Wednesday, October 6, 2021 | 1
@thedailycougar Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Est. 1934
Issue 4, Volume 87
A History of Heritage Month offers nationwide celebration of Hispanic culture. | PG. 2
2 | Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Professor, organizations on Hispanic Heritage Month HAYA PANJWANI
Donna Keeya
Hispanic Heritage Month, a nationwide celebration of Hispanic culture and heritage, is made up of the latter half of September and the earlier half of October. While “Hispanic” is a general term for individuals who come from Spanish-speaking countries, UH Spanish professor Gabriela Baeza Ventura, broke down why the term can be confusing for some. “When you realize that in the U.S. this term has been used to identify and group all Spanish speakers into one category that virtually erases the complexity of Spanish-speakers,” Ventura said. “For example, we must understand that for some, Hispanic people in the US, such as those people who lived in North America before 1776, their trajectory as Hispanics includes years of enduring prejudice and discrimination that led them to live as strangers in their native land,” she said. ‘“Their identity is not only tied to the language they speak, it also informs how they are perceived and what rights they have access to.” Houston is home to about 2.3 million people of either Hispanic or Latino descent, making up about 45 percent of the city’s population. “Houston is an important town for Hispanics in general because it is the home of Arte Público Press and the Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage Program,” Ventura said. She also serves as the executive editor at Arte Público Press, which is the premiere publishing house for Hispanic people in the United States. “Here, authors can write in
Sydney Rose WEB EDITOR
Aminah Tannir Haya Panjwani SPORTS EDITOR
The Student Government Association Senate will be voting on a potential recall of its president on Wednesday evening. In an email sent to SGA chamber members and subscribers to the Listserv, the Speaker of the Senate sent a “Resolution of Recall,” detailing the process of recalling its highest elected officer, Arsalan Darbin. The Student Government Association’s constitution outlines the process in Article VII, Section 7.02, Clause 2. An
Sean Thomas
Gerald Sastra
Anna Baker
Juana Garcia
Juana Garcia/The Cougar
English and/or Spanish about their culture, identity, history without fear that these stories will be edited to remove or make stereotypes of their identities,” Ventura said. “The Recovery has documented and made available thousands of records that attest to the written legacy of Hispanics in the US,” she added The month celebrates the contributions people like Ventura and her colleagues at the Press have made. “It is important to acknowledge the presence and contributions of the people who are often erased or marginalized from mainstream culture and history,” Ventura said. She plans to commemorate the month by reading books by Hispanic authors she hasn’t read yet. This year, Ventura will be reading “Santana’s Fairy Tales” by Sarah Rafael García, “Living
Beyond Borders: Growing Up Mexican American” by Margarita Longoria and “Song of the Hummingbird” by Graciela Limón. Others around the University, like Council for Cultural Activities assistant director Laura DelgadoGuzman, plans to give back to organizations that represent her community at the school. “CCA helped Hispanic registered student organizations by giving them access to funding for their events that celebrate Hispanic culture,” she said. She added, “We also have promoted awareness on our social media.” This month is important to her since it gives her community the chance to be seen and represented. “It gives my community a space to celebrate different parts of our culture.” ”It’s important to feel recognized
and accepted, especially after the last few years of Hispanics feeling ostracized and even persecuted,” Guzman said. Guzman encourages others to partake in celebrations, but also reminds people to be mindful of how they represent their community. “One thing that I can think of is to celebrate the culture but not dress up as caricatures with sombreros and zarapes,” Guzman said. Ventura also encourages celebrations, but also reminds people to think deeply of how they see Hispanics. “We should not conflate the term Hispanic with immigrant,” Ventura said. “Because in doing so, it erases the long history of Hispanics in North America.”
Student Government president facing potential recall HAYA PANJWANI
Ashley Gwananji
James Mueller
elected official can initiate a recall election if two-thirds of the Senate approves of an election with the rest of the University’s student body. Some of the reasons for the basis of the recall, according to the resolution, include alleged unprofessional conduct, failure to perform his duties and responsibilities and creating a hostile work environment since the start of his administration. The recall vote will take place during the biweekly Student Government Senate meeting on Wednesday. The student body vote will take
place between 10-15 days of the meeting. If the recall vote passes with the student body, then Vice President Maryam Alghafir will take Darbin’s place. “I’m disheartened that a group of Senators have brought forth a resolution to vote for a recall election of myself,” Darbin said in a statement to the Cougar. He mentioned the allegations against him were false. “While I’m unable to speak on the feeling that led those senators to this decision,” Darbin continued. “I can say that the allegations against me are not
rooted in truth.” He continued to speak on the impact this potential recall could have on the SGA. “Regardless of their motivations, this recall does exactly what it accuses me of doing: damaging the reputation of the Student Government Association and threatening the credibility of this institution.” Darbin said. “I’m hopeful that this conflict will be a learning moment for the organization and the student body to emerge stronger.”
The Staff Editorial reflects the opinions of The Cougar Editorial Board (the members of which are listed above the editorial). All other opinions, commentaries and cartoons reflect only the opinion of the author. Opinions expressed in The Cougar do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Houston or the students as a whole.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2021 | 3 HAYA PANJWANI EDITORS & AMINAH TANNIR,
Recording policies for lectures raise student concerns AMINAH TANNIR
After the return to in-person classes following the University’s ‘soft opening,’ some students are not looking forward to the newly revised policy for recording lectures and classes. UH’s policy for recording classes states professors have the discretion to determine whether students may record classes and those with disabilities would need to contact the Accessibility Center to have this privilege. Many students are concerned about how this will affect their academic performance. This is especially since missing a class is possible with the pandemic lingering and the rise in variant cases. “It’s worrisome that students may go to class with COVID-19 because they don’t want to miss class or an exam,” said biology senior Jennifer Vasquez. Vasquez mentioned not only does the chance of being exposed concern her, she also worries about her academic performance now that rewinding to catch something the professor said isn’t possible anymore. Accounting junior Albalene
Rodriquez echoed Vasquez’s concerns for her academic performance now that most of her classes aren’t recorded. “I personally struggle sometimes to retain all the information,” Rodriguez said. “Recalling everything from lectures improves my academic performance and just helps when studying and trying to learn concepts and my own pace.” Rodriguez also mentioned how especially during the pandemic, extenuating circumstances could affect a student’s ability to attend classes. She continued to say that the situation is not reassuring for her. UH, in its updated syllabus policies, mentions students who have a medical illness themselves or an ill relative can make up work related to the lectures or exams they’ve missed. The school also mentions in their COVID-19 protocol for students that those with a positive test result shouldn’t return to campus. Regardless of class format, students should contact
Santiago Gaughan/The Cougar
instructors if symptoms are affecting their academic performance. Biology junior Andrea Hernandez agrees with Rodriguez’s concerns about having lectures without
recordings. She said they could be hindering academic performance for those that are unable to attend in person. “I think it’s unfair for professors to not have recorded
lectures,” Hernandez said. “As we’re still in a pandemic, students should have access to the same content, both online and in person.”
M.D. Anderson Library turnstile system brings some negative responses HAYA PANJWANI
Towards the end of Fall 2019, UH Libraries announced that it will be installing a new turnstile system at their M.D. Anderson branch for anyone who wanted to enter the facility. Now that it’s been installed, some students aren’t happy about the new entry system. Since its implementation at the beginning of the school year, students now need to use their Cougar Card to swipe into the library. The school resembled this new system to those found at subway stations or high-rise buildings. The library says on their website, they installed these measures to promote safety and security. Vistors are still allowed to frequent the library, but will need to sign in with a security guard. Students expressed either indifference or unhappiness, with this new system. “I feel mostly indifferent but I feel a slight hassle when walking into the library,” said exercise science health professions junior Jad Jamal
The new turnstiles in the library require a Cougar Card swipe to enter the facility. | Courtesy of UH Libraries
Karouni. “It didn’t make my life easier whatsoever, and it just takes slightly longer to get to where I’m going. I also do not feel any safer in the library,” he added. Other students, like biotechnology senior Arash Irandousti, agreed with Karouni’s
sentiments. “My opinion is that it feels as a large inconvenience and not for me but for a lot of students on both the entry and exit,” Irandousti said. He continued, “There already has been one that has broken down showing it’s reliability. The allocation of funding could
have been placed to something else more effective for the safety of students on campus or some other program.” Some students like Irandousti believed the funding would have been better put to use for other projects as well. “While it hasn’t made my life
easier or harder, if it was in place for the purpose of security measures for the campus it doesn’t make a difference as they should focus on the day or night crime located at points on campus such as Lot E,” Irandousti said.
4 | Wednesday, October 6, 2021
UH women’s basketball has unfinished business in 2021-22 JALA MASON
A third consecutive postseason berth, its best finish ever in the American Athletic Conference and its first win over a ranked opponent since 2010 are just a few of the major steps of success the UH women’s basketball team took during the 2020-21 season. With all the momentum they had built up, the Cougars could not wait to get back on the court in preparation for the 202122 season. “They’re excited,” Ron Hughey said. “They came up with their own slogan for this year- unfinished business.” The “unfinished business” they are referring to is the Cougars’ narrow miss in making the NCAA tournament. As the first of the four teams just out of the tournament, the team was able to get a little taste of what they had been working towards the whole season. “A taste of what could be wasn’t enough,” graduate student guard Julia Blackshell-Fair said. Blackshell-Fair has a lot to be motivated for this year. The Fairfield, California native sat out for much of the final stretch of last season due to a torn ACL. Watching her team continue to compete has fueled her for this upcoming year. “They’re go-getters, they’re dogs,
Laila Blair looks to take the next step as a leader during 2021-22 season . | Andy Yanez/The Cougar
After just missing out on the NCAA Tournament last season, the UH women’s basketball team believes they have unfinished business to take care of in 2021-22. | Courtesy of UH athletics
truthfully,” Blackshell-Fair said. “We’re ready for anything.” One thing that has remained constant from last season to this season is the team’s character. “The thing that I love about this group is they’re early and ready to go,” Hughey said. “That’s what I think sets the mark for them.” The atmosphere in the gym before practice started was lively, full of cheers and encouragement. Sophomore guard Laila Blair attributes this environment to the team’s chemistry. “I feel like everybody gets along. The energy is great,” Blair said. “I really can’t describe it, but it’s great.” Blair had a breakout freshman year, averaging 10.5 points per game on the season.
Now a co-captain, Blair is focused on becoming the “ultimate teammate.” From watching film to working on her shot, the Houston native is ready to take another step forward in her game and let it be on display for all to see on the big stage. Much of the focus so far has been cultivating and maintaining the new dynamic of this year’s team. After beginning to lay the foundation over the summer, UH has been working on building the full picture, “brick by brick,” Hughey said. Intense practices have helped the program come into its identity. “The competitiveness is crazy,” Hughey said. The Cougars are gearing up for yet another fierce non-conference season,
playing big names like Baylor and Alabama, among other Power Five schools. “We’re going to attack head-on and let the chips fall where they may,” Hughey said. The UH women’s basketball program has become more and more competitive under Hughey’s leadership and there are no signs of the trend slowing down. The drive to win defines the Cougars as they embark on another anticipated season. “That’s the thing that we pride ourselves on,” Hughey said. “They (the athletes) know that, and if I try to back down from that, they’ll call me out. That’s the thing I love about them.”
Helena Besovic believes UH tennis will take a step forward this fall SEAN THOMAS
With seniors out of the picture and new faces being brought in, a lot is up in the air for the Houston tennis program in terms of pairing. A fall season could be just what it takes to get ready for the spring and nobody recognizes this more than head coach Helena Besovic, who is now entering her fourth year with the program.
The focus for the fall After the COVID-19 pandemic cost the Cougars a chance at a fall season, nothing is being taken for granted this time around for Besovic.
“Fall is kind of our time to get ready for the spring, we have a good full schedule,” Besovic said. “Last season we didn’t have the fall because of COVID, so we started the spring without having a chance of competing in the fall, it was tough.” The fall season can give the players a chance to see how well they work with each other in doubles. Besovic feels these fall matches will make a big difference in preparation for the 2022 spring season. “The doubles teams will get used to playing with each other, the players will get more matches,” Besovic said. “It’s very important so in the spring they can be better prepared and ready.” While most of UH’s doubles pairings
Helena Besovic expects big things from the UH tennis program in 2021-22. | Courtesy of UH athletics
Wednesday, October 6, 2021 | 5 JAMES MUELLER, EDITOR
Abbie Jackson leads by example for Houston SEAN THOMAS
The accumulation of talent in multiple positions over the years for the Houston volleyball program has been evident in the Cougars’ hot start to the 2021 season. But, no player has shown out on the court more than junior outside hitter Abbie Jackson. The former American All-Conference First Team member sits third in the nation in total attacks, 23rd in attacks per set, 10th in total points and 17th in total kills, proving again to be one of the most predominant players in the country. Head coach David Rehr recognizes Jackson’s importance to the team, believing without her on the court there would be a noticeable void. “She means everything to this team,” Rehr said. “She has so many jobs to do during the game. Without her, we’d be missing something, glaringly.” Jackson isn’t the typical superstar though, Rehr said, describing her rather as a person who leads by example more than with words. “She’s a quiet leader, she’s not as vocal and she’s not going to challenge anyone verbally,” Rehr said. “She’s more of a ‘follow me, I’ll do the work and you do the work with me.’ She doesn’t act like a prima donna. She doesn’t act like a star.
Continued from page 4 are up in the air, junior Azul Pedemonti and sophomore Blanca Cortijo Parreno, the Cougars’ lone ranked pair from last season, return and will headline. While big things are expected from Pedemonti and Cortijo Parreno, Besovic plans to focus on getting more players ranked to build momentum going into the spring “The goal is just for each player to get better and for us to get better in both singles and doubles because fall is a good opportunity for the players to get an individual ranking,” Besovic said. “We play against good teams in the fall, so we’re going to have a lot of opportunities to play against ranked players as well.”
Difference makers with seniors gone With seniors Mimi Kendall-Woseley and Phonexay Chitdara having graduated the leadership and responsibility within the UH tennis program have had to shift to different student-athletes. Both Sophie Gerits, the lone senior on the roster, and Pedemonti have taken the initiative according to Besovic. “Our captains this year are Sophie Gerits and Azul Pedemonti,” Besovic said. “The two of them gave stepped up and they’re doing a good job leading the team.” Along with Gerits and Pedemonti,
She just wants to be her.” For Jackson, the motivation comes from within her team and just wanting to do well for them. “My motivation is just doing it for the person next to me, doing it for my teammates,” Jackson said. “We all came together for a common goal and I’m just doing the best I can.” Jackson said one of her biggest focuses coming into the season was to be more of a leader, and Rehr has encouraged her to take on a leadership role this year. “He’s really harped on leadership this year for myself, being more vocal and outwardly into my team,” Jackson said. “He pushes us to our best and to be competitive in the gym.” Jackson feels work has paid off so far, and her individual numbers along with the rest of the teams show it. UH volleyball is nearly at the midway point of the season and is currently on pace for the best record in program history as they sit comfortably at 13-3 on the year. “It’s been a really good start to the season,” Jackson said. “Over the offseason, we built up a really competitive atmosphere. “It’s really exciting to see it all pay off.”
UH volleyball outside hitter Abbie Jackson is one of the top offensive players in the country, as the junior ranks third nationally in attacks on the 2021 season. | Courtesy of UH athletics
Besovic also expects big things from the UH sophomores on the roster. Besovic believes that the sophomores having a year under their belt will pay dividends for the Cougars in the long run. “With Laura (Slisane), Blanca (Cortijo Parreno), and Gabriella (Giraldo) being sophomores this year and having a year of experience, I think we’re going to see them keep improving.” Besovic said. Freshman Maria Dzemeshkevich is also someone Besovic says to keep an eye on. Dzemeshkevich impressed her coach at the SMU Invitational in late September, showing that she can be one of the Cougars’ impact players in her first collegiate season. “Maria, one of the freshman, did really well at SMU too,” Besovic said. “She challenged some of the Texas Tech girls out there that are ranked high.” Besovic is high on this UH team already and expects them to only get better. The group is confident going into the new season. Beovics expects the entire UH tennis program to take major strides forward throughout the course of the year, hoping it will build moemntum for the spring season. “This time around, we feel more confident that we can challenge teams and improve our ranking,” Besovic said.
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6 | Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Students don’t recieve enough Cougar Cash MICHAEL KING
Despite students paying thousands of dollars each semester on a meal plan, the amount of Cougar Cash received is just not enough. Living on campus is not cheap. While some may argue the dorm fees themselves are relatively more bearable when compared to the overall cost of an apartment, the mandatory meal plan for most dorms is the nail on the financial coffin. The least expensive plan, the Bronze, will cost someone $2,209.86 each semester, as of the 2020-21 academic year according to UH Dining’s website. However, such a hefty price only comes with $150 in Cougar Cash, which is too little compared to the overall cost. Cougar Cash allows students to branch out and dine at restaurants other than the Moody Towers and Cougar Woods Dining Commons such as those in the Student Center South. Students can also use it at the markets located on campus, along with the food trucks that visit.
There are a few inconsistencies with the Cougar Cash provided per meal plan. The next meal plan after Bronze, the Silver, allows for 24/7 access to the dining commons as opposed to the Bronze’s 24/5, along with three meal exchanges per week compared to one. However, the amount of Cougar Cash received with the Silver does not change, staying at a low $150. Some students have taken the initiative to save as much Cougar Cash as possible, only spending it on necessities or just to treat themselves every now and then, like computer science freshman Lemarc Wincher who has the Silver meal plan. “I’ve spent $30 in Cougar Cash. Although I’ve been frugal, it still goes away pretty quickly,” Wincher said. “Students should be given more than $150 for the entire semester.” While many students with the Silver meal plan take advantage of the three meal exchanges a week, sometimes it is just not enough. “I get tired of eating chicken strips and fries at Moody,” said petroleum engineering
Due to the ongoing pandemic, international travel is not only unsafe right now, it is morally and financially irresponsible. A far cry from a year ago when most international travel was essentially banned for Americans and many others, countries are starting to open up the borders to tourists. Many are doing so because their economies rely on tourism. This is the case for Barbados while other countries, such as Canada, may be doing it because there are many vaccinations now. According to CNN, countries from every continent are now open to U.S. travelers. Thankfully, the majority of them are taking precautions. Most countries require travelers to have at least a negative test or a quarantine period. France is even requiring travelers to be fully vaccinated. So clearly, most countries are trying to be somewhat safe about reopening. However, as we’ve learned
throughout this pandemic, just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. It’s not the best idea to travel domestically right now. CBS reports that Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said it is too early to tell if it will be safe to visit relatives during the December holidays. If there is unsureness about if people can safely travel domestically, how can people think it’s safe to travel internationally? Many people probably feel comfortable because they’re vaccinated. However, even if you’re vaccinated, you can still get COVID-19 and spread it to non-vaccinated people, according to the CDC. Getting COVID-19 in a foreign country is also very inconvenient. At least if you test positive for COVID-19 in Dallas while visiting from Houston, you can drive home to quarantine. If you get on a plane for 16 hours to fly to another continent and get sick with COVID-19, you’re stuck quarantining in that country. International travelers could get COVID-19 and get sick. They
The Cougar
COPYRIGHT No part of the newspaper in print or online may be reproduced without the consent of the director of Student Publications.
Juana Garcia/The Cougar
freshman Ayris Cole. “The amount (of Cougar Cash) we receive is pretty absurd. Especially considering the fact that I’m paying more than two thousand dollars a semester.” Students with Gold and Platinum meal plans receive considerably more Cougar Cash than the lower options, despite having access to unlimited meal exchanges. While they do deserve it due to the much higher prices, the Silver and Bronze plans still do not have adequate amounts of Cougar Cash to last students a whole
semester. The best solution to this issue would be to provide the lower meal plans with more Cougar Cash to spend outside of the often repetitive dining hall options. This is especially helpful for those with the Bronze plan, who cannot even access the dining halls on weekends yet have to ration lightly. With as much as students spend on their meal plan, they should get more than $150 in Cougar Cash.
International travel is still not a good idea ANNA BAKER
The Cougar is published every other Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters, and Wednesdays during the summer and online at The Cougar is supported in part by Student Service Fees. The first copy is free. Additional copies cost 25 cents.
Juana Garcia/The Cougar
could pass it on to a loved one they are traveling with. They could pass it on to the hotel staff. These travelers could end up having to pay for all the expenses that come about because of the quarantine. It could all be a big waste of time and money. This topic of international travel during COVID-19 is especially relevant to students because there are study abroad trips happening this year for UH. While studying abroad is an amazing opportunity, students need to consider they could end up having to spend a portion of their trip quarantined or even have to stay longer. It’s one thing if you study
abroad for a whole semester. A 10-14 day quarantine isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things then, but if you’re only going abroad for a week or two during winter break or spring break, that’s a lot of time. It would be horrible to go through the hassle of paying for the trip only to not be able to participate. Now it’s understandable for some people to travel. Some people have to do it for their jobs or to visit family. Pleasure vacations abroad should probably be avoided. While some places are dropping in cases per day, others aren’t. According to the Guardian the United Kingdom has high COVID-19 rates right now and just opened up its doors to U.S. travelers. Don’t go just because you can. Due to the ongoing pandemic, it still is not a good decision to travel internationally right now. You risk contracting COVID-19, spreading it and also missing out on the vacation you paid so much for. It’s not worth it.
Donna Keeya Sydney Rose Jhair Romero COVER
Juana Garcia
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Wednesday, October 6, 2021 | 7 HAYA PANJWANI EDITORS & AMINAH TANNIR,
‘Our Lady of 121st Street’ is a comedic drama with mystery ASHLEY GWANANJI
It’s once again lights, camera and action at UH’s School of Theatre and Dance as it kicks off the production season with the comedic drama “Our Lady of 121st Street,” written by Stephen Adly Guirgis and directed by Demetria Thomas. Over the top and wickedly funny, the play focuses on the shocking murder of the beloved nun, Sister Rose, whose body has seemingly gone missing. Along with her body missing, so are the pants of one of the characters, Victor played by Liam Johnson, who is distraught by the loss of his former teacher in the opening scene. How Victor’s pants and a beloved corpse become missing is a mystery, but it sets a precedent in how hilariously absurd the play gets. Investigating the case is Balthazar, played by Alex Vrinceanu, a New York City detective heartbroken by the news of Sister Rose and using drinking as a method to feel better. In the countdown to her funeral, the beloved nun’s death draws in other people she’s impacted: Rooftop, played by Rashaud
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Don’t get bogged down. Take a systematic approach to knock off one chore after another. Rewarding yourself for your time, effort and patience will ensure that you don’t fall behind or give up. SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) -- Think matters through and don’t take on more than you can handle. Home improvements will end up costing more than anticipated. Be innovative, and you’ll find a way to save money. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- You’ve got some good ideas. Don’t hold back; reiterate what
Williams, a Los Angeles radio personality and womanizer; Inez, played by Maya Camille Boyd, his vengeful ex-wife; Flip, played by Antwan Smith, a closeted lawyer; Norca, played by Karina Eulloqui, a feisty and sharp-mouthed woman; Edwin, played by Daniel Quintero, the building super and caretaker of Pinky, played by Nico Castillo, his intellectually challenged, but cheerful younger brother. With the people from Sister Rose’s past reconnecting, problems emerge, sending the play into a heavily foul-mouthed and eyebrow-raising drama. Quickly, the audience learns of Flip’s hesitation to come out despite being in a relationship with his boyfriend, Gail (Lloyd Wayne Taylor); Edwin’s troubles to take care of his brother; and Rooftop’s love for his ex-wife, despite cheating on her with a multitude of women, including her best friend, Norca. While they do not resolve their problems, how they try fixing them is an unhinged rollercoaster from start to finish. It includes a tremendous amount of drinking, some of which fueled by a quiet and unassuming bartender (Diego Guajardo), a loud and punishing slap to Sonia (Olivia Knight), and a dramatic fall from a
you want to do, and you’ll find out quickly who is supportive and who isn’t. Handle those you live with carefully. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Be a good listener, and you’ll find out information that will help you avoid a dodgy situation. Say little and keep everyone guessing until you are ready to reveal your next move. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Someone’s exaggerated opinion will interfere with your plans. Look beyond what’s right in front of you, and you’ll know what to do to avoid getting involved in
Gerald Sastra/The Cougar
cigarette-triggered asthma attack from Sister Rose’s niece, Marcia (Abella Knott). But the funniest fix goes to the long confessional delivered by Rooftop to the exasperated and contradictory priest, Father Lux (Chris Coley). Notable performances come from Karina Eulloqui and Rashaud Williams, who provides the needed blend of drama and spot-on comedic timing for their respective characters. Additionally, Daniel Quintero captures the neurotic nature of Edwin and his deep emotional spiral regarding
something risky. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- You are on the right path. Do your research and stick to a budget-conscious plan. Verify what’s required to reach your goal without interference. Take care of details personally. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Draw on your experience and what you know to get what you want. Call on those you trust to come through for you without supervision. Say what’s on your mind and explore multiple avenues. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Make “steady
his brother long disappearance. While the overall performance is incredible, the main critique is the storyline. With so many subplots, the play shrugs its character’s problems to the side. Although Detective Balthazar finds half of the nun’s body and Victor’s pants, the question of who stole them is maddingly unresolved. Aside from the mystery, the audience is also left to wonder who would commit an audacious crime (verdict is still out), whether Rooftop will get his ex-wife back (unlikely), if Edwin and Marsha
and ready” your motto. It’s essential to stick to a path and show responsibility if you want others to take you seriously. Consistent behavior will show that you are a leader. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Get out and share your sparkling personality with others. You’ll attract attention, and if you use your words wisely, you will gain support and respect moving forward. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Monitor what’s going on around you. Problems at home will leave you confused if you are too close to the
will be the neurotic super couple (likely), if Flip and Gail still stay together (50/50 on that one) and why everyone is so rude to Sonia (unknown). “Our Lady of 121st Street” provides gut-punching jokes and intriguing drama with the help of a dynamic ensemble. While the absurdity and hilarious nature of the plot keeps the audience begging for more, it is difficult to forget the unresolved problems of most of the characters at the end of the play.
situation. Don’t show anger or distress; remain calm. Choose love over discord. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Set the pace. Speak up, be brave and back your words with action. Keep your circle small and execute your plans with precision. You will accomplish plenty if you stay on track. VIRGO (Aug. 23Sept. 22) -- Concentrate on your responsibilities and map out a plan to ensure you use your time and energy wisely. Your discipline and hard work will not go unnoticed. You’ll get a valuable clue. -Astrograph by Eugenia Last
8 | Wednesday, October 6, 2021