Chicago Crusader 12/07/13 E-Edition

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Blacks Must Control Their Own Community





25 Cents and worth more

Recalling the murders of the Panthers By Wendell Hutson Family, friends and former Black Panthers remembered the 44th anniversary of slain Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton at a December 4 memorial. Hampton’s widow Akua Njeri (formerly Deborah Johnson) said her late husband was 21-years-old when Chicago police rushed inside their home at 2337 W. Monroe St. and killed Hampton and Mark Clark. “It was a conspiracy between the FBI, Chicago police and state police to destroy the Black Panthers,” said Njeri. “They figured if they cut off the head then the body would die too. They came for him early in the morning thinking we were sleep but we were not.” According to Njeri, it was 4:35 a.m. when police knocked on their door. “Once we responded with ‘who is it?’ the police began shooting through the door. I was eight months pregnant and he (Fred) jumped on top of me to protect me,” she added. “By the time the shooting stopped Fred was dead.” Fortunately Njeri was not injured and 25 days later gave birth to Fred Hampton Jr. “I never met my father but through his teachings he left behind I know he was a proud man who believed in standing up

for what was right when it came to Black people,” said Hampton Jr. “He would be disappointed to see so many young Black men killing each other but he would understand that due to a continued war

against our people it has taught young Black men that they are not respected and should not respect each other.” Clark., a Peoria native was the state chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party and

was visiting Hampton and other BPP members. All the Black-on-Black crime is a direct result of youths not knowing their history, (Continued on page 5)

AT A WEDNESDAY MEMORIAL for the late Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton a crowd of 100 people lined up outside Hampton’s former West Side home where he was shot dead by Chicago police on Dec. 4, 1969.

Black legislators split on pension reform By Glenn Reedus Illinois Black legislators took every position possible earlier this week when it was time to vote on the controversial pension reform bill (SB 1). The measure, which undoubtedly is headed for court challenges, was evenly split 11-11 among Black Caucus members. Overall the bill passed 9277. In legislative matters, a “present” or not voting is tantamount to a no vote. “Unless it is a yes, everything else is the same as a no vote,” one political pundit offered. State senators Donne Trotter (D-17) and James F. Clayborne, Jr. (D-57) were recorded as “not voting.” While senators Toi Hutchinson (D-40) and Kimberly Lightford (D-4) voted against the bill aimed at erasing a $100 billion liability. There was a tie among state senate Black Caucus members as Emil Jones III (D-14), Kwame Raoul (D- 13), Patricia VanPelt (D-5) and Mattie Hunter (D-3) were all yes votes.

Senator Donne Trotter

Senator Mattie Hunter

In the House, the Black legislators casting no votes included Will Davis (D-30), LaShawn K. Ford (D-8), Eddie Lee Jack-

son, Jr. (D-114). Charles E. Jefferson (D – 67), Elgie Sims (D-34), Derrick Smith (D10) and Al Riley (D-38).

Black House members voting yes included eight Chicagoans – Monique Davis (D27), Kenneth Dunkin (D-5), Marcus Evans (D-33), Mary Flowers (D-31), Esther Golar (D-6), Thaddeus Jones (D-29), Christian Mitchell (D-26), and Andre Thapedi (D-32). There are no Black Republicans in either chamber. The no votes show a regional breakdown when compared to the Black legislators who voted in favor of SB1. Representatives Jefferson (Rockford), Jackson (East St. Louis), Riley (Hazel Crest) and Davis (East Hazel Crest), along with Ford, whose district includes a slice of Oak Park all, represent suburban constituencies. Sims and Smith were the only Black no votes among representatives whose districts are within the city boundaries. Trotter explained Chicago representatives (Continued on page 6)

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Entrepreneurship Program Works With Youth on Probation


(See story on page 5)



Saturday, December 7, 2013



Saturday, December 7, 2013



EDITORIAL AIDS AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY December 1, 2013 marked the 25th observance of World AIDS Day in order to highlight the need for activism, education and prevention of the deadly scourge of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). This insidious disease continues to kill millions of people in America and around the world. A recent report said that African Americans comprise only 12% of the American population but they make up 45% of new AIDS cases. And it is also said that many of the new cases are among African American women! This is a shame, especially since this is a disease that can be prevented by a change in behavior. Once upon a time, the disease which has come to be known as AIDS was seemingly confined to the homosexual population. Health “experts” at the time tried to convince the public that it would never spread beyond the boundaries of the gay community. This was a ridiculous notion: a virus such as the one that is said to cause AIDS, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), does not discriminate based on race, color, creed or sexual orientation: it targets BEHAVIOR! Why is this preventable disease continuing to rise all across the country? Is it because people have been lulled to sleep, or that they think they are immune, or that lust is so compelling that all caution is thrown to the wind? Whatever the case, the economic and social impact of this disease is simply appalling, especially in light of the fact that it is preventable. Regarding the notion that many of the fastest growing cases are among Black women, some observers think that they know why this is happening. Black men are one of the most incarcerated groups in the United States. Some of them go in and out of prisons on such a regular basis that it seems to have become a habit. But the important thing to remember is this: many men in prisons and jails often tend to have sex with one another. There are numerous jokes about this situation, including the one wherein the newly incarcerated are admonished “not to drop the soap!” It is said that most of these incarcerated men who have sex with men do not consider themselves gay; they just do what is expedient in order to relieve themselves while they are locked up. What happens when they are released back into communities? They rush back into the arms of their girlfriends and wives; they revert to heterosexual behavior, with the result that HIV is passed onto their partners. And once again, behavior is the culprit. Having unprotected sex in this day and age is extreme folly. So, what change in behavior would reduce the incidents of this dreaded disease? We can start with self-control. In popular culture, the trend is that anything that feels good should be done! For example, if you mention the idea of celibacy to a lot of people, including teenagers, the notion is met with derision. It is said to be unrealistic to expect people to exercise self-control! Another suggested change in behavior that would help curtail the spread of AIDS would be that of honoring commitment in relationships; to elevate Love over Lust. The community and family dysfunction that has resulted from eschewing love and embracing lust has had deleterious and far-reaching consequences, and the spread of HIV/AIDS is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire socio-economic immune system of the Black community has been compromised by a lack of self control and misguided behavior. This has got to stop! A luta continua. 4

Saturday, December 7, 2013

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Let’s be real about the library Dear Editor: So now the University of Illinois-Chicago has tossed its hat into the ring to host the President Barack Obama Presidential Library. Seriously, UIC? From all I can tell the only credential the West Side university has is available land, lots of it. Other than that there is no real reason to believe UIC is a serious contender. There is absolutely no connection between that school and the president. I guess he knows how to get to the West Side. Speaking of not much chance of getting the library I also have to believe the Chicago State University’s bid is way, way off. Just like with UIC, there is no real connection between CSU and the president. Of course, it would be a coup if the school could land the library but there is no compelling reason for a President Barack Obama Presidential Library to be located there. Yeah, it would be nice and provide easy access to something historical for our youth, but that is not enough leverage. CSU is probably out of the running because presidential libraries are usually financed through fund raising and the contributors have their preferences. CSU does not have an abundance of endowed chairs or other benefactorfinanced positions at the school. It is not likely CSU will attract a passel of deep pockets interested

in seeing the library there, or in the Pullman neighborhood. One South Side locale that has an excellent shot at landing the library is the University of Chicago. The U of C was among the first to raise its hand and tell potential benefactors to locate the library there. President Obama does have ties to that university given he is a former law school faculty member. When he bought a house on the South Side it was very close to the U of C campus. The university also has access to the deep pockets it will take to build the library. Because the U of C has a storied history for academic excellence one would think the ultimate decision maker – the president – would prefer it be there. To date the final contestant is the University of Hawaii. The idea of the library on the 50th state is a result of the president being born there, hardly a compelling enough reason. A library is hardly a tourist attraction so of all the places pitching for the library this site would probably have the fewest visitors. Harold Walker

Is this really pension reform? Dear Editor: So our state legislators have finally moved forward with what they call pension reform. Illinois’


legislative leaders on last Wednesday reached a long-elusive deal to reform the state’s woefully underfunded public pensions and are now moving to win the support of their members, their spokespeople said. Can anyone explain how something can be reformed and the people who have to vote for it don’t know the details? That is exactly what happened. Legislators were told in essence to vote on whether they wanted pension reform, and if there were enough (Continued on page 9)



Dorothy R. Leavell Advertising Director

J.L. Smith 6429 South King Drive Chicago, Illinois 60637 773-752-2500 An independent newspaper serving the Southside Westside and Northside, printing the news impartially empowering what it believes to be right and appealling what it believes to be wrong without regard to party politics. Devoted to the Industrial, Educational, SocioPolitical and Educational advancement of Black people. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VOL. LXXIII NO. 33 DEC. 7, 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________________


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Entrepreneurship Program Works With Youth on Probation By Andrea V. Watson Locking in a job is difficult enough, so being on probation doesn’t help one’s chance at finding work, said Cosette Nazon Israel, executive director at the LUV Institute, a Chicago nonprofit. She decided to give those with a background, an opportunity that’s hard for African-Americans to get, she said. “Most people have this sort of filter,” she said. ‘You’re on probation so I’m not fooling with you; if you’re good in school, I’ll help you, but if you’re on probation, I’m not going to help,’ so it’s often very difficult for them,” she said. Her program is designed to work with youth between the ages of 11 and 24 and this year she decided to do something a little different. “We started a holiday program with the Prologue School,” she said. The alternative school received a grant this year to put its students to work. Nazon-Israel said she wanted to partner with the school and teach the youth about entrepreneurship. The six week internship consists of four girls making Christmas wreaths by hand and learning how to sale them. One of the students, Victoria

Walker, said she had never made a wreath before, but has taken arts and crafts classes at school and enjoys working with her hands. “One wreath will take about— at least ten minutes,” she said. “It’s really not that hard to do.” The program is designed to teach the girls how to do everything from making the product to getting sponsors, said NazonIsrael. Some include the Harper Theater, where they sell the wreaths, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, who provided the ribbon and the Hyde Park Florist, who taught the girls how to tie the bows. “My hope is that they’ll always approach a job like an entrepreneur and that if they wanted to start a babysitting business or a brow business they would have some of the tools to get it started,” she said. It appears that her wish is already coming true. Walker said she wants to one day create hair products like conditioner to help with the frizz because she isn’t pleased with the ones in the stores. Besides learning how to become an entrepreneur, the youth are picking up other important skills, said Nazon-Israel.

“Many of the girls we have come from backgrounds where they’re not used to being in front of people,” she said. “They don’t even know necessarily how to have a regular conversation, but we actually push them to talk to people.” “My hope is that they’re better communicators after this and that they don’t mind working with their hands,” she said. It helps to have assistance with the girls, which is why Nazon-Israel’s team leader, Prenita Hudson, works closely with them. She’s closer to their age and described the relationship between them as a big sister role. “When we’re in work mode, we’re in work mode, but we do have that space, that safe space for us to be able to share some of the things that are personal, some of the things they’re not able to say to the adults that are in their life,” said Hudson. After one afternoon of pulling in customers, Hudson took the girls to her apartment for lunch, where she cooked them salmon burgers. The young workers spend their afternoons at the Hyde Park office, where they put together the wreaths. Every Saturday until Dec. 14, they’ll be at the Harper Theater, 5238 S. Harper Ave.,

VICTORIA WALKER HOLDS up a handmade wreath that she's selling in Hyde Park's Harper Theater, 5238 S. Harper Avenue. The LUV Institute will be there until Dec. 14. selling their work. People can visit the to place an order for the Their goal is to sell 200, said 22 inch wreath. Each bulb is Nazon-Israel, who added that signed by the girl. she’s confident they’ll meet that because purchases will increase “I want them to get the glory,” after Thanksgiving. said Nazon-Israel.

Recalling the murders of the Panthers (Continued from page 1)

said Arthur Drake, who said he grew up with Hampton Jr. “Youth nowadays lack education about their culture so they act up by being violent and that is a behavioral pattern that needs to stop,” Drake said. “The Black Panthers are still

Party instituted] everyone lined up and walked toward the home as if they were going inside to see for themselves what had happen to the Black revolutionists. Several investigations revealed that police fired as many as 98 bul-

Akua Njeri

Fred Hampton, Jr.

needed because racism still exists and until it ends the fight for survival is on.” A crowd of about 100 people gathered at Hampton’s former home, which is currently occupied by a family, to reenact the day he died. After a moment of silence where the crowd held one arm in the air with their fist clenched [a symbol of power the Black Panther

lets once inside the home, and the lone shot that came from the Panthers was a “reflex shot” from Clark’s shotgun. Other investigations cleared the law enforcement officials who planned and carried out the raid, often referred to as the “Massacre on Monroe.” A former Black Panther members said while their leader is gone his legacy is still going strong. John

AS A BLACK SOLIDARITY GESTURE people held their arm in the air with their fist closed at a Wednesday memorial for the late Black Panther Party leaders Chairman Fred Hampton and Mark Clark outside of Hampton’s former West Side home at 2337 W. Monroe St. Preston, 59, joined the Black Pan- Seale and Newton said they started wood and graduated from Proviso thers November 1968 because “I the group to protect local commu- East High School in 1966. Stan McKinney, 60, said he felt a need to do something to nities from police brutality and worked with the founders and rechange the culture in the Black racism, but it later became a revomains a Black Panther today. “I lutionary group, which sponsored community.” joined the Black Panthers January He added, “the Black Panther free medical clinics and breakfast 1969 and I will be a Black Panther Party is not dead and is very much programs for needy children. until the day I die,” McKinney Hampton founded the Chicago alive but we now operate in a difsaid. “When I saw all the police haferent manner.” In October of chapter of the Black Panther Party rassment, I knew I could not stand 1966, Bobby Seale and Huey in November 1968. He was born by and do nothing. That’s what Newton formed the Black Panther Aug. 30, 1948, in Chicago and motivated me to join.” Party in Oakland, Calif. Initially grew up in west suburban May-


Saturday, December 7, 2013



Speaker Boehner, Will You Be the Next Great Emancipator? By Cong. Danny K. Davis A few weeks ago, I was one of 150 people who participated in a civil disobedience in front of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office to ask my Speaker, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, to give us a vote on a humane comprehensive immigration bill. That day, I met Karina Magdeleno, a mother of three who came to the United States from Mexico more than 14 years ago. She is facing deportation in January after being caught driving without a license in August. Karina is just one of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who came to our country looking to create better opportunities for families like Karina’s. They have declared a war on immigrants, women, children, the working poor, and African Americans.

Speaker Boehner has blocked immigration reform for this year. He made this decision even though Americans have voiced their strong support for immigration reform that will not only keep our families together but also ensure the future prosperity of our great nation. Immigration reform will modernize the broken immigration system, growing our economy by $1.4 trillion. People from all walks of life have come together to tell Speaker Boehner and Republicans that they want to see immigration reform happen now. What happened to the promises made by Republicans last November when they claimed to have seen the light on immigration reform? The longer, Republicans stall on this issue, the more they will alienate Latino, Asian and immigrant voters in future elections. If Republicans want to

Danny K. Davis

John Boehner

show they can represent the poor, the working class, students, women, African Americans, Asians and immigrants — and not just the 1% — they can start by allowing a vote on immigration reform. I believe that America is big

enough to subscribe to what Emma Lazaruswrote in “The New Colossus”: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free” — the inscription we put on the Statue of Liberty that greeted new immi-

grants arriving in New York harbor a century ago. They came to the United States in search of the same opportunities and equality as the undocumented immigrants of today. We should welcome the energy and aspirations of these immigrants, and keep their families together. Speaker Boehner, the Great Emancipator of your party, Abraham Lincoln, believed in a fair, just and equal society. Will you be the next Great Emancipator and liberate the 11 million undocumented immigrants by allowing a vote on immigration reform or will you go down in history as the leader of the party that only represents the 1%? Congressman Danny K. Davis is the U.S. Representative for Illinois’ 7th Congressional District, serving since 1997.

Black legislators split on pension reform (Continued from page 1) and senators didn’t really have a stake in the pension vote because so few of their constituents are impacted by the proposed reforms. He also noted that Chicago lawmakers have a history of bailing out downstate and suburban communities but when it comes time to return the favor downstate legislators develop amnesia. “Many of us believe why should we bail out Southern Illinois with the promise that when Chicago Public Schools (CPS) come up, they will give us a hand. “That has never happened in all of my time here,” Trotter, whose state legislative career began in 1988, said. “If we had all voted yes or all voted no, it would not mean they (downstate legislators) will help us when the CPS and City of Chicago pension issues come up next year.” Besides pension reform help, next year Chicagoans will be looking to the legislature to address a host of issues including unemployment, the closings of drug treatment facilities, city unemployment as well as revenue generation. “One of my concerns is it is a rev-

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enue problem because we are not bringing any money in. We have to bring new opportunities in and they have to be in our community,” Trotter noted. Some political analysts maintain the pension reform package, even though it most likely will face more than one court challenge, is a

with the others being cuts in human services, cuts in mental health dollars, the concealed carry bill and the mandatory minimum bill. “They were overshadowed by the pension, and that is because the press made the pension seem more important,” he observed. Daniel Montgomery, president

Kwame Raoul

Daniel Montgomery

boon for Governor Pat Quinn’s reelection bid. Trotter surmised the passage doesn’t put Quinn in the shoo-in category, but it certainly takes some of the wind out of GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner’s sails. Rauner’s current advertising campaign blasts Quinn’s failure to get pension reform through the legislature. Now, that argument is removed. From Trotter’s perch, voters are angry at government and the primary issue is not pension reform. A state senator since 1993, he maintained the media massaged the pension issue until it surpassed others in voters’ minds, especially the recently passed marriage equality bill. He described that as one of several major legislative challenges the general assembly addressed

of the Illinois Federation of Teachers, and a leading critic of SB 1 has promised to challenge the vote in court. Montgomery described resisting efforts to change the pension plan for the 103,000 affected IFT members as “a battle.” “This battle has been long and hard fought, starting as far back as the 1970s when our union brought to court a lawsuit demanding that state politicians and budget architects make the pension payment, in full, every year. Over the last several years, the IFT and other public sector unions have beat back draconian attempts to cut pension benefits for current employees and retirees.” Montgomery added “After hours of heated debate, the bill attacking the working class and retired pub-

Saturday, December 7, 2013

lic servants passed with the minimum votes necessary in the Senate (30-24-3) and in the House (6253-1). It is rumored that Governor Quinn plans to sign this measure as soon as tomorrow (Wednesday). If and when he does, the IFT will join our union partners in an aggressive challenge to this measure in court.” Montgomery and some other labor leaders called on Governor Pat Quinn to veto the bill, however the first-term governor said he will sign it. Provided he does sign it, the bill takes effect in June 2014. Legislators on both sides of the

aisle concur the vote this week is a first step rather than a solution to stemming the state’s pension problem. The full benefits they maintain won’t be realized until nearly the middle of this century. Illinois is grappling with a $100 billion unfunded pension liability. If it survives intact, SB 1 is predicted to save the state approximately $160 billion over 30 years. The unfunded liability is expected to drop at least 20 percent immediately thanks to the new legislation. Pension contributions account for approximately 20 percent of the general fund revenue.

STATE REP. MONIQUE DAVIS, right, and Upsilon Sigma Chapter President Daryl Parks, left, at the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity's 86th Annual Scholarship Awards Dinner recently. State Rep. Monique Davis, D-Chicago, received the 2013 Crescent Moon Award for legislative leadership at the Phi Beta Sigma annual Carnation Ball Scholarship Dinner. “I am thankful to the Phi Beta Sigma Upsilon Sigma Chapter for this award and for their continued community service,” Davis said. “It is an honor to be recognized for my work as a state legislator, and I will continue to fight for our children’s education, economic development and for Illinois families.”



Setting the Schedule for 2014 International Trade By Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist I write this article from the beautiful shores of the Dominican Republic. We have assembled here for our second Pan-African Entrepreneurship Conference. We first came here in 2006 and really enjoyed it. Now, we have a much larger agenda and are focused on exactly what the 1.2 billion persons of African descent need to do to further our quality of life and improve our economic power. We can’t just run around without a plan. There must be a plan as the late Adam Clayton Powell would admonish us. The first thing we must do is establish a viable database and communication network. Nation by nation and market by market we must identify the facilitators and direct resources. Let’s not be concerned about the size of a nation as good business can come from the small as well as the populated giants. Think of Singapore and Hong Kong – two tiny markets in terms of size and population but yet they are leaders in the industrialized first world. We are happy to be meeting here with representatives from Surinam, Senegal, Colombia, Domini-

Harry C. Alford can Republic, California, Texas, Virginia, DC, Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Michigan and Maryland – just to name a few markets. Secondly, we must target locations for Trade Missions. I perceive Cali, Colombia as being high on our list. They are here to inform us about the advantages of the Free Trade Agreement between our two governments. All duties and tariffs between the two nations have disappeared. It is time to treat Trade like Rock’n

Roll. There are 20 million people of African descent in the nation of Colombia with Cali being a Black center. It lies along the Pacific Ocean and would remind an American of the Malibu area of California. The Colombians are serious about doing business with us. They are making a full presentation here and next week, we meet their President Santos for lunch at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce building. We are becoming enjoined. I foresee a Trade Mission during the first quarter of 2014. We are engaged with a group of Maroons from Suriname. Maroons are would be slaves that escaped their capture as soon as their slave ship landed. They lived off the land and developed their own unique culture (keeping much of Old Africa with them). Some would accumulate money and buy their own land. Our group has 10,000 Hectares (21,000 square acres). They want to partner with us in Agri-business and mining. They have the natural resources and we have the expertise. That’s a winning hand! Some of our team has already visited Suriname twice. We are ready to throw down. The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) which now

includes the Dominican Republic is waiting for our exploitation. Costa Rica will be the next nation after the Dominican Republic followed by the other nations in the agreement. We must not forget the “Mother Land.” The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is a free trade agreement with many nations in Africa. Basically, a lot of social groups have been talking about it and a few giants like Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Whole Foods and the oil companies have been working the advantages. It’s time to start working small business to small business hooking up African American entrepreneurs with up and coming African entrepreneurs. A good example would be my personal tailor. He imports his fabric from Italy. It costs him about $160,000 per year in tariffs and duties. He needs to find a way to route the fabric to an African nation or a CAFTA nation; put some “value added” into the product and bring it to the United States free of that $160,000 per year. Perhaps Senegal is a candidate since they are marketing their fashion industry to us. This type of action can be replicated thousands of times per year. BMW built a large plant in South

Africa for the sake of saving monies via AGOA. All of the products produced go directly to the United States duty free. That saves money for the American consumer and has created thousands of jobs for our South African brothers and sisters. There is just so much potential out there. I perceive making inroads to various nations in 2014. We will be providing excellent models for those of us who are serious about getting into international trade. There are tools that we can use and cut out waste and corruption. Yes, corruption will not be tolerated in any form or manner. When we see it, we will call it out. This operation here will be about serious business and progress can no longer be deferred. Finally, in 2014 we will make strong contact with our Cuban entrepreneurs who are enjoying new freedoms (land ownership, leasing, manufacturing, etc.). We look forward to our return. Look out Diaspora – HERE WE COME! Mr. Alford is the co-founder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce®.Website: Email: halford@nationalbcc .org.

WWRDH: What Would Republicans Do on Healthcare? By George E. Curry NNPA Columnist Many ardent conservatives are critical of the Affordable Care Act or what they derisively call “Obamacare.” But what are they proposing that proves that they care about uninsured Americans? The Tampa Bay Times’ “Pundit Fact” team discovered some interesting findings when they approached that question indirectly. Specifically, the newspaper looked at the main Republican alternatives to the Affordable Care Act and the patient diagnosis under the GOP proposals was not encouraging. “Not all but most of the nine bills on our list use the tax code to put more money in citizens’ pockets on the condition that the money will be spent on health care,” the newspaper stated. “We found three basic approaches that potentially address insurance affordability.” • Overhauling health care tax deductions; • Refundable tax credits; and • Health Savings Accounts. On overhauling health care tax deductions, the newspaper said, “The most generous proposal comes from the conservative Republican Study Committee, which put forward a bill with 100 cosponsors. H.R. 3121 would

give a $7,500 deduction to individuals and a $20,000 deduction to families. “We saw two big catches here. You would need to have insurance in the first place. Plus, the bill would eliminate the biggest tax break households enjoy today, the portion of their premiums paid by their employer. Getting rid of that $170 billion tax benefit would be a tough sell and a dramatic change to employer-provided insurance.” As for the refundable tax credits, it was noted that they “are like tax deductions, with the big difference that you can claim the credit even if you don’t have taxable income. H.R. 2300 from Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., offers a maximum tax credit of $5,000 for families making up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $47,000 a year.” The paper said, “The proposal from Price would make credits payable in advance. In other words, you could use the federal credit even if you didn’t have the money up front to pay for insurance. “While the details are different, this resembles the program put forward by President George W. Bush. A 2005 study of the Bush plan by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project by the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, found that ‘lower-income individuals experience the largest declines in un-insurance rates’ under the

George E. Curry Bush proposal. “However, of the 45 million people uninsured then, Bush’s $3,000 tax credit plan would have helped only about 2 million people who made less than 200 percent of federal poverty and just a bit over 3 million overall.” The third option – Health Savings Accounts – fared no better. The Tampa paper said, “Thomas Buchmueller, a health economist at the University of Michigan, said it is a major undertaking to provide insurance to those who lack the money to pay for it. “’Tinkering with tax deductions and making health savings accounts more attractive is not going to change that basic fact,’ Buchmueller said. ‘Roughly half of the Affordable Care Act coverage gains come from expanding Medicaid. I


don’t see anything in these proposals that would do much for the people who will gain Medicaid under the ACA.’” Like so many issues, Democrats and Republicans differ in fundamental approaches. “One of the widest gaps between Democrats and Republicans is the basic understanding of what it means to offer a plan to people of limited means,” the Florida newspaper observed. “For Democrats, a plan is an identified insurance policy, whether public, as in expanded Medicaid, or private, as in buying subsidized private insurance through a web-based, highly regulated marketplace. For Republicans, a plan is anything that makes buying insurance more affordable, however the person finds the policy.” After a terrible 2-month rollout, the Obama administration finally may be in a position to silence some of its legitimate critics. A report issued Sunday by the Health and Human Services Administration disclosed that the primary website,, has been successfully overhauled and is now able to support more than 800,000 consumer visits a day. Among the improvement cited: • The deployment of 12 large, dedicated servers; • Significantly upgrading memory to improve response time; • Reducing response time from

around 8 seconds in October to well under 1 second; • Reducing the error rate from approximately 6 percent in November to .75 or three quarters of one percent; and • Expanding the amount of time the system is up from 42.9 percent in October to above 90 percent. “The new management system and instrumentation have helped improve site stability, lower the error rating below 1%, increase capacity to allow 50,000 concurrent users to simultaneously use the site and will help drive continuous improvement on the site,” the report stated. “While we strive to innovate and improve our outreach and systems for reaching consumers, we believe we have met the goal of having a system that will work smoothly for the vast majority of users.” George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine, is editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA.) He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his website, You can also follow him at and George E. Curry Fan Page on Facebook.

Saturday, December 7, 2013



(Continued from page 1)

GET READY FOR KWANZAA 2013 Dr. Conrad Worrill, Director/Professor, Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS) located at 700 East Oakwood Blvd, Chicago, Illinois, 60653, 773-268-7500, Fax: 773-268-3835 E-mail:, Website:, Twitter: @CCICS_ Chicago.

Dr. Conrad Worrill In the wake of the rising African Centered Movement in America, it is important that every segment of the African Community in

America begin preparing for the Kwanzaa Season. It is estimated that more than 30 million Africans in America participate in some sort of Kwanzaa activity or event. In order for this occurrence to continue, parents, teachers, principles, ministers, business people, and community activists must begin preparation immediately. The first question, that obviously should be asked in preparation for the 2013 Kwanzaa Season is: “What is Kwanzaa and why is it so important for African people in America to celebrate?” In 1966, the Black Power explosion shook up America. The call for Black Power was a major shift away from the Civil Rights Movement, during that era. A movement that had successfully dismantled the system of racial segregation (by law) in the southern region of the United States. However, among the masses of Black people in America, there was a deeper meaning to the idea of freedom, justice and equality that had not been advocated by the Civil Rights Movement. The call for Black Power by Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Kwame Ture (a.k.a. Stokely

Carmichael), and others, gave a new impetus for the Black Liberation Movement in America. When the smoke cleared from the Watts Rebellion in 1965, an organization emerged in the Los Angeles, California area, called US. Its leader was Dr. Maulana Karenga. After intense study of African cultural traditions, Dr. Karenga and the US Organization established the only nationally celebrated, indigenous, non-heroic Black Holiday in the United States and they called it Kwanzaa. The concept of Kwanzaa was established for Africans in America and was derived from the African custom of celebrating the harvest season. In Dr. Karenga’s own words he says, “The origin of Kwanzaa on the African continent are in the agricultural celebrations called the ‘first fruits’ celebrations and to a lesser degree the full or general harvest celebration. It is from these first fruit celebrations that Kwanzaa gets its name which comes from the Swahili phrase Matunda Ya Kwanza.” Further, “...Matunda means fruits and ya Kwanza means first. (The extra “a” at the end of Kwan-

zaa has become convention as a result of a particular history).” Kwanzaa is officially celebrated December 26th to January 1st and each day a value of the Nguzo Saba (seven principles of blackness) is celebrated. The Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) are: Umoja~ Unity To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race. Kujichagulia ~ Self Determination To define ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves, instead of being defined, named, created for, and spoken for by others. Ujima ~ Collective Work and Responsibility To build and maintain our community together, to make our sisters and brothers problems our problems, and to solve them together. Ujamaa ~ Cooperative Economics To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together. Nia ~ Purpose To make as our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to re-

store our people to their traditional greatness. Kuumba ~ Creativity To do always as much as we can, in the way we can in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than when we inherited it. Imani ~ Faith To believe with all our hearts in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. With the assistance of Malcolm X College, the Kwanzaa Celebration Committee, over the past several years, has sponsored Kwanzaa Celebrations and activities during the seven day observance. These celebrations have drawn thousands of people and added to the growing Kwanzaa Movement in the Chicago area. Kwanzaa Celebrations are held throughout the United States and the African Diaspora. Kwanzaa is a way to help African people in America fulfill the need and desire to be a united people, with a common set of experiences that lead us toward a common set of goals and objectives for freedom, independence, and liberation.

THE BIASED LENS OF HISTORY By Julianne Malveaux NNPA Columnist Theoretically, Thanksgiving celebrates the breaking of bread between Native Americans and Pilgrims, who might have starved were it not for the generosity of those who first occupied this country. This history is written as if it were a moment of friendship and fellowship, notwithstanding the fact that there were Pilgrims who, no sooner than they rose from the turkey-laden dinner table, were plotting ways to take over the Native American land. That part of the story is rarely told. Native Americans might have been better off had they shared their meal with snakes (maybe they did!) than sharing with the murderous Pilgrims. Pilgrims and their descendants developed the myth of the shared Thanksgiving. The myth leaves out the unprovoked massacre of tens of thousands on Native Americans because the same Pilgrims who needed food also needed land. They proceeded, systematically, to remove Native people from their land. Too many history 8

books portray Native American people as savages, and much of the fiction that derives from that era portrays Pilgrims as frightened victims, and Native people as predators eager to “scalp” the Pilgrims and later, those soldiers who attempted to take Midwest lands. Yet who would not defend their land? And why were people, the original inhabitants of this land dumped into reservations? No wonder many Native American people consider Thanksgiving Day a National Day of Mourning. No wonder many protest the conventional interpretation of Thanksgiving Day. No wonder so many bristle and the lens of history that allows distortion and the celebration of Pilgrim theft. To add insult to injury, Thanksgiving Day has now devolved into a capitalistic orgy of excessive spending. Commercial establishments open much of the day on the Day of Mourning, and on the next day, described as “Black Friday.” The day is so named because spending on that day is likely to put many companies “in the black.” The Thanksgiving season is less a season of mourning, or even thanksgiv-

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dr. Julianne Malveaux ing, as an excessive capitalist debacle. People have actually been stomped to death as others stepped over them to race for bargains. The mythology is similar with Christmas day, which is supposed to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. Historians note that the season of celebration is wrong, and that aspects of the story are rife with myth. Sometimes, however, myth simply allows people something to believe in. Most egregious to Christians, however, is they say that Christmas becomes X-Mas,

and the day becomes less about the birth of Christ than about the presents people put under a tree. Equally annoying is the Santa Claus myth of a pudgy little man wearing a red hat and sporting a long beard. How many children know more about Santa Claus then the real meaning of the day? Like the Thanksgiving season, the Christmas season has also become a season of crass capitalism, as consumers flock to department stores for “after Christmas sales.” Profligate spending in November and December represents as much as 20 percent of annual spending, though a typical monthly spend is about 8 percent. No wonder there is an endless promotion for spending during this time period. And no wonder customers respond. The Kwanzaa holiday, as created by Maulana Karenga has its share of myth. Karenga developed Kwanzaa as a way of celebrating universal values that have special meaning for African American people. One of the principles is celebrated each day ending, on January 1, with the final principle Imani, or faith. Crass spending and gift giving is discouraged. It is


true that Karenga “made up” the Kwanzaa holiday as a way of bringing African American people together to reflect on values, with the placement of it after Christmas as an alternative to the mutation of the Christmas holiday, and also a holiday more meditative and secular than Christmas. Myth? . The “first fruit,” or first harvest, is more likely to occur in fall than in winter. Maulana Karenga must be horrified that the capitalists have been able to corrupt Kwanzaa with Kwanzaa cards on sale from commercial companies, using Kwanzaa more as a profit making than a contemplative occasion. In the name of cultural diversity, people walk around saying “Happy Kwanzaa” as if it is the same as “Merry Christmas”. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are examples of the way we use myth either to denigrate or to elevate. The celebration of these holidays also reminds us of the biased lens of history, a lens that needs to be examined. Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, DC based economist and author.


By Ima Gontellit EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is published as political satire, street gossip and humor, and therefore should not be considered as fact but rather as matter of opinion. None of the items therein are collected by the news gathering staff of the Crusader Newspaper Group. Items forwarded to The Chatterbox are kept confidential unless otherwise requested by the author in writing. For submissions please forward to: Original photography and artwork are permitted. Thank you for reading!

ERE LAST TWO DOLLARS When Johnnie Taylor opened his pretty mouth to sing his song about a woman begging for bus far he had no idea that his blues diddy could actually apply to Negropean politicians in the county of Cook. With the exception of a handful of them, the majority of these people have bent over and bust it wide open for dey oppressor, in hopes of (a) keeping their only job; (b) not getting a federal indictment on

Johnnie Taylor

some dirt they allegedly done died; and (c) because they have an inferiority complex and believe anything white folks and white-looking folks tell them. People are pointing to the University of Chicago and a certain law school as the chief culprit of turning out these sanitized, whitewashed, pretending to be progressive and pro-Black, handkerchief head Negropeans. Why they all wind up in public office is no surprise—-these seats hold considerable power in the U.S. and just like the CH’URCH people tend to blindly follow elected “officials” no matter what they say and what they do. Ima would be wrong and the CRUSADER would be under attack if we listed every’thang we done heard at the Great Bye-andGoodbye Convalescent Home, so we’re going to give a few of them a Christmas present and withhold some of this foolishness for 2014. And you ain’t gone get us to tell you about whose secretly happy about gay marriage (but pretending to be outraged in his church); who is said to be under investigation for some nutty business deal in their ward that was probably a set-up from jump street; and we ain’t gone say nothing about whose done cheated on his Washington, D.C.-located wife with a trollop who can’t win for dog catcher. Nope we ain’t saying—yet. What we will say is when the sleeping giant awakes he’s gonna have to go to the bathroom. These Negropean politicians had better look up because someday, something’s gonna drop down on you and you ain’t gonna get yo’ massas on the 5th floor and 16th Floor and sitting on the County Board,

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Continued from page 4) yes votes; the leadership will share the specifics of the proposed reforms. That is worse than a street corner shell game. From the few bits of information that have leaked out, it seems like those who already have contributed will take a hit in terms of benefits. That is wholly unfair and I salute the labor union officials who said the will sue the state if those kinds of “reforms” are voted into existence. According to one of the daily newspapers here Illinois has the worst-funded public employee pension system among the 50 states, with an estimated $100 billion unfunded pension liability. Pension costs are squeezing out funding for core services such as education, and Illinois has

been punished by credit rating agenices with downgrades that have left it with the lowest credit ratings among U.S. states. State officials need to admit this issue is beyond them and set out some goals they would like to achieve and then call in financial experts to make that happen in a speedy way. I did not vote for my state rep or state senator because they were skilled in financial matters. It is obvious though that common sense isn’t their strong suit either. Of course changes are needed to the state pension system – drastic changes. If the legislature makes changes that get the state tangled up in long term law suits has anyone gained anything? I think not Roland McGaugh

Water Recalamation District and Democratic Party to wipe it off. -ImaSELL OUT ALERT Ut oh. The fat lady has sang. You all can stop worshipping the woman in red who is large and in charge. Word on the street is she’s a paper tiger who sold out her own members for nothing but some Sade concert tickets, some liverwurst and a high media profile. The Empress has no clothes, is the code word, having “lost her secret weapon,” and whatever that mean, we do not hope to see none of it, especially if her secret weapon got anything to do with boiled beans. If she runs, we hear that some people are suggesting that her campaign song should be Alexander O’Neal’s “Fake.” -ImaSPOTTED AT HAROLD’S CHICKEN ON KING DRIVE This crazy pimp named Hoe Be Gone—he owe Ima $14.17 for a service that was done in 1972 right behind the old Sandpiper and an event one had long been forgotten about. Ima will collect her payment, because her knees are still smarting from that entire episode. They say Hoe Be Gone got four wings with mild on the side.

a U.S. Senator. -ImaWEST SIDE UPDATE Congratulations to ever’body who is going to put Ike Carothers back in office. We like him because he reminds us of disgraced commissioner and now convicted felon Bill Beavers—he don’t take no mess and he don’t give one damn what you think of him. He promised his loyal supporters that he would reward everybody that stuck by him as he did time for corruption. His political organization is so strong, they talked a promising young man into “waiting his turn,” with the man not knowing it will NEVER be his turn. -ImaSPEAKING OF DANNY DAVIS People have underestimated the health of West Side powerhouse Danny K. Davis—who channels the voice of Paul Robeson and James Earl Jones every’time someone steps on his toe. A cabal is now pretending to retreat after The

Chatterbox exposed their evil plot to get Mr. Davis locked up on some bogus nonsense involving The Prince or by forcing him to quit because, in their words, “he’s too old, people are mad he sold us out about running for mayor or he

Ike Carothers seems a little off.” Well none of those things were strong enough to convince some powerful Davis’ supporters on the South Side to back the secret plot to oust him. While everyone is now breathing a sigh of relief and hoping the baritone legislator’s health holds up, a few people are praying that he didn’t really get in bed with the tiny devil who is hellbent on destroying (or creating a new) Chicago.

-ImaTOLD YOU That President Obammy, his pretty wife, and those gorgeous daughters of his wasn’t returning to Chicago. I guess it took them hinting at it on Barbara Walter’s show for yah’ll to believe this geriatric know-it-all. Again, do you really thank they is gone be living off 51st Street where ya’hll can beat on they door all day asking for jobs, handouts, and pictures? Do you really thank they gone move back here with Rahm Emanuel ruling this city where he will force them to countless press conferences where they must validate all the ignorant, backward, silly stuff he be doing to Blacks, Hispanics, mentally ill people and children? Do you really thank they gone live two blocks from Operation P.U.S.H., where every Saturday morning they will be called out for skipping the poorly attended Saturday forum nonsense? Do you really thank this? Chicago will always be “home,” but them folks is gone move to Hawaii. If for ANY strange reason they do take residence here—its so Michelle can be


Saturday, December 7, 2013



De La Salle Institute honors four student-athletes De La Salle Institute recently held a ceremony to honor four student-athletes from its Lourdes Hall Campus. Recognized for their outstanding achievements during the fall season were volleyball player Carleigh Barringer, golfer Emily Brown, cross country runner Catherine Nowaczyk and tennis player Khalia Powell. Barringer, a junior, was feted for being chosen to the 2013 SouthtownStar All-Area Girls Volleyball Team. In addition, Barringer (Bridgeport) also earned All-Girls Catholic Athletic Conference honors for the second consecutive season. This year, she was named to the All-GCAC Red Team. Brown (Bridgeport) was honored for being the first De La Salle female golfer to compete in the Illinois High School Association state tournament. At the state finals, Brown carded rounds of 79 and 82 for a score of 161, tying her for 33rd place. Brown, a senior, also finished first at the 2013 GCAC Golf Tournament en route to being chosen the GCAC’s 2013 Player of the Year. Nowaczyk, a junior, is the sec-

ond De La Salle cross country athlete and first female cross country athlete to compete in the IHSA state finals. Nowaczyk (Willow Springs) finished seventh at the IHSA Class 2A De La Salle Regional, 23rd at the IHSA Class 2A University High Sectional and 193rd in the state finals in Peoria. Powell, a senior, advanced to the IHSA state finals in girls tennis, placing 12th individually and reaching the consolation quarterfinals. Powell, who was 5-2 in the state finals, enabled the Meteors to finish in a seven-way tie for 26th place as a team. At the IHSA St. Ignatius Sectional, Powell (Woodlawn) placed second at No. 1 singles, while the Meteors were fourth as a team. “These four young women are pioneers at De La Salle,” Meteors athletic director Tom White said. “They have not only brought great pride to our school by their exemplary desires to succeed, but they have also proven that all goals are reachable if you are willing to put in the work. And they certainly have done just that.” De La Salle congratulates each

(Left to right are:) Carleigh Barringer, Emily Brown, Catherine Nowaczyk, and Khalia Powell. of these young women on their impressive achievements and wishes them every future success. De La Salle Institute is an independent Catholic secondary school rooted in the tradition of Christian Education begun by St. John Baptist de La Salle. Found-

ed in 1889, its mission has been, and is, to foster a desire for excellence in education. Young people from a variety of ethnic and economic backgrounds are given the opportunity to fully develop their abilities so they may be active, contributing members of our

complex changing society. De La Salle – Institute Campus for Young Men, 3434 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago and De La Salle – Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women, 1040 W. 32nd Pl. in Chicago. The school’s website is

South Shore Drill Team performance set for Dec. 14

THE SOUTH SHORE DRILL TEAM’S annual holiday show ends with an inspiring finale to uplifting seasonal music.

The Crusader Newspaper Group

SOUTH SHORE DRILL TEAM members will perform a wide variety of dance at their annual holiday show Saturday, December 14 at the Gary Comer Youth Center. Performances are at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.. Tickets are $10 and can be reserved by calling 773-752-7830 or purchased online at 10

Saturday, December 7, 2013

MORE THAN 100 youth, ages 8-21, will perform at South Shore Drill Team’s annual holiday show. BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

is interested in our readers’ ideas, thoughts and opinions, whether you’re in Chicago, Northwest Indiana or any part of the U.S. we encourage you to send a letter to the editor at Please limit your letters to 200 words.


Englewood movie sparks discussion between teens and police More than 200 youth and police officers from throughout the Chicago metropolitan area came together to screen and discuss the movie, “Englewood: Growing Pains in Chicago” during a Can You Hear Me Now? meeting sponsored by Chicago Area Project’s Youth as Resources on November 14. The CAP/YAR Can You Hear Me Now? program is designed to bridge the gap between law enforcement and young people by providing communication opportunities for both teens and police officers. In “Englewood: Growing Pains in Chicago,” Actor/Filmmaker Will-

iam Cochran blends humor, romance, tragedy and hope in a tale of three friends sruggling to get through their last year of high school amid street violence, peer pressure and family dysfunction. Following the screening, audience members asked the Cochran questions including this one: “Love was the theme of the movie; either they felt as if they weren’t loved or that they had the necessary support. Was this intentional?” The Can You Hear Me Now? meeting also featured small group break out sections. Each group was

ACTOR/FILMMAKER WILLIAM COCHRAN, creator of the movie “Englewood: Growing Pains in Chicago,” is pictured with teen members of Imagine Englewood If… during a Can You Hear Me Now? meeting sponsored by Chicago Area Project’s Youth as Resources on November 14. The CAP/YAR Can You Hear Me Now? Program is designed to bridge the gap between law enforcement and young people by providing communication opportunities for both teens and police officers.

asked to act out a situation, and then discuss it. For example, one situation featured a young man who is stopped by the police while walking home from school. Because he is late for school, the student initially attempts to avoid conversation, ignoring the police vehicle cruising at his side. When addressed the student tells the officers that he is on his way home from school and is in a hurry. The officers proceed to ask him to stop and hint towards a search of person. The discussion questions for this situation included: What rights do the civilians have in this situation?; In what manner should the young man address the officers (language, body gestures, etc.) to avoid being stopped?; When do the police have the ability to force a citizen of any age to become subject to search, restraint, detainment, etc.? The CAP/YAR Can Your Hear Me Now? program uses interactive communication techniques to foster better communication between law enforcement and teens and young adults. These meetings help initiate and maintain long-term relationships between police departments and the youth in the communities they serve. The young people also broaden their understanding of police department techniques and procedures.

AFTER THE MOVIE, teens and police officers broke out in small groups where they acted out skits based on police/teen situations. The skits led to discussion. This exercise was designed to broaden young people’s understanding of police department techniques and procedures. Chicago Area Project’s Youth As Resources is committed to exploring ways to bridge the communication gap by hosting open dialogues, town hall meetings, public service announcements and other creative and informed activities. The intent of these meetings is for both groups to gain insight into

each other’s perspective. For information about how you can become involved in the Chicago Area Project/Youth As Resources Youth leadership Development Program, call Kathleen Mosley at 312-5883816 or at YAR@chicagoarea-

AUDIENCE MEMBERS LISTEN intently as Actor/Filmmaker William Cochran, creator of the movie “Englewood: Growing Pains in Chicago,” answers questions.


Saturday, December 7, 2013



By Raymond Ward Chicago Choirs get the chance of a lifetime when they perform along-side Original Supreme Mary Wilson during “Mary Wilson’s Holiday Spectacular Featuring Special Guests The Four Tops” December 23, 2013 – January 5, 2014 at the Harris Theater (205 E. Randolph St.). Seven Chicago choirs will perform throughout the limited engagement including Walt Whittman’s Soul Children of Chicago, Shelly & Friends (members from Salem Baptist Church and Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Morgan Park), Calvin Bridges & Friends, Central Missionary Baptist Church Inspirational Choir, Dr. Issac Whittmon & the Greater Metropolitan Church, Dr. Alfred Wheeler & Blessed Music Ministry and Ramon Perry & the Ministry and Praise Chorale. Tickets ($59.99 – $119.99) are on sale now and can be purchased at,, by calling 312.334.7777 or at the Harris Theater Box Office. For more information visit “It is my greatest joy to share music with others and by inviting Chicago’s most celebrated choral groups to sing with me on stage, allows me the privilege to share that joy with them as well as the entire audience,” said Mary Wilson. “I love finding and meeting new talent wherever I am, and to see the abundance of talent that is bursting out of Chicago is just tremendous. Audiences are truly in for a musical treat this holiday season.” Under the leadership of Musical Director Diane Louie, the chosen choirs will accompany Wilson and The Four Tops singing both holiday classics and Motown favorites including “My Favorite Things,” “Joy to the World” and “Dancing in the Streets.” Each choir, led by some of the greatest gospel leaders not only in Chicago but the country, aims to use music as a means of inspiration and joy and will share their passion throughout the entire holiday season. *For detailed information on each choir, please visit Performance Schedule and Ticket Information: “Mary Wilson’s Holiday Spectacular Featuring Special Guests The Four Tops:” Monday, December 23, 2013 – Sunday, January 5, 2014 December 23 at 8:00 p.m. | Walt Whitman’s Soul Children of Chicago December 25 at 8:00 p.m. | Dr. Alfred Wheeler & Blessed Music Ministry December 26 at 8:00 p.m. | Shelly & Friends December 27 at 8:00 p.m. | Central Missionary Baptists Church Inspirational Choir December 28 at 3:00 p.m. | Calvin Bridges & Friends December 28 at 8:00 p.m. | Ramon Perry & Ministry and Praise Chorale December 29 at 8:00 p.m. | Central Missionary Baptist Church Inspirational Choir December 31 at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. | Dr. Alfred Wheeler & Blessed Music Ministry January 2 at 8:00 p.m. | Dr. Issac Whittmon & Greater Metropolitan Church January 3 at 8:00 p.m. | Dr. Issac Whittmon & Greater Metropolitan Church January 4 at 3:00 p.m. | Ramon Perry & Ministry and Praise Chorale January 4 at 8:00 p.m. | Dr. Issac Whittmon & Greater Metropolitan Church January 5 at 8:00 p.m. | Dr. Issac Whittmon & Greater Metropolitan Church Tickets ($59.99 - $119.99) are available online at, by calling 312.334.7777 or in-person at the Harris Theater Box Office (205 E. Randolph St.). Discounted Group Ticket reservations are available for groups of 10 or more at or by calling 773-327-3778. 12

Saturday, December 7, 2013

By Elaine Hegwood Bowen, MSJ

Wendell Pierce and Khandi Alexander shine in final season of Treme The third season of Treme ends with many questions that make for an interesting fourth and final season. I love this HBO series that is centered in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans. All the main players during the third season seem to be right in

The ensemble cast of Treme includes: Wendell Pierce as Antoine Batiste; Khandi Alexander as LaDonna Batiste-Williams; Clarke Peters as Albert Lambreaux; Rob Brown as Delmond Lambreaux; Steve Zahn as Davis McAlary; Kim Dickens as Janette Desautel; Os-

nothing physical has occurred. But I suspect in the final season, there may be some sparks flying. She is committed to her bar, and was less committed to staying with her snooty brother-in-law and his wife. Antoine (Pierce) is finally growing into his position as the band in-

Steve Zahn, Kermit Ruffins and Wendell Pierce talk shop as musicians in Treme. reach of their dreams, turning new car® winner Melissa Leo as Toni structor at the local school, even leaves and with eyes bright and Bernette; Lucia Micarelli as Annie taking notice of some of his stuwide for the future. Tee; Michiel Huisman as Sonny; dents’ problems. But he is still a I just love David Simon’s look at David Morse as Terry Colson; Jon hound dog at heart and shouldn’t the Big Easy, and Treme: The Com- Seda as Nelson Hidalgo; India En- be trusted to travel too far away plete Third Season takes the viewer nenga as Sofia Bernette; and new from Treme, lest he finds a new nest deeper into the mouthwatering cast member Chris Coy as L.P. in which to settle. In a recent intersouthern cooking, at the helm of Everett. view, Pierce said that he was glad to Janette Desautel and Desautel’s on I really take to heart the situation give back to his native town and the Avenue, and toe-tapping tunes in which LaDonna, who owns Gi- that this series will later be considthat define the series. Gi’s Bar, has found herself. She has ered a historical, cultural record of For the people of New Orleans, been attacked and violated but can’t the plight and triumph of New Oreven the promises of redevelopment find any quick recourse in the leans. come with strings attached, and courts. She is having a nice, casual Poor Janette has returned home to every dollar that shows up— relationship with Albert “The open an upscale restaurant bearing whether from government disaster Chief” Lambreaux, even though (Continued on page 14) relief, or from venture capital, or even from those seeking to remake New Orleans in the wake of Katrina—carries with it new dynamics and new risks. National interest has waned, moving on to the next headline, but those who know and love the Crescent City have no choice. They must find their way back to what matters in the life of their city. However, little of what they can bring to bear yields a quick result, and nothing about New Orleans— its government, its police department and courtroom, its school system—works as it should. Nothing Khandi Alexander and Wendell Pierce have a chat in her bar in a scene from Treme. is easy in the Big Easy. BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY


THE ALFREDA WELLS DUSTER CIVIC CLUB CELEBRATES 53 YEARS OF SERVICE WITH ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY: The Alfreda Wells Duster Civic Club’s Annual Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2013, from 3 pm - 7 pm at the Bryn Mawr Community Church, Fellowship Hall,7000 South Jeffrey Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60649. This event is open to the public and Admission is FREE. Activities, which are $1 each, include: a Children’s Village including face painting, origami demonstrations, games, and much more; holiday vendors; holiday music; delicious food; and an exciting raffle. Proceeds benefit the Alfreda Wells Duster Civic Club’s Scholarship Fund. Free parking is available in the north section of the Urban Partnership Bank lot, which is located directly across the street from the church. For more information, please contact Laura Rice, at 917-941-5865 or

hosting a series of holiday performances in the Kindig Performing Arts Center (unless otherwise noted) at the college’s main campus at 15800 State Street, South Holland, Illinois. All of the following events are free of charge; donations to the Music Scholarship Fund will be accepted. Upcoming performances include: “Christmas at St. Victor’s” on Sunday, December 8, 4 pm, 553 Hirsch Avenue, Cal-umet City IL. This year marks the Chorale’s lucky 13th annual Christmas Concert in the beautiful sanctuary of St. Victor Catholic Church in Calumet City. The Chorale is joined by the outstanding Gargoyle Brass Ensemble to add to the festivities. Holiday Greetings Concert - On Friday, December 13, at 7:30 pm, the “whole crew” of the SSC Music and Theatre Departments join together for the umpteenth annual Holiday Greetings Concert for the community. For more information, call the SSC Music Department at 708-596-2000, ext. 2316.

CELEBRATE THE HOLLY JOLLY HOLIDAY SEASON AT THE PEGGY NOTEBAERT NATURE MUSEUM: November and December are perfect for decking the halls of the Nature Museum with family fun fair and all things nature. To get into the holiday spirit, our young scientists are invited to sing along with Mr. Singer in a holidaythemed, high-energy and educational concert. During all holiday programs, the Museum’s newest exhibition, Animal Secrets, will also be open for exploration and festive fun time. Make sure to also stop by the Museum gift shop to complete your holiday shopping, where you can find the perfect nature-themed gifts for your favorite explorers – both young and seasoned. The shop has something special for everyone on your list from nature-themed jewelry, stuffed animals and puppets, books, and even science experiments. And remember, you can always give the gift of membership! Holiday highlights include: Family Film Screening: Happy Feet - On Saturday, December 7, 1 - 3 pm, warm up at the Nature Museum with hot chocolate and a screening of popular children’s movie, Happy Feet. Learn more about Emperor Penguins – those who find their mates through song. Cost: Free with Museum admission. The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum is located on 2430 N. Cannon Drive in Chicago. For more information, please visit

MARQUETTE CLUB HOLIDAY PARTY: On Thursday, December 12, Marquette Bank will host the Marquette Club Holiday Party at the Orland Chateau located at 14500 S. LaGrange Avenue in Orland Park. Enjoy a luncheon, a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus as well as holiday entertainment. The Marquette Club is a social club for Marquette Bank customers over age 50. This event begins at 11:30 am and tickets for club members are $20 and $30 for non-members. Advanced registration is required. Please call Carol Wagge at 708-342-8404 to RSVP.


COMED AND CHARTER ONE PRESENT ZOOLIGHTS: Lincoln Park Zoo transforms into a winter wonderland during the 19th annual ZooLights Presented by ComEd and Charter One. The event runs from 5 – 9 pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, December 6-8 and then runs nightly from December 13 through January 5 (except closed December 24 and 25).This free, family-oriented holiday celebration illuminates the sky with two million lights, including larger-than-life lighted animal and seasonal features, holiday crafts and activities and sweet treats. All new this year is Ice Skating at Lincoln Park Zoo. Whizz past the goats and cows at the rink in Farm-in-the-Zoo before heading to the Kovler Lion House to visit Santa Claus himself. Snacks and festive winter warming drinks are available for purchase and will keep the whole family happy. Ice Skating is offered from noon – 9 pm daily continuing long past the holidays for winter fun until March 2 (except closed December 24 and 25). Tick-

ets to skate are $5 and skate rentals are available for $5. For couples looking for a sparkling and magical setting for their wedding proposal (last season nearly a dozen couples got engaged at ZooLights), this year the zoo is offering special proposal packages to enhance the memorable event. Interested parties can find out more by contacting the zoo’s sales department at 312-742-2400 or groupsales@ The first 900 visitors each night to ZooLights receive a free pair of 3D glasses for a truly magical light display experience. There will be photos with Santa in the Kovler Lion House through December 23, as well as holiday crafts and shopping. Take a chilly spin on the AT&T Endangered Species Carousel, learn some pointers from ice sculpture experts, and be dazzled by a shimmering light show choreographed to holiday music on the zoo’s South Lawn. THE ART OF JOY: “The Art of Joy” by artist Joyce Patterson features works in oils, pastels, and watercolors. The exhibition will take place on Friday, December 13, 3 - 8 pm and Saturday, December 14, 11 am - 7 pm in house at Sarah Kuenyefu Collection (SKC), 1510 E 63rd

50 YEARS AGO -- A historical moment. Edward F. McElroy, of Comcast TV Channel 19, Past National Commander of Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America meets President John F. Kennedy at the White House in May of 1963.

Street, Chicago, IL 60637. Come see these beautiful paintings and creations that are truly inspiring. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact SKC at 773-324-6858/, or Joyce at ST. BENEDICT THE AFRICAN’S ANNUAL WINTER

RUMMAGE SALE: St. Benedict the African East located at 6550 S. Harvard in Chicago is holding its Annual Winter Rummage Sale on Saturday, Dec. 7th through Dec. 8th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. There will be many affordable items for the entire family and the home. For more information, please contact the church at 773-8734464.

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Imagine then, if you could boost your liability coverage on everything you’ve insured with one reasonable payment. That’s how umbrella insurance works. *** You carry a specified minimum amount of liability coverage on each policy—car, house, boat, whatever—and the umbrella arches over them all, boosting protection to $1 million or more. *** Other benefits come with the umbrella coverage. Legal costs are covered when you are sued. The policy generally protects against BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

Saturday, December 7, 2013



THE CHANCEL CHOIR of St. Mark United Methodist Church, 8441 So. St. Lawrence Ave., will present its 75th annual performance of George Frederic Händel’s monumental oratorio “Messiah” with soloists, organ and orchestral accompaniment Sunday, December 15 at 5:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Seated (from l. to r.) are Henry Pleas, tenor; Jonita Lattimore, soprano;; Charles G. Kendrick (seated at organ console with back to camera and inset photo); Gwendolyn Brown, contralto; and Arthur D. Griffin, Jr. bass-baritone. The Chancel Choir is celebrating Maestro Kendrick’s fiftieth anniversary as Organist/Music Director having conducted his first Messiah at St. Mark in December, 1963. Admission is free and a freewill offering will be accepted. For further information, call the church office at 773-846-2992.

Chicago Music Assoc. presents first annual South Side Do-It-Yourself ‘Messiah’ Chicago Music Association, Br. No. 1, NANM, Inc. (since 1919), Charles T. Hayes, music director, Renee Baker, conductor; Chicago Modern Orchestra Project and soloists Dorothy Canady, soprano; Henry Pleas, tenor;

Gloria Spencer Brown, contralto; and Arthur D. Griffin, Jr., bass, present the first annual South Side Do-It-Yourself “Messiah” Wednesday, December 18, 2013 in the Paul Robeson Theater at South Shore Cultural Center,

7059 South Shore Drive, Chicago. FREE ADMISSION. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. The performance will begin at 7:00 p.m. Singers must bring their own score (G. Schirmer preferred) to receive a ticket for admission and

The world-renowned Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) Brass perform a special Symphony Center Presents concert on Thursday, December 19 at 3 pm featuring traditional brass favorites, as well as symphonic masterworks arranged for brass ensemble. The program opens with Copland’s beloved “Fanfare for the Common Man.” Other highlights include Lauridsen’s “O magnum mysterium” performed as a tribute to the legendary Adolph “Bud” Herseth, CSO principal trumpet from 1948 to 2001 who passed away in April 2013. Two other selections have special CSO connections: an arrangement of the “2112, Chicago” section of CSO Mead Composer-in-Residence Mason Bates’s “Alternative Energy” which was premiered by the CSO under Music Director Riccardo Muti in February, 2012, and Australian composer Paul Terracini’s “Gegensätze” which was premiered by the CSO Brass on their December 2011 concert. Famous among brass players the world over for their distinct approach to orchestral playing, the CSO’s brass section has long been known for its matchless brilliance and spectacular power. The section released its first CD, “Chicago Symphony Orchestra Brass Live,” on CSO Resound (the CSO’s inhouse recording label) in Septem-

ber 2012 to critical acclaim. Over the years Chicago has become a sure destination for those who love great brass playing. The CSO’s former principal brass players in addition to “Bud” Herseth (trumpet), have included Dale Clevenger, (horn), Philip Farkas (horn), Frank Crisafulli (trombone) and Arnold Jacobs (tuba), who are all still internationally recognized as among the top orchestral players of all time. The current brass section consists of 13 members: horns Daniel Gingrich, James Smelser, David Griffin, Oto Carrillo and Susanna Gaunt; trumpets Christopher Martin, Mark Ridenour, John Hagstrom and Tage Larsen; trombones Jay Friedman, Michael Mulcahy and Charles Vernon; and tuba Gene Pokorny.

In addition to prolific performing careers as orchestral musicians and soloists, many CSO brass players are active educators working to pass on the great traditions of the Orchestra’s brass legacy. As a part of the CSO’s commitment to education and encouragement of young musicians, this concert is presented in conjunction with the 67th annual Midwest Clinic, an international conference for music teachers, students, professional musicians and administrators.

CSO Brass to perform holiday concert


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tickets for all CSO concerts can be purchased by phone at 800-2237114 or 312-294-3000; online at or at the Symphony Center box office: 220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60604. For group rates call 312-294-3040.

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Brass

tickets will be issued on a first come-first served basis. There will be limited unreserved space for a listening audience. Part I will be performed in its entirety; Selected Choruses and Airs from Parts II and III will be included. Choirs are strongly advised to register in advance at 773-721-3210. Leave message

for reply. Secured parking is available in the Cultural Center lots for $1.00 per hour. The performance will last approximately 3 hours. The South Side Do-It-Yourself Messiah is presented in partnership with The Advisory Council of South Shore Cultural Center and The Chicago Park District.

CORRECTION The names that appeared with the photos in the Arts and Culture article on the CSO in the November 30th issue were inadvertently switched. The conductor is Stéphane Denève and the violinist is James Ehnes. The Crusader regrets this error.

(Continued from page 12) her name; but she isn’t too happy, yet, with the initial outcomes. Annie Tee is leaving Davis well behind, as he becomes disenchanted and “quits” the music business and she completes a new album. And speaking of music, the music for Treme is just great. It is hard sometimes keeping up with the guest stars, as they keep the pulsating music of New Orleans alive, week after week. From creators/executive producers David Simon and Eric Overmyer (HBO’s The Wire®), the show was a New York Magazine “Top 10” pick for 2012. Releasing November 19, 2013, Treme: The Complete Third Season on Blu-ray ($49.99), DVD ($39.99) and Digital Download is packed with stimulating special features that help bring to life the art, music, food and


culture of one of America’s most resilient cities. Check out Treme on Sunday nights on HBO and consider buying Treme: The Complete Third Season to have your own marathon, right in time for the holidays. The DVD features live performances and cameos from notable New Orleans legends including The Neville Brothers, Fats Domino, Tab Benoit, Dr. Michael White, The Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Sonny Landreth, The Red Stick Ramblers, Monk Boudreaux, James “Sugarboy” Crawford and Davell Crawford, Kermit Ruffins, John Boutte, The Hot 8 Brass Band, Anders Osborne, Tom McDermott, Marcia Ball, Meschiya Lake, Ivan Neville, Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews, Glen David Andrews, Donald Harrison, Jr. and The Valparaiso Men’s Chorus, among others.


A Moment to Super Size Your Thinking By Effie Rolfe Be a Can do it conduit—in other words, you can do it. You must believe that you are a Masterpiece—a piece of the Master in you. This may sound like a cliché but it contains much truth. God has made you in His image and you are more powerful than you could ever imagine. You have the seed of greatness! God has endowed you with His DNA giving you an amazing ability to do whatever your mind can think or imagine. Although you were born with this gift—too often it remains covered and dormant throughout life. Dr. Myles Munroe told millions to ‘die empty’ because people never maximize their gifts, talents nor pursue ideas and dreams to create a full and blessed life. He admonishes folk to empty himself or herself meaning to use every talent, gift

Effie Rolfe and idea—a personal contribution to you and the world. Imagine what life would be like if the Wright Brothers didn’t pursue fly-

ing airplanes, Henry Ford didn’t transform the automobile industry, Bill Gates hadn’t followed through with Microsoft or Mark Zuckerberg with Facebook. The list continues with tons of other inventions like the elevator, internet and cell phone—my point is, when people pursue their Godgiven passion, it generally leads to a better world. My book, “Super Size Your Thinking—Manifest Your Dreams” shares the idea that you are the missing piece of the puzzle. When you live your making instead of just making a living, it becomes easier for others to properly position themselves. Someone’s future is depending on your presence to make the difference. Thus you must initiate and determine to take the necessary steps to pursue excellence. Examine an apple seed. Within that seed is the apple tree,

however, unless it’s placed in the proper environment, it will forever remain just a seed. But once the apple seed is planted in fertile soil, receives water, sun, wind and cultivated only then will it fulfill its potential and become the apple tree God intended. So it is with you and me, if the seed of medicine is in me, then I must surround myself with the proper tools, education and medical institutions to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding the area of medicine. Once this is complete, I am on my way to walking in that gift of medicine as a doctor, nurse or related specialty. You must begin by making sure your seed is uncovered and placed in good soil with a healthy environment to grow. It is imperative that you monitor your surrounding to protect your seed gift as it germinates and blooms into a

beautiful harvest. Every person came into this world with the perfect gift for that space and time. Let’s debunk Dr. Myles Munroe’s theory that ‘the wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery.’ As you allow your seed to manifest to its full potential, the world benefits. Make it happen—leave your footprint. Not only is the world waiting, also, future generations are in need of what you have. My prayer is that you become all that God imagined—Be a Can do it Conduit.” What can you do…? ©Effie Rolfe is the author of “Supersize Your Thinking,” a Media Personality and Motivational Speaker. You can visit my website: or follow me at

The Crusader Gospel Corner Congratulations to Arthur Sutton and the Gift of Praise who has been singing since 1989 and appeared in the first Chicago Gospel Music Festival. This Sunday, December 8th the popular quartet will celebrate their anniversary concert at Acme Baptist Church, 8747 S. Paulina, where Pastor Bernard Sutton. Musical guest will include The Gloreous Sons from Rochester, New York, the Mixon Singers, The Rutledge Sisters, Janet Sutton and the Voices of Acme along with special guest— Stellar Award winner, Ricky Dillard and New Generation. The concert will also serve as a fundraiser for the radio show, the Christian Community hour on WBGX on 1570 AM from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., which Janet and Arthur Sutton host every Saturday for the past seven years. Doors open at 3 p.m. and the program will start promptly at 4 p.m. For more information call 708-747-3233. Talkin’ bout the church folk is what comes to mind regarding the docu-series, Preachers of L.A. on Oxygen network which just finished its season’s finale’. Obviously members missed Wednesday night service causing the show to be one of the highest rated to debut on bible study night for the cable channel. Bishop Noel Jones, Deitrick Haddon, Pastor Ron Wilson, Pastor Wayne Chaney and Bishop Clarence McClendon featured in the show boldly display their blessings from the Lord that has made them rich with seemingly no sorrow. The network called the show a smash because of the 1.1 million viewers that tuned into the series. Word about the show went viral causing a fighting frenzy of attacks from the pulpit to the pew. Pastors across America took turns putting the show on full blast and some local

The Voices of Acme pastors had their say. Father Michael Pfleger posted on Facebook, “What a Crazy day we live in. 40 years ago the model of Church was Dexter Avenue or Ebenezer in Atlanta— Churches that fought for Justice and were prophetic Voices of Conscience and Justice to the World. Today the Model of Church is FOOLISHNESS LIKE PREACHERS OF LA! What an embarrassment to the Christ we say we represent! Even Bishop TD Jakes’ video went viral after addressing his congregation about “...watching that junk on TV.” He stated, “Not one dime of your money bought will be used to buy me a shiny suit or pay for my house.” The mega pastor reminded

his members that he had money before coming to Dallas and will have money when he leaves. “I’m not from L.A. …I’m from Dallas!” During an Atlanta radio interview, Haddon responded to Jakes stance on the highly watched show and said, “I have the absolute utmost respect for Bishop TD Jakes and what he represents. I considered him one of our generals in this generation,” he said. “I was a bit taken back and shocked when I saw his view on the show, being that he’s a forefather in unorthodox, unconventional methods of sharing the Gospel, whether it be through Mega Fest or partnering with comedians or Oprah.” During a recent luncheon to intro-

Preachers of L.A.

duce the show and some of the casts—Haddon, Haizlip and Wilson were adamant their sole purpose for participating is to promote the kingdom as well as remind others that pastors are regular people with problems in or outside the pulpit. “I believe it is going to give people who would not come to my church or people who don’t watch Christian television another glimpse of what Christianity actually looks like inside,” said Bishop Clarence McClendon. Regarding his lavish lifestyle, McClendon unapologetically said, “When people asked Jesus where he lived…they were interested in things other than miracles and Jesus said to come and see…whatever I do and show will bring glory to my God and edification—I pray for the Body of Christ. People are entitled to their opinions and anyone who steps from the crowd and

doesn’t do the normal things will be talked about,” said McClendon. So the question remains, will this show encourage people to come to Christ or start a ministry solely to make money? The docu-series was initially called Millionaire Preachers of L.A. While scripture teaches prosperity, unfortunately, too many folk already think ill of the church especially when it pertains to money and the pastor. Producers are calling it ‘Market place ministry.’ Some fear this type of show will drive Christians away as well as hinder those who are yet to come to Christ. Trend indicates reality shows are becoming commonplace, the bible also teaches that he that wins souls is wise, so perhaps jumping on the reality TV show bandwagon is not such a bad idea and over time this idea will be more readily embraced by the church.

Renowned physician releases debut album “In God We Trust” Board certified internal medicine trauma critical care physician and anesthesiologist, Dr. Kiki Hurt alongside her music troupe GlobalMusic4 Life, recently released their new album In God We Trust on iTunes. The album, which features nine songs, is the second release in their “music for medicine” anthology and spreads the message of health and wellness through song. The album features catchy songs over popular, familiar beats all produced by Dr. Hurt in conjunction with various artist and lead producer, songwriter and performer, Marty James. Fan favorite single “One More Chance,” a cover of late rap legend Notorious BIG’s classic single, speaks to taking another stab at living life the


Dr. Kiki Hurt healthy way. “ The Man,” another known track from the project, emphasizes how pride can sometimes get in the way of taking proper physical care which could result in life threaten(Continued on page 17)

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Saturday, December 7, 2013


Renowned physician . . .


(Cont’d from page 15) ing circumstances. Oftentimes, medical patients are viewed as statistics and case studies and aren’t given personalized love and care. In another track called “ICU,” Dr. Hurt acknowledges the individual and highlights the importance of catering to their unique needs to aid in the recovery process. The entire project enforces good health and proper self-care. Hurt is the creative director of GlobalMusic4 Life—her handpicked group of talented vocalists, rappers and musicians. Known in the medicinal field as the alternative to ObamaCare, Dr. Hurt’s affinity for healthcare stems from her esteemed tenure and dedication to the medical field. This passion is conveyed through her desire to educate others about taking the proper steps to healthy living after witnessing the alarming amount of fatalities firsthand that were a result of preventable diseases. Moreover, Dr. Hurt is using the platform of music to inform, educate and provide the resources needed to improve the quality of life for many, no matter race, sexual orientation, age or gender. Purchase In God We Trust here: 766225317?ls=1. For more of Dr. Hurt’s expertise, be sure to also purchase her book Mini Medical School Mini Book 1: How the Body Works and When to Seek Medical Attention which is available now on iTunes, us/artist/kiki-hurt/id418695465?mt=11&uo=4. For more information on In God We Trust, Dr. Hurt and GlobalMusic4 Life visit the following:



Saturday, December 7, 2013




Commercial/Wholesale space for rent in the Chatham area… 11,000 square feet. Contact Bob at 773-488-1411.



Saturday, December 7, 2013



St. Leo made rare visit to 1A semifinals The St. Leo Lions recently ended a stellar season with a loss, but team members were able to hold their heads high as it was the first time in nearly a quarter-century the team made it to the semifinals. The 10-3 Catholic League Red Division champion lost to LenaWinslow in harsh weather conditions. A win would have meant the state championship for the small Catholic school. The finals appearance was the team’s first since 1990. St. Leo was undefeated in the Catholic League. Although the title was elusive, there was no shortage of individual accolades. Coach Mike Holmes earned Red Division Coach of the Year, but cited team fundamentals as the basis for his success. “They (team members) worked extremely hard all year. They did whatever we asked, and they really understood the concept of team,” Holmes said, adding after the game “we’re a little disappointed with how it ended, but I am proud of what this group was able to accomplish.” It may have ended in cold, windy disappointment, but the 2013 football season was one of the best in Leo High School’s il-

lustrious history. The Lions were undefeated in their division and beat Gibson City, Stark County and Ottawa Marquette in the playoffs before losing to Lena-Winslow in harsh weather conditions and falling one game short of the state title game. Senior Theo Hopkins, a running back and defensive back, won the Lawless Award as Red Division Player of the Year. He was also selected to the Champaign News Gazette Academic All-State team and made honorable mention on the All-State football team. Senior Terron Bell, who did a solid job at fullback, in addition to excelling at defensive tackle, was voted Red Division Defensive Player of the Year and made the News-Gazette AllState team. Several other Lions received allconference recognition, including Riley McClendon-Gray and Solomon Jones, two-way standouts at wide receiver and defensive back. More important, the 2013 Lions excelled in the classroom, as football players occupy eight of the top 12 spots in senior class academic rankings.

ST. LEO PLAYERS and coaches line up with school officials to proudly display the award that capped a long but rewarding season. They include (back row) left to right: Coach Michael Holmes, junior quarterback LaTrell Giles, senior running/defensive back Theodore Hopkins, nose tackle/OL Raheem Williams and President Dan McGrath. Front Left: Principal Phil Mesina, senior WR/DB Riley McClendon-Gray, senior DL/FB Terron Bell.


Saturday, December 7, 2013



Saturday, December 7, 2013


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