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St. Francis Counseling Service
St. Francis Counseling Service offers individual, family, couples and group therapy to all residents of southern Ocean County on a sliding scale fee based on annual household income. Survivors of sexual violence and victims of crime are eligible for grant funded services. Our staff consists of Masters level therapists specially trained in Sand Play and EMDR therapies.

St. Francis Servicio de Consejería está ofreciendo consejería centrado en el trauma para los residentes Latinos de Ocean County. Si usted ha sufrido abuso o asalto sexual y está listo para hablar, por favor llamenos para mas información. Servicios de consejería están previstos sin costo para los sobrevivientes. Locaciones seguras y confidenciales disponibles en la comunidad para mejor servir nuestros clientes.
Confidential Sexual Violence Advocates serve as 24 hour support to survivors reporting a sexual assault to any Ocean County hospital or police department. They also provide 24 hour support through our Confidential Sexual Violence Hotline at 609-494-1090. If you are interested in joining our team, please call 609494-1554 for more information.