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Movie Industry Dying?
Or perhaps the increasing number of online streaming platforms is in some way contributing to these numbers. Much of the data surrounding the success of movies is based on box office numbers, which depict the number of people buying tickets to watch these movies in a theater, but there was a majority of students (68.2%) who preferred watching movies at home.
In response to this growing sentiment, movie theaters have begun promoting movies in other ways, like having specialty items only available on opening weekends, or hosting movie marathons related to specific series, or exclusive 3D and IMax experiences. However, for small franchise films this is not always an option, and are unable to benefit from brand deals without significant funding. Marketing teams must continue to try and adapt to the ever growing online society to keep from falling into obscurity.
So, the question is, is the movie industry truly “dying,” or is it, like everything, growing and adapting with the changes in our current society.