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ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr
You'll appreciate the chance to make a commitment to a healthier life or to a project and to improve your diet and appearance. Get set for a fresh chapter within a relationship, particularly with someone in your family, a creative project or someone close, such as a best friend. Consider what works for you in practical terms. By the end of April you'll feel revitalised.
TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May
You're about to experience a fresh chapter at home or with someone in your family, so take things in your stride as this will help you to produce a positive outcome. You may receive good news to do with a group, friend or organisation, so if you have been planning to begin a fresh phase in cahoots with a new social or work circle, ensure you set the wheels in motion. GEMINI 22 May – 21 Jun
You're about to begin a fresh chapter in a close relationship. You'll find ways to discuss your projects, plans and wishes much better. Ventures undertaken now are likely to bear fruit, so take the initiative and float some ideas and set wheels in motion. This is a good time to consider sharing space differently, and to focus on creating a rosy picture in your domestic life.
CANCER 22 Jun – 23 Jul
You could turn a corner financially and, at the very least, get on top of your budget. Some crabs will discover that improving the dynamics in your love life will be easier, and you'll feel more secure and on-target with your various duties. March is a particularly romantic, spiritual and creative month, so aim to boost these areas in your life as your interests could blossom.
by Patsy Bennett | For readings, see www.patsybennett.com
LEO 24 Jul – 23 Aug
You're ready for something new, especially in your personal life. Some Leos will be more focuses on making changes financially now. Consider ways to find more time for yourself, and to establish strategies that will create a healthy daily existence. A romantic March may be ideal, but if you are disappointed in love, there will be a silver lining over these two months.
VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sept
The recent Virgo full moon illuminated a fresh understanding of someone close – and perhaps even of yourself. The key to happiness over the next two months is to avoid obstinacy as it will simply stall your progress. In March, you'll gain insight into a business or personal partner. Romance could blossom now, so plan a treat and, if you're single, look for love, it's there!
LIBRA 24 Sept – 23 Oct
You'll appreciate the opportunity to be more practical about organising your daily schedule so that it suits your needs better. Discussions to do with work, wellbeing and your daily routine can take you into fresh pastures. Developments in March and April will provide the chance to work out if you've been labouring under a delusion – and to put things right if you have.
SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov
You'll gain the chance to boost family and interpersonal dynamics and this will move your relationships forward. This may occur because of wonderful events – or challenging dynamics. Either way, the door that opens will breathe fresh air into your life. Romance could blossom and creative Scorpios could be particularly inspired now, so be prepared to be busy.
SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 22 Dec
You're ready for something new that could have long-standing consequences in your career, status, general direction or home life. Be prepared to look for advisors and experts who can help you achieve goals. Find the time for a favourite venture as this is an inspiring time. You'll enjoy being creative. Spiritual Sagittarians will gain a deeper understanding of self and others.
CAPRICORN 23 Dec – 20 Jan
The inevitability of change will become apparent, and this will become remarkably obvious via a trip, talk or negotiation. If you feel changes now represent a loss, focus on the positives. There will be many. You may simply not see them yet. A domestic development could be ideal so consider the variables. Romance and a deeper understanding of spirituality will inspire you.
AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb
A change regarding your finances is on the way and also a change in your personal life. A mini review of these two areas could be productive, especially concerning your priorities. Ask if you get enough time for your favourite activities and people? If not, find the time to be able to express your true values and find more purpose in life now. You'll succeed with your efforts.
PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar
Be prepared to put in hard work and a new chapter will flourish. You may receive news or uncover facts that are to your advantage. Your association with a group, organisation or friend can blossom, even if some logistics require detailed attention. You may be repaid a debt. Romance could blossom, especially in March, but if you feel disappointed, there will be a silver lining.
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1 Sir Peter Blake 2 Armenia 3 Circus Oz 4 Beluga or white whale 5 The Doppler effect 6 Naomi Klein 7 Japanese spider crab 8 1973 9 2024 10 The platter
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