2 minute read
from Cove magazine
crossword CROSSWORD time for ten TIME FOR TEN
1 These help the mail sorter
‘specs’ to do well (9) 7 Low moon, not quite full (3) 8 Strikes southern circuits (5) 10 Force your way through a difficult recipe (6) 13 Valuable animals, worth ten-in-one somehow (4) 14 Nine are hiding close by (4) 15 Remove surveillance devices to get rid of software problems (5) 16 Places in which wild riots left the solicitor troubled (4) 17 To leave the bottom of a proverbially silent place (4) 19 An entertainer at his age?
Nonsense! (6) 22 Give the would-be spouse the brush-off? (5) 24 The lady, perhaps, that abruptly chased the cad out? (3) 25 Apprehensively find the sun overly injurious (9) 2 You will need slalom poles for this incline (5) 3 You may treat acne with rattan (4) 4 Some discussion between the spinal vertebrae (4) 5 Large expanse in South
East Asia? (3) 6 How unhappy scrooge can be! (9) 7 When an eerily thin gloom can be a romantic setting (9) 9 The airless earthling struggled to the full extent (6) 11 Poor digestion offset by colour (6) 12 The learned man that the bunny had no time for (5) 18 This place is good for a rest, so is a change (5) 20 Foreign prince observed returning to the scene of the crime (4) 21 The pit leaves the loose topsoil alone (4) 23 He got to town without them starting to realise it belonged to him (3) ACROSS 1 Sets of numbers facilitating mail delivery (9) 7 Low (3) 8 Strikes (5) 10 Penetrate (6) 13 Cattle (4) 14 Approach (4) 15 Correct computer programs (5) 16 Positions on DNA strand (4) 17 Sepulchre (4) 19 Oriental entertainer (6) 22 Stable boy (5) 24 Pronoun (3) 25 Anxiously (9)
DOWN 2 An inclined surface (5) 3 Bamboo (4) 4 Circular object (4) 5 Ocean (3) 6 Wretched (9) 7 Romantic illumination (9) 9 Linear magnitude (6) 11 Colour (6) 12 Jewish scholar (5) 18 Fertile place (5) 20 Muslim prince (4) 21 Alone (4) 23 Possess (3)
1 Snake plant (Sansevieria) is often referred to as mother-in-law's what?
2 What name is rapper Christopher Wallace better known by?
3 Who directed the 2000 mystery film Memento?
4 Which artist’s work adorns the cover of The Velvet Underground and Nico’s debut album?
5 What is the meaning of the Latin word albus?
6 Approximately what percentage of the Earth's land surface is desert?
7 Which two elements is Marie Curie credited with discovering?
8 What is the term for the tissue that usually connects muscle to bone?
9 Which Australian actor, now based in Los Angeles, was born Amanda Lee Rogers?
10 Who is the title character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice?
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Hard No. 832
39 51 2 1 4 5 9 6 7 8 326 3 4 9 8 4 9 3 2 27 89
Easy No. 833
9 8 1 15 3 6 1 5 65 2 4 3 8 5 1 47 9 8 2 3 8 5 6 2 7 26 1
Copyright © Reuben’s Puzzles www.reubenspuzzles.com.au