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team fan
Teens look to adults for sportsmanship-like behaviors
As mentioned in the October issue, there are expectations for how fans should act during sporting events. There are also expectations for parents and student-athletes.
Parents play a large role in setting examples for their athletes. Throughout the season parents have certain expectations to follow during sporting events.
“Parents should come and support their athletes and the team from Lakeview in a positive way that represents us and them,” Athletic Director Shawn Aimesbury said.
From cheering and supporting at games, parents are who their athletes will turn to when they are playing.
“Parents should be calm, cool, collective and cheer for the team during games,” senior Jashaun Boggerty said.
The examples parents set for their athletes are key to how the season will go. Players can sometimes hear their parents when they are playing.
“When parents are cheering in the stands it helps motivate me on the court,” senior Katie Belmore said.
The more parents cheer for the team, the more the team gets into the game. It is important for parents to encourage the players and keep good attitudes throughout the event. It can help to change the outcome of the game when always being engaged with the plays.
Some players might not notice their parents; they try to not let them affect how they are playing, only focusing on the overall cheering and atmosphere of the game.
“My parents don’t affect me, I try to tune them out because they aren’t very relevant to what I am doing on the court,” Belmore said.
There are times where parents cheering can stand out and they can be heard by the players.
“My parents are crazy, specifically my mother; she just screams and hollers. It could be your team, their team, the refs; she is always yelling,” Boggerty said “But my parents motivate me because they are cheering for me.”
Players are there to play the game and not get caught up by other things going on around them. Mistakes can be made in every aspect of the game but it’s how parents deal with those problems that can have the biggest impact on athletes.
“Parents should be respectful and understand refs and players are going to make mistakes throughout the game,” Belmore said.
Games can be very emotional. However, if parents have a problem that involves the coach’s comment, they are expected to follow the 24-hour rule.
“If a parent has a concern at the game, parents should wait 24 hours before contacting the coaches because of the high emotions games can cause. After that time is up, they can call or email to set up an appointment,” Men’s Basketball Coach Stephen Wichman said.
It is very important for parents to follow the rules set by the athletic department to set examples for their athletes.
Not only are the parents looked at for certain expectations to follow. The athletes have just as much responsibility if not more than parents do.
Players always have to be ready during games. It could be their time to go in at any moment.
“They should be focused on what’s happening on the court in case it’s their turn to play,” Coach Wichmann said.
Whether you are a player in the game or sitting on the bench, cheering for your teammates is crucial during the game.
“They should just support the team; if it’s not for them, do it for the team,” Boggerty said.
It is very important to have the entire team, playing or not, engaged with the plays throughout the game, in order to help motivate the team as a whole. Athletes are who the spectators and opposing teams see first. They look to them to understand how the team represents their school. It is important to be seen as the best.
“The athletes are representing their family, the school and the sports that they are participating in. They should be putting Lakeview in the spotlight for being the best we can look at all times,” Aimesbury said.
Sportsmanship towards officials is a key aspect when it comes to playing the game. Athletes, coaches and parents can all have a tendency to make comments towards officials during games.
Officials can help make or break a game. Even the officials can make mistakes. But how the athletes and their parents choose to react to those decisions can have an even greater impact on the game’s outcome.
“We are all human and that we all make mistakes,” Belmore said “Voice your opinion quietly because overall it’s not going to affect the outcome of the play, it’s already been played.”
Being an official is a dying job. There are many factors that contribute to the loss.
Why do we lose refs?
1. Fans: the way spectators treat officials.
2. Pay and time: the things they deal with are not worth the pay they get. Along with they do not have time due to other obligations.
3. Age of officials: there are not enough younger officials.