The Crops Volume IV (June 2022-May 2023)

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VicePresidentandSecretaryofEducation, SaraZDuterte,launchedaneweducation campaignthatseekstoaddressthebasic education challenges faced by the PhilippinesonJanuary30,2023.

The campaign is called MATATAG: BansangMakabata,BatangMakabansa,and it aims to set a new direction for the education sector by rallying support from stakeholdersandthecommunity VP-SecretaryDutertespoketoabout 400 people in the education sector, includingPresidentFerdinandRMarcosJr,

iteracy and numeracy problems among many of our learners are evident, and thesehaveimpeded theirlearning in all subjects," Suzette B Gulmatico, school headofTagbanonExtensionHighSchool, saidonNovember6,2022inaend-ofthe-quarterconferencewithparentsfor thefirstquarter

Gulmatico told the parents that during the consultation with teachers, it was discovered that several students have a hard time reading even simple sentences and solving basic mathematical problems including addition,subtraction,multiplicationanddivision

C O N T I N U E R E A D I N G > 3 Ateacherreadswithastudentusingflashcardsduringthe asaandPagkuwenta photobyKathleenMaeMata -MAY2023 th C O N T I N U E R E A D I N G > 4 Schoolclosures sultin massive learninglosses UELC DAGATAN Hotand(Un)Bothered: In-personinstruction amidElNiño AreaIIhailed 2ndRUin provincemeet 09 15 ico:Literacy, meracygaps edelearning Generation Pandemic: TheRise ofTeenage Pregnancyin Uncertain Times feature p8READFULL STORYON s c i e n c e sports DepEdlaunches MATATAGagenda NATIONAL RUBYJEANFERNANDEZ
13 Paradeof characterscaps readingmonth f e a t u r e p6 WHAT'S INSIDE
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TagbanonExtensionHighSchoolproved to be a cut above therestasitreceivedtwoawardsduringtheDivisionofCadiz City’s Pasidungog 2023 on January 25, 2023, at the City Arena, CadizCity

Stephen Calixton, a secondary teacherfromTagbanonExtension HighSchool,washailedsecondin the search for the most outstanding public high school teacher

Calixtonexpressedhisgratitude andsaid "Thisrecognitionisboth an honor and a responsibility By being one of the most outstanding teachers of 2023, I have to be more wary of my actionsanddobetterandmorein improving the quality of instructionIgivetomylearners"

Furthermore TagbanonExtension High School was awarded 2nd place in the search for the most outstanding school-medium schoolcategory

SuzetteB Gulmatico,theteacher-

of Tagbanon Extension HighSchool said "Thishard-earned

award is a tangible proof that the school stays true to its mission and vision of providing quality education to our learners”

Sheaddedthattheawardwillnotbe possible without the support of the stakeholders, especially the parents, saying "Theyareabigpartofthisaward"

Narciso,2alumspass2022LET; 2015alumnanowlicensednurse

IntherecentLicensureExaminationforTeachers(LET)held inOctober2022,aSeniorHighSchoolteacherofTagbanon Extension High School and two alumni successfully passed the licensureexam.

Joseph Fritz Narciso, a senior high school teacher from the said school emerged as one of the passersinthesaidexam

Hesharedthathededicateshis achievement to his students and colleagues who have been his source of inspiration and motivation

Apart from Narciso, two alumni, Meljohn L Murillo and Christian M Mercadero, also passed the licensureexam

The school's administration expressed its pride and joy in the achievements of the three passers, saying that “it is a testament to the quality of education provided by the institution”

Narciso,whohasbeenteaching for a year in TEHS shared that he wasecstaticuponlearningthathe had passed the LET He added that the challenges brought by

the COVID-19 pandemic made his preparationmorechallenging,buthe persevered and was able to overcome them with the help of his colleagues

Meanwhile,MurilloandMercadero, who both graduated from the same school,sharedthattheyweregrateful for the education they received, which equipped them with the knowledge and skills to excel in the LET

TheschoolcongratulatedNarciso, Murillo, and Mercadero, and shared that their achievements serve as an inspirationtotheircurrentstudentsto striveforexcellenceintheiracademic pursuits

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced that out of the 91,468 elementary level examinees 49783 (5443%) passed the exam Meanwhile, out of the 139,534 secondary level examinees, 71,080(5094%)passedtheexam

The 49,783 elementary school teachers who passed the test include 29,183 first-timers and 20,600repeaters Meanwhile,50,549 secondary teachers are first-takers, while20531arerepeaters

Meanwhile,JeannetteM Dejan, a 2015 alumna, also passed the Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE)giveninNovember2022. Her feat wasannouncedbythe ProfessionalRegulationCommission (PRC), wherein out of the 24,903 examineeswhotooktheNovember 2022NLE,18,529(744%)successfully passed ThePRCalsoreportedthatoutof the 18529 successful examinees 15,908 are first-time takers, while 2,621 are repeaters The passing rate for first-time takers stands at 7967% while the passing rate for repeatersis2791%

The nursing examination was conducted on November 12-13, 2022, at testing centers located in the National Capital Region, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao Iloilo Koronadal Legaspi Lucena, Pagadian, Pampanga, Rosales, Tacloban, Tuguegarao, andZamboanga /thecrops

Gulmaticoexpressedherappreciation fortherecognitiongiventotheirschool and the tireless efforts of the teaching and non-teaching personnel of TagbanonExtensionHighSchool

“ThisrecognitiongiventoTagbanon Extension High School and also Sir Stephen Calixton is a testament of our hard work and dedication to our profession”Gulmaticosaid

“We will continue to strive for excellence and deliver quality educationtoourlearners,"sheadded

ThePasidungogAwards2023isan event designed to recognize the excellent performances of schools and teaching and non-teaching personnel forthefiscalyear2023 Ithighlightsthe efforts of educational institutions and personnel in providing quality educationtolearners /thecrops

12th-grade Franciscowins SSGpollforprexy

Mary Ann B. Francisco secured the presidential seat of the SupremeStudentGovernmentof TagbanonExtensionHighSchool with 167 votes in the 2022 SSG ElectionsonSeptember17,2022.

Francisco won the presidency by a mere 17-vote margin against May P Malihoc who got 150 votes On the other hand, Joshua Del Rosario, an independent candidate garnered 79 votes

In an interview with The Crops, Francisco expressed her gratitude to those who voted for her and promised her best as the newly elected SSG president

"Iamverythankfultoeveryonewho voted for me" she said adding "I promise to be at my best in every endeavor I do as the president of the SSG With the guidance of our SSG adviser, I know I can effectively and efficiently lead the Tagbanian students"

The following are other studentleaderswhowouldjoinFranciscointhe SSG for school year 2022-2023: Rouegie Catipunan, vice-president; Quennie Pareja, secretary; John Paul Jison, treasurer; Reyna Rose Brignas, auditor; Kleah Arsolon PIO; Jenie Barcelona,peaceofficer








Charry Joy M Garlet, SSG adviser, thanked the COMELEC, teachers, school head, students, and parents, for their support and services to make the eventsuccessful/thecrops

TIN-AD,Tagbanon! TimelyandNecessary ActionsforDevelopment
SWEETHARVEST SuzetteB Gulmatico(thirdfromright)receivesthecertificateandplaqueforthe schoolasfirstrunner-upMostEffectiveSecondarySchool-SmallSchoolCategory
WINNERS (Fromlefttoright)LETpassersJosephFritzNarciso,MeljohnMurillo,andChristianMercadero,and NLEpasserJeannetteDejan
JHOSWAJISON CredibleResponsibleOpenmindedPrecise &SensitiveJournalism!

TEHSholds2ndquarterlymeeting, awards63academicachievers

SuzetteB Gulmatico,schoolhead,discussed the importance of good behavior among students She stressed the need for students to develop positive attitudes towards their studies andtheirpeers

"We want our students to not only excel academically but also to develop a sense of responsibility and respect towards themselves andothers,"Gulmaticosaid

Othertopicsdiscussedduringtheconference include the athletes' participation to division meet andparentalroleforlearning

Aftertheassembly,theschoolrecognizedthe academic achievements of 63 students across grade levels for the second quarter Six were awarded 'With High Honors' and 57, 'With Honors'

The school head, Suzette B Gulmatico, congratulated the students and encouraged themtocontinueworkinghardintheirstudies

"I am proud of our students for their outstandingacademicperformance,"Gulmatico said "Theirdedicationandhardworkhavepaid off andwehopethattheywillcontinuetostrive forexcellenceintheirfutureendeavors"

"Eventslikethisshowthattheschoolvalues the efforts of our children," said a parent of one oftheawardees/thecrops

TheCropspoll: 60%sayyesto blendedlearning

According to a recent poll conducted in the official Facebook page of The Crops from April 25-30, 2023, 60% of respondents believe that the school should implement blended learningduetotheextreme heat currently experienced inschool.

The poll also revealed that 25% of respondents do not support the idea of blended learning, while 15% are still undecided

Blended learning is a combination of in-person and online instruction, which has becomeincreasinglypopularin recent years, especially during thepandemic.

The results of the poll conductedinTheCropsofficial Facebook page suggest that a significant majority of the school's community is in favor of implementing blended learning /thecrops



nsupportof theWomen’sMonth Celebration,PSSg Jennifer S Tenerife,WomenandChildren'sProtectionDesk(WCPD)investigator of Cadiz City Police Station, delivered an discussion on Violence Against WomenandChildren(VAWC)lawsandanti-drugadvocacyattheschool groundsonMarch24

Duringthe'interactive'discussion,PSSg Tenerife emphasized the importance of knowing the VAWC laws and the role of the police in enforcing them She also highlighted the dangers of illegal drugs andtheneedforadrug-freecommunity

"Iamgladthattheschoolinvitedusto discuss these important topics," PSSg Tenerifesaid "Byraisingawarenessand promoting education, we can help prevent VAWC and drug abuse in our community"

Charry Joy M Garlet, school Gender and Development coordinator, also expressed her appreciation for the event "WearegratefultoPSSgTenerife forsharingherknowledgeandexpertise with us," said Garlet "This event has been very informative and I hope that everyonewhoattendedwillbeinspired totakeactionagainstVAWCanddrugs"

SuzetteB Gulmatico,theschoolhead, was also present at the event and stressedtheimportanceofeducationin preventingVAWCanddrugabuse

"Aseducators,itisourresponsibilityto equip ourstudentswiththe knowledge and skillstheyneedtocreateabetter

society," Gulmatico said "I am proud of our school for taking the initiative to host this event and raise awareness of theseimportantissues" Sheadded,"Theeventwasasuccess, with attendees leaving with a better understanding of VAWC laws and the dangersofdrugs"

"Bycontinuingtopromoteeducation and awareness, Tagbanon Extension High School and the Cadiz City Police Station are working together to create asaferandmoreinclusivecommunity," Gulmaticoended

The event was spearheaded by CharryJoyM Garlet andwasattended by students, teachers, and other members of the community The program aimed to raise awareness of VAWCandtheharmfuleffectsofdrugs, andtopromotegenderequalityandan inclusivesociety/thecrops


"With this pressing problem we need to help each other in filling in these learning gaps," Gulmatico said, adding, "We cannot do it alone You need to do your part at home so we could solve these reading and numeracyproblems"

Gulmatico also emphasized that everyonemuststoppointingfingersas everyone has a part to play on why theseproblemshappened

"We in the high school must stop blamingtheelementaryschoolswhere

they came from, in the same way that those in college must not blame high schoolteachers,"shesaid

"School closure was inevitable becausethatisonewaytomitigatethe spread of the virus during that time. It was unprecedented, and literarcy and numeracy problems were expected as a result of these closures," Gulmatico added

Gulmatico also shared that the school is setting up plans to combat



"Iwillbemeetingwithmyteachers againtocreateanactionplanand programconcerningtheimprovingof literacyandnumeracycompetenciesof ourlearners,"shesaid


OnAugust10,2022,DepEd spokesmanMichaelPoasaidthatthe administrationhasalreadylaidoutplans anchoredonthefourpillarsoftheBasic


2030: access, equity, quality and resiliency

AccordingtoPoa plansonaccess include infrastructure to address shortage classrooms and facilities while equity would involve funding allschoolsregardlessoflocation

Qualitywouldfocusonimproving learning materials and professional development programs focused on 21st-century skills for teachers while resilience include the annual responsestocrisesanddisasterslike COVID/thecrops

Source: https://wwwphilstarcom/headlines/2022/08/11/220184 7/deped-sets-strategies-address-learning-losses

WCadizPNPgivesanti-drug,VAWCtalks NOWAWARE StudentsofTagbanonExtensionHighSchoolposewiththemembersofCadiz-PNPafter thetalkonVAWCanddrugawareness ITTAKESAVILLAGETORAISEACHILD SuzetteB Gulmaticodiscussedimportanttopicsduringthe2ndquarterlymeeting
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Inaregionalmemorandumissued onApril11,2023, the Department of Education-Region VI presented the region's Literacy and Numeracy Roadmap and the Literacy and Numeracy Excellence(LINE)

According to Regional Memorandum No 259, s 2023, thesaidroadmapwaslaunchedto formalizetheinitiatives for literacy and numeracy in the Regional EducationDevelopmentPlan(REDP), DivisionEducationDevelopmentPlan (DEDP), and School Improvement Plan (SIP), as well as to establish guidelinesformonitoring evaluating andsustainabilityto guarantee its influenceoneducationaloutcomes

Theroadmapalsoincludesclear strategic directions for achieving the objectives of the literacy and numeracy efforts at all levels of governance

TheLINEprogram,ontheother hand,isa creativeand innovative

reward and recognition initiative that highlights excellence in everyone involved in the literacy and numeracy initiatives of the divisions, districts,andschools by capturing and recognizing good practices,strategies,andactivitiesof school administrators, teachers, and students

According to the its rationale the roadmap for the literacy and numeracy initiatives is essential in order to ensure alignment of the DepEdCentral Office's MATATAG, the Regional Mantra, and the SUPPORTframework Thisroadmap would serve as a signpost for education leaders, supervisors, teachers, and stakeholders in

carrying out meaningful actions that willleveluptheimplementationofthe programs for Literacy and Numeracy Excellence(LINE)

In a news article posted by Radyo Pilipinas Iloilo on Facebook on December 12 2022 Regional Director RamirB Uytico stated that theREDP;

DEDP,andSIPwouldallbealignedand aimedatmeetingtheneedsofstudents, especiallyinreading.

Dr Uyticoalsochallengedallschools in the region to establish their own reading programs He, on the other hand assured that DepEd will continue to find ways to solve learning problems inschools/thecrops

FORLITERACYANDNUMERACY RegionalDirectorRamirB UyticodelivershismessageduringtheRegional LiteracyandNumeracyColloquiumonJanuary27,2023atPuntaVillaResort photobySDSSales


and discussed the difficulties and recent achievements of DepEd prior to introducing the department's new battlecry InherBasicEducationReport(BER) for 2023, Duterte stressed that education is important for a better Philippines DutertesaidthatDepEd'sprotestisa better educational system for the nation, adding, "Together, we will rally for every Filipino child Para sa isang MATATAG na Bayan Para sa ating mahalnaPilipinas”

Furthermore she bared the four criticalcomponentsofMATATAG:

MAke the curriculum relevant to produce competent and job-ready, active,andresponsiblecitizens;

TAkestepstoacceleratedeliveryof basiceducationfacilitiesandservices;


All scouting roads in Negros OccidentalledtoHimamaylan City for the 1st Provincial Camporee at Sitio Bingig on March28toApril3,2023.

Fifteen scouts from Tagbanon Extension High School went to the said camp, in which 14 of them underwentasurvivalcourse

Theywereleftinthewildforsix days and five nights to fend for themselves and test their survival instinctsandskills

TheAutobotscoutswhojoined the survival course include VS John Mark Bolivar, Sct Arvhone John Calumag, Sct Mark Lester Arabia, Sct Pia Jane Aguilar, Sct Sky Aguilar Sct Rotchelle Cornoso Sct RaizaZamora,Sct KleaArsolon,Sct Andrea Godillon, Sct Kiesha Duca, Sct Beverly Española, Sct Kresha Camille Inocencio Sct Mary Herlyn GraceAlvarez,andSct RjCatipunan Right after the course, they were each presented with a certificate of merit

"The survival course is truly difficult, but I have learned a lot from the experience" Sct Arsolon said in Hiligaynon, noting that the course also developed her survivalmindset

"Thecoursehavepreparedme mentally,physically,andemotionally tobeabletosurviveand overcome challenging situations, especially

in emergency or survival scenarios," sheaddedinvernacular

The scouts were accompanied by Eagle Scout Adrian Balajadia and their two outfit advisors, Laurence V Roa andJoeyC Robelos

As a first in Negros Occidental the camporee was participated by thousands of scouts from different schoolsintheprovince/thecrops

TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education and a positive learning environment;and

Give support to teachers to teach better

“Weknowthattheroadwillbebumpy but our direction is clear We know that the challenges are vast, but we Filipinos are resilient We will overcome,” Duterte said adding that she cares very much about the future of education in the Philippines

Duterte also expressed her gratitude for all the work that the nation's thousands of teachers had put in and reiterated her commitment to offering themenoughsupport

“We thank you for your sacrifices Maraming salamat po sa inyong dedikasyon Hindi po namin kayo pababayaan,”shesaid/thecrops

Source:DepartmentofEducation (https://wwwdepedgovph)

SHSstudesattend recollectionactivity

StudentsfromGrades11and12at Tagbanon Extension High School attendedarecollectionactivitytitled "It'sNotTooLate."onMarch31,2023.

The activity featured two speakers who shared their insights and advice to the students Rev Marlo B Alba spoke abouttheimportanceofnotwastingtime and making the most of every opportunity Mark Anthony B Tomodos on the other hand discussed the purpose of life and encouraged the studentstofindtheirownpath

Despitetheeventbeingheldduring school hours, there was no disruption to otherclasses Juniorhighschoolclasses continued as usual during the recollectionactivity,whichranfrom8:00 am to10:00am

"The recollection activity was wellreceived by the students of our school Theytrulyappreciatedtheopportunityto reflectontheirlivesandgoals Manysaid that the speakers had provided them valuableinsightsthattheycouldapplyin their lives forever," Suzette B Gulmatico, schoolhead,said

The event aimed to encourage students to reflect on their lives and makethemostoftheirtime/thecrops

AUTOBOTSSURVIVED 14seniorscoutsfromTagbanonExtensionHighSchoolposedwiththeir outfitadviser,LaurenceRoa (center,standing) aftercompletingthesurvivalcourse
RAQUELC DAGATAN Copyright:InoueJaena/Rappler Source:RM259,s 2023/RadyoPilipinasIloilo MAYP MALIHOC MATATAG VP-Sec SarahZ DutertedeliveredherBasicEducationReport PhotobyLaurenceV Roa


TagbanonExtensionHighSchoolonceagainprovedits strong partnership with stakeholders after winning second place best implementer-medium high school category in the 2022 BrigadaEskwela(BE)asannouncedonJanuary3,2023thruthe DivisionMemorandumNo 003,seriesof2023

Thehighschoolreceivedthe award during the Stakeholders' Appreciation at Cadiz City Arena onFebruary10,2023

Inthesaidcategory,Tagbanon is just behind Banquerohan NationalHighSchool in the first place and ahead of Jerusalem NationalHighSchoolinthirdplace

Inaninterviewwith TheCrops, ShelinaM DelaPena,theschool

Brigada Eskwela coordinator acknowledgedthecontributions of the parents and other 'kind' donors for partaking in the school-communitypartnership

"Thisawardwillnotbepossible withoutthesupportoftheparents and teachers, and of course, the kindnessof some stakeholders,"

Dela Pena stated, adding, "but, of course, we are not just implementing the Brigada for the award More than that, we are preparing the school to beconduciveforlearningforourdear studentsthroughouttheacademicyear"

"Brigada Eskwela," also known as National Schools Maintenance Week, is an annual DepEd-led initiative in which stakeholders in the school community, includingtheprivatesector,collaborate to prepare schools for the start of courses

The Best Implementing Schools Award, on the other hand, is given by DepEdinordertogive"duerecognition to schools whose efforts in the implementation of the Brigada Eskwela programareexemplary"/thecrops

Enrolmentdowns by18%

AWARDEDANDREWARDED. (fromlefttoright)BECoordinatorShelinaM

TheschoolLearnerInformation System (LIS) recorded a total enrolment of 358 students for the school year 2022-2023, which is 185% lower than last schoolyear’senrolmentof439.

According to Honeygrace G Terania school LIS coordinator the decrease in enrolment can be attributedtothestudents'transferof schoolforseniorhighschool

Cropsjournosbagawardsin'23DSPC; 4advancetoreg'ls

The Crops, the official school press of Tagbanon Extension High School, brought home a total of seven awards during the 2023 DivisionSchoolsPressConference(DSPC)onMay18-19,2023atDr. VicenteF GustiloMemorialNationalHighSchool,CadizCity

Jhoswa Jison placed first in Filipino Copyreading and Headline

Writing;NoegyRosios firstinEnglish

Editorial Cartooning; Regine Baulita, first in Filipino Feature Writing; May Malihoc third in Filipino Sports

Writing; Mark Anthony Sumagaysay, sixth in Filipino Editorial Cartooning; Ruby Jean Fernandez sixth in English Copyreading and Headline

Writing;andRaquelDagatan,10thin EnglishNewsWriting

Afterplacinginthetopthreespots in different campus journalism events, Jison a 12th-grade student; Regine Baulita 11thgrade;Rosios 10thgrade;


"Sugodna,e-rehistromona!"StudentsandteachersofTagbanon ExtensionHighSchoolyelledinunisonafterregisteringtheirSIM cardsduringtheSIMCardRegistrationAwarenessCampaignon March1,2023attheschoolgrounds.

More than a hundredstudents andteacherssuccessfullyregistered theirSIMcardasassistedbythecity personnel after conducting an awarenesstalkintheschool

"The campaign is a big help, especially to us who are living in ruralareaswheretheinternetordata connectionispoor"EricaLansangan Grade10-Hyacinthstudent, said in

vernacularduringaninterviewwithThe Crops

Thesaidcampaignwasspearheaded by the City Information Office of the Local Government of Cadiz City They have been doing rounds in various schools and barangays to educate peopleonsimregistration

AccordingtoCadizBulletin thisisan interventionprogramofMayorSalvador G EscalanteJr/thecrops

thisyear'sjournalismcompetitionin thedivision

The DSPC was just back again after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19pandemic/thecrops

“The school is only offering the HUMSS strand Some students want to take up STEM or TVL so they transfer to other schools for their senior high school education,” Teraniashared/thecrops



Student-representatives across grade levels battled it out in different competitions during the school-based conduct of the Festival of Talents at the school grounds in the morning of December18,2023


HUMSS-Socratesdominatedthe BinalaybayContest,followedby JamesHardyGabalesofGrade9

Tulip inthesecondplaceand MichaelaCastreofGrade7


Meanwhile Leandro


HUMSS-Socratesplacefirst intheVocalSoloContest


AnnSoleraofGrade10 Hyacinthinsecondplace andAicaColalerofGrade9 Roseinthird

InthePoster-Making Contest,NoegyRosiosof Grade10Hyacinthtookthe topspot followedbyNica Rosiosinsecondplace,Mark AnthonySumagaysayof Grade11HUMSSAristotlein third,AlyzaNalipayofGrade

10Hyacinth in fourth, and Aila MaeRosiosinfifth

Inthe Spelling Wizard, Ruby Jean Fernandez of Grade 11 HUMSS Aristotle was awarded as the first placer She was followed by May Malihoc of Grade12HUMSSSocrates in second and Henisa YsabellaTubilofGrade10 Lotusinthird.

Joey C Robelos and StephenO Calixton,program chairs extended their thankstoallstudentswho who took part in various contests Robelosfurther highlightedtheimportance ofjoiningeventslikethese intheholisticdevelopment oflearners /thecrops

#REGISTERED MorethanahundredTagbanianssuccessfullyregisteredtheirSIMcardsduringan awarenesscampaignconductedbythepersonnelfromthelocalgovernmentunitofCadizCity

PhotobySuzetteB Gulmatco DelaPena,SchoolHead SuzetteB GulmaticoandSHSCoordinatorFritzNarcisoposedforaphotoafterreceivingtheaward Photoandcopyright:CadzBuletin OFFTORSPCINILOILO JhoswaJison(firstfromtheleft),NoegyRosios,MayMalihoc,andRegine Baulita(fifth-seventhfromtheleft)earnedtheirspotsfortheregionalsduringDSPC2023atDr VicenteF GustiloMNHS photobyStevenDequina
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photobyStephenCalixton GABALES

DdayatTagbanonExtensionHighSchool Students steppedoffthepagesandcinematicscreensandwaltzonto thestage,bringingtheirbelovedbookandmoviecharacters tolife

Spectatorsexperiencedthemagicofvibranttapestryof creativityandpassionasstudentsdonthecostumesand personasoficoniccharacters TheyImmersedthemselvesin theunbelievabledisplayofimaginationandwitnessedpower ofliteratureandfilmininspiringandtransportingpeopleto realmsthatarebeyondtheordinary

Resemblancessouncannyparadeonstage,and charactersrangefromclassicliteraryfigurestomodern-day heroesandheroines Thedaysawamagicalcelebrationof storytelling,wherefictionalworldsmergewithreality














“Gopursueyour dreams,Nanay!”

Whosaysit'stoolatetogo afteryourdreams?

Theauthor inhermid-forties isaGrade12HUMSSstudentofTagbanonExtensionHighSchool

Thefutureissignificantlyshapedbyourdreams.As theysay,"Ifyoucandreamit,youcanbecomeit;if youcanimagineit,youcanachieveit."So,ifyouhaveadream, makeityourgoalandputupalotofefforttorealizeit.Even though it is quicker said than done, if you are committed to makingyourambitionhappen,youwillundoubtedlysucceed.


When I was young, my dream was to become a successful teacher someday But suddenly, that dream evaporated because of poverty I graduated from Tagbanon Elementary School in 1991 and finished high school at Manapla National High School in 1995 Right after high school, I really wanted to enroll in college Butmyparentswerequickpopthat bubbleastheytoldmethatIcould not due to financial limitations I was devastated but later on I realized that it was not yet my time tocontinue


IdecidedtoworkinManilato savemoneyformystudies WhenI left I felt a mix of sadness and happiness IwassadbecauseIwas awayfrommyparentsandsiblings, buthappybecauseIcouldsavefor thebigexpensesofmyeducation

I worked relentlessly in Manila forfiveyears,andduringthattime,I cametoforgetaboutmydream My goal shifted to helping my parents payfortheexpensesofmyyounger brother, who was studying in college at that time Eventually, I thought of going home to the province to take a vacation bringing with me many gifts for my parentsandsiblings WhileIwason theshipsailing through big waves

I suddenly felt that my dream was interrupted, but it was not on purpose ABLESSEDFAMILYLIFE

The time and opportunity were right because when I returned home, I would meet the man destinedbytheLordsothatIcould be with him We went through

well Twoarebothincollegenow andtheyoungestisinelementary UNFORESEENOPPORTUNITIES

ThoughIwashappywithmy familylife,anunexpecteddreamgot intheway Itturnedouttobethe keytoopeningatan unexpected

time Then the pandemic happened andforme itwas quite a blessing in disguise Inthetimeofthepandemic,I finallyhadtheopportunityto continuemystudies despite myage I enrolled in senior high schoolwithanardentdesire and full determination My whole family has been

tunity cause Ihave vethe hingis hard,it touswithallourhearts


hardships and comforts, happy and sad, because a dream came true I was happy because, finally, what I was watching in the movies and on the occasion of the wedding was the one that took place on its own andbecameveryspecial

Our godparents, neighbors, friends, and family members witnessedaveryhappyoccasionin my life They told me that despite the thirteen-year gap in our ages, I loved him completely What came after that were three children, a beautiful girl and two handsome boys whomweraisedandeducated

nothing but supportive of my decisionIalsofeltthesupportofmy teachers along the way Their encouragement will forever be etched in my heart One of my teacherstoldme "Go Nanay and pursue your dreams" This is the time to explore and be a good exampletoothers Myexcitementbeganwhenmy teacher told me that the NOSP ScholarshipwasopenIpreparedall thepapersthatIthoughtIneeded toenterandbecomeascholarIwas soexcitedthatIdidnotreadthe qualificationsforsuchaprogram

On my own feet


At15,Istartedlivingindependently. gradeduringthattime.Ilivedalon anyrecognizedparentsexceptformy Livingalonehasbeendifficultandchalleng throughalotinmywholelifeIoftenfeltalonea becauseIamstillstudyingHowever,Ineverth lifeandmydreamsIalwaysbelievedthatifIdi itwouldbemoredifficultformeinthefutureT workedhard,particularlyonmystudies,becau haveanyonetoguidemeeverylittletime ALIFELINEOFFRIENDSHIP

Althoughmyparentsarenotaroundtosupp Iamgladtohavefriendswhoarethereforme, whenIhadnothingtoeatOnetime,afriendas meifIhadanyfoodandIsaidthatIdidnotbec thatwasthetruthWhenstomachchurnsinhu myfriendswouldoffertosharetheirlunchwith whichIwasgratefulforIknewthateventhoug facedmanydifficulties,Ihadpeoplewhocared andwerewillingtohelpThesharingoffoodm asmallthingforthem,butformetheya momentsIwouldalwaysrememberin

It'snottoolateformetoreachmy dreams I am grateful that every morningIaminspiredtopreparefood formyfamilyandmyselfbeforeIgoto school Sometimes, when I see myself running out of energy and getting exhausted, I just remind myself of my ultimate goal and the joy and pride it brings I will experience it as I achieve it Itfeelslikepressingtheresetbutton tobeginwithafreshmindonceagain Many people have told me to stop chasing my dream and focus on my maternal obligations for my family instead But every time they tell me that I couldn't it pushes me harder to work towards making my dreams possible Their words are like fuel that keepsthefireinsidemyheartburning I have God to help me make my hopes and desires a reality But until that day comes I will keep heading downthispathuntilIcanfinallysay,"I madeit!"/thecrops

Topaymydailyexpenses,Ireligiously took every opportunity to earn, even if it meantdoinglaundry forothers or working my in the sugar cane fields for a week I never enjoyed any of them but I had to Iam left with no choice but to carry the burden of raising myself on my own I believed that if I worked hard, God will see that andHe wouldhelp me achieve my dreamsofgraduating in high school and overcomingpoverty



Despite the hardshipIhavegone through and the

is an essential part of living a successfulandhappylife Ibelievethis because every time I succeed in somethingwithoutanyone'shelp,Ifeel more mature and confident The joy is incomparable if you achieved and gained something out of your own sweat and blood joy that is enough to heal all the emptiness and exhaustionmybodyhas


Inanymomentofdecision,thebest thingyoucandoistherightthing The worst thing you can do is nothing By not allowing all difficulties hamper my success I am doing the right thing And surely, I will not get tired I will continue to stand on my own feet towards my dreams I will cherish the peoplewhobelievedandcaredforme I will forget the bad side as I open a newchapterinmylife

Rightnow,Iamintwelfthgrade And by God’s grace I wish I can make it till havedoneitaloneallthese all continue doing it alone eed/thecrops

RosalindaGilbaliga duringherbinalaybay performanceinthe school-basedfestival oftalents
"Iwasdevastated, butlateron,I realizedthatit wasnotyetmy timetocontinue."

Generation Pandemic

TheRiseofTeenagePregnancy inUncertainTimes

Thepandemichasbroughtaboutsignificantchangesinthelivesofmany,especially youngstudents.Whenschoolsshiftedtomodulardistancelearning,manystudents struggledtokeepupwiththeirstudiesandmissedoutonsocialinteractions.ForJane*, ateenagestudent,lifetookanunexpectedturnwhenshelearnedshewaspregnant


During ninth grade she was a good student, always eager to learn and excel in school Hence, when her athletic teacher asked hertojointhesportsteam,shesaid yes, and that was where she met and spent time with Chard*, the man she fell for She had been her crushing over him for a long time, and this was the reason she joined thetrackteam

“IactuallyjoinedbecauseIhave a crush inside the athletic team,” Jane said “I’m very energetic duringthetrainingbecauseweare in the same track events triple jump and long jump,” she added, saying that they were always togetherduringpractice


Her mother had warned her enough about getting involved with men At first, she mindfully heeded her ‘protective’ mom’s advices, but out of the blue, she just found herself giving in to the strongemotionsshehadforChard

“Mymotherwassoprotective of me when she knew I started getting involved in love,” she shared in Hiligaynon, adding, “She would often tell men that making loveatsuchayoungageisascary thing to do At first, I had kept in mind what my mom said, but suddenlyIgavein”

Despitehermom’scautions,Jane pursued the relationship with Chardandeventuallygotpregnant

At that time, Jane was 16 while he was 18 too young to start their ownfamily


Janeisjustoneofatleast102,000 Filipinoadolescentswhogavebirth during the coronavirus pandemic based on a recent study by the University of the Philippines Population Institute and the United Nations (UN) Population Fund Governmentofficialsandadvocates blamed the rise in teenage pregnancy on the community quarantines' lack of health and family planning services, but others blamed gender-based violence like child sexual abuse and rape (Bello, 2021)

The increase in teenage pregnancies during the pandemic highlights the need for better accesstosexualandreproductive health services for adolescents It also underscores the importance of comprehensive sex education to equip young people with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their sexualandreproductivehealth

In this line Jona Turalde SheDecides Philippines' primary facilitator, stressed that this critical problem requires greater attention due to the stigma and normality of teenagemotherhood,particularlyfor rural girls Meanwhile, in February, Filipino senator Risa Hontiveros, who chairs the Senate Committee on Women, Children, Family Relations, and Gender Equality, called for the passage of Senate Bill No 161, the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention bill to provide young parents with social protection and healthcare NAVIGATINGPARENTHOOD'STRIALS

During the pandemic, the challenges of teenage pregnancy piled up as healthcare access and supportsystemsbecamelimited But despite these challenges, Jane and herpartnerdecidedtostartafamily They welcomed their baby boy in September but the challenges continued as they navigated their newrolesasparents

“I and my partner were so excited to see our baby I had a successful delivery a day and we were so happy, butaweekafter wewerefightinglike dogs and cats again,” she said “We went on like that for too long, and during that time I could see our relationship breaking,” she added in vernacular

As time passed, their relationship shifted back to friendship, and they eventually separated As for Jane, her focus now is on her studies and her son's future, with the support of her family

“Fornow,Ifocusonmystudiesto secure a bright future for me and my son someday,” she said with tears cloudinghereyes

While teenage pregnancy is not uncommon, the pandemic has added a new layer of complexity to an already challenging situation Young students have had to navigate uncharted territory and make difficult decisions. Life may have taken a shocking turn, but it was surely lifechanging Just like other teenage parents Jane is surely wiser now and morepreparedforthechallengesand difficultiesahead/thecrops



%ofFilipino women(15-19) everbeen pregnantin 2022perregion

19yearsold(yo) 18yo
13.3 5.9 5.5 1.7 1.4
17yo 16yo 15yo
Iandmypartnerwereso excitedtoseeourbaby.Ihad asuccessfuldeliveryaday andweweresohappy,buta weekafter,wewerefighting likedogsandcatsagain.”
Creator:LanelynCarilo Copyright:WorldVision
Source:2022Nationa DemographicandHeathSurveys,PhilippineStatisticsAuthorty https://asiapacificunwomenorg/sites/defaut/fles/Field%20Offce%20ESEAsa/Docs/Pubications/2021/08/ap-wa2-Filipno-teenage-pregnancies-rise-amid-the-pandemcpdf

Artificial Intelligence is slowly taking over the world. SHOULD WE BE SCARED?


What if AI decides that humans are no longer necessary and sets out to eliminate us?




Inthenot-so-distantpast,daytimewasa perfecttimeforeveryonetoindulge inplay, work, and doanythingunderthesun.Butnow,allthosemomentshavetransformedintocherishedmemories,as playing and working have turned into a mere escape from the scorching sunrays. With temperaturessteadilyrising,ElNiñohascastasubstantialimpactonthelivesofpeopleacrossthe entirecountry,especiallyinschools

AccordingtothePhilippineAtmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), El Niño is a weather condition characterized by unusually warm sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Whenthisextraordinarywarmingpersistsfor several months, PAGASA issues an El Niño alert This phenomenon significantly affects everyone,especiallystudents like us


Whatusedtobeasimplewalkto school or back home has now become an exhausting task The heat is more intense than ever, compelling us to seek refuge in shaded areas or under trees, desperately trying to shield our bodies from the scorching heat Fortunately,ourschoolissurrounded by a thriving farm, and the loss of treeshasnotaffectedusgreatly

This has allowed us to continue with face-to-face classes," shared Ma'am SuzetteB Gulmatico,ourschoolhead "During recess lunch breaks and the flag ceremony, students were advised not to play on the school ground but ratherstayintheshadedareas" Unlikeotherschoolsgrapplingwith variouslearningmodalities,ourschool hasmanagedtocontinueimplementing face-to-face classes Despite being surroundedbyanabundanceoftrees, we still experience extreme heat at

and strain food and livelihood security

Heatwaves can cause severe symptoms such as swelling in thelowerlimbs,heatexhaustion, heat rash, cramps, headache, irritability lethargy weakness and heat stroke People with chronic diseases, older people and children have a greater risk ofcomplicationsanddeath

Withtherelentlessoccurrenceof this weather condition countless educatorsandlearnersstrivingfor a brighter future will endure the burdensome heat The journey throughschoolbecomesarduous anddraining Nevertheless,driven by our dreams we muster the strength to continue walking and learning, demonstrating that not evenswelteringtemperaturescan impedeourpursuitofsuccess

ThehypotheticalscenarioofAI autonomouslydecidingto eliminatehumansprovokes intriguingquestionsaboutthefutureof artificialintelligence Whileitremains speculative,examiningtheimplicationsof suchasituationpromptsimportant discussionsregardingtherelationship betweenAIandhumanity

CurrentAItechnologylacksgenuine consciousness,emotions,andsubjective experiences AIoperateswithin predeterminedboundariessetbyhuman creators,relyingonalgorithmsand patterns TheconceptofAIindependently decidingtoeliminatehumanswould requirecomplexreasoning,intentionality, anddesires,whicharecurrentlybeyondthe capabilitiesofAIsystems

ThedevelopmentanddeploymentofAI technologynecessitatehumanoversight andethicalconsiderations Engineers, researchers,andpolicymakersare responsibleforestablishingrobustsafety mechanismsandregulationstoprevent unintendedconsequences Byensuring ongoingmonitoringandtransparency, humanscanmaintaincontroloverAI systemsandmitigatepotentialrisks

RatherthanperceivingAIasathreat, thefocusshouldbeonfostering collaborationandcoexistence AIhasthe potentialtoenhanceourlives,addressing complexchallengesandimprovingvarious industries Emphasizingethical developmentandresponsibledeployment canhelpestablishasymbioticrelationship betweenAIandhumanity

WhilethescenarioofAIdecidingto eliminatehumansremainsaworkof fiction,exploringthishypotheticalquestion highlightstheimportanceofresponsibleAI development Humanoversight,ethical considerations,andcollaborationare crucialforensuringaharmonious coexistencebetweenAIandhumanity By harnessingAI'spotentialwhileupholding ourvalues,wecannavigatethefuturewith confidenceandpurpose/thecrops

"It'sgettinghotterthanever The heat you feel when you step outsideat7AMisakintowhatyou would expect at 10 AM," Reyna Rose, a 12th-grade student at Tagbanon Extension High School remarked in Hiligaynon "But we persistentlygotoschool,drivenby ourdreamsandaspirations Weare fortunate to have numerous cold and comfortable spots in our school especially under the shade of trees All we need to do is find them"

Theschoolissituatedinaremote area, allowing for face-to-face classes Ithasnaturalshadedareas where students can have their recess and lunch, and can take seekrefugeduringflagceremony

"A few months ago, we felt the effects of El Niño Some schools resorted to the blended learning modality However,here atTagbanon Extension High School, our school is situated in a remote area, envelopedbyalushgreenforest

times However,itisnotassevereasin other parts of the Philippines, such as Zamboanga, where the heat index reachedastaggering32°Cto36°Cjust lastmonth

Students and teachers alike holdontothehopethatoneday, the weather will return to normalcy They yearn for the time when they no longer need to hide from the sun to seek comfort Imaginingtheradiant smilesthatwillgracethefacesof students as they return to the school grounds, where they can freely play and engage in all activities serves as a beacon of optimism We eagerly await that moment when we can bask in the sunlight without any inhibitions, unencumbered by therelentlessheat



According to the World Health Organization heatwaves are among the most dangerous natural hazards, with 166 000 deaths from 19982017Population exposure to heat is increasingduetoclimatechange,with 125 million people exposed between 2000-2016 Heatwaves can disrupt livelihoods and well-being, burden health and emergency services, increase strain on water, energy and

Asthescorchingtemperatures persist due to El Niño, we are reminded of the resilience and determination embedded within each student and teacher We continue to strive for a future where the weather does not dictate our choices where we can freely pursue our dreams without being hindered by oppressive heat. Together we remain steadfast, confident that our collective efforts will eventually lead us to where we desiretobe/thecrops

"Notevensweltering temperaturescanimpede ourpursuitofsuccess."
Sources: https://wwwwhoint/heath-topics/heatwaves#tab tab 1 https://wwwpagasadostgovph/climate/climate-heat-index?fbclid=wAR20shTgqvQQZQgSw-RZWCf4VAQAWn2t2YmYH1q33tcFLBOuhK0hY3AtGWU JHOSWAJISON&GILOUSUMAGAYSAY


In a heartbreaking turn of events, the once beautiful landscapeofSicabaRiverhastransformedintoaplace ofdisaster,whereforestsfade,riversdwindle,andrice fields vanish. Is there a way to halt this destruction and restoreeverythingtoitsformerglory?

Sicaba River was once a coveted destination, with its breathtaking views fresh air and pristine waters. The abundance of trees created a magnetic allure for visitors However over time the enchanting scenery gradually waned, and the lifebloodoftheriverbegantotrickle away The impact was devastating leaving the community in remorse as they witnessed their cherished naturaltreasuredisappear Andwhatistoblame?Quarrying


Quarrying, or the extraction of rocks sand gravel ormineralsfrom the earth for construction purposes plays a significant role in sh landscapes Its objective is to various raw materials by extra earth, whose composition according to geological factor deposittypes

In the Philippines, quarry governed by the RA 7942 known as the Philippine Minin of 1995, which regulates m operations and emphasizes conservation of natural reso through partnerships betwee governmentandtheprivatese


Togaininsightintotheeffe quarrying, we sat down with J a resident of Cambokay the v whereSicabaRiverflows Hes his firsthand experiences o positive and ne consequences brought abou quarrying

Throughquarryingoperations, countless individuals find gainful employment, allowing them to providefortheirlovedones,secure theirfutures,andbreakthecycleof poverty Moreover thepromisesof infrastructure development and enhancement add a layer of optimismtotheequation

"Thequarryingindustryprovides employment opportunities that support our families and promises the building of a new road,” Juan expressedinHiligaynon

“However it has also led to the contamination of our drinking water, turning it an unhealthy shadeofbrown"headded

Thebenefits derivedfromthe quarryingindustrymust beweighed against the sobering reality of its negativeeffects Sediments,pollutants, and chemicals associated with the quarrying process can find their way into nearby water sources, infiltrating the very lifeblood that sustainscommunities

Mining and quarrying generated P1077 billion in value-added with nickeloreminingcontributingthemost withP315billion

Regrettably records from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) reveal that some quarry operators have failed to meet key requirements They have conducted mining operations without the necessary Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) and have neglectedtosubmitand obtainapproval for crucial programs, including the three-year developmentplan measures onenvironmental protection, and mine rehabilitation plans As a result, the

InNorthernNegros,theMalogoRiver, other significant branches including the Sicaba, Himogaan, and Danao Rivers,aswellasseveralminorstreams, haveallbeenharmedbyquarryingand never-ending so-called development projects Theharmdonetothenatural landscape by the removal of boulders, gravel, and sand from these rivers has lefttheareamorevulnerabletonatural disasters and the flooding of homes andfarmlands

Forinstance,onJanuary1,2021, severefloodinginnumerousbarangays in Victorias City forced hundreds of residents to evacuate their houses Floods and torrential rains damaged people's life and means of living in EB Magalona town, Cadiz, Sagay, Silay, andTalisaycities,wherealmost70,000 morepeoplewereimpactedandforced to abandon their homes The towns of EscalanteandSanCarlosalsohadflash floods This was not used to be the sight before quarrying boomed in NegrosOccidental



The mining and quarrying business has 278 enterprises with sand and gravel quarrying having the most establishments, according to the 2018 Census of Philippine Business and Industry Most people were engaged in the gold ore mining industry followed by the nickel ore mining industry with 9,905 workers (263%), and the copper ore mining industry with 11,210 workers (297%) In 2018, the Philippines' mining and quarryingsectoremployed 37,721 people,with8,976ofthoseworking inCaraga,followedbytheCordillera AdministrativeRegion,CentralVisayas, andtheDavaoRegion

destructive cycle repeats itself, and numerousriverscontinuetovanish

In September 2022, five were arrested in Bulacan due to an illegal quarrying operation of volcanic tuff known as "escombro" or "bulik" that had been going on for several years while nine were arrested for illegal quarrying of expensive volcanic rock idealforlandscapinginMarilaotownin October 2022 In February 2023, three firms' quarrying permits inside the Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape and Masungi Geopark Project have been withdrawn by the DepartmentofEnvironmentandNatural Resources (DENR) Rapid City Realty and DevelopmentCorporation'spermit wasspecificallyrevokedduetonegligence inminingits400-hectarecontractarea

Time is of the essence as the destruction persists It is imperative to takedecisiveactionbeforeitistoolate Let us passionately call for an immediate cessation of quarrying activities and a concerted effort to restore the beauty of our rivers By doing so, we hope to renew Sicaba Riverandonceagainwitnessitsformer splendor

In the face of this environmental crisis,itisourdutytoamplifythevoices of those affected, urging authorities to take action and restore the fading beauty of our affected rivers in the Negros and the Philippines Let us join hands and hearts to preserve the natural treasures that define our world, forindoingso wepreservealegacy of wonderforfuturegenerations/thecrops

*not hisrealname

11 facebookcom/thecropstagbanon tagbanonthecrops@gmailcom issuucom/thecrops tagbanon
"However,ithasalsoledto thecontaminationofour drinkingwater,turningit to anunhealthyshadeofbrown."
Sources: Babin M (2022 Sept 7) 5personsarrestedforilegalquarryinginBulacan PhilippineNewsAgency https://wwwpnagovph/articles/1183129 Bautista J (2023 Feb 10) Watersheddefenderswinvsquarrying PhlippineDailyInquirer https://newsinfoinquirernet/1727863/watershed-defenders-win-vs-quarrying PhiippineStatisticsAuthority (2018) 2018CensusofPhilippneBusinessandIndustry:MiningandQuarrying https://psagovph/content/2018-census-philippine-business-and-industry-mning-and-quarryng-0 Warsaw A (2021 Apr 15) NPAcarryoutactionagainstquarryoperationinNegrosOccdentalprovince RedSpark https://wwwredsparknu/en/peoples-war/philippines/npa-carry-out-action-against-quarry-operation-in-negros-occidenta-province/ MAYMALIHOC&ROSALINDAGILBALIGA

K+10+12: Pro-poor?

Therevampofourbasiceducationsystemis once againpeekingon the horizon.This changepromisesamoreefficientandless time-consumingstudyprocess,offeringstudents the option to enter the workforce or pursue highereducation.

SeniorDeputySpeakerArroyohasproposed "K+10+2" to replace our current K to 12 curriculum This new system appears to be a boon for students not intending to pursue college After completing ten years of basic education, they will be considered high school graduates,equippedwiththenecessaryskillsto enterthejobmarket.Meanwhile,thosestudents planning to attend college will still need to undergoanadditionaltwoyearsofpre-university education or grade 11 and 12, mirroring the currentcurriculum.

This new structure means the path to becomingahighschoolgraduatewillbeshorter Aftertenyearsofbasiceducation,studentscan either find employment immediately or invest two more years in college preparation This reduces the time spent in school and alleviates the financial burden on their parents. Speaker Arroyo aptly stated in an interview, “Young individualsshouldbeabletograduatefrombasic educationattheearliest,afterfouryearsofhigh school, to contribute to their families' farms or microbusinesses.”

In other words, this bill is an educational antidotetopoverty Thisallowslearnersandtheir familiestomakecareerdecisionsbasedontheir economic situations. While this reform was conceptualized with all the good intentions, however, what is more pro-poor would be providing learners below the poverty line opportunitiesormechanismstomakeattending college possible, albeit their economic plights Afterall,despitethefreetuitioninstatecolleges anduniversities,manyFilipinosstillchoosenotto pursue tertiary education due to financial constraintsforotherexpenses

Moreover,studentspursuehighereducation becausecollegegraduatesstillenjoyacompetitive advantageinjobopportunities Accordingtothe Philippine Business for Education, out of the country's leading companies across all sectors, only14outof70werewillingtohireseniorhigh school graduates Still, they prefer candidates holdingacollegedegree

Theproposedchangeinourbasiceducation system streamlines students' study years, but what the country needs more is a reform that gives Filipino dreamers from poverty-stricken communities a path to economic redirection. Revampingoureducationalsystemshouldbea steptowardsempoweringourstudentsandnot just making their educational journey less timeconsuming but providing them with the tools theyneedforaprosperousfuture.


Thisspaceisforsomething hot Notme Notyou Not anyoneelse Noteventhat freshly served peach mango pie in Jollibee Not any of them but heatwave Heatwaveisnowahottopic in schools (pun intended) Philippines grapples with its detrimental impacts, especially on schools and learning It affects students' health, focus, behavior, and overall ability to acquireknowledge

The intense heat poses significant health risks often leading to heat exhaustion, fever, muscle cramps, and even heat stroke In schools, students struggle to focus during classes whilesomechoosetomissaday in school as ventilation in classrooms is not enough for a section of 35-45 students Moreover the scorching heat can directly impact students' mental and emotional wellbeing, triggering negative feelings that have the potential toaltertheirmood Recognizing the crucial role played by the learning environment and atmospheric conditionsineducation it's

unsurprising that some schools have resorted to implementing blended classes However, such measurescanposeproblemsfor students, particularly those who face challenges in grasping complex subjects and have learning gaps in numeracy and literacy

It is also important to acknowledge that heat wave doesnotsolelyaffectstudents


butalsotakesa toll on teachers andstaff.Thephysicaldiscomfort experienced by both students andteachersmakesitarduousto maintain focus and productivity duringclasses

Giventhesecircumstances it is crucial for all individuals to recognize their collective duties in ensuring the safety and wellbeingofeveryonewithintheour educational system By knowing and acknowledging the impact of El Niño and heat waves on schools and learning, we can collectively work towards the implementingmeasuresthat put first the physical and mental health of students and teachers alike

Thedetrimentaleffectsofheat waves in education should not be underestimated it's getting hot in here, but we don't want take off all your clothes. Hence we must take appropriate steps to mitigate these effects and prioritize everyone's well-being We can simply start by growing more trees, or maybe installing more green architectures in schoolsanddoingafundraising for more electric fans in the classrooms/thecrops


Growing up without afather wastough.Ioftenfeltasense ofemptinessandlongingfor a male role model My father passed away when I was only five, leaving me with no clear memoriesofhim

Asachild,Ioftenfeltleftout when I saw other children spendingtimewiththeirfathers I longed for a male figure who could teach me important life lessons and guide me through difficult situations I missed out on father-son activities such as strolling around somewhere, playing catch, or simply talking about my day I didn't have anyonetoturntoforquestionsor advice It was difficult to watch other families complete while mine felt like something was missing Somenights,Iwouldstayup late and ponder what my life could have been if Papa had been present During those times,IoftenaskedmyselfwhatI did wrong not to deserve my dad's love Tears would stream down my face watering the wounds of my aching heart I yearned for a father who could create memories with me, but I onlyhaveavaguememoryofhim

However, I learned to be gratefulfor my mother's life as I

grewolder Shetaughtmetobe resilientandtofacemyproblems head-on She is my superhero who raised my siblings and me withoutanyhelpfromothers

Despite the struggles we faced,mymothernevergaveup

There was a time when my mother decided to work to provide for us, and I had to live withmygrandmother Nothingis sadderthanbeingawayfrommy mother, but I knew she was m

doing everything she could to supportmeandmysiblings

ThroughMama,Ilearnedthata familycouldtakemanyforms,and the love of a single parent can be just as powerful as that of a twoparent household Although I sometimes feel a twinge of jealousy when I see fathers and sons out and about, I am grateful for the love and support of my mother who has always been there for me through thick and thin

During my grade school graduation,Ifeltsadforamoment because I thought Mama could not make it But I felt loved and blessed when I saw her at the entrancewithagiftforme Shedid her best to attend my graduation day and I realized that things might not have been different even if my father were alive My mother loves me and is willing to suffer and risk everything to improvemylife

Growingupinasingle-parent household isn't easy Hence I will alwaysbethankfulformymother's overflowing love and support. I know that God is always with me, helpingmetofaceanychallenges thatcomemyway Inmycase,the LordhasgivenmeMamawhocan takeonbothmotherlyandfatherly roles/thecrops

thecrps VOLUMEIVJUNE2022-MAY2023 MISSION Toserveasaplatformforstudentstoexpress theirperspectives sharerelevantinformation fosterasenseofcommunity,andencourage ntellectualgrowthandexploration JHOSWAL JISON Editor-in-Chief MAYP MALIHOC AssociateEditor MARYANNB FRANCISCO ManagingEditor REGINEL BAULITA RUBYJEANFERNANDEZ RAQUELC DAGATAN StaffWriters NOEGYROSIOS MARKANTHONYSUMAGAYSAY Cartoonists STEPHENO CALIXTON SchoolPaperAdviser CONTRIBUTORSINTHISISSUE:Rosalinda Gilbaliga MarjohnMagbanua MarkAnthony Barcelona JessaMaeLibrando Adrian Balajadia JoshuaDelRosario
opinion 12
"Itwasdifficult towatchotherfamilies completewhilemine feltlikesomething wasmissing."
"Extremeheatmakes itarduoustomaintain focusandproductivity duringclasses."


Trans women are women No ifs nobuts they arewomen.

As women, they should enjoy the same fundamental rights and opportunities biological women havebeenfightingforthroughout history They can run in women’s trackandfieldeventsiftheywish. They can show their wit and ‘pasarela’inawomen’spageantif they like to They should not be forced to dress according to their biologicaldesign,norshouldthey be made to wear a men’s haircut They should not be abused to their death just because of how they identify themselves Trans women are women, and there mustbenoreservationsregarding that

Thecoldshouldersontheidea that trans women are women sends a signal to LGBT perpetrators to continue abusing the rainbow flag It also enables them to create an environment of fear and despair among transgender women and other members of the LGBT Filipino trans has no shield yet against discrimination and abuse, so we must support them as a compassionatehumanrace

InthePhilippines,nonational legislation yet protects LGBTQ individuals from discrimination

The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Bill is good news as it wouldseethosewhodiscriminate

against LGBTQ individuals in the Philippines face fines or jail time However its passage has long been delayed, sitting in Congress for23yearsnow

Inallthoseyearsofgathering dust, numerous horrendous and cold-blooded killings of trans womenhavebeenrecorded Inan investigative report by Fuller Project in 2021, at least 50 transgenderorgendernon-binary individuals have been murdered across the archipelago since 2010 according to Transgender Europe’s Trans Murder Monitoring initiative that tracks

the murders of trans people worldwide

MostfamiliartoFilipinosisthe Jennifer Laude case; many more came after that A trans woman’s body lying in the white sand, withherneck“almostcompletely cut through” A young 23-yearold found less than two miles away from home A stabbed 17year-old whose body was ditched in the fields of an overgrown swine farm The list goes on Alarmingly, these cases have little to no resolution In September 2020 President Rodrigo Duterte even granted Laude’s killer Pemberton an absolutepardon Withalltheseterrifyingcrimes andprejudiceagainstLGBT,now is the right time to emphasize without reservations that trans women are women Their gender identity should be acknowledged and respected withoutifsorbuts Theirexperiences, struggles andtriumphsas women are valid so they should not be undermined for any reason By acknowledging thattrans women are women, we are building an inclusivesocietywherewe accept and embrace the diversity of gender identities ensuring that everyone can live without pretention and prejudice This can create a safer space for our transfriends/thecrops


Itwasprobablythegrandestfeast oursmall,close-knitbarriohad everseen Wedancedallnight Wedrankourworriesaway Inever expectedittobeanightmarefilled withbawlsandtearsthenextday

Butletustalkabouttheeuphoric nightfirst Wegatheredatafriend's house, just a stone's throw away from our own I extended invites to myentirecircle,aswellasmyfamily and neighbors The festivities kicked off promptly at 8:00 in the evening Laughter filled the air as drinkswerepoured,andmerriment ensued carrying us through until 12:30am Asthenightwenton we started to feel tired and called it a night, knowing that the next day wouldbe the highlight Amidst the revelry, I couldn't shake an underlyingfeelingthatsomething was wrong I cannot precisely tell whatitis,butsomethingiswrong

Despite the nagging sensation, I brusheditasideandwenttosleep asthepartyworemeout

Then came the incomparable pain. At exactly 4:00 a.m. on that fatefulSaturdaymorning,September

8,2021 Icannotforgetthisday

I awoke to my older brother's urgent voice calling my name Startled,Igatheredmysensesand listenedintently tothecommotion outside the house I heard my nameagain,andoutsidethehouse, Ifound my brother in tears, his anguishpalpable "Whathappened?" I asked, my voice filled with


Livingwith alifetimepal


Mylifetimefriendisastrong,independent woman Ihavelearnedsomuchfromher heraboutlifeandhowtoimprovemyself

She taught me the importance of hard work kindness,andbeliefinoneself

I was in fourth-grade when I left home because my parents compelled me to move in with my friend though I told them didn’t want to Shehadbeenlivingalone,soitwasonlyme and her At first, the unfamiliarity made me uneasy, but with the passing of time, I grew accustomed to her being around. Surprisingly despiteouragegap,webecametooclose

She also bought me a phone once, even thoughIdidnotaskforit Inreturn,Ireligiously do my chores at home My efforts inside the house could not compare to what she providedme,butIcouldseethejoyonherface everytimeIdidthedishes,washedtheclothes, andfetchedsomewater

Whenweweretogether,shewouldoften talk to me about her life The storytelling had beencontinuallyonrepeatthatIcouldalready memorize them She never had second thoughts about sharing with me all her hardshipsafterherhusbandleftherforanother woman With pride, she incessantly talked abouttheneedleholeshehadtopassthrough justtoprovideforherchildren

trepidation And then, with words that would shatter my world, he uttered,"WalanasiMama"Shock coursed through my veins, and I ran, tears flowing uncontrollably At that time, I was angry with myself and trying to figure out whatIhaddonewrong Ireached our home, where I was met with the sight of my father's sorrow Entering the room, my eyes landeduponmylifelessmother It was an image I couldn't comprehend,andmyheartached witha pain I never experienced before Anger surged within me

directed at everyone, but most of allmyself

I felt like I was being hit by a wave of regret when I realized I had never told her I loved her, never shown her I cared and nevergivenourrelationshipmyall Gonewerethedaysofmecasually asking Mama where I put my things:"Ma, diin akon cellphone?" or"Ma,diinakonbag?"or"Ma,diin akonlibro?"

I had been so consumed with the busyness of life, juggling the roles of a working student that I hadneglectedthemostimportant person in my life my mother I had prioritized my fleeting happiness over the genuine love and connection I should have nurtured It was a painful realization that left me with an indescribableacheinmyheart Fromthatdayforward,Ivowed to myself that I would never let thesewordsgounspoken,though Mamaisnothereanymoretohear it: "Ma I love you" "Ma I worry about you," "Ma, you have my whole heart" The anguish I felt in thatmoment servedasapoignant remindertocherishandappreciate our loved ones while they are still withus.Iimploreall thosewhoare fortunateenoughtohavecomplete families or parents to seize the opportunity to express their love and gratitude before it's too late The depth of this sadness threatens to consume me but it also serves as a wake-up call, urging me to live a life filled with loveandmeaningfulconnections, for my mother's memory and for myownwell-being/thecrops

A fantastic cook, my friend also loves to share her secret recipes with me She also takes great pride in teaching me how to make traditional dishes that she grew up eating as a child,likecookingisatravelbackintime With her,Iwasabletoconnectwithmyheritageina wayInevertriedbefore

AttimeswhenIfeltsostressedinschool, she would talk to me and tell me that that is partofgoingtoschool,andthenshewouldgo on to encourage me to do well in my studies andpursuemywildestdreamsnomatterwhat obstacles may come my way There was strength in her words, and I’d like believe that they helped me navigate through difficult times When I felt like giving up anything, she wastheretoliftmeup

Every time I meet new people, I treat with kindness because that is also what I learned from my lifetime friend She taught me show kindness by seeing past the background, beliefs religion gender or economic status of people Whenever we would go out together, shewouldalwaystaketimeoutofourdayjust totalkwithpeoplewemetalongtheway This kindness even towards strangers was somethingthatreallystuckwithmeovertime “Pagkatapossangulan,mayaragidnaya rainbow,”myfriendwouldoftentellmetogive me hope during hard times when everything seemedbleak Sheneverfailedtoremindmeto believeinmyselfdespitethesituationImaybe in, knowing there was still light at the end tunnel My lifetime friend my grandmother firmly believes that I can achieve anything I want through determination, perseverance, andbelievingIcansurvivethechallenge Livingwithmygrandmotherhasbeenone ofthebestexperiencesinmylifetimethatIwill surely share to my grandkids in my twilight years Because of Lola, I learned a number of valuable lessons and gained a lifelong friend who will forever remain a part of my heart Indeed, my 'lola' is the best grandma in the world/thecrops

"Therewasstrengthinher words,andI’dliketobelieve thattheyhelpedmenavigate throughdifficulttimes."
"Thecoldshoulderson theideathattrans womenarewomen sendsasignaltoLGBT perpetratorsto continueabusingthe rainbowflag."
"Ihadbeenso consumedwiththe busynessoflife, jugglingtherolesofa workingstudent,that Ihadneglectedthe mostimportant personinmylife mymother."
facebookcom/thecropstagbanon tagbanonthecrops@gmailcom issuucom/thecrops

Despite being orthopedically handicapped, the nine-year-old is a remarkable swimmer This fourthgrade pupil of SPED Training Center in Cadiz City has shown unwavering grit to his chosen sport, proving that heisjustascapableasanyoneelse UNLEASHINGLIMITLESSPOTENTIAL

Recently, Zach's extraordinary talent shone brightly at the Western VisayasRegionalAthleticAssociation (WVRAA) Meet held in Makato, Aklan With unmatched skill, he clinched gold medals in three individual swimming events: the 50meter breaststroke, 50-meter backstroke, and 50-meter freestyle

Zach's outstanding performance made him an instant celebrity in Aklan,drawingattentionfromCherill Ducay,theSPED-Cadizfocalperson

Zach's achievement has earned him a spot to compete in the upcoming Palarong Pambansa in Marikina City However, Ducay emphasized the need to review the guidelinestoensureZach'seligibility fortheevent,consideringhisunique circumstances She acknowledged thatZach'scaseistrulyspecial,ashe is likely the only legless swimmer participating in the Paragames Nevertheless, they remain hopeful anddetermined

zachLucasObsiama,aresidentofBarangayZone3,wasborn withnolegs.Butitdidnotstophim.Hestillhashishands,so heusedthemtoperseverepastwhatheislackingphysically. spassionanddedicationpropelledhimthroughthebluewatersin nextraordinaryspeedofachampion.


Interestingly swimming wasn't initiallyZach'sprimarypassion Ducay, who also served as Zach's coach, revealed that he initially loved badminton It was only before the provincialmeetlastMarchthatDucay successfullyconvincedhimtoexplore theworldofswimming

Our swimming wonder agreed, and for two months, he diligently trained at Laura Resort under the guidance of his uncle His executions showedanaturalgiftforswimming as ifhe’sbeendoingitallhislife

"They don't have any problem with Zach in swimming,” Ducay said “Hehasanaturaltalentforit Youcan seehisdeterminationineverystroke"

Despite his initial fear of the water, Zach quickly developed a deep affection for swimming Now, he practices for at least two hours every day, fearlessly gliding through the poolwatersofLauraBeachSeafront

Resort Zach'smother,Yvita,expressed hergenuinegratitudetotheresort's management for allowing her son to practicedailyforfree


Zach'scondition,beingbornwithout legs, presents unique challenges for him and his family Nonetheless, he excels academically demonstrating remarkableresilienceanddetermination in the face of adversity, according

determinationandunwaveringwillto shineareunparalleled

With his mother's unwavering support, Zach is determined to give his best, regardless of the outcome

As his mother vowed, "Whatever happens, we will always do our best becausewearehere,together"

Truly,Zachhasnotonlyshattered barriers but also proven that with unwavering determination, one can achieve greatness From winning goldmedalsinregionalcompetitions to becoming a symbol of resilience andhope,Zach'sstoryisatestament to the indomitable spirit that resides withinusall/th

REGINEBAULITA 14 tagbanonthecrops@gmailcom issuucom/thecrops tagbanon
withreportsfromSaganakpublication oftheCityGovermentofCadiz
"Hehasanaturaltalentforit. Youcanseehisdetermination ineverystroke."
photobyArvemIrog-irog photobyArvemIrog-irog
sas uals nd ers nal GAWILAN photoBusinessMirror stamputeeswimmerfrom ehismarkonthenational the prestigious Palarong Gawilan,aparaswimming rstgoldmedalintheAsian NGBEFOREZACH
MAALAM photoMarkZambrano

E l e v a t e Y o u r G a m e

EJ Obiena:


Famous Filipino polevaulterEJObienahasbeenon a tear, dominatingtheEuropeanindoorseasonwithback-to-back wins in Poland and France His recent victories are proof of his hardwork,devotion,andunshakeablepassion,andhe'sswiftly buildinganameforhimselfininternationalsports

Astheworld'sthird-rankedvaulter, he has been making waves in internationalathletics,demonstrating hisskillinvariouscompetitionsand becoming a member of the World Athletics Indoor Tour Challenger Division Despitephysicalandmental hurdles, he has thrived and maintainedhiswinningform


P H I L P P I N E D A L Y N Q U I R E R S F I L E P H O T O S 15

Thepolevaulter'spathtothetopof hisgameiscurrentlydifficult Hehadto overcome mishaps, financial problems, and the COVID-19 epidemic, which interrupted the sporting schedule and forced athletes to teach in less-thanideal conditions On the other hand he has stayed focused on his aspirations, refusing to allow failures dissuade him fromachievinghisgoals.

Although Obiena was forced to withdrawfromtheAsianIndoormeetin Astana Kazakhstan due to logistical issues with his poles, he keeps his sights on his upcoming indoor meets, which include the Orlen Copernicus Cup in Torun, Poland, and the Meeting Hauts-de-FrancePas-de-CalaisinLievin, France,bothofwhicharescheduledas part of the 2023 World Athletics Indoor Tour Gold The World Indoor Tour Madrid, which takes place on February 22,isalsoonhisradar

Obiena's success in the European indoor season reflects his difficult paintings and devotion to his trade With his eyes set on the 2023 World Championships in Oregon, USA, he is primed to continue rising to new heights and leaving his imprint in sports He is a bright example of what can be accomplished with hard work, devotion, and an unbreakable spirit/thecrops

BacolodCity-AreaIIdelegation composed of Manapla, Cadiz, andSagaytowns,alsoknownas MACASA,finishedastheoverall second runner-up both in elementary and secondary levels in the 2023 Palarong Panlalawigan at Panaad Park and Stadium on March 30-April 2,2023

The awarding took place at Forest Park Resort during the Post Conference and Planning for province's participation to the 2023 Western Visayas Athletic Association (WVRAA)meetonApril4,2023

Representingtheschoolsdivisionof Cadiz City to recieve the award were Schools Division Superintendent Arlene G Bermejo and SGOD Chief DondyDepositario

There were 10 competing area delegations during the said meet: the first-sixth congressional districts, Bacolod City, NOPSSCEA, NOHS, and ANOPSSAI/thecrops


photobyStephenCaixton facebookcom/thecropstagbanon JUNE2022-MAY2023

Copyrght:DepEdTayoWVRegion photobyArvemIrog-Irog

photobyArvem rog-Irog

Capturing the essence of athleticism, grit, and determination each photo tells a unique tale ofpower,grace,andcamaraderieexhibitedby athletes in the face of rivalry across a range of sports From soaring leaps to fierce competition, this dynamic mosaic celebrates the beauty of human achievement and the indomitablespiritofsportsmanship DepEdTayoWVRegion
photobyStephenCaixton SoaringtoNewHeights Obiena won his second gold medal in seven days in the 2023 Orlen Cup in Lodz Poland on February 5, 2023, beating Sam Kendricks of America and nine other competitors with a clearance of 577 meters This followed his previous week's success at the PercheenOrinRoubaix France on January 29, 2023 when he cleared 582 meters for the championship Obiena'sperformancesinboth eventswereoutstanding,especially considering the strength of the opponents
Hiswinningrunbeganwithasilver medal at the International Springer Meeting in Cottbus Germany. At somepointduringtheWorldAthletics Continental Tour bronze level competition he cleared 5.77 meters finishing second behind Sam Kendricks' 582m He subsequently followed it up with a personal and nationalindoorbestof591metersat the Mondo Classic in Uppsala, Sweden where he placed third behind Armand Duplantis of Sweden andAmericanKCLightfoot Obiena'ssatisfactionintheseevents is the product of years of hard work and dedication to his trade The 27year-old pole vaulter is from the Philippines,wherehewasintroduced to the sport by his father, Emerson Obiena, a former national record holder in the event EJ has been infatuated with pole vaulting ever since and has worked relentlessly to enhancehistalentsandstrategy
AreaIIhailed 2ndRUin provincemeet
Sources: https://sportsnquirernet/495029/ej-obena-wins-pole-vault-gold-infrance https://sportsnquirernet/495879/ej-obiena-wins-second-god-inseven-days-with-oren-cup-victory

Provingt several medals disciplines th emerged as both elemen levels during April26-30,20

Negrosde Iloilo, the ov aheadofAkla TheWVRAA

Capiz won the Most Disciplined Delegation award, while Guimaras bagged three special awards: Best in Uniform Best in Saludo and Most FestiveDelegation

The recently concluded Western Visayas Regional Athletic Association (WVRAA) Meet with the theme "Championing Excellence Through Sports"wasaresoundingsuccess,as athletesfromvariousprovincesinthe region showcased their skills and sportsmanship

The WVRAA Meet is not only a platform to showcase the athletic prowess of the youth in Western Visayas but also an opportunity to foster camaraderie and sportsmanship among athletes from differentprovinces

Theeventalsoservesasatraining ground for future champions and a stepping stone towards bigger competitions/thecrops


TagbanianjavelinthrowerMarkJude Ga unleashed the Kraken when he launched a powerful 275-meter throw in his second attempt to snatch the gold in secondary men's javelin during the 2023DistrictSports andAthleticMeetatCNHS-LunaExtension High School,CadizCity

Showingunwaveringresilience, Gaswiftlybouncedbackafter an erroneous throw in his first attempt Puttinghisgameplanon the move the Tagbanian thrower took widesteps back to gather a winningmomentum before finally releasing the spear in his third try, buthewas 09-meter short to equal his

TagbanonedgesoutBur bronzeinD9JHScaging

TagbanonExtensionHighSchoolsecuredthebronzeinthejunio highschoolbasketball-boysduringtheDistrict9AthleticMee aftertrouncingBurgosNationalHighSchoolinanexcitingmatcha theopponent'scourt,82-75,onFebruary3,2023

With steel nerves theTEHS shootersdribbledoffensivelywith Darryl Dela Cruz on the lead to widenthegapagainstBNHSearlyin the third quarter, ushering TEHS to theirbronze-worthywin

As the opposing team's lead continued to add, Burgos showed a ratherunimpressiveperformanceas to their defense the court in which Tagbanontookadvantageof

Team Captain Darell Dela Cruz wastheclearstarplayerofthegame, withhis18points,10rebounds,and 8assists

On the other hand, John Mark Asis, another key player to the win, secured 14 points, 6 rebounds, and 6assistsfortheteam

"Itwasatoughmatch,especially at the beginning of the game," Dela CruzsaidinHiligaynon


In an interview, Ga admitted that his invalid first throw pressured him to do his absolute best in his remaining attempts "But my first throw is instrumental to my victory Without it I wouldn't have been pushed to ensure a clear and strong throw in the succeeding attempts," hesaidinHiligaynon

Thethrowersharedthathetrained foraweekbeforehisgame,tellingThe Crops that he requested his coach, LaurenceV Roa,toallowhimbringthe javelin home, where he practiced throwinginawidevacantlotinfrontof theirhouse

"Ilethimtakethejavelinwithhim because he was really serious with thetraining,"CoachRoashared Roaalsoexpressedhisprideand happinessonhistrainee'swin "Iamsoproudofhimandofcourse very happy about his victory despite the very limited amount of time to train"hesaid

Gaalsojoinedtheshotputduring the said meet, but he was not able to secureaspotinthetopthree

Meanwhile, Cherry Ann Manuel also proved her fortitude in track and field after clinching the bronze in secondary girls' long jump when she cleared a distance of 583 meters in herthirdandfinalattempt

Manuel's win was considered a come-from-behind win given her rather lackluster performance during the first and second tries not even past5meters/thecrops

"Iftheymaintained theiroffenseinthe entiregame,they mighthavewon againstus,"theteam captainadded/thecrops

FEETOFFURY Gracefulandagile,aNegrensesepaktakrawplayershowcasedherprecisefootworkas shepowerfullykickedtheballtowardsvictory photobyDepEdTayoWesternVisayasRegion UNLEASHINGPOWERANDPRECISION Showcasingaperfect blendofstrength,technique,andfocus,Tagbanianjavelin throwerGapreparestopropelthespear-likeprojectileintothe sky photobyStephenO Calixton BRONZE-WORTHY Tagbanon fivefoughthardagainst Burgosdribblerstosecure thebronzeinbasketball-boys

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