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Check inside today’s paper for a preview of Saturday’s game

Friday, September 25, 2009

International students add to tennis team

Serving the University of Alabama since 1894

Vol. 116, Issue 32

Four years early, a new campus TOTAL ENROLLMENT












47% since fall 2002

CW | Bethany Martin By Drew Taylor Administrative Affairs Editor

a new goal for the University to reach 28,000 students within a decade. Earlier this month, the University exceeded this goal, nearly four When UA President Robert Witt arrived at years in advance. The University’s enrollment hit an all-time the University in 2003, the campus had just reached 20,333 students, an unprecedented high this year of 28,807 students, a 47 percent mark in UA history. The incoming freshman increase since 2002 and a 6.5 percent increase, or 1,755 students, from fall 2008. class that year was 3,075. There are 23,702 undergraduates, 4,473 However, later that year, Witt announced

graduate students and 632 professors. “Our enrollment is a tribute to our excellent faculty and staff and their dedication to our students,” Witt said in a statement. “We are pleased to welcome both new and returning students to campus this fall and look forward to a productive year.” The freshman class this fall increased by 91 students from last year to 5,207 students,

the largest freshmen class to date. This year’s class includes 102 National Merit Scholars, which is 19 students higher than last year, and 25 National Achievement Scholars. According to a statement, the University ranked 11th in the country among public universities in the enrollment of National Merit

See ENROLLMENT, page 2

Tuscaloosa opens UA veterans happy intermodal facility with Post-9/11 GI Bill Bill provides money for tuition, housing

Business owners remain hopeful

By Eryn Phillips Staff Writer

By Eryn Phillips Staff Writer

Henson would have to pay to finish it. No further information about specific restaurants has been released. The final cost of intermodal facility was $12.5 million, 80 percent paid for with federal funds, with $2.6 million from the city to make up the difference. City officials expect to make their money back by leasing out retail space. Construction crews are now pouring concrete, working on lighting and landscaping Government Plaza. City Engineer Joe Robinson said landscaping around the new

facility should be completed by March 2010. “We still have a long way to go. We need to build the new courthouse and now is the time to do it since so many construction projects are going on in the downtown area,” Robinson said. In addition, a new sewer line will be built from 7th Avenue and will run diagonally through Government Plaza to the Black Warrior River. Robinson said the current line is old and has to be replaced.

See DOWNTOWN, page 2

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CW | Eryn Phillips This space in the intermodal facility could one day house a restaurant downtown.

P.O. Box 870170 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Newsroom: 348-6144 | Fax: 348-4116 | Advertising: 348-7845 | Classifieds: 348-7355 Letters, op-eds: letters@cw.ua.edu Press releases, announcements: news@cw.ua.edu

See GI BILL, page 2

Ribbon cutting announces start of ‘Tide-Fi’ network tiative Thursday at the ribbon cutting ceremony that will provide free Wi-Fi on the Strip. The ceremony was held near Qdoba Mexican Grill and Cold Stone Creamery located on the end of the Strip close to the By Brittney Knox University. The Wi-Fi signal Staff Writer goes from the Alabama Book The University, the Store to Surin West at the Chamber of Commerce, the opposite end of the road. Johnnie Aycock, president of city of Tuscaloosa and AT&T announced the “Tide-Fi” ini- the West Alabama Chamber of

Wireless internet will cover entire Tuscaloosa Strip

INSIDE today’s paper


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Tuscaloosa celebrated the opening of the city’s new intermodal facility Wednesday. The facility is part of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, which also includes a federal courthouse just two blocks away from the intermodal facility. It includes a new public parking garage, adding approximately 450 parking places to downtown. When the amphitheater opens next year, people will be able to park and ride shuttle buses to and from the venue. “I believe you rarely look at a parking deck as inspiring, but in this case with the intermodal facility opening, it is an investment for improving retail for downtown merchants,” said Mayor Walt Maddox. Retail space has been leased to restaurants that will face an outdoor fountain, a gazebo and a park named Government Plaza. The City Council authorized the mayor to give a letter of intent to Drew Henson, owner of Cypress Inn in Northport, who will have 60 days to decide if he wants to sign a lease. However, since the retail space is unfinished,

For veterans pursuing higher education, increased benefits that Congress approved could help. The Post-9/11 GI Bill went into effect on Aug. 31 and provides financial support for education and housing for all veterans serving 90 days active duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001 and vets who were discharged honorably discharged 30 days or more after Sept. 11. The amount of aid veterans can receive is determined by the state in which they live

and the type of degree they are seeking. The new bill provides assistance for all types of degrees as well as tutoring assistance and testing allowances, making it more transparent than past GI Bills. However, the bill does not allocate time a veteran spent enrolled in an ROTC program toward the 90 day active duty period to be eligible for benefits. Tuition assistance under the bill is determined using the highest in-state tuition rate and paying the student’s institution 100 percent of tuition cost and up to the same

amount for housing, depending on the amount of time a veteran served in active duty. Luke Wilkle, a sophomore majoring in kinesiology, said he thinks the new bill is definitely better but does have its flaws. He served one year of active deployment with the Marines in Iraq from June 2006-07. “One thing I don’t necessarily agree with is how it is based on a percentage scale, depending on how much time you are serving on active duty,” Wilkle said. “It’s kind of deceiving because if you don’t ever deploy, you really don’t get that much of a reward.”

Briefs ........................2

Arts&Entertainment ....8

Opinions ...................4

Puzzles.................... 11

Sports .......................5

Classifieds ............... 11

Commerce, said this network is a good example of the type of impact that happens when faculty, students and local businesses work together. “The Chamber has had a long partnership with the University that is essential for continuing economic progress throughout the city,” he said. “I think that students today

See WI-FI, page 2

WEATHER today Chance of Saturday 83º/63º thundestorms Chance of thunderstorms


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2 Friday, September 25, 2009


NEWS in brief CAMPUS | Astronomy group hosts public viewing of Jupiter, Moon Tonight at 8 p.m. on the roof of Gallalee Hall, the UA Astronomy Group, with the department of physics and astronomy, will host its first public night-sky viewing of the fall. Phillip E. Hardee, a professor in the physics and astronomy department, said in an e-mail the viewing will be conducted by Bill Keel of the astronomy department. These sessions will be monthly. Tonight’s session will use the U16-inch research-grade reflector in the dome on top of Gallalee Hall.

CAMPUS | Fraternity hosts Miss Sorority Row pageant tonight The second Annual Miss Sorority Row, sponsored by Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, will take place tonight at the Bama Theatre at 7 p. m. The event will raise money for the American Red Cross. Tickets are $11 per person. According to information from Delta Sigma Phi, all of the UA Panhellenic sororities will participate in the event except for Sigma Delta Tau. Kappa Delta will not have a contestant but plans to contribute. Last year, the event was sold out and raised $9,000 for the Red Cross. This year the goal is to raise $10,000.

CAMPUS | ĘťVoices of IraqĘź showing Sunday University Programs will show the film “Voices of Iraqâ€? at the Ferguson Theater Sunday at 7 p .m.

CAMPUS | UA competes with SEC schools in canned food drive The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and all studentathletes are participating in the third annual SEC Together We CAN Food Drive. Student-athletes from all SEC schools “compete� to see who can collect the most cans to benefit their local community food banks. The food drive started Monday and runs through Sunday. The group is collecting cans in bins at Bryant Hall. All cans benefit the West Alabama Food Bank.

CAMPUS | Reminder about student parking on gameday weekends

The Crimson White

NATIONAL |Ginsburg hospitalized after feeling faint

taken to Washington Hospital Center at 7:45 p.m. EDT as a precaution, a statement from the court said. The court said Ginsburg WASHINGTON — Supreme would remain the hospital Court Justice Ruth Bader overnight, again as a precauGinsburg was hospitalized tion. Earlier in the day, Ginsburg Thursday after becoming ill in her office at the court following had received an iron sucrose treatment for an iron deficien- infusion to treat an iron deficiency anemia that had been cy. The 76-year-old justice, who discovered in July. About an hour later, she underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer in February, was “developed lightheadedness

ENROLLMENT Continuned from page 1

Scholars in 2008. In addition, the freshmen class includes 1,173 students with a high school grade point average of 4.0, over 161 students more than last year. The College of Arts and Sciences remains the largest college on campus, with 8,682 students enrolled. The second largest was the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration with 6,214 students, followed by the College of Education with 2,906 students. Witt detailed how the University will take the next year or so to formulate a new enrollment plan due to the current economic climate. “I would like to use the next 12 to18 months to try to get a more comprehensive understanding of the impact

of the current economy on University enrollment in general,� Witt said. There are a lot of forces out there that I think we need to understand better before we are in a position to set new enrollment goals.� Witt said part of this decision-making will be Provost Judy Bonner and Vice Provost Mark Nelson’s continued efforts to ensure incoming students are taking full advantage of the Alabama experience and to “make certain that growth has not in any way detracted from the quality of their experience.� Bonner said it is not surprising that the University reached Witt’s goal in such a short time, giving various programs that attract students to the University, such as the Honors College, in addition to the continued efforts of the admissions office, led by Mary Spiegel, and the gradu-


as a community can deliver that.� Continuned from page 1 Donny Jones, executive vice president of the Chamber, said are so technology savvy, that they have been talking about they expect this type of tech- adding Wi-Fi in Tuscaloosa for nology to be available to them, about two years, and this past and it is a great thing when we year, they decided to start with

On gameday weekends, many parking lots are used for Tide Pride/gameday parking. Students must vacate the following lots/areas by 5 p.m. on Fridays of home games: Colonial Drive, south of 8th Street; Coleman Coliseum lot; Bryant Drive lot; Tutwiler “Triangle� lot; Lower Rec Center lot; and the Softball complex lot. The University Medical Center lots must vacate by 6 p.m. on Fridays of gameday weekends.

Send announcements and campus news to cwnews@sa.ua.edu


and fatigue,� the statement said. She was found to have a slightly low blood pressure, which the court said can occur after the type of treatment she received. The July evaluation found “that she was in completely normal health with the exception of a low red blood cell count caused by deficiency of iron. Intravenous iron therapy was administered in a standard fashion,� the court statement said. ate school by Dean David Francko. “The University of Alabama family embraced President Witt’s goal and got behind the recruitment efforts,� Bonner said in an e-mail. In addition, Bonner said before Witt arrived at the University, many students were asking about a possible transit system to make travelling around campus more convenient. Now, nine years later, with the addition of the CrimsonRide, Bonner said, many things have changed for the better. “With the increased enrollment, we have been able to add a transit system, build new parking decks, build new residence halls, build new and renovate existing academic buildings, make compensation for faculty and staff more competitive with peers, and this list can go on and on,� Bonner said. it on the Strip. “Students can benefit from this by utilizing the service when they are eating lunch or dinner,� he said. “They can use the Strip as another meeting place to come and work on class projects.� The project is a great way to get the students engaged in real world business projects, said Mike Hardin, senior associate dean in the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration “The funding was provided by the partners of the project,� he said. “Along with the support of Dr. Witt, we were able to fund this project of economic development and support of education.�

this weekend



• International Coffee Hour: 121 B.B. Comer, 11:30 a.m. •Telescope sky viewing: Gallalee Hall, 8 p.m.

• UA Football Quad Recycling: tent between Gorgas and Tuomey Hall, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

For more events, see calendars on Arts & Entertainment and Sports.

EDITORIAL • Amanda Peterson, editor-in-chief • Will Nevin, managing editor • Avery Dame, metro/state editor • Drew Taylor, admin affairs editor • Lindsey Shelton, student life editor • Alan Blinder, opinions editor • Steven Nalley, arts & entertainment editor • Tyler Deierhoi, assistant arts & entertainment editor • Jason Galloway, sports editor • Spencer White, assistant sports editor • Brandee Easter, design editor • Emily Johnson, assistant design editor • Jerrod Seaton, photo editor • Katie Bennett, assistant photo editor• Sharon Nichols, chief copy editor • Aaron Gertler, graphics editor • Andrew Richardson, web editor

ADVERTISING • Drew Gunn, advertising manager, 348-8995, cwbiz manager@sa.ua.edu • Jake Knott, account executive, (McFarland and Skyland boulevards), 348-8735 • Dana Andrezejewski, account executive, (Northport & downtown Tuscaloosa), 3486153 • Andrew Pair, account executive, (UA Campus), 3482670 • Rebecca Tiarsmith, account executive, (The Strip and Downtown), 348-6875 • John Bouchard & Ross Lowe, account executives, (Non-traditional advertising), 348-4381 • Emily Frost, classifieds coordinator, 348-7355 • Emily Ross & John Mathieu, creative services, 348-8042 The Crimson White is the community newspaper of The University of Alabama. The Crimson White is an editorially free newspaper produced by students. The University of Alabama cannot influence editorial decisions and editorial opinions are those of the editorial board and do not represent the official opinions of the University. Advertising offices of The Crimson White are on the first floor, Student Publications Building, 923 University Blvd. The advertising mailing address is P.O. Box 2389, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403-2389. The Crimson White (USPS 138020) is published four times weekly when classes are in session during Fall and Spring Semester except for the Monday after Spring Break and the Monday after Thanksgiving, and once a week when school is in session for the summer. Marked calendar provided. The Crimson White is provided for free up to three issues. Any other papers are $1.00. The subscription rate for The Crimson White is $125 per year. Checks should be made payable to The University of Alabama and sent to: The Crimson White Subscription Department, P.O. Box 2389, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403-2389. The Crimson White is entered as periodical postage at Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Crimson White, P.O. Box 2389, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403-2389. All material contained herein, except advertising or where indicated otherwise, is Copyright Š 2008 by The Crimson White and protected under the “Work Made for Hireâ€? and “Periodical Publicationâ€? categories of the U.S. copyright laws. Material herein may not be reprinted without the expressed, written permission of The Crimson White.


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Doctors on Feb. 5 removed a small, malignant growth from Ginsburg’s pancreas. Doctors found no spread of it elsewhere, the court said at the time. Her spleen also was removed. She returned to work quickly and hasn’t missed a day of work since. In March she said the operation had been “a complete, successful, surgical removal� of the cancer. However, she also said she was to undergo chemotherapy treatment.

DOWNTOWN Continuned from page 1

Construction on the $69 million courthouse will begin in November and will take two years to complete. It also will have an outdoor park and pavilion. The entire project will end up costing about $100 million in federal funding. U.S. Senator Richard Shelby has proposed an additional $5 million to complete the project. According to a news release from Shelby, the project is vital to economic development and job creation in West Alabama, especially when the University continues to expand. “This ongoing project will have significant impact on Tuscaloosa’s economy,� Shelby said in the statement. “The development will bring more business, activity and economic investment to the area.�

Hardin said that this was a win-win project for the Chamber, UA and merchants along the Strip. Students were involved with creating the network through a class offered in the management and information systems program that engages students in real world experiences to negotiate projects and follow through with the development of them. Cory Clark, a senior majoring in MIS, said Dung Chau, a professor in the business school, provided the students a majority of guidance in completing the project. Clark was part of the install team responsible for setting up the dates and times to place the access points on the Strip. Clark said there are 12 access points with overlapping ranges. Therefore, if one access point goes down then your signal is still covered. “Some examples of locations of the access points include in Qdoba, Strip Teas, and there are two that are located outdoors,� said Clark. “Another benefit is that students who have smart phones will be able to use it, and it will be a great help on gameday.�

GI BILL Continuned from page 1




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Several students on campus have served in the armed forces since 9/11 and are using the new bill to offset the costs associated with their degrees. Jared Radestock, a junior double majoring in business management and economics, served one year at Ft. Benning, Ga., as a member of Army infantry post-Sept. 11. He currently serves as the vicepresident of the UA Campus Veterans Association. “I think it’s great because college vets get more money out of it,� Radestock said. “Right now it pays for my tuition, fees and books. I also get $1,950 in housing allowance every semester.� Radestock said there are approximately 270,000 vets using the new bill. Many college veterans have not received their benefits yet but should be up to speed by the sixth week of the semester. These students will be reimbursed for the money they have spent outof-pocket for tuition and housing. Kate Coulter, a senior majoring in international business said she believes the new bill will help out military soldiers and families as well. Coulter is not enlisted in the Armed Forces. However, her father has been for many years and has been deployed to Iraq for more than one tour. “Now with the bill, military members can pass the money from the bill to their family members,� Coulter said. “With me still in college this is going to help my parents pay for my younger sister’s tuition, books and board when she goes to college.�

The Crimson White


Friday, September 25, 2009


PR magazine taking Notre Dame professor speaks on plagiarism new applications By Sean Abdoli Senior Staff Reporter

By Kelsey Hendrix Staff Reporter Platform online magazine is now accepting applications from public relations majors and minors for the spring. The magazine, which is published by students in APR 415 Online Magazine Writing and Editing: Advanced PR Writing, gives 10 to 12 students each semester the opportunity to get hands-on experience in the classroom. The class aims to give students real-world style working experience and an opportunity to be published before graduating. “In my introduction to public relations class, my professor told me that APR 415 was a great way to build up your resume because you get the chance to learn how to work as a staff and get your work published before you graduate from the University,” said Sara Sanderson, a senior majoring in public relations and member of the Platform staff. According to platformmagazine.com, the publication began with an initiative from The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, which allowed for this particular section of the PR campaigns course. Nine students were chosen after a competitive application process, and they worked together under direction of Margot Lamme to name the publication and develop all of its elements for its premier publication in May 2007. “I began teaching the class during the fall of 2007 and see it as a great alternative to other required major courses that PR students can take because it helps students to further develop their writing skills which are so vital


“We talk about social media and its effect on publication relations all the time in our classes, but Platform gives students the opportunity to engage with the technology.” — Karla Gower

in this field,” said Tracy Sims, the faculty editor of Platform. “It’s an expectation of any future employers in the PR field that employees be able to write well, and this class offers the opportunity to write something different from the type of things you normally write — it allows students to contribute to the knowledge and future of their field, which is a unique opportunity for undergraduate students.” Platform is divided into five sections: career, leadership, ethics, trends and the industry, which contain articles aimed towards a diverse audience of public relations students and professionals. “In class, we talk about the latest PR trends and what kind of articles educators and professionals need to be reading on our magazine site,” Sanderson said. “It’s been a great way for me to learn to work with others who don’t have the same political or PR views as me, because I’m learning to work with people of all backgrounds.” The magazine focuses on social media and the PR industry. A collaborative publication and classroom setting helps students develop the skills necessary to meet PR deadlines. “We talk about social media and its effect on publication relations all the time in our classes, but Platform gives students the opportunity to engage with the technology,” said Karla Gower, associate professor in the


College of Communication and Information Sciences. “They gain practical experience and clips they can show future employers.” Students in the class are required to submit a minimum of two articles and two blog posts throughout the semester and all share equal roles in the publication process, Sanderson said. “Working with Mrs. Sims is so great because she’s so encouraging and knowledgeable about the public relations industry,” Sanderson said. “Being able to work under her is a great opportunity that any public relations student would be lucky to have.” Students who are not public relations majors or minors are welcome to submit content to the student editorial team via the Web site as contributing writers. Public relations students are encouraged to apply for the class for the spring of 2010, and applications can be found on Sims’ door, which is Room 418D in Reese Phifer or outside of Room 412 in Reese Phifer. Students must submit the application, writing samples and a resume. A round of interviews to select the final staff for the spring will follow the application process. “We are not journalists in the sense that we’re covering horrible truths in society,” Sims said. “Instead, we are focusing on what people do well in the public relations field and how they’re doing it.”

Most students at the University have heard lectures on the dangers of plagiarism. But Susan D. Blum thinks only a deeper investigation of the issue can bring about understanding between students and faculty. Blum, an anthropology professor at the University of Notre Dame, spoke Thursday night to a full crowd in the Ferguson Center Ballroom. Blum’s lecture focused on plagiarism in the university setting. The lecture covered her book, “My Word! Plagiarism and the College Culture.” Blum was introduced by the president of the Academic Honor Council, Leah Bruchis, and Mark Nelson, the vice president for student affairs and vice provost. The lecture was organized by the Academic Honor Council

and the Office of Student Affairs as part of Academic Integrity Week. Among the topics discussed was why plagiarism was a larger problem than many students realize. “Statistics show that plagiarism is widespread,” Blum said. She said 60 to 80 percent of students in college and high school had admitted to plagiarizing throughout their educational careers. Blum also addressed how faculty members thought about plagiarism and academic misconduct. “The fact that many students are ignorant of citation rules isn’t surprising,” Blum said. “Citation rules are complicated and stubborn.” Blum said the main way plagiarism and academic misconduct could be avoided was changing the culture at universities. “Plagiarism, at its root, is an

educational problem,” Blum said. Blum stressed that students must work to understand the difference between academic writing and other types of writing. “One of the things about academic writing is that it’s a conversation,” Blum said. “[It’s a] a dialogue between the past, you and the future.” Many students attending the lecture said that their view of plagiarism was changed. “It was cool,” said Nick Gurganus, a freshman majoring in computer science. “She took a more student-understanding approach to the issue and made me think about it more.” After the lecture, names of students who participated in Academic Integrity Week were drawn for prizes that included tickets to the Iron Bowl and a signed football. Blum also spoke with attendees and signed copies of her book.

Different atmosphere, same goals for SGA Senate pushes health initiatives By Karissa Bursch Staff Reporter The SGA Senate had a different feel than usual Thursday night. A collection of senators, dressed casually, and senate assistants, dressed formally, decorated the Anderson Room in the Ferguson Center. Senate was unable to meet in its usual meeting place in the Ferguson Center Forum, and there also was an increased amount of students present. Senate assistants were present to meet their respective senators. Although senators experienced some differences in location and numbers this week, resolutions were passed as usual. This week, there was a concentration of resolutions pertaining to student health. A resolution promoting the health and well-being of UA students through the publicity of Student Health Center incentives was passed, along with a


resolution supporting a requirement for new students to submit a medical history form to the SHC. According to the resolution, filling out medical history forms prior to visiting the SHC will eliminate the delay that occurs when students have to fill out the required medical history documents for a first-time appointment. Physicians are able to access patients’ information, and the requirement will make the process of making appointments go more smoothly, according to the resolution. Jack Heflin, a sophomore majoring in finance, and Ashley Getwan, a sophomore majoring in biochemistry, authored the resolution supporting the new requirement for first-year students to fill out the medical history forms. “The SHC has been wanting to work on getting this type of requirement into action,” Heflin said. “The flu event showed how

On Hill Behind Wal-Mart on Skyland

long the wait [at the SHC] can get.” Getwan said the SHC uses a private online medical system called MedFusion, which allows doctors and nurses to log and update patients’ information. Medical histories would be logged into MedFusion. “If new students fill out [the medical history forms] beforehand, then it will cut down on lines and students can also then make appointments online,” Getwan said. Getwan also said students would be able to access MedFusion and view their profile. With the program, students are able to schedule their appointment, choose the doctor they want for their appointment, look at blood work results, have a live chat with a nurse and fill out their medical history forms. Heflin said new students will either have to fill it out online or turn it in at Bama Bound, but it hasn’t been decided yet. There is a push for it to be held online. Getwan said all students can fill out the forms. “SHC wants every student who hasn’t done it to do it,” Getwan said. “We’re supporting these new requirements for first year students, but anybody can use it.” “This resolution’s goal is to encourage the requirement of first year students to get this done,” Heflin said. Getwan said the SHC wants to get organizations involved with the initiative. “SHC is looking to partner with the SGA in the future,” Getwan said. Other resolutions passed at Senate included a resolution encouraging students to take advantage of Capstone International services and a resolution establishing a paperless Senate for the month of October.


One Day Only Sale Saturday, September 26 Take an additional 25% off all Clearance Bama Apparel! Ferguson location only



Friday, September 25, 2009 Editor • Alan Blinder letters@cw.ua.edu

{ YOUR VIEW } ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT FINDING A JOB AFTER GRADUATION? “No. I think Iʼm prepared. Iʼm in education, so Iʼm not really worried about it.” — Kate Stovall, freshman, education

“A little bit. I guess itʼs just fear of getting out in the real world and being on your own.” — Wes Bradley, senior, management

“In my case, Iʼll be going into med school. But I would be, if I was going out into the work field right now. Nothingʼs secure.” — Estevan Lorenzo, senior, financial management and pre-meding in nutrition

“Actually, Iʼm very worried, because Iʼm a journalism major.” — Rebecca Smith, freshman, journalism

EDITORIAL BOARD Amanda Peterson Editor Will Nevin Managing Editor Alan Blinder Opinions Editor

WE WELCOME YOUR OPINIONS Letters to the editor must be less than 300 words and guest columns less than 800. Send submissions to letters@ cw.ua.edu. Submissions must include the author’s name, year, major and daytime phone number. Phone numbers are for verification and will not be published. Students should also include their year in school and major. For more information, call 348-6144. The CW reserves the right to edit all submissions.

Career fairs help students

The University hosted a career fair on Wednesday at the Bryant Conference Center. More than 70 businesses, ranging from shipping giant FedEx In short: Students to the Federal Bureau should take of Investigation, advantage of converged on the opportunities to Capstone to meet job search. with prospective interns and employees. In a trying economic situation, we do know that some employers are hiring. They came to Tuscaloosa, they said, because of the quality of students at the University of Alabama. Events like the career fair are important services coordinated by the University. Often, UA-coordinated events apply to niche groups. Career fairs transcend boundaries of major, college and socioeconomic status. In the end, when we leave this place, we’ll all be looking for jobs. We hope that students take advantage of opportunities like this. Students need to recognize that within a few years, they will leave the hallowed undergraduate (or graduate) experience and be in the real world. Few opportunities can ease the transition more than the career fair. When the next career fair comes around (the next general interest fair is scheduled for February 17, 2010), prepare in advance and explore your options. You never know what will happen.


MCT Campus

We need a public option By Ian Sams For the past few weeks, no political issue has dominated the headlines more and been the source of more passionate debate and controversy than the so-called “public option” in the proposed health insurance reform legislation. I know many of you may be tired of hearing about this issue, and some of you probably just don’t care. I imagine some of you don’t know what a public option is, and others assuredly wish a political science kid like me would keep my thoughts to myself on this. The bottom line, and the reason I write about it today, is that this may be the most important political issue our nation has faced in the past half-decade. Health insurance reform is coming, and if it doesn’t include this vital service, then it will ultimately be destined for failure. Essentially, a public option in a health insurance reform bill would provide American citizens with the choice of having a private health insurance plan or the plan currently available to members of Congress and other federal officials. It would drive down premiums while allowing citizens struggling to find or afford health insurance a viable health care option. Former labor secretary Robert Reich has argued that a public option is the only way to force insurance companies to cooperate in a manner that would ultimately reduce costs in the private sector. The American Medical Association supports its inclusion in any upcoming reform bill.

Public support for a public option has been consistently high over the past year. An August poll by SurveyUSA shows 77 percent of Americans support their right to choose a public health insurance option. Yet over the past several weeks, we’ve seen everyone from senators Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, to Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Senate finance committee, run away from a public option. We’ve seen members of the conservative Democrat Blue Dog Coalition in the House of Representatives demand its exclusion from a health reform bill. We’ve seen conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity assault proponents of a public option as socialists hell-bent on wrecking the private health care industry. The truth is that proponents of the public option understand the inexplicably high costs, both financial and moral, of maintaining the status quo into the future. The United States pays staggeringly more of its GDP on health care than any other nation on earth. Costs are projected to rise to unforeseen heights as baby boomers reach their 70s and the next generation approaches retirement. Frank Clemente, in a February report by the Institute for America’s Future, argues that “the savings that can be achieved by insuring millions of people in a public health insurance plan may be enough to pay for covering the 46 million Americans currently without insurance.”

Basically, a public plan will save us money in the long run. It will create true competition, not the dummy competition that exists today, drive down health care costs and allow more of the uninsured access to quality, affordable health insurance. Political efforts to shy away from this momentary increase in spending are asinine, and the more traction they gain, the more we risk damaging the future economy and collective health of our country. What is being done is leaders (and I use that term loosely) playing campaign politics with a moral and fiscal issue of grand proportions. If we don’t include a public health insurance option in the upcoming health care reform package, we’ll be left with unfunded mandates and no mechanism to bring down long-term costs. Even more than that, we’ll be left to face the fact that millions of Americans would still have no access to health insurance. That’s a moral conundrum that cannot be left unsolved. The stakes are too high and the costs too great to let this moment for lasting reform pass us by. It’s simply time to end the demagoguery on health care and pass a viable solution for our nation’s longstanding health care ills. Without the public option, we’ll face continued health care failure. Our future economic and health security just can’t afford that. Ian Sams is a junior majoring in political science. His column runs weekly on Fridays.

Option: unhealthy alternative By Jacob Summers The public health option — the ability to choose to be part of a system where you incorporate your individual birth-given rights and responsibilities into a system of millions of other individuals-turnedstatistics and hope you are treated better or just as well as the person next to you in need of a band-aid — when you’re dying of a brain hemorrhage and need help now. The public health option — the ability to take something that is flawed and make it even more flawed, because taking a system that is broken and putting it in the hands of the government makes it any better. A government that is busy with other public services that it actually has the ability to handle moderately well: fire departments, police departments, the military… Now, just having an option doesn’t affect your ability to choose the service you desire. But it does give others an option that messes up the functionality of the given services by affecting accessibility of the demand for a good health care system with a mediocre alternative because it costs less. A certain public figure, we will call him “Robert Reich” for argument’s sake, would have us think this is only “another option,” in which options A, B and C are private options and then option D works as the public option, supported by the government, but not interfered with or regulated by the government (I know, continue to stretch your disbelief for a few more moments before you get all worked up, though). And the opponents of this are only mad men and “those who want to win against the



“First, this relies on the government not interfering or having their finger in the pie.”

Democrats.” Supposedly, this would then drive down the steep prices of private providers and work to mediate the supply/demand equilibrium and force competition in every aspect of the medical field, which is a perfectly capitalistic way of doing things. In fact, one might call it ideal. And while ideals are what this country was built on, in practicality, it most likely will not work for several reasons. First, this relies on the government not interfering or having their finger in the pie. I think I can save the cheesy examples and let you all fill in the obvious instances where this has not worked out. Second, if the government did run this and lifted the thin veil of “no control,” our government would be inept to make this system run. Bureaucracy works when regulating immediate action on a large scale: putting out fires, raising troops and patrolling our cities. But even so, we all still have complaints about the services provided by our local cops and “corrupt practices” and the decisions our government makes in relation to what our armies do. Can you really hope it is better for health? Even if 10 percent of Americans chose the public option, those lives would still be in the hands of a government who is not known for swift action — bureaucracy is fine on a large scale, but what happens when you are bleed-

ing, broken, dying and have to wait for your surgeon to make sure this complies with the system? And can you deal with “corrupt practice” generated by bureaucratic profit the same way you do in the government and police work the same way you can in health care? Third and finally, even if this option were run perfectly fine — we need something better than a promise — we need proof the quality of service will be any better than it is now or what we would might expect of something established by politicians. We need proof when we replace the oppression of health insurance providers with stabilized prices and uniform practices that it will not lead to uniform practices that leave no room for anything above the normal — that our health will not be some piece of paperwork that is expediently moved on or ignored if it checks out as anything other than what this option can provide — and currently it is not clear what this option provides. Rosy tint aside, until we know what this plan covers — even a supposition or a claim, and not many different plans that reach 700 pages ambiguity — I do not support a system that is as muddled as what we have now. Jacob Summers is a senior majoring in public relations, business and computer science. His column runs weekly on Friday.

Fed. finance bill smart

Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would centralize control over student loans to the federal government, saving taxpayers an estimated $47 billion at the end of the day. $47 billion. That is a lot of money. The proposal removes intermediaries to federally subsidized student loans and makes the process more efficient. While we normally hesitate to increase government control, we support the bill because it does not change the end result. It simply makes the result easier to arrive at in a timely manner. And America could use the savings. $40 billion of the savings will go to increase funding for Pell Grants, a need-based form of financial aid that does not have to be repaid and has helped countless students over the years. The bill, like every other bill that comes through the Capitol, is imperfect. But we are willing to accept its faults in exchange for its successes. The United States government has recognized that education is a useful tool in our economic arsenal. Student financial aid programs are an investment in the nation’s future. We are glad to see the increased funding and even more glad to see that government has, at least this once, woken up to the notion of efficiency. Maybe, with some luck, it will happen more often.

Our View is the consensus of the Crimson White’s editorial board.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR UA should be reverent for Jews and Muslims, too By Joshua Berman

Shalom, salaam and hello. Fall is in the air, and it’s that special time of year again here at the Capstone. No, I’m not talking about football season. I’m talking about the holiday season for Jews and Muslims. We Jews are in the midst of what we call the High Holy Days, which began last Friday evening with Rosh Hashanah and will conclude with Yom Kippur this Monday. Yom Kippur can be described as the most important day of the year to Jews. On this day, Jews are forbidden from doing any sort of work. However, Jewish students at the University of Alabama are not totally free to commemorate their holidays. While the vast majority of professors are willing to work with their Jewish students, I have heard first-hand accounts of professors telling Jewish students that they will not be granted an excused absence from class and any work missed (including tests) will result in a grade of zero. These students are faced with the terrible choice of honoring their religious obligations or making good grades. Nobody should have to make this choice. These institutions understand that a diverse campus is meaningless if the cultures of minorities are not respected. It seems the University of Alabama is lagging behind the rest of the country in this regard. I do commend Provost Judy Bonner sending a letter to faculty members advising them to work with Jewish students and “if at all possible” allow work to be made up or turned in early. While this is a good start, it is not enough. To remedy the situation the University must adopt an official policy with regards to observance of nonChristian religious holidays. University administrators could sit down with local Jewish and Muslim religious officials and student groups to work out the details of the policy. I am not asking for much from the University. All I ask is that I be given the opportunity to be a good student and a good Jew. Shalom.

Joseph Berman is a junior majoring in international relations.



Hamrick leads team by example By Johnny Esfeller Staff Writer

For the past 17 years, Hunter Hamrick has been working on getting better at playing golf. This may not sound like anything special, except for the fact that Hunter is only 19 years old. After all these years, the Montgomery native has emerged as a leader on the Alabama Crimson Tide men’s golf team. Hamrick’s strong work ethic and business-like approach to golf intrigued Alabama men’s golf head coach Jay Seawell, who began recruiting Hamrick when he was only 13 years old. “I was actually out recruiting Matthew Swan when I first saw him,” Seawell said. “His demeanor was what caught my attention. Even playing guys three and four years older than him, he wasn’t in awe of anyone.” Hamrick’s decision to choose Alabama was an easy one. He had been a lifelong fan of the school, and his father also played golf at Alabama. He grew up with Swan, a former Tide golfer, and looked forward to playing alongside his friend at the next level. After choosing to attend Alabama, Hamrick enrolled early and spent his first spring


with the team as a redshirt. As it turns out, this was the toughest time Hamrick had as a golfer. “I was the top player in the state on the best team, and suddenly I am on the bench not able to compete. I just wanted to play,” Hamrick said. Since then, Hamrick has emerged as a team leader and is being counted on to lead a young team back to the top of the Southeastern Conference. “[Hamrick] isn’t a rah-rah guy. He tends to be more quite and calm,” Seawell said. “He means a lot to this team. He leads by example, gets a good score every time he plays and helps to keep the rest of the team even-keeled.” Hamrick’s leadership is going to be critical this year with only two upperclassmen listed on the roster. Hamrick is the most experienced player on the team, having played in more tournaments for the Tide than any of his teammates. Hamrick is optimistic and looking ahead to the remainder of the season. “We’re a young team this year, and we have a chance to be very special,” Hamrick said. “This year, we have more chemistry and a closer bond.” Hamrick constantly is trying to improve as a player. He


“His demeanor was what caught my attention. Even playing guys three and four years older than him, he wasn’t in awe of anyone.” — Head coach Jay Seawell on Tide sophomore Hunter Hamrick

Page 5 • Friday, September 25, 2009 Editor • Jason Galloway crimsonwhitesports@ gmail.com

SPORTS UA Athletics Hunter Hamrick follows through a shot at last year's SEC Champions Reunion. Hamrick stands as the most experienced Tide golfer this season as only a redshirt sophomore. said after playing golf for so long, the best way he can get better is to work on the mental aspects of the game. “What I’ve been learning in college is to take it easy when I need to and gear up when I need to,” Hamrick said. “Now I just have to work on getting more mentally tough, focused and patient.” Hamrick would like to play professionally one day, but he

does not like to look too far into the future. His only aspiration for golf right now is to be the best player in the nation at the collegiate level. Away from the links, Hamrick majors in finance. He struggles with juggling sports and school, but manages to perform both at a high level. Hamrick said he is a perfectionist, and sometimes has to calm down and remind himself

that making a B is okay. In his spare time, Hamrick loves to watch football, hunt, fish and hang out with friends. However, when asked about his aspirations for the future beyond school and golf, Hamrick revealed more of his humble nature. “God has a plan for me, and I want to fulfill that,” he said. “I just want to be the best person that I can be.”

this weekend FRIDAY • Volleyball vs South Carolina: Columbus, S.C., 6 p.m.

SATURDAY • Men’s and Women’s Cross Country Pre-SEC Invitational: Oxford, Miss.

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The Crimson White



Guarachi buys into system

Alabama’s international players add perspective

By Marquavius Burnett Staff Writer

By Laura Owens Sports Reporter

The Alabama men’s tennis team has four international tennis players, one each from South Africa, Morocco, England and India. Upon first arriving, the players had to readjust to the different schooling systems as a part of the new culture. “It was hard at the beginning to get used to the school,� said senior Houssam Yassine. “Universities are different back home.� Traveling far itself isn’t what is daunting for the players. As tennis players, they already have been traveling for their sport. “With tennis players, they travel the world, so they’re savvy,� said head coach Billy Pate. “They’ve probably flown all over the place.� To attend the University, international players must score well on their SAT as well as pass the Test of English Proficiency. After that, it is just a matter of readjusting to the new culture. Recruiting internationally has been much easier within the past 10 years, thanks to the Internet. The prospective players and coaches can e-mail to keep in touch. Additionally, players will put videos on YouTube to showcase their skills. While Pate was recruiting, he made a more personal touch. “He came all the way to Morocco to see me play,� Yassine said. “That’s why I came here. He was the only coach that came to see me at home. He came all the way to see me and talk to my parents.� While in Morocco, Pate met another future Alabama player. “I met coach [Pate] over in Morocco when he was trying to recruit Houssam,� sophomore Michael Thompson, who is from South Africa, said. “I kept in contact, and he came and watched me at Wimbledon. I kept in contact with them for a long time, really.� Having international players helps give the team a new dynamic as well.

UA Athletics Sophomore Michael Thompson competes at last year's NCAA regional against Boise State. Thompson, who hails from South Africa, is one of many international players on the Crimson Tide. “Tennis is so different. It’s such a global sport,� Pate said. “It’s probably the No. 2 sport behind soccer with participation.� For Yassine, coming to play at Alabama required a big adjustment to his game. “In Morocco, we play on clay,� he said. “I played a few tournaments on hard courts, but I never played indoors before. Here was the first time I played indoors. It was hard for my game. But I took some time to get used to courts.� Thompson’s adjustment was not nearly as difficult because he had played in the U.S. prior to starting at Alabama. “I lived up in Boston for a year when I was 16, so I’m used to the states. I’ve known American guys my whole life. I love team sports. Coming here, I found it easy, if anything,� Thompson said. Even though the players


“They add a unique perspective for the rest of your team,� he said. “So if you have some American guys and a couple of international guys, it’s just a good learning experience for them.� — Head coach Billy Pate on the diversity of his team

have made a new home here, they try to go back to visit their home countries as often as possible. “I go after every semester,� Yassine said. “I try to spend all summer there, and I also try to go every December.� Pate said he enjoys watching the players from different cultures interact because it helps to broaden their horizons. “I think what’s neat is that they add a unique perspective for the rest of your team,� he said. “So if you have some American guys and a couple

gram include Tuscaloosa News sports editor Cecil Hurt and Paul “Bear� Bryant Museum recently was inducted into the Ken Gaddy. The SEC Tailgate to be in College Football Hall of Fame, Director program also will look back Tuscaloosa Saturday earned All-American honors at Alabama’s 1979 National three straight years (1973-75) Championship team before while playing for Paul “Bear� they are honored inside the From staff reports Bryant and was captain of the stadium. The one-hour show is broadCBS College Sports Crimson Tide’s 1973 National cast live every week and origiNetwork’s SEC Tailgate show Championship team. Veteran SEC announcer Dave nates from the site of CBS will be live on campus this Saturday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Baker hosts SEC Tailgate and Sports’ SEC “Game of the prior to the Crimson Tide’s is joined by CBSSports.com’s Week.� SEC Tailgate captures matchup with Arkansas. This Lauren Shehadi and local con- all the excitement, traditions week’s show originates in front tributors. Sam Ryan anchors and festivities from the various coverage from New York with campuses and stadiums across of Doster Hall. Legendary Alabama line- former Tennessee head coach the SEC, as well as previews backer Woodrow Lowe joins Phillip Fulmer and Brian Jones the match-ups, providing highlights and news from games inCBS College Sports Network serving as analysts. Guests on this week’s pro- progress. as a guest analyst. Lowe, who

SPORTS in brief


of international guys, it’s just a good learning experience for them and a good atmosphere, and you learn a lot from your teammates.�

The Alabama’s women’s tennis team has been flying under the radar so far this season due to the football craze. With an eight-person roster, which consists of five upperclassmen, the Tide is loaded with experience. Head coach Jenny Mainz has had the Tide facing top competition this season, beginning with its opening tournament, the Fall SEC Coaches Classic. “The SEC Fall Coaches Tournament had some considerable competition,� Mainz said. “The SEC is the best, and I won’t say arguably, conference for women’s tennis. If you look at the rankings, 10 out of the 12 SEC schools are ranked in the top 26 teams.� Mainz said the tournament helped the team get closer to their goals and helped them have a great tournament at the Milwaukee Tennis Classic. “The Coaches Tournament helped us identify what we needed to improve on and helped prepare us for Milwaukee,� Mainz said. “The Milwaukee Classic was a great tournament. We gained a lot of confidence, took a step forward and got more match play. We wanted to make adjustments and improve, and I feel like we did that.� One player that is grabbing headlines is highly recruited freshman Alexa Guarachi. Born in Destin, Fla., Guarachi could have gone elsewhere and starred for another program, but says she chose the University because she loves crimson and white, and Mainz made her feel comfortable. “I’m a huge Alabama sports

fan, and I love UA,� Guarachi said. “My family went here, and it was the best choice for me. Mainz made me feel like I could help the team and be a leader one day.� Guarachi, whose father played tennis for the Tide, won just about every award an amateur player could win throughout high school. Even though she is decorated with awards, she still stays humble and thinks she can bring a lot to the team. “My parents help keep me humble,� Guarachi said. “Also, I don’t think about the past. I focus on the future and I always try to get better. I compete with my teammate’s everyday, pushing them and myself to get better.� Mainz saidGuarachi has bought into her system and the team aspect of tennis. “Alexa brings a wealth of experience to this team,� Mainz said. “She has played in over 23 different countries and all four grand slams. She brings a winning mentality and a lot of confidence.� Mainz said the team sets the precedent with its work ethic. “This is a very good environment to grow in and expand your game. We have a lot of structure and discipline at Alabama, and Alexa has bought into the system here.� Tennis usually is viewed as an individual sport, but Mainz thinks it is the team atmosphere that keeps her squad getting better everyday. “We are always advocating team spirit with team building exercises,� she said. “Tennis is a selfish sport, but we make everybody feel important and make sure everybody knows their role. It’s like a pot-luck dinner. Everybody brings something to the table.�

Do this

Saturday - Getting into the Stadium on Game Day 1. Bring your Action Card. 2. Follow the signs that lead to Gate 29. Students will be able to enter through Gate 29 only. 9OU WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS 'ATE ONLY ON #OLONIAL $RIVE 3. Lines will be very long, so expect delays. Give yourself 60 to 90 minutes to get into the stadium, whether or not you participate in block seating. 4. Bringing prohibited items will increase the amount of time it takes to get into the stadium. (see list on the right)

Remember: ‚ Students will enter through one gate, so lines will be long. Give yourself plenty of time to get into the game. ‚ Students who do not use a ticket assigned to them three or more times during the season will forfeit the right to purchase postseason tickets this year and will not be able to purchase tickets for fall 2010. Transfer your ticket to another UA student or donate it to the ticket bank if you’re not going to use your ticket. ‚ Students who upgrade a ticket assigned to them four or more times during the season will forfeit the right to purchase postseason tickets this year. ‚ You must track your own penalty total. You receive one penalty per game if: s 9OU DON T ATTEND THE GAME YOURSELF s 9OU DON T TRANSFER YOUR TICKET TO ANOTHER 5! STUDENT OR DONATE IT TO THE TICKET BANK s 9OU UPGRADE YOUR TICKET TO GENERAL ADMISSION MISSION

‚ Parking will not be allowed on #OLONIAL $RIVE ON GAME DAYS




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The Crimson White


Friday, September 25, 2009



Rugby team primed for new legacy at UA By Zac Al-Khateeb Staff Writer Here at the University of Alabama, sports are a major aspect in almost every student’s life. Whether it’s with 92,000 of your best friends at a football game or a pick-up game on the quad, the majority of the student body somehow participates in or interacts with a sport. This is especially true for those students who join athletic clubs. One such club, the Alabama rugby club, is now primed for this year’s season. With high expectations and a hungry squad, this year promises to be exciting. Rugby, a sport similar in play to football, is now entering its 38th year as a club at UA, making it one of the University’s oldest club teams. This club, like much of Alabama athletics, has had its fair share of success, especially in recent years, being crowned the Deep South champions in 2007. With that legacy still fresh on the mind of this year’s team, one would wonder if that puts any additional pressure on the players to perform well. “We’re a young team, all around 19,� said Dain Stewart, a senior and two-time captain majoring in criminal justice. “We had 13 graduate from last year’s team, and 11 of those were starters. But we have a lot of talented freshmen, like Shane Kelly, Michael Franklin, and Ben Conner. They have the potential to be All-South by the end of the season.� The remaining veterans on

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flickr.com Crimson Tide disc golfer Alex Butler gets ready to hurl his ying disc towards the basket. Disc golf began as an underground phenomenon, but it is starting to gain recognition across the country. urec.sa.ua.edu The UA club rugby team poses for a picture after a muddy game last spring.

FALL 2009 SCHEDULE • Rugby vs. Florida State: Oct. 4, Home • Rugby vs. Old Boys (Alumni): Oct. 10, Home • Selectside Tournament: Oct. 17 • Birmingham Men’s Club: Oct. 30, Away • Rugby vs. Mississippi State: Nov. 14, Away • Rugby vs. Jacksonville State: Nov. 21, Home alabamarugby.com this club are also going to be relied on heavily this year. “It’s going to start with the forwards, with Robert Summerville carrying the pack,â€? Stewart said. “Cory Godsey will take care of the back.â€? Meanwhile, there is competition ready to spoil this team’s season. For Michael Sapp, a sophomore and president of the team majoring in kinesiology, one opponent immediately comes to mind — Tennessee. “They offer scholarships and even recruit overseas,â€? he said. “They’re one of the few teams in the South able to do that.â€? This year’s schedule also features other key matchups during the fall and spring with Florida State University and Auburn University, respectively. Both teams will visit Tuscaloosa. With a schedule featuring such tough competition, Alabama players need to be able to rely on one another. For that, all the players have

to be on the same wavelength on and off the field. Stewart, however, isn’t worried about his teammates not working well together. “Especially during games, we’re a real close group,� he said. “You know [your teammates] have your back.� “We all hang out, especially after practices and games,� Sapp said. This year’s edition of the rugby club has a lot to live up to, and they believe they have the talent available to do so. When considering what will have to happen to make this season successful for the club, only one thing is acceptable — “Qualifying for the South [Tournament],� Stewart said. With a season featuring such great expectations and greater talents, this year’s rugby club promises to be as exciting as ever, and with the team well under way in preparations, one would think success awaits them at the end. Of course, only time will tell, but never count out a team set on creating its own legacy.

UA disc golf club team expands on campus By Thomas Yerby Staff Writer Have you ever seen those chain baskets in a park and wondered what they’re for? Well, the answer is disc golf. No, not ultimate frisbee. Disc golf. Based on the same premise as golf, disc golf is where a player throws a frisbee toward one of those baskets, aiming for it in the least number of throws possible. The discs are also very different from your typical Frisbee—typically smaller and denser than a recreational flying disc. Conor Bentley said disc golf is a fun and relaxing sport that is laid-back and you play at your own pace. Bentley is the president of the Disc Golf Club at Alabama and is a junior majoring in business administration from Traverse City, Mich. Disc golf is very closely related to golf. Basically all of the rules are the same, except for the difference of hitting a ball with a club in an attempt to get it into the hole in golf and throwing a frisbee in disc golf and trying to get it into the basket.



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LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Jerry Franklin lost his cool, then Arkansas lost control of the game. After five solid quarters to start the season, the Razorbacks’ beleaguered defense unraveled last week, allowing Georgia to move the ball at will following Franklin’s ejection. Without the sophomore linebacker, the Hogs looked a lot like last year’s team, which allowed big numbers against top competition. That’s a bad sign for Arkansas, with a game at No. 3 Alabama this Saturday. “The same group of guys who did some bad things also did some really good things. We aren’t going to panic,� defensive coordinator Willy Robinson said. “We have a lot of football left.� The Razorbacks led 21-10 after three Georgia turnovers when Franklin — their leading tackler from last season — was ejected early in the second quarter for pushing players and bumping into an official.

Georgia scored on five of its next six possessions, gaining 345 yards of offense in less than two quarters. The Bulldogs went on to win 52-41. Georgia rallied with big plays. Richard Samuel ran 80 yards for a touchdown in the second quarter, and the Bulldogs led 27-21 at halftime. Arkansas took the lead twice in the third quarter but couldn’t hold it for even two minutes. Georgia even tried a 2-point conversion from the 8-yard line at one point after a penalty, and the Razorbacks couldn’t stop it. “It was heartbreaking, watching your team go out there and battle, and you can’t be with them,� Franklin said. Franklin said he sent a letter of apology to the officiating crew, and although he wasn’t the only reason the Razorbacks lost, they clearly missed his leadership. “That hurt us,� coach Bobby Petrino said. “He’s a guy that makes a lot of the calls out there on the field.� Arkansas allowed 31 points per game last season en route to a 5-7 record. The



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national title. A major step in the growth of disc golf was the creation of the National Collegiate Disc Golf Union, which sponsors the National Collegiate Disc Golf Tournament, the national championship of disc golf, held this past April in Augusta, Ga. Alabama placed fourth overall and over the three years in which the tournament has been held, the Tide is the only team to have placed in the top five every year. The Crimson Tide disc golf team encourages everyone to come play. They say that many people have played before but feel like they aren’t good enough to play on the club team. Bailey said this isn’t the case, and he encourages anyone interested to come and play and join the team. “We’re just simply looking for people that have played or like to play the sport and are willing to work with anyone that is willing,� Bentley said. The team has not posted a practice schedule for the fall yet, but questions can be directed to Bentley at cwbentley@crimson.ua.edu.

Defense again a concern for Arkansas Razorbacks By Noah Trister AP Sports Writer

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Everything else, including the par system, boundaries and drop shots, remains the same. Disc golf even has a governing body, the Professional Disc Golf Association. The PDGA sponsors the PDGA tour, which includes world rankings and cash prizes so lucrative that some players make a living playing disc golf. While Alabama has a club team, the sport is still under the radar throughout most of the country. However, Jim Bailey, a senior majoring in psychology, said the sport is starting to expand. “It’s not just college-age players,� Bailey said. “It is sanctioned and huge. There are professional players and cities are putting in new courses everywhere all the time.� This past February, the Crimson Tide disc golf team even hosted its own tournament in Tuscaloosa at Bowers Park with the help of the Tuscaloosa Disc Golf Club. Alabama tied with Mississippi State for first place then lost by one stroke in a playoff. The Bulldogs went on to win the

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Razorbacks allowed 139 points in three straight early losses to Alabama, Texas and Florida — and they weren’t much better late in the season against South Carolina and Mississippi State. Still, Arkansas hoped an extra year of experience would help in 2009. The Razorbacks returned their entire starting front seven, and they had no trouble with Missouri State in a 48-10 season-opening win. But that was Missouri State. The Georgia game was a reality check. Joe Cox threw five touchdown passes, exploiting an Arkansas secondary with its share of newcomers. “We did some bad things,� Robinson said. “It starts in your alignment and it starts with your technique. We lost sight of that against a really good football team.� Aside from Samuel’s big play, Arkansas did a decent job stopping the run. But the Razorbacks sacked Cox only once and didn’t hassle him much as he led Georgia to quick touchdowns. Robinson isn’t promising drastic changes. Arkansas hopes safety Elton Ford, who has been recovering from a neck injury, will be ready to contribute soon. He started eight games in 2008. Otherwise, the Razorbacks seem content to rely on the same players who faced Georgia. Franklin’s return should help, and Malcolm Sheppard is still a feared defensive lineman after leading Arkansas in sacks last season. “I’ve been telling a lot of the guys Malcolm Sheppard is as good as any defensive lineman I’ll play this season,� Alabama offensive lineman Mike Johnson said. “He’s a real quick guy, a great inside player and has a good motor.�


Meehyun Ahn Theatre and Dance performs at welcome Philip Sneed Moody Music

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Page 8 • Friday, September 25, 2009 Editor • Steven Nalley smnalley@crimson.ua.edu


this weekend TODAY • Tales of the Lost Formicans: Allen Bales Theatre. 7:30 p.m. $10.00 admission. •Mellow Mushroom: Future Rock, doors open 9 p.m. •The Jupiter Bar and Grill: The Steven Padilla Band, 10 p.m. •Little Willie’s: Blaine Duncan and the Cookers, 9 p.m. •Egan’s: Cunning Runts, 11:30 p.m.

SATURDAY • Mellow Mushroom: Lord T and Eloise, doors open 9 p.m.

By Meghan Hollis Staff Writer

By Meghan Hollis Staff Writer

The UA College of Arts and Sciences school of music, the College of Human Environmental Sciences and Creative Campus have come together to bring worldrenowned pianist Meehyun Ahn to perform a piano concert tonight. The concert is at 7:30 p.m. in the Moody Music Building concert hall and is being held for the public at no cost. Ahn, who has played all over the world, including in the prestigious Wigmore Hall in London, is the daughter of UA alumnus Sookja Lim, who studied at the College of Human Environmental Sciences in the late 1960s. Milla Boschung, dean of the College of Human Environmental Sciences, said it was Lim’s dream to see her daughter perform at the University. “The University of Alabama still holds a special place in her heart after all these years,” Lim said. “She would never have been able to accomplish all she has without the knowledge she gained and the people she met while being a student.” Ahn said she was excited to be able to come to her mother’s college and display her talent for the students of Alabama. “My mother is really happy and proud I was able to come here,” Ahn said. “I really like the college’s music department, and the people I’ve met thus far are very kind.” “I am also thrilled to finally be able to meet my mother’s friend, Sue Parker,” she added. “I would love to be able to come back again to play here again. It would be an honor.” Sue Parker, the assistant director emeritus of the College of Human Environmental Sciences, is a former classmate and close friend of Meehyun’s mother Lim. Lim made contact with Parker with the idea of having her famous daughter come to perform at the University. Parker then reached out to the dean of the college Mrs. Lim got her degree from, the College of Music, and the student-based organization Creative Campus then jumped on board to help plan the concert and advertise the event to the student body. Alexis Clark, the coordinator

IF YOU GO ... • What: Piano conert • Where: Moody Music Building concert hall

• When: 7:30 p.m. • How much: Free for Creative Campus, worked closely with the College of Human Environmental Sciences to increase awareness of the many artistic opportunities on campus. “We wanted the student body to know of this artist performing in one of the best acoustical treasures the state has to offer at Moody Music Hall,” Clark said. Boschung said Lim and Ahn were both doing the University a favor. “Meehyun’s performance is a gift to the University, a way of giving back,” Boschung said. “Mrs. Lim is making a contribution to establish a scholarship in honor of Sue Parker’s mother due to all her help while she was here.” Ahn has performed at many famous venues around the world, along with numerous orchestras, and is recognized as one of the leading pianists of her generation. Ahn attended the prestigious Imola International Piano Academy in Italy under Professor Lazar Berman. She honed her skills in Russia and has further improved her skill through the Italian School of Pianism. Ahn has been recognized and awarded many prizes for her skill. She also has recorded two CDs, Scriabin Piano Concerto and Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 with the Moscow Orchestra conducted by Mikael Avetisyan, as well as 10 solo pieces. Meehyun is an adjunct professor for the University of New Haven. She recently was named a visiting professor at Sungshin University in Korea. Concert parking is limited this weekend due to Saturday’s football game. A single row of a hundred spaces in front of Moody will be reserved for the concert attendees. Since the concert hall holds more than 1,000 people, students and the public are encouraged to park at the UA Soccer Complex and take the CrimsonRide to Moody.

Next week, as guest director of the UA Department of Theatre and Dance’s “The Time of Your Life,” Philip Sneed will remain behind the scenes. But Friday, he takes center stage. Sneed will perform in “The Fever” today at 4 p.m. in the Allen Bales Theatre. He’ll be doing it alone, said Christopher Montpetit, the theatre management program director of the department. “The performance is a solo piece arranged and performed by Philip Sneed, with minimal technical assistance by the Department of Theatre and Dance,” Montpetit said. “The play only runs 90 minutes, without an intermission, and worked well as a special Friday afternoon event leading up to Philips’ production of ‘The Time of Your Life’ opening on Tuesday.” Sneed will host an informal talkback session with the audience after his performance. Montpetit said Sneed’s solo performance and his work on “The Time of Your Life” were a package deal. “Connections with faculty members here at the University of Alabama led him to being invited to be a guest director for next week’s production of ‘The Time of Your Life.’ As a part of his offer, the Department of Theatre and Dance wanted to offer him an opportunity to perform as well,” Montpetit said.

Sneed is the producing artistic director of the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, the nation’s second-oldest Shakespeare company. He also is the president of the Shakespeare Theatre Association of America, along with being a director, actor, writer and theatre teacher. His involvement with Shakespeare festivals allowed him to see “The Fever” several times and ultimately perform it. Travis Ray, marketing manager for the theatre department, said Sneed had been working in the theatre business for 20 years. “He has directed many different places from the Midwest to California,” Ray said. “He’s bringing something new and different to Alabama with ‘The Time of Your Life.’” “The Fever” is a solo play by Wallace Shawn that won the 1991 Obie Award for Best Play. It has had recent well-received productions in venues such as the New York Shakespeare Festival, Second Stage and the Mark Taper Forum. In this play, a nameless writer travels to a country in the midst of a civil war, where he becomes deliriously ill with the titular fever. He struggles with memories of his own country and questions about morality, ultimately leading him to conclude that one must take responsibility for oneself. This plot, according to The New York Newsday, poses the question, “Is it possible, or even right, for a sensitive person to be happy in today’s world?”

Ex-wrestling CEO running for Senate missed voting By Susan Haigh The Associated Press HARTFORD, Conn. — Linda McMahon’s wrestling empire urged young adults to vote in 2008, but the former World Wrestling Entertainment CEO didn’t always follow suit. McMahon, who has stepped down from her job to seek the Republican nomination in Connecticut for the U.S. Senate, acknowledged on her campaign blog that she didn’t vote in the 2008 presidential primary after Sen. John McCain became

the presumptive GOP nominee. In a Sept. 16 blog entry titled “One of My Regrets,” McMahon, who co-founded WWE with her husband, Vince McMahon, said she also missed a general election in 2006 and several local elections. “I talk all the time about how important it is for people to vote. And it is. Yet, I haven’t always been the best example myself,” she wrote. “I regret it, I apologize, and I don’t make any excuses for it.”

State records show McMahon voting twice in Connecticut, in the 2002 and 2008 general elections. During the 2008 presidential election, WWE organized a campaign called WWE’s Smackdown Your Vote! and released a voter guide to help young voters “articulate the issues important to them in this national election.” Then-U.S. Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as McCain, also appeared on WWE’s “Monday Night RAW” and spoke to an audience of young voters.

•The Jupiter Bar and Grill: Uri, 10 p.m. •Little Willie’s: The Shrapnel Petals, 9 p.m. •Egan’s: The Bloody 98s, 11:30 p.m.


RODGERS LIBRARY Submitted Photo Meehyun Ahn, a renowned concert pianist, is playing tonight at Moddy Music Building.



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Friday, September 25, 2009

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10 Friday September 25, 2009


The Crimson White

After King’s death, the blues live on Evening of Art and Blues first since blues fixture’s death By Steven Nalley Arts & Entertainment Editor As executive director of the Alabama Blues Project, Debbie Bond said she was excited about the bands lined up for Friday’s Evening of Art and Blues. “The lineup of music is just outrageous,” Bond said. “Every one of the acts is incredible.” Yet there is one performer missing from the line-up. The fourth annual Evening of Art and Blues is the first to run without Alabama blues fixture Willie King, who died in March. Bond is the guitarist for The Liberators, the band King fronted before his death. She said she missed King, but she

was not alone. “I’m sure everyone who’s going to play at the Evening of Art and Blues misses him,” Bond said. “Everyone who knew him loved him.” The Liberators will not be performing at Friday’s event. Bond said she would perform with another member of the band, ABP Assistant Director Rick Asherson, but the rest of The Liberators would not be there. King said one of the other acts at the event that excited her was G.B. Burt, a 75-yearold musician who recently was discovered by the Music Maker Relief Foundation. He now performs around the world “He’s gone to Belgium and Australia just this year,” Bond

of Art and Blues,” Bond said. “Getting to see all the women “The lineup of music is just outrageous. Every one sing together is always fun. of the acts is incredible.” We’ll do a big jam at some point.” — Debbie Bond The event also will feature art auctions, and Smith said the items included a football said. “He’s 75 years old. He’s more kids. We had about 80 autographed by Nick Saban and boxing gloves autographed just been discovered and hav- kids at our summer camp. ing the time of his life traveling “We also have Microwave by Deontay Wilder. All the art the world.” Dave, who’s a big favorite and items on auction can be The advanced class of stu- around the state of Alabama,” viewed at the event’s Web site, dents from ABP’s summer and Smith said. “He’s our head- alabamablues.org/state.htm. “Our biggest item is probaafter-school blues camps also liner, and we also have Simple will perform, and proceeds from Interest, which is a band made bly our B.B. King autographed the event will benefit the camps. up of businessmen around guitar,” Smith said. “Many of Cara Smith, program direc- Tuscaloosa, which is always a the artists have donated Willie King art and photographs.” tor of ABP, said the camps lot of fun.” Bond said she found these had grown exponentially, and There also will be an the advanced band is train- Alabama Blues Women Revue, photos moving. “Willie touched so many ing to compete in the Blues which will feature Shar-Baby, Foundation’s International Carroline Shines, Rachel people’s lives,” Bond said. “I Blues Challenge in Memphis, Edwards, B.J. Miller and Bond. personally have several art picTenn. She said she was looking for- tures of Willie on my wall, and it’s comforting to have things “We’re getting bigger and ward to the revue. bigger,” Smith said. “Each time “It’s the first time we’ve had that remind me of him.” One large picture of King, we have a blues camp, we have all those women at the Evening



however, will not be for sale. Bond said ABP is saving this picture for an exhibit on Willie King at a blues museum the organization wants to establish at the Stiller Building. “I want the community to know that we have very big dreams, which include having a blues museum,” Smith said. “We really need a lot of money to make the dream come true.”

IF YOU GO ... • What: Evening of Art and Blues

• Where: The Jemison Mansion

• When: 7 p.m. • How much: $10 for students

Plea deal ends ‘Girls Gone Wild’ founder tax case By Anthony McCartney The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — “Girls Gone Wild” founder Joe Francis pleaded guilty Wednesday to filing false tax returns and will avoid further jail time in a tax case that spanned two states and several years. Francis entered the pleas to two misdemeanor counts of filing false tax returns and one count of bribing Nevada jail workers in exchange for food. The plea agreement calls for Francis, who has built a soft porn empire filming and marketing videos of young women, to pay $250,000 in restitution and receive credit for jail time served. Francis was indicted by a federal grand jury on tax evasion charges in 2007 and has spent 301 days in jail. He will receive a year of supervised release. U.S. District Judge S. James Otero accepted the plea and delayed sentencing until Nov. 6. In the agreement, Francis acknowledged omitting nearly $563,000 in interest income on his 2003 tax return. Prosecutors initially alleged Francis took more than $20 million in fraudulent

deductions in 2002 and 2003 on items such as a Mexican home where Francis entertained celebrities, a Porsche and other items. The agreement calls for any tax liabilities of Francis or his companies from 2002 to 2008 to be handled in civil or administrative arenas. Under terms of the deal, Francis also will acknowledge giving more than $5,000 in goods to a pair of Washoe County, Nevada jail workers in exchange for food. Francis was held at the jail from June 2007 to March 2008. In a statement, Francis thanked Otero and his attorneys for their work on the case and said the resolution to the case will allow him to focus on the soft porn wares of the “Girls Gone Wild” franchise. “I’m happy to finally be able to redirect my attention to the business at hand, which is to provide quality entertainment for our millions of fans around the world,” Francis said in the statement. Francis’ attorney, Brad D. Brian, has said in court that prosecutors didn’t understand Francis’ business model and that the expenses were part of building the “Girls Gone Wild” brand.

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Today’s Birthday (09/25/09) You’re in the mood to throw things away this year, and quite possibly get new ones. With planning, you’ll get much better deals and make your money go further. The bad news is: budgeting is still required. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) -- Today is a 7 -- Things are starting to quiet down, through a group effort. You can provide what’s needed in a timely manner. Taurus (April 20-May 20) -- Today is a 7 -- Can you get out of town this weekend? Make preliminary plans. Conditions are changing in your favor. Gemini (May 21-June 21) -- Today is an 8 -- Everything’s fun and games, and then the piper must be paid. Make sure you have enough saved up for that. Cancer (June 22-July 22) -- Today is a 6 -- You’re spurred to take action because of an item on your list that you forgot. Better go over your list again. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- It’s a good day to follow through on a project you’ve discussed with a supervisor. Find out what you’ll be paid.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Today is a 7 -- A business relationship is growing warmer. Don’t let it cross the line between friendship and adulation. ibra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) -- Today is a 5 -- You struggle to get ideas across to others. Use concrete examples. Remember show-and-tell from kindergarten? It works.

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