REM Sleep

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REM Sleep 饒 加 恩 Chia-En Jao

2 0 1 1 . 1 2 . 2 4 -2 0 1 2 . 0 1 . 2 0



策展手記 #01

文|鄭慧華 2012. 01 饒加恩的展覽〈REM Sleep〉是「重見 / 建社會」(Re-envisioning Society)策劃展的第一檔展出,這個主題性聯展將以

十次個展的方式,展出十組藝術家。策展目的在於提出並反思當代生活特質、個體或集體生活經驗與其轉變,來重構我們 身處當代社會中的「視野」──特別是當下,我們處於資本主義的強勢全球權力分配下高度景觀化社會(Society of the Spectacle)中,在由無盡交錯、流動的異質現代性所構成的共時性社會空間中,我們該如何以具批判力的眼光去發覺在 景觀的遮蔽之下、既複雜又矛盾的現代性之中,人與人、人與地方、地方與地方的真正關係?


同」)每每在不斷地建立與失去之間徘徊,我們該如何「看見」歷史軌跡內在裡隱而不顯的種種「驅力」,和其中各個面 向所帶來的生存挑戰,反之,人在當代社會的生存,如何與既定的社會系統產生各種協商,人的需求、慾望又如何因而產 生了諸多錯落與磨擦…,而在這之中,人在資本權力構築的社會裡還能——追求怎麼樣的生命存在價值?


並進一步以藝術(創作)的取徑來自我提問:如果我們能夠對自己所生存的社會賦予主體的能動性,我們能如何去「想像」 出符合我們所期驥的未來?是否還有可能去產生形塑不同的社會關係的動力?

「重見 / 建」所意味的,是重新看見那被遮蔽的真實關係,以及基於此去「想像」(或也可以說「賦予『視野』、『觀』 (vision)」)並實踐出可能正在成形的未來。在此之中,異質的「地方生活經驗」是這個策展所依據的基礎,相對於諸 多既有的文化論述的制高點,我們將從具體的「身體 / 生命經驗」出發,從已被化約的總體描述和論點中再去找到一份各

自的對應關係、一份可能的認同和建立一種觀看和認知方式,以此和我們過於習以為常的書寫、言說、歷史論述去做出映 照,從中產生出屬於個體、來自諸眾意志的決斷力。

饒加恩的〈REM Sleep〉是從 2011 年四月份在立方計劃空間所做的〈Thaïndophiliviet〉計劃延續發展而來,關注東南亞 勞工(泰國、菲律賓、印尼和越南)在台灣的生存境遇和經驗。上一個計劃〈Thaïndophiliviet〉從饒加恩慣常的思考的「語

言」、「文化符號」切入,以語言課程(他的作品問題意識,是從社會性的角度來察覺一個地方的人們為什麼要學泰語和 越南語?反之亦然,為什麼要學英語、中文?)帶出對於人們對於學習異國語言的慾望與需求背後,所可能隱含的實際經

濟與政治權力關係與社會性因素,又以這四個國家的自製產業影片及好萊塢刻板印象中的越南、泰國影片等符號元素來形 成對所謂「認識他者」的社會觀察和反省。〈REM Sleep〉推進一步,聚焦於東南亞外籍工作者在台灣的生活,並以紀錄





因著經濟因素移動時,環境對他們的感染和影響。另一方面,藉由這個似乎不具法律證據性的角度,對所處的社會提出反 思的可能。」


潛意識)的力量去「折射」出他們的狀態。無論如何,夢境總是在某總程度上聯繫到了他 / 她們的所思、所見與內在的慾 望,而饒加恩正是以「夢」的獨特性、不容懷疑的完整性來凸顯每一個主體。

饒加恩並不將「他 / 她(們)」僅視為對象物,僅管在我們認識中,移工們在文化的認識中仍有許多符號式、對象性的社 會性解讀,但饒加恩在此之外以夢境去超越既定的方法,通過他們各自獨立的經驗去傳達,讓觀眾去產生對他們的社會存


與他們存在的時空狀態。對「移工」及其文化的瞭解,饒加恩提供了一種另類途徑,一種「異知識」(xeno-epistemics) 的可能──不從既定的框架,轉而從陌生與熟悉、私密與公開的混合中建構出另一種「認識的途徑」。

後殖民文化學者 / 策展人沙拉.馬哈拉吉(Sarat Maharaj)提出的「異知識」是一種認識他者的方法,也同時是「另一種」 認識方式(”other” ways of knowing and ways of knowing “otherness” )註,我們在饒加恩的創作方式中,見到一

位藝術創作者所能有的位置,「夢」創造出一個「異空間」(xeno-sphere),而這個「異空間」以其特殊的視角與僭越 方式重新建立了一種彼此認識的管道與關係。

註: Sarat Maharaj, Xeno-epistemics: Makeshift Kit for Sounding Visual Art as Knowledge Production and the Retinal Regimes in Documenta XI: The Catalogue, Okwui Enwezor and others (eds.), London: Hatje Cantz, 2002 p.72 TheCUBE


立方計劃空間 重見 / 建社會 Re-envisioning Society REM Sleep

藝術家 Artist |饒加恩 Jao Chia-En 策展 Curator |鄭慧華 Amy Cheng

專案管理 Project Manager |羅悅全 Jeph Lo

行政助理 Exhibition Assistant |董淑婷 Dale Dong

展場技術 Technical Support |藝術戰爭 Art War Company 平面美術 Graphic Designer |陳萱白 Pai Chen

發行 Publisher |立方計劃空間 TheCube Project Space 100 台北市羅斯福路四段 136 巷 1 弄 13 號 2 樓

2F, No.13, Aly.1, Ln.136, Sec.4, roosevelt Rd., Taipei, 100, Taiwan +886 2 2368 9418

出版 First Published 2012.02 2010 視覺藝術策展專案 2010 Production Grants to Independent Curators in Visua-l Arts



REM Sleep

三頻道錄像投影 Three-channel Projection, 2012

創作自述 1994 年,台灣政府為了避免對中國投資的過度集中,且因新自由主義經濟體系的影響,啓動了《南向政策》。除了加強 對東南亞國家的投資外,也從泰國、越南、菲律賓以及印尼引進短期移工和家庭看護,以降低台灣製造業的生產成本,並 且彌補台灣社會結構失衡的狀態,而 2011 年 10 月,外籍短期移工人數突破 42 萬人。

《REM Sleep》這件作品挪用紀錄片的形式,拍攝台灣 90 年代南向政策後,由印尼、菲律賓、泰國以及越南所引進的短 期勞工,他們在台灣居留期間睡覺時的夢,一方面試著從夢境探討在全球經濟體系下,個體因著經濟因素移動時,環境對 他們的感染和影響,另一方面,藉由這個似乎不具法律證據性的角度,對全球經濟體系下的移動個體狀態,提出反思的可 能。

Artist Statement Since 1994, Taiwanese government started "Go South Policy" in order to prevent the over investment in mainland

China. In the same time, the government followed the idea of Neoliberalism and imported labors from Thailand,

Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia, in the one hand to reduce the production costs of local industrial and in the other hand to remedy the unbalance of Taiwanese sociality; in October 2011, the number of immigrant workers surpassed 420,000 people.

“REM Sleep” this work distills via a documentary format the dreams of Indonesian, Filipino, Thai and Vietnamese

laborers who have come to Taiwan as short-term migrant workers after Taiwanese government policy shifted in the

90s. Documentation of these dreams in a foreign land serve on one hand as an exploration of the range of effects

of a change of environment on the individual, as a result of shifting global economic forces. On the other hand, as documents with no legal ramifications whatsoever, they also avail to the global economic system inhabited by these nomadic individuals a possible means of introspection.



Nama saya Puji Astutik 我名叫 Puji Astutik My name is Puji Astutik

Saya di Taiwan biasa di panggil dengan Atu 我在台灣通常被叫 阿杜 In Taiwan I'm usually called Atu

Saya di Taiwan sudah 2 tahun setengah 我在台灣已經 2 年半了 I've been living in Taiwan for two and a half years already Dalam sehari saya tidur antara 7 sampai 8 jam 我每天大約睡 7 至 8 小時 I sleep about 7 to 8 hours a day

Akhir-akhir ini saya sering mimpi mimpi buruk, mimpi bahwa 最近我常常做惡夢,夢到 Recently I've been having nightmares, dreaming that Mimpi tiba2 saya berada di Indonesia 夢到我已經在印尼了 I dream that I am already back in Indonesia Sedangkan dalam mimpi saya sadar 但是在夢裡我知道 But in my dream, I know



Bahwa saya belum selesai kontrak selama 3 tahun 我工作還沒滿 3 年 I haven't completed my 3 year work term

Disana saya, di Indonesia, di rumah saya sangat bingung 在那裡,在印尼家裡我很迷惑 There, in my Indonesian home, I can't help but wonder that something is wrong Bingung kenapa saya berada di sini? 很迷惑為什麼我在這裡? I ask myself why am I back here?

Kenapa tiba-tiba saya berada di rumah? 為什麼突然會在家裡? Why am I suddenly at home?

Berada di Indonesia,sedangkan semua orang tidak tahu mengapa 而沒有人知道為什麼我會在印尼 And nobody knows why I am back in Indonesia either Saya tiba-tiba berada di Indonesia 我突然就在印尼了 I am just there, all of a sudden

Saya sangat ,saya sangat bingung bagaimana dengan nenek saya 我很擔心我的阿嬤 I am worried about Ah ma Siapa yang menjaga nenek saya 誰來照顧我阿嬤? Who will take care of Ah ma?

Bagaimana dengan proses pekerjaan saya 我的工作怎麼辦? What about my work? Kemudian saya berlari ke PT bertanya 然後我跑去問仲介 And so I go and ask my agent Mengapa saya berada disini? 我為什麼會在這裡? Why am I back home?

Sedangkan saya merasa tidak menandatangani finish kontrak 因我知道,我的工作合約還沒做滿 Because I know that I still haven't fulfilled the full term of my contract yet Mengapa saya tiba-tiba berada di Indonesia 為什麼我突然會在印尼? Why am I in Indonesia?

Sedangkan PT saya tidak mengetahui apapun 而我的仲介什麼都不知道 But my agent doesn't know either Lalu saya menelpon majikan saya 然後我打電話給我老闆 So I call my boss

Majikan saya berkata bahwa tiba-tiba saya pulang dan majikan saya tidak tahu 我老闆說我突然回去,他不知道為什麼 My boss says I went back suddenly, he doesn't know why either

Saya sangat sedih, sangat sedih sekali 我很難過,非常難過 I'm sad, very sad

Karna majikan saya sangat baik 因為我老闆人很好 Because my boss is a very good person

Kemudian saya ingin segera kembali ke Taiwan 我也很想趕快回台灣 And I really want to go back to Taiwan Tetapi segala kendala, terus saja terjadi 但是很多的阻擋 but there are a lot of obstacles in my way

Seperti tiket pesawat tidak ada dan lain lain 像是沒有飛機票等等 Such as: no air ticket, etc.

Kemudian, kemudian mimpi-mimpi itu sering begitu datang 然後,我常常夢到這個夢 I often dream this dream Sering sekali datang 真的非常頻繁 It recurs quite a bit

Tetapi setelah saya bilang kepada majikan 但是當我跟老闆講 But the moment I tell my boss

Kalo saya ingin kembali , kembali lagi bekerja di sini 我很想回去 , 回去那裡工作以後 that I really would like to go back there to work Mimpi-mimpi itu tidak lagi datang 這個夢就不再來了 this dream never visits me anymore

Kemudian majikan saya sudah mengambil pembantu baru 然後我老闆也請了新的女傭 He's already hired a new maid



Nama saya Ani 我名叫安妮 My name is Ani Saya dari Indonesia 我來自印尼 I come from Indonesia

Saya di Taiwan jaga ama 我在台灣照顧阿嬤 In Taiwan, I look after Ah Ma

Pertama datang saya umur 23 tahun 剛開始來台灣,我 23 歲 At the beginning, when I just got to Taiwan, I was only 23 years old

Mimpi di kejar-kejar ama 夢到被阿嬤ㄊ追著跑 I dreamt that Ah Ma was chasing after me

Saya datang ke Taiwan sudah 4 tahun 我來台灣已經 4 年 I've been in Taiwan for 4 years already

Dan sekarang saya umur 27 tahun 現在我 27 歲 Now I'm 27



Sehari saya tidur 20, saya sehari saya tidur 8 jam 我一天睡 8 小時 I sleep eight hours a day Suatu malam saya pernah mimpi 有天晚上,我作了個夢 One night I had a dream

Hingga akhirnya saya kelelahan duduk di sofa 跑到我累了坐在沙發 I was so tired from running that I sat down at the sofa Dan nenekpun duduk di sofa 阿嬤也來沙發上坐 And Ah Ma also sat down at the sofa

Saya ber, saya bergeser , nenek ikut bergeser 我移旁邊,阿嬤也移過來 When I shifted to one side of the sofa, Ah Ma also came over to my side Hingga akhirnya nenek gigit leher saya 到最後,阿嬤咬我的脖子 Finally, Ah Ma bit me on my neck Saya kesakitan, saya berteriak kesakitan 我疼到尖叫 It hurt so bad that I screamed

Dan melihat jam, jam 12 malam 而我看時鐘,是晚上 12 點整 And then I saw that it was 12 midnight on the clock 2 minggu setelah mimpi 做夢兩週後 Two weeks after I had this dream Ah Ma ku meninggal 我的阿嬤過世了 My Ah Ma passed away

Nenek tetap gigit leher saya hingga berdarah 但阿嬤還是把我的脖子,咬到流血 But Ah Ma continued to bite me until my neck started to bleed Saya berteriak kencang hingga saya terbangun 我大聲尖叫直到我醒過來 I screamed until I woke up



ako nga pala si Joan Trongco 我是 Joan Trongco My name is Joan Trongco

tapos nakita ko mga anak ko 然後我看見我的孩子 there I saw my children

nakatira ako dito bilang isang taga pag-alaga 我在這裡當護理人員 I am a care-giver here

eh alam ko nagtatrabaho ako sa Taiwan 因我知道,我還在台灣工作 because I knew I was working in Taiwan

nagtrabaho ako dito sa Taiwan halos mag isang taon na 我在台灣工作,將近一年了 I've been working in Taiwan for almost a year

pumunta ako rito na noon 29 years old na 我來這時已經 29 歲了 When I came to Taiwan, I was already 29 years old ngayon 30 years old na ako rito 現在我 30 歲 Now I am 30 nagkaroon ako ng panaginip 我做了個夢 I had a dream panaginip ko 夢見 I dreamt

pumunta raw ako sa... nasa Pilipinas raw ako 我去了 ... 我去了菲律賓 I dreamt that I went to the Philippines



nagtataka ako, bakit nandudoon ako? 我很驚訝 , 我怎麼會在那? I was very surprised, why was I here?

sa pag gising ko, kausap ko mga anak ko 醒來後 , 我在跟我的孩子聊天 After waking up, I chatted with my children

tinawagan ko iyon agent ko, bakit nandito ako? 我打電話給我的仲介 , 問他 , 為什麼我會在這? I called my agent, and asked, "Why am I here?" sabi niya, natapos mo na kasi kontrata mo 他說:妳的契約已經終結了 He said, your contract has already expired.

kaya bumalik ka na dyan, kaya na binalik kita dyan 所以妳回去那裏 , 所以我讓妳回去那裏 So you went back, so I let you go back. sabi ko, ganun ba? 我說:是這樣嗎 ? I said, is that what happened?

tapos may tumawag sa akin 然後有人打電話來找我 Then someone called to look for me mga pulis daw 說他們是警察 They said they were the Police

tapos, dinala niya ako sa kulungan 然後,他們把我帶去監獄 Then they put me in prison

ano ginagawa ko rito sa kulungan? 我到底在監獄做甚麼? What was I doing in prison?

kelangan ko raw ipa kulong dahil hindi raw nila... 我必須被關,因為他們說我沒有 ... I must have landed here because they said I hadn't hindi raw natapos ang kontrata ko 說我的契約還沒終結 they said my contract had in fact not expired

tapos nagtaka ako, bakit ganun? kelangan ko umalis dito 然後我很驚訝 , 為什麼會這樣 ? 我必須離開這裡 So I was very frightened, what had happened? I need to get out of jail hindi naman dapat ako dito 我不應該在這裡 I should not be here

kasi ang alam ko, natapos na ako ng kontrata ko 因我知道 , 我的契約已經終結了 Because I know, my contract has expired tapos hanap ako na hanap 然後我一直在找 Then I kept looking for

nasaan kaya iyon pwede kong takasan dito 到底哪裡,可以讓我從監獄逃出去 a means of escape, to get out of jail

dito naman ako, may nakita ako ng pintuan na maliit 就在這裡,我看見了一道很小的門 That was here when I saw a very small door

hindi ko siya talaga mabuksan, iyak ako ng iyak 我真的打不開,我一直哭 I really couldn't get it to open, so I kept crying

hanggan sinira ko ang kandado, tinadyakan ko lahat ng pintuan 我踢每道門,直到把鎖破壞掉 I kicked at every door, until the lock broke on one of them para lang mabuksan ko 為了讓我可以將門打開 which allowed me to open the door tapos, pagbukas ko 然後 , 我打開後 And then, once I had opened it

ha... hindi rin ako makaka labas, kasi dead end pala 阿…! 我還是出不去,因為是條死路 Ah…! I saw that I still couldn't escape, because it led to a dead end iyak ako ng iyak... hanggang... 我就一直哭 ... 直到 ... I kept crying... until...

pagtingin ko sa pintuan na sa may gate 我看見出入口的一道門 I saw a door at the entrance

nandoon isang pulis, sabi niya pwede ka na lumabas 一個警察在那,他說:妳可以出獄了 A warden appeared, he said, you can leave now

kasi tumawag na agent mo, ok na raw iyon kontrata mo 因為我的仲介打電話來,說我的契約已經沒問題了 because my agent had called to say that there was no more problem with my contact tapos paglabas ko ng pintuan, masaya na ako! 然後,走出那扇門後,我很開心 And then I walked through that door, feeling very happy kasi nakita ko ulit iyon mga anak ko 因我又看見我的孩子們 because I could finally see my children now

nagtingin ako doon 我看著那門 I looked at the door

ang hirap ibuksan! umiiyak na ako 但門很難打開!因此我開始哭泣 but it was too difficult to open! So I started to cry



ako si Jefferson Liwanag 我是 Jefferson Liwanag I am Jefferson Liwanag

dumating iyon uncle ko 後來我伯父來了 my uncle came

from Baguio City... ah... 來自 Baguio 市 ... 阿 ... From Baguio City…

nandoon din ako nasa gilid ako 我也在一旁的角落 I was also in that corner

26 years old 26 歲 26 years old

pangalawang balik ko na dito sa Taiwan 這是我第二次到台灣 My second time in Taiwan

isa sa... umm... pinaka worst ng panaginip ko 一個 ... 嗯 .... 我最糟糕的夢 one of the… ern… worst dreams I ever had

sa tanang buhay ko... noon unang punta ko dito 在我這輩子裡 ... 是我第一次來這裡時 in my life… that was my first time I came here noon unang taon nanaginip nga ako 第一年來這裡時,我夢見 At that time, in my first year, I dreamt about sa family ko... and then 關於我的家人事 ... 然後 about my family… and then

naging pangit ito... kasi... ah... 這變得很糟糕 .... 因為 .... It became very bad… because… sa kuya ko atsaka sa uncle ko 我哥哥和我伯父 My brother and my uncle akala ko parang hindi totoo 我以為不是真的 I didn't think was real

iyon may parang totoo na hindi totoo iyon 似真非真 it was real and it wasn't real iyon panaginip na iyon 那個夢 that dream

ah... bumagab... lalong ako binagabag ng sarili ko 阿 ... 令我擔心 ... 使我自己更焦慮 Er… worried…I was even more worried dahil nadadala ko ito sa pagtatrabaho 因為我將情緒帶到工作 Because I bring what I feel over to my job

nagpaginp ko iyon nangyari ito sa... sa bahay namin 我的夢發生在 ... 我們家裡 I dream that this was happening… at my home then kasiyahan, puro kasiyahan 起先很歡樂 , 充滿歡樂 And then joy, complete joy



mga kapatid ko nandoon din 我的兄弟姐妹也在場 My brothers and sisters were also there

nagsimula ng lahat noon nagkaroon ng... 整件事一開始是因為 ... The whole thing started to happen because...

hindi magandang pagkakaunawaan iyon kapatid ko at uncle ko 我哥哥和伯父有些誤會 My brother and my uncle had a misunderstanding habang nasa gilid kami 當時我們在旁邊角落 when we were still in that corner

parang naistuck ako doon na wala akong magawa 我像被卡住,甚麼都不能做 I was stuck there, not able to do anything habang nakikinig lang sa kanila at nagugulat 聽著他們對話,讓我覺得很錯愕 listening to their dialogue, feeling shocked hanggang dumating iyon point na.... 直到一個爆發點 ... Until a trigger point...

nagkasuntukan sila... nakakuha ng armas si uncle 他們打了起來 ... 伯父拿了武器 They started hitting each other… My uncle took a weapon then nasuntok niya si kuya at dumating.... 然後,他用武器不斷打哥哥,直到 ... which he hit my brother with, until... nakakuha din si kuya ng armas niya 哥哥也拿了他的武器 My brother also had his weapon

habang nandoon pa rin kami sa gilid 當時我們都還在角落 At that time, we were all still in that corner

na hindi alam kung paano aawatin 不知如何勸架 Not knowing how to mediate between them dahil din sa takot... ah... 因為也害怕 ... because we were afraid…

hanggang nasuntok din niya si kuya at 他打到哥哥,然後… My uncle had hit my brother namatay iyon uncle ko 我伯父則差點死掉 My uncle was going to die...

iyon iyon parang kinagulat ko 那真的讓我很震驚 which really shocked me

nagulat kami lahat habang... 我們全都不知所措 .... We were all shocked when...

kala ko panaginip lang na parang wala lang 以為只是夢,沒甚麼大不了的 I thought at first it would only be a dream, not a big deal

kaya... noon nagising ako doon panaginip na iyon naluluha luha pa rin ako 所以 ... 當我從夢中醒來,我還流著眼淚 So… after I woke from the dream, I started to cry

so nakuha ko iyon... 所以我夢見那件事 ... So the dream I dreamt…

habang nasa gilid kami 那時我們還在一旁的角落 when we were still in the corner

kasi akala ko totoong totoo 因為我以為是真的 Because I thought it was for real

tumawag ako agad sa bahay para ma-relief iyon nararamdaman ko 我立刻打電話回家,好疏解我的情緒 I immediately called home to smoothen out my feelings

kaya... at hindi ko rin akalain sa bahay may nangyari nga talaga na ganun 然而… 更讓我想不到的是,家裡真的發生了這樣的事 That's why… it was even more unexpected for me to find out that such a thing really had happened tungkol sa kuya ko at sa uncle ko 是我哥哥和伯父兩人 between my brother and my uncle

nasuntok niya iyon uncle ko, nabulag iyon uncle ko 他打了我伯父 , 我伯父因此而失明 He hit my uncle, and as a result, my uncle became blind kaya akala ko... nakatawag ako sa bahay 我以為 ... 我打電話回家 So I thought… I better call home

pala meron talaga 想不到真的發生了 but who'd have known such a thing really did happen

habang nagtatrabaho dito sa malayo 當時我卻在遙遠的這裡工作 when I was working here far away

nakakamiss... nakakamiss kasi... 真的很傷感 ... 真的很傷感,因為 ... Really nostalgic… really nostalgic because...

ang hirap habang malayo ka... tapos 遠距離會讓你很痛苦 ... 然後 from a long distance you can still such pain… and napanaginip ka pa ng mga ganun panaginip 我卻還夢見這樣子的夢境 I could still dream this kind of dream kaya iyon iyon mahirap minsan 所以有時候真的很難熬 So sometimes it's really very difficult

pero ngayon naging maayos na lahat 但現在一切都很好了 but now everything is all right. at alam kong panaginip lang iyon 而且我知道,那只是夢而已 And I know it was only a dream



Mình là Vũ thị Dinh quê ở Việt Nam 我故鄉在越南,我叫武氏螢 My hometown is in Vietnam. My name is Vũ thị Dinh mình sang đây lao động đã được 7 năm 我來臺灣工作已經 7 年了 I've worked in Taiwan for seven years already công việc của mình chăm sóc người già 我工作是照顧老人, My work consists of caring for the elderly

mình thường được nghĩ ngơi trong 7 tiếng 1 ngày 每天休息 7 個小時 I sleep 7 hours a day

mình hay nằm mê mà 我熟睡時就常作夢 And during these 7 hours, I often sleep quite soundly and have dreams

có 1 lần mình nằm mê tới sự việc đã xảy ra với gia đình mình 有一次,我夢一件事發生在我家庭, One time, I dreamt about something that took place at home mình nằm mê tới bố mình 我夢見我爸爸 I dreamt of my father



mình cùng bố đi làm ruộng về 我和爸爸去耕田回來 My father and I had just come back from a day of hard work at the fields

bố vác cái cuốc đi trên đường trời nắng rất là to 爸爸扛著鋤頭在路上走,天氣很熱 My dad carried a hoe as he walked on the road, the weather was very hot

thì không ngờ cái cuốc lại rơi trên bắp chân bố mình máu phun ra rất là nhiều 一不小心鋤頭掉下來,我爸爸的小腿噴了很多血出來 He wasn't careful with the hoe, so my father's calf spurted a lot of blood mình cảm thấy như là giựt mình dậy 然後我醒了 and I woke up

sáng hôm sau mình gọi điện về nhà nói cùng chuyện với cậu em 隔天早上,我打電話回家跟弟弟說這件事 The next day I called home and told my little brother about this

cậu em nói bố khỏe không có vấn đề gì 弟弟說:爸很好,沒什麼事 My little brother said Dad was doing fine, nothing was wrong

sự việc đã xảy ra như vậy 這件事就先這樣 And that that was that hai ngày sau 兩天後, Two days later

bố mình là một người làm thợ 我父親是修理機械的 My father repairs machines

người ta mượn bố đi làm sửa máy cày bừa 有人找他修理耕田機 someone asked my father to fix a tractor

cũng cùng khoảng cánh đồng đó mà mình đã nằm mơ tới bố ở khu vực đó 而事情就發生在夢境裡的農田中 This also happened in the farm of my dreams

bố ngồi trên chiếc xe máy trời bắt đổ nắng chang chang 當時我爸坐在耕田車上,太陽很大 At that point, my father was sitting on the tractor, the sun was very hot

tự nhiên có sấm sét mà sét đã đánh vào chiếc xe máy và đánh vào 1 anh lái xe 突然,一聲巨響,閃電打中車子,後來又擊中了駕駛 Suddenly there was a huge sound, lightning had struck the machine he was on, and had even struck the driver anh lái xe máu của đầu ngón tay đã chảy ra 駕駛因雷擊,手指噴出血來 the driver's fingers were bleeding because of the lightning

và chiếc xe máy đó bị sét đánh truyền điện vào chân bố mình 機車被雷電打到後,電流傳到我爸的腿上 When the tractor got struck by lightning, the current passed through my father's leg chân bố mình bị sưng rất là to 因此我爸的腿,腫了起來 and as a result, my father's calf was swollen

thế đưa bố mình đến bệnh viện thì bác sĩ đã chích ra 送到醫院,醫生用針戳了一下 he was sent to the hospital where the doctor gave him an injection

mà bố đã bị như vậy cậu em trách bố sao là bố không cẩn thận 弟弟罵我爸為什麼不小心 he scolded my father for being careless

vì chị đã gọi điện báo bố như vậy 說姊姊打電話告訴你,她常夢到這件事 saying that little sister phoned to tell you, that she often dreams this dream sao là bố không cẩn thận? 為什麼爸爸不小心 ? why couldn't you be more careful?

nhưng sự việc xảy ra không có thể ngờ nổi 可是,這種突發事件,令人意想不到 But this thing happened so suddenly, no one could not predict it mình cảm thấy giấc mơ của mình rất là hãi 我覺得,我的夢令人恐怖 I feel that it was a very sinister dream to have

mà trước khi đó em mình vẫn thường nhắc là bố ơi 因先前我弟弟常提醒我爸 because before this, my little brother often reminded my father chị hay nằm mơ những chuyện như thế 說姊姊常夢到這件事 that I often dream this dream nhắc thì bố phải cẩn thận 要他小心 that he should be careful

bố mình vẫn cứ cho những cái giấc mơ của mình là 但父親仍然覺得那只是個夢 but my father only felt that it was just a dream chuyện gì đến nó sẽ đến 事情該到就到 if things happen, they happen

nên mình cảm thấy những cái giấc mơ đó đến với mình như vậy mình rất là kinh 總之,我覺得夢到未來會發生的事,讓我很驚恐 In any case, to be dreaming of something that would happen in the future, is something that terrifies me

mà máu phun ra khắp nhà mình hoảng 血卻噴了整個房間,我聽了好害怕 but the blood sputtered all over the room instead, I was really frightened to hear about it cậu em mình gọi điện 後來我弟弟打電話給我 when my little brother told me afterwards



關於饒加恩 饒加恩(b.1976)在台灣就讀大學,隨後赴巴黎、倫敦深造與創作。在不同社會、文化及教育的養 成背景下,造就他對異文化、不同語言、不同族群乃至於身份認同上獨特且敏銳的觀察力。他將自 己的身體感和生活經驗,以精練、多元的創作方式表達出來,敏銳又兼具幽默感。 2007 年的單頻道錄影作品〈父語〉中,已展現他以「語言」為媒介,轉譯出其關注文化、族群和身 份認同等相關性議題。2009 年〈你是匹我永不想騎的馬〉是一件美學上、觀念上都趨向更成熟的作 品,他將對「語言」─意義的形成─的興趣擴展至對文化形象、圖騰、符號的演繹,並以此交互投 射出他對歷史、文化與社會的反思。 2010 於台北雙年展展出〈宣言〉,則是邀請不同身份的人讀 出藝術家「創作自述」的方式,碰觸歷史建構與話語、書寫的政治性問題。2011 年於立方計劃空間 展出的〈Thaïndophiliviet〉同樣從「語言」出發和探討,擴展其對歷史與文化,乃至於當代社會中 的社會經濟與階級組成之多層次探討。

About Jao Chia-En

Jao accomplished his BA degree in Taiwan, after graduation, he went to Paris and London to continue his studies and art practice. From diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, he has developed a unique perception on the question and relationship between identity, different languages, societies and ethnic groups. He is able to transform his sense and experiences into manifold forms of expression, which are not only humorous but also precise in expressing his observation and reflexivity.

In his 2007 single channel video Father’s Tongue, he already demonstrated using"language"as a medium to address the issues of identity between cultures, ethnic and social groups. In 2009, his solo exhibition You Are The Horse That I Would Never Ride demonstrated meticulous interventions on both aesthetic and conceptual aspects. He expanded his interest from language, ways of constructing meaning, into the evolution of cultural images, totems and symbols. From this viewpoint, he projected his reflection of Taiwanese history, culture and society. In 2010, for the piece Statement shown in the Taipei Biennial, he invited the general public to perform/read out artist statements written by artists from different generations. Through this juxtaposition, he tried to deal with the political question between speech, writing and construction of history. Presented in 2011, his Thaïndophiliviet project, based on issues and discussions related to language learning sphere in Taiwan, especially languages from Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Philippine, the four main countries that Taiwan searches for labor force, further by connecting to economic and political aspects, it reveals multilayered inspections on contemporary Taiwan society’s social economy and hierarchical system.

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