Chicago Crusader 06/27/09 E-Edition

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To The Unconquerable Host of Africans Who Are Laying Their Sacrifices Upon The Editorial Altar For Their Race VOLUME LXVIV NUMBER 9 —SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2009


25 Cents and worth more

Black Press of America to convene “Their respective reputations in the community are outstanding with impressive records as advocates to empower the minority community,” says Smith. Among the highlights, boxing promoter Don King, owner of the Cleveland and Columbus Call & Post newspapers, is slat-

By Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) — Boxing promoter and Black publisher Don King, actor/comedian Bill Cosby, members of the Congressional Black Caucus and top Black publishers from around the nation are among the big names to highlight the 2009 National Convention of the National Newspaper Publishers Association in

ed to attend the annual Merit Awards Gala on Friday night as a sports writing award is named for him. The Merit Awards, an event of the NNPA Foundation, chaired by Dorothy Leavell, recognizes publishers and writers for their journalist excellence (Continued on page 3)

Bill Cosby

Don King Minnesota this week. “NNPA continues to be the much-needed voice for issues of concern that affect the

ongoing development and success within the African American community,” John B. Smith Sr., chair of the federation of the more than 200 Black-owned newspapers and publisher of the Atlanta Inquirer, says in a statement. “2009 marks another milestone for NNPA because it represents 182 years of news gathering, awareness building and providing vitally needed services to our communities. Through journalistic leadership and devotion to efficiently promote community progress, our mission is to empower minorities through the Black Press.” Publishers Al McFarlane of Insight News and Tracey L. Williams of the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder are co-hosting the annual summer event.

A D V O C A T I N G F O R T H E R e d L i n e E x t e n si on P r o j e c t — J oh n P a u l J o n e s along with the Developing Communities Project, share with members of the Rosemoor Community Association, Inc. the community benefits of Extending the Red Line Rail Line to 130th Street. In response, RCA completed petitions (96 signatures) in support of the $1 billion extension project.

Hon. Lewis Nixon installed as First Vice President of Illinois Judges Association Hon. Lewis M. Nixon, a judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County, has been elected and installed as first vice president of the Illinois Judges Association (IJA). He and the other 2009-10 officers were installed during the organization’s annual meeting held recently in Chicago. The IJA is a 1,100-member organization of current and retired Illinois judges that provides educational opportunities and support to its members, and information about the judiciary to the public. Judge Nixon served as an IJA board member and executive committee member during the 2006-07 fiscal year, was treasurer in 2007-08, and second vice president in 2008-09. Officers typically move up the organizational ladder to become president. It is anticipated that he will assume the IJA presidency in June 2010.

position in November 2002. He currently serves as supervising judge in the Mortgage Foreclosure/Mechanics’ Lien Section of Chancery. Prior to sitting on the bench, Judge Nixon was the Assistant General Counsel at the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development in Chicago, administering the legal department for the six-state Midwest region. He began his legal career

in 1975 as an assistant U.S. Attorney in Chicago. An adjunct professor at Roosevelt University since 1989, he currently teaches at the university’s School of Paralegal Studies, and has taught trial advocacy at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Legal Education Institute in Washington, D.C. Judge Nixon received his J.D. from DePaul University College of Law in 1974 (Continued on page 9)

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Honorable Lewis M. Nixon First appointed as a judge in November 2001 by the Illinois Supreme Court to fill a vacancy, he was subsequently elected to the

Dorothy Brown announces: More than $18 Million available for individuals who lost properties to Foreclosures in Cook County See story on page 2

NEWS Dorothy Brown announces: More than $18 Million available for individuals who lost properties to Foreclosures in Cook County Clerk’s Office Sets Up Online Portal for Confidential Access to Mortgage Surplus Funds List The Honorable Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, says that her Office has “the silver lining to the dark cloud of mortgage foreclosure crisis” in the form of millions of dollars available for individuals through Mortgage Foreclosure Surpluses. “The mortgage foreclosure epidemic of recent years has been devastating,” said Clerk Brown, “However, I am eager to inform people who lost their homes to foreclosures in Cook County that some of them have thousands of dollars being held for them.” The Clerk’s Office is currently

holding approximately $18 million in Mortgage Surplus Funds comprised of various amounts due to just over 1,900 people. A Mortgage Foreclosure Surplus is the profit owed to an individual who foreclosed on a home that was subsequently sold at a dollar amount over what was owed to the bank at the time of foreclosure. With cases dating back to the 1990’s, the Clerk’s Office has compiled the names of individuals who have surpluses owed to them as high as $460,000. Clerk Brown is launching an outreach campaign and hosting an online search engine on the Clerk’s Office Web Site (www.cookcountyclerkofcourt.or g) in an effort to locate the people in Cook County who are owed these Mortgage Surplus Funds. The search engine will allow citi-

zens to enter their first initial and last name to see if they are on the surplus list. If an initial match is made, additional screens open up with directions to the court forms necessary to file a motion, petition for the turnover of the surplus funds, and file an appearance with the presiding judge. Also at the portal are answers to frequently asked questions about obtaining a mortgage surplus. “In the midst of our nation’s current economic crisis, some people who have lost their homes have financial windfalls being held for them, and I want to inform them about how to obtain the money,” said Clerk Brown. Interested persons may also visit the Accounting Department of the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office to obtain information about the Mortgage Surplus Funds.

DOROTHY BROWN, CLERK of the Circuit Court of Cook C o un t y , r e v e a l e d a s u r g e i n m o r t g a g e f o r e c l o s u r e s i n C o o k Count y in March 2009. Today , she a nnounc es tha t the re is more than $18 million available to some people who lost their homes to foreclosure and these individuals can find out if they h a v e a m o r t g a g e s u r p l u s d ue t o t h e m b y s e a r c h i n g f o r t h e i r names on the Clerk’s Office Web site.

Slain Holocaust Guard Remembered By Dorothy Rowley and LaToya Tooles Special to the NNPA from the Afro-American Newspapers WASHINGTON (NNPA) - In an emotionally charged eulogy that took place on a radiant afternoon, Stephen Tyrone Johns, the special police officer who was slain at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, was remembered as a gentle giant with a

big heart and warm smile. Hundreds of mourners, including local and national dignitaries, museum staff, law enforcement officers, and a host of holocaust survivors, poured into the massive Ebenezer A.M.E. Church in Fort Washington, Md., to pay their final respect to a man also described as having uncommon valor and compassion. In the hour-long eulogy, delivered

by the Rev. Dr. John L. McCoy, senior pastor at The Word of God Baptist Church in Washington, mourners were encouraged to live in racial harmony and to not tolerate blatant acts of racism such as that which claimed Johns’ life.

“Tolerance isn’t a valid or godly response to racism, polite silence is no longer a viable action,” said McCoy, who reminded the congregation that Johns’ last act was one of kindness. “He fell victim to a senseless and

barbaric act as he extended an act of kindness,” said McCoy. “[But] don’t retaliate against racist acts with racism [as] we must not stoop to hating the racist.” Referring to the holocaust, McCoy added that the hope of the museum is that the world never again experiences such crimes as those of World War II. He went on to say that Johns “was a victim of a mentality thought to be rapidly diminishing from the American landscape.” Noting the large outpouring of sympathy accompanied by the huge attendance at his funeral, McCoy said that on the day Johns’ life was taken that (Continued on page 3)

WIFE OF SLAIN guard Stephen Johns Sr., Zakiah Johns, cent e r , h o l d s on t o t h e A m e r i c a n F l a g w h i l e h e r s on , T y se a n Lawson-Bey, right, looks on during the funeral services of his stepfather. 2

Saturday, June 27, 2009

JACQUELINE CARTER, THE mother of slain guard Stephen Johns Sr., hold the American flag presented to her by the ceremonial guard at her son’s funeral on June 19. BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

S T E P H E N J O H N S J R . , so n of slain guard Stephen Johns S r . , h ol ds t h e A m e r i c a n fl a g p r e se n t e d t o h i m a t h i s fa t h e r ' s fu n e r a l a t E b e n e z e r AME Church on June 19. The Chicago Crusader


CPD hit with $625,000 fine for violent police assault A federal jury yesterday awarded 41-year-old Curtis Mason $625,000 in compensatory damages for a brutal beating he received at the hands of at least five Chicago police officers during a January 13, 2007 traffic stop on Chicago’s south side.

Mr. Mason is a life-long resident of the city currently living in the Wrightwood neighborhood and is a telecommunications analyst at Northwestern Hospital. He suffered a fracture to the orbital bone around his left eye and numerous bruises about his body

Slain Holocaust . . . (Continued from page 2)

AN UNIDENTIFIED PRINCE Georges County police officer stands at attention as the Johns family arrive at Ebenezer AME Church on June 19 for the services of slain guard Stephen Johns Sr. “good stood up to evil as the community rallied together.” District Mayor Adrian Fenty did not attend the service, but stated among the acknowledgments that the fact that Johns “laid down his life was the ultimate sacrifice.” In another condolence read during the service, Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin said, “[Johns] is mourned by me and all who seek peace and justice.” Johns, who lived in Temple Hills, Md., had worked at the museum for six years. The 39-year-old officer, who also left behind two step-sons, had just celebrated his first wedding anniversary when he was killed in the line of duty as he opened the museum’s door on June 10 for James Von Brunn, 88. The avowed White supremacist has been charged with first-degree murder.

Hon. Lewis Nixon . . . (Continued from page 1) and his B.A. from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn., in 1971. The Illinois Judges Association, formed in 1971, is headquartered at 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604-3997 and can be reached at (312) 4311283 or on-line at

The Chicago Crusader

as officers kicked him while he lay on the ground. The attack began after Mr. Mason, an African American, was riding with his then-fiance, Ms. Kyley Johnson, a Caucasian woman, when she was pulled over by Chicago police officers Michael Garza and Elizabeth Briggs near the corner of 83rd and Ashland. Officers Garza and Briggs both testified under oath that they stopped Johnson’s van20because a light was out over the rear license plate, even though the police car and van had approached each other from opposite directions. Ms. Johnson explained to the officers that she had accidentally left her driver’s license at home. Officer Garza ordered Ms. Johnson outside of the vehicle and searched her. Officer Briggs then asked Mr. Mason to get out of the van and searched him. Briggs then asked Mason to put his hands behind his back to be handcuffed, to which Mason replied that he had done nothing

wrong. Garza then proceeded to punch and kick Mr. Mason, swearing at him as he did so. At least three more officers arrived on the scene and also began punching and kicking Mr. Mason, who by this time had been forced to the ground. After Mr. Mason was handcuffed lying face down on the concrete, Garza lifted up Mason’s head by grabbing his clothing around the shoulders and kneed Mason in his left eye socket, fracturing the orbital bone. Bleeding profusely from his face with his left eye swollen shut, Mason was transported to the 79th & Halsted police station, thrown into lock up and denied medical care through the night despite calling out for officers to help him. To justify their brutality, Garza and Briggs falsely charged Mason with assault and resisting arrest – charges that were eventually resolved in a manner indicative of his innocense. The next morning Mason

was released on an I-bond and sought me dical attention. He missed work for nearly a month due to his injuries. The Police Department declined to discipline Officers Garza and Briggs for their attack on Mr. Mason and the Cook County States Attorney’s Office did not prosecute them criminally. Mr. Mason was represented by Mr. Michael Kanovitz, Ms. Samantha Liskow and Ms. Elizabeth Wang of Loevy & Loevy Attorneys at Law. Loevy & Loevy is the largest civil rights law firm in Chicago, filing and successfully litigating as many suits against law enforcement abuses as all other firms in the city combined. In addition to the Mason v. Chicago victory, Loevy & Loevy attorneys yesterday also won a $21 million federal jury verdict in the case of Juan Johnson v. Reynaldo Guevara, City of Chicago, et al, the largest-ever jury award for wrongful conviction in Chicago.

Black Press of America to convene (Continued from page 1)

and service over the past year. Leavell applauds King as ‘’the only contemporary publisher to have a Merit Awards category named for him. It will now be known as the Don King Best Sports Section Award. The award was voted to be named for him by the NNPA Foundation board of directors,’’ she says. ‘’He joins a long list of luminaries and distinguished publishers, staff members and outstanding musical artists in having categories named for them, including Robert S. Abbott, Carl Murphy, Ida B. Wells, Frank L. Stanley, Robert L. Vann, Leon H. Washington, John H. Sengstacke, Ada S. Franklin, Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong.’’ King is being honored as much for his community contributions as for his publishing career. ‘’He revolutionized boxing as we know it today and has made significant contributions to African-Americans and AfricanAmerican causes,’’ says Leavell. She also credits him for taking over and reviving the Call & Posts after the death of William O. Walker. ‘’Don King revived the Call and Post newspapers by hiring a professional staff that has maintained the high journalistic standards that was the mission set out by Mr. Walker.’’ This year’s Merit Awards will al-

so feature a new HIV/AIDS Education Award, sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Californiabased Black AIDS Institute, headed by HIV/AIDS activist Phill Wilson. Also, Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.); Keith Ellison (DMinn.); and Donna Christensen (D-V.I.) are among those confirmed to lead a Saturday morning health workshop. U. S. Sen.

the nation, will also hold an election of a new chair as Smith completes four years of leadership. The summer conference is the largest of four annual gatherings of the NNPA publishers. The other three are the annual winter conference, the September board

John B. Smith

Dorothy R. Leavell Roland Burris (D-Ill.), the only Black member of the U. S. Senate, in the throws of a re-election campaign, is also expected to address the publishers. NNPA, among the most powerful and most respected coalitions of journalists and publishers in


meetings during the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference, and Black Press Week in March. As the Black Press of America is nearly two centuries old, the annual summer conference illustrates the vitality and vibrancy of Black newspapers even as many of them are struggling during the historic economic downturn. “Corporations will have the opportunity to gain further insight about the significance of the Black Press of America, the high

Saturday, June 27, 2009

trust level of its readership, and how to be effective partners,” says Smith. This is particularly apropos as Black newspapers played a pivotal role in the election of the nation’s first Black President Barack Obama last year. NNPA members met at the White House with the President and First Lady during Black Press Week in March to give him the organization’s esteemed Newsmaker of the Year Award. This week’s conference is not all business. On Saturday night, after an afternoon blues concert, the publishers will venture to the Minnesota Orchestra Hall for a show featuring comedian/actor and author Bill Cosby. As many White-owned newspapers have shut their doors across the nation, the bond and unified mission among NNPA publishers continue to fortify its strength and survival. Forums pertaining to revenue and advertising growth will be a staple at the conference. But a major focus will also be placed on issues such as racism and social disparities that have either grown or remained steady in America. Concludes Smith, “Our theme, ‘Building Coalitions to Advance our Community: Educate, Empower, Inspire’, reflects our steadfast commitment to writing the stories tackling the issues that would otherwise go unheard.” 3



FATHER’S DAY IN RETROSPECT Father’s Day 2009 has come and gone, and hopefully there are a lot of fathers basking in the afterglow of attention that they received on that special day. Unfortunately, this day will be forgotten all too soon as we move on with our day to day lives. Actually, Father’s Day (and Mother’s Day) are very important events, and should not just be relegated to 24 hour celebrations once a year. The Bible talks about honoring our fathers and mothers so that our days will be long upon the Earth. The idea behind this is, apparently, that giving honor to those who gave us birth can, for whatever reason, help extend our lives. If this is the case, then the Black community is in trouble. According to some polls, more than 60% of all African American children are being raised in households without fathers. This means that more than half of all Black children in America are missing a very important ingredient in their lives. Are there consequences? It seems that there are. Black youth are killing each other at rates that would put the Ku Klux Klan to shame. They are doing the job that White supremacists don’t have to do. Arguably, one reason behind this phenomenon is the absence of positive direction that can come from the presence of fathers in the homes. Mothers offer unconditional love to their offspring. This seems to be their way. Even the mothers of people who have committed extremely heinous crimes are often defended by their moms, who take up for them. Fathers, on the other hand, offer discipline. They are the avenues for the expression of authority. They teach their offspring how to deal with society; how to make money; how to care for a family; and other important social constructs. Nature, as they say, abhors a vacuum. When fathers are missing, youth look for ways to compensate for this loss. Boys often join gangs; girls often get pregnant in a misguided attempt to get what they think is love from males. Indeed, arguably, a lot of the problems facing the African American community can be traced directly to the absence of fathers, and by extension, BOTH parents in the home. This situation will not abate until society, and especially Black men who leave their offspring to fend for themselves, begin to realize the important part that they play in the development of children. Though it is unrealistic to expect couples who don’t get along to stay together indefinitely, this does not mean that fathers can’t continue to play an important part in the lives of their children. Far too often, when couples split, the fathers assume that the mothers will single-handedly raise the children. This is erroneous – just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a mother AND a father to supply the armor that children need to navigate the waters of life. This points to the notion, therefore, that mindset behind Father’s Day (and Mother’s Day) should be extended year-round as we begin the arduous task of mending our families and, by extension, our communities.

There is no simple solution when it comes to municipalities and government agencies improving fuel economy and reducing emissions of their transit and fleet vehicles. This is especially true today when there are limited resources available to address a multitude of complex issues. Before municipalities spend hundreds of millions of dollars on hybrid vehicles, they should consider retrofitting their current vehicles with state-of-the art hydraulic braking and propulsion systems. These cost-efficient systems capture wasted brake energy and convert it to an auxiliary source of energy to power the vehicle. The realized reduction in fuel consumption and added years of useful life are economic advantages, while the reduction in harmful emissions from a renewable source of energy is a “green” benefit as well. It is important to note that retrofitting vehicles could create jobs immediately, as municipali-



Saturday, June 27, 2009

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Retrofitting Municipal Vehicles Promises to Create Jobs Provides Economic and Environmental Solutions for Municipalities Dear Editor:

ties and government agencies could begin the evaluation and conversion process right away. Purchasing new hybrid vehicles, while a costly endeavor, does not bring jobs to the area. The bottom line is that it makes economic and environmental sense for municipalities and government agencies to investigate the benefits of retrofitting before spending millions of dollars. Conducting a thorough vehicle asset analysis and having a comprehensive, executable plan in place are the best ways to conserve energy and maximize return on investment.

that operate with impunity and have entire neighborhoods living in fear. The problem has gotten so pervasive; it has driven Father Pfleger to use the flag to bring attention to the killings that occur almost daily. His voice seems to be the lonely voice crying out in the wilderness. Fitzgerald seems to (Continued on page 6)

Sincerely, Sam Jones


VOL. LXVIV NO. 9 JUNE 27 2009

Dear Editor: Atty. General Fitzgerald is to be commended for his remarks before the City Club where he tried to enlist the business community in the fight against gangs. However, he failed miserably to address the question of how does Chicago and other cities destroy, dismantle and or disperse gangs The Chicago Crusader


When Racists Call Us Racist By Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist When you get right down to it, you can call it just plain psychological warfare. It is pretty much what the maniacal propaganda minister for Adolph Hitler, Joseph Goebbels would say, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, then people will begin to believe

Harry C. Alford it”. That is what classic bigots of the far right movement are practicing when they claim that someone is a “racist” or a “reverse racist”. They exclaim that Affir-

mative Action is evil and is racist in principle. The real fact is that without Affirmative Action discrimination and the ills of racism fester and affect a targeted class in this nation, i.e. people of color and too often females regardless of color. Groups like the Rocky Mountain Legal Foundation, the Pacific Legal Foundation, the Southeaster Legal Foundation and the Associate General Contractors sue government agencies for applying Affirmative Action to offset past discriminatory practices claiming that the remedy is in fact illegal. We have the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which says it is illegal to discriminate with federal monies or through federal regulation or benefit from a federal program. The Supreme Court has confirmed that you can use Affirmative Action or race based remewhen there is dies documentation and specific application applied. The past discriminatory practices of this nation are legendary and they still exist whenever there is no regulation, monitoring or adequate justice evident. The life story of the Honorable Sonia Sotomayor is a fine exam-

ple. This remarkable Latina rose from the bricks of the South Bronx and was raised by her Puerto Rican immigrant parents through the obstacles of poverty. Her father died when she was nine years old and she has been on insulin since the age of eight. It wasn’t until after her father’s death that she became fluent in English. Still, with strong determination she applied herself and became a driven scholar. When the Civil Rights Act kicked in she was ready to take advantage of its purpose. Today, she is about to become an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court. It never would have happened without the efforts of the Civil Rights Movement and the establishment of the Civil Rights Act. Racism would have been an overwhelming obstacle as it was for so many before her. So it was so insulting that after an illustrious academic record at Princeton and Yale Law School that the Washington, DC law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridge told her in an interview that the only reason she was at Yale was because of Affirmative Action and not her skill set. Being the giant that she is, she

filed a formal complaint against the law firm. The official faculty/student review board found her complaint justified and the prestigious law firm had to deliver a formal written apology to her. I hope they learned from that lesson. Equally hideous are the claims by some pundants (with racist reputations) that she is a racist because of her pride in her heritage. No one of this ilk and prestigious accomplishments could have the handicap of bigotry. That is why she is about to become a Supreme Court Justice and they aren’t. In fact, there is no sitting Supreme Court Justice whose resume and accomplishments at the time of their nomination could come close to that of Judge Sotomayor. I dare say there has been no other Supreme Court nominee in the history of this nation with as much bonafides as she. She is going to be great and that will heighten the judgment of President Barack Obama – the one who nominated her. Oh yes, isn’t he another gifted child of God who got his chance through the Affirmative Action provided by the Civil Rights Act? It is just amazing how many

people of color have risen so fast as a result of the victorious Civil Rights Movement. “Cream” will always rise to the top and with the lid of bigotry declared illegal and out of our way we are witnessing that fact. So let us be vigilant and protect our liberties and the laws that were won by ourforefathers. We have come too far to turn around. The vile claims, lies and assertions by bigots with a microphone must not deter our progress. Let’s move on for we are just getting started. As the song says, “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now”. A Hispanic Supreme Court Justice is well overdue. It would have happened much earlier if it weren’t for racism. It is happening now because we are overcoming the racism of the past not because we are repeating it. Please don’t fall for the game. Congratulations Sonia Sotomayor and “Ndiyo Tunaweza” (“Yes We Can” in Swahili).

Harry Alford is the cofounder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Website: Email:

The Test of HIV Testing By George E Curry NNPA Special Correspondent WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Mamie Harris, executive director of IV-CHARIS, a Cincinnati faith-based HIV/AIDS support group, figured out the problem: Too few AfricanAmericans were being tested for HIV because the efforts to reach them were inefective, unimaginative and dated. So, the widow of a prominent local pastor initiatiated a series of innovative programs aimed at increasing the number of Black Ohioans being tested for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. “Everybody had gotten lathargic about HIV,” said the head of IV-CHARIS (Compassionate Hearts Assisting Rebuilding Instructing Serving). “We’ve been talking about this for 27 years and people had been hearing the same message and had the feeling that ‘I’ve heard this before.’ We’re trying to mobilize the community to attack the problem.” She isn’t the only one trying to mobilize African-Americans to get tested for HIV. Saturday, June 27, is National HIV TestThe Chicago Crusader

ing Day. And throughout the country, commmunity leaders and activists will urge people to get tested so that they can know their HIV status. If they are indeed HIV positive, the sooner they enter a treatment program, the better chance they will have of living longer. Although the final results are not in, early indications are that Cincinnati may be developing the prototype for coming up with innovative new ways to reach

Mamie Harris African-Americans, most of whom are being tested for the first time. In one instance, a local group that performs plays about contemporary issues, wanted to stage a play about HIV, but didn’t have

George E. Curry the resources to offer HIV testing to those in attendance. On the other hand, IV-CHARIS had the ability to test, but did not know how to reach those interested in attending the play. So, Mamie Harris and those who produced the play struck a deal: the actors would stick to the acting and Harris’ organization would do what it does best: offer testing and, if necessary, treatment and counseling referrals. Harris also found another unlikely place to test for HIV. “Some people didn’t want to be tested in public, so we threw a series of house parties,” she said. “We tested people there. We also had a Motown karaoke.” To complement those efforts,


emergency room employees began testing for HIV. Perhaps the most surprising result has been among Black churches, a conservative institution in a conservative city. So far, three churches have allowed Harris’ group to test on a Sunday – two after worship service and one that allowed members to get tested during the service and receive results before leaving. Through its special efforts, testing during the first quarter of this year is 1,500 above the normal testing load, Harris said. Her organization is partnering with local and state health departments, major civil rights organizations and other community groups to encourage more extensive testing. Nationally, HIV/AIDS is devestating the Black community: • Although African-Americans represent only 12 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for nearly half of all AIDS cases diagnosed in 2006; • Black women represented 66 percent of all new AIDS cases among women in 2006, nearly 15 times the rate among White women; • Although Black teens are only 16 percent of U.S. teenagers, they Saturday, June 27, 2009

account for 69 percent of new AIDS cases reported among teens in 2006 and • A recent 5-city survey found that 46 percent of Black men having sex with men were HIV positive, compared to 21 percent of White men in that same category. Despite those numbers, a study released by the Kaiser Family Foundation in April found some signs of hope. • African-Americans are more likely than Whites to have been tested for HIV (68 percent and 42 percent, respectively); • HIV testing was highest among young adults (18-29). Nearly half – 47 percent – of young African-Americans reported being tested in the last 12 months, compared to 23 percent of Whites. • African-Americans are more seriously concerned about HIV/AIDS than Whites. The Kaiser study also revealed some trends that could help health officials do a more effective job of planning. For example, 70 percent of youth (1829) said they have not been tested for HIV because they (Continued on page 14) 5


Worrill’s World

Critical Commentary

By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill

Pursuit of Obama

THE BATTLE OVER EGYPT ( D r . C o nr a d W o r r i l l i s t h e National Chairman of the Nat i o n a l B l a c k U n i t e d F r o nt ( N B U F ) l o c a t e d a t 1 8 0 9 E a st 71st Str eet, Chicago, Illinois, 6 0 6 4 9 , 7 7 3 - 4 9 3 - 0 9 0 0 , Fa x # 7 7 3 - 4 9 3 - 9 8 1 9 , E - m a i l : n b u fchic@sbcglo, Web site: Until recently, there had been a scholarly debate among European intellectuals, as well as some Blacks, on what they referred to as the peopling of ancient Egypt. What this question really posed was, “Who were the ancient Egyptians?”

Dr. Conrad Worrill Were they Black, white, mulatto, etc.? This issue has been at the core of European history, or better yet, European historiography (the science of how history is written) for more than two hundred years. This framework of European hegemony over the history of the world has had a devastating impact on African people and the African mind. It is in this context that we understand the intellectual devastation of the European conceptualization of the world order. We should understand this in relation to our movement for an African centered education aimed at helping our people come out from beneath this European intellectual assault. Let me use renowned African deep thinker, scholar, and ancestor, Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers’ paper he wrote entitled, “Race of Ancient Egyptians” in helping clarify this subject. This paper gives us the insights we need to understand in this regard. Dr. Carruthers observes, “The doctrine of white su6

premacy was launched by philosophers like David Hume who asserted in 1749 ‘I am apt to suspect the Negroes to be naturally inferior to the whites.’ This position was expressed in a different context by Montesquieu about the same time.” We are guided by Dr. Carruthers when he explains, “In the Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu asserted, ‘it is impossible for us to suppose these creatures to be men, because allowing them to be men, a suspicion would follow that we ourselves are not Christians.’ Montesquieu was justifying the enslavement of Africans that was one of the major reasons for inventing the doctrine of white supremacy.” Upon further examination, Dr. Carruthers reveals “Obviously the emerging doctrine could not gain credibility among those who were familiar with the traditional wisdom among Europeans that the ancient Africans of Egypt had achieved a very high level of civilization and had transmitted to the ancient Greeks many of the major ideas considered a part of Greek civilization.” Dr. Carruthers explains, “Several decades after the founding of the concept of white supremacy Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel supplied the solution of this latter difficulty when at the beginning of the 19th century, he asserted that Africa was ‘not a historical part of the world.’” Finally, Dr. Carruthers quotes Hegel to demonstrate the ultimate in European intellectual arrogance, Hegel states, “Historical movement in it that is its northern part belongs to the Asiatic or European world… Egypt will be considered in reference to its western phase, but it does not belong to the African spirit.” Through this conceptualization Dr. Carruthers reveals, “Thus Hegel took Egypt out of Africa and Africans out of Egypt. He also removed Africans from history.” As an outgrowth of this kind of thinking by European scholars, the field of Egyptology began to emerge. Egyptology as a field of study is the creation of the European mentality that seeks to gather evidence (arti-

Saturday, June 27, 2009

facts and antiquities) that supports the idea of the European origin of civilization. Egyptologists have literally attempted to remove Egypt from the geographical confines of Africa and reposited it within the geographical domain of Asia. The removal of Egypt from Africa serves a twofold purpose. First, it leads to the obvious idea that Egypt is not a part of Africa; therefore, its population could not have been Black. Secondly, it serves the purpose of implying that civilization did not begin with the Black race. Fortunately, we have always had Black scholars among us, who did not get trapped in the European conception of the world. It started with men like Hosea Easton, Henry Highland Garnett, and Martin R. Delany who “took the biblical myth of Ham and used it to establish Blacks as the authors of the great Nile Valley civilizations.” Also, “They… used ancient European works such as Herodotus, Diodorus and whatever modern works they could find. This tradition has been an honorable endeavor and has taught us much.” The old scrappers, according to Dr. Carruthers, “are still among us slugging it out as per our beloved Professor John G. Jackson.” Through the work of Senegalese scholar Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Théophile Obenga, Dr. Yosef ben Jochannan, and Chancellor Williams the origin of the ancient Egyptians should never ever be a question for African people. This question has been resolved. We should be clear that the ancient Egyptians (or more properly called, Kemetic people) were Black. Diop points out that Herodotus “after relating his eyewitness account informing us that the Egyptians were Black, demonstrated, with rare honesty (for a Greek), that Greece borrowed from Egypt all elements of her civilization even the cult of gods, and that Egypt was the cradle of civilization.” Our scholars, thinkers, and researchers should never again raise the questions of who the Egyptians were. Clearly, they were Black people. This question has been resolved!

By Maurice A. Clayton

The forty-fourth President of the United States is constantly holding press conferences about the state of even the smallest items that he thinks is relevant to the American people and oft times the World at large. Recently he brought to the American people a new way of subsidizing the “Health Care System.” Like little children they pushed on the obvious and refused to see the genius of the formula that was put together by him and his staff of capable individuals who know well about how the current system, which by the way is on the brink of collapse—the slightest injection of something as deadly swine flu a.k.a. H1N1 that has been the demise of thousands around the world and almost infested itself into many states here in the U.S. We found ourselves in an epidemic that could have wiped out thousands upon thousands more than likely it would have been the local doctor who would have administered what would have been needed to push back the threat of just that disease. America is on the brink of being a third world country when it comes to these types of diseases that would have surely crossed over onto our great nation that has a center that readies itself, known as the Center for

Maurice A. Clayton Disease Control which the World abling resources to keep America clean and clear. This President has made is self available to the press as a source of discrimination of all that has to be need for the American people and the World that is available for all to know about the world at hand. Nevertheless we always find that some in the White House press corps there is found persons sent their to disrupt and attempt to humiliate the President but not able to. The American people know that some of these reporters are working for the enemies of this President. HE IS AWARE—the GOP for example.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Continued from page 4) imply that the number of gang stant harassment to make gang members is so great (70,000 to life uncomfortable and unten100,000) that law enforcement is able. If law enforcement can’t or overwhelmed. Has he ever heard won’t get a handle on this probof eating an elephant one bite at a lem, then in a short time, the time? Take on one gang at a time. mnumber of gang members will continue to increase prompting Do something. Do anything. The public has a right to hear calls for the National Guard. more than the usual refrain, (The killing was gang related).Tell us Ned L. McCray which gang, where they hang out, who are the leaders and members, where do they meet, who controls the gang money and Tinley Park, Ill. weapons. What about methods Retired principal of such as gang infiltration and conSimeon H.S.


The Chicago Crusader

By Ima Gontellit D iscla imer: T he fo llo wing co lumn is a gossip column. We ask t h a t i t e m s c o n ta i n e d h e r e i n b e judged by individuals that read it as such and not as documente d f a c t s g a t h e r e d b y th e n e w s gathering personnel of this publicatio n. All sourc es submitting i t e m s t o T H E C H A T T ER B O X are confidential.

FROM WHENCE COMETH MY HELP? Folks in the ‘hood are hoping that Linda Johnson Rice will be able to right the ship at Johnson Publishing Company, who have seen much better financial days are faced with having to mortgage their headquarters, the pride and joy of the Black community.

remedy for that.


awhupping will cost his career. As the old ‘hood saying goes when you go to get one you bring one. A lesson Chris probably plays over and over in his head.

-ImaA WHUPPING THAT KEEPS ON WHUPPING Probably when Chris Brown just thought he had power over his main squeeze and could beat her rear if he wanted to, seems like a real bad dream about now. Lucky for him he was able to reach an agreement with girlfriend Rihanna this week, but not without a stiff penalty. He may not know how hard it is to stay away at least 50 feet from his honey that used to be thisclose. No more says the agreement and not for five (5) years. He also got to do some serious community service and one year trying to deal with the emotions that led him to


Chris Brown beat the daylights out of Rihanna. Well, the alternative was jail time, which he avoided when he agreed to the terms of the bargaining table. But what may be hard to measure is how much this

Here’s hoping the Fraternal Order of Police did not pay a consulting fee for the crazy advice to celebrate the Democratic National Convention’s riots that occurred here in Chi Town in 1968. You don’ t probably have to ask why and it sure is something the Daley’s may want to forget. It is an ugly historical occurrence that the whole world saw the Chicago Police beating the heck out of

demonstrators at the convention and our dearly beloved mayor cussing like a sailor and giving the orders to shoot to kill. Now the Fraternal Order of Police have said and done questionably things in the past, but this is way over the top. Maybe, just maybe a demonstration or two where he lives is in order. Perhaps he will then think twice about what he celebrates. -ImaUNCLE TOM STILL UNCLE TOMMING Clarence Thomas must have his eyes covered over with a different world than the rest of us ‘cause how he could he be the only jus(Continued on page 16)

This is personal. Linda Johnson Rice Most folks know when relatives visit from upsouth one of the main tourist attractions is Johnson Publishing Company. Now the slippery financial slope may not have started on Linda’s watch, but folks who say they know feel her uppity social scene and hiring folks with degrees and a pointer delegating every task to someone else has a whole lot to do with it. Which brings some folks to look toward Washington, D.C. and the White House when you can hardly find a Black business that fared well when the money was flowing like water and sure improved CNN, MSBC, Time Magazine, Newsweek, you name it on the other side, Now there is that “Black� advertising agency that must have kept a sizeable amount of the advertising dollars down in St. Louis, ‘cause ask any Black newspaper except the one that claims he has fared well under some Black NICs like Harold Washington, and they will tell you they were dissed by the Black candidate for President. Now Linda is walking a tightrope to keep that wonderful headquarters building from being taken over by the R.R. Donnelly printing company. Sometimes when we win we don’t win. Ima sure needs to find a The Chicago Crusader

My mother was the cornerstone of our family. When she was diagnosed with colon cancer, it was like the whole family got cancer. She died when she was only 56. Let my heartbreak be your wake-up call. Terrence Howard, actor/musician

Photo: Andrew Macpherson

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the U.S., but it is largely preventable. If you’re 50 or older, please get screened. Screening finds precancerous polyps, so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. And screening finds colorectal cancer early, when treatment works best. If you’re at increased risk— if you have a personal or family history of polyps or colorectal cancer, or you have inflammatory bowel disease— ask your doctor when to start screening. Screening saves lives.

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Saturday, June 27, 2009


S U M M E R R EA D S F O R ADULTS: Reading interesting books about the life and times of President Abraham Lincoln, during the Chicago Public Library’s 2009 Land of Lincoln Readers: Summer Reads for Adults program is great, but the Library wants more. The Chicago Public Library invites the public to enhance their summer reading by participating in the variety of informative, thought–provoking and fun author talks, lectures, and performances that support the Land of Lincoln Readers: Summer Reads for Adults program. During the month of June, come in and bring a friend to the Chicago Public Library as it hosts a series of free Summer Reads for Adults programs. Upcoming programs include: Momma Kemba performing as Harriet Tubman, Saturday, June 27, 1 pm, at the Rogers Park Branch, 6907 N. Clark Street (312- 744-0156). Join local historian Momma Kemba for a dramatic presentation of an important woman from America’s history. Another program features Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Our Histories, Our Stories on Monday, June 29, 6:30 pm, at the Harold Washington Library Center, 400 S. State Street, Cindy Pritzker Auditorium. Join educator and author Henry Louis Gates, Jr., host of the PBS series African American Lives as he discusses, with author & journalist Rick Kogan, how history and personal stories are intertwined. HYDE PARK ART CENTER EVENTS: Fryvalry will be featured on Saturday, June 27, from 3 pm – 6 pm. (bring your own fry items). Ready to finally settle the score between vegetarians and meat-lovers? As part of Artists Run Chicago, watch Phillip Von Zweck and Kevin Jennings face off in the Hyde Park Art Center’s first ever Fryvalry. In their words, the event consists of “two deep fat fryers (one vegetarian, one meatetarian): you bring it, we fry it, you eat it.” A Tai Chi Workshop is scheduled for Sunday, June 28, 1:30pm. Tai chi is an ancient martial art-based exercise that is a series of flowing movements. It is a moving meditation that can strengthen legs, improve coordination and reduce stress. Join them for this free workshop taught by instructors from Three Pillars Health and Fitness. On Tuesday, June 30, History of Spaces Panel Discussion will take place from 6 pm -8 pm. This is a discussion highlighting the preMillennium contributions to the Chicago grassroots arts scene. Hear from panelists including Lynne Warren, Barbara Koenen, Lane Reylea, and Michael Ryan on the Do-It-Yourself artist cul8


ture that drives the contemporary art system locally, nationally and internationally. All of the foregoing events are free. The Hyde Park Art Center is located at 5020 S. Cornell Avenue in Chicago. For more information, call 773-3245520 or visit

BABIES“R”US TO HOST WORKSHOP TO HELP NEW AND EXPECTANT PARENTS LEARN ABOUT CAR SAFETY SEATS: Babies“R”Us, the nation’s premier baby products retailer, will host a complimentary Buckle Up & Boogie Workshop, sponsored by Britax, where new and expectant parents will learn about the features and benefits of car safety seats as well as how to safely select, properly use and correctly install the seats. Attendees will learn about the features and benefits of car seat safety as well as watch a video from Safe Kids Worldwide, the world’s leading childhood injury prevention organization, about baby safety. As the baby product authority, Babies“R”Us workshops offer reliable information and expert insight on the latest baby products, as well as an opportunity for local parents to network, share advice and swap stories. All workshops are free and open to new and expectant parents, grandparents and caregivers. They are held the last Tuesday of every month, and the next one is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30, 6:30 pm, at all Babies“R”Us stores nationwide. For more information, please contact your local Babies“R”Us store. IPN ANNOUNCES 2009 BASTIAT PRI ZE COMPETI TION: Human freedom is of paramount importance, yet it is under attack around the world. For the eighth year, International Policy Network (IPN), a global think tank based in London, is accepting submissions for its annual Bastiat Prize for Journalism. The Prize is open to writers anywhere in the world whose published articles eloquently and wittily explain, promote and defend the principles and institutions of the free society. Submissions must be received on or before Tuesday, June 30, 2009. There is a New Prize for Online Journalism this year-IPN will award two prizes. In addition to the Bastiat Prize for Journalism (First $10,000; Second - $4,000; Third - $1,000), they will award a Bastiat Prize for Online Journalism (one winner only, $3,000). Entrants are allowed to compete in just one (not both) of the competitions, and are limited to writings in English. For ore information, and Rules for 2009 Bastiat Prize for Journalism & Entry, go

Saturday, June 27, 2009

to: Form: tent_id=95. Rules for 2009 Bastiat Prize for Online Journalism & (separate) Entry can be found at Form: tent_id=96. Finalists will be invited to a ceremony in New York in October 2009, where the winners will be announced.


AND INDUSTRY FREE FARMERS MARKETS: In conjunction with the exhibit Smart Home: Green + Wired, Powered by ComEd and the Mayor’s Office of Special Events, the Museum will be hosting FREE farmers markets in the East Parking Lot from June through October 2009—on the first and third Fridays of the month. Browse seasonal offerings from local growers

and purveyors including fresh fruits, vegetables, baked goods, local goods, plants, and flowers. The next market and cooking demo will occur, weather permitting, on the following date: Friday, July 3. (Museum general admission is also FREE on these days!) Visit www. for additional details. Admission to the Museum or Smart Home is not required.

Extended Coverage

CO OK COUNTY COMMISSIO NER William Beavers (front row center) helps Jewe l Stor e Director Mike Binder (front row right) and Osco Store Director Kimberly Baker (front row left) cut the ribbon at the remodelled Jewel-Osco at 1655 East 95th Street. Jewel-Osco executives also celebrated the grand re-opening of the store at 7530 South Stony Island.

Did you know that July and August are the worst months for burglaries? Makes sense. That's when more people are away on vacation, and burglars know it. *** Be smart. Before you go away, arrange to have your home look: as if you're still there. Set automatic timers to tum lights on and off at the usual times. Radio. too. Adjust your thermostat: no higher than 85 in summer, no lower than 55 in winter. *** Unless you have an in-tile-door mail slot~ ask the post office to hold your mail. Stop newspaper deliveries. Ask a neighbor to take in any unexpected packages. *** Install a monitored burglar alarm and add window decals or signs to that effect. Let the security service and/or your local police know that the house will be empty. *** Leave a key with a friend or neighbor in case of emergency. Never "hide" one outside, though; burglars know where to look. ***

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The Chicago Crusader


Chicago Department of Family and Support Services and Colgate-Palmolive empower youth by supporting local summer employment program Chicago Youth Benefit from 2009 Colgate P.O.W.E.R. Initiative The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services recently kicked off Mayor Daley’s Youth Ready Chicago summer jobs program as part of ColgatePalmolive’s 2009 Colgate P.O.W.E.R. (Preparing Our World through Education and Responsibility) initiative. For nearly a decade, the collaboration between Colgate-Palmolive and Youth Ready Chicago has provided tens of thousands of Chicago youth with employment experience and the chance to develop the necessary tools and selfconfidence needed to succeed in the workplace. This year’s program will not only include summer job placement but also workshops ranging in topics from effective communication skills to proper work attire. Program participants will also have the opportunity to attend motivational speeches by local business leaders and Youth Ready Chicago program partners. “We are proud to partner with Colgate P.O.W.E.R. again to provide workforce training to youth through Mayor Daley’s Youth Ready Chicago summer jobs program,” said Mary Ellen Caron,

Commissioner, Chicago Department of Family and Support Services. Colgate P.O.W.E.R. partners annually with local governments and Mayors’ offices to support youth development and career placement programs nationwide. Since 1990, Colgate-Palmolive has awarded grants to select cities to benefit summer employment programs. To date, Colgate-Palmolive alongside local retailers has awarded over $2.5 million in grants and approximately 350,000 youth participants have received valuable job training and work experience as a result. “Colgate is committed to encouraging and uplifting America’s youth and our P.O.W.E.R. program has had a lasting and positive effect on young adults nationwide,” said Meg Bai, Multicultural Marketing, Colgate-Palmolive. “We’re pleased to join Chicago’s Department of Family and Support Services to support Youth Ready Chicago and the young people of Chicago. Our goal is to provide them with the skills, work ethic and opportunities necessary to help ensure future success.” The Chicago Department of Family and Support Services continues to encourage local businesses to take part in Mayor Da-

LEKESHIA WILSON (l-r) from Colgate-Palmolive and Tracy Krogstie from Jewel-Osco present a check for $10,000 to Commissioner Mary Ellen Caron to support employment and training for Chicago youth. ley’s Youth Ready Chicago sum- nies that participate in the pro- that might not otherwise be able mer jobs program. Companies gram are expected to pay at least to afford one. that choose to participate in the minimum wage to Youth Ready For more information on Mayprogram will be matched with a Chicago employees while retain- or Daley’s Youth Ready Chicago young person who has been pre- ing their services for six to eight Summer Jobs Program, please screened to fit their employment weeks during the summer. visit criteria. Companies not able to hire a or call 877-587-WORK (TTY: All Youth Ready Chicago appli- youth employee for the summer 877-587-9889). cants will also be trained in prop- may also become a Youth Ready er workplace conduct and will re- Chicago corporate sponsor. A To learn more about the Colceive mentoring for the duration $2,400 donation supports the gate P.O.W.E.R. initiative, please of their summer employment at employment of a youth for a visit the Company’s website at no cost to the employer. Compa- community-based organization

ComEd Providing up to $3.5 million in Summer Assistance Credits $30 credit during summer months equivalent of running medium-sized air conditioner for 250 hours

during the summer and in this economic climate, ComEd understands that customers may need some additional help paying their bills,” said Anne Pramaggiore, ComEd president and chief operating officer. “We want customers to know about our ComEd CARE programs and access the more than $15 million in assistance and energy education funding that’s available this year to help customers most in need.” The summer assistance credit comes as declines in the cost of wholesale electricity and lower transmission charges will decrease the average residential customer’s total monthly bill by approximately $8 beginning in June, when new wholesale power contracts take effect. In addition to summer assistance, ComEd offers other bill payment assistance programs to eligible customers, including:

uation. Small Business and Nonprofit Energy Assistance - A one-time variable grant for eligible small businesses or nonprofit organization that can demonstrate a special circumstance or hardship.

What can be done with $30 dollars? For customers eligible for the ComEd CARE Summer Assistance program, $30 is a one-time bill credit, the equivalent of running a medium-size window air conditioner for 250 hours – or approximately three to four hours per day for three summer months. Already, ComEd has issued $1.4 million in summer assistance credits but funds are limited – so customers who qualify should sign up now at a local administering agency. (See attached document for a list of agencies.) The program is open to all ComEd customers with household incomes of up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level ($42,400 for a family of four) who are not approved for LIHEAP. Customers who received summer assistance in 2008 but who were not LIHEAP eligible will have this $30 credit automatically applied to their accounts. “Electricity usage tends to go up

Residential Special Hardship – A one-time variable grant of up to $1,000 for eligible customers with household incomes up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level who can document a hardship sit-

The Chicago Crusader


C.H.A.M.P. (ComEd Helps Activated Military Personnel) – Services and benefits for activated members of the military, including a one-time cash stipend, deferred billing arrangement, extended due dates and much more.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Deferred Payment Arrangement Budget Billing For more information about ComEd CARE programs, visit or call 1-888806-CARE (2273).



S alv a tio n Ar m y R ea che s 9 0 Pe r ce n t o f F ir s t Fu nd r ais in g G o al f o r R ay a nd J o an K r o c C o r p s C o mm u n i ty Ce n te r Programs already making a difference in community The Salvation Army announced Tuesday that the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center campaign committee has raised $16.4 million, or 90 percent of its initial $18.3 million fundraising goal and is on schedule to begin site development this fall and construction next year.

Lt. Colonel David E. Grindle, Chicago Metropolitan Divisional Commander of The Salvation Army. “The Salvation Army and the Kroc Center are all about facing tough times and making them a little easier. The Kroc Center is already making a difference. We are on the ground every day in West Pullman, running programs, working with kids, supporting the

music instruction in band percussion, keyboard and choir; a variety of sports day camps; Sunbeam and Adventure Corps youth programs; career days; health fairs; and a “Green Club,” in which students plant and harvest a community garden and learn about the environment. “We’re not waiting to make a difference in West Pullman and the South Side of our city. We are

F R O M L E F T , LT . C o l on e l D a v i d E . G r i n d l e i n t r od u c e s Salvation Army Soldier Vincent Johnson to deliver the invocat i o n a t a p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e fo r T h e S a l v a t i on A r m y R a y a n d Joan Kroc Corps Community Center on June 10. During the press conference it was announced that the Kroc Center campaign committee has raised 90 percent of the first fundraising goal is on target to begin site development on the center this fall and construction next year. The Salvation Army also prev i e w e d t h e k e y p r o g r a m s a n d se r v i c e s a l r e a d y u n d e r w a y i n West Pullman, the site of the future Kroc Center, and presented the latest schematic building designs. Once completed, the Kroc Center will be a center of unprecedented scope and size, offering an array of education, sports, arts and support programs for people of all ages never before available in a single Chicago facility. at work now and we believe our outreach and service is just a glimpse of what we will be able to do as we continue to work toward completion of the Kroc Center,” Col. Grindle said. Kroc Center will address key

community needs by creating jobs and combating violence The Salvation Army team and the Kroc Center will be particularly focused on the serious and growing issues of community vio(Continued on page 11)

MEMBERS OF The Salvation Army’s Adventure Corps pose with Salvation Army Major David Harvey. The Adventure Corps students were honored at the Court of Awards Ceremony on May 28. More than 40 children were recognized for their participation in the character building programs sponsored by the Salvation Army. The Sunbeam and Adventure Corps students earned badges in Friendship, Personal Safety, First Aid, and Patriotism. “Our progress is a powerful tes- community and laying the tament to the strong merits of this groundwork for the future Kroc project and the need and desire Center.” Kroc Team Already Making a for the Kroc Center on the Far Difference in West Pullman South Side of our city,” said Judy The Army has put together a Keller, a major Chicago civic Kroc Project Team of instructors leader and co-chair of the Kroc and program officers who, for the Center Capital Campaign Compast two years, have been running mittee. “It’s hard to overestimate a wide range of arts, how challenging raising funds is educational, sports and afterright now, yet we are reaching our school programs and summer goal. The determination and camps for students at three generosity of Chicago’s philanschools near the Kroc Center site thropic community has kept this at 119th Street and Loomis: Higimportant project moving forgins Community Academy, Johnward,” Keller said. STUDENTS FROM HIGGINS Community Academy band and drum line performed at a press nie Coleman Academy and In addition to two anonymous conference for The Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center on June 10. lead gifts of $5 million and $8 Fenger Academy High School. During the press conference it was announced that the Kroc Center campaign committee has million, the campaign has re- Seven months ago, The Salvation raised 90 percent of the first fundraising goal is on target to begin site development on the cenceived donations from a broad Army opened a Kroc Center Prorange of individuals, organiza- ject Office at 11357 S. Halsted as ter this fall and construction next year. The Salvation Army also previewed the key programs a base of operations for the Kroc and services already underway in West Pullman, the site of the future Kroc Center, and presenttions and foundations. ed the latest schematic building designs. Once completed, the Kroc Center will be a center of “These are tough times for fami- project team. Just a sampling of specific prounprecedented scope and size, offering an array of education, sports, arts and support programs lies and the need for the Kroc Center is greater than ever,” said grams currently underway are for people of all ages never before available in a single Chicago facility. 10

Saturday, June 27, 2009


The Chicago Crusader


Freshman Class breaks ground on new high school campus Noble Street Network of Charter Schools, family of Land’s End founder Gary Comer partner to create South Side college prep program Nearly 140 high school freshmen, school officials and community leaders broke ground on the new $20 million Gary Comer College Prep (GCCP) building in the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood on Tuesday, June 9, 2009. The building is scheduled to open in August 2010, and will serve more than 575 students in grades 9-12 when fully enrolled. GCCP is the first South Side campus of Noble Street Charter School, which is among the high-

est-ranked non-selective high schools in the city. About 95 percent of seniors graduate each year, and 86 percent go on to post-secondary education. The school currently operates inside the Gary Comer Youth Center, which opened in 2006 to serve youth from the surrounding community. Funding for the construction project comes from a gift from the family of the late Gary Comer, founder of Land’s End clothing company and a native of the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood, federal new market tax credits facilitated by the City of Chicago, and financing by Northern Trust. Members of the South Shore Drill Team perform at the ground

FROM LEFT: LESLIE HAIRSTON, 5th Ward Alderman; Michael Milkie, superintendent and CEO, Noble Network of Charter Schools; Guy Comer, executive director, Comer Science and Education Foundation; Jacqueline Wilson, student, Gary Comer College Prep; and James Lett, student, Gary Comer College Prep break ground on the new Gary Comer College Prep building in Chicago’s Greater Grand Crossing community. breaking ceremony for the new Gary Comer College Prep campus.

MEMBERS OF THE South Shore Drill Team perform at the ground breaking ceremony for the new Gary Comer College Prep campus.

About Gary Comer Youth Center The Gary Comer Youth Center, located in Chicago’s Greater Grand Crossing community on the South Side, offers positive extracurricular alternatives in a welcoming and safe environment. Opened in 2006 with a $30 million gift from the late Gary Comer, GCYC’s mission is to provide the support for all of its students to graduate from high school, prepared to pursue college and careers. In addition to its youth pro-

gramming, the Center offers numerous special events and activities open to the broader public throughout the year. Learn more at About Noble Network of Charter Schools Noble Street Charter School is a multi-campus charter public high school serving students throughout Chicago since 1999. The school is among the highestranked non-selective high schools in the city. About 95 percent of seniors graduate each year, and 86 percent go on to post-secondary education. Learn more at

S al v at i o n A r m y R ea c he s 9 0 P e r c e n t o f Fi r s t Fu nd r ai s i n g (Continued from page 10) lence and job loss. The Kroc Center will create about 300 construction jobs during its twoyear construction phase. Once open, it will create more than 200 permanent, full- and part-time jobs. The Kroc center team will also provide job readiness and training programs. In addition, the construction of a state-of-the-art community center in West Pullman has tremendous potential to improve the economic stability of the surrounding neighborhood, attracting new business and creating additional jobs. The Salvation Army’s Kroc Center in San Diego has been a catalyst for the growth and revitalization of the Rolando neighborhood. Helping to build a safer community will also be a priority for the Kroc Center. “Violence has increased more on the southeast and far south side of Chicago than any other area of the city,” Grindle said. “In West Pullman alone there have been The Chicago Crusader

eight homicides and 734 violence crimes in the past year. In neigh-

boring Roseland, less than a mile from the Kroc Center site, there

ARIEL TAYLOR (left to right), Jad a H arris, Egy pt Watson, Jazmi ne Ta te from Higgins Communi ty Academ y re cite the Sunbeam pledge at the Sunbeam and Adventure Corps Court of Awards Ceremony on May 28. More than 40 children were r e c o g n i z e d f o r t h e i r p a r t i c ip a t io n i n t h e c h a r a c t e r b u il di n g p r o g r a m s s p o n s o r e d b y T h e S a l v a t i o n A r m y . T h e S un b e a m and Adventure Corps students earned badges in Friendship, Personal Safety, First Aid, and Patriotism.


have been a staggering 19 homicides and 1,254 violent crimes.” “The Kroc Center will offer a safe haven, preventing violence by providing positive alternatives to the destructive influence of gang involvement. Every day we get closer to opening the Kroc Center, we are one day closer to giving young people positive choices, and one day closer to providing education and job training for people struggling to get back on their feet. The need for the opening of the Kroc Center grows more urgent by the day. “ Latest Building Schematics Released The Salvation Army unveiled the latest Kroc Center building schematics and renderings developed by the architectural firm Antunovich and Associates. The new building design represents a change from the original design of architect Helmut Jahn, but incorporates many of his elements and his vision for the building. The latest design includes every facility and component of the original, but will enSaturday, June 27, 2009

able construction to be phased so that the Kroc Center becomes operational at the earliest possible moment. “In this economic climate, where there is competition for funding, we need to maximize every dollar we invest in this building,” Grindle said. “The revised design of the Kroc Center will help us achieve much needed cost savings without compromising any facilities or programs and assure that we stay within our original construction budget and reduce ongoing maintenance costs.” “It has been a great honor to work with Helmut Jahn,” continued Grindle. “His vision and immeasurable contributions to this project still guide us. We are extremely proud and fortunate to be working with another world-caliber architect in Antunovich and Associates, who will help us see the Kroc Center through to completion with a design for a wonderful building that is still architecturally significant,” Grindle said. 11



A Review by Bonnie DeShong

By Elaine Hegwood Bowen, MSJ

Imagine That If all the cuddly, feel-good, nurturing, bonding, fantastic moments shared between Eddie Murphy and his daughter in Imagine That could be bottled, then certainly the world would be a better place. In Imagine That, Murphy plays financial executive Evan Danielson, who is looking to make greater inroads at work, as he battles for prominence in the firm that is headed by Ronny Cox, who plays Tom Stevens. Thomas Haden Church plays Johnny Whitefeather, Murphy’s nemesis at work; whose grandstanding and fake Native American antics prove to be his professional downfall. Murphy stumbles upon what’s perceived as make-believe magic that seems to be the one thing, along with her security blanket, that keeps his 7-year-old daughter, Olivia, played by Yari Shahidi, sane, as she comes to spend a few days at Murphy’s home. Imagine That is such a great down-to-earth family movie, across the board. It shows the bonding between Murphy and Shahidi; a relationship between Murphy and his best friend and his family; as well as the commitment of a divorced couple to work together to make sure that the young girl is the centerpiece and that her needs are met. Now, at first Murphy isn’t that enthusiastic about taking care of his daughter, and he has a maid who makes thing much easier. And once he lets go and finds that comfort level; things get crazy—but this wackiness only serves to strengthen the fatherdaughter relationship. Shahidi is an adorable little girl, who seems to love her security blanket and imaginary princess friends more than her father. But this blanket gives way to a magical world that somehow provides Murphy with stock tips that keep him on his game at work—finding him favor with his boss and clients. This is Shahidi’s first movie, after having honed her 9-year-old acting skills doing commercials and print ads. She uses her charms to bring Murphy closer to her, as he’s always busy with work—using three monitors in


E D D I E MU R P H Y A S E v a n D a n i e l s o n a n d Y a r a S h a h i d i a s Olivia Danielson in "Imagine That. his home office, with constantly head of his own division. vibrating Blackberry to boot. One classic scene has Murphy But one day when Shahidi visits and Shahidi preparing pancakes; her father at his office, he offers it illustrates Murphy’s comedic up a stock tip about a marriage timing, as well as shows what has between two firms (that had ear- made him a great funnyman. lier been depicted in a drawing by If any lessons can be gleaned Shahidi), and this tip turns out to from Imagine That, it’s that famibe a money maker. ly comes first and the love beAfter it’s discovered that Shahi- tween a father and his daughter di’s security blanket has magical can be strengthened and dispowers, Murphy becomes ob- played in creative ways. sessed—even to the brink of Murphy is great in this movie, breaking into his buddy’s home after having what I think has during a kid sleepover to confis- been dismal success lately in Holcate the blanket—and this act lywood. Shahidi is on the road to saddens his daughter and brings stardom also; she’s simply shame to Murphy, as he’s caught adorable! trying to sneak out of the house. But in the end, Murphy reAnd the storyline is one that’s— deems himself in the eyes of his although magical—still believdaughter, and her mom, played able in a world where too many by Nicole Ari Parker, and his children are without their fathers. friends. And somehow through- It’s just a simple plot, with a out the madness, he also tri- young girl seeking to find her umphs at work to become the place in her father’s stressful life.

Margaret (Sandra Bullock) is the non-feeling, no nonsense, and selfish editor in chief of a book publishing company. Her unappreciated assistant Andrew (Ryan Reynolds) is at her beck and call in hopes of one day being promoted to editor. The unthinkable happens when Margaret is informed that her visa has expired immigration is about to deport her back to Canada. What does Margaret do? Take charge of course and order Andrew to marry her so she can stay in the country. She assumes that Andrew is poor and spineless and he will do what ever she says do, however she says do it. Andrew agrees to marry her if he in turn gets something he wants out of the deal. They head off to Andrew’s hometown in Alaska and the good stuff starts. I am a big fan of Sandra Bullock. She is great in romantic

comedies and she has warmth about her. Some people are comparing her performance to that of Meryl Streep. There isn’t any, can’t be, and shouldn’t be a comparison. Sandra Bullock gives you warmth in her coldness. You see and feel the ice wall melt as she gets to know Andrew’s family. Ryan Reynolds is enjoyable as Andrew. He brings dimension to Andrew’s personality. You see him go from spineless assistant to “I am Man, watch me roar” as the film moves through the story. Betty White as Grandma Annie, Mary Steenburgen as Andrew’s mom and Craig T. Nelson as Andrew’s dad, really brought the right seasoning to the film. The Proposal is a great date film or one for the girls to get together and see before heading out for dinner and a glass of wine. Spend the money and see it on the big screen.

OLIVIA PROUDLY POURS mustard, as well as other condiments, on panca kes that she and her fa the r, Evan, ma de together, before watching him reluctantly eat them.

The NEW Four-One-One By Raymond Ward will return next week 12

Saturday, June 27, 2009


The Chicago Crusader


The Bookworm Sez

“Maneaterâ€? By Mary B. Morrison and Noire Maybe you go way back to grade school or before, or maybe you met on the job three years ago. She’s got your passwords and you’ve got her favorite shoes in your closet. You’ve swapped homework, advice, and secrets. And when things are rough, your girls are in speed-dial and they’ll come running. In the new book “Maneaterâ€?, featuring novellas by Mary B. Morrison and Noire, you’ll see that men may come and men may go but if they cross a sistah, they’d best be running, too. When a woman is planning her wedding, she has certain details in mind. Most of all, she wants to hear her husband-to-be tell her that she’s beautiful. She does not want him to say she’s fat. So when Maverick Maxamillion tells his fiancĂŠ, Seven, that she needs to lose some serious weight before their wedding, Seven is devastated. But in “Character of a Manâ€? by Mary B. Morrison, “I doâ€? turns quickly into “I don’tâ€?.

Growing up on Chicago’s South Side, Maverick had a rough life. His father was a violent man who beat his wife and threw his son out of the house early-on. But success is the best revenge and Maverick is very successful. He’s a millionaire several times over and he gets what he wants, even if he has to pay for it. Hating his father, Maverick decides to buy some pay-back. And while he’s at it, he decides to buy a wife but it doesn’t matter if it’s Seven or her best friend, Zena. Before he gets married, though, Maverick needs to ditch the man he loves. Away at a women-only erotic paradise, can Seven see through his lies? Dirty, Dastardly, and Depraved. Those are the nicknames of three football players who live up to those monikers. In “Sugar-HoneyIce-Tee� by Noire, Blow, Nap, and Tomere have money and women, and they’re playahs as well as players. They should know better than to play against sistahs. Football’s training season is no time to mess around, and everybody knew that Blow meant business. So when an up-and-comer

came to the top of the roster, Blow and his boyz planned revenge. They hit Charlie high and low, snapping his knee and ending his career. Neither Blow, nor Nap, nor Tomere feared any man, so they weren’t worried about Charlie’s friends. They didn’t know about Charlie’s girls. Quick to read and perfect for vacation, “Maneater� is one of those books you can’t put down because it’s nasty, hott, and filled with things you wish you dared to do. Although I loved author Mary B. Morrison’s contribution, I was disappointed to note that her story continues in another book, which appears to be a Morrison writing trait. Author Noire weighs in with a tale that has an ending you’ll see coming a mile away, but getting there is worth the trip. Be aware that “Maneater� has erotic scenes and “four-letter� words in it. But if you’re in search for relaxing fun or a bookgroup book, this is one you’ll eat up. c.2009, Dafina Books $24.00 / $29.45 Canada 308 pages, includes bonus material

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The Chicago Crusader


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Publication: Chicago Crusader 10 x 7

Saturday, June 27, 2009

AD: G.Steward Copywriter: K.Humphries Production: K.Smiles Account Service: S.Burroughs



Road to Freedom exhibit now at the Field Museum Exhibit is special tribute to National Urban League Conference coming to Chicago in July More than 150 compelling images of the Civil Rights Movement are on view at The Field Museum as the Chicago Urban League and The Field Museum present Road to Freedom: Photographs of the Civil Rights Movement 1956-1968. Now open to the public, the exhibit runs through September 7, 2009. Road to Freedom is presented in conjunction with this summer’s National Urban League conference in Chicago, hosted by the Chicago Urban League. “As thousands prepare to flock to Chicago in search of solutions to challenges facing urban communities, Road to Freedom will be an important reminder that we are a nation of overcomers,” said Cheryle R. Jackson, Chicago Urban League president and CEO. “I am grateful for this partnership with The Field Museum and thank our sponsors for bringing this powerful exhibit to Chicago.” “Target is honored to partner with the Chicago Urban League and to be a part of such an important exhibit, Road to Freedom, that represents a key milestone and turning point for America,” said Laysha Ward, president, community relations, Target. “As a company, we are dedicated to celebrating diversity and believe in the power of partnerships like this to foster an appreciation and understanding of various cultures, traditions and points of view.” Taken by artists, photojournalists, and amateurs alike, Road to Freedom’s gripping photos played a crucial role in shedding light on the atrocities of racism, shaping public opinion and spurring a

revolution that changed a nation. Special to The Field Museum, Road to Freedom is a unique opportunity for Chicagoans and tourists of all ages to view key moments from the Civil Rights Movement. “Road to Freedom revisits one of the defining moments in American history, when our great nation was caught in one of the most tumultuous social struggles of our time,” said John W. McCarter, Jr., president and CEO of The Field Museum. “I urge everyone to see this important exhibition.” The Road to Freedom: Photographs of the Civil Rights Movement 1956-1968 exhibit is organized by the High Museum of Art, Atlanta and supported by the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art. Target serves as the Presenting Sponsor and BP and The Boeing Company serve as Executive Sponsors. “The Boeing Company is a proud partner in the economic development work and mission of the Chicago Urban League,” said James Bell, corporate president and chief financial officer. “Their commitment to growing and securing the futures of minority businesses and communities in and around Chicago is extraordinary.” Valerie Corr, director of government and public affairs at BP remarks, “The Road to Freedom is a remarkable voice that vividly speaks about such an important period in this country and how we once knew it. Our participation is one way we express our commitment to the communities where we do business.” The 2009 National Urban League Conference, which takes place in Chicago from Wednes-

BETH REE (pictured left to right), Group Manager-Community Relations, Target; Cheryle R. Jackson, presi dent and CEO , Chicago Urba n Le ague; Earnestine Rod ge rs Robinson; Juli an C o x , c ur a t o r o f p h o t o g r a p h y , H i g h M u s e um , A t l a n t a ; L e v e r n e K n i g h t o n , s e n i o r s p e c i a l i s t , Target, and; Timuel Black, historian. They recently attended the opening reception for Road to Fre ed om: Photogr aphs of the Ci vil Rights Move ment 1956-1968 a t T he Fi eld Museum , which is on display until September. Presented by the Chicago Urban League and The Field Museum, the exhibit features gripping photos taken by artists, photojournalists, and amateurs that played a crucial role in shedding light on the atrocities of racism; shaping public opinion and spurring a revolution that changed a nation. day, July 29 to Saturday, August 1, will draw upon Chicago’s world class city appeal and attract an estimated 10,000 attendees. Using the theme “Path to Power,” political, community, business and thought leaders will share their expertise and stories of success and encourage others to develop solutions to the challenges facing their communities. Over the four day actionpacked conference, participants will have access to more than 350 exhibits, 100 recruiters from toplevel companies from across the U.S. ready to hire on-the-spot, 18 workshops and 90 invited speakers and presenters including President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama; Kenneth

R E V E R E N D J E S S E J A C K S O N (l - r ) , G o v e r n o r P a t Q u i n n , Y v e t t e M o y o , F o u n d e r a n d Executive Director of Real Men Charities and cook Paul Carter take time to share this photo moment at the 20th anniversary of the Father’s Day celebration held for the first time at the new Kennedy-King College. (Photo by Russell Barnes) 14

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lewis, CEO of Bank of America and author and radio host Dr. Michael Eric Dyson. Scheduled entertainers and actors to grace the conference include En Vogue, Ne-Yo, Tracie Ellis Ross, Terrence Howard and Gabrielle Union.

For more information about the Chicago Urban League, the National Urban League Conference or programming around the Road to Freedom exhibit visit or call 773-285-5800.

The Test of HIV Testing (Continued from page 5) don’t think they are at risk. Addi- vidual always has the right to opttionally, most people (65 percent) out of such testing.” In the early stages of the episaid they decided to get tested because they thought it was a good demic, the CDC recommended idea. Twenty-six percent said they that only those in high-risk catewere tested at the suggestion of a gories, such as gay men and intrahealth care provider, 21 percent venous drug users, be regularly were tested because they feared tested. In 2006, the CDC recomthey might be infected and 9 per- mended that everyone 13 to 65 be cent were tested because a partner tested, including during regular office visits and after being taken recommended it. More than 1 million people in to hospital emergency rooms. the U.S. are living with HIV or However, health care officials say AIDS and about 25 percent don’t those recommendations have been generally ignored. know it, according to the CDC. The Los Angeles-based Black C. Virginia Fields, president and CEO of the National Black Lead- AIDS Institute has launched a ership Commission on AIDS, has Test 1 Million Campaign. The been advocating HIV screening goal is to get 1 million people be part of routine medical tests as tesed by next June. The efforts of IV-CHARIS in a way of increasing detection. In many states, patients have to sign Ohio is at the forefront of that a separate consent form in order campaign. Mamie Harris is executive directo be screened for HIV. Fields is seeking to change that require- tor of the organization founded ment in New York and elsewhere. by her late husband, Rev. Michael “The earlier a person discovers Harris, Sr., in 1987 “We’re looking for innovative that he or she is HIV postive, the better opportunity we’ll have to ways to reach first time testers in extend that person’s life through particular,” she explained. “At treatment,” Fields explained. “I some point, we hope to form foknow there are privacy concerns cus groups so that we target the over routine testing, but the indi- people we want to reach.”


The Chicago Crusader

SPRITUALLY SPEAKING Westside Center of Truth celebrates Reverend Helen R. Cooper In the sometimes chaotic and emotion filled community of North Lawndale you will find a stabilizing force known as the Westside Center of Truth for Better Living (WCT). Located at 3745 West Ogden this founding member of the Universal Foundation for Better Living (UFBL) established by the Reverend Dr. Johnnie Colemon, is bearing witness to truth of the many wonders of God. And at its helm for a mere 35 years is the Reverend Helen Roebuck Cooper. When the congregation and surrounding community comes together on Sunday, June 28 to celebrate Reverend Cooper they will commemorate the good and challenging times that have helped make WCT an energy force drawing to it hundreds seeking wisdom and guidance. Reverend Cooper came to WCT following her quest to find answers to her “personal experiences with physical healing and spiritual healing.” According to her spokesperson Reverend Cooper “became a member of South Side Unity Church, where

she served in several posts and taught classes for eight years, during which time she studied at Unity School of Christianity in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Her desire for even greater knowledge led her to study at the Johnnie Colemon Institute, and she was ordained by The Reverend Dr. Johnnie Colemon in 1975.” After Reverend Cooper’s ordination, she asked to be sent where she was most needed. Dr. Colemon sent her to Westside Center of Truth for Better Living, Inc. (WCT), the second oldest independent member church of UFBL. WCT had sixteen members when Reverend Cooper became its minister in May of 1975; it grew and flourished under her leadership, and in 1981 paid cash to purchase the building and grounds at 3651 West Ogden Avenue. That building burned in 1994, and the church relocated to its current address. Reverend Cooper’s ministry is unique; she bridges traditional Christianity with modern ideas, with an emphasis on healing and

Reverend Helen Roebuck Cooper health. This led her to become a member of Mahikari, which practices the art of Divine Light, and a Reiki Master. She has appeared on several radio and television shows to express her views as a “New Thought” minister. Her approach makes Westside Center of Truth for Better Living a place that draws people from all religious and ethnic backgrounds. Reverend Cooper’s responsibilities and affiliations are numerous. Besides serving as minister of Westside Center of Truth, she is

Fred Hammond burning up radio airwaves with “They That Wait” featuring John P. Kee The architect of urban praise and worship adds another melodious notch to his belt as his jubilant new track, “They That Wait” featuring John P. Kee, is #1 most added at Gospel radio and wellpositioned to be THE gospel jam of the summer. The song is the first single released from Hammond’s upcoming CD LOVE UNSTOPPABLE. The song is currently available for purchase at iTunes, and all digital providers. Radio programmers had an immediate, enthusiastic response to “They That Wait,” and here’s what some of them are saying: “This is a GREAT summer time song. It is signature Fred Hammond...with strong vocals from John P. Kee…” Mike Chandler, GM/Owner REJOICE 100.9, Pres/CEO Rejoice Musical Soulfood Network; “I love the new Fred Hammond cut…Fred and John P. Kee sound great.” Don Juan Banks, Power 99 Philadelphia; “Fred Hammond is back with a HOTT HOTT smoking hit; can’t get any hotter than this!” Greg Cooper PD, WMBM-AM Miami; “Fred Hammond has that rare ability to reinterpret gospel music’s vast and rich legacy in a way that gives it a contemporary sound but retains its spirit-

ual edge and traditional roots. Fred Hammond has a gift, this is the 2nd time he took a standard and put the “Hammond “ touch on it; PLUS he’s joined by Pastor John P. Kee. HOT!!” Lee Pettigrew, PD,

The Chicago Crusader


the President and CEO of Operation Brotherhood, a social service center that feeds and clothes the homeless, and offers job training for senior citizens and energy assistance. She serves as Vice President of The Lawndale People’s Planning and Action Conference (LPPAC). She is a life member of the Universal Foundation for Better Living, Inc. and the International New Thought Alliance, a member of International Women for Peace, an honorary member of Black on Black Love Campaign’s My Sister’s Keeper, and a committee member of the Community Renewal Society’s Interfaith Network of Religious Leaders. She sits on the boards of the Community Renewal Soci-

Two Illinois Congressmen to Speak at Old Saint Paul MBC Lawmakers to address church headed by Rev. Paul Jakes, Jr. on 42nd Anniversary Illinois Congressmen Bobby Rush (D., 1st) and Danny Davis (D., 7th) will speak on separate days during celebration of the 42nd Anniversary of the Old Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church (MBC), 531 N. Kedzie, Chicago, Rev. Paul Jakes, Jr., Senior Pastor, announced Wednesday. On Thursday June 18th, Cong. Rush will kickoff festivities as keynote speaker beginning at

Bobby Rush 7:30 p.m. The following night June 19th at 7:30 p.m., Bishop Keith Lee will deliver the main address to the audience. Cong. Davis will be the special guest speaker on the final day of the anniversary celebration on Sunday June 21st at 11:00:a.m. Fred Hammond WUFO-AM Buffalo With all of the pre-store accolades being tossed about you know Fred Hammond must really have it going on! Look for the CD to hit stores in September

ety’s Interfaith Ministers Organization, and the Community Ministers Alliance Interfaith Fight Against Gun Violence. She and Westside Center of Truth recently joined the Interfaith Initiative Against Gun Violence. She is also a volunteer prayer partner for TV 38’s Care Force. The theme of the celebration of service to so many is “Sowing New Seeds.” The festivities will held in the Belle Whaley Fellowship Hall at 3:00 P.M. Food will be served and entertainment will be provided along with an opportunity to roast and toast the honorable Reverend Helen Roebuck Cooper, Senior Minister of Westside Center of Truth for Better Living.

Danny Davis “We look forward to celebrating 42 years of spreading the word of Christ. We are the church that shares and cares.” Rev. Jakes has served as the senior pastor of Old St. Paul for 17 years, where he succeeded his father the late Paul Jakes Senior. He is a board member of the Boys Scouts of America; Social Action Director, Baptist General State Convention Salem District Association; and is the .liaison of ministerial relations for Project Hope, a program under Gift of Hope Organ and Tissue Donor Network. For more information about the Old St. Paul’s 42nd Anniversary festivities call: 773 531-2031 or 773 265-0909.

Later Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p.m., Rev. Robert Anderson, Pastor of Greater Union Baptist Church will be the guest speaker. “All are invited to hear these outstanding public servants and religious leaders,” said Rev. Jakes. Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rev. Paul Jakes, Jr. 15

THE CHATTERBOX (Cont’d on page 7) tice on the Supreme Court that does not see the injustices and the need to protect the vote of Black voters? Well, he provided fodder for the bigots (and there are still a lot of them) this week when his opinion was put out there for all to see. Oh well, I guess once an Uncle Tom, always an Uncle Tom. I hope they hurry up and seat Judge Sotomayor on the Supreme Court, we believe she may not be clouded by her homestyle and give US a break. -Ima-

IS THE HONEYMOON OVER??? Bets are being placed in the gambling Mecca, Las Vegas and in the back alleys of Chicago that President Obama will face an onslaught of criticism and he’ll have to come out of the bridal suite and face the music. The party is over Obammy and some other folks are slamming him more than the brethren he has completely forgotten. The folks in the Chicago alleys said they are wondering what took Vegas so long. NOTICE

Two Yorkies

FREE to good home for more information contact


STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK, ss. Circuit Court of Cook County, Public notice is hereby given that a hearing will be held on June 12, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., in room 1708, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington, Chicago, IL pursuant to a Petition heretofore filed in the County Division of said Court as Case Number 09C0NC299 Said Petition prays for the change of my name from Mozell Keith Barnes to that of Noel Mozell Keith Barnes pursuant to the statue in such case made and provided. Mozell Keith Barnes, Petitioner April 15, 2009


COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY D I V I S I O N DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE, ON BE-HALF OF THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC. TRUST 2004-HE1, MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-HE1, P l a i n t i f f V . NARCISSA RANKIN A/K/A NARCISSUS RANKIN; UNKNOWN HEIRS OF NARCISSUS WATSON, DECEASED; HAROLD, JR. RICHARDSON; DAVID NOVOSELSKY, AS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF NARCISSUS WATSON, DECEASED; DENISE MURRY A/K/A DENIS MURRY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, D e f e n d a n t s 05 CH 5688 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 63246 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 16, 2009, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on July 17, 2009, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 6232 SOUTH CHAMPLAIN AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60637 Permanent Index No.: 2 0 - 1 5 - 4 2 0 - 0 2 5 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $288,139.59. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays o n l y . I186530

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC P l a i n t i f f , v . ANTON COOK, et al D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 42229 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 27, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 29, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7533 S. RHODES AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-403-017 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $301,618.10. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-30460. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Saturday, 2009 One South June Wacker27, Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I189980

FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-30460. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I189980 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION SUNTRUST MORTGAGE INC.; P l a i n t i f f , v s . ROBERT ALLEN; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF ROBERT ALLEN, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; D e f e n d a n t s , 08 CH 324 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 6/18/2008, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, July 27, 2009, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 20-22-314-028. Commonly known as 6930 S. Indiana Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence with no garage. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the s a l e . For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0 7 2 2 1 7 4 . INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I189266

FOR THE STRUCTURED ASSET IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK LOAN INVESTMENT ILLINOIS COUNTY, Plaintiff, TRUST, 2006-BNC3 COUNTY DEPARTMENT s . v CHANCERY DIVISION CEDRIC V. HOWARD; CITY OF NEW YORK, THE BANK OF C H I C A G O ; SUCCESSOR TO JPMORGAN D e f e n d a n t s , BANK, AS TRUSTEE CHASE CH 25777 08 ADMINISTRATOR, ON OF SALE NOTICE BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN By:a______________________________________________ MORTGAGE - B A C K E D Judgment of that pursuant to PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, in the aboveRepresentative) Foreclosure and Sale entered (Publisher 2002-9 SERIES entitled cause on February 4, 2009 P l a i n t i f f , Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, July 20, 2009 at the hour of 11 v s . a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison STEVIE M. KING, CURRENT SPOUSE, Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell ANY, OF IF ______________________________________________ the highest bidder for at public auction toBy: STEVIE M. KING, RON PURLEY A/K/A the following cash, as set forth below, (Notary Public) R O N described mortgaged real estate: CHRISTIAN PURLEY, CITY OF 20-21-125-004. P.I.N. UNKNOWN CHICAGO, Commonly known as 661 W. 66th Street, GENERALLY, AND OWNERS, IL 60621. Chicago, NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS The mortgaged real estate is improved D e f e n d a n t s , The with a multi-family residence. 08 CH 47860 successful purchaser is entitled to OF SALE NOTICE possession of the property only. The PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN purchaser may only obtain possession of that pursuant to a Judgment of units within the multi-unit property Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above occupied by individuals named in the order entitled cause on April 13, 2009 Intercounty of possession.. THE SALE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO GENERAL TAXES, Judicial Sales Corporation will on SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND TO A Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at the hour of 11 PRIOR RECORDED FIRST a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison M O R T G A G E . Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, at public auction to the highest bidder for balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. cash, as set forth below, the following No refunds. The property will NOT be described mortgaged real estate: open for inspection P.I.N. 20-22-412-004. For information call Ms. Diane Thomas at Commonly known as 6809 S. Langley Plaintiff's Attorney, Freedman Anselmo Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Lindberg & Rappe, LLC, 1307 West Diehl The mortgaged real estate is improved Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. with a single family residence. (877) 729-6734 W08060158. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. C O R P O R A T I O N No refunds. The property will NOT be Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I187813

July 11, 2009

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, SERVICING LP P l a i n t i f f , v s . PAMELA Y. TAYLOR; 6621-23 SOUTH I N G L E S I D E CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC.; B R A E B U R N CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF PAMELA Y. TAYLOR, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD C L A I M A N T S ; D e f e n d a n t s , 08 CH 29538 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 1/29/2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 20-23-123-007. Commonly known as 6621 S INGLESIDE AVE 3, CHICAGO, IL 60637. The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after of the sale. confirmation For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 8 1 7 . 0 8 1 6 JUDICIAL SALES INTERCOUNTY C O R P O R A T I O N (312) 444-1122 Selling Officer, I189457



IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL A S S O C I A T I O N P l a i n t i f f , v . NIKKIDA HART, GENERAL FINANCE CORP., CITY of CHICAGO DEPARTMENT of WATER M A N A G E M E N T D e f e n d a n t CH 37235 08 OF SALE NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 16, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 17, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described estate: real Commonly known as 7234 S. LANGLEY Chicago, IL 60619 AVE, Property Index No. 20-27-213-035-0000 The real estate is improved with a single residence. family The judgment amount was $337,561.33. Sale terms: The bid amount shall be paid in certified funds immediately by the highest and best bidder at the conclusion of the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to by the court. confirmation Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the are property. Prospective bidders admonished to check the court file to verify information. all If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). ILCS IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC , 111 East Main Street, Suite 200, DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719 . THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I187742

for inspection open For information call Mr. David C. Kluever at Plaintiff's Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, (312) 236-0077. Illinois 60601. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I186460

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION WACHOVIA MORTGAGE P l a i n t i f f , v . IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK DANA WRIGHT, et al COUNTY, ILLINOIS D e f e n d a n t COUNTY DEPARTMENT 08 CH 21294 CHANCERY DIVISION NOTICE OF SALE LASALLE BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE MLMI that pursuant to a Judgment of TRUST SERIES 2006-RM2 Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 16, 2008, an agent of P l a i n t i f f , The Judicial Sales Corporation will at v s . 10:30 AM on July 10, 2009, at the The JIHAD B. EL AMIN A/K/A JIHAD ELMIN; Judicial Sales Corporation, One South M O R T G A G E Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION 60606, sell at public auction to the highest SYSTEMS, INC., bidder, as set forth below, the following AS NOMINEE FOR RESMAE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK described real estate: MORTGAGE CORPORATION ILLINOIS COUNTY, Commonly known as 6942 S. NORMAL CITY OF CHICAGO; UNKNOWN HEIRS DEPARTMENT COUNTY BLVD., Chicago, IL 60621 AND LEGATEES DIVISION CHANCERY Property Index No. 20-21-318-031 OF JIHAD B. EL AMIN, IF ANY; US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS The real estate is improved with a single UNKNOWN OWNERS T R U S T E E ; family residence. AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; P l a i n t i f f , The judgment amount was $355,767.65. D e f e n d a n t s , s . v Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by 08 CH 11072 HAMILTON AKA COHEATHA certified funds at the close of the auction; PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that HAMILTON; COHEATHEA the balance, in certified funds, is due within pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure DONALD CONNOLLEY; UNKNOWN twenty-four (24) hours. The subject entered in the above entitled cause on UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS; property is subject to general real estate 4/23/2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales AND NONRECORD OWNERS taxes, special assessments, or special Corporation will on Monday, July 27, 2009, taxes levied against said real estate and is Defendants, CLAIMANTS; at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 offered for sale without any representation HAMILTON, AN COHEATHA West Madison Street, Suite 718A, as to quality or quantity of title and without Plaintiff, INDIVIDUAL, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" s . v for cash, the following described property: condition. The sale is further subject to DONALD CONNOLLEY; P.I.N. 20-22-230-004. confirmation by the court. D e f e n d a n t s , Commonly known as 6613 South Langley If the sale is set aside for any reason, the 07 CH 14617 CONSOLIDATED WITH 07 Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only CH 7887 The improvement on the property consists to a return of the deposit paid. The NOTICE OF SALE of a multi-family residence. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN successful purchaser is entitled to against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or that pursuant to a Judgment of possession of the property only. The the Mortgagee's attorney. Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above purchaser may only obtain possession of Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the entitled cause on February 17, 2009 purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale units within the multi-unit property Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to occupied by individuals named in the order on Thursday, July 30, 2009 at the hour of the real estate after confirmation of the sale of possession.. Sale terms: 25% down by 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison The property will NOT be open for certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell inspection and plaintiff makes no certified funds. No refunds. The property at public auction to the highest bidder for representation as to the condition of the will NOT be open for inspection. Upon cash, as set forth below, the following property. Prospective bidders are payment in full of the amount bid, the described mortgaged real estate: admonished to check the court file to verify purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale Commonly known as 5740 S. Morgan St., all information. which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed Chicago, IL 60621. If this property is a condominium unit, the to the premises after confirmation of the P.I.N. 20-17-219-039. purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure s a l e . The mortgaged real estate is improved sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the For information: Visit our website at with a single family residence. assessments and the legal fees required Between 3 Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, by The Condominium Property Act, 765 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn No refunds. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. The property will NOT be open for (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number i n s p e c t i o n RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION 0 8 0 6 4 4 1 . For information call William E. Dutton, Jr. FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES (ARDC #6255876)/Barbara J. Dutton ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN C O R P O R A T I O N ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION (ARDC #6188016) at Plaintiff's Attorney, Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS DUTTON & DUTTON, P.C., 10325 West I189271 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Lincoln Highway, Frankfort, Illinois 60423. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: (815) 806-8200. The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH C O R P O R A T I O N COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I189496 COUNTY DEPARTMENT RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between CHANCERY DIVISION the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK the sales department.. Please refer to file AS TRUSTEE COUNTY, ILLINOIS number 14-08-15447. FOR THE STRUCTURED ASSET COUNTY DEPARTMENT THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK INVESTMENT LOAN CHANCERY DIVISION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, COUNTY, ILLINOIS TRUST, 2006-BNC3 Plaintiff, COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE COUNTY DEPARTMENT v s . SERVICING LP You can also visit The Judicial Sales CHANCERY DIVISION CEDRIC V. HOWARD; CITY OF Corporation at for a 7 day P l a i n t i f f , THE BANK OF NEW YORK, C H I C A G O ; status report of pending sales. v s . SUCCESSOR TO JPMORGAN D e f e n d a n t s , NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt PAMELA Y. TAYLOR; 6621-23 SOUTH CHASE BANK, AS TRUSTEE 08 CH 25777 Collection Practices Act, you are advised I N G L E S I D E ADMINISTRATOR, ON NOTICE OF SALE that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC.; BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS OF THE debt collector attempting to collect a debt PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN B R A E B U R N By: __________________________________________________ M O R T G A G E B A C K E D and any information obtained will be used that pursuant to a Judgment of CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION; for that purpose. PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above (Publisher Representative) UNKNOWN HEIRS AND I188540 SERIES 2002-9 entitled cause on February 4, 2009 LEGATEES OF PAMELA Y. TAYLOR, IF Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will P l a i n t i f f , ANY; UNKNOWN July 20, 2009 at the hour of 11 v s . OWNERS AND NON RECORD BLACKS MUSTonCMonday, ONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY The Chicago Crusader a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison C L A I M A N T S ; STEVIE M. KING, CURRENT SPOUSE, Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell D e f e n d a n t s , IF ANY, OF at public auction toBy: the __________________________________________________ highest bidder for 08 CH 29538 STEVIE M. KING, RON PURLEY A/K/A cash, as set forth below, the following (Notary Public) R PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that O N described mortgaged real estate: pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure CHRISTIAN PURLEY, CITY OF P.I.N. 20-21-125-004. entered in the above entitled cause on CHICAGO, UNKNOWN Commonly known as 661 W. 66th Street, 1/29/2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales OWNERS, GENERALLY, AND Chicago, IL 60621. Corporation will on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS The mortgaged real estate is improved at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 D e f e n d a n t s , with a multi-family residence. The West Madison Street, Suite 718A, 08 CH 47860 successful purchaser is entitled to Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder NOTICE OF SALE possession of the property only. The for cash, the following described property: PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN purchaser may only obtain possession of P.I.N. 20-23-123-007. that pursuant to a Judgment of units within the multi-unit property Commonly known as 6621 S INGLESIDE Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above occupied by individuals named in the order AVE 3, CHICAGO, IL 60637. of possession.. THE SALE SHALL BE entitled cause on April 13, 2009 Intercounty The improvement on the property consists


does hereby certify that it is the publisher of Chicago Crusader

that said Chicago Crusader is a secular newspaper that has been published WEEKLY in the City of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, continuously for more than one year prior to the first date of publication of the notice, appended, that it is of general circulation throughout said County and State, that it is a newspaper as defined in "An Act to revise the law in relation to notices," as amended, Illinois Compiled Statutes (715 ILCS 5/1 & 5/5), and that the notice appended was published in the said Chicago Crusader on the following dates: June 27, 2009 July 04, 2009 July 11, 2009

In witness thereof, the undersigned has caused this certificate to be signed and its corporate seal affixed at Chicago, Illinois. July 11, 2009


CASE No. 08 CH 2 Chicago Crusader does hereby certify Chicago Crusader

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY C O M P A N Y P l a i n t i f f , v . MAURINE MUSTIFUL, ALBERT MELTON AND NOTLEM GROUP, INC. D e f e n d a n t , NOTLEM GROUP, INC. COUNTER PLAINTIFF IN MECHANIC'S LIEN F O R E C L O S U R E Counter Plantiff, v . BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC, COUNTER DEFENDANT IN MECHANIC'S LIEN FORECLOSURE Counter Defendant, v . MAURINE MUSTIFUL, CROSS DEFENDANT IN MECHANIC'S LIEN F O R E C L O S U R E Cross Defendant 2008 CH 4040 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 14, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 15, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 503 EAST 88TH STREET, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 25-03-213-001-0000 The real estate is improved with a multi unit building containing two to six a p a r t m e n t s . The judgment amount was $305,719.90. Sale terms: The bid amount shall be paid in certified funds immediately by the highest and best bidder at the conclusion of the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the are property. Prospective bidders admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION OF THE ILLINOIS 15-1701(C) MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC , 111 East Main Street, Suite 200, DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) . 422-1719 THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I189040 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC P l a i n t i f f , v . DAVID JONES, et al D e f e n d a n t 09 CH 557 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 17, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 21, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7248 S. LANGLEY AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-213-040 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $202,867.88. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate The Crusader or special taxes,Chicago special assessments, taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale


v . DAVID JONES, et al D e f e n d a n t 09 CH 557 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 17, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 21, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7248 S. LANGLEY AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-213-040 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $202,867.88. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-35255. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I188418 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. P l a i n t i f f , v . ADAM CHAVEZ, et al D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 39595 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 10, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 14, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6412 S. DREXEL AVENUE UNIT #2, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-103-029 The real estate is improved with a c o n d o m i n i u m . The judgment amount was $193,485.66. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for

the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-27697. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I187087

COUNTY DEPARTMENT DIVISION CHANCERY AUSTIN BANK OF CHICAGO; P l a i n t i f f , v s . CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE U/T/A DTD DECEMBER 14, 2001 AND KNOWN AS TRUST NO. 1110467; ET AL; D e f e n d a n t s , 08 CH 46441 OF SALE NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on May 18, 2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 817 West 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60621. 20-17-407-003. P.I.N. The improvement on the property consists of a mixed, commercial and residential three story building. The successful purchaser is entitled to possession of the property only. The purchaser may only obtain possession of units within the multi-unit property occupied by individuals named in the order of possession. Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashier's or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount. The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by similar funds. The property will NOT be open for i n s p e c t i o n . For information call Ms. Edyta Kania at Plaintiff's Attorney, Di Monte & Lizak, 216 West Higgins Road, Park Ridge, Illinois (847) 698-9600. 60068-5736. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I186438


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. P l a i n t i f f , v . MOHAMMAD F. SIDDIQUE A/K/A MOHAMMAD SIDDIQUE, et al D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 34377 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 10, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 14, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7318 SOUTH DORCHESTER AVENUE UNIT 1, CHICAGO, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-26-219-048-1004 The real estate is improved with a brown brick condo with no garage. The judgment amount was $285,923.06. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number P A 0 8 2 2 0 9 7 . THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. I187279

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK ILLINOIS COUNTY, DEPARTMENT COUNTY DIVISION CHANCERY AMERICA NATIONAL BANK OF ASSOCIATION AS SUCCESSOR BY TO LASALLE BANK MERGER ASSOCIATION, AS NATIONAL TRUST TRUSTEE UNDER THE AGREEMENT FOR THE STRUCTURED ASSET INVESTMENT LOAN TRUST SERIES 2004-BNC2 P l a i n t i f f , v . RAYMOND KING, et al D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 39563 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 16, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 20, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6619 S. MARYLAND AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-121-007 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $182,302.15. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to by the court. confirmation If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or Mortgagee's attorney. the Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH COUNTY, ILLINOIS FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR COUNTY DEPARTMENT RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between CHANCERY DIVISION the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for AUSTIN BANK OF CHICAGO; the sales department.. Please refer to file P l a i n t i f f , number 14-08-27959. v s . THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION CHICAGO TITLE LAND TRUST One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE U/T/A DTD DECEMBER 14, 2001 AND You can also visit The Judicial Sales KNOWN AS Corporation at for a 7 day TRUST NO. 1110467; ET AL; status report of pending sales. D e f e n d a n t s , NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised 08 CH 46441 that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a NOTICE OF SALE debtO collector attempting to collect a debt B LACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR WN C OMMUNITY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that and any information obtained will be used pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure for that purpose. entered in the above entitled cause on May I188068 18, 2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales

Corporation will on Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 817 West 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60621. P.I.N. 20-17-407-003. The improvement on the property consists of a mixed, commercial and residential three story building. The successful

FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-27959. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I188068 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK ILLINOIS COUNTY, DEPARTMENT COUNTY DIVISION CHANCERY U. S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE AS STRUCTURED ASSET FOR LOAN TRUST, INVESTMENT PASS-THROUGH MORTGAGE SERIES CERTIFICATES, Plaintiff, 2005-10 s . v WILLIE MCBOUNDS; 6831 SOUTH LAWRENCE SAINT ASSOCIATION; CONDOMINIUM HEIRS AND UNKNOWN LEGATEES OF WILLIE MCBOUNDS, IF UNKNOWN ANY; AND NON RECORD OWNERS Defendants, CLAIMANTS; CH 41043 08 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE UNDER LAW FORECLOSURE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 4/20/2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, July 22, 2009, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: 20-22-410-052-1002. P.I.N. Commonly known as 6831 South Saint Lawrence Avenue Unit 2, Chicago, IL 0 6 3 7 . 6 The improvement on the property consists The of a condominium residence. purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0 8 2 5 6 5 3 . INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I187940 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK ILLINOIS COUNTY, COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY O N D I V I S I JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL A S S O C I A T I O N , f P l a i n t i f . V WELLSTON; UNKNOWN ERIC AND NON-RECORD OWNERS C L A I M A N T S , D e f e n d a n t s 08 CH 47755 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 08-15227 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on May 26, 2009, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on July 20, 2009, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 6033 South Morgan Street, Chicago, IL 60621 Permanent Index No.: 20-17-412-013 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $403,873.32 . Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays o n l y . I187473 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY D I V I S I O N HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS INDENTURE Saturday, JuneTHE 27, 2009 TRUSTEE FOR REGISTERED NOTEHOLDERS OF RENAISSANCE HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST 2006-4, P l a i n t i f f V . SHERRIE MCGARY, D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 48533 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 08-14592 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 16, 2009, Kallen Realty

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK ILLINOIS COUNTY, COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY O N D I V I S I BANK USA, NATIONAL HSBC AS INDENTURE ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE FOR THE REGISTERED NOTEHOLDERS OF RENAISSANCE HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST 2006-4, f P l a i n t i f . V MCGARY, SHERRIE D e f e n d a n t CH 48533 08 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 08-14592 (It is advised that interested parties consult their with own attorneys before bidding at mortgage sales.) foreclosure PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 16, 2009, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on August 4, 2009, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 7104 South Prairie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60619 Permanent No.: 20-27-103-016 Index The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be for inspection. open The judgment amount was $190,074.02. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Prospective bidders are Plaintiff. admonished to review the court file to verify information. all For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays o n l y . I179030 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. P l a i n t i f f , v . GREGRORY MCCLENDON A/K/A GREGORY MCCLENDON, et al D e f e n d a n t 09 CH 450 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 14, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 16, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7525 SOUTH VERNON AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-401-015 The real estate is improved with a brick brown single family with no garage. The judgment amount was $198,299.48. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number P A 0 8 2 9 8 9 8 . THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. I187449


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR GSAMP TRUST 2005-HE4, MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2005-HE4; P l a i n t i f f , v s . JERRY WINN; DRAGAN RADOJCIC; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF JERRY WINN, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 08 CH 42529 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 4/23/2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, July 27, 2009, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 20-22-412-047-0000. Commonly known as 6851 SOUTH LANGLEY STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60637. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0 8 2 7 0 0 0 . INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I189372 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR LONG BEACH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2 0 0 6 4 P l a i n t i f f , v . DAN FELIX A/K/A DANIEL J. FELIX, et al D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 35689 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 22, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 24, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7120 S. RHODES AVE UNIT #2, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-202-037-1002, Property Index No. (20-27-202-022 U N D E R L Y I N G ) The real estate is improved with a c o n d o m i n i u m . The judgment amount was $233,690.39. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within The subject twenty-four (24) hours. property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH 18 FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-25634. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-08-25634. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I188948 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION U.S. BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF STRUCTURED ASSET INVESTMENT LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-4 P l a i n t i f f , v . URSULA BEZDZIECKI A/K/A URSLA BEZDZIECKI, et al D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 22098 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 17, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 20, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described estate: real Commonly known as 549 WEST 60TH Chicago, IL 60621 STREET, Property Index No. 20-16-311-001-0000 The real estate is improved with a single residence. family The judgment amount was $285,465.60. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within The subject twenty-four (24) hours. property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to by the court. confirmation Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the are property. Prospective bidders admonished to check the court file to verify information. all If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). ILCS IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN OF POSSESSION, IN ORDER WITH SECTION ACCORDANCE OF THE ILLINOIS 15-1701(C) MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: POTESTIVO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 134 N. LASALLE ST., SUITE 1110, Chicago, . IL 60602, (312) 263-0003 THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I188058 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY D I V I S I O N JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL A S S O C I A T I O N , P l a i n t i f f V . DALE PERKINS, D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 47987 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 08-14968 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 15, 2009, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on August 4, 2009, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Saturday, June 27, 2009 Commonly known as 6048 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60621 Permanent Index No.: 20-16-411-036 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $365,107.07. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to

08 CH 47987 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 08-14968 (It is advised that interested parties consult their with own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 15, 2009, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on August 4, 2009, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 6048 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60621 Permanent Index No.: 20-16-411-036 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $365,107.07. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays o n l y . I178983

Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or Mortgagee's attorney. the Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the are property. Prospective bidders admonished to check the court file to verify information. all If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). ILCS IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN OF POSSESSION, IN ORDER WITH SECTION ACCORDANCE OF THE ILLINOIS 15-1701(C) MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: Sale Clerk, CODILIS & The ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file 14-08-9332. number THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used that purpose. for I189004


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT CHANCERY DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA N.A. P l a i n t i f f , v . LONZO MURRELL, et al D e f e n d a n t 08 CH 39948 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 21, 2009, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on July 23, 2009, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7213 S. EVANS AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-215-004 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $65,476.59. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK certified funds at the close of the auction; COUNTY, ILLINOIS the balance, in certified funds, is due within COUNTY DEPARTMENT twenty-four (24) hours. The subject CHANCERY DIVISION property is subject to general real estate CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC taxes, special assessments, or special P l a i n t i f f , taxes levied against said real estate and is v s . offered for sale without any representation ANDREW LANUM, JR.; UNKNOWN as to quality or quantity of title and without HEIRS AND LEGATEES recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" OF ANDREW LANUM, JR., IF ANY; condition. The sale is further subject to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK UNKNOWN OWNERS confirmation by the court. COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; If the sale is set aside for any reason, the COUNTY DEPARTMENT D e f e n d a n t s , Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only CHANCERY DIVISION 08 CH 40635 to a return of the deposit paid. The JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Purchaser shall have no further recourse A S S O C I A T I O N pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or P l a i n t i f f , entered in the above entitled cause on the Mortgagee's attorney. v . 4/7/2009, Intercounty Judicial Sales Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the YVONNE BOYD, et al Corporation will on Friday, July 31, 2009, purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale D e f e n d a n t at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to 08 CH 46550 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, the real estate after confirmation of the sale NOTICE OF SALE Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder The property will NOT be open for PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN for cash, the following described property: inspection and plaintiff makes no that pursuant to a Judgment of 20-22-412-006-0000. P.I.N. representation as to the condition of the Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above Commonly known as 6813 SOUTH are property. Prospective bidders cause on May 21, 2009, an agent of The LANGLEY AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60637. admonished to check the court file to verify Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 The improvement on the property consists information. all AM on July 22, 2009, at the The Judicial of a single family residence. Sale terms: If this property is a condominium unit, the Sales Corporation, One South Wacker 25% down by certified funds, balance purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, within 24 hours, by certified funds. No sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the sell at public auction to the highest bidder, refunds. The property will NOT be open assessments and the legal fees required as set forth below, the following described for inspection. Upon payment in full of the by The Condominium Property Act, 765 real estate: amount bid, the purchaser will receive a 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). ILCS Commonly known as 6037 S. INDIANA Certificate of Sale which will entitle the IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR AVENUE UNIT #2N, Chicago, IL 60637 purchaser to a Deed to the premises after (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE Property Index No. 20-15-309-003, of the sale. confirmation RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION Property Index No. 20-15-309-004 For information: Visit our website at FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN The real estate is improved with a Between 3 OF POSSESSION, IN ORDER c o n d o m i n i u m . p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, WITH SECTION ACCORDANCE The judgment amount was $283,232.73. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn OF THE ILLINOIS 15-1701(C) Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. certified funds at the close of the auction; (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: the balance, in certified funds, is due within 0 4 3 . 0 8 2 5 Sale Clerk, CODILIS & The twenty-four (24) hours. The subject JUDICIAL SALES INTERCOUNTY ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH property is subject to general real estate C O R P O R A T I O N FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR taxes, special assessments, or special (312) 444-1122 Selling Officer, RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between taxes levied against said real estate and is I189566 the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for offered for sale without any representation the sales department.. Please refer to file as to quality or quantity of title and without IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK 14-08-28246. number recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" ILLINOIS COUNTY, THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION condition. The sale is further subject to DEPARTMENT COUNTY One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, confirmation by the court. DIVISION CHANCERY Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE If the sale is set aside for any reason, the JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. You can also visit The Judicial Sales Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only P l a i n t i f f , Corporation at for a 7 day to a return of the deposit paid. The v . status report of pending sales. Purchaser shall have no further recourse CLEMONS A/K/A REGINALD NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or REGINALD J. CLEMONS, et al Collection Practices Act, you are advised the Mortgagee's attorney. D e f e n d a n t that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the CH 14431 08 debt collector attempting to collect a debt purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale OF SALE NOTICE and any information obtained will be used that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN for that purpose. the real estate after confirmation of the sale that pursuant to a Judgment of I188685 The property will NOT be open for IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above inspection and plaintiff makes no ILLINOIS COUNTY, cause on March 24, 2009, an agent of The representation as to the condition of the DEPARTMENT COUNTY Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 property. Prospective bidders are DIVISION CHANCERY AM on July 28, 2009, at the The Judicial admonished to check the court file to verify U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Sales Corporation, One South Wacker all information. TRUSTEE AS Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, If this property is a condominium unit, the FOR CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON sell at public auction to the highest bidder, purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure HEAT MBS as set forth below, the following described sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the Plaintiff, 2003-8 estate: real assessments and the legal fees required v s . Commonly known as 315 W. 59TH PLACE, by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ANGELINA EILAND-FRAZIER; KARL Chicago, IL 60621 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). FRAZIER AKA Property Index No. 20-16-402-013 IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR KARL FRAIZER; Defendants, The real estate is improved with a single (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE 07 CH 27351 family residence. RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION NOTICE OF SALE The judgment amount was $349,345.50. FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN that pursuant to a Judgment of certified funds at the close of the auction; ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above the balance, in certified funds, is due within 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS entitled cause on April 23, 2009 Intercounty twenty-four (24) hours. The subject MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. Judicial Sales Corporation will on Friday, property is subject to general real estate For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: July 24, 2009 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their taxes, special assessments, or special The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite taxes levied against said real estate and is ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public offered for sale without any representation FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR auction to the highest bidder for cash, as as to quality or quantity of title and without RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between set forth below, the following described recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for mortgaged real estate: condition. The sale is further subject to the sales department.. Please refer to file P.I.N. 20-20-320-018. confirmation by the court. number 14-08-33337. Commonly known as 6951 South Loomis, If the sale is set aside for any reason, the THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Chicago, IL 60621. Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, The mortgaged real estate is improved to a return of the deposit paid. The Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE with a single family residence. THE SALE Purchaser shall have no further recourse You can also visit The Judicial Sales SHALL BE SUBJECT TO GENERAL against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or Corporation at for a 7 day TAXES, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND the Mortgagee's attorney. status report of pending sales. TO A PRIOR RECORDED FIRST Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt M O R T G A G E . purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale Collection Practices Act, you are advised Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. the real estate after confirmation of the sale debt collector attempting to collect a debt No refunds. The property will NOT be The property will NOT be open for and any information obtained will be used open for inspection inspection and plaintiff makes no for that purpose. For information call Ms. Diane Thomas at representation as to the condition of the I188444 Plaintiff's Attorney, Freedman Anselmo property. Prospective bidders are Lindberg & Rappe, LLC, 1307 West Diehl admonished to check the court file to verify Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. all Binformation. LACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY (877) 729-6734 W0707060. If this property is a condominium unit, the INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure C O R P O R A T I O N sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I187988 assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH

Chicago, IL 60621. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE SALE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO GENERAL TAXES, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND TO A PRIOR RECORDED FIRST M O R T G A G E . Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Ms. Diane Thomas at Plaintiff's Attorney, Freedman Anselmo Lindberg & Rappe, LLC, 1307 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (877) 729-6734 W0707060. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I187988 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY D I V I S I O N JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL A S S O C I A T I O N , P l a i n t i f f V . ADEMOLA OKUNEYE; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD C L A I M A N T S , D e f e n d a n t s 08 CH 46825 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 08-14981 (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 22, 2009, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on August 11, 2009, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 6041 South Morgan Street, Chicago, IL 60621 Permanent Index No.: 20-17-412-016 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $301,078.41. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays o n l y . I180641 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY D I V I S I O N WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., TRUSTEE FOR CARRINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2006-NC3 ASSET BACKED PASS-THROUGH C E R T I F I C A T E S , P l a i n t i f f V . CHARLES COLLINS A/K/A CHARLIE COLLINS; CITY OF CHICAGO, AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION; DAVID YATES, JR., A MINOR BY HIS PARENTS, TINA JACKSON AND DAVID YATES, SR.; U.S. BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF HOME EQUITY MORTGAGE TRUST SERIES 2006-5 AND THE REGISTERED HOLDERS OF HOME MORTGAGE EQUITY CERTIFICATES, PASS-THROUGH SERIES 2006-5; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, D e f e n d a n t s CH 6882 07 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 07-2029D (It is advised that interested parties consult their with own attorneys before bidding at mortgage sales.) foreclosure PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on May 6, 2009, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on August 7, 2009, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: Commonly known as 7521 South Dorchester Avenue, Chicago, IL 60619 Permanent Index No.: 20-26-403-043 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $178,515.79. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 p.m. the next business day, both by cashier's checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered "as is," with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays o n l y . I184411

The Chicago Crusader


ACCESS honored for continued fight against HIV/AIDS Access Community Health Network recently received the DIFFA/Chicago (Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS Chicago) Excellence in Care Award 2008. The award is given to organizations that demonstrate extraordinary effectiveness in the fight against HIV/AIDS. DIFFA/Chicago grants funds to Chicago area HIV/AIDS service agencies that provide direct service, preventive education and outreach to people who are HIV positive, living with AIDS or at risk for infection. Since 1984 the foundation has granted more than $35 million to hundreds of community-based organizations. “We appreciate being recognized for the work that we do with our HIV/AIDS clients,” said Danielle Lazar, ACCESS Manager, Planning and Development. “With funding from DIFFA/Chicago, ACCESS will be able to continue providing highquality health care services for those individuals and families impacted by HIV and AIDS.” Throughout its 51 locations within Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, ACCESS pro-

vides HIV prevention education; support groups for young women; services to pregnant women and adolescents living with HIV; as well as services to HIV-infected or exposed children. ACCESS’ case management team links patients with other vital resources, such as mental health care, pastoral counseling and nutrition counseling. ACCESS also links patients with substance abuse counseling, dental health services and other social and support services, either within its health centers or through its numerous collaborations. “This funding will assist ACCESS with services for HIV/AIDS patients by providing incentives, and coordinating psychosocial and support groups,” said Kischa Hampton, ACCESS Manager, Risk and Prevention Services. “This affords our patients the opportunity to make optimum use of services to ensure holistic outcomes and seamless continuity of care.” Additional information about HIV screening on National HIV testing day, Saturday, June 27, or

“Healthy Me” Program Completes Weekly Sessions In Four Chicago Elementary Schools Program teaches children ages 5 – 8 to make healthy lifestyle choices. The Chicago Regional Office of the American Cancer Society has completed “Healthy Me” sessions in four Chicago elementary schools reaching approximately 300 students. The 10-12 week program is designed to address the childhood obesity epidemic with a fun, active program to get children more engaged in physical activity, make them aware of the importance of their food choices, and teach them about a healthy environment. With the aid of a coloring/puzzle book, participants are taught through nine children’s stories about

the importance of exercise and good nutrition. Chicago schools participating this year: James E. McDade Classical School, 8801 S. Indiana Ave.; Wendell Smith Elementary School, 774 E. 103rd St.; Andersen Elementary Community Academy, 1148 N. Honore St., and the Nathaniel Pope Elementary School, 1852 South Albany, which has participated in the program previously. Also participating are several Chicago Park District sites. For more information on the “Healthy Me” program contact Tanya Kimber, senior health initiatives representative in the Chicago ACS office at 312-279-7251, or at tanya.kimber@can-

THE McDADE SCHOOL pupils also held a Mini-Relay on June 3, where 81 children and eight staff members participated in a miniRelay For Life, which is an event where communities participate in activities and raise money for ACS programs. The McDade pupils raised $300, which they will present to the Southeast Relay For Life on July 10 at , Calumet Park, 9801 S. Avenue G, in Chicago.

The Chicago Crusader

KATRINA HOLMES, Access Community Health Network’s Supervisor of Prevention Services, and ACCESS Madison Family Health Center patient Curtis Montgomery pose for a photo after a recent Recovery Celebration event. The Recovery Celebration event honored ACCESS patients who are working toward reducing HIV risk behaviors. ACCESS administers numerous programs through its Prevention & Risk Program unit that work expressly toward reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS. any other day, is available by call- Commission-accredited commu- preventive health care to more ing Katrina Holmes, ACCESS nity health centers throughout than 215,000 individual patients Supervisor of Prevention Ser- Chicago and surrounding sub- annually, one-third of whom are urbs. The network provides high uninsured. Learn by visiting the vices, at 773.826.0369. Access Community Health quality, cost-effective, safe, com- web site at accesscommunityNetwork is comprised of 51 Joint prehensive primary, specialty, and

Bria n Flood w ins J acks on Pa rk Hos pi tal ’s “Humanitarian of the Year” Award Brian Flood of Flood Brothers Disposal has been awarded the “Humanitarian of the Year Award” by Jackson Park Hospital. The award was given at the hospital’s 30th Anniversary Gala. “Brian has always been very committed to supporting communities less fortunate than others,” said Margo Brooks-Pugh, Jackson Park’s Vice President of Development. “He’s has always been the ‘go-to’ person that I can call on for support.” Flood has played an active role in development for Jackson Hospital over the past 20 years. As a member of the (Jackson Park Hospital ) Foundation Board, he has consistently provided financial support for the Hospital’s community health education program. This program stresses preventive care and places emphasis on conditions that are prevalent in the South Side, such as diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol levels. The Foundation’s fund-raising gala is critically important to the hospital’s mission since Jackson Park, as with many other community hospitals, operates without an endowment. Approximately 80 percent of the hospital’s patients are covered by Medicare and Medicaid and tend to seek treatment only in the advanced stages of illness. Jackson Park

struggles to maintain the funding necessary to adequately serve such a high-need population so the Foundation’s gala holds particular significance Previous recipients of the “Humanitarian of the Year Award” include Senator Dick Durbin, Congressman Bobby Rush and Former Secretary of State Jim Edgar. Jackson Park Hospital & Medical Center is a 326-bed acute, short-term comprehensive care facility, serving the south side of Chicago since 1913. The hospital offers a wide range of inpatient and outpatient diagnostic, thera-

peutic and ancillary services with a commitment to medical education at all levels. Since 1959, Jackson Park Hospital & Medical Center has invested more than $32M in expansion and renovation to provide services that were previously unavailable in the community it serves. Flood Brothers is one of the last family-owned and operated independent solid waste-garbage, recycling & yard waste firms serving the Chicago Metropolitan area. There are over 15 family members working in all phases of operation, serving over 80 communities.

B R I A N F L O O D o f F l o o d B r o t h e r s Di s po s a l r e c e i v e s t h e “H u m a n i t a r i a n of t h e Y e a r ” a w a r d f r om C h i c a g o A l d e r m a n M i c h e l l H a r r i s ( 8t h W a r d ) a t J a c k s o n P a r k H o s pi t a l ’ s 3 0 t h Anniversary Gala on June 6, 2009.


Saturday, June 27, 2009



Corporate Luncheon Honors Jamie Foxx, Gabrielle Union, Charlie Wilson, Max Siegel & More On Thursday, July 16 at 10:30 a.m., more than 2,500 corporate, community, and political leaders will join Indiana Black Expo (IBE) in honoring Jamie Foxx, Gabrielle Union, Charlie Wilson, Max Siegel, Theresa Peterson and others during the Pacers Sports & Entertainment Corporate Luncheon presented by Hoosier Lottery during IBE’s 39th Annual Summer

Jamie Foxx


Celebration. “The corporate luncheon provides IBE with an opportunity to honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the African American community at the local, state and national levels,” said Tanya Bell, IBE president and CEO. Jamie Foxx, who is an Oscarwinning actor, a singer/songwriter and a comedian, is this year’s Entertainer of the Year Award recipient. He has a wide range of talent and has captivated audiences with breathtaking performances. This one-time music student at San Diego’s United States International University continues to make big waves in the music and movie industry. Gabrielle Union is an awardwinning actress and this year’s Screen Image Award recipient. Union, who continues to break barriers in film, has appeared in a series of roles in television and movies, including Love and Basketball, Bring it On, Bad Boys II, Deliver Us from Eva and Cadillac Records. Charlie Wilson will receive the Rev. Charles Williams Award.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gabrielle Union Wilson, who is the national spokesperson for the Prostate Cancer Foundation, is considered to be one of the most familiar voices in R&B music. Through his music and humanitarianism efforts, he has touched the lives of millions. Max Siegel, founding partner of the 909 Group, will receive

Entrepreneur of the Year Award recipient. He is the former President of Global Operations at Dale Earnhardt Inc., one of the top motor sports franchises in NASCAR. He is also an accomplished entertainment executive, attorney, author, conference organizer and television and film producer. Theresa Peterson will receive the Women of Vision Award. She is the GE Global Research Center Director of External Affairs and Technology Programs. An accomplished leader, Peterson is a role model for young African-American women. Additional award recipients will be announced. Tickets to attend the event are $50 per ticket and $500 for a table of 10. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. For more information or to purchase a ticket or table, contact Lynna Townsend, IBE executive assistant, at or 317-923-3043. Funds generated from Summer Celebration help support Indiana Black Expo’s yearround youth and family programs. IBE Summer Celebra-


Charlie Wilson tion advance tickets can be ordered online at until June 26. Advance tickets can also be purchased at the Indiana Black Expo box office (3145 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208) until July 16. For more information, visit or call (317) 925-2702.

The Chicago Crusader

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