The Daily Gamecock 8/22/13


VOL. 113, NO. 01 • SINCE 1908




6,115 undergraduates living in on-campus housing

3,976 rooms in USC’s 24 residence halls

220 resident mentors

13 tons of cardboard expected to be collected and recycled from move-in weekend

A rainy move-in weekend might have soaked a few moving boxes, but the weather actually helped regulate the flow of thousands of students and their families on campus, University Housing Director of Administration Joe Fortune said. “Things just went really well for us,” Fortune said. For the first time, dorms opened early this year to accommodate about 1,600 students arriving to campus Wednesday for sorority recruitment and marching band activities. The largest chunk of students — about 2,10 0 — moved into their dorms on Saturday. By Sunday night, all but about 50 of the more than 6,100 students living on campus had moved into their dorms, Fortune said. — Sarah Ellis, assistant News editor

Ticket requests for UNC game begin


Today is the fi rst day to request student tickets for next week’s football home opener against North Carolina. Tickets can be requested on Ticketmaster beginning at 9 a.m., and the fi rst request period will stay open until 5 p.m. Friday. Every tickets requested during that period will be in the lower deck, and they will be allotted in point order; students with the most loyalty points will get fi rst priority. The top 9,100 students who request a lower deck ticket will receive one. Those 9,100 students will get an email four days before the game notifying them that they’ve been awarded a ticket. Students must claim their tickets within a day of receiving that email; for the UNC game, students must claim their tickets by Tuesday, Aug. 27 at 5 p.m. Students who have not been awarded a ticket can nab unclaimed tickets on a fi rst-come, fi rstserved basis from Aug. 27 at 5:30 p.m. to Aug. 28 at 4 p.m. Any tickets still unclaimed may be available at Williams-Brice Stadium the day of the game. Loyalty points are measured by a student’s past attendance at USC athletic events and their year in school. Students are awarded 10 percent of the loyalty points they got last year and automatically receive eight points if they are a senior, six if they are a junior or graduate student and four if they are a sophomore. – Amanda Coyne, News editor



4,900 freshmen put pressure on university

CLASS OF 2017 4,900 first-year students 56 percent estimated to be female 51 percent estimated to be from South Carolina 57 high school valedictorians 18 sets of twins 1 set of triplets 140 incoming studentathletes 407 incoming Honors College students 760 incoming Capstone Scholars 42 states and territories, including Washington, D.C., represented 14 countries represented 96 percent receiving financial aid 97 percent in-state students receiving state-funded scholarships and grants

Housing, class sizes stretched by large group Priyanka Juneja


T h i s y e a r ’s r e c o r d nu mb er of f i r s t-y e a r students — about 4,900 — has posed a few cha l lenges for some university departments. T h i s y e a r ’s c l a s s ha s about 30 0 more st udent s t han last y e a r ’s , s a i d M a r y Wagner, senior director of undergraduate admissions. The actual size of t he Class of 2017 won’t be k now n until after the add-drop period ends in about two weeks. W it h a g r o u p t h i s large, work had to be d o ne t o m a k e r o o m , Wagner said, like adding sect ions to popu lar classes, including




Fresh Burger has replaced Burger King in Gamecock Park and provides healthy options.

The South Carolina men’s soccer team will take on Elon in its final exhibition match of the preseason.

Editorial Board: USC must raise admission standards to limit the size of the freshman class.



University 101. D e p a r t m e nt s l i k e Un iversit y Hou si ng, w h ic h g u a r a nt e e s a spot for every incoming st udent , ex per ience more struggles accommodating the class size than others, Wagner said. “The housing off ice has been gracious, and ever y freshman has housing,” Wagner said. Housing officials did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday afternoon. Campus construction work, including a project to make Assembly Street safer for pedestrians and to renovate t he ag ing Women’s Quadrangle, are also putting pressure on f irst-year st udent s and campus offices. “It does put some stress on other offices on c a mpu s ,” Wag ner FRESHMEN • 4

WEATHER Thursday


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90°/ 71°


Thursday, August 22, 2013

McPartland, host of ‘Piano Jazz,’ dies

High school seniors’ Teen charged after Vine ACT scores rise statewide video spreads online ACT exam scores have improved slightly in South Carolina over the past four years, The Associated Press reported. Students who graduated in the spring had an average composite score of 20.4 on the college entrance exam, which grades on a 36-point scale. In 2009, that average was 19.8. The national average ACT score is 20.9, two-tenths of a point lower than the 2012 average. The difference between the South Carolina and national averages is the smallest it’s been since at least 2007. More students nationally have taken the ACT since 2009. Average scores in Midlands high schools were largely down. Only the Kershaw County School District and Lexington County School District 2 improved their average scores, by 0.3 and 0.2 percent, respectively.

A video posted on Vine led authorities to fi le animal cruelty charges against an Orangeburg County teen, The State reported. The video shows Walter Easley, 17, speaking to the camera before showing an orange cat walking by. The cat is then kicked into the air by what appears to be Easley’s foot. It lands on the ground and stands up. Police found Easley Monday at his school. He told officers the video made it appear he had kicked the cat harder than he actually did and that he actually threw the cat off his porch to make it appear like he kicked it. Easley told police the video was inspired by a stand-up comedy routine he watched.

The host of NPR’s “Piano Jazz,” produced by South Carolina ETV radio, died Tuesday, the radio network reported. Marian McPartland was a jazz pianist who hosted the weekly show. She died at the age of 95 in her Long Island home. “Piano Jazz” was the longest-running performance show on public radio, according to NPR, and is rerun every Saturday night. McPartland’s show began at the end of “American Popular Song,” another ETV program on which she was originally a guest. McPartland was married to cornetist Jimmy McPartland , a soldier she met entertaining and performing with American soldiers during World War II. Before hitting the national airwaves, she was a lecturer on college campuses and played jazz records at a New York radio station.

— Amanda Coyne, News editor

— Amanda Coyne, News editor

—Amanda Coyne, News editor

Ribbon-cutting marks opening of Student Legal Services Office won’t deal with criminal defense, help students sue USC Sydney Patterson


The Student Legal Services Office — in the works for three years — is now open in the west wing of Russell House. The off ice is operating under a partnership between the university and South Carolina Legal Services, a nonprofit law fi rm that traditionally serves low-income clients. It will be funded by a $3 increase in student activity fees. It’s the fi rst partnership of its kind in the state, South Carolina Legal Services Executive Director Andrea Loney said. S t u d e nt s w i l l b e a b l e t o u s e the office for civil litigation only, including landlord-tenant questions, employment law and probate law. T h e o f f i c e w o n ’t d e a l w i t h questions regarding criminal defense, personal injury, alcohol and substance abuse v iolat ions, imm ig rat ion or tax law. Students also can’t use the services in “disputes against USC, its


officials and employees or other USC students,” according to a release. “ We p r o v id e t he le g a l representation only in the area of civil litigation, so we’re not going to represent any of your students who



were driving drunk and get arrested for DUI,” Loney said at the office’s Wednesday ribbon-cutting ceremony. St udent Body President Chase Mizzell said the most common use of the legal services would likely be for lease agreements and employment contracts. In those cases, the office w i l l ma ke refer ra ls to out side representation. The of f ice won’t be lim ited to

helping students who come looking for it, though, Mizzell said. “It will also be an informational source and an educat ional source to teac h st udent s ab out how to understand contracts that they’re entering into and be sure that before they enter into any legal endeavor that they understand what they’re doing,” Mizzell said. T he ide a f or t he s e r v ic e w a s i n it ia l ly brought up by t he Of fCampus St udent Ser v ices Of f ice three years ago, according to Jerry Brewer, associate vice president for Student Affairs. “ W hen we s t a r t e d e x p a nd i n g and having a lot more students, we had to have places for them to live,” Brewer said. “Well, they couldn’t live on campus because we didn’t have enough space, so they lived off campus, which kind of made the need for students to have assistance with off-site housing contracts, housing situations and other things.” It wa s a n i ntere st i ng proce s s, Brewer said, one that involved the university general counsel’s office, the state attorney general and the School of Law. St udent G over n ment took t he lead on the project, he said, and two years ago, student senate passed a LEGAL • 4


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Welcome Back GAMECOCKS!


New students hustle to annual ‘Bustle at the Russell’ Freshmen familiarize selves with facilities at packed event Brian Almond


A crowded Russell House played host to t he annual Bust le at t he Russell Monday night as part of Carolina Welcome Week. The fi rst and second floors of the student union were packed nearly elb ow-to - elb ow w it h f i r st-yea r students with USC lanyards around their necks. The event was “just as busy, if not busier, than last year,” said Kim McMahon , director of student life and the Russell House . Bustle at the Russell aims to have students to get to know each other and campus

facilities. “[Bustle at the Russell] showcases how students will use the building t hroughout t he year,” McMahon said. Resident mentor s were key to drum up interest in the event. Caleb Snead, a fi rst-year undeclared st udent , said t hat he showed up because of his invited him to come along. Some students said that Bustle at the Russell and Carolina Welcome We e k m a d e t h e m f e e l m o r e comfortable on campus. “I keep walking around (campus), and it’s feeling smaller and smaller,” s a id A l i s o n S au m , a f i r s t-y e a r exercise science student.

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The Daily Gamecock

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Next season’s football schedule released Season opener against Texas A&M will be inaugural broadcast for SEC Network Amanda Coyne


Gamecock football hasn’t kicked off yet this year, but its schedule for next year has already been released. Next year’s season will open against Texas A&M, on Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014, and will be the fi rstever meeting of the Gamecocks and the Aggies. It will also be the fi rst game broadcast on the new SEC Network, a channel dedicated to Southeastern Conference sports programming that will launch a week before that game. The fi rst three games of 2014 will be played at home, including two against SEC teams. After Texas A&M, South Carolina will face off against East Carolina before taking on conference rival Georgia in week three. South Carolina will play four more games at home, alternating each week with away games. Two of those home matches will be against SEC teams — Missouri and Tennessee — and two will be against non-conference opponents Furman and South Alabama. The Gamecocks will play all but one of its away games against SEC teams. They will stop at Vanderbilt, Kentucky, Auburn and Florida before heading up to rival Clemson for its end-of-season showdown. South Carolina will not play Alabama for the fourth consecutive year, meaning many in the

Thu., Aug. 28 Sat., Sept. 6

vs. Texas A&M vs. East Carolina

Sat., Sept. 13

vs. Georgia

Sat., Sept. 20

at Vanderbilt

Sat., Sept. 27

vs. Missouri

Sat., Oct. 4

at Kentucky

Sat., Oct. 18

vs. Furman

Sat., Oct. 25

at Auburn

Sat., Nov. 1

vs. Tennessee

Sat., Nov. 15

at Florida

Sat., Nov. 22

vs. South Alabama

Sat., Nov. 29

at Clemson

LEGAL • Continued from 2 bill proposing the fee increase, according to Mizzell, who was a senator on the student services committee at the time. Like Sout h Carolina Legal Ser v ices, Mizzell said the overarching goal of the program is to provide services to students “regardless of their fi nancial background.” “A l o t o f s t u d e n t s d o n’t h a v e t h e discretionary income to go out and hire a lawyer if they get into certain situations,” Mizzell said. L o n e y, w h o c a m e t o U S C f o r h e r undergraduate and law degrees, said she only wishes the service would have been available when she attended the university. “I just think it would have been wonderful if I had somebody on campus like South Carolina Legal Services to guide me through a lot of the issues that I had in trying to attend school,” she said. Appointments will be available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students can set up an initial appointment by calling 803-777-6611 and must br i ng t hei r Ca rol i naCa rd to t he meeting. DG

CHASE • Continued from 5 Class of 2015 won’t see the two teams face off as college students. DG

preparing projects to be completed, is a big part of the summer,” Mizzell said, adding that student leaders and administrators often have more time available during the break. Over the summer, Student Government ha s been work i ng on new prog r a m s, including Walk Home Cocky, a safe walk program; a new multicultural program called “Dive In”; and an effort to increase the celebration of university traditions. DG

FRESHMEN • Continued from 1

File photo

The Gamecocks will play seven games at home, including those against East Carolina, Missouri and Furman.

August 19th – 23rd Monday – Friday 3:00 p.m.

11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Friday, August 30th Friday, September 6th Friday, September 13th All tours meet in the Thomas Cooper Library lobby.

Building Layout Research Assistance Group Study Rooms Locker Checkout Laptop Checkout Cooper’s Corner Café Books, Movies, & More

said. “One thing that we didn’t anticipate moving in is that the Women’s Quad is offl ine for renovation, and those are spaces that usually go to freshman woman.” Though t here are some d if f ic u lt ies with the class size, Wagner said the large number is a positive for USC. “From a number standpoint it always looks good when you’re able to deliver a class that is larger than you expected,” Wagner said. DG

The Daily Gamecock

Thursday, August 22, 2013




DID THIS SUMMER Courtesy of Chase Mizzell

Pastides travels to Greece with university donors, works on state government collaboration Hannah Jeffrey


A f ter a bus y year at USC , university President Harris Pastides looked forward to catching up on what he calls the “three Rs”: resting, replenishing and reading. Past ides, now in his f if t h year on the job, traveled to Greece and Turkey with a group he called the “Carolina Travelers” — about 20 friends of the university, donors and trustees. The group explored Greece w it h Provost M ichael A m iridis, who showed them around his home country. “We went on island visits, eating and sightseeing,” Pastides said. “A smaller group of trustees went to Istanbul , which was my first time ever there.” I n S o ut h C a r ol i n a , Pa s t id e s worked with other university officials to seek out advocacy opportunities and work with state government. “Work rarely stops for a university pre sident ,” Pa st ide s s a id i n a n interview from Indianapolis. Pastides said he wants to work toward fi nding sustainable funding, because his five years in office have been marked with fi nancial distress across the country. “I think people would agree not that the problems are over, but there

is a light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. “We’re planning to work very hard on that.” Pastides said he looks forward to students’ arrival each year. “I’m looking forward to the return of the students and, in particular, the freshmen,” he said. Pastides said the beginning of the year is bittersweet, because with each freshman class’s arrival, a quiet summer atmosphere disappears. “It’s the end of the quiet season in terms of parking and noise,” he said. “But it’s still overwhelmingly positive.” But out s ide of pl a n n i n g a nd t raveling, Past ides said he spent some quality time with his family, wh ich he a nd h is w ife, Pat r icia Moore-Pastides, don’t often have the opportunity to enjoy. The Past ides ’ spent t ime w it h their two married children and their only granddaughter, who learned an important new word this summer. “Hearing my granddaughter say my name for the fi rst time was very memorable,” he said. The plan was for her to call him “Papou,” which is the Greek word for “grandfat her,” but when t hat proved too challenging, she settled on “Poo.” DG

Mizzell studies in Turkey, works as senior counselor in third year at Palmetto Boys’ State Hannah Jeffrey


It turns out that Student Body President Chase Mizzell keeps just as busy during the summer as he does during the school year. Aside from jet-setting to Turkey for three weeks and taking a cruise to t he Sout hern Caribbean, t he fourth-year international business student attended multiple family weddings, spent some time at the FBI National Academy conference in Orla ndo a nd t raveled to Wa s h i n g t o n , D.C . , w h e r e h e pa r t ic ipated i n t h ree d if ferent conferences in the nation’s capital. W hile in Turkey, Mizzell said that he “really dove into the culture and the experiences” around him. After spending two weeks with an international business study abroad group, Mizzell went off on his own to ex plore u nfam iliar territor y, making it his mission to delve into the country’s nooks and crannies. “Turkey is remarkable,” Mizzell said. “The history is mind-blowing, like when you enter into mosques or museums, and they start explaining the history of two or three or even four thousand years ago; it’s very intriguing.” A mong his Turkish highlights: Talking to a Turkish shop owner

about ever y t hing from music to secularization, enjoying traditional Tu rk i s h b at h s a nd bl ac k b er r y Tu r k i s h i c e c r e a m , w h i c h h e d e s c r ib e d a s b e i n g “r a r e , b ut delicious.” O ver t he Fou r t h of Ju ly, t he Mizzell family embarked on a cruise to the Caribbean, visiting A ruba and the surrounding areas as part of their family vacation. “Family is a huge part of my life, so spending time with them is really important,” he said. Back in the U.S., Mizzell said t hat he con nected w it h h is campers at Palmetto Boys’ State, a program that “strives to instill values of courage, integrity, honor and respect” in rising senior boys from South Carolina high schools, Mizzell said. As a third-year senior counselor, this was the last summer Mizzell was eligible to take on a group of campers. I n Sout h Ca rol i na, M izzel l was on USC’s campus plan ning Student Government activities and programs for the year. “SG has been growing sig n if ica nt ly over t he past few years, and working on preparing for our members to return, as well as CHASE • 4

Thursday, August 22, 2013






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Too many freshmen hurt school’s progress ISSUE The increasing freshman class size OUR STANCE Adding more people isn’t sustainable The Daily Gamecock love s f re s h me n . T he y p r o v id e u s w it h a lo t o f n e w r e c r u it s , t o n s of stor ie s a nd over a l l, it ’s j u s t f u n t o w at c h t hem get acclimated to c a mp u s . But 4 ,9 0 0 of t hem? That’s a bit of a concern. We’ve been say ing it for years, but here it is one more time: We don’t h a v e r o o m f o r 4 ,9 0 0 more people. We don’t have places f o r t h e m t o l i v e . We don’t have adv isers for t hem to see. We don’t have classes for them to take. And we really don’t have the patience to deal wit h t he problems t hat come f rom not hav i ng these things. The university supposed ly g ua ra ntees on-campus housing t o 10 0 p er c e nt of t he freshman class, but only 95 percent are able to l ive on ca mpus t h is year. So not on ly does the universit y not have room for a huge majority of the upper classes; now, it doesn’t even have room

for t he freshman class. Maybe that’s a bad sign. It’s t i me — aga i n — for t he ad m i n ist rat ion to realize t his and c o r r e c t it . We r e a l l y thought we were getting somewhere two years ago when President Harris Past ides promised t hat the universit y wouldn’t increase t he size of t he f reshman class any further. L a s t ye a r, it w a s 70 people larger t han before. This year, it’s 300 people larger. So this is awkward. But a broken promise and a campus that is at it s ab solute m a x i mu m c ap a c it y a r e n’t t he on ly t h i ng s t hat we’re

“... Only 95 percent (of the freshman class) are able to live on campus this year. So not only does the university not have room for a huge majority of the upper classes; now, it doesn’t even have room for the freshman class.”

concerned w it h. If o ne of t he u n i v e r s it y ad m i n ist r at ion’s goa ls is rea l ly to ma ke USC more competitive, they might consider actually raising the standards for admission. U S C ’s a c c e p t a n c e rate t h is year was 63.1 p er c e nt , ac c ord i n g t o t he Pr i nceton Rev iew. Mea nwh i le, t he peer institutions that u n i ver s it y le ader s s ay t he y w a nt US C t o b e like — the University of North Carolina and the Universit y of Virginia, for example — are notorious for extremely low a c c e p t a nc e r at e s . This year, they accepted 31.4 p er c e nt a nd 33.3 p e r c e nt , r e s p e c t i v e l y. If administrators really want to be as competitive as t hose colleges, t hey have to prove it. But we get it. For all t he g r e at t h i n g s t h at limiting the size of the freshman class could do, it wou ld also l im it t he a mou nt of mone y t he university can make from tuition. Sure, that’s not ideal, but neither is living with two other people in a tiny dorm room. So we’ve said it countless times before, a nd we’l l say it ag a i n: Things have to change.

Repeal of death penalty isn’t enough Maryland must extend benefits to current inmates too Ju s t b e f o r e w e l e f t f o r s u m me r, t he M a r y l a nd General A ssembly voted to abol ish t he deat h pena lt y, becoming t he 18t h state to do s o . W h i le t h i s legislation was a major step in the right direction, it doesn’t guarantee t hat Mar yland’s days of executing Chad prisoners are Brown over. Second-year That is because risk management and insurance t he repeal law student on ly appl ie s to defenda nt s who are tried after the legislation t a ke s ef fec t a nd do e s not address t hose inmates who have already been sentenced to death and are currently living on death row. The decision on whet her to execute current death row i n mates or com mute t hei r

sentences to life in prison has been left up to the governor i n t hat st ate, G ov. Ma r t i n O’Malley. Gov. O’Malley should think about his arguments in favor of the repeal when considering how to address Mar yland’s current death row population. A mong t hose a rg u ment s were it s cost ly nat u re, t he potential to execute innocent people and its ineffectiveness at reducing crime. H o w e v e r, t h e g o v e r n o r should recognize these very arguments are not just relevant to f ut u re cases, but to t he current prisoners as well. The reality is that although st ate s l i ke M a r yla nd h ave made significant progress in repealing its death penalt y, the only way to eliminate the risk of executing an innocent person is for the governor to immediately commmute the sentences of Maryland’s death row inhabitants.

Supreme Court does not ‘invent’ new minorites Associate Justice Antonin Scalia’s comments make no sense, are offensive If you look up the definition of a minority in the dictionary, then I’m pretty sure you’ll see a picture of me. Due to a series of random factors outside of my immediate control, I just so happened to be born as a gay male to t wo African-A merican parents. Later on in life, while growing up both down South and up North, I discovered I had a speech impediment and I began to call myself a cardcarrying Republican. If you take each of these categories I fall into individually, you’ll find that as a whole, gay people (3.5 percent), men (49.2 percent), people who live on the East Coast (35.07 percent) , people who have speech impediments (5 percent) and people who describe themselves as Republicans (42 percent) only represent a minority of the American population. So, as a major minority, I was a little offended by Supreme Court Associate Justice A ntonin Scalia’s speech from Aug. 19, where he accuses the Supreme Court of “inventing” new minorities.. In his speech, which was sponsored by t he Federalist Societ y, Scalia

somehow jumped to the egregious conclusion that the Supreme Court has been creating new classes of minorities and giving them special protections, which he says it shouldn’t do unless the majority of people agree with them. Continuing to make thinly-veiled references to his disagreement with the Court’s recent rulings on same-sex marriage, he said that Congress used to make decisions regarding the rights of minorities vis-à-vis changes to the Constitution itself. I f i nd it st r a ngely i ron ic t hat a presumably intelligent man who i s c h a r g e d w it h u p hold i n g t he Constitution can fail to comprehend the ver y definition of “minorit y,” managed to misinterpret his ver y own job description and also was so ignorant of even the past 60 years of Supreme Court judicial rulings and their subsequent impact on Congress, let alone the ramifications of his very own decisions in his quarter-century on the bench. According to the Merriam Webster d ict ionar y, t he word “m i nor it y ” simply refers to a part of a population d if fer i ng f rom ot hers i n some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment, or in Scalia’s case, anyone who dares to be different from someone like him. Looking back through the lens of

history, it’s a little odd to think that as a white, second-generation, RomanCatholic, Sicilian-American male, he is perhaps the least sympathetic to the plights of fellow minorities. Take for example t he Supreme Court’s ruling in such cases as 1954’s “ B r o w n v. B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n ,” 19 6 6 ’s “Miranda v. A rizona,” 2000’s “Bush v. Gore” or even 2003’s “Lawrence v. Texas.” In each of these four rulings, a plaintiff representing a minority argument argued that Aaron ex ist ing laws were McDuffie Second-year unconstitutional and the political science Supreme Court agreed student with them. Afterwards, Congress then updated law books in order to better ref lect the views of both the majority of the bench and the minority views of the plaintiff. I n order, t he se fou r Supreme C ou r t r u l i ng s ab ove led to t he creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, mandated that police adequately inform those accused of a crime of their constitutional rights, allowed G eorge W. Bush to become ou r nation’s 43rd president and declared Texas and 13 other states’ outdated and homophobic laws banning sodomy

unconstitutional. These rulings and the subsequent actions by Congress fall neatly in line with what we all should have learned back in elementary school: the role of the Supreme Court is to interpret the law, while Congress reframes or even creates new legislation; it’s simply how our government works. (For the record, Mr. Scalia was a part of the last two cases, expressing a majority view for the Bush v. Gore case, but voiced a minority opinion in Lawrence v. Texas.) But back to the main issue at hand, Scalia’s claim that the Supreme Court all of a sudden “invent new classes of minorities” is not only without merit, but also inane, illogical and deeply flawed. Sorry, Scalia, but minorities exist all on their own, and trivializing their plight is offensive and just plain wrong. All the Supreme Court has done is reinforce the existing rights of people who, like you, me and even Scalia himself have been denied in some way, shape or form over the course of time. Instead of wasting his breath on factually baseless claims, I think it would be in all of our best interests if Scalia went on his merry way and did his job — after, of course, he makes sure exactly what his job is.



Offices located on the third floor of Russell House The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s V ie w p oi nt s p age i s to st i mu l ate discussion in the University of South Carolina community. All published authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to the editor, guest columns and feedback on Letters and guest columns should be submitted via email to editor@ Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and include

the author’s name, year in school and area of study. We also invite student leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest columns. Columnists should keep submissions to about 500 words in length and include the author’s name and position. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarity, or not publish at all. A ll subm issions become t he property of The Daily Gamecock and must conform to the legal standards of USC Student Media.

CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. Email and we will print the corrections in our next issue.


Editor-in-Chief SYDNEY PATTERSON Managing Editor THAD MOORE Online Editor AUSTIN PRICE Assistant Online Editor ANDREW ASKINS Copy Desk Chief HALEY BOURNE Assistant Copy Desk Chief MAXWELL BAUMAN Design Director KRISTMAR MULDROW Assistant Design Director ANNIE PARHAM News Editor AMANDA COYNE Assistant News Editors SARAH ELLIS HANNAH JEFFREY

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Thursday, August 22, 2013


Photos by Caitlyn McGuire / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Students flock to healthy burger bar Fresh Burger a popular addition to Russell House Caitlyn McGuire


One of Carolina Dining’s newest healthy options is quickly becoming a popular addit ion of Gamecock Park on the second floor of Russell House. Fresh Burger has replaced Bu rger K i ng t h is year, of fer i ng students a healthier alternative to the fast food chain. Sodexo, Carolina’s food service company, has opened this choice as part of its initiative for healthy students, giving students an Online nutrition calculator and personal dietitians.

A lthough the menu only offers four choices, a Fresh Burger, A Fresh Burger with a choice of American, Provolone or Pepper Jack cheeses, a veggie burger and tater tots, students come for it’s self serve topping bar. The bar i ncludes f resh leaf a nd chopped lettuce, onions, tomatoes, pickles, banana peppers and an array of condiments. This self-serve bar gives students f resh alter nat ives, but it is st ill unknown whether the menu items are in fact healthier than the fast food cha i n s , a s t he nut r it iona l information is not posted on site or Online. When Carolina Dining S er v ic e s were c ont ac t e d ab out nutritional information, they said t he y h ad no k now le d g e of t he

information and explained that they had to call back after contacting corporate. De spite t he lack of pr i nted nutritional information, students are still hopeful that this is a better choice and are enjoying choices most chains don’t offer, like the veggie burger. The veggie burger is a popular new option for vegetarian diners, chock full of carrots, baby spinach and grains, but takes a bit longer to cook than the standard burger. Students have been waiting up to 10 minutes for the veggie burger, but are still pleased with the product. Most students have been ordering the classic Fresh Burger with cheese, though

“It has a lot more flavor,” said fi rst year student Caroline Avant. “And it seems a lot healthier than Burger King.” The options are also low cost. The tater tots are $2.29 and all burgers are all about $5. Avant said that her burger, tots and a drink all fit on her meal plan. It may not offer as many choices as Burger King previously offered, but so far is equally as successful. Fresh Burger is located on the second fl oor of Russell House next to Chick-fi l-a and is currently open from 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. and closed on Saturday. DG

New releases lead the way for fall albums Caitlyn McGuire


John Mayer, Hoodie Allen show variety in sounds

JOHN MAYER Paradise Valley John Mayer has gone through a classic array of acoustic artist genres. He’s covered the sensitive guitar player, stepped it up a notch with some rock sounds on “Continuum,” gone on to jazz and found his way to earthy, country acoustic with “Born and Raised.” A s much as he’s been crit icized for some of his antics in the past — criticizing Jessica Simpson and dating Taylor Swift — there is no doubt that John Mayer has honed his skills, and his newest album, “Paradise Valley” certainly shows them off. The album shows a little more of his country side, but it combines all of his past musical forays into one lyrically soothing album. He even surprised listeners with a duet with pop sensation Katy Perry, which somehow fit in with his acousticstyle voice.

LUKE BRYAN Crash My Party For the country music lover, Luke Bryan’s latest is everything you want. Although similar to his past albums, Bryan includes some easier sounds, as in his songs “Drink a Beer” and “Goodbye Girl,” which still stem from his country roots, but are more low key than his previous work. The popular single “That’s My Kind of Night” is the Bryan audiences expect to hear and play loudly on gameday. There’s nothing groundbreaking about this album, but there’s nothing bad about it either.

HOODIE ALLEN Americoustic It seemed that Hoodie Allen’s rapping career was over shortly after it started, and he was often compared to other “hipster” rappers, like Mac Miller, but his EP gives a refreshing, new sound to the hip-hop scene. All the songs on this album but one are acoustic versions of past songs and display his talents as a singer more than as a rapper. The EP’s popular single “Same as Before” also strays from his typical sound, adding rock into the mix. Overall, it is something new and exciting for Hoodie Allen and for hip-hop.

Lady Gaga, Big Sean likely upcoming hits

LADY GAGA ARTPOP Release date: Nov. 11

Lady Gaga’s single “Applause” has already neared the top of the charts, and her upcoming album surely will too. She uses the same electro-pop music style, but still continues to make music unlike anyone else. It’s likely some of the songs will be a bit too reminiscent of her previous work, but at the end of the day, we will all be singing along.

SHERYL CROW Feels Like Home Release date: Sept. 10

This favorite 90s acoustic rocker has officially gone country. Sheryl Crow’s single “Best of Times” has everything from American pride to her newfound Southern accent. Her career-long fans may not be too impressed with the change, and it’s still uncertain if the country community will accept her as an artist as well. Hopefully her legendary voice and guitar skills will be enough to make another great album.

BIG SEAN Hall of Fame Release date: Sept. 10

Best known for his song “Dance,” Big Sean is changing his style a bit for his new album. His single “Fire” sounds similar to an early Kanye West track and displays his musical talents more than past releases did. Many tracks on the album are collaborations with artists like Kid Cudi, Nicki Minaj and Nas, all unique artists in hip-hop. These collaborations should vary his music a bit and give fans another widely popular album.

PANIC! AT THE DISCO Too Weird to Live, Too Rare To Die! Release date: Oct. 8

As Panic! At the Disco’s first album release since 2011, there’s hope that this album might gain the same attention as their first, “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out." The first two singles released on the album, “Miss Jackson” and “This is Gospel,” sound just like the Panic! fans know and love but show that they are bringing a little more attitude to their songs. If the rest of the album is as catchy as these singles, the band’s revival might finally happen.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


City gains gluten-free options Healthy trend on rise in Columbia Amory Thome


Courtest of The Fullbright Company

‘Gone Home’ shows eerie side of PC games Realistic graphics give players a visual storybook Aaron Jenkins


It’s June 7, 1995, when 22-year-old Katie Greenbriar comes back home to Oregon after a yearlong trek through Europe. Other than the steady pouring rain against the windows and a severe weather alert buzzing from the family TV, the house is silent when she arrives. Mom and dad are gone, and Katie’s younger sister, Sam, has left a note saying she’s run away. The answering machine in the foyer has Katie’s message to her mother, still unchecked. Then there’s another message from a young girl in tears, pleading Sam to “please be there.” Thunder claps echo through the halls. Somewhere in a distant room, a door gives out a long, pained creek. “Gone Home,” an indie adventure game premised entirely on digging through this mansion, searching for answers, begins chillingly. The game features no external conflict. There are no enemies, no weapons and hardly any puzzles to impede the player’s progress. Instead, it is a game entirely about exploring a house, devoid of people but fi lled to the brim with evidence about their lives. It is a story-based game in the truest sense. None of this is to say that this game would be better served as a film or a

novel. In fact, the way “Gone Home” tells its story would be impossible in any other medium. The narrative is intricately and delicately embedded w it h in t he possessions of those who lived there. From handwritten letters and punk rock mix tapes to a stuffed stegosaurus, everything is immaculately rendered using such high-definition textures that they can be examined within virtual inches of the camera. This is game in which the player can read, word for word, the ingredients off of a can of ginger ale, if they feel so inclined. This degree of obsession is not praiseworthy simply for its technical merits, but also for how it allows the game to set scenes and build its characters. The family’s TV room, for instance, features a solitary pillow fort with a book about communicating with ghosts timidly tucked inside and a grease-stained pizza box sitting not far away. A letter informing Terry Greenbriar, Katie’s father, of crushing news is found discarded below the bar, offering a hint at how he at how he handled the situation. Many of these moments would not have worked were it not for the game’s spectacular writing, which is surprisingly intelligent and mature. It isn’t the kind of storytelling that beats the audience over the head with its cleverness, but like everything else in “Gone Home,” the deeper you dig, the more you come to appreciate its

With our generation’s obsession with homegrown and organic foods, it’s no wonder that people are jumping on t he gluten-f ree bandwagon. W hether it’s an allergy or just a personal choice, it seems t hat ever y restaurant in tow n has come up with their own special recipes to accommodate it. W hile some places simply c ut t he bread out and give you a dry piece of chicken, others have really stepped up to the plate; some have gone as far as creating a whole separate menu for gluten-free customers. Mellow Mushroom: We’re in college, which means we eat a lot of pizza and drink a lot of beer, a nd Mel low Mu sh ro om i s b y f a r one of the best places in town to get both of those things. The best part about Mellow is that even when you are going gluten-free, you aren’t sacrif icing any of the specialty pizzas options that the restaurant is known for. All glutenfree pizzas are ser ved on a 12-inch crust, and prices vary depending on restaurant location a nd toppi ng. T he specialty pizzas include, but aren’t limited to, t he K o s m ic K a r m a , the Mighty Meaty and their famous Gourmet W h ite. A long w it h pizza, t he restau ra nt has a varying selection of gluten-free draft and

bottle beers. 116 E spresso a nd Wine Bar : Let’s talk about brunch, baby. So we all know that brunch is the classiest and most tasteful meal of the day, and come Saturday or Sunday morning, a huge t h r e e - e g g o m e le t i s exactly what the doctor called for to put a little pep back in our steps. 116 Espresso and Wine Bar is one of the best dinner and brunch spots i n tow n a nd de spite t he d e c e i v i n g n a me a nd décor, t he place is actually reasonably priced. As far as glutenf ree goes, some of t he restaurant’s most popular dishes already come that way. Steak and eggs, a classic American breakfast staple, tops the menu as well as a roasted portabella mushroom plate smot hered wit h grilled veggies. M Fresh : There is a certain stigma attached to t he orga n ic a nd gluten-f ree l ifest yle, but this restaurant is a shining example of what it’s like to eat healthy while still treating your taste buds. M Fresh is t he per fec t lu nch or dinner place to grab a salad or panini. When going gluten-free, the

bread on sa ndw iches ca n be subst it uted for a lettuce wrap . M Fresh is an all organic, no-addit ives local rest au ra nt. Not on ly a re t he i r j u ic e s a nd smoothies gluten-free, but they’re also made w it h f r u it f rom local farmers markets . One juice to tr y would be the Michelle’s Special, w h ic h i s m ade w it h avocado, orange juice and microgreens. Almost all of M Fresh’s salads and dressings are gluten-free as well. In the past, glutenfree food has been reserved for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, but recently t he demog raph ic has shif ted, and more people are choosing the gluten-free path, though not necessarily for the right reasons. Many go gluten-free because they think it will be a “diet;” however, when gluten is cut out, you miss out o n n at u r a l p r o t e i n s found in wheat, barley and rye . So, like every other lifestyle decision, make sure you do your research before diving in, and remember gluten-free doesn’t mean giving up on good food.

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STUDENT ORGANIZATION WORKSHOPS For more information, visit


Undergraduate Renewal and Treasurer’s Workshops Monday, August 26 — 11:00am Tuesday, August 27 — 2:30pm Friday, August 30 — 3:00pm Thursday, September 5 — 4:00pm Monday, September 9 — 4:30pm Thursday, September 12 — 12:00pm *All workshops will be held in RHUU 322/326 (Senate Chambers).

Graduate Renewal and Treasurer’s Workshops Wednesday, August 28 — 12:00pm Tuesday, September 3 — 4:00pm *All workshops will be held in RHUU 322/326 (Senate Chambers)

In order to be classified as a registered student organization for the 2013-2014 academic year ALL student organizations are required to attend a workshop and go online to the Student Organization System ( and either update or confirm the officer and advisor information. Please plan to send at least one representative to a workshop. The deadline to complete renewal is Friday, September 13, 2013 at 4:00pm.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Drake not first to ‘only live once’ Popular slang words and you’re like “OMG!”? It’s, like, Shakespeare, you uncouth ruffian. originate in surprising places a n abbre v iat ion or ac rony m or Alex Buscemi


Hater Adolf Hitler, 1932 MODERN USAGE: You r Yout ube rap is fresh and original — all your Facebook friends have said so — but some snob has the nerve to leave a comment calling it “repetitive” and “degrading to women.” Forget that guy, he’s just jealous. He’s a textbook “hater,” someone who dislikes you just for the sake of disliking you, not because he has opinions. Render his argument invalid by insisting his criticism doesn’t faze you — “Haters gonna hate” — or that the criticism actually benefits you because even negative publicity is still publicity — “Haters make me famous.” ORIGIN: T he ter m hater was popularized in 1999 by the Ice-T song “Don’t Hate Tha Playa,” but the gangsta rapper wasn’t the fi rst one to deal with punks sippin’ the haterade. During a speech on July 27, 1932, Adolf Hitler addressed the Berlin Stadium wit h “Menschen, die mich hassen beruhmten,” which t ra nslates to, “People who hate me make me famous.” Hopefully, Hitler proceeded to grab his crotch a nd p ou r a 4 0 - ou nc e b ot t le of Hoegaarden on t he grou nd. You know, for his dead homies.

O.M.G. Lord Fisher in a Letter to Winston Churchill, 1917 MODERN USAGE: You k now how, like, sometimes you see a girl on campus wearing cowboy boots with Norts (Nike shorts), and you and your friends are just like, “Omg. ... ”? Or you see your sister hooking up with the really hot guy you’ve been in love w it h for, like, ever,

whatever for “Oh my God!” ORIGIN: Long before mean girls u sed it to show d isg u st for t he fashions of their peers, “O.M.G” was coined in 1917 by 76-year-old John Arbuthnot Fisher, head of the British Navy during World War I. In a letter to Winston Churchill, w ho wou ld g o o n t o b e c o me a beloved and inspirational British prime minister in World War II, Fisher declared his hopes that he wou ld be k n ighted, “I hear t hat a new order of K nighthood is on the tapis — O.M.G (Oh! My God!) — Shower it on t he Admiralt y!” Churchill likely responded with a smiley face and a request to “Meet me at Yoghut in five, b----.”

Swagger Shakespeare, circa 1590

MODERN USAGE: W it h t he r ise of Hip-hop, swagger has evolved f rom a word into a lifest yle t hat d ict ates how you wal k , t al k a nd dress. To walk w it h “swag,” you must walk slowly and with a slight limp (I usually pretend something heavy is chained to my ankle). Your facial expression and attitude have to say “I don’t care about anything — especially not the establishment.” Buy new Air Jordans (or steal them f or b o nu s s w a g ) a nd p r o mpt l y Instagram a pict ure of your new kicks with the caption “#Swag.” O R I G I N : I n t h e e a r l y 15 0 0 ’s swag meant “stolen booty” or “to swing, sway.” But when William Shakespeare wrote “A Midsummer N ight ’s Drea m” i n 159 0, P uc k ask s “W hat hempen homespu ns have we swaggering around here?” in reference to a group of people ha ng i ng a rou nd t he queen a nd acting like they ran the place. It was the first time swag was used as we k now it today, which is to carr y oneself w it h arrogance or aggression. So Li’l Way ne, raise t hy goblet of sizzu r p to t he Grandaddy of Swagger, Sir William

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Conan O’Brien, 1993 MODERN USAGE: To be crunk is to be drunk and high at the same time. Exactly what kind of high is up for debate, but it def initely involves getting messed up. Crunk is also a type of dancing and the reason your principal roamed the g ymnasium with a ruler during middle school dances. ORIGIN: In 1993, a decade before L i’l Joh n’s “G et L ow ” bu mp ed “Crunk” into the mainstream, the TV show “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” did a bit on a word that combined all swear words and was legal to say on air: “Crunk.” Some claim t hat t he word had already e x i s t e d i n A t l a nt a n i g ht c l u b s a nd me a nt to g et “ hy p e d ,” but nevertheless, O’Brien became the fi rst to use it on a widespread level.

having beef United States Military, 1930s

MODERN USAGE: If you have beef with someone, hopefully it means sha r i ng a plea sa nt stea k d i n ner with a cherished friend, colleague or family member. Unfortunately,

nowadays, the beef you have with someone is most l i kely made of anger and hostility, not dead cows. ORIGIN: The use of beef to me a n “c ompl a i nt ” i s t he or i z e d to have begun in the 1930s when U. S. sold ier s compla i ned about t he qualit y of t heir beef rat ions. Where’s the beef? With the beef.


Conan O’Brien, 1993 M O D E R N U S A G E : YOL O i s a n acronym for “You only live once.” T he p h r a s e i s u s u a l l y s hout e d before one engages in something l ife-t h reaten i ng or persuades s ome o ne el s e t o do s ome t h i n g l i f e - t h r e a t e n i n g. I t ’s d r u n k e n peer pressure wit h philosophical undertones. ORIGIN: Mo st wou ld at t r ibute YOLO to t he rapper Dra ke a nd his 2011 single “The Motto,” but the phrase was fi rst used by Adam Mesh for his YOLO clothing line in March 2004. This wasn’t the fi rst time Mesh was shown up by another man. He was eliminated on the early 2000’s reality show Average Joe, a Bachelorette-style dating game with normal-looking dudes, but garnered enough notoriet y to start YOLO clothing. DG

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The Daily Gamecock

Thursday, August 22, 2013

GAME • Continued from 9 full extent. The game is only about a 3-hour experience, so it’s best to go in as blind as possible; any plot details can damage the experience. “Gone Home” is just as much about what the player thinks it is as what it really is. As the player discovers more and more things hidden within the house, the game’s tone shifts radically, and these moments are best felt in a raw and instinctual way. Even the game’s minimalist piano score does little to push you to feel one way or another about what you’re uncovering. Its conclusion is similarly ambiguous: a surprisingly emotional but notnecessarily-happy ending, which forces the player to confront their inability to change an upsetting situation. “Gone Home” shows that video games are at their best as a storytelling medium when they let their settings do the talking. And what place has more to say about someone’s dearest loves, their darkest fears and their most intimate secrets than the walls of their home? It may not be a game for everyone, and it certainly isn’t the game anyone expected of it, but “Gone Home” is a brave experiment that tells a story players won’t soon forget. DG

Woody Allen’s newest a must-see Cate Blanchett shines as self-centered leading lady Jonathan Winchell


“Blue Jasmine” NOW IN THEATERS

Director: Woody Allen Starring: Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin, Woody Allen Rating: PG-13 for mature thematic material, language and sexual content Cate Bla nchet t g ives a st u n n i ng, Oscar-wor t hy performance in Woody Allen’s new fi lm, “Blue Jasmine,” that proves the filmmaker is still one of the strongest voices in American cinema. Bl a nc he t t p l a y s Je a ne t t e “Jasm i ne” Fra ncis, a vapid, self-centered New Yorker and member of the 1 percent who is forced to move in with her sister, Ginger (Sally Hawkins), i n Sa n Fr a nc i sco a f ter her big w ig hu sba nd, H a l (A lec Baldwin), is arrested for years of cheating and stealing. Jasm ine drink s too much, spea k s her m i nd w it hout t hink ing t w ice and believes the world revolves around her. Bot h A llen, as screenw riter and director, and Blanchett , as the lead actress, bring great complexit y and depth to the character, one of the best female roles Allen has ever written. While Blanchett’s character seems narcissist ic, t here i s a mo r e c o mple x wo m a n underneath the cold exterior of sunglasses, martinis and Dior. She seems clueless, failing

to notice that her husband was cheating thousands of people out of their money and cheating on her with younger women. She has trouble relating with other people and breaks down mentally, start ing to talk to p eople who a ren’t ac t u a l ly there. Allen is known for getting top talent to work in his films, often for less pay than they usually earn and without receiving a full script to read. Everyone in the supporting cast is excel lent . Br it ish actress Sally Hawkins (Allen’s “ C a s s a n d r a ’s D r e a m ” ) i s absolutely believable as Ginger, a work i ng-class, d ivorced mot her of t wo. Sta nd-up comedian A ndrew Dice Clay, who plays gives Ginger’s exhu s b a n d , p r o v e s t h e m o s t down-to-earth and empathetic character in the whole fi lm. Bobby Ca n navale, who played the sadistic villain Gyp Rosetti in the third season of “Boa rdwa l k Empi re,” play s Ginger’s volat ile boy f riend, Chili, who is alternately brutish and goofy. Bl a nc he t t r e c e t l y pl a y e d Blanche DuBois in “A Streetcar Named Desire” on stage, which only deepens the connection b et we e n t h i s f i l m a nd t he Tennessee Williams play. Bot h feat u re t roubled, mentally unstable women who move in with their sisters and unpredictable boyfriends and t h i n k t hey have fou nd love again. In “Blue Jasmine,” Jasmine starts dating a wealthy man in San Francisco who dreams of a political career. She lies to him time and time again, digging herself deeper into a hole that she should know she can’t dig herself out of. Like DuBois in “Streetcar”, she is delusional and “relies on the kindness of strangers.” Woody A llen , the 77-year-

Courtesy of Sony Pictures Classic

Cate Blanchett leads an impressive cast in Woody Allen’s latest film. old auteu r, has d i rec ted a n average of a film a year since 1966; “Blue Jasmine” is his 44th theatrical fi lm. Because Allen rapidly writes, directs and shoots his pictures so quickly, their quality varies. And while he has a distinctive style, he is also one of the most eclectic f ilmmakers work ing today. He started out in the 1960’s with “early, funny ones” like “Bananas” and “Sleeper” and moved on to more mature fi lms like the Best Pict ure Oscarwinning “A nnie Hall.” Since t hen, he ha s gone bet ween comedy and drama ever since, wit h brief forays into mockumentaries, musicals and thrillers. But “Blue Jasmine” is harder to peg as a comedy or a drama. It features many laugh-outloud moments, but Jasmine and her story leave them awash in sadness.


Thursday, August 22, 2013






Telecounseling Positions Available The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is looking for enthusiastic, dedicated undergraduate students to assist with recruitment this year by calling prospective students, admitted students and their parents. Applicants should possess strong communication skills, enthusiasm for USC, good work ethic, professionalism, and basic computer and telephone skills. Students are required to work a minimum of two nights per week during the hours of 5:00pm to 9:00pm Monday through Thursday throughout the school year, except on University holidays. Telecounseling pays $7.50/ hr, and training begins on Monday, September 9th. Applications are available in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions located on the Horseshoe in Lieber College. Application deadline: Friday, August 30th at 5:00pm. For more information, please call Kate Beggs at 803-777-5737. Email kristine@mailbox. Best Job on Campus! Be a Carolina Caller! Flexible Schedule, Work Nights and Weekends, earn up to $8.25/hr, Fall positions available, Apply Online

Work-Study Position The Office of Student Media is looking for a front office assistant Monday thru Friday. Hours are flexible but you must have work-study awarded through the Financial Aid Office. Please contact Kristine at 777-7866 or email for more information

WORK-STUDY OFFICE ASSISTANTS @ SC Vocational Rehabilitation Dept near Airport. $9 per hour for Under Grads and $10 for Grad Students. Duties: filing & organizing, data entry, reception, & operating various office equipment. Must be proficient in Excel and MS Word. Please call Cathy Smith @ 896-6553 for interview. EOE

Gamecock Connection Positions Available Tell us why you love USC! The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is looking for enthusiastic, dedicated students to assist with recruiting prospective students at Admissions special events. In this role you can share your love for USC with prospective students, admitted students and their parents. Applicants should possess strong communication skills, enthusiasm for USC, good work ethic, and professionalism. We are looking for volunteers to assist with Admissions events this Fall, and there will be a mandatory training meeting for new members. Applications are available in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions located on the Horseshoe in Lieber College. Application deadline: Friday, September 6th at 5:00 pm. For more information, please call Jennifer Black at 803-7775779.

PT Sales position in high fashion optical boutique for responsible, fashion conscious individual. Sales exper a plus. Must be detail-oriented w/ strong basic math skills. Office hours 9-5:30 Mon-Sat (Usually alt Sats). Please email resume, references, avail hours & compensation requirements to

Energetic, enthusiastic, responsible people needed to work as co-teachers in a large child development center near USC. Monday-Friday 2PM-6PM. Also substitute positions with AM or PM hours available. Call 803-799-8533 or email Carol@ShandonPres. org for info. Experienced Personal Trainers needed Part time AM and PM hours available. Gym is 1 mile from campus. Contact Anne Marie for details 803.799.9455. Email PHOTOGRAPHERS’ ASSISTANTS: We seek several individuals to assist group photographers on the USC Horseshoe on the afternoon of Sunday August 25. Experience not necessary but light candid photography skills could be a plus. Allen Anderson, Photographer, 803-256-0424.

Seeking Lifeguards/Physical Therapy Aides for SC Vocational Rehab Dept. $12.48 hr! Will work around your class schedule. Need enthusiastic p/t employees to work with adults with various disabilities in our therapeutic pool & muscular development room. Prefer Red Cross Lifeguard Certification but can train strong swimmers to work in our facility. To apply, come to MDC @ 1410-D Boston Ave, West Columbia SC or email Ms Hayes: whayes@ EOE Best Job on Campus! Be a Carolina Caller! Flexible Schedule, Work Nights and Weekends, earn up to $8.25/hr, Fall positions available, Apply Online




Traveling isn’t as easy now but may st ill be worth it. The challenges you uncover make great stories. Organize your workplace this month, and focus more on details.

Work success boosts your self-esteem to the next level. Use what you’ve kept hidden. For the next month, you’ll find ways to make money. Listen and learn. Check out the back story.

Your score is rising. This month is about perfection, and there will be a test. Use what you’ve learned so far. Stick to your plan. Take an optimistic stance, and give it your best shot. Clean up.

A superior’s fabu lous d rea m is pa r t of t he picture. You’ve achieved a lot more than you like to give yourself credit for. Speak up. Tie up loose ends, and while you’re at it, accept a bonus.



Yo u w i n ! Yo u h a v e t he adva nt age t h is month. Come to a new u n d e r s t a n d i n g. G e t the best quality. You’re t he s t a r t h i s mont h . Find more energy with exercise, and get things done.

Repay a nice favor. This month is good for travel or launching projects. Confer with your team. Start planning an adventure. Handle all the logistical details and dive into the culture. Enjoy yourself.

Gemini You r fo c u s s h i f t s to domestic matters this month. Consider working from home, and manage multiple projects. Find a balance, so you can’t tell whether you’re working or playing.

Cancer Find a bargain for y o u r h o m e . Yo u ’ r e getting more curious, and there is a lot more work com ing in t han expected. You have laser beam concentration this month. Write, produce a n d r e c o r d . Yo u ’r e learning fast.

Sales Associate Looking for a sales associate at a children’s toy store part-time in the afternoons/ evenings & weekends to assist customers with purchases, price, merchandise, and display new inventory, answer phone calls, run a cash register, and gift wrap. Must have initiative and enjoy working around children. Email bebeeptoys@yahoo. com

MISC Parking Spaces Pickens at Blossom. $280 semester. 799-3452

cocks corner parking parking place d-15 center of cocks corner. fort rent/ sale. please call 803-479-4557

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WELCOME BANQUET, Aug. 30. Free dinner, entertainment, door prizes. 799-3452

ANNOUNCEMENTS Kennel Staff Wanted. Hardworking and dependable employee needed. Must be able to work weekdays, some weekends, and some holidays. Apply in person Tuesday’s or Thursdays. Apply at Dog Daze 1241 Veterans Road Columbia SC 29209 email: dogdazellc@bellsouth. net








Use something you’ve been saving. Friends offer good advice. Finish up old business this month and clean house. Enjoy private time for organization and plotting. Pamper yourself. You gain in popularity.

Scorpio Group efforts produce opt im ist ic f i nd i ngs. You r tea m needs you this month. You’re more involved with the public. A r ra nge t he set t i ng carefully. The best things in life are free.





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12:30 p.m. / 3 p.m., $8; 5:30 p.m. / 8 p.m., $10 Nickelodeon Theatre, 1607 Main St. CANOPY CULTURE/ I ANTHEM/ SPLINTERCAT/ SHADOW TAG 8:30 p.m., $5 over 21 / $8 under 21 New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St.


Aquarius Don’t worry. It’s easier to track details this month so get organized. Get farther than expected with getting affairs in order. If you don’t have the right tools, find someone who does. This allows money to flow.

Pisces You have plenty. Develop new part nerships. Encourage assistance. Yo u r lo v e i s g e t t i n g stronger. Inspire team players with a brilliant possibility, and allow them room to contribute.

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ACROSS 1 Outlook 6 Previewed, as a joint 11 Attempt 14 Part of a squirrel’s stash 15 Abundant 16 Little hopper 17 Bills and catalogues? 19 “The Simpsons” character who graduated first in his class of seven million at the Calcutta Institute of Technology 20 Advanced deg. 21 Quick look 23 Remnant in a tray 26 Bygone 28 Tentative assent 29 Monk’s unusual appendage? 33 Canaanite deity 34 Source of light meat 35 Nev. neighbor 38 Ohio hometown of LeBron James 40 It ended Nov. 11, 1918 41 The blahs 43 Vietnamese holiday 44 Sci-fi invaders 47 Iowa State home 48 Where a kid’s shovel may be found? 51 Take in 53 Yanks’ rival 54 Binghamton-toUtica dir. 55 Show-off’s shout 58 Lyon king 60 “Disgusting!” 61 Traditional December spin around the harbor? 66 Top pitcher 67 Bert’s pal 68 Michelob __: light beer brand 69 Anderson Cooper, to Gloria Vanderbilt 70 “__ Hope”: ’70s’80s soap 71 Dinner course

DOWN 1 Large container 2 Dangerous, as a winter road 3 Bribe 4 You might do it over your own feet 5 News show VIP 6 Oriole great Ripken 7 BBs, for example 8 Cross 9 Brings out 10 Convention representative 11 1961 Ricky Nelson charttopper 12 Boxing ring borders 13 Letter sign-off 18 Go off-script 22 French affirmative 23 Plate appearance 24 Tremble 25 Like one just jilted 27 “On the Origin of Species” author 30 Rapper __ Rida 31 Walked down the 37-Down again 32 2010 Super Bowl champs 36 Scheduled to arrive

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37 Bridal path 39 Pessimist 42 Brief sleep 45 Fundraising game 46 Newly wool-less 49 Rodent-induced cry 50 Genesis follower 51 Rap sheet name, maybe 52 Golfer Mediate 56 “Every __ Tiger”: Clancy book about Operation Desert Storm

57 “__ go bragh!” 59 One of las Canarias 62 Some MIT grads 63 World’s busiest airport: Abbr. 64 Nest egg letters 65 Youngster

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Thursday, August 22, 2013 15

USC looks to replace lead players in 2013 With Baladez gone, South Carolina will need new faces to find the net this year Tanner Abel


With about a week to go before the regular season starts, the South Carolina men’s soccer team will have its final tune-up against Elon on Saturday at 7 p.m. USC won it s f i r st e x h ibit ion 1-0 against Mercer on Sunday off junior Asa Kryst’s goal. The junior f o r w a r d /m id f ie ld e r w a s h ap p y wit h t he of fensive and defensive per for ma nce la st match, but is working to get that final touch on the ball to score more goals, she said. Kryst will be a major focal point on of fen s e t h i s s e a s on for t he Gamecocks now that last year’s goto scorer, three-time All-Conference USA selec t ion Br ad lee Ba ladez decided to forgo his senior year and play professionally. A lso ex pec ted to pick up t he slack in scoring is junior midfielder Braeden Troyer who was second on the team with three goals last year and an A ll-Conference select ion himself. “G oa ls a re goi ng to come by committee right now,” head coach M a rk Ber son sa id. “ We h ave a number of guys that have played well on the attack.” Berson ment ioned t hat sen ior midfielder J.P. Rafferty, sophomore midfielder Jeff Torda and sophomore for ward Wesley Eads are among those who will be key contributors on offense this season. USC also lost top defender Mike M ag not ic to g raduat ion, wh ich means on bot h sides of t he ball, different players will have to emerge. “We’re defi nitely going to have to step up now that Mike’s gone and Bradley’s gone,” Kryst said. “I think we got a couple freshman that can


Sophomore midfielder Ryan Arambula will be one of several sophomores that will be featured in a more prominent role this year. step up and score. I know J.P. can score. We’ll have a lot of new scorers in.” Several second-year players will grow into larger roles this season after a year of starting experience under their belts. S o p h o m o r e m id f ie ld e r R y a n Arambula said that he will be used more on of fense t his season and that starting during his freshman year has made him feel much more comfortable in his position. “This season, coach told me that I’m playing more of an attack ing role,” Arambula said. “I played more holding last year. The next step is to attack and build chances.”

Some key games for the G a me c o c k s i nc lude a m at c hup against rival Clemson at Clemson . South Carolina won 1-0 in last year’s contest at home. USC plays four ranked teams in the NSCA A preseason poll. They play at No. 13 Coastal Carolina on Sept. 10 , at No. 21 Charlotte on Sept. 27, vs. No. 14 Tulsa on Oct. 6 and No. 11 New Mexico on Oct. 26. Berson believes there is still room for i mprovement af ter a st rong showing against Mercer. He said the attacking rhythm is pretty good right now but could get even better. “Defensively, in transit ion, we have to get better, and some of our

decisions in terms of keeping the ball need to get better,” Berson said. Ber son wa nt s to see t h i ng s progress more in this next match against Elon. He said the Mercer scrimmage was unusually early for the preseason, but was happy with the results. He said the match will be a good assessment of where the Gamecocks are headed as they enter the regular season. “Elon will be another really good team,” Berson said. “It’ll be a great test for us.” DG

Football nabs highest preseason ranking ever Gamecocks land at No. 6 in the preseason AP poll Kyle Heck


Over the last three years, the South Carolina football team has had a lot of fi rsts. T h i s p a s t S at u rd ay, t he Gamecocks added another fi rst to the list. I n t h e s e a s o n ’s f i r s t A ssociated Press football poll, USC was tabbed as the No. 6 team in the country, the team’s highest preseason ranking in school history. It is the Gamecocks’ second st raight top-10 preseason r a n k i ng. L a s t s e a s on , USC was ranked No. 9 in t he prelim inar y poll a nd fi nished the season with the No. 8 rank ing, which was also a program-best. T h e G a m e c o c k ’s a r e coming off of their second straight 11-win season and h a v e a l s o wo n 12 ho me games in a row. USC earned the historic rank ing despite having to replace most of its defense in 2013-14. However, t he team does ret u r n most

of its offensive f irepower, i ncludi ng qua r terback s Con nor Shaw a nd D yla n Thompson. As expected, head coach S t e v e S p u r r i e r, w h o i s entering his ninth season as the Gamecocks’ coach, took a cautious approach to the preseason ranking. “I hope we ca n l ive up to it,” Spurrier said. “It’s flattering. I don’t know if we can live up to it or not, but we’ll try.” A labama received 58 of 60 fi rst-place votes to easily take the top spot in the poll. Georgia was ranked No. 5 in the poll with one firstplace vote, while archrival Clemson was ranked eighth. USC will put that loft y preseason rank ing to t he test in just one week when it hosts North Carolina next Thursday in a primet ime matchup that kicks off the beg i n n i ng of t he college football season. Earlier t his mont h, t he Gamecocks were ranked No. 7 in the first USA Today/ Coaches Poll of the season.




Equestrian gets top recruits Major gets contract extension through 2016-17 season Kyle Heck


For any college coach, the offseason is anything but a vacation. Recruiting is in full swing and coaches still have to look after their players to make sure they will be in shape when next season rolls around. South Carolina equestrian coach Boo Major k nows t he process all too well. Major, who is entering her 16th season as coach of the Gamecocks, says she and her coaching staff accomplished everything they wanted to this summer, but by that time, it was already time to start preparing for the 2013-14 season. The offseason is also an important time for the riders, and Major said it is important for her team to practice on their own time. She said she can usually tell if someone hasn’t been practicing during the summer. “We can’t make t hem ride over t he summer, but we encourage them to ride, and some do and some don’t,” Major said. “It becomes evident at the beginning of the year who has and who hasn’t. Some girls have enough talent that they can get away with not riding as much over the summer, but I would say that the vast majority that don’t ride and try to improve (themselves) over the summer end up being behind.” But the coaches don’t take any time off, either.

“A lot of what we do during the summer is play catch-up,” Major said. “We had a couple of camps that ran in May. We really don’t get any vacation time during the year.” While Major may have not spent much time on the beach this summer, she did receive a contract extension that takes her through the 2016-17 academic year. Major sa id she a nd Charles Bloom, USC’s senior associate athletics director, fi rst began discussing the extension before Athletics Director Ray Tanner approved it in mid-June. “I’m certainly most appreciated to be a part of this group,” Major said. “I think this past year with Coach Tanner has been fantastic, and I’m just looking forward to him being athletics director for many years to come.” T he new cont r ac t come s a f ter t he G a me c o c k s won t he i n au g u r a l SEC championship last season. Major says that success plays a big role in recruiting, and over t he summer, USC signed several highly touted recruits. Major says Lisa Perri, one of the recruits who will join the team for the 2013-14 season, should immediately help out the team on the equitation on the f lat side. In addition, Major and company signed Chloe Schmidt, who is the sister of current G a mecock r ider K at her i ne Sch m idt . However, Chloe broke her leg last year and is still recovering from the injury. EQUESTRIAN • 17

The Daily Gamecock

16 Thursday, August 22, 2013


Junior midfielder Asa Kryst was praised by coach Mark Berson for his goal-scoring effort in Sunday’s 1-0 victory in the Gamecocks’ first exhibiton match of the preseason.

Men’s soccer wins exhibition after lightning delay Kryst nets only goal in South Carolina’s victory over Mercer Tanner Abel


It was stalled nearly an hour and a half for a lightning delay, but the USC men’s soccer season has fi nally begun. The drenched grass made for tough conditions, but South Carolina on Sunday beat Mercer 1-0 in their fi rst of two exhibition matches this season. USC’s goal came in the 54th minute after junior forward/midfielder Asa Kryst received a pass from just outside the box, slipped, got back up and managed to make a move past the defender to get a shot off. The ball took a slight deflection off a Mercer defender and into the back of the net. Head coach Mark Berson was pleased with Kryst’s “extra” effort. “He looked like a guy sliding at second base, popping back up, grabbing the ball and making the play,” Berson said. “It was well deserved on the night, because he created some other good chances as well.” I n b ot h h a l ve s , t he G a me c o c k s s e e me d

comfortable and in control. They out-shot Mercer in the fi rst half 10-4 and in the second half 13-2. USC was more active in the attacking third than its opponent, taking 9 corner kicks to Mercer’s 3. The Gamecocks nearly took a lead early in the 14th minute after sophomore midf ielder Jeff Torda streaked down the right end line and took a shot that Mercer junior goalkeeper Greg Ranjitsingh deflected to the other side of goal. Kryst got the rebound, but Ranjitsingh dove back to make a second save. Mercer’s best chance came eight minutes later off a free k ick that bounced off the wall and landed on the foot of Mercer sophomore Jason Sayers. His low shot from the top of the box was fi rst saved by USC redshirt sophomore goalie Robert Beebe and spilled out before Gamecock defenders were able to clear it. Beebe only had to make two saves on the night. Mercer did not have a shot on goal in the second half. South Carolina sophomore Ryan Arambula was pleased with the defensive results. “Last year, we would fall short in the end of games,” he said. “I think this year we are mentally more tough, like tonight we kept the shutout.” Senior J.P. Raffert y and freshman Wesley

Eads each had good chances for the Gamecocks in minutes 61 and 81 minutes, respect ively. Raffert y’s effort from the top of the box was nicked away by Ranjitsingh, and Eads chipped the ball just over the net from near the right goalpost after the setup pass. Both Berson and Kryst said they thought the team’s attacking rhythm was strong, but that there are still a few things the Gamecocks need to address. “There were times at the end where I thought we could have kept the ball a little bit more,” Kryst said. “Overall, we did well attacking, but I think we should have scored a couple more goals.” Berson said he thought it was a good opening effort and that he was pleased that the team kept focused during the weather delay. “It’s the f irst time we’ve been able to play somebody other than ourselves,” he said. “To get a shutout was important. I thought Mercer played really well; it was a good opening test for us.” The Gamecocks will have their fi nal exhibition match against Elon on Saturday at 7 p.m.


Davis named starter for first game Women’s soccer wins sole preseason match against CofC

Sophomore tailback will lead USC’s stable of backs against North Carolina

Young players Daniel, Griffin score in 2-0 exhibition victory

Kyle Heck


Danny Garrison


W it h j u s t o n e w e e k le f t u n t i l t h e s e a s o n o p e n e r, South Carolina has a starting runningback. Running backs coach Everette Sands announced on Tuesday that sophomore Mike Dav is wou ld be t he st a r ter when the Gamecocks take on North Carolina in next week’s season opener. “Mike is a little bit ahead of the others,” Sands said. “He made a few more plays in the scrimmage situations. They’re all get t ing bet ter in pass protection, and they all can get it done, but he just made a few more plays.” S a nd s s a id t h at Br a ndon Wilds and Shon Carson will also see their fair share of the f ield, a nd head coach Steve Spu r r ier ha s sa id t hat t r ue freshman David Williams will also play. However, Sands is still not sure what Williams ’ role will be on the offense. “He’s lea r n i ng, a nd he is g e t t i n g b e t t e r e v e r y d a y,” Sands said. “I’m not going to put my foot down and say he’s defi nitely going to play, and I’m not going to put my foot down and say he’s not going to play. But we’re getting him ready to play.” Williams said he wants to play and hopes that he can get eased into the games. He also said that Davis and Wilds have


As a freshman, running back Mike Davis received carries in the second half of the year as South Carolina looked to replace Marcus Lattimore. taught him to be patient with his assignments. Ward starts preparations for UNC Defensive coordinator L o r e n z o Wa r d s a i d h e i s p r e p a r i n g h i s u n it f or t he Tar Heels’ fast-paced offense. However, Ward said that North Carolina runs the ball as much as they throw it, so the defense needs to put on a good showing to slow down the Tar Heels. “They are going to try and m a k e u s w i nd e d e a rl y ; we understand that,” Ward said. “But we played Missouri last year, and they were fast-paced. Our offense has done a good job so far of giving us a hurryup offense in camp, so I think the key is their understanding.” Wednesday was the last day of f a l l c a mp before cla s se s star ted today, so Ward said from now on, his unit will be ent i rely fo c u sed on U NC . During fall camp, Ward said the team mainly practiced on technique.

Ward also said he plans to play all the linebackers — rather t han redshirt some — in an effort to replace Shaq Wilson and Devonte Holloman and to adjust to the changing nature of college football. “Dept h is an issue,” Ward sa id. “Tea ms a re spread i ng it out mo r e now a d a y s a nd r u n n i ng hu r r y-up of fenses, so you need as much depth as possible. I think if the game was still more in between the tackles ... you would see a lot more kids redshirting.” Injury Report Wa r d s a i d t h a t s e n i o r defen sive end C haz Sut ton “pr ac t ic e d t he ent i re d ay ” Wednesday after missing some time with a sprained foot. Free safet y Kadetrix Marcus, who is nursing a left k nee sprain, practiced Wednesday but did not face any contact. “It’s feeling great, just getting back to where I was when I fi rst lef t out of pract ice,” Sut ton PRACTICE • 17

With just under a week between the start of the preseason for USC women’s soccer and its fi rst exhibition game, Coach Shelley Smith liked what she saw from her team in its Aug. 13 contest with the College of Charleston. “I thought we put a lot together quickly,” Smith said. “It was a great success” The Gamecocks won their only tune-up game before the start of the season, shutting out CofC 2-0 in three 30-minute periods of exhibition play. The first goal came in the 42nd minute courtesy of sophomore Bay Daniel , wit h freshman Daija Griffi n netting the insurance goal in minute 55 to secure the win for South Carolina. Sm it h said she used USC’s ex h ibit ion contest to gauge her team’s depth and get a feel for the young talent on her roster, including Daniel and Griffi n. “We played everybody out of our players that were healthy,” Smith said. “It was a great experience, I think, for the group to get on the field and for us to see everyone play in a game situation.” Though South Carolina is only lost one of its top 3 goal scorers from last season, Smith hopes that an injection of youth will help bring the Gamecocks back to prominence this year. Though Daniel and Griffi n were the only players to fi nd the back of the net, freshman Iris Dayton and sophomore Raina Johnson both got two shots off in the contest. “We brought in a really talented freshman class,” Smith said. “I think the freshmen add some attacking personality that we were missing in the fall. ... With the combination with the players that are returning, I think WOMEN’S SOCCER • 17

Thursday, August 22, 2013

WOMEN’S SOCCER • Cont. from 16 we’ll be much more dangerous.” Just six of USC’s 21 goals last season were recorded by freshmen, a number Smith will look to increase with three new freshmen forwards joining the team this season. W hile t he young players stole the show in the preseason, senior Abby Sams won a spot on the stat sheet by pushing a through ball to Daniel that would assist the match’s opening goal. Ret urning starter Sabrina D’Angelo, a junior, spent all but 75 minutes of the contest in the goal for USC before sophomore keeper Emily Ball took over to close out the match.


The Gamecocks recorded 13 shots in the contest, and the College of Charleston posted nine , with only one — an at tempt f rom Cougar sophomore Michaela Herrmann — landing on target. Though she has a short preseason to develop a cohesive unit, Smith said she felt the exhibition game showed the team won’t be handicapped as a result. “In an exhibition, you’re really just trying to put some things together you’ve been working on during the preseason,” Smith said. “It’s a real test of where you are and what you need to do, so it definitely helped us.” DG


Junior defensive end Jadeveon Clowney and senior defensive end Chaz Sutton will anchor one of the nation’s most highly-touted defensive lines this season. PRACTICE • Continued from 16 said. “I’m just trying to get back into the groove of things. I’m a little rusty, but I should be okay.” Jerel l A da m s (a n k le), Br uce


Junior goalkeeper Sabrina D’Angelo maintained a South Carolina shutout for 75 minutes of exhibition play. D’Angelo started 17 games for the Gamecocks last year.

EQUESTRIAN • Cont. from 15 USC got a lot of help on t he Reining team when it signed a couple of Southeastern Riders o v e r t h e s u m m e r. Georgia native Makayla Clegg joins t he team af ter bei ng na med a top-five Reining rider in the nation. The Gamecocks also signed Kara Guertin, a South Carolina native who is also expected to compete in Reining.

The Daily Gamecock on

W hile success play s a big role i n recruiting, Major says she somet imes has to teach her recr uits what, exactly, the SEC championship is. “Equestrians aren’t always familiar with the SEC and football and things like that so you have to kind of educate t h o s e k i d s ,” M a j o r said. “But the top kids around the country are getting more familiar with what we are doing

around here. Success defi nitely helps a lot.” Pract ices for t he equest rian team w ill start up on Monday as the Gamecocks prepare for their season opener against Kansas State on Sept. 20. “We plan on hitting the ground running on Monday and we’ll see what we have,” Major said. DG

Ellington (hamstring) and Rory Anderson (hamstring) all continue to be sidelined. DG

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