Business Day HomeFront 23 April 2021

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Acquire your piece of paradise in prestigious Llandudno with this divine four-level beach-style home. The versatile accom A HIDDEN GEM WITH EXCEPTIONAL VIEWS unique luxurious urban enclave and bay, with itsSEA own AND nature MOUNTAIN reserve and private walks down to the beach. This home is

Llandudno, Cape Town

Bidding starts at R19 000 000 Acquire your piece of paradise in prestigious Llandudno with this divine four-level beach-style home. The versatile accom A HIDDEN GEM WITH EXCEPTIONAL SEA AND MOUNTAIN VIEWS unique luxurious urban enclave and bay, with its own nature reserve and private walks down to the beach. This home is

Llandudno, Cape Town

Bidding starts at R19 000 000

Acquire your piece paradise in prestigious Llandudno withMOUNTAIN this divine four-level beach-style home. The versatile accom A HIDDEN GEMofWITH EXCEPTIONAL SEA AND VIEWS unique luxurious urban enclave and bay, with its own nature reserve and private walks down to the beach. This home is Llandudno, Cape Town starts at R19 000EXCEPTIONAL 000 ABidding HIDDEN GEM WITH SEA AND MOUNTAIN VIEWS Acquire your piece ofWITH paradise in prestigious Llandudno withMOUNTAIN this divine four-level beach-style home. The versatile accom A HIDDEN GEM EXCEPTIONAL SEA AND VIEWS Llandudno, Cape Town unique luxurious urban enclave and bay, with its own nature reserve and private walks down to the beach. This home is Llandudno, Cape Town

Joburg’s peachy hotel PAGE 2

Acquire your piece in prestigious Llandudno with this divine four-level beach-style home. The versatile accom Bidding starts at of R19paradise 000 000 Acquire your pieceurban of paradise prestigious with reserve this divine beach-style The versatile accom unique luxurious enclaveinand bay, withLlandudno its own nature andfour-level private walks down tohome. the beach. This home is unique luxurious urban enclave and bay, with its own nature reserve and private walks down to the beach. This home is Bidding starts at R19 000 000 Bidding starts at R19 000 000

CLIFTON GEM Clifton, Cape Town

EXQUISITE FRENCH PR Featherbrooke Estate, Kr

The most beautiful character-filled apartment in a popular block across the road CLIFTON GEM from 1st beach. Easy flow from open-plan lounge/dining area to an undercover Clifton, Cape balcony with greatTown views of the ocean towards 4th Beach. The ideal lock-up-andgo Theapartment. most beautiful character-filled apartment in a popular block across the road

This meticulously-designed and EXQUISITE FRENCHcompl PR away. Crystal chandeliers Featherbrooke Estate, lea Kr and exquisite commissioned gracious, old-world style are and mo This meticulously-designed EXQUISITE FRENCH PR landscaped in establishe away. Crystalgarden chandeliers compl

CLIFTON GEM from 1st beach. Easy flow from open-plan lounge/dining area to an undercover Clifton,with Cape balcony greatTown views of the ocean towards 4th Beach. The ideal lock-up-and-

Previously listed at R5 900 000. Bidding starts at R4 900 000 go apartment. The most beautiful CLIFTON GEM character-filled apartment in a popular block across the road from 1st beach. Easy flow from open-plan lounge/dining area to an undercover Clifton, Cape Town balcony with great views of the ocean towards 4th Beach. The ideal lock-up-andPreviously listed R5 900 000. Bidding starts at R4 900 000 CLIFTON GEMatcharacter-filled The most beautiful apartment in a popular block across the road go apartment. CLIFTON GEMTown Clifton, Cape from 1st beach. Easy flow from open-plan lounge/dining area to an undercover Clifton, Cape Town of the ocean towards 4th Beach. The ideal lock-up-andbalcony with great views The most beautiful character-filled apartment in a popular block across the road Previously listed atcharacter-filled R5 900 000. apartment Bidding starts R4 900 000 go apartment. The most beautiful in a at popular block across the road from 1st beach. Easy flow from open-plan lounge/dining area to an undercover from 1st with beach. Easy flowoffrom lounge/dining an undercover balcony great views the open-plan ocean towards 4th Beach.area Theto ideal lock-up-andbalcony with great views of the ocean towards 4th Beach. The ideal lock-up-andgo apartment. listed at R5 900 000. Bidding starts at R4 900 000 goPreviously apartment.

Live in a micro city PAGE 3

Previously listed at R5 900 000. Bidding starts at R4 900 000 Previously listed at R5 900 000. Bidding starts at R4 900 000

Celebration Retirement Estate in Northriding, Johannesburg

Featherbrooke Estate, lea Kr and exquisite commissioned

Previously listed at R9 950 00 gracious, old-world style are and mo This meticulously-designed EXQUISITE FRENCH PR landscaped in establishe away. Crystalgarden chandeliers compl Featherbrooke Estate, Kr and exquisite commissioned lea Previously listed at R9 950 00 EXQUISITE FRENCH PR This meticulously-designed and gracious, old-world style are mo EXQUISITE FRENCH PR Featherbrooke Estate, Kr away. Crystal chandeliers compl landscaped garden in establishe Featherbrooke Estate, lea Kr and exquisite commissionedand This meticulously-designed Previously listed at R9 950 00 gracious, old-world style are mo This and away.meticulously-designed Crystal chandeliers compl landscaped garden in establishe away. Crystal chandeliers compl and exquisite commissioned lea and exquisite commissioned lea gracious, old-world are mo Previously listed atstyle R9 950 00 gracious, old-world are mo landscaped garden style in establishe landscaped garden in establishe Previously listed at R9 950 00 Previously listed at R9 950 00

AFFORDABLE AND MODERN CITY LIVING CLOSE TO 19 APARTMENTS OFFER UNIVERSITY 10% PER ANNUM The Regency, Pretoria The Saxony, Durban AFFORDABLE AND MODERN CITY LIVING CLOSE TO 19 APARTMENTS OFFER Modern one-bedroom apartment in close proximity to Menlyn Maine and This listing offers a unique oppo UNIVERSITY 10% PER ANNUMclose to t The University of Pretoria. This development offers a modern and trendy, bedroom apartments Theand Regency, Pretoria including pool, restaurant, concierge services, The Saxony, Durban safe secure hotel-lifestyle, All rental agreements available f AFFORDABLE MODERN LIVING CLOSE TO 19 APARTMENTS OFFER laundry private AND gym.. State of in theclose artCITY finishes include Ceasorstone Modern and one-bedroom apartment proximity to Menlyn Maine and This listing offers a unique oppo UNIVERSITY 10% PER ANNUM countertops and Grohe The University ofHans Pretoria. Thistaps. development offers a modern and trendy, bedroom apartments close to t The Regency, Pretoria The Saxony, Durban safe and secure hotel-lifestyle, including pool, restaurant, concierge services, AllPreviously rental agreements available Previously listed at R1 450 000. Bidding now starts at CLOSE R900 000 listed at R7 800 0f AFFORDABLE AND MODERN CITY LIVING TO 19 APARTMENTS OFFER laundry and private gym.. State of in theclose art finishes include Ceasorstone Modern one-bedroom apartment proximity to Menlyn Maine and This listing offers a unique oppo UNIVERSITY 10% PER ANNUM countertops and Grohe taps. The University ofHans Pretoria. development offers a modern and trendy, bedroom apartments close to t The Regency, Pretoria The Saxony, Durban AFFORDABLE AND This MODERN CITY LIVING CLOSE TO 19 APARTMENTS OFFER safe and secure hotel-lifestyle, including pool, restaurant, concierge services, All rental agreements available AFFORDABLE AND MODERN CITY LIVING CLOSE TO 19 APARTMENTS OFFER Previously listed at R1 450 000. Bidding now starts at R900 000 Previously listed at R7 800 0f UNIVERSITY 10% PER ANNUM Modern one-bedroom apartment in close proximity to Menlyn Maine and This listing offers a unique oppo WHY BUY THROUGH PAM GOLDING WHY BIDX1? laundry and private gym.. State of the art finishes include Ceasorstone UNIVERSITY 10% PER ANNUM TheUniversity Regency, Pretoria The Saxony, Durban The ofPOWERED Pretoria. Thistaps. development offers a modern and trendy, bedroom apartments close to t countertops and Hans Grohe AUCTIONS, BY BIDX1? in 2019, Pam Golding PropertiesDurban forged a The Regency, Pretoria including pool, restaurant, conciergeEarly The Saxony, safe and secure hotel-lifestyle, services, All rental agreements available f

Retirement hotspots

Best buys on a budget PAGE 6

What are most over-50 buyers looking for in a retirement home, and where are they buying to live or investing to secure good rental income initially?

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Don’t miss the next edition on Friday, May 7 • Going off-plan • Design all year round • Property news


Modern one-bedroom inBidding close proximity to at Menlyn and This listing offers unique oppo relationship with global auctions company BidX1, listed R1apartment 450 000. now starts R900Maine 000 Previously listedaat R7 800 0 • Previously All properties areat priced to sell the laundry and private gym.. State of‘on the artday’ finishes Ceasorstone Modern one-bedroom apartment in close proximity Menlyn Maine and BIDX1? This listingapartments offers a unique The University of Pretoria. This development offersinclude atomodern and trendy, bedroom closeoppo to t WHY BUY THROUGH PAM GOLDING WHY by launching this innovative online auction platform (significantly below ‘normal listing prices’ byoffers up toa40%) countertops and Hans Grohe taps. The University of Pretoria. 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The real deal Whether you’re from out of town or a local needing a Joburg staycation, The Peech experience is highly recommended WORDS: DEBBIE HATHWAY :: PHOTOS: SUPPLIED


planned a recent flying visit from Cape Town to Johannesburg down to the minute to accommodate airport traffic and dog kennels’ opening hours. There’s method in the madness, as it’s all about reducing stress when I travel. It’s also been a while since I boarded a plane, and the lack of social distancing, masked up for hours, with or without the refreshment service, takes some getting used to. The goal? Get to The Peech boutique hotel in the leafy suburb of Melrose as fast as possible to relax and prepare for a Cartier high-jewellery exhibition viewing the next day. Coincidentally, the design and inspiration for the [SUR] NATUREL selection that Cartier revealed last year echoes the nature theme that attracts me to The Peech. The jewellery mimics elements of flora and fauna exactly or abstractly – from dahlias and cacti to waterfalls and the iconic panther. The Pierres Gravées collection features stones cut in the shape of

leaves, which evoke lush vegetation. But I digress… It’s so quick and easy using the Gautrain to get from OR Tambo International to Rosebank via Sandton and, to complete the journey, The Peech is only a five-minute taxi drive from the Gautrain station. I considered diverting to Hyde Park Corner en route for a little immersion in the world of watches and writing instruments at the Montblanc boutique, but it was raining and I had luggage. I decided to stick to my itinerary and focus on being welcomed back to The Peech. It’s one of the reasons I chose to return there. Staff appear when you need them – courteous, well trained and eager to please yet unobtrusive. My main motivation for the stay, however, was the environment. That and the fact that I like to overnight at places where I feel at home.

LUSH GROUNDS The Peech was originally built as a private residence in the 1950s and remained



EDITORIAL TEAM Editor: Debbie Loots Designer: Samantha Durand

Copy Editor: Christine de Villiers Production: Lucea Goosen

a family home for more than 40 years. It was bought by James Peech in 2002 and opened as The Peech Hotel in 2004. Beautifully restored, the boutique hotel offers five different room types and two restaurants on lush grounds of more than 8,000m2. The Peech’s luxurious accommodation is clustered in small blocks, spaced out in beautifully tended but not overly manicured gardens. There is a profusion of greenery wherever you look, helped along by tall well-established trees. I’ve always stayed upstairs, so I feel like I’m in a treehouse – but I imagine guests in the ground-floor rooms get a similar feeling because the garden serves to cocoon each section. The sense of quiet afforded by the vegetation and birdlife is reminiscent of being in the African bush and it’s just as peaceful. The rooms are uncluttered,

comfortable and grounding. Earthy colours and wooden furnishings and features are brightened by pops of colour, especially yellow. This is a standout feature that sticks in my memory more than many other elaborate interior décor schemes at hotels I’ve visited. I was late for lunch, so I had the hotel restaurant to myself. I positioned myself as close as possible to the sliding doors opening onto the garden without letting in the rain and tucked into handmade ravioli with tomato cream, pea purée, basil pesto and parmesan. It was so delicious that I asked for seconds and

washed it down with a little Secateurs Chenin Blanc. I stayed in for dinner too, still having no desire to venture out, and ordered a simple meal of grilled kingklip and lightly steamed vegetables. I don’t usually eat dessert but my waiter, Oscar Bukutu, seemed to think it was necessary as I hadn’t sampled any at lunch. I relented to the temptation of the chocolate torte with vanilla ice cream and an amaretti and pistachio crumb and had to laugh when I realised he was waiting for me to eat it all before clearing my plate. I don’t like to waste food, a habit ingrained in me by my grandparents, so I duly complied with the unspoken expectation.

UNIQUE SELLING POINT The food offering is another unique selling point for The Peech. Chef David Hayes heads up the more sophisticated dinner restaurant, Basalt, as well as the Garden Bistro at the hotel. Locals and foodies will remember that he opened and ran Post Café, lauded as “the coolest corner in Braamfontein” by Eat Out, for almost nine years. In 2019 he grabbed the opportunity to work at Farro in Illovo and then, after a Guest Chef Pop-up series in late 2020 (mid-pandemic), he joined The Peech. Visit for details on exciting food and wine events coming up. And be sure to book at Basalt from April 1 to May 1 during Restaurant Week SA 2021 to savour Hayes’ seasonal fourcourse menu. For hotel stays, book via


084 061 7888



Convenience on your doorstep Estate living is now more affordable for first-time buyers keen on the micro city experience WORDS AND PHOTOS: SUPPLIED


ince the interest rate dropped, sales have been going through the roof at Lion Pride Lifestyle Estate on Malibongwe Drive, north of Johannesburg, says Cosmopolitan Projects director Johann Vorster. Following the launch of the development in September 2020, 10% of available stands have been sold to homeowners who leveraged the lower interest rate to secure a home in an environment previously considered out of their reach financially. The first occupants moved in on April 1 this year. Lion Pride is the result of a collaboration between Cosmopolitan Projects and Central Developments, which as a group is SA’s largest residential developer. Buyers earning a combined gross monthly

income of R35,000 may qualify to secure a fulltitle stand with a fibreready, freestanding house priced from R1.15m.

MICRO CITY “In the past a home at this price point, with the commensurate facilities and amenities that contribute to the estate’s micro city status, would have limited many buyers to rental opportunities only. Elsewhere this type of property goes for double the price,” says Vorster. The R5bn development will ultimately comprise eight security estates, a private school, shops and 17ha of landscaped recreational space. Each estate will have its own homeowners’ association (HOA) and the development as a whole will have an overarching HOA to oversee

GET IN TOUCH Tel: Central Developments team 063 292 9914; Cosmopolitan Projects team 010 045 9099

the maintenance of council roads, sidewalks and public facilities. The school and the mall will be within walking distance of all estates. The concept is focused on convenience. “Residents save time that they would otherwise spend travelling to shops for daily necessities or on school runs. The mixed-use development, or micro city as we call it, combines residential with commercial and educational elements that in turn are seamlessly connected to a transport node and public spaces,” he says. Micro cities are described as cities within cities, amenity-packed and designed to meet community needs. These are spaces where residents can live and play within minutes of their workplace. “We realised we could not put down thousands of houses

without additional amenities and infrastructure. The town plan must include stands for community facilities such as schools, recreational facilities, churches and shops,” says Vorster.

GREEN SPACE Lion Pride is situated between Fourways and Lanseria Airport, on land previously occupied by the old Lion Park. It features a 17ha green space at the heart of the greater development, as well as beautiful landscaping, hiking routes, walking and jogging trails, sports facilities, picnic spots and water features. Its unique selling point is the offering of a soughtafter secure lifestyle to a target market that has not been able to access it before. The serviced stands are available in a range of floor plans and finishes.

The homes are completely private, designed by a team of in-house architects, and take three months to build. Cosmopolitan Projects is the developer of 17,200 units at Sky City in Alberton, whereas Central Developments developed, among others, 1,500 units at Leopard’s Rest, also in Alberton. The Cosmo Central Group has delivered more than 65,000 residential units over the past 28 years. There are currently 300 units under construction at Lion Pride. The largest home available is 188m2, which works out at R9,500/m2. “That would buy you a two-bedroom apartment without a stand in the surrounding northern suburbs of Johannesburg,” says Vorster. “Lion Pride offers the best value for money and maximum return on investment.”


Retirement hotspots Evergreen Noordhoek retirement village, Cape Town

What are most over-50 buyers looking for in a retirement home, and where are they buying to live or investing to secure good rental income initially? WORDS: KIM MAXWELL :: PHOTOS: SUPPLIED


veryone is trying to make smarter lifestyle decisions to stretch their money further. So has demand increased for retirement properties sold on a life rights system where set expenses make it easier to cap a budget? Or are retirees still buying security estate homes as a capital investment, enabling good rental income now along with an option later to live there themselves or sell? “We see some of our best returns on investment in our retirement property segment,” says Central Developments head of communication Alda Erasmus. This Gauteng developer has two popular retirement estates offering full ownership properties within a sectional title scheme. A two-bedroom apartment at Celebration Retirement Estate in Northriding starts from R1.28m. A two-bedroom apartment in Waterkloof Marina in Pretoria’s popular

Waterkloof Ridge is priced from R1.8m. “Retirement estates offering full ownership with lifestyle and frail care facilities on site are in short supply in Gauteng, yet there is a high demand for secure, serviceenriched properties,” says Erasmus. “The strong demand and limited supply, coupled with full ownership, make these properties prime investments.” “One of the biggest fears among retirees today is that they would outlive their retirement funds. Therefore they need a retirement solution that allows them to plan accurately for their financial future,” says Evergreen Lifestyle sales director Phil Wilson. Evergreen’s life rights purchase model holds financial benefits including flexible pricing, transparent and affordable levies, reduced upfront costs and no special levies (the developer is responsible for upkeep). “Given the current state of the economy and the fact that

The Retreat Apartments in Hazeldean

many retirees are cashstrapped and battling to sell existing homes, Evergreen has introduced a vertically integrated initiative called ‘Move in Tomorrow’, which allows interested parties to move into a village before their property has sold.”

PRIORITIES Wilson says priorities for Evergreen retirees are location and excellent security. “A great location seems to top the list. So developments that are semirural and offer beauty, tranquillity and access to the outdoors – parks, beaches or mountain walks – provide great enjoyment and an opportunity to remain fit and active.” Evergreen’s professionally run retirement villages all offer 24-hour security with access control, electric fencing, CCTV and patrols. “We’re seeing an increase in demand for retirement accommodation in semirural areas, offering relatively easy access to shops, restaurants

and hospitals. Within the Evergreen portfolio, our Noordhoek, Val de Vie and Broadacres villages are a case in point,” he says. A two-bedroom, twobathroom unit in Evergreen Noordhoek starts from R2.4m, whereas one with the same specs in Val de Vie Estate near Paarl starts from R3.7m. At leafy Broadacres Evergreen in Johannesburg you’d pay from R720,000 for a one-bedroom onebathroom apartment. The Retreat Apartments are situated in Hazeldean, Pretoria East. The Retreat at Hazeldean is an estate that forms part of the Hazeldean mixed-use precinct being developed by Craft homes and Abland. A shopping centre within 5km has coffee shops, and Intercare Hazeldean has an ambulance service linked to The Retreat’s panic buttons. “People in our apartments are often widows or widowers, usually of a more mature age than those in The Retreat’s freestanding homes

on the same estate,” says Craft Homes marketing manager Jessica Cabanita. “We find that children often buy and move their parents into the apartments. Residents are generally looking for more affordable retirement options.” One-bedroom, onebathroom apartments of 40m2 start from R899,000, whereas 62m2 twobedroom, one-bathroom units sell from R1.175m. Inside a two-storey building with lift access, the new development is part of an established estate with security and facilities. The Retreat’s 24 sectional title apartments were added at the end of 2020 and no transfer fees apply if you are buying from developer Craft Homes. Units have built-in ovens, hobs and extractors. The clubhouse has two heated indoor pools and an indoor cold pool as well as a gym, and the estate is next to Silver Lakes Golf Estate.

MODERN CONVENIENCE When asked what retiree buyers look for, Rabie Properties director Mariska Auret says scaling down to a secure estate is a big factor, as is moving into a place where independence is encouraged – “where everything is modern, managed with the utmost care and living is just made so much easier”, she adds. “Our largest houses sold out first. While price remains an important factor, our purchasers love being part of a like-minded community in an attractive, secure environment with fantastic facilities at their disposal.” Rabie has existing ownerresidents at Oasis Life Clara Anna Fontein, the retiree section of the multigenerational estate Clara Anna Fontein outside Durbanville. Towards the coast, near Milnerton, Oasis Life Burgundy Estate in the Burgundy Estate node will

Apartments to let at Zevenwacht Lifestyle Estate in the Cape Winelands accept its first retiree residents from August. Operating on a life rights system, Burgundy Estate has two-bedroom, onebathroom apartments priced from R1.6m, and twobedroom, two-bathroom houses from R2.33m. “The advantages of the Clara Anna Fontein and Burgundy Estate developments, based on feedback, is that the quality and presentation of our houses are excellent,” says Auret. “Security is of utmost importance. Other benefits are that they are energyefficient, which reduces utility costs, and the orientation of homes maximises sunlight for warmth, whereas open-plan designs give flexibility of furniture placement.”

FEELING CONNECTED Estates where retirees feel connected to residents of all ages are in demand. “What sets us apart is that our Evergreen retirement village is right in the middle of the estate. It’s fully integrated and we experience authentic multigenerational living,” says Val de Vie marketing director Ryk Neethling. “Our retired residents can access any of the broader estate’s facilities, plus those

specifically for Val de Vie Evergreen. It’s an active lifestyle that fits modern retirement perfectly.” Wilson adds that Evergreen plans to roll out similar villages in Sitari Country Estate in Somerset West, Westbrook in Gqeberha and Zimbali in KwaZulu-Natal. “We’re finding that retirement villages located within larger secure lifestyle estates are growing in popularity.” With value top of mind, estates offering rentals are also in demand. Zevenwacht Lifestyle Estate is developed by Multi Spectrum Property (MSP) Developments, Zevenwacht Wine Estate and Old Mutual. Situated on Zevenwacht Wine Estate in the Cape Winelands, it offers accommodation ranging from freestanding homes to independent living apartments. The estate recently added luxury “hotel-style” retirement suites to let. These semifurnished units are located in the community centre. “We have 15 luxury suites remaining that retirees can rent at the affordable monthly amount of R8,000,” says MSP Developments CEO Riaan Roos. The rental includes a monthly services levy, all daily meals and a

weekly cleaning service. “That equates to only R267 per day to stay in a hotelstyle environment in an amazing setting. This is truly exceptional value for money. The picturesque setting is a bonus.” The Retreat has picked up on this trend too. “We’ve had so much interest from people looking to rent rather than buy, as a lot of them didn’t plan adequately for retirement,” Cabanita says. “So, as an investing buyer interested in securing tenant rentals now, you know you have a place for your own retirement later.” When buying for retirement, Cabanita says, potential owners tend not take that next big step in a hurry. “Most of our buyers prefer to walk into the home and see the finishes and living spaces before they commit.” What about frail care and dementia facilities on site: are they essential or do they it put off residents still engaging in active lifestyles? Erasmus says these are a must-have. “This way couples are not separated if one of them falls ill,” she says. “And such facilities give even younger residents peace of mind knowing that they’re there should they ever need them.”








Station House, a mixed-use development in Sea Point, Cape Town


Best buys on a budget Affordably priced homes are selling up a storm: lifestyle estates and new mixeduse developments offering security and amenities are especially popular WORDS: STAFF REPORTER :: PHOTOS: SUPPLIED


omes in more affordable price brackets are selling fast, with a shortage of properties below the R1.5m mark in some areas, estate agents and developers report. First-time homebuyers and investors traditionally invest in affordably priced homes, which include freestanding, sectional title, lifestyle estates and mixeduse developments. According to Lightstone Property data, Cape Town has had the highest number of buyers investing in the R1.5m to R3m price band, compared with other metros where most activity took place in the R700,000 to R1m band. By end-October 2020, 189 freehold homes and 40 sectional title units had already been registered.

WESTERN SEABOARD Elmarie Campbell, Pam

Golding Properties area principal for the Western Seaboard in Cape Town, says although they’re experiencing a shortage, there are still properties in the R1.5m bracket available in the suburbs Sunningdale and Parklands. Buyers can secure an 80m 2 two-bedroom, one-bathroom property or a two- or three-bedroom apartment from R1.45m to R1.5m, whereas just below R3m will buy them a new home in the latest phase in Sunningdale, Big Bay, Blouberg Sands and Century City. “Our first-time buyers want affordable freestanding homes – preferably priced below R2m – with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a lock-up garage with direct access into the home, and a garden,” Campbell says. “They also want to be near a MyCiTi bus stop, private and government schools, gyms,

shopping malls, churches and hospitals.” According to Pierre Nel, Pam Golding Properties area principal in Plattekloof in Cape Town’s Northern Suburbs, homes in the sub-R3m band in areas such as Panorama, Welgelegen, Monte Vista and Bothasig are sought after. He says first-time buyers with families are looking for three to four bedrooms, ample living space, a double garage and a swimming pool. Many sellers are retiring and want to move to lock-up-and-go homes within these areas.

MEGA ESTATE At Lion Pride Lifestyle Estate near Fourways in Gauteng, a secure freestanding full-title home costs between R1.1m and R1.8m. Developed by the Cosmopolitan Projects and Central Developments Group, the units are modern,

functional and stylish. This mega estate also offers residents 17ha of landscaped recreational green space and urban amenities. “We realised we can’t just build thousands of houses without excellent security, amenities and infrastructure,” says Cosmo Central Group head of communication Alda Erasmus. “Since our group’s core values are uplifting and improving the lives of people, we wanted to provide safety and comfort with access to all the modern conveniences.” In Tshwane, Balwin Properties’ Mooikloof Eco Estate comprises upmarket apartments and a net-zero six-star rated Edge-certified green lifestyle centre with a fully equipped gym, a communal swimming pool and a restaurant. The options range from one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartments priced at R799,900 to

three-bedroom, twobathroom homes from R1.69m, with no bond and transfer costs payable.

MIXED-USE Station House is a new 12-storey mixed-used development on Cape Town’s Atlantic Seaboard and will comprise 230 luxury apartments, ranging from micro units to twobedroom apartments, with prices starting from R1.595m including VAT. The development will offer 15 facilities within one address, including a boutique hotel (an alternative property asset option), a signature Pick n Pay supermarket, a street-front deli, a bar and restaurant, a lounge for private residents with braai areas, a private rooftop pool, a dedicated pet park, an outdoor kinetic gym, a yoga studio and a business centre with meeting pods. A sky bar, another swimming pool

and a restaurant – all with views of the ocean, Lion’s Head and the city – will be open to the public. Station House is being developed by Berman Brothers in partnership with D2E Properties, and Dogon Group Properties is doing the marketing. “We’re extremely excited about this project,” says Berman Brothers Group CEO Paul Berman. “We have had plans and hopes for the site for a long time, but it took years to acquire and consolidate all the surrounding properties to make up the now considerable 3,000m 2 parcel of land on which Station House will stand.” Meanwhile Wedgewood Sandton, a lifestyle development by Balwin Properties offering studio, one- and two-bedroom apartments, is selling fast. “We are renowned for our quick rate of sales but this exceeds anything we’ve achieved to date. It is a massive positive for this country and the property market as a whole,” says Steve Brookes, CEO of Balwin Properties, one of the largest residential developers in SA. Apartments at Wedgewood Sandton start from R850,000, including bond and transfer costs.

“Our first-time

buyers want affordable freestanding homes – preferably priced below R2m” Wedgewood Sandton by Balwin Properties

Lion Pride Lifestyle Estate near Fourways

Elmarie Campbell, area principal, Pam Golding Properties Western Seaboard, Cape Town


NEXT LIVE ONLINE SALE 12TH MAY Pam Golding Auctions, powered by BidX1, is proud to present this portfolio of properties for urgent sale as mandated by our Exclusive Sellers. This comprises 18 selected properties from across South Africa, with bidding starting from as low as 40% below original listing prices. The following properties represent a selection from this portfolio.



A HIDDEN GEM WITH EXCEPTIONAL SEA AND MOUNTAIN VIEWS Llandudno, Cape Town Acquire your piece of paradise in prestigious Llandudno with this divine four-level beach-style home. The versatile accommodation lends itself to a private retreat with the most exquisite eco-pool set at the bottom of the garden overlooking the whole of this unique luxurious urban enclave and bay, with its own nature reserve and private walks down to the beach. This home is truly one of a kind. Bidding starts at R19 000 000

CLIFTON GEM Clifton, Cape Town


The most beautiful character-filled apartment in a popular block across the road from 1st beach. Easy flow from open-plan lounge/dining area to an undercover balcony with great views of the ocean towards 4th Beach. The ideal lock-up-andgo apartment.

This meticulously-designed and beautifully detailed home will take your breath away. Crystal chandeliers compliment parquet flooring, finely carved balustrades, and exquisite commissioned leaded glass windows throughout. Coupled with this gracious, old-world style are modern features and luxuries, all surrounded by a landscaped garden in established and secure estate.

Previously listed at R5 900 000. Bidding starts at R4 900 000

Previously listed at R9 950 000. Bidding now starts at R7 000 000

MODERN APARTMENT WITH STUNNING CITY AND SEA VIEWS Essenwood, Durban A delightful, fully-renovated three bedroom apartment with modern finishes, securely situated in the popular and exclusive Musgrave district. The whole apartment is light and airy with great city and ocean views and includes a storeroom, lock-up garage and parking bay. Previously listed at R2 775 000. Bidding now starts at R1 800 000




Modern one-bedroom apartment in close proximity to Menlyn Maine and The University of Pretoria. This development offers a modern and trendy, safe and secure hotel-lifestyle, including pool, restaurant, concierge services, laundry and private gym.. State of the art finishes include Ceasorstone countertops and Hans Grohe taps.

This listing offers a unique opportunity to acquire 19 bachelor and one bedroom apartments close to the Durban esplanade at an incredible return. All rental agreements available for due diligence to registered bidders.

This magnificent 8,6 HA farm offers a luxurious double-storey home, 5 stables and a tack room. Chelsea is one of Port Elizabeth’s most sought-after suburbs, in easy proximity to several pristine beached, schools, medical and legal hubs, high-end shopping malls and only 25 minutes from the airport.

Previously listed at R1 450 000. Bidding now starts at R900 000

WHY BUY THROUGH PAM GOLDING AUCTIONS, POWERED BY BIDX1? • All properties are priced to sell ‘on the day’ (significantly below ‘normal listing prices’ by up to 40%) • Bidding ‘subject to finance’ can be arranged prior to auction (subject to Seller agreement) • The BidX1 platform is fully transparent and secure, thereby providing complete peace-of mind • Bidding is completely online in live time on the Sale Day • You can access the BidX1 platform and the auction itself from any mobile device, ensuring convenience and ease of use • You enjoy complete anonymity when bidding • Process from bidding to final transfer is efficient and professional • Experienced property consultants from both PG Auctions and BidX1 are on call at all times to assist

Previously listed at R7 800 000. Bidding now starts at R4 500 000

Previously listed at R5 950 000. Bidding now starts at R4 800 000




Early in 2019, Pam Golding Properties forged a relationship with global auctions company BidX1, by launching this innovative online auction platform into the South African market, thereby leading the evolution of auctions away from historic perceptions of ‘distressed properties’ to a more respected and legitimate sales channel for urgent sellers.

For further information, please contact: Tania Smit: | 082 378 7990 Teresa Wessels: | 068 549 6658

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BidX1 is recognised as one of the World’s leading and most innovative online property trading platforms, having already achieved sales success of over 10 000 properties across the globe, with a total sales value of in excess of R29 billion. In addition to this, BidX1 was recognised as the Best Proptech Innovation in Ireland in 2019, whilst also having recently achieved official Microsoft partner status. Tania Smit Head of Pam Golding Auctions

Teresa Wessels Client Operations Manager, BidX1

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