Chicago Crusader 11/16/13 E-Edition

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Blacks Must Control Their Own Community





25 Cents and worth more

State’s Attorney on the ‘hot’ seat By Wendell Hutson Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez is not too popular these days with Emmett Farmer whose son, Flint Farmer, was shot and killed June 2011 by a Chicago police officer that Alvarez announced last week she would not prosecute. Recently Emmett Farmer and about a dozen members of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression picketed outside Alvarez’s Downtown office calling for her resignation. The group repeated its demands for Alvarez to resign at a November 11 rally in Bronzeville. “It’s real, real crazy,” said Farmer. “(But) this is not the end. We want State’s Attorney Alvarez to resign or we want [Cook County Board President] Toni Preckwinkle to impeach her. We want her out of office. And then we want to take this to the federal grand jury.” Preckwinkle was unavailable for comment. Because Alvarez is an elected official legal experts said Preckwinkle does not have the authority to remove her from office. Either way, Frank Chapman said Alvarez is unfit for (Continued on page 6)

PROTESTERS RALLIED OUTSIDE the Downtown office of Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez on Friday calling for her to resign after she decided not to prosecute a Chicago police officer for shooting and killing an unarmed man in 2011.

Dumping ‘At Risk’ and other Negative Labels By Jazelle Hunt Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Although most of today’s headlines focus on Black educational failures, there are many positive achievements by Black students that often go overlooked, according to a new study. A recently released report from the National Black Child Development Institute takes a confident and constructive look at our children. Being Black Is Not a Risk Factor: A Strengths-Based Look At the State of the Black Child presents a collection of expert essays, national data, and spotlights effective community organizations, in an effort to highlight African American children’s assets. The report challenges the tone in which our children, families, and academic outcomes are discussed. In the first expert essay, Natasha Cabrera, associate editor of Child Development and Early Childhood Research Quarterly and professor of human development explains, “…We know more about maladaptation than adaptation among minority children.

We know more about why minority children fail than we know about why they succeed. The result is an unbalanced picture that overemphasizes the deficits and pays little attention to the assets or strengths that minority parents and children bring to the table.” And those assets are plentiful. For example, the report points to numerous recent studies that have noted African American preschoolers’ unique aptitude for oral-narrative skills, which can be used to promote literacy gains. African American preschoolers and kindergarteners also exhibit strong self-regulation and social-cognitive skills, the kind that allow kids to play well with others and understand proper classroom behavior. In older studies, some dating as far back as the 1930s, Black infants master motor skills (such as head posture and crawling) faster and better (Continued on page 6)

CHILDREN WITH STRONG family orientation and cultural pride tend to do well in school, according to a recent report from the National Black Child Development Institute.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Chicago Urban League Celebrates the Power of Opportunity (See story on page 11)




Saturday, November 16, 2013



Saturday, November 16, 2013



EDITORIAL UPSIDE DOWN AND BACKWARDS THINKING The mind is an interesting thing. It can play tricks on you and make you believe whatever you want to believe. Very often, if a person has his or her mind made up about something, the truth cannot be accepted even if it stares them in the face. Such is the case of Craig Cobb, the upside down and backwards-thinking gentleman who started a campaign to take over a town, Leith, North Dakota (population 16), in order to turn it into a white supremacist and neo-Nazis enclave. Recently, the 62-year-old Cobb appeared on The Trisha Goddard talk show as part of an ongoing Race in America series. After taking a DNA test, he discovered the unthinkable: he is not 100% white; in fact, 14% of his heritage is from Sub-Saharan Africa! As you can imagine, he resisted the results. Cobb claims he is not a white supremacist but a creator of a religion that favors racial awareness. Whatever. He can call it what he wants, but it still smacks of white supremacy. And this is upside down and backwards thinking. Here’s why. A number of researchers have pinpointed Africa as the origin of modern humanity. In other words, according to them, we ALL came from Africa; we ALL have African ancestry. When looked at in this light, we are all related. Moreover, considering the numbers of African Americans who, because of expediency, have passed for white, a lot of those who claim purity probably have a little chocolate in their veins. The notion, therefore, of racial purity is probably a lark, no matter what heritage is claimed. For a number of reasons, people will always find a way to separate themselves and upstage others. This may be due to xenophobia, or just plain selfishness, since making distinctions among people often determines the distribution of seemingly scarce resources. The word “seemingly,” is used because resources would not be as scarce if those in power who distribute them would do so fairly. Think jobs, for example. More could be created if people thought in terms of equity as opposed to greed. This notion that the planet does not have enough sustenance to go around is an example of upside down and backwards thinking. The xenophobic ideas espoused by neo-Nazis and other white supremacists are throwbacks from a darker mindset. What kind of mind finds affinity with genocide; with murdering millions of people because they happen to have a different race, creed or color? The mindset that saw no problem with the deaths of millions in the Middle Passage during slavery is an upside down and backwards mindset. It is atavistic; these people are laggards. They are lagging behind in evolutionary consciousness. Evolved thinking demands an understanding that you cannot force opposition to disappear; it will always be replaced by something else that will have to be faced. For every blade of grass that is cut down, another grows in its place. With this said, it will be interesting to see if Craig Cobb’s life changes as a result of this revelation. Whatever happens, if he has any sense at all, he will have to re-examine his racial stance because if he doesn’t, he will have to reject a part of himself. And because of the upside down and backwards thinking of the white supremacist cohort, he may even be rejected by them, since he will no longer be seen as pure white. Life sometimes throws us curve balls in order to get our attention. Hopefully, Mr. Cobb will begin to change his ways and embrace right side up and forward (progressive) thought. If not, the only thing that can happen with upside down and backwards thinking is an upside down and backwards world, which can only hurt the human family. 4

Saturday, November 16, 2013

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Congressman Davis opposes minimum sentencing Dear Editor: I am writing today to express my support for the initiative of the State House Black Caucus to block the latest incarnation of a bill involving mandatory minimum prison sentences. The bill has been under negotiation for some time with the Caucus expressing their concern that mandatory minimums have proven ineffective in addressing crime and recidivism and have had a devastating disproportionate impact on African Americans and have imposed a very significant unnecessary burden on taxpayers and reduced scarce state resources for education and other priorities. There is a growing awareness both on the national and the local level that mass incarceration is a failed policy and that there is a need for alternative crime prevention and reduction strategies and programs to reduce recidivism. The bi-partisan efforts I have participated in creating at the federal level have demonstrated that such programs are effective in reducing crime, recidivism and cost but unfortunately the United States still leads the developed world in the share of our population behind bars and the African American community is still disproportionately impacted by these policies. I know it is still politically se-

ductive in some circles to suggest that longer prison sentences will solve our social problems but as prison budgets consume a larger and larger share of public resources there is a growing recognition that these simplistic fixes are unsustainable as well as ineffective. I salute State Representative Ken Dunkin and the other members of the State House Black Caucus for standing up to the National Rifle Association and other forces and demanding a comprehensive, evidenced-based approach to fighting crime. Sincerely,

Not that I believe in conspiracy theories but with Chicago looking to open its seventh military academy I have to wonder if the Army, Navy and Marines are directing dollars or some sort of resources to the district to open these military schools. Every week we are learning that the U.S. government is sneakier than any of us probably ever imagined. Can someone explain to me why Chicago needs seven military schools? Call them academies if you like. It is no secret (Continued on page 9)


Danny K. Davis Member of Congress

Military schools represent a disturbing trend Dear Editor: Not too long ago I saw that the mayor and the Chicago Public School’s Board of Education areplanning to turn another one of our schools into a military academy. Personally this is disturbing, especially that we now have an all-volunteer military. I am sure I am not the only one wondering if the U.S.’s constant state of war the last dozen or so years is linked to this growing trend of putting high schoolers in a military-focused place of learning. These schools are far different from the ROTC programs we are accustomed to.



Dorothy R. Leavell Advertising Director

J.L. Smith 6429 South King Drive Chicago, Illinois 60637 773-752-2500 An independent newspaper serving the Southside Westside and Northside, printing the news impartially empowering what it believes to be right and appealling what it believes to be wrong without regard to party politics. Devoted to the Industrial, Educational, SocioPolitical and Educational advancement of Black people. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VOL. LXXIII NO. 30 NOV. 16, 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________________


New Concept Media Service P.O. Box 377946 Chicago, IL 60637 Member National Newspaper Publishers Association __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Subscription Rates - $25 Per Year $14.00 for 6 months $44.00 for 2 years


Periodicals Paid at Chicago, IL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE CHICAGO CRUSADER 6429 South King Drive Chicago, IL 60637


National park proposed for far South Side By Wendell Hutson There is a push by a local group to create a national park in the Pullman neighborhood on the far South Side, and by doing so organizers said it could boost the local economy and put a positive spotlight on Chicago. Having a national park could attract more than 100,000 visitors to the site a year, according to a report, “Economic Engine: An Analysis of the Potential Impact of a Pullman National Historical Park,” which outlines some of the benefits a neighborhood often reaps from

the report was presented to U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk as well as U.S. Representative Robin Kelly whose Democratic district includes Pullman. “Pullman’s story of the labor movement is an important one that deserves to be told. Designating the area as a national park would ensure that the story that shaped our country – the union movement, the industrial age, the railroads – is passed down and never forgotten,” Kelly said. “The park would make Pullman and the South Side of Chicago an international tourism draw, which would give the area a tremen-

PULLMAN HOUSES OFFER unique and quaint architecture. If a proposal to develop a national historic park in the area is realized these structures will share space with contemporary developments. Pullman would become the nation’s only urban area designated as a national historic park district. having a national park, which dous economic boost as well.” Now that the three elected offiwould be the city’s first such park. “This [report] is the last remain- cials have reviewed the study hopeing piece before we can move legis- fully federal legislation could be lation to become a national park,” crafted in the next year, said David said Lynn McClure, Midwest di- Doig, president of Chicago Neighrector for the National Parks Con- borhood Initiatives, a community servation Association, which re- development group in Pullman. “It will bring tourism spending, leased the report. The report provides strong eco- the opportunity to access federal innomic support for designating frastructure dollars and private inPullman as a national park, outlin- vestment, all of which are much ing the significant return on invest- needed here,” added Doig. One thing Pullman is known for ment, the promotion of heritage tourism and spending, the attrac- is the famous Pullman Porters. Asa Philip Randolph, a labor ortion of new visitors to the region, the stimulation of new business ganizer founded the Brotherhood growth, the creation of jobs and the of Sleeping Car Porters in 1925. rejuvenation of Pullman’s historic The Brotherhood became the first Black labor union in the country core renovations. For example, the report stated following its 1937 inclusion by the that tourism would translate to 356 American Federation of Labor. And it was because of the Pullman jobs created, or $15 million in wages. The Pullman National His- Porters that train travel changed in toric Park could also generate as 1867, when Chicago industrialist much as $40 million in economic George Pullman revolutionized it activity, mostly coming from in- with his famous Pullman Cars creased visitor spending, the report staffed by Black men, who were recently freed slaves. stated. The Pullman Rail Car Company A boost in tourism would certainly help local businesses in Pullman, became the largest employer of Blacks in the country and the greatsaid Gov. Pat Quinn. “A Pullman National Historical est concentration of Pullman portPark would draw visitors from ers lived on the South Side, accordaround the world to experience our ing to historian Timuel Black. “[The Pullman porters] were heritage and generate a large economic impact in the Chicago area,” good looking, clean and immaculate in their dress. Their style was said Quinn. In hopes of getting federal legisla- quite manly, their language was tion drafted to establish the park, carefully crafted, so that they had a

A NATIONAL HISTORIC PARK in the Pullman neighborhood on the city’s far South Side would likely mean a shuttered plant like this would be revived as part of an expansive tourist attraction. sense of intelligence about them,” Antiquities Act of 1906, a law that ing to see more great things haprecalled Black, 94. “They were good allows the president to make Pull- pening in the Roseland and Pullman a national park with his signa- man communities.” role models for young men.” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said he Alderman Anthony Beale (9th) ture. “I’m excited that we have so much supports a national park in Pullman said the goal is to have the proposal support for getting a national park fully. for a national park approved and “Few sites in American preserve ready to go before President Barack designation at Pullman. We feel strongly about what a national park the industrial, labor, urban planObama leaves office. The president can do for our community,” Beale ning and architectural history was a community organizer before said. “A national park means that as comprehensively as Pullman,” he became an elected official, so orwe will be able to attract federal reEmanuel said. “It would additionalganizers said there is a greater likelisources and business growth, shops, ly energize the ongoing economic hood he would support the project. stores and restaurants for visitors advancements happening in the And if he should run into opposiand residents alike. Once there is a area and help create opportunity for tion he could still approve legislanational park at Pullman you’re gogenerations to come.” tion for it by using the American

Third World Press will publish Malcom X diary By J. Coyden Palmer Despite a lawsuit seeking to prevent Third World Press (TWP) from publishing “The Diary of Malcolm X,” an executive at the Dobson Avenue company said it will proceed with getting the books in readers, hands November 14, unless the court intervenes. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in New York City by the heirs of Malcolm X, contends that Third World Press has no right to publish the private writings of the human rights activist, which were penned during his visits to East Asia and Africa shortly before his assassination in 1965. The family is planning on publishing the full diary sometime in 2015 to coincide with the 50-year anniversary of his death. “X Legacy was created by the heirs of Malcolm X to protect and enhance the value of the property held by his estate…[Third World Press] continues to act as if it’s entitled to exploit intellectual property it does not own,” it says in a copy of the suit. A spokesperson for TWP said Ilyasah Shabazz, one of the six daughters of the late Muslim minister, signed a contract with TWP. But the suit contends Shabazz signed away her rights and interests in her father’s estate to X Legacy in 2011. Bennett Johnson, vice president for TWP said the company is within its rights to publish the

Ilyasah Shabazz book. It is moving forward with a have surfaced again. The family of publishing date of Nov. 14 unless Dr. King was sued in October by the courts intercede. human rights activist and entertainNo date has been set for a ruling. er Harry Belafonte. He is seeking TWP founder Haki Madhubuti the right to auction items that once was unable to be reached before the belonged to Dr. King. Belafonte’s Crusader’s press time. TWP is one lawsuit, also filed in New York, of only a few remaining Black- maintained that he is the rightful owned publishing companies and owner of King’s outline for a speech prides itself on publishing progres- about the Vietnam War; notes for sive African/African American another speech found on King’s thoughts. It is the oldest Black- person following his assassination in owned book publisher in the coun- Memphis in 1968; and a condotry. lence letter to his widow, Coretta Scott King, from the then-U.S. The late Dr. Martin Luther King, President, Lyndon Johnson. The Jr., who was assassinated in 1968, items have been held at the Sotheoften was juxtaposed to Malcolm. by’s auction house in New York unX. Now in the death the parallels til the dispute is settled.


Saturday, November 16, 2013



State’s Attorney on the ‘hot’ seat (Continued from page 1) public office. “The people of Cook County cannot tolerate such racist policies in the prosecutor’s office,” said Chapman, a Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression member. “Anita Alvarez has proven herself to be delusional if she cannot see the record of Flint Farmer’s murder.” Farmer, who was killed at 62nd and Wolcott streets, is an African American; Alvarez and Gildardo Sierra, the officer who fired the shots, are both Hispanic. Sierra, has been placed on administrative assignment, according

to Adam Collins, a spokesman for the Chicago Police Department. Rather than prosecute Sierra for the Farmer shooting, the city without admitting to any wrongdoing, agreed to a $4.1 million settlement last December to the family of the 29-year-old man. In the six months prior to that incident, Sierra had shot two others while on duty and killed one of them, according to the Cook County State’s Attorney office. Cook County prosecutors said despite a two-year investigation into the shooting that confirmed that Sierra fired his gun 16 times striking Farmer seven times, it believed

GRIEVING FATHER EMMETT FARMER is calling for the resignation of Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez following her decision not to prosecute a Chicago police officer that shot and killed his son in 2011.

WALLACE “GATOR” BRADLEY led a rally recently outside the Downtown office of Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez. that Sierra had reason to believe have a job. He’s already shot two Bradley said. Independent Police Review Authat Farmer was armed and posed people and killed one before he thority Chief (IPRA) Administraa threat to his life. killed my son.” Sierra’s original report said he beIn a statement, Alvarez said, “al- tor Scott Ando said last week that lieved Farmer had a gun, which though Officer Sierra was mistak- the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office turned out to be a cellphone. Em- en in his belief that Flint Farmer are still looking into the case. Bemett Farmer said that didn’t ex- had a gun, not every mistake de- fore IPRA can move forward on its plain dashboard video showing mands the action of the criminal investigation Ando said it must Sierra “shooting him while he was justice system, even when the re- first wait on the feds. lying down defenseless.” He la- sults are tragic.” “The people of Cook County beled Sierra as “nothing more than It is evidence like the videotape a serial killer.” that has prompted community ac- cannot tolerate such racist policies “He (Gildardo Sierra) killed Dar- tivist Wallace “Gator” Bradley to in the prosecutor’s office,” said ius Pinex in January of the same call for a federal investigation. “We Frank Chapman, a field organizer year,” said Emmett Farmer. “[He] are asking that the United States for The Chicago Alliance Against shot another young man in March, government investigate Anita Al- Racist and Political Repression. was drinking before duty, and then varez, the State’s Attorney’s Office, “Anita Alvarez has proven herself killed my son. What other evi- and ask her the question why she’s to be delusional if she cannot see dence do we need?” “I feel real bad. engaged in the cover-up of police the record of Flint Farmer’s murHe should be fired. He shouldn’t torture and police murders,” der.”

Dumping ‘At Risk’ and other Negative Labels (Continued from page 1) than their non-Black peers. Cabrera points out that not surprisingly, children with strong family orientation and cultural pride tend to do well in school. Another essayist, Carol Brunson Day, asserts that, “Being labeled ‘at risk’ is like being voted least likely to succeed. For where there is no faith in your future success, there is no real effort to prepare you for it.” Black student success is often hampered by unreasonable disciplinary actions. The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights reports that African American students are threeand-a-half times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their white peers. Obviously, they would gain more from being inside the classroom rather than being expelled. According to the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress, the standardized test by which children are nationally measured, the average reading score for Black fourth graders is 205. A score of 208 is the basic level (238 is proficient, and 268 is advanced). Math was not much better – the national average is 225 – above basic (which, for math, is a 6

score of 214), but well below proficient (a score of at least 249). Efforts by educational reformers often fall short. According to A. Wade Boykin, one of the study’s expert essayists, many reforms are based on “benevolent pathology” – in which Black students’ “disadvantaged” life experiences weaken the possibility that they can succeed academically, or learn at all. Consequently, these students are labeled and relegated to intervention programs; from there, they are expected to learn to approximate their mainstream-schooled peers. As this approach demoralizes and further hinders “disadvantaged” children, their failure (and that of future children who share their life experience) becomes normalized. Boykin writes, “When children fail in school, so often there are no raised eyebrows, there is little outrage and there is no handwringing. It is expected and it is normal. Yet when especially poor Black children do well in school, it is met with surprise.” So what should be done? Carol Brunson Day calls for an emphasis on cultural knowledge and pride, one that begins with, and is led by, members of the culture. Another contributor, Iheoma U. Iruka, believes that supporting and embrac-

Saturday, November 16, 2013

ing parents as partners will go a long way toward closing academic achievement gaps. Others advocate teacher training and professional development programs that embed skills and strategies for embracing and teaching Black children, especially boys. Still, other contributors champion concerted refinements to programs for expecting mothers, early education programs, and pre-K through third grade curricula. As one essayist concedes, some of these recommendations will require generous funding and/or complete revolution of the public education paradigm. But other suggestions will only require change in attitudes and a willingness to be consistent. There are also some positive developments in education. The Flamboyan Foundation Family Engagement Project, based in Washington, D.C., partners with schools to foster collaboration between school administrators and families on behalf of students. Over the 2010 and 2011 school years, their partner schools saw an 80 percent decrease in short-term suspensions. Boston’s Smart Start Inc., seeks to narrow the achievement gap by supporting families raising infants to 5-

year-olds. On the Ages and Stages Questionnaire for school readiness (an assessment tool designed for parents’ private use), their 5-year-olds earned perfect scores in communication, problem-solving, and personal and social skills—despite living in impoverished conditions. The authors of Being Black Is Not a Risk Factor note that while African American children living in poverty are affected by their life experiences, their aptitudes and strengths can still be capitalized upon for academic gain. Furthermore, teaching styles that include a warm personal relationship,

culturally significant lessons, and engaging learning methods have a measurable, positive impact on Black students’ outcomes, especially for boys. And, most importantly, according to the report, parents and teachers have the power to shape Black children’s long-term educational success at any time, even before birth and the preschool years, all the way through grade 12. Ivory A. Toldson said, “It is, as always, about relationships – the difference-makers who can raise our children up, and the standardized tests that can bring them down.”

CHILDREN WITH STRONG family orientation and cultural pride tend to do well in school, according to a recent report from the National Black Child Development Institute.



Glory Days – Thinking about Art and Parren By Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist While going through some old boxes the other day I came upon an old video tape. It was a tribute to the late, great Parren J. Mitchell. It was produced back in 1998. We had a great relationship with Linda Gil of BET and sponsor for our annual convention BET collaborated on this tribute with us. I scurried to a photo shop down the street and had them transform the Beta tape into a DVD. With much pride we now have it up on our website’s homepage for the world to enjoy and learn more about this great African American. The vanguard of Black business development who taught me and so many others so much about the necessity of Black entrepreneurship as a means to survival of our race. I encourage all of you to check out these 11 minutes 25 seconds of history on one of the heroes that is closest to my heart. Here is the link: Visit to see the Parren J. Mitchell video tribute. Having found Parren’s master tape I began wondering where was the other tribute we produced the year before this one. In 1997, we

Harry C. Alford honored the great Arthur A. Fletcher who was known as the Father of Affirmative Action (I have to find that tape). Art got this moniker as he wrote the original affirmative action laws during his tenure in the President Richard Nixon administration. He would also serve as Chair of the Civil Rights Commission and would further push the implementation of components of the Civil Rights Act such as Title VI. The strides we made with con-

tracting, hiring and promotion were led by Art and Parren and too many people don’t understand the impact they had on our lives, careers and opportunities that would come before us. Art Fletcher and Parren J. Mitchell were born two years apart on opposite sides of our nation. Art was born in Ft. Huachuca, AZ. His father was a Buffalo Soldier. Parren was born in inner city Baltimore, MD and his parents were known activists. In fact, the Mitchell family is quite responsible for the success of the NAACP headquarters located in Baltimore. When World War II began, they both signed up for the Army and found themselves in the Europe Theater. Art was shipped to England and participated in the Normandy Invasion (France) while Parren shipped directly to Italy. Both were wounded during combat. Art didn’t get his deserved Purple Heart medal because the racist doctor claimed he could not determine if the bullet that went through him was from a Nazi or a red neck from General Patton’s army. He lost his spleen from the wound and was shipped back home for a long healing process. Parren received a Purple Heart for jumping on a live enemy grenade in order to save three of his

fellow soldiers. If he would have been white he would surely have gotten a Medal of Honor. After recovering from his wound he went right back into combat and received a second Purple Heart. The brother was awesome! At the end of the war they both took advantage of the educational benefits for veterans (financial aid via the G.I. Bill of Rights). Art became very educated and was a promoter of higher education for Blacks. He served as President of the United Negro College Fund and coined the famous term, “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.” Parren wanted to pursue a master’s degree in his home state but the University of Maryland would not accept Blacks (even though they were getting their share of Black tax money). So, being the fighter he was, Parren sued the institution and the great Thurgood Marshall was his attorney. He won and the racist walls came tumbling down. Today, the University of Maryland boasts that it “awards more degrees to African Americans than any other state university system in the nation.” As they further matured they both saw that their destinies were

tied to the Washington, DC power base. Parren went to Congress representing his beloved home of Baltimore and served the city plus every Black owned business in a superb and courageous fashion. Art served under four U.S. Presidents (Nixon, Ford, Reagan and the first Bush). On our behalf, Parren worked Capitol Hill and Art worked the White House continually and at the same time. They had their inner circles, one Democratic and the other Republican. They would meet behind closed doors and compare notes and strategize. That’s how it was back then – Black Republicans and Black Democrats knew their role and responsibility (Black America) and they never forgot it. Maybe teaching the greatness of Art and Parren may inspire new leaders who can return back to that successful model. These two giants helped mold the National Black Chamber of Commerce and Kay and I thank God for that. Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce®.Website: Email: halford@nationalbcc .org.

Time to Raise Minimum Wage By George E. Curry NNPA Columnist The first federal minimum wage of 25 cents an hour was established in 1938. Since then, it has been raised 22 times. It’s time to increase the floor for the 23rd time, from its current $7.25 to at least $10 an hour. According to the Center for Economic Policy Research, the value of the minimum wage peaked in 1968. If the minimum wage had been indexed to the official Consumer Price Index each year, the minimum wage today would be $10.52. The last time the minimum wage was raised was in 2007, when it was raised from $5.15 to $7.25. Still, there is resistance. Republican leaders say raising the minimum wage will cost jobs. But opponents, such as Washington Post columnist Jared Bernstein, argue that rather than job loss, employers compensate by charging higher prices and increasing productivity. Another common myth is that employers shouldn’t be forced to pay young people the minimum wage. But 88 percent of workers who would be affected by raising the minimum wage are at least 20 years old and a third are at least 40 years, according to the

Economic Policy Institute. EPI found that of the workers who would benefit from the raise: * The average age of affected workers is 35 years old; * 88 percent of all affected workers are at least 20 years old; * 35.5 percent are at least 40 years old; * 56 percent are women; * 28 percent have children; * 55 percent work full-time (35 hours per week or more); * 44 percent have at least some college experience. The federal minimum wage is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act. There are approximately 3.6 million workers, or 4.7 percent of all hourly paid workers who are at or below the federal minimum wage of 7.25 an hour. Employers are allowed to pay students and the disabled – defined as those “whose earning or productivity is impaired by age, physical or mental deficiency, or injury” – less than the minimum wage. It also places limits on workers who derive part of their income from tips. A study by the Congressional Research Service found that 40 percent of those earning the minimum wage or less work in “food preparation and serving related occupations.” It also discovered that 72.2 percent have at least a high school diploma and 8 per-

George E. Curry cent have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Robert Greenstein, president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities testified before Congress in February: “I would note that over recent decades, the minimum wage has been allowed to erode and is now 20 percent lower, after adjusting for inflation, than in the late 1960s. For this and a number of other reasons (relating in part to globalization of the economy), wages for low-paid jobs have fallen.” A fact sheet by Economic Policy Institute found, “A disproportionate share of minorities will benefit from a minimum wage increase.


African Americans represent 11% of the total workforce, but are 18% of workers affected by an increase. Similarly, 14% of the total workforce is Hispanic, but Hispanics are 19% of workers affected by an increase.” Washington State has the highest state minimum wage at $9.19, indexed to inflation. California enacted a law that will raise its minimum wage to $10 over three years. Some cities have wages that are even higher. The minimum wage is $10.55 in San Francisco. And in the recent election, New Jersey voters approve a constitutional amendment increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.25. Where city or state minimums exceed the federal standard, workers receive the higher wage. The movement to increase the federal minimum wage has stalled in Congress. In March, the House voted 233 to 184 against raising the minimum wage to $10.10 by 2015, with all Republicans voting in the majority. Two Democrats, Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa and Rep. George Miller of California have sponsored legislation, called the Fair Minimum Wage Act, to raise the federal minimum wage. The hope to overcome past opposition by adding some sweeteners for small businesses, including allowing

them to deduct the full cost of equipment and expansion up to $500,000 in the first year. In his State of the Union address in February, President Obama proposed a federal minimum wage of $9. The EPI study stated. “When describing who would see a raise if the minimum wage were increased, it is important to look at everyone who earns between the current minimum wage and the proposed new one, as well as workers earning just above the new minimum wage (who would likely also see a small pay increase as employers move to preserve internal wage ladders). The typical worker who would be affected by an increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2015 looks nothing like the part-time, teen stereotype: She is in her early thirties, works full-time, and may have a family to support.” George E. Curry, former editorin-chief of Emerge magazine, is editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA.) He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his Web site, You can also follow him at and George E. Curry Fan Page on Facebook.

Saturday, November 16, 2013



REMEMBERING MALCOLM X’S LEGACY Dr. Conrad Worrill, Director/Professor, Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS) located at 700 East Oakwood Blvd, Chicago, Illinois, 60653, 773-268-7500, Fax: 773-268-3835 E-mail:, Web site:, Twitter: @CCICS_ Chicago.

Dr. Conrad Worrill The Third World Press under the leadership of its founder and publisher Haki R. Madhubuti, has published a new book on Malcolm X edited by Herb Boyd and Ilyasah Al-Shabazz, entitled, The Diary of Malcolm X El-Hajj Malik ElShabazz 1964. The book presents a glimpse into the rare archives of Malcolm X’s diary while traveling in the Middle East from April 1964 – November 1964. As someone

whose life was greatly impacted by the contributions of Malcolm X, I strongly urge the reading of this important work which is continuing his legacy. Therefore, the following gives a context out of which to read this new book. Since the untimely transition of Malcolm X in 1965, movement forces throughout the world have consistently commemorated his birthday. Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. It was on February 21, 1965 that Malcolm X was assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, New York by forces that were trying to stop his impact on our movement. They were not successful. He will forever remain our “Shining Black Prince.” Malcolm X is a man that should be studied carefully in our efforts to examine a critical period in our history— the 1960s. For, it was during this period that Malcolm X became an internationally known and respected African in America leader, whose ideas were widely discussed and debated. It was through the Nation of Islam, under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that Malcolm X was given an opportunity to develop his tremendous talents as a teacher, researcher, orator, and organizer. Malcolm X joined the Nation of Islam while in prison in 1952. After his release in the mid 1950s, Malcolm X became a full–time minister for the Nation of Islam

that became one of the most important organizations in the history of African in America, people. From his main base in Harlem, at Mosque Number 7, he launched his talents on the world. Malcolm X was a revolutionary who presented a model of Black manhood that shook the world. When Malcolm X finally left the Nation of Islam, because of internal differences, he decided to take his first trip to Mother Africa. Malcolm spent five weeks in Africa, from April 13th to May 21st, 1964. This trip helped reestablish our links with the movement to reclaim “Africa for the Africans.” Malcolm met many of the leaders and people of Africa. He visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Nigeria, Ghana, Monrovia, Liberia, Senegal, Tanzania, Guinea, Morocco, and Algeria. This trip and subsequent trips abroad helped Malcolm sharpen his understanding of the worldwide system of white supremacy as the number one enemy of African people throughout the world. This has not changed. After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm began to broaden his organizing strategies by attempting to reach out and work with many of the more established civil rights organizations and movement tendencies to a common organizational vehicle. Malcolm began building this vehicle through his establishment of the Organization for Afro–American Unity (OAAU). Malcolm felt that a United Front

was the necessary mechanism by which the political consciousness of African people in America could be raised. Also, he felt that this United Front would be the common voice we needed to represent the Black Liberation movement in this country. Many of us are still working to build this United Front concept of organizing toward our liberation in America. In the spirit of Malcolm, let us summarize his contributions: Malcolm X was a concrete example that if you discipline yourself and find a new outlook on life you can transform your behavior. From 1952 - 1963, Malcolm X helped the Honorable Elijah Muhammad build the Nation of Islam into a powerful force. During this same period, Malcolm became the spokesman for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, and thus, became a spokesman for the Black Nationalist Movement in one of the most important periods in our history— the period of the mid 1950s through the 1960s. In this role, Malcolm articulated many important concepts and ideas that helped strengthen the Black Nationalist Movement in this country, as well as, the Civil Rights Movement. His speech, “The Ballot or the Bullet,” still rings in our ears. His conception of the role of “House Negroes” vs. “Field Negroes” is still with us today. And his coining he phrase, “By Any Means Necessary” are just a few of the ideas and concepts that

concretely impacted the Black movement. Malcolm X defined Black Nationalism in simple terminology that appealed to the Black masses when he said, “the political philosophy of Black nationalism is that Blacks should control the politics and politicians in our own community... The economic philosophy of Black Nationalism must be designed to re–educate our community to the importance of controlling the economy in which we live by owning and operating the businesses. The social philosophy of Black nationalism is we must become socially mature enough to realize the responsibility on us to elevate the conditions and standards of our community to a higher level.” Malcolm X linked the Black struggle in this country with the struggle of African people around the world. Malcolm helped shape Black peoples pride in themselves and by so doing, he exposed, by teaching that the greatest crime of white people was they taught us to hate ourselves. It was Malcolm’s spirit that generated the Black Pride, Black Studies, and Black Power phases of our movement. So, on the one hand, Malcolm helped internationalize our struggle and on the other hand, he linked it up to the mass struggle and issues that faced our people in America. By taking this approach, Malcolm was able to provide a basis for the continued historical efforts to build worldwide African unity.


By Julianne Malveaux NNPA Columnist The NAACP needs a woman leader. I’m not the one. I love the NAACP. I’ve been a member since I was ten years old. I sizzle at the history and at the historic leaders (WEB DuBois, Walter White, James Weldon Johnson, Medgar Evers, Ida B. Wells, and so many others). With its 30 year campaign to stop lynching to its more contemporary work in voting registration, the NAACP has always been involved in the struggle for justice and equality. Once upon a time the NAACP was considered so “subversive” that southern teachers who belonged to the organization were fired. Today, the NAACP is considered “respectable,” forgetting that different times call for different tactics. Thus, when I first heard that the 8

Presidency of the NAACP was avail-able I was excited. After all, which civil rights leader, policy activist, speaker and writer would not want to lead our nations’ oldest and premier civil rights organization. As if I was playing with a Rubik’s cube, I was twisting the squares to make them fit. They don’t. The NAACP leadership would have been a perfect job for me ten years ago, or even five. Right now, I am playing to my “sweet spot,” lecturing, writing and empowering young people. People I don’t even know have asked me if I’ll be the next President of the NAACP. They don’t understand process. There’s a search firm, hundreds of applications on file, criteria that has not been shared. Could I compete? Absolutely. Do I want to compete? No. Why would I not consider taking the helm of a beloved and historic organization?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dr. Julianne Malveaux In addition to talking and writing, NAACP leadership includes fundraising. Ben Jealous set a high bar by raising tens of millions of dollars to move the organization forward.

That’s a record it will be difficult to top. The person to improve on the Jealous record will be a sister with indefatigable energy, fundraising acumen, board management skills and more. Daily, I ask my higher power that my steps are ordered in ways that serve the least and the left out and that nourish me. I will write until I cannot hold a pen, talk until I cannot embrace a microphone. And, as I have been given the gift of mentorship, I will always do whatever I can do to help young people, and especially young women reach and exceed their goals. If it is meant for me to find other ways to serve, I will embrace that opportunity. My wish for the NAACP is that they will find a mature, well-prepared and solidly grounded woman who is a great fundraiser, an eloquent speaker, and an efficient manager. She should be willing and


able to commit at least 10 years to the organization. She should be a sister with a steep learning curve. And she must love people and abhor injustice with a passion. Economic justice is still a subversive concept. While the economy is the doldrums and unemployment rates stuck above seven percent, our Congress prefers to subsidize agriculture and cut food stamps, not examing the injustice that will affect between three and four million people. While banks are bailed out those they cheated with subprime lending have lost their homes with no bailout. While the blue-chip status of US bonds faced a downgrade thanks to the government shutdown, those with low credit scores face employment discrimination because of those low scores. There are administrative assistants who pay a higher rate of taxes than (Continued on page 17)


By Ima Gontellit EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is published as political satire, street gossip and humor, and therefore should not be considered as fact but rather as matter of opinion. None of the items therein are collected by the news gathering staff of the Crusader Newspaper Group. Items forwarded to The Chatterbox are kept confidential unless otherwise requested by the author in writing. For submissions please forward to: Original photography and artwork are permitted. Thank you for reading!

EVERYBODY NAMED DRED The folks at the Great Bye-andGoodbye Convalescent Home seem to think at least four Black officials have officially changed their names to Dred Scott, after they got treated like two dollar hookers at the Democratic National Convention. What’s mighty funny to anybody with any sense, is that these people couldn’t have possibly thought they would become the second in charge of the state of Illinois by hopping on a ticket with an Irishman. With their feelings hurt, they have quietly gone back to the plantation where they yassa boss throughout the day. One will go back to plotting on how to take Mark Kirk’s senate seat; two others will go back to plotting on how to get rid of Bobby Rush; and the other will continue taking corporate reform money while talking real Black. -ImaTHE CHICAGO WAY Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House. One is from Chicago, another is from Tennessee, and the third is from Minnesota. All three go with a White House official to examine the fence. The Minnesota contractor

takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. “Well,” he says, “I figure the job will run about $900. $400 for materials, $400 for my crew, and $100 profit for me.” The Tennessee contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, “I can do this job for $700. $300 for materials, $300 for my crew, and $100 profit for me.” The Chicago contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, “$2,700.” The official, incredulous, says, “You didn’t even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?” The Chicago contractor whispers back, “$1,000 for me, $1,000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence.” “Done!” replies the government official. And that, my friends, is how the new stimulus plan will work. -Ima-


Jesse Jackson Jr. er’s son isn’t really destroyed, we hear he’s been pooting uncontrollably in closed settings due to him being so upset with the prospect. So now he’s spreading a new rumor about the former congressman’s professor brother. This guy really hates Jesse Jackson. Go figure. -Ima-

HEY JODY What three words does a brother named Jody on 63rd street never want to hear when he’s in the bedroom getting down to business with his lady—-hey honey, I’m home! -ImaON DAMASCUS ROAD All of the celebrities are flocking to North Carolina to visit the newest celebrity inmate, named Jackson JUNIOR. Megachurch leader Rick Warren ran up in the big house; and a whole bunch of others are said to be on their way. All of this plays right into the hands of Triple Jay who will walk free in 2015—just after the tiny, mean, Emperor is re-elected mayor of Chicago. Look for the reformed congressman to get his congressional seat back. Plans are already underway—keep your eye on the 7th Ward. In de meantime, a red head has moved up higher on the snitch list, having planted several damaging stories about Jackson and his wife Sandi throughout the ‘hood. With news that the Country Preach-

PO’ OUT SOME LIKKA Pretty Tony got arrested in Roseland and was thrown in the back of a blue and white. The cop says, “You been brought here for public drinking,” to which Pretty Tony replied, “well let’s get it started then!” -ImaNO BEAN PIE FOR THEM One group is so fired up they say they might call out Farrkahan on his “lack of voice” on all de things happening to the colored peoples in Chicago. They are especially angry

All the people who go to Greater Harvest Church on 51st and State rush to church every Sunday. They know every service is gonna be packed. But one Sunday morning they were shocked that when they got there Satan was standing in the pulpit. Everybody got to screaming, running, crying and getting the hell out of the church building—except for one brave deacon. The deacon didn’t move one inch. He just went to his pew and sat on down. This made the devil real confused so after he got through scratching his nappy head he walked over to the brother and said, “Hey Deacon, don’t you know who I is?” The faithful church leader looked him dead in the eye and said, “I know who you be.” Satan then said something like, “Ain’t you ‘fraid of me?” The deacon said no. Then old Beezlebub said, “well, why the hell not?” To which the little dark, skinned deacon, who likes to cry out loud and run around the church, replied, “”Cause I been married to yo’ sister for the past 30 years.”

Feeling refreshed, the trio decided to pick a lay on the grass for a while enjoying their “freedom.” As they were crossing an open area, who should come along but a group of ladies from their Woodlawn church. Unable to get to their clothes in time, the preacher and the usher covered their privates and the long time member covered his face while they ran for cover. After the Apostolic women had left and the men got their clothes back on, the preacher and the usher asked their longtime church member why he covered his face rather than his privates. The member replied, “I don’t know about you, but if the sisters are from OUR congregation they would only recognize my face.” -ImaOVERHEARD ON DE BUS “We so hard up for somebody to run against old boy, that we’ll take Roland Burris again! The mayor’s numbers so bad, even Roland could beat him at this point.”

-ImaAS A JAY BIRD A preacher, an usher and a long time member of the Apostolic Church went for a stroll one day in Jackson Park. It was very hot. They were sweating and exhausted when they came upon dat ugly lagoon. Since it was fairly secluded, they took off all their clothes and jumped in the water to cool themselves off.

Roland Burris

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Continued from page 4) that the minorities are over-represented in today’s military. That means we are over-represented in the number of deaths and casualties occurring in places where the U.S. presence isn’t especially welcome. Is the body count in the Middle East related to how many military schools there are in Chicago and across the U.S? Rather than more military

Louis Farrkahan

emies CPS should expand offerings in the areas of agriculture, technology, entrepreneurship and healthcare. The City Colleges of Chicago has a college-to-career program and that is the path CPS should be on. Our high school students should be directed to places that will mean gainful employment without having to learn to shoot and kill. Al Brady

that the 80-year-old minister ain’t put FOIs all over Englewood where a lot of people are getting tuned up. They said “if the Muslims were out on the block, none of this ish would be happening,” one bow-legged guy said. “What they waiting on—a city grant to do community policing? Do the white man got to pay the Nation for them to get involved in their own communitites?”


Saturday, November 16, 2013



De La Salle Students Participate in Peace & Acceptance Week Activities As part of Peace & Acceptance Week, students from De La Salle’s Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women created a video blog with the theme of “We Stand Blue against Bullying.” Counselors Mary Bridich and Tracy Brewer worked with a group of 30 student volunteers in planning events and activities to promote the message of anti-bullying. Throughout the week there were announcements, lunchtime activities, advisory lessons, and surveys to incorporate the Lourdes Hall student body. Some of these events included peer mediator skits to model positive conflict resolution and daily announcements discussing about stopping bullying. Teacher volunteers also spoke on the public address system about methods to combat bullying. During the students’ lunch periods, there were interactive activities to encourage discussions about bullying. The overall goal was to bring to light the issues

surrounding bullying and to stand up as a school against it. De La Salle congratulates Mrs. Bridich, Ms. Brewer and all the students on their success in regards to all the Peace & Acceptance Week activities. De La Salle Institute is an independent Catholic secondary school rooted in the tradition of Christian Education begun by St. John Baptist de La Salle. Founded in 1889, its mission has been, and is, to foster a desire for excellence in education. Young people from a variety of ethnic and economic backgrounds are given the opportunity to fully develop their abilities so they may be active, contributing members of the complex changing society. De La Salle – Institute Campus for Young Men; 3434 S. Michigan Ave.; Chicago, IL 60616. De La Salle – Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women; 1040 W. 32nd Pl.; Chicago, IL 60608;

DE LA SALLE’S female students recently took a stand against bullying by developing a video blog titled, “We Stand Blue Against Bullying.” Students and teachers collaborated on planning events and messages. Those involved included: Back Row (L to R): Mary Bridich, Anjelica Velazquez, Mykhal Suide, Maxine Mathis, Venanzia Njeru, Susana Caizaguano, and Tracy Brewer. Front Row: Maria Escobedo, Benedicta Bonsu, Chelsea Earls-Harris, and Arianna Canales, Andrea Pellebon.

New Art Exhibitions coming to South Suburban College The Art & Design Department of South Suburban College (SSC) is pleased to present two exhibitions in galleries on the college’s Main Campus in South Holland. First, Mark Holmes is exhibit-

ing “Moves and Measures” through Tuesday, November 19 in the Lee E. Dulgar Gallery with a closing reception on November 19 at 1 p.m. “Moves and Measures” features 18 objects that represent four bodies of work.

Apply for scholarship to study aging The Retirement Research Foundation at the University of Illinois- Champaign has started the process for the annual Paul D. Doolen Graduate Scholarship for the Study of Aging. Two $4,000 scholarships will be awarded for the 2014-2015 academic year to graduate students at the University of Illinois whose principal scholarly interests lie in the field of aging – the biological or sociological aspects of aging or the treatment of the diseases of the elderly. The students must be in their second year of graduate work or beyond when the scholarships are held. Priority will be given to candidates who hold an assistantship

or fellowship. One student will be chosen from the biologicalbiomedical sciences and the other from the behavioral-social sciences. The current holders of the Doolen scholarships are Erin Olson, a doctoral candidate in kinesiology and behavioral health on the Urbana-Champaign campus, and Jessica Wilson, an M.D./Ph.D student in pharmacology on the Chicago campus. Paper applications will not be distributed. Applications must be submitted online. The deadline for application is Feb. 10. For more information, call 217-3332030.

The Crusader Newspaper Group is interested in our readers’ ideas, thoughts and opinions, whether you’re in Chicago, Northwest Indiana or any part of the U.S. we encourage you to send a letter to the editor at Please limit your letters to 200 words. 10

Saturday, November 16, 2013

MODE IN MEDIUIM, was one to two exhibitions hosted at South Suburban College. George Peterson’s oil paintings reflect his moods before, during and after his time in graduate school at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University. Holmes explores similar visual color, surface, planes and edges themes through the distinct that invite the audience to witgroups, giving the viewer insight ness perceptual ambiguities colinto his sculptural oeuvre. He liding with tactile realities. Mark constructs different spaces with Holmes holds a BA from Hope BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

College, and an MFA in sculpture from Yale University. He currently chairs the Department of Art and Art History at Knox College, where he has taught since 2004. A second exhibition of oil paintings by emerging artist George Peterson titled “Mode In Medium” is on display in the Dorothea Theil Gallery through November 14, 2013. The exhibition will feature selected paintings executed before, during, and after his time in graduate school. Peterson received his MFA in painting at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, Boston, MA. He has worked under established artists such as Angela Dufresne, Tony Apesos, and Joe Wardwell. Peterson has exhibited with artists such as Eric Finzi, Annette Wehrhahn and Eliza Burke Greene. The public is welcome to visit art exhibitions and receptions at no charge. The Thiel Gallery is on the fourth floor in the Art & Design hallway and is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Dulgar Gallery is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The galleries are closed on weekends and holidays. SSC is located at 15800 South State Street, South Holland, Illinois. Call (708) 596-2000, ext. 2445 or ext. 2300 for more information.


Saturday, November 16, 2013



By Raymond Ward BE THANKFUL: Thanksgiving is right around the corner and here’s the perfect tool to use on that day and the remaining 364 days of the year. “WISDOM FOR EVERYDAY LIVING: 365 Daily Devotions from America’s Most Influential Christian Leaders” edited by Steve M. Woods ( HCI Books; $19.97) is a powerful collection of thoughtful, faithfilled devotions from some of the most inspired Christian hearts and minds. “On this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” ...Matthew 16:18, NIV. “Wisdom for Everyday Living” is a 365 daily devotional to deepen the readers faith and buoy their spirit, by sharing favorite Scriptures and reflections from 100 diverse and respected thought leaders of prominent Christian churches, colleges and organizations. A fitting inspiration for Bible study groups, alone Steve M. Woods time or family fellowship, “Wisdom for Everyday Living” explores a wide range of topics including: * enduring through hard times, sorrow or depression * struggling to break an addiction * forgiving others and yourself * giving up the need to control the outcome * being courageous * finding your God-given purpose * learning to wait on God * the power of humility For anyone who wants to walk with Christ, they will find themselves in good company with daily wisdom from Judy Douglass, author, Campus Crusade for Christ; Anne Graham Lutz, founder and president of AnGel Ministries and daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Billy Graham; Bob Coy, senior partner at Calvary Chapel in Fort Lauderdale; Dan Carroll, senior pastor, Water of Life Community Church; Brandon Cox, senior pastor Grace Hills Church; Chuck Booher, senior pastor at Crossroads Christian Church; David S. Dockery, president of Union University—and many, many more. When asked what was the purpose for the Wisdom book, Steve Woods said, “To inspire men and women in all walks of life to live a courageous life by following God’s word and learning from leading pastors, university presidents and CEO’s who have gone before and know that to walk in faith requires determination and inspiration. Anne Graham Lutz The 365 devotional will encourage and equip men and women of all ages to live out their faith in exceptional ways.” Let the church say, Amen! 12

Saturday, November 16, 2013

By Elaine Hegwood Bowen, MSJ

Charles Bradley: Soul of America Charles Bradley: Soul of America charts the extraordinary latein-life rise of 62-year-old aspiring soul singer Charles Bradley, whose debut album famously rocketed the James Brown impersonator from a hard life in the Brooklyn projects to Rolling Stone magazine’s top 50 albums

ing the “Godfather of Soul” that it stuck and he didn’t think he could do anything else. But eventually he meets some record industry people who hear him sing, and he was on his way to making an album called “No Time for Dreaming” containing his songs, and he had plenty of

months before his record drops, going from being anxious and not so confident that he would be able to pull it off. Bradley finally meets Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings on Daptone Records, and he does a number of gigs with her as her opening act. And he is well re-

CHARLES BRADLEY PERFORMS during his debut album in New York. of 2011. This award-winning documentary explores Bradley’s remarkable journey through abandonment, homelessness and tragedy to critically acclaimed recordings with the masters of modern soul Daptone and Dunham Records. Following Bradley through the exhilarating weeks leading up to his album release and world tour, this intimate film explores the heart and soul of the man who enamored and inspired countless adoring fans around the world. Featuring the electrifying and transformative performances that thrust him into the limelight, Charles Bradley: Soul of America marks Bradley’s unprecedented triumph over an impossible dream 48 years in the making. This documentary is so down to earth and believable, although it was quite a feat for Bradley to accomplish his goals. But he went about his life, taking care of his aging mother in New York, while trying to break out of his “James Brown” persona, which was a way of making money for him for many years. He favors Brown, and early on when he started performing, he did so well at mock-

them. He, as well, had plenty of stories to tell about his “hard knock” life; his mom abandoned him at an early age and left the South where he was born and came to New York, living there for many years and buying a home, before returning for him. He was homeless, as well, in New York, as he didn’t feel com-

ceived and well on his way to believing that he could do this on his own. This was a good documentary, and it also made me sad when Bradley reflected on his life, even at one point telling God that whenever He was ready to take him that Bradley was OK with that. But I rejoiced when

BRADLEY SHOWS HIS neighbors the New York Post article highlighting him and his music. fortable living with his mother Bradley is featured in a clipping and other family members: he in the New York Post and was would say that he felt ostracized. running around the neighborBut the neighborhood people hood crying and sharing it with loved him, and this documentary everyone. The documentary also (Continued on page 16) shows how he spends a few



OLI WATT AT HYDE PARK ART CENTER: On Saturday, November 16 from 3 pm to 5 pm, exhibiting artist Oli Watt will discuss his work and life from the past 15 years, including his first survey exhibition, Here comes a regular, now showing at Hyde Park Art Center. The presentation, held at the Humboldt Park Public Library, is part of Philip Von Zweck’s Much Much More lecture series. Humboldt Park Public Library is located at 1605 N. Troy Street in Chicago. For more information call 773-324-5520 or visit MARQUETTE BANK EVENTS: Switch to Neighborhood Banking Day – On Saturday, November 16, Marquette Bank will host a Switch to Neighborhood Banking Day at all bank locations. Neighbors are encouraged to join the movement and help strengthen the local economy by switching to a local bank. Stop by any Marquette Bank location for new customer specials and free credit history reports. For more information visit www. or call 1-888254-9500. Free Business Networking Event – On Thursday, November 21, Marquette Bank will host a business networking after-hours event at the Marquette Bank located at 9335 S. Kedzie Avenue in Evergreen Park. Enjoy an evening of refreshments, door prizes and networking opportunities. All businesses are welcome to attend from 5 pm until 7 pm. To register, call 708-857-1313. ALKALINE TRIO & NEW FOUND GLORY AT THE ARAGON BALLROOM: Aragon Ballroom Rockstar Energy Drink presents Alkaline Trio & New Found Glory live with special guest H2O on Sunday, November 17, 6:30 pm, at the Aragon Ballroom, 1106 W. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, IL. This music and comedy event is suitable for all ages. MOUNT CARMEL MOTHERS’ CLUB TO HOST THE “JINGLE AND MINGLE MARKET” – A HOLIDAY BAZAAR: Get the jump on your holiday shopping with one-of-a-kind gifts at the “Jingle and Mingle Market” – a Holiday Bazaar featuring the finest crafts from local artisans and vendors. Choose from the broad array of unique products, including fabulous home decorations, fashionable accessories, and delicious gourmet treats. Appetizers and refreshments will be served. The Market will be open on Thursday, November 21 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm in the Mount Carmel High School Convocation Center, located at 6410 S. Dante Avenue, Chicago. Admission is $5, but bring a friend and they’ll get in FREE! For more information: mcmothersclub.bazaar

CHICAGO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM OPENS ALL-NEW WINTER EXPERIENCE: Where can you throw snowballs, dress up a snowman and perform a polished pirouette on ice...inside? Chicago Children’s Museum, of course! An all-new Snow Much Fun,the museum’s much loved winter experience, is ONGOING through January 5, 2014. This family has been re-imagined as an immersive snowy cityscape that’s the perfect setting for winter fun—no mittens required! “We are so excited about the all-new Snow Much Fun,” said Jennifer Farrington, president and CEO of Chicago Children’s Museum. “This experience is not only bigger and better than ever, it offers a warm and cozy alternative for enjoying classic winter fun - indoors! Our goal is to enchant visitors with the fun and fantasy of winter and support collaborative “snow” play. We know every visitor will truly enjoy this experience!” The all-new Snow Much Fun exhibit features a variety of indoor, frosty fun activities, including: Pretend You’re on Ice - Chicago’s “coolest” “ice” rink will be open all day and is the perfect place for children to skate in socks and practice a perfect spin! Winter Snow Essentials - Sleds, shovels and over 200 big “ice” blocks for building impassable snow forts and castles! Stylish Snowmen - Calling all fashionistas to dress an entire family of snowpeople! Snowball Fun - Over 1,000 “snowballs” for a family-friendly snowball fight! For more information, visit CCM’s website. NBA INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SEEKS 2014 SUMMER INTERNS: The 2014 NBA Summer Internship Program is a hands-on opportunity for enrolled college students to build their work experience and learn the behind-the-scenes operations of the NBA League Office. Over the 10-week program, summer interns participate in a series of events and activities exposing them to the many facets of the NBA’s business, including the WNBA and NBA DLeague. Applicant placement within an NBA Department is based on the NBA’s business needs, as well as the candidate’s interest, experience, and academic achievement. All positions are located at the NBA League Offices in either New York City (midtown Manhattan) or Secaucus, New Jersey. To qualify for the Internship Program, students must be either (a) enrolled in an accredited undergraduate college or university and be between their junior or senior year OR (b) graduate students (typically MBA) between their first and second years, or law students between years one and two, or years two and three. For more details and/or to apply, visit: ship_program.html. APPROPRIATE AT VICTORY

MILLER LITE’S “Tap the Future” networking event for entrepreneurs brought FUBU founder and television Shark Tank panelist Daymond John (center) to Chicago recently to help judge presentations by five Midwest businesses. Quick Stick Lacrosse and More of Vernon Hills was the only Illinois participant. The winner, Text Pride of Ohio, received $20,000. The company will compete in the Tap the Future finals for a chance to win $250,000. GARDENS THEATER: Victory Gardens Theater presents the CoWorld Premiere of Appropriate. When three adult children collide over their dead patriarch’s estate, a disturbing discovery surfaces among their father’s possessions, taking a turn filled with crackling surprises and confrontations. Victory Gardens Theater is located at 2433 N. Lincoln Avenue - Biograph Theater, Chicago, IL 60614. The play is ON-

GOING through December 8. If you want to see a play before everyone else in the world, tell your cab driver to head north to Victory Gardens. Avoid wearing a red dress if you can. THE WAY OF THE SHOVELART AS ARCHAELOGY AT THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART: The Way of the Shovel: Art as Archaeology is a major group exhibition that addresses the

pervasive interest in history and archival research that has become a defining feature in art produced in the last decade. The survey consists almost entirely of work produced after September 11, 2001. The exhibit is ONGOING through March 9, 2014. The Museum of Contemporary Art is located at 220 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. Hours Tuesday: 10 am - 8 pm; Wednesday Sunday: 10 am - 5 pm.

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But a recent study by the Federal Trade Commission found costly errors in the credit reports of some five percent of consumers. *** That’s why it’s worthwhile to check your own credit regularly. The three major credit bureaus— Equifax, Experian and TransUnion—will send you free reports once a year. *** Look out for incorrect information on your accounts; unfamiliar addresses or name spelling which may mean your accounts are being mixed with others; or records of debts that aren’t yours. Complain online, but document disputes by BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

Saturday, November 16, 2013



Michael Tilson Thomas to lead the CSO in Mahler’s Ninth Symphony Stravinsky’s ‘Elegy For J.F.K.’ receives first CSO performances on 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s death San Francisco Symphony Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas will return to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) stage to lead the CSO in a program of music by Stravinsky and Mahler. These performances will take place on Thursday, November 21 and Saturday, November 23, both at 8:00 p.m.; Friday November 22 at 1:30 p.m.; and Sunday, November 24 at 3:00 p.m. Opening the program is Stravinsky’s “Elegy for J.F.K” which the composer wrote in 1964 as a memorial to President Kennedy after his assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Now, 50 years later, the CSO performs this short work for the first time, with soloist mezzo-soprano Kelley O’Connor, in honor of this anniversary. “Elegy for J.F.K.” is scored for baritone or mezzo-soprano and three clarinets. The text was written at Stravinsky’s request by W. H. Au-

den. Mahler’s Symphony No. 9—the composer’s final complete symphonic work—is the featured work on the program. Tilson Thomas has earned worldwide praise for his interpretations of the music of both Stravinsky and Mahler, conducting their works in numerous performances and recordings. His recordings of Mahler’s symphonies have won seven Grammy awards. Grammy® Award-winning mezzo-soprano Kelley O’Connor has emerged as one of the most compelling performers of her generation. During the 2012-13 season, the California native’s impressive calendar includes John Adams’ “The Gospel According to the Other Mary” in a world premiere staging by Peter Sellars performed in America and Europe with the Los Angeles Philharmonic under Gustavo Dudamel’s baton, and a role debut as Suzuki in “Madama Butterfly” in a new production by Lillian Groag at Boston Lyric Opera. As recently as November 13 Michael Tilson Thomas conduct-

Kelley O’Connor ed the San Francisco Symphony and pianist Jeremy Denk, recent MacArthur “Genius Grant” recipient, in a “Carnegie Hall Live” concert featuring works of Beethoven, Steven Mackey, Mozart and Copland and broadcast over WFMT 98.7 FM. Tilson Thomas assumed his post as the San Francisco Symphony’s (SFS) music director in September 1995. A Los Angeles native, he studied piano with

John Crown and composition and conducting with Ingolf Dahl at the University of Southern California, and became music director of the Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra at 19 working with Stravinsky, Boulez, Stockhausen and Copland on premieres of their compositions at the famed Monday Evening Concerts. In 1969, at age 24, Tilson Thomas won the Koussevitzky Prize and was appointed assistant conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO). Ten days later he came to international recognition, replacing Music Director William Steinberg midconcert at Lincoln Center. He went on to become the BSO’s associate conductor, then principal guest conductor. He has also served as a principal guest conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and toured the world with the London Symphony Orchestra, of which he became principal conductor in 1988 and now serves as principal guest conductor. Tilson Thomas is artistic director of the New World Sym-

Michael Tilson Thomas phony, a training orchestra for the most gifted graduates of America’s conservatories and home to a critically acclaimed, technologically advanced arts academy and concert hall designed by Frank Gehry, which opened in January 2011. For tickets, call 800-223-7114 or 312-294-3000; online at, or at the Symphony Center box office: 220 S. Michigan Ave.

Joffrey Ballet’s “The Nutcracker” returns for annual holiday tradition The Joffrey Ballet celebrates the 26th annual presentation of Robert Joffrey’s “The Nutcracker,” Chicago’s most popular holiday tradition and America’s #1 “Nutcracker” in a 23-performance engagement at the Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University, 50 E. Congress Parkway, December 6 – 28. The Chicago Philharmonic, led by Joffrey Music Director Scott Speck, provides live accompaniment of the classic score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky for every performance. The curtains rose on The Joffrey Ballet’s “The Nutcracker” December 10, 1987 at the Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa and the company embarked on a national tour resulting in the birth of the American “Nutcracker.” When Robert Joffrey (1930-1988) choreographed “The Nutcracker,” he replaced the traditional European setting with a 19th century American home, populating it with toys from his own childhood underneath the Christmas tree of the Stahlbaum Family. This original production maintains the purity of Joffrey’s original choreography with sparkling elegant costumes, an extravagant set by Oliver Smith and a giant Mother Ginger puppet by Kermit Love. The story of “The Nutcracker” begins during a lively party on Christmas Eve when familiar characters Clara and the mysterious Dr. Drosselmeyer embark on a magical adventure encountering a battle between toy soldiers and legions of mice before being whisked away with the Nutcracker Prince to an en14

chanted forest by the elegant Queen and King of Snow. In gratitude for Clara’s bravery during the battle, the Sugar Plum Fairy presents her with an exotic array of dancing confections including Chocolate from Spain, Coffee from Arabia, Tea from China, Nougat from Russia and Marzipan from Denmark. The ballet, “The Nutcracker,” is inspired by E.T.A. Hoffman’s “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.” Joffrey Ballet Co-Founder Gerald Arpino (1923-2008), one of the giants that transformed dance into an American art also contributed to Robert Joffrey’s version, having choreographed the Land of the Snow scene, which closes Act I, and the Waltz of the Flowers in Act II. The full Joffrey company is joined onstage by 118 young dancers from the Chicagoland area – dancing as Party Girls and Boys, Polichinelles (Mother Ginger’s children), Battle Mice and Mounted Mice, Soldiers, Snow Tree Angels and Dolls – and young vocalists from five different local children’s choirs perform the choral parts from the magical Snow Scene, including singers from the Anima Young Singers of Greater Chicago, the Barrington Children’s Choir, the Jones College Prep High School Treble Choir, the Pro Musica Youth Chorus and the ProvidenceSt. Mel School Choir. The choirs also delight audiences with popular seasonal selections in the Auditorium Theatre’s main lobby one halfhour prior to curtain and during intermissions at every performance. The Joffrey Ballet is Chicago’s pre-

Saturday, November 16, 2013

THE NUTCRACKER COMES to life in a previous Joffrey Ballet production. (Joffrey file photo) mier ballet company committed to and cutting-edge works of today. artistic excellence and innovation, Founded by Robert Joffrey in 1956 presenting a unique repertory en- and guided by choreographer Gerald compassing masterpieces of the past Arpino from 1988 until 2007, The

Joffrey Ballet continues under the leadership of Artistic Director Ashley Wheater and Executive Director Greg Cameron. The Joffrey is also committed to providing arts education and accessible dance training through its Joffrey Academy of Dance and Community Engagement programs, having most recently performed a free program at Chicago’s South Shore Cultural Center, 7059 South Shore Drive. Single tickets, priced between $31 and $132, are available for purchase at The Joffrey Ballet’s official Box Office located in the lobby of Joffrey Tower, 10 E. Randolph Street, as well as the Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University box office, all Ticketmaster Ticket Centers, by telephone at 800-982-2787 or online at

CMA to present first South Side “Do it Yourself ” Messiah By Barbara Wright-Pryor Chicago Music Association, Br. No. 1, NANM, Inc. (since 1919), Charles T. Hayes, music director, Renee Baker, conductor, Chicago Modern Orchestra Project and soloists present the first annual South Side “Do It Yourself” performance of George Frederic Händel’s monumental oratorio “Messiah” Wednesday, December 18, at South Shore Cultural Center, 7059 South Shore Drive, Chicago. Admission is FREE. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Performance begins at 7:00 p.m. SHARP and will last approximately

ferred. Performance will include all of Part I and selected choruses and airs from Parts II and III. All voice categories are welcome and advance registration for choral groups is strongly suggested. To pre-register, call 773-721-3210 and leave message for reply. There is limited unreserved space for a listening audience.

George Frederic Händel’s autographed copy of the “Amen Chorus.”/Photo: British Library three hours. Singers must bring their own scores. G. Schirmer pre-


The performance is presented in partnership with The Advisory Council of South Shore Cultural Center and The Chicago Park District. Secured parking is available in the Cultural Center lots for $1.00 per hour.


A Moment to Super Size Your Thinking By Effie Rolfe We’ve come this far by faith— leaning on the Lord. Trusting in his holy word…He never failed me yet is one of the many traditional songs the choir marched to during Sunday morning service. Those powerful lyrics came to mind once again after seeing the movie, 12 Years A Slave. Since the movie’s initial promotion, I was hesitant to see the film for fear it would evoke too many hidden emotions. Last week while at Johnson Publishing Company, one of the staff gave me the latest copy of Ebony magazine that featured the film’s lead actor, Chiwetel Ejiofor on the cover. He then asked, ‘if I was going to see the movie?’ I responded—I have to pace myself—I just saw The Butler and Fruitville, honestly, I can’t see too many of these movies back-to-back.’ Unfortunately, I knew the ugly dark pain and excessive turmoil of our forefathers’ bondage would be quickly awakened with the least resistant causing me to relive those moments. This past Friday, my friend, Lorre invited me to the movies

Effie Rolfe and guess what I saw—12 Years a Slave. It was inevitable—precisely what I predicted. I tried to stay calm but parts of the movie was so graphic with the wanton stains of demoralizing pain, hurt and hypocrisy that the tears couldn’t help but flow. Again—my hunch proved me correct. I cried and wondered if I could ever trust the oppressor again. There were even

Law school professor works to help churches LaVon Johns is impacting the Kingdom to build God’s Property— church by church. Her vision is to empower ministries with kingdom building knowledge. “I grew up in the church—it was a must have in our household,” said Johns, a real estate and nonprofit attorney for 19 years. Known as the Real Deal Counselor, Johns has been instrumental in helping Pastors write their vision and make it plain. The Northwestern University Law School Professor continued, “I work primarily with non faith-based companies and

LaVon Johns my goal is to take my expertise, focus and redirect a portion of it on kingdom building.” “My first project—I think was Living Word, Bill Winston is a visionary—he’s smart and knows what he’s doing. I worked with the entire Plaza Project and decided to get more engaged because there’s a true

need—if there’s no understanding, there is no consolidating. The problem is the church has all of this property, but sometimes doesn’t know what it takes to consolidate and then construct something that is useful for God’s work,” shared Johns. Too often, churches spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on pictures and drawing to hang in the lobby or office. “But that’s not necessarily where you need to start and that is where they (churches) run out of money. You save money by starting in the right place—when you spend a dollar it’s an effective dollar, “ expressed Johns. “My team is orchestrated and in sequential order to get you to Forest Plaza, to get you to the House of Hope. Her track record speaks volumes which includes Pastor James Meeks and Bill Winston, “I worked with John Hannah on a number of his projects,” she said. Johns more recent achievement is helping Fellowship Chicago Legacy Project acquire the Soft Sheen building. For the churches that have a vision and a mind to build, Johns has this to say, “If you show God that you are committed to the work, He will impress upon you the things that can happen. Things that you think are impossible become possible with the right vision planning. God shows up and shows out.” This Saturday, November 16, Johns is holding a free seminar at Northwestern University Law School in Chicago for Pastors.

questions regarding the authenticity of Christianity, indoctrination and the law of reciprocity. Makes me wonder, if the dreadful harvest wrongfully sowed to hundreds of thousands of slaves could ever be reciprocated. Although, we’ve come a long way—the stains of slavery has left a permanent scar along with invisible chains of low self-esteem, lack and the inability to walk in purpose and truth. The plantation has been replaced with prison cells and the slave owner with state-regulated and private prisons. The prison population has quadrupled since the 1980’s and just as populated as the Georgia cotton fields once were. Our young men and boys make up the majority of the 2.4 million-prison population. Some of them consider being transferred from state to state as a badge of honor, just to provide slave wages—free labor. The penal institution has captured the hearts

of our people, as they remain entangled in jail cells for decades for stealing a nickel and a loaf of bread. I remember one scene in the movie, when Master Epps’ wife sent Platt (Chiwetel Ejiofor) to the

ing. Fast forward, today the slave tags of a mere felony remain a constant reminder of injustice to which there is no escape. This renders any felon the inability to work a decent job, stripping them of their manhood and self worth, which ultimately dismantles and permanently destroys generations of Black family units. Many times, whether they are in or out of prison—they are locked up mentally. This is the main reason why I didn’t want to see 12 Years A Slave, because of the pain that forever remains a picture away. Have you prayed that someone’s mental chains are broken today…?

Chiwetel Ejiofor store; she asked if he had his ‘tag.’ To which he slightly raised it from his chest for her to see before leav-

©Effie Rolfe is the author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” a Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can visit my website: or follow me at

The Crusader Gospel Corner Dr. Deena Marie Carr is helping Christians understand the language of Finance: According to Your Faith. This is a financial education ministry to transform lives by empowering them with tools and understanding necessary to effectively manage their finances and their businesses. “Finance is a world with its own language,” said the financial expert and TV host. “The reason I call it Finance: According to Your Faith is for two things—I’ve had the opportunity to work in financial services for 20 years, most people want to know what to invest in or the latest trend. What gets us in trouble is when you don’t know why and don’t know when to invest and then you end up buying high and selling low. I think it’s very important how you approach your financial life, not everyone understands a world where you deal with money from the aspect of faith,” said Carr. “It helps you stay grounded knowing it’s all about Jesus, it keeps you when you don’t have anything and you want to know how you can create the next job, career, investments or whatever—it comes out of faith,” shared Carr. “I want to be the gap between the Pastors and the financial advisor. The Pastor tells you that God wants to bless you and the financial advisor says invest here—there’s a big gap. I fill the gap with strategies because I understand them and have been trained from a different perspective. Secondly, I’ve been trained in the word of God so I can teach it with a level of simplicity. There

needed to be a grounded way of talking about finances, that’s not over spiritual or over aggrandized, but something more solid,“ said the author of Wealth Grow it God’s Way. An Adjunct Professor of Global Economics, Carr has been com-

Dr. Deena Marie Carr pared to the likes of Dave Ramsey, Carr also continues as a student of the Executive Program of the London School of Economics. “Back in the late 80’s was my first entree into finance. I got the hint when I was a teenager that somehow that was really interesting stuff…then by the time I was a junior in college—I knew exactly what I wanted to be—a financial analyst. So my life has taken me on a path where I have gone on many financial aspects, some that I didn’t even know existed. My life has been divinely orchestrated as God kept me in two key areas—in finances and in ministry—I’ve always done both,”


said the financial expert. Hosea 4:6 states “My people perish because of a lack of knowledge.” It’s imperative that the church studies to be good stewards. On any given Sunday, reports indicate Black churches collect approximately $25 million. “We can never be the lender without being able to speak about finance intelligently,” said Carr, who is an ordained minister. She is adamant that believers must be in position to impact the world. “I think Christians are to be prosperous and wealth is one aspect of it. My passion is helping people understand the world of finance and then build and manifest the kingdom of God. I help people tap into their God-given wealth potential and all the gifts that you have. Why or how do these principles line up with word of God—what do the principles say that activates it? Teaching the word of God and allowing our people to understand how it helps us in the world of finance—it hasn’t been taught. Being in ministry allowed me to get a deep understanding of the word of God—my path is to use my knowledge, gifts and talents to help others become comfortable with business and finance,” said the author of The Carr Guide to Personal Wealth. Carr specializes in helping Fortune 500 companies in the financial services industry develop and implement growth strategies to improve their financial performance. She holds an M.B.A. in Finance from the University of (Continued on page 16)

Saturday, November 16, 2013



Blood donations are needed during the holidays The Heartland Blood Centers is encouraging area residents to give thanks for their good health by sharing it with those less fortunate, particularly those in need of life-saving blood transfusions. According to Heartland officials at this time of year, we especially remember the families whose lives have been touched by a life-threatening diagnosis that requires frequent blood transfusions for their loved one’s recovery and survival. Patients with leukemia and other forms of cancer, sickle cell disease, and hemophilia, are just a few examples of those dependent on volunteer blood donors to make their treatment and recovery possible. “Please take a few minutes in the month of November to donate blood. We are approaching a time when blood donations drop dramatically while the number of patients who need blood transfusions remain the same,” says Dennis Mestrich, Heartland Blood Centers’ President and CEO. “It is critical to have the blood donated ahead of time to have it available for patients when they need it. Every day of the year, including holidays, someone is fighting for his or her life and will need life-saving blood products.” Type O blood is especially needed; it is the universal blood type that can be safely transfused into any patient. There is

a substantial demand for O Negative blood because it is used in medical emergencies, such as car accidents, when there is no time to give typespecific blood. O Negative is also important for premature infants who often require frequent transfusions due to loss of blood. Every three seconds, someone in our community needs blood. By giving blood, donors have the unique opportunity to save lives. Donating blood is a quick, easy and safe way to provide patients with the gift of life. All donors receive free minimedical exams on site and information about their temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure and hemoglobin level. Businesses, schools, religious, civic and fraternal organizations partner with Heartland to host blood drives 7 days a week. In addition, Heartland has 17 donor centers located throughout Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana with convenient hours 6 days a week. Visit for a Heartland donor center or community blood drive near you. Blood donors are recognized and rewarded for their blood donations with Heartland’s Warm Hearts Club, an online redemption center. To be a blood donor, individuals must be at least 17 years old, or 16 with written parental permission; weigh at least 110

AFRICAN AMERICAN BLOOD donors are especially needed now before the start of the holiday season. Blood type O is the most prevalent among African Americans and O is considered the universal donor for blood transfusions. pounds; be symptom free of cold, flu and allergies; and be in general good health. Donors who have traveled outside the United States within the past 12 months should contact Heartland at 1-800-7TOGIVE to determine eligibility. Blood donors receive free mini-medical exams on site including information about their temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure and hemoglobin level. Heartland Blood Centers, a non-for-profit, independent blood center, has been providing blood products to patients since 1943. Heartland Blood Centers’ mission is to provide and maintain an adequate sup-

We all should take Diabetes to Heart When celebrity chef Art Smith was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he took the news as a wake-up call. Soon after, he began working with his doctor to develop a treatment plan that was right for him. He also made changes to his diet to include more fresh vegetables and started exercising five days a week, which led him to eventually lose 120 pounds. Smith is working with Merck on the Taking Diabetes to Heart program to share his personal story and to teach people with type 2 diabetes that small, but important changes in their lifestyle can help them better manage the disease. “As a chef living with type 2 diabetes, I know that managing the way you eat can be challenging,” says Smith. “That’s why I’ve started cooking up delicious, diabetesfriendly dishes that the whole family can enjoy. I want to show people that having type 2 diabetes doesn’t mean you have to make separate meals or feel alone at meal time.” There’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to diabetes-management. 16

ply of blood and blood products for area hospitals to draw upon to meet the needs of patients. All community members are encouraged to attend the following blood drives (drives are alphabetical by city): ILLINOIS CHICAGO - November 16 from 09:00 am to 01:00 pm at Central Assembly Of God: 816 W. 31st Street ; Give the Gift of Life at Central Assembly of God. Call Sharon at 773-4303717 to make your appointment. CHICAGO - November 17 from 09:00 am to 01:00 pm at St Barbara Church - Chicago: 2859 Throop Street; Give the

The Crusader Gospel Corner (Continued from page 15) Chicago and a Ph.D. in Theology. “On Wednesdays, I teach hard core bond market and people don’t go to sleep—people want to take actions. My mission is to encourage and to empower people to build wealth and to leave legacies,” said Carr, who will receive the 2013 Business Leaders of

Art Smith Smith is encouraging patients to lesterol,” says Smith. To help others living with type 2 work with their healthcare provider to set individualized goals and de- diabetes commit to a diabetesvelop a plan that’s right for them, friendly lifestyle, Smith is encouragincluding diet, exercise, and, if ap- ing patients to visit for more of his propriate, medication. “My doctor told me that people diabetes-friendly recipes, questions with type 2 diabetes can help reduce to ask health care providers, infortheir risk of serious complications mation about the importance of by setting individual goals to man- understanding both high and low age the ABCs of diabetes—that’s A blood sugar and additional refor A1C, also known as blood sugar, sources for patients and their famiB for blood pressure and C for cho- lies.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Gift of Life at St. Barbara Church. Call the Church office at 312-842-7979 to make your appointment. CHICAGO - November 19 from 01:30 pm to 06:00 pm at Hector Garcia High School: 4248 W. 47th St.; FREE Lounge pants to all donors!!! To make your appointment to donate blood at Walk-ins are welcome. CHICAGO - November 25 from 12:00 pm to 04:00 pm at Illinois Institute Of Technology: 3201 South State Street ; Please join us for our blood drive. All donors will receive a $5 McDonalds card!! Please visit to schedule your appointment. Photo ID required.

(Continued from page 12)

shows Bradley working with a tutor, as he doesn’t read or write well, but he needs to start writing his own lyrics and music. The performances are great, and Bradley seems to still lean toward presenting a bit of James Brown in his performances, as he hand stitches some flashy outfits in which to perform. After his de-


Colors Award from Chicago United, November 19. Past recipients have included First Lady Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, advisor to President Barack Obama, and Don Thompson CEO of McDonald’s Corp. Her show can be seen Saturday, 7:30p on WJYS 62. For more information about her ministry, visit

but album dropped, Bradley went on to tour the country as well as overseas, visiting more than four continents. He literally went “from the projects to the pages of Rolling Stone.” He has subsequently released “Victim of Love.” Charles Bradley: Soul of America is available on DVD from or



(Continued from page 8) their bosses because of tax loopholes. Economic justice? Not with these rules. Poverty stifles economic growth. Forty-five years after Dr. Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Campaign, some of the same challenges face the contemporary poor. One in eight Americans, and more than one in four African Americans and Latinos live in poverty. Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty of the sixties has become a war on poor people in the 21st century. Elected officials reg-

ularly excoriate poor people as being “lazy,” and efforts to raise the minimum wage are often dismissed. From my perspective, however, the poor are some of the hardest working people I know. Most inequity issues, ranging from inequality in education, to inequality in incarceration, are economic issues. These are the issues the contemporary civil rights movement must tackle. One of those leaders will be the woman who will lead the NAACP. She deserves our

enthusiastic support! Dr. Julianne Malveaux is a DC based economist and writer, and President Emerita of Bennett College for Women.


Chicago Urban League . . . (Continued from page 11) Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and Louis Gossett, Jr. accept Edwin C. “Bill” Berry Civil Rights Awards More than 1,000 business, civic, and civil rights advocates along with elected officials gathered recently at the Hilton Hotel to partake in the Chicago Urban League’s 52nd annual Golden Fellowship Dinner, as well as pay tribute to award-winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. and the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, co-recipients of the Edwin C. “Bill” Berry Civil Rights Award. The theme of this year’s event was the Power of Opportunity: Moving Chicago Forward. Committed to the success of Chicago’s African American communities, proceeds from the dinner provide financial support for the programs, collaboration and advocacy work of the Chicago Urban League with key focus areas that include: education, human capital development, workforce development, entrepreneurship and housing. Andrea L. Zopp, president and CEO of the Chicago Urban League highlighted some of the organization’s success stories over the past year but challenged the crowd of more than 1,600 guests to do more to move the city of Chicago forward. “At the Chicago Urban League, we are informed by

our history and we see things differently,” said Zopp. “We know that we can surmount the insurmountable. With the power of opportunity lives can be transformed, neighborhoods can be renewed and communities can be restored.” This year’s gala was cochaired by E. Scott Santi, president and CEO of ITW and Gregory D. Wasson, president and CEO of Walgreens. “Real change can’t happen without the right tools,” said Santi. “The key is having the necessary resources. The Chicago Urban League provides people with the necessary tools so they can be empowered and find their own fulfillment.” Wasson added, “In recent years, the Urban League has helped hundreds of homeowners avoid foreclosure and thousands of businesses to grow and create jobs. All this adds up to what reform advocates call “real change” that helps families, communities and cities by empowering individuals.” Best known for his roles in the landmark television miniseries “Roots” and his Academy Award winning performance in “An Officer and A Gentleman,” Louis Gossett, Jr. accepted the Edwin C. “Bill” Berry Civil Rights along with Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., one of the nation’s foremost civil rights, religious and political figures.

LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D13136033 on October 24, 2013 Under the Assumed Business Name of WHOLESALE DIRECT 2 YOU with the business located at 7807 South Bishop, Chicago, IL 60620. The true name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is: Darronte Lofton, 7807 South Bishop, Chicago, IL 60620.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D13136136 on November 4, 2013. Under the Assumed Business Name of BJT & ASSOCIATES with the business located at 6339 S. Kimbark, Apt #3W, Chicago, IL 60637. The true name(s) and residence address of the owner(s) is: Barbara Johnson-Troutman, 6339 S. Kimbark Apt #3W, Chicago, IL 60637.

11/2, 11/9, 11/16

11/9, 11/16, 11/23


Saturday, November 16, 2013




Saturday, November 16, 2013



Chicago Sky give words of wisdom to young Black Girls By J. Coyden Palmer Forty seventh and eighth graders at the Young Women’s Leadership Charter School in Bronzeville interacted with Chicago Sky General Manger and Coach Pokey Chatman and WNBA Rookie of the Year Elena Delle Donne for 75 minutes recently. They appeared at the school along with representatives from Urban Partnership Bank in an effort to inspire the all female students to become leaders in their community and develop self-confidence to achieve their goals in life. Chatman and Delle Donne told the students of their experiences in making it to the WNBA and stressed the importance of persistence and coming up with a plan to achieve their goals. “Sometimes people look to coaches, athletes and people they see on television as leaders, but I can tell you one of my greatest leaders and mentors was an eighth grade P.E. teacher,” Chatman said. “I say that because I know that is a goal that is attainable.” Chatman said a key to success in life is discipline and remembering what you want in life. She said her athletes must be willing to work out

on a regular basis even when they are tired. She also said film study, proper eating, getting enough rest and other components are the key to being a great athlete. Coaching for 24 years, Chatman said it has been a rewarding career choice, even during the lean years of coaching bad teams. “Some of the best lessons in life come when you are down and out,” Chatman said. “That’s why you also have to be determined. But right now at your age you must also show deference.” After explaining the meaning of the word, Chatman said too many young people are not showing respect to adults and other authority figures. “I was 13 once a long time ago,” she said with a laugh. “Deference is just a way of behaving that shows respect to that principal, teacher, coach, parent, teacher’s aide who is on your butt because they are giving you tough love.” Delle Donne followed her coach and said she has made many sacrifices in her life to get to where she is today. Knowing she wanted to be one of the best basketball players in the world at a very early age, Delle Donne said she often missed hanging out with friends or going to so-

CHICAGO SKY HEAD COACH Pokey Chatman speaks to students at Chicago’s Young Women’s Leadership charter school. Chatman told the students they must be disciplined, determined and able to receive instructions in order to succeed in life. cial events because she had to practice or stay in and get some sleep the night before a big game. She said the best decision of her life, also was the most controversial, but she made the decision against the wishes of her parents, friends and coach-

CHICAGO SKY ALL-STAR Elena Delle-Donne signs an autograph for a student at Young Women’s Leadership school on Tuesday. The WNBA Rookie of the Year said she has wanted to be a basketball player her entire life. She told students that sometimes you have to trust your gut when something doesn’t feel right.

es. “I originally signed to go to the University of Connecticut. But after being on the campus for two days, I knew it wasn’t right for me, so I returned home to Delaware,” Delle Donne said. “I enrolled at the University of Delaware; sat out my first year, faced criticism from fans across the country but knew I had made the right decision. Sometimes you have to trust your gut.” Delle Donne turned down a lot of money to play overseas this fall and winter and chose to stay in Chicago to work on her game for next season along with Coach Chatman. It is a huge financial sacrifice but one she says will benefit her in the longrun. Another part of her decision to stay in Chicago was so she could participate in events like the one at Young Women’s Leadership. “I want to keep the Sky and the WNBA on the minds of people after the great season we had as we try to continue to build the WNBA brand and increase our Sky fan support,” Delle Donne said. “It’s inspiring to be able to come out to events like this and speak with the girls. I’m also running some basket-

ball camps across the country during the off season.” Delle Donne said she liked the interaction with the kids and the students did not hold back during the question and answer session. She responded to a variety of questions from how does she feel wearing high heels even though she is 6’5,” to why female athletes are treated differently than their male counterparts. She said while there is a discrepancy, things are getting better in terms of equality and she challenged the students to make their generation play a pivotal role in bringing about that change. She said although she grew up as a tomboy, she enjoys wearing dresses, makeup and being just “girly.” Delle Donne admits she has a small group of close-knit friends. She told the students about bullying and the importance of having good judgment when choosing friends. While growing up, Delle Donne said some people would make fun of her for always playing basketball and she realized those were not her friends. The event ended with her taking pictures and signing autographs for the students.

A Community Peace Camp brings an afternoon of basketball A Community Peace Camp sponsored by Greater St. John’s Men’s Ministry brings an afternoon of basketball and fun for the Austin Community. The camp will take place on Saturday, November 23 at the Ella Flagg Young Elementary School’s gymnasium located on the West Side of Chicago at 1434 N. Parkside. The camp will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with free admission to all, and available to men between the ages of 14-30 years. The camp festivities will include a 3-point contest, skills competition, dunk

contest, and prizes for winners of all events. To RSVP for this event please call 773-378-3300. Rev. Ira J. Acree, Senior Pastor of Greater St. John Baptist Church, heralds the camp’s effort to stop the rising violence occurring in the Austin community. “It is great to see another generation of men of whom I have had the pleasure to serve with, from the community that has raised me, rise up against violence,” said Acree.

ty held the embarrassing distinction of being the deadliest community in Chicago. Many community stakeholders have since carried the heavy burden of doing all that we can to make Austin safer and to

provide our youth and young adults with more live options. Hopefully this camp is the first of many to come. As we continue to build partnerships and find sponsors transformation will be immi-

nent. All are encouraged to participate in what’s being touted as a great Saturday for the entire family, filled with laughter, fun and healthy competition.

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Saturday, November 16, 2013



Saturday, November 16, 2013


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