Christian Waterfowler Magazine - Summer 2018

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Sharing Jesus with your Personal Testimony


In Season Refreshers for an Enjoyable Experience






THE QUEST FOR A KING OTheNKingT Eider H E andB EtheRAluetin I N GIslands SEA


Learn about how the Christian Waterfowlers Association came to be.



WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DIn Oseason G ?refreshers for an enjoyable hunting experience


P R AY E R , D R E A M S , &God’sPPlan U RofPPurpose OSE




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Sharing Jesus with your personal testimony

SENIOR EDITORS Ti m & R a c h e l l e S a l l e e CREATIVE DESIGN & EDITING Va n c e K l e m p l e COVER PAGE PHOTO Alan Murphy





“Preserving our Christian and Waterfowling Heritage” The Christian Waterfowlers Association was formed by Tim Sallee in September of 2009. However, the idea for the CWA originated back in 2002 while on a duck hunt with his brother Anthony Sallee on the banks of the Arkansas River. Tim was first introduced waterfowling while serving as a youth minister in Fort Smith, Ark. almost thirty years ago. One of his youth members demonstrated using a duck call during a “Gong Show” talent night. He was fascinated with the call and after inquiring about the call and duck hunting was invited to go on a hunt by the youth and his older brother. The hunt experience was incredible, with awesome weather and the perfect sunrise. Right after daybreak about fifteen mallards flew over our backs and circled back with their wings cupped and feet down. “Take Em,” yelled the youth, as Tim raised his gun to shoot. He was so moved by seeing ducks decoy, that he shot three times and did not hit one duck. However, a few weeks later on his second hunt he bagged his first ever mallard and was hooked on duck hunting for life. Tim then introduced waterfowling to his older brother Mark Sallee, his younger brother Anthony Sallee and Mark’s sons Mitchell and Matthew. He always looked forward to spending time in the duck blind with his family and friends each year. Anthony moved to Nashville, Tenn. in the 1980’s and early 1990’s to play bass for the Christian band “White Heart.” He went on to play for Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant and Matthew West to name a few. While taking a break from the road, 3


he drove in to spend time with family as well as some time in the duck blind. While on a hunt in 2002, Tim and Anthony first brought up the idea combining a passion for Christ with the passion for waterfowling, as well as the idea of a Fellowship of Christian Athletes for waterfowlers, but the idea didn’t get much further than Anthony designing a sample logo or two. After hosting a Wild Game Dinner in September of 2009, Tim saw firsthand the impact of bringing sportsmen together for fellowship and introducing them to Christ. The idea for CWA resurfaced. After much prayer and consideration, he felt it was time move forward with the launching of the CWA website and forum as well as crafting the CWA mission statement: Since that time the CWA has launched close to fifty chapters in fifteen states and continues to add new chapters each month. Chapters meet monthly for food, fellowship, pro-tips, devotion and an invitation to know Christ. Chapters also hold annual outreach/fundraiser dinners, along with various youth hunting, conservation and CWA Wounded Veterans Waterfowl Events. The CWA also hosts an annual meeting and festival. In 2014 the CWA celebrated its 5th Annual International Waterfowl Festival & Outdoor Expo. Over the past eight years, thousands have attended from nineteen states and Canada, with many accepting Christ during the two day event. The event features many competitions including the CWA International Duck

Waterfowler’s Trap Shooting Competition, 3D Archery Competition and Wild Waterfowl Cook-off Competition. Other activities include our Blue Wings Youth Kidz Zone featuring a fishing derby, seminars, Outreach/ Fundraiser Dinner, Sportsman’s Chapel, concerts and more. In 2012 the CWA held its first Blue Wings Youth Waterfowl Hunting Event during the Oklahoma youth waterfowl hunt. After receiving requests to organize a Wounded Veteran’s Duck Hunt, the first ever CWA Wounded Veteran’s Waterfowl event took place in January of 2014 at the Crooked Slough Hunting club in east Arkansas. Since the beginning of CWA, hundreds of lives have been impacted by the Gospel of Christ. We invite you to join the Christian Waterfowlers Association today in preserving our Christian, waterfowling heritage. To become a member visit or call 479-957-3033 for more information. (The Christian Waterfowlers Association is incorporated in Arkansas as a non-profit religious organization. The Christian Waterfowlers Association is also registered with the IRS as a 501 (C)(3)non-profit religious organization. All donations are tax deductible except for any gift items and magazine received with your support membership)

CWA Founders Tim & Rachelle Sallee

Anthony Sallee (Left) Tim Sallee (Right)



In Search of the


The first time I heard of Captain Charlie Summerville and Aleutian Island Waterfowlers was on the “To Kill a King� TV show by Benelli featuring Tony Vandermore of Habitat Flats in Northwest MO. Then, out of the blue, Charlie contacted us and said he was driving down to attend our International Waterfowl Festival at Cross Church in Springdale, Arkansas. It was exciting to meet Charlie and to hear about his many experiences as a fishing guide, waterfowl hunting guide, outfitter, boat captain, and bush pilot for the past 30 years in Alaska.

Since becoming a fishing guide in Bristol and Cold Bay in 1985, Charlie looked for opportunities as a waterfowl guide in order to extend the season. As a bush pilot, he was able to explore and find areas to hunt where waterfowl would congregate in lagoons while migrating that had never been hunted before. He was the first to introduce sport hunting on the St. Paul Islands. As a result, Charlie began offering world class fishing for Salmon and Halibut as well as world class waterfowl hunts and adventures. While offering guided or unguided fishing beginning in September and continuing through the end of October, he could also offer a cast and blast pack age by offering trophy sea duck hunting beginning on October 28th. Sea duck species in Alaska include Pacific Eider, Pacific Brant, Harlequin, Longtails, White-winged & Common Scoters, Mergansers, and misc. Puddle ducks. 7


While offering guided or unguided fishing beginning in September and continuing through the end of October, he could also offer a cast and blast package by offering trophy sea duck hunting beginning on October 28th. Sea duck species in Alaska include Pacific Eider, Pacific Brant, Harlequin, Longtails, White-winged & Common Scoters, Mergansers, and misc. Puddle ducks. With one of the longest hunting seasons in the US, Alaska not only offers hunting opportunities for trophy sea ducks, but also for the trophy King Eider Duck. The King Eider is one of the most sought after trophy ducks among waterfowlers due to fact that it is a rare, unique, and beautiful duck limited to Alaska Aleutian Islands and the Aleutian trench area.



The King Eider is a mysterious duck that lives in the Arctic and migrates to Russia as well as Alaska. Charlie says, “as the King Eiders migrate and feed their way down the Bering Sea, they just happen to hit the Pribilof Islands.” With some 18 years of hunting on the island, Charlie has their timing down to a science. “As the birds navigate and feed around the island each morning, we set up and intercept them between the feeding areas”. Charlie has discovered that the best hunting for the King Eider is located 350 miles off the SW coast of Bristol Bay Alaska. Just north of the Aleutian trench is the home of many of the Deadliest catch’s top crab boats fishing grounds. He says that “along with having some of the worst weather and being voted as the most extreme location to duck hunt for 16 years in a row, it just so happens to be where the last great bastion’s of huntable King Eiders abound due to its’ unique location, fertile marine ecosystem, shallow reefs, and mixed currents.” Charlie usually launches sea duck boats out of St Paul where the crab boats from Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch also dock. If he is unable to launch and reach the main channel from the St. Paul harbor, they take zodiac boats and launch from the beach. After reaching the hunting location, Charlie or one of his guides clips a combination of custom handcrafted and production duck

P H O T O B Y R YA N A S K R E N decoys to a long cord in order to get the bird’s attention. After the decoys are in place, they wait until the birds decoy in range to shoot. After a bird is down, they boat out to the bird and retrieve it using a large fishing net. For non- residents, the limit is four ducks each species and twenty ducks total per season. Even though the area where Charlie hunts for the King Eider might seem somewhat extreme and challenging, he reminded me that in almost 20 years of guiding waterfowl and promoting hunting safety, he has a 100% hunting and fishing safety record. For those who would like to bring their entire family, there are plenty of activities to participate in such as hiking, nature watching; which includes observing animals such as brown bears, as well as experiencing the incredible landscape beauty of Alaska.



King Eider P H O T O B Y R YA N A S K R E N


PHOTO BY CODY GOFF Time spent in the Duck Blind is some of the greatest time we spend with family and friends: We spend time calling, watching, talking, and just sharing the stories of past good times as we lay aside the challenges that preoccupy us. We hunters love telling stories. It is a part of our hunting DNA. The stories we most often share are those that are particularly meaningful to us for a variety of reasons. That brings up an interesting question. Is Jesus part of your story? Is He the One shaping the story of your life? Is the story of your encounter with Jesus meaningful to you? It should be. Unfortunately, we have turned the sharing of our faith into an exercise of the head by trying to memorize a particular presentation or predetermined set of Bible verses rather than an exercise of the heart by simply sharing the story of how we came into a personal relationship with Jesus. There is much power in simply sharing the story of how you encountered Jesus. On one occasion, Jesus was sharing the truth of the gospel with a Samaritan woman standing beside a well. 13 | CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER

The scripture says that she ran to her village and encouraged the village to all come meet Jesus. We are later told: Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony (story), “He told me all that I ever did.” (John 4:39) An entire village comes to Jesus because of one woman’s story of her encounter with Jesus. That is powerful. In fact, the scripture tells us that the power of the story of our coming to Jesus (our testimony) combined with the sacrifice of Jesus make for an unstoppable force that defeats the devil himself. And they have conquered him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony (story)...(Revelation 12:11) Your story is not my story neither is my story your story. Each are unique and uniquely used by God to shape who we are and to impact others. Choosing to share your faith while sitting in the Duck Blind should not be an exercise in trying to recite the latest canned evangelistic presentation. It should involve doing what comes naturally to us as we sit in the Duck Blind, simply sharing YOUR STORY. In my experience, sharing my story while waterfowl hunting has resulted in powerful moments and has even allowed me to lead fellow hunters into a personal

relationship withJesus. I have noticed that my story usually follows a particular pattern whenever I share it: My Life Before Jesus - How I Came To Know Jesus - My life Since I Surrendered to Jesus. After sharing my story, I simply ask the person if he has ever surrendered his heart and life to Jesus. If he answers, “No”, I simply ask him if he would like to make that surrender. If he answers, “Yes”, I lead him in a prayer of surrender and invite him to church so that he can take the next step in the journey of growing with Jesus. If he says that he is not ready to make that surrender, I do not pressure him, but allow The Spirit to continue working on his heart, knowing that when the opportunity presents itself, I will share my story with him yet again, maybe even the next time we are in the Duck Blind together. I have shared my story many, many times with some of my hunting buddies before they understood and felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit guiding them into a surrender to Jesus. Not all of them have come to Jesus, but they know my story and I pray that one day they will come to know Him as Lord and Savior. One effective way to share your story is by going to he website where you will be guided into sharing a 3 minute version of your story. Once the story goes on the website, you will receive a unique URL address that is only for your story. A short gospel presentation will be connected to your story. You can then share your story’s address on social media outlets, business cards, etc. Every time someone logs onto your story, you will receive a text message that someone

is listening to your story. If that person prays to receive Jesus listening to your story and they indicate that on the website, you will receive a text message with their contact information so that you can invite them to join you in church. I encourage you to make telling your story a regular part of your everyday life, in and out of the Duck Blind. You will be surprised just how powerfully God can use you and your story to change your life and the lives of others. By sharing your story, you truly will become a powerful force for our Lord. Good hunting…

And Good Story Telling!

Chuck McAlister Founder Adventure Bound Outdoor TV Program Founder Promise of Hope Ministries Board Member CWA


Most gun dogs experience a drop in performance in certain skills as the hunting season wears on. In fact, hunting season can take a toll on your dog’s compliance in obedience and handling that, if not corrected, will diminish your dogs ability to perform at it’s highest level. The main areas that suffer are usually steadiness and responsiveness to your commands. The pressures of hunting season and the thrill of the hunt more often than not, create a need for brushing up in these areas to make sure you have an enjoyable experience with your dog for years to come. Regardless, if you are working with a new gun dog just finishing up it’s first official season, or an experienced gun dog that knows what you expect, you can have an enjoyable time working out the kinks from hunting season. Here are a few steps you can follow that will put your experience with your hunting companion on the right track in no time.

THIRD Remember it’s pre-season not off-season. • Ask around and find a training partner or group to train with, or start your own training group. • Invite family members into the process and spend time doing fun things with your dog.

Photo by Cornerstone Gundog Academy

FIRST Re-establish compliance in foundational obedience. • Sit means don’t move until I say so • Walk by my side where I go • Come immediately when I call • Stop, turn and look at me

SECOND Utilize memory retrieves, marking drills and pattern blinds to reshape behaviors to your standard. • Prevent breaking by making sure dog doesn’t go until you send it on command. • Reestablish or shape proper delivery to hand utilizing your choice of side or front delivery. • Work on perfecting stop to the whistle during retrieves increasing distance as you progress. • Revisit hand signals to improve responsiveness and team work.

In most areas of the United States, days are getting longer and weather is becoming favorable for Spring training. What a great time to spend time in the outdoors with members of your family including your canine hunting companion.

Go outside and train! For more information, visit us at:

Keith Parvin Co-Founder/Partner Cornerstone Gundog Academy, LP Founder/Co-Owner, Cornerstone Retrievers, LLC

Photo by Cornerstone Gundog Academy CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER | 16

Blue Wings is our initiative to teach and engage young people with the great recreation that is waterfowl hunting. We all have a call to pass on the knowledge and heritage of our pasttime to the next generation. At the Christian Waterfowlers Association, we do that through our Blue Wings events.



American Waterfowl Systems was founded on a prayer, a dream, and a purpose. November of 2011 was the original release date of AWS. I say release date, because American Waterfowl Systems’ first products were ringtones for smartphones. AWS created duck, goose, and turkey ringtones. We released them on the Apple iOS platform, and within a few years, had over 10,000 downloads. These same ringtones can still be found in the Apple iTunes Store on your favorite Apple iPhone.

In 2013, I really started to pray about what God wanted me to do with AWS and was trying to seek out what God would have me do with my life; His purpose for me. I had gone through some hard trials during this time that led me to fast and to try to grow in the Spirit of the Lord. Early one morning, I remember waking up from a dream. In my dream, I could see the outline of the barrel of a call. I remember praying to God to help me to remember the dream and shape of what I saw. Shortly after that, as I was studying God’s word to prepare to teach a Sunday school lesson, God laid on my heart the symbolism of the three rings incorporated into the barrel portion of our calls. When you look at any of our calls, whether duck, turkey, goose, crow, or owl, you will see three rings. The three rings are together, yet separate. They are three infinite rings which represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. With each call we make, the consumer receives the testimony of the three. With this testimony of what God has done in our lives as call makers, we find it more abundant and above what we can even imagine that which God lays on the hearts of men to do; to bare witness of our Lord Jesus Christ through our calls.

I, Anthony Wade Smith, a native Tennessean who grew up around the likes of Mike McLemore, David Hale, and Steve Barnett in West Tennessee, am the founder of AWS. As a result of my family’s influence, I was always hunting. I was introduced to duck hunting by my great uncle as well as by Earl Dennison. Since 2005, I have been heavily involved in creating and marketing duck and goose calls for different brands, some of which were featured in Ducks Unlimited and in retailers like Bass Pro Shop.

In 2015, I released the first images of an AWS call. It was a blue swirl acrylic barrel and a white pearl acrylic insert. I had people emailing me and asking about it pretty quickly. If you know retail at all, you know anything you sell has to have a package. For us, this was no different. I had spent several days trying to find something different, because God calls us to be different. So, through much search and prayer, we came up with the bamboo box we use today. The box is wood instead of the cardboard 19 | CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER

many other makers use. The box also has a unique design on it with an American Flag behind it. The duck flag logo was something I liked and began putting on t-shirts and boxes immediately. A month after I had released the logo, God started to deal with me again, and through much prayer, He showed me the meaning to the duck flag; there is more to the logo than meets the eye. God give us several numbers in the Bible. I have already written about one, the number 3. When you start to break down the logo, you will see the flag consists of 7 stripes. The number 7 in the Bible stands for completion and for the 7 men of God in the Old Testament. The next part in the logo is between 33-34 partial and full stars which represent the 33 years Jesus spent on this earth. The last part is the duck. Just like there is one duck, there is one God. Something I have found in duck hunting is that it can easily consume a man and can even become addictive and hurt the people around us. This includes our relationship with the one we are supposed to call the Most High. If you get anything from this article, please get this, there is one God and he desires a relationship with you. Do not put anything in front

of Him, because He is a jealous God. Worship God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Lastly, inside the box you will find the scripture Romans 10:13 which says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

If you need God simply call his name. Anthony Wade Smith Owner, American Waterfowl Systems Product Specialist, Rig’Em Right Waterfowl CWA Team Member

King Eider in Flight PHOTO BY ALAN MURPHY


Jeremiah Doughty Field to Plate “The Wild Chef ”

I get asked by many fellow hunters why I pluck my ducks, why don’t I simply breast them out like they do. Here is the simple and honest truth, because I hate to waste. Not only do I hate to waste the skin, fat, legs and thighs that comes from breasting out your ducks, I also hate that I can’t create amazing meals like this one. Let’s get into the real reason you’re here, the recipe. If you don’t have a whole duck or skin on breasts don’t worry, you can still create this recipe you’ll just be missing out on the crispy skin, legs and thighs that come along with this dish.



2 Whole ducks spilt or 4 duck breasts, skin on

- Pre heat oven to 400 degrees - In small bowl whisk honey, garlic, cilantro and soy sauce (if adding Sriracha add now) - Season duck breasts with salt and pepper - In skillet over med-high heat add olive oil - Add duck halves skin side down and cook for 2 minutes, flip and cook another 2 minutes (may need 2 minutes more skin side depending on size of duck. You may also need to score the skin to help rinder fat if needed.) - Remove skillet from heat (if you had a lot of rindered duck fat you may want to drain it from skillet at this time, only is you have a lot) - Pour honey mixture over ducks, place skillet in oven - Bake for 5 minutes then baste ducks, cook another 5 minutes or until internal temperature has reached 160 degrees - Plate duck halves over rice, pour remaining sauce from skillet over top and garnish with sesame seeds and cilantro

½ cup soy sauce 6-8 cloves garlic, minced ¼ cup cilantro, chopped ¼ cup honey ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cracked pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 3 cups cooked, rice (For added heat 2 tablespoons Sriracha)



In the outdoors you will see the greatness of God and in Jesus you see the grace of God There is a reason why the hair stands up on the back of your neck when you watch the ducks as they prepare to land in your decoys or even when the tip of your fishing rod snaps down towards the water. God made you to know Him and is seeking you through the outdoors...And through His Son Jesus. In the outdoors you will see the greatness of God and in Jesus you see the grace of God.

WE HAV E ALL MIS S E D T H E M A R K Romans 3:23 - “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” It’s like trying to make a clear shot when the sight of your rifle is off. No matter how hard you try - you are going to miss. We have all missed the mark of the perfection that is required to get into heaven.

YOU ARE BE IN G H U N T E D Hunting, as we know, involves pursuing game. The Bible tells us that we don’t have the ability to pursue God, but He is pursuing us! Romans 3:10-11 - “As is it written: There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.”

HE PURSU E S YOU BE CAUS E H E L OV E S YO U Romans 5:8 - “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” However, you are also hunted by another! 1 Peter 5:8 - “Be self-controlled and alert, your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”


You are being pursued by Satan as well as by God. You get to choose who captures you.

W E H AV E AL L MI SS ED TH E MARK How do I let God capture my heart? Romans 10:9-10 - “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scriptures say, anyone who trusts Him will never be put to shame.” TO CONFESS JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOR OF YOUR LIFE AS WELL TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR TRUST IN HIM, YOU CAN PRAY THIS SIMPLE PRAYER:

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I want You to capture me. I believe that You are God’s Son. I believe that You gave your life for me on the cross and was raised from the dead to save me. I surrender control of my life to You. I invite You to come into my life. I will follow You for the rest of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me. If you prayed that prayer, please contact us as (479) 957-3033 or email and we will send you some information about the decision you just made as well as where to go from here.

Chuck McAlister Founder Adventure Bound Outdoor TV Program Founder Promise of Hope Ministries Board Member CWA

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