8 minute read
Funny Farm Rescue
70 Pets


The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting to meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases,

One of the best places in the world to learn the meaning of “unconditional love” is the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary in Mays Landing, NJ.
The love in your heart wasn’t put If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty good idea how much they love you and get there to stay. Love isn’t love till you excited when you come home and how sad they are when you leave. Those are the lucky ones. Not all animals are so lucky to have someone love them. give it away. Love feeds and heals The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands hearts sometimes beyond what of people each year who come to visit and give them the love they need. Most animals anyone expected. The best way to come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements for their pets after they were gone and the animals had nowhere to go. How scary that must be for these sweet animals feel real love is to help someone else, animals included. The rewards you that gave their owners so much love. receive in return far exceed anything One example is a nameless little black and white baby goat with a broken leg. At less than a month old, he was injured and was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. Through a series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found out about in the world. In every disaster, you see the best in people. this little goat’s situation and didn’t waste any time rescuing him. Neighbors helping neighbors. It’s almost as if you see We made a custom splint to stabilize his leg because he couldn’t stand on it at all. He real angels. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know them. needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for They are showing kindness and true love for others. him. Farley the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took him under his wing In the world of animal rescue, we regularly see animals in total desperation. At the and gave him a lot of love and attention. Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary, an endless supply of visitors and volunteers give so much The little goat was black and white and looked so much like a cow that he earned the name “Cowboy.” Over the next few days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took to him to the University of Pennsylvania, where they had the best equipment. Several of their time, talents, support, and supplies. All of their efforts help give animals hope, food, shelter and most importantly, love. What these people get in return is something that thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and can’t be put into words. amputation. When you give love to an animal in need, in return, you feel needed. The love that He lived in the house so he could be cared for properly and received much animal gives you is tenfold compared to the love you gave them socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, especially when they need it most. This is why people everywhere he thinks he’s a dog! become addicted to the Funny Farm. This is why visitors come back Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured the hearts of people all over the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of and people all over the world watch our Facebook and YouTube Live Videos. They interact with us and become personally involved their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! in the stories of hope, kindness, and love. They get involved and He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has become part of something wonderful. an unlimited supply of kisses! Everyone is his friend! Somehow he knows what was done for him and he The goodness in people inspires even more goodness in people. appreciates his life now. It spreads and there are simply no limits. Someone in South Africa The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting to meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, can be inspired by a story on the other side of the world. The goodness of the Funny Farm touches hearts everywhere. Each of the 600 animals here are real stories and their likelihood of having the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget.
Animals Heal Hearts Written by Matt reeves a life at all would be slim to none if it wasn’t for the worldwide force for good of the Funny Farm Family. There is no such thing as distance when it comes to matters of the heart. You can feel the love of an animal from anywhere in the world through interactive social media. There is simply nothing that can make you feel better than being kind to others, especially when it’s not easy. Good customer service doesn’t matter when there’s never a problem. The true measure of good customer service is when things go wrong. Helping an animal that can’t help themselves and seeing them survive and go on to live an amazing life, will impact your life. You did it. You can do anything despite all odds. When your heart is renewed, there is nothing you can’t face. Your attitude changes. It almost seems as if nothing can get you down. Things that once seemed unbearable in your life, now seem small. You laugh off bullies. You’re a part of something great. You know it. You feel it. The Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary needs you! Miracles happen here everyday because of people like you! A donation, comment, gift card, a comment on FaceTube or even a view on YouTube makes a huge difference in the lives of 600 animals in need. It all adds up! The Funny Farm isn’t just a place for animals to heal. It’s an inspirational story, especially for women. The owner, Laurie Zaleski, has an incredible ability to do good and bring others along with her. There are no employees on payroll, yet hundreds of people come and never leave. Animals become part of their hearts forever!

The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us! www.funnyfarmrescue.org For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue” The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us! www.funnyfarmrescue.org For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Laurie at: laurie@funnyfarmrescue.org Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie ZaleskiFollow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us! www.funnyfarmrescue.org For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gift Amount: To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. _____________ Town: _______________________________________State: _____________Zip: ___________________________________ Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation! Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________