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Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness 27 Cough And Cold Season Is Here— Are You Ready? Believe it or not, cough and cold season is upon us. Our nights DRINK PLENTY OF WATER: are becoming very cold and children have been back in school germs out of your body. Water also helps keep your mucous membranes for about six months now. This is the season everyone dreads. It moist, allowing them to trap the virus and dispose of it. mall and even at home. Now is the time to take some steps that BREATHE FRESH AIR: Try to breathe as much fresh air as possible. will reduce your risk of catching a cold and stock up on things that Recycled, contaminated air can make you sick! Get outside as much as will help with the symptoms when the inevitable happens. possible. Cold air will not give you a cold! For the most part, everyone catches some degree of a cold at least once a year. Once you feel the symptoms coming on, then what? For starters, Here are some helpful hints: continue the above tips. Also, cover your mouth and nose when you
WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY: This will help stop the sneeze or cough (no one else wants your germs). And most importantly— spread of germs. Everything you touch potentially has cold germs on it— doorknobs, handrails, pens, PIN pads, etc. Also, keep hand sanitizer easily CONTINUE TO WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY. accessible—keep it in your car and your desk at work. There are many cough and cold medications on the market that can help with your cold or cough symptoms. Decongestants in a pill form or
REDUCE STRESS: Whenever a big day is coming up, or a deadline a nasal spray can help with a stuffy nose. Antihistamines can help with you have been rushing to meet, you are more likely to become sick. Relax, itchy, watery eyes. Cough suppressants help control a nagging cough. your health is more important. Also, try to get at least eight hours of sleep Cough drops or throat lozenges help with a sore throat. Tylenol or Motrin per night. can help any body aches or fever. Before taking any medications, please consult with your pharmacist or doctor to be sure the medication you are EAT WELL: Certain foods combat buying doesn’t aggravate any existing medical conditions or interact with colds. Try to include as much of the any current medication you are taking. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. following as possible in your diet: Many over-the-counter cough and cold medications can cause adverse effects. Don’t be afraid to ask us, that is what we are here for. citrus fruits, and whole grains. Some evidence also exists supporting Once you have determined which medications are safe, using vitamin C and Echinacea to boost your immune system. keep some at home so that you are prepared when that cold comes along.
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Advanced Memory Research Institute of New Jersey (AMRI) was founded in 2013 by Dr. Sanjiv Sharma. Dr. Sharma is a board-certified geriatrician who specialized in memory loss. He noticed the increasing incidence of memory loss in Ocean and Monmouth County and began to think of ways to offer support to the region.
AMRI offers an opportunity for individuals who feel that their concerns are not being heard. “The most common story we hear is, ‘I complained about my memory to my primary care physician, but they told me there was nothing I could do about it. If it happens, it happens’. Which is so discouraging”, says Lal Ramani, one of the many professionals at AMRI that work with individuals and their families to discuss the problems with their memory.
By founding AMRI, Dr. Sharma brought clinical trials and memory research to Central New Jersey. Clinical trials and research are the cornerstone to developing new medical treatments whether it be disease knowledge or actual medications. “Clinical trials offer an opportunity for individuals to make a significant contribution to science.” says Dr. Sharma. AMRI currently offers more than ten protocols in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.
During a 60-minute evaluation with one of the AMRI doctors, they will review your complaints and symptoms associated with your memory loss, the potential cause of the loss, and how participation in clinical research could benefit the individual.
Part of the clinical trial process is “can we find the earliest cause of this disease so we can make a difference and make the changes,” says Dr. Sharma. Clinical trial participation is a chance for participants to receive high quality care and diagnostic tests that are not widely available to the general population. Through the clinical trial process, a participant does not need to stop their current memory medication and do not require insurance to contribute.
“Through clinical research we are trying to target the core cause of disease. By doing this we hope to preserve the current memory of a patient,” says Anna Brocco, PharmD, MBA, Director of Operations and Clinical Research at AMRI. It is her role to bring research opportunities to the center. “I want to make sure we have a protocol for all stages of the disease so that if someone is willing to participate, we have the opportunity for them to do so.” To learn more about memory evaluations or clinical trials, Call AMRI at 732.341.9500 or visit amrinj.com Sanjiv Sharma, MD, CPI, Founder & Principal Investigator at Advanced Memory Research Institute of New Jersey suggests early neurological evaluations for memory loss.

The team at AMRI has more than 50 years of combined experience conducting clinical trials. All team members also take training though the Alzheimer’s Ass association to work with those living with the disease and those who care for the disease. By doing this training, the AMRI team has more compassion and understanding of the disease. This creates an atmosphere of comfort and joy when being in our office. As one patient said, “From the minute I got here, I loved everyone who I talked to. They all had such a great sense of humor. It has been two and a half years now and they are my family.”
“That is the gift of clinical trials.”
30 Health & Wellness AccuCare Wellness & Recovery Zone Is Now Open!
While treating patients from all walks of life and for all different impairments; Pamela has learned that pain is not caused from musculoskeletal injuries alone. Burdened with stress headaches, poor sleep, depression, chronic sickness and fatigue; we see so many who suffer on a daily basis, just accepting it as the norm. Chalking it up to “life”, genetics or just getting older; Pamela & her amazing team at AccuCare are here to tell you that it doesn’t need to be this way! Especially during these times of sickness and threats to our health, being at your best is an absolute necessity. Focusing on all things to feel, perform, live and be at your best, let Accucare help get to the root of your problems and start living your best, pain-free & healthiest life.
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