Libya Summit Brochure

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Wher re In ntern natio onal ls Me eet Lib byan n Oil & Gas s Dec cisiion Ma aker rs Organised By

Officially Endorsed And Supported By:

24 - 26 September 2012 | Tripoli

Connect With The Decision Makers Who Will Shape Libya’s Oil & Gas Future

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Of fficia ally Endo orse ed & Supp porte ed By y Natio onal l Oil Co ompany y Lib bya

Why you should attend: 3 Ensure your organisation is seen and heard by the key

National Oil Corporation Libya decision makers and government ministers 3 Capitalise on an exciting new era of oil and gas

opportunities in Libya and put in place new deals to secure your Libyan energy interests 3 Be at the forefront of new business and investment

opportunities in Libya and utilise this chance to get ahead of your competitors 3 Understand the barriers to entering the Libyan market

and discover how to successfully navigate through them

Exclusive Update: CWC are delighted to announce the formation of the official NOC Libya/CWC Group Libya Summit Working Group Visit for more details

For exclusive sponsorship opportunities call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email

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Diistin nguis shed d Liiby yan Spe eaker rs In nclud de

Bashir Gerea Exploration Manager NOC Libya

Hammouda El Aswad Founder/Partner Consultants Alliance Firm (CAF)

Salem Ragab Alnawal Human Resources General Manager NOC Libya

Dr. Adel Ahmed Tawil Industrial Manager NOC Libya

Mohamed Harari Senior Planning Specialist NOC Libya

Tarek Hassan-Beck Independent Consultant

Fuad Krekshi Deputy Manager Petro-Canada

With many thanks to the Libya Summit Advisory Committee for all their valuable input to the agenda

I am m hoonouredd to bee worrking with CWC on the Libyya Summit and look forward to the thoougght provooking discuussions annd extensive netwoorking throoughoout thee conferrencce Fuad Krekshi, Deputy Manager, Petro-Canada

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Off ficia al CW WC/N NOC Libya a Work king g Gro oup p

The NOC Libya/CWC Libya Summit Working Group is an officially appointed group that will ensure the Libya Summit is a must attend event for all future international investors and partners in Libya.

The Inaugural CWC Libya Summit Working Group Meeting at NOC Libya/Ministry of Oil Headquarters, Tripoli, 2012

For exclusive sponsorship opportunities call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email

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Excl lusive e: Interview w with Tarek k Hass san-Be eck k, Cha hairm man n of th he Lib bya Sum mmiit Adviso ory Commit ttee e

Tarek Hassan-Beck Independent Consultant

The CWC Group is grateful for the Advisory Committee’s work and help in making the Libya Summit an industry leading event. Tarek Hassan-Beck exclusively answered questions about the Summit and the future of oil, gas and sustainable development in Libya. Read below for an extract from this exclusive interview:

How do you feel thhe Addvisory Coommitteee’s invoolvement will heelp this Summit and wiilll benefit comppaniess seeking to invest inn thee Libyan oil andd gas industry ry? The working committees give the message that the key stake holders are engaged in the process of preparing for this meeting in September. As well, the committee opens up direct communications with relevant government agencies, i.e. visa agencies and so processes will be easily accessible for attending delegates.

Internnational comppanies will be investingg time, money and expertise into Libya. In which key areass of thhe Libyann oil and gaas industry would you likke to see this inveestment froom the innternaationals? It would be great to see investment in a few areas: • Opening new doors to unconventional upstream plays and processes • Downstream rejuvenation and growth i.e. refineries are old and there is justification to build new ones • Local content maximisation in all aspects of petroleum operations

What do you hope to see/hear from the internationals atteending the Summit Visibility of traditional partners like ENI, Wintershall, Repsol, Shell and Exxon as well as potential new comers. As well, showcase the road maps of putting operations back to normal pace as well as value added experience of new comers in the upstream.

Whichh other modells off local conttent, training and expertisee growth do you wish to emulate? The Malaysian Petronas model is a good example because of their diversified operations. As well, this model is very similar to the model which the NOC is working towards in terms of being independent, ensuring cost effectiveness and promoting indigenous training processes.

What key message do you want to give too interrnational com mpanies thinking of attennding the Libyaa Summit? Traditional partners should lead the normalisation of the operational environment because they have the biggest role and responsibility given that they will be the partners for the next 25 years or so. New comers should realise that in the near future, more acreages will be part of competition as EPSA4 exploration period expires i.e. huge chunks of the exploration ground will be put into the market.

Conducted by Catherine Jacobs, Vice President Partner Relations, The CWC Group

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A Prove en Tra rack Recor rd Of Explo oring g Oppor ortun nit ties In n The e Liby yan Oil & Gas In ndust try

Libya Summit 2012 continues CWC’s long and established history of high level conferences and events on Libya’s oil and gas industry. CWC’s substantial experience in Libya ensures we have an unmatched understanding of the complexities of the Libyan state, and that we are the market leader in providing a platform for investors and decision makers to meet on Libya’s oil and gas industry.

Libya Summit 2010

Goood neetwoorkking and organnisatioon. Comppleete coveraage of alll the suubjects with keey conntributtions m the releevaant buusiness paarts of thee indusstry from F. Cammarata, Business Manager, Technip

Exccellleent gatheriing forr thhe deeciisiion makerss of Libyya Adam Hedayaf, Vice President, Sea NG Coprotation

For exclusive sponsorship opportunities call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email

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NET TWOR RKING G - Where the New Libyan n In ndu ustry y Leader rs Me eet Inter rna ation nal In nvesto ors

Strengthen partnerships and make the most of the new opportunities on offer

Attend the perfect platform to make new contacts and network with existing partners

Gain unprecedented access to the key Libyan decision makers and international investors

Welcome Coffee & Registration | Lunches | Coffee Breaks | Pre-Dinner Drinks Reception | Gala Dinner

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Liibya Oil & Gas Su ummit 201 12 - Th he Ide eal l Plat atfor rm To Get An nswer rs To Your r Qu ues stion ns

Picture a summit that allows you to answer the following: ` What will be the relationship between the Ministry and National Oil Corporation Libya? ` How will the Libyan Government develop future oil and gas policies and strategies? ` What are the potential opportunities for health and safety, both provision of manpower and

of training Libyan personnel?

a summit that gives you the opportunity to: ` Establish and re-establish contacts with Libyan clients, existing and new ` Address uncertainty about existing contracts and about the terms of any new deals ` Discuss deals in a clearer landscape, after the July elections for a national assembly

The Libya Summit will give you the platform to answer these questions and help you establish vital new connections with key Libyan decision makers. Join us on the 24-26 September 2012 For exclusive sponsorship opportunities call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email

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Key y Topiics To Be e Cover red

Hear from the Industry ` The new Libya: opportunities for growth, investment & partnerships ` Reinvigorating exploration in Libya: the next steps ` Unleashing Libya’s gas future - the way forward ` Boosting Libya’s downstream potential: opportunities & updates ` Promoting human development, training needs & opportunities: strategies & projects ` Promoting technology & knowledge transfer to maximise Libya’s potential ` Developing the optimal fiscal framework to promote investment ` Next steps for the new Libya: building a sustainable future & attracting investment `

Plus exclusive masterclass on the New Petroleum Regime of Libya

Visit to pre-register your interest and receive free updates on this must-attend summit

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Just Some Of Our Partners‌

For exclusive sponsorship opportunities call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email

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Secur re Your r Par rticipa atiion - Boo ok you ur plac ce or benef fit from exclu usive spon nso orship p opp portun nitie es


Direct line: +44 207 978 0056

Meet The Libya Summit team

Philip Clarke Portfolio Director

Catherine Jacobs Vice President – Partner Relations

Krissy Mackintosh Senior Project Manager & Producer

Peter Bamford BD Manager

Ali Asaadi Marketing Manager

Saifeddin Hassan-Beck Key Relations – Libya

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Wher re In ntern natio onal ls Me eet Lib byan n Oil & Gas s Dec cisiion Ma aker rs Organised By

Officially Endorsed And Supported By:

Media partners Gold Media Partner

Silver Media Partner

Bronze Media Partner

Follow us on CWCMENA #LibyaSummit CWCMENA Libya Summit - Oil, Gas & Sustainable Growth CWCGroup CWCEvents

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