Blacks Must Control Their Own Community
To The Unconquerable Host of Africans Who Are Laying Their Sacrifices Upon The Editorial Altar For Their Race
Deal signed to keep St. Francis Hospital open •C•P•V•S• AUDITED BY
Full transfer of ownership expected in 60 to 90 Days; new hospital will be named MetroSouth Medical Center MSMC Investors LLC and SSM Health Care said recently that they have signed an agreement to transfer ownership of St. Francis Hospital and Health Center from SSM to MSMC, ensuring that the hospital will remain open and continue to serve the city of Blue Island and surrounding communities.
Senator Emil Jones The agreement sets out the terms for the transfer of the 410-bed hospital, SSM Home Care at St. Francis and SSM Hospice at St. Francis to MSMC Investors
LLC, which was created by Transition Healthcare Company and its financial backer, Falcon Investors LLC, as the holding company for the hospital and related health care assets. Falcon Investors is the majority owner of MSMC Investors and Transition holds a
minority interest and will be responsible for managing the hospital on a day-to-day basis. MSMC stands for MetroSouth Medical Center, which will be the new name of the for-profit hospital. Arnold Kimmel, CEO of Transition Healthcare, will become CEO of Met-
25 Cents and worth more
roSouth Medical Center. “We know how important it is to residents of Blue Island and the surrounding communities to keep the hospital operating for the long term and we intend to do just that,” Mr. Kimmel said. (Continued on page 2)
THE HONORABLE DOROTHY BROWN, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, recently welcomed 500 energetic children to visit the Clerk’s Office as participants in the annual observance of “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.” Clerk Brown personally greeted more than 300 children in the 10th floor lobby of the Daley Center, 50 W. Washington. Clerk Brown was joined at this assembly by the Clerk’s Office mascot, Connie Constant “The Busy Bee,” along with the “The Sky Guy,” the mascot for the WNBA Chicago Sky. Pictured with Clerk Brown are Constance the Busy Bee and Sky Guy from the Chicago Sky WNBA and the over 300 Children who attended take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day at the offices of the Clerk of the Circuit Court.
Town Hall meeting on violence held at Kennedy-King “There is currently a big controversy surrounding the building of a children’s museum in downtown Chicago. I’ll tell you where they can build it; they can build it on the South Side and there won’t be any complaints,” Jackson said to a thunderous applause. ‘Why do we start putting an emphasis on summer jobs — which is like a month or two of jobs — when we need full time, career jobs and career opportunities on the South Side of Chicago?” Jackson asked. “I represent some communities where there are 60 people for every one
By J. Coyden Palmer Hundreds of people jammed a hall on the campus of Kennedy-King College May 10th to discuss the violence that is plaguing Chicago. Among those in attendance were members of the religious, political, law enforcement and mental health communities along with residents who live in some of the worst crime-ridden areas. The two-hour discussion was a give and take on identifying the problems that cause violence and what solutions have been proven successful in stemming the tide of violence. While there were many reasons given for the violent actions of citizens, very few concrete, proven solutions were found when the meeting concluded. Job opportunities that pay good wages is one of the main keys to stemming the violence said U.S. Cong. Jesse Jackson Jr. The South Side congressman’s district represents a wide range of communities in the south suburbs, which has also seen an increase in violence in recent years. Jackson
job.” Those from the construction industry also said the racism that exists in the unions has kept many minorities from getting good paying jobs in their own community. They said the racism and political connections over who gets contracts have a decimating effect on jobs for many African American men. They cited the recent completion of the Dan Ryan Expressway as an example of a government-run project that didn’t provide enough opportunities for (Continued on page 3)
U.S. Cong. Jesse Jackson Jr. believes if people have good jobs with benefits, there will be no need for them to commit crimes like dealing drugs. He said Chicago politicians have to stop bickering over small things and bring employment opportunities to citizens immediately.
Amtrak honors retired Pullman Porters (See story on page 2)
R. Kelly trial finally begins after six years (See page 3)
Amtrak honors retired Pullman Porters By La Risa Lynch
Chatham resident Eugene Bowser sat in a vintage 1954 Union Pacific domed lounge car and lamented his days as a Pullman Club Car Attendant/Porter. The 94-year-old Memphis native began working for the Pullman Company in 1940 serving drinks as a club car attendant. His job was a step above a porter on Pullman’s storied sleeping car trains, but his rank didn’t shield him from the harsh realities of Jim Crow. “We had some guys get on that were very indignant,” Bowser recalled of white passengers who often referred to Black wait staff as “boy.” “I would say, ‘Sir, my name is not boy. … My name is Eugene Bowser.” Bowser always politely corrected their mistake, but he used a different tactic on trains headed to the Deep South like Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee. “They would say ‘Hey Nigger come over here and bring me a scotch’ and stuff. I would ignore them. I would go deaf,” he said of his coping mechanism that got him through 19 years on the job. “A person can only take so much with ‘hey boy,’” Bowser said. “You got to be 21 to get the job. You couldn’t be no boy. The Pullman Porters caught more hell than we did.” Bowser’s grace exemplified the determination and character of the Pullman Porters, which organized the first Black union in 1925 under the leadership of A. Phillip Randolph. In the 1920s, during the railroad industry’s peak, more than 20,000 Blacks worked as Pullman Porters or train personnel, becoming the largest category of Black labor in the U.S. at that time. Amtrak honored these men last week during its first-ever National Train Day. The porters played an integral
part of the railway industry’s success, even though they were treated as second-class citizens, said Darlene Abubakar, Amtrak’s national advertising director. “They set the standard in service,” she explained. “They were legendary in terms of the service they provided, understanding that the customer comes first even when they were being very difficult and unreasonable.... The standard that they set is something we want to recognize.” The event held at Union Station featured an exhibit from the A. Philip Randolph Pullman Museum. The exhibit included photos and a timeline of the porters’ efforts to form the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. “I think it is a wonderful idea that they recognized the Porters,” said the museum founder and curator, Lyn Hughes, of Amtrak’s willingness to include the porters in their event. She approached Amtrak about the idea, which Hughes hopes would create an opportunity to advance the stories of the Pullman porters to a broader audience. Many people, she noted, perceive Black history as tied only to slavery, but “there is so much more to our people than just slavery.” Hughes detailed that personal history in the book, “Anthology of Respect: The Pullman Porter National Historic Registry.” Amtrak used the registry to locate former porters. The book documents the intimate lives of some 3,500 Pullman porters and dining car waiters. Piecing the anthology together gave Hughes a deeper appreciation for the men’s courage. “What I didn’t know was how deeply they felt the mistreatment,” Hughes said, noting that many never mentioned the illtreatment they experienced. “They didn’t want their families to know what they were experi-
C H A T H A M R E S I D E N T E u g e n e E . B o w se r , 9 4 , t a l k s s h op wi th a train enthusiast at Amtrak’s National Train Day held last week at Union Station. Bowser and several other surviving Pullman Porters were honored during the festivities. 2
Saturday, May 17, 2008
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Raymond Willis, former Union Pacific Chair Car Porter of Omaha, N E ; L in u s J . S c o t t , f or m e r P u l l m a n P o r t e r , of G a r y , I N ; J o h n n y N e w s o m e , f or m e r U n io n Pacific Chair Car Porter of Omaha, NE; William Turner, former Pullman Porter of Cincinnati, O H ; T e r r y E d w a r ds , f or m e r U n i on P a c if ic C h a i r C a r P o r t e r o f Om a h a , N E ; a n d E u g e n e Bowser, former Pullman Porter of Chicago, IL. encing … in order to make a liv- Down South had different water Willis and John Newsome were ing for their families,” she ex- fountains (for) Blacks and able to pay for their college eduplained. cation working summers as stewwhites,” he said. However, William Turner’s exWhile many people see the Pull- ards or passenger chair car attenperience was much different from man Porters as iconic in American dants for Union Pacific or Bowser thanks in part to working history, Turner saw it just as a job. Burlington Northern. as a porter in the north. Turner, a “They set the standard,” said “I didn’t think of being a part of Cincinnati resident, worked as a history or anything like that,” he the 61-year-old Newsome, who porter in the early 1950s and said, adding that the job was an worked from 1966-67 on the rarely encountered any racism. opportunity to travel the states. railroad. “We are here because of The 92-year-old credits that to a Even modern day porters work- them, and that is what the youth much better class of people riding ing for private railroad companies of today need to recognize. They the train at that time. credit Pullman Porters for open- are not here by and of themselves. “You didn’t hear too much ing up the industry for Blacks. They are standing on somebody’s racial stuff, but I do remember Nebraska natives Raymond shoulders.”
Deal signed to keep St. Francis . . . (Continued from page 1)
“This agreement would not have happened without the diligent efforts on the part of SSM Health Care and MSMC Investors. We are also grateful for the support of Mayor Don Peloquin and the Blue Island City Council, State Senator Emil Jones, Jr., the Office of Governor Rod R. Blagojevich, State Representative Robert Rita, State Representative Kevin Joyce, State Representative Monique Davis, State Representative Will Davis, and Congressman Bobby Rush,” Mr. Kimmel added. Both parties said the terms of the agreement were confidential. However, Lawrence Krule, Executive Vice President of Falcon, who will become Chief Restructuring Officer of MetroSouth, said MSMC Investors and its affiliates will be investing approximately $30 million in new hospital equipment, such as a 64-slice CT Scanner, a PACs imaging system, a new mammography unit and upgrades to patient rooms, as well as investing additional working capital. “This significant level of investment reflects our hope and aspi-
ration for what we can achieve in the turnaround of the hospital for the communities it serves and for the employees,” Mr. Krule said. St. Francis Hospital and Health Center was founded in 1905 as a Catholic, not-for-profit health care institution. St. Francis is an acute-care hospital providing primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care. Known nationally as a top cardiology hospital, St. Francis offers a comprehensive range of medical, surgical, pediatric and obstetrical care and services. “We are very pleased that we have reached an agreement with MSMC Investors LLC and Transition Health Care that will allow this beautiful hospital to remain open – for the people of the community that SSM has served for more than a century, and for the employees and physicians who work here,” said Sister Mary Jean Ryan, FSM, president and chief executive officer of SSM Health Care, a St. Louis-based Catholic health care system. SSM said in early April that it would close the hospital if its efforts to find a buyer were unsuccessful.
“SSM Health Care is grateful for the support of the many elected officials as we worked through this process. We are grateful, as well, for support from employees, physicians and the community for St. Francis,” Sister Mary Jean continued. “Most of all we are grateful for the many prayers and the hard work that went into signing this agreement. The transaction received support at every level of government, in particular Senator Jones, Mayor Peloquin and the Blue Island City Council, which passed resolutions last week in support of the sale and of financial incentives for the redevelopment and continued operation of the hospital. “The hospital’s reputation and record for excellent quality of care, its highly experienced and loyal staff and its first-rate physical plant were the primary reasons we decided to acquire the hospital,” Mr. Kimmel said. “We’ve put together a team with the experience, ability, desire and resources to keep the hospital open for the benefit of the community and the region over the long term.” The Chicago Crusader
R. Kelly trial finally begins after six years With jury selection almost complete, testimony could begin in a few days By J. Coyden Palmer One of the most anticipated and popular criminal trials in Cook County history has begun after six years of delays. R&B singer R. Kelly is facing charges in relation to a 15-minute videotape that shows a man who looks like him engaging in several sexual acts with a female that prosecutors allege is no more than 15 years of age. Robert Kelly, 41, has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The charges were filed back in 2002 after the videotape was mailed to the Chicago SunTimes, that wrote a story about its content before turning it over to police. If convicted Kelly faces between five and 15 years in prison. The alleged woman, now age 23, denies that she is the girl seen in the tape. She and her parents deny that she is the one seen engaging in oral sex and other lewd acts with the Grammy Award winning artist who grew up on the South Side and attended Kenwood Academy H.S. in Hyde Park. But during pre-trial hearings nearly four dozen people, including the woman’s relatives and best friend identified her as the person on the tape with Kelly. And although prosecutors ex-
pect the alleged victim in this case to testify on behalf of Kelly, law experts say the prosecution still has a great opportunity to show without a reasonable doubt that Kelly is guilty because of the tape itself and those who will testify to the tape’s authenticity. One of those expected to testify is the girl’s aunt, the singer Sparkle, who like many others was an artist that Kelly mentored. She also told the SunTimes that Kelly was the man in the tape engaging in sexual acts with her niece. Even without the cooperation of the alleged victim in this case, Cook County prosecutors in the past have won convictions against high-profile defendants in similar cases. Former Congressman Mel Reynolds was convicted of having sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker after prosecutors went as far as locking the teen up after she refused to testify against Reynolds. Eventually she did and Reynolds was sentenced to five years in prison. Cook County Judge Vincent Gaughan has tried to limit the media’s access to the case in order to give Kelly a fair trial. At Crusader press time eight of the 12 jurors
R. Kelly who will hear the case had been selected. There will also be four alternates in a trial that could last a couple of months. Kelly is represented by one of the best criminal defense attorneys in Chicago, Ed Genson. He has already succeeded in delaying the trial for the last six years, enabling Kelly to continue to make music and travel on tour dates.
While Kelly has never faced criminal charges before this case, he has been sued on three previous occasions for allegedly having improper relationships with teenaged girls. A fourth woman reached an out of court settlement with Kelly but never filed suit. The first suit against Kelly was filed back in 1996. In that case the girl said she began having sex with Kelly when
she was 15 and that she and Kelly were involved in group sex with other minors. Another woman claimed she met Kelly on the night of her prom at a downtown fast food restaurant and the two began having sex about a month later. A third woman claimed in her suit that she met Kelly at the 2000 Black Women’s Expo and he promised her a career in the music industry if they started having sex. But some of the most damning evidence against Kelly if allowed could come from the grave of singer Aaliyah, who died in a plane crash in 2001. She and Kelly wed in 1994 when she was only 15 and Kelly was 27. The union was quickly annulled when her parents got word of what had taken place. The teen lied on her marriage license claiming she was 18. Kelly has been credited with starting Aaliyah’s career and the two had a hit song titled “Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number.” It’s not known how much of Kelly’s past Judge Gaughan will allow prosecutors to introduce into the trial. As a condition of the settlements the women in those cases cannot testify. The details of the marriage to Aaliyah still remain under seal.
Town Hall meeting on violence held at Kennedy-King (Continued from page 1) those in the community. From a legal and law enforcement standpoint, experts in that area said many of the people committing the crimes are young men who are uneducated about the law. Because it’s something that isn’t taught in school, most only learn about the consequences of breaking a law when they are arrested. Local defense Atty. Irv Miller said ignorance of the law is no excuse for violence, but said many teens have no clue of the seriousness of the crimes they are committing until it’s too late. “Most don’t even understand making a verbal threat of violence against someone is enough to get them thrown in jail, let alone some of the other nonsense that is taking place,” Miller said. “All the laws in the world are not going to work unless these 15- and 16year-old kids know what these tough laws already are. I am growing tired of walking into a police lockup and having the kid ask me, ‘What am I looking at?’” Miller said. “I have to light the light bulb for him, so he knows he’s going to spend a good part of his adult life behind bars.” Chicago Police Superintendent The Chicago Crusader
Jody Weis and ATF Special Agent in charge of the Chicago office Thom Ahern said they are seeing an increase in the number of guns on the streets and more powerful automatic weapons are becoming more commonplace as well. Last month Weis said he is considering arming Chicago police with automatic weapons, as well as to match the firepower his officers are facing on the street. Last month a man was shot by officers after he tried to rob a South Side business with an AK-47 assault rifle. He fired at police who returned fire. But Weis’ plan didn’t go over well with those in attendance. They said the answer isn’t more high-powered weapons on the street, especially when many in the community don’t trust the police to begin with. “Turning the community into a police state is not going to solve the problem and will probably make it worse,” said former Chicago police officer Pat Hill, who worked for the department for over 20 years. “There is a difference between the ways in which the Black and white communities are policed in this city. And until we start going after the
people who are making these guns and profiting from them being sold illegally in the Black community, we are still going to have the same problems. Blacks don’t manufacture guns in this country, so who does and how are they getting into our children’s hands?” Weis acknowledged that his officers must do a better job of building a better relationship with the community. He said he has made officer misconduct a top priority of his administration. Just this week an officer was fired for having parking tickets he had written in his home that were never given to the motorists. Weis said the lack of trust, especially between Black residents and the police must get better if those communities are going to be served in a professional manner. “We absolutely need to have the cooperation, the trust, the confidence of our community to work with us so they’ll point us in the right direction,” Weis acknowledged. “I know there are things that have happened in the past year that have tarnished the confidence… but if you look at those incidents, it’s a handful of officers
who are doing that. I’m here to tell you today that the police officers are here to serve you. We truly, truly need your help.” Gun control legislation has been a major focus of Mayor Daley for years. He regularly criticizes state legislators for not passing tougher gun control laws. State Rep. Jacqueline Collins, who was in attendance at the meeting, said it’s not so much state lawmakers in urban areas who don’t want stricter gun control laws, but rather their rural colleagues in the state legislature. “For people in rural areas of this state they don’t see what the big issue is and they are very adamant about keeping their guns,” said Collins. “We need the cooperation of our rural colleagues if we are going to ever get any of these gun control bills passed.” Others say that even with stricter gun control laws it wouldn’t help especially with the current city ordinance that bans handgun ownership already on the books. Critics say those committing crimes with guns often aren’t using guns that were purchased legally to begin with. ATF Special Agent Ahern said his agency traces where Saturday, May 17, 2008
guns used in crimes come from. He acknowledged some come from other states, others are bought illegally, but there are many purchased right here in Illinois. “ATF traces annually approximately 15,000 guns that originated from the State of Illinois,” he said. “So that means that of those 15,000 guns that are recovered in crimes within the State of Illinois, they were purchased legally within the State of Illinois. Over 10,000 guns per year that are recovered in crimes in the city of Chicago were also purchased here in the State of Illinois.” Noted psychologist Dr. Carl Bell agreed with others though that gun control laws will do little to solve the problem. Dr. Bell said until you change the mindset of the people it won’t matter. He said hypothetically if there were no guns at all, people with violent impulses would only use other weapons such as knives, pipes and bats to harm others. “We have to start treating the individual’s mindset and focusing on how to get people to think clearly and rationally about how to solve their problems,” Bell said. 3
CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO EQUALLY REPUGNANT EVILS Recently, Rev. Al Sharpton and several hundred people marched through the streets of New York City, blocking traffic, in protest of the acquittal of the police officers responsible for the shooting death of the unarmed bridegroom, Sean Bell, on his wedding day. Many people are outraged by this senseless crime committed by those whose job is to protect and serve. In unrelated incidents in recent years, numerous people, most of them Black or Brown, have been killed by the police. The October 22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation, has been mobilizing people every year to demonstrate in opposition to this appalling situation. They have published a book, Stolen Lives, which documents over 2000 cases of killings by law enforcement in the 1990s alone. This fact that the police kill people, with many of them being innocent and unarmed, is inexcusable. Think about the case of the 90 plus year old woman in Atlanta, who was killed by the police when they stormed her home. During the past week, the killing of citizens by the police has been repeatedly discussed on radio talk shows. But an interesting thing has been happening – a number of callers are starting to point out the double standard of focusing on police brutality without equally generated outrage about Black on Black crime and the increasing numbers of people being killed in the Black community. Several times, program hosts have responded with the notion that the police should be held to a higher standard because it is their job to protect lives and not take them. Is this true? Should law enforcement be held to a higher standard than members of our own community who kill people in the community? This is certainly a topic for debate…but whatever the outcomes, both sides must admit that the wholesale murder of Black people by the police or by other Blacks is patently unacceptable! Because of these senseless killings, the Black community is finding itself sandwiched between two equally abhorrent evils. It’s like literally being found between a rock and a hard place. What is becoming apparent is that Black life is not as valued by people as other lives. If this were not the case, the victims (Blacks) would not pick up guns and willingly kill Blacks. This is psychic judo, using ones own energies against oneself, and most likely one of the residuals of self-hatred generated by years of oppression. What will it take to stop this murderous development? Will it ever end? The fact of the matter is that it will take the will of the entire community to offset this demonic trend. It will take the collective realization that Black life is valuable and that it is not acceptable to give a pass to members of the Black community who violate the sacredness of Black life. And regarding the police – citizens have the right to protest the injustices visited upon them by those who are supposed to protect the community. And we must do this with the same vigor with which we oppose Black on Black violence. A luta continua… 4
Saturday, May 17, 2008
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Kids deserve a safe haven Dear Editor: Chicago Children’s Museum has filed an application to amend Planned Development #667 and relocate to the site of the existing Daley Bicentennial building and adjoining plaza in Grant Park. The children of Chicago deserve a haven for safe play and learning, and they belong at the center of the City. Our proposal reflects community input and legal precedent by integrating the museum and accompanying new Park District field house into the park, preserving views from inside and outside the park. The design respects the setting by featuring a belowgrade museum and field house with a green roof at street level supplemented by new landscaping. There will be no loss of green space. The successful marriage of a children’s museum and the city’s greatest park would fulfill Daniel Burnham and A. Montgomery Ward’s vision for a park system and lakefront that are accessible for all of Chicago families to enjoy.
Chicago Children’s Museum President Jennifer Farrington
SHAME OF AMERICA Dear Editor: At a time when millions of people are sick and dying because they can’t get medical care. Millions are loosing their homes due to foreclosure because people can’t pay their bills. Millions loosing their jobs due to lay offs and with all the other things that are happening in this great country it is a shame that we would stop discussing these issues and start discussing something else. What is happening with Rev. Jeremiah Wright I don’t believe it has anything to do with the Black church. Somebody is trying to derail Barack Obama from becoming President. I don’t believe America has another person who will be as fair to all citizens regardless of race, creed or color as Barack Obama will be. I was with Obama when he became Senator. I would like to be with him as President.
23rd Annual Hunger Walk Dear Editor: I’m writing to let our neighbors know about an upcoming event (Continued on page 6)
VOL. LXVIII NO. 3 MAY 17, 2008
Webb Evans, President
The Chicago Crusader
I Said Yes! They Said No! By Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist When Senator Evan Bayh (DIndiana) was elected governor of Indiana in 1988, a strange thing happened that would change my life forever. My wife, Kay, had worked on his campaign and was given a reward of a few managerial jobs to hand out to her friends. One of the positions was deputy
Harry C. Alford
commissioner for Minority Business Development. She and our neighbor, who was the new director of Personnel, convinced me to take the position. While she took the job of director of Mar-
keting for the Hoosier Lottery, I went across the street and started to study the history and mission of my new position. I was just fascinated. The accomplishments of the office were practically nil. Never had there been more than 2 percent (allegedly) minority participation in procurement at the State and Governor Bayh made a campaign pledge of 5 percent by the end of his term. In my introductory meeting with him he stated that the 5 percent must be met at the end of 4 years. I told him it will be surpassed long before that. He and his assistants chuckled. They didn’t know what I knew. It can be done anywhere and at anytime. All you need is true commitment. I asked for and received a letter of introduction from the Governor that would be given to every cabinet officer and procurement agent. This would be my passport for success. There are four types of procurements: 1. Products and General Services. 2. Construction. 3. Requests for Proposals and 4. Professional Services. Thus, my strategy was a four-pronged approach. Every April, the State would print a list of all professional ser-
vices. The list would have the type of service, where located or performed, dollar amount and date of expiration. I dissected it and set my goals. I would take all the doctor contracts and brief the Black doctors around the state. I would do the same for CPA’s, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, property appraisers, realtors, lawyers, etc. Pretty soon we would have Black representation at all levels. The only prequalification would be a state license for the discipline and they all had that. There was no competition as these contracts were just handed out – usually to political cronies. I got Black Democrats and Black Republicans into the action. Whenever there was a protest I would show the Governor’s letter and it would repel any adversaries. The Black newspapers were most impressed as they now carried all procurement ads for the State – the first time ever! For Products and General Services, I reviewed all the specifications and corrected ones that slanted some categories to specific interests. An example is requiring a five gallon container to be a certain configuration. That configuration was under a patent for
Johnson Wax. We changed the specification to “a 5 gallon container of any configuration.” On the very next bid, Johnson Wax lost to a minority vendor. And so it went. I developed a team of 80 minority vendors who would meet once a month in my office and we would review all the bids coming up in the next thirty days. We showed them how to research the history of the bid as it was all public record and the files were down the hall from me. These 80 vendors started winning 33% of everything they would bid on. For Requests for Proposals I inserted language that minority representation was a gradable item. A minimum of 5 percent subcontracting or teaming was required as a component of the States compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This was another smooth transition. Construction was the toughest. The top of the food chain in this industry is Construction Management and/or Program Management which is a Professional Service. I wrote an edit to all CM’s and PM’s that minority contracting was a firm requirement and any CM or PM failing to ensure that would be banned
from any more state contracts. They tested me. My example was quite timely. We caught the largest contractor in the state, Huber, Hunt and Nichols lying on minority participation reports. I crafted a hefty formal complaint and they were formally banned from all state projects for 5 years. It shook the construction industry immensely and got their archaic minds corrected. In sum, when I took the job the State was at actually 0.5 percent minority participation. Through the above it attained 6 percent within my first 18 months. I crafted a press release and announced it to the Governor’s people with clear documentation. They went nuts! Tore up the press release and ordered me to be silent. To be silent and stop working progressively. They didn’t want their white constituents to find out that they did the “right thing” for minority business. That’s when I knew I had to break away and keep this going. Forming a Black Chamber of Commerce would be the answer.
Alford is the co-founder, Presid e n t / C E O o f t h e N a t io n a l B lack Chamber of Co mmerce. Website:
Let Us Champion 'STEM' Education By U. S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson NNPA Special Commentary In my work as a Member of Congress, I have long prioritized leveling the educational playing field for minority students. And as a member of the House Committee on Science and Technology, I have dedicated more than 15 years toward shaping science policy that is inclusive to all. I have grown increasingly troubled over the years about the inadequate education that many African-American, Hispanic and American Indian students receive in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and about the resulting underrepresentation of minorities in STEM careers. Skin color and socioeconomic status should not determine career choice, and we have been working hard in Congress to expand opportunity to all young people, in all parts of the country. A crucial element of expanding opportunity is ensuring that all of our schools employ highlytrained teachers and have up-todate equipment and materials. Recently, Congress passed, and
The Chicago Crusader
U. S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson President Bush signed, the America COMPETES Act. This legislation authorized more than $33 billion over fiscal years 2008 through 2010 for science and technology research and education programs. It will help to prepare thousands of new math and science teachers, and it will strengthen partnerships between
industry, universities and high schools to improve high school science laboratories. The America COMPETES Act provides much-needed support to our schools, particularly to schools in underserved areas. For example, the America COMPETES Act expanded the Math and Science Partnership
(MSP) program at the National Science Foundation (NSF). The MSP program funds partnerships between local K-12 school systems, higher education institutions and supporting partners, such as business, museums, community organizations and state education agencies. Through the MSP program, students receive better math and science education and become better prepared for tomorrow’s workforce through partnerships that are locally-based and well-tailored to meet the needs of specific communities. Particularly important is the fact that the MSP program reaches students when they are young—we know that it is crucial to interest kids in math and science early in their education. The America COMPETES Act also expanded the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, another NSF program that provides funding to higher education institutions for scholarships, stipends and programs designed to encourage students majoring in STEM fields to commit to teaching in high-need K-12 school districts. Finally, the Partnerships for Access to Laboratory Sciences (PALS) provision of the America
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COMPETES Act created a grant program that enables schools to purchase or rent necessary scientific equipment and materials, maintain or improve school laboratory facilities and train teachers in new techniques and hands-on learning experiences. It is a matter not just of our international standing in the world, but of national security, that we maintain adequate funding for science and technology education. The United States is slipping in STEM competitiveness worldwide, and we must redouble our efforts to champion STEM education to strengthen our economy and safeguard our country. Ushering minority students into STEM careers benefits not just the students; it benefits our nation as a whole. Townview High School, which is located in my district in Dallas, is the top high school in the nation because the local high-tech industry has invested in it. It is producing tomorrow’s leaders, and I am proud of the hard work that Townview’s students and teachers do. However, I believe that all students in America deserve to go to a school of this caliber, and I will continue to work tirelessly to achieve this goal 5
Worrill’s World
Critical Commentary
By Dr. Conrad W. Worrill
By Maurice A. Clayton
MALCOLM X’S 83rd BIRTHDAY (Dr. Co nrad Worrill is the National Chairman of the Nat i o n a l B l a c k U n i t e d F r o nt ( N B U F ) l o c a t e d a t 1 8 0 9 E a st 71st Str eet, Chicago, Illinois, 6 0 6 4 9 , 7 7 3 - 4 9 3 - 0 9 0 0 , Fa x # 773-493-9819, E-mail : nbufchic@sbcglo, Web site: The celebration of African Liberation Day (ALD) in the United States began in May 1972 in Washington, D.C. More than 60,000 people participated in this historic event. Since the untimely assassination of Malcolm in 1965, movement forces throughout the world have consistently commemorated his birthday. Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska.
Dr. Conrad Worrill It was on February 21, 1965 that Malcolm X was assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, New York by forces that were trying to stop his impact on our movement. They were not successful. He will forever remain our “Shining Black Prince.” Malcolm X is a man that should be studied carefully in our efforts to examine a critical period in our history— the 1960s. For, it was during this period that Malcolm X became an internationally known and respected African in America leader, whose ideas were widely discussed and debated. It was through the Nation of Islam, under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that Malcolm X was given an opportunity to develop his tremendous talents as a teacher, researcher, orator, and organizer. Malcolm X joined the Nation of Islam while in prison in 1952. Af6
ter his release in the mid 1950s, Malcolm X became a full–time minister for the Nation of Islam that became one of the most important organizations in the history of African in America people. From his main base in Harlem, at Mosque Number 7, he launched his talents on the world. Malcolm X was a revolutionary who presented a model of Black manhood that shook the world. When Malcolm X finally left the Nation of Islam, because of internal differences, he decided to take his first trip to Mother Africa. Malcolm spent five weeks in Africa, from April 13th to May 21st, 1964. This trip helped reestablish our links with the movement to reclaim “Africa for the Africans.” Malcolm met many of the leaders and people of Africa. He visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Nigeria, Ghana, Monrovia, Liberia, Senegal, Tanzania, Guinea, Morocco, and Algeria. This trip and subsequent trips abroad helped Malcolm sharpen his understanding of the worldwide system of white supremacy as the number one enemy of African people throughout the world. This has not changed. After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm began to broaden his organizing strategies by attempting to reach out and work with many of the more established civil rights organizations and movement tendencies to a common organizational vehicle. Malcolm began building this vehicle through his establishment of the Organization for Afro–American Unity (OAAU). Malcolm felt that a United Front was the necessary mechanism by which the political consciousness of African people in America could be raised. Also, he felt that this United Front would be the common voice we needed to represent the Black Liberation movement in this country. Many of us are still working to build this United Front concept of organizing toward our liberation in America. In the spirit of Malcolm, let us summarize his contributions: 1. Malcolm X was a concrete example that if you discipline yourself and find a new outlook on life you can transform your behavior. 2. From 1952 - 1963, Malcolm X helped the Honorable Elijah Muhammad build the Nation of
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Islam into a powerful force. 3. During this same period, Malcolm became the spokesman for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, and thus, became a spokesman for the Black Nationalist Movement in one of the most important periods in our history— the period of the mid 1950s through the 1960s. 4. In this role, Malcolm articulated many important concepts and ideas that helped strengthen the Black Nationalist Movement in this country, as well as, the Civil Rights Movement. His speech, “The Ballot or the Bullet,” still rings in our ears. His conception of the role of “House Negroes” vs. “Field Negroes” is still with us today. And his coining the phrase, “By Any Means Necessary” are just a few of the ideas and concepts that concretely impacted the Black movement. 5. Malcolm X defined Black Nationalism in simple terminology that appealed to the Black masses when he said, “the political philosophy of Black nationalism is that Blacks should control the politics and politicians in our own community... The economic philosophy of Black Nationalism must be designed to re–educate our community to the importance of controlling the economy in which we live by owning and operating the businesses. The social philosophy of Black nationalism is we must become socially mature enough to realize the responsibility on us to elevate the conditions and standards of our community to a higher level.” 6. Malcolm X linked the Black struggle in this country with the struggle of African people around the world. 7. Malcolm helped shape Black peoples pride in themselves and by so doing, he exposed, by teaching, that the greatest crime of white people was they taught us to hate ourselves. It was Malcolm’s spirit that generated the Black Pride, Black Studies, and Black Power phases of our movement. So, on the one hand, Malcolm helped internationalize our struggle and on the other hand, he linked it up to the mass struggle and issues that faced our people in America. By taking this approach, Malcolm was able to provide a basis for the continued historical efforts to build worldwide African unity.
When all of you get the notices about your share of the $180,000,000,000 rebate promised by the President George W. Bush, commonly known as the “stimulus” rebate that will stimulate the failing economy don’t be shocked that even after you read the program you may find things noted differently from what you expected to receive from the “stimulus program.” The different schemes that have been sent out by the IRS and other government offices who apparently have been given some part of the information of what to expect to get may be what you find. According to the computations, I am to get between $900 to $1600 dollars, considering that I have two kids (dependants). I don’t know what financial situation that should be able to figure one out of or what you should expect to get from the Bush stimulus package as it applies to you. But, look out for a DVD called “loose change” this will give you an insight of who this is really about. Oh! By the way, they have changed the date of your expected part of the funds being doled out for you. Recently, the information sent to me stated that if we don’t get the check when expected, then expect it within a few months. I paid my ’07 income tax by “H&R Block” where I spent another $300+. This meant that I would be part of the people who had expected to get their monies first because I have a low number on my SS on the end. When you think about it, he
didn’t have to give back the monies we spent in 2007’s income tax payments. Nevertheless it has been expected of his word. I am sure each of you will be among the ones who will be, like me, won’t get theirs as expected. I couldn’t stand by and let you, the little people, who are looking
Maurice A. Clayton desperately for those monies expected guess about this “opportunity.” Albeit that it will be the little people that will get that time factor shaft, when in fact they need it A.S.A.P. I expect that the monies won’t get there until 2009. I can’t imagine that people of color won’t be in the front of any line except in an unemployment line, for the lack of monies badly needed in 2008. Oh yeah, they made it understood that the “stimulus” package monies will not be applied to your 2008 tax debt. I would start now looking into this “stimulus” package. God save America via way of Obama in the White House.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Continued from page 4) that will help the hungry in our community. The Hunger Walk brings pantries, soup kitchens and shelters together to raise money for our cause while we show our support by walking 2.5 miles along the lakefront at Montrose Harbor. For many of us, the money raised at the walk ensures that our shelves are stocked with nutritious food along with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Chicago’s food bank, rely on volunteers and the local support of the community to keep our programs running. Without organizations like Operation Blessing, people in need would not have a safety net to turn to when times are tough.
We know first hand that hunger is a serious issue. According to the Food Depository, almost 90,000 people every week in Cook County turn to member food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters for help. I hope we can count on the support of area residents as we walk against hunger June 14, 2008. The Hunger walk is a fun event for the whole family. If you’re interested in joining our group of walkers or making a donation, please call 708 597 6326. Every dollar will help us put food on the table for families in our community. Sincerely, Roy Hanson Operation Blessing The Chicago Crusader
By Ima Gontellit D iscla imer: The fo llo wing co lumn is a gossip column. We ask t h a t i t e m s c o n ta i n e d h e r e i n b e judged by individuals that read it as such and not as documente d f a c t s g a t h e r e d b y th e n e w s gathering personnel of this publicatio n. All sourc es submitting i t e m s t o T H E C H A T T ER B O X are confidential.
ITS OVER NOW Someone tell Minyon Moore, Rev. Barrow’s ex-secretary and super Clinton supporter, to call her girl Hillary and let her know that everybody in the world knows she won’t get that Democratic nomination to save her pants’ suit-wearing life. Ima hears the reason Billary won’t bow out is because they promised a whole bunch of folk a whole bunch of money once they got in the White House, which caused those folk to donate to her failed campaign—and now that it appears neither will go back to Pennsylvania Avenue, they are trying to figure out how to pay these folk back. The sad part is Clintonites will surely suffer in a pro-Obama climate—particularly the Negroes who stood tall and firm in support of them despite Obama’s surging popularity. Wonder what Janette Wilson and James Demus’ are thinking now. Bet they done called up Obama’s people and played like they ‘always knew’ the child was gone to get the bid—but they were just being ‘loyal house Negroes’ like they’ve always been. Too late— the Jewish surrounded Barack ain’t letting no professional political Negroes no where near him. -ImaWHY NOW? That’s the question a group of people from the South Side keep asking people about Rev. Al Sampson, who announced 40 years later he was going to finish the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by starting a Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) chapter in Chicago. These women have run up in meetings and told folk they will do whatever it takes to make sure Sampson fails because they believe he’s “pimped King’s legacy” enough. One gold turban wearing woman should be ashamed of herself because Ima hears Sampson once bailed her son out of jail and he also regularly gives her bus fare. But Ima is very puzzled as to the timing of the launch and why it took so long for a man who claims to have been ordained by The Chicago Crusader
the civil rights icon to step up to the plate in his sacred name? Is he doing an Al Sharpton? Only time will tell.
-not to mention what a half-human, half camel baby might look like. Dammmmmm! -Ima-
-ImaPROTEST CENTRAL SEVERE HALITOSIS A certain community activist needs to brush his teeth and gargle with mouthwash every five seconds, according to some people who’ve been up in his face. The pudgy big mouth is said to have breath that smells like a combination of horse mess, uncleaned chitlins and greens that been left out of the refrigerator for two weeks. At least his suits are clean.
Look for professional protestor Al Sharpton to save up all his energy to protest Barack Obama once he becomes the 41st president of the United States. The portly, permed preacher has told insiders he is pissed off at being snubbed by Barack’s people who
told the Illinois senator to keep the civil rights leader at arms distance. Sharpton is too Black, too loud, and too big to fit in any presidential motorcade, they told him—and since he believes in Tiger Woodism, he obliged. Sharpton may have the last laugh, because that brother can make a whole lot of noise and Obama’s people won’t be able to contain him. Remember Black folks think 10 times before taking on a white enemy—-so in Barack, they won’t hesitate to ‘shut him down’ the minute they feel slight-
ed. The good news is, the FBI will get a new director and maybe—-just maybe—-Sharpton’s finances will be left alone, and at best, he won’t be asked to snitch on other Black (drug dealers or not) anymore. -ImaBE LIKE MIKE Divorce your Black wife and give her half of your money and get an ugly white woman to give the rest too.
-ImaJEREMIAH IS GOODBYE-A Look for folk close to disgraced preacher Jeremiah Wright to suggest that he needs to go somewhere and sit down and shut up for good—now that white folk have almost forgotten he went bezerk on their white racist attitudes and history at the National Press Club. It ought to be interesting once he moves in that giant house in the middle of Y-T town in Tinley Park—-given those flag-waving crackers don’t take too kindly to Black militants living in their midst—unless of course their married to a white woman like Bobby Seale.
PAYING TRIBUTE TO the men and women who have dedicated their lives caring for those who are ill, President Todd H. Stroger paid tribute to Cook County’s “Florence Nightingales” in recognition of National Nurses Week and in honor of Florence Nightingale’s birthday. “I would like to acknowledge the Florence Nightingales throughout the County system,” said Stroger referring to Florence Nightingale who was the founder of modern nursing. Mrs. Delores Westbrook is seated to the left of the President. She is retiring after 25-years of working at Stroger Hospital. First Row: (Left to Right) Laquania Odom, Kathy Rowell, Michelle Coleman, Mercy Cocciagua, Stefie Abraham, Sadie Lewis, Maria Granado, Herlina Louisma, Mary Villas, Eugenia Sta Maria, Margaret Terrell. Second Row: (Left to right) Delores Whitten, Geraldine Holt, Donna Bowen, Gwenetta Shore, Marie Stephens, Angela Mosely, Angie Campos, Renee Branch, Judy Saunders, Patricia Spells. Third Row: Sterissa Terry, Giselda Rosell.
Stroll Str oll instead of sprint.
NO TRUTH Ima hears there’s absolutely no truth to the rumor circulating that a prominent Black leader who is no longer breathing God’s air lived a double-life similar to R&B singer R. Kelly. They say the person that put that out is somewhat ‘off ’ and ‘has issues of they own in a similar manner’ and ‘may have just flipped out’ in the final days. This is good to hear, because if that ever saw the light of day, a whole lot of lives could be in jeopardy.
Introducing Intr oducing Bus Tracker Tracker On May 19, eighteen bus rroutes outes will be added to Bus Tracker, Tracker, making a total of thirty-two thirty-two CTA CTA bus routes routes available. Check the location and estimated arrival times of your bus via computer or web-enabled mobile device.
-Ima#9 Ashland Express #X9 Ashland Express Washington/ #X20 Washington/ Express Madison Express Cermak #21 Cermak Wallace/Racine #44 Wallace/Racine #47 47th #48 South Damen #50 Damen #51 51st
THAT’S NASTY Don’t know if what I hear is true, but them chillens round here say that girl Beyonce done got herself knocked up by a camel. Now Ima ain’t heard nothing ‘bout her being in the Sahara Desert or nothing so Ima don’t rightly know what to make of it all. How does a camel procreate with a woman? That’s just ugly—
#52A South Kedzie #53A South Pulaski #55 Garfield Express #X55 Garfield Express #59 59th/61st #60 Blue Island/26th 63rd #63 63rd #67 67th/69th/71st #75 74th/75th
Visit ctabustracker Visit .com or call 1-888-YOUR-CTA 1-888-YOUR-CTA (TTY (TTY:: 1-888-CTA-TTY1) 1-888-CTA-TTY1) more information for mor e infor mation and a complete list of rroutes. outes.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR THE EMPLOYED: Florida A&M University Alumni Association Chicago Chapter presents... E n t r e p r e n e u r s h ip f o r t h e Em ployed: Tips and Strategies for Building Multiple Str eams of Income on Saturday, May 17, from 11 am – 1 pm at the Washington Park Field House, 55th and King Drive in Chicago. For more information go to or call 630-598-7327. 5t h ANNUAL CHICAG O W A L K N OW F O R A U T I S M ON MAY 18: Thousands of walkers – including individuals with autism, their families and friends – are expected to join together to raise much-needed funds for critical scientific research and to increase awareness about a growing health crisis that now affects 1 in every 150 children at Autism Speaks’ 5th Annual Chicago Walk Now for Autism on Sunday, May 18, at Soldier Field. All proceeds from the event benefit Autism Speaks, the nation’s leading autism advocacy organization. Walk Now for Autism is a unique fundraising event which creates a safe and fun day for families who are affected with autism. The day includes a 2 to 3 mile walk and Community Resource fair with educational sources, therapists, schools, recreational organizations, and creative child-friendly activities; a true “one-stop-shop” for families affected by autism. For more information, contact Susan Tybon, 312-832-1900 (office)/ 847-5293387 (cell) or Martta Rose, Rubenstein Associates, Inc., 212-843-8020; FREE CHICAG O ARCHITECTURE FOUNDATION TOURS: On Saturday and Sunday, May 17-18, see G reat Chicago Places and Spaces. Enjoy two days of free admission to all Architecture Foundation core tours. No advanced reservations; first come first served. Chicago Architecture Foundation is located at 224 South Michigan Avenue in Chicago, IL. For more information, please contact: Susan Ross at 312-922-3432 x254, or at HYDE PARK ART CENTER EVENTS: The Hyde Park Art Center offers an Art & Architecture Tour as part of the City of Chicago’s Great Chicago Places & Spaces Program, on Sunday, May 18 at 2:30 pm. Tour the award-winning building and discover its unique features. The event is Free. Also, the Hyde Park Art Center hosts series A on Tuesday, May 20, 7 pm – 8 pm. 8
This reading series brings exciting writers to the Center to share their work and is curated by William Allegrezza. This month features writer Sarah Rosenthal. This event is also Free. The Hyde Park Art Center is located at 5020 S. Cornell in Chicago. For further information, call 773-324-5520 or visit
GET INSPIRED B Y NATURE, DURING THE BOOK TOUR: Meet authors of Inspired By Nature: the Garfield Park Conservatory and Chicago’s West Side Julia S. Bachrach and Jo Ann Nathan. Bachrach and Nathan will shed some light on their creative journey in discovering Chicago’s West Side and one of the nation’s most stunning and intriguing botanical havens, the Garfield Park Conservatory at numerous events scheduled through May 2008. On Wednesday, May 21, noon, at the Chicago Architecture Foundation, 224 South Michigan Avenue in the Santa Fe Building, Jo Ann Nathan will discuss “Landscape Art Under Glass,” the Garfield Park Conservatory, at a lunch-time lecture. Inspired by Nature was created as a tribute to the Garfield Park Conservatory’s centennial birthday celebration and tells the story of how nature, horticulture, and urban design shaped the Garfield Park Conservatory and Chicago’s West Side. With a foreword by acclaimed author Alex Kotlowitz, this new book is now available in bookstores, as well as online at INDI AN AND INDONESI AN DANCE AT HAROLD WASHING TON LIB RARY CENTER: “Parampara” (Tradition), will be featured on Thursday, May 22 at 12:15 pm in the Cindy Pritzker Auditorium at the Harold Washington Library Center, 400 S. State Street in Chicago. Pranita Jain of Kalapriya Dance and I Gusti Nurah Kertayda of Indonesian Performing Arts Chicago will present a free program. The event will feature descriptions of the dance styles and the work of the masters Jain and Kertayda along with a presentation by their students. For more information visit or call 312-747- 4050. BUTTERFLIES! OPENS AT BROOKFIELD ZOO: Guests of all ages will be fluttering with excitement this summer at Brookfield Zoo’s Butterflies! exhibit. Opening May 24 and running through mid-September (weather permitting), the exhibit is filled with brilliantly-colored butterflies, surrounding guests with nearly every color of the rainbow.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Open daily during regular zoo hours, the screened-in exhibit gives zoogoers the chance to get up-close views of nearly 25 species of butterflies native to North America, including longwings, swallowtails, sulphurs, question marks, painted ladies, Julias, southern whites, and many more. Zoo staff and
volunteers are on hand to answer questions, and they may even have a caterpillar or moth cocoon for guests to view. The price of admission to Butterflies! is $3 for adults and $2 for children and seniors 65 and older. The mission of the Chicago Zoological Society, which manages Brookfield Zoo, is to inspire conservation
leadership by connecting people with wildlife and nature. Open every day of the year, the zoo is located off First Avenue between the Stevenson (I-55) and Eisenhower (I-290) expressways and is also accessible via the Tri-State Tollway (I-294), Metra commuter line, CTA, and PACE bus service.
COOK COUNTY TREASURER Maria Pappas invited a group of Senegalese heritage to her office in downtown Chicago to commemorate Senegal Independence Day. Pappas (third from right) presents letter honoring the day to Sokhna Tiam (center), owner of African Connection i n May wood. A t lef t ar e Mam ad ou Che rif Diop and Mouma r Guey e Pr inc e. To ri ght of Pappas are Thiam Mbar Codou and Chekh Diey e.
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*** A standard policy will often include contents property damage, farm products and equipment and some liability coverage. *** Special endorsement can be used to cover mobile agricultural equipment, livestock, even livestock on winter range. *** But special agricultural needs get special kinds of coverage: hail or multiperil insurance on growing crops, indemnity for livestock mortality and more specific poul-
The Chicago Crusader
BUSINESS Little Gym of Evergreen Park offers big dreams for toddlers and adolescents By J. Coyden Palmer The opening of a new franchise business in suburban Evergreen Park provides a safe fitness program in a learning environment that is fun for kids and their parents alike. The Little Gym of Evergreen Park opened its doors in February and after only a few months the word is starting to get around. Gym Director Darius Parker and his wife Michelene run the business, which is a noncompetitive gymnastics program that teaches the sport to toddlers from as young as 10 months to adolescents as old as 12. Their approach is to use the teaching of gymnastic skills to build confidence, working on the student emotionally, conceptually and physically. The Parkers got involved in the business in part because of their
designed to promote the development of motor skills, in addition to the psychological and cognitive development. In addition to gymnastics, parents can enroll their children in dance, cheerleading or karate. Parker said he and his wife get a lot of joy from watching the students develop over a relatively short period of time. For the younger students, they begin by doing many of the routines along with their parents’ assistance, but it doesn’t take long before the student is performing many of the skills on their own. “One of the funniest things I’ve seen thus far has been one of our 2-year-old students shooing his mother away because he wanted to perform the skill without her help,” he said. “When he first got here he was really shy like most of the kids but after only a few
A M OT H E R H E L P S h e r d a u g h t e r w a l k a c r o s s t h e b a l a n c e beam at the Little Gym of Evergreen Park recently. daughter. They were looking to lessons, he had gained the confistart a family-atmosphere type dence in himself to perform a forbusiness a few years ago and their ward roll without any help. The daughter was invited to a birth- kids learn at their own pace with day party that was being held at just some encouragement from one of the North Side franchises. the staff.” Michelene said they redirect the Upon seeing how much fun their daughter had during the gym child’s focus along with the parportion of the party, they decided ents from the more stringent acato look into becoming part of the demic discipline at school, to one less rigid that allows the child to be franchise. “We said we wanted to start a who they are. They also incorpolegacy and figured investing in rate a lot of music and singing into children would be great, especial- their teaching model because it ly since so many children today helps children remember. She suffer from a lack of confidence,” added that by allowing the parents he said. “This is a warm, nurtur- to participate with the child, it also ing environment where child can makes the bond between parents and their children stronger. learn but also still be a kid.” “Basically with the smaller ones The facility, located at 2851 W. 95th St. across from Little Com- in the parent/child classes, we are pany of Mary Hospital, celebrat- teaching the parents for the most ed last month with a ribbon-cut- part how to properly spot their ting ceremony that was attended child so they can perform the by Evergreen Park mayor James skill,” said Darius Parker. “You Sexton, along with dozens of peo- can’t expect a 10-month-old how ple in the community. The vari- to do a forward roll on their own, eties of programs offered are all but the more the parents do the The Chicago Crusader
A MOTHER HELPS her son navigate a block bridge recently at the Little Gym of Evergreen Park. more the child will do. We also becoming a full member. get up on the high bar and pull encourage them to let the child Darius Parker has been tum- up their own body weight,” Parkexplore the facility while they’re bling and doing flips since he was er said. “They are going to have here. We want our parents to 2. An athlete in high school, play- to compete in life, and while we demonstrate, participate and ing football and baseball at Lind- are not a competitive program, we’ll see children develop faster.” blom Technical, he knows the we want to prepare them for the The Evergreen Park location is importance of getting kids in- times they will have to compete the seventh local location, but the volved in physical activity. For in life. only one serving the South Side two years in a row, Entrepreneur “Gymnastics you’re not only and southern suburbs. Inside you Magazine has ranked The Little working your body, you’re also will find ample space in the gym- Gym #1 in children’s fitness. working your mind because you nastics area for kids to practice With many of the recent studies have to get over the mental hurand learn their skills, in addition suggesting how out of shape dle of the many physical chalto an area reserved for birthday American kids are, in addition to lenges that come with gymnasparties. Like the Parker’s discov- an increase in diseases like high- tics. We don’t promise weight loss ered, many kids are attracted to blood pressure and diabetes in because there are a lot of other
A CHILD PERFORMS a routine on the uneven bars with some encouragement from a classmate. the business after attending a youth, Parker said gymnastics factors involved with that, but we friend’s party at the establish- and the other programs offered, do believe gymnastics in general along with proper eating habits will promote a healthy lifestyle.” ment. If you’re interested in taking a Classes are given over a 20-week can help end that trend. “For grade school kids they are free trial class at the Little Gym of period. Parents can enroll their children at any time during the working on basic tumbling and Evergreen Park, you can visit semester and the cost will be pro- we’re looking to build their up- their website at www.tlgevergreenrated accordingly. There is cur- per-body strength and flexibility or give them a call at rently a free trial offer taking in their wrists so they can do (708) 576-8675. They are open place so parents and their chil- pullovers by themselves. We want seven days a week and offer dren can see if they like it before them to have the confidence to morning and evening classes.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Family Self-Sufficiency Grads Receive Diplomas, Share $205,117 Worth of Escrow Annual income of April 2008 class almost doubles in five years When Doretha Harding started Family Self Sufficiency, the fiveyear program for families renting with a federal Housing Choice Voucher, one of her goals was to become proficient in computer networking. Five years later, she is not only an IT technician – she is an IT instructor who also coordinates a program educating others about computer usage and repair. Harding was one of 26 people who completed the class and received their FSS diploma on Thursday, April 25, 2008, at the Charles Hayes Center. The graduates split $205,117 worth of escrow. The class’ annual combined income has nearly doubled over the past five years - from $15,573 up-
on initiation to $29,838 upon graduation. Thirteen of the graduates are new homeowners. “FSS makes you focus on what you want, and gives you the time it takes to achieve it,” said Harding, known for her inspiration and encouragement. With team mentors, advisors and advocates at its disposal, the FSS program is designed to help voucher participants gain economic self sufficiency – to obtain good jobs and build assets so that they can purchase a home and eliminate the need for public assistance. Their savings are placed into an account that is used for down payments on homes and similar ventures upon the program’s conclusion. The end goal is to do like
Belen Celedon FSS grad Edward Elkins CHA CEO Lewis A. Jordan, CHAC ED Bill Riley
C H A C E D B i l l R il e y, F S S g r a d R e n i t a B r o w n , C H A C E O Lewis A. Jordan
Belen Celedon, FSS grad Maria Schmidt, CHA CEO Lewis A. Jordan, CHAC ED Bill Riley 10
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Doretha - who no longer needs voucher assistance. “I have a happy and sad feeling,” she said after the graduation ceremony. “I’m happy that I’ve achieved my goals; I’m sad that I won’t have FSS anymore.” Since it began in 1996, FSS has dispersed $4,861,525 to 526 voucher participants (an average of $9,242 per graduate) – helping to produce 83 new homeowners. The average income for participants entering the program is $8,171; the average income for participants upon their exit from the program is $23,776. Lewis A. Jordan, CEO of the CHA, said the FSS program is another fine example of residents taking advantage of the tools available to them courtesy of the Plan for Transformation. “I applaud the April 2008 FSS class for its determination,” Jordan said. “These dedicated, focused residents have taken action to improve their lives, and they have not only succeeded – they are on the brink of extraordinary accomplishments. They are role models for their families, their friends, and their neighbors. And they serve as an inspiration to us all.” During the graduation ceremonies, residents were presented with a certificate commemorating their achievements. “All of the April graduates are to be commended for their achievements,” says William T. Riley, Executive Director of CHAC. “They worked hard and obtained some very impressive goals. Thirteen of the graduates purchased homes and three of the graduates are over income—that is, their income has increased so much that they no longer need voucher program assistance. They have truly reached financial self-sufficiency.” About the Chicago Housing Authority The CHA was created by state legislation in 1937 to create and expand affordable housing opportunities for low income families and seniors. Today, through federal and other resources, the CHA assists approximately 35,000 families who participate in the Housing Choice Voucher program in private units owned by private landlords. In addition, the CHA owns an additional 15,000 units for families in scattered site, traditional public housing or mixed income developments and 9,500 units of housing for senior citizens in 56 senior developments across the city.
Atinuke Ezimko, Bill Riley, FSS grad Doretha Ha rding a nd CHA CEO Lewis A. Jordan.
Belen Celedon, CHA CEO Lewis A. Jordan, FSS grad Nicole Chapman, CHAC ED Bill Riley
CHAC ED Bill Riley FSS grad Anita Chester, HA CEO Lewis A. Jordan About the Plan for Transformation In 1999, the City of Chicago began a multi-billion dollar, 15year initiative to renovate or replace the CHA’s entire portfolio of 25,000 public housing units throughout the city. Currently, 64.7 percent of the units have been completed, including the
comprehensive renovation of all the senior developments and all the scattered site units. Eighty percent of the portfolio is scheduled to be complete by 2009. The Plan is a collaboration between the CHA, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the City of Chicago and its many agencies, area businesses and non-profit organizations. The Chicago Crusader
Y-Me Mother’s Day Race to Empower finds a passionate partnership with OKI Printing Solutions and CDW helping survivors celebrate life with the “Twin Sister”
OKI Printing Solutions in partnership with CDW were the official sponsors for the Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization’s Race to Empower in Chicago’s Grant Park on Mother’s Day, May 11, 2008. On behalf of the Color Me OKI philanthropic program, they provided the “Twin Sister,” a 53 year-old Pink Cadillac Fleetwood, as the official pace car for the walk/run. The vehicle is an exact replica of the 1955 Pink Cadillac that Elvis gave to his mother and represents the rebuilding process women must go through when restoring their mind, body and souls after battling breast cancer. In addition to leading the race, the “Twin Sister” was also stationed at the Color Me OKI booth with a Tribute Artist entertaining the crowd while photos were provided for free on site along with keepsake frames to mark the moment. Y-ME is celebrating its 30th an-
ers, a perfect environment to champion those battling breast cancer, commemorate the lives of those who were taken and raise awareness of a disease. Race kicked off at the corner of Columbus Dr. and Balbo Dr. and the day continued with festivities held in Grant Park. The Color Me OKI philanthropic program was launched in April of 2007 after the employees voted to adopt breast cancer as the company’s leading philanthropic cause. The backbone of the program was the “Twin Sister,” a Pink Cadillac Fleetwood that was personally restored by the company’s CEO, Stewart Krentzman and his wife Bonnie. The company decided to pair the vintage vehicle with a Tribute Artist and took the tour on the road supporting 21 cancer events, while taking photos of attendees and printing them on its digital color printers provided by OKI Printing Solutions. OKI Data Americas continues the tour with the “Twin Sister” supporting the YME Race to Empower. “Both OKI Printing Solutions and CDW feel strongly about making a difference in our com-
The Chicago Crusader
Leading printer manufacturer in partnership with CDW provides the “Twin Sister” as the official pace car of the Y-ME Race to Empower event
THE WALK/RUN was led by the “Twin Sister” 1955 Pink Cadillac, provided by OKI Printing Solutions in partnership with CDW. The car was brought ALL THE WAY from New Jersey as a symbol of the Color Me OKI philanthropic program and the ded ication and passion OKI Printing Solutions and CDW have for the fight against breast cancer. For the second year of the pro- ventable disease. the community. gram “Twin Sister” was joined by The program supports the cor“OKI Printing Solutions has the “Pop Culture Icon,” 1959 Pink been a dependable partner of ours porate philanthropic mission of Cadillac Series 62 convertible, for years,” said Scott Detota di- Oki Electric Industry Company, rector of product and partner Ltd., the Tokyo, Japan-based parmanagement for CDW. “When ent company of OKI Data Corthey asked if we were interested poration, which is to undertake in partnering with them to help social contribution activities that support the Y-ME Mother’s Day help realize the genuine enrichevent, which supports those af- ment of society, and contribute to fected by breast cancer in the lo- the quality of life for people cal Chicago community, we im- around the world. mediately agreed. CDW shares About OKI Data Americas, Inc. OKI Data Americas Inc., headthe same commitment as OKI Printing Solutions for causes that quartered in Mount Laurel, N.J., impact our customers and part- and a subsidiary of OKI Data ners, and we’re proud to jointly Corporation of Japan, markets show that commitment this PC peripheral equipment and customized document manageweekend at the Y-ME event.” The Color Me OKI program ment solutions under the OKI has a unique approach to sup- Printing Solutions brand, includporting both breast and colorec- ing digital color and monochrome tal cancers, staying true to the printers, color and monochrome company’s dedication to cus- multifunction products and serial tomer intimacy. OKI Data Amer- impact dot matrix printers, as well icas, one of the leading printer as a full line of options, accessories manufacturers in the U.S., takes a and consumables. OKI Data Y-ME RACE TO Empower Mother’s Day event in Grant Park marked the organization’s 30th distinctive and passionate ap- Americas takes a consultative apanniversary. The event concluded early because of the unfavorable weather, however the spirit proach to business, engaging with proach to supporting every cusof the tens-of-thousands of participants who came out to support the cause was seen through- customers on a one-on-one basis tomer’s needs and delivering individualized print solutions that out Chicago!!! Officials took the opportunity to announce their new name: The Breast Cancer to understand their needs. It goes optimize business performance. beyond traditional service to deNetwork of Strength! velop long term partnerships The company’s innovative techniversary as the nation’s first non- munities, and supporting the caus- which was also personally restored with each customer and make nology is backed by its parent profit breast cancer organization, es that affect our friends, families by the Krentzman’s to solely sup- them feel like customers again. company Oki Electric Industry whose mission is to ensure, and neighbors,” said OKI Data port the breast cancer cause. In ad- The Color Me OKI programs’ Co., Ltd., a world leader in inforthrough information, empower- Americas’ President and CEO dition, the 2008 Color Me OKI personal and passionate approach mation processing systems, ment and peer support that no Stewart Krentzman. “Together, philanthropic program has also is an extension of the company’s telecommunications and elecone faces breast cancer alone. The both companies are committed to broadened to help raise awareness commitment to personalized ser- tronics and a $6.1 billion multigoal of this year’s event is to raise the fight against breast cancer, cele- of the importance of colorectal vice. The program aims to sup- national corporation with head$5.3 million to benefit programs brating the lives of all those affect- cancer prevention. The program port those battling both breast quarters in Tokyo. Keeping its and services offered free of charge ed by the disease and we hope the will be providing the one-of-a- and colorectal cancers, celebrate customers needs top of mind, to anyone seeking information “Twin Sister” will help create a last- kind 1992 “Spirit of America” the lives of those who were taken OKI Data Americas is ISO and support when facing breast ing memory for all involved at this neoclassic Corsair to colorectal and raise awareness of two dis- 9001:2000 certified and most cancer. The Race to Empower year’s Y-ME Race to Empower cancer events in order to build eases that have become all too fa- products have earned the ENERawareness for such a highly pre- miliar within family, friends and GY STAR® certification. drew more than 36,000 support- event.” Saturday, May 17, 2008
The NEW Four-One-One
By Raymond Ward Entertainment Editor FALL OUT FUNNY!: If you missed it when it was in your local theater, now, you can pick up a copy from your favorite video store and watch, “FIRST SUNDAY, in the comfort of your own home. Ice Cube (Barbershop, Are We There Yet?), Kat t Wil liams (Norbit, Epic Movie) and Tracy Morgan (The Longest Yard) star in this irreverent new caper comedy, which is now available on DVD and Blu-ray Disc, from Sony Picture Home Entertainment. Acclaimed playwright David E. Talbert (A Woman Like That), makes his feature writing and directing debut with FIRST SUNDAY, which revels in the screwball antics of a pair of inept petty criminals who team up to rob their neighborhood church with hilarious and heartwarming results. The DVD is packed to the rafters with bonus material including Filmmaker Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Outtakes, Featurettes and More. Filling out the all-star comedy cast are Loretta Devine (This Christmas), Michael B each (Soul Food), Keith David (Barbershop, ATL), Regina Hall, Malinda Williams and Chi McBride. The film was produced by Screen Gems with a running time of 96 minutes and is rated PG-13 for language, some sexual humor and bried drug references. SOME GREAT NEWS! Isn’t it interesting that we seem to never hear about the good and great things that happen to our friends and neighbors when we watch the evening news and read the main-stream newspapers.’s some GREAT news! When retired Navy Lt. Cmdr, Wesley Brown learned that the U.S. Naval Academy planned to name a new, $45 million sports complex after him, he felt somewhat guilty. In an era when sports facilities are often named after corporate sponsors or major donors, Brown was neither. But he will always have the distinction of being the first African-American to graduate from the military college in Annapolis, Maryland, having overcome taunts and even a campaign to get him kicked out. A few weeks ago, the Wesley Brown Field House, just completed on the banks of the Severn River, was dedicated in his honor. “I believe this is symbolic,” said Brown, 81, a 1949 academy graduate who lives with his wife in Washington. “Some of the Navy policies, procedures in the past, have not been the kind that African-Americans were in favor of. And I think this indicates their dedication to diversity in general.” The naming of the facility comes at a time when the Naval Academy is trying to increase minority enrollment. Blacks make up about 4.4 percent of the estimated 4,000 midshipmen and the number of Blacks applying to the academy has dropped by nearly 20 percent since 2001. By the time Brown entered the academy in 1945, five Black midshipmen had failed to finish their first year there. Brown’s experience at the academy was rough at times. Some white midshipmen tried to “skin him out on demerits,” citing him for poor conduct, a messy room or unkempt uniform, according to “Breaking the Color Barrier,” a book by Naval historian Robert Schneller Jr. Brown has said in previous interviews that he did not really recall many of the bad experiences at the academy and prefers to talk about the friends he had there. He graduated one year after President Harry S. Truman desegregated the military by Executive Order. Brown said he was taken aback several years ago when someone from the Academy called to say officials planned to name an athletic complex after him. He said he initially thought the caller was a pranster or a telemarketer. Two months later he suffered a heart attack at his home and doctors told his wife that he would likely die before morning. Their four children flew in from other parts of the country to be at his side. Now, Brown said he is simply thankful to be alive and to have participated in the naming ceremony. He spent weeks finalizing the guest list, which grew from about 70 family members to more than 300 including friends. The 140,000-square-foot sports complex sits on the northeast corner of the college and will house facilities for physical education and sports teams. “There’s no greater honor, obviously, for an alumni to have a building named for him, one that he hasn’t donated the money for,” Brown said with a laugh. 12
Saturday, May 17, 2008
IRONMAN By Anne Blair
ROBERT DOWNEY JR. slides into the role of billionaire munitions producer, TONY STARK aka IRONMAN. MARVEL Comics Superhero recreated to placate fans who have been overwhelmed at the thought of the greatest of all Marvel Comics coming to life. Robert Downey Jr. was chosen to play the role, and he does it with great flare, an actor who has faced great personal tragedy, yet maintained his power. As the man of the hour STARKS is worth the billions he commands for his munitions. Flying around the world to demonstrate his latest missile or violent destroyer, he is kidnapped by Afghan warlords who demand he whip up an invention to destroy the world from their point of view. IRONMAN has its funny lines, but you have to be quick to catch up or run ahead. Tony Starks is in almost every scene. He is the engine that fuels the IRONMAN vehicle and watches as STARKS begins to use his captives’ tools to create their special destructive tool to develop what slowly becomes IRONMAN. As Starks finds a way to escape he keeps some of that quality once he makes his grand escape but, Mr. STARKS sells us the idea of a man with different priorities who doesn’t want to sell guns that end up in the wrong
TONY STARK (Robert Downey Jr.) is a billionaire industrialist whose forte is building weapons of mass destruction. When he's se vere ly in jured whi le te sti ng one of those weapons i n Afghanistan, he's kidnapped by insurgents and has to build a suit of iron armor to escape his captors. After returning to the U.S., St ark refines his iron creation and transforms himself int o a f l y i n g m e t a l l i c r e p u l s o r - r a y - f i r i n g s up e r h e r o . W h e n h i s biggest busi ness rival, Oba diah Stane (Jeff Bridges), gets his hands on Stark's original plans, he creates an even bigger iron adversary to defeat Stark once and for all. hands. His colleague, Obediah (JJEFF BRIDGES, bald and bearded) does not seem to be concerned about such niceties. Their business is money and arms. JON FAVREAU, directs Robert Downey as a new superhero he who is surprised at his own new power. TERRENCE HOWARD Is great as the quiet military friend and confidant of STARK. The
powerful Colonel understands he must stand in the shadows of Stark. If all remains as predicted Howard may have projected future possibility to be a superhero. G WENETH PALTROW is special as STARK’S assistant. Her involvement with Stark is clearly brought together as a subdued affair that hardly gets off the ground. IRONMAN gives all from script, action and quality.
“Ballad of Emmett Till” at the Goodman until June 1 Ifa Bayeza’s powerful “The Ballad of Emmett Till” had it grand opening Monday, May 5 at The Goodman Theatre to a packed house that included famed stage and screen actor, Morgan Freeman. The superb cast is led by Joseph Anthony Boyd who is outstanding in his portrayal of the 14-year old Emmett Till, and Deidrie Henry as Mamie Till Bradley, Emmett’s 33-year old Mother. The now legendary story of Emmett Till is believed by many to be the start of the modern civil rights movement of the 1950s and remains one of the most pivotal incidents in a monumental era. Many of young Till’s relatives were present for the opening night performance. The 14 year old Emmett Till’s horrendous death by lynching by step-brothers Roy Bryant and J. W. Milam in Money, Mississippi in July, 1955 was the catalyst that eventually led to Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat on the
bus, thus fomenting the Montgomery Bus Boycotts under the leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. While the lynching of Emmett Till made international news following the finding of his body floating in the Tallahatchie River, The Chicago Crusade r, The Chicago Defender and Jet Magazine continued to cover the shocking events of one of the world’s most heinous crimes ever that went unpunished. On display in the Goodman lobby area on opening night were replicas of news coverage from the Chicago
Defender and Jet, but not one from the city’s oldest weekly newspaper, The Chicago Crusader . You can rest assured that this glaring error was brought to the attention of the playwright by yours truly, who presented her with a business card containing contact information for The Chicago Crusader. “Ballad,” directed by Oz Scott, is part history and part ghost story integrating the past with the present, the living and the dead, “factual accounts and creative interpolation” by Chicago author Ifa Bayeza who captures the powerful truths at the heart of the story, even down to the authentic replication Mamie Till-Bradley’s wardrobe, thus creating a work of music, brilliant poetry and theatricality. “Ballad” is highly recommended. Previews began April 26 and performances run through June 1. For information or tickets, call the Box Office at 312-443-3800 or go to The Chicago Crusader
By Dr. Barbara Wright-Pryor
Northwestern Music School to be named for Bienens Northwestern University’s School of Music will be named the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music in honor of the retiring University president and his wife, announced Patrick G. Ryan, chair of Northwestern’s Board of Trustees Tuesday, May 13. President Bienen, who announced in March that he plans to retire next year, and his wife, Leigh, are avid music-lovers and strong supporters of the arts, including the School of Music. Ryan said that the naming of the school is made possible through the generosity of trustees, alumni and friends to honor the legacy of the Bienens and build a lasting endowment to support one of the areas of the University closest to President Bi-
enens’ heart. Northwestern’s Board of Trustees recently approved the naming, which will be implemented next fall at the start of the academic year. The new endowment will support the general operations of the music school, including scholarships, professorships and new creative and scholarly initiatives. President Bienen said, “Leigh and I are truly honored by this magnificent gesture by Chairman Ryan, members of the Board of Trustees and alumni. As two people who love music, we’re obviously very gratified and proud that our name will be forever associated with Northwestern’s outstanding School of Music. President Bienen and music
The Chicago Crusader
preciate their invitation. For now, I don’t want to make other statements.” When contacted by the World of Music in 2005 with reference to the Muti interview, CSO Association President Deborah Card stated, “Riccardo Muti is a wonderful and highly respected musician. During his recent visit to New York (where ucted concerts of the New York Philharmonic), the Chicago Symphony Orchestra did have conversations with Mr. Muti and extended an invitation, asking him to return to Chicago to conduct the Orchestra after an absence from our podium of thirty years. We are very enthusiastic for him to come
school dean Toni-Marie Montgomery announced last month that Northwestern will construct peared with the CSO in a monthlong residency that included two weeks of subscription concerts, a sold-out opening night gala and a triumphant European tour. He had previously been scheduled to conduct the September 2006 opening night performance as well, but had to bow out due to illness. As music director designate, beginning January 2009, Riccardo Muti is expected to oversee auditions and planning for future seasons. Additionally, he will lead the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus in the Verdi Requiem at Symphony Center on January 15, 16 and 17, 2009 and will also conduct two subscrip-
Riccardo Muti and CSO Association President Deborah R. Card back to Chicago and hope that he will renew his relationship with the CSO. Currently, however, there is no news to report regarding the CSO’s music director search,” she added. Card did not confirm or deny that the position of CSO music director had been offered to Muti. Riccardo Muti made his debut with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra at the Ravinia Festival in July 1973. In September of 2007—for the first time in over 30 years—Maestro Muti ap-
The Chicago Sinfonietta, the nation’s most diverse symphonic ensemble and an international treasure, presented another of its innovative programs in the final concert of its 21st season Monday, May 12 at Symphony Center. Led by founding music director Paul Freeman, the program fare consisted of Beethoven’s Egmont Overture, “Three Songs for Bluesman and Orchestra” by Larry Hoffman with guitarist and vocalist John Primer, and “Rhapsody in Blue” by George Gershwin featuring international artist, Leon Bates, pianist; and Modest Mussorgsky’s monumental orchestral suite with video imaging by the Adler Planetarium’s José Francisco Salgado and re-titled “Astronomical Pictures at an Exhibition.” Following the opening overture, the collaboration of bluesman John Primer with the symphony orchestra was most refreshing. Several orchestra members donned caps for this foray into toe tapping third stream music. Continuing in the “blues” mode, the ever familiar Gershwin “Rhapsody in Blue” was easily the highlight of the evening. Extolled internationally for his artistry, one can only wonder why Leon Bates isn’t heard in other venues in the Chicago area. The Philadelphia native’s overall musicality and skillful dexterity in the cadenzas thoroughly impressed all listeners
and he was rewarded with a spontaneous standing ovation at the conclusion of the work. Mussorgsky’s “Pictures” as orchestrated by Ravel was marred by inexplicable pauses between passages and inappropriate applause by listeners who seem to think that applause is due whenever a moment of silence occurs. Dr. Salgado’s unique astronomical video presentation containing “Galaxies Collide,” “Hubbell and Spitzer images of evolution,” views of Valles Mariners on the planet Mars and the Black Hole, was of exceptional quality even though some of the visuals were at variance with, and not supported by the tone and spirit of the music one “sees” while proceeding through Mussorgsky’s museum gallery. Notwithstanding, kudos to the Chicago Sinfonietta organization for its continuous innovative programming and presentation of music by diverse composers, performed by diverse artists that other major music organizations continue to overlook. Audience appreciation is evident through increasing subscription and individual ticket sales and purchases of CDs. Subscriptions are now available for the 2008-2009 season. Threeshow passes are also offered, allowing guests to choose which concerts they want to attend. Call 312-236-3681, ext. 2 or go to
PRESIDENT HENRY S. BIENEN and his wife, Leigh, (at left) help unfurl a banner displaying the music school’s new name. Dean Toni-Marie Montgomery and Patrick Ryan, chair of the Board of Trustees, hold the banner on the right.
Riccardo Muti named new Music Director of the CSO On Monday, May 5, the CSO finally announced the not-sowell-kept secret results of its search for a new music director to replace Daniel Barenboim who departed the post in 2006. The CSO Association search committee comprised of President Deborah Card, senior staff, trustees and orchestra musicians and chaired by former Board Chairman William Strong announced the appointment of Italian conductor Riccardo Muti as Music Director effective with the 2010-2011 season. No sooner than the Board had voted on the measure, 98.7 WFMT announced the appointment, ending speculation by some media persons that the Search Committee’s deliberations were not really being kept confidential, but were being leaked to preferred representatives of the media by team members. Speculation among some, including this writer, as to who would become the next music director had narrowed the mystery down to two “main contenders,” both of whom had led the CSO in exciting concerts recently: EsaPekka Salonen who is stepping down from the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2009, and Maestro Muti, formerly music director of Milan’s La Scala Opera. In April 2005, Riccardo Muti revealed during an interview with the Italian daily newspaper, La Repubblica, that Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association representatives “have asked me to consider their offer” of the position of music director to succeed the departing Daniel Barenboim who resigned from the post effective at the end of the 2005-2006 season. Muti added that the CSO is “one of the most prestigious orchestras in the world. I greatly ap-
a new building for the school on the prime location of the south end of Northwestern’s lakefront campus in Evanston. Fundraising has already begun for the new facility, in addition to the campaign to endow the school. “The School of Music is honored to bear the Bienen name, recognizing Henry and Leigh Bienen’s love of music and support for the arts,” Montgomery said. “When the next history of Northwestern is written, Henry
Bienen’s presidency will clearly be seen as transformational. Our faculty, students and staff will strive to embrace the bold ambitions and uncompromising standards that have been hallmarks of the Bienen presidency.” Dean Montgomery noted the Bienens’ commitment to the arts as evidenced through their support and attendance at School of Music events on a regular basis. The Northwestern University School of Music is one of the oldest degree-granting music schools in the United States, combining the resources of a world-class private research university with conservatory-level music training. The school is home to 640 undergraduate and graduate students and a world-renowned faculty of more than 125, many of whom are members of the Chicago Symphony and Chicago Lyric Opera orchestras. School of Music alumni are found in major arts institutions and universities, worldwide, in performance, teaching and arts administration.
tion weeks during the 2009–2010 season. Beginning with the 2010-2011 season, Muti will conduct a minimum of 10 weeks of CSO subscription concerts each season, in addition to domestic and international tours over the course of his five-year contract as music director. Muti, 66, a native of Naples, Italy will come to Chicago on June 2, 2008, to celebrate his appointment with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra family.
Chicago Sinfonietta scores again
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Record 7,000 new members join Chicago Urban League through faith-based outreach Partnership with local churches brings empowerment programs to members in the midst of economic downturn Through its historic outreach with several of Chicago’s predominately African American churches, the Chicago Urban League has signed up 7,000 new members since mid-February, a membership milestone in the history of the 91-year-old civil rights organization. The successful recruitment effort is the result of the League’s new Partners in Faith initiative, a series of complimentary membership drives held at local churches. The record number of new members and participants in League programs comes as the nation faces challenging economic times. “As the country faces a looming recession, many people are worried about their financial future and are looking to improve their job skills and marketability in this uncertain economy,” said Cheryle R. Jackson, Chicago Urban League president and CEO. “In the Black community, the church has always been a place were people can go for help and support in difficult times. By
partnering with churches, the League is reaching out to as many people as possible to help see them through these challenging times. The Chicago Urban League launched Urban League Sundays on February 17, at Salem Baptist Church of Chicago as part of its Partners in Faith initiative. Other churches that participated in Urban League Sundays were Apostolic Church of God; Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church; New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church; New Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church; and Trinity United Church of Christ. The Chicago Urban League will continue to host Urban League Sundays at churches in the metropolitan area in the coming months. At Urban League Sundays events church members are encouraged to join the Chicago Urban League for free on one designated Sunday per year. By joining the Chicago Urban League, church members receive the following benefits: 1. Three complimentary training and information sessions with the Chicago Urban League Entrepreneurship Center or Work-
SHERWIN WHITAKER (left) distributes Chicago Urban League membership applications to members of Apostolic Church of God at a recent Urban League Sundays event at the church. Photo Credit: Chicago Urban League. force Diversity and Development departments on topics related to business and workforce success. 2. Retail discounts from Sensual Steps Shoe Salon and Curves of Woodlawn. Both companies recently completed the League’s inaugural nextONE business accelerator program for Black owned companies. 3. Chicago Urban League Membership Newsletter New members are also eligible to participate in Chicago Urban League pro-
grams that provide financial literacy education, assistance with job readiness and skills building, job searching and networking, and counseling for those facing foreclosure. “This is exactly the kind of partnership we need in the community to address the economic and social challenges our people face,” said Rev. Senator James T. Meeks, pastor of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago. “Any problem that you’re looking to solve can be
found in the pews on Sunday morning. We are glad that the Chicago Urban League has made this groundbreaking connection to the Black church.” New members take advantage of League benefits New members have already begun to take advantage of the League’s programs to advance their careers or pursue entrepreneurial endeavors. “We have seen a 50 percent increase in enrollment in our Entre(Continued on page15)
Women’s Health Week in Illinois launched with Pin-A-Sister event on Mother’s Day To stress the importance of women getting routine breast and cervical cancer screenings, Deputy Governor Louanner Peters kicked-off Women’s Health Week (May 10-17) in Illinois earlier this week by leading a Pin-ASister event at Fellowship Baptist Church. Women’s Health Week is a perfect time to focus on women’s health, including the importance of early detection, which all uninsured women now have access to through the Illinois
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP) expansion. This past Mother’s Day churches all across Illinois showed their support of the thousands of women whose lives have been touched by breast cancer and sent the message that early detection saves lives. The Pin-A-Sister campaign began when a designated woman in the church pinned a pink ribbon on each breast cancer survivor, and each of the survivors in turn pinned a pink rib-
bon on the rest of the women in the congregation. “As a breast cancer survivor, I want to make sure every woman knows how important it is to get regular breast and cervical cancer screenings. The Pin-A-Sister events happening in churches all over Illinois today visually demonstrates the communities’ support and celebration of breast cancer survivors and their commitment to making sure women are aware of and take advantage
“AS A BREAST CANCER survivor, I want to make sure every woman knows how important it is to get regular breast and cervical cancer screenings. The Pin-A-Sister events happening in churches all over Illinois today visually demonstrates the communities’ support and celebration of breast cancer survivors and their commitment to making sure women are aware of and take advantage of available health care options,” said Deputy Governor Peters. 14
Saturday, May 17, 2008
of available health care options,” said Deputy Governor Peters. Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich recognized the importance of early detection and expanded the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP) on October 1, 2007 to become the first and only state to offer free breast and cervical cancer screening and low-cost treatment to all uninsured women in Illinois. The number of women who have been served and screened through the IBCCP continues to grow thanks to Gov. Blagojevich and the expansions he’s made to the program in Illinois. Not only can women visually demonstrate their support of breast cancer education, screenings and survivors, they can also host a “Pink Potluck” to help spread the message. Everyone coming to a “Pink Potluck” brings a healthy dish or dessert to share and then talks about breast and cervical cancer and the importance of screening using information provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). The potlucks are also an opportunity for women to talk about other health issues they face such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and obesity. “I want to encourage women to make their health a top priority during Women’s Health Week and take simple steps to live a longer and healthier life. Some of
the steps women can take to improve their physical and mental health and prevent disease include being physically active, like taking a walk, and making healthy food choices such as fruits and vegetables,” said Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Damon T. Arnold. “The more women know about the diseases that affect them and their own risk factors, the better able they are to take charge of their health and live better lives.” In addition to IBCCP, the Governor has also supported the Illinois Department of Public Health Office of Women’s Health and its administration of three specific cardiovascular programs: Heart Smart for Women, Heart Smart for Teens and the Illinois WISEWOMAN Program. For information about women’s health call the IDPH Women’s Health Line at 1-888-522-1282. For information on hosting a “Pink Potluck” or the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program log onto www.cancer In honor of the Governor’s Women’s Health Week launch, local health departments across the state held workshops, health fairs and screenings to address health issues like cardiovascular disease. This year’s theme is “Get Inspired, Get Healthy.” The Chicago Crusader
Record 7,000 new . . . (Cont’d from page 14) preneurship Center workshops,” Jackson said. “The vast majority of those attending these classes were brought to the League through our outreach to the churches.” Partners in Faith has also brought additional attendees to the League’s Digital Learning Center, a 17-week program in which participants can earn Microsoft Office certification. Job seekers who joined the Chicago Urban League through their churches have also enrolled in the League’s trucking/logistics program. In partnership with Schneider National Trucking, the League has designed and is administering a commercial driver’s license permit program. League prepares to roll out more programs on workforce readiness, franchising and support to Black women business owners. New members will benefit from several events and activities being planned for the month of May. The League will soon debut new programs for workforce success and franchise opportunities, as well as raise funds to support African American women entrepreneurs. On Thursday, May 15, the League kicked off its month-
ly next THURSDAYS networking receptions. These invitation-only receptions provide an opportunity for sponsoring organizations to access a talent pool of highly qualified and experienced professionals. Professionals seeking to advance their careers will receive expert advice on professional networking and relevant industry- or company-specific programs. The Chicago Urban League’s next RETAIL and Franchise Conference on Friday, May 16 for those aspiring to own their own franchise. This free, day long conference at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University exposed aspiring business owners to local and national industry experts who have achieved success in their respective fields. The conference also introduced the League’s next RETAIL and Franchise Accelerator program curriculum, which provides knowledge and skills to those with a genuine interest in entering the franchise business and to existing entrepreneurs looking to expand their businesses. On Sunday, May 18, the Chicago Urban League will host the 50th annual Ebony Fashion Fair at the Chicago Theatre in collaboration
National campaign to . . .
(Continued from page 19) 500,000 African American healthcare concerns among men by the year 2011 for di- our members and the public abetes and hypertension and at large,” said Len Elmore, promote healthy lifestyle NBRPA President. “We look forward to working changes. “The Black Barbershop has with the Black Barbershop traditionally been a place Health Outreach Program in where Black men from all heightening awareness of carsegments of society could diovascular diseases among come together to talk about African American men.” Visit www.blackbarber life, family, relationships and now I am hoping we can for more informastart talking about our tion. In response to the growing health,” explains Donte Kelly, the Black Barbershop healthcare crisis, Gov. Blagojevich launched Illinois CovOutreach Coordinator. The DAP Foundation’s ered, an initiative to provide African American Men’s healthcare for low-income Outreach Program seeks to adults who are not eligible partner with community for Medicaid. Lack of insurgroups/organizations to re- ance is one of the main probduce the incidence of health lems preventing some people conditions that adversely af- from seeking care from docfect African American males tors. The Illinois Covered by utilizing education, pre- programs provide affordable vention and early detection quality healthcare for all Illiby screening activities. The noisans. The Black Barberoutreach efforts will be dupli- shop Outreach Program is cated in other metropolitan just another step toward enareas such as Philadelphia, suring that all men, women Washington, D.C., Atlanta, and children in Illinois receive the necessary care that Baltimore and New York. “This initiative is a natural they need while eliminating fit for the Legends, as one of health disparities among our our platforms is addressing minority populations. The Chicago Crusader
COMMISSIONER TERRENCE J. O’BRIEN, President of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, has stated that “taxpayers” can once again count on the District for a bit of financial respite. The Board of Commissioners voted recently to reduce the levy of taxes for the District’s Bond and Interest Fund by $7 million. The sources for funds of this abatement are excess investment earnings held in the Corporate Fund, the Construction Fund and nine Bond and Interest Funds.
with a newly formed coalition of African American women leaders across the city. A portion of the proceeds from the Ebony Fashion Fair will support grants for Black women entrepreneurs to help them launch and grow their businesses. “Our connection to the faith community began on a Sunday but will continue everyday throughout the year,” Jackson said. “This experience reminds us that in order to better serve and advocate for our community, we must meet them where
they are. For many African Americans, that place is the Black church. We look forward to visiting more churches in the months ahead and bringing our programs and services to the wider community.”
Retired South Dakota Plumber has received a patent for the Vent Away Toilet seat. Looking for agent
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866-580-1775x286 STATE OF INDIANA
For more information about Partners in Faith, nextTHURSDAYS, the nextRETAIL and Franchise Conference and the Ebony Fashion Fair, contact the Chicago Urban League at 773-2855800.
) ) SS: )
CAUSE NO. 02D07-0712-JC-556
) ) )
Notice is hereby given to Kenneth Ware, the above-named childrenʼs Alleged Father, and Alleged Unknown Father, whose whereabouts are unknown, that the Allen County Office of the Department of Child Services has filed itʼs Verified Petition Alleging Child to be in Need of Services, in accordance with Indiana Code 31-34-9-3, and that an adjudication hearing has been scheduled for June 4, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. with the Court. At said hearing the court will consider the Petition and evidence thereon and will render its decision as to whether the minor child, namely, MaryAnn Ware, is a child in need of services and shall enter adjudication accordingly. Upon entry of said adjudication, a dispositional hearing will be held which is a proceeding wherein the Court will consider: 1. Alternatives for the care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the children. 2. The necessity, nature, and extent of the participation by the parent, guardian, or custodian in the program of care, treatment, or rehabilitation for the children.
3. The financial responsibility of the parent, guardian, or custodian for any services provided for the parent, guardian, or custodian of the children.
Notice is further given that the right of each person to whom this notice is given to be present at said hearing(s) concerning Kenneth Wareʼs child is waived by that personʼs failure to appear after lawful notice. Notice is further given that the attorney representing the Office of the Department of Child Services of Allen County, Indiana, is Sherry Hartzler, 201 E. Rudisill Blvd., Suite 100, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806. Said person to whom this notice is directed must respond by appearing in person or by attorney within ten (10) days after the last publication of this notice, and in the event such person fails to do so, an adjudication on said petition and a dispositional decree may be entered against said person. Dated: 4/16/08
By Clerk of Allen County, Therese Brown
Allen County Office Department of Child Services 201 E. Rudisill Blvd., Suite 100 Fort Wayne, Indiana 46806 260-458-6100 5/3, 5/10, 5/17
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 18, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 19, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6953 S. WABASH AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-22-313-021 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $273,314.52. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-V151. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I97369
Fisher and Shapiro file # 07-8185D (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on February 25, 2008, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on June 10, 2008, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: C/K/A 7506 SOUTH PARNELL AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60620. TAX ID NO. 20-28303-004 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $209,259.38. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by noon the next business day, both by cashierʼs checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered “as is,” with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse
Saturday, May 17, 2008
to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I85036 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FREMONT INVESTMENT AND LOAN; Plaintiff, vs. DANETTA G. CARGLE; NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; UNKNOWN TENANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS; Defendants, 07 CH 7091 NOTICE OF SALE
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on March 11, 2008 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, June 12, 2008 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 7750 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60619. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Sales Clerk at Law Offices of Ira T. Nevel, 175 North Franklin Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606. (312) 3571125. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I94834 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DLJ MORTGAGE CAPITAL, INC. Plaintiff, -v.HARVEY C. JACKSON JR. A/K/A HARVEY JACKSON, et al Defendant 07 CH 29458 NOTICE OF SALE
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 14, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 17, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7408 SOUTH UNION AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-28-119-015 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $247,879.18. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA0716443. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE I95878
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 25, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on May 27, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5562 S. PRINCETON AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-16-201-062 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $76,565.87. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. With respect to the Internal Revenue Service and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 2410, The United States of America shall be granted one hundred and twenty days from the date of the sale within which to redeem the property from said sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-1835. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I93556 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION Cole Taylor Bank, Plaintiff, vs. Cesar A. Sanchez a/k/a Cesar Sanchez; Blanca Sanchez; The City of Chicago; Chase Enterprises, Inc.; Brooks MLK, Inc.; and Unknown Owners and NonRecord Claimants, Defendants. 07Ch-35319; Sheriffʼs No. 080087-001F. Pursuant to a Judgment made and entered by said Court in the above entitled cause, Thomas J. Dart, Sheriff of Cook County, Illinois, will on Thursday, May 29, 2008, at 12 Noon in the hallway outside Room 701 of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction the following described premises and real estate mentioned in said Judgment: Address: 319 E. 68th St., Chicago, IL. Improvements: Single-Family Residence. Sale shall be under the following terms: 10% down by Certified Funds at Sale and the balance within 24 hours by Certified Funds. No Refunds. Sale shall be subject to general taxes, special assessments, and any prior first mortgages. Premises will NOT be open for inspection. For information: Sheryl A. Fyock, Attorney or Rowena C. Holt, Paralegal, Latimer, LeVay, Jurasek, LLC, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, 55 W. Monroe St., Suite 1100,
Chicago, IL 60603. Tel. No. (312) 4228000. This is an attempt to collect a debt pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I92772 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR JPMAC 2007-CH5-J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, -v.JAMES ECHOLS, et al Defendant 07 CH 30874
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 17, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 19, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6334 SOUTH CARPENTER STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-20-202-030-0000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $266,202.17. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA0716393. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE I97048
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 07-7547D (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 30, 2008, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on June 13, 2008, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: C/K/A 1307 EAST 72ND PLACE, CHICAGO, IL 60619. TAX ID NO. 20-26-213-002 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $235,590.80. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by noon the next business day, both by cashierʼs checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered “as is,” with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor,
Saturday, May 17, 2008
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on February 6, 2008 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 20-22-415-038. Commonly known as 6947 South Vernon Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Mr. David C. Kluever at Plaintiffʼs Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) 236-0077. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I96693
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on February 28, 2008 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 25-03-206-001. Commonly known as 601 E. 87th Place, Chicago, IL 60619. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Ms. Diane Thomas at Plaintiffʼs Attorney, Freedman Anselmo Lindberg & Rappe, LLC, 1807 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (877) 729-6734 W0706094. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I96608 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE POOL #40417 DISTRIBUTION SERIES # 2006KS8 Plaintiff, -v.VIVIAN KING, et al Defendant 07 CH 34639
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 12, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 16, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5647 S. SHIELDS AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-16-201-043 The real estate is improved with a single
family residence. The judgment amount was $137,818.74. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-R764. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I96598
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR AND AS AUTHORIZED BY WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE SUCCESSOR TO WMC MORTGAGE CORPORATION Plaintiff, vs. EBEN SMITH, ET AL Defendants, 08 CH 2393 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on April 16, 2008 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, June 16, 2008 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 21-30-115-025. Commonly known as: 7430 S. Phillips, Chicago, IL 60649. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. This information is considered reliable but is not warranted. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. This sale is subject to unpaid real estate taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions of record. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. This pleading is a communication for the purpose of collecting the mortgage debt, under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you fail to dispute, in writing, the validity of this debt within thirty days, it will be assumed to be valid. Finally, any information you provide will be used for the purpose of collection. Upon payment, of each portion of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Receipt of Sale. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the mortgaged real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection, except by the arrangement and agreement of the current owner or occupant. For information: JAROS, TITTLE & OʼTOOLE, LIMITED, Plaintiffʼs Attorney, 20 North Clark Street, Suite 510, Chicago, Illinois 60602, (312) 750-1000. Phone calls will be taken only between the hours of 9:00 thru 11:00 A.M. When calling, please refer to file number 08-32217. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I96568 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR ASSET-BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-AHL-1 Plaintiff, -v.WAYNE ROLAND, et al Defendant 07 CH 33042 NOTICE OF SALE
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 28, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 17, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7713 S. KINGSTON AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60649 Property Index No. 21-30-321-004 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $215,077.35. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-P627. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I96567 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION U.S. BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, -v.MARY MITCHELL A/K/A MARY L. MITCHELL, et al Defendant 07 CH 33932
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 13, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 17, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 5614 S. NORMAL BLVD., Chicago, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-16-106-017 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $327,613.71. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-R492.
THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I96528
Fisher and Shapiro file # 07-7922D (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on March 13, 2008, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on June 16, 2008, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: C/K/A 7234 SOUTH LAFAYETTE AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60620. TAX ID# 20-28-214043 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $196,299.58. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by noon the next business day, both by cashierʼs checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered “as is,” with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I87327 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION LASALLE BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE MLMI TRUST SERIES 2007-HE3 Plaintiff, -v.BRIAN BURNETT, et al Defendant 07 CH 35236
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 5, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 9, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 709 EAST 88TH STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60619 Property Index No. 25-03-211-003-0000 The real estate is improved with a brown brick single family 1.5 story home with detached 2 car garage. The judgment amount was $240,423.65. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA0720017. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE I94061
The Chicago Crusader
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, CHANCERY DIVISION WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, AS SUCCESSOR-IN-INTEREST TO LONG BEACH MORTGAGE COMPANY, Plaintiff V. JERROLD C. RUCKER; WILMA F. RUCKER; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendants 07 CH 24497 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Fisher and Shapiro file # 07-6183D (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 16, 2008, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on June 2, 2008, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: C/K/A 7722 SOUTH OGLESBY AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60619. TAX ID NO. 20-25-422-026 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $138,482.39. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by noon the next business day, both by cashierʼs checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered “as is,” with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 4989990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I94191 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Plaintiff, -v.NICOLE J. OʼNEAL, et al Defendant 07 CH 27027
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 29, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 4, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 8036 SOUTH VERNON AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-34-208-035 The real estate is improved with a 2 story 2 unit gray stone apartment building with detached garage. The judgment amount was $265,674.57. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 4765500. Please refer to file number PA0713798. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE I94119
The Chicago Crusader
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Plaintiff, -v.LAURA P. RAMIREZ A/K/A LAURA RAMIREZ, et al Defendant 07 CH 25775 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 26, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 3, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1061 EAST 80TH STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-35-112-023-0000 The real estate is improved with a 2 story 2 unit red brick apartment building with detached garage. The judgment amount was $290,765.50. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 4765500. Please refer to file number PA0712886. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE I94109 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION LASALLE BANK N.A. Plaintiff, -v.JEANETTA MCKINNEY A/K/A JEANETTA S. MCKINNEY, et al Defendants 07 CH 28723
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 11, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 13, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 6721 SOUTH MORGAN STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-20-404-008 The real estate is improved with a brick 1 story house with a 2 car attached garage. The judgment amount was $122,285.81. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.
For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 476-5500. Please refer to file number PA0715815. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) 476-5500 Attorney File No.: PA0715815 Attorney Code. 91220 I95424 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS CUSTODIAN FOR MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL, MSAC 2007HE6 BY: SAXON MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. AS ITS ATTORNEY-INFACT Plaintiff, -v.NANCY SMITH, et al Defendant 08 CH 1003
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 16, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on May 27, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7829 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-319-009-0000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $85,946.05. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 4765500. Please refer to file number PA0800265. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE I94029 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHSTAR FUNDING, LLC AND/OR ITS SUCCESSORS Plaintiff, -v.JOVONNE GORE, et al Defendant 07 CH 21385
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 27, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on May 29, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7512-7514 S. COLES AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60649 Property Index No. 21-30-200-007 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $516,996.84. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is
due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-E932. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I93990 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Plaintiff, -v.MAYPRILYN N. MOSQUERA, et al Defendants 07 CH 10245
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 23, 2007, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on May 28, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7932 SOUTH MARTIN LUTHER KING DRIVE, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-34-105-031-0000 The real estate is improved with a 2 story 2 unit apartment brown brick building w/detached garage. The judgment amount was $314,532.36. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information: Visit our website at http:\\ between the hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 4765500. Please refer to file number PA0705389. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE I93077 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION FREMONT INVESTMENT AND LOAN, ASSIGNEE OF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC AS NOMINEE FOR FREMONT INVEST-
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on March 4, 2008 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Friday, June 6, 2008 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 7042 S. Vernon Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection For information call Sales Clerk at Law Offices of Ira T. Nevel, 175 North Franklin Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606. (312) 357-1125. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I93375 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE FOR JPMAC 2007-CH5-J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; Plaintiff, vs. MAURICE L. MARTIN AKA MAURICE MARTIN; LYNETTE D. MARTIN AKA LYNETTE MARTIN; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 07 CH 31594
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 2/21/2008, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, June 4, 2008, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 20-34-228-023. Commonly known as 8220 S. Champlain Ave., Chicago, IL 60619. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence with no garage. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number PA0716730. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I93318 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP FOR THE BENEFIT OF HSBC BANK USA, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. FRANK MARTIN; VERNYO BAINES, AS TRUSTEE UNDER TRUST AGREEMENT DATED 7-16-07 KNOWN AS THE 7439 SOUTH DREXEL BL. LAND TRUST; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR WMC MORTGAGE CORPORATION; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF VERNYO BAINES, AS TRUSTEE UTA DATED 07-16-07 KNOWN AS THE 7439 SOUTH DREXEL BL. LAND TRUST; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 07 CH 26552 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 2/26/2008, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 20-26-125-011.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Commonly known as 7439 South Drexel Avenue, Chicago, IL 60619. The improvement on the property consists of a 2 story, brick, single family residence with a detached garage. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0713970. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I93274
NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 5/29/2007, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, June 2, 2008, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: Commonly known as 7842 South Kimbark Avenue, Chicago, IL 60619. The improvement on the property consists of a 2 story, brick, single family residence with no garage. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number PA0702066. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I93225 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION OMNI NATIONAL BANK, Plaintiff, vs. MELVIN JACKSON A/K/A MELVIN D. JACKSON, UNKNOWN OWNERS, NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS, Defendants, 07 CH 38642
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 8, 2008, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, June 2, 2008, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 904 East 76th Street, Chicago, IL 60619. P.I.N. 20-26-302-O31. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashierʼs or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount. The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by similar funds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Ms. Eileen E. Sethna at Plaintiffʼs Attorney, Querrey & Harrow, Ltd., 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604-2827. (312) 5407000. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I93263
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on January 14, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 3, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 526 W. ENGLEWOOD AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-16-322-024 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $330,856.22. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale With respect to the Internal Revenue Service and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 2410, The United States of America shall be granted one hundred and twenty days from the date of the sale within which to redeem the property from said sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-F324. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I95803 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR LONG BEACH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 20046 Plaintiff, -v.DAMOND CRAWFORD, et al Defendants 07 CH 4636
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 12, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 16, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7423 S. MAY STREET, Chicago, IL 60621 Property Index No. 20-29-225-010 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $136,581.50. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse
against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-2969. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I95340 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC Plaintiff, -v.AYODELE OLUGBEMI, et al Defendants 07 CH 31991
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 28, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 12, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7609 S. MORGAN STREET, Chicago, IL 60620 Property Index No. 20-29-412-003 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $304,142.85. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-N734. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I95333
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Fisher and Shapiro file # 07-9301D (It is advised that interested parties consult with their own attorneys before bidding at mortgage foreclosure sales.) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered on April 22, 2008, Kallen Realty Services, Inc., as Selling Official will at 12:30 p.m. on June 6, 2008, at 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real property: C/K/A 7647 SOUTH PHILLIPS AVENUE, UNIT 2, CHICAGO, IL 60649. TAX ID NO. 21-30-308-027-1002 The mortgaged real estate is improved with a dwelling. The property will NOT be open for inspection. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). The judgment amount was $204,740.94. Sale terms: 10% of successful bid immediately at conclusion of auction, balance by noon the next business day, both by cashierʼs checks; and no refunds. The sale shall be subject to general real estate taxes, special taxes, special assessments, special taxes levied, and superior liens, if any. The property is offered “as is,” with no express or implied warranties and without any representation as to the quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective bidders are admonished to review the court file to verify all information. For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher and Shapiro, 4201 Lake Cook Rd., 1st floor, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, (847) 498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays only. I95221 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE OF CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, ASSET BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-AMC1 UNDER THE POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2006 Plaintiff, -v.SHARON D. WILSON, ADMINISTRATOR, et al Defendants 07 CH 23529
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 4, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 6, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7636 S. WABASH AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60619 Property Index No. 20-27-306-015 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $205,870.40. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-F784. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-9876 Attorney File No.: 14-07-F784 ARDC# 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I95074
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 3/11/2008, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Friday, June 13, 2008, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 20-26-401-036. Commonly known as 1315 E. 75th St., Chicago, IL 60619. The improvement on the property consists of a townhouse residence with no garage. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0709929. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I94878 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION JPMORGAN MORTGAGE ACQUISITION CORP. Plaintiff, -v.SAMANTHA MILLER, et al Defendant 07 CH 33977
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 6, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 10, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 850 E. 64TH PLACE, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-23-103-013 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $317,812.41. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgageeʼs attorney. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffs attorney: The Sale Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-07-R485. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I94875 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC.
Plaintiff, vs. DANIEL COSTE; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE BANK, FSB OR ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF DANIEL COSTE, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; 6132-34 S. VERNON AVENUE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION; Defendants, 07 CH 28058 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on 3/6/2008, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Tuesday, June 10, 2008, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 20-15-408-027-1001. Commonly known as 6132 South Vernon Avenue, #1S, Chicago, IL 60637. The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiffʼs Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0714098. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I94747
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on April 24, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 4, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive- 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7649-53 S. PHILLIPS, Chicago, IL 60649 Property Index No. 21-30-308-014 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $1,360,585.97. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffs attorney: NOONAN & LIEBERMAN , 105 W. ADAMS ST. SUITE 3000, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 431-1455. Please refer to file number 1600-1. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffʼs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I95865 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on February 27, 2008, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation will at 10:30 AM on June 3, 2008, at the office of The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive 24th Floor, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7019 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE, Chicago, IL 60637 Property Index No. 20-22-321-007-00000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $138,739.11. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; the balance, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. For information, contact Plaintiffʼs attorney: FREEDMAN, ANSELMO, LINDBERG & RAPPE, LLC, 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333, NAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (630) 983-0770. Please refer to file number X0710151. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiffs attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I94393
NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on April 15, 2008 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Monday, June 9, 2008 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: P.I.N. 20-27-210-031. Commonly known as: 7226 S. Rhodes, Chicago, IL 60619. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. This information is considered reliable but is not warranted. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. This sale is subject to unpaid real estate taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions of record. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. This pleading is a communication for the purpose of collecting the mortgage debt, under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you fail to dispute, in writing, the validity of this debt within thirty days, it will be assumed to be valid. Finally, any information you provide will be used for the purpose of collection. Upon payment, of each portion of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Receipt of Sale. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the mortgaged real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection, except by the arrangement and agreement of the current owner or occupant. For information: JAROS, TITTLE & OʼTOOLE, LIMITED, Plaintiffʼs Attorney, 20 North Clark Street, Suite 510, Chicago, Illinois 60602, (312) 750-1000. Phone calls will be taken only between the hours of 9:00 thru 11:00 A.M. When calling, please refer to file number 07-31992. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 I94695
The Chicago Crusader
Illinois Podiatric Medical Association and New Balance Chicago Stores Teaming up to Fight Obesity With “Keep Illinois Walking” Campaign Podiatric Physicians Offer Free Pedometers to Encourage Walking Chicago—Podiatric physicians from the Illinois Podiatric Medical Association and New Balance Chicago stores are teaming up to encourage Illinois citizens to engage in a walking fitness program this Spring as part of a statewide campaign “Keep Illinois Walking” to fight obesity. Illinois podiatrists and the Chicago-area athletic shoe company are backing up their campaign with free pedometers to any Illinois resident who visits a participating podiatrist. “Podiatrists, like all health care professionals, see obesity as a significant public health problem,” said IPMA president Theodore Polizos, DPM, Arlington Heights, Ill. “And, we’re doing our part this spring to encourage people to engage in low-impact, calorie burning exercise to stay fit.” Polizos and fellow podiatrists encourage a regular walking pro-
gram but before engaging in a regular fitness program, proper preparation, warming up and stretching are recommended. The American Podiatric Medical Association offers walking tips for those interested in beginning a walking regimen. “New Balance Chicago have a long-standing commitment to helping people of all fitness levels select the proper shoe for their form of exercise or activity,” said Katie Cousino, marketing director for New Balance Chicago. To take advantage of the free pedometer offer, Illinois residents are asked to visit to view a list of IPMA members participating in the pedometer walking campaign. Then, consumers can call participating podiatrists near them and make an appointment to stop by the office to pick up the pedometer. “We think this is an excellent way to not only encourage walking and fitness but to take a few minutes with each patient to
stress the importance of foot health in any fitness program,” Polizos said. He pointed out that a 150 pound person walking one mile exerts a force of 63.5 tons on a single foot, making it important not only select the proper shoe but to make sure your feet are in top condition to stand up to that kind of pounding. Walking is a gentle, low impact form of exercise that is easy for people of all fitness levels to do, according to Polizos. According to research, walking has been associated with lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, lower body mass index and other positive health effects. The IPMA is based in Chicago and represents more than 600 podiatrists throughout the state of Illinois. For more information about podiatric medicine, visit the Illinois Podiatric Medical Association’s website at or call 312.427.5810. Visit or Call 888-869-3338 to Start Walking!
ILLINOIS PODIATRIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION staff member, Gloria Johnson, wears a pedometer every day to monitor her steps.
National campaign to address the declining health of African-American men launched at area barbershops Diabetic Amputation Prevention Foundation and the Department of Human Services teams up with local barber shops to offer free health screenings The Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program was recently launched by Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) the first outreach initiative of its kind to exclusively address diabetes and health care disparities in African American men. Teaming up with the Diabetic Amputation Prevention Foundation (DAP) and the National Basketball Retired Players Association (NBRPA), IDHS
D R. CARO L AD AMS, Se creta ry , Illi no is De p artment of Hu man S e r v i c e s ( I D H S ) t a l k s t o a y o u n g m a n b e i n g te s te d f o r d i a b e te s a t Flawless Barbershop on 47th Street.
provided trained staff to more than 25 local Black-owned barbershops in Chicago who are of-
DR. BILL RELEFORD (center), founder of the Diabetic Amputation Prevention Foundation and creator of the Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program is joined by Ramonski Luv (left) of V103 and Dr. Carol Adams (right), Secretary, Illinois department of Human Services at the Washington Heights Barbershop at 859 West 103rd Street.
The Chicago Crusader
fering free blood pressure and diabetes screenings to AfricanAmerican men. “The Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program is a creative way to address the serious health issues facing African-American men and close the gap on health disparities in Illinois,” said Gov. Blagojevich who proclaimed May 10, 2008 as Black Barbershop Outreach Day in Illinois. “I encourage all men to make the lifesaving decision to see a doctor or healthcare provider.” According to the Diabetic Amputation Prevention Foundation (DAP), forty percent of African American men die prematurely from cardiovascular disease as compared to 21 percent of white men. In Illinois, more than 25
percent of all diabetes cases are among. Overall, Black men suffer far worse health conditions than any other racial group in America. Contributing factors to this include: poverty; a lack of affordable health services; lack of health insurance; poor health education, and other cultural barriers. “The barbershop project is a creative way to reach out and encourage wellness. If Black men aren’t going to go to the doctor we’ll bring the doctor to them,” said IDHS Secretary Carol L. Adams, PH.D. “So raising com-
and receive treatment and education before developing the disease or serious complications.” To help get the message out, the state of Illinois enlisted Otis Wilson, Chicago Bears Super Bowl Champion, Chairman of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, NBA legends Norm Nixon, Emmette Bryant, LaRue Martin, Ricky Green, Lamar Green, Bob Love and Dr. Bill Releford, founder of the Diabetic Amputation Prevention Foundation. According to Dr. Releford, the mission of the DAP Foundation’s
THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES teamed up with the B lack Nurs es Ass ociation to provide trained s taff and nurs es t o more than 25 local black-owned barbershops in Chicago offering free blood pressure and diabetes screenings to African-American men. The free screenings were part of the Black Barbershop Health Outreach Program, the first outreach initiative of its kind to exclusively address diabetes and health care disparities in African.
munity awareness of risk factors of diabetes will increase the likelihood that individuals will seek
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Black Barbershop Health Outreach program is to screen over (Continued on page 15) 19
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Chicago Crusader