1 minute read

3 Ways to Manage Entrepreneurship and Balance Your Family

Dr. Pasha Carter

1 You must, without a shadow of a doubt, have some form of passive income because that gives you time, which is one of our most valuable assets, as women

2. You should always have MORE THAN one stream of income in case something goes wrong with one stream https://www.instagram.com/pashacarter/

3. Incorporate your children into what you do on a regular, whether it’s allowing them to file papers, brainstorm new ideas, or just sit in your office with you while you’re returning messages. When kids start to understand your business, they learn to love it rather than despise the time it takes.

Pasha is a wife, a mom of four, and a businesswoman who has built a multi-million dollar business and brand… But most importantly, I’m a person that helps women all over the world master the art of building wealth and leaving a legacy.

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