7 minute read
Breaking Bear-iers
Jayla Jackson, Staff Writer Design by Alex Newberg, Editor-in-Chief
Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization - Mahatma Gandhi. Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization - Mahatma Gandhi.
On October 8, 2021, 20 students promenaded down On October 8, 2021, 20 students promenaded down Baker Field in all their earned glory. Baker Field in all their earned glory.
The student body erupted upon the announcement of The student body erupted upon the announcement of this year’s Homecoming Court. Four freshmen, four this year’s Homecoming Court. Four freshmen, four sophomores, four juniors, and 8 seniors claimed their sophomores, four juniors, and 8 seniors claimed their spot in the lineup. spot in the lineup.
With big cheers and even bigger smiles, the 20 made With big cheers and even bigger smiles, the 20 made their way across waving and strutting. And while the their way across waving and strutting. And while the festivities are now over, we must, once more, erupt festivities are now over, we must, once more, erupt with applause. with applause. And while all categories are equally necessary, in And while all categories are equally necessary, in America we have long struggled with race, gender, America we have long struggled with race, gender, and sexuality in particular. Racial discrimination in and sexuality in particular. Racial discrimination in America is often described as systemic and can be seen America is often described as systemic and can be seen in employment, housing, consumer markets, and even in employment, housing, consumer markets, and even education. education.
By 1958, the South’s private school enrollment had By 1958, the South’s private school enrollment had exploded, increasing by more than 250,000 students exploded, increasing by more than 250,000 students over an eight-year period, and boasting almost one over an eight-year period, and boasting almost one million students in 1965; the majority being Caucasian million students in 1965; the majority being Caucasian students. A report conducted by the U.S. Department students. A report conducted by the U.S. Department of Education offers a detailed look at private K-12 of Education offers a detailed look at private K-12 schools in the United States. The report includes some schools in the United States. The report includes some information on private schools enrollments by racial/ information on private schools enrollments by racial/ ethnic groups. ethnic groups.
This year featured an overwhelming display of diversity This year featured an overwhelming display of diversity and inclusion– 20% of the homecoming court being and inclusion– 20% of the homecoming court being students of color and an African-American female students of color and an African-American female Homecoming Queen, the illustrious Tatiana Johnson. Homecoming Queen, the illustrious Tatiana Johnson.
Not only that but an open member of the LGBTQai+ Not only that but an open member of the LGBTQai+ community also was represented. So it begs the community also was represented. So it begs the question, what does this mean for Holy Innocents’? question, what does this mean for Holy Innocents’?
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School was founded in Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School was founded in 1959 by the Holy Innocents Episcopal Church 5 years 1959 by the Holy Innocents Episcopal Church 5 years after the verdict of the Brown v. Board of Education after the verdict of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme case, which outlaws segregation in schools. Supreme case, which outlaws segregation in schools.
Nonetheless, the reality was that schools did not Nonetheless, the reality was that schools did not become integrated until many years later. The rise of become integrated until many years later. The rise of private education came in response to this decision. private education came in response to this decision. This exodus from public schools began in the 1940s This exodus from public schools began in the 1940s when private school enrollment in the 15 states of the when private school enrollment in the 15 states of the South rose by more than 125,000 students—roughly 43 South rose by more than 125,000 students—roughly 43 percent—in response to US Supreme Court decisions. percent—in response to US Supreme Court decisions.
This sets the stage for the importance of what This sets the stage for the importance of what occurred on our campus recently. Sociologists assert occurred on our campus recently. Sociologists assert that we define diversity broadly, as differences in that we define diversity broadly, as differences in social categories like race, ethnicity, religion, gender, social categories like race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, socio-economic status, nationality and sexuality, socio-economic status, nationality and citizenship, veteran and parental status, body size, citizenship, veteran and parental status, body size, ability, age, and experience. ability, age, and experience. As of 2018, Black students accounted for 9.3 percent of As of 2018, Black students accounted for 9.3 percent of all private school students in the United States. What all private school students in the United States. What does this mean? This means that we can see a steady does this mean? This means that we can see a steady increase in diversity on private school campuses. Yet, increase in diversity on private school campuses. Yet, that is only a fraction of the significance of the October that is only a fraction of the significance of the October 8th events. 8th events.
An article from the Washington Post outlines some An article from the Washington Post outlines some of the horrifying realities for students of color on of the horrifying realities for students of color on predominantly white private campuses. predominantly white private campuses.
“School heads create a nice mission statement, appoint “School heads create a nice mission statement, appoint a diversity committee, and hire an equity and inclusion a diversity committee, and hire an equity and inclusion coordinator. Problem solved. And as often happens, coordinator. Problem solved. And as often happens, people start to mistake the hype for reality. Sweet land people start to mistake the hype for reality. Sweet land of liberty, of thee we sing. Unfortunately, real-life tends of liberty, of thee we sing. Unfortunately, real-life tends to occur in the shadows.” to occur in the shadows.”
It is only one half of the fight possessing a BIPOC It is only one half of the fight possessing a BIPOC community, but the other half goes unnoticed. That community, but the other half goes unnoticed. That is the ability to create a kindred experience for all is the ability to create a kindred experience for all students and cultivate an understanding that allows students and cultivate an understanding that allows for BIPOC and LGBTQai+ students to get the “teenage for BIPOC and LGBTQai+ students to get the “teenage dream” as well. dream” as well.
So a round of applause is due for the entire Holy So a round of applause is due for the entire Holy Innocents’ campus– thanks to the staff, parents, Innocents’ campus– thanks to the staff, parents, students, and faculty for continuing the nationwide students, and faculty for continuing the nationwide initiative to diversify and embrace all the elements of initiative to diversify and embrace all the elements of existence that make our nation and world so beautiful. existence that make our nation and world so beautiful.
The C&G is a student-run, quarterly magazine published by the Crimson and Gold journalism staff at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School of Atlanta. All opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual author, and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire staff or those of Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School. The magazine is written and designed as part of the journalism curriculum, and contributing writers can be included. The C&G values inclusivity and would appreciate any feedback or contribution. The staff strives to publish a diverse set of writing and perspectives while maintaining a standard of excellence. Please contact thecrimsonandgold@gmail.com for more information. The advisor and the editors have the ultimate say on content and have permission to edit contributions for grammar and taste. The staff will only publish legally protected material and keeps the privacy of individuals included in mind.