important is eye contact anyway!? We went off how to best help these kiddos become healthy, adults. • Did you know that it costs $53,000 a year to incarcerate a man in NJHe, but drunk driver comes barreling down the road andhappy crashes into your minivan with you grown in leaps and bounds and while I am afraid he will always struggle to keep up both to Disney with pits in our stomachs, “It’s a Small tion where your civiltorights I can help. We pride ourselves Our middle son, Massimo, hashow autism. hethat wasnodiagnosed when and your 3 kids in tow (that’s I roll). Thankfully You would think matter what you or only $41,000 sendwere himviolated, to Princeton? academically and socially, I can see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier World” jingle in our heads and a suitcase of denial. Massi on his first birthday! he was only 18children’s months old,weare, which ata the verymoney. young. Thankfully we your you as should betime able towas recover That’s not the case if say, in assisting With rates of incarceration that high for individuals those in our area or excited elsewhere who in need of profes-with disabilities, the as the the years progress and am about hisare future. Every singleinjuries time stood family to take a picture the photographers would you elected Limited Right to Sue option. have the means health insurance coverage ongoing intensive costs of imprisoning them falls on all of us in the community. We are taught “Look atand thethe camera and smile.” Massi wouldto notprovide look. Every singlt time the photographer Written Counsellor Writtenby: by:Alexa AlexaD’Amato D’AmatoBarrera, Barrera, Counselor at Law Law Written by: at





sional, caring and effective legal representation. support and medical services him. we say have a very loving, untoyour others as you have them do unto you. we look would ask us what Massi’sfor name was.Thankfully He would then “Massi, look over here buddy.” as children, If youdothink child maywould be delayed developmentally orIfhave a at Massi still would not look at the camera. It was not until the photographer or his assistant concernedHow and caring school district and community wants to children with disabilities as like individuals all family must love and support will thefamily, Limited Right to Sue affect me andthat my family? neurological condition Autism,that callwe your physician or see the made a really loud noise that Massi would turn and look at the camera. I realized on that CALL NOW FOR A FREE see him succeed. We are blessed beyond measure when it comes to helping rates of incarceration will hopefully decline. This requires a societal change The small percentage of drivers who know that they have elected the Limited Right to a developmental neurologist. Reach out to FACES 4 Autism online at in trip, that something was really wrong with our baby. ensure Massi growsthis to simply be anmeans adultthey that is recover a productive member God the way Sue believe can’t if they have whiplash.ofInsociety. reality, you we view individuals with disabilities, if reading this article helps or call Isabelle Moscabut at (609) 412-3750. CONSULTATION: 609.926.3300 only knows thehave path he worse will take and at point, could much injuriesthough than whiplash andsome still not recover.we may need to change the way you think, then hopefully you spreading the word will reach What Massi isyou Autism? consider what happen is unable for himself when even more people and so on. Whenwould a collision occurs ifand have selectedto thecare Limited Right to Sue, youhe canis If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll find 18 years old. only recover money for your injuries if you:


many different results. That’s because Autism comes in many forms and if you know one child with Autism, you truly only know one child with Visit There are those children no Autism matterishow much intervention and love Atthat its core, a complex neurodevelopmental disorder • Lose aAutism. body part there is, ultimately not childhood have theand mental capacityby todifficulty completely care that appears do in early is characterized in social andfor The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in • Have significant disfigurement or scarring representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato communication skillsindividuals including using language, abstract concepts, themselves. In New Jersey turning 18understanding are considered to have met in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney forming relationships and communicating with others the way that many of us easily • Suffer a displaced fracture (the bones have completely separated) the age of majority. This means that their parents can no1 longer legally make collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the do every day. In New Jersey 1 in 45 children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims Sustain a permanent injury; decisions on•their behalf, irrespective of or the severity of their disability or Alexa D’Amato Barrera Many Doctors will tell you that early diagnosis and intervention play a crucial injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law whether they are still residing with their Preferably prior to turning Counsellor at Law unborn child (fetus) diesparents. role•inYour the ultimate success of a child’s outcome. When we came back from Disney Firm has a national reputation for excellence. Member NJ and PA BAR The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in 18 years old theanfamily will consider whether it isfor appropriate to apply My fornext a I made appointment with that NJEIS CHOP an Autism WOW! Did you realize youand were limiting your rights evaluation. in such a way? representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato guardianship. is defined “aIsabelle personMosca or agency by aafter call wasAtoguardian FACES 4 Autism. Kenasand created appointed FACES in 2002 in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Let’s go back to that collision with the drunk driver that wasn’t your fault. You have 2900cases Fire Road,theSuite 200 theiron sonbehalf Kyle was with Autism. When calledprocess Isabelle I that knewmust that I take had court to act of diagnosed an individual”. There is aIlegal collisions. The firm handles throughout a broken ankle. It’s but itput is fractured, so youwith haveatonumber stay off of of different it for doguardianship something fornot our baby. Isabelle me in contact countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims place for to the todisplaced, be valid. New Jersey 08234 Alexa D’Amato Barrera a few weeks. (Tryresources. that with 3I contacted kids!) When you return to theIsabelle doctor,recommended the x-rays showfor injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law people and local Sue Elmer whom Having a child with special needs can be very expensive and not everyone P: 609-926-3300 Counsellor at Law Firm has a national reputation for excellence. the fracture has Within healed, but in painwith andMs. haveSue, difficulty The word!!!! doctor speech therapy. onlyyou’re a fewstill sessions Massiwalking. said his first Member NJ and PA BAR can afford to hire an attorney for their guardianship needs. My husband, F: 609-926-3883 sends you to physical therapy for 1 month. Still it’s not better so you have an MRI.

Guardianships • Die

Alexander J. Barrera, is an attorney and an officer with the Atlantic County Bar Living in Denial Association.The Hehad is genuinely very bright andand happens tostarting be among the County Magazine We not yetWoman seen caring, the doctor in Philadelphia Massi was to really come along thanks to his speech therapy sessions with Sue and the beginning of Early Does My Child Have Autism? by Wendy L. Stone, PhD, with Theresa Foy DiGeromino, MEd Intervention services. I started to doubt my earlier concerns. I started to take my husband’s approach and set out to prove the doctor’s wrong. Denial is a much happier

2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 P: 609-926-3300 F: 609-926-3883

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016 March/April 2015




Filing For Bankruptcy? You’re Not Alone.

f you are considering filing for bankruptcy or have specific questions about it, Daniel Straffi is the person you want to see. His law firm, Straffi & Straffi, is a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code. He offers payment plans and can certainly put your mind at ease about what can be a very stressful time in people’s lives. Bankruptcy rules can be very technical and it is critical that your case be handled correctly. Any misstep may affect a debtor’s rights. Additionally, bankruptcy has long-term financial and legal consequences and hiring a competent attorney is strongly recommended. What is bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is an opportunity for people who are experiencing financial difficulties to obtain a fresh start. Bankruptcy is afforded to the honest and unfortunate as a means, via federal law, to start over or otherwise reorganize their debts. What can bankruptcy do for me? Bankruptcy can do a number of things for those in financial duress, including but not limited to: getting rid of credit card debt and medical bills, stopping foreclosure actions, wage garnishments, and other forms of creditor harassment. More than anything, bankruptcy affords people the opportunity to rest peacefully and begin anew. How can I get a copy of a bankruptcy filing? Bankruptcy filings are done electronically through the federal court system. Although a matter of public record, they are not “advertised,” so to speak. Any bankruptcy attorney or other person familiar with the electronic system can easily obtain bankruptcy filings.

What doesn’t bankruptcy do? Bankruptcy does not afford relief to those trying to take advantage of the system. Fraudulent behaviors and actions are vigorously prosecuted both criminally and civilly. Again, bankruptcy relief is only afforded to those who are honest and unfortunate, not those looking to pull a fast one on the system. How often can I file bankruptcy? It depends. Generally speaking, a person may receive a discharge in bankruptcy every eight years. However, in some cases a person may be looking to reorganize their debts as opposed to getting rid of them. Therefore, there is no blanket rule that applies to all bankruptcy filings. Every case is very fact specific as far as goals and eligibility. What different types of bankruptcy should I consider? The two most common types of bankruptcy that people consider are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7, which is known as a liquidation, is an opportunity to discharge (or get rid of ) creditors without having to pay any money back. Chapter 13, which is known as a reorganization, is a three to five-year plan of repaying creditors, most commonly invoked to try and save a home or vehicle from foreclosure or repossession.

670 Commons Way • Toms River, NJ CALL: 732-341-3800 VISIT:

We are a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code. Protect Yourself Against Foreclosures, Judgments, & Harassing Creditors Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. Over two dozen cities and towns claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it’s difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. Regardless of the exact date or location of its origins, one thing is clear – Memorial Day was borne out of the Civil War and a desire to honor our dead. It was officially proclaimed on May 5, 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic. “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village “We cherish too, the Poppy red and hamlet churchyard in the land,” he proclaimed. The date was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular That grows on fields where valor led, battle. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states. The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead It seems to signal to the skies on separate days until after World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil That blood of heroes never dies.” War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war). Source: By Moina Michael

The History of

Memorial Day

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Business Spotlight


Straffi & Straffi Are The Key To Your Financial Health


ou could say that Daniel Straffi Jr. has bankruptcy law in his blood. After joining his father’s law practice in 2004, his own knowledge and expertise in the field grew. Daniel’s father is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee and his background has been invaluable in assisting Daniel with his own personal practice. He has focused his practice on representing individuals and businesses in the areas of bankruptcy and divorce. Filing for bankruptcy is a serious and sometimes very emotional step. It is critical to have the right representation as well as someone you feel you can really trust. Personality, as well as professionalism matter and you must believe the person you hire is working to service your best interest. CW: Why did you select bankruptcy law as your specialty? Daniel Straffi: I enjoy bankruptcy work because I am able to truly set a course for navigating clients from what is usually the most difficult time in their lives to a path of hope and rebuilding. CW: What are the most challenging aspects of your profession? Daniel Straffi: There are many challenging aspects to the legal profession. As any attorney will attest, time management usually requires the most work and attention. CW: What are your top three tips for financial “health” for young families? Daniel Straffi: My advice to any young family starting out is to communicate with each other about your respective finances. Openness about spending, bills, and income can help find or address problems before they become too difficult. With good communication comes greater financial health in terms of budgeting and spending.

CW: What are the primary reasons the average person files for bankruptcy? Daniel Straffi: The majority of people I represent are hard working individuals accustomed to paying their bills. With the cost of living in the state of New Jersey being so high, it does not take much to fall behind. The primary reasons for filing bankruptcy are loss of income, medical reasons and divorce or separation. CW: What are the average fears or anxieties surrounding filing for bankruptcy? Daniel Straffi: Most clients are very concerned with the effect a bankruptcy will have on their credit. They view it as an “end” rather than (what it is) a “new beginning.” It is the intent of the courts to provide the honest debtor with a fresh start. This includes the ability to rebuild one’s credit over time. CW: Why is there so much incorrect information out there about bankruptcy? Daniel Straffi: Unfortunately some people wait too long to get accurate information they need from a reputable attorney. Some fall prey to the misinformation spread by debt consolidation companies, banks or other creditors that have an interest in preventing debtors from obtaining the powerful relief that bankruptcy can provide. CW: How long will the “average” bankruptcy be on a person’s credit report? Daniel Straffi: Usually it will be on a credit report for a period of ten years. Generally speaking, it takes folks about two years to rebuild their credit. In the interim, the cash that will be freed up from not having to pay the exorbitant minimum fees from credit cards will help most debtors operate their households while simultaneously rebuilding their credit.

CW: Please tell us about your family . Daniel Straffi: I have been married since 2002 to my wife, Danielle. My wife is an art therapist with a private practice in Mt. Laurel. We reside in Medford, with our 10-year-old daughter, Emma, dog, Tinkerbell, and guinea pig, Scarlet. For the record, I was not involved in the naming of said pets, nor is the guinea pig red in color.

Daniel Straffi, Jr. was admitted to practice in the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as the District Court of New Jersey in 2001. A graduate of Boston College in 1998 and Rutgers-Camden School of Law in 2011, he began his legal career in 2001 serving as a judicial law clerk for the presiding judge of Family Law in Mercer County. In 2004, he joined his father’s law practice. He has focused his practice on representing individuals and businesses in the areas of bankruptcy, divorce and criminal defense. He is further an active member of the NJ and Ocean County Bar Associations.

670 Commons Way • Toms River, NJ • 732.341.3800 •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016




By Marla Marinucci, Esq.


hen I thought about my topic for this particular publication, my plans were to discuss parents who alienate their children from the other parent during and even after divorce. While I have previously addressed this topic on several occasions over the years, it is so important that it requires repeated discussion. However, a combination of very serious recent unanticipated events in my life, all of which occurred within a very short time frame, has left me pondering deeply about this concept called “life.” Below is a discussion about life with a side dish of parental alienation.

If you enter “phrases about life” in your computer’s search engine, you will hit the jackpot of quotes about life. They’re actually quite inspiring. I encourage anyone reading this, especially those going through a tough time such as a divorce, to take ten minutes and read some of these uplifting sayings. I became engulfed for hours reading as many as I could while writing this article because they were so inspiring. One quote in particular I enjoyed was by an unknown author and it reads as follows:

“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it’d be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” Life is precious. Life is a gift. Life is definitely too short to waste your

time staying in a marriage with a spouse who doesn’t rock your world or even staying in a job you loathe. Additionally, we’ve all heard the expression: What’s here today could be gone tomorrow. A short, yet very powerful statement, and an excellent mantra to live by. You don’t have to have experienced divorce to know that it can get very nasty. The emotions that parties experience when going through a divorce are extreme, to

say the least. Times that by a million when there are child custody issues. Unfortunately, divorcing parents too often get tied up spending time finding ways to hurt each other during the process, which ultimately produces the unintended consequence of damaging the children. One of the most common ways divorcing parents try to hurt each other is by preventing the children from having a relationship with the other parent. In my experience, nearly every situation like this involves mom trying to destroy dad’s relationship with the children. It goes far beyond finding ways to keep the children from spending time with dad. It’s the total obliteration of that child’s relationship with their father to the extent where the child(ren) not only refuses to spend time with dad, but will not get on the phone, Skype, Facetime, or even accept gifts from their father. Quite often, mom will share private adult details about the parties’ marriage with the children, i.e.: dad had an adulterous affair; and/or speak derogatorily about dad incessantly in front of them in order to further extinguish whatever scintilla of a relationship between dad and the children remains. It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to know that children who grow up without a father face consequences of magnitude. After you Google phrases about life, run a second search: children who grow up without a father. The statistics about such circumstances are mind-boggling, especially for girls. For example, daughters who grow up without a father are far more likely to be sexually promiscuous and 7 times more likely to experience teen pregnancy; teens in single-mother households are 30% more likely than those in intact families to engage in drinking, drugs and dropping out of school; 90% of all homeless and runaway children come from fatherless homes; suicide rates among those who grew up without a father are exponentially higher than individuals who grew up in a two-parent household. The list of statistics goes on and on and is astonishing. The point of all this is that life is short. Life is precious. Take nothing for granted as it could be gone in an instant. If you are angry at your soon to be ex-spouse, find a way to forgive him/her for the sake of the children because they deserve to have both parents in their life. Don’t wait to forgive, do it now because that other parent may not be around tomorrow. If you are unhappy in your marriage, do something about it. Chances are you are both unhappy and life

is too short to be unhappy.

Call my firm for a Consultation. 609-398-1900.

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Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Marla Marinucci, Esq., has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law- Camden. Marla has recently been appointed to serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court Family Practice Committee.


Marla Marinucci, Esq.

117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email:

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016




Come and Experience the Difference at Body In Balance

FITNESS CENTER Body in Balance Fitness Center is a fun and non-intimidating environment. We have recently expanded our fitness center to bring Cybex Total Access equipment, specifically designed to address the exercise needs of people with disabilities as well as the active aging population. Cybex Total Access removes the barriers that have prevented people with physical limitations to enjoy a complete cardio and strength-training workout. Our Total Access equipment exceeds the Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFA) standards, enabling both disabled and non-disabled individuals to take advantage of fitness training using the same machines and enjoying the same experience. At Body in Balance we believe everyone should have equal access to the best exercise experience possible. So, come to Body in Balance and experience the best in high performance equipment and personal service.

Come and experience the difference… “When you are at Body in Balance, you are Family!”


REHABILITATION SERVICES Body in Balance now offers you a full rehabilitation experience with occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy services. We strive to provide you with a clinic of excellence for each and every patient with timely and evidence based rehabilitation program. Our experienced therapists come from diverse clinical backgrounds, and possess the experience, understanding, and passion to support you safely through your recovery. We take a whole body approach to restore balance difficulties, pre/post-surgical interventions, and address all musculoskeletal weaknesses that contribute to an abnormal gait and posture. Body in Balance offers Schroth based 3-Dimensional scoliosis specific exercises. Schroth 3D treatment method helps patients to: stop curve progression, decrease pain, increase vital capacity, increase muscle activation, and improve posture and balance. Our therapists will create an individualized and targeted treatment to restore normal balance by guiding you through muscle strengthening and stretching exercises that are aimed to derotate and elongate your spine into a more normal position.

More Services Coming Soon!

Nutrition Counseling: What we eat affects how we feel and how our body performs. Our Certified Personal Trainers offer personalized nutrition counseling to help you create a more balanced diet that will guide you on the path to healthier eating habits and weight loss. Massage: Tai, Therapeutic, Swedish, & Medical Massages are performed with the goal of treating or managing a specific medical condition by our certified massage & occupational therapist, Laura Germanio OTR, RYT, LMT, CLT. Community Support Groups: Body in Balance is committed to the members of our community. Currently we offer a weekly Parkinson Support Group, and proud to say we established a 501c3 non-profit: “Parkinson Life Center of Southern New Jersey.”

Actual Patients Pictured.

314 Central Ave. Linwood, NJ 08221


Visit for more information.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Safety Instructions


Jim Leonard is a Man With a Mission Everyone who watches the news these days is aware of the level of violence both globally and locally. Gun sales have soared throughout the country. In fact, the FBI conducted more gun-related background checks this January than in any other time since the system was created. People are purchasing weapons for protection at an alarming rate and learning how to use a gun properly is a critical part of owning a gun. “There has been a significant increase in the number of women who now lawfully possess a weapon. Statistics show that a rising percentage of households are women living alone,” he says. Some people even believe that a firearm gives a woman another tool to ensure her own safety in a worstcase scenario.

Jim Leonard

When learning how to shoot, Jim says that safety is the most important factor. Because of his extensive experience, he is able to teach students of all levels and has the ability to identify problems and correct any issues in a professional manner. In addition to his experience working in Law Enforcement, Jim is certified as a Firearms Instructor/ Range Master by FBI Firearms Instructor School, NJ Department of Criminal Justice Range Master Certification and as a Federal Firearms Instructor. He also recently obtained a Certified Home Firearm Safety Certification for Pistol Personal Protection in the Home.

Locked & Loaded Private Instruction, LLC

609-457-9715 Spiritual Counselor

What is a Spiritual Counselor?


Spiritual Counselor helps people along their path to spiritual growth.

The objective can include finding a life purpose, overcoming obstacles, and putting pain and grief into perspective. A Spiritual Counselor integrates spirituality with psychosocial care and guidance. Lisa assists her clients, who are professional men and women, to get rid of and transform selflimiting beliefs, and uncover the tools you already have on the inside. “Creating change on the outside starts on the inside,” says Lisa. ! Do you want to have a better relationship with yourself? ! Do you want to know how changing your thoughts can change your life?

! Do you want to know how to become more aware of the internal conversations you are having with yourself, in order to change your relationships? ! Find out about more simple ways to meditate in order to assist you in your daily life. ! Find out what auto-suggestion is and how using it as you fall off to sleep can create change in your day-to-day life.

“We only know what we know, until we know something else,” says Lisa.

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Website: • Podcasts: Blogs (As Seen on Huffington Post):

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


“High Risk” Not as Scary as it Sounds! OB/GYN Written By:

Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG Rachel Grencavich, CNM, MSN


ou have now begun your prenatal care. You are being inundated with all of the information that we have given to you, as well as the information that everyone around you wants to share. Your first few visits to the office will involve going over testing that you have had performed, your personal medical history and that of you and your partner’s family along with your routine visit evaluations. At times these testing results will indicate that further testing is necessary. You may hear the words, “high risk”, and be afraid. It sounds scary, but actually it just means a bit more surveillance of you and your baby. Our Obstetrical team, including Perinatoligist and genetic counselors are there for you and your baby. There are many reasons why a woman would be considered a high risk obstetrical patient, throughout this article we will go through some characteristics that help doctors diagnose their patients. But remember every woman is different and so is every pregnancy. Early detection within the first and second trimester of genetic disorders will help calm both your nerves and help your doctors take better care of you. When you first meet with your genetic counselors they will ask you many questions that involve you and your partners’ family history. Your family history plays an important part in detecting genetic disorders and having an idea of the history is a great source of information for you, the counselors, and your doctor. Detailed diagnoses are needed for the genetic counselor to gauge your own high risk and the recurrence of the specific diagnoses and malformations which may be hereditary. History of the mother and father’s pregnancies and medical conditions are equally as important to your pregnancy. After looking over some of these factors your counselors may inform you whether some aspects are hereditary, what is the rate of recurrence and which testing may be available to help you. Your obstetrician can help you understand this information better and order the appropriate testing. Age can play a part in how high risk you may be considered. If you are over the age of 35 you will also be given a referral for a genetic consultation, which is related to an increased risk of conceiving a child with genetic abnormalities or malformations. You may also run the risk of early trimester miscarriages. However with early detection and keeping your scheduled appointments your risks may be lowered. Patients under the age of 17 are also considered high risk. This doesn’t mean that these problems will occur with your pregnancy, your doctors just want you to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. There are other medical conditions that are more common in women, which would make them a high risk, such as diabetes, hypertension, abnormal thyroid function, asthma, and auto immune disorders. There are special considerations for monitoring these conditions including how they may impact your health and the health of your baby. Your doctors along with

your other specialists will work together to find the medical plan that is best for you. Preterm birth is a major concern for any pregnant patient; a patient who is not considered high risk may still run the risk of preterm labor. But if you have had a previous history of preterm birth, make sure to let both your doctor and prenatal counselors know about this history. Your doctor will most likely give you modifications for your daily activities including types of monitoring for contractions. Even after your visits with your doctor and the counselors you may still have concerns about some of the information they have given you, don’t be afraid to ask and talk about the concerns that you may have. With the right treatment and counseling you and your baby will receive the best care through your pregnancy.

Visit Salavatore A. Carfagno, Jr., DO received his medical training, internship and residency at The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is currently Board Certified by the American College of Osteopathic in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is presently on staff at AtlanitCcare Regional Medical Center and Shore Memorial Hospital and averages 300 deliveries per year.

The County Woman Magazine




Now Open!


609.272.0506 609.927.2244 609.272.0506 Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life May/June 2016

Financial Planning


Which Retirement Plan Is Right for Your Business?


f you own a small business, there are many retirement plan alternatives available to help you and your eligible employees save for retirement. For most closely-held business owners, a Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account (SEP IRA) was once the most cost-effective choice. Then the Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE IRA) became a viable alternative. Today you may find that a defined benefit or 401(k) plan best suits your needs. To make an informed decision on which plan is right for your business, review the differences carefully before you choose. Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account (SEP IRA). This plan is flexible, easy to set up, and has low administrative costs. An employer signs a plan adoption agreement, and IRAs are set up for each eligible employee. When choosing this plan, keep in mind that it does not allow employees to save through payroll deductions, and contributions are immediately 100% vested. The maximum an employer can contribute each year is 25% of an employee’s eligible compensation, up to a maximum of $265,000 for 2016. However, the contribution for any individual cannot exceed $53,000 in 2016. Employer contributions are typically discretionary and may vary from year to year. With this plan, the same formula must be used to calculate the contribution amount for all eligible employees, including any owners. Eligible employees include those who are age 21 and older and those employed (both part time and full time) for three of the last five years. Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE). If you want a plan that encourages employees to save for retirement, a SIMPLE IRA might be appropriate for you. In order to select this plan, you must have 100 or fewer eligible employees who earned $5,000 or more in compensation in the preceding year and have no other employer-sponsored retirement plans to which contributions were made or accrued during What will your world look are like no 10, annual or 20, orIRS 30 years that calendar year. There fillings or from today? No one can be sure — but you can prepare.are complex paperwork, and employer contributions The sooner youfor start, thebusiness. better you The can manage tax deductible your plan encourages whatever life has in store. We can help you it employees to save for retirement throughmake payroll happen. If you’d like to knoware how, we’ll be glad100% to deductions; contributions immediately vested. talk The maximum deferral limitnotocost a SIMPLE IRA with you aboutsalary your future. There’s and plan cannot exceed $12,500 for 2016. If an employee is no obligation. age 50 or older before December 31, then an additional

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catch-up contribution of $3,000 is permitted. Each year the employer must decide to do either a matching contribution (the lesser of the employee’s salary deferral or 3% of the employee’s compensation) or non­matching contribution of 2% of an employee’s compensation (limited to $265,000 for 2016). All participants in the plan must be notified of the employer’s decision. Defined benefit pension plan. This type of plan helps build savings quickly. It generally produces a much larger tax-deductible contribution for your business than a defined contribution plan; however, annual employer contributions are mandatory since each participant is promised a monthly benefit at retirement age. Since this plan is more complex to administer, the services of an enrolled actuary are required. All plan assets must be held in a pooled account, and your employees cannot direct their investments. Certain factors affect an employer’s contribution for a plan, such as current value of the plan assets, the ages of employees, date of hire, and compensation. A participating employee with a large projected benefit and only a few years until normal retirement age generates a large contribution because there is little time to accumulate the necessary value to produce the stated benefit at retirement. The maximum annual benefit at retirement is the lesser of 100% of the employee’s compensation or $210,000 per year in 2016 (indexed for inflation). 401(k) plans. This plan may be right for your company if you want to motivate your employees to save towards retirement and give them a way to share in the firm’s profitability. 401(k) plans are best suited for companies seeking flexible contribution methods. When choosing this plan type, keep in mind that the employee and employer have the ability to make contributions. The maximum salary deferral limit for a 401(k) plan is $18,000 for 2016. If an employee is age 50 or older before December 31, then an additional catch-up contribution of $6,000 is permitted. The maximum amount you, as the employer, can contribute is 25% of the eligible employee’s total compensation (capped at $265,000 for 2016). Individual allocations

The County Woman Magazine

What will your world look like 10, or 20, or 30 years

for each employee cannot exceed the lesser of 100% of compensation or $53,000 in 2016. The allocation of employer profit-sharing contributions can be skewed to favor older employees, if using age-weighted and new comparability features. Generally, IRS Forms 5500 and 5500-EZ (along with applicable schedules) must be filed each year. Once you have reviewed your business’s goals and objectives, you should check with your Financial Advisor to evaluate the best retirement plan option for your financial situation. For more information, call Tracy at 609-822-6000 or visit Wells Fargo Advisors and its Financial Advisors provide nonfiduciary services only. They do not provide investment advice [as defined under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 as amended (“ERISA”)], have any discretionary authority with respect to the plan, make any investment or other decisions on behalf of the plan, or otherwise take any action that would make them fiduciaries to the plan under ERISA. Wells Fargo Advisors does not provide legal or tax advice. Be sure to consult with your tax and legal advisors before taking any action that could have tax consequences.

Tracy Fiedler-Santoro

Tracy offers personalized retirement and wealth management solutions to individuals, families and organizations. She takes a comprehensive approach with her clients, getting to know and understand them, and then helping define and prioritize their goals. Her areas of expertise include financial guidance, retirement solutions, estate planning, insurance, and education savings, as well as mutual funds, equities, annuities, and trust services. Tracy also specializes in investment strategies designed specifically for women.

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


MLS Robotic Laser Therapy

Get Rid Of Pain “The Natural Way”


aser Therapy is the use of specific wavelengths of light to treat painful and debilitating conditions. Laser Therapy works with light energy entering the damaged cells and stimulating inter-cellular activity. This reduces pain in the area and speeds recovery of the damaged cells. Once the cells recover; the healing process is complete. Treatment is painless and lasts an average of 15 minutes. You may experience a comfortable sensation at the point of application. It does not generate heat and is safe to use over implanted metal devices. It is the only Class Four laser, which is safe to use over surgical hardware.

What can I expect after treatment?

Why is our practice different?

Many people experience positive results within a few treatments, depending on if the condition is acute or chronic. Most acute conditions will need four to six treatments, and most chronic conditions will require 10 to 15 treatments. Acute conditions usually subside quickly, typically with one phase of treatment, while chronic conditions can be controlled with regular treatments if complete relief is not attained.

MLS Robotic Laser Treats:

The effects of MLS Robotic Laser Therapy are cumulative; therefore, expect to see improvement as you proceed through your treatment plan. During the course of your treatment, the doctor will reassess your progress and adjust your treatment plan to achieve maximum benefits.

Our practice is the first podiatry practice in Southern New Jersey to use the MLS Robotic Laser. Our doctors and technicians are certified in Advanced MLS Laser Therapy. This means we apply customized treatment protocols that are unique to our practice and each patient. Our practice is affiliated with the Laser Pain Management Association. MLS Robotic Laser Therapy has been cleared by the FDA and proven successful as evidenced by extensive and credible studies conducted in our country’s finest institutions including Harvard University.

• Foot & Ankle Pain • Sports Injuries/Sprains & Strains

Call 609-704-9001 for your FREE consultation to see if you are a candidate for MLS Laser Therapy.


• Occupational Injuries • Bunions/Neuropathy • Post-Surgical Swelling • Heel Pain/Plantar Fasciitis Benefits of MLS Robotic Laser • Non-Surgical Treatment • No Negative Side Effects • Rapid Results • Speeds Healing Process Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery

4 Arthritis 4 Athlete’s Foot 4 Bunions 4 Diabetic Foot Care 4 Foot & Ankle Injuries 4 Foot Surgeries 4 Fungal Nails

4 Hammertoes 4 Heel Pain 4 Nail Problems 4 Neuromas 4 Orthotics 4 Warts

5401 Harding Highway Suite # 5 Mays Landing, NJ

392 N. White Horse Pike Suite # 2 Hammonton, NJ



Dr. Stuart W. Honick received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey and went on to achieve his degree in Physical Therapy at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Kean College. Continuing his education at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, Dr. Honick was awarded a degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) and completed a two-year surgical residency. Dr. Honick is Board Certified in Foot Surgery by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery.

© Frecklefoot Creative 2013

The County Woman Magazine

Dr. Stuart W. Honick has been selected as a “Top Doc” in Southern NJ.

May/June 2016


Assisted Living

My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me. Today, I forgot where I parked my car and don’t recall what I needed at the grocery store. Should I be worried? Problems with memory are a growing concern for many, as statistics on the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease become more and more frightening. According to the Alzheimer’s Association’s 2013 Facts and Figures, an estimated 5.2 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. This number prompts many of us to ask questions such as: Is forgetting simple things a sign of something more serious? Should I be worried about developing Alzheimer’s disease? Is stress playing tricks on my memory? As we age, it is important to bring any changes that are impacting your daily routine and life to your physician. It is common to forget someone’s name, or forget to pick up milk at the store. It is not common to forget the person or an entire experience, or have no recollection of how you got to the store. Ruling out an underlying physical condition can give you peace of mind. A simple medical evaluation is a pro-active approach and early intervention and always recommended. However, it is important to note that worrying about internal and external stressors in your life can also present with cognitive symptoms, such as memory problems, which can be controlled. Our minds can play tricks on us, especially if you are someone who has a full plate, and maybe does too much. I hear the same story every day with friends and family. “I am so stressed,” is a common statement, as many juggle a household, children, work deadlines, and for many, caring for an aging parent. There is so much on your plate that things are forNurses on site... all day, all night Escapades...for Life! All Day Dining Transportation Reflections award winning memory care program Beautiful grounds and interior Recognition for quality care and services Friends and fun

gotten, details are missed and tasks are not getting done. You begin to worry. How can you forget simple things? It becomes frustrating and you start thinking, what is wrong with me. Trying to manage many balls in the air is a balancing act. Stress creeps in and presents itself in different ways emotionally, physically and cognitively. Some common symptoms of stress are forgetting things, being easily distracted, poor sleep patterns, emotional ups and downs, poor appetite, depression and the list goes on. It is important to recognize your stress triggers and how stress affects you personally. Recognition of triggers is the first step for preventing stress and alleviating any symptoms. So how do you do this? First, make the time to assess what you have going on in your life that could be sources of stress. What about the activity or situation is stressful? What can you change in this situation to make it less stressful? Involve someone else who can give you insight and a different perspective. Finding the underlying cause is a good first step. Second, manage stress before it manages you. There are many support resources, but you need to first ask for help and make a plan. Call a friend for support. Plan a weekly date night. Take a vacation. Exercise and make time for hobbies. Be flexible and find humor in a stressful situation. Learn to laugh. Find a local assisted living and schedule a respite stay for an aging parent. Tell yourself you are doing a good job. Learning to de-stress can clear your mind, so make it happen!

Maria Nadelstumph, Vice President of Organizational Development and Program Excellence Brandywine Senior Living is the region’s premier operator of residential communities for senior adults. The company currently operates twenty-seven communities in five states (PA, NJ, DE, NY and CT). The company is headquartered in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. For more information call 609.926.4663 or visit us online

My Mother Always Told Me... “Tomorrow will be a better day.” “Hopefully some day we will find a cure, but in the meantime, it’s nice to know that every single staff member from part time housekeeper to Director contribute to mom’s care on a daily basis. Her extended family at Brandywine has not only impacted her, but our family as well. Brandywine has made this journey an easier one.” — Daughter of Brandywine Resident

Bran dy wi ne...this is home 432 Central Avenue | Linwood, NJ 08221 | 609.926.4663 Brandywine Senior Living has locations throughout NJ, PA, DE, CT, NY • 1-877-4BRANDY • Relax...We’re here.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


Put Your Best Face Forward This Summer When sunny skies beckon, who can resist the urge to go outside and do something fun? Although it feels great to soak up all that sun on the beach, in the backyard, or on the tennis court, remember too much exposure to ultraviolet rays can harm your skin, cause premature skin aging, and put you at higher risk of developing skin cancer. Even if you’re already seeing changes in the appearance of your skin due to sun exposure, you can still take steps now to protect your skin from further damage. “One of the best ways to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays is by generously applying a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to all exposed skin. Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, and again after you swim or take part in activities that cause you to sweat,” suggests James C. Wurzer, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of radiation oncology with the AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, a Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner. You also can protect your skin by wearing a hat or cap to shade your face and staying out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays are strongest. As a board-certified radiation oncologist, Dr. Wurzer has seen firsthand how radiation therapy for skin cancer has advanced over the years. “For example, during the past couple of years, we’ve been using an innovative topical radiation therapy technique called high-dose-rate [HDR] brachytherapy. HDR brachytherapy is an excellent treatment option for many patients with basal and squamous cell skin cancers, which are the most common types of skin cancer in southern New Jersey,” says Dr. Wurzer. HDR brachytherapy is becoming more widely used because it allows doctors to treat cancerous growths on the surface of the skin while preventing radiation from going through the skin into the organs and soft tissues inside the body. Treatment is given once a day, for five consecutive days, significantly less time than the six weeks of treatment needed for standard radiation therapy.

Keep your skin looking its best Helpful ideas from AtlantiCare experts Top it off —Shade your face from the sun with a visor, hat or ball cap, and try to stay indoors or in the shade between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when skin-damaging rays are strongest. Rub it in — Apply a broad-spectrum, waterresistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more to all exposed skin. Sunscreen products labeled “broad spectrum” must protect the skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Reapply sunscreen every two hours, and after swimming or sweaty outdoor activities such as running or beach volleyball. Keep it moist — Applying a daily facial moisturizer, preferably one with an SPF of 15 or higher, and moisturizing after you towel off from a shower are great ways to maintain the appearance of your skin. Feed it well — A diet high in vitamins C and A, magnesium, and zinc can provide your skin with important nutrients to stay healthy. In addition, a lifestyle that incorporates regular physical activity increases circulation, which can improve the skin’s appearance.

“The word ‘radiation,’ can be scary to some people, but skin cancer radiation therapy is generally considered a safe and effective treatment with limited side effects and good cosmetic and functional results,” Dr. Wurzer says.

To find out more about AtlantiCare, call 1-888-569-1000 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016




Unresolved Health Issues? Can’t Lose Weight? You May Need a Detox! If you have tried everything to lose weight without success or have unresolved health issues, you may need to do a detox. Detox is short for detoxification. In the holistic health world, that means the process of removing toxic substances from your body, including eliminating foods that are toxic to the body. Today detox diets and cleanses are all the rage; you may have even seen ads for them or picked up a cleanse at your local nutrition store. Detoxification, done right, can yield high benefits, but done wrong, you will be worse off than you were before. Don’t resort to quick-fix detox plans. Body detoxification or purification can help with weight loss, skin problems, joint pain, bowel problems, fatigue, sinus problems, food cravings and headaches. At South Jersey Center for Nutrition and Wellness we have several options for doing a nutritional detox the right way. We have a 21-Day Top 10 Reasons to do a Detox Whole Food Purification 1. Remove toxins from the body. Program, great for someone 2. Prevent chronic disease. who wants to eliminate 3. Enhance immune system function. toxins by detoxifying the liver, kidneys, intestines 4. Lose weight. and lymphatic system. This 5. Slow premature aging. program is a healthy hiatus 6. Improve quality of life. from the foods that are getting 7. Increase energy. in the way of good health. The 8. Improve skin quality. 21-Day Program has helped 9. Gain mental and emotional clarity. people lose weight, improve 10. Restore balance to our body energy, decrease cravings and Detoxing brings balance back and get control over their diet/ helps our body function properly again. foods again. Our 60- and 90-Day Ultimate Whole Body Cleanse (our slow and steady program) works

sequentially, deeper and deeper in the body, while providing smooth removal of toxins. I have seen remarkable changes in those patients who were willing to take on a longer cleanse. We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily Common Signs of Toxicity basis. We are eating more sugar and Fatigue and low energy processed foods than ever before Weight gain &/or cellulite and exercising less. Every part of Difficulty sleeping our digestion and metabolism was designed with self-healing processes, Food cravings Indigestion/reflux provided we take care of them. Gas & bloating If we are not healthy, somewhere along the way we have interfered Constipation with our body’s normal process Headaches of healing. Waiting until we have Joint pain physical symptoms before we think Mood swings about good nutrition and following Mentally dull a healthy lifestyle is often too late. Allergies Learning how to prevent disease is Skin problems far better than trying to cure it! Is your toxic burden preventing Low libido you from living in optimal health? Frankly, everyone who breathes the air, drinks the water, and eats needs to detox. But the more you have the above signs of toxicity, the more important detoxification becomes. If you would like to be thinner, have more energy and ultimately be healthier, make an appointment today and see which program is right for you.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 856-467-3535.

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May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


The Leaders in Pain Management

Young J. Lee, M.D.

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Eileen Manabat, M.D.

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Keith Preis, M.D.

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R. Todd Rinnier, D.O.

Alan Carr, D.O, FAAA

Peter Pryzbylkowski, M.D.

Emily Rhee, MSN, APN

Ijeoma Menkiti, MSN, APN

K. Sandy Revenidis, MSN, FNP

Rashida Hassanali, PA

Maryann Masci, MSN, APN

Erin Intessimoni, MSN, FNP

Erica Zeiler, PA

Michelle Fiolkowski, PA

Russell Little, MSN, APN

20 convenient locations in your neighborhood 1030 N. Kings Highway • Suite 200 • Cherry Hill • NJ • 08034 888-985-ASAP (2727) •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016





Congratulations to Karen and Stephanie As the New Owners of Barbara’s Boutique!

The Place To Shop This Season J Stephanie and Karen

anuary 2016 marks the “Passing Of The Baton” to the new owners of Barbara’s Boutique, Karen and Stephanie. Most of us met Barbara Spolsky while shopping for casual but elegant fashions at her boutique, “Barbara’s”. After her passing in 2014, Karen and Stephanie continued her legacy of providing the most current fashion trends with the hallmark warmth and expertise one always expects when shopping at Barbara’s Boutique! When Karen began working at Barbara’s Boutique over 11 years ago it started very casual and slow. In fact, Barbara actually met her while she was working at another local store. Karen adds, “She asked if I could come and help a few days a week.” In time, her talents propelled her to store manager, basically in charge of all aspects of the store. Over the years, her sister Stephanie would stop in to visit and of course, shop. She too got to know Barbara and eventually, was asked to join the family and work there. Sisters, Karen and Stephanie, have always had a love for fashion. Between the two of them you can always count on their styles being current, but also classic. Adds Karen, “We love being able to sit with companies that offer the latest fashion trends. We are constantly meeting with manufacturers and attending the largest trade shows so we can offer our customers the fashions they have continued to love over the years.” When you shop at Barbara’s, you will get personalized service that is difficult to find these days in our fast paced world. The women have a true passion for styling their customers and showing them how to be fashionable, whether that means pairing pieces together to make a fashion statement, or showcasing the latest styles in unique ways. That is what as known as the “Barbara’s Fashion Experience.” Karen and Stephanie are both local girls, born and raised in Margate. Their father was a businessman and spent his entire life as the wellestablished owner of Stowell’s Jewelry Store. Stephanie adds, “We loved spending time at our father’s store. What girl doesn’t love being around jewelry?” At a very young age both women gained an appreciation for the relationship their father established with his customers. His example has helped them in their own career at Barbara’s. Adds Karen, “We are so grateful to have the opportunity to create many beautiful relationships with our own customers at the store. Our father would have been very proud of us.” Every season customers get to choose from a myriad of selections at Barbara’s, some they were not expecting to like, and yet still fall in love with. Some of the hottest trends for the summer include printed shorts, peek-aboo lace, cropped tops, backless dresses, flowing pants, and lots of florals. The slinky slip dress is back in full force and is a must-have for the season. Also fun this season is bell sleeve tops, which go great with a pair of shorts or your favorite pair of jeans. The sisters have always shared a unique and loving relationship, even before they started working at Barbara’s. Now, they not only get to work together, but are surrounded by fashion, jewelry, and the many wonderful people that come in to visit them at the store. Adds Stephanie, “We are truly blessed. As our beloved

Barbara always said, “Live, Laugh, Love.”

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The County Woman Magazine

Johnny Was • Comfy USA • NYJD Elliott Lauren • White & Warren Alison Sheri • 360° Sweaters • Ecru Nally & Millie • Lisa Todd• Kokun AG Jeans • 525 America • Equestrian Lyssé •Zoe Couture • Miraclebody May/June 2016

Wigs Experiencing Hair Before



Hair Replacement

Loss ?

We Are Here For You!

Losing your hair is perfectly normal - in fact, a person sheds up to 100 hairs a day-however, for some women and men, hair loss is much more serious and has affected a growing number of individuals under the age of 40. The most common type of hair loss can be contributed by genetics, thyroid, menopause, uterine, stress and immune system deficiencies, or life-changing events, such as moving or a pregnancy, leading to overall thinning of the hair. If you’ve noticed gradual thinning or found clumps of hair on the bathroom floor, it can come as a shock. But don’t panic, most of the time it is a temporary manifestation of your physical or emotional well-being. Thankfully there is plenty of help available.

At Styles by LaRonne, we can help address sudden fallout (effluvium), fallout that has been gradual for over the last six months to a year, cancer, immune system or menopausal fallout, alopecia aerate, alopecia, thinning, and male and female pattern baldness. We have over 25 years of experience in the business and have a private facility where your needs are taken into consideration.

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The County Woman Magazine

Robyn Caruso is the President of the Institute. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from Rowan University in Health Promotion and Fitness Management. Robyn is a Certified Health Education Specialist, and American Council on Exercise Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor. She is also an industry expert for the Medical Fitness Network, as well as an adjunct professor for Camden County College. Robyn has been involved in the fitness industry for 16 years.

To schedule a massage with Diane, call 215-593-9992.

May/June 2016





Color Your Life With The Spring/Summer 2016 Collection From Mrs. B’s! Vibrant graphic prints, layers of bold color and brush

strokes dominate this year’s fashion trend. This season we highlight our love of prints, fashion and most of all comfort. Our Shoe Boutique has expanded and is better than ever! We pride ourselves in stylish trendy shoes with emphasis on comfort. We all have to look good and we have to feel good too! Come in today and treat yourself! As always we pride ourselves on the most excellent customer service and friendly atmosphere.

Shoes by Cordani, Fashions by Analili and Joseph Ribkoff

Mrs. B’s Boutique


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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals



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January/Feb May/June 2016



Jolly Pets: Your Complete One Stop Pet Shop! Jolly Pets is not your ordinary pet shop. It is the most unique pet shop on Absecon Island! As Barb Jolly’s business continues to grow, her array of products does too.


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“We bought our baby, CoCo Rabena to your facility. You took such great care of her and she’s never looked better. Thank you!” - N. R.

HAPPY NATIONAL PET MONTH! Come celebrate national pet month with your four-legged friend at Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming!

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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


Dr. Sharon Held Offers Summer Safety Tips For You And Your Children


The final school bell has rung, the pencils and notebooks are packed away and the kids are ready for some summer fun! Children love the hot summer months, because they provide the perfect opportunity to spend lots of time outside. Whether it’s swimming in the pool, hiking through the woods, taking long walks, or going for a bike ride, there is something for everyone, no matter how young or old. Dr. Sharon Held, a Board Certified Pediatric Doctor at Chop Care Network/ Harborview, wants to remind parents and children about the importance of summer safety and review a few basic recommendations to prevent illnesses and injuries. Is it important for all children to wear sun protection? Absolutely! It is recommended that everyone over the age of six months use sunscreen. When choosing a sunscreen, it should be protective against both UVB and UVA sun radiation. A SPF of 15-30 is recommended with the higher SPF preferred for all infants, toddlers and children. Sunscreen should be applied every two hours, and after swimming, sweating or drying off with a towel. Often forgotten areas when applying sunscreens are the top of the ears and feet. The sunscreen should be literally applied 15-20 minutes prior to run exposure. While most people will use the recommended products on days of beach and boating excursions, it should also be used for all outdoor athletic activities. Parents may apply a SPF 30 sunscreen on exposed areas only when sun avoidance is impossible. All

Known far and wide. And right by your side. Our CHOP Care Network practices in Somers Point, Smithville and Cape May provide comprehensive primary care for children from birth through age 21. For big things, little things and everything in between, we’re right by your side. Our Locations: CHOP Primary Care Harborview/Cape May 1315 Route 9 South Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 609-465-6100 CHOP Primary Care Harborview/Smithville 48 S. New York Road (Route 9) Smithville, NJ 08205 609-748-2900 CHOP Primary Care Harborview/Somers Point 505 Bay Ave. • Bayside Commons Somers Point, NJ 08244 • 609-927-4235

Our Clinicians: • Sharon L. Held, D.O. • George P. Bross Jr., D.O. • Christopher J. Keenan, D.O. • Yasmin D. Deliz, D.O. • Christopher W. Drexler, D.O. • Courtney G. Kivel, A.P.N.

• Lisa J. Share, M.D. • Andrea R. Thorp, D.O. • Gerald E. Vekteris, D.O. ©2016 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, All Rights Reserved.

sunscreens come with an expiration date and should be disposed of when this date is reached. Sunscreens lose their effectiveness rather quickly once they have expired. The use of combination sunscreen/insect repellent products are not recommended since the insect repellent should not be re-applied every two hours. Should my child’s eyes be protected? Sunglasses for all outdoor activities are vitally important as well. Infants younger than six months of age should not be exposed to direct sunlight and protective clothing and hats should be worn. How do I protect my child from bug bites? The use of insect repellents containing the active ingredient DEET is recommended when known exposure to mosquitos will occur. These can be used in any child greater than two months of age. The product should contain between 10-30% DEET. The effectiveness is similar but the duration will vary. The 10% DEET provides roughly two hours’ protection while the 30% DEET will provide approximately five hours of insect protection. How can I ensure my child is safe when swimming this summer? Pools offer an escape from the heat, but a day of fun can quickly turn into an emergency situation. Home swimming pools are the most common site for drowning to occur for children between the ages of one and four years. All children and young adults should be supervised near pools by someone in addition to a life guard. If you have a pool at home, be sure the sensor is at least four feet high on all sides and that there are no holes in the fences. Additionally, most children benefit from some type of swim class, but they still need to be supervised when around pools to reduce the risk of water-related injuries and accidents. It’s also important that all adults learn CPR. If a tragic accident does occur, immediately call 9-1-1 and begin administering CPR. Should my child always wear a bike helmet when riding their bike? In the state of New Jersey, it is recommended by law that everyone under the age of 17 years wear a bicycle helmet if they are riding a bike, is a passenger on a bike or is being towed as a passenger by a bicycle. Also in August of 1998 this law was intended to include all those on roller or incline skates and skateboards. Even though it is the law only to the age of 17 years, it is strongly recommended that all ages wear a bicycle helmet for maximum safety.

Have a safe, pleasant and sunburn free summer! HAPPY NATIONAL NURSES WEEK!!! May 6th – 12th, 2016

The Physicians and staff of CHOP Care Network – Harborview would like to personally thank all of the compassionate and dedicated RNs, LPNs and MAs that work at our network offices. You are a vital component of our medical team and we appreciate all that you do for the children of our community every day.

Sharon Held, D.O.

Dr. Held completed her general pediatric residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center in 1992 and has been with Chop Care Network /Harborview for over 20 years. She is board certified in pediatrics and is on the medical staffs of Shore Medical Center, Atlanticare Regional Medical Center and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Her special interests include the growth and development of premature infants and early childhood development. Dr Held remarked, “I have enjoyed watching my current patients develop from infants to grown adults, many of them are now bringing their own children to the practice.” Dr. Held enjoys cooking, traveling and spending time with her family. She especially treasures time spent with her nieces and nephews at Broadway shows and football games. She remains a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan (sorry Eagle fans). She also likes to take long walks with Gidget, her very active West Highland Terrier.

To contact Dr. Sharon Held, please contact The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, at 609-927-4235 or at

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016


Memory Care Services

Seashore Gardens Living Center

Be Prepared

While I never was a Boy Scout, I always believed in the motto, “Be Prepared.” Just recently this came to mind when speaking with a daughter about her 85-year-old mother. They had prepared a power of attorney and living will, but the daughter thought it was in some safety deposit box. I told her, “Do yourself a favor. Find those documents, or at least get a copy. When you and your mother are ready for them, it will be an immediate need and you won’t want to have to search.” Helping a parent or loved one means being prepared for every eventuality. Having copies of health insurance cards, list of medications, and doctors’ names eases the process in an emergency or placement. Many times we think of the banking, but the health issues can be more immediate, emotional and critical. I hope you’ll join me in being a good Boy Scout, and living up to the motto. Be Prepared.

Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA Executive Director Seashore Gardens Living Center

2016: Celebrating 100 Years with 100 Stories

Do you have an anecdote to share about a visit to Seashore Gardens Living Center or a memory from our old location? Email your story to and we’ll put it on our website to celebrate our 100th Anniversary!


Stockton Center on Successful Aging Festival 2016

Est. 1916

22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Galloway Township, NJ 08205 • p. 609-404-4848


The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore Gardens Living Center is a nonprofit home for the aged, guided by Jewish tradition, law, and charity, dedicated to enriching the quality of life for each of our residents. Assisted Living Short- and Long-Term Nursing Care Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Respite (Vacation) Care Rehabilitation • Physical Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Speech Therapy Home Health Care Independent Housing

S eashore Housing 24 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Galloway Township, NJ 08205 p. 609-748-4455

Celebrating Older Americans Month - Blaze a Trail to Stockton

Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 9 am to 4 pm

mission Free Ad

Campus Center, Stockton University, 101 Vera King Farris Drive, Galloway 08205 Ample parking steps away from building. On NJ transit’s 508 bus line serving AC & Hamilton Mall.

Presentations, Demonstrations, Art & Music, Activities, Exhibitors, & More 609-626-5590


The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016


Seashore Gardens Foundation Annual Gala


Seashore Gardens Foundation Presents Est. 1916

The Black & White


A Caring Century...A Compassionate Future

Thursday, August 4, 2016 • 6pm Come celebrate our centennial gala as we honor YOU with an evening of fine food, cocktails, music, & auctions at...

Saturday,October 22, 2016 • 7:00 pm Tropicana Atlantic City • Royal Swan Ballroom

Dinner & Dancing

Seashore Gardens Living Center

Co-chairs: Rich & Lisa Cohen & Jason & Jessica Goldstein

22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd • Galloway, NJ 08205 Tickets $225 • Master of Ceremonies Dean Scarpa Co-chairs: David & Caren Karp Jerry & Shelley Bernstein

Honorary Co-chairs: Drs. David & Norma Blecker

For more information contact Sharon D’Angio at 609-748-4614 or, or visit

For more information contact Sharon D’Angio at 609-748-4614 or, or visit

100 Years…100 Stories

You don’t get to be 100 years old without a story or two, and Seashore Gardens Living Center is no exception. As we celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2016, we’re inviting you to tell your Seashore Gardens Living Center story. Share your story at or

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Health & Wellness


The Season of Freedom & Discipline Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT • Owner: Yoga Nine, Smithville & LBI

“The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other.” ~Arthur Rubenstein Spring is celebrated in many traditions as a time of optimism born in renewal, resurrection and redemption. This optimism is based on a sense of potential “freedom” which arises in the Spring season; freedom from death & decay, from confinement and drudgery. Freedom from jackets and clothing, from confinement indoors, from school, from inertia. All things seem possible in the Spring as we watch the weather warm and flowers start to sprout and bloom. The rhythm of the seasons, their predictability and cycling is what allows us this sense of optimism. There is freedom in this yearly “discipline”. Hmmm… In our modern culture we often see freedom “from” doing rather than freedom “to” do. We do not see the value of restrictions, what the anthropologist Barbara Meyerhoff called “the emancipation of ritual” in describing the highly structured lives of Orthodox Jews. We associate “disciplines” like these obstructing our freedoms, not creating them. According to many orthodox traditions, to enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves and regulate our lives. It is through the dedication to some structured practice that freedom is best experienced. Discipline is a decidedly unpopular notion today, associated with the denial of pleasures and the lack of personal autonomy. But, the word discipline means, “to impart knowledge” or “to enlighten”. It is a way of containing our thoughts, energy and actions so that we can live our lives in a more “potent” way. As the Russian proverb states, “A bucket with many holes cannot carry water from one place to another”. Most of us do not really want freedom (as we may think we do), because freedom involves responsibility. We falsely believe, like Peter Pan, that freedom means lack of responsibility. But in our necessity to choose, to be decisive, lies our personal growth and our freedom. Being “the boy who won’t grow up” seems seductive at first, but this belief is a sign of immaturity and narcissism. With maturity comes the acceptance of responsibility and the discipline and choices that come with it. In the Gita, Arjuna is shown to mature into an everyday hero. He is given undesirable choices, and first desires not to act, to avoid the responsibility that comes with decisiveness. But

“ Re -you-venate” S SE K AS EE CL W A N PE YS O ge DA ssa n 7 ga tio Ma

Yo dita utic ces • pe r vi g Me • hera ic Se inin dule T list Tra sche ble • o H cher or class Availa ges • ea ite f es ssa s t a T • ee web rtifica or M Ce sses ft Gi r Cla fo


SUMMER 2016 Upcoming Events


May 27 - September 7 Full-time students home for the summer


Super Summer Pass $400


Gift Certificates Available for Classes or Massages

All studios pass May 27 - September 7

Fair Trade, Green & Unique Gifts and Ritual Items

10% off all store purchases Free towel

Unique Jewelry, Bags & Gifts From Around the World

Smithville Beach Pass $350 May 27 - September 7 All studios pass for Smithville people

Lifeguard Special $250 Evening lasses ONLY

Call for information or go to

as he grows and learns through the “discipline” of Krishna’s teachings, he finds that no freedom is found in lack of dedication; in non-commitment there is only suffering. By dedicating himself to fulfilling his purpose in life (his dharma), with its restrictions and responsibilities, he finds “Kaivalya” enlightenment through absolute freedom. The practice of yoga according to sutras 1.12-1.14 involves: “…thought patterns mastered, regulated, coordinated, controlled, stilled, quieted through practice and dispassion. By choosing, applying the effort, and doing those actions that bring a stable and tranquil state. When that practice is done for a long time, without a break, and with sincere devotion, then the practice becomes a firmly rooted, stable and solid foundation”. ~ Swami Jnaneshvara Whether our discipline leads us to freedom or not, depends on what drives us to practice. Discipline can be just as effective as sloth in helping us escape from reality. We can schedule, control and otherwise fill up our day to avoid the responsibilities that we have! Discipline should set us free to experience our lives in the fullest way possible. What we try to find in discipline is a flexibility that allows outside possibilities and changes in. How do we do this? Find out what lies at our foundation and dedicate ourselves to it. This may be a physical practice, a set of ethical standards, or a dedication to service, family or career. From these roots, the sun can warm us, and we can experience our personal springtime, where new beginnings are possible and change and growth are always part of our yearly cycle. Until a person is committed to something in a disciplined and predictable way, there is hesitancy, and the chance to draw backward. A whole stream of events issues from one decisive moment. So, as Goethe encourages us, “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” What would you like to begin? Springtime is the perfect time to find your practice. Take off your jacket and begin!

“Emancipation from the bondage of the soil is no freedom for the tree.” ~Rabindranath Tagore

VISIT The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Business Spotlight


Yoga as a Way of Life:

MeetYogi Laurie Greene Yoga Nine is dedicated to helping each client achieve their personal goals and improve the quality of their life in a fun, noncompetitive, and community-centered environment.

Laurie Greene

Their facility is designed for laying back!

As a child who grew up in a “yoga family” Laurie Greene had the opportunity to meet many wonderful teachers who made quite an impression on her. Those influences can be seen today in her role as the director of Yoga Nine Mind Body & Wellness Studio. The studio aims to promote community health by providing a variety of classes taught by the most highly trained teachers. Laurie believes wholeheartedly in what she does. Admittedly not a good sales person, she struggles with having to “sell what you do” and what you can offer, rather than selling yourself. She adds, “The Instagram age encourages you to sell yourself but that’s not my style. Our practice is solid and deep, but its not flashy or trendy.” Her studio has become a place where many new teachers gather and continue to inspire each other. In fact,it is her passion to blend many styles into a practice that is instructive and fun. “I have studied with many different teachers and I am forever grateful to all of them,” she adds. The studio is also involved in a number of community service and fundraising projects all aimed at supporting local charities. One of the primary benefits of yoga is that it provides the opportunity to have a real conversation with yourself. She adds, “If you truly practice, you know who you are and what you want. This self-knowledge is what makes yoga so powerful. The ancillary benefits are great as well. From improved fitness and community, to long lasting friendships. However, the real benefit is the way yoga allows you to imagine the possibilities in your life. You aren’t stuck; you are fluid, dynamic, and powerful.” Yoga Nine has served the community for over a decade. Their teachers are trained professionals equipped to teach all participants regardless of any limitations. They provide yoga therapy in addition to their open classes through credentialed professionals. Therapeutic yoga is designed to tailor individual practices for the prevention and recovery from injuries. Therapeutic yoga may also be used as a way of improving our physical and psychological performance, whether one is a competitive athlete, struggling with asthma, living with a stutter, osteoporosis, MS,or cancer. Therapeutic yoga programs are customized to meet each individual’s needs, utilizing a combination of stationary postures and movement which build strength and stability as well as flexibility, often assisted by props. At the foundation of this therapy are breathing techniques. The County Woman Magazine

She adds, “We see ourselves as a school, rather than a fitness facility. You will get taught here.” Offering a vast array of classes from Yin Yoga, rigorous vinyasa yoga, gentle yoga, meditation and breathwork along with other therapeutic modalities. Each class is open to all segments of the community, including children, senior citizens and those living with chronic illness and physical disabilities. Laurie has noticed there are some common misconceptions people have about the practice of yoga. For instance, people think you have to be young or flexible. She clarifies, “You do not have to be any of these things. Yoga is a practice for everybody. We can modify and tailor it to the student’s unique needs. With proper instruction, yoga is safe and is as much about strength as it is about flexibility. No, you don’t have to ever touch your toes, but yoga will get you closer to them.” Her goals for the studio include creating a place where people gather to learn and grow. Yoga Nine also houses a “fair trade” store called Buddha Body. She adds, “We feature products by local artists and others created through cooperatives around the world which support impoverished communities.” They are also a member of the Green Studio Association and make continuing efforts to provide products made from renewable resources and organic materials. Laurie has a PhD in Anthropology and is an associate professor of Anthropology at Stockton University. She also teaches a senior interdisciplinary course on the history, philosophy, and practice of yoga. Her training is a combination of classical “hatha” traditions. “I have trained extensively in the Iyengar tradition where the emphasis is on safety, technique, and proper alignment. In this way, students receive the greatest benefits from their practice and also experience the joy that yoga affords, she says.” Laurie is certified in Vinyasa flow and is registered with the Yoga Alliance as an “experienced teacher” and trainer. She lives in Ventnor City and has three grown children.

VISIT Smithville • Ventnor • Ship Bottom LBI 609-404-0999

May/June 2016


Fine Art Photography Creating Art in Any Environment Just because people look great in a photo, doesn’t necessarily mean they are naturally photogenic! People choose me for my ability to make them look honest and natural in the moment and not contrived or heavily produced. It’s often hard to get to that place in a short period of time with all the expectations the client has for the outcome of the photo session. Insuring a positive experience for my clients is just as important to me as the images I create for them. Take Alex and Emily (my daughter), friends, running buddies. They run for hours and share pretty deep lengthy discussions during their time. So an idea for a new project emerged, “Photographing Friendships”. Let’s face it, couples break up, marriages dissolve, but friendships, true friendships last a life time. I began mapping out my latest idea: Choose a picturesque location-beach at sunset. Have Alex and Emily do what they do together all the time…Run. Easy, right? What could possible feel and look more natural? They were horrible! Neither could keep a straight face at the same time or they were arguing as to whom was failing to follow directions. A heavy looming feeling came over me, as I was losing light quickly! The shoot was deteriorating faster than the sun was setting. All the right elements in place and yet my subjects appeared to be disconnected. If I had any hopes of redeeming anything, I had to think and act quickly. Or I was going home with nothing more than a substantial amount of greenhead bites! As a professional photographer, I feel it’s a balance between giving options and making quick decisions. I instantly switched gears and gave up on the running theme. “How about walking,” I said, “can we walk, just walk together?” NOPE Then it came to me! Separate the two, remove the eye contact. I asked, “Emily can you climb up on Alex’s shoulders? Alex can you hold Emily?” They agreed. Then it happened! They became still. It was all too clear; now their personalities emerged and came to the surface. Two strong independent people had compromised (alter) their independence for the other’s sense of security. Now each had to rely on the other. Awe, trust and vulnerability, the foundation of any good relationship was being tested. What transpired here is no different than in almost every photo session. The character of challenges might be different, but it is still the same challenge. To capture in a still image a feeling of an authentic and honest moment. Some people are shyer, self-conscious, do not like displaying affection or even touching in public. Yet it is my job to document their very private/personal relationship or to capture their family dynamics in a short window of time. Despite all the uncontrollable odds of weather, changing light, crying babies, uncomfortable subjects, or any other unforeseen events, I am able to bring it all together creating images that are not just photographs; they are works of arts that will be cherished for lifetimes. At the end of your session, you will be walking away with not only a positive experience, but most importantly images that transform into pieces of art. The final image says it all.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Fine Art Photography


Donna Andrews Photography A Classic Tale of the friend that leaves homes, leaving the other friend behind. Emily was leaving for Boston the next morning to start grad school. She wasn’t just leaving for school this time she was leaving home as it was known for the past 25 years. Days earlier Emily packed up everything in her room, sorted through years of memories. The defining moment, Emily called her little sister into her room and said, “My room is yours now”. Boston would be her new home base. Whenever Emily comes home to visit Alex and Emily always make time for a long run.

Book Your Photo Session Now!

The County Woman Magazine

phone: 609.412.5123

May/June 2016



ir k Family Veterinar k w e N MeAeTtrusted Name in South Jersey for Over 30 Yeairsa! ns Dr. Mark Newkirk Thursdays 9-10am

Happy Spring!

The VOICE of experience for South Jersey Pets. The only vet on air in South Jersey.


Newkirk Family Veterinarians Treats All Creatures Great And Small

Domestic rabbits make great pets, live a greater amount of time than hamsters, gerbils, etc., and can be house trained. Rabbits are generally divided into fancy breeds and fur breeds. The term ‘variety’ describes a color within a breed (black, blue, tortoise etc.). Most breeds of rabbit have upright ears, which can be long or short. However, some breeds have ears than hang downward, and are called lops. Males are called bucks and females are known as does. Female rabbits have a large fold of skin over the throat known as a dewlap. Breeding females pull fur from this area to line their nests before kindling (birthing). Rabbits prefer to eat tender, succulent plant parts as the major portion of their diet and consume small quantities of coarse roughage to stimulate gastrointestinal motility. Primary feeding times are in the early morning and at night, with coprophagy (eating of feces, sometimes called recycling of fecal nutrients), commencing 3 to 8 hours after eating. Many owners feed a pelleted food for convenience and balanced in their formulation. Most of these diets are of alfalfa based and low in fiber. This can cause chronically soft stools. Supplementing the diet with fresh grass, timothy or other hay and a variety of vegetables should be done to increase fiber and create optimum nutrition. Gnawing toys such as a small log, balsa wood, or soft pine should be provided to prevent boredom and to help with dental health. Rabbits have a high water intake daily as compared to other small mammals. Thus a 4-pound rabbit drinks about as much water daily as does a 20-pound dog. Rabbits can be kept indoors or outdoors. Indoor rabbits can be in the cage most of the time and let out for supervised visits, or given free range of a house. Space to move around is important, and rabbits should always have the minimal space required to indulge in hopping. Rabbit can be trained to use a litter tray if they are constantly placed in the litter tray every few minutes when first acquired. However, unneutered males will deposit feces around the house to mark territory and will also urine spray. Rabbits like to chew and scratch objects found in a home and two of the greatest hazards are electrical cords and poisonous plants, such as Dieffenbachia and Oleander. The cage area should be divided into two functional spaces: a space for lying and sleeping and a space for activities. A cage with a plastic bottom and a wire top is suitable because it can be easily cleaned and is well ventilated. Cover the base of the cage with a layer of straw or shavings that are changed daily. Outdoor rabbits should be housed in properly constructed hutches that provide shade and shelter from wind and cold. Space to move around in the hutch is important and the space required for a rabbit to complete 3 hops is the minimum recommended length. The hutch should be tall enough for a rabbit to stand up on its hind legs. Rabbits tolerate cold better than heat. Because they do not possess brown fat, they shiver when exposed to cold. Shivering works well in the short term and rabbits can tolerate cold weather if properly acclimatized and sheltered. Rabbits are sensitive to temperatures higher than 83 degrees and have little protection against the heat. They cannot sweat except through sweat glands confined to the lips. Also they pant ineffectively and when sufficiently dehydrated they stop panting. Common issues besetting rabbits are intestinal parasites, ear mites, fleas and ticks. There are no routine vaccines given to pet rabbits, but veterinary visits are advised yearly. One common problem can be overgrown teeth. Many rabbits either won’t chew toys, wood etc., so the incisors overgrow, and others have malocclusion of the incisors, thus the alignment of the teeth are off, creating overgrowth. On occasion, overgrowth of molars occurs. Molars are only observable via speculum examination. Trimming incisors often can be done without anesthesia, but trimming of molars requires them to be asleep. Respiratory infections, (Pasteurellosis), back injuries and gut ‘stasis’ are the most common diseases we veterinarians see. Rabbits depending on breed and size can live three to nine years.

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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Home Health Care


Innovative Training Opportunities for a Career in Pediatric In-Home Nursing

Mary Kleva-Chelednik, Director, BAYADA Pediatrics

Technology has changed everything. Today, many children with complex medical diagnoses can receive care at home—the kind of care that was only administered in hospitals or facilities just a decade or two ago.

That means that families can stay together and children can enjoy being in the comfort of home, where they want to be. It also means that the nurses who provide the in-home care must be highly trained and have the skills to provide this high level of care. Whether a nurse is new to home care or pediatrics—or both—at BAYADA Pediatrics, we give them the intensive training, variety of resources, and ongoing support to help them feel confident in their abilities when providing one-onone care to clients in their homes.

Preparing our nurses with pediatric simulation training

Making the transition from nurse graduate to nursing professional

Our simulation labs, which use sophisticated, high-fidelity manikins to replicate real-life medical situations, help prepare our nurses to provide care and to handle emergencies. Or better still, helps them recognize and appropriately respond when their critically fragile client has a decline in their health. Their quick and appropriate actions can help prevent an unnecessary hospitalization—or worse.

The BAYADA Pediatric Nurse Residency Program bridges the gap between the classroom and the real world, giving new nurses a smoother transition into a nursing career. This full-time, intensive, 12-week training program is followed by a nine-month residency period as a pediatric field nurse.

Under the guidance of an experienced nurse and simulation lab educator, our nurses demonstrate and reinforce proficiency in techniques for changing tracheostomies (breathing tubes), clearing mucus, and giving breathing treatments. In a darkened room—replicating a sudden power outage—they learn what steps to take to ensure that their ventilator-dependent client is kept on oxygen. Or if flashing monitor indicates a drop in their client’s oxygen level, they demonstrate what steps they need to take to avoid a true emergency.

“As a new nurse, I was a bit nervous making the transition from school to working. Although we had some exposure to pediatrics in school, it wasn’t comprehensive or geared towards working in pediatric home care. The simulation training gave me the opportunity to practice everything we learned,” says Rachel Baton, RN, who works with the BAYADA BAYADA client Aiden Pediatrics office serving Atlantic and Cape May As a pediatric nurse, every day you will counties. “Instead of being touch a life or a life will touch you. worried about making a mistake and possibly harming BAYADA Pediatrics provides comprehensive education and in-office the client, I was able to relax ANCC-accredited training for RNs and LPNs new to pediatrics. This includes: more and focus on the situa• Simulation Lab training featuring life-like mannequins that mimic real life tion at hand. This is the kind medical emergencies of training that I’ll take with • Nurse Residency Program for recent RN and LPN nurse graduates me throughout my nursing • Clinical advancement through the Preceptor Education Program, including: – Self-directed and mentor-assisted learning career.” – Classroom evaluation and instruction • Courses offered monthly, including: – Introduction to Pediatric Home Care (12 CEs) – Care of a Child with a Tracheostomy (6 CEs) – Care of a Child with Mechanical Ventilation (6 CEs)

BAYADA was the first home care company to create a simulation lab and is still one of the very few to offer this level of training.

“In-class lectures provided a strong backbone of knowledge and policies; simulation training in specialized labs provided hands-on experience; and in-field shadowing provided the chance to see home care up close and personal. Throughout the program, we became acquainted with the staff at our office, who showed us the ins-and-outs of everyday work life while welcoming us into the field with open arms,” says Rachel, who recently graduated from the residency program. BAYADA is one of the few home care providers who offers this intensive training and residency opportunity. The one-on-one support and hands-on learning nurses experience as a resident is more comprehensive than most clinical rotations in nursing school. Nurses continue to receive ongoing monitoring, support, mentoring, and career development from tenured nurse preceptors. Rachel believes the residency program has given her the opportunity to succeed in nursing: “The Nurse Residency program is an extremely comprehensive program designed to prepare new nurses for a life-long career in pediatric home health care. Training was immersive and innovative. The staff was attentive and accessible. The atmosphere was encouraging and educational. I deeply believe I have found my calling.”

To learn more about career opportunities at BAYADA Pediatrics, call 609-601-2200. Visit

To learn more, call 609-601-2200.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Featured on the Cover


What Makes a BAYADA Hero? Each year, BAYADA honors our home health care professionals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty, giving unselfishly of their time to the individuals for whom they lovingly care. We call them our “Heroes.” BAYADA Home Health Care’s Hero Award recognizes the caregivers who demonstrate the highest standards of care and, just as importantly, embody the core values of The BAYADA Way—compassion, excellence, and reliability. Leading with their heart and united in purpose, they truly make a difference in the lives of those they touch. On these pages are our Hero nurses from our Atlantic City (adult) and Atlantic Cape Pediatrics offices. During Nurses Week, we salute you and all our BAYADA Heroes.

Dyneshia Bellamy, LPN • BAYADA Pediatrics

Caring for kids is nothing new for Dyneshia. The self-proclaimed “Old woman and the shoe,” Dyneshia is helping her dad raise her two younger siblings along with three boys of her own. Despite how busy she is at home, she has lots of love left over for her pediatric clients. Earning her LPN in 2004, Dyneshia primarily worked in a nursing home with adults with Alzheimer’s disease for the first nine years of her career. She decided to make the transition to pediatric home care because she wanted to be able to work one-on-one with clients. “The care I give to my clients is so much more intimate than in a facility setting. When I worked at a rehab center, I used to have 30 clients at a time. Now, I can dedicate all my attention to one child. It’s what nursing is really meant to be.” Currently working toward her RN degree at Atlantic County Community College, Dyneshia is grateful to the office staff for their continual support and guidance. When she had some health challenges of her own last year and had to take a leave of absence, Dyneshia said everyone made her recovery a top concern. “They are so genuine. They care about me and they always care so much about the providing the best care to our clients.” Why she’s a Hero: Dyneshia is always willing to cover cases, even if it’s not for her regular pediatric office. Recently, she stepped in to help care for a man who needs 24/7 coverage. He said of Dyneshia, “The first day I met Dyneshia, her personality lit up the room, with her warmth and joy. She is not only an asset to BAYADA, but to the nursing profession as well.”

The County Woman Magazine

Yadira Delgado-Diaz, LPN •BAYADA Pediatrics

Yadira became a license practical nurse (LPN)

to provide support, comfort, and hands-on quality care to people in their greatest time of need. She is so happy working in home care at BAYADA, as it affords her the opportunity to make a difference in a person’s life, helping them regain their strength, health, and quality of life. “BAYADA’s exceptional training, ethics, standards of practice, and support are among the highest I have seen in home care. When a BAYADA Nurse goes out on the field, she can rest assured that she has all the knowledge and skills needed to perform her duties. This, in turn, translates into providing all clients with excellent skilled care.” She credits her family—her life partner Baxter, and daughters Janistie, 19, and and Nyasha, 21—with giving her the love and support she needed to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse; Yadira is currently pursuing her RN (Registered Nurse) diploma at Atlantic County Community College. When she is not working, Yadira enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, meditating, and practicing yoga. She also dedicates herself to helping others as an advocate with the Atlantic County Women’s Center, offering support to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. Why she’s a Hero: Yadira is a wonderful, caring nurse who exemplifies The BAYADA Way. Her clients and their families feel grateful to have her as their nurse.

Michele Booth, RN • BAYADA Pediatrics

Becoming a nurse was a natural progression for Michele after years of caring for both children and adults in various capacities, including her grandmother who had Alzheimer’s disease and was disabled from a stroke. Michele particularly loves caring for people in their homes because it gives her the opportunity to help people in a more holistic manner than in a facility. She believes having the time to connect with a client as a unique individual is priceless. She feels good about making a difference in their lives, and appreciates the difference it has made in her life as well. Michele has worked as a BAYADA Nurse for most of her ten years as a nurse. Starting her career as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) and then earning her registered nurse (RN) degree, Michele is now working toward a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing (BSN) at Stockton University. When she isn’t working or studying, Michele enjoys traveling and spending time with family and friends. Why she’s a hero: Michele has worked the overnight shift on Thanksgiving several times to care for a child with complicated needs so that the family can keep their tradition of going Black Friday shopping. She knows how much this time means to the family, and Michele makes sure she’s always available.

May/June 2016

Featured on the Cover

Helen Keepfer, RN • BAYADA Home Health Care

Just like many home care nurses, Helen Keepfer, RN, says providing one-on-one care to her clients is what she enjoys most about her job. “Giving my clients the time and care they should have without having to rush off to care for another patient is such a nice feeling.” Helen worked for many years in a nursing home and eventually grew tired of the pace and inability to really focus on the individual clients. The switch to home care fit her needs perfectly. Twelve years later, she’s still going strong with BAYADA. Helen says one of the reasons she chose BAYADA as her employer is because of the training. “BAYADA’s training is very in-depth— especially for complex care like tracheostomies and ventilators. Plus they have a skill review at least once a year to make sure you’re doing everything just right. I feel very confident in my ability. I know I can always call 911 in an emergency, but I’ve never had to.” In her spare time, Helen loves to read, watch movies made from good books, and listen to classical and choral music. She has 4 children and 14 grandchildren, ages 7 to 20. Why she’s a Hero: Helen is known for the humble and unassuming way she cares for her clients. She is a “go-to” nurse who always assists when needed and can be counted on to cover shifts even in the challenging winter weather.

The County Woman Magazine

Romeo M. Cabinian, LPN • BAYADA Home Health Care

Being a home care nurse is a far cry from

trading stocks on the floor of the Philippine Stock Exchange, but Romeo couldn’t be happier with his second career choice. Working toward his RN degree, Romeo has been a licensed practical nurse (LPN) for more than five years and was a certified nursing assistant for three years prior. As a BAYADA nurse, Romeo enjoys being able to focus on one client at a time; he believes it allows for better care. And having flexibility in his schedule is very important to him, especially with a rigorous nursing school schedule. Although Romeo enjoys working one-on-one with his clients, he knows that he’s part of a team that has a common purpose of helping people stay safe at home with comfort, independence, and dignity. “I really appreciate the flexibility and professionalism of my team, who are all dedicated to excellence in patient home care.” With his busy schedule as a nurse, student, husband, and dad, Romeo still finds time to pursue his passion for bicycling—both road and mountain biking. He and his wife Mae Santos, who is a physical therapist, have an 11 month-old daughter, Julianna Isabelle. Romeo’s children from a previous marriage are following his footsteps into the medical field: Bryan, 21, is studying to be a medical technologist and Bryle, 20, is studying nursing. Why he’s a hero: Romeo focuses on enhancing the quality of life for his client with muscular dystrophy. His positive nature and dedication to his clients and families is recognized and refreshing in many challenging environments.


Terry Charleston, Home Health Aide BAYADA Home Health Care

After almost 15 years as a hospice home health aide, Terry decided it was time for a change. That’s when she joined BAYADA Home Health Care. For the past five-and-a-half years, she’s been helping adults and seniors live their life to the fullest and maintain their independence at home. By providing personal care, household assistance, and companionship, Terry says she feels good knowing she’s helping people who need her. She says that sometimes the work can be challenging—especially with clients who have dementia—but she loves her job. “My clients are like my family and I treat them that way.” Terry credits the specialized training she’s received from BAYADA with helping her better manage her clients’ behaviors. And her own abundance of patience is a perfect complement to her skills. Outside of work, Terry enjoys singing and playing the guitar. She often performs for her clients as well, earning her the nickname, “The Singing Aide.” Why she’s a Hero: She cares for a woman with dementia and the client’s daughter says of Terry, “She interacts with and engages my mom in a way no other caregiver has. There are no words to describe how good she is. She cares about my mom as though she were her own family.”

May/June 2016


Unique Style Salon

SHORE STYLE SALON: THE PIONEERS OF CCT™ Healthy hair begins when its free from stress. Reduce the chemical overload.

At Shore Style Salon, we like to challenge the artificial norms of professional haircare with formulations that are both effective and gentle. The products are 100% organic, have no harsh chemicals wherever possible while including natural extracts and active minerals that deliver real benefits.

Clear Color Technology (CCT™) is a revolutionary hair system that helps dispel the myths surrounding ammonia free hair color. CCT™ delivers clean, lustrous blondes, bright fashion shades and lasting, vibrant colors while completely covering gray. By reducing their chemical dependence, our breakthrough formulas put less stress on hair whilst ultimately improving the hair’s condition. However, it’s important to acknowledge that a chemical reaction must occur for hair color to be effective. With this superior color line, we are able to reach any results desired, whether permanent, semi-permanent or demi-permanent.

Some Common Myths About CCT™:

As responded to by Kathleen “Cubby” Fisher, owner of Shore Style Salon “Yes you can. The results are better than mainstream color and ammonia free is different-its smarter. O&M is a full professional color range, specially formulated to deliver lasting salon quality results.”

“O & M has over 125 shades of color that we can blend in endless combinations to achieve any desired result.”

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6525 Ventnor Ave. Suite 3, Ventnor, NJ 08406 “O & M permanent Color will last as long, and in many cases longer than the average, corrosive, ammonia loaded color.”


We welcome Alana, from Northfield, to the staff! She is excited to cover all phases of hair care at this new location.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Rehabilitation & Long-Term Living


LINWOOD CARE CENTER IS NOW A PART OF GENESIS HEALTHCARE The beginning of 2016 has marked exciting changes for Linwood Care Center, a skilled nursing center located in Linwood, New Jersey. The center, which provides services including short-stay care, long-term care, and ventilation therapy, was acquired by Genesis HealthCare, one of the nation’s largest providers of skilled nursing and rehabilitation care. Genesis HealthCare is based in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania – about 45 minutes from Philadelphia. Genesis operates more than 500 skilled nursing centers and senior living communities in 34 states nationwide. Genesis also supplies rehabilitation and respiratory therapy to more than 1,700 healthcare providers in 45 states and the District of Columbia. Genesis has more than 90,000 employees who provide quality care to patients and residents across the United States every day. What does this change mean for Linwood Care Center? Linwood Care Center will still provide the same highquality healthcare services to its patients and residents but now benefits from the expertise and support of Genesis. Genesis HealthCare offers a wide range of services from short-stay rehabilitation and skilled nursing care to other specialty services including cardiac management, dialysis, wound care and Alzheimer’s dementia care. Genesis’ extensive regional management and clinical teams offer Linwood Care Center additional experts in dietary, pharmacy, dementia care, regulatory compliance, recreational therapy and more. The Genesis mission is to improve the lives we touch through the delivery of high-quality healthcare and everyday compassion.


Linwood Care Center

201 New Road | Linwood, NJ 08221 | Phone: 609-927-6131 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY


The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016




Hormone Replacement For Men And Women


veryone probably has heard in some shape or form about hormone replacement therapy. Maybe you hear it from your friend, co-worker or from a news report of some sort. But is it right for you? Over time, changes in hormone production greatly alter our quality of life. Women experience hormonal changes around the time of menopause that may be treated with hormone replacement therapy and thus decreasing the signs and symptoms associated with the change. Men may experience similar changes over time commonly related to a decrease in testosterone production. Hormone replacement therapy is commonly used in individuals that display symptoms related to perimenopause, menopause or andropause. These symptoms include:

For Women:

• Weight Gain • Hot flashes • Dry skin and hair • Anxiety, depression and other mood disturbances • Night sweats • Vaginal dryness • Headaches • Irritability • Mood swings • Sleep disturbances and insomnia • Cramps • Endometriosis • Osteoporosis • Fatigue • Harder to reach climax and decreased sex drive • Hair loss

be initiated carefully after a patient’s medical and family history has been reviewed. Every individual is unique and will respond to therapy in his or her own way. Close monitoring and medication adjustments are essential.

Join PCC2 at today. We welcome any questions that you may have. We also welcome any topics that you would want covered in future articles. Please contact us by phone or email.

Please contact us at 609-927-0390 or at with any questions.

“We have everything you need for a healthier tomorrow.”

For Men

• Decreased sex drive • Impaired erectile function • Decreased body and facial hair • Fatigue • Decreased muscle mass and strength • Increased body fat • Bone pain and bone fractures • Increased irritability, nervousness, and inability to concentrate

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Hormones for replacement therapy include estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), estriol (E3), progesterone, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and pregnenolone. Our compounding pharmacists work together with patients and prescribers to provide customized hormone replacement therapy that provides the needed hormones in the most appropriate strength and dosage form to meet patients’ specific needs. Hormone replacement therapy should

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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

M fessionals Medical edical P Prorofessionals Medical Professionals

52 42


YOU NEED A HEALTHY GUT TO LOSE WEIGHT An Unhealthy Microbiome Health &Wellness

Weight SimpleAddict? As Calories In - Calories Out AreLoss YouIsn’tA As Food


Article Written By: Roberta Foss Morgan D.O.


Part I

Your microbiome should contain 85% good

bacteria. If your microbiome contains the correct omen lament over their muffin When you eat these foods, you need more sugar So try to have an open mind when I tell you that the conventional n an effort to enhance my stem cell education, I attended types and amounts of probiotics, your metabolism and flour to feel normal. Food companies have tops that seemed to appear when cholesterol test is giving you the false illusion that your heart is good a medical conference at Harvard two weeks ago.FDA approval to knowingly create foods that will work and you’ll burn calories more efficiently, if are your numbers are good. Another type of cholesterol test must be they awakened one morning in like you did in former years. addictive Theoretical on how to make stem cells earninginformation the reasons people are unable to get or --- just like the tobacco industry knew done which will tell you if you have the good or the bad kind of their forties or fifties. Men lament, but less so, I hope that you are wondering how your they were addicting you. lean requiresmedical a panoramic open mind because andstay the multitudinous indications for them LDL and HDL. You need cholesterol for your brain, which is 60% microbiome became so unhealthy…how did the over their Buddha bellies. Patients tell me they there simplyButisn’t one answer. Weight loss is much fat, to prevent Alzheimer’s. Also, you need cholesterol to produce was presented. that was just the warm up. of bad guy bacteria outnumber the good Medicine doesn’t presently have a testalltoyour see ifhormonesnumber have tried every diet, yet they can’t lose weight that are decreasing Perantibiotics the lecture were from the more complex than simply how many calories you took in guy bacteria. Well, with in theage. past, someone has the genetic potential to be a cocaine/ Resveratrol caused me to take pause . . . like and they how couldmany when they were younger. What we need to know overprescribed. what is causing the cholesterol be high. There are calories you metabolized. Many patients addict. I oftencardiologist, Antibiotics killtobad guy bacteria, alcohol/opioid tell theofstory of twoetc. that raise cholesterol which A lecture about the research and development of an anti-aging dozens infections, aren’t being treated when we happened? In the past they could eat less or but they also kill the good bacteria - the probiotics. have told me that in the past they were able to losewho thatgo to a party and try cocaine for the first people pill called Resveratrol caused me to take pause. Resveratrol is what is simply use the conventional cholesterol numbers. exercise more andiffive pounds would disappear As aThe result of overprescribing in the ten pounds they simply reduced their calories and biggest threat to yourantibiotics health is not how high time. One is able to use cocaine occasionally and the found in red wine (although you would have to drink 1,000 bottles past, drug companies have had to create second Dr. David Perlmutter lectures on the “gut” without the Herculean effort they must now your cholesterol is, rather, it is whether or not you other will desperately need cocaine to carve out a life exercised aofbitredmore. thatdose). no matter what wine aNow, day to itgetseems the proper Resveratrol activates and third generation antibiotics that are much have food addiction cannot be controlled I was ready eager to hear Dr.aDavid Perlmutter,that renowned neurologist and by because they have the genetic potential to beand a cocaine employ losethey any weight --- are only to have the specifically, theytodo, can’t lose weight. More men SIRT1, which anti-aging genes. Resveratrol also mimics caloric stronger. Formerly, I asked patients how often they willpower. Sugar decreases metabolism, and activates author of Grain Brain lecture about how eating grains decreases oxygenation to your addict. The gene wouldn’t have been turned on if they women don’t to be able studies to loseshow thatthat pregnancy lost and weight quickly return.seem restriction. Ongoing medical Resveratrol decreases took antibiotics. Actually, I was asking the wrong food addiction. Food addiction is the elephant in brain and how lowering cholesterol is a medically proven erroneous idea both leading never tried cocaine. Genes can be turned on or off by belly. blood sugar, increases insulin sensitivity, decreases inflammation, question. The real question is “did you know that Article Written to the increased incidence of Alzheimer’s. Weone have to prevent not wait the room no sees. SeventyAlzheimer’s percent of--Americans our behavior. overweight seems to be consumption, an I hope teach youoxygen about theAmerican multilayered factors leading and contributing increases metabolism. Once to By: Being Roberta Foss-to increases 70% the world’s supply in your food supply, and didthan you till itofhappens and then tryof toantibiotics unravel theisbillions ofcomplain tightly wired neurons andten the are overweight and of greater hallmark. Since percent areeven overweight orrenowned weight gain. clearly Namely, addiction (which has replaced tobacco again, 66 it food appears that the world Harvardaddiction), doctors are Morgan D.O. realize that because you are filled with antibiotics without yourcourse knowledge… accompanying neuronal inflammation. Dr.which Perlmutter changed andprescribed thereyour wasn’t symptoms, usually warrants being Unfortunately, those who live in America must obese, beingofoverly large doesn’t abnormal. decades eating toxins, globally imbalanced and waning trying tojust discover theseem one answer, the one FDAhormonal approved levels, pill, to lack get microbiome is seriously disordered and causing you to gain weight?” one mention of wheat or cholesterol. ten or more medications. Being overweight/obese will eat to live. And since there isn’t a test to see if you the Then, if you the opportunity to do someepidemic. of the scientifically reliable nutritional information, and a disordered unhealthy rid of truehave problem --- our obesity/diabesity Decades of calories-in, calories-out weight loss edict/theory has not to Insteadyour hethe lectured brilliantly for three hours showing the interrelationship between surely bankrupt us, regardless who pays for proved “health have the potential for food addiction, behavior microbiome. Discussing allinsightful these factors contributing to weight factors European travel, you makeprescription an observation. Obtaining a Resveratrol is years away. Meanwhile, theregain was mention bethe efficacious, evidenced by the fact that two-thirds of Americans are overweight or every disease, care.” namelyToo inflammation, thechildren western are diettoo andfat obesity, many of our to enroll in and body habitus shows you the precursor answer. Toofascertain be done threequite part series. Europeans aren’tI in as aplump as Americans. you are commonly obese. You use may(70% have of noticed that you know people who canineat large amounts of a will medication prescribe frequently.IfMetformin, known to be a antibiotic the world’s supply of antibiotics is put your food supply), the military and the prediction that they may notand live if my patient has it the predilection for food addiction I In this article I hope to teach you about your microbiome and how adiabetic thinker, you wonder why Europeans are able to still remain lean. Why? Again, there is not one reason. But the health status of their medication but has off label uses, also activates the SIRT1 anti-aging genes. the necessity of probiotics, the requirement to have exposure to microbes, encourage as long as their parents is beginning to sound like it ask,situation. “What happens to your appetite if you eat some to your increasingly impossible lose weight remain despite eating foods microbiome is part of the reason. Oh,contributes andlean caloric restriction infatty the area of and 30%drinking less to calories.....turns on the SIRT1 vaginal births, and return to eating food. may real be true. crappy food? “ Many tell me “one M & M will send with First of all, what heckbeing does overweight microbiomeis mean? Your microbiome is wine meals. How to the reverse So,InIsraeli scientists at the Weitzman Institute performed experimentscommonly that genes. Dr. Perlmutter lectured about the body’s microbiome, me on a sugar/flour binge, or I feelother awfulwords, if I don’t eat the tube that runs through you…namely your mouth, esophagus, stomach, multilayered and complex. How lovely it would be if posited the question why people who eat the same thing, and exercise the same…. I have a picture of myself on the beach when I was toddler.after Anyone who sees hours. the Theycalled the gut. microbiome (20 tube running center of quality you) Allfoot calories are notthrough createdthe equal. The twomicrobiome to three are telling meThe that they small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus, and toilette. Your the calories in calories out theory, also called eat less gain differing amounts of weight. picture comments that there are no fat people on the beach. Iare often wonder if the should contain about 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria. Seventy percent of of calories really matters. How do you know if you’re addicted to our FDA approved Western diet. It should contain 85% good called probiotics. and exercise more cured our obesity epidemic. your I attended a Harvard Medical Conference last yearisentirely devoted to teaching immune system is in your gut. The microbiome dysfunctional (dysbiotic) growing weight andtheory girth of ourbacteria, nation, the prevalence of newis autoimmune diseases, eating real food? You’re eating real food if you have the rare person who can have some dessert once a Now you need to learn about the word probiotics. There are thousands physicians about the microbiome. We learned about the Microbiome Project, because you eat low fiber western processed with approved and the childhood epidemics are somehow related. What happened in the last 60+ to chew, if it diets would rotFDA if you left it onGMOs, the kitchen week and returnMost to eating clean. upon thousands of Europeans different bacteria (probiotics) in your microbiome. Unlike Americans, don’t ingest a which is testing the feces of those who are unwell, and those who are quite healthy. constantly ingest antibiotics that are in your food supply. have C-sections, don’t years to create the 75% incidence of being overweight and the continuing growth of counter, if the food label contains less than fivebreast of youamount learnedofthe wordand probiotic because you food watched the TV commercial tsunami toxins antibiotics in their They are doing experimental fecal transplant treatments with diseases that have feed, are too clean (bodies evolved to have exposure to microbes), are devoid high new autoimmune diseases? Why are babies being born with someWhen A word ---see Allergies, ingredients with words you understand, andofmost you an enormous person, do you for Activia Yogurt and realized thatFDA Jamieapproved Lee Curtis can’t move her bowels supply. There are more than 600,000 proven to be refractory to our previous honored gold-standard medical treatments; quality probiotics, and are obese (fat cells contain toxins). It’s incredibly difficult to get Asthma, ADD, ADHD, Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder,judgmentally Onesay into 68yourself, why don’t they just likely, if diarrheal it didn’t come in a box, container, or package. withoutfoods the probiotics in Activia. Billionsshelves. of probioticsAspergers. in your microbiome Crohn’s Disease, Clostridium Difficile infections, Multiple Sclerosis processed full of chemicals on grocery lean if you don’t have healthy intestinal bacteria. You need a healthy microbiome to boys in the state of NJ is born with some form of Autism! stop eating so much? Of course overeating leads to Eating realtreatment food doesn’t turn on the feel good brain affect yourhave immune system, of food neurotransmitters/brain chemicals, (google Dr. Perlmutter fecal transplant for MS), etc. Of particular These toxins created a one production trillion dollar lose weight. chemical who Dopamine. But eating sugary foods overweight or obese. But if you atwo-thirds thinker, of Americans and for the purposes of this - your metabolism, how efficiently interest to are the are overweight/obese…when thelights up Changing previous beliefs asAmericans the medical field being evolves. . . you industry ensuring that seven of article ten will be There are numerous disease consequences of inhabiting unhealthy gut microbiota a brain scan, appearing like the patient just did a line you begin to wonder why the majority of Americans burn calories. fecal transplants skinny mice to fat mice, the got skinny! overweight andgetunable weight. Europeans don’t that can affect theofchemicals in thewere braingiven and our behavior. Thefat gutmice microbiota may You cannot anyonetotolose understand that which he already thinks he knows. The of cocaine! overeat can’tthey imagine life withoutthe bread, pretzels, cholesterol-lowering Most patients are medications aware of the value oftoprobiotics and tell and me that Research regarding the multitudinous salubrious benefits of taking the correct type take known lower modify chemicals in the brain and consequently our behavior. This could affect lectures required minds willing to change what was previously thought to be medical treat.” and aresingle eatinghormone yogurt. Well, you’d haveintoperil eat (aging countless cupsand of desserts yogurt to“for getathe amount of probiotics is proliferating rapidly. every that is already diseases (including Alzheimer’s), weight gain, increased incidence of autoimmune law. Each lecture probed deeper and deeper into the quagmire of medical maladies that may beanyone ableiftocan self-diagnose billions of probiotics you need. Takehave a high quality probiotic with your meals. I diseases, If fecal transplants likechildren aSo waynow beyond what fathom as awhether and the fact sound that your areyou in the minority they’re not born also lowers hormonal levels), and don’t a food are evolving. or notwas you(including addiction. Ifwhen you do, it would suggest you take Dr. O’Hira’s probiotics in the green Sugar box with yourtimes addictive is eight as cocaine. are medical treatment, remember there a have time ainfood medical history a mother with some A word We --- Asthma, Allergies food), ADD, ADHD, Autism, supply this that isadvertising legally engineered to be addictive. Television may be in the States, it O’Hira’s certainly be wise to have a little nervous breakdown, then They are freeze driedfor so medications there is no need forlegal refrigeration. Andbut Dr. a species that is hard wired to seek pleasure. When was told thatThe it would a reallycalled good us thing if the that doctor gave her baby a little trash Asperger’s. lecturesbebasically to realize these children are the isn’tprobiotics ethical. When the most brilliant advertisers dilute medicine to a sixth grade all the not real food from your pantry and contain the five probiotics (plus others) that are absolutely necessary rats are exposed to intravenous cocainePhysicians orequivalent intravenous smallpox. often get canaries caught up in linear education they receivedrefrigerator. where neurological of the in the coalmines. The most one trillion dollar food industry has created primer, people believe that taking a statin medication will prevent them from I’ll quote the Italian gastroenterologist who lectured, to restore your microbiome…namely Lactobacillus Acidophilus, L.Plantaram, sugar (even diet sodas), they choose sugar. they were viewed as odd or heretics if they questioned conventional wisdom. ahaving wholea new of food scientists dedicated to This is a lot to take in. And I only gave you the incredibly short version. It’s pretty heartbreed attack. L. Brevum and Bifidobacteriae Lactis and B. Longum. “Americans must start cooking again so they know Gifted medical eccentrics often have inventing addictive foods to trigger your bliss point. disturbing to realize that rubbing that life-saving antibacterialideas. on when you go grocery shopping what they’re eating.” I foresee the day when there will causes your gut to be unhealthy. For now, try to clean up your diet, and stop using hand be 28-day programs to detox from food. Visit sanitizer. Oh, and a world-class probiotic on an empty stomach.


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Roberta Foss-Morgan, D.O. completed post-baccalaureate training in Pre-Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. After which, she received her medical degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her internship and residency in Family Medicine was completed at the Virtua Health System. Dr. Morgan was Board Certified in 1995. In 2005, Dr. Morgan authored her first book, What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Weight Loss. Further training in European Endocrinology, Mesotherapy, Medical Weight Loss, and Intravenous Therapies has required extensive travel throughout the US and Europe. Dr. Morgan has appeared on CNN, Ch 3 KYW, Fox News and numerous other live TV and radio shows. She is a frequently requested lecturer to physicians and patients. The County Woman Magazine TheMagazine County Woman Magazine Woman Magazine The County Woman

March/April 2015 May/JuneJanuary/Feb 2016 November/December 2014


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The Difference Between Between Breast Breast Augmentations Augmentations And And Breast Lifts Lifts


omen will often come in to the office for a consultation and not be certain whether they want a breast augmentation, a breast lift, or a combination of the two. An augmentation and a lift are very different operations with different goals. The two can be combined safely, but precautions must be made to optimize the appearance of the final result. • Landmark Anatomy: The areola is the colored or pigmented area surrounding the nipple. The inframammary fold is the gently curved line under the breast where the breast meets the chest wall. The pectoralis muscle is the muscle directly under the breast tissue and lies between the breast tissue and the ribcage. • The Perfect Breast Shape: Individuals may differ on what constitutes the perfect appearing breast, but the natural, healthy breast has a tearshaped appearance with an increasing breast volume from the clavicle to the nipple. The lower aspect of the breast has a full curve that meets the chest wall (the inframammary fold). The optimal nipple position is at the same height as the inframammary fold and centered on the breast mound and the nipple should be pointing directly toward the wall when standing. Issues Affecting Breast Size and Shape Hypomastia is a condition in which the breast gland has undeveloped in proportion to the woman’s overall stature. With these conditions, the breast shape is best improved with breast augmentation. Breast atrophy is a condition where the breast gland has decreased in fullness, often after breast feeding. Breast fullness and firmness are both decreased. Breast ptosis, or drooping breasts is a condition in which the nipple position has moved to a position that is lower than the fold of the breast. In the most severe cases of breast ptosis, the nipple is pointing toward the floor. A breast lift, or mastopexy, changes the nipple position so the nipple is in line with the inframammary fold. A breast augmentation enhances the breast by increasing the volume of the breast mound on the chest. The nipple position is only minimally elevated with a breast augmentation and the size of the areola is unchanged or minimally enlarged. A saline or silicone filled implant is placed in the space either just under the breast (subglandular) or under the pectoralis muscle (submuscular). The incisions to place the implant can be either on the fold of

the breast where the breast meets the chest (the infraDr.BiDic’s ActuAl PAtients AnD results. mammary fold or IMF incision), around the lower half of the pigmented portion of the breast that circles the nipple (areola or infra-areola incision) or in the armpit (axillary incision). • Breast Lift: A breast lift, or mastopexy, decreases the size of the areola and moved the nipple to a more central position on the breast. A breast lift will not increase the volume of the breast. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BREAST AUGMENTATION AND A BREAST LIFT? A BREAST AUGMENTATION INCREASES THE VOLUME OF THE BREAST MOUND. A Patient Before Patient After BREAST LIFT REPOSITIONS THE NIPPLES silicone BreAst imPlAnts 34 A to 34 Full c AND DECREASES THE SIZE OF THE AREOLA. When to use a combination breast augmentation and breast lift? If a breast has lost volume AND the nipples are no longer pointing toward the wall and are instead pointing toward the floor- a combination breast augmentation and lift can be performed. Precautions in technique and limits on implant size are very important to optimize outcomes. Breast Cancer Reconstruction -- A Woman’s Choice BE CERTAIN TO SEEK A BOARD-CERTIFIED 3.) A Combination of the Two. On some occasions, using a tissue expand Dr. Sean Bidic under fat and skin brought from a different site like the back provide PLASTIC SURGEON WHO IS CERTIFIED With increased public awareness and enhanced the best option for breast reconstruction. For example, if a woma BY THE AMERICAN BOARD OF PLASTIC screening—women are being diagnosed with breast who has had a prior mastectomy and radiation desires reconstructio Before Patient After cancer at an earlier age and with thePatient cancer less SURGERY WHEN CONSIDERING BREAST but using her belly tissue is not an option because she is too thin advanced. Because of dramatic improvements has had multiple prior abdominal operations, sAline BreAst imPlAnts 34 B to 34 Full D then using a tissu ENHANCEMENT SURGERY OR ANY in breast cancer reconstruction techniques, more expander under tissue from the back is an excellent option. This women are opting for breast reconstruction COSMETIC SURGERY PROCEDURES.following mastectomy or to improve contour called a Latissimus Reconstruction. caused by prior lumpectomies. SAFETY AND CONSISTENT RESULTSirregularities ARE OF Matching Procedures By federal law, insurance companies must not only pay for breast cancer reconstruction, b Immediate or Delayed Breast Reconstruction UTMOST IMPORTANCE. If the road to breast reconstruction starts during the same operation when the cancerous also for breast matching operations. If a woman has a single breast removed, the insuran breast is removed, this is called immediate reconstruction. Studies have shown that women

will not only pay for all phases of the breast reconstruction, but must also pay for the brea reduction, lift or augmentation of the opposite breast in order to improve symmetry.

the cancerous breast is removed, which will follow any chemotherapy or radiation, this is

New Nipples and Areolas

with breast cancer who choose to have immediate breast cancer reconstruction undergo Questions to ask your plastic surgeon: less psychological stress than those who do not. If breast reconstruction is performed after

If the woman desires, after breast reconstruction is complete a new nipple can be creat a delayed plastic reconstruction. 1. Are you a boardcalled certified surgeon certiusing the patient’s own tissue. Also, a pigmented areola (pink or brown tissue around t Both options are viable, delayingSurgery? reconstruction can limit some potential reconstructive nipple) can be tattooed onto the breast. At American Surgical Arts, Gretchen Bidic—D fied by the American Board of but Plastic options. For example, the majority of plastic surgeons performing breast reconstruction- Bidic’s wife and licensed medical aesthetician—can tattoo a new areola on the reconstruct (You should demand to allsee the certificate.) -and almost published research on the topic--shows that using tissue expanders on breast to achieve an optimum result. Gretchen has completed advanced courses in Ne irradiated breast skin produces significantly inferior results to using tissue expander on the York City on permanent make-up to provide these services. breast skin prior to radiation. 2. How many of these procedures have you performed? Immediate Reconstruction requires a coordinated breast team including a dedicated breast Breast Reconstruction—Each Woman is an Individual surgeon, a medial/radiation oncologist, and a plastic surgeon skilled in all forms of breast Dr. Bidic is a board-certified plastic surgeon with a Masters in Fine Arts in Sculpture w cancer reconstruction. Dr. Sean Bidic and the team at American Surgical Arts prides itself has advanced training and has performed all variations of breast cancer reconstructio 3. May I see photographs of patients on whom you Before Patient After on working with breast surgeons and medical/radiation oncologists so thatPatient the patient He takes time with each prospective breast cancer reconstruction patient to educate t can achieve optimal coordinated care and superior results if immediate breast cancer patient with all of the options and tailor a reconstructive plan that considers all of t have performedreconstruction this1procedure? 373830 4c ASA-Bidic Bio Card_Layout 2/19/13is 11:53 AM Page 1 BreAst liFt with ABDominoPlAsty Full c desired. patient’s issues and best suits the patient’s desires. 4. May I speak with any of your prior patients? Three Options for Breast Reconstruction—One Size Does Not Fit All

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5. Do you have privileges to perform proce1.) Autologous Tissue these Reconstructions—(Using your own tissue). duresAmerican in a hospital? Patients should be very careA woman can useArts, her own fat and skin to create a new breast. The Surgical PC is the mostrestrictions common placeon to take this Other ful. There are very fewbelly laws and seeoptions more patient “Exceptional include the back, thigh or buttock. With these operations, the fat doctors whom perform procedures in their offices. ASA and Skin Carewith its own blood supply skin is transferred to the chest to after photos before and experience... the new breast. Hospitals demand thatmake surgeons haveThree beenmain fullyvariations of the operation using 35 year old female 1-year post 42 year old female 1 year post belly tissue exist—the TRAM, the DIEP, and the SIEA. Although they and videos. SEAN M. BIDIC Extraordinary trained to perform procedures correctly mastectomies with immediate mastectomies with immediate all transfer the same bellyand tissuesafely. to create a new breast, the method MD, MFA, FAAP, FACS reconstruction using belly tissue. Gallery reconstruction using tissue expanders Video Photo of how the blood supply is transferred varies. results” and implants. Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

2.) Implant-Based Reconstructions.

Board Certified Hand Surgeon SeanBidic Bidic MD, MFA, FAAP, FACS Sean MD, MFA, FAAP, FACS

A tissue expander is much like a deflated balloon. Using a tissue

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon expander, new skin is created at the site of the prior cancerous Dr. Sean Bidic specializes in reconstructive Board Certified Hand Surgeon and cosmeticbreast. A deflated tissue expander is put into position at the time of the operation, and then the expander is filled with water once 2950 C OLLEGE DRIVE Sean Bidic in reconstructive plastic such asspecializes breast augmentation, breast a week in the plastic surgeon’s office until the desired breast size is American Surgical Arts isPhone: pleased to offer a full line of S UITE 2H and cosmetic as breast reconstruction, tummyplastic tuck, andsurgery surgerysuch after weight lossachieved. Once the expanded skin has been given enough time to skin care services by our licensed medical aestheticians. VINELAND , NJ 08360 regain its elasticity, a second operation is performed to exchange 362-8898 augmentation, breast reconstruction, Please call and(856) mention this ad to receive for communities that include Vineland, Jersey Shore, the tissue expander with permanent, softer implants. ALMOST 856-362-8898 tummy tuck, and surgery afterFAX weight loss for 20% off of our published rates. ALL RESEARCH STUDIES SHOW THAT EXPANDING IRRADIATED SKIN : 856-362-8903 Williamstown, Glassboro, Camden, communities that include Vineland, PRODUCES DRAMATICALLY INFERIOR RESULTS IN BREAST SHAPE. If Cherry Hill, Philadelphia, Trenton, radiation is thought to be necessary after the cancerous breast is removed, Appointments: 856.362.8898 - Fax: 856.362.8903 Jersey Shore, Williamstown, Glassboro, and the patient desires an implant-based reconstruction—the immediate NewCamden, Brunswick, and Franklin Cherry Hill, Philadelphia, Trenton,placement of a tissue expander at the time of mastectomy with rapid 2950 College Drive - Suite 2H - Vineland, NJ 08360 American Surgical Arts, 2950 College Dr #2h, Vineland, NJ 08360 WWW .A MERICAN SURGICAL ARTS.COM expansion prior to radiation produces superior results. New Brunswick, and Franklin Township. Township. The County Woman Magazine TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

March/April 2014 May/June2015 2016 May/June



NARCISSISTS: THE BANE OR BENEFIT OF LEADERSHIP PART 1 “Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun.” -Chairman Mao Tse Tung

Narcissism has two forms; one is healthy and a necessary component of solid ego development and well-adjusted self-worth and esteem. The second form is dangerous and fragile and all too common in the world’s leaders over history and present times.

When narcissism goes awry, the consequences become inexorably pernicious and usually lead to consequences for the people that they don’t deserve and yet, could have been predicted—even pre-empted. The classic definition of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder from DSM V is: “defined as comprising a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by the presence of at least 5 of the following 9 criteria: • A grandiose sense of self-importance • A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love • A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions • A need for excessive admiration • A sense of entitlement • Interpersonally exploitive behavior • A lack of empathy • Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her • A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes”

“Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.”-Alexander the Great

“It is necessary for me to establish a winner image. Therefore, I have to beat somebody.” - Nixon

“The regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.”-Ayatollah Khomeini

While narcissists may seem to be highly confident, in reality their behaviors are driven by deep insecurities. Their excessive need for admiration and approval are typically the result of an overly negative self-image.

Can we be so much in need of leadership that our inherent learned insecurities facilitate large blind spots that coalesce under the weighty heat of fear and mindlessness to allow ourselves to be swept away by the self-serving and the reckless? In a word, yes. Such a long sentence to depict the fact that over the centuries and all over the world, the masses have been led, often to their detriment, by narcissistic leaders who take the reigns of power, subvert the people’s will and mandate their own. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” has been around for centuries for good reason. If we equate unhealthy narcissism with “absolute power,” at least that’s what is being sought after, then the test of time has proven the validity of that aging observation.

“Being President is like running a cemetery; you’ve got a lot of people under you and nobody’s listening.” - Bill Clinton

“Here to Listen & Here to Help”

Charles Meusburger, MD


The County Woman Magazine

“I came, I saw, I conquered” -Julius Ceasar Regardless of the global arena be it political, financial, organized religions, leaders of the United States of America and leaders around the world, and/or of their equivalent stations, we have this phenomenon of narcissism occurring repeatedly throughout time.

“War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the people who have the courage to meet it.” - Mussolini Throughout history, narcissists have always emerged to inspire people and to shape the future. What about the positive by-products of narcissism for leadership roles? Does that even exist? I think it does. For this to occur however, they must take better advantage of their strengths while tempering their limitations.

“My heart is set. All goodly sport: For my comfort-Who shall me let?” - Henry the 8th In leadership roles, narcissism can be very helpful— arguably, even necessary. Society embarks in directions that occasionally leads to a time and place where massive transformations need to occur and be led and shepherded through. Healthy narcissists have the constructive audacity to push through these challenges. They need to be creative and gifted visionaries/strategists both in their planning and overall thinking in order to see big picture vantage points. They have to have the ability to derive and translate meaning that inspires based on the high-risk challenges of managing and changing the world for the better for the people served. A powerful, compelling vision is essential to attracting followers because it provides the magnetic pull so often typical of a narcissist, and it is one reason why narcissists come closest to our collective image of great leaders. Great oratory is also almost always present as another key trait for asserting the persona that appeals to would-be followers. The intrinsic risk lies in the devoted followers becoming the vengeful, self-righteous mob if the leader is flawed.

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They’re interpersonal relationships are very rocky with most people due to a lack of empathy and intrinsic exploitation of everyone. Interestingly, the only other personality type best suited to have a relationship with a narcissist is another narcissist. Their mutually self-inflated, grandiose sense of selves are reciprocally supported and may last long periods of time provided that any criticism is summarily excluded and acceptance is unconditional; a mutual admiration society.

EHT, NJ 08234

“It is not sufficient that I succeed—all others must fail.” - Genghis Khan Part 2 of this article will speak to how to achieve a more positive aspect of the Narcissistic personality and a few suggestions about systemic alterations that support the effort. Don’t suffer in silence...

VISIT May/June 2016




Are You Ready For Food Rehab?

ost of us know we need to make some lifestyle changes in order to experience better health and vitality. The trouble is HOW do we make those changes? Somewhere along the way we have stopped eating real food. We can’t figure out what is real and what is processed. Everyone is confused and hearing so many mixed messages. No wonder we have lost our way. My best advice to you is DO NOT get your nutrition advice from the media. Rethink everything you’ve ever heard about what healthy eating really is and keep an open mind.

Karen Cooney is a Nutrition Therapist and Psychological Counselor. She is a Board Certified Health Practitioner and a member of the American Association of Photo by Drugless Practitioners. Studio 539 She has a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition/Dietetics and a Master’s degree in Psychological Counseling. Check out her website,, to find out more or call 609-548-9029.

We eat very poorly in this country and we need to get back to basics. We are overweight yet undernourished. Our bodies have nutritional needs that can only be met by eating real whole foods. You cannot possibly get what you need from these food-like products that are stripped of their vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber. We are literally starving for nutrients. And what we are left with, after years of poor eating, are a whole lot of ailments. We are overweight, sick, weak, tired, have autoimmune diseases, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, colitis, IBS, autism, ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s, migraines, and blood sugar imbalances that lead to heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, high cholesterol. You name it—we’ve got it. We are needlessly suffering. The answers are right under our noses. We don’t have a Prozac deficiency—we have a global nutrient deficiency. The good news is you can practice nutrition therapy all on your own! You have the ability to heal yourself with natural substances that your body actually recognizes and is craving instead of relying solely on medications and surgeries. It’s time for us to become more proactive about our health and our bodies and get our lives back. There is not one specific diet for all of us. Everyone is different and we have different physical, environmental and nutritional issues and needs. I will figure out those needs for you and specifically tailor a meal plan based on your individual needs. How can we correct the problem if we don’t figure out what the problem is? We will work on digestion, detoxification, improving immune function, and determining what nutritional deficiencies you may have. We will determine if you suffer from food intolerance that may cause inflammation in your body, causing autoimmune disease and inflammation in the brain. Certain proteins can turn into opiate compounds which can leak into your bloodstream through a leaky gut and cross the blood-brain barrier. If you are an overeater, for example, you may literally be addicted to certain foods because of this, just like a drug or alcohol addiction. It is time for food rehabilitation. Stop blaming yourself. It will take patience and persistence as we incorporate new foods into your lifestyle until you finally reach your optimal level of wellness.

-Holistic Health Counseling A Balanced Approach

What is making you sick, tired and overweight? Have you tried doctors and medications without any relief?



70 -80 % of immune system is located in your gut and 50% of your serotonin is found in your gut.

Possible Food Sensitivities/Alzheimer’s/Autism Spectrum Disorders/Autoimmune Disorders/Cancer/Extreme Fatigue/ Gastrointestinal Disorders/Gluten Issues/Weight Gain/Chronic Congestion/Ear Infections/Yeast Infections/Depression Having a healthy gut is central to your health. It is connected to everything that happens in your body. • We will test for hidden food sensitivities, heavy metal toxicity • Cleanse/Detoxification • Provide individualized nutrition plans made specifically for you • Promote tissue healing in the gut • Provide nutrition supplementation

Karen Cooney, MA, CHHC - Nutrition Therapist The Commons at Royce Run, 1064 S Main Street Manahawkin, NJ 08050 • Building 1 - 2nd Floor

Are you ready to make a change in your life or help your children make changes in theirs? Are you ready for a Food Rehab?


Call 609-548-9029 to schedule an appointment!

Funeral Planning



“Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” Hippocrates

An affordable alternative to burial... DeGraff Funeral Home has traditional funeral services, cremation options with a wide variety of memorial service packages and celebration of life services tailored to meet the needs of each individual family. Providing excellence, honesty and dedication to every family we serve is our primary goal. Arrangements are available at our office or in the comfort and privacy of your home.

DeGraff Cremation Services Sherry DeGraff

Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3921

119 Union Ave. Lakehurst, NJ 08733

Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place of Death, Alternative Container, Transfer To Crematory

The County Woman Magazine

Call: 732-657-7868 May/June 2016




Water Is Healing

the nervous system, which decreases Audrey S. Filardi, owner stress hormone levels. Watsu is an aquatic based Many factors affect our they can walk and exercise more easily with less pain. In the quiet water of Watsu bodywork technique, new to health on a daily basis. Here Physical therapy in warm water is also becoming more you experience stillness as the South Jersey, which originated are three crucial factors that widely used for healing and recovery. Watsu® goes a step ver notice how brain enters into alpha states of in California in the 1980’s. This they can walk and exercise more easily with less pain. have a significant impact on further and does the work for you. You simply allow lively people seem to awareness, which is associated unique warm water massage Physical therapy in warm water is also becoming more yourself to be in a quiet place and receive. In a oneour health: be when they are in the was developed by Harold Dull, with deep relaxation. This deep widely used for healing and recovery. Watsu® goes a step hour Watsu® session your body heals and recovers as if ver notice how lively is a water? Whether it a shiatsu practitioner who began further and does the workwhich for you. You simply allow 1. Stress – People today are relaxation people seem be when youthey slept yourself for 6 improves hours. Thesleep, healing effects of a Watsu® to be in aand quiet place and In a onehis clients shiatsu sessions in the water and pool, lake, ocean or pond, exhausted and overextended. aids in tissue repair improved are in the water? Whether extend beyond the physical butheals alsoand works onthey hour Watsu® session healing your body recovers as ifwere experiencing positive results much found when peopleitare in the Family obligations, work, finances, stress management. is a pool, lake, ocean or emotional andslept mental well. you for 6 health hours. as The healing effects more of a Watsu® quickly along with a deeper healing experience water they come pond,alive. whenKids people are Floating peacefully, being guided all contribute to our stress level. extend beyond the physical healing but also works on Thus Watsu was born and is now offered than on land. Benefits you’ll gain with a Watsu® session. are jumpinginand theswirling, water they comethrough How we handle this stress is the water by the therapist, emotional and mental health as well. Purchase a package a package in spas, wellness centers and clinicsPurchase around the world. of alive. Kids are jumping $ Improves muscle tone,sensory body awareness, laughing and screeching crucial. When we experience along with the warmth, Benefits you’ll gain with a Watsu® session. and swirling, laughing and and posture with excitement. Adults are 30-minute THREE stress, the stress hormones in our reduction, movement andbody awareness, of THREE Purchase 60-minute a package of $ gentle Improves muscle tone, with Testimonials:Purchase a package $ Reduces painalland fatigue having theirscreeching fair shareof of excite-pressure bodies become elevated. This Eating right, drinking plenty points assist to bring Watsu® sessions watsu sessions and posture ment. Adults are having of THREE 30-minute THREE 60-minute element. The $ Reduces Muscle tension and guarding“There was a very deep emotional too-body surfing, laps, doing water OR chemical change within isfun harmful water, swimming and exercise are important to a healthy, relaxed feeling of comfort, Reduces pain and fatigue their fair share of fun the body$back nurturing, being taken care of in athat and Watsu® receive sessions a 4th and receive 4th watsu sessions $ Increases energy Muscle range of motion fitness exercisestooor playing with swimming their in the $ Reduces and guarding body surfing, laps, doing water fitto our organs and tissue. Studies ways to counter the kids harmful effects and vibrant state. It’sand like atension vacation OR environment was so soothing. In my life I choose to $ Increases Circulation water. The water seems to bring out the kid in all of and receive a 4th and receive a 4th session FREE! session FREE! Increases energy and range of motion ness or playinglifestyle. with theirAdding kids in the water. determined 90% of most illness is of aexercises busy, stressful for your $ body and mind. take care of everyone else and to have that time where $ Improves breathing us as we experience such freedom of movement that $ Increases Circulation The water seems to bring out the kid in all of us as session FREE! sessionValue) FREE! stress related. ($200 value) someone is tending to me feels so good.”($340 regular bodywork such as Watsu If you are seeking stress relief and $ Improves sleep patterns $ Improves breathing water allows. bodiessuch resonate with the water that the we Our experience freedom of movement ($200 value) ($340 Value) 2. Environment – The the air we water therapy can easily and gently freedom from pain on any level, $ Improves sleep patterns waterWe allows. bodies limited resonateby with the water like like a tuning fork. are Our no longer gravWatsu®can helps relieve: breathe, food we eat, and liquids we ahelp theallows body return totoa calm, Watsu help. It works deeply yet We no longer limited ity. Being in thetuning water fork. ourarebodies move inby grav-$ Chronic Healthy Body, Vibrant Life! Watsu® helps Syndrome relieve: Fatigue drink also play an important role in ity. balanced state. feels gentle. Being in the water allows many ways we wouldn’t dream of on land.our bodies to move$in Fibromyalgia $ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Audrey S. Filardi our health or lack of it. many wouldn’t of onthe land. Inways the we warmth ofdream a Watsu $ Fibromyalgia Y WATSU WATSU $ Headaches In my years body ofInteaching water fitness classes I 3. Inflammation – Swelling relaxes, which decreases stress $ Headaches my years of teaching water fitness classes IExperience it for yourself with Y Massage Massage $ Arthritis witnessedhave overwitnessed and With overover the positive healing occurs when body tissue ishave injured quickly. reduced muscle $ Arthritis and over the positive healing Y Reiki Water Fitness an introductory 30-minute $ Acute$and Chronic Pain Pain effectsAll of of watereffects on those whoonhave difficulty Acute and Chronic of water those whoblood havemoving difficulty moving by bacteria, trauma or toxins. tension, circulation of Y Swim Swim Lessons Lessons session forSleeping only $40.00. $ Sleeping problems land. is such aimproves. powerful $ problems on land. The water is suchtherapeutic a powerful therapeutic these factors significantly on affect theThe water and lymph Improved (609) 839-3810 $ Stress, anxiety, and related disorders tool for recovery and well being. Water walking is for recovery and well being. Water walking body’s autonomic balancetool so when circulation removes toxins fromis the $ Stress, anxiety, and related disorders $ Depression, Hyperactivity more popular as people who have trouble $ Depression, Hyperactivity popular as people who have trouble our body’s natural balancebecoming is off, morebecoming body, reducing fatigue so you feel Visit $ Neuromuscular Disorders walking on or exercising on land find that in the water $ Neuromuscular Disorders land find that inalso thequiets water illness and disease occurs.walking or exercising more energetic. Watsu Watsu® sessions are given at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in Egg Harbor Twp. For more information call 609-965-7229 or 609-839-3810.

Water For Life

WaterE For Life E

Shoe Repair

Watsu® sessions are given at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in Egg Harbor Twp. For more information call 609-965-7229 or 609-839-3810.

Shoe Repair


Kick Off Your Summer With Your “New” Old Kicks! SUMMER CHECKLIST: Sunglasses... ✓

Sunscreen… ✓

Snorkel… ✓

Sandals…. ???

Summer is fast approaching, and it’s time to break out all those shoes that you’ve been longing to wear throughout the harsh winter months… but wait. Have you noticed that your sandals and pumps are looking less than summer-ready? Are they beaten, worn-down, or broken? Domenick, owner of The Friendly Cobbler has just the answer! Before you hit the streets with those worn out sandals, visit Domenick. For over 15 years, he has been cleaning and servicing all different kinds of shoes. He will attend to those kicks that have been lying around at the bottom of your closet with care and precision. You can expect friendly, personalized service when you choose to get your favorite sandals or sneakers patched up by Domenick just in time for summer! Not only does The Friendly Cobbler repair shoes, he also offers services for Uggs, handbags, belts, and anything leather. Come see the beautiful, unique leather bands that were hand-crafted by Domenick himself- you can customize them by choosing from a variety of styles, studs and charms, and you can personalize them by adding your loved one’s name directly onto the band. They are absolute must-haves! It’s getting warm out quickly, so grab those colorful handbags, wedges, or sneakers, and come on over to the Friendly Cobbler on Tilton Road, located between The Honey Tree and United Check Cashing, to turn them into new, stylish fashions for all to see!

The Friendly Cobbler

609.442.4518 Sewing & Fabric

25% OFF

All Shoe Repairs Expires June June 30th, 30th, 2016 2015 Expires

The County Woman Magazine

We Clean Uggs ✓Remove Water Stains ✓ Eliminate Salt Stains ✓ Restore Original Color ✓ Remove Dirt & Oil ✓ Safe & Effective

Domenick Basile, owner of The Friendly Cobbler May/June 2016

Business & Finance


Keeping it in the Family

Copiers Plus

Epitomizes a Family Business


When Bob and Debra Matthews started their seemed like a natural diversification. I felt that we would be able business, Copiers Plus, they knew that customer to leverage our expertise in the equipment business to be successful in the commercial printing business. service would be a priority. In fact, their company slogan: “Service is our Specialty,” also became words to live by for their staff. Serving as a CW: How does it feel to have your children follow in your footsteps? Was it a natural progression for them? traditional and specialty digital office equipment company, they represent over 28 years in the BOB: It’s extremely rewarding. I think many parents would love to have field selling and servicing equipment. Bob adds, their children follow in their footsteps especially if they own a “We continue to grow as a result of our loyal business. It presents excellent opportunities and challenges for customers who refer our company to others. Our everyone involved. I feel very fortunate to have both of our sons customers and our employees are the most important people in our working in the business. business. We are dependent on them.” CW: Tell us about the vehicle wrapping services you offer. CW: Tell us about the main services you provide. BOB: We have provided vehicle wrapping and lettering for over two years with over 50 projects completed. They are mostly advertisBOB: We have a walk-in retail business for copying, blueprint copying, ing graphics along with partial wraps and a few full color changes. fax and e-mail service along with document scanning. We also This is an extremely labor intensive and technical procedure. We offer commercial printing for letterheads, business cards, forms, provide a complete solution from concept and design, through invitations and graphic design. Finally, we offer large format color production and installation. We also provide vinyl lettering and printing for banners, posters, indoor and outdoor signs, vehicle magnetic signs. graphics and vinyl wraps. CW: W hat is the single most important aspect of your business that sets it apart from others like it? BOB: We provide very fast turnaround for most projects by our courteous and knowledgeable staff. We take a “can do” attitude to every single request. It really comes down to good old fashion customer service.

If you are in need of any office equipment or commercial printing for your business, call Copiers Plus, 609-645-7578 and schedule an appointment with one of their knowledgeable staff member. Visit their website at and like them on Facebook. Visit

CW: How did you become involved in printing services? BOB: About 12 years ago we relocated into a larger facility on Fire Rd. in Egg Harbor Township. Being as we were located on a major highway and surrounded by commercial and retail businesses, we decided to create a new division focused on retail and commercial printing. Already in the digital copier equipment business, it


935 West Ave. Ocean City, NJ


3112 Fire Road, Unit C Egg Harbor Twp., NJ


21 East Broad Street Palmyra, NJ



Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Electricians, Landscapers, Builders, Etc.

Up to 20% OFF design, production, and installing for truck and trailer lettering and wrapping. The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016



New Report: Alzheimer’s Hits Care Participants’ Pocketbooks Hard at Expense of their own Food & Medical Care For the first time, the Alzheimer’s Association conducted a nationwide survey to gauge how much Alzheimer’s care affects the personal finances of families and friends who provide care (care participants) for people who are living with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. The findings were released as part of a special report included in the Alzheimer’s Association 2016 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report, released March 30, 2016. It revealed people are digging deeply into their own pockets – from an average of more than $5,000 a year, to tens of thousands of dollars annually to provide dementia care. The survey also showed how much care participants are sacrificing to ensure their loved ones receive the medical care they need, at the expense of their own health and well-being: • Nearly half of all care contributors cut back on their own expenses to afford dementia-related care for their family member or friend. • Care contributors were 28 percent more likely to eat less or go hungry while contributing care to someone with Alzheimer’s. • One-fifth of care contributors sacrificed their own medical care by cutting back on their doctor visits. • Thirteen percent of care contributors sold personal belongings, such as a car, to help pay for costs related to dementia. • Nearly half of the care contributors who participated in the survey tapped into savings or retirement funds.

• Conduct an inventory of your financial resources (for example, savings, insurance, retirement benefits, government assistance, VA benefits, etc.). A financial planner or elder care attorney can help with this. • Investigate long-term care services (for example, home care, assisted living residences and nursing homes) in your area. Ask what types of insurance they accept and if they accept Medicaid as few individuals with Alzheimer’s and other dementias have sufficient long-term care insurance or can afford to pay out-of-pocket for long-term care services for as long as they are needed. • Call the local Agency on Aging to determine what community services and support programs are available (for example, respite care, homemaker services and Meals on Wheels can help alleviate financial burdens). • Once you understand what you have for financial resources and what you can afford, make a plan with your family or a close friend for how to access care.

The full Facts and Figures report is available for viewing or download at Anyone with questions about Alzheimer’s or a related disorder may call the Delaware Valley Chapter’s free, 24/7 Helpline, 800.272.3900 or visit

“We’ve always known caregivers were paying for a lot of their loved ones’ needs out of their own pockets, but not to this extent,” said Linda Coppinger, the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter’s Executive Director South Jersey. “Many are actually choosing between eating and making sure the needs of the person with dementia are met first.” The Facts and Figures report found a significant financial planning knowledge gap, which leaves families blindsided and unprepared to handle the high cost of caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or a related disorder. For example, 30 percent incorrectly thought they had long term care insurance, yet only about three percent of all adults in the U.S. actually have such insurance. Further, almost two out of three care participants were unfamiliar with the roles of Medicare and Medicaid, with the survey respondents believing either each helps pay for nursing home or long term care, or, were unsure of the government support programs’ roles. “Alzheimer’s is one of the most costly diseases we know of–if not the most costly,” said Coppinger. “It’s only going to get worse as more baby boomers start hitting age 70 and the number of people with Alzheimer’s begins to rapidly increase.” An estimated 5.4 million people in the United States have Alzheimer’s, including about 200,000 people younger than age 65 who have younger-onset Alzheimer’s. More than three million women have Alzheimer’s, making them the group most affected by the disease. Unless there is a major medical breakthrough to slow or stop the fatal brain disease, the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s is projected to nearly triple by the year 2050.

To help financially plan for the future, the Alzheimer’s Association suggests care contributors: • Look at retirement planning as a time to think about how to prepare for the need for long-term medical care. After an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, your options may be more limited.

The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. The Delaware Valley Chapter, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the local arm of the national nonprofit organization. Its Regional and Branch offices serve Delaware, New Jersey, and Southeastern Pennsylvania, providing programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. The Atlantic County Branch Office is located at 25 Dolphin Avenue, Building D, Ground Floor, Northfield, NJ 08225. For more information about the Chapter and the disease, visit or call the 24/7 Helpline, 800.272.3900.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Health & Wellness




Parents & Children: Let Them Eat Cake Peace treaties, climate change, and the national debt may seem like a piece of cake (fruit) in comparison to getting our kids to eat healthy. Even Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright might have been challenged to find some new tricks of the trade when it came to negotiating with their own children about their eating habits. So what does a parent who has not been trained in the art of difficult diplomacy do? My daughter is a preschooler. In the ranks of

dedicated parents wanting the best for our children, I want to help her hone her palate to eat healthy. There is an abundance of evidence to show that the development of poor eating habits can begin as early as 12-24 months of age. Diets that are sparse in whole grains, fresh fruit, and vegetables, or that are high in calories and fat without accompanying nutritional value (aka ‘junk food’) can impact eating habits and weight down the road. Not to fret if you missed that boat, you can still catch the later one to get to your destination.

ABOUT NINA RADCLIFF, MD: Dr. Nina Radcliff is dedicated to her profession, her patients and her community, at large. She is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wise preventive health measures. She completed medical school and residency training at UCLA and has served on the medical faculty at The University of Pennsylvania. She is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for Young Physicians and Communications. Author of more than 200 textbook chapters, research articles, medical opinions and reviews; she is often called upon by media to speak on medical, fitness, nutrition, and healthy lifestyle topics impacting our lives, today.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need to Know “recipes” to get older kids into the habit of eating healthy. At the grocery store: • Make it a family trip and an opportunity to spend time together • Let the kids decide. Provide an option between two fruits or two vegetables. At the table, if they refuse to eat it, remind them that they chose it. •

Also, before going to the store, challenge them to find a healthy recipe to take along on your trip. It makes for good conversation beforehand, supports good research, and makes it fun to find the ingredients at the store and read the labels for a lively, interactive (and more often ‘yummy’) prep time at home.

In the kitchen: • Fire the short order chef where everyone eats something different •

Revamp the menu. Get the kids to create the dinner menu, with certain rules: the meal must incorporate the four food groups and be healthy! Learning to read the labels is a valuable insight that will reward the process for years to come.

Enlist help. Have them help with washing, preparing, serving, and naming the meal (e.g.“Johnny’s Garlic Chicken”). They will be more likely to eat it if they (helped) make it and it is named after them.

At mealtime: •

Strategize. Try new (healthy) foods first when kids are hungriest. Don’t be defeated if they do not gobble it up. It typically takes several tries before a child will enjoy, or even be willing to try, a certain food. And give it a break by waiting a few days before introducing a rejected food again.

Unplug distractions. Television, tablets, smart phones, MP3 players….let’s face it distractions are aplenty. Make dinner time an opportunity to talk to one another while enjoying what you are eating. Depending on the age of your children table time may be a challenge. Try for 2-5 nights but we know those teens have lots of late night extra curricular activities so aim for at least one night a week (perhaps Sunday), at a minimum and as a rule.

Snack time:

Don’t go hungry. There is no reason to be so hungry you can eat a horse. Take this time to offer healthy snacks such as carrots, peanut butter, nuts, low-fat yogurt, humus, a boiled egg, or fruit.

At school and extracurricular activities, volunteer to send sliced oranges, applesauce, yogurt or bananas for the “snack” before the big game or practice.

So grab your armor and get ready. The battle is a learning experience and requires commitment on our part. One thing is for sure: we lead by example. Let’s snack healthy, eat well-balanced meals, and drink water instead of sugary beverages. The laissez faire attitude of “qu’ils mangent de la brioche,” or “let them eat cake” is not applicable to our battle to get our kids to eat healthy. Their health is not something that we can afford to surrender to without fighting the good fight.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Medical Professionals


Suffering From Pelvic Pressure And Difficulty Eliminating?

Dr. Paonessa Helps To Make Sense Of Your Symptoms… Are you a woman that has had a vaginal delivery that resulted in birthing trauma such as forceps delivery, vacuum delivery, tearing with vaginal delivery, or episiotomy? Perhaps you have a history of constipation, straining with bowel movements, or have had prior gynecologic (hysterectomy) or rectal surgeries. If so, there is a possibility that you can be suffering from weakening of the pelvic floor muscles because all of the above are common causes of pelvic floor disorder (PFD). A common form of PFD is a rectocele.

A rectocele can usually be diagnosed by taking a complete history and a physical examination by your doctor. In many cases further testing will need to be done. There are special x-rays including defecography, barium enema and pelvic MRI/defecography that may be performed to help assess the degree, severity and size of the rectocele.

How is a rectocele treated?

cannot be controlled with medical/non-surgical management. Most women exclaim that they cannot believe they waited so long to seek treatment and relief of their symptoms, especially since treatments are quite simple. Women who have received treatment for their symptoms of rectocele/ PFD have improved quality of life. The anxiety and social stress and/or isolation associated with the symptoms caused by a rectocele/PFD can be eliminated.

A rectocele should only be treated when symptoms are significant and interfering with a woman’s quality of life. There are medical and surgical If you feel that you may be experiencing any What is a rectocele? treatment options available. As with any treatment, of the symptoms discussed about rectocele/ A rectocele is a bulging of the front wall of the your physician will review all of the options and let rectum into the back of the vagina. A rectocele is you know the best option for your condition. PFD, call Dr. Paonessa’s office today to caused by the thinning of the rectovaginal septum. The Most patients can be treated with medical schedule an appointment for a consultation. rectovaginal septum is the tissue between the rectum management. Like with other rectal conditions, it is and the vagina. This occurs secondary to weakening very important to have a good bowel regimen to avoid Visit of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Other pelvic organs constipation and straining during bowel movements. that may bulge into the vagina are the bladder, (this By doing this it will allow for softer stools which is called a cystocele), and the small intestine (called eliminates straining during bowel movements and an enterocele). All of these disorders are classified as Donna L., Toms River, NJ avoids stool trapping in the rectocele. Another forms of pelvic floor disorder (PFD). “Caring, thorough, and sincere - describes Dr. Nina treatment is strengthening the pelvic floor muscles Paonessa. I will highly recommend her” What are the symptoms of a rectocele? with exercises called Kegels. Biofeedback is a specialized form of pelvic floor training that can A majority of patients that suffer from a rectocele be done as an outpatient. have no noticeable symptoms. When symptoms are Susan C., Barnegat, NJ Surgical treatment will only be considered after the “Dr. Paonessa is a very warm, compassionate and caring present, they are classified as either rectal or vaginal. medical alternatives have not been successful. There are doctor. ...By following her instructions, I am no longer in Women who experience rectal symptoms may be three different surgical approaches used to surgically having a difficult time evacuating during bowel pain and consider myself cured.” repair a rectocele: abdominal, rectal, and vaginal. Your movements. Some women actually need to press against the back wall of the vagina or the perineal body surgeon will determine which approach is best for (the area between the vagina and the rectum) to have you. Surgery for rectocele is to remove a bowel movement. There are women that even have to manually remove the stool from the rectum. Those the excess tissue that comprises the rectocele and to strengthen the wall of who experience vaginal symptoms may have a bulge the vagina and rectum. or a fullness in the vagina, protruding of the vagina, and/or discomfort during sexual intercourse. Many Colorectal surgeons are trained to women often have a combination of both rectal and diagnose and treat rectoceles and other vaginal symptoms. forms of PFD. Dr. Paonessa is a fellowship trained colorectal surgeon A symptomatic rectocele may lead to excessive who has been treating women with straining, an urge or need to have multiple bowel rectoceles and PFD for over 12 years. movements, rectal pain, fecal incontinence, and/or Her approach is conservative stool trapping in the rectocele that will seep out of the Colon and Rectal Surgery anus later on during the day. Significant stool trapping management of a woman’s symptoms. Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology Surgical intervention is reserved only in the rectum leads to an increased urge to defecate, for those women whose symptoms especially when standing. • laparaoscopic surgery • colonoscopy • abdominal/pelvic surgery • anorectal surgery Board-certified in general • fecal incontinence • pelvic floor disorders surgery and proctology and NEW • endoanal/rectal ultrasound • office proctology LOCATI a fellow of the American ON!! • anorectal manometry/physiology College of Osteopathic 2101 Route 34 South, Suite H 1172 Beacon Avenue, Suite B Surgeons, Dr. Paonessa Wall, NJ 07719 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 specializes in colon and rectal surgery. She believes Phone: (732) 282-1500 in patient-centered care Fax: (732) 282-1501 and preserving each Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM patient’s independence, Nina Paonessa, well being and dignity. DO, FACOS

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016



Give Them a Su mmer to Remember Summer Camp Options for Every Interest and Budget

Summer is just around the corner. The time is now to start planning what you will be doing with the kids during summer break. Whether you’re a working mom or stay at home mom, the dilemma is the same: are you doing enough to keep your kids active and engaged? Worry no more. The Milton & Betty Katz JCC’s summer camp, Camp By The Sea, has been delivering fun in the sun with memories to last a lifetime for 70 years. A trusted resource for South Jersey families, and open to everyone regardless of religious affiliation, the JCC’s Camp By The Sea summer camp program is conveniently located in its Margate, Atlantic County facility. Featuring day trips to local amusement parks, water parks and state parks, as well as seaside activities including surf lessons, stand-up paddle boarding, bay kayaking and even parasailing, the JCC is truly the place to be this summer. With flexible scheduling up to a full eight-week enrollment, the program is open to children ages two through tenth grade. Additionally, Camp By The Sea offers 17 different Specialty Camps tailored to your child’s specific interests from sports, performing arts and

science, to museums, creative arts, and even a camp for the Legomaniac. Both budget and schedule friendly, Specialty Camps are one-week programs making an experience-rich summer accessible to everyone. If travel is your teen’s passion, Camp By The Sea is offering three amazing Teen Tours with its Road Rulz Travel Camp. Trip One: The Southern Sojourn - travels along the coast stopping at fun-filled places including Savannah, Myrtle Beach, Atlanta and more before rooting down in Orlando to spend July 4th weekend at Universal Studios. This trip runs June 27 through July 8. Trip Two: California Dreaming - the ultimate road trip and goes where no JCC trip has gone before – Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, San Diego, Los Angeles and Scottsdale. This epic journey will depart on July 13 and return on July 24. Trip Three: New Orleans and New Horizons – an excursion to great cities including Washington, DC, Charlotte, Panama Beach, New Orleans and Atlanta. This trips runs from July 28 through August 12.

For full Camp By The Sea program details visit or contact Josh Cutler, Camp Director at 609-822-1167, Ext. 138, or email him at

live up™ to summer

Customize your summer

Milton & Betty

Katz JCC Choose from 17 Specialty Camps including: Basketball Camp Tennis Camp Golf Camp Horseback Riding Camp Theater Camp Science Camp Soccer Camp For full program details, visit or call 609.822.1167 Ext. 134 to schedule a tour.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Women Of Atlantic County


Nancy Rice, Esquire, CELA, Rice Elder Law Nancy Rice is an Elder Law and Estate attorney with two offices in New Jersey: Ocean City and Cherry Hill. She has been practicing law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for over 25 years and is passionate about helping clients with any legal needs they might have. Her firm, Rice Elder Law, focuses on Wills, Trusts, Estates, and planning in the event of disability. Nancy is particularly passionate about providing a welcoming atmosphere in her firm- one that is both friendly and professional. Nancy was born and raised in Pennsauken, NJ and currently resides in Ocean City. Her son, Sean, is a Wealth Management Advisor at Garden State Trust Company and her daughter, Meghan, is a student at Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law. Nancy’s favorite hobby is boating in the spring and summer on her boat, Crabe Diem- often with Mitzi! Additionally, Nancy loves to travel and cook for her friends and family.

For more information, please call 856-673-0048, or visit and take a look at our videos. Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Leah Schwartz, Owner/Instructor of Breathe Studio, Barre and Pilates

Born and raised in Southern New Jersey, Leah started her fitness journey when she took her very first barre class. Barre began to challenge her body in ways that nothing else had before. Each week she watched as she became leaner, stronger and defined. Soon, she was committed to a 6 day a week routine that helped her focus on form and alignment. Her hard work paid off, not only did she see results, but she found her passion and decided that she would become a certified instructor to share the love of Barre and Pilates. As any instructor will tell you, it’s takes a few tries before you find where you belong. After working for multiple gyms and studios, gaining as much experience and knowledge as she could, Leah began working at Breathe Studio for Marlena Baylinson. Little did she know when she accepted this once a week class, Breathe would become her forever home. In March of 2016, Marlena gave Leah an unimaginable offer, the chance to continue and grow the program she had started. With great gratitude, Leah accepted and became the owner of Breathe. Taking over Breathe has been a fulfilling experience for Leah. She is excited with each opportunity to learn, grow and encourage her Breathe Studio family to reach their goals just as she has.

For more information, call 609-666-4567 or visit

Diane Delaney, LNHA, Executive Director, Linwood Care Center Diane has been a licensed nursing home administrator for over 20 years, and is currently an Executive Director with Genesis Health Care at Linwood Care Center, Linwood, NJ. She holds a BA in psychology and began her career as a Social Worker. In 1993 she moved to Ocean County and started working as a Social Worker in a nursing home, a career choice that changed her life. In 1995 she received her nursing home license and has worked in the healthcare industry since. Ms. Delaney has enjoyed working in both Ocean and Atlantic County, and is very pleased to be at Linwood Care Center. Diane states that “Linwood Care Center, having been in the community for over 52 years, has a family like environment, yet we are able to provide the most up-to-date medical and rehab services.” Linwood has a fascinating history, and it is not uncommon to see generations of family members utilize the center for services. In her free time, Diane loves to travel and spend time with her two adult children.

For more information on Linwood Care Center, please go to, or call 609-927-6131. Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Eleanor Hagan, Owner of Body in Balance Physical Therapy & Fitness Ellie Hagan, founder of Body in Balance Physical Therapy & Fitness Center, whose goal to build a clinic of excellence for her community is coming to fruition. Body in Balance offers an outstanding group of professionals, who, together as a team, bring the highest caliber of physical, occupational, & speech therapies to their clients. In addition, Body in Balance Fitness Center offers Cybex Total Access equipment built to accommodates all users, abled and disabled. Our elite team of personal trainers is available to help you reach your fitness goals. Graduating with her Masters’ degree from Stockton University in May of 2000, Ellie delivers a variety of evidence based exercise protocols to her clients. She is a board certified Geriatrics Specialist, an Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult (CEEAA), a Schroth Scoliosis therapist, and a certified Graston Clinician skilled in delivering Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) for soft tissue injuries. Pilates for Rehabilitation is also included in her multi-faceted approach to wellness. As Founder/President of the Parkinson’s Life Center of Southern New Jersey, Ellie offers evidence-based programs to those people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. She was trained by the National Parkinson Foundation’s ATTP, certified in LSVT BIG Parkinson’s exercise protocol, and trained as a Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR) clinician.

For more information, call 609-365-8499 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Women Of Atlantic County


Jennifer Schreiber, Patient Safety Officer, Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey

Jenn Trallo Schreiber has been with Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey in progressive leadership roles since late 2009, when the hospital opened. She is currently serving as the hospital’s Patient Safety Officer and is about to expand her role to encompass oversight of quality reporting for all of Acuity Healthcare’s hospitals throughout the country. Jenn loves working for Acuity because the organization is small enough that the leadership team can collaborate with bedside staff to have a direct and immediate impact on patient care. Highlights of her time at Acuity include the hospital being the first in the state to achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification (an internationally recognized measure of quality) in 2013 and being awarded the 2016 New Jersey Hospital Association Excellence in Quality Improvement Award. Jenn holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from New York University, a Master of Science in Nursing, and a Master of Business Administration, both from Wilmington University. She is also a Certified Professional in Patient Safety. Jenn lives with her husband Bruce and middle school aged son, Gabe, in Egg Harbor Township. The family enjoys travel, boating, and excellent meals.

For more information, call 609-441-8123 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Kelly Shearer, President, Corporate Pajamas Marketing Solutions Corporate Pajamas Marketing Solutions may seem like a strange name to some but to owner and self proclaimed “Pajama President”, Kelly Shearer, it’s just another day at the office. We Make Marketing Comfortable is their tagline and as Kelly quips “What is more comfortable than pajamas?” Working alongside her husband, Don, she works on every kind of marketing project imaginable. In the course of the day she may go from working on a simple promotional product order to a print job or even a complete marketing and branding project. In addition to CPMS, Kelly runs the NJ Alliance for Women Entrepreneurs, a local networking group for women in business. In keeping with the comfortable theme, NJAWE meetings tend to be less formal. “We are business owners, however, we’re more on the laid back side. Other than our weekly meetings where the number of women are limited that can attend, we don’t have many rules” advises Kelly “ While referrals are nice, that is definitely not a requirement for attending.” When she’s not running her businesses, you can find Kelly, Don and her four kids rescuing dogs for local rescue group Joe Joe’s Place.

For more information, call 609-388-4817 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Michele E. Gaguski, MSN, RN, AOCN, CHPN, APN-C AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute

As a student nurse, Michele Gaguski had the good fortune to complete a clinical rotation at amajor cancer hospital.

“This proved to be a pivotal moment, as I heard ‘my calling’ to be an oncology nurse. While caring for these patients and families, I was touched by their courage and strength; the compassion and admiration I felt in my heart at that time still fills me today,” says Michele, who grew up in Philadelphia and now resides in Somers Point. As clinical director of medical oncology, AtlantiCare Cancer Care Institute, a Fox Chase Cancer Center Partner, Michele collaborates with the medical director to ensure quality care is provided based upon best practices and scientific evidence. “It’s a privilege to be a nurse. With every patient encounter, I am shown the opportunity to cherish a life and make a difference,” she says. Michele, who has been married for 18 years and has a son in sixth grade, volunteers for the Oncology Nursing Society, the American Cancer Society, and the Every Breath Counts Foundation. She enjoys reading, ballroom dancing, Broadway shows, and cheering on the Phillies.

For more information, call 1-888-569-1000 or visit

Sherry Toussaint, Client Services Manager, BAYADA Pediatrics

As a nursing home and therapy facility volunteer during college, Sherry worked with people of many different ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Throughout her time there, a common theme emerged: everyone just wanted to be home. So, when she saw a job posting for BAYADA Pediatrics, she knew she wanted to be a part of an organization whose mission is to help keep families together by caring for children in the comfort of their own homes. Sherry joined BAYADA Pediatrics six years ago, spending the last five-and-a-half as a client services manager in the BAYADA Pediatrics office in Egg Harbor Township. In her role, Sherry develops and nurtures close relationships with clients, working to ensure that they all get the highest standard of care possible. She also enjoys reaching out into the community where she lives and works to build strong partnerships with school districts and charitable organizations. Recognized for her commitment to her clients, Sherry was recently nominated for BAYADA’s Linda Siessel Award for Excellence in Client Services Leadership, named in honor of Chief Operating Officer Linda Siessel who began her career at BAYADA over 30 years ago. This annual award is presented to a client services manager who demonstrates excellence in advocating for home health care clients, building relationships, resolving challenges, and supporting company growth. Sherry will find out if she won at BAYADA’s Annual Awards Weekend event this spring.

For more information, call 609-601-2200 or visit Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Women Of Atlantic County


LaRonne Quarles, Owner, SBL Hair Loss LaRonne Quarles, owner of SBL Hair Loss, located in Pleasentville, NJ, is a lifelong resident of Atlantic County. She graduated from A.C.I.T. in 1987 in Cosmetology and from Richard Stockton University in 2003. She is a licensed New Jersey Cosmetology Educator from Jolie Health and Beauty Academy and Trichologist. She specializes in hair loss and scalp issues, hair restoration and replacement. She has been a hairstylist since 1988 and facilitates the American Cancer Society’s, “look good, feel better program.” She is also on the education team with Knight’s Barber and Beauty Supply of Pennsylvania. SBL Hair Loss is located within Expressions Salon at 711 N. Main St., Suite 2, in Pleasentville, NJ. Most recently, LaRonne started accepting medical insurance for patients.

LaRonne can be reached for appointments at 609-553-7079 or for more information, visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Dr. Tammy Lang, Owner, South Jersey Center for Nutrition & Wellness Dr. Tammy Lang, owner of South Jersey Center for Nutrition & Wellness, has offices in Swedesboro and Egg Harbor Township. Tammy specializes in clinical nutrition and Nutrition Response Testing. A non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health. Tammy graduated with a Bachelors Degree from Drexel University in Philadelphia and received her doctorate from Logan College in Chesterfield, MO. Tammy has continued her education in the areas of Clinical Nutrition and Kinesiology. Tammy is a master in Nutrition Response Testing. Taking a natural, holistic approach to nutrition, Tammy creates individualized nutrition programs for her patients. She teaches them not only how to eat properly but also how to bring their body back into balance, resolving nutritional deficiencies stemming from poor digestion, hormone imbalance, and weight loss.

You can contact Dr. Lang at (856) 467-3535 or email Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

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Email: One entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified. New clients only. Winner will receive a gift certificate for $25 towards any facial treatment, not to be used on any products. Entries will be accepted through June 30, 2016. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad serves or ad networks without your consent. Terms and conditions may apply. No refunds or exchanges.

The County Woman Magazine

1430 Hooper Ave., Suite 204 Toms River, NJ 08753 732-281-1988 May/June 2016



The Best TIme To Go Fishing Is...


Jensen’s Marina At Captiva Island! Jensen’s Marina is known as the “Fishing Headquarters of Captiva Island”. Sanibel and Captiva Islands area offers prime fishing for many species including the much sought after Snook, Redfish, Sea Trout and Tarpon. The annual migration of tarpon starts around mid-April and goes well into the month of July. Jensen’s Marina is ideally located for the Tarpon fishing in famous Boca Grande Pass (known as the World Capital of Tarpon Fishing) with professional captains in large boats. This area offers the ultimate in Tarpon fishing…so many casts, so many opportunities. The pristine waters surrounding Sanibel Island and Captiva Island provide excellent opportunities for fishermen of all skill levels…from the novice to the World Record seeker. Whether offshore, inshore, mangroves on the bay-side, pier, beach or wade sea fishing, fish can be found here year Boat Rentals ‘round. Most of the fishing occurs about nine miles from the beach. The abundance of fish available in and around Captiva makes fishing Boat Rides possible any time of year. The area is known for Tarpon, in season during Water Taxi the spring and summer; Snook, a year-round favorite; and King Mackerel, a Fishing Guides spring and fall catch.

Bait Tackle TShirts Ice Gas Hats


Call and reserve your cottage at Jensen’s Twin Palm Cottages and Marina Resort, today!

Jensen’s Twin Palm Cottages and Marina Resort

“Experience True Captiva Jensen Style” 15107 Captiva Drive • Captiva Island, Florida 33924

Phone: 239-472-5800 Open 7 Days a Week • 7:00am till 6:00pm For more information and make to make a reservation, visit and go to the Marina Resort page and view cottages and make your selection!

Jensen’s Marina Historic Marina Cottages

Captiva’s Boating & Fishing Headquarters Water Boat Fish Fun

239-472-5800 •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016



3 South Newport Ave. • Ventnor, NJ 08406

609-487-1190 • Ruth Newman Shapiro Cancer & Heart Fund

Ruth Newman Shapiro (RNS) Cancer and Heart Fund is a volunteer organization that has raised more than $17 million to fund programs, services and equipment purchases for hospitals in southeastern New Jersey. RNS is asking kindly for your donation to help fulfill our pledge. Any amount will help! With enough donations we are also hoping to be able to pledge the funds to purchase another ReWalk so many more spinal injury persons will be able to feel the JOY of walking again and the physical differences in their bodies after being confined to a wheel chair for life. RNS Thanks You in Advance. Please make checks payable to RNS and send to: RNS Cancer & Heart Fund / c/o Joanne Kenny / 3 S. Newport Avenue, Ventnor, NJ 08406 For any questions, call 609-214-7541.

RNS Installation of Officers Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at the Atlantic City Country Club. Cocktails: 5:30 / Dinner: 6:30 Cost $50.00 per person For reservations, call Martha Moskowitz at 609-823-1586

Save the Date

The Bag Ladies Luncheon

Augusth 17th at Greate Bay Country Club

Call 609-214-7541 or for more information.

Officers to be installed: President

Audrey Fischer


Mary McMenamin

Recording Secretaries

Elaine Francis & Susan Magee

Corresponding Secretary

Diane Parlin


Terri Marakos

Honorial & Memorial Chair

RoseMarie Magliocco

RNS welcomes new members to our “Because We Care” RNS Family. A $25 donation a year can help someone with Cancer or Heart Disease. You might just need that little extra help needed to relieve the pain.

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016





A Hilarious Night of Laundry, Laughs and Liquor!

Have you ever gone un-showered for days, fought with your husband over who works harder or had a kid pee on you? Dena Blizzard’s new show will make you realize that you’re not crazy…motherhood is! The perfect “Girls Night Out” or “Date Night” for anyone who IS a Mom, HAS a Mom or is MARRIED to a Mom! Brought to you by: 212-239-6200 New World Stages, 340 W 50th St. FOR USE 1.5” AND SMALLER

The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2016


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May/June 2016

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Enter To Win A Pair Of Tickets To See One Of Three Great Shows! Just clip and return to:

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Windows & Power Washing

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016



Spring has Sprung!

Written by Jennifer Kobayashi, Staff Writer

It’s a beautiful 70° and the sky is clear blue.

The animals at The Funny Farm Animal Rescue shake off last night’s slumber and meander over to the volunteers, looking for a nibble. Mr. Peepers, a young wild turkey, relentlessly hounds volunteer Wendi Rourke for breakfast. “No matter how much we feed him, it’s never enough. He’s always hungry!” she says. She would know. Rourke, 60, drives down every Friday from her home in Berlin just to volunteer. “I just love them all. Growing up with a grandmother who had a farm, I just connected immediately with all of the animals. If I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be Eeyore the donkey,” she grins. Wendy Renaud murmurs in agreement as she begins opening cans of wet cat food for the cats gathered at her feet. Renaud, 53, has been coming to the farm for about a year and a half. She heard about the Funny Farm and checked it out online and liked what she saw. “My mother and I came to visit one day and Laurie gave us a personal tour and I fell in love with it all,” she recalls. “I’m learning something new every day, whether it’s breaking ice in the freezing dead of winter or feeding a 1200-lb. pig her afternoon snack. Laurie is my close friend and mentor.” The ladies hear volunteer Robin Johnstone’s sweet laughter before she even enters the tackhouse. When she arrives, hugs are shared all around. Robin comes whenever she can – which is at least once a week – to help out in any way she can. She especially enjoys the pigs. “I just want to hug them!” she gushes. Theresa – affectionately referred to as “The Cat Lady” – is from Camden County. She has been coming for a year and a half now, and rarely misses an opportunity to visit the animals. “Without The Funny Farm and Laurie’s kindness and generosity, I don’t know where I’d be. She will never know how much it is appreciated,” she says. Jannine Spengler of Egg Harbor has been coming to the farm for over two years now. She does everything from running the gift shop to making sure the visitors sign in and complete waivers. When asked what the farm means to her, she responds, “Laurie inspires me to be a better person.” These women have full-time jobs or other obligations, yet they find time

The County Woman Magazine

in their busy schedules to come and care for animals out of the goodness of their hearts. Renaud and Rourke built a shed for Tico, the mini donkey. Johnstone threw a picnic for herself and Penelope the pig, and Jannine has a hand in everything at the farm. And then there’s Laurie Zaleski, owner and operator of the farm. With an infectious smile (and what I can only imagine to be superhero DNA), she manages the 15-acre farm to boast almost 250 animals. It’s a good thing too because this spring the farm is teeming with little ones! Meet Rex and Wrangler, two young ducks whose owners could not care for them any longer. Naturally, Zaleski couldn’t refuse. So here they are, enjoying their new home. And Henrietta, one of the Plymouth Barred Rock Hens, gave birth to a batch of babies less than a week ago. Six tiny little puffballs try to squeeze themselves underneath her feathers, each jockeying for the best warm spot. Finally, the farm rescued a mama cat and her three very happy and healthy kittens! Jannine cuddles the trio between her hands, reveling in their fresh kitten scent and little wet noses. “They’re so tiny!” she exclaims. The women continue their chit-chat, discussing everything from the weather to one of the newer rescues, Elvis the emu. “He was found running loose in Gloucester County and the ASPCA was called and they brought him here to the farm,” Zaleski says happily. The laughter continues as the women make their way to do what needs to be done, Mr. Peepers anxiously following, hoping for treats.

Robin Johnstone and Penelope

Wendy, Laurie, Wendi, Socks, Farley


To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Name: Address: Town: State: Zip: Phone: Email: Gift Amount: Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation!

May/June 2016

Fabulous Food


Springtime Brunch


ay has always been my favorite month. Not my birthday or anniversary – it’s just the first month that really feels like spring to me. Flowers are blooming, the weather is really starting to get nice, grass is turning green and the trees are really starting to come out. It’s also Mother’s Day. My mom continues to be a kitchen inspiration to me, so in honor of her, and all Moms, here’s a tasty brunch menu that is perfect for Mother’s Day or any spring weekend.

Golden Champagne Punch (Makes 13 cups) 2 20 oz cans crushed pineapple in juice 2 6 oz cans frozen lemonade concentrate ¼ cup sugar 28 oz club soda, chilled 1 qt champagne Ice cubes

Crab Quiche – Serves 6

Prepared pastry for 1 pie crust 4 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg 1 cup swiss cheese, shredded 3 T butter 2 T green onion, minced 12 oz crabmeat (or imitation crab if you prefer), well drained 2 T dry vermouth 1/8 tsp cayenne

Process pineapple and juice in a food processor until it is thick. In a chilled punch bowl, stir the blended pineapple, undiluted lemonade concentrate, and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Add the club soda and champagne. Add ice and serve immediately.

Preheat oven to 425. Prepare and place pastry in pie plate. Chill well. With a wire whisk, beat the eggs, cream and nutmeg. Stir in cheese and set aside. In a saucepan, melt the butter. Add the green onions and cook until tender. Stir the onions and remaining ingredients into the egg mixture and pour into the prepared crust. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 325 and bake an additional 35 minutes or until knife inserted in the center of the quiche comes out clean. Serve the quiche with salad or toasted English muffins. For dessert, enjoy fresh fruit topped with whipped cream.

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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Happy Mother’s


Father’s Day!


Happy Mother’s & Father’s Day! My parents, George and Janet Achenbach, are my heroes and will be celebrating their 52nd wedding anniversary this year. Thank you, mom and dad, for teaching me the values of family, love, laughter, hard work and great food!

My 86-year-old mom is smart, funny, strong and fiercely independent. She and her amazing friends are intimidating in their knowledge of current affairs, politics, art and music, and they love a good party! As matriarch of our family, she guides, comforts and inspires all of us.

Love, Paul and Steph Hopkins

Love you, Mom! – Eileen

Mom and Dad, I grew up cocooned in your love, comforted by your hugs and motivated by your lives… and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for everything.

My dad was a paradox: a small, quiet man with a huge intellect and powerful leadership qualities. Ethical and hardworking, he inspired respect and affection among friend, family and colleagues. He was someone I could always turn to for solid advice and unconditional love. Wish I still could.

Love, Lauren Dad, Ever since I was a little girl following you around screaming “Ice Cream!” down the beach I knew you would always be there for me. So, thank you dad for being my best friend that I can joke around and laugh with. You are the greatest man I know and I am always proud of your accomplishments. Love Always Your Little Girl, Jessie Mom, I have always looked up to you since I was a little girl, and even though I am growing up I still look to you for guidance. You are more then just my mom, you are what makes me laugh and smile everyday. I know this year was hard on us but just know Gram is looking down smiling at us too. Love Always Your Bunny, Jessie A father’s goodness is higher than the mountain, a mother’s goodness deeper than the sea. -Unknown Happy Mother’s and Father’s Day. All my love, Leah

Kelly Brown, My Mother. Who is my mother? She is a sister, a wife, a daughter and a friend. My mother is a kind, quick thinking and proud woman who wouldn’t hurt a fly but would do anything for her kids. My mother is also very strong and wise. Most importantly however, my mother is very loved. Love Always Your Son & Daughter, Micheal & Kelbie

Miss you, Dad.- Eileen I want to honor my mother in law, Racielle Lande. Besides being a wonderful mother to the man I am married to, she is also known as “Mee-ma” to my seven-year-old twin boys. They are so lucky to have been blessed with a Grandma who has bestowed her love on them in ways that just can’t be measured.

Dad, I love you! You have always taught me and helped me grow. I love knowing that even though I’m grown up, I know you are always there for me. Happy Father’s Day to the best Dad, and the best PopPop too! Love, Laura

We Love you Grandma! - Gena We can’t thank you enough for all the help and guidance you gave us during the evolution of All-Care. Throughout our lives you have shown us so much love and support that has been so crucial to our family’s happiness. We couldn’t have done it without you! Love, Mike and Jim To my parents, Rita and Ron Concordia. You are incredibly wonderful parents and have shown me that parenthood is a journey not a destination. Thank you both for always being there for my family and me. Wishing you both a Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Father’s Day!

Mom, I love you! Being a mom has shown me even more how much love and hard work goes into motherhood. I am so lucky and appreciative that I get to learn from you, work with you, and spend time with you every day. I love you! Love, Laura Mom & Dad, You have always been there for me, and pushed me to achieve my goals. I wouldn’t be the person I am today with out both of you being there encouraging me. Thank you for the memorable Disney Trips. I love you! Love Always, Paige, Tyler, Brandon, Zeus, Moxie and last but least Daisy

Love, Rita

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016


Hair Designs


s the summer quickly approaches and the days appear longer, we at Abstrax Hair Designs do not want you to forget how important it is to keep your locks looking fresh and bold throughout the entire season. HAIR SERVICES Let our experienced stylists cater to your distinct hair type, facial shape and life style! During your visit, we will teach you how to obtain the salon finish look everyday and recommend products for your daily, at home maintenance. The hair industry is a visual art form. Please feel free to bring pictures, magazine clippings, and any other examples to aid your stylist in grasping your vision. Other helpful hints include a description of your lifestyle, job requirements, and the amount of time you allot for daily care. HAIR EXTENSIONS At Abstrax Hair Designs, our professional staff has over 15 years of experience in hair extensions. Hair extensions are perfect for adding more length, fullness, volume, body, highlights, lowlights, fixing a bad hair cut, growing out bangs, or just driving your boyfriend crazy! Lighter or brighter extensions is also a perfect way to kick it up a notch. Look like the celebrities with great natural hair extensions. We use the “Great Lengths” bonding method. We’ll start with the consultation to determine what look you would like to achieve with the extensions. Remember to ask, ask, ask as many questions you can! It will be helpful for you and your stylist. At all times, our staff promises

professional services and a natural style that fits all of your individual needs. The method of bonding your hair extensions is attaching the extension to the base of your own hair using natural proteins to bond the extensions in place. This special technique used in this process allows the extensions to be attached higher on your hair shaft, which results in healthier, more natural flow of your hair. VEGAN PRODUCTS In addition to natural hair extensions, we offer Zerran’s vegan product called RealLisse. Zerran RealLisse is a patented, botanically based system offering semi-permanenet smoothing MINUS the use of formaldehyde or other harsh chemicals. This professional system is for salon use only. No chemical or health worries. RealLisse can be used on hair that is colored or bleached. Smoothing results last two to four weeks.

Services include:

Hair Cuts Chemical Process • Men • Color • Women • Double Process • Children • Half/Full Head Foils • Bangs • Frostings w/ Cap • Wash, Cut, & Blow Dry • Perms • Shampoo & Set • Color Rinse • Cut, Shampoo, & Set • 5-Step Treatment • Flat Iron • Zerran Smoothing • Up Do’s • Spiral Perm • Braiding • And Much More!

Waxing • Make Overs Manicures and Pedicures

Enjoy ultra smooth, shiny and easy care hair that takes half the time to style. Keep the look and feel of improved natural hair without compromise! We are extremely happy to welcome and accommodate MaryAnn Verderrosa to our staff! She was employed with Toms River’s exclusive Thomas Salon, which closed after 50 years in business. We are looking forward to her continuing career with us! We at Abstrax Hair Designs would love to give you an individualized, amazing look. Call 732-255-1733 to schedule an appointment today. You will not be disappointed. Your time is precious, we will not waste it!


2494 Moore Rd. Ste #1, Toms River, NJ 08753 Email:

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Theatre & Entertainment

The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2016



Big Brothers Big Sisters Names “Bigs of the Year”

Our Big Brother of the Year is Eric Reich, of Marmora, NJ. Eric has been a Big Brother to his Little Brother, Seamus, for 6 years. Seamus, now a junior in high school, was in fourth grade when they first met. Seamus’ Mother initially reached out to Big Brothers Big Sisters because she worried that Seamus would need someone in his corner, as his father was not involved with his life. When it was time to meet Eric, Seamus was nervous. Nerves soon calmed and it was only a year later that Seamus submitted an essay about what his “Big” meant to him and said, “Honestly he’s one of my best friends that I know, he is very kind and nice like he’s a perfect role model for me. I’m pretty sure we will be best friends forever.” Eric and Seamus have become extensions of each other’s families. Eric has been very involved with Seamus’ education, and has even attended parent teacher conferences. Seamus’ Mother has explained, “They are a part of the BBBS program, but it has gone way beyond that. Their friendship has flourished over the years… Eric has become a big part of our family and has taught Seamus morals and hardworking skills.” “Eric and Seamus have touched the lives of everyone who has seen them together these past 6 years; they exemplify the Big Brothers Big Sisters mission to change the life of a child for the better, forever. I know that Eric will continue as a source of support for Seamus as he transitions out of high school and into the next part of his future, and I believe Seamus was right when he predicted that he and Eric would be best friends forever,” says Beatrix Jerkins, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlantic and Cape May Counties CEO.

Our Big Sister of the Year is Nicolette Carty of Villas, NJ. She is a former Little Sister turned Big Sister, paying it forward. Now nineteen, she has been part of BBBS since she was six years old. She had such a positive experience with her Big Sister Kim that she knew she wanted to give back and be a Big herself. In 2011 she signed up to mentor in our Middle Twp. #2 School Based Program. She was matched with Little Sister Destiny, and after 3 years in a school setting, they became a community based match. Her school guidance counselor initially referred Destiny to the BBBS program. She was strong willed and found herself at odds with school staff and peers. Since being matched with Nicolette, Destiny has gained confidence in herself, and is more open and less likely to shut down when she is confronted with a tough situation. They now have a relationship that is inseparable, even through Big Sister’s recent battle with cancer. Almost anyone in Nicolette’s shoes would have taken a step back and spent time focusing on their health, but Nicolette has continued to make her relationship with Destiny a priority. Destiny recently submitted an essay on, “What My Big Means to Me”. Destiny’s essay was heartfelt and noted, “When we first met I was scared. I had never had a big sister before and I didn’t know what to expect. Now I can’t imagine my life without Nicolette. We are like real sisters and I know she’ll be in my life forever.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlantic and Cape May Counties is celebrating 51 years serving local children facing adversity. Our mission is to provide children with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlantic & Cape May Counties 609-573-5029 •

The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

Women’s History


Patricia Field: “The Punk Den Mother” W

ho is the punk den mother, you ask? If you have never been to New York, it may be time to plan a trip! Patricia Field is most notably known as the costume designer for “Carrie Bradshaw” in Sex and the City. However, she is also known to a very elite community in New York and celebrities as the go-to fashion guru for eclectic fashion. In a paid-for storefront on Bowery Street in New York, Patricia Field has dared to go where not many were confident to go. She has supplied many with beautifully colored wigs, studded bustiers and bedazzled hoodies. Patricia was the ticket to freedom of expression of oneself in fashion. However, in late December of 2015, she made the shocking announcement that she would be listing her real estate for sale and closing shop. Many of her loyal customers are grieving the loss of their “fashion mother.” They have relied on Patricia for decades to provide consultation and perhaps just the right accessory for their grand events or simply a night out on the town. Patricia Field’s road to fame did not begin as simply as her departure from fashion. She was born February 12, 1941 in New York City to parents who were both Greek and Armenian. A native New Yorker, Patricia was raised in Astoria, Queens. Patricia’s parents owned a dry cleaning store. Patricia would spend a great amount of time in the store looking at fabrics and clothing from customers. Patricia’s aunts would take her to the department stores while Patricia’s mother worked. It was on those special trips that Patricia began learning the fashion industry. Patricia studied government and philosophy at New York University. Patricia Field, gorgeous, petite, with an incredible figure even at the young age of 25 ventured to open her first boutique in Greenwich Village with a small amount of money from a trust fund that Patricia received after her father died. Patricia later transitioned to her current 4,000-foot space on Bowery Street. Most notable for her trendy outfits and flaming red hair, she has worked long and hard to receive the recognition she has today. Although Patricia had been working in the fashion industry for many years, in the 1990s she was working with Sarah Jessica Parker on the film Miami Rhapsody. They became friends. When Sex and the City was created, Patricia was called to be at the helm of the costume design for the series and then later the movies. Sarah Jessica Parker’s character, Carrie Bradshaw, made fashion look easy. I think everyone wanted to be able to wear the high heels and fabulous tutu Carrie wore in the series!

In addition to the Sex and the City costume design, Patricia Field continued to maintain her warehouse full of fashion. Patricia was used in other films and television shows as well, earning her one Emmy win with five nominations as well as four Costume Designers Guild Awards with six nominations. Patricia Fields pushed the envelope of fashion at a time when socially unacceptable appearances were rejected, and yet the star elite accepted her. It would not surprise me that young and old may have acquired a small piece of history that they have worn to just the right occasion that may now be archived to the back of their closet instead of discarded. Patricia Field chose to go where no one else would dare to go, and for that many of her fans are eternally grateful. The ability to express oneself through fashion gives individuals a sense of freedom without care of judgement and discrimination. Patricia Field has given many just that freedom regardless of their sexual identity, gender, race or culture. Patricia is open about being a lesbian, working with her longtime partner in the fashion industry. However, starting out in the fashion industry, Patricia did not always express herself as openly as she does now.

If you have not been to visit her fabulous store on Bowery Street, you may have missed your opportunity, as closing was scheduled for the end of March. However, her website is currently still active. Although many will remember Patricia Field for her costume designs from Sex and the City, The Devil Wears Prada, Hope & Faith and Ugly Betty, to name a few, Patricia Field will be remembered by fellow New Yorkers throughout history as the “mother” who dressed many with cutting-edge fashion for over six decades. References: Schulman, Michael (2015). The New York Times. Last Dance for Patricia Field, December 27, 2015 edition. Field, Patricia (2016). Retrieved on April 1, 2016.

Rita King, MSW, LCSW is a full-time mental health therapist and advocate of women’s history. During her undergraduate studies in psychology, Rita developed a strong passion for women’s history after completing classes in political science. As an activist, Rita has raised awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures, history lessons in elementary and middle schools and creating women’s history displays at local libraries. Rita also utilizes her knowledge of women’s history to empower women and young girls in her current role as a mental health therapist. The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016


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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016

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