201 3 Donor
margaret anna
c u s a c k
c a r e
c e n t e r
at St. Joseph’s Home for the Blind
Yo u r I M PA C T
on the lives of our residents
o u r m i s s i o n a n d v i s i o n board of trustees President/Chairperson: John J. Prout, Jr. Vice Chairperson: Catherine Yaxley, CPA Secretary: Thomas P. Sheehy, Jr. Treasurer: John LaPilusa, CPA
Silvana Buccianti James F. Caron Sr. Rosemary Coffey, CSJP Lloyd R. Currier Sr. Suzanne Golas, CSJP Bernadette Hoehl John M. LaPilusa, CPA Phyllis Liguori Mary Ann Olsen, Esq. Rev. James V. Pagnotta, S.T.B. George A. Popko John J. Prout, Jr. Thomas P. Sheehy, Jr. Susan M. Walsh, MD Catherine Yaxley, CPA
Mission Statement Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, the Margaret Anna Cusack Care Center’s caring community offers the frail and infirm elderly, persons of all faiths, and the poor, a healing ministry based on gospel values, our Catholic heritage and our commitment to “Peace through Justice.” Our central belief in the sacredness of life and the dignity of each person prompts us to promote, nurture and sustain quality of care, enabling our residents to live out their days in comfort, compassion and peace.
Vision Statement Margaret Anna Cusack Care Center will... • Provide a broad array of continuing care programs and services that are self-sustaining, financially viable and mission-driven • Understand its community and strive to address their care needs by being responsive and flexible • Provide quality care in a person-centered environment, offer the least restrictive setting to those it cares for and embrace culture change in all activities • Value its employees and reflect the diversity of its Jersey City community in its delivery system
Welcome to our 2013 Donor Impact Report
ear Friends,
It is our pleasure to share with you our 2013 Donor Impact Report. In its pages we highlight activities and events made possible through the generous support of you, our loyal donors, for the benefit of our frail elderly residents. Perhaps you contributed to our Healing Garden Appeal, or remembered a loved one by placing a star on our Blessing Tree, participated in our 50/50 Raffle or joined us in celebration of our generations at our Annual Generations Luncheon. Or, maybe you came to visit our residents, helped with a party, held a frail hand. We want you to know that your participation, no matter how large or small, has made such a difference in the lives of those in our care. As you may know, several years ago we implemented a new initiative – the provision of sub-acute, or post-acute rehabilitative care to patients who are transitioning from hospital to home on our first floor nursing unit. We cannot be happier with the success of this service and the personal successes of those who chose to come to us for their care. However, we are aware that to remain current and competitive, we must expand and enhance this service. To this end, we are planning an exciting make-over of our Therapy Department and will purchase more ergonomic, state-of-the-art equipment. Finally, I’d like to close this letter as I opened it: with gratitude. Thank you for sharing in our mission of service to an oft-forgotten population and for being an integral part in our success. We hope you will join with us as we move into the future and continue the legacy of our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace.
• Collaborate within the corporate health care system and with other partners to further mission and business goals
Thomas P. Sheehy, Jr.
Chief Executive Officer and Administrator
what sets us apart
a legacy of caring
2013 Donor Impact Report
ince our founding by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace in 1891, we have provided care to the blind and elderly of all faiths first as St. Joseph’s Home for the Blind and since 2002, as the Margaret Anna Cusack Care Center.
Margaret Anna Cusack
The Sister’s sponsorship and legacy of caring continues to this day. Guided by our Catholic values, our team of highly trained professionals provides high quality short-term medical and rehabilitative care as well as comprehensive long-term nursing care in a safe and nurturing environment. We are committed to providing an array of programs and services that add to the quality of life to those in our care with love, dignity and respect.
2013 at-a-glance Thanks to your support we are able to provide a wide variety of activities which ensure that our Center feels like home.
Bishop Thomas A. Donato, D.D., shares a moment with a resident following a religious service at the Center. ‘I am always so impressed by the loving care I see all around me here,’ he says. ‘I commend the staff for their devotion to the residents and the kindness they extend to me. God Bless them all.’
Our Sisters ever present in the life of the Center Top - L to R: Sr. Joan Spingler, OP, Activities Dept., Sr. Mary Kuiken, CSJP, Bottom - L to R: Sr. Cecilia King, CSJP and Sr. Agnes Fox, CSJP
• Annual 50/50 Raffle: Last year we again sold all 300 raffle tickets raising $30,000, the proceeds of which were designated toward the construction of our new Healing Garden.
of games and traditional fare. There were many happy faces and a steady stream of willing players who took turns attempting to topple our CEO in the dunk tank!
• Tenth Annual Generations Luncheon: More than 150 family, friends and residents joined us at Casino in the Park to enjoy a late September afternoon of good company and good food as we honored longtime friend and benefactor, Quentin Kennedy. Hosted by our Circle of Friends Committee, the event raised over $105,000, with proceeds benefiting programs and services for our residents as well as our new Healing Garden.
• Hudson City Lions Club Visits: Continuing a long tradition of support for our Center, the Lions Club generously donated time and resources to provide our residents with an evening of fine food and entertainment. • Musical Entertainment, Activities and Holiday events: Every month our residents are entertained and engaged in a variety of exciting events or activities, including:
• Blessing Tee Lighting: Again our Blessing Tree was ablaze with stars donated by friends and families in honor or in memory of loved ones raising over $25,000. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Jersey City, the Lighting Ceremony brought families and residents together to share in festive music and refreshments.
• Entertainment by visiting musicians, performers, school bands, etc. -Holiday Parties -Halloween Costume Party -Celebratory Dinners with Family -Birthday Parties -Summer BBQ’s -Ice Cream Socials -Poker Games, Bingo, Pokeno, Trivia, Crafts, Baking and so much more.
• Third Annual Resident Family Carnival: With a contribution of $2,000. from the United Way of Hudson County and volunteer support from the Rotary Club of Jersey City, our recreation room was transformed into an old fashioned carnival complete with a variety 4
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2013 Donor Impact Report
on programs and services...
quality care...
hanks to your support and our team of dedicated, caring professionals we are able to provide the best of care to nurture the mind, body and spirit. Whether it be to patients coming to us from the hospital requiring post-acute, rehabilitative care before transitioning home; or frailer residents who call Cusack home; or those with advanced dementia; or those requiring palliative care in the final days of their lives – we are here to meet their everyday needs. There are many families who have become a part of our Cusack family entrusting their loved ones to our care in their time of need. Your support helps us provide some of the additional services necessary for the comfort and life-enhancing experiences that Medicare and Medicaid payments do not allow. Extra ‘niceties’ that bring joy to daily living – parties, holiday celebrations, musical entertainment, games, Mass in our Mary Chapel visits to our Peace or Healing Gardens – and so much more. If you could see the joy that all this brings, joy that for a moment in time brings back memories of good times gone by. Yes, if you could see the joy you would know that you have really made a difference. Every one of our residents has a story to tell – a story of a life well lived; a life fulfilled with family, friends, work and community.
In 2013, we admitted over 300 patients to our first floor sub-acute care unit. There were many happy customers who made a safe transition back to their homes and daily lives. One of those happy customers, Juanita Detura (left), was delighted to share her story with us. Juanita slipped and fell at her home in Bayonne that left her requiring several stitches above her left eye and unable to walk. Before leaving the hospital she was told she needed physical therapy and would have to go to a rehab center. She made it known that she wanted to go nowhere else but the Cusack Care Center. Her husband, Frank, had received rehabilitative care at Cusack just a few years earlier after being temporarily paralyzed from a stroke. “Frank”, Juanita says, “was very active and very hesitant about going into a nursing Ma r g aret Anna Cus ack Care C e nte r
with love d i g n i t y a n d r e s p e c t . care facility, but finally agreed on one condition – that he’d be able to walk in time for the family’s annual vacation, which was just a few weeks away!” With patience and dedication from our caring healthcare professionals and support of his family, Frank was able to join in the family fun. Juanita too needed to learn to walk again and receive assistance with her day to day routines. And, after just four weeks of extensive therapy by our physical and occupational therapists, she was on her way home. “Thank God for the people at Cusack and for the rehab center,” she said. “Every day I made an improvement.” According to Juanita, one of the things that makes the Center such a special place is its spiritual community where all residents are welcome to attend services held daily in the Center’s Mary Chapel. Carmel Galasso also told us that it was the religious component that drew them to Cusack Care Center when the family was looking for placement for both her aunt and later for her mother, Adeline (right). “That and the unfailing dedication, care and concern from the staff – we soon knew that this was the only place for mom,” Carmel said. Like many families with loved ones in our care Adeline’s family were, she said,
“On that unknown road of caring for a loved one with dementia. The staff at Cusack showed us the way - they were our companions on a journey, a journey of love, friendship and peace.”
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on bringing joy to daily living...
birthdays, holidays, activities...
2013 Donor Impact Report
on special projects...
and annual celebrations Friends and dignitaries attended the dedication of the Healing Garden in October, 2013, which recognized the generous support of the Christ Hospital Foundation and other donors.
The Second Annual Summer Carnival held in July, for the enjoyment of our residents was made possible in part by the generous support of the United Way of Hudson County.
Our residents always enjoy attending our Annual
Pictured with his mother, resident Frances Kozoriz, Michael was one of the many supporters of our Annual Blessing Tree. Frances proudly holds a star that was placed on the Blessing Tree in her honor.
Generations Luncheon.
Nearly 200 family and friends joined them on a sunny after noon in September in celebration of our Generations.
M argaret Anna Cus ack Ca r e C e nte r
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you make it possible
2013 Donor Impact Report
thank you. Total Revenue
Total Expenses Resident Services
Resident Services
Non Resident Services
The revenue we receive for resident care and services comes primarily from Medicare and Medicaid. However these revenues do not allow us to provide some of the additional services necessary for the comfort and life-enhancing experiences of our residents. These include our Healing Garden, parties, holiday celebrations, entertainment – all of which were made possible by you, our donors.
Bequests Grants
19% Photograph courtesy of Reena Rose Sibayan for the Jersey Journal
Donor Support Up Close
Resident, Evelyn Carr takes aim at the dunk tank during the Center’s 2nd Annual Summer Carnival. Games and activities never fail to bring our residents joy.
General Expenses
Special Events Individual Contributions
2013 Year end audited financial statement is available upon request. 10
Your continued support will ensure that we uphold our mission and protect the legacy handed down to us from the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace. Thank you. cusackcarecenter.org
2013 Donor Impact Report
on the lives of our residents...
We would like to thank everyone listed here for their generosity. This support has helped brighten the lives of our residents throughout the year.
Individual Giving Helen Ackerman Anthony L. Bono Debra & Joseph Adamski Sandy Bono Jeffrey Agnew Sr. Breda Boyle, csjp Muhammad A. Ahmad, MD Tom Bragen Jennifer Aiken Marie A. Breslin M. Akl Patricia A. Brida Felocelia Alcid Tamara Bridgeforth Benjamin and Michelina Altmajer Carolyn Brindisi Toniann Amabile Ann and Theodore Brinkofski Michael J. Amorino Judie Brophy William Andrews Leah Brown Anna Andriola Dominick Buccafusco Salvatore Angello Regina Buccafusco Eva-Maria Anthony Elaine Burgwyn-Bailes Frances D. Aragona Keith and Patricia Burkhardt Elma O. Arnone, RN Jean Burns George Avery Sr. Margaret Byrne, csjp Sr. Christine Backiel, csjp Elodia Cafferty Mary Jan Baker Jerome A. Cala Peter B. Baker Eugene Cala Charles and Josephine Baker Frances Calloway Betty Baldwin, RN Sr. Teresa Catherine Carberry, csjp Mary Lou Bale Maria T. Carchidi Joy Barry Janice Carlin William Edward Barry Mary L. Carroll James and Bernadette Beam James Caron Yvette and Vincent Bello Anna Marie Carpenito Peter Besser Thomas A. Carriero Helen Betkowski Joseph Carrino Elsa Bianciella Bernice Cassano Catherine Barbo Birckholtz Loretta Cavallo Frank and Louise Blake Sr. Alicia Cavanaugh, csjp Dorothy Blake Leonardo P. Cepeda Mary Ann Blaszczyk Carmen Cepeda Donna Marie Blauvelt Joann Cerelli Sr. Helen Blendermann, csjp Dean and Susan Chasky Edward P. Blicharz David Chesney Richard and Mary Boggiano Ernest Chester, Jr. Maria Bolos, RN Lois Chismar Leona Bombach Diane J. Cicchine M a r garet Anna Cusack Care C e nte r
John W. Cimmello Mary Higgins Clark Renee Cody Sr. Rosemary Coffey, csjp Victor Colaiemma Dennis Collins Neil J. Collins John Collins Emanuel Comandatore Eugene J. Comey Margaret Condon Georgette and Michael Condosta Michael Condosta, Jr. Karen T. Connelly Janet Connery James Conniff Patrick Conte Martin and Kathleen Conte Carol Conversano Ronald Conzo Editha Cortez Gerard Costa Bernadette & Rody Costanzo Marianne Costello Albert Covas Robert D. Cravello Linda A. Crawford Frank J. Crosby James Crosson Matthew J. Crosson Maryanne Cullum Lloyd R. Currier Sr. Maureen D’Auria, csjp Ermelinda and Dominick De Cesare Rosemarie DeCandia Carmela J. DeCandia Sheila Decosmis Hon. Edward J. DeFazio Hon. Thomas A. DeGise Sr. Cabrini Delaney, csjp 11
William Fadrowski Joan Brunkhorst Falch Sheila and Joe Fallon Robert J. Farrell Coleen Fay Noreen F. Feehan Harriet Fells Anthony Ferrara Paula Filler Peter Finzi Kathleen Flanagan The Flynn Family Nancy and Michael Foglio William F. Folger Eileen Mary Foltz-Shaw Cristina Fontanelli Mary Fontoura Margaret Ford John Foye Sr. Agnes Fox, csjp Joyce Frater Most Rev. Thomas A. Donato, D.D. Peter J. Freda Carol Donofrio Ariel & Joey Fucci Maureen C. Donohue Marie Fusiak Bill Donohue Sr. Kristen Funari, csjp Sr. Teresa M. Donohue, csjp Grace Gabriele Joseph Doria, Jr. Anthony and Carol Galante Francis X. Dorrity Johanna R. Galasso Mary Lynn Drexler Carmel Galasso Jody A. Druda Pamela Gardner Edith Duane Donna Gardner Mary H. Duffy Peter J. Gargiulo John Dulko Gloria Garrity Laura Dunn Doris C. Geiss Mary Dwyer Joseph Genua Susan M. Edwards Linda Giampaglia Judith Elins David Giusti Marie A. Eppinger Herbert Goldman Gertrude Europa Sr. Suzanne Golas, csjp Bridget Evans Brian Golick John Delaura Caroline Delfino Dolores DelGrande Hon. Donald W. DeLeo Barbara Delpiano Dolores DeMaio Annmarie DeMarco Louis DeMarco Sr. Gail DeMaria, csjp William J. Demio Louis B. Dempsey Antonina C. DeRocco Gail DeVito, CSJP-A, RN Salvatore DiBrita Doris A. DiCorcia Joseph A. DiCristo Dan DiFilippo Dorothy Dillin Roseann DiMase James DiStefano Mary Divock
Diane Gomez Martha Gonzalez Richard Gonzalez Joan Gorman Ann M. Grady Don & Betty Grafje Maureen Graham Joseph R. Greco Walter F. Greene Teresa Greenhalgh Janice Greten, RN Linda Gribble Paul Griffin William M. Griffin Joseph M. Grossi Joyce Guest Christine Gurick Salvatore Gustoso John J. Halecky Margaret Hamiel Ann P. Hannon Nancy Harrigan Greg and Erica Harris Mimi Hartnett Emily Jordan Hayes Thomas Headrick Joyce M. Henson Bobbie Hinton Robert Herbaugh & Joan Rose Kelly Bernadette Hoehl George Hogan Michael and Joanne Iannacone Estella Ignacio Antoinette Iorio Patricia Ippolito John Ippolito Fulvia Ippolito Lorraine Jackman Patricia Jacobs Chester and Lillian Janowicz Henry J. Jaszewski Anna Jenssen Toni Johnson Philip Julewicz Marybeth Kahle Eugene F. Kaluzny David and Patty Kandrysawtz
Frances Katusa Carol Kearney Donna Keller Barbara Kellner Jean M. Kelly Brenda K. Kelly Denise Kelly Owen Kelly Kate Kennedy Mary Anne Kennedy Megan Kennedy Quentin J. Kennedy Vincent Kenny Barbara Kirk Marie Kist Nancy A. Kist Elaine Kobryn Catherine M. Komoski Michael Kozoriz Dorothy Krajczewski Larry and Pamela Kromidas Lila Marie Kropf Sr. Mary Kuiken, csjp Gayle & William Kunzinger M. Janet Laforge Rosalie Laluyan Martha Lambert Brian W. Larcom Kathleen Larsson Frances LaTour Dianne Lavin Ruben Laygo Marie J. Savage Leach Rose Lekic Sr. Sheila Lemieux, csjp Joyce Lenzo Jean Lenzo Phyllis P. Liguori Vincent Lobue Charles Loelius Patricia A. Lord William Lucy Lynda Lutz Bill and Cathy Macchi Grace Macalino Rita Macolino James and Camille Magner Pamela Mahnken
Irene Maksymowicz Alan Malat Ida Manna Rose K. Manzo Michael J. Manzo Marie Mardekian Bishop Dominic Marconi, D.D. Fe Doris Margulis Ralph Marino Anne Markey Gertrude C. Marley Margaret Marley Antoinette Marron Guido Martinelli Maya Martinez Rocco A. Mazza Judith McCabe Erma McCarthy Natalie Krauser McCarthy Edward McDowell Post Thomas J. McGarvey Margaret McGee Patrick J. McGinley John F. McGlinchy Karen R. McGovern Rev. John McGovern Ann L. McGovern Maryanne P. McGuire Kathleen R. McHugh Maryellen McLaughlin Michael McManus Sr. Rosalie McQuaide, csjp Antonio Merced Frank and Gale Mertz Jose Mestre Charles H. Meyer Stanislava Michalik Maryann Migliorelli Maribeth Miller Irma Miraglia Patrick N. Moloney Sr. Antoinette Moore, csjp Carol Mori Maryann Morro William J. Mount John T. Mullins Lorraine A. Nadler Dianne Nashel
Helen F. Naughton Jim Naughton Tara M. Naughton James and Laura Naugton Selva Nebbia Hon. Barbara Netchert Deborah Nigliazzo-Meschler Shetaye Nigussi Margaret L. Norton Angela Noto Michael A. Nunley Sophie O’Brien Joseph O’Brien John and Jennifer O’Brien Michael M. O’Connor Andrew O’Connor John and Maureen O’Halloran Karen and Lawrence O’Leary Siegfried Olender Anne Marie Olsen Mary Ann Olsen, Esq. Stephen F. Olszewski Sr. Lillian O’Neill, csjp Peter J. Orrico Nellie Ortiz Emma Paccione Joseph F. Pagano Rev. James Pagnotta, S.T.B Mary Palangio Frank Paluzzi Joseph A. Panepinto Stephanie Panepinto Anna Papa Mary Paquin Sr. Lois Parente, cssf Mary and Doug Paretti Martin Parker Gina Pasuco, RN Sr. Josephine Pate, csjp Wendy S. Paul Susan Pelliccia Michael Peregrin Barbara Peters Deborah A. Petersen Joan Pflug Mary F. Pilla Christine Pisano Elaine Pisano
We are grateful to all who donate their time, talent and resources to Cusack Care Center for the benefit of our frail elderly residents. We regret any omissions or errors and do not intend them to be a reflection of the value of your contribution to the success of our work. Donor list reflects individuals and organizations that made a donation(s) between January 1 - December 31, 2013.
Kenneth Poesl Joseph M. Pompeo George Popko Michael Pregitzer Kevin Prendergast Melvin Printz Mindy Printz-Kopelson John and Patricia Prout Emilie Puzio Joan Quigley Alex Radelat Gail Rader Michele Randazzo Denise Refolo Marie Rega Benedict J. Riccardi Sr. Janet Davis Richardson, csjp John Riordan Michele Roche Hon. Anthony Romano Miriam Rooney Frank Rotella, MD Doris Rucinski Sr. Joanne Rusch, csjp Sr. Ann C. Rutan, csjp Jacqueline Salomons Thomas C. Salmon Teresa C. Saltarella Joseph C. Samyn Michael Santasieri Maureen T. Savage John E. Savage Florence and Vincent Savage John P. Scanlon Amy Schaefer Thomas A. Schember John and Mary Beth Scherer Frank Schillari Patricia Schweizer Jeff Semel Margaret A. Seremba Lois Shaw Thomas Sheehy, Jr. Patricia Sheppard John Sheridan Paul Silverman Susan Sims Mary E. Skrocki c usac kc arec enter.org
Betsy Smith John Joseph Smith, MD John Smith, Esq. Hon. John R. Smith Hon. Mark Smith Cynthia and Carlos Sosa Hon. Michael J. Sottolano Sr. Baptista Spillane, csjp Elizabeth Spinelli Maureen Spinello Stephen Stamos Evelyn Stawicki Lynn Stoller Marie E. Stringile Joseph Strzalkowski Neil Stuart Mary Beth Stull Erma Sullivan Edgar J. Sullivan Scholastica Sullivan Carla Sutherland Frances & Jerry Svoronos Raymond Sy Joan and Mitch Syp Mark Syp Loretta Szecsi Eileen and Charles Tahaney Sr. Ann Taylor, csjp Sally A. Teasdale John Tegeder Steve Thomas Edna Thomas Deborah Toth Jeanette and Thomas Tracy Patrick F. Tracy Florence Tracy Carmen A. Traina Joseph and Helena Truglio Evelyn Vargas Eugene and Patricia Varsalona Corrado Vasquez Cecilia R. Velasco, RN Edward Vladich Elaine Volpe Mary Wallace Elizabeth R. Walsh Susan M. Walsh, MD Gail C. Waltz M a r g aret Anna Cusack Care C e nte r
Entre Computer Center Family Medical & Surgical Supply George Link Jr. Charitable Trust Goldman, Sachs & Co. Greenville Memorial Home Holy Name Medical Center Hudacko’s Pharmacy Hudson City Lions Club Hudson County Freeholder Dist. 5 Hudson Farmers Market J. Fletcher Creamer & Son Jersey City Medical Center Jewel Electric Supply Co. John J. Giblin Association Konopka Funeral Home Fazio, Mannuzza, Roche Tankel & LaPilusa Liberty Savings Fed. Credit Union Loeb & Troper Mack-Cali Realty Corp. MAG Medical Enterprises McCabe Ambulance Service McLaughlin Funeral Home Med-Care Medline Industries, Inc. Migliaccio Funeral Home Mike’s Place Corporations & Mobile Diagnostic Services Mr. Richard Rutkowski Organizations OmniCare/NeighborCare 22nd St. Meat Market Pair of Jacks Amcare Medical Transportation Palisade Eye Associates Archdiocese of Newark Park Tavern Pub Astor Bar and Grill Peninsula/Wolenski Electric Benefit Sources & Solutions Perfect Dental Care Brennan’s Florist Preferred Pension Concepts Brennan’s Pub Provident Bank Foundation Bromirski Funeral Home Rotary Club of Jersey City Burns Bros. Memorials Riotto Funeral Home Casino In The Park Select Rehabilitation Catholic Human Services Foundation Service & Maintenance Corp. Churchhill’s Silverman Clerici Funeral Home Sisters of Charity Concord Advisory Group St. Ann’s Home for the Aged Concordia Learning Center Supreme Security Court House Pharmacy TBS Controls D.R.G.S. Township of North Bergen Duso Food Distributors Triangle TV & Air Conditioning John Wascoe Margaret Waters Margaret Way, RN Ayana Webb Clotilda Weber Stephen and Ruth Weinberg Patricia Welsh Henry Wermann Kenneth G. Wessler Dorothy B. Westermeier Frank and Judith Wierzbicki Mary Williams John Williams Vivienne J. Wingfield Gertruda Wisse Jacqueline Withers Irene Wodkiewicz-Wheat Nancy S. Woods Fay Woomer Melvin Wright Catherine Yaxley Adeline Yudiski Claudette Zaccardi Fernando Zagariello Angela Zolli
TSP Controls Union Stone Cleaning & Restoration United Dietary Services United Fire Protection Corp. United Way of Hudson County United Way of Massachusetts Bay Vericare Visiting Dental Associates Visiting Homemaker Service W. B. Mason William Gaughan Civic Association
Bequests We remember in our prayers those who have left a lasting legacy by remembering those less fortunate in their wills Frances M. Donohue Mary H. Duffy Robert J. Gaske Gorilowich Family Trust Blanche M. Keller Otto F. Keller Frances McElroy Nora E. O’Neill Mary Peloso Evelyne and Lillian Pontone Pearl Rutkowski Anne C. Rodgers Kenneth West Marie Hirte Inter Vivos
thank you.
Your I M P A C T for the Future We hope you have enjoyed this glimpse of life here at Cusack Care Center. A life that is made all the more meaningful by the gifts you have shared with us. Thank you. As in the past, your continued support will go a long way in helping us fulfill our mission of providing quality, loving care to our frail elderly residents. Now more than ever, in this ever-changing competitive health care market place it is crucial that we not only provide care with love, dignity and respect, but provide care that is supported by the latest in technology and treatment modalities. Yes, now more than ever, we need your support. Here are but a few ways you can help:
You Can Help Enhance Our Rehabilitative Therapy Services
Although a therapy department was created for this service during the construction of our new building some ten or more years ago, it is fast outgrowing the space provided and the equipment is already outdated. Rehabilitative therapy is a vital part of the recovery process for our patients who come to us transitioning from hospital to home. As in all segments of medical care, advances in treatment are changing and improving constantly – more comprehensive, more extensive, all to ensure that the patient is ready to return home able to pick up their daily activities again. To achieve these goals for our patients, it is imperative that we provide an efficient, therapeutic space with state-of-the-art equipment.
You Can Help Our Healing Garden Grow!
Our Healing Garden is complete already being enjoyed by our residents and their families. But, our garden, like yours, still needs to be tended and nourished so that our residents can experience the therapeutic values of this welcoming oasis that helps foster a sense of well-being and promotes healing of the mind, body and spirit. As in all our endeavors, we count on your generosity and the support of friends and family alike to help our garden grow. Maybe you would like to honor or memorialize a loved one with a commemorative plaque on a bench or by a tree or a shrub or have their name engraved on a decorative stone. What better way to honor your loved one than by adding to the beauty of the garden itself?
You Can Help Ensure the Future of Our Center by Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Help us continue our vital mission of “offering the frail and infirm elderly, persons of all faiths, and the poor, a healing ministry based on gospel values, our Catholic heritage and our commitment to Peace through Justice”, by joining the Margaret Anna Cusack Legacy Society – a special group of friends who support the Center through their wills and estate plans.
For more information on any of these initiatives, please visit our website cusackcarecenter.org call the Development Office at 201-653-8300 x 2161 or email us at info@cusackcarecenter.org.
margaret anna
c u s a c k
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c e n t e r
short and long-term skilled nursing care at the historic St. Joseph’s Home for the Blind
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