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The Ceo Chief Editor Overview

Season’s greetings and Happy New Year 2023!

We think this year’s festivity is particularly special because this is the first new year celebration in three years where we are not haunted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The world had moved toward herd immunity, and we slowly adapted to living with the presence of this disease. People bravely flooded the streets with joy and excitement. They can finally visit and meet with families and friends, attend parties, and go on a vacation. In short, things are slowly coming back to the time when before we had the pandemic.

No doubt that 2023 will come with its own unique challenges. As we heard the global economy is predicted to go into a recession. Not to mention any new conflict that might happen in the world that might affect global trade. The ongoing trade tensions between the United States and China, for example, have had an impact on global supply chains and may continue to do so in the coming years. Fortunately, the demand for food should still be strong because ultimately all humans need to eat. However, this might not be true for all food commodities, especially their expensive counterparts. It will be interesting to see how consumer behavior will change this coming year.

One expectation is that the global economy will continue to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many countries have implemented measures to stimulate economic growth. China recently ended its zero covid policy and opens up its border and trade. Though normalization will still take time, it is a good step toward it. Let’s hope that this will not be just a temporary rebound. With any luck, these efforts can increase consumption and prevent the upcoming recession.

Aside from what is happening on the global stage, we shouldn’t forget to look back to what is happening on the farm. Diseases have long been the main challenge in aquaculture. It seems like even before we took care of one disease, another more virulent one sprouted anew. Not to mention the effect of climate change on weather patterns that further makes our animals more susceptible to diseases. But still, one trait that all good aquaculturists need to have is optimism.

So fellow citizens of the world and aquaculture enthusiasts, stay tuned this year again with THE CRUST as we embark on this journey to promote and improve aquaculture together. Let’s make 2023 our year to rise and shine brighter! Once again, Happy New Year, and have a funtastic 2023!


Rizky Darmawan Chief Editor

Indonesia is facing challenges in shrimp production due to rampant diseases and the ever-increasing operating cost. According to Denny Leonardo, Managing Partner of PT Tequisa Indonesia, nursery and the multiphase system can be a solution to increase shrimp production by more cycles of shrimp production per year due to better feeds and management in the nursery phase and reduce the cost of antibiotic and disinfectant usage in this model due to high control and reduced disease risk. This model of shrimp aquaculture, Denny said, is the future of shrimp farming in Indonesia.

Denny explained, of course, because the system is different, the feeding management in the nursery is also vastly different from that in the grow-out pond. Denny describes the nursery phase is as a phase in between the post-larvae stage to juvenile stage in a nursery pond before releasing it to the grow-out pond. “Several benefits of a nursery phase include increased survival rate, improved feeding efficiency, and increased growth performance, hence a better grow-out production due to the “head start” of better control in the shrimp’s early development stages,” he explained.

Meanwhile Salman Fuadi, Account Manager of INVE Aquaculture explained, with the rise of nursery practices in Asia, especially in

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