Christian Waterfowler Magazine - Winter 2016

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Learn about how the Christian Waterfowlers Association came to be

Photo highlights of the 2016 International Waterfowl Festival

Darkness can only exist with the absence of light







Drowning is the Biggest Safety Risk for Waterfowl Hunters

Calling Champion Kent Cullum

Devotion by Chuck McAlister

WINTER HAZARDS FOR 29 GConsiderations U N D O GforShunting with your dog in cold temperature

SENIOR EDITORS T i m & R a c h e l l e S a l l e e CREATIVE DESIGN & EDITING Va n c e K l e m p l e COVER PAGE PHOTO D o u g S t e i n k e

CONTACT INFO Black Lab Retrieving

INFO@THECWA.ORG 479.957.3033




“Preserving our Christian and Waterfowling Heritage” The Christian Waterfowlers Association was formed by Tim Sallee in September of 2009. However, the idea for the CWA originated back in 2002 while on a duck hunt with his brother Anthony Sallee on the banks of the Arkansas River. Tim was first introduced waterfowling while serving as a youth minister in Fort Smith, Ark. almost thirty years ago. One of his youth members demonstrated using a duck call during a “Gong Show” talent night. He was fascinated with the call and after inquiring about the call and duck hunting was invited to go on a hunt by the youth and his older brother. The hunt experience was incredible, with awesome weather and the perfect sunrise. Right after daybreak about fifteen mallards flew over our backs and circled back with their wings cupped and feet down. “Take Em,” yelled the youth, as Tim raised his gun to shoot. He was so moved by seeing ducks decoy, that he shot three times and did not hit one duck. However, a few weeks later on his second hunt he bagged his first ever mallard and was hooked on duck hunting for life. Tim then introduced waterfowling to his older brother Mark Sallee, his younger brother Anthony Sallee and Mark’s sons Mitchell and Matthew. He always looked forward to spending time in the duck blind with his family and friends each year. Anthony moved to Nashville, Tenn. in the 1980’s and early 1990’s to play bass for the Christian band “White Heart.” He went on to play for Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant and Matthew West to name a few. While taking a break from the road, 3


he drove in to spend time with family as well as some time in the duck blind. While on a hunt in 2002, Tim and Anthony first brought up the idea combining a passion for Christ with the passion for waterfowling, as well as the idea of a Fellowship of Christian Athletes for waterfowlers, but the idea didn’t get much further than Anthony designing a sample logo or two. After hosting a Wild Game Dinner in September of 2009, Tim saw firsthand the impact of bringing sportsmen together for fellowship and introducing them to Christ. The idea for CWA resurfaced. After much prayer and consideration, he felt it was time move forward with the launching of the CWA website and forum as well as crafting the CWA mission statement: Since that time the CWA has launched close to fifty chapters in fifteen states and continues to add new chapters each month. Chapters meet monthly for food, fellowship, pro-tips, devotion and an invitation to know Christ. Chapters also hold annual outreach/fundraiser dinners, along with various youth hunting, conservation and CWA Wounded Veterans Waterfowl Events. The CWA also hosts an annual meeting and festival. In 2014 the CWA celebrated its 5th Annual International Waterfowl Festival & Outdoor Expo. Over the past five years, thousands have attended from nineteen states and Canada, with many accepting Christ during the two day event. The event features many competitions including the CWA International Duck

Waterfowler’s Trap Shooting Competition, 3D Archery Competition and Wild Waterfowl Cook-off Competition. Other activities include our Blue Wings Youth Kidz Zone featuring a fishing derby, seminars, Outreach/ Fundraiser Dinner, Sportsman’s Chapel, concerts and more. In 2012 the CWA held its first Blue Wings Youth Waterfowl Hunting Event during the Oklahoma youth waterfowl hunt. After receiving requests to organize a Wounded Veteran’s Duck Hunt, the first ever CWA Wounded Veteran’s Waterfowl event took place in January of 2014 at the Crooked Slough Hunting club in east Arkansas. Since the beginning of CWA, hundreds of lives have been impacted by the Gospel of Christ. We invite you to join the Christian Waterfowlers Association today in preserving our Christian, waterfowling heritage. To become a member visit or call 479-957-3033 for more information.

(The Christian Waterfowlers Association is incorporated in Arkansas as a non-profit religious organization. The Christian Waterfowlers Association is also registered with the IRS as a 501 (C)(3)non-profit religious organization. All donations are tax deductible except for any gift items and magazine received with your support membership)

CWA Founder Tim Sallee & His wife Rachelle

Anthony Sallee (Left) Tim Sallee (Right)

2016 HIGH






The theme of this month’s magazine (The Christian Sportsman) is a concept I have not given much thought to; Dangerous For Good. Those words didn’t really seem to go together until I saw them in a real life situation. I was taking my dogs out to play in an open field where we had been many times before when something totally unexpected happened. I have three adult dogs with me – Monk (Romans 1:16), Prophet (Joshua 24:15), and Bandera (John 8:32). I also had a new female puppy of Bandera’s which had not been named. So let’s call her “No Name”. As always, I drove into the field and released the dogs from the vehicle. The three males ran to the left investigating a tall weeded area, and my new puppy and I went off to the right at an angle. There was a long narrow waist high strip of grass which ran out into the open field for about 150 yards. My new puppy friend was just past the tall grass strip when two large aggressive street dogs came from behind the grass and charged straight toward her. They obviously had harm on their minds. Their eyes were filled with hate, and their lips were pulled back exposing dagger like teeth indicating they were ready for a fight. She had no name to call her to me, so she stood tail wagging ready to play with her two new found friends. The smaller faster dog charged full blast into her side knocking her down and backwards at the same time. Surprised, she jumped to her feet only to be met by the slower larger dog which attacked her face and I heard her cry out in pain. This all happened in a long (slow motion) 30 second period of time. I was running, but I was still over 90 yards away from being able to help her. What happened next revealed a side of my new puppy that I had not seen. My little girl raised her head, planted her feet, flared her baby teeth, and let out a lion’s roar. In her heart the challenge was on, but my heart sank for I could see the great disadvantage she had in age, size, weight, numbers, and she had never seen evil like this before. In her challenge I saw a possible serious injury coming and even death. What happened next went beyond surprise. Both of the larger hostile males simultaneously jumped backwards, looked at each other and turned running away as if for their lives. My little girl, though scared, staggered forward and even took a few steps in their direction as if to say, “…and never come back.” I even thought I saw a suggestion of pride as she turned to come back my way. I was so grateful, but I also had to stop to catch my breath. It was then I first saw him. 9


Unknown to her, coming behind her back at a death-rate pace of mach two was her father (Bandera), and he was coming with a blind power fueled by the love of a father. He was both magnificent and frightening. There was no fear in his eyes. There was no mercy in his eyes. There was no concern for himself, or pain, or injury, and stopping was not an option. I could only watch as he closed the escaping gap between himself and those that had harmed this helpless puppy. He was moving steel, 102 pounds of high speed raging fury, and he was on a mission. A mission to save the one he loved. He was at that moment in real life, a breathing example of the words; “DANGEROUS FOR GOOD.” I believe every American should have been there. It was not the law that saved her. It was not her willingness to fight that saved her. It was the power of the “dangerous for good” that sent evil fleeing. Darkness can only exist in the absence of light, and the same is true of evil. We need to all ask ourselves some personal questions: 1. Would we charge in to help others with little regard for ourselves? 2. Would we hold, stand firm and fill in the gap to defend the “Truth” if the others ran? 3. Would the world call us dangerous for good? 4. Are we aware that we have a Father at our back? A Father that has no fear, one willing to charge in with no regard to self. One that loved us enough to die for us, and one that is without a shadow of doubt the ultimate extreme form of dangerous for good? Don’t let the sun set today, nor the clock hand move again without making sure that you are one of His, and from this day forth, let us all be “DANGEROUS FOR GOOD”.

Hank Hough Kingdom Dog Ministries Spring, TX. (281)-351-9094 @kingdomdog on Twitter




W HAT IS YO UR LIFE WORTH? Drowning is the Biggest Safety Risk for Waterfowl Hunters PARK RANGER ALAN P. BLAND

What is your life worth? I ask this question frequently. Why do I ask this question? Well unfortunately I think we all remember what happened last winter in a lake in north Oklahoma. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. But what it truly boils down to is: Are you prepared? And what is your life worth? First question, most of the time, you and your friends are not prepared when you go hunting, especially Duck Hunters. We all have expensive guns, decoy’s, dogs, and a nice boat with all the latest gear. But when I check your boat, it usually has some violations. No fire extinguisher, bow or stern lights not working, shortage of, or no life jackets. Then comes the second question. What is life worth? It’s your decision, you can afford some nice sporting good equipment. But not only will a lot of folks not wear their life jacket, they may not have one in the boat. Wow that is amazing to me. Let’s get smart hunters and if not for you, how about your love ones. Do it for them. Some life jackets are as cheap as $20. Your life is at the very least worth that.

County Line Boats

Live to hunt another day by wearing a life jacket or float coat. Hunters preparing to hit the water this fall in pursuit of ducks, geese and other wild game are reminded to include life jackets on their hunting gear checklist. Hunters in the United States are trained from a young age to always put safety first. For duck and goose hunters, that means always wearing a life jacket on the water, no exceptions. Each year, more waterfowl hunters die from drowning than from other types of hunting accidents. Swamping, capsizing and falling overboard are all common factors leading to these deaths, but in nearly all cases the hunter would have survived had they been wearing a life jacket.

Before launching the duck boat, make sure everyone on board is wearing a life jacket or float coat. It’s the one item that greatly increases your odds of surviving a water emergency to live to hunt another day. The wide variety of comfortable, camouflage life jackets designed specifically for waterfowl hunting includes inflatable vest and belt-pack styles, insulated flotation jackets, and foam-filled shooting vests with quilted shoulders and shell loops. Typical foam-filled vests or float coats provide optimal insulation against cold air and the effects of hypothermia. Without question, the best life jacket for waterfowl hunting is the one you will actually wear. Choosing a life jacket style that works for you, and wearing it every time you’re on the water, is not only a good choice - it could save your life. At the very least, all boats must carry one U.S. Coast Guardapproved life jacket for each passenger, and boats longer than 16 feet must also have a throwable flotation device immediately available. Children under 12 must wear a life jacket. Check your state for its regulations on boating and water safety. Other water safety tips for duck hunters include: - Don’t overload the boat; take two trips if necessary. - If wearing hip boots or waders, learn how to float with them on. - Stay near shore and avoid crossing large expanses of open water, especially in bad weather. - Share your trip plans with someone and advise them to call for help if you don’t return on schedule. - Use a headlamp, spotlight or navigation lights to alert other boaters of presence in dark and/or foggy conditions. - Carry a cell phone or personal locator beacon in case of emergency. - Don’t drink and boat. And don’t drink and hunt. Alan P. Bland CWA Member Park Ranger US Army Corps of Engineers Beaver Lake Project Office 2260 N 2nd st Rogers, AR 72756 dPar (479) 636-1210 ext 1705 CELL # (479) 531-4354 (479) 636-1907 fax



C H R I S T I A N W A T E R F O W L E R | 21 0 6


Three-time World Live Duck Calling Champion Kent Cullum of Monett, AR. recalled going with his father to duck hunt for the first time on the St Francis River in East Arkansas. He said that he had to stand on milk cartons in order to see some 75 to 150 Mallard Ducks cup and come into the decoy spread for the first time. Cullum explains that it was the most beautiful thing, seeing the sunshine against the green head of the Mallards. He knew from that moment on that he was hooked on hunting ducks.

His father replied that Mr. Crump was the best caller there, and all he did year round was blow a duck call. He remembers his father saying that you had to be some kind of a great caller if you hunted with him. He said that if you were as good as he was, then he might ask you to call. If he did not ask you to call, then you would not even take out your calls. Kent told his father that he was going to learn how to call and become so good that Mr. Crump would want him to not only hunt with him, but also blow his duck call while hunting. Kent asked for any calling instructional books and recordings, but after listening to them, he said they basically sounded all the same and that he felt like the only way to sound like a real duck was to be around real ducks. He asked his father to purchase 9 baby ducks so that he could raise them and learn to imitate their sounds on a duck call. Over time he began to sound just like a real duck using a duck call. Some of his friends heard him and encouraged him to enter some duck call competitions. Over the years he achieved the title as Nine-Time World Champion in Live Duck, Meat and Two Man Meat. He has won calling contests in seventeen states. Kent has been calling and hunting for over 40 years now and shares these duck hunting and calling tips:

Duck Hunting: Kent kiddingly says that ducks are a lot like a woman, they always let you know what they want and they are different everyday. So in order to be successful in hunting and calling ducks, you have to do what they do.

“Cullum explains that it was the most beautiful thing, seeing the sunshine against the green head of the Mallards. He knew from that moment on that he was hooked on hunting ducks.” In starting his hunting journey, Cullum recalls another hunt with his father and some of his friends and their sons. He said that he noticed that his father did not take out his duck calls and that another man was the only one calling. He asked his father why he did not call, and why no one else but this man was calling. 17 | CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER

River Hunting: If you are hunting a river, ducks are simply coming to the river to rest and get a drink. You will also see ducks along the bank or on a log sleeping. Kent says that you want to make more “happy” duck sounds and shorter quacks when river hunting. He says that you also want to use a series of different hen sounds including the coarse hen which is more of a low pitch, the fine hen which is a higher pitch sound, the lazy hen where you drag the tone out more, and the bouncing hen that includes more of a whine at the end of the quack.

Field Hunting: Ducks in the field are usually feeding, so use several different feed calls as ducks get closer. Kent says that he does not use the

tic-a-tic- a or took-a- took-a call because it is what ducks sound like when flying to and from the field to feed. For ducks further away he uses what he calls the rolling refuge feed call. It may not sound as real up close, but from a distance, it sounds like many ducks feeding at the same time. This call is an aggressive non-stop rolling feed call. As the ducks get closer, he uses a more guttural harder sounding feed call. To finish the ducks, he lowers the volume and uses more of a ka-ka, ka-ka, ka-ka sound.

Timber Hunting: For calling in the timber, Kent stresses not to over call. He recommends being aggressive, but to use a variety of short, light quacks and whines in each variation of the hen calls. As far as timber hunting tips, Ken says that he does not hunt the same hole that he hunts the previous season to start the new season. He uses lots of decoys in a wider opening, however as the season unfolds, ducks get educated to your hunting spot and it is then necessary to move further from the hole using less decoys. The ducks can still hear your calling as well as see you moving the water and will feel less threatened landing in a smaller, tighter, area. Kent always says to find the X and don’t force the ducks to do what they don’t want to do. It is helpful to use natural surroundings and vegetation to build your blind and cover. Another tip is to always hunt with the wind at your back and set up your decoys with plenty of room for the ducks to land.

Another great tip is to invest in a good call. Kent starting making Hobo Duck Championship Calls with the intention of giving the world a duck call that can make all of the sounds that a duck makes. Along with the calls, he has available The Duck Dictionary DVD, his first instructional teaching that educates hunters on every sound a duck makes. Kent says he likes to take youth on hunting trips and educate them on the basics of calling, hunting and hunting ethics. He teaches them to always show respect. Kent also is a Christian and says “Since I surrendered my life to the Lord, life is great, I finally have a real life. God just blesses me everyday and will never let me down! Since I quit trying to fix and do things on my on, and try to do the Lord’s will, life is so much better. The greatest decision I ever made in my life was to surrender to the Lord! I would give anything if I had done it years ago!”

Kent Cullum Hobo Calls 870-372-0020









2 tablespoons chile powder

1 sweet potato peeled and sliced in to rounds

1/4 cup fine chopped pecans

2 tablespoons finely ground coffee beans

Thin cut bacon 1 slice per potato round

1/4 cup maple syrup

5 teaspoons dark brown sugar 1 tablespoon smoked Spanish paprika 1½ teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 1½ teaspoons ground coriander 1½ teaspoons mustard powder

Cook potatoes in 350 degree oven for 20 min and let cool.

1 tablespoon fine chopped cilantro

Place potatoes back in 350 degree oven till bacon is cooked.

In skillet on med high heat add butter until melted.


Add pecans and maple syrup, cook until incorporated.

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Add shot of brewed coffee and remove from heat.

6-8 oz venison back strap

Finish with cilantro right before serving .

Coffee rub to coat Many wild game meats are similar to steak and beg to be treated as such. Coat back strap completely in spice rub. In hot cast iron pan add unsalted butter and sear loin on all sides until desired doneness is reached. Rare to medium rare is suggested. With venison back strap having a lack of fat, over cooking it will result in a tasteless and tough cut of meat. Let the tenderloin rest before slicing. 23 | CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Wrap potatoes in bacon and secure with toothpick.

1 tablespoon kosher salt Add all spices and coffee grounds in a bowl and mix well. Save in air tight container if not used immediately.

1 shot brewed coffee


In the outdoors you will see the greatness of God and in Jesus you see the grace of God

There is a reason why the hair stands up on the back of your neck when you watch the ducks as they prepare to land in your decoys or even when the tip of your fishing rod snaps down towards the water. God made you to know Him and is seeking you through the outdoors...And through His Son Jesus. In the outdoors you will see the greatness of God and in Jesus you see the grace of God.

WE HAV E ALL MIS S E D T H E M A R K Romans 3:23 - “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” It’s like trying to make a clear shot when the sight of your rifle is off. No matter how hard you try - you are going to miss. We have all missed the mark of the perfection that is required to get into heaven.

YOU ARE BE IN G H U N T E D Hunting, as we know, involves pursuing game. The Bible tells us that we don’t have the ability to pursue God, but He is pursuing us! Romans 3:10-11 - “As is it written: There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.”

However, you are also hunted by another! 1 Peter 5:8 - “Be self-controlled and alert, your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” You are being pursued by Satan as well as by God. You get to choose who captures you.

W E H AV E AL L MI SS ED TH E MARK How do I let God capture my heart? Romans 10:9-10 - “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scriptures say, anyone who trusts Him will never be put to shame.” TO CONFESS JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOR OF YOUR LIFE AS WELL TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR TRUST IN HIM, YOU CAN PRAY THIS SIMPLE PRAYER:

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I want You to capture me. I believe that You are God’s Son. I believe that You gave your life for me on the cross and was raised from the dead to save me. I surrender control of my life to You. I invite You to come into my life. I will follow You for the rest of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me. If you prayed that prayer, please contact us as (479) 957-3033 or email and we will send you some information about the decision you just made as well as where to go from here.

HE PURSU E S YOU BE CAUS E H E L OV E S YO U Romans 5:8 - “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Chuck McAlister is the founder of Adventure Bound Outdoor TV Program, Promise of Hope Ministries, as well as one of the Christian Waterowlers Association Board Members





WINTER HAZARDS FOR GUNDOGS Considerations for hunting with your dog in cold temperatures BY RYAN EDER

Not everyone is cut out of the right cloth to be a successful bird hunter in the Midwest. Some of our best hunting comes during our worst weather, and by “worst”, I mean cold, windy and miserable. Something we all have to do is consider our hunting partners in these conditions and do everything we can, both preseason and in-season to help them be safe, healthy and successful in the field. Cold temperatures snow and ice and of course water can collectively present hazards to our dogs. I’d like to take a look at some of the key concerns we should have for our hunting dogs during the winter months of hunting season, as well as discuss preventative measures and specific products that can be extremely beneficial.

CONSIDERATION #1 The first area of concern I’d like to start with is our dogs’ paws and pads. Continuous exposure to cold temperatures, snow and ice has a tendency to dry out the pads on a dog’s feet (similar to why we get dry skin in the winter). This can cause them to split or crack, as well as be more susceptible to cuts or tears, as well as frostbite. There are several products on the market you can apply to your dog’s pads regularly to keep them moisturized and

healthy. I do this with my dogs every so often (1-2 times per month). During the winter months, one or two times per week is probably more appropriate. People who hunt their dogs daily during the season, such as outfitters and guides use tricks like PAM cooking spray to deter ice build-up on the paws and pads of their dogs. For any of the longer-coated breeds, pay attention to the fur on the paws of the dog. It is important to keep that fir trimmed between the toes and around the pads to minimalize the potential for ice balls and other build-up around the paws. Another solution that is becoming more and more popular is the use of boots or foot covers for hunting dogs. These items are canvas material with some kind of rubber padding on the bottom, keeping the dogs feet better protected and not exposed to the elements. This is something you would have to socialize your dog to, and over time get them comfortable to wearing them, but they do serve as a great preventative product for the field. Regardless of what measures you take to protect your dog’s paws in the field, when it comes to extreme cold and harsh winter conditions you should always try to reasonably limit your dog’s time in the field. Sub-zero temps are not ideal for any of us to be outside for extended periods of time, so be mindful of the conditions and always have a place for the dog to get out of the wind and warm up (lodge, truck, etc.).

CONSIDERATION #2 The biggest concern anyone should have about their hunting dog in winter conditions is hypothermia. Of course, these risks are higher in dogs that are in the water during the cold conditions. While waterfowl dogs are the most frequent case, it is entirely possible for upland bird dogs to retrieve shot birds in water. One misconception about hypothermia is that it only occurs in water.

“One misconception about hypothermia is that it only occurs in water.” The truth of the matter is that hypothermia can occur in any activity involving wind, water and low temperatures. Extreme cold is not the only instance that a dog can become hypothermic either; light wind, 55F degree water and 40F degree air temperature can cause hypothermic reactions in our dogs. 29 | CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER

Dogs are not affected by “colds” like we are as humans. Being wet in the cold is not something that will always cause issues in our dogs’ health; however their immune systems are affected by things like drastic weather changes. Prevention of hypothermia can be difficult, but knowing the signs is a great advantage. The normal body temperature of a dog is between 99.50F and 102.50F. Between 95F and 99F the dog will start to shiver, which is your first sign of hypothermic response. Shivering is a dog’s way of creating body heat, so it is a natural response but no matter what, it is the first stage of hypothermia and we need to keep a close eye. Have a microfiber cloth, or towel with you to dry and dry your dog as best as possible each time they get wet (microfiber clothes can be rung out and dried quickly for repeated use. Towels stay wet, and can freeze making them difficult to use more than once or twice). Having a neoprene vest on your dog when hunting in wet conditions (wet conditions, doesn’t necessarily have to be swimming water) is a great idea. The vest must fit properly to work properly. Imagine a wet suit; it must fit snug to truly keep water off of your skin. The vest should not be incredibly tight either. Once my dog is wet, I will remove the vest, wipe the dog off with the microfiber cloth, and then put the vest back on (only after retrieves where the dog is completely soaked). This way, any water that got under the vest is not being held against the dog’s body causing lower body temperature.

“Shivering is a dog’s way of creating body heat, so it is natural response but no matter what, it is the first stage of hyperthermia and we need to keep a close eye.” The second stage of hypothermia is when the dog’s body temperature drops to 90F - 95F. At this stage, the dog is very lethargic, almost acting drunk and clumsy. They are unable to shiver, and could potentially lose consciousness. At this point the dog needs to get dry, taken to a warm place and have heat packs applied under their bellies, arm pits, etc. Meanwhile, be taken to the vet immediately as the risks are high for further issues. Again, once you see your dog shivering (stage 1), start taking measures to dry them off and warm them up. A quick towel dry can be very effective (not only for being dry, but the friction can cause body temp to rise), especially for dogs sitting still in a duck or goose blind not able to run or create much body heat. Do everything you can to prevent stage 2, as it can be life threatening if not corrected. Once a dog’s body temp reaches 90F or below, they can (and probably will) lose consciousness, have difficulty breathing, go into a coma and possible death. Once again, when you notice stage 1, you can make sure to try and prevent further issue with the use of a good neoprene vest, towel/cloth and trying

to minimalize their exposure to wind (more pertaining to waterfowl dogs in a blind of some sort). Do your best to transport your dog out of the wind entirely, both too and from the hunt. If possible, riding in the heated vehicle is obviously best. If that is not feasible, other options include pickup truck with a topper that blocks the wind, insulated jackets for crates, an insulated dog box or dog trailer can be great as well. I recommend trying to have your vehicle nearby your hunting spot should you need the heater in an emergency. A few regular maintenance steps, preventative products and attention to your dog in the field can prevent some very serious risks associated with the harsh winter conditions afield. I hope some of these tips are useful and that you keep them in mind when hunting with your dogs this season. Good luck and happy hunting! (A very special thank you to Lisa A. Boyer, DVM for helping me put together this information)

Ryan Eder President - Upland Gundog Association Avery Outdoors Pro Staff D.T. Systems Pro-Staff and Kinetic Dog Food.

Preserving our Christian and Waterfowling Heritage

Join in and get involved! Phone: 479-957-3033 Email: Web:



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