dailygamecock.com THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009
Thursday 79°
Friday 78°
Resolution to stop anonymous feedback on Web site fails
Saturday 76°
VOL. 103, NO. 40 ● SINCE 1908
Josh Dawsey
Bryan Curran, Outspokin’ owner, fixes second-year student Jeffrey Earl’s bike Wednesday during the Sustainability Fair. Numerous green organizations participated in the day’s events.
Volleyball returns home Carolina looks to get back to their winning ways in an SEC tilt against Ole Miss.
Sustainability takes center stage at USC Fair showcases environmental groups in campus, community
See page 7
Sarah Peterman STAFF WRITER
The Mix Tape Starbuck’s deliciously autumn Pumpkin Spice L a t te j o i n s s o m e C D releases from The Flaming Lips and another from Atlas Sound on the list of things we’re obsessing about this week.
See page 5
The Sustainability Fair gave students a chance to learn more about environmental org a n i z at ion s on c a mpu s a nd i n t he community Wednesday afternoon. The fair was held in honor of the campuswide Sustainability Day, the focus of the week’s green events. Accord i ng to Jason Cra ig, assist a nt d i rec tor of t he L ea r n i ng C enter for Sustainable Futures, the fair started three years ago t hrough t he Residence Hall Association. “We are trying to bring folks together from all over campus who are doing things in terms of sustainability and get others involved,” Craig said. “We also want to network between groups.” A wide range of groups was represented at
the fair and each had a slightly different view on why it was important to be sustainable. Ryan Nevius with Conservation Voters approaches env i ron ment a l ism f rom a legislative standpoint. She was encouraging students to sign letters to Sen. Lindsey Graham for his bipartisan approach to climate change bills. “If you reach someone in college,” Nevius said, “It can affect them later in life. You never know who the future leaders will be. I also love the energy and idealism found here and getting to share that with students.” The Green Quad and SAGE were both present. These two groups are the most identifi able for campus sustainability and were focusing on letting people know what they personally could do to get involved. Refresh Compost Services came to let students know how easy and simple it was to have a compost bin, even if they live on campus. Outdoor Recreation, a less traditional FAIR ● 3
Spurs and Struts
Pari tells all Gates at WilliamsBrice should be open throughout game for late arrivals Pari if student section isn’t Fakhrzadeh Third-year full. business student
See page 4
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Float Building Video Organizations from around campus are hard at work building their f loats for F r i d a y ’s h o m e c o m i n g parade down Greene Street.
Online @
Greene Street was crowded and music could be heard from miles away last night as the student body gathered to show their spirit at the annual Spurs and Struts homecoming dance competition. Campus organizations including many sororities and fraternities teamed up to compete. The teams chose their own music, choreographed the numbers and organized their own practices. Each group had to audition to be included in the showcase last night, and some groups did not make the final cut. The dance styles ranged from ballet to hip hop to step. Many groups tried to incorporate the homecoming theme “Anchors Away” in their costumes and song choices. Songs included “The Tide is High,” the “Spongebob Squarepants” theme song, music from “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “On a Boat.” “This was my first year watching the competition and I loved it,” first-year business student Lauren Bordeaux said. “I wanted to be up there.” The winner of this year’s competition was the Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Tau Delta team. Together, the group started practicing two times a week about a month before the competition; however, their practice schedule got more rigorous closer to the day of the event. “We practiced for six hours on Sunday,” said second-year media arts student Lyndsay Ogden, who helped choreograph the winning dance. The team performed to “Nothing Like a Dame” from the Broadway musical “South Pacific,” “Jai Ho,” “Candy Man,” “Show Me the Money” and “Bounce.” — Compiled by Kristyn Winch
A proposal that would have encouraged The Daily G a mecock to force a l l online users to post their names on story comments was qu ick ly shot dow n by USC’s Student Senate Wednesday night. The resolution wouldn’t have any power over T he Da i l y G a me co c k , but it would have been a significant statement from St udent Government to t he campus’s only daily newspaper. The Senate didn’t take a rol l c a l l vote on t he re solut ion , but Sen ate President A lex Stroman qu ic k l y a n nou nced it s defeat after hearing almost t he ent i re Senate vote against the legislation. Bot h s upp or ter s a nd opponents of the resolution agree that comments on t he Web site a re of ten i n f la m m ator y. But t he con st it ut iona l r ight to a nony mous speech was cited as the reason most opposed the resolution. “I have been the blunt of many at tack s on t he ne w s p ap er ’s Web s it e , but I disagree w it h t he r e s ol u t io n ,” s a id S e n . Matt Ungar, a third-year public relations student. “Every public figure in this University who has done something controversial has gotten t he negat ive comments.” Ung a r sa id he d id n’t think Student Government should be worrying about t he com ment for u m of The Da ily G amecock ’s We b s it e . S e n . K e v i n Bu rke, a second-yea r business student, pointed to The Washington Post, ESPN.com a nd ot her national media outlets that allow anony m it y in his opposition. Sen. Andrew Cederdahl, the resolution’s sponsor, said the idea came about last week at a Diversit y Dialog ue sponsored by USC. During conversations, Cederdahl said he and other students agreed the level of dialogue here at USC needs improvement. “T hey ’re pret t y at rociou s a nd honest ly an embarrassment to the University,” Cederdahl said. “A lot of prominent people read The Daily Gamecock, and it’s a reflection on our University.” Last week , a n ar t icle posted on The Daily Gamecock’s Web site about a s p e e c h b y renow ne d biologist Richard Dawkins brought over 10,000 hits and 123 comments as of
press time. Almost all of the comments were posted eit her a nony mou sly or under pseudonyms. Cederdahl invited The Rev. Frank Anderson, who partially led the dialogue, to the Senate to speak in favor of t he resolut ion. Anderson said that while he understands constitutional law, USC could make a positive statement toward higher dialogue with the passing of the resolution. “I understand that the industry standard allows a n o n y m o u s s p e e c h ,” A nderson said. “But we have an opport u nit y to stand up to the rest of the culture against anonymous speech that denigrates and destroys.” Current ly, The Daily G a mecock requ i res a l l online users to register and provide their names and an e-mail address before commenting. But there’s no safeguard that validates whet her t he na me a nd address are authentic. A m a nd a D a v i s , T he Daily Gamecock’s editorin-ch ief, said she’s had multiple conversations with campus officials about the Web site’s comment boards. College Publisher 5.0, the system that supports the ne w s p ap er ’s Web s it e , currently doesn’t provide the newspaper capabilities to check whether names and e-mail addresses are authentic, she said. There’s been discussions about d isba nd i ng t he comment boards altogether, Dav is said, but she and other editors feel they’re important. “ We f e e l l i k e t h a t our comment boards are substantial and that it’s important that we have the student voice on the Web site,” said Davis, a fourthy e a r E n g l i s h s t u d e nt . “It’s not fair for us to tell students what we think and not let them tell us what they think.” Erik Collins, The Daily Gamecock’s adviser and a professor of media law at USC, said there’s been a nationwide f ight on the Internet and anonymous speech. Under most circumstances, Web sites aren’t liable for anonymous comments, he said, but the users responsible for the comments can be held accountable. Regardless of the legality of such comments, there are credibility issues they bring, Collins said. “As a newspaper, you may want to take a serious look at what you allow when it comes to anony mous speech,” Collins said. “It reflects on your newspaper what people read on the comment boards.” Comments on this story? E-mail sagcknew@mailbox. sc.edu
Sen. Andrew Cederdahl watches as the debate continues over The Daily Gamecock’s online comments policy.
CALENDAR What: School of
Journalism and Mass Comm Multi-Cultural Forum When: 9 a.m. Where: Russell House, Room 315 What: Ducks Unlimited
information table When: 9 a.m. Where: RH Patio What: What UR Peers
Never Told U About Sex When: 12:30 p.m. Where: RH, Room 203,205 What: African
American Male Institute meetings When: 5 p.m. RH, Room 348 What: Carolina Debate
Union weekly debate When: 6 p.m. Where: RH, Room 322/326 What: Cockfest When: 6 p.m. Where: Williams-Brice
Stadium What: VOX meeting When: 7 p.m. Where: RH, Room 309 What: NASHI meeting When: 7 p.m. Where: Gambrell 152
LOCAL Court investigates Sanford South Carolina’s highest court on Wednesday asked Gov. Mark Sanford to submit more information over his waiver of confidentiality in a state ethics investigation, giving him five days to fi le additional materials. Sanford has asked the state Supreme Court to decide if the State Ethics Commission can release its investigation into his travel to state lawmakers. The two-term Republican has waived confidentiality to the investigation, but the governor’s attorneys said during arguments before the court Monday that Sanford had not agreed to allow the release of all the information in the report, just the fact he was being investigated. The stories and questions about reimbursements prompted the ethics investigation, which officials say should be complete by early next month. Sanford has said that he wants the full report released to the public but has argued it should include his defense to arguments that he broke the law, as well as the context of other state officials doing similar things over decades.
NATIONAL Former officer loses position ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The former leader of a bombsniffing dog unit in Bahrain will be removed from his current position and forced to retire after the Navy reviewed years-old allegations of hazing and sexual harassment against a gay sailor and others. The move came after the Navy decided to review its investigation of more than 90 hazing incidents that took place between 2004 and 2006 in the Military Working Dog Division at Naval Security Force, Bahrain. One of the victims of the hazing, Joseph Rocha, said he decided to leave the Navy in 2007 by telling his commander he was gay, in violation of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Rocha, who is now a student at the University of San Diego, said his only regret was that the perpetrator would not be court-martialed, but he said the actions would send a message that “this kind of leadership is not acceptable in our military.”
INTERNATIONAL Kuwaiti women gain rights KUWAIT CITY — Kuwait’s highest court granted women the right to obtain a passport without their husband’s approval, the case’s lawyer said Wednesday, in the latest stride for women’s rights in this small oil-rich emirate. Unlike with highly conservative neighbors like Saudi Arabia, women in Kuwait can vote, serve in parliament and drive — and now can obtain their own passports. Attorney Adel Qurban, whose case the court was ruling on, said the landmark decision “freed” Kuwaiti women from the 1962 law requiring their husband’s signature to obtain a passport. His client, Fatima al-Baghli, is one of thousands of women who have been petitioning courts for this right. Activist Aisha al-Rsheid hailed Tuesday’s ruling, but said females in this traditional male-dominated society were still a long way from the equality promised by the 1962 constitution.
— The Associated Press
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Dustin Glenndinning / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Senior Marilyn Molkenthin and junior Jessica Sharp host the Spurs and Struts event on Greene Street Wednesday part of 2009 Homecoming here at USC.
TODAY IN HISTORY 1797: The first parachute jump of note is made by André-Jacques Garnerin from a hydrogen balloon 3,200 feet above Paris.
1864: Confederate General John Bell Hood pulls his battered army into Guntersville, Alabama, but finds the Tennessee River difficult to cross. Plotting another attack against the Yankees, he continues traveling westward with his defeated army.
1913: A coal mine explosion in Dawson, New Mexico, kills more than 250 workers on this day in 1913.
1914: On this day in 1914, in a bitter two-day stretch of hand-to-hand fighting, German forces capture the Flemish town of Langemarck from its Belgian and British defenders during the First Battle of Ypres.
The Daily Gamecock ● THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009
OF STUDENTORGANIZATION THE WEEK: Environmental awareness group works to inform students Sarah Peterman STAFF WRITER
While “green is the new black,” SAGE is working to make sure that environmentalism doesn’t became just another trend that fades away. SAGE, or Students Advocating a Greener Environment, is a student organization “work i ng to promote a nd i ncrease environmental awareness, education and activism on campus and in the community,” according to their mission statement. Malia Griggs, a third-year anthropology student and club co-president, stresses that you don’t have to have a radical approach to help create change within the environmental movement. “Environmentalism isn’t just about saving the polar bears or chaining yourself to trees,” FAIR ● Continued from 1 environmental organization, came to promote their new bike shop and to remind others of how important it is to simply conser ve the outdoors. “ We c a r e a b o u t t h e Earth. We appreciate the wonders and the beauties of t he E a r t h . We w a nt others to appreciate it,” said David Sabio, a f ift h-year geography student. Since Outdoor Recreation is out side so f requent ly, whether it’s rock climbing or mountain biking, it wants to make sure ever yone is doing their part to preserve the wilderness. “The Earth is important i n ever y si ngle hu ma n bei ng’s l ife,” Sabio sa id. “The Earth can live without us, but we can’t live without the Earth.” S e v e r a l o t h e r org a n iz at ion s were a l so in at tendance. Duck s Unlimited had a presence to tell others about their on- ca mpu s event s a nd conser vat ion ef forts. Ca rol i na Sk ate is a lso work ing to cont inue r a isi ng awa rene s s about skateboarding as an alternat ive means of transportation. Net Impact, a new student organization, is ma k i ng con nec t ions between the business world a n d t h e e n v i r o n m e nt a l movement. “While you’re making a profit, you can do well with t he E a r t h ,” sa id Jo seph Fox , a third-year business management st udent and the club’s renewable energy coordinator. “Companies hold so much power t hat we shouldn’t have to wait for Washing ton to make changes.” Joh n son Cont rols, a c o mp a n y t h at work s t o provide sustainable energy for corporations, also had a presence at the fair. They wanted to help highlight sustainability projects that the University has already b e e n a p a r t of , s uc h a s energ y aud it s a nd u si ng compact f luorescent light bulbs. A lex a nd ra I ng ra m, a t h i rd-yea r ps ycholog y st udent , at tended t he f a i r a f t e r s o m e f r ie nd s encouraged her to attend. “I would like to do better, but somet imes it’s easier not to,” Ingram said. “I’m your typical consumer. But I think everyone should learn easy things they can do.” The Sustainabilit y Fair gave st udents a look at m a n y d i f f e r e nt w a y s to be more involved w it h e n v i r o n me nt a l i s m on campus and in t he c o m m u n i t y. W h e t h e r students want to drive less, get i nvolved w it h g reen politics or help the business world become more environmentally friendly, there was something at the fair for everyone. Comments on this story? E- m a i l s a g c k n ew @m a i l b ox. sc.edu
Griggs said. “It should be considered on a much more personal level than that.” SAGE is working to see how they can help make USC and its st udents more environmentally friendly. “ You get t he c h a nce to work w it h community organizations and bring wider environmental issues to students who might not otherwise learn about them,” said Ivey Kaiser, a fourth-year geography student and club co-president. Most of the members of the club were already interested in the environment before joining and hope to share their interest with others. By uniting with other like-minded individuals and getting some guidance from University faculty and staff, the club has accomplished everything from recycling audits to reform within the campus dining system, such as the biodegradable take-out containers. SAGE members work with President Pastides’ student environmental committee,
the University’s director of sustainability, transportation services and even community organizations such as the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters. Members also helped organize the Earth Summit, specif ically mak ing sure t hat student representatives would be present. SAGE members encourage all students to attend the Summit this Friday and let University faculty know how they feel about environmentalism on campus. “It’s a way for students to talk to those who have the authority,” Kaiser said, “And a way to let them hear what the students have to say.” Griggs added that through SAGE she has learned that students have power. People want to hear from students since they are the lifeblood of the University. Currently, SAGE is in the early stages of beginning three new campaigns. Their focus for the remainder of the school year will be energy audits in campus buildings, re-
vamping the recycling system on campus and making biking easier and safer for students. “I want to make people more aware that you don’t just throw something away and it disappears,” Griggs said. “You have to do this through smaller steps and larger campaigns.” SAGE seeks to work with all levels of the University, from students to faculty to President Pastides himself. By taking a multi-level approach, they are creating change on campus and in the community for the good of the environment. “SAGE really connects you to campus and it’s a great way to meet people,” Griggs said. New members are always welcome at SAGE. They meet Tuesdays at 8 p.m. in the Green Quad Learning Center Lounge. For more information, visit their Facebook page, SAGE USC.
Comments on this story? E-mail sagcknew@mailbox.sc.edu
USC spirit lacks true devotion
AMANDA DAVIS Managing Editor
KARA APEL The Mix Editor
KELSEY PACER Sports Editor
CHRIS COX Viewpoints Editor
Design Director
Photography Editor
Student apathy over Homecoming reflects poor Carolina pride
Copy Desk Chief
Online comments need appropriate language Online comments on the Daily Gamecock Web site got some debate in Student Senate last night as a senator introduced a resolution to force all online users to post their names with their story comments. This issue has been looked at multiple times by various editors here at the Daily Gamecock. As it stands now commenters are required to be registered users with a name and e-mail address. The problem with anonymity arises because the technology is not available through College Publisher 5.0 to check if these names and e-mails are really valid. That brings the debate over online comments to the point of two options. D i s abl i n g t he abi l it y t o comment would in fact get rid We urge our of the problem of inappropriate readers to take posts and anonymous attacks by commenters. Often people responsibility by feel free to write inflammatory things because their name is associated with it. However, being respectful in not t he problem w it h disabling comments all together is that it their posts. limits significantly the channels through which students and other readers can voice their opinions. Sen. Andrew Cederdahl and the resolution’s other sponsors are right, the intelligent dialogue at USC could use some improvement, but taking away the ability to comment on stories completely would definitely be a step in the wrong direction. Instead, we urge our readers to take on the responsibility of being respectful and intelligent in their posts. All our readers shouldn’t be punished because of the inappropriate posts of a few online users. If you wouldn’t put your real name on it, you probably shouldn’t be posting it at all. We as a newspaper already try to monitor the comments made online for anything blatantly inflammatory, and we vow to try harder. We also want you to know that comments are not the only way to voice your opinion. We print each section’s e-mail address in the paper for readers to use, and we have a Letter to the Editor option on the Web site as another way readers can respond to stories. Above all we value your opinion, because we want to be a vehicle for dialogue on campus, not a forum for anonymous bigotry.
Admission denied unfairly Gates at football games should be open for those students arriving late when many leave at beginning, halftime I was very surprised when I received a t e x t me s s ag e f rom my f r iend , Lindsey R iddick, during halft ime of the Kentuck y game saying they would not let her into the game. I knew Lindsey had received a ticket and yes, she had her Carolina Card with her. So why was she being denied admission to the game? Apparent ly, af ter t he second quarter they stop scanning students tickets, a nd st udent s ca n no longer enter the stadium. Most st udent s t r y to get into the game before Pari kickoff, hoping to avoid Fakhrzadeh t h e h e r d s o f p e o p l e Third-year print shoving at the gates and business t he c h ao s of s t ude nt s student fi lling the stands. However, what if — like Lindsey — you had a job and couldn’t get into the game until then? It hardly seems fair that, because of work obligations, she wouldn’t be allowed into one of her last home football games. It is ridiculous that students who receive tickets — tickets we pay for in our tuition, mind you — wouldn’t be allowed in. We are constantly trying to rally
the Carolinian spirit with enthusiastic f a n s a nd s t a nd s f u l l of e ne r g y. Denying people at the gate hardly seems like a way to accomplish this. I understand not being allowed in if the student section is filled to capacity, but chances are if t hey received a ticket there is room in the stands. Let’s get real: the Kentucky game holds the record for the lowest student attendance. I could have stood on the bleachers and had an entire row to myself, so tell me, why weren’t they letting more students in? We shou ld be encou r ag i ng a l l students with tickets to go into the game to show their support until the stands are completely full regardless of what time they get there. Sad as it may be, the truth is many students leave during halftime, so what is t he dif ference in arriv ing then? At least they are set on making it to the game at all. Just because you don’t arrive in time to see the entire game that’s no reason to be penalized, better than the students who just scan their ticket at the beginning and leave. If the workers scanning the tickets are being paid to stand there and turn students away, they could just as easily scan our tickets. Look s like it might be t ime for anot her polic y adjust ment to our beloved student ticket system.
Moral, ethical behavior constantly lowered Teenagers should be punished as adults for malicious behavior, remorseless response to charges What happened to Michael Brewer, a 15-year-old boy from south Florida, showed that evil really does exist in this world. Brewer was set on fire by a group of teenage boys that were angry at him for notifying authorities they had stolen Brewer’s father’s bicycle. To make things even more sickening, a few of the boys involved in the attack laughed at investigators when they confronted them about the savage assault. Matthew Bent, and the rest of the attackers who have been charged, sought vengeance against Brewer, justifying their actions by declaring that Brewer had snitched on them for stealing. Before hearing about this story, I had thought that such brutal violence had only existed in the Dark Ages or in Third World countries where warfare is rampant, but not in south Florida amongst adolescents.
To me, the actions of Bent and his crew signify that American society is in major trouble. For Brewer, his life has been forever altered. He’ll need major surgeries and skin graft operations just to look seminormal again, and all procedures will come at the price of severe pain over a long period of time. We see the benchmark for moral and ethical behavior being lowered Michael more and more. Wunderlich Maybe that’s because society is too Third-year tightly wound in the first place, but I broadcast don’t think it’d be OK in any society journalism student to set someone’s body ablaze. Bent and his cohorts laughed at authorities when they were questioned about their actions, and now there are attorneys leaping in to say that some weren’t actually involved. “They were just there,” they say. Personally, I don’t think anyone needs any type of moral or ethical guidelines to use as a measuring stick when looking at Bent and Co.’s actions.
About The Daily Gamecock
IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s Viewpoints page is to stimulate discussion in the University of South Ca r o l i n a c o m m u n i t y. A ll p u b l i s h e d authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to the editor, guest columns and feedback on dailygamecock.com. Letters and guest columns should be submitted via e-mail to gamecockeditor@ sc.edu. Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and include the author’s name,
year in school and area of study. We also invite student leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest c o l u m n s . C o l u m n i s t s s h o u l d ke e p submissions to about 50 0 words in length and include the author’s name and position. Guest columns are limited to three per author per semester. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarity, or not publish at all. All submissions become the property of The Daily Gamecock and must conform to the legal standards of USC Student Media.
CORRECTIONS If you find an error in The Daily Gamecock, we want to know about it. E-mail the editor-in-chief at gamecockeditor@mailbox.sc.edu
What happened to Brewer was awful under any circumstances. To hurt anyone deliberately can be considered wrong and unjust, but to light someone on fire and then revel in it is animalistic. The boys who committed this act against Brewer should, in my opinion, be tried in a court of law as adults and face the harshest penalties that the court advises. These actions were not those of naïve children, oblivious to the ills of the adult world. The hands that lit this boy on fire belonged to men who knew what they were doing and, in the end, can only be described as evil. This type of action shows me that there is evil in this world and that we are inching ever closer to the idea that hurting someone isn’t a bad thing anymore. To these convicts, it didn’t take much thinking. Lighting Brewer on fire was something they could do, so they did it. Exiling these boys from the human race is possible, and I advise we do it.
It’s homecoming week at the University. No offense to SG or the homecoming committee, but frank ly, I wouldn’t have known it if I didn’t have friends in SG or if I didn’t notice the hustle: t he a d s , a l l t he G r e e k organizations building their floats and people running for homecoming court. So why does the average person on campus not care? Over a thousand people attended the Homecoming Showcase on Monday night. T h e C o l i s e u m c a n s e at nearly 12,000 — more than half the University’s student population. Add t his to the incredibly shrinking attendance at G a mecock football games due to whatever excuse — the Austin economy, t he Jackson Second-year last home game political science bei ng on fall student break , u nfair s e at-l ic e n s e fees, almost every game being on ESPN, our losing the last game. OK, those excuses are valid. But the general apathy toward homecoming is still shocking to me. It doesn’t help t hat t he South Carolina State Fair is this week. Frankly, nobody I know (at least) gives a pinprick about going to Spurs n’ Struts, but Facebook pictures of them at the fair blow up my screen daily. This week , t hey’re probably more likely to stroll the Midway than cheer on one another at the Step Show. Now, I do know that our schedules are far-flung and that they have us all over the place. We cannot do all things at all times. However, 20,000 students acting as if nothing has changed in the grander scheme of things isn’t how we show Gamecock pride. At a university as large as USC, any given event should draw thousands. We have events and organizations that cater to nearly every interest — and if your interests aren’t represented, starting one is shockingly easy. Carolina chose us and every one of us chose Carolina. No one was — or should have been — forced to attend this University. Therefore, embrace this Universit y and its quirk y cockiness this weekend, if you haven’t already. One final reason to do so — you don’t want to look at the north and northeast stands in Brice five years from and see empt y seats or people who don’t care about either the school or the people they’re supposed to be supporting.
CONTACT INFORMATION Editor-in-Chief AMANDA DAVIS Managing Editor CALLI BURNETT Copy Desk Chief KELSEY PACER Assistant Copy Desk Chief LINDSAY WOLFE Design Director MORGAN REID Assistant Design Director LIZZIE ERICKSON News Editor KARA APEL Assistant News Editors DARREN PRICE JOSH DAWSEY Viewpoints Editor MARILYNN JOYNER Assistant Viewpoints Editor RYAN QUINN The Mix Editor COLIN JONES
Assistant Mix Editor ELLEN MEDER Sports Editor CHRIS COX Assistant Sports Editor JAMES KRATCH Photo Editor KERI GOFF Assistant Photo Editor HANNAH CARROLL Multimedia Director JONATHAN BATTAGLIA Assistant Multimedia Director GEOFFREY MARSI Page Designers BRENNAN WARE, MEGAN HILBERT, BRIAN DRESDOW, CAMILLE HOLLEMAN Photographers DAVID WALTERS Public Relations Director JESSICA SCANLON Graduate Assistant
Offices located on the third floor of the Russell House Editor: gamecockeditor@mailbox.sc.edu News: sagcknew@mailbox.sc.edu Viewpoints: sagckvew@mailbox.sc.edu The Mix: sagcketc@mailbox.sc.edu Sports: sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu Online: www.dailygamecock.com Newsroom: 777-7726 Sports: 777-7182 Editor’s Office: 777-3914 Fax: 777-6482 The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper of the University of South Carolina. It is published daily during the fall and spring semesters and nine times during the summer with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in The Daily Gamecock are those of the editors or author and not those of the University of South Carolina.
The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Daily Gamecock. The Department of Student Media is the newspaper’s parent organization. The Daily Gamecock is supported in part by student-activity fees. One free copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 each from the Department of Student Media.
“Humor is just another defense against the universe.” — Mel Brooks
5 things we’re obsessing about this APE T X week MI
Colin Jones
The Flaming Lips ”Embryonic”
“P “Paranormal l Activity”
Atlas Sound ”Logos”
A f ter t h ree yea r s , t he se Oklahoma-based psych rock kings return with their most prolif ic album since 20 02’s “ Yosh i m i Bat t les t he Pi n k Robots.” To top things off, “Embryonic” is a double album complete with contributions from MGMT, Karen O and a German mathematician. What the Lips have done is stripped all the production excess off of 2006’s “At War With the Mystics” and boiled it down to pure and raw psychedelic. It takes a few listens to get used to the newness of the Lips’ sound, but what breaks through is a perfect mashing of psych and rock genres.
Breaking away from his phenomenal A t l a nt a-b a s e d s ho eg a z e g roup Deerhunter, multi-instrumentalist Bradford Cox combines t he experimental lo-fi bedroom pop of Neon Indian with the sweeping sounds of Animal Collective on “Logos.” Ambient noises and reverb-drenched vocals sync together with synth and beats. While almost abandoning the project after accidently leaking it onto the Internet, Cox digs up something new in the cornucopia of solo artists. There is something sk illf ul and beautiful in the way Cox works each sound into each individual piece, like fitting a puzzle together. One highlight of “Logos,” “Walkabout,” features Animal Collective drummer and vocalist Noah Lennox droning over a sixties-influenced pop riff.
It ’s of f ic ia l, “Pa ra nor ma l Act iv it y” is one of t he most frightening and entertaining films of the year. While not for those with weak stomachs or a distaste of “The Blair Witch Project” filmmaking style, the film is the perfect way to get into the festive Halloween mood. “Paranormal Activity,” filmed just over three years ago for around $15,000, follows the story of t wo t went ysomething San Diegans who begin to experience ot her worldly events in t heir cookie cutter starter home. They decide to videotape it, and the result is a nerve-racking and cutup venture into modern horror.
Voodoo Music Experience A week from today, The Mix will head back to New Orleans for the Voodoo Music Experience. With Halloween finally falling on a weekend, the annual music festival has a chance to shine in all of the holiday’s costumed glory. Taking place in the city’s famed City Park, the lineup features a decent mix of Big Easy local talent and national acts. Featured artists include the Flaming Lips, Kiss, The New Orleans Bingo! Show, M y N a m e I sJo h n M i c h a e l a n d The Knux. It is a 10-hour drive from USC, but tickets are still available on Voodoo’s Web site at thevoodooexperience.com. Look for tweet updates from the Mix over the Halloween weekend on twitter. com/gamecockmix.
Pumpkin Spice Latte The Mix is generally not one for the frilly gourmet drinks, but it is officially the autumn season, and the famed Pumpkin Spice Latte has returned to Starbucks. Its combination of pumpk in spices and creamy goodness make it practically irresistible and a fall guilty pleasure for the Mix. The lattes pair well with Starbucks’ pumpk in bread or pumpk in cream cheese muffins. While slightly expensive for the college budget, these drinks, served hot or cold, can be picked up at any local Starbucks including the Russell House Starbucks.
Comments on this story? E-mail sagcketc@sc.edu
Conchords continue comedy success New Zealand comedy duo delivers soundtrack to hit HBO show Colin Campbell
Flight of the Conchords “I Told You I Was Freaky” ★ ★ ★ ★ out of ✩✩✩✩✩
Label: Sub Pop
Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie, the stars of New Zealand’s “fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo” are back. Having concluded the HBO comedy show’s second season, Flight of the Conchords released the follow-up to its self-titled first season studio album — another cannonball into the ocean of musical hilarity, titled “I Told You I was Freaky.” This new album, while not a huge step out of the box for the Conchords, displays a continuation of their unique style, taking beats and guitar parts that sound like perfectly normal hip-hop, folk, funk and rock, and then injecting their own brand of humor into every lyric. Though the group covers all kinds of music, “I Told You I Was Freaky” tends to lean more toward the hip-hop/dance genre than their earlier releases. For those unfamiliar with the series, it runs like a hysterical and unpredictable musical. Clement and McKenzie move to the US to try to make it as a musical duo, and as they blunder through the streets of New York City attempting to find gigs, the camera documents their lives and adventures in the same general manner as the movie “This is Spinal Tap” (1984). At no point during an episode should the viewer not expect an outburst of song from the two, as their subject matter ranges all the way from epileptic dogs to feelings to foreplay — they sing about any and everything. Though
the albums really are soundtracks to the seasons, the songs can stand alone and are every bit as humorous. Some of the standout tracks on this album include, “Sugalumps” and “We’re Both in Love With a Sexy Lady,” both of which bring somewhat of a Lonely Island-like faux hip-hop sound and, like all of the tracks on the album, invoke comedy from start to finish. One of the most popular songs from this season, “Too Many Dicks (On the Dance Floor),” manages to parody the funky, synthesized popular dance music of late, while complaining about the lack of ladies dancing: “Too many men, too many boys, too many misters, not much sisters ... not enough ladies, too many men.” Another favorite, “You Don’t Have to Be a Prostitute,” perfectly nails the reggae/punk sound of “Roxanne” by the Police: McKenzie croons to Clement with vocal and guitar tones that radiate Sting and company, with just slightly more blunt lyrics added in to keep the laughs rolling. The bonus track on the album, “Pencils in the Wind,” is a sad guitar/piano ballad full of (very) extended metaphors, comparing life to retractable pencils, people to paper dolls (“They’re a similar shape”), and love to a roll of tape, sticking the paper dolls together. “Pencils in the Wind” slowly builds, at one point with McKenzie musing out loud about the gift of love while Clement hums the chorus. In the end, it crescendos with a drum fill and refrain and the two interjecting “woo’s” and “yeah’s” at the top of their lungs.
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Overall, though “I Told You I Was Freaky” couldn’t quite be classified as musical genius, the Flight of the Conchords’ follow-up CD is defi nitely worth picking up, especially if you are a fan of the show. McKenzie and Clement are a versatile duo, and their musical and lyrical work will leave one humming the tunes, if not laughing out loud. Comments on this story? E-mail sagcketc@sc.edu
The Daily Gamecock ● THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009
Inside the Box ● By Marlowe Leverette / The Daily Gamecock
The Scene USC CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY 3, 5:30, 8 p.m., $6.50 Nickelodeon Theatre, 937 Main St.
Whiteboard ● By Bobby Sutton / The Daily Gamecock
TODAY TAP DOGS 7:30 p.m., $36-49 + student discounts Koger Center, 1051 Greene St.
Spurned ● Jarad Greene / The Daily Gamecock
NIGHT SCHOOL FIRST SEMESTER WITH PROFESSOR GLDFNGR 9 p.m., Free Art Bar, 1211 Park St. JAM TRONICA, DOUGS FRIENDS, MISHAPS OF JOHN 8 p.m., $5 Over 21 / $8 Under 21 New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St.
TOMORROW AUSTIN CRANE (CD RELEASE SHOW), JESSE COPPENBARGER (COLOUR REVOLT), STEVEN FIORE, THE CHOIR QUIT 7:30 p.m., $10 Cover w/ CD New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St. MIXXD DJ DANCE NITE 8 p.m., free Art Bar, 1211 Park St. HANNAH MILLER 7 p.m., $5 The White Mule, 1530 Main St.
1234567890-= ARIES You’ll never h a n d l e a l l o f t o d a y ’s opportunities. Choose well and take notes, as some opportunities will repeat. TAU RUS
LEO Since you face so many opportunities, you need to quick ly choose among them. Follow your he a r t f i r s t , t he n you r stomach.
Whatever you do, act like you really mean it. Don’t le ave ro om for doubt . Ot hers respect your decisiveness.
V I R G O Ta k e a philosophical approach to a problem you’ve been work i ng on. Nor ma l strategies fall short of the desired goal.
CAPRICORN Go with the flow. The energy around you is filled with prom ise. Don’t ex pec t ever y t h i ng to fall i nto place quickly.
LIBR A The success will taste sweeter because you pred ic ted it . You r wisdom gains respect now.
AQUA RIUS You fight any sort of restraint. Independent action seems to be the only thing you can manage now.
Ta ke a moment to evaluate each opportunit y that arises. Assess each one against you r ow n log ic. Awa it developments. Somet hing you read recently provides ammunition for persuasion. Who are you persuading?
CANCER You have lots of choices today. Talk them over with a friend. Test t hem against your intuition, then go for the gold.
SCORPIO Do what you must to get ot hers to agree. This requires imagination and skill. You have both.
PISCES Use your imagination. It’s one of the best tools in the box. Polish the rough edges later.
Solution from 10/21/09
ACROSS 1 Tubular chocolate snack 5 Like secret rituals 11 Tube top 14 Support, in a criminal way 15 Headgear on some runways 16 Actor Vigoda 17 Drones losing their pep? 19 a.k.a., in corporatespeak 20 Kenan’s comedy partner 21 Baltic capital 22 __-Z: highperformance Camaro 23 Train former senator Dole to do without? 28 More than fortunate 30 Grandeur 31 Brand of bubbly 32 Open a __worms 33 The first indication that I had one too many last night? 40 Tongue and liver 41 Genetic molecules 42 As you like it 45 Lydian king known for his wealth 48 Earp in a stage how? 50 Man or Mull 51 Small batteries 52 Shad delicacy 55 Pontiac muscle car 56 Skater Katarina enjoying a Camel? 60 Grant, e.g.: Abbr. 61 Do the Wright thing? 62 Swedish furniture chain 63 Sentence units: Abbr. 64 Approached 65 One with a list
DOWN 1 Peddle 2 Theater award 3 College hazing period 4 1940s Giants manager Mel 5 When many shops open 6 Fixed 7 Conspiracy 8 Exist 9 Dundee denial 10 Slalom curve 11 Elite training squads 12 “Who’s on First?” straight man 13 “Great!” 18 Nest egg components, for short 22 Start of a rule that keeps you from spelling weirdly? 24 Ballpark figure 25 Mosque VIP 26 Madcap 27 “This is __ for Superman!” 28 Mercedes rival 29 Mauna __
Solution for 10/21/09
32 Brain and spinal cord: Abbr. 34 Bird house 35 Cat, south of the border 36 Santa Monica-toJacksonville rte. 37 Picketing 38 19th Greek letter 39 Frying sound 42 Aptly named mod model 43 Pearl harborer 44 Raptor’s grabbers
45 Pure 46 Chewed (out) 47 __ buco 49 Golden Horde member 53 Military service designation 54 New York cardinal 56 Pale 57 “__ seen enough!” 58 Actress Carrere 59 Tease
Carolina hosts Rebels Volleyball returns home looking to sweep season series against Ole Miss Scott Waggoner
Amid a tough stretch of SEC play, the women’s volleyball team will look to rebound from several recent losses when it hosts the Ole Miss Rebels on Friday night. Coming off losses in fi ve of their last six games, the Gamecocks (11-8, 3-7 SEC) look for another victory against the Rebels (8-12, 2-8 SEC), whom they defeated in straight sets back in September. “That was one of ou r best competitive efforts in terms of our intensit y and focus,” USC coach
Ben Somera said. “We were able to d ist r ibute ou r of fense to t he right side of t he court, and wit h everybody’s libero playing left back it keeps the ball off her the majority of the time.” C a r ol i n a ho p e s t o r e p e at it s previous effort against the Rebels, though Somera knows better than to overlook anyone at this point. “I don’t think we’re in a position to take anyone lightly,” Somera said. “Our competition is whoever is on our schedule, but we just need to keep mak ing st rides in ter ms of getting better.” The Gamecocks will need more consistent play if they want to fi nish the season strong, and an important start is staying focused after a poor start in a set. “No one point is different than any other point. We just need to be more focused and stick to our routine,”
Somera said. “Everybody’s trying to start with their best rotation and get the game off to a right start, but when you score points it’s determined by the quality of serve and the quality of passes on your side of the net.” W hile the effort has been there all along, t he coach ing staf f has stressed the mental toughness of the Gamecocks and believes that this is the area the team needs to improve upon the most to be successful in the future. Somera understands that his team needs to get better at moving on after mistakes and focusing on doing what it needs to do to win. “I think at times we’re judging how we are playing, rather than worrying about just competing,” he said. Chris Keohane / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Comments on this story? E-mail sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu
USC volleyball will look to get back on track in SEC play this weekend, starting with Friday’s match against Ole Miss.
PERFECT HOME RECORD JUST ONE GAME AWAY Women’s soccer looks to remain undefeated at Stone Stadium against Arkansas Ed Neuhaus
The USC women’s soccer team returns to Stone Stadium tonight for the last time this year to face the Arkansas Razorbacks. Carolina lost its first match of the season last Friday at Georgia, but the Gamecocks (14-1-1, 6-1-1 SEC) can secure an undefeated home record with a win or tie tonight. The Razorbacks enter the contest with a record of 8-4-4, 2-4-2 in SEC play. Freshman forward Allie Chandler leads the Razorbacks, who come to Columbia following a 1-0 loss to Ole Miss on Sunday. Carolina defeated Arkansas in Fayetteville last year 3-1, and hasn’t lost to the Razorbacks since the 2005 season. Carolina looks to contain an A rkansas offense that has pretty much contained itself so far this year. The Razorbacks have only scored 21 goals in 16 contests this year. Arkansas makes up for its offense with a superb defense. Goalkeeper Britni Williams has only allowed nine goals all year. The Gamecocks come into tonight’s match ranked in the top 10 in all three major soccer polls. Carolina is ranked No. 10 by Soccer America and the NSCAA, and No. 9 by Soccer Times. A win tonight will surely keep the Gamecocks ranked high entering their last two matches of the season on the road against highly touted LSU and Florida. Th is is t he second st raight year t he Gamecocks will enter their last home match with an undefeated home record. Last year,
Sophomore Stephen Morrissey (5) and USC are very much in the conference title hunt.
Soccer heads south to Miami Sam Bennett / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Senior defender Brittiny Rhoades (21) and USC can go unbeaten at home with a win tonight. Carolina was 8-0-2 in its first 10 home matches before losing to Florida 1-0 at Stone Stadium in the home finale. The Gamecocks have not had more than one loss at home in a season since 2005. The Carolina defense will look to continue its stellar play. Junior goalkeeper Mollie Patton ranks third in the NCAA with 11 shutouts and a 0.313 goals against average. Patton has only allowed one goal at Stone Stadium this year. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. Comments on this story? E-mail sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu
Gamecocks look to earn indoor national invites Saari-Bystrom, Zubori to compete in ITA Regionals Justin Warlick
Hopi ng to bu i ld of f a successful performance at t he Wildcat Inv itat ional t wo weeks ago, the USC w o m e n ’s t e n n i s t e a m w i l l o p e n t he W i l s o n / I TA Ca rol i n a Reg ion a l Championships today in Winston-Salem. Carolina will only send two athletes to the meet, as senior Ana Marija Zubori and freshman Madeleine Saari-Bystrom will look to qualify for the ITA Indoor Nat ionals next mont h at Yale University. Both will comp ete i n si ngle s a nd toget her i n t he doubles compet it ion, where t hey are the No. 7 seed. USC coach Arlo Elkins feels that Saari-Bystrom is ready to go, despite being just a freshman. “I think she feels a little bit of pressure because it’s
a little bigger tournament,” Elk ins said. “But its not necessarily caliber-wise any better until you get [deep] into the tournament.” Zubori, Carolina’s top player, is seeded No. 4 in the field and No. 29 in the nation, and is expected to make a deep run. However, Elk ins has made it clear that he doesn’t want to put any pressure on the two. “I never put any of that k i nd of ex pect at ions on them,” Elkins said. “What we rea l ly wa nt t hem to do is, and this is what we preach during the spring season, you’re not always i n cont rol of whet her
win or lose. We’re more concent rated on t hei r personal effort.” Elkins is aware, though, of t he prest ige t hat is at stake this weekend. A season a f t e r a d v a n c i n g t o t he final eight in the national outdoor tournament this past spring, Elkins is eager for USC to achieve more. “T hat’s what were a l l ab out . We a r e lo ok i n g more for team honors and cha mpion sh ips,” El k i ns sa id. “If t hey do well, I think that shows that we’ve made improvement.” Comments on this story? E-mail sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu
Men’s squad to face FIU in pivotal conference match Paulina Berkovich
Coming off a 3-0 loss to No. 3 Wake Forest on Tuesday night, the men’s soccer team is preparing to k ick off against Florida International Universit y this Saturday. USC brings a record of 7-4-2 into the match (2-1-1 C-USA), while FIU comes in at 5-9 (0-5 C-USA). The Golden Panthers’ unimpressive record has not affected the focus that the team brings into the match, and no one sees this match as an easy victory. “Logic might tell you if you look at statistics that it ought to be [an easy win],” USC coach Mark Berson said. “[But] we need to go down and play very, very well in order to win.” The most critical aspect of Saturday’s g a m e w i l l b e w h e t h e r C a r o l i n a’s offense is able to find the back of the net. Following Tuesday’s game, Berson spoke about how his team played well in the first half against Wake Forest, creating multiple scoring chances, but was ultimately unable to capitalize on them. “The creation of scoring opportunities
is a ver y i mp or t a nt t h i ng to h ave occurring,” he said. “Scoring takes execut ion, t im ing and a lit t le luck. We’ve worked on the execution and the timing, and we just have to hope for the luck.” USC is currently fourth in Conference USA , on ly t h ree p oi nt s out of t he conference lead. The team knows it has a shot at winning the reg ular season championship, and that has made every game critical as the season winds down. “We’re focusing on one game at a time because that is absolutely on our radar,” Berson said. “We approach every game 45 minutes at a time.” With two games last week that went into double overtime, a couple of losses in its last two games and some injuries, Carolina’s squad will need to overcome adversit y to be successf ul as it heads into the fi nal four regular season games. However, Berson is optimistic about the team’s chances going forward. “The lesson learned from SMU and Tulsa is that we will never be out of any games this year,” he said. K ickoff on Saturday is at 7 p.m. in Miami. Comments on this story? E-mail sagckspt@mailbox.sc.edu
The Daily Gamecock ● THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2009
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