16 minute read
CSC A ward Nominees
Adam Blair, Obstacles in Haiti, CTV News; Gord Edick, G20 Shots Fired/Protesters Confronted, Global News; George Papadionysiou, Despair in Port-au-Prince, CTV News
Allan Leader csc, Race the Base, Daily Planet, Discovery Channel; Jim Moule, Ice, CTV News, Calgary; Kirk Neff, Field of Dreams, 16:9 The Bigger Picture, Global
Yves Drapeau, Elizabeth House, Tobias Sarin, Kerry Smart
Sarorn Sim, To Rebuild Haiti; Sarorn Sim, Hope School; Kelly Wolfert csc, BC Blueberries
STUDENT CINEMATOGRAPHY Sponsored by Panavision Canada
Gregory Biskup, Vidalonga, York University; Tess Marie Garneau, Play.Stop.Rewind, York University; Samuel Lebel-Wong, Seeing Maggie Pootoogook, Ryerson University
Matthew Phillips csc, Beast Legends: Fire Dragon; P eter Ro we csc, Angry Planet “Crystal Cave”; Tony Wannamaker csc, Party Mamas III “Sharon”
Jeremy Benning csc, The Egyptian Job; Damir Chytil csc, Breakout “Pittsburgh 6”; Ray Dumas csc, The Real Jack the Ripper ROBERT BROOKS AWARD FOR DOCUMENTARY CINEMATOGRAPHY Barry Lank csc, Nature of Things “Save My Lake”; John Walker csc, Winds of Heaven: Emily Carr; Tony Wannamaker csc & Stefan Randstrom, Inside Disaster Haiti
Samy Inayeh, Blake McGrath “Relax”; Samy Inayeh, V. V . Brown “Shark in the Water”; Brett Van Dyk e csc, Shane Y ello wbird “Watching Y ou Walk Away”
Brendan Steacy csc, Last Call
Daniel Grant, Hangnail; Simon Shohet, Rosie Takes the Train; Craig Wrobleski csc, June
Gamal El-Boushi csc, acs, Massr El-Naharda Egypt Today; Christopher Mably, Tropicana Arctic Sun; Adam Marsden csc, Brita Bottles
TV DRAMA CINEMATOGRAPHY Sponsored by Sim Video Productions Ltd.
Pierre Gill csc, Fakers; Ousama Rawi csc, bsc, Ben Hur (Night 2); Ron Stannett csc, Flicka 2
TV SERIES CINEMATOGRAPHY Sponsored by Technicolor Toronto
Rene Ohashi csc, asc, Nikita “2.0”; Ousama Rawi csc, bsc, The Tudors “Ep. 410”; Stephen Reizes csc, Flashpoint “Acceptable Risk”; Michael Wale csc, Smallville “Shield”; Glen Winter csc, Smallville “Abandoned”
Nicolas Bolduc csc, La Cité; Paul Sarossy csc, bsc, Chloe; Paul Sarossy csc, bsc, The Duel; Brendan Steacy csc, Small Town Murder Songs; Adam Swica csc, Casino Jack
BILL HIL SON AWARD: Rob Sim, President, Sim V ideo, “For outstanding service contributing to the development of the motion picture industry in Canada.” PRESIDENT’S AWARD: Don Angus, “For outstanding service to the Canadian Society of Cinematographers.” KODAK NEW CENTURY AWARD: George Willis csc, sasc, “For outstanding contribution to the art of cinematography.”
Jim Aquila csc John Badcock csc Michael Balfry csc Christopher Ball csc John Banovich csc John Stanley Bartley csc, asc Stan Barua csc Yves Bélanger csc Peter Benison csc Jeremy Benning csc John Berrie csc Michel Bisson csc Michael Boland csc Nicolas Bolduc csc Thomas Burstyn csc, frsa, nzcs Barry Casson csc Eric Cayla csc Neil Cervin csc Henry Chan csc Marc Charlebois csc Rodney Charters csc, asc Damir I. Chytil csc Jericca Cleland csc Arthur E. Cooper csc Walter Corbett csc Steve Cosens csc Bernard Couture csc Richard P. Crudo csc, asc Dean Cundey csc, asc François Dagenais csc Steve Danyluk csc Kamal Derkaoui csc Kim Derko csc Serge Desrosiers csc Ricardo Diaz csc Jean-Yves Dion csc Zoe Dirse csc Mark Dobrescu csc Wes Doyle csc John Drake csc Guy Dufaux csc Ray Dumas csc Albert Dunk csc, asc Philip Earnshaw csc Gamal El-Boushi csc, acs Michael Ellis csc Carlos A. Esteves csc Nikos Evdemon csc David Frazee csc Marc Gadoury csc Antonio Galloro csc James Gardner csc, sasc David A Geddes csc Ivan Gekoff csc Laszlo George csc, hsc Pierre Gill csc Russ Goozee csc Steve Gordon csc Barry R. Gravelle csc David Greene csc Michael Grippo csc Manfred Guthe csc D. Gregor Hagey csc Thomas M. Harting csc Pauline R. Heaton csc Brian Hebb csc David Herrington csc Karl Herrmann csc Kenneth A. Hewlett csc Robert Holmes csc John Holosko csc George Hosek csc Colin Hoult csc Donald Hunter csc Mark Irwin csc, asc James Jeffrey csc Pierre Jodoin csc Martin Julian csc Norayr Kasper csc Glen Keenan csc Ian Kerr csc Jan E. Kiesser csc, asc Alar Kivilo csc, asc Douglas Koch csc Charles D. Konowal csc Ken Krawczyk csc Alwyn J. Kumst csc Jean-Claude Labrecque csc Serge Ladouceur csc George Lajtai csc Marc Laliberté Else csc Barry Lank csc Philippe Lavalette csc Allan Leader csc John Lesavage csc Henry Less csc Pierre Letarte csc Antonin Lhotsky csc Philip Linzey csc J.P. Locherer csc Larry Lynn csc Dylan Macleod csc Bernie MacNeil csc Glen MacPherson csc, asc Shawn Maher csc David A. Makin csc Adam Marsden csc Donald M. McCuaig csc, asc Robert B. McLachlan csc, asc Ryan McMaster csc Michael McMurray csc Stephen F. McNutt csc, asc Simon Mestel csc Alastair Meux csc Gregory D. Middleton csc C. Kim Miles csc Gordon Miller csc Robin S. Miller csc Paul Mitchnick csc Luc Montpellier csc Rhett Morita csc David Moxness csc Douglas Munro csc Kent Nason csc Mitchell T. Ness csc Robert C. New csc Stefan Nitoslawski csc Danny Nowak csc Rene Ohashi csc, asc Harald K. Ortenburger csc Gerald Packer csc Barry Parrell csc Brian Pearson csc David Perrault csc Barry F. Peterson csc Bruno Philip csc Matthew R. Phillips csc André Pienaar csc, sasc Zbigniew (Ed) Pietrzkiewicz csc Ronald Plante csc Milan Podsedly csc Hang Sang Poon csc Andreas Poulsson csc Don Purser csc Ousama Rawi csc, bsc William Walker Reeve csc Stephen Reizes csc Derek Rogers csc Peter Rowe csc Brad Rushing csc Branimir Ruzic csc Jérôme Sabourin csc Victor Sarin csc Paul Sarossy csc, bsc Michael Patrick Savoie csc Ian Seabrook csc Gavin Smith csc Christopher Soos csc Brenton Spencer csc Michael Spicer csc John Spooner csc Ronald Edward Stannett csc Pieter Stathis csc Brendan Steacy csc Barry Ewart Stone csc Michael Storey csc Michael Sweeney csc Adam Swica csc Attila Szalay csc, hsc Jason Tan csc John P. Tarver csc Paul Tolton csc Bert Tougas csc Chris Triffo csc Sean Valentini csc Brett Van Dyke csc Roger Vernon csc Frank Vilaca csc Daniel Villeneuve csc Daniel Vincelette csc Michael Wale csc John Walker csc James Wallace csc Tony Wannamaker csc Peter Warren csc Andrew Watt csc Jim Westenbrink csc Tony Westman csc Kit Whitmore csc, soc Brian Whittred csc Ron Williams csc George A. Willis csc, sasc Glen Winter csc Peter Woeste csc Kelly John Wolfert csc Bill C.P. Wong csc Kevin C.W. Wong csc Bruce Worrall csc Craig Wrobleski csc Yuri Yakubiw csc Ellie Yonova csc
Joshua Allen Don Armstrong Vince Arvidson François Aubrey John W. Bailey Douglas Baird Kenneth Walter Balys Maya Bankovic David Battistella Gregory Bennett Guy Bennett Jonathan Benny Jonathan Bensimon André Bériault Aaron Bernakevitch Roy Biafore Christian Bielz Thomas Billingsley Stan Bioksic Francois M. Bisson Martin Brown Scott Brown Richard Burman Lance Carlson Jon Castell Mark Caswell Maurice Chabot César Charlone Stephen Chung David Collard René Jean Collins Jarrett B. Craig Rod Crombie James Crowe Micha Dahan Michael Jari Davidson Vincent De Paula Nicholas de Pencier Randy Dreager Duane Empey Andreas Evdemon Jay Ferguson Andrew Forbes Richard Fox Joshua Fraiman Kevin A. Fraser Brian Gedge Yorgos Giannelis Rion Gonzales Dave Gordon Vladimir Gosaric Daniel Grant
CSC MEMBERS Jeffrey Hanley Josh Henderson David M.J. Hodge John Hodgson James D. Holloway Suave Hupa George Hupka David Johns Jorma Kantola Ali Kazimi Ernie Kestler Shannon Kohli Douglas John Kropla Charles Lavack Jim Laverdiere Deborah Parks Pavel “Pasha” Patriki Rick Perotto Allan Piil Scott Plante Ryan A. Randall Ali Reggab Cathy Robertson Peter Rosenfeld Don Roussel Albert Rudnicki Steve Sanguedolce Christopher Sargent Andrew W. Scholotiuk Ian Scott Derek Archibald Robin Bain Iain Alexander Baird Peter Battistone Russell Bell Jacques F. Bernier Tyson Burger Gordon A. Burkell Joseph Calabrese Arnold Caylakyan Bernard Chartouni Johnny Yan Chen Brent J. Craig Brad Creasser Colin Davis Robin Lawless soc Neil Scott Dominika Dittwald Byung-Ho Lee Neil Seale Tony Edgar Philip Letourneau Wayne Sheldon Zachary Finkelstein James Lewis Simon Shohet Randy French John V. Lindsay Sarorn Ron Sim Richard Gira Matthew J. Lloyd Barry E. Springgay James D. Hardie Dave Luxton Paul Steinberg Stephen Hargreaves Robert Macdonald Marc Stone Bruce William Harper Mario Anthony Madau Michael Strange John Richard Hergel BA CD Jeff Maher Joseph G. Sunday phd Adam Christopher Hickman Alfonso Maiorana Peter Sweeney Perry Hoffmann Yoann Malnati Aaron Szimanski Brad Hruboska Roy Marques Peter Szperling Marcel D. Janisse Kelly Mason André Paul Therrien Michael Jasen Andris D. Matiss George (Sandy) Thomson Rick Kearney Paul McCool John Thronberg Matthew Casey Kennedy Patrick McLaughlin Ian Toews Guido Kondruss Gabriel Medina John Walsh Boris Kurtzman Tony Meerakker Lloyd Walton Ryan Lalonde Tony Merzetti Glenn C. Warner Charles Lenhoff Anthony Metchie Douglas H. Watson Tony Lippa Bentley Miller Roger Williams John Lipsz Paul Mockler Richard Wilmot Lori P. Longstaff Sarah Moffat Peter Wayne Wiltshire Robert H. Lynn Robin Lee Morgan Carolyn Wong Megan MacDonald Helmfried Muller Dave Woodside Jill MacLauchlan Parks Brian Charles Murphy Peter Wunstorf asc Justin McIntosh Keith Murphy Xiao Chen Yu Ian McLaren Christopher M. Oben Steven Zajaczkiwsky Andrew Medicky Eric Oh CSC A ffiliate MEMBERS Alejandro Muñoz Alexandre M. Oktan JoAnne Alaric Kar Wai Ng Ted Parkes Donald G. Angus Peter Osborne Andrew Oxley Gino Papineau Graeme Parcher Kalpesh Patel Greg Petrigo Craig Pew Douglas B. Pruss Lem Ristsoo Susan Saranchuk Chirayouth Jim Saysana James Scott Alexey Sikorsky Brad Smith Michael Soos Gillian Stokvis-Hauer Steve Thorpe VANCOUVER CALGARY TORONTO HALIFAX VANCOUVER CALGARY TORONTO HALIFAX 604-527-7262 403-246-7267 416-444-7000 902-404-3630
Steven Tsushima 604-527-7262 403-246-7267 416-444-7000 902-404-3630
Paula Tymchuk Anton van Rooyen Trevor J. Wiens Irene Sweeney Willis Ridvan Yavuz
Herbert Alpert csc, asc Robert Bocking csc Raymond A. Brounstein csc David Carr csc Marc Champion csc Christopher Chapman csc, cfe Robert C. Crone csc, cfc, dg David A. De Volpi csc Kelly Duncan csc, dgc Glen Ferrier John C. Foster csc Leonard Gilday csc John Goldi csc Kenneth W. Gregg csc John B. Griffin csc Edward Higginson csc Brian Holmes csc Brian Hosking Joan Hutton csc Douglas Kiefer csc Rudolf Kovanic csc Les Krizsan csc Naohiko Kurita csc Harry Lake csc Peter C. Luxford csc Duncan MacFarlane csc Harry Makin csc Douglas A. McKay csc Donald James McMillan csc Jim Mercer csc Roger Moride csc George Morita csc Wilhelm E. Nassau Ron Orieux csc Dean Peterson csc Roland K. Pirker Randal G. Platt csc Norman Quick csc Roger Racine csc Robert G. Saad csc Josef Seckeresh csc Michael S. Smith John Stoneman csc Kirk Tougas Y. Robert Tymstra Walter Wasik csc Ron Wegoda csc James A. Wright Keith Young
Roberta Bondar Vi Crone Graeme Ferguson Wilson Markle
indicates demo reel online, www.csc.ca
Used Leica Geo System Disto Laser Measurement Devices Attention crew technicians interested in selling used Leica Disto Laser Measurement devices for cash to upgrade to newer models. Contact: Alan J. Crimi, Panavision Canada Corp. at 416-258-7239, shipping, receiving and client services at 416-444-7000 or alan.crimi@panavision.com. www.panavision.com.
Short-Te rm Accommodation for Re nt
Visiting Vancouver for a shoot? One-bedroom condo in Kitsilano on English Bay with secure underground parking, $350 per week. Contact: Peter Benison at 604-730-0860, 416-698-4482 or peter@peterbenison.com.
Equipment for Sale
Pro 35 with three mounts (Nikon, PL & Canon) $4,500; Sony F900 with low hours and accessories, no lens $6,000 obo. Contact: Angela Donald, 416-849- 4877 or angela@hlp.tv.
Sony DXC-D30 3 Camera Live Production Package includes three DXCD30 cameras/camera backs/ CCUs and multicore camera cables; Panasonic WJMX70 8 input switcher; full camera and switcher monitoring package and waveform/vectorscope; equipment rack for camera monitors & CCUs. Wired and operational. $19,500. Contact Ted Mitchener at ZTV Broadcast Services for complete list of equipment: 905-290-4430 or ted@ztvbroadcast.com.
P ortable Gel Bin great for studio or location use, holds 24 Rosco or Lee colour correction, diffusion, reflective, scrim, etc., rolls outer dimensions measure 17.5x24x 63 inches, not including wheels and sturdy wooden construction, painted black, bottom and back wheels, side handles hinged front & top, locks for added safety, handy reference chart, $300 obo; Darkroom Safety Lights popular Model D type, accepts 10x12 inches safelight filters (possibly included, depending which kind you’re looking for), takes 7½-, 15- or 25-watt bulb, excellent condition, $50 each. Contact: Andrew at dp@andrewwatt.com.
Canon HJ11x4.7Birse HD WA lens one DOP owner, canon factory maintained, $12,000; Canon KJ16Ex7.7 HD lens, mint-used only a dozen times, one DOP owner, canon factory maintained, $5,000; Sennheiser evolution 100 wireless mic kit with wireless lav and wireless handheld mics and receiver with original packaging, mint, barely used, $700. Contact Dave: c 416.553.3356 or email davidwoodside@rogers.com.
Briese 77 Light, full kit, including Tungsten and HMI flicker-free setup, two Eggcrates and Manfrotto Mega-Boom. Excellent condition, $ 22,000. Contact: pierredp1@gmail.com
Sony Beta SP DXC-D30WSP/PVV3P, PAL , 262hours drum time, $ 2,500; Sony Beta SP DXC-D30WS/PVV3, NTSC, 251hours drum time, $2,500; Sony BetaCam SX DNW-7, NTSC, 257hours drum time, $5,000; and IKEGAMI DVCAM HL-DV7-AW, NTSC, mint condition, as new, 61hours drum time, $7,000. All cameras with porta-brace covers. All owned by me and serviced by Sony Hong Kong. Sony Beta SP/SX player/recorders, DNW-A25P X2, PAL & NTSC, 500 & 644hours drum time, $6,000; Satchler 575 HMI, open-face, mint condition with spare bulb, $2,500 & case. The lot for $20,000. Contact: François Bisson at blitzvideo@mac.com.
Sony BVW-400a Betacam SP Camcorder camera used by professional cinematographer (one owner), never rented out. Comes complete with Fujinon A15x8BEVM-28 lens, Petroff matte box with 4x4 and 4x5.6 filter holders, remote zoom and focus control for lens, six Cadnica NP-1 batteries, Sony BC1WD battery charger, Porta-Brace fitted cover with rain jacket (like new) and Sony factory hard shipping case and manuals. Lens and camera professionally maintained by factory technicians. Usage hours are: A – 1,918 hours; B – Aaton XTR Super 16 package including body, video relay optics, extension eyepiece, three magazines, Cooke 10.5-mm–60-mm S-16 zoom lens, Zeiss 9.5 prime lens, 4x4 matte box, 4x4 filters (85,85N6, polarizer, ND6, clear), follow focus and cases $17,500. Nikon 50–300-mm F4-5 E.D. lens with support, $1,000. Kinoptik 9–8-mm 35-mm format lens c/with sunshade. Contact: stringercam@shaw.ca or mike@imagegearinc.com
New Video Camera Rain Covers. Custom rain covers for sale. New design that fits and protects most Sony PMW EX3, Canon XHHDV, Panasonic VX200 cameras with the viewfinder extending toward the rear of the camera, $200. Noiseless rain cover for the external camera microphone, $30. Onboard Monitor rain cover, camera assistants can see the focus during the shot. No more hassles in the rain, $60. Custom Red One camera covers available upon request. Also can sew various types of heavy-duty material. Repairs and zipper replacement on equipment and ditty bags. Contact: Lori Longstaff at 416-452- 9247 or llong@rogers.com.
N EW PRIC E – DVW700WS Digital Betacam with viewfinder and two widescreen zoom lenses. Canon J1 5x8 B4WRS SX12 and Fujinon 5.5-47. Very low hours on new heads, $8,000 plus tax. Contact: Michael Ellis at 416-233-6378.
Betacam SP Camera package including BVP550 Betacam SP camera with BVV5 recorder, complete with Fuijinon 15x8 broadcast zoom lens, “Red Eye” wide-angle adapter, 6 IDX Li-Ion batteries, IDX quick charger with AC adapter, flight case, soft carry case, Sony monitor and 10 fresh Beta SP tapes ($140 value), $2,500. Contact: Christian at 416-459-4895.
Fujinon XA17X7.6 BERM -M48 HD Lens in new condition, bought and mounted but never used. As new in box (camera is sold), $7,900. Panasonic Digital AV mixer WJ-MX50 (missing a few knobs from the lower right corner on the audio mixer), $400. JVC TN-9U 9-inich colour monitor, $60. Photos available for everything. Contact: johnbanovich@gamail.com or 604-726-5646.
For Sale
28-Foot Black Camera Trailer with new brakes and tires, 20-foot awning, dark room, viewing lounge, two countertops with lots of storage space, heating and air conditioned, side windows and three access doors. Contact: jwestenbrink@rogers.com
Digital audio natural sound effects library for sale, recorded in various countries. All recorded on VHS digital with analog audio search on audio channel 1 and time code on audio channel 2. Completely catalogued by time code and includes Sony PCM decoder. $3,500.00 OBO. Contact: rvbocking@rogers. com.
We are a family of four planning a trip to Argentina from Canada and we are exploring the possibility of filming the trip, therefore we are looking for a motorcycle cinematographer. The trip would take close to a year and the accommodations would be what we find on the way. We are also planning to go where vehicles other than bikes cannot access, so being a competent rider is essential. Contact: Henry Rekers at atk_nut@shaw.ca.
Camera Classified is a free service provided for CSC members. For all others, there is a one-time $25 (plus GST) insertion fee. Your ad will appear here and on the CSC’s website, www.csc.ca. If you have items you would like to buy, sell or rent, please email your information to editor@csc.ca.
Production Notes Chaos (series); DOP Attila Szalay csc, hsc; OP Richard Wilson; B Cam OP Brian Whittred csc; to April 29, Vancouver Combat Hospital (series); DOP Gavin Smith csc; OP Sean Jensen; to July 15, Toronto Covert Affairs II (series); DOP Colin Hoult csc & Jaime Barber (alternating episodes); OP David Sheridan; to October 17, Toronto Degrassi: The Next Generation XI (series); DOP Alwyn Kumst csc; OP Jeremy Lyall; to November 17, Toronto Flashpoint IV (series); DOP Paul Sarossy csc, bsc & Stephen Reizes csc (alternating episodes); OP Tony Guerin; to September 15, Toronto The Guys Who Move Furniture (feature); DOP Jeremy Benning csc; OP Jason Vieira; to April 7, Toronto Laurence Anyways (feature); DOP Yves Bélanger csc; to April 11, Montreal Life with Boys (series); DOP Mitchell Ness csc; to July 7, Toronto Mirador (series); DOP Jérôme Sabourin; to June 8, Montreal Nikita (series); DOP Rene Ohashi csc, asc; OP Steven Adelson; B Cam OP J.P. Locherer csc; to April 6, Toronto The Samaritan (feature); DOP François Dagenais csc; OP Dino Laurenza; to April 21, Toronto S.O.S. II (series) DOP Marc Gadoury csc; to June 30, Montreal Untitled Santa Project (TV movie); DOP John Berrie csc; to April 7, Toronto Warehouse 13 III (series); DOP Mike McMurray csc & David Herrington csc (alternating); to July 22, Toronto
Calendar of Events
2, CSC Awards, Westin Harbour Castle Conference Centre, Toronto, csc.ca 28– May 8, Hot Docs, Toronto, hotdocs.ca
4–5, Hot Docs Forum, Toronto 14–15, CSC Lighting Workshop, Toronto, csc.ca
12–15, Banff World Media Festival
Canadian So C iety of Cinematographer S
$4 January 2011 www.csc.ca Canadian So C iety of Cine M atographer S
$4 March 2011 www.csc.ca
David Moxness csc, DOP on the Miniseries The Kennedys an exclusive interview with David Moxness csc, DOP on the Miniseries The Kennedys
Pascale Bussières Stars in Marécages DOP Serge Desrosiers csc
Subscribe to Canadian Cinematographer online www. csc.ca
One-year subscriptions are available in Canada for $40.00 for individuals and $80.00 for institutions, including HST. In U.S. rates are $45.00 and $90.00 for institutions in U.S. funds. International subscriptions are $50.00 for individuals and $100.00 for institutions.

Format HD
HD SxS cards
On-board recorder
On-board recorder Direct to Edit workflow
Tape-based workflow
File-based workflow
ARRIRAW workflow
ALEXA gives you a choice of ultra fast workflows. Whichever of the ALEXA output options you go for, our Direct to Edit feature will speed up your workflow. When recording uncompressed HD or ARRIRAW, the Apple QuickTime proxy that is simultaneously recorded to onboard SxS cards will give you instant access to dailies and the freedom to start an off-line edit immediately. If you choose an HD workflow, the Apple ProRes codecs will allow you to begin your on-line edit simply by removing the memory card from ALEXA and slotting it into a laptop: nothing could be easier.