Gary Crusader 01/16/2010 E-Edition

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See Crusader online at Blacks Must Control Their Own Community


To The Unconquerable Host of Africans Who Are Laying Their Sacrifices Upon The Editorial Altar For Their Race •C•P•V•S• AUDITED BY



25 Cents and worth more

Gary’s financial future hangs in balance House of Representatives passes constitutional property tax cap; Senate to act next The Indiana House of Representatives in a vote of 75-23 passed HJR1, the constitutional amendment to permanently cap homeowner’s property taxes, this week in Indianapolis. Representatives Charlie Brown and Vernon Smith were among the legislators voting against the measure. Brown said he opposed the legislation because it has not been proven that it will help residents in Lake County. “It’s already the law that we pay 1% of the assessed value in property taxes,” Brown noted. If the tax caps become law they would cap property tax caps for homeowners at one percent and landlords at two percent and businesses at three percent. It would also present a problem for the city of Gary, which has sought relief from the Distressed Unit Appeal Board. The DUAB has exempted the city from current tax caps to help Gary navigate through its financial crisis. If the tax caps are incorporated into the constitution the DUAB would not be in a position to help the city. “The current state of Gary’s finances was a compelling reason for me to vote against it,” Brown said. “There is a lot of opposition from Gary citizens arguing that the city should

operate within its means. But there is no way possible for the city of Gary to operate within its means if it is going to literally cut from the amount of revenue that they would appropriate or anticipate having an-

nually, which is sixty million dollars and that would be cut in half,” said Brown. “In good conscience I could not vote and say that putting those caps in the constitution is good for the city of Gary.”

“I don’t think it should be in the constitution,” said Smith regarding the tax caps being part of the Indiana Constitution. “We do not know what effect it’s going to (Continued on page 2)

THE CHICAGO CUBS “Caravan” made a stop at the Boys and Girls Club in Gary on Wednesday, January 13. During their visit members of the team talked with the youth about the importance of physical fitness and staying in school. B oy s a n d G i r l s C l u b m e m b e r s a r e p i c t u r e d w i t h C h i c a g o C u b t e a m m e m b e r s a n d c oa c h i n g s t a f f. ( P h o t o s b y Lo u Roldan)

Crusader columnist Chuck Deggans named Dr. MLK “Marcher” By Carmen M. Woodson-Wray Charles “Chuck” Deggans was at home on the computer working on his weekly “Deggans’ Den” column for the Gary Crusader Newspaper when he got a call from the Gary Frontiers Service Club letting him know that he had been chosen as one of the “Marchers” for the 31st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast. Chuck said his first thought was “What did I do to deserve such an honor? There are other people who are more qualified than me.” Deggans will be honored by the Gary Frontiers Service Club Saturday during the breakfast along with other Marchers State Senator Earline Rogers, educator Dr. Ella Bush, jazz musician Arthur Hoyle, former Pullman Porter Linus Scott, Gary Literacy Coalition Executive Era Twyman and New Revelation Baptist Church pastor Rev.

R.T. Mitchell. One of these prestigious Marchers will be named Drum Major of the Year during the ceremony. Attorney Clorius Lay, chairman of the breakfast, said being named a Marcher is probably one of the most honorable and prominent awards given throughout the state of Indiana. He said, “We are honoring people who have given substantial parts of their lives giving service. They are

Charles “Chuck” Deggans

the who’s who of this city.” Deggans is a recently retired bailiff for the Lake County Circuit Court, a former compliance officer for the City of Gary’s Redevelopment Commission, former Postal Worker and U.S. Steel worker. He has devoted over 30 years as a newspaper columnist throughout the region. In addition to his writing of a weekly column, he is now (Continued on page 3)

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Special Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pull out section

On MLK Day and Inaugural Anniversary: Has Obama kept his promises to Blacks? By Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief On Nov. 3, 2008, an important telephone conference was held in Black America. That was the day that then candidate Barack Obama, on the eve of his historic election to the presidency, promised African-American leaders and representatives across the nation that if elected, he would never forget that Black people are specifically and disparately hurting from social ills. "Everyone under the sound of my voice understands the struggles we face. Everyone understands the fierce urgency of now. You all know what's at stake in this election," Obama said on the teleconference, covered by the NNPA News Service. He mentioned crime, civil rights, education, health and the economy as just a few of the categories in which African-Americans are clearly in worse statistical categories than any other race. "I mention these issues because this community, our community, the African-American community, during these challenging times, suffers more than most in this country," he said. "Doubledigit inflation, double digit unemployment, stagnant wages, our kids are more likely to drop out, more likely to be in jail, more likely to die. We're going to have to do better. And if we continue the momentum we've seen across this country over the last several weeks, we can do better." But, one year after his historic election – which has often been described as the fulfillment of the “dream” of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., has now President Obama kept his campaign promise to the Black community? Political observers pondered this question in anticipation of the National King Holiday on Monday and the Jan. 21 anniversary of the historic inauguration. Some say that Obama, who enjoys studying past presidents for their wisdom and leadership styles; especially Abraham Lincoln, should learn lessons from some - especially Lyndon B. Johnson. “In so far as he has announced a position of public policy which says that he is not taking ethnicity into consideration, this belies the approach of previous presidents like Lyndon Johnson and obviously his relationship to Dr. King, who actually, I think was won over by Dr. King,” says political scientist Dr. Ron Walters. Johnson ultimately signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. “[Johnson] was playing with race at first. But, I think he came to believe that he had to do something special for African-Americans. And one suggestion was 2

that it was the pressure that the civil rights movement put on him.” Walters continues, “If you go all the way back to Abraham Lincoln (who is credited for freeing Black slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation) and come all the way forward to Bill Clinton (who established the White House’s first race office), presidents have felt that given the differential socio-economic status of Black people, that they had to at least consider doing something special.” Thomas N. Todd agrees. The veteran civil rights lawyer, who was former president of the Chicago chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Operation PUSH, says past presidents have often listened to civil rights leaders who ultimately infuenced policy. During World War II civil rights leader A. Philip Randolph put pressure on President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to include Blacks in an executive order to make sure they got contracts. That was executive order 88-02, he cited. Dr. King put pressure on President Lyndon Johnson to issue executive order 11-246 to make sure that Blacks were protected against employment discrimination. “Then, although Lyndon B. Johnson was a friend of the Negro, when Dr. King disagreed with him on Vietnam, he challenged him. We need to learn the lessons from history,” Todd said. “What Blacks must do now is separate the presidency from the person and separate the institution from the individual. There are only three branches of government and if you concede the presidency without putting pressure on the president, we’ve lost.” Some prominent Black leaders, including Actor Danny Glover, Ben Jealous of the NAACP, Marc Morial of the National Urban League, the Rev. Jesse Jackson of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, and the Rev. Al Sharpton of the National Action Network, have expressed disappointment at what they view as Obama’s lack of attention to issues that are disparately damaging in the Black community – especially joblessness. The latest example happened on Friday, Jan. 8, the same day that the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced its new monthly jobs numbers, showing that the Black unemployment rate had risen from 15.6 percent to 16.2 percent and that the White unemployment rate had fallen from 9.3 percent to 9.0 percent, still under the average rate of 10 percent. In a televised speech on jobs and clean energy that day, the president briefly paused from his

Saturday, January 16, 2010

focus on the progressing health care bill and his refocusing on the “war on terror” in order to speak publicly about the jobs situation. But, he again failed to mention the fact that while the average unemployment rate held at 10 percent, the Black unemployment rate continued to creep upward to record numbers. “The jobs numbers that were released by the Labor Department this morning are a reminder that the road to recovery is never straight, and that we have to continue to work every single day to get our economy moving again. For most Americans, and for me, that means jobs. It means whether we are putting people back to work,” he said. But, Walters says he has reviewed executive orders that President Obama has promulgated since he’s been in the White House and he does in fact consider race in certain decisions – just not pertaining to Black people. One executive order mandated that heads of executive agencies consult with Indian tribal governments. Another mandated the increased participation of Asians and Pacific Islanders in federal programs. He also told the Hispanic Caucus that when their unemployment number reached over 10 percent, that was not just a problem for Hispanics, “it was a problem for the nation.” Walters argues, “It seems to me that you can’t have it both ways. You can’t announce a policy which says in affect that I’m not going to do that and on the other hand write executive orders that in fact does it, which means that he’s got a problem with us.” Looking at the depth of issues in the Black community, Walters says he would not have expected major change so soon, “but at least I would have wanted a president who would make sure that his statements are moving in that direction.” Others feel that it is much too soon in Obama’s presidency to make such judgments. “We cannot rush to judgment,” says Gary Flowers, executive director and CEO of the Black Leadership Forum, a loose knit coalition of 32 major Black organizations which meet with Obama administration officials every month. But, Flowers, who was on that Nov. 3 teleconference, warns that African-Americans must and will wield their political savvy if the president does not follow through with his promises. “We are early in the administration. Yet, Black people are among the most sophisticated voters in American History as evident from the 1960s to the present. Democracy percolates up. Therefore, people must hold politicians accountable to their promises as a matter of civic engagement.”

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA took the oath of office a year a g o a f t e r c r e d i t i n g B l a c k p e o pl e f o r h i s e l e c t i o n . B u t , s o m e q u e s t i o n w h e t h e r h e h a s k e p t h i s p r o m i se s t o A fr i c a n American voters so far? On that Nov. 3 teleconference, thriving ... And mainly it's beObama was clearly hat-in-hand cause of an energized Africanin front of the Black community, American community. You have which he credited for having done this," he said. brought him through the DemoNow, they can only hope that cratic nomination and to the he will keep faith with his threshold of the historic election. promises for change: "Our campaign is alive and (Continued on page 6)

Gary’s financial future . . . (Continued from page 1) have on local government. Putting it in the constitution is like putting it into cement and when you put it in cement it takes a whole lot of trouble to take it out,” said Smith. “It’s going to put local government at the mercy of state government, and state government is going to have state control.” Republican minority leader Don Lehe applauded the approval of the measure saying “Lawmakers have done the best thing for the citizens in Indiana by allowing them to make the final decision on whether or not to put property tax caps in the constitution. “Hoosiers have made it very clear they want this opportunity. I’m hoping the Senate can take a look at this issue quickly and get this important matter on the ballot in November. It’s the number one thing we can do for taxpayers in this state. I will continue to work to provide even more taxpayer protection by addressing how to control and improve the assessment procedure.” In response to the property tax crisis that homeowners experienced in 2007, the Indiana Gen-


eral Assembly passed legislation in 2008 that capped homeowner’s property taxes at one percent, rental and agricultural property at two percent and business property at three percent. The bill passed with an 82-17 vote in the House and 41-6 vote in the Senate. House Republicans pledged to add this reform to the Indiana State Constitution. In order for a new provision to be added to the state constitution, it must be passed by two separately elected General Assemblies as well as the public before it can be amended to the constitution. In the 2010 legislative session, House Republicans supported HJR1 and giving Hoosier voters the opportunity to decide whether permanent property tax caps should be added to the state constitution. If the constitutional amendment to permanently cap property taxes passes both chambers of the Indiana General Assembly during the 2010 legislative session, Hoosiers will be able to vote on this issue in the November 2010 election. The Gary Crusader

BMV staff was key in breaking auto theft ring Andy Miller, Commissioner of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV), this week commended the staff at the Shelbyville License Branch and the investigators in the BMV Fraud and Security Enforcement Division for their excellent work that led to breaking a sophisticated auto theft ring. He noted that BMV staff was the first to suspect and then identify a fraudulent title. The information was passed on to local, state and federal law enforcement agencies that conducted the full investigation leading to the arrests announced by the U.S. Attorney last week. Miller added, “Each year we process over 1.8 million vehicle titles. It is a credit to our customer service representative and her colleagues that they noticed something suspicious about a title from North Carolina, especially since it was on official North Carolina title stationery. When we discovered this one title, we researched and learned that 55 of these fraudulent titles had been processed over the past three years.

We were able to locate them from our files to serve as more evidence against the theft ring. “This case also shows that our new Fraud and Security Enforcement Division with trained staff can conduct a thorough investigation and work closely with law enforcement agencies to combat fraud, identity, and similar crimes involving BMV operations. We see how sophisticated criminals have become, and we must stay focused on uncovering the schemes like this one and many others.” The Fraud and Security Enforcement Division was established in 2009 to consolidate investigation and internal audit functions under a Deputy Commissioner reporting directly to the BMV Commissioner. The division includes both field and office investigators. Most recently, the division has been tasked with the investigation of all unresolved identity issues uncovered by the BMV facial recognition technology. Since November 2008, they have investigated over 2,100 cases.

NNPA Chairman Says Sen. Reid’s Comments “Racial and Not Racist” (WASHI NGTON, D.C.) – Danny Bakewell Sr., Chairman of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, issued the following statement in response to Republican demands that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid step down:

tor Reid’s comments were racial and not racist.” “The American people are faced with too many issues surrounding healthcare, the economy, and job creation to be distracted from the work that needs to be done at this critical moment in time.”

“While we don’t approve of Senator Reid’s insensitive com-

“Furthermore, Senator Reid’s record is one that we feel is above and beyond the Republican Party’s calls for his removal. Senator Reid has authored and supported legislation that has benefited poor and minority communities. The same legislation that the Republican tries time and again to block.” “The National Newspaper Publishers Association believes that the American people must continue to engage in purposeful conversation on the issue of race lest these types of situations continue to plague us in the future. We will continue to do our part on the pages of Black newspapers throughout America with our 19 million readers.”

Danny Bakewell Sr. ments, he has apologized for his remarks concerning the President and we believe that he understands the seriousness of his remarks. More importantly, President Barack Obama has accepted his apology. We believe that SenaThe Gary Crusader

The National Newspaper Publishers Association, also known as the Black Press of America, is a 69-year-old federation of more than 200 Black community newspapers from across the United States reaching over 19 million readers weekly.

WORKERS FROM THE City of Gary Street Department clear the streets of snow after one of several snow falls last week. The workers made sure all the major streets in the city and some side streets were clear. (Photo by Benard Taylor)

Crusader columnist Chuck Deggans . . . (Continued from page 1) hosting a jazz radio show graduate of Gary Roosevelt’s class Wednesdays and Thursdays over of 1951. He attended Wiley Colradio station WGVE 88.7FM. lege of Texas where he majored in Attorney Lay said Deggans is education prior to returning to the type of person who does not Gary. seek out recognition for the Deggans has worked as an enthings he does, but is very deserv- tertainment columnist for the ing of the honor. He said, “People Gary Crusader for almost 30 like Chuck do not seek gratitude years where he has interviewed for the things they do, but people and photographed countless muare aware of their meaningful sicians, actors, politicians, models contributions.” and other entertainers. He said Born in Chicago, Deggans is a throughout his years of writing

people have sent him letters of appreciation for giving them the exposure that has helped them. He said, “That’s what makes what I do enjoyable.” Deggans said being named as one of the marchers is one of the most outstanding and important things that have happened to him and he will always cherish the honor. He said, “My chest is bursting to even be mentioned with Dr. King.”

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Saturday, January 16, 2010


EDITORIAL AN UNWISE KNEEJERK REACTION The unthinkable happened on Christmas Day – a wouldbe terrorist attempted to blow up Flight 253 which was on route from Amsterdam to Detroit. The attempt was fortunately thwarted, and the perpetrator was subdued and arrested. It turns out that the failed bomber was a 23-year-old wealthy Nigerian whose father is a prominent person in Nigeria. The wanna-be terrorist, Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, had been on a watch list, and his father had notified authorities that his son had been radicalized. Even though this is the case, he was allowed to board Flight 253 and attempt to detonate a bomb. He ended up only hurting himself, and is being treated for third-degree burns. Because of Abdulmutallab’s terrorist tactics, there is talk now about targeting all Muslims and all Nigerian travelers. This is truly a knee-jerk reaction. We are thankful that nothing drastic happened on that flight, but we also think that targeting everyone from Nigeria, or from any Middle Eastern country for that matter, will be counter-productive. After all, are we going to say that all mathematicians are Unabomber’s because one was; will we say that all White males with crew cuts are Timothy McVeigh clones? Are we to conclude that every Italian belongs to the Mafia, or that every person named Dahmer is a serial killer? Of course not. This is why it would be absolutely ludicrous to profile every Nigerian because one young, misguided soul decided to dock his ship on the wrong side of his religion. Every Muslim does not aspire to become a member of al-Qaida. The truth of the matter is that religion is a powerful motivator. People hang on to their beliefs because of the promise of a better life. Some zealots, however, use religion for the wrong purposes, and young impressionable jihadist recruits think that it is alright to kill people in the name of Allah. This is clearly misguided – no matter what deity you profess, with the exception of the entity called Satan, human life is sacred. Religion, in its highest sense, should inspire humanity to reach for the highest parts of ourselves. It is the way that we connect with our creator, whomever that is determined to be depending upon the religion. Christians hold up Jesus Christ as the Savior and pathway to God; Buddhists follow the tenets set forth by Gautama Buddha; Jewish people worship Yahweh; Yoruba adherents consult the Orishas, and members of Islam honor the teachings of Muhammad the prophet and worship Allah, just to name a few. All of these teachings have elements in them that can be misunderstood by the immature or used by those infused with guile. This is why the American Founding Fathers sought to establish a society where freedom of worship was the cornerstone. However, if the truth be really told, America is a Christian nation, as evidenced by national holidays like Christmas and Easter, which is why there is such antipathy against adherents of Islam. And we sometimes forget that we helped stir up that bees nest as a result of our imperialistic forays into Islamic turf in search of their mineral treasures. Unfortunately, young Abdulmutallab has probably ruined his life and painted his entire country with a brush that it does not deserve. Reasonable people will resist this tendency. Ultimately, the problems that we face are not about religion, but about the sanctity of human life and the respect of all people. Until we reach this level of consciousness as a species, tragedies associated with terrorism and other forms of violence will continue to rear their ugly heads, and no amount of profiling will prevent it! 4

Saturday, January 16, 2010

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Gary City income tax Dear Editor: In life you will be faced with a series of God ordained opportunities, brilliantly disguised as problems and challenges. The city of Gary is facing many challenges due to a tough economy, lack of economic development, an expensive state mandated audit, and possible constitutional property tax caps. In spite of the difficulties, there are still possibilities, opportunities and solutions for the “Steel City” to take advantage of. Difficult economic times have mandated us to do more with less, and to learn how to do without. It is our responsibility to manage our resources in an efficient and effective manner. The state audit, although expensive provides us with a blue print of recommendations (I agree with most, but not all) of how we can manage and eventually eliminate our liabilities. I encourage every resident to read the financial assessment and action plan conducted by PFM Consultants. We have relied on the property tax as our single source of revenue. Nationally, most local governments use property and income taxes as the source of revenue for their communities. The state of Indiana has the privilege of generating revenue from the

sales tax. We are the only county in the state of Indiana without an income tax, which has resulted in Lake County’s levy being frozen by the State Legislature a few years ago. I don’t know the politics behind why, and depending on whom you talk to I’m sure there will be a different answer. Revenue from an income tax would be a blessing to any community in Lake County during these difficult economic times, specifically Gary, Indiana. Since there is no urgency to create an income tax for Lake County, allow the city of Gary to create a “City Income Tax” to use specifically for residential property tax relief and public safety. A city income tax would be for the people who work, but don’t live in the city of Gary. Where you live is your choice, but you should give something back to the city in which you make your money. Since Lake County does not want to put this before the voters, let put this before the voters in Gary on the 2010 primary or general election ballot. A. Who will this tax affect? • This tax would affect people who work in the city of Gary, but do not live in the city of Gary. • This tax would be for nonGary Lake County residents who work in the city of Gary, because currently there is no Lake County income tax. • This tax would also be for Non-Lake County residents who


work in the city of Gary. These Northwest Indiana residents are not paying any income tax although they live in a county that has an income tax. • 91 out of 92 counties have implemented a tax on residents and non residents who work in their county. B . Ho w this t ax shoul d be used? • A percentage of this tax should be used for residential (Continued on page 16)

(U.S.P.S. 214-400) Editor-Publisher

Dorothy R. Leavell Advertising Director

J. L. Smith 1549 Broadway Gary, Indiana 46407 219-885-4357 An independent newspaper serving the City of Gary and Northwest Indiana printing the news impartially-supporting what it believes to be right and opposing what it believes to be wrong without regard to party politics. Devoted to the Industrial, Educational, Social, Political and Economical advancement of Black people.

Published Weekly

VOL. XXXXVIII NO. 37 JAN. 16, 2010 NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRES ENTATIVE Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. 341 West 38th Street, New York, N.Y. 10018 Member of the National Newspaper Publishers Association Su bscription Rate s - $20.00 Per Year $12.00 for 6 months —$36.00 for 2 y ears Periodicals postage paid at Gary, IN POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: THE GARY CRUS ADER 1549 Broadway Gary, In diana 46407 WWW.CHGOCRUSADER.COM CRUSADERIL@AOL.COM

The Gary Crusader

Nosing Around By Nosey EDITOR’S NOTE: The following column is a gossip column. W e a s k t h a t i t e m s c o nt a i n e d herein be judged by individuals t h a t r e a d i t a s s u c h a nd n o t a s d o c u me n t e d f a c t s g a t h e r e d b y the newsgathering personnel of this publication.

HERE THEY GO AGAIN Recent revelations that U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used the other “N” word has stirred up quite a national controversy. Reid was quoted in the just released book Game Change Plan said white folks would vote for Barack Obama because he was light skinned and didn’t speak in a Negro dialect. Reid went way back in the book of racial labels to come up with the term Negro cause up ‘til now that word hadn’t been used in public since the late 1960’s. Republicans are calling for his head saying that Obama is applying double standards to the situation. Interestingly many in the Black leadership don’t seem to be upset about Reid’s comments. They say it ain’t something that they didn’t know already and knew that not only do white folks use this criteria in voting for Black candidates – a lot of Blacks use the same criteria when casting their votes. Closer to home Nosey wonders if the Reid factor will play out in the Lake County Clerk’s race in the May primary election. Mike Brown ain’t no where near being light skinned and even though he speaks well, nobody is going to accuse him of talking white. It’s gonna be interesting to see if the theory plays out in Lake County this May. - Nosey IF YOU BELIEVE He may not be the best mayor Gary has ever had but you can’t say that he doesn’t have big dreams for the city. Since becoming mayor Clay has touted

The Gary Crusader

projects that if he knew how to make them come into fruition Gary would be in great shape. Unfortunately the mayor lacks the wherewithal to match his enthusiasm with skills and that so far has been his problem. Whether it be the Sheraton Hotel project, the Michael Jackson project or the latest dream, a gated community of upscale homes where the former Ivanhoe projects were located, all come across as just pipe dreams contrasted against the stark reality of Gary’s current problems. Mayor Clay trotted out his big dream agenda to the monthly meeting of the Gary Chamber of Commerce earlier this week, and while there was no “you lie” Joe Wilson outburst during his presentation many in the room were no doubt wondering what planet he’s been living on. Much like his State of the City address last year when he claimed that Gary was in line to get four hundred million dollars in stimulus money, the mayor is locked into a fantasy world unto himself. And that’s sad.

he’d sic one of his departments on Blumenberg to make his office look incompetent. No doubt Daniels believes that if he can make enough people believe that Blumenberg is the reason that property tax bills are gonna be late, the next time around when he attempts to get rid of him he’ll be successful. Of course the money is on Blumenberg. Most observers say that Daniels, whose term ends in two years, will be long gone and Blumenberg will be still there to get the last laugh. Now let this be a lesson to Booker, who six years ago opposed Daniels’ opponent Joe Kernan the Republicans are not your friends.

Been had this information for a while and keep forgetting to use it. Philip Cantrell said he is a candidate for Lake County Treasurer. He had a fundraiser not too long ago at the Palace. Not the theatre – but the club on 5th Ave. Cantrell, (right), is pictured with supporters Louis Freeney and Carolyn Freeney during the fundraiser. (Photo by Louis Roldan)

- Nosey YA’LL BETTER – WELL YOU KNOW There are several Baptist churches around town without permanent pastors and it don’t look like that’s gonna change anytime soon. Then you got the City Council scared and the City administration scared to make a move on Don Barden to get millions he owes the city. Meanwhile since the snow the city has been hit with, folks who are avoiding the side streets like a plague. While Rudy-n-them are down state trying to seek assistance to keep the city afloat, Mitch Daniels through the state’s Department of Local Government Finance is messin’ with Township Assessor Booker Blumenberg. Since Mitch could not get the voters to toss Blumenberg out of office he figured


Saturday, January 16, 2010


Knight Foundation commits $70 million to community foundations Nationwide initiative aims to advance ‘Informed, Engaged Communities’ MIAMI—The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation announced recently that it intends to invest $70 million over the next seven years to community foundations serving cities and towns where the Knight brothers owned newspapers. The new Community Foundation Initiative will deepen Knight Foundation’s focus on fostering informed, engaged communities. “Information is an essential community need and community foundations were established to meet core needs,” said Alberto Ibargüen, Knight Foundation’s president and CEO. “They also only exist and thrive because of community engagement and contributions. That makes them ideal partners to help us understand and advance local commu-

On MLK Day and Inaugural . . . (Continued from page 2) "I'm convinced that not only are we going to change this country, but we're going to change this community," he said on the phone that day. "We're going to change our sons, our daughters, our grandchildren, how they look at themselves. We're going to transform barriers in the world. We're going to change the hearts and minds of people around the world. That's a powerful thing. That's more powerful than any policy out there and any govern-

nity engagement, focused on ensuring that these communities have the information they need to manage their affairs in our democracy.” A new position will be created at Knight Foundation’s Miami headquarters to direct the initiative. “Our goal is to better coordinate and focus our initiatives in the Knight communities and use our resources in the most effective way possible,” said Trabian Shorters, Knight Foundation’s vice president for communities. “The new director will work together with foundation staff and advisory committees in each Knight community to guide the local foundations on use of the funds.” Community foundations make contributions to local groups from funds established by individuals, families, businesses and others to address needs in specific geographic areas. These organizations offer a national funder like Knight the benefit of their grassroots grasp of issues. The grants will help community foundations enlarge their donor-advised funds supporting the work of local nonprofits. From 2000 to 2007, Knight contributed a total of $69 million to create donor-advised funds at 25 community foundations. At $70 million, this new initiative doubles Knight’s current investment in community foundations. Knight Foundation officials have begun reaching out to community foundations in the 26 Knight communities eligible to participate in the program. The following are Knight communities: Aberdeen, S.D., Akron,


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Ohio, Biloxi, Miss., Boulder, Colo., Bradenton, Fla., Charlotte, N.C., Columbia, S.C., Columbus, Ga., Detroit, Mich., Duluth, Minn., Fort Wayne, Ind., Gary, Ind., Grand Forks, N.D., Lexington, Ky., Long Beach, Calif., Macon, Ga., Miami, Fla., Milledgeville, Ga., Myrtle Beach,

S.C., Palm Beach, Fla., Philadelphia, Pa., San Jose, Calif., St. Paul, Minn., State College, Pa., Tallahassee, Fla., Wichita, Kan. About the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation advances

journalism in the digital age and invests in the vitality of communities where the Knight brothers owned newspapers. Knight Foundation focuses on projects that promote community engagement and lead to transformational change. For more, visit

L A K E C O U N T Y P R O S E C U T O R B e r n a r d C a r t e r a n d b us i n e s s m a n F l o z e l l H a w k i n s w e r e among the elected officials and representatives of the business community attending the Gary Chamber of Commerce monthly business meeting Monday, January 11 at the Stadium Grill. Mayor Rudy Clay was this month’s guest speaker. (Photo by Lou Roldan)

The Glen Theatre 2nd Annual Stellar Gospel Awards “Gary Style” Saturday, January 30, 2010 CHURCH OF THE YEAR ( ) New Friendship ( ) First AME ( )St. Monica/St. Luke ( )St. James ( ) 20th Century

DRUMMER OF THE YEAR ( ) Antonio Brown ( ) Carl O’Neal ( ) Willie Miller ( ) Brenda Johnson ( )Dwane Watkins

PASTOR OF THE YEAR ( ) Rev. Benjamin Holmes ( ) Rev. Roosevelt Bradley ( )Rev. Levern Swain ( ) Rev. Edward Turner ( ) Rev. Alfred Johnson

PIANOIST OF THE YEAR ( ) Jean Johnson ( ) Ida Eunice Lawrence ( )Maulty Jewell IV ( )Delwin Murphy ( )Chris Sims

CHOIR OF T HE YEAR ( ) Goodwill Choir ( ) New Friendship Choir ( ) Clark Road Choir ( ) St. Timothy Community Choir ( ) Gary Civic Chorale

GROUP OR DUO OF THE YEAR ( ) Heaven Bound Gospel ( ) Wings of Harmony Singers ( )CeCe& Co. ( ) Brothers In Christ ( ) One Nation Under God

CHOIR DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR ( )Brandon Rudd ( )Waushara Person ( )Delosa Burns ( )Dolena Mack

MALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR ( ) Cliff Gober ( )Charles Johnson ( ) David Gullett ( ) Thomas Elmore ( ) Rev. Eddie Scott

Please mail ballots to: The Glen Stellar Awards, P. O. Box 64622, Gary, In 46401

FEMALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR ( )Armeice Johnson ( ) Cathy Townsend ( ) Mama Rose Dumas ( )Cecelia Tapp ( )Mozelle Holland


ORGANIST OF THE YEAR ( )Damion Miller ( )Terry Richardson ( )Maulty Jewell IV ( ) Sandra Turner ( ) Thomas Elmore

PRAISE DANCER(S) OF THE YEAR ( ) Praise 2009 Dancers ( ) Gregory Brokemond ( ) Ebony Winslett ( ) Chosen ( ) God’s Image PRAISE TEAM OF THE YEAR ( ) Embassies of Christ ( ) True Foundation ( ) New Nazareth M.B. Church RADIO PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR ( ) Joyce Peterson ( ) Kenneth Williams ( ) Marvin Lyles ( )Darryle King


Since 1967” 6

Saturday, January 16, 2010


The Gary Crusader










REMEMBER. It started with a shared dream, a deep friendship and the goal to change a nation. In honor of Dr. King’s birthday, we recognize the achievements of Dr. King and BMOA member Cirilo McSween and celebrate their lifelong contributions.

©2010 McDonald’s.

The Gary Crusader

Ralph Abernathy (left), Cirilo McSween, McDonald’s Owner/Operator (center), with Dr. King. Photo Courtesy of The McSween Family.


Saturday, January 16, 2010


SPECIAL TO CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND INDIVIDUALS into producing social/civic events: if you’d like to spotlight your efforts in The DEN, send the details to Deg-

ROXXY’S IS WHERE IT’S AT, if you are a jazz or ol’ school music lover looking to satisfy your musical taste live in the locale. Located at 5705 E. Dunes Highway, in Gary, across the highway from the South Shore train depot, Roxxy’s is a 200-seat lounge just opened by owner MARCELL JACKSON. Under the management of ’83 Wirt High alum CHUCK BLANCHARD, the new spot featured

SEEN-ON-THE-SCENE: ANTIQUA AUSTIN, who celebrates a birth date January 20th, taking a timeout with mom BONITA HOWARD; entrepreneur LaDONNA FLOYD show-

At the Homebased businesses debut were l-r, RICK STURGEON, KRIS HAZARD, Greater Gary American Jazz Association pr-guy BENNIE HARGROVE, JR. and WILLIE and BEVERLY JACKSON. Roxxy’s caters to a mixture of musical tastes throughout the week, including blues and reggae ry-

WOODS, right, of Mentoring For Free, is foto-flashed addressing the group of net-workers which include, l-r, publishing company owner RENAY MUHAMMAD, Body Transformation specialist JUDI MEADE, Virtual Assistant and host DAISY CURTIS, cartoonist (“Ladytooner”) DONNA UPSHAW, Single Lifestyle Magazine founder RENEE PATIKAS and aspiring businessman TAALIB-DIN SALAAM. ANOTHER YEAR JUST WENT THAT-A-WAY for birthday celebrants like: Lake County Complex staffer SHEILA STEWART and MONAYE PERRY (Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING’S birthday); LINDA CALLOWAY and CAROL McCRAVEN (Jan. 16); postal retiree ADOLPH HICKS, Atty. NOAH LEWIS HOLCOMB, JR., Chi Towner RHONDA O’CONNER and

Austin with Howard gans’ Den, c/o Gary Crusa der Newspaper, 1545 Broadway, Gary, IN, 46407. Be sure to include the name and phone number of a contact person, in case we have a question or two. -DD-

ing-off some of the creations featured in her Brush Stroke Of Genius enterprise during local fashion guru QUEEN TOPPIN’s Divas/Devos spectacular in Hobart’s Avalon Manor late last year; former Gary St. Mary’s Medical (Continued on page 9)

Top, l-r. Carson, Sanders, Flowers, Brown, Jackson and, kneeling, Blanchard Lower Photo, l-r, Sturgeen, Hazard, Hargrove with the Jacksons the STEVE FLOWERS Quintet in the January 5th debut of monthly first Tuesday jazz sets planned here. Flutist Flowers is foto-flashed, center, in top foto with l-r, saxist MIKE CARSON, drummer TOMMY SANDERS, keyboarder KIRK BROWN and Roxxy’s owner Jackson and, kneeling, manager Blanchard. Music lovers applauding this

thms. To get a handle on their schedule, punch-up 927-1051 and ask for Chuck. -DDTHE GRIM REAPER made his presence felt in saddening the new year with the recent passing of some very important people. Among them are personable Gary School City retiree ELEANOR MAYFELD JONES, former Gary Roosevelt High teacher and President of The of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Africa MARILYN BROWN PRESTON KILLINGHAM and SEAN C. CROUCH, the son of ROYAL and CORA CROUCH. Our deepest condolences to the families of each of these very precious people. -DD-

Eleanor Jones 8

HOME-BASED BUSINESSES in NW Indiana hosted a January 5th outing in Gary’s Main Library where local entrepreneurs spotlighted their services, products and skills. CANDICE

Saturday, January 16, 2010

L-R: Justice Rucker, Atty. Bradley & Hicks boxing legend MUHAMMAD ALI (Jan. 17); recently saluted civil rights pioneer Atty. HILBERT BRADLEY observes his 90th on the Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING Holiday; LISETTE GILLIAN, Lake County Complex staffer MILDRED CEASE and Indiana Supreme Court Justice ROBERT RUCKER (Jan. 19); SONJA CUBA, ALICE SCOTT, ANTIQUA AUSTIN, DONALD THOMPSON, DIANE PURNELL and Chi Towner BARBARA LAURENCE (Jan. 20); and IRMA HOBSON and The Kinsey Family’s KENNETH KINSEY (Jan. 21). -DDBLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

The Gary Crusader

Deggans’ Den . . . (Continued from page 8)

Atop Gary Holiday Day Inn in the mid- 70’s

Floyd’s brushstroke of genus Center staffer JOWANNA IVY spotting up our camera lenses during a reunion of her former co-workers in Crown Points’ YesterYear Ballroom late last year; seated, l-r, CAROLYN JOUR-

DAN and MARSHANELL HILL and, standing, SANDRA HILL, GLADYS HUTCH and Y-VERNIA BARNES taking a time out during the Just Friends & Associates holiday blast in Merrillville’s

Innsbrook Country Club; and in warmer climes during the mid70s, crowds of revelers enjoying the outdoor atmosphere of the downtown Holiday Inn swimming pool during a Saturday morning brunch hosted by FRED MARBERRY and YOUR PARAGRAPHER. -DDDEGGANS’ DIG: (a great goal for the coming year) COMMIT TO LEARNING SOMETHING ABOUT EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT SOME THING!

At the Holiday Bash in Innsbrook


f o r

Lake County Recorder

TO ALL LAKE COUNTY PRECINCT COMMITTEE PERSONS Ron Matlock has served Gary and Northwestern Indiana with distinction for decades. He’s a retired steelworker and community activist with intimate knowledge of the county’s problems. In supporting others, his word is his bond. He’s a hard worker, eager to work for Lake County.

Currently chairman of the Calumet Township Board G1-13 precinct committee person for 13 years. USWA L.U. 1010 asst. griever, sec. grievance com. Battler against NIPSCO’s high utility rates. Pursuing the fight against increased water rates.

Please join me in supporting Ron Matlock for Lake County Recorder “Ron Matlock is a competent, hard-working community activist who earns the respect of all whom he comes in contact with. He has been of great help to the residents of Gary and Calumet Township. He works well with elected leaders and the public to promote unity in achieving worthwhile goals. He would make a great county recorder.” MARY ELGIN, Calumet Township Trustee (EPIC Paid)

Ivy The Gary Crusader


Saturday, January 16, 2010



Saturday, January 16, 2010


The Gary Crusader

CELEBRA TING AROU ND THE Chri stm as tre e De c. 24, 2009, i n the d ay care mi nistry a t Images of Hope Academy, 2131 Jackson St., are (l-r): Eric Brewer, Mariah Windrom, Brandon Y o u n g , J a m a l T h o m a s , Ja n i e s e , Z a r i e y a W . ; i n f r o n t o f t r e e – K e n j i D u k e s a n d M a k i a h Windrom. (Photo by Wendell C. Harris)

SANTA CLAUSE VISITED the children enrolled in IOH Daycare Ministry Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009. His visit was scheduled by the Broadway Area CDC construction class taught in the IOH multi-purpose building, which was once a public school. Observers thought he resembled John Riggs. (Photo by Wendell C. Harris Sr.)

CHURCH CALENDAR Trinity Baptist Church’s pastor guest speaker at the 41st annual MLK Ecumenical Service Rev. Dwight Gardner, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Gary will be the guest speaker at the 41st Annual Martin Luther King Ecumenical Service Monday, January, 18 at West side High School. The program is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. The program is free and open to the public. The Rev. Raymond McDonald II is the chairman of the event. Send Your Church A n n ou n c e m e n t s Send your church announcements to: Ga r y Cr u sa d e r, Church Calendar, 1549 Broadway, Gary, IN 46407; (219) 885-4357; fax (219) 883-3317; e-mail – The Gary Crusader

DIRECTO R TABETHA ALLEN cooks the meals served the children while this state-licensed daycare is open from 6 a.m. t o 6 p . m . , M on da y t h r ou g h F r id a y . A l s o p r o v id e d a r e a preschool curriculum with competent teachers, field trips and computer training. (Photo by Wendell C. Harris Sr.)

A GINGER BREAD House is the surrounding for the celebration for these children Thursday, D e c . 2 4 , 2 0 0 9 , a t I m a g e s o f H o p e D a y c a r e M i n i s t r y . T h e y a r e ( l - r ): f r o n t – R a s h a n a n d Brandon; back – Anaya, Tamera, Jaylen, Aaliyah and Terenia. (Photo by Wendell C. Harris St.)


Valerie Allen Broadnax Roosevelt Allen, Jr.

Patrician Owens

Guy & Allen FUNERAL DIRECTORS Patsy L. Allen

2959 West 11th Avenue

Gary, Indiana 46404


Rosenwald Allen, Jr.

Carmelita V. Perry

Phone: (219) 949-6325

Saturday, January 16, 2010



Saturday, January 16, 2010


The Gary Crusader



(Continued from page 4) property tax relief. I. The city of Gary has received help from the Indiana Distressed Unit Appeals Board, which does not allow the city of Gary to benefit from property tax caps for its residents, rental properties, and business/industrial properties • A percentage of this tax should be used for Public Safety to assist and support our police and firemen. • Due to the city of Gary’s financial situation and reluctance from the state to create a new source of revenue for the municipal city, a system of check and balances through Legislative oversight can be implemented as to how the revenue can be used. C. Gary Community School Corporation

School Corporation or the municipal city of Gary. • If the city of Gary can benefit from non residential school employees paying a city income tax, there are over 600 employees who fall in this category. • If the Gary Community School Corporation could benefit from a income tax, I would recommend the revenue be used for the following: I. Revenue source for the Capital Projects Fund to demolish closed school buildings in order to increase the property value the land that we need to sell. II. A majority of our school properties are assessed at a negative value III. To fund needed repairs on school property currently in use by the Gary Community School Corporation.

• 34% of Gary Community School Corporation employees do not live in the City of Gary. ( Please see attached) • This represents administrators, teachers, and other educators who work for the Gary schools, but live outside of the city of Gary. • These professionals should also pay an income to the Gary Community

D. Recommendations • During the 2010 Legislative Session allow a referendum vote to take place in Gary during the May primary or the November general election to consider a “city income tax”. • The implementation of a city income tax for the city of Gary may encourage the Lake County Council to create a “Local Option In-

come Tax” to bring us in line with the other 91 counties. I believe that Gary voters would be in favor of creating a city income tax. We would need the help of our Indiana State Legislators to have this placed on the ballot. I know there are plans for a land based casino off of I-94 in Gary, but if approved this session the fruit won’t be ripe for picking until 2013. I know we are a 2nd Class City, but the Legislature has the power to change most things like the constitution for creating property tax caps that all Hoosiers deserve. Hey, the Mayor of Valparaiso supports the property caps being locked into the Indiana Constitution. He also has 2.7 million from a rainy day fund created by a Porter County Income Tax. An income tax for the city of Gary and possibly the Gary Community School Corporation with proper legislative oversight and specific designated use would benefit our community. It’s time for us to quit complaining and discuss real solutions. Darren L. Washington 701 Lincoln St Gary, In 46402

(Continued from page 15) Linda Mallender, Southport ‘81; Lenore (Doering) Pletcher, Wakarusa ‘33 (posthumous); Melinda J. Sparkman, Scottsburg ‘79; and Sharon Versyp, Mishawaka ‘84. The Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame’s Annual Women’s Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, April 24, 2010. The ceremony will take place at the Primo South Banquet and Conference Center which is located on the south side of Indianapolis.

the Web site: Send Your Sports News Send your sports news to:

Gary Crusader, Fields and Dreams, 1549 Broadway, Gary, IN 46407; (219) 885-4357; fax (219) 8833317; e-mail –

Tickets will be made available in coming weeks. Call the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame at: (765) 529-1891 for more information. Following its first visit to the WNBA Finals and three consecutive sellout crowds during the 2009 WNBA Playoffs, the Indiana Fever is eager to pursue a sixth straight playoffs appearance and a return trip to the Finals in 2010. The Fever tips off the 2010 season by hosting the Washington Mystics at 7 p.m., Saturday, May 15. Season tickets are available by calling (317) 917-2500 and on



) )SS: )


U.S. Bank, N.A. as Trustee for the registered holders of Structured Asset Securities Corporation Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-TC1

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Plaintiff ) ) vs. ) ) Thomas L. Rzepka; Associates Home Equity ) Services, Inc. a/k/a Citifinancial Mortgage ) Company, Inc.; Credit Acceptance Corporation; ) and City of Hammond ) ) ) ) ) Defendants ) ) NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Indiana to the defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned. You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit is the foreclosure of a mortgage upon the property located in Lake County at 6743 Ohio Avenue, Hammond, IN, 46323, legally described as: LOT 11, IN BLOCK 7, IN CLINE GARDE NS ADDITION, IN THE CITY O F HA MMO ND , AS PE R PLA T THE RE OF , RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 31, PAGE 71, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RE COR DE R OF LA KE CO UNTY , I ND IA NA (hereafter “Real E state”). This summons by publication is specifically directed to the following defendants who may claim some interest in the Real Estate and whose whereabouts are unknown: Associates Home Equity Services, Inc. a/k/a Citifinancial Mortgage Comp any , Inc You must respond to this summons by publication, by you or your attorney, on or before thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit has been published. If you fail to do so, a default judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. ATTEST. ___________________________________ Clerk of the Lake County Superior Court Fredric Lawrence, Attorney for Plaintiff NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 3105 E. 98th St., Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317)844-0106 Attorney Number 20224-49 NELSON & FRANKENBERGER IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT; ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.

The Gary Crusader


1/16, 1/23,1/30

Saturday, January 16, 2010




COUNTY OF LAKE MIKE AUSTGEN, AUSTGEN PROPERTIES INC., an Indiana Corporation, by and through its President, Mike Austgen Plaintiff

ADVE RTISEMENT FOUR: Resurfacing and Refin ishing of Service D esks CAUSE NO: 45D02-0912-CC-1425

Vs. JAMES W. & MARSHA J SHORT Defendants S UMMONS BY PUBLICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

vide proof of license, bonds, and insurance, as well as all necessary permits. The Library reserves the rights to approve replacement materials prior to the installation and to reject any and all quotes. GPL AD # SYS-10-SAS0001

The Defendants in the above captioned cause of action for quiet title whereabouts are unknown. That a quiet title action concerning the following described property: Oak Gardens N. 150ft. of lot 1, 5745 W. 25th Avenue is pending in Lake Superior court Room # 2, under Cause No. 45D02-0912-CC-01425 That the title of the cause of action is Mike Austgen, Austgen Properties Inc., and Indiana Corporation, by and through its President, Mike Austgen vs. James W. & Marsha J. Short. That the attorney representing the plaintiff ’s is Gregory S. Reising, 607 S. Lake St., Gary, Indiana 46403. That the suit seeks to quiet title to the above captioned property. That is he Defendants, James W. Short & Marsha J. Short does not respond to this publication within 30 days of the last publication, judgment and default will be entered against James W. Short & Marsha J. Short in the above captioned matter. That this is notice to said James W. Short & Marsha J. Short that: a.That Mike Austgen, Austgen Properties Inc. has filed an action to quiet title to the property with the legal description as follows: Oak Gardens N. 150ft. of Lot 1, 5745 W 25th Avenue, and extinguish any interest said James W. Short & Marsha J. Short may have in said property. b.This is your official notice that a default hearing has been duly scheduled for the 10th day of February, 2010 at 1:30 before this Court in Room #2 which is located in the Lake Superior Court building located at 3711 Main St. East Chicago, IN 46312. c.If you do not file a written appearance with the clerk and serve a copy on the above noted Plaintiff ’s attorney you may not receive notice of any further proceedings in this action. If you do not make such an appearance a default judgment which grants the relief sought in he petition to quiet title will be filed by the Court. Any response you have to the complaint must be made in writing and served upon the clerk of this Court and Attorney Gregory S. Reising, 607 S. Lake St., Gary, IN 46403.

Request for Quote s: The Gary Public Library is seeking licensed, bonded and insured vendors to provide quotes for the resurfacing and refinishing of two service desk. The first desk is approximately 20 ft. long by 4.5 ft. wide, made of wood. The desk is used to receive patrons and has electrical current attached. The second desk is an estimated 8 ft. long by 3 ft. wide, and is wooden. This desk is used to receive patrons, as well. Both desks will be resurfaced with countertops and front and side panel finishes. A mandatory walk through is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010, at 11:00am for interested entities. This time will be used to explain the project and the work areas affected. Offerors interested in participating in the walk through must call the Administrative Business Office at (219)886-2484 extension 357. Quotes must be received by 3:00pm on Friday, January 22, 2010. Quotes can be sent via mail, carrier and/or e-mail to by the deadline. The selected Offeror shall provide proof of license, bonds, and insurance, as well as all necessary permits. The Library reserves the rights to approve the finish and resurfacing materials prior to the installation and to reject any and all quotes. GPL AD #MAIN-10-SDR0001 STATE OF INDIANA




COUNTY OF LAKE MIKE AUSTGEN, AUSTGEN PROPERTIES INC., an Indiana Corporation, by and through its President, Mike Austgen Plaintiff

CAUSE NO: 45D02-0912-CC-1426



The State of Indiana to the defendants named above and any other person or persons who may be concerned.

Lots 31, 32 an d the North Half of Lot 33 in Block 9 in Subdivision of Blocks 9, 10,11,12,13 and 14 in Jackson Terrace, in the City of Hammond, as per plat thereof, recorde d in Plat Book 17 page 22, in the Office of the Recorder of Lake County, Indiana (h ereafte r “Real Estate”)

JoAnn Howell and Mutual Hospital Services, Inc. This summons by publication is specifically directed to the following named defendants whose addresses are follows:

Heather J. Vela and Martin E . Vela The State of Indiana to the defendants named above and any other person or persons who may be concerned.

This summons by publication is specifically directed to the following named defendants whose addresses are follows:

The Defendants in the above captioned cause of action for quiet title whereabouts are unknown. That a quiet title action concerning the following described property: INDIANA HARBOR ALL L.1, 2&3 BL.65 (3550-3556 Guthrie) is pending in Lake Superior Court Room # 2, under Cause No. 45D02-0912-CC-01426 That the title of the cause of action is Mike Austgen, Austgen Properties Inc., and Indiana Corporation, by and through its President, Mike Austgen vs. Andrew Suett. That the attorney representing the Plaintiff is Gregory S. Reising, 607 S. Lake St., Gary, Indiana 46403. That the suit seeks to quiet title to the above captioned property. That is he Defendants, James W. Short & Marsha J. Short does not respond to this publication within 30 days of the last publication, judgment and default will be entered against James W. Short & Marsha J. Short in the above captioned matter. That this is notice to said Andrew Suett that: a. That Mike Austgen, Austgen Properties Inc. has filed an action to quiet title to the property with the legal description as follows: INDIANA HARBOR ALL L.1, 2 & 3 BL.65 (3550-3556 GUTHRIE), and extinguish any interest said Andrew Suett may have in said property. b. This is your official notice that a default hearing has been duly scheduled for the 10th day of February, 2010 at 1:30 before this Court in Room #2 which is located in the Lake Superior Court building located at 3711 Main St. East Chicago, IN 46312. c. If you do not file a written appearance with the clerk and serve a copy on the above noted Plaintiff ’s attorney you may not receive notice of any further proceedings in this action. If you do not make such an appearance a default judgment which grants the relief sought in the petition to quiet title will be filed by the Court. Any response you have to the complaint must be made in writing and served upon the clerk of this Court and Attorney Gregory S. Reising, 607 S. Lake St., Gary, IN 46403.

ADVE RTISEMENT ONE: Granite Wall Reconstruction Request for Quote s: The Gary Public Library is seeking licensed, bonded and insured vendors to provide quotes for the reconstruction of a granite retaining wall to be performed at its Kennedy Branch located at 3953 Broadway, Gary, Indiana. The structure was struck by a vehicle and has sustained extensive damage. The Offeror must include materials, labor and all equipment (including lifting and transportation) information in their pricing. A mandatory walk through is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010, at 9:00am for interested entities. This time will be used to explain the project and the work areas affected. Offerors interested in participating in the walk through must call the Administrative Business Office at (219)886-2484 extension 357. Quotes must be received by 3:00pm on Friday, January 22, 2010. Quotes can be sent via mail, carrier and/or e-mail to by the deadline. The selected Offeror shall provide proof of license, bonds, and insurance, as well as all necessary permits. The Library reserves the rights to approve replacement materials prior to the installation and to reject any and all quotes. GPL AD #KEN-10-GW0001

ADVE RTISEMENT TWO: Re-Keying of Lock System Request for Quotes: The Gary Public Library is seeking licensed, bonded and insured vendors to provide quotes for the rekeying of Exterior Doors at all six of its branches located at within the city limits of Gary, Indiana. The Library is seeking a master key system for all exterior doors, preferably a patented lock system. The Offeror must include materials and labor information in their pricing. A mandatory walk through is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010, at 9:00am for interested entities. This time will be used to explain the project and the work areas affected. Offerors interested in participating in the walk through must call the Administrative Business Office at (219)886-2484 extension 357. Quotes must be received by 3:00pm on Friday, January 22, 2010. Quotes can be sent via mail, carrier and/or e-mail to by the deadline. The selected Offeror shall provide proof of license, bonds, and insurance, as well as all necessary permits. The Library reserves the rights to approve replacement materials prior to the installation and to reject any and all quotes. GPL AD # SYS-10-RLS0001 ADVE RTISEMENT THREE: Security Alarm System

NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 3105 E 98TH STREET, SUITE 170 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 844-0106 1/7, 1/14, 1/21


Mutual Hospital Services, Inc.


You must respond to this summons by publication, by you or your attorney, on or before thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit has been published. If you fail to do so, a default judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 3105 E 98TH STREET, SUITE 170




INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 (317) 844-0106



1/14, 1/21, 1/28







GREAT LAKES BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, Vs.

Cause No. 45D10-0907-MF-00344

Comes now the Petitioner, VERNON LANE, In person, pro se, and files Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, herein together with Affidavit of a competent person(s) showing the Affiant has been unable to ascertain in the residence or other address of the Respondent WILMA LANE scheduled for the 23RD day of FEBRUARY 2010, at 1:30 p.m. in the Lake Superior Court, Room Three, Domestic Relations Division, located at 15 West 4th Avenue, Gary, Indiana 46402. Said Respondent must respond tot the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, in writing in person, or by attorney, within sixty (60) days after the first publication of notice, or judgment may be entered against the Respondent as demanded in the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage on file in the Office of the Clerk in said County and State, or said action may be heard and determined in the absence of the Respondent and may result in a final judgment by default.

KERUSSO REAL ESTATE, LCC; KRE, LLC; MARISA GARCIA; CITY OF HAMMOMD; KENYA WOODS; ANGEL WHITE; AND MG OVERSTOCK, SUMMONS NOTICE TO: ANGEL WHITE and KENY A WOODS The whereabouts and residence of the Defendants, Angel White and Kenya Woods are unknown, and after diligent search, they cannot be found.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said Court at Gary, Indiana, this 18th day of, NOVEMBER 2009. Thomas R. Philpot Clerk Lake Superior Court 1/2, 1/9, 1/16

You have been sued by the named “Plaintiff ” in the Court stated above. The nature of the suit is as follows: Plaintiff is foreclosing on its mortgages on he real estate commonly known as 2939-41 Jewett Street, Highland, Indiana. Complaint alleges that Kenya Woods is made a party hereto to answer to or forever be barred from asserting any right, title or interest she may assert in the real estate by reason of her judgment in Lake Superior Court under Cause No. 45D120809-SC-1099. That Angel White, is made a party hereto to answer to or forever be barred from asserting any right, title or interest she may assert in the real estate by reason of her judgment in Lake Superior Court under Cause No 45D12-0807-SC-798. The Defendants, Angel White and Kenya Woods, must respond and answer, in writing the Complaint made against him within thirty (30) days after the last notice of the action is published, and in case of the failure of the Defendants to respond and answer within thirty (30) days, judgment by default will be entered against them for all of the relief demanded in the Complaint. If you have a claim for relief against this Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. Dated this 12th day of November, 2009.

Request for Quote s: The Gary Public Library is seeking licensed, bonded and insured vendors to provide quotes for the installation of new alarm systems at all six of its branches located at within the city limits of Gary, Indiana. The Library is seeking an automated system which shall incorporate digital cameras, door and window sensors, and electronic monitoring of all facilities from a central location. The Offeror must include materials, equipment and labor information in their pricing. A mandatory walk through is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2010, at 1:00pm for interested entities. This time will be used to explain the project and the work areas affected. Offerors interested in participating in the walk through must call the Administrative Business Office at (219)886-2484 extension 357.


Quotes must be received by 3:00pm on Friday, January 22, 2010. Quotes can be sent via mail, carrier and/or e-mail to by the deadline. The selected Offeror shall pro-

1/16, 1/23, 1/30

Saturday, January 16, 2010

You must respond to this summons by publication, by you or your attorney, on or before thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit has been published. If you fail to do so, a default judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint

The nature of the suit is the foreclosure of a mortgage upon the property located in Lake County at 3351 Jasper Street, Hobart, IN, 46342, legally described as: LOT 38 IN VIK ING VILLIAGE SUBDIVISION, AS PE R PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT B OOK 33 PAGE 15, IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF LAK E COUNTY, INDIANA. (h ere after “Real Estate”).

1/16, 1/23, 1/30


Heather J. Vela and Martin E. Vela





The nature of the suit is the foreclosure of a mortgage upon the property located in Lake County at 7106 Monroe Avenue, Hammond, IN, 46324 legally described as:

You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named.


5. 6.





Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for, Argent Securities Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-W4, Under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement Dated November 1, 2005




CAUSE NO. 45D02-0911-MF-00445

You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named.

1/16, 1/23, 1/30




CAUSE NO. 45D01-0912-MF-0424

HSBC Bank USA N.A., as Trustee in behalf of ACE Securities Corp, Home Equity Loan Trust And for the registered holders of ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust 2007-D1 Asset Backed Pass-Through Certificates




Brain L. Goins (8616-45) Attorneys for Plaintiff Great Lakes Bank, N.A. 322 Indianapolis Blvd, Suite 201 Schererville, IN 46375 219-864-5051

GINA’ S GIANT STEPS Home Day Care We provide an education curriculum that stimulates the childs mind and body. This includes three meals a day, indoor and outdoor activities, field trips, grade appropriate course work and after-school care. Open: Monday thru Friday 6 am to 6 pm Ages: 6 months to 14 years Location: 1539 W. 74th Place Merrillville, Indiana 46410

For more information please contact Regina Robinson at 219-769-0766 BLACKS MUST CONTROL THEIR OWN COMMUNITY

The Gary Crusader

FIELDS AND DREAMS BY LANEL CHAMBERS Basketball Games in Memory of Martin Luther King Jr. IHSAA – These basketball games are being played in memory of Martin Luther King Jr. Saturday, Jan. 16, at Wallace High School, 415 W. 45th Ave: 12 p.m., Urban, from Chicago, vs. Gary Roosevelt; 4 p.m., Notre Dame, from Peoria, Ill., vs. Gary Wallace; 6 p.m., East St. Louis, (from Illinois) vs. Gary West Side. Basketball for Gary area high schools includes: Friday, Jan. 15 - 6 p.m., Campagna Acadermy, 1A, at Gary 21st Century Cougars (charter school, 1A; 7:30 p.m., Hobart Brickies, 4A, at Andrean Fighting 59ers, 3A, Northwest Crossroads Conference; 7:30 p.m., Calumet Warriors, 3A, at Lake Station Edison Eagles, 2A, Greater South Shore Conference; 7:30 p.m., Merrillville Pirates, 4A, at LaPorte Slicers, 4A, Duneland Conference; 7:30 p.m., Hammond Noll Warriors, 2A, at River Forest Ingots, 2A, Greater South Shore Conference; 8:30 p.m., Indianapolis Herron, 2A, at Bowman Academy Eagles, 1A (charter school in Gary); 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 19, Chesterton Trojans, 3A, at Andrean Fighting 59ers, 3A. The Greater South Shore Conference tournament will be played Tuesday through Saturday, Jan. 19-23. Gary Academies will Travel to Play High School Girls Basketball IHSAA – Giary high school basketball for the girls includes: Thursday, Jan. 14 – 7 p.m., Gary Wallace at Brooks, in Chicago, 7:30 p.m., East Chicago Central Cardinals, 4A, at Gary Roosevelt Panthers, 3A; 7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 15, Gary West Side Cougars, 4A, at South Bend Clay Colonials, 4A; (time TBA), Saturday, Jan. 16, Gary Roosevelt at Whitney Young, in Chicago; 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 19, Gary West Side Cougars, 4A, at Griffith Panthers, 3A. Girls basketball for Gary area high schools includes: Thursday, Jan. 14 – 7:30 p.m., Seton Academy, from Illinois, at Bowman Academy (charter in school in Gary), Calumet Warriors, 3A, at Andrean Fighting 59ers, 3A; 7:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 15, LaPorte Slicers at Merrillville Pirates, 4A, Duneland Conference; The Gary Crusader

Saturday, Jan. 16 – 7:30 p.m., Calumet Warriors, 3A, at Wheeler Bearcats, 2A, and Hammond Noll Warriors, 2A, at Whiting Oilers, both Greater South Shore Conference games; Tuesday, Jan. 19 – 6 p.m., East Chicago Central Cardinals, 4A, at Bowman Academy, 1A, 7:30 p.m. The Greater South Shore Conference tournament will be played Tuesday through Saturday, Jan. 19-23. Golf Digest’s “Best New Course” Honors go to Pete Dye Course at French Lick FRENCH LICK - French Lick Resort, the award winning resort destination located in southern Indiana, has earned its most accomplished golf honor to date, the new Pete Dye course has been selected “Best New Public Course” in the country by Golf Digest. The leading golf publication’s annual review of “America’s Best New Courses” appears in the January 2010 issue and covers the best new courses in the public, private, Canadian, and remodeled categories. A panel of 950 male and female golfers conducts the annual best new survey by rating the courses based on a shot values, design variety, resistance to scoring, memorability, and aesthetics. The Pete Dye course edged out some of America’s best new golf courses including, Palouse Ridge at Washington State University; Tetherow Golf Club, Bend, Ore.; Pound Ridge Golf Club, New York; and Blue Top Ridge Golf Club in Iowa; which rounded out the top five. “As we began the journey some four and a half years ago, we never imagined that that golf at French Lick would become so highly acclaimed, and recognized both regionally and nationally, in such a short timeframe,” said Dave Harner, French Lick Resort’s director of golf. “Great things happen when you combine the efforts of three visionaries - Bill Cook, Steve Ferguson, and Pete Dye.” Ron Whitten, the magazine’s senior editor of architecture, described the Dye course as, “a stark, treeless, wind-swept concoction by octogenarian Pete Dye, the Gandolf wizard of course design.” The course, regarded as one of the most breathtaking and exciting 18 holes of golf in the country, was carefully carved on a dramatic hilltop offering a variety of elevation changes, rugged and dramatic terrain, narrow fairways and vintage Pete Dye characteris-

tics. There are spectacular views from every hole, some that stretch for over 40 miles. Dye said he was tickled to hear of the award, the fifth time one of his designs has won that prestigious honor. He said designing the course on such a severe, hilly landscape was challenging but a lot of fun. “I made more than 140 trips there and I walked that course 40 to 50 times,” he said. “As I built the golf course I tried to get the tees, the fairways, and the greens in position that they have these long views over the valleys and hills. A lot of southern Indiana is natural forest, a lot of it is state owned, so you can see for miles. The ambience of the course is the look, the vistas from all the different tees, greens, and fairways.” Complementing the Dye design is the property’s historic Taggart mansion, dramatically restored, to serve as the clubhouse offering sweeping views of the course from its hilltop location. From the mansion the course spreads out 50 feet below, “routed like a four-pointed star, with squiggly fairways dotted by typical Pete Dye bunkers,” Whitten said in his review. Although the course stretches out to a whopping 8,102 yards from the championship tees, it is designed for all levels of play with the forward tees set at 5,100 yards. Whitten said he was also impressed by how easy it was to walk the layout, especially from the regular tees at 6,115 yards. Each tee is located next to the preceding green. The course is already on the national golf radar. In 2010 it will be the site of the PGA of America’s Professional National Championship. The resort predicts this will be the first of several high-profile professional events it will host on the Dye layout in the future. French Lick Resort is a $500 million historic restoration and casino development project that includes the West Baden Springs Hotel, French Lick Springs Hotel and the new French Lick Casino. This premier resort and casino destination in Southern Indiana features 689 guest rooms and suites; a 42,000-square-foot, single-level casino; 45 holes of golf, including the fully restored 1917designed Donald Ross Course at French Lick and the new, 18-hole Pete Dye Course at French Lick; two full-service spas with a combined 36 treatment rooms totaling 42,000 square feet; meeting and event space totaling 115,000 square feet and an array of dining and entertainment options. For more information, visit the Web site:


CHICAGO CUBS PITCHER Jeff Samrrja gives a few pitching tips to Boys and Girls Club member Latrell Wiggins. (Photo by Lou Roldan) or call 888-936-9360. Dunn to be Inducted into Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame INDIANAPOLIS - Indiana Fever Head Coach Lin Dunn has been named as one of 10 female inductees to the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame. Dunn will be honored when the 2010 women’s induction class is welcomed April 24. She has coached 39 years and will receive the “St.Vincent Silver Medal Award” which is given annually for contributions other than as an Indiana high school basketball coach or player, Dunn has impacted the state with her success both as a college and professional coach, and the award is her second hall of fame recognition in the past two months. In November, she was named to the 2010 induction class of the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame, which will be honored Feb. 19, in Nashville. Advancing beyond her Tennessee roots, Dunn led the Fever within one game of a WNBA Championship last October. She was the runner-up as “WNBA Saturday, January 16, 2010

Coach of the Year” after leading the Fever to its finest season ever in 2009, boasting a 22-12 regular season mark and driving Indiana to the WNBA Finals. Dunn has led the Fever to back-to-back playoff appearances. As a college coach, Dunn’s 447257 (.635) record in 25 seasons culminated with nine seasons at Purdue (1988-96). She built the program into a national powerhouse, guiding the Boilermakers to three Big Ten Conference titles and seven NCAA Tournament appearances. The Big Ten “Coach of the Year” in 1989 and 1991, she led the Boilers to four Sweet 16 appearances and a trip to the Final Four in 1994. She guided the Boilers to a 20668 (.752) record before leaving Purdue as the winningest women’s basketball coach in school history. Other inductees in the 2010 women’s class of the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame include: Catherine (Beesley) Acton, Western Boone ‘80; Dale Ciciora, Liberty Township ‘52; Tonya BurnsCohrs, Leo ‘81; Cheryl Cook, Indianapolis Washington ‘81; Jody (Beerman) Kelley, Heritage ‘83; (Continued on page 13) 15


Saturday, January 16, 2010


The Gary Crusader

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