Chicago Crusader 11/09/13 E-Edition

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Blacks Must Control Their Own Community





25 Cents and worth more

Fox anchor vows to remain in Chicago morning anchor, Dawn Hasbrouck, also an African American female, will step into the 9 p.m. anchor chair on November 28, one day after Robinson completes her last regular anchor duties. While not dismissing Hasbrouck’s skills, Feder noted “They (Fox) are not gaining in any way, adding they are only saving money. I can’t think of any reason why they think this is the prudent thing to do,” he said of Fox man-

By Glenn Reedus The recent re-assignment of Fox 32’s Robin Robinson from the anchor desk to special reporter set off a flurry of speculation about the long-time anchor’s future at Fox as well as in her native Chicago. The shift also prompted discussions about the small number of Black television anchors and management locally. Earlier this week during an appearance on Cliff Kelley’s radio show on WVON-AM Robinson re-assured listeners she will continue to be a presence and a force in the city. Robinson told listeners her new assignment is a Fox 32 show called Tipping Point. She explained the half-hour show will take on such issues as crime, jobs, and teen pregnancy. Throughout her 60 minutes on Kelley’s show, Robinson reiterated she will remain in Chicago. The former WBBM anchor had high praise for local television audiences and said she wanted Chicagoans to know “I am not gone. I am re-wired.” Robinson, the only anchor who has been with Fox 32 since its inception in 1987, has skills on par if not superior than any anchor in any market; so the station’s decision to reassign her from the anchor desk makes no sense to Robert Feder, local television columnist. Feder has been covering local television since

Robin Robinson

Robert Feder

1980, seven years before there was a Fox network here. Robinson has carved an indelible niche in Chicago television news as no other Black newsperson has occupied the highly visible anchor’s chair as long as the 56-year-old Chicago native. Fox recently announced its

agement. “Robin’s equity in the community cannot be measured. She is extraordinarily valuable to that station in ways I don’t think management appreciates.” Hasbrouck and Robinson have Bob Butler

(Continued on page 6)

Rosenwald Courts Rehab Project Hits a Nail By Wendell Hutson Before the first nail could be hammered a rehab of the shuttered Rosenwald Courts building in Bronzeville has run into opposition from some residents. “When you mix the lethal combination of getting something done at any cost as displayed by Ald. (Pat) Dowell, and the city with the greedy mindset of making money at any cost as displayed by [the developers], the community will lose out every time,” said Byron Williams, a member of Rosenwald4All, a community group pushing for the redevelopment of the property. “This is pure lunacy.” The Rosenwald4All is opposed to the lack of community involvement in the planning process. Williams said a community task force organized by Dowell was disbanded last year, and said the projected $353,000 construction cost per unit is too high. Dowell’s Third Ward includes the Rosenwald Courts at 47th Street and Michigan (Continued on page 6)

THE ROSENWALD COURTS apartments would be transformed from an eyesore to one of the most eye-appealing properties in Bronzeville if this architect’s rendering becomes a reality.


Gary native McClendon tapped to manage Seattle Mariners (See story on page 19)


Saturday, November 9, 2013



Saturday, November 9, 2013




There are growing concerns about the seeming rise of mental health issues in America. This is evident when looking at the numbers of “lone gunmen” who randomly shoot up schools, airports, shopping malls, and more. But there is a saying that “if the white community catches a cold, the Black community catches pneumonia.” This is because the Black community suffers disproportionately from all types of ills: social, economic, academic, health and almost any other indicator that you can name. When looked at in this light, it becomes apparent that the Black community in America is ill, is off-balance. And since it is becoming more and more obvious that the world conforms to our thoughts, it might be surmised that mental illness is at the bottom of it all. This is a notion that will probably be resisted by most Black Americans, because, for whatever reasons, there is a stigma associated with mental illness. It has been said that Black people are more prone to turn to church, to friends, and to other means of social supports rather than turning to healthcare professionals. This is not to say that healthcare professionals have all of the answers, they don’t, but they have extra tools that can assist people in their quest to make sense of the circumstances that tend to oppress them. In spite of the incredible obstacles faced by Black people in America, we have come a long way. When thinking about the history of extreme oppression to the point of not being considered human at one juncture, it is a wonder that we aren’t worse off than we are! Actually, the blanket of oppression has made us stronger in many ways, but there has been a price to pay. The community’s focus on attaining material goods has resulted in a lack of spirituality among many, especially a lot of inner city youth. Looking at the sagging pants, which are becoming more and more extreme, - the reluctance to act “smart,” Black-on-Black murder and other crimes, the tendency to drop out of school, to have low reading and math skills, to glorify gangsterhood, to exhibit self-loathing and to produce offspring without the economic or moral wherewithal to help them navigate through the world are all evidence of a type of mental illness. The insanity of white supremacy can be seen as a factor in the development of mental imbalance in the Black community. When you look at the incredibly inhumane treatment that has been meted out to Black and brown people around the globe, it becomes apparent that there is a type of mental illness that falls under the heading of white supremacy. It has blinders on, so that the perpetrators are not able to see themselves for who they are. All you need to do is look at the photos taken early in the last century where whites are seen standing around and laughing at the lynched, mutilated bodies of Black men hanging from trees while burned beyond recognition. It can also be seen in the maltreatment of slaves who fared far worse than farm animals. This animalistic behavior has sent repercussions down through the centuries into the minds of Black people today. Taking all of this into account, there is a strong opinion among some people that the psychic imbalance in Black America can be traced directly to this history of cruel treatment. Because of this, the community deserves to be compensated. Reparations would be totally appropriate in helping to right the wrongs facing the Black community today and help restore balance. A luta continua. 4

Saturday, November 9, 2013

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Glad I am not named Jackson Dear Editor: The other day while reading one of the dailies I saw a story about one of Rev. Jesse Jackson’s sons trying to get a tax break for his beer distributorship. It was the second one in two years. Neither was approved. The story implied that Yusef Jackson was doing something wrong by seeking the kind of business deal that thousands of white, Asian and Hispanic entrepreneurs and corporate types before him have done. The story identified Yusef as the brother-in-law to former Seventh Ward alderman Sandi Jackson. It was speculated in the story that as a council member at the time, she would vote on the TIF request. If the story was attempting to be balanced it would have included that she could, and probably would have abstained from voting on the request. Why does it seem that when Black folks try to abide by the system and do what it calls for there is a problem? How many white people go to the city looking for some kind of tax deal? Whatever the number, we do not get news stories about everyone of them. As the story pointed out, Yusef Jackson has grown the beer distributorship business for several years. There is nothing untoward about his requests. If he were Yusef Crawford would there be this scrutiny? I

doubt it. If Larry Jackson was his father would there be a news story? Again I doubt it. The story mentioned that Yusef didn’t answer the paper’s questions. That should come as no surprise. The way the story is framed tells even the least savvy reader this story set out to be a newspaper hit on Yusef Jackson. Answering the media’s questions could not have helped him, and he knew it. We all know there is such a thing as a slow news day, however, that is no excuse to skewer Black business people, especially when they have done nothing wrong. A.C. Taylor

Mccarthy leads a rich fantasy life Dear Editor: We have probably all heard the phrase “life imitating art.” Depending on many circumstances some might never get a chance to see this adage in action. Well Chicagoans certainly get to see it up close. Fans of one of the best television shows ever – The Wire – no doubt recall how the police department in that series was able to manipulate people, scenarios and statistics to get desired results. One of those repeated manipulations was crime statistics. Departmental higher ups would reclassify crimes in order to create the impression of better policing. It was a myth. That was the art part. Now the life part is the Chicago Police Superintendent Garry Mc-


Carthy trying to get us to believe crime is down, and some crimes are at half-century lows. There is no reason to think that McCarthy’s underlings are giving the public “uncooked” numbers. Why should we believe that some of those at CPD aren’t doing the same things the Baltimore PD did in The Wire? Since he got to town right after Emanuel was elected Mayor, Garry McCarthy has been throwing one ‘strategy” after another against the wall and nothing was sticking. The CPD rank-and-file wasn’t (Continued on page 17)



Dorothy R. Leavell Advertising Director

J.L. Smith 6429 South King Drive Chicago, Illinois 60637 773-752-2500 An independent newspaper serving the Southside Westside and Northside, printing the news impartially empowering what it believes to be right and appealling what it believes to be wrong without regard to party politics. Devoted to the Industrial, Educational, SocioPolitical and Educational advancement of Black people. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VOL. LXXIII NO. 29 NOV. 9, 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________________


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Congresswoman Kelly makes a pit stop to talk to voters By Wendell Hutson For the first time since being elected to the Second Congressional District seat to replace Jesse Jackson Jr., U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL) met with her constituents in the city’s Fourth Ward, which includes Hyde Park. Sipping on a cup of coffee Kelly met with voters recently at Sip and Savor, 5301 S. Hyde Park Blvd., as they voiced their concerns for their South Side neighborhood. Those concerns included more economic development, violence prevention and the redevelopment of the former Michael Reese Hospital site in Bronzeville.

I am glad that she finally decided to come meet with us since we helped her get elected,” said Bonnie White, a 38-year-old office worker and mother of three daughters. “It seems like we can’t get a congressman who is not a crook or one that meets our needs. I hope this time we elected the right person who will do both.” Local business owners said they were impressed with what Kelly had to say about how she plans to address their concerns. “She’s very concerned, at least gives us an ear and she talks to us,” said Phil Beckham, Sip and Savor’s owner. Since her April victory into office,

CONGRESSWOMAN ROBIN KELLY explained to South Side residents recently that the government shutdown required her to spend more time in Washington, D.C. than expected.

Kelly said she has been bogged down working to improve the national economy. “I’m there [in Washington, D.C.] much more than I thought because of the shutdown,” she added. Access to capital by small businesses was another concern raised by voters during a one-hour sitdown with the congresswoman. Beck- man said despite doing ‘OK’ he lost his line of credit as the economy tanked. “I don’t have the lobbying dollars to go to [Washington] D.C., and this gives us an opportunity to be heard,” Beckman said. Kelly said since taking office she has heard from a wide range of voters, from homeowners and seniors to college students and unemployed, single mothers. “I’ve never worked a job where 90 percent of people don’t like you,” Kelly said, referring to the latest polling numbers on Congressional approval. Some voters said they have not made their minds up yet about Kelly. “It’s too early to tell if she will be a breath of fresh air or another let down in Congress,” said Oscar Black, 48, an unemployed construction worker. “I voted for her because she said she would bring change to the district, but so far I have not seen any change or improvement for that matter.” Sylvia Powell, 71, said the Afford-

New CHA director is rising star It appears that Michael Merchant, Chicago’s new housing authority director is taking the ladder to success two rungs at a time. This month, Mayor Rahm Emanuel appointed Merchant to top housing post, only 18 months after the mayor named him Commissioner of Buildings. He replaces Charles Woodyard as executive director of the housing authority. Woodyard recently resigned after less than two years on the job. Merchant has a sustained history in public service as he has been a Cook County Assistant Public Defender, an investigator with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, A former Chicago Public Schools mathematics teacher and DePaul Law School grad and Merchant also worked for Chicago’s longest serving mayor. During the Richard M. Daley administration, Merchant served as the deputy director of the Mayor’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. In that role, he was responsible for advancing the mayor’s city council legislative agenda, as well as assisting the council in resolving legislative, policy and city services issues. His public sector resume also includes a stretch as the CPS

Michael Merchant rector or intergovernmental affairs. That role required him to lobby on behalf of the school district’s local, state and federal issues involving legislative, policy and financial concerns. Merchant also counseled the district’s CEO and departments heads regarding governing issues, as well as managed a department that included internal CPS employees and external contract lobbyists. Merchant spent several years with the U.S. Peace Corps. He conducted speaking engagements for minority recruitment and

spent time on a Basic Education Support Project in Namibia, Africa. As part of his responsibilities, he worked with government officials, educational leaders, international education development agencies, community leaders and community members to facilitate the workshops for teachers and principals to aid in the design of a national certification program. Merchant was admitted to the Illinois Bar in November, 2003. His undergraduate degree in general sciences is from Atlanta’s Morehouse College.

CONGRESSWOMAN ROBIN KELLY (standing) heard about a wide array of problems from voters in the Fourth Ward during a recent visit. able Care Act is the number one concern for her and many seniors. “She was nowhere around when ‘Obamacare’ started. Other elected officials [such as Democratic U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush) have sponsored

forums explaining the new healthcare law to people but not Kelly,” Powell said. “I hope it was because she was too busy in Washington taking care of our needs and not her needs or the needs of rich, white folks.”

New Jersey Black Chamber boycotts airport event When the champagne is flowing, the balloons floating and music blasting at the re-opening of the Trenton-Mercer Airport in Trenton, N.J., members of the African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey (AACCNJ) will be conspicuous by their absence. The chamber’s leadership refused an invitation to participate because Frontier Airlines “has chosen to ignore requests from our organization to engage in a relationship with the AACCNJ that is similar to what it has with other mainstream groups,” John E. Harmon, Sr., AACCNJ senior president and CEO said recently. “There are over 70,000 African American individuals in Mercer County and 1.2 million in New Jersey. Many of the destinations which Frontier services, would be appealing to our constituency thus creating value for a relationship with the AACCNJ.” Harmon continues…As an organization, we will no longer remain silent while the consumer dollars of our constituency are used to sustain disinterested enterprises; without a reciprocal relationship; it’s disrespectful and unconscionable in 2013,” says Harmon. Frontier Airlines will expand its service at the Trenton-Mercer Airport in Ewing with the addition of nonstop flights to Cincinnati, Ohio, and Charlotte, North Carolina. Frontier is the only airline providing scheduled service out of Trenton-Mercer Airport. The addition of the two cities brings Frontier’s total nonstop destinations served from TrentonMercer Airport to 11: Atlanta, Char-


John E. Harmon, Sr. lotte, Chicago-Midway, Cincinnati, Columbus, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Orlando, Raleigh-Durham and Tampa. The airline has scheduled three weekly flights between TrentonMercer Airport and Cincinnati, and four weekly flights between TrentonMercer and Charlotte. All Frontier flights from Trenton-Mercer will operate on 138-seat Airbus 319 aircraft. The African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey, Inc., (AACCNJ) is dedicated to economically empowering and sustaining African American Communities through Entrepreneurship and capitalistic activities within the State of New Jersey and via interaction with the National Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (NBCC). The African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey has been incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and provides advocacy and support for businesses throughout the State of New Jersey.

Saturday, November 9, 2013



Fox anchor vows to remain in Chicago (Continued from page 1) worked together at Fox and the latter had highly favorable comments about her replacement. For Chicago’s Black community and the local television business, replacing Robinson with Hasbrouck is a wash, numerically nothing is gained, as long as Robinson remains at Fox. News of Robinson’s transition from the anchor desk leaked in bits rather than through a coordinated announcement the station and Robinson had planned. “Respectful” was how Robinson termed the conversation she had with station management about the change. “Setting the record straight” was a motivator for appearing on the afternoon talk show. “I am not leaving. I just won’t be anchoring anymore,” Robinson explained. After her anchor desk duties conclude Robinson will take off the month of December and return to the air in January 2014. Feder and Bob Butler, president of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), concur a major factor in Robinson’s re-assignment was probably salary. Although Robinson’s salary hasn’t been disclosed, it is a given that Hasbrouck will earn less. Butler noted, “This is the nature of our business and you get people who work for a long time and at some point management wants to go in a different direction. “Robin’s is not an isolated case, it happened even more in 2007-08 during the height of the recession. Then and now corporate said cut salaries, and you cut people who are making the most money.” He added more stations are owned by entertainment companies compared to decades ago when news corporations dominated ownership. The ownership shift has resulted in operations focusing more on profits, instead of news content. Feder echoed that observation when he offered that he was disappointed, but not surprised by the news about Robinson. “I thought it was not a smart move for them to make. It didn’t surprise me considering all the things Fox was doing there and at their other stations. They’ve been cutting experienced, well-regarded talent and bringing in people from outside of Chicago with less experience and frankly for less $$—they have been doing that systematically. They are getting rid of the experienced employees who know Chicago and know their jobs and bringing in people who “are still learning.” Robinson’s shift stirred the relatively calm television news waters. In recent years little if any fanfare was created by anchors or longtime reporters switching stations, jobs or 6

leaving the market. It was 2008 the last time a Black drew sustained citywide and industry attention. Then, Diann Burns was fired by Channel 2, the local CBS affiliate. Burns, reportedly the highest paid anchor in Chicago television news history with what insiders said was a five-year, $10 million contract, was fired in a purge of news people at that station. The NABJ’s Butler compared Robin’s plight to that of former New York anchor Sue Simmons. Simmons, a 30-year veteran of the NBC affiliate, WNBC learned her contract would not be renewed as the existing one was weeks away from expiring. The scarcity of Black female anchors makes their departures more pronounced, Feder opined, noting that television has always been more “forgiving” of older men than older women. “There are so few African American women who make it to that (anchor) level in the first place, by the time they do make it, they hit that age ceiling. Their absence then is even more noticeable,” he said. Feder and Butler said the age ceiling is about 45 years old and generally Black females struggle to keep their jobs. “It is shameful that we don’t get the opportunity to retire from the jobs on our terms,” adding when Simmons was cut loose, her older white male co-anchor remained on the air. He said middle-aged Black female anchors are shown the door, but “a white male anchor can be 70 years old and will be considered the dean of broadcasting,” Butler said. Robinson, during her time on the air with Kelley, touched on the role of station management, explaining that at heart she is a journalist who is interested much more in storytelling than management. However, Butler noted the topic of Black people in television news management should not be glossed over. Chicago has a paucity of minorities in television news management, Butler, the author of an annual audit of the nation’s minority TV news managers noted. Chicago’s majority minority status isn’t reflected in the ranks of African American, Hispanic and Asian news decision makers. “Management sets the news agenda, does the hiring, does the firing. It is a shame that in a city like Chicago, you have two of the stations who have not one Black in the management.” In television news, the key management jobs include: general manager, news director, assistant news director, executive producer and the person who runs the website, according to Butler. Based on his latest (2011) NABJ Diversity Census, no Black or Hispanic manager exists at two Chicago stations. “It is a

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dawn Hasbrouck pretty sad state of affairs” was Butler’s assessment. He identified a Hispanic assistant news director at Channel 5 as the highest-ranking minority in any Chicago television newsroom.

Black Chicago’s presence at the anchor desk doesn’t extend very far beyond Robinson’s tenures at WBBM and Fox 32. In the three years preceding her arrival at Fox, Robinson worked for the local CBS

affiliate as a weekend anchor and reporter. Then the only full-time 9 p.m. Black anchor in the city was Harry Porterfield at Channel 2. When Porterfield was demoted from that role, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and supporters at Operation P.U.S.H. launched a 10-month viewer boycott of Channel 2. According to Feder, the impact of the boycott was so effective that Channel 2 management signed a covenant with Jackson and PUSH. That covenant led to increased hiring at that station, but more importantly it set the tone for all local stations to hire more African Americans to anchor the 9 p.m. and 6 p.m. newscasts. Lester Holt was hired when the boycott ended in 1986. “The local stations realized they had to improve their own reflection of the community so by the early 1990s there were African Americans fronting every station’s newscast. We were way behind and it was shameful,” Feder noted. Butler’s census tracks the number of management jobs held by minorities at 228 television stations across the country. The 2011 census shows Robinson and Hasbrouck’s employer, Fox owns 18 television stations in 16 markets. There are no minorities in management at the stations in Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Detroit, Phoenix, Tampa and Minneapolis. The network has 88 white managers, four Blacks, five Hispanics and one Asian in those jobs. The census gives Fox a 10 percent diversity ranking. NBC has the highest ranking with 24 percent and has 55 white managers, 12 African Americans, five Hispanics and one Asian.

Rosenwald Courts Rehab . . . Avenue said she understands why community groups would question the rehab project. “There were lots of false starts,” she said. Dowell said since the Rosenwald closed in 2000 there have been a lot of redevelopment ideas that never materialized, one of the reasons Nina Lowe, 35, said she no longer trust any redevelopment projects supported with tax dollars. “Every time the city of Chicago has a hand in a redevelopment project there’s always some shady deal in the background waiting to happen,” contends Lowe, a former Rosenwald resident. “Look at the Sutherland Building on Drexel. It was suppose to be redeveloped to include ‘affordable’ units but I hear no one is moving into the building but rich white folks.” The City Council recently ap-

(Continued from page 1) proved $84 million in tax-incrementing financing Landwhite Developers in Indiana to rehab the building as 239 apartments for seniors and working families. But before the project can move forward it must wait to see if the Chicago Housing Authority approves a $17.4 million funding package. Dowell said rehabbing the longvacant building is worth the cost. “It’s been a drag on the community. The building is old, it’s a historic building,” Dowell said. “Once you add in the requirements of restoring a historic building, you add in the plumbing, water, heating, add elevators, expand the apartments, add rehab costs, plus amenities like washers and dryers, it can get up there.” The developer is expected to chip in $7.6 million toward the


project while the bulk comes from tax dollars while also collecting a $7.2 million fee for rehabbing the building. A $58.6 million tax-exempt bond from the city will cost more than $1 million in administrative costs to get to the bond market, according to a redevelopment agreement filed with the city. The fees for attorneys are expected to top $1 million according to the document. Former tenants included Nat “King” Cole, Quincy Jones and Gwendolyn Brooks, according to historian Timuel Black. Named after former Sears, Roebuck and Co. President Julius Rosenwald, the building opened in 1929 with the goal of providing stable housing for workingclass Black families in the aftermath of the Great Migration, added Black.


HBCU’s are at a Crossroads By Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist It has recently been in the press the financial woes of the Grambling State University Football Team. Players boycotted traveling to a game in nearby Jackson, MS (down the road on Interstate 20). They protested the lack of funding in their locker room facilities, traveling by bus instead of airplane and missing some planned meals. The school’s response was that yes, they are poorly funded. Budgets costs are coming from state, local and federal governments. No hope is in sight. This brings up an important and very serious question: Is it time to merge state funded Black schools into mainstream schools? This may sound blasphemous but the times have really changed from the days when we had no alternative because of “Jim Crow” education. School segregation was not just in the southern states. Many schools in northern and Midwestern urban areas were also segregated in a de facto manner. It was wrong and a hypocritical fact against our constitution and national charter. As time went on, we changed for the better. Historically Black colleges and universities were transformed from a

Harry C. Alford necessity to a cultural decision promoting our heritage. Funding challenges in this nation are becoming more and more intense as citizens demand less and less taxes and more perfectly managed public budgets. One of the biggest integrator of colleges and universities is athletics. Major schools rely on athletics, mainly football and basketball, as a revenue generator. If a school does it right they can fund all of the athletic programs via revenue from the “gate” and television shares from

those two sports. If they start to fall, some of the athletic programs (mainly female) will start to fold. It’s all about the desires of the current marketplace. The schools that produce the largest revenue are the ones who have a tradition of winning. Those schools have strong and proud alumni who give willingly and a TV market that will give handsome revenue shares to them. Also, sports equipment and apparel manufacturers lavish the successful schools with millions of dollars in equipment and financial aid. The big programs get bigger and the weak programs suffer. HBCU’s are suffering. When Tank Younger and Marion Motley broke the color lines of the National Football League, the evolution kicked in. Soon, every NFL team not only had one Black they had a growing number of Blacks. The Washington (racial slur) Football Team was the last to have a Black on their roster. Today, 77% of the NFL is Black. There is not much difference in the National Basketball Association, NBA. One might think that HBCU’s would have the advantage in recruiting quality Black players to prepare for the pros. That doesn’t appear to be the case. Prime time facilities, huge

and rich campuses, distinguished alumni associations, beautiful women and celebrity win the young athletes over. Let’s look at today’s NFL. I check the rosters of four NFL teams. My sampling was the San Diego Chargers, New Orleans Saints, Baltimore Ravens and Chicago Bears. Out of 69 players the Chargers have no players from HBCU’s (0%). The Saints have 4.3% (3). The Ravens have just 1.5% (2) while the Bears have 4.6% (3) from HBCU’s. Who would have thought that our HBCU’s would have little impact on the make-up of our NFL? The times have changed and this has a very severe impact on HBCU’s campuses. Recruiting shrinks, alumni contributions, especially from graduating athletes) becomes nil. It is a downhill climb from here. The good news from a commercial aspect is that the athletic make up of our integrated schools is growing exponentially in diversity. There was a time when you could count the amount of major college Black quarterbacks. Now there are so many you just can’t keep up with it. Ohio State which has not lost a game in two years and is ranked #2 in the nation has all three of their

roster quarterbacks being Black. Some of our Black athletic departments believe they can make quick money sending their ill prepared HBCU teams to meet major programs. They “feed” these poorly equipped and ill prepared teams to face some of the biggest football machines in the nation. Florida A&M vs. Ohio State and South Carolina State vs. Clemson are examples of these atrocities. The money may be good but the school’s image and their players’ morale are shattered. It’s time to regroup. HBCU’s will be small, culturally based institutions that should be supported by middle class Blacks as a whole. Regardless of your affiliation, it is important to our heritage to keep them alive at some level. We should look to better management and more attention given to them (funding) by our elected officials. It is shameful that the support levels by their alumni do not reach 10%. Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce®. Website: Email:

The Myth of a Federal Government Out of Control By George E. Curry NNPA Columnist The Republican push to reduce the federal deficit solely through spending cuts is based on mythology rather than fact. That was clearly demonstrated by a series of reports issued recently by the non-partisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). In a report issued Oct. 28, CBPP stated, “As a new budget conference committee seeks agreement on spending and tax priorities for the next decade, some policymakers and commentators who believe that future deficit reduction must come solely from spending cuts will likely repeat the claim that the federal government is exploding in size. The data do not support such a claim. “To be sure, total federal spending as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) rose considerably in 2008 and 2009 and remained high in 2010 and 2011, in part because GDP was unusually low due to the Great Recession and its aftermath. But spending dropped significantly in 2012 as a share of GDP and, as the latest Congressional Budget Office (CBO) data indicates, this downward trend is expected to continue over the next five years.”

The report, titled “Size and Reach of Federal Government Are Not Exploding,” notes that those backing deep cuts in social programs neglect the real reasons for increased federal spending. “While total federal spending will rise modestly as a percent of GDP during the latter part of the decade under a continuation of current policies, that is mostly because of a marked increase in interest payments,” the report stated. “In particular, as the economy recovers, interest rates will also rise, simultaneously increasing the interest we must pay on any given amount of debt.” The study also found, “Under a continuation of current policies, total federal spending – including interest – will drop from 24.1 percent of GDP in 2011 and 22.8 percent in 2012 to 21.5 percent in 2013, before starting to rise in the middle of the coming decade, climbing back up to 22.7 percent by 2023. At least three-fourths of the increase between mid-decade and 2023, however, will come from higher interest payments on the debt. Interest payments are not a federal program, and increases in interest costs do not themselves represent an expansion of the government’s activities or reach. It should also be noted that interest costs rise when taxes are cut, because the tax cuts add to

George E. Curry deficits and debt just as spending increases do.” As I noted in this space last week, more than 90 percent of so-called entitlement benefits go to the elderly, disabled or working households. Furthermore, as the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities observed, increased spending on safety net programs because of the recession is both appropriate and temporary. “Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections show that federal spending on low-income programs other than health care has started to decline and will fall substantially as a percent of gross do-

mestic product (GDP) as the economy recovers. By the end of the decade, it will fall below its average level as a percent of GDP over the prior 40 years, from 1973 to 2012. Since these programs are not rising as a percent of GDP, they do not contribute to our long-term fiscal problems,” CBPP said in a report titled, “Low-Income Programs Are Not Driving the Nation’s LongTerm Fiscal Problem.” I am not suggesting there are not some serious financial questions facing the nation. The rising cost of Medicaid is among those concerns. But it’s important to know why costs will rise rather than using it as an excuse to cut social programs. “To be sure, Medicaid is projected to rise significantly in cost, relative to GDP, for several reasons,” said the report on low-income programs. “To begin with, costs throughout the U.S. health care system – in both the public and private sectors – have been growing faster than GDP for several decades. Medicaid isn’t the cause of this systemwide cost growth; over the past decade, in fact, perbeneficiary costs have risen more slowly in Medicaid than under private insurance, a trend expected to continue over the next ten years.” It also noted, “A second reason that Medicaid costs will rise faster than GDP is the aging of the pop-


ulation. Older people have much higher average health care costs than younger people. Elderly and disabled beneficiaries account for 24 percent of Medicaid beneficiaries but 64 percent of program costs. As the population ages, the number and share of Medicaid beneficiaries who are elderly will increase, raising program costs. “Another reason that Medicaid costs will continue to rise significantly is the continued erosion of employer-based health coverage. Over time, the share of low-income people able to get coverage through their (or their families’) employers has fallen, so more of them have turned to Medicaid for coverage.” Yes, the federal government needs to pay close attention to future spending and revenue. But not because spending is out of control or the safety net is bankrupting the country. George E. Curry, former editorin-chief of Emerge magazine, is editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA.) He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his Web site, You can also follow him at and George E. Curry Fan Page on Facebook.

Saturday, November 9, 2013



CURRICULUM SURGERY Dr. Conrad Worrill, Director/Professor, Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS) located at 700 East Oakwood Blvd, Chicago, Illinois, 60653, 773-268-7500, Fax: 773-268-3835 E-mail:, Web site:, Twitter: @CCICS_ Chicago.

Dr. Conrad Worrill

Part of our repair as an African people is the continued struggle to organize to challenge the teaching of African and Africans in

America history in the public schools of America. This issue should continue to be a priority on our educational organizing agenda. Throughout the development of education in the western world, the idea of transmitting knowledge has been done through what is called a curriculum. It is through this curriculum that people are taught the values, concepts, principles, and theories that undergird the basic philosophy of any agreed upon knowledge. This agreed upon knowledge is called a discipline. In the late 1960s, the Black Liberation Movement charged American educational institutions as being racist and white supremacist. One of the movements that developed as a result of these charges was the call for a more accurate and thorough recognition of the contributions of Africans in America and African people worldwide to be included in the curriculums of elementary, secondary, and higher education. This movement became known as the Black Studies Movement. Throughout America, particularly on college campuses and high schools, battles unfolded for the revision of curriculums that were racist in their interpretations of history and its impact on African people.

The demands of the Black Liberation Movement were so forceful (in some instances buildings were seized by students demanding Black Studies be taught at their schools) that many universities began to develop Black Studies programs. On the secondary and elementary level in many school districts throughout the United States task forces were developed to study, evaluate, and recommend changes in public school curriculums regarding the contributions and history of African people in the world. It has been well over thirty years since the call was made for Black Studies and since the first Black program was established at San Francisco State University, after months of intense battle by African in America students with university officials. During this current climate of so-called educational reform very little discussion has taken place regarding the continued racism and white supremacy of American public school curriculums. The great movement of the 1960s and 70s put the issue of Black Studies on the American agenda, but like many issues of the 1960s, they have either fallen by the wayside or have been put on the backburner. The concern has shifted from what is being taught to African in

America children to the problems with skill development in reading and math. There must be a balance in our concerns not just regarding skill development but for what is taught. To have African in America children skilled and proficient at reading and math, but having no idea of who they are or where they came from will repeat the historical errors of education that Carter G. Woodson so insightfully discusses in his 1933 publication of The Mis-Education of the Negro. We must not abandon the struggle to demand that the public school curriculums in America be changed to reflect an accurate interpretation of the history, culture, and contributions of African people in math, science, language arts, art, and social studies. At the Ninth National Convention of the National Black United Front (NBUF) in 1988, in Kansas City, Missouri, the decision was made to place education as a major priority in our National Plan of Action in the work that NBUF carries out in all of its chapters. NBUF drew on the success of the Portland Chapter members of NBUF who were able to organize the African in America community in Portland to demand significant changes be made in what is called the baseline areas of the curriculum as it relates to African

people. Some of the best African minds in the world, such as our distinguished ancestors Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Asa G. Hilliard, III were brought in as consultants to help rewrite the curriculum of the Portland Public Schools. This document has become known as “The Portland Model” and has been implemented selectively in other school districts around the country, particularly in cities where there are NBUF Chapters. However, we are still at the embryonic stages of its implementation. NBUF maintains that, “The issue of education when properly approached is a mass issue that when won will have a mass impact on the minds of millions of Black youth and thousands of Black youth locally. Portland NBUF has demonstrated that a well organized Black community behind a core of dedicated NBUF members can force local school boards to adopt an African Centered Program of curriculum change along with other changes that will be called for in each locality.” For the sake of our children, we must continue to take on this challenge to change the public school curriculum to more adequately reflect the contributions of African and African American people in all subject areas.

THE MASKS WE WEAR: TRICK, TREAT, AND TRAGEDY By Julianne Malveaux NNPA Columnist In 1896, Lyrics of Lowly Life, a collection of Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poetry was published. Although his poem was specifically focused on African American people, in this twenty-first century, it is apropos to many. He recognizes the pain many feel about their inability to be “themselves” and if we fast-forward to today, he addresses the masks they wear because they want to hide from themselves. The poem reads: “We wear the mask that grins and lies; That hides our cheeks and shades our eyes; This debt we pay to human guile; With torn and bleeding hearts we smile; And mouth with myriad subtleties. Why should the world be overwise; In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us, while; We wear the mask. We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries; To thee from tortured souls arise. We sing, but oh the clay is 8

vile; Beneath our feet, and long the mile; But let the world dream otherwise. We wear the mask!” Whenever I read this poem I am struck by its poignancy. It recognizes the Black folks who tap danced when they’d rather do ballet, who hid their true feelings to get ahead, who are perceived as happy while “the clay is vile.” It doesn’t take a historian to evaluate the masks that people of African descent have been forced to wear in these United States. In the early twentieth century you could be lynched for looking a white person in the eye. No matter what your status, you were expected to clear the sidewalk when a white person walked by. You weren’t supposed to scowl or protest, just to wear the mask. When Senator Barack Obama ran for President of the United States, few chose to acknowledge that he stood on the shoulders of the great civil rights leader, Rev. Jesse Jackson. Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada), now an Obama ally,

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dr. Julianne Malveaux had the condescending temerity to describe a Harvard-educated Black man as “well-spoken.” Many of us who earned advanced degrees from our nation’s best institutions are stunned when we are described as “articulate.” Some of us choose to wear the mask and silently absorb the nonsense. Oth-

ers are plain spoken enough to pay the price of stunted career advancement, or a reputation for being “edgy.” People wear masks daily, sometimes to reveal who they are, and sometimes to hide their true identity. What does this imply, then, about the white people who think that a blackface mask is appropriate. Too many people, including the obscure and minimally talented actress Julianne Hough decided to don blackface for a Halloween party, excusing herself by claiming she was simply going as a character in the show Orange is the New Black. When criticized she said she was “sorry,” but she should have said she was ignorantly sorry, because her historical knowledge is most deficient. Did she go to anybody’s school? Like Hough, those who think that blackface is funny, ignore the demeaning history of blackface caricatures. If these people are wearing a mask, it is a mask that allowed them to hide their racism until they had an


excuse to let it show. Then their response is that “it is all in good fun, we meant no harm,” or “I never meant to offend.” That’s the mask of arrogance. The mask of “I’m white, I’m going to do whatever I choose to do,” a mask that allows them to ignore common decency. In 2011, Ohio University started a campaign that suggested that students be mindful of the Halloween costumes they choose. The “we’re a culture not a costume” has spread to several universities, but apparently it has not spread widely enough. Two white men in Florida declared “anything for a laugh” when one, with a “Stand Your Ground” t-shirt (posing as George Zimmerman) seems to be shooting his black faced, hoodie clad white friend who is supposed to be Trayvon Martin. Why is this appropriate or amusing? The arrogance of white people suggests that they can make a joke, and suggests that all people of color are their jokes. The (Continued on page 17)


By Ima Gontellit


EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is published as political satire, street gossip and humor, and therefore should not be considered as fact but rather as matter of opinion. None of the items therein are collected by the news gathering staff of the Crusader Newspaper Group. Items forwarded to The Chatterbox are kept confidential unless otherwise requested by the author in writing. For submissions please forward to: Original photography and artwork are permitted. Thank you for reading!

REST IN PEACE The Chatterbox and the residents of the third floor of the Great Bye-and-Goodbye Convalescent Home says farewell to the owner of Slaughter Funeral Home, who passed away recently. That funeral home buried eight of Ima's husbands, and was fixin' to get number nine, when this tragedy occurred. -ImaWEST SIDE SCRAMBLE The plan to “replace” a few beloved West Side politicians seems to have a few holes in it. We guess the folks from Oak Park and Downtown who are quarterbacking these bizarre moves did not count on those incumbents to fight back. In de meantime, people are openly wondering if a certain Cook County Commissioner can actually finish the term they started. Folk claim this person has “lost it,” and “is exhibiting signs of senility,” and “might suffer from memory loss, too.” The only help being offered to this Commissioner is apparently to “help them out of office,” or so we heard. -ImaFAKE PREACHERS, REAL FAIL President Obama and Michelle gots to be shakin’ dey pretty heads. What's wrong with the colored clergy in Chicago? Once again, a handful of semi-literate preachers have given the “Black Church” a bad name in their failure to stop the “happy folk” from getting their rights to jump de broom with one another in

We hope Congressman Bobby Rush has really thought through his recent move to “protect the seat” by having that strange Ald. Howard Brookins get in place to jump into Congress should the former Black Panther have to “suddenly step down,” due to some unforeseen (and some foreseen) circumstances. People can barely stand Brookins in City Council. Do they really want him running up and down the halls of the U.S. House with his bottom lip hanging open, grinning, with his glasses shoved up on his nose? The only good news about baby Brookins is at least “we know him” and “who his family is,” and Barack and Michelle Obama nois. After waging a massive cam- de Emperor to lock up even more paign, funded by rightwing nuts juveniles in Cook County, the and some leftwing cashews with- closing of mental health clinics, in the Democratic party, the the firing of Negro educators, the “men of Gawd” launched a full firing of Negro policemen, the scale war against the homosexuals damage done to workers at the complete with advertising, robo CTA and other agencies. Please calls, mailings, appearances on don’t unite against gun manufacCLTV and ready-made protests turers, escalating violence, or the in Springfield. Because we know widespread confusion around some of the preachers who partic- Obamacare. No, let’s call Moses, ipated in this “campaign,” are a Samson, King David and all the few fries short of a Happy Meal, Children of Israel into battle bewe also know their “advocacy” cause two men are kissing each was nothing more than a public other in public. Please. Some of relations stunt fueled by some of those preachers who protested the same political forces who gay rights are suspect themselves, were pushing for the marriage including one who was alleged to equality act in the first place. have been caught sweet-handed This group of ministers who in the act in his (now former) were so outraged that gay people wife’s bedroom. Two or three are who love each other want to be right now suspected of being in able to have rights to medical transgendered relationships. Some considerations as male/female of them have Ministers of Music married couples, apparently see who give new meaning to “the no other issue in the entire coun- Sweet Bye and Bye.” try that is worthy of them going We hear that these paid “men of off about, let ‘lone in the City of Gawd” were coerced to do this by Chicago –not the lack of jobs, a very crafty brethren, who is a not the increasing incarceration well-known political operative rates, not the foreclosure crisis, who plays both sides of the not the skyrocketing prescription fence—and in this case we don’t drug prices, not the Real Preach- mean “pink fences,” we men “red ers of L.A., not the Thunderbird states vs. blue states” fences. This prices gone sky high, not noth- preacher supposedly got a million ing at all. No, what they are mad to “spread around” to his not-soabout is something that ain’t got smart counterparts to “pretend nothing to do with the rest of de that there is a public outcry,” so people who ain’t in homosexual these politicians “can have cover” relationships. What woman is as they “pretend to be forwardout there mad that a (alleged) gay thinking” as they “fake-fight for man won’t marry her—and don’t gay rights.” say Kim Kardashian, ‘cause she Congratulations to Chicago’s got a ring and a baby. It is strange Negro preachers for the biggest to most folk what the so-called “Black Church” fail since (deleted “Black Church” has decided to due to insensitive comment that “unite” and organize around— could cause some Christians to despite the school closings, the lose their religion). attacks on social services, the cuts to Food Stamps, the attempt by -ImaBLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

Howard Brookins “he can be held accountable,” unlike his colleague Ald. Will Burns, who we hear is tweakin’ hard for the spot. -ImaSAY AHHH

Bobby Rush

We hear a dentist on the South Side somewhere near Hyde Park, but not quite in that neighborhood, likes to have his female patients’ close their eyes and “open wide.” However, some of the ladies who were concerned about their broken grills, are going around saying, something tasted funny, during the process. Maybe they should keep their eyes open.

Saturday, November 9, 2013



Libraries get more money for tech for teens Mayor Rahm Emanuel held the first of three budget roundtables recently to discuss the 2014 budget and announced a new $500,000 investment that will allow the Chicago Public Library (CPL) to increase the number of teens that receive training in web design, digital media production, and programming from the nationally recognized YOUmedia program by 25 percent. “Budgets are statements of values and priorities, and as we have done during the past two years, we will make major reforms while making major investments, especially in the lives of children,” said Emanuel. “YOUmedia builds on teens’ interest in technology and motivates them to create, innovate and become active learners. By increasing access to digital media and safe, inviting spaces, we are empowering Chicago’s teens to engage technology in new ways.” Starting in the summer, CPL will offer regular digital skill development programs at six new library locations and an additional “pop up” program that will provide resources at a new branch library in a different neighborhood each month throughout the year. These activities will support Chicago’s youth in developing 21st century skills and help them gain exposure to education and career pathways in fields related to their interests. A 2013 study of YOUmedia conducted by the Chicago Consortium of Chicago School Research, revealed that nearly half of program participants were African American teenage boys, and that 80 percent of program participants travel on average five miles to access the program. According to the study, YOUmedia is cultivating a sense of community among teens who participate. This sense of community, along with peer relationships, serves as a potent force for driving teens to engage in digital media creation in new ways. A majority of YOUmedia participants report that they have improved their digital media skills due to YOUmedia. The majority of teens also report that YOUmedia has helped them with their school work and better understand opportunities available to them after high school.

“We’re excited to expand this model into more neighborhoods as it’s been so successful in engaging teens in deep learning,” said Library Commissioner Brian Bannon. “Now more than ever, libraries must serve as community learning centers and connect young people to resources that support their success in school and beyond.” More than 1,500 teens receive digital skills training from YOUmedia programs offered at five sites throughout the city. At the Harold Washington Library Center, high school YOUmedia participants attend workshops in digital music, video & animation, photography, graphic design and STEM. Teens can borrow laptops, use gaming stations, attend workshops and programs, create digital media, and use a music recording studio. Four CPL neighborhood branches offer YOUmedia programs providing youths in grades 6 to 8 access to up-to-date technology equipment as well as mentors and library staff who share their expertise in various areas of digital media production. CPL branch locations include: Rudy Lozano Branch Library, Richard M. Daley Branch Library, Humboldt Park Branch Library, and Thurgood Marshall Branch Library. Mayor Emanuel’s 2014 budget investment will increase the number of teens served by 25 percent. YOUmedia was launched in 2009 based on research supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation as part of its digital media and learning initiative, which is exploring how digital media are changing the way young people learn, play, socialize, and participate in civic life. “The Chicago Public Library has done extraordinary work in reimagining its role in the lives of youth in the City and has become a model for the library of the future for the entire country” said Julie Stasch, Vice President of U.S. Programs at the MacArthur Foundation. “We are pleased the city is expanding the benefits of YOUmedia to many more young people throughout the city. We look forward to our continuing partnership as the Chicago Public Library continues to lead the nation.”

The Crusader Newspaper Group is interested in our readers’ ideas, thoughts and opinions, whether you’re in Chicago, Northwest Indiana or any part of the U.S. we encourage you to send a letter to the editor at Please limit your letters to 200 words. 10

Saturday, November 9, 2013

MORE TEENS IN Chicago will have access to new media thanks to a $500,000 cash infusion into the Chicago Public Library’s YOUmedia program.

Minority students eligible for chemistry scholarships Renewable scholarships from $1,000 to $5,000 per year are available for minority students entering chemistry-related fields. The American Chemical Society (ACS) Scholars Program awards scholarships to qualified African American, Hispanic and American Indian students entering or already in community colleges and four-year institutions. ACS accepts applications from graduating high school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors. Applications will be accepted from Nov. 1, 2013, through March 1, 2014, for the academic year 2014-2015. Applications are accepted online on the ACS Scholars Program website ( Additional information is available by calling 1-800-227-5558, extension 6250, or by emailing scholars@ A degree in chemistry prepares students for employment in such varied fields as medical research and drug design, environmental studies, forensics, food, the search for alternate energy sources, safeguarding national security and engineering new materials. According to a recent article in the ACS weekly news magazine, Chemical & Engineering News, both salaries and the job market

EMPLOYMENT FOR CHEMISTS is on the upswing, which is one of the reasons minority students are being encouraged to apply for scholarships in that science. are improving for chemists over- awareness of the value and reall, and full-time employment for wards associated with careers in chemists in 2013 is at its highest chemistry. In addition to finanlevel in five years. The magazine cial support, the program proalso reported that the median vides mentoring and research and starting salary for new B.S. chem- networking opportunities that istry graduates in 2012 was help students acquire the skills $40,000 (the most recent data and credentials needed for a sucavailable). For M.S. graduates, it cessful career. Since its inception, was $49,500, and for Ph.D. grad- the ACS Scholars Program has awarded more than $15 million uates, it was $75,000. ACS established the Scholars to more than 2,500 students. For program in 1995 to attract un- the academic year 2014-2015, derrepresented minorities to the ACS expects to award approxichemical sciences and to build (Continued on page 17)



Saturday, November 9, 2013



By Raymond Ward DIVA-LICIOUS!: Halloween 2013 was just last week, however, Macy’s has already had the “holiday tree” ( we have to be politically correct ) lighting ceremony and the windows have been unveiled. I received my first Toy Catalog in the mail last week and QVC, HSN and the other television shopping channels have been offering up gift suggestions for the last month. Therefore, I feel that it’s not too early to let you know that the “divalicious” Mary Wilson, formerly of The Supremes will be rolling into Chicago with her own holiday show...and knowing Mary, it’s gonna be HOT! The Holiday Season gets a taste of the Motown Sound as “Mary Wilson’s Holiday Spectacular Featuring Special Guests The Four Tops” blows into the Windy City, December 23, 2013 through January 5, 2014 at The Harris Theater, located at 205 East Randolph Street in Chicago. Presented by Reach Out Entertainment and Starvox Entertainment and Marketing, audiences will be taken on a journey through some of the greatest Motown Mary Wilson hits as well as Holiday classics by Mary Wilson, one of the original Supremes and the legendary Four Tops, who are celebrating 60 years of performing. “It is a dream to celebrate the Holiday season in Chicago,” said Mary. “To perform with my good friends The Four Tops while singing the great songs that introduced us to the world combined with some of my favorite Holiday tunes, is the perfect way to usher in the New Year and

The Four Tops celebrate the spirit of the season.” “Mary Wilson’s Holiday Spectacular” stars the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame, and Vocal Group Hall of Fame recipient Mary Wilson who will treat audiences to rousing renditions of some of the signature songs that catapulted The Supremes to become the most successful “girl group” in history. Favorites include “Stop In The Name of Love,” “I Hear A Symphony,” “Come See About Me,” and many more. Abdul “Duke” Fakir, leading The Four Tops will also bring the music of Motown to life with “Baby, I Need Your Lovin,” “I Can’t Help Myself,” “Reach Out, I’ll Be There,” and Ain’t No Woman Like the One I Got.” Wilson and The Four Tops will then join together on stage, putting (Continued on page 17) 12

Saturday, November 9, 2013

By Elaine Hegwood Bowen, MSJ

This American Journey, revealing documentary about state of America British Actor Paul Blackthorne, also known as Detective Quentin Lance on the hit CW show ARROW, is making his directorial debut with the documentary This American Journey. The film follows Blackthorne and Australian photographer Mister Basquali as the two take a road trip from New York City to Los Angeles in an attempt to rekindle their love for America. An official selection of the Hollywood Film Festival, the film is available on DVD and Video On Demand (VOD). The film follows the two friends as they make their way into the heart of country, asking the allimportant question, “What makes Americans happy?” Sharing their love of photography and travel, they collect perspectives from people of all backgrounds, while gathering a plethora of life stories, political opinions, religious views and most of all, the revalidation of the American dream. Blackthorne and Basquali find their journey brings them to destinations that challenge, yet ultimately renew their faith in the country they fell in love with as kids. “Shooting the film was a great experience, the classic American road trip, four guys stuffed in a small van and seeing where the road took them, but the people! The American Spirit! […] Now I could feel America, now I was getting to know the people,” says director Blackthorne about his film, which also recently screened at the Carmel Arts & Film Festival. Many people interviewed on the documentary were optimistic about the state of America, and many more were not. A Black legislator to whom the filmmakers spoke felt that the drug trade and poverty intermesh, which contributes to the high AfricanAmerican incarceration rate. “There are so many poor in a wealthy nation, and this is something leaders must get a handle on,” the legislator said. In the rural south, people spoke about the civil rights movement and the need for all people to understand and appreciate their rights. Race was a huge issue

TWO FRIENDS – BRITISH Actor Paul Blackthorne (right) and photographer Mister Basquali – attempt to capture the American Spirit in a film documentary. doubts—was America still the great place they once dreamed of? In This American Journey they discover some startling details, but they also hold out hope, as many Americans, that the tide will turn and things will improve in all areas as needed. Look for This American Journey on DVD. For more information, visit Help for a fellow journalist and Chicago media favorite COVER ART FOR This American Journey DVD. within the documentary, and even right outside the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated, the filmmakers interviewed a couple of racists, who had nothing kind to say about Dr. King. Some people who were interviewed for the documentary were down on their luck due to the economy and were just praying that things will turn around. As children, British Blackthorne and Basquali both fell in love with America. Later they each fulfilled their dream to live here, but after two wars, a near economic collapse, and uncertainty about the country’s direction, these two expats began to have


Team Chat is hosting a birthday party and fundraising event on November 14 at Nouveau Tavern for Art “Chat Daddy”

Chat Daddy Sims. The event begins runs from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the restaurant, located at 358 W. (Continued on page 17)


6th WARD SHRED-A-THON: On Saturday, November 9, Alderman Roderick T. Sawyer will host a 6th Ward Shred-A-Thon from 10 AM - 2 PM at the 6th Ward Services Office located at 8001 S. King Drive. If you have accumulated any old documents including old bills, junk mail, tax returns, bank statements, check stubs, outdated medical records, or more, Alderman Sawyer has dedicated this day to getting rid of your paperwork in a way that is safe for the environment and protects your personal information. For more information contact the 6th Ward Office at 773635-0006. KANYE WEST - THE YEEZUS TOUR WITH KENDRICK LAMAR: On Saturday, November 9, 8 PM at the United Center, Kanye West will be featured in The Yeezus Tour along with Kendrick Lamar. The United Center is located at 1901 W. Madison Street in Chicago, IL. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster. MARQUETTE BANK EVENTS: Free Personal Finance Class – On Saturday, November 9 & 16, Marquette Bank will host a twopart free personal finance class at the Marquette Bank located at 6316 S. Western Avenue in Chicago. These classes will cover the basics of budgeting monthly expenses, maintaining a checking account, paying bills on time, understanding credit and banking. Session 1 will be held on November 9 from 9 AM to noon and Session 2 will be held on November 16 from 9 - 11 AM. Seating is limited. To register, call 773918-4624. Free Ladies’ Night Event – On Tuesday, November 12, Marquette Bank will host a free ladies’ night event at the Marquette Bank located at 9503 S. Roberts Road in Hickory Hills. Enjoy an evening of refreshments and fun between 5 pm and 7 pm. Bring all of your girlfriends, treat yourself, mingle and have fun. The event is open to the public. For more information, call 708-430-5298. Free Business Networking Event – On Wednesday, November 13, Marquette Bank will host a business networking after-hours event at the Marquette Bank located at 6155 S. Pulaski Road in Chicago. Enjoy an evening of refreshments, door prizes and networking opportunities. All businesses are welcome to attend from 5:30 pm until 8 pm. To register, call 773-476-5110 ext. 1220. THE SALVATION ARMY HOLDS

ANNUAL STARLIGHTER LUNCHEON TO KICK-OFF ANNUAL RED KETTLE CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN: On Thursday, November 14, from 11 – 11:45 AM (Reception) and 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM (Luncheon) at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Building, 30th Floor Event Center, 300 East Randolph Street, Chicago, leaders from Chicago’s business and philanthropic communities will come together to kick-off the holiday season at The Salvation Army’s annual Starlighter Luncheon, a beloved annual tradition, that also launches the annual Red Kettle campaign, which generates nearly 70 percent of the funds used year round to provide programs and services to people in need. This event recognizes The Salvation Army’s friends and donors for their continued support. Patricia Hemingway Hall, President and Chief Executive Officer of Health Care Service Corporation, will serve as Starlighter Chair. Lloyd Wennlund, Executive Vice President of The Northern Trust Company will serve as Red Kettle Chair. This year’s Corporate Partner Award will be presented to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois in recognition of their many years of support to The Salvation Army. Accepting the award will be Karen Atwood, President of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois. HALFSTACK MAGAZINE TO HOST HOLIDAY BEAUTY BAR EVENT AT JOHNATHAN BREITUNG SALON & LUXURY SPA: On Thursday, November 14, from 7 - 9 PM, at 3226 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL, get pampered before the holiday madness and shop local Chicago brands and designers at Halfstack Magazine’s Holiday Beauty Bar at Johnathan Breitung Salon & Luxury Spa. Halfstack Magazine is a local indie magazine that focuses on the city’s culture with an emphasis on designers, artists, business owners and professionals in the Chicago area. Highlights of the night include mini-services such as manicures, hot styling and facials along with catered food and drink. Local fashion, retail and tech vendors will also be on site for patrons to browse. Each attendee will receive 15% off their first Johnathan Breitung Salon & Luxury Spa visit and the first 100 guests will leave with a goodie bag filled with fall beauty must-haves from various local designers onsite. Johnathan Breitung Salon & Luxury Spa is a full service salon and spa with professional staff that offers hair and color-services, facials, massage, microdermabrasion, nails, and waxing. To RSVP, email or call

CHICAGO, NATIVE Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Mizell Thomas performs pushups during a fitness class recently in the hangar bay aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the South China Sea. The George Washington Carrier Strike Group is deployed in support of security and stability in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Paolo Bayas) 773-348-1800. KALAPRIYA CENTER PRESENTS INDIAN PERFORMING ARTS SARASWATHI RANGANATHAN ON VEENA: From ballet to opera in a pool to traditional art forms from around the globe, the Chicago Park District in collaboration with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events kicks off the interdisciplinary Classics in the Parks series this fall featuring local companies in

an eclectic interpretation of classical performances. Participating companies include The Joffrey Academy, The Gift Theatre, Chicago Opera Theater, Kalapriya Center for Indian Performing Arts and In the Spirit. All performances are admission free. Availability is on a first come, first-served basis as space allows. On Friday, November 15 at 7:30 PM, Kalapri- ya presents a program reflecting the rich tapestry of classical

Indian music and dance. It will take place at the Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 N. Central Park Avenue. Each performance will showcase local and national acts, including south Indian artist Saraswathi Ranganathan who kicks off the series playing veena, an Indian string instrument. Additional artists and locations to be announced. No advance reservations are required. For more information on call 773-638-1766.

Extended Coverage ***

More and more Americans are working from home, often as independent contractors—essentially small-business owners. Homeowners insurance is rarely enough to cover that business. *** Most policies would cover perhaps $2,500 for loss of property in the office, and just $250 if the loss happened away from home. There’s no liability coverage if a client falls and sues, no lost-income coverage if a fire shuts down operations.

Milton E. Moses

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Saturday, November 9, 2013



Charles Dutoit conducts CSO in Britten’s ‘War Requiem’ Guest conductor Charles Dutoit leads the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) in Benjamin Britten’s “War Requiem,” the English composer’s impassioned denunciation of war on Thursday, November 14; Friday, November 15; and Saturday, November 16, all at 8:00 p.m. The year 2013 marks the centennial of Benjamin Britten, who remains one of the central figures of 20th-century music. The CSO honors his legacy with a number of programs in the 2013-14 season that showcase his wide-ranging contributions to music. The War Requiem was written to mark the consecration of the new Coventry Cathedral, which was built alongside the ruins of the original, a 14thcentury structure destroyed by the German Luftwaffe in World War II. Set to poems by the English warpoet Wilfred Owen, the 85-minute work is scored for soprano, tenor and baritone soloists, chorus, boys’

parts specifically for an English tenor, a German baritone and the great Russian soprano Galina Vishnevskaya, whose participation in the Coventry premier was ultimately prohibited by Soviet authorities. The CSO honors Britten’s intentions in these performances by featuring soprano Tatiana Pavlovskaya and tenor John Mark Ainsley in their CSO debuts, along with baritone Matthias Goerne, the Chicago Symphony Chorus and Chicago Children’s Choir. The performance of the “War Requiem” also anticipates the CSO’s upcoming “Truth to Power” Festival in May and June 2014, which will highlight works by Shostakovich, Prokofiev and Britten

Matthias Goerne

Charles Dutoit choir, organ and two orchestras (a full orchestra and a chamber orchestra). To underscore the work’s message of reconciliation, Britten, himself an ardent pacifist, wrote the solo

with conductor Jaap van Zweden. Charles Dutoit was recently appointed chief conductor and music advisor of the Philadelphia Orchestra as well as artistic director and principal conductor of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also performed regularly with all the great orchestras of Europe, including the Berlin Philharmonic and Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw Orchestra as well as with all the London orchestras, the major orchestras of Japan, South America and Aus-

John Mark Ainsley tralia. This performance for the Britten centennial is Dutoit’s first performance with the CSO since conducting “The Rite of Spring” in the fall of 2012. John Mark Ainsley has performed with many major world orchestras. On the operatic stage he has sung at the Glyndebourne Festival under Sir Simon Rattle, the Aix-enProvence Festival under Claudio Abbado, the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, under Mackerras, as well as at the Munich Festival, the Salzburg Festival and La Scala. John Mark won the 2007 Royal Philharmonic Society Singer Award and is a Visiting Professor at the Royal Academy of Music. Matthias Goerne made his opera début at the Salzburg Festival in 1997 (Papageno), and has appeared on the world’s principal opera stages, including the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden; Teatro Real, Madrid; Paris National Opera; Vienna State Opera; and the Metropolitan Opera. After graduating from the St. Petersburg’s State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory in 1994, Tatiana Pavlovskaya joined the Mariinsky Theatre, where she had a great suc-

cess in her debut as Tatiana in “Eugene Onegin.” Since then she has appeared at the Metropolitan Opera, Covent Garden, Shanghai and Beijing Opera, Monte Carlo Opera, Washington Opera, Vlaamse Opera Antwerp, Frankfurt Opera, Los Angeles Opera, San Francisco Opera, Liceu Theatre in Barcelona, at the Teatro Real in Madrid, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Theatre Champs Elysees in Paris, Chatelet Theatre in Paris, as well as at the Paris Opera. For tickets or information, call the Symphony Center Box Office at 312-294-3000 or visit Discounted student tickets for select concerts can be purchased, subject to availability, online in advance or at the box office on the day of the

Tatiana Pavlovskaya concert. For group rates, please call 312-294-3040.

Joffrey Ballet announces winners of annual ‘Choreographers of Color’ Award The Joffrey Academy of Dance, Official School of The Joffrey Ballet, announced Tuesday, November 5 the winners of the third annual Choreographers of Color Award: Justin Allen, Stefanie Batten Bland and Norbert De La Cruz III. The Choreographers of Color Award was created to recognize

Justin Allen

promising young minority choreographers whose diverse perspective will ignite creativity in the field of dance. Each of the three selected choreographers will be given a minimum of 30 rehearsal hours to set a new work on the Joffrey Academy Trainees. Each winning choreographer will also receive a $2,500 stipend and an opportunity to work directly with Joffrey Academy Artistic Directors, Alexei Kremnev and Anna Reznik. The three World Premieres will be presented in “Winning Works: Choreographers of Color Awards 2014” at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, 205 E. Randolph Drive, in one performance only, Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Joffrey Ballet Artistic Director, Ashley Wheater said: “Gesture and movement likely preceded speech as the first form of human

Owner of Slaughter & Sons Funeral Home dies at 87 Funeral set for next week By Chinta Strausberg Visitation services for Bernard Slaughter, Sr., owner of the Slaughter & Sons Funeral Home, 2024 E. 75th St. who passed away at the age of 87 while hospitalized, will be Wednesday, November 13 in the funeral home’s chapel from noon to 6 p.m. Funeral services for Mr. Slaughter will be 10 a.m. on Thursday, November 14, at the Canaan Baptist Church, 6659 S. Harvard St. Interment will be at the Oak Woods cemetery, 1035 East 67th St. Mr. Slaughter passed on Thursday, October 31, 2013, while hospitalized at the Rush University Medical Center. He had been there for a week, according to his daughter, 14

Benita F. Slaughter, who now runs the funeral home he purchased in 1972 from Lain & Sons Funeral Home. Born in Belzoni, Mississippi to the parents of Augusta Powell and Willie Davis, Mr. Slaughter was an only child, but he had a dream—to own a funeral home. Initially, Mr. Slaughter was inspired to become a mortician by T.V. Johnson, owner of the Johnson Funeral Home in his hometown. While in Detroit, Mr. Slaughter met M.K. Fritz, a mortician who recommended he pursue a mortuary science career in Chicago. He recommended that Mr. Slaughter work for the Metropolitan Funeral Parlors in Chicago. After graduating from Worsham College where he earned a Mortuary Science degree, he worked for 25-

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bernard Slaughter Sr. years at the A.R. Leak & Sons Funeral Home. He fulfilled his lifelong dream of owning his own funeral home 1972 and was the first African American mortician in the South Shore community. Mr. Slaughter became friends with

some of the most powerful men in America including former President Bill Clinton, the late Mayor Richard J. Daley, the late Mayor Harold Washington, former U.S. Senator Roland W. Burris and many others. A father of two, Mr. Slaughter’s wife, Georgia Slaughter, passed in 2002. In 2006, Mr. Slaughter retired turning the reigns of the funeral home over to the second generation, his daughter. Heartbroken over his death, Ms. Slaughter cited her father’s favorite quote, “to God be the glory.” Mr. Slaughter leaves to mourn a daughter, Benita F. Slaughter and son, Bernard Slaughter, Jr., a daughter-in-law, Charlotte Slaughter and two grandsons, Ashley and Desmond. For further information, call Ms. Benita F. Slaughter at: 773-643-


Norbert De La Cruz III communication. Even now, though we have developed languages as diverse as the people who populate the earth, dance remains a ‘universal’ language. People from all backgrounds dance, and communicate, without sharing words. Dance is a powerful bridge. With Choreographers of Color, we celebrate all that is different and all that is universal amongst us.”


A Moment to Super Size Your Thinking By Effie Rolfe But by the grace of God—there go I. Grace is unmerited favor—a free gift from God to mankind. The great part is we do nothing to obtain this—none of us deserve this generosity and kindness from a loving God. Knowing the source of your blessing is imperative to a balanced life. Far too many people forget the Blessor and instead concentrate on the blessings—which are temporal and can vanish at a moment’s notice. Myles Munroe reminds us to thank God for things, but more so to be grateful for the God of the things. Things will come and things will go, but God’s word will stand forever.

We used to sing a favorite church hymnal in Arkansas with lyrics, build your hopes on things eternal— hold on to God’s unchanging hand. That beautiful home, fantastic job, solid company, thriving city, currency, presidents, royalty and even you and me will come and go, in fact this entire world will eventually vacate the premises. We all remember September 11, 2001 when these huge tall World Trade Towers tumbled down to mere ashes within minutes. Most Americans had never witnessed anything of this magnitude. When I saw it, I thought it was a movie—who would have ever imagined such a calamity? Even in recent years, we’ve

Sixth Grace hosts Men’s Day service and reception The annual Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church’s Men’s Day celebration begins with a worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday, November 10. The church is at 600 E. 35th St. The guest speaker will be Dr. Johari Jabir, assistant professor of African American Studies at Northwestern University. Jabir is part of the music ministry at Sixth Grace. He holds a masters degree in divinity from Pacific School of Religion, as well as a PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara. A native of St. Louis, MO, Jabir said, “I was educated in the public school system. I began to study music at a very young age, and was steeped in the St. Louis school of gospel blues led by Willie Mae Ford Smith and Rev. Cleophus Robinson. “Continuing my study of music received my BA in music from Fontbonne College (now Fontbonne University). After an extensive professional career in church music and musical theatre, I attended the Pacific School of Religion in

witnessed several natural catastrophes including bridges collapsing, huge sinkholes, wild fires, mudslides

Dr. Johari Jabir Berkeley, CA. where I received an MDiv. During my PhD work at the University of California Santa Barbara, I was able to formulate the intellectual aspect of my work as a creative artist. My teaching, scholarship, and musical performances are all part of an organic project of music, history, teaching, and learning about the Black Diasporic experience.” The church will host a reception in the Register Hall.

served North Lawndale, an inner-city community located in the heart of Chicago. The presence of faith-based entities that interface with the public within inner-city communities is a plus to accommodate the fluctuating social need. These faith-based (Continued on page 19)

North Lawndale Community Church

Remember, pride comes before destruction. When you get the big head—it’s just a matter of time before it will break your neck. Be careful how you treat people…you may meet that same person on your way down. Most importantly, God is looking for someone to give him the glory that is due him and you are that perfect candidate. God’s will is to bless you with the abundance of life and all the good things that comes with it. You can truly enjoy heaven’s best on earth. Keep in mind—your very existence is only possible—but by God’s grace.

Have you thanked God for Grace…? ©Effie Rolfe is the author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” a Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can visit my website: or follow me at

The Crusader Gospel Corner

North Lawndale Community Church holds groundbreaking November 16 The North Lawndale Community Grace and Glory Tabernacle Church will hold a groundbreaking service on Saturday, November 16th from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at 2120-22 S. Pulaski Road. For 33 years, the Asia Baptist Church (now Grace and Glory Tabernacle Baptist Church) has

Effie Rolfe

with million dollar homes and properties destroyed. In 2004 it was an awful tsunami that killed nearly a quarter million people. Hurricane Sandy, Katrina and others had their say in washing away cities and coastlines as well. Within the past few years, there have been more tornados in this country costing millions of dollars in damage, tremendous flooding, plus record heat waves destroying crop and effecting livestock. Lastly, the stock market crash and recession causing thousands in job loss, the housing market to crash and the list continues. The point is— everything is TEMPORARY! Enjoy what- ever you have right now and thank God every second of the day. Never frown on others, because we are all God’s children, created in His image. Don’t go there—it’s not about you or your abilities. It’s God’s grace and mercy that kept you from the drugs, pregnant out of wedlock and that’s holding your marriage together and family intact.

Chosen to do a work for the Master is the mantra for Stellar Award Winner, Calvin Bridges. The psalmist and talented song writer has penned gospel favorites including “Chosen,” “So Much to Be Grateful For,” “I Can Go to God in Prayer as well as Spread the Word.” The latter two was recorded by the Queen of Gospel, Dr. Albertina Walker and nominated for a Grammy Award. Bridges continues to spread the word and travels globally to countries such as Ghana, Kenya, Germany, and performs concerts in England, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. His latest track and video is entitled, “You’re So Easy to Love.” “People ask me who is the song about—it’s about loving God and people.” Last year, Bridges also produced the latest CD for former R&B singer, Rev. Mitty Collier. This summer, Bridges accompanied Collier to Porretta, Italy as she was special guest for their Soul Festival. The Chicago legend is also founder of Chicago Praise Ministries, a non-profit Gospel music arts organization and in 1991 he formed the Chicago Praise Ensemble. Bridges uses his talents to share gospel music worldwide in seminars, workshops, festivals, concerts or crusades. The ordained Elder uses CPM as an active education through volunteering and the Stop The Violence movement. Stellar Award winner Mark Hubbard and the Voices are determined to let people know God’s plan for your life never fails. His new single, “For My Good” featuring Corey Barksdale, Jr. is a testament of Hubbard’s faith. “I was looking for songs to go with my testimony—Voice of a Survivor. In 2008 and 2009, I lost

my job, my house and my car—I lost everything but I kept going because God was able to sustain and

Calvin Bridges I’m here today,” said Hubbard. It worked out for my good and I’m still in the rebuilding process, but so much farther than I was a few years ago. As I was looking for songs for this project all the songs had to relate to my testimony. To let people know that whatever you go through you are a survivor—everything works for your good, according to Roman 8:28,” said Hubbard. According to the Chicago Chapter of the Recording Academy, friend and colleague, Donald Lawrence helped with their latest effort, “Donald suggested Andre Ambrose had a great song and that it would be good to record considering my testimony.” The song is led by Corey Barksdale, Jr., “He’s anointed—one of God’s greatest gifts.” After recording five albums, the group recently underwent a name change. “I wanted to do something different as far as changing with the time and the look was concerned.


United Voices for Christ was too long, and for stage presence I wanted to use The Voices,” shared Hubbard. “I also have representatives from different states including Missouri, California, Michigan and Indiana.” The one thing that has not changed is the accomplishment of winning a Stellar Award in 2006 for their song, “Blessing Waiting on Me,” “Words cannot express—I was overwhelmed with joy over 20 years of ministry and to be recognized by your peers in the industry…words cannot express,” beamed Hubbard. “It’s the highest award to get in gospel, but you still have to work even harder. It’s not about your award, but about work

Mark Hubbard ethics and staying relevant. Once you win a Stellar you think you have arrived, but you still have to work harder to do even better—because there is more pressure.” Hard work must be Hubbard’s middle name as he continues nonstop making his presence on the gospel set. The popular director continues to work with Bishop Larry Trotter, Donald Lawrence, How (Continued on page 17)

Saturday, November 9, 2013



Saturday, November 9, 2013


Minority students eligible for chemistry scholarships (Cont’d from page 10) mately $1 million to both new and continuing scholars. Examples abound of how these scholarships can help change lives. One former scholar who is pursuing a Ph.D. in chemistry said, “It is a dream coming true, and the ACS Scholars Program has played a big role in helping me to build a great future for my life as a chemist. I do not think I have the words to express how grateful I am.” Another former scholar was named to an endowed

university chair, the Climo Professorship in Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve. After receiving a Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University, yet another scholar was hired by S.C. Johnson as a senior associate in Chemistry and Strategic Sciences (R&D). The ACS Scholars Program is generously supported by: Benefactor $1,000,000+ PPG Industries Foundation, Inc.

Visionary $500,000+ The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, P&G Beauty & Grooming, Sustaining. Partners $250,000+ 3M Corporation, ACS Petroleum Research Fund, Dow Corning Foundation, DuPont, Schering-Plough Research Institute. Partners $100,000+ AstraZeneca, BASF Bayer Foundation, Dow Chemical Company Foundation, Société de Chimie Industrielle — American Section, Xerox Foundation. The program is also supported through the generos-

ity of many individual donors, ACS local sections and ACS members, including more than 60 former ACS Scholars. The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world’s largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.



Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D13136136 on November 4, 2013. Under the Assumed Business Name of BJT & ASSOCIATES with the business located at 6339 S. Kimbark, Apt #3W, Chicago, IL 60637. The true name(s) and residence address of the owner(s) is: Barbara Johnson-Troutman, 6339 S. Kimbark Apt #3W, Chicago, IL 60637. 11/9, 11/16, 11/23

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D13136033 on October 24, 2013 Under the Assumed Business Name of WHOLESALE DIRECT 2 YOU with the business located at 7807 South Bishop, Chicago, IL 60620. The true name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is: Darronte Lofton, 7807 South Bishop, Chicago, IL 60620. 11/2, 11/9, 11/16


The Crusader Gospel Corner (Continued from page 15)

(Continued from page 12) the Motown sound into everyone’s favorite holiday classics including “White Christmas,” “Silent Night,” “Winter Wonderland,” “My Favorite Things” and a special rendition of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” sung by Wilson and Fakir. These living legends bring their soul and passion to the stage, embracing the warmth of the season and welcoming in a new year with memorable songs that are sure to have audiences singing along and embracing the spirit and the sounds of the holiday. Performance Times Are: December 23, 25-29 at 8:00 PM, 31 at 7:00 PM and January 2-4 at 8:00 PM December 28 and January 4-5 at 3:00 PM December 31 at 10:00 PM (Special New Year’s Eve Performance, details TBD) NO PERFORMANCES December 24 and December 30 Tickets are $59.99 to $119.00 and available online at, by calling 312-334-7777 or in person at the Harris Theater Box Office.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Continued from page 4) buying his “I used to be a and afraid to even answer New York cop” way of the door. McCarthy would thinking. Chicagoans, par- do better to keep his manuticularly Black Chicagoans, factured statistics to himseem to still be struggling self. to find something positive Xavier Moore to say about McCarthy. Maybe if he were showing up in the community for something other than a photo-op or preacher’s meeting, folks would have some confidence that he is concerned about our parts (Cont’d from page 12) of the city as well. We have Ontario St. to give him credit for Chat Daddy has been a viknowing the right things to able member of Chicago mesay, but the results show dia for nearly two decades, otherwise. and in March 2010, he was Almost every day I talk diagnosed with Chronic with or overhear someone Myelogenous Leukemia. He who is afraid to travel from is currently in remission, but the south side to the West his condition requires extenside or vice versa, or they sive medical treatment and are living behind double ongoing drug prescriptions. and triple-locked doors The cost of monthly

Sweet the Sound as well as the Chicago Gospel Music Festival. In 2012 he was appointed as an officer for the Chicago Chapter Board of Recording Academy. Additionally, in August of this year he received a promotion at TCM Internet Radio Station, where he hosts a weekly show. “I’ve had the radio show for two years and the promotion was a couple of months ago—I am actually music director. I see what you had to go through, putting music in the system on a weekly basis,” said Hubbard. You can hear Hubbard

every Saturday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on “Right now we are busy promoting the single and plan to have the CD released in 2014,” he said. Congratulations to gospel recording artist DeAndre Patterson as members and friends gathered to witness the new Pastor of Miracle Temple C.O.G.I.C. in Maywood. Services took place this past Sunday as Patterson officially holds dual roles to oversee both Destiny Worship Center and Miracle Temple.

THE MASKS WE WEAR: (Continued from page 8) massacre of a young Black Halloween, a day conceivman, for them, is not tragedy ed for children to have fun, but an occasion for mockery. has become an occasion for “We wear the mask that masks that attack, and for grins and lies, that hides those who make excuses for our cheeks and shades our them. eyes.” For some, masks are concealing, for others reJulianne Malveaux is a vealing. Those who choose Washington, D.C.-based to mute their reaction to a economist and writer. racist world are adapting. She is President Emerita Those who think that of Bennett College for Blackface is appropriate are Women in Greensboro, attacking. It is tragic that at N.C.

tions is unreal and is a huge financial burden, even with insurance. Friends of Chat Daddy have joined to host this event to help raise funds to offset some of the expenses and to help relieve some of the financial stress. All gifts are accepted—money, credit card payments, gift cards—and all contributions would be greatly appreciated. Come out and wish Chat

Daddy well, while contributing to a great cause! Ten percent of all proceeds generated for the evening from all food/beverage sales will go toward the fundraising goal of $20,000. Call 312-915-4100 for reservations and mention Chat Daddy, as well as mention Chat Daddy during any purchases made at the party. For more information, visit


Saturday, November 9, 2013




Saturday, November 9, 2013



Gary native tapped to manage Seattle Mariners When the Chicago White Sox take on the Seattle Mariners at Us Cellular Field July 4-6, the top man in the visitors’ dugout will be Lloyd McClendon, who was recently named Mariners manager. McClendon, a Roosevelt High School and Valparaiso University graduate played on the Pittsburgh Pirates team for nearly five seasons, ending his playing career with them in 1994. Three years later he re-joined the team as a coach. In 2001 he took the helm as manager, continuing in that job until 2005. The Pirates were 336446 with McClendon as manager. A Pirates colleague, Jack Zduriencik is the Mariners’ general manager and remembered McClendon from the days when Zduriencik was Pittsburgh’s director of scouting. According to, Zduriencik recalled McClendon as being “a bright and articulate guy who has Major League managerial experience and has served in a vital capacity in Detroit under one of the game’s best managers. “He’s a tireless worker and is very

respected by the players with whom he has worked. We look forward to Lloyd embracing our players as we move the Mariners forward.” Currently McClendon is a hitting coach with the Detroit Tigers, a job he’s held since 2007. Four Tigers won American League batting titles during his seasons. Tigers also made it to the World Series in 2012 and then lost to the San Francisco Giants. McClendon was drafted in the eighth round in 1980 by the New York Mets. He played in his first Major League game on April 6, 1987 with the Cincinnati Reds. McClendon was a Chicago Cub in 1989 and late into the season in 1990. He retired as a player, with a minor league contract with the Cleveland Indians, at the end of the 1995 season. McClendon is 54 years old. McClendon earned the tag “Legendary Lloyd” status when he hit five homeruns in five at-bats, in 1971 in the Little League World Series. He was playing for the Anderson Little League team that lost

“BEARS DE/DT COREY WOOTTON #98 with Taylor Healy, a seventh grade student at Kinzie Elementary School and Illinois State Ambassador for the Fuel Up to Play 60 program.”

Lloyd McClendon in the championship. The Mariners were fourth in the American League West with a

record of 71-91 this past season. The Oakland Athletics were first with a record of 96-66. The Texas Rangers, with manager Ron

Washington (an African American), were second and followed by the Los Angeles Angels. The Houston Astros were fifth.

”BEARS DE/DT COREY WOOTTON joins the Fuel Up to Play 60 student team at Kinzie Elementary School for some dancing as part of the kick-off of the Fuel Up to Play 60 Make Your Move campaign.”

North Lawndale Community Church holds groundbreaking November 16 (Continued from page 15)

entities have been integral in assisting the needs of the community. “Likewise, it is the desire of the Grace and Glory Tabernacle Baptist Church to continue to be an integral part of Chicago’s North Lawndale Inner-City Community. A number of young people have come through our doors, been helped, challenged to become role models for others, and have gone on to

make a positive difference in this society. For this we are grateful!,” Pastor William D. Hillsman said. “We are presently in the process of erecting a well-facilitated Church building in this community to God’s glory. We began this effort in January of 2009 and have progressed to the point of the official groundbreaking ribbon-cutting ceremony on November 16. The

groundbreaking will be held on the lot where the church is to be built. The entire North Lawndale community, its people, churches, businesses, families, and dignitaries are invited to come. Pastor Hillsman said, “there are only three (3) phases to this project if we can get enough funds in — the first of which is $300,000. The congregation is working hard, pray-


ing continually and making needed sacrifices in order to have these funds available. “We call on you to help leave a lasting legacy in this community in the erecting of this church building where people of every walk of life may be refreshed in spirit, relieved from pain, released from bondage and redeemed from sin. We solicit your best financial gift at this time

in support of this much needed well-facilitated church edifice in the North Lawndale area of Chicago.” Pastor Hillsman concluded. Make all checks payable to the Grace and Glory Tabernacle Baptist Church and mail to 2140 S. Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL 60623. This is a 501(c) non-for-profit religious institution and all funds are tax- exempt.

Saturday, November 9, 2013



Saturday, November 9, 2013


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