The Crossroads Journal 2012 January 5

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Thursday, January 5, 2011

Connecting Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs


Annual SS Polar Alcoholic beverages Plunge 2012

ordinance in place in SS

By Nancy Kramer Staff Writer

Mark your calendar for an annual event that’s coming up in February. It’s the fourth annual Saratoga Springs Polar Plunge. Perhaps you are one of the brave who will take the challenge, jumping into the chilly waters of Utah Lake, showing off your bravado, or you may be one of the more sensible souls who merely enjoy the foolishness of others. Whichever category you land in, this is a must see event. Pack up the family and join the fun. This annual event is the brainchild of the Saratoga Springs Police Department, which is teaming up with the Utah Special Olympics to raise awareness and money for Special Olympic athletes in Utah. They will be hosting the 4th annual Polar Plunge "Freezin For a Reason" and want to invite all citizens to come take the plunge into Utah Lake. It is $50 for participants to

By Nancy Kramer Staff Writer

take the plunge, $25 for students. For a greater amount donated to the Special Olympics, other incentives are offered. Information is on the website. The plunge will take place Saturday, February 11. Registration starts at 10:00 a.m. Plunging

starts at 11:00 a.m. The location is 7.5 miles south of Saratoga Springs City on Redwood Road. Register at If you have further questions, you can contact Sgt. E. Christensen.

Vista Heights Middle School seventh-grader gets paid for good grades Zions Bank Press Release

SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah; Study hard. Get good grades. Repeat until graduation. That's the message Zions Bank is sending students like Sophie Schmalz, who won the Saratoga Springs-area drawing for a $100 scholarship savings account through the Zions Pays for A's program. Schmalz received the surprise news about the scholarship from Zions Bank's Saratoga Springs branch manager Mike Baxter and customer service manager Verena Critser along with Principal Stewart on Nov. 15. Open to all Utah and Idaho students ages 13 through 18, Zions Pays for A's offers cash incentives for good grades. Teen students simply take their

most recent term-end report cards from the current academic year into any Zions Bank location. They'll receive $1 per "A" deposited into their savings accounts, or .50 cents per "A" if they opt for cash. For each "A" on their report cards, students receive automatic entries into one of 152 annual drawings for scholarship prizes worth up to $1,000. Earlier this year, Schmalz brought her report card with at least one "A" grade into Zions Bank's Saratoga Springs office. Her name was selected randomly in a drawing among entrants from throughout the Saratoga Springs area. Students have until Jan. 20 to submit their most recent term report cards for the next scholarship savings account drawing. Teens need not be customers of Zions to partici-

pate. More information and full contest details are available online at "At Zions Bank, we understand that it takes community support to foster successful futures for young people like Sophie. That's why we want to help local teachers and parents in their efforts to encourage teens to do their very best in school," said Mike Baxter, manager of Zions Bank's Saratoga Springs branch. Zions Bank is Utah's oldest financial institution and is the only local bank with a statewide distribution of branches, operating 106 full-service offices. Zions Bank also operates 27 full-service branches in Idaho. In addition to offering a wide range of traditional banking services, Zions Bank is also a leader in small business lending

One of the first things attorney Kevin Thurman did after he was hired by Saratoga Springs this past summer was to request that the city’s laws be codified, put in a systematic order by number so they could be more easily found. Saratoga Springs’ Councilman Bud Poduska states, “They were filed, but they weren’t in a way where they could be easily found by code number.” It took three months to complete the codifying, discover any errors or discrepancies, and correct the mistakes. The mayor of Saratoga Springs, Mia Love, said the ordinances are available online at the city website at To find the codes go to department, administration, then click on the left hand column under “City Codes.” The most recent correction approved at the December Saratoga Springs City Council meeting was about prohibiting alcohol

and has ranked as the No. 1 lender of U.S. Small Business Administration 7(a) loans in Utah for the past 18 consecutive years. Founded in 1873, Zions

consumption in public parks and other public places. The ordinance does allow alcohol consumption in places with proper licensing. Saratoga Springs police officers believed alcohol consumption in public parks was prohibited by a Utah County law, which prohibited drinking in parks. After looking into the law, officers found they had no authority to enforce that law. Now there are two alcohol ordinances that specify alcohol prohibitions at Saratoga Springs’ Utah County Inlet Park. Poduska said, “We approved a new law to overlay the county law so we were sure we were covered. That is the advantage of having in-house legal counsel.” Love made her message clear when she stated, “We are trying to do what we can to get government out of the way for the people. I’m an anti-regulation person, a limited government person.” The outcome of this is that Saratoga Springs has its laws easily accessible to the public and the officers have the right to protect the public.

Bank has been serving the communities of Utah for nearly 140 years. Additional information is available at

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, January 5, 2011


School Calendar Eagle Valley Elementary Jan. 20—Faculty appreciaJan. 16—No school; Mar- tion day tin Luther King Day Pajama read-a-thon spirit day Harvest Hills Elementary Jan. 23-27—Book fair Jan. 13—2nd grade donut Jan. 24, 26--SEPs dates Jan. 16—No school; MarVista Heights Middle School tin Luther King Day Jan. 4—Girls’ basketball Hidden Hollow Elemen- vs. OC tary Jan. 10—Boys’ basketball Dec. 19-Jan. 2—Christmas vs. AF break Jan. 12—Girls’ basketball vs. Timberline Horizon Elementary Jan. 16—No school; MarJan. 16—No school; Mar- tin Luther King Day tin Luther King Day Jan. 17—Boys’ basketball Jan. 26—Parent Teacher vs. Lehi Conferences 4-7:30 p.m. Jan. 19—Girls’ basketball vs. Mt. Ridge Lakeview Academy Jan. 16, 17—No school; Rockwell Charter School Jan. 5—“Noise is Off” Martin Luther King Day Jan. 18—Musical Express auditions Girls’ basketball at Sumauditions 2nd-4th grade Jan. 19—Musical Express mit Academy 4:30 p.m. Boys’ basketball at Sumauditions 5th-6th grade mit Academy 6:00 p.m. Mountain Trails Elemen- Jan. 7—Drill team competary tition at Juan Diego Jan. 16—No school; Mar- Jan. 10—Girls’ basketball tin Luther King Day at Liahona Academy Jan. 18—Moms and Jan. 11—Boys’ basketball muffins at SL Lutheran 7:00 p.m. Jan. 12—Girls’ basketball Pony Express Elemenvs. Dugway 6:00 p.m. tary Jan. 16—No school; MarJan. 5—Reflections awards tin Luther King Day assembly Jan. 17—Girls’ basketball Jan. 16—No school; Mar- vs. Tintic 6:00 p.m. tin Luther King Day Jan. 18—Boys’ basketball Jan. 25, 26—Parent vs. Tintic 6:00 p.m. Teacher Conferences Jan. 19—Girls’ basketball at Wendover 6:00 p.m. The Ranches Academy Jan. 16—No school; MarWestlake High School Jan. 6—Wrestling at Hightin Luther King Day land 3:00 p.m. Jan. 31—Science fair Girls’ basketball at Lehi Riverview Elementary 5:00 p.m. Jan. 9—NOVA begins 6th Boys’ basketball at Lehi grade 7:00 p.m. Jan. 16—No school; Mar- Jan. 7—Wrestling at Hightin Luther King Day land 9:00 a.m. Jan. 24—School dedica- Jan. 10—Girls’ basketball tion 6:00 vs. Hillcrest 7:00 p.m. Jan. 25, 26—Parent Jan. 12—Wrestling dual Teacher Conferences vs. Olympus 3:00 p.m. Jan. 13—Wrestling Rocky Sage Hills Elementary Mountain Rumble at UVU Jan. 16—No school; MarGirls’ basketball at Herritin Luther King Day man 7:00 p.m. Boys’ basketball vs. HerSaratoga Shores Eleriman 7:00 p.m. mentary Jan. 14—Winter Ball 8:00 Jan. 16—No school; Mar- p.m. tin Luther King Day Jan. 16—No school; MarJan. 20—3rd grade donut tin Luther King Day date Jan. 17-21—Auditions for “Brigadoon” Thunder Ridge Elemen- Jan. 18—Drill tournament tary at Hillcrest 5:00 p.m. Jan. 6—Faculty apprecia- Jan. 19—Wrestling at tion day Murray 5:00 p.m. Jan. 9—Super Bowl readDancing up a Storm a-thon 7:00 p.m. Jan. 13—Faculty apprecia- Jan. 20—Girls’ basketball tion day vs. Olympus 7:00 p.m. Jan. 16—No school; MarBoys’ basketball vs. tin Luther King Day Olympus 7:00 p.m.

By Kim Zebley Restaurant Review Some people seem to be content with the constants. For example, do you prefer to have the same things done the same way, every time? We’ve all heard the saying, “He’s a meat and potatoes kind of guy,” or you even hear of people whose favorite kind of ice cream is simply vanilla. I don’t find anything wrong with that, but I know not everyone finds satisfaction in simple. If you’re the kind of person who likes things done just a little differently, I think I may have found you a new place to enjoy. Cravings is a quaint bistro that has turned ordinary into uncommon. Now what could be more ordinary than a grilled cheese sandwich? Not much. Well, Cravings has taken what we all consider common to the next level. How do these sound for grilled cheese choices? The Gourmet Grilled Cheese, which is made of spinach, artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes, feta cheese, parmesan cheese, and cheddar cheese, on grilled garlic cheese bread. Or there’s the A.B.C, which is made with Granny Smith green apple slices, candied thick cut bacon, and sharp cheddar cheese, with a caramelized red onion mayo. They also offer Tomato Pesto, Pizza Melt and Swiss Days choices. One of my favorite sandwiches in the whole wide world is made with fresh slices of Land O’ Lakes American cheese between 2 thick pieces of Grandma Sycamore’s white bread. Of course it’s cooked with lots of butter until an outer golden crust is formed, and the cheese turns ooey gooey. It’s simple, but delicious. I could have it once a week if my family allowed. How could a grilled cheese get any better? Well, Cravings is sure making some creative attempts, but they’re definitely not what you’re used to. While waiting for the orders, we were brought a sample of their mozzarella cheese sticks. Not what you’re used to with those either. These are what I guessed to be a sliced mozzarella grilled cheese sandwich served with a side of marinara sauce. It was a tasty treat. The lunch special of the day was a half-sandwich of your choice and a

cup of soup, either creamy tomato basil or the soup of the day. Of course, you have to have tomato with your grilled cheese. The soup came first. It was served in a Styrofoam cup, hot and steaming, with a spoonful of cream sauce and topped with homemade grilled cheese croutons. The cup made me a bit nervous and I was afraid I would bump the table wrong and knock it over. Despite that, it was really good with a creamy texture, and a hint of basil and sweetness. Along with soup we ordered a half gourmet grilled cheese, half tomato and pesto, and the Just for Kids Pizza Sticks. The gourmet was really tasty, not anything close to your typical grilled cheese. The flavors worked well together. And since it was made with spinach, artichokes, and sun-dried tomatoes, I almost thought I was eating something healthy. Then I remembered

that it also had feta, parmesan and cheddar cheeses in it. The combination made for a nice uncommon flavor. The tomato and pesto was good too; a sort of Caprese salad made into a sandwich. The pizza sticks were our least favorite, with not as much pizzazz as I expected. It was a pizza-style grilled cheese sliced into “sticks.” Now I thought grilled cheese sandwiches were their specialty, and then I saw the cupcakes. They have quite a few gourmet choices with flavors like red velvet, peanut butter chocolate, cookie dough and eggnog. They were really moist and flavorful. The owners were very friendly and as we visited they told me a little of their restaurant adventure. They were recently participants on the Food Network show, “Cupcake Wars,” which will air January 8. That’s pretty cool. They also offer salads and some unique hot cocoa flavors. The main concern I have for Cravings is the location. They’re right next to Finders Keepers in American Fork. At first I thought the location might be okay, but then as I walked up I saw a sign stating that Finders Keepers is going out of business. I guess this will be the true test: are their products good enough to stand on their own? I love their attempts to make the ordinary nothing but. I’d say give them a try and you be the judge. Cravings is located at 63 East Main St, American Fork. Prices are $3.50 for half a sandwich and $5.00 for a whole. Soup is $2.50 for small, $4.00 for large. Cupcakes are $2 or two for $3. Kids’ meals are $3.50 and $4. Open Monday-Thursday 11-4, Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. Closed Sundays.

7618 N. Silver Ranch Road, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005 (801) 407-1340 • Managing Editor

LeeAnn Bohman



Stefanee Glass



Annette Heaton

3201 Barn Owl Way, EM



Stefanee Glass


The entire content of this newspaper is Copyright© 2011 The Crossroads Journal. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the editor or publisher. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher.

Thursday, January 5, 2011

The Crossroads Journal

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, January 5, 2011

Dinner and a Movie IMPOSSIBL CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CUSTOMER 12/15/11 ANSWER: The customer is always right

whatdoesitsay? Congratulations to Jen Goodall of Saratoga Springs for emailing the first correct answer to last issue’s puzzle! She won 1 free medium pizza from Tenney’s Pizza (formerly 5 Buck Pizza) in Saratoga Springs. The Crossroads Journal wants you to tell us “what does it say?” The first person to email the correct answer to this week’s puzzle NO SOONER THAN JANUARY 6TH will win 1 free medium pizza from 5 Buck Pizza in Saratoga Springs. Email your guess to along with your name, address and phone number. Good Luck!


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Camp Floyd hosts Johnston’s Army Adventure Camp Camp Floyd State Park Press Release Fairfield - Johnston’s Army Adventure Camp is designed for Boy Scouts and offers an authentic and unique hands-on adventure! Scouts travel back in time to 1858 – 1861 and enter the world of a soldier with Johnston’s Army at Camp Floyd in the Utah Territory. New recruits are processed, mustered into the army

and issued uniforms. As a new enlisted private, scouts will shoulder their musket, and march off to a new adventure! Leaving modern possessions behind, the call of bugles and officers’ commands will replace the daily routine of 21st century life. The camp curriculum is based on the history of Johnston’s Army at Camp Floyd, Utah Territory, and is designed to complete the requirements for the American Heritage Merit Badge and the National Historic

Trails Award. Each camp is limited to 30 scouts and leaders. Camp fees are $20 per boy / adult, which includes all camp material and breakfast. This two-day program includes an over night stay with sleeping accommodations in period military tents. Scouts will need to provide their own sleeping gear. The 2012 camps are scheduled for: April 20-21, 27-28 May 4-5, 11-12, 18-19

June 15-16 July 6-7 August 3-4 September 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 28-29 October 5-6, 12-13 All registrations are online this year and can be made by following the links at 012/cfsp Registrations begin January 3, 2012. Established in 1858, Camp Floyd housed the largest concentration of

U.S. troops then in the United State. The troops were sent to Utah to suppress a rumored Mormon rebellion, which never took place. The army was recalled back east in 1861 for the Civil War emergency. Camp Floyd State Park is located in the town of Fairfield, 22 miles southwest of Lehi on State Highway 73. For more information please visit our website at or contact the park at: 801-768-8932.

Thursday, January 5, 2011

The Crossroads Journal

Exp. 6/30/12. Exp. 6/30/12.

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The Crossroads Journal

Thursday, January 5, 2011


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Thursday, January 5, 2011

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CLUB. Meetups on Tuesdays in Saratoga Springs. Learn about your DSLR, lighting, editing & more. 801-400-0003. E0405

has an immediate opening for a writer willing to cover the EM City Council meetings and take news assignments. Digital camera preferred, but not required. Please email or call 801789-3015.

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LITTLE ME PRESCHOOL offers a multi-sensory approach to learning. Classes are being offered for 3 and 4 year-olds and will be taught by Lacey Anderson M.Ed. Please call 801-7353252.

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Thursday, January 5, 2011

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