Thursday, January 19, 2012
Connecting Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs
Love makes it official By Janette Crump Staff Writer
At a press conference held on January 5 in a classroom at Saratoga Shores Elementary School, Saratoga Springs' current mayor, Mia Love, officially announced her decision to run for congress in Utah's 4th Congressional District. She was surrounded by room full of supporters, including her family. She noted that if she were elected, her greatest accomplishment would be that of wife and mother. Her husband, Jason Love, introduced her and said that she is a great leader and communicator who can pull people together. Paying tribute to her parents at the beginning of the announcement, Love stated that her parents had fled from a country with an oppressive government in 1973. Their immigration was legal and they arrived with only $10 in their pockets. Love was born in Brooklyn, New York and on her first day of college she recalls her father saying to her, “You will not be a burden to society. You will give back.” This has influenced her desire to serve her community and state by first being elected to Saratoga Springs City Council and later as mayor. It also inspired her to run for the congressional office. Giving children a voice and controlling spending so that future children may realize their dreams is
Westlake High School’s football team losing coach By Emily Fotheringham Staff Writer
a top priority for Love. She “will not leave a legacy of debt to our children's children.” She wants to be rid of feelings of entitlement. People are not entitled to anything that they don't earn. She would like to fix the tax code and lower taxes while balancing the budget. She would like to have departments of energy and education as well as health care in the states' control. “I know what it’s like to make difficult decisions—I've done it,” she quipped when asked about what sets her apart from the other candidates. “I am the only candidate who has actually cut a budget. I'm talking about cutting spending.” She
claimed to have taken Saratoga Springs from the brink of bankruptcy to being financially sound. When asked about her stand on illegal immigration she said that protecting the boarder is the federal government's responsibility and should be focused on first. How to handle the people who already here should be the responsibility of the states. Love has been busy preparing for her campaign by raising funds and getting endorsements from local constituents, as well as gaining support from Washington where she is hoping to go to “attack problems not people.”
After three successful years as head coach of Westlake High School’s football team, Jason Walker has made the decision to step down in order to spend more time with family and focus on his career outside of football. On the school’s football blog, at www.westlakehighschoolfootbal, Coach Walker states, “I have to do what I feel is necessary, in fairness to the team and to the boys, to allow them to be successful." He continues, "It was a lengthy process, but when we laid out our options on the table, I thought this would be the best decision for my family and for the team." Walker came to this conclusion after he received a promotion from Eagle Mountain City, where he has been working in addition to coaching The Thunder. Coach Walker has led his team to the playoffs for the last two seasons, and has had a number of impressive wins during his three years. These wins
come despite starting off with a brand new team at a brand new school, losing star players, and having his offensive coordinator leave to take the head coaching job at Orem High School. Besides being a coach on the field, Walker has also coached the boys on the importance of serving in the community and has set an example that the large number of young men he has worked with would be glad to emulate. Westlake High School’s Athletic Director Michael O’Connor says about Coach Walker, “We certainly enjoyed having him here at Westlake High School and are thrilled at what he did in building a solid high school football program. We will miss him and wish him the best in his field of work. He is certainly a friend of all here at Westlake and a positive role model all of our student/athletes can look up to and remember.” Coach Walker had previously worked as an assistant coach at Timpview High School. Westlake is currently in the process of interviewing candidates to fill the head coach position.
New City Building for EM By Nancy Kramer Staff Writer
Anyone who’s been paying any attention knows that Eagle Mountain’s growth since its inception has been phenomenal. Because of this growth, Eagle Mountain City is in need of a new energy building, and last fall the city leaders approved the purchase of five acres for $497,000. The city also received 1.153 acres in addition to their purchase as a gift. The lot is located adjacent to the current Public Works building on the west side of South Pony Express Boulevard. City attorney Jerry Kinghorn stated, “We complied with the
requirement to have the property appraised, and we are getting the acre-plus gift, so we are getting more than we paid for.” The need for a new facility is important for this rapidly growing city. John Hendrickson, Eagle Mountain city administrator, said, “As the city has grown we have outgrown buildings and too many things are outside. We could either add on or build another building for the long term. This building is to look toward future expansion and growth to house the utilities, their vehicles, and supplies.” One of the problems that the new building will alleviate is that it will accommodate both the electrical and gas departments. Right now these utilities share housing
with other city departments, and many of their vehicles and supplies are outside. The new building is designed to be energy-efficient and sustainable. Bays will be constructed for vehicles and supplies. Office space for utility employees will be in the building, but all billing will still go through the city’s billing to keep thing centralized and simple. Also in the plan is a public area where learning and demonstrations will take place. The city will be able to show new techniques for energy conservation, how the energy gets to houses from the utilities, and other educational opportunities that arise. Those who want to learn more about energy resources in Eagle
Mountain, including scout groups, school field trips, 4-H groups, and so forth, will be encouraged to use this new area. The subject of who will pay for this facility is one that generally surfaces when a new building is needed. Councilman John Painter said he was concerned about where the money was coming from since the current city Public Works building was originally built as an energy/utilities building and now houses so much more of the workings of the city. That building was built using energy funds. Painter said, “We need a process that makes sense so the services that are benefiting from it are the ones paying for it.”
Hendrickson stated that a city building is paid for with city funds. He notes, “In the past City Councils had made decisions that the City Hall Building would be the City Hall. How they funded it was their decision. I do also agree that we shouldn’t use the utility funds in a way that doesn’t benefit the utilities.” Other council members also agreed with Painter that all city departments should be responsible for their own needs. City officials expect to send out requests for construction bids on this new municipal energy building this month. They hope to break ground sometime in March, with completion in the fall of 2012.
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The Crossroads Journal
What do you think ? For many people the New Year is a time to reflect on our lives and to make resolutions. We are usually hoping to better ourselves, lose a few extra pounds, or make more money. We don't usually take the chance to pat ourselves on the back; we do more criticizing instead. The Crossroads Journal asked residents:
What New Year’s Resolution did you accomplish last year?
“I got my Master's Degree and I set out to do that.” -Jeremy Schreiner Saratoga Springs
“I decided to write a book. It was a ton of work but I enjoyed it and learned a lot from the experience.” -Melanie Jex Saratoga Springs
“For home evening we reviewed last year's goals. Julie, my wife, and I set a goal to have a baby boy and we did that. We also had a family planning, study and home evening monthly.” -Aaron Spencer Saratoga Springs
“Mike, my husband, encouraged me to reach and help people without being asked. It has rekindled relationships with people that I didn't realize I missed so much. It is nice to be needed.” -Tina Holdaway Saratoga Springs
Thursday, January 19, 2012
SS City Council Notes By Jennifer Klingonsmith Staff Writer January 3, 2012 The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. Those present included Bud Poduska, Michael McOmber, Jim Miller, Shellie Baertsch, Rebecca Call, Mayor Mia Love and city staff. Public comment Library Committee member Sue Alexander reported that the library had issued over 2,000 library cards since its inception. She also reported that the library’s Christmas giving tree had been a success, with many patrons donating additional books and DVDs. Harvest Hills resident Julie King stated that she disagreed with the proposed Cascade Collision shop planned near the entrance of the Harvest Hills subdivision. She thought such an establishment posed a safety risk for children living nearby and attending Riverview Elementary. She worried about the fumes and the noise. Another Harvest Hills resident also shared concerns about the repair shop. She stated that Harvest Hills was becoming surrounded with businesses that belong in light industrial areas, not next to a large subdivision. She hoped that if the shop was a conditional use in the regional commercial zone, that the City Council would consider having it go elsewhere. If not, she suggested the city require large trees as a screen for residents living up the hill from the proposed site. The resident concluded saying that the proposed collision repair shop offered further evidence of the city’s need to revisit the land-use map and allow public input for different zoning areas. Policy items Consent calendar Councilmembers Shellie Baertsch and Rebecca Call expressed concern about multiple styles of streetlights throughout the city and the different bulbs they required. They thought it made public works’ job more challenging as the department has to stock different types of lights. Staff reported that the city had phased out some types of street lighting in favor of other ones over time. The consent calendar was unanimously approved minus one section concerning final plat approval for Phase 1D of the Saratoga Hills subdivision. Approval of the City Council’s meeting schedule for 2012. The meeting schedule was unanimously approved. Approval of a Special Events Permit Process and Policy. City Manager Mark Christensen reported that the city needed policy in place surrounding special events put on by its residents. The policy ensures that the city knows about such events and that city departments can operate as needed in a consistent and coordinated way. He said that the city needed to be aware of traffic issues and control possible damage done to public property. Some of these special events would
include fundraisers, races and neighborhood parties. Police Chief Gary Hicken reported that there would be four levels or types of special events. The smaller, non-admission-charging events where less than 150 people would be attending would be considered a Level 1 or 2. These events would not be charged a fee. Larger events, that would possibly require the city to provide police or fire support, traffic control, or public works employees to be on hand, would be charged a $50 or $150 fee. Event insurance could also be required. Hicken concluded saying that the city would only charge for real costs incurred; no profit would be made by the city. Councilman Michael McOmber suggested sending a copy of the special events policy to all HOAs so they could be notified of the change. He also asked about costs incurred with excessive wear and tear of public property. Hicken replied that damage would be covered by insurance. Councilman Jim Miller thought $100/hour for a city-provided dumpster seemed high. He suggested charging residents the actual cost to rent a dumpster. Councilwoman Rebecca Call stated that the 15-day notice requirement seemed too long for smaller gatherings. She also clarified that the special events policy did not apply to gatherings being held on private property or in HOA areas. Mayor Mia Love asked rhetorically if she would need to fill out a special events application to hold a block party in her neighborhood. She was surprised when Christensen replied that a block party would be considered a Level 2 special event and that she would need to fill out a form and give 15 days notice to the city. Christensen followed up saying that it would be important for the fire department to know that her street would be closed to traffic during such a party. The special events policy was unanimously approved, with the reduction of notice for small events to one week. Concept Plan for Cascade Collision located at approximately 2081 North Redwood Road; Brian Nichols, applicant. City staff reported that Cascade Collision was proposing a single-story building with a fenced overnight parking area. The business is classified as “major automobile repair” and is a conditional use in the regional commercial land-use zone. The proposed development sits just north of the Harvest Hills subdivision entry monument and is also adjacent to the planned office buildings of Harvest Village. City staff reported that developer Steve Anderson (of Harvest Village) had concerns about a collision repair shop abutting his development. He worried that it would bring an industrial feel to the area. Anderson requested that Cascade Collision’s building match the architectural style of his development. He also requested that long, blank walls be
avoided and that the building plan be flipped so the front of the building faced west rather than east. City staff continued saying that Cascade Collision is willing to break up a long wall by adding windows and additional landscaping. It did not want to flip the building, as the business wanted a commanding presence on Redwood Road. Councilwoman Baertsch stated that she lived in Harvest Hills and thought the building looked too linear and boxy. She also thought the exterior color should not be grey. She did thank Cascade Collision for making efforts to match the architectural style of Harvest Village. Councilwoman Call expressed her appreciation for Cascade Collision wanting to come into Saratoga Springs. She liked the decorative cement fence and suggested that it be eight feet tall, rather than six. Councilman McOmber suggested the building be flipped so the overnight parking area would flank Redwood Road and would be more effectively screened from view of nearby residents and adjoining businesses. He asked that a pergola be added to break up the exterior of the building. Applicant Brian Nichols then stated that he agreed with increasing the concrete wall’s height to eight feet, but still did not want to flip the building. Mayor Love said that she wanted to balance the needs of neighbors and of businesses. She did not want to demand anything that was cost-prohibitive. She wanted to be developer-friendly. No action was taken on this item, as it was a concept plan. Resolution R12-1 (01-03-12): A resolution appointing Planning Commission members to the City of Saratoga Springs Planning Commission and establishing an effective date. City staff reported that Jefferson Moss will be appointed for the remaining year of Erik Reese’s term and Sandra Steele will be appointed to serve through December 2015. The members of the planning commission were unanimously approved. Resolution R12-2 (01-03-12): A resolution appointing a Library Board Chair and establishing an effective date. City staff reported that Larry Whiting would be the new Library Committee Chair. The resolution was unanimously approved. Ordinance 12-1 (01-02-12): An ordinance creating the Saratoga Springs Community Development and Renewal Agency under Title 17C of the Utah Code. Craig Smith, an attorney representing many redevelopment agencies, explained that the City Council would serve as the board for the city’s redevelopment agency. He explained that this agency does not have the power to tax, but that it can create public/private partnerships. He noted that the board would also create by-laws and determine project areas. The ordinance was unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned.
7618 N. Silver Ranch Road, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005 (801) 407-1340 • “My major accomplishment for last year was I got a new job and was able to provide for my family.” -Destry Crump Saratoga Springs
Managing Editor
LeeAnn Bohman
Stefanee Glass
Annette Heaton
3201 Barn Owl Way, EM
Stefanee Glass
The entire content of this newspaper is Copyright© 2012 The Crossroads Journal. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the editor or publisher. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The Crossroads Journal
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Three newly elected SS Café Terrace City Council members sworn into office By Kim Zebley Restaurant Review
By Jennifer Klingonsmith Staff Writer
The Saratoga Springs City Council began the new year by welcoming two new members and one returning incumbent. Incumbent Bud Poduska has served on the City Council for the past four years and looked forward to another term. He stated that there is no other place like Sarato-
ga Springs. We are going to experience immense growth, Poduska continued, not just sprawl, but planned growth. He was eager to continue in the work that he had been doing. Shellie Baertsch of Harvest Hills and Rebecca Call of Lake Mountain are the newest members of the City Council. Baertsch commented how she loved the volunteer effort put forth in the city. She also thanked her family and friends
for their help during her campaign. Rebecca Call said that Saratoga Springs was in its adolescence. Growth can be scary, Call commented, but can be wonderful when it happens from the ground up. She also stated that Saratoga Springs has some of the most educated and nicest people in the state. The council members were sworn in by Mayor Mia Love and quickly got to work at the January 3 policy session.
I’ve never been to Europe, but maybe someday I’ll get there. Sure, I’ve imagined what it’s like plenty of times, but in the end Europe is still just a compilation of ideas in my mind. I recently went to a restaurant that just opened in American Fork: Café Terrace. As I entered I really felt like I was in Europe. Well, at least I felt like I was in what my imagination thinks is Europe. The walls are covered with framed posters featuring scenes and maps from London, Paris and Venice, with European flags at the back. Upon entering you see a chef to your left, busy making crepes. The set up is kind of like that at Café Rio, minus the crowd, abundant space, and feeling like you’re being rushed through, not understanding anything. Café Terrace offers a more relaxed atmosphere, nothing rushed. After you order and pay, you go to the other side of the restaurant where quaint tables and chairs are set
up, a mix of European and American music plays and wonderful artwork covers the walls. The lighting is just right and the setting really seems perfect. The food choices include “painstakingly handcrafted gourmet sandwiches,” “savory crepes,” “sweet crepes,” zupa and insalate. They also offer soft drink choices, Italian soda, frozen Italian soda, hot chocolate and frozen hot chocolate. Frozen hot chocolate? That sounds good. I asked the owner if it was simply made from frozen hot chocolate and he seemed a bit protective of his concoction. When I asked if it was similar to a Wendy’s Frosty he seemed offended. He promised his frozen hot chocolate would be way better. Yep, he was right, similar to a Frosty, but smooth and not so chokingly thick. It is topped with a thin whipped cream and you drink it through a thin, very thin straw (try doing that with a Frosty). After one taste, I understood why he was offended. We also ordered a Modena crepe, Please see CAFÉ TERRACE on page 7
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The Crossroads Journal
A N D EXIT IMPOSSIBL 1/05/11 ANSWER: Almost impossible
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Congratulations to Corrine Prestwich of Saratoga Springs for emailing the first correct answer to last issue’s puzzle! She won 1 free medium pizza from Tenney’s Pizza (formerly 5 Buck Pizza) in Saratoga Springs. The Crossroads Journal wants you to tell us “what does it say?” The first person to email the correct answer to this week’s puzzle NO SOONER THAN JANUARY 20TH will win 1 free medium pizza from 5 Buck Pizza in Saratoga Springs. Email your guess to along with your name, address and phone number. Good Luck!
Common Sense with Jeff & Nikki Wickman We are starting a new feature in The Crosssroads Journal, entitled “Common Sense,” to bring attention to issues in Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs that may directly, or indirectly, affect you. We hope that, if an issue concerns you, you will take the time to contact your city administrators and elected officials via the Eagle Mountain or Saratoga Springs web sites. In this column, we question why drivers have two northbound lanes along Ranches Parkway until they arrive at SR-73. Instead of allowing both lanes to turn east onto SR-73, while also allowing westbound drivers a separate left-turn lane, they have restriped the middle lane so that it is inaccessible to all traffic. Why spend all the time and effort the City of Eagle Mountain took to finally get two eastbound lanes on SR-73, and then funnel the traffic down into one lane, severely restricting commuter traffic and causing a bottle neck? In fact, before the final striping had been
completed, drivers were using both lanes to turn right onto SR-73. It only
makes common sense to allow two lanes to turn right.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012
The Crossroads Journal
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The Crossroads Journal
Thursday, January 19, 2012
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Thursday, January 19, 2012
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fect gift. Book now for $14 savings in December/January. 801-57-23456. E0119
has an immediate opening for a writer willing to cover the EM City Council meetings and take news assignments. Digital camera preferred, but not required. Please email or call 801789-3015.
ON-SITE COMPUTER SERVICES for home & small business. Virus & spyware removal, internet filtering, upgrades, repairs, home networks. Industry certified. 10 years experience. FREE estimates. Steve Stockmal 801-7895682. E0119
FOR FOR SALE SALE SUPER CUTE JEWELRY for only $5.50 each! Necklaces, earrings, headbands, rings and more! Want FREE jewelry? or need some extra income? Just ask me how. Call Kendle 801-830-3016 E0301
CAFÉ TERRACE Continued from page 3 a Rome crepe, a cup of tomato basil bisque, and a strawberry cheesecake crepe. The savory crepes come warm, bundled in butcher paper and are big enough to share. The sweet crepes are a tad smaller, but are still fun to share. The Modena is made with herbed turkey breast, Swiss cheese, fresh roma tomatoes and pesto aioli (handmade garlic mayonnaise). The Rome is
FREE CROSSROADS DSLR PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB. Meetups on Tuesdays in Saratoga Springs. Learn about your DSLR, lighting, editing & more. 801-400-0003.
DRUM LESSONS Fun, certified teacher, 36 yrs. experience, positive influence, professional drummer & band leader, all ages/levels, studio in Saratoga Springs, references available. Ken Culmone 768-0708/367-2787. E0119
herbed turkey with Havarti, fresh roma tomatoes, and sun dried tomato and basil aioli. Finally, the strawberry cheesecake crepe is filled with strawberries, cream cheese mousse and caramel. Really, do I need to say more? Since they just opened in December, things were kind of slow and I could tell everyone was still learning. It may take a while to get everything to run smoothly. The wait was not terribly bad, but we were the only customers. I wonder how it would be if there was a crowd. I had a friend who
r o f s ’ t a h W inner? d
TUTORING. Certified teacher with 17 years experience will tutor in your home. Grades Pre-K-fifth. All subjects. $20 an hour. References upon request. Call Katie after business hours. 828-5805. E0119
MISS DEBBIE’S DOODLEBUGS Children’s art classes. Located in The Ranches. Winter registration is now open for ages 5 and up. Classes begin February. Go to http://missdebiesdoodlebugs.blogspot .com or call 801-789-6474.
by Jennifer Klingonsmith
PRESCHOOL PRESCHOOL & & CHILD CARE CHILDCARE CELESTIAL DAYCARE in Harvest Hills, Spanish & English instruction, preschool activities, meals/snacks provided, play area, 14 yrs exper, State Licensed. Now enrolling. Weekdays 7:00 am - 6:00 pm. FT-PT 8308918 / 341-8305.
Mexicali Chicken and Cheese Sandwiches Warm up chilly family members from the inside out with this easy, weekday dinner. Serve with french fries and a salad for the ultimate comfort-food meal. 2 1/4 C (12 ounces) cooked, shredded chicken breast 1 can (4 ounces) diced green chilies 1/2 C ketchup
1/4 C water 3/4 t. chili powder 5 Kaiser rolls, split and toasted 1/2 C shredded Monterey Jack cheese
To place a classified ad call 801-407-1340 recently went there and she said the only negative she found was that the service was slow. I think that can easily be fixed. Also, the soup was just average. Some of us liked it, some of us thought it was okay, and some of us didn’t like it at all. Café Terrace was a refreshing change from the ordinary choices we have within 15 miles. The looks, tastes, textures, and even the environment worked to make a relaxing great escape, which is just next door. When I think about it, even
Preheat oven to broil. Combine chicken, chilies, ketchup, water and chili powder in a medium saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat until bubbly. Reduce heat to low; cover. Cook for 5 minutes to blend flavors. Spoon warm chicken mixture onto 5 roll bottoms. Sprinkle evenly with cheese; place on baking sheet. Broil for 1 to 2 minutes or until cheese is melted. Place roll tops on sandwiches; serve. Makes 5 servings. Source: Nestle Foods, Inc.
though this is a great place for anyone to visit anytime, it would really be a nice idea for Valentine’s Day. I know I’m not going to Europe for a romantic getaway on Valentine’s, but Café Terrace might be the perfect substitute… it’s definitely much better than my imagination. The painstakingly handcrafted
gourmet sandwiches are $4.99- $7.99, savory crepes- $3.99-$7.49, sweet crepes- $1.99-$7.49 and kids’ meals $4.99 and $5.99. Open M.-Th., 11-9, Fr. & Sa., 1110, closed Sundays. Café Terrace is located at 456 E. State Rd., suite 1100, American Fork. They also have a catering service.
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The Crossroads Journal
Thursday, January 19, 2012