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By Alyssa Chantal P. Moreno

ride is a beautiful thing, yet it’s perceived as the deadliest sin. Too much of it, and you’re immediately seen as the villain—selfish and egoistic. However, being the villain isn’t all that bad. The main character has always been the hero, perfect in every way. But realistically? We’ve once been branded as the ‘bad guy’ in someone’s story.


Don’t get it twisted, I don’t condone evil deeds nor practice violence. But the good man who turned bad had his reasons. When pride gets damaged, it becomes your best friend, reminding you of your self-worth and shielding your selfesteem. “Be the bigger person,” they said, but must you always adjust and cater to the needs of others? When you feel what you wish to feel, you are viewed as sensitive. When you desire to place yourself above others, you are seen as a narcissist. It’s difficult to go in between when the choices that you have are either too much or too little for others to bear. These villains were once good until their kindness was abused by others, turning them into something they did not want to become.

For the Tribe, the end of their reign also presents an opportunity for reflection and renewal. This moment can be used to take stock of their accomplishments, celebrate their successes, and identify areas of improvement. It can fuel them to once again reclaim the coveted title. With bursting pride and honor, they get to connect with other athletes with their knowledge and experience, inspiring the next generation of warriors to retrieve the throne, “Gooo Engineering!”

In the end, the dethroned Engineering Warriors is not just a story of defeat, but of resilience and perseverance. It’s a reminder that success is not measured solely by victories and accolades, but by the ability to bounce back from setbacks and to continually pursue one’s goals with pride and dignity. So, here’s to the Tribe, and to all those who strive to push the boundaries of what is possible. Our time may not be now, but our time will surely come by, again.C

For the Tribe, the end of their reign also presents an opportunity for reflection and renewal.

The good thing about being the villain is that people don’t underestimate you. And if they do, I get to prove them wrong every single time. And the things they have to say? It fuels me to become better. My point here is that you get to be emotionally strong and build thick skin. I don’t ever resort to revenge, but I know that karma will be served one day.

I was once the bigger person, the hero in every story. I have placed others before my own, even if it was slowly dismantling me. After I reciprocated them with the same treatment, I became a villain in their story. I’ve had enough of the mind games and dirty gossip, and I’m done being the hero in this lifetime. A villain can be a villain without being cruel. And if the villain means to safeguard my peace and sanity, then I am unapologetic for how I chose to be.

As it is said, “A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told.”C

We’ve once been branded as the ‘bad guy’ in someone’s story.

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