1 minute read
TABLE of Contents
PAGE 3: The Cartel
PAGES 4 & 5: Career Exploration
PAGE 6: Black History Month
PAGES 7, 8, & 9: Valentine’s Day (Romantic Movies, Date Ideas for all Budgets)
PAGES 10 & 11: Passion for Community Service
PAGE 12: Super Bowl Party Ideas
PAGE 13: Testosterone Levels
PAGE 14: Athletic Trainer’s Life
PAGE 15: PDA, Break Ups
KEEPING IN TOUCH: Despite our means of communication changing over the years, expressing passion for people, interests and other things in our lives hasn’t. Sometimes our passion is expressed in the plans we make for our futures (pgs. 4, 5), what we do for others in our community (pgs. 10, 11) or how we treat our significant others (pgs. 7-9). No matter what, Spartans, keep those passions alive!
Thank you, Allegra Battle Creek, for Sponsoring The Crystal
Lakeview High School
15060 Helmer Road South Battle Creek, MI 49015 lakeviewspartans.org
The Crystal is printed by: The Argus-Press Company
201 E. Exchange St. Owosso, MI 48867
The Crystal is a member of the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association and has been awarded the Spartan Award in 2004-2005, 20052006, 2013-2014 and 2019-2020.
The Crystal is a self-funded student publication distributed free of charge to all Lakeview High School students and staff with a total press run of 500. The publication is an open forum for expression and a two-way communication for both the school and community. The editor-in-chief and staff are solely responsible for the content. Opinions expressed in the newspaper are not necessarily those of the staff or the administration of the Lakeview High School.
The mission of The Crystal is as follows: to inform and entertain audiences of Lakeview High School and surrounding communities by providing diverse, relevant stories. The Crystal strives to remain objective, accurate and truthful while increasing school and community awareness of timely issues.
Businesses are encouraged to advertise in The Crystal when their ads adhere to the specified guidelines available in the publications room. Members of The Crystal staff can be contacted by calling the publications room phone at 269-565-3731 or emailing at thecrystal@lakeviewspartans.org