4 minute read

Senior Farewell

By Daniela Ramirez, Senior Staff Writer

I am not the same person who walked on campus two and a half years ago. I still remember when I couldn’t find my classes like it was yesterday, probably because it was yesterday. So, some things haven’t changed and that’s okay.

College is a ride, not a destination. My ride had pit stops and many breakdowns.

I started my higher education journey at Riverside City College. Transitioning from high school to college was not fun; I failed all my classes that first semester and was ready to drop out until my professor threw a newspaper on my desk and encouraged me to join the school paper.

I found my passion, and many classes later, I transferred out of junior college to San Diego State University.

When I arrived, I knew I wanted to join The Daily Aztec (DA) and I am so grateful I did. I have learned so much about journalism, reconnected with my Latino culture and became a member of the DA family. I cannot write my farewell without speaking about the members of the DA.

The most thoughtful, funny and caring people I have ever met hang out in an old newsroom on the basement floor of Lamden Hall. The best part of my day was taking the elevator down to make my rounds, talking to everyone in the office.

Even through my season of struggles and loneliness, I truly found happiness with the staff. I want to thank everyone in the DA for supporting me. Thank you to all my editors, fellow reporters and

mentors I have met throughout the years. I want to give a special shout-out to the Sports section — thank you for dealing with all of my jokes during meetings.

One of my favorite memories is when Sumaia Wegner, a fellow sports reporter, and I bunked together during the Mountain West Basketball To in Las Vegas. We stayed up until three in the morning talking about our journey through life.

Another close memory is the time the entire staff showed up to a birthday dinner at Chili’s near campus for Eric Evelhoch and Brittany Cruz-Fejeran. It was a party of 14 people which took five tables pushed together. We shared a meal and a moment to remember.

I am so blessed to have had an amazing support system at SDSU. Thank you to everyone involved in the San Diego chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) for showing me I can own my Latina roots. To all my NAHJ girls, I love you and you’re killing it. Thank you to the JMS department and its members for all their support for the organization.

I wouldn’t have been in the position I am today without Professor Lourdes M. Cueva Chacón and Jerry McCormick, for pushing my limits as a journalist.

My entire family has been my rock. Dad, I know it wasn’t easy but we did it! To my brothers and sister, you all give me joy no one on earth can give me. My grandparents sacrificed to give us a better chance at life, and for that, I am forever grateful.

No amount of words would be enough to show my gratitude for the people in my life who have lent a helping hand in my journey thus far. No one can do it alone, and I know I sure didn’t.

I am also appreciative of the hard times I experienced the last couple of years. From figuring out how to fill out my financial aid to balancing my academic and work life, this was my time to make mistakes and overcome them.

Through it all, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, led me through this season. Without him, I would not be writing this to you now. I am truly healed inside and have never been happier because of Him. To everyone who helped me in my journey to find God, I thank you.

I wanted to give up many times, but I knew better times were ahead. I no longer wait and hope for the storm to pass. As I prepare to graduate, I see my future clearer than I ever had. At times, I was uncertain to what’s to come, and honestly, I was scared. Now, I am excited to take the next step in my life.

Becoming the woman I am now was not easy. I sometimes wonder if I missed out on anything, but looking back, I wouldn’t change my story for anything on this Earth.

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