The Crossroads Journal 2010 Aug 19

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Connecting Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs


Vista Heights SS Fire Dept. welcomes students counsels Thursday, August 19, 2010

about wildfires

By Kara Traveller Staff Writer

Press Release When the school bell rings this fall, Vista Heights Middle School will be ready to let new students in. The school opens this fall for the first time. The public has been invited to attend an open house Thursday, August 19, from 3-7 p.m. This gives students, parents and community members a chance to take a look around. Then on August 24 school will be in session for the seventh graders, and the eighth graders will attend on the 25th. By the August 26 both grades will attend together. For the time being only seventh and eighth grade will be at the school. As the high school grows and the space is needed the

SS Fire Department

ninth grade will eventually join the middle school. Principal Steve Stuart will be welcoming students this year.

Stewart worked for eight years as Principal of Orem Junior High before making his move to the Saratoga Springs area.

located nearer to the Lehi Border. However no addresses are yet available, according to Rhonda Bromley, a spokeswoman for Alpine School District, because the district is “still in the process of acquiring the property.” Although Bromley does confirm that both schools will be in Saratoga Springs. The need for more schools comes down to one word for district employee Colleen Bennett— “growth.” She goes on to say that these schools will probably be some of the last built for a while as the bond money will be gone after the handful of remaining

projects already on tap. According to Bromley, the community planning for these schools will begin after January, when the principals will be named. Traditionally after the principals are named, they form a committee that works together in naming the school and working out and setting up of other details, such as the PTA. Bromely states that hiring for the new schools will be done by the principals, probably in the springtime. The Alpine School District has also published that a special needs school in Saratoga Springs will be completed in 2011.

shaped wings. Utah State University identified the bugs as leaffooted bugs after studying pictures sent to them by KSL. According to Julia Tuck who works at the USU office, the bugs are not harmful. Many residents had them all over their home and were told they may have appeared when a farmer cut his field. Standard

chemical bug spray has been successful in getting rid of the bugs. The other insect concerning local residents is a box-elder type bug. These bugs usually appear in the months of August and September. They are bright red or black with narrow reddish lines on the back. The best way to get rid of box elder bugs is to use a chemical treatment in the fall.

New SS schools slated to open 2011

By Emily Fotheringham Staff Writer

With brand new area schools opening their doors in less than a week, residents can already plan on three new schools welcoming students at the start of the 2011 school year. Alpine School District is building two more elementary schools in Saratoga Springs as part of the 2006 voter-approved bond. One school will probably be located by the new Vista Heights Middle School and Westlake High School, with the other possibly

EM residents bugged

By Kara Traveller Staff Writer

Near the end of July some Eagle Mountain residents noticed a creepy sight in their yards. Their homes were being infested with bugs. The insects were about one to one and a half inches long, brown, and have leaf

The following was released by the Saratoga Springs Fire Chief Tim Hay. Many residents of Saratoga Springs live near grass and brush areas that could compromise the safety of your property in the event of a wildland fire. The threat to your structure is minimal if the backyard is finished, but your fencing, vehicles, out buildings and playground equipment are many times located next to this wildland/interface area. The Saratoga Springs Fire Department recommends that you move anything combustible away from an area which adjoins your yard at least 15 feet. Your fencing, which is usually built on the property line, is probably in most danger during a wildland fire. Any weeds or brush should be trimmed back from the fence line again 15 feet to prevent the loss of fencing especially with vinyl fencing which melts at a low temperature. Do not dispose of grass clippings or other debris behind the fence, which increases the fire load. If you live next to a vacant home that has accumulated weeds contact the police departments code enforcement personnel at 801-766-6503.

If a wildland fire approaches your home, once again move combustibles away from the interface area, and turn on your yard’s sprinkler system or use an independent sprinkler to wet down your yard. Make sure children and pets are safely inside the home. Close all windows and doors to prevent smoke and embers from coming in the house, and observe the fire from a safe distance. If you feel the fire may threaten your home, call 911 and leave the appropriate information. The Saratoga Springs Fire Department has wildland/interface preplans on where to place apparatus to protect homes and your property in the event of a wildland fire. The need to evacuate your home is minimal and if the need arises, the fire department will use several different methods to notify the publicradio/tv, door to door notifications, reverse 911, and neighborhood calling trees. It is important to keep the roads clear so incoming emergency vehicles can gain access. For more information on wildland fire safety, go to the city’s website at and click on Fire/EMS. The fire department can offer you a free wildland fire assessment of your property by calling 801-766-6505.

New homes for area raptors

By Emily Fotheringham Staff Writer

Road construction has definitely interrupted the lives of many drivers in Saratoga Springs, but next time residents are waiting on a stop sign they might appreciate the fact that the road construction has also contributed to an unexpected positive. According to Jeff Hymas, an employee of Rocky Mountain Power, the company recently donated four power poles to assist fourteen-year-old Enoch Jones in accomplishing his Eagle Scout project. Jones’ project included giving raptors a secure place to nest, for which he, with help from other scouts, built nesting boxes which were secured to the donated poles. The 50-foot poles were recently removed from Redwood Road due to the road construction, making them available for raptor living.

Merriam-Webster defines a raptor as a “bird of prey: a carnivorous bird (as a hawk, falcon, or vulture) that feeds wholly or chiefly on meat taken by hunting or on carrion.” Many raptors can be spotted in this wild-life loving area. Besides being able to use the nesting boxes attached to the poles, the birds will also be able to perch directly on the poles. The City of Saratoga Springs was also involved in helping with the scout project. Councilman Cecil Tuley helped push the project along, and the city gave donations of gravel, transportation, and some of the labor. Dean Flygare, a lineman for Rocky Mountain Power, and his son-in-law Matt Felix, also volunteered their personal time to help the scouts and raptors. The poles will inhabit two locations: the Saratoga Springs’ marina, located on Harbor Park Way, and by a pond in the Loch Lomond neighborhood.

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What do you think ? Doug Wright, from KSL News Radio, posted on his facebook page, “Food stamp usage hits an all time high. 40.8 million Americans now receive them. How do we shrink government when we rely so heavily on it?” The Crossroads Journal decided to ask residents:

What do you think about shrinking the reliance on government?

“It’s going to take a concerted effort. We all need to be more individually responsible and lower the expectation that we can have everything.” -Debi Ring Saratoga Springs

“We need to revamp those programs that are not functioning the way they were intended. Welfare and social security, for example, need to be regularly reassessed to see if the programs are functioning the way they were originally intended.” -AnnElise Harrison Saratoga Springs “It’s about education and mindset. As citizens, we need to educate one another that government is our last resort for help. We, as individuals, have ultimate responsibility to take care of ourselves. We should go to family, church and other private charities before applying to the government for assistance. We also need to elect people who have that same mindset.” -Jean Funk Saratoga Springs

“We can only shrink government when we are willing to accept personal responsibility for the successes AND failures in our lives, and understand that government owes us nothing.”

-Brent Ring Saratoga Springs

“I think we need to rely more on volunteering and helping one another. People should have the opportunity to volunteer their resources when others are in need, rather than the government forcing them to do it through taxes. I think we will get more from people if they voluntarily give of their time and resources.” -Janette Crump Saratoga Springs

COMMUNITY CALENDAR An Eagle Mountain Walk team is raising money to support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Please join us in the parking lot of Hart Dental and the strip mall next to it (near the 4-way stop of Pony Express/Ranches Parkway in Eagle Mountain) on Saturday, August 14 starting at 8:00 am. We will have donations from local businesses for the silent auction and bake sale. If you are willing to donate items for the yard sale or silent auction, please bring them to the yard sale location between 6:00 am and 8:00 am. If you’d like to donate items before the day of the sale, please contact Audra Armstrong at 801-789-8281 or email Our walk team (Team A1C/DC) will be participating in the Walk to Cure Diabetes on Saturday September

25th at Scera Park. Any support is greatly appreciated. Eagle Mountain Community Theater will hold auditions for adults to be cast in their next production - Ayn Rand's "Night of January 16th." The play is a courtroom murder trial which calls upon 12 audience members to become the jury and decide the end of the show. Auditions will be held at City Hall in the basement training room. For more information, please email or call 801-616-3439. Eagle Mountain area seniors are holding Dominos the 1st Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. There will be a craft class the 2nd Monday of the month in the basement of the city offices at 1:00 p.m., Bunco the 2nd

Thursday at 1:00 p.m., Bingo the 3rd Monday at 6:00 p.m., a book club the 3rd Tuesday at Dragons and Fairy Tales at 5:00 p.m., MahJong the 3rd Thursday at noon (bring a sack lunch; drinks provided), and Canasta the 4th Thursday at noon (again, bring a sack lunch). For questions, contact Carroll Johnson at 318-1595. Information can also be found on All residents ages 55 and over are invited to attend the monthly activities, including those from Saratoga Springs and Cedar Fort. Saturday Grace - Eagle Mountain. Free clothes for school! On Saturday, August 21, (3rd Saturday every month), we will be giving away food & clothing from 10:00 to noon at Faith Community Church, 3535 Ranches Parkway, next to Great Clips!

7618 N. Silver Ranch Road, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005 (801) 407-1340 • Managing Editor

LeeAnn Bohman



Stefanee Glass



Annette Heaton

3201 Barn Owl Way, EM



Stefanee Glass


The entire content of this newspaper is Copyright© 2010 The Crossroads Journal. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the editor or publisher. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Crossroads Journal

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, August 19, 2010

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EM City Council Notes Thursday, August 19, 2010

By Sali Burningham Staff Writer

Mayor Jackson called the City Council meeting to order shortly after 7 p.m., and asked some of the Youth City Council present in the audience to participate in leading out with the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. All of the City Council members were in attendance. Public comments Bryan Free requested that the Parks and Recreation Board be apprised of recreation issues when they come up so that board can be of help to the city. The executive director of the Eagle Mountain Community Theater expressed thanks for the support of residents during their first production “Into the Woods.” City Council/Mayor’s Items Burnham asked about stop and caution lights for the new school. Mayor Jackson replied that there are two existing lights that will be moved to accommodate traffic to the new school. Ochsenhirt thanked the HOA for helping with the parking strips. He also requested a left turn lane into Plum Creek. Cieslak encouraged continued polite pressure on elected officials regarding transportation until we have a new road in and out of Eagle Mountain. Mayor Jackson announced that Pioneer Crossing is scheduled to open August 23. PROCLAMATION - “International Fetal Alcohol Awareness Day, September 9, 2010.” Fetal Alcohol Syndrome can be

prevented in 100 percent of cases with an emphasis on the responsibility of the mother to protect the fetus. The motion for the proclamation was unanimously approved by the City Council. PRESENTATION – Smith Ranch Park Project. Chris Trusty reported that there is some unused blacktop that can be used for the parking lot at the Smith Ranch Park. Bids are coming in below the $225,000 budgeted. The city expects to be able to landscape the entire park strip and do some berming between the soccer field and road. CONSENT AGENDA The consent agenda consisted of the minutes of the July 20 regular City Council meeting, Bond releases (Out of Warranty) for Colonial Park Phase 2, and Sage Valley Plat B. Also included was a Change Order for the City Center trails project, connecting it to the trail that runs through the center of the Eagle Park subdivision. A motion to approve the consent agenda was received and unanimously approved. PRESENTATION – Youth City Council Certificate of Appreciation for volunteer services during Pony Express Days. Mayor Jackson complimented the Youth City Council in that they “were everywhere in helping with Pony Express Days.” Certificates of appreciation were presented to: Bri Weber; Kamber Hopkins, Alex Guyant, Camilla Moody, Teana Fish, Malissa Smith, Paige Jackson, Kelsey Backus, Brianna Loveridge, Jessica Riet, Brock Giles, Jade Harvey, Kailey Delahoyde, Tyler Wahnscharre, Aubrey Weber, Missy Jacobson, and Amanda Barlow.

The Crossroads Journal

AGREEMENT – Consideration and approval of a Standard Form Escrow Completion Agreement between Eagle Mountain City and Insurance Company of the West for The Woods Subdivision Completion Project. The Woods Subdivision, located southwest of the Overland Trails subdivision, was originally constructed in 2004. The required improvements were never completed. Eagle Mountain City made a demand against the bonding agency, Insurance Company of the West (ICW), for the completion of this project, which has been in the proceedings for some time according to City Attorney Jerry Kinghorn. Councilman Ochsenhirt asked if he

thought that the city could get everything planned completed; and Councilman Ireland followed up, querying, “Will we (finally) be completely finished with The Woods - sidewalks, fence, trails?” Following a motion by Councilman Ochsenhirt to approve the standard form escrow for completion of the project and authorize the mayor to sign the papers, a second was received, and the agreement was approved unanimously. BID AWARD – Consideration and Approval of a Bid Award for The Woods Subdivision Completion Project. The main office for Insurance Company of the West is located in Las

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Vegas, and earlier this year a company representative approached Eagle Mountain City to ask if they would be willing to enter into an agreement for the city to manage the completion project. The city accepted and has received four bids for the completion project. The bid by Staker Parson was selected and approved in the amount of $129,077, which consists of the amount of $107,564 (lowest bid), a 10 percent refundable contingency, and a 10 percent non-refundable administration fee to be retained by the city for the administration of the completion of the remaining improvements. Councilman Cieslak motioned to approve the bid and it was unanimously approved. The trail will be the first section to be completed. Mayor Jackson announced that the long-awaited fence has been completed in Silverlake. Motion to adjourn at 7:45.

CORRECTION While Saratoga Springs City Council did entertain a pay raise for the council and the mayor to $900 per month and $1,500 per month respectively, the actual amount voted in by the council and adopted for the 2010-2011 fiscal year are $650 and $875 per month respectively. The proposed change was considered to bring the council and mayor's salaries into more of a standard with surrounding areas. The actual increase is attributed to the changes of the positions under the new leadership of Mayor Love. Mayor Love states, “While we did consider the [full changes reported by The Crossroads Journal] we opted to go for something much lower and put the difference into economic development.”

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dinner and a Movie Home of Free Toppings

whatdoesitsay? H A P P I N E S S

8/05/10 ANSWER: Spread a little happiness

Congratulations to Johnnie Parsons of Eagle Mountain for emailing the first correct answer to last issue’s puzzle! He won 1 free medium pizza from 5 Buck Pizza in Saratoga Springs. The Crossroads Journal wants you to tell us “what does it say?” The first person to email the correct answer to this week’s puzzle NO SOONER THAN AUGUST 20TH will win 1 free medium pizza from 5 Buck Pizza in Saratoga Springs. Email your guess to along with your name, address and phone number. Good Luck!

The Cinemaniac a.k.a. Marty Nabhan

Snooze Control I have a confession. They say that’s good for the soul, but maybe this is one of those best kept quiet. I’m certainly not proud of it. And I really don’t seem to have any control over it. Well, enough teasing. Here goes: I often fall asleep during movies. Yikes. It’s out. There’s no calling it back now. Yep. Some movies, they work on me better than knock-out gas. In case you’re wondering, yes, it’s a bit of an occupational hazard. Oh, it’s not on par with having the same problem if, say, I were a truck driver. Or an air-traffic controller. But how do I maintain any kind of integrity with reviewing a film if I don’t see all of it?

“How can The Cinemaniac fall asleep in a movie?” you may be asking. I’ll give you the primer: The lights are out. The seat is comfortable. I feel at home, no cares, nor worries. Then the movie starts feeling very familiar. Not boring. Boring I can handle. Familiar, as in, “Oh, here we go again.” In Superman II, I was awake for the whole show until the climactic fight started. Star Wars: Episode III – The Revenge of the Sith put me out at the halfway point. Did I even see Meet the Robinsons? Not much after the opening credits. Those aware of my problem have suggested I incorporate it in the column, perhaps using “Z”s to rate the movie. “I lost consciousness for the whole film – I give it 10 Zs!” Then along comes a movie like Inception – a movie about sleep, mind you! – and drowsiness never enters my picture. I found myself hanging on every word, fearful that if I didn’t, I’d be lost. (I was lost, anyhow, but in a good way.) Here’s another paradox: With all that intense concentration for two and a half hours, you’d think I’d be fatigued and ready for a nap, but in this case, it was invigorating. Inception supplies the premise that important corporate secrets can be learned by entering the dreams of the secret keeper. The movie then takes the concept a step further by suggesting there may be the possibility of planting ideas in the head of the dreamer – an inception – that the dreamer will act on when awakened. Besides being nearly incom-

prehensible (a big plus in my book), Inception is also a lot of fun. Director Christopher Nolan knows how to have a good time in his movies, from the exhilarating Memento to the playful silliness of The Premise. He reinvigorated the Batman franchise, and drew one of the most memorable performances of the decade out of Heath Ledger. The special effects in Inception are breathtaking, and the movie has what may be my favorite fight scene of all time. The plot is perplexing, infuriating, and frustrating, but never familiar. Wait. Hold on just a second. It’s coming back to me now. Leonardo Di Caprio, star of Inception, was just in a movie called Shutter Island. As in Inception, he was a man with answers, leading a team to investigate, often running for his life, conjuring up memories of a loved one he may or may not have wronged. It even messes with your mind in the same way, daring you to figure out what’s real and what’s fantasy. So here’s DiCaprio giving us the exact same movie. Did Nolan and Shutter Island’s director Martin Scorcese conspire to give us this daily double? Are they laughing on their way to the bank? The answer is, it doesn’t matter. Inception delights in so many ways, it just doesn’t matter if it’s familiar or not, if it confuses or infuriates. There’s something to be said for being plain old entertaining. ****** Write to The Cinemaniac at

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School Calendar Harvest Hills Elementary Aug. 19—Class lists posted Aug. 24—School open house 4:006:00 p.m. Aug. 25—School starts Sept. 1—First day for Kindergarten Sept. 2—Back to School Night 5:00-7:00 p.m. Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Saratoga Shores Elementary Aug. 23—Back to school night 4:00-6:00 p.m. Aug. 25—School starts Sept. 1—First day for Kindergarten Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Sage Hills Elementary Aug. 10—New student registration Aug. 23—Open house 4-6:00 p.m. Aug. 25—School starts Sept. 1—First day for Kindergarten Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Lakeview Academy Aug. 16—Back to School Night/Hot Dog Hello 5:00-7:00 p.m. Aug. 18— First day of school Aug. 24—Picture day Sept. 2— Board Meeting, 7 p.m. Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Eagle Valley Elementary Aug. 25—School starts Sept. 1—First day for Kindergarten Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Mtn Trails Elementary Aug. 25—School starts Sept. 1—First day for Kindergarten Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Pony Express Elementary Aug. 20—Class lists posted Aug. 23—Back to school night 4:00-6:00 p.m. Aug. 25—School starts Sept. 1—First day for Kindergarten Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Hidden Hollow Elementary Aug. 20—Class lists posted for 1st-6th grade Aug. 24—Open house 5:00-7:00

p.m. Aug. 25—School starts Sept. 1—First day for Kindergarten Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School The Ranches Academy Aug. 20—Open house 2:00-3:30 p.m. Aug. 23—School starts Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Vista Heights Middle School Aug. 19—Open house 3:00-7:00 p.m. Aug. 24—7th graders only day Aug. 25—School starts for 8th graders Aug. 26—All students in school Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Rockwell Charter School Aug. 23—School starts Aug. 24—Girls’ volleyball at Ben Lomond 4:00 p.m. Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School Sept. 8—Back to school night 6:00-8:00 p.m. Westlake High School Aug. 19—Girls’ tennis at Provo 3:00 p.m. Girls’ soccer vs. Lehi 4:00 p.m. Aug. 20—Football vs. Delta 7:00 p.m. Aug. 21—Girls’ soccer vs. Uintah 3:00 p.m. Aug. 24—Girls’ tennis at Lehi 3:00 p.m. Girls’ soccer at Orem 4:00 p.m. Aug. 25—School starts Aug. 26—Girls’ tennis vs. Timpview 3:00 p.m. Girls’ soccer vs. Mtn. View 4:00 p.m. Aug. 27—Volley at Northridge Tournament Football vs. Maple Mountain 7:00 p.m. Aug. 31—Girls’ tennis vs. Orem 3:00 p.m. Girls’ soccer at Timpanogos 4:00 p.m. Sept. 1—Girls’ tennis vs. Mtn. View 3:00 p.m. Sept. 2—Volleyball at Springville 4:00 p.m. Girls’ soccer vs. Timpview 4:00 p.m. Sept. 3—Cross country pre-state at Sugarhouse Park 3:00 p.m. Football at Payson 7:00 p.m. Sept. 6— Labor Day; No School

Café Paesan - Italian Bistro Resident wins title at horse show Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Crossroads Journal

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By Kim Zebley

Restaurant Review

“There’s an old saying, ‘An Italian grandmother is a gift from God.’ The time honored traditions of Italian grandmothers preparing family meals each day, are the heart and soul of Café Paesan.” Café Paesan is an Italian Bistro, located in Orem, whose philosophy is to create “real, simple, honest, food. Here you will find the comfort foods of Italy: slowly braised meats, carefully simmered sauces, handmade pasta, new and aged cheeses, freshly baked breads and the finest local fruits and vegetables.” My husband loves Italian food and has been working harder than usual, so Café Paesan sounded perfect as a surprise and thank you for all he has done. The menu is very simple. I was hoping for more choices, but I think what Café Paesan concentrates on is quality, not quantity. They make a few things and they make them as delicious and authentic as they can. They “prepare their foods with the same time-honored techniques and care of great Italian family cooking.” You can choose from personal sized gourmet pizzas, salads, homemade pasta dishes, or sandwiches. Unfortunately for me, I wasn’t very hungry for Italian when we went, so in order to keep it fair, I decided to listen to my husband’s comments. Well, he didn’t say much, he was too busy enjoying his meal, but he did have a big smile on his face the whole time, accompa-

nied by those rolling eyes that looked like he had just died and gone to heaven. And when I asked what he thought, that’s what he said…“I think I’ve just died and gone to heaven.” I think that pretty much sums it up. He had the pasta with fresh pomodoro sauce served with sausage, zucchini, mushrooms and kalamata olives. I did have a taste of his meal and also the sausage pizza with kalamata olives; they were both delicious. I must say it’s nice to be able to eat pizza that doesn’t taste like cardboard! For dessert we had the wild berry tiramisu, which is made of berries layered between polenta cake and sweet mascarpone cream. When I saw the tiramisu, I decided I was no longer not hungry for Ital-

ian. I’m so glad I tried it. Traditionally, with tiramisu, the cake is soaked in alcohol or coffee, but this version is soaked in a wild berry sauce. Topped with the berries and mascarpone cream, it was simply satisfying. In addition to the great food, the interior design is very inviting. You feel like you’re sitting in Italy; it is open and airy and the relaxing atmosphere made the whole experience even better. Café Paesan, “where you enter as friends, and leave as family,” and where you also leave feeling very satisfied. Buon appetito! Located at 69 S. State St., Orem Hours: Monday- Thursday 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.

Accepting New Patients

Local Paint Horse youth competitor Haylee Schoonover of Eagle Mountain captured a world championship title recently at the 2010 Summer World Championship Paint Horse Show. The show, which was held June 23 - July 3 in Fort Worth, Texas, is one of the American Paint Horse Association’s premier events. Schoonover captured the championship in Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 13 & Under, showing Louies Soleman, a 1998 gelding owned by Alexis Lee Schoonover. In this class, competitors are judged on their ability to have their horses perform a pattern while maintaining correct posture in the saddle. Youth are classified as competitors ages 18 and under who are required to show a self- or familyowned horse. The World Championship Paint Horse Shows feature the finest gathering of Paint Horses from around the globe. APHA hosts two annual world shows to showcase the talents

of American Paint Horses and their owners. This year’s Summer World Show, held at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth’s cultural district, consisted of nearly 600 talented horses and more than 2,000 entries. Exhibitors competed for prizes and cash payouts totaling $300,000. Currently, American Paint Horses are being registered at APHA’s Fort Worth, Texas, headquarters at a rate of about 30,000 horses each year. APHA has registered more than 981,000 horses in 59 nations and territories since it was founded 48 years ago, and now serves approximately 76,000 active members around the world. APHA, a non-profit organization, prides itself on community involvement and educating the public about the beauty and talent of the breed. Among its many activities, APHA works to preserve bloodlines and maintain the outstanding characteristics of Paint Horses.

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, August 19, 2010


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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Crossroads Journal

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, August 19, 2010



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Custom Landscaping & Design Outdoor Lighting Sprinkler Install/Design/Repair Custom Water Features Rock Walls/Patios Vinyl Fencing Tree Planting/Aeration Curbing Ryan Mitchell Sod Installation 801.541.1865 Licensed & Insured 21 Years Experience



7838 Windhover Road Eagle Mountain











Thursday, August 19, 2010


tumbling, and cheer. Professional studio in Saratoga Springs, north of Walmart. $25/month. 318-2522. E0819

NANNY NEEDED. 25-30 hours a week. Monday-Thursday 8am to 2pm. Responsibilities include - attending to 3 children, cleaning, and some cooking. 801-836-4750. E0819

PART TIME DENTAL LAB TECHNICIAN needed for Lab in Saratoga Springs. Experience a plus, but not required. Must be over 18yrs of age. For inquires call 801-836-4750. E0819


DRUM LESSONS Fun, certified teacher, 36 yrs. experience, positive influence, professional drummer & band leader, all ages/levels, studio in Saratoga Springs, references available. Ken Culmone 768-0708/3672787. E0916

LESSONS. IMPROVE your skills during the summer. Accepting beginning and intermediate students $40/month. Harvest Hills. Call Jennifer 801347-5779. FLUTE


DABS-DEPENDABLE ACCOUNTING & Bookkeeping Services. Over 12 years experience. We offer a variety of services to better manage, analyze and grow your business. Call Bryce for free consultation (801) 638-7195. E1202

GUITAR LESSONS WITH JERRY CORTEZ. Private and Group lessons in a performance and recording studio environment. 28 years experience. For more info on Jerry Cortez check Google and iTunes. 801-653-2918. E0715

ON-SITE COMPUTER SERVICES for home & small business. Virus & spyware removal, internet filtering, upgrades, repairs, home networks. Industry certified. 10 years experience. FREE estimates. Steve Stockmal 801-789-5682. E0916

PORTRAITS BY SHERI. See yourself in art. Check out my website See portfolio work on facebook or contact me or 801-2300014. SEAMSTRESS FOR HIRE. You name it, I sew it. Alterations, costumes, weddings, décor, children, hemming. Call for prices, estimations and advice. Teresa Budd 801-7666571 or

GUITAR LESSONS IN EAGLE MOUNTAIN. Become a real guitar hero! Learn chords, tab, some theory and fun songs. Ages 7-adult. Bring this ad & save $5. Call Elisa @ 801921-3530. E1021

JAGUAR SPORT KARATE. This summer treat the family to one of our exciting martial arts staycation packages. We create champions. Ask about our upcoming seminars. Call to learn more 801-789-7668.


STEPPING STONES PRESCHOOL enrolling for fall. 4 year olds/Pre-K T/Th $60/month. Sunrise Meadows subdivision. Experienced teacher, academic curriculum, hands-on activities. For more information call Andrea 801-766-0662. E0819

SAFE, RELIABLE, STAY-AT-HOME mom has immediate part time and full time openings. All ages and for off hours. SilverLake, Eagle Mountain. Call Tiffany at 801-842-7544. E0902

CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM Preschool Saratoga Springs 3-4 yr 4-5 yr $70/month $90/month $50.00 registration fee *Enroll today! Call Angela 435-2313563 E0902

KNOWLEDGE EXPLORERS PRESCHOOL in The Ranches. 3 yr old - M/W 9:30-11:30 - $60. 4 yr old T/Th 9-11:30 - $75. Two teachers at all times. Call Susie Smith @ 801691-6307.

The Crossroads Journal

Page 11

To place an ad in The Classifieds Mail or drop off your ad with payment to:

The Crossroads Journal 7618 Silver Ranch Road Eagle Mountain, UT 84005

by Thurs, Aug. 26th by noon starting in August. Ages 2 and up. We transport! Wendy 801-602-5149. E0819

MRS. KRISSI’S PRESCHOOL is now enrolling for 3 and 4 year old preschool. Tue/Thur 9:30-11:30 $65/month. Located in the Ranches. Certified with lots of experience. Call Krissi 801-372-8948. E0819

LEARNING TOGETHER PRESCHOOL is now enrolling for fall. Pre-K M/W/F 9-11:30 $65/month. Preschool T/Th $45/month. Reg. fee required to hold your child’s spot. Kay 789-5074. In The Ranches.


STATE LICENSED, IN-HOME childcare in the Ranches will have openings for full or part-time care


CELESTIAL DAYCARE in Harvest Hills. Spanish and English instruction, preschool activities,

Classifieds are only $12.00 for one month or $18.00 for two months. Add a border for $1.00 PER MONTH or a picture for $2.00 PER MONTH


For more information call Stefanee at 407-1340 meals/snacks, play area, 14 years experience, State Licensed. Now enrolling. Weekdays 7am-6pm, full/ part time. 8308918 337-4449. E0217


CONDO FOR RENT Ranches Plum Creek Subdivision. Like new. Black appliances. 3 bed/2 bath. Spacious laundry. Storage room. First Floor. Clean. Move in Sept. 1st. David 801369-2624, Maria 801-792-5956. E0916

BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR RENT Ranches Rush Valley Subdivision. 6 Bed, 3.5 bath, Loft, Laundry upstairs, fenced. Basement finished. Spacious, clean. EZ to Show. Ready for Sept. 1st. David 801-369-2624, Maria 801792-5956. E0916


MY PRESCHOOL HOUSE now enrolling for Fall 2010. 4 year olds MWF AM or PM $65/Month. 3 year olds T/Th AM $55/Month. $35 Reg. or call Alisha 801.362.1796. E0916


PERSONAL PERSONAL INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION TUMBLEWEEDS GYMNASTICS is now enrolling for fall classes. We offer toddler gym. Boys & girls gymnastics,

ENROLLING NOW 3 YR OLD class T/Th $60/ month. 4 yr old class MWF $75/month. All classes 9:1511:15 am. Call Melissa 801-369-4582.

Without advertising, a terrible thing happens...


Call Stefanee to place your ad

789-4859 801-407-1340







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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, August 19, 2010

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